Ebeye 2010 Infrastructure Survey Report
UNCLASSIFIED Ebeye 2010 Infrastructure Survey Report 565th EN DET (FEST‐A) United States Army Corps of Engineers Honolulu Engineer District 15 June 2010 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY u.s. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, HONOLULU DISTRICT FORT SHAFTER, HAWAII 96858-5440 Rl!PLYTO ATTEN110N OF: CEPOH-FE 15 JWle 2010 MEMORANDUM THRU Co der, US Army Corps ofEngineers, Honolulu District, CEPOH-DE, Bldg 230, Fortli S fier, HI 96858-5440 FOR Commander, US Army Kwajalein Atoll I Reagan Test Site CMR 701, Bldg 730, APO, AP 96555 SUBJECT: Ebeye Infrastructure Reconnaissance Report Closure Memorandum 1. In September 2009, the US Anny Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA) Command requested support from the Honolulu District US Anny Corps of Engineers to conduct a field engineering survey of the civil infrastructure on the Island ofEbeye. 2. The 565th Engineer Detachment, Forward Engineer Support Team-Advance (FEST-A) deployed to Kwajalein Atoll from April 1-14, 2010. The team surveyed four major utility systems on the island of Ebeye (Sewer, Water, Electrical, and Trash). 3. The objectives ofthis survey included: assessing existing conditions ofutilities, researching operations and maintenance processes, identifying deficiencies, documenting findings, and recommending improvements. 4. The enclosed formal report was prepared and forwarded to the Honolulu District Executive Office, Engineering and Construction, Programs and Project Management, Office ofCounsel, and the USACE Reachback Operations Center for comment and review. All comments and recommended changes were addressed or incorporated into the final report, dated JWle 15, 2010. 5. This report is intended to provide decision makers with critical infrastructure information to aid in capital planning and resource allocation.
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