Statistical Yearbook, 2017

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Statistical Yearbook, 2017 REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS STATISTICAL YEAR BOOK 2017 Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO) Office of the President Republic of the Marshall Islands RMI Statistical Yearbook, 2017 Statistical Yearbook 2017 Published by: Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO), Office of the President, Republic of the Marshall Islands Publication Year: June, 2018 Technical support was provided by Inclusive Growth Thematic cluster, UNDP, Pacific Office, Suva, Fiji Disclaimer The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UNDP or EPPSO. The pictures used in this publication are mostly taken from the Google search and some from the respective organization’s websites. EPPSO is not responsible if there is any violation of “copy right” issue related with any of them. 1 RMI Statistical Yearbook, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 5 FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 6 LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................... 7 SUGGESTED NOTES PRIOR TO READING THIS PUBLICATION .......................................................... 10 BRIEF HISTORY OF REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS ............................................................. 12 REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS AT A GLANCE .................................................................... 13 DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARSHALL ISLANDS ................................................. 18 RATIFIED CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................. 19 POPULATION DYNAMICS OF THE REPUBLIC .................................................................................. 20 MEDIAN AGE, DEPENDENCY RATIO, SEX RATIO ......................................................................... 21 AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE ..................................................................................................... 22 POPULATION PYRAMID ........................................................................................................... 23 REFLECTION ON DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS FROM CENSUS 1999, 2011 AND DHS, 2007 ........... 25 HEALTH ...................................................................................................................................... 26 HEALTH SERVICE STATISTICS OF MOHHS .................................................................................. 29 IHME REPORTED STATISTICS: WHAT CAUSES THE MOST DEATHS? ............................................. 41 WHAT RISK FACTORS DRIVE THE MOST DEATH AND DISABILITY COMBINED? ............................. 41 HOW MUCH IS SPENT ON HEALTH-NOW, AND IN THE FUTURE-AND FROM WHICH SOURCES? .... 42 PER CAPITA HEALTH EXPENDITURE IN RMI ............................................................................... 42 REFLECTIONS FROM SOME RECENTLY CONDUCTED HEALTH STUDIES IN RMI ................................. 44 NATIONAL STUDY ON FAMILY HEALTH AND SAFETY, 2012 ......................................................... 44 PACIFIC MULTI-COUNTRY MAPPING AND BEHAVIORAL STUDY: HIV AND STI RISK VULNERABILITY AMONG KEY POPULATIONS, 2016............................................................................................ 46 INTEGRATED CHILD HEALTH AND NUTRITION SURVEY (ICHNS), 2017 ......................................... 47 2 RMI Statistical Yearbook, 2017 PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM (PSS) ..................................................................................................... 50 NATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL (NTC) ........................................................................................... 56 ECONOMY.................................................................................................................................. 59 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE (DIDA) ................................................ 71 LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ......................................................................................................... 78 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS BY EMPLOYEE NUMBERS, WAGE COSTS, SALARY RATES IN DIFFERENT SECTORS................................................................................................................................. 79 FOREIGN WORKERS IN RMI ..................................................................................................... 85 KEY FINDINGS FROM 2012 RMI LABOR FORCE SURVEY.............................................................. 86 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (PSC) ............................................................................................ 87 MARSHALL ISLANDS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (MISSA) ................................................. 89 DIVISION OF IMMIGRATION ........................................................................................................ 93 MARSHALL ISLANDS VISITORS AUTHORITY (MIVA) ........................................................................ 96 NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT OFFICE (NDMO)................................................................. 102 CLIMATE CHANGE ................................................................................................................. 106 RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE ........................................................................................... 106 SEA LEVEL AND SEA WATER TEMPERAURE .......................................................................... 111 MARSHALL ISLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY (MIEPA) ................................... 116 HIGHLIGHTS OF MIEPA PERFORMANCE FROM JULY TO NOVEMBER 2016 ................................ 116 HIGHLIGHTS OF MIEPA PERFORMANCE FROM APRIL TO OCTOBER 2017 .................................. 119 WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS BY SITES, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 2017 .............................. 122 WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS, OCTOBER, 2017 .................................................................... 127 TEST RESULTS OF QUALITY OF GROUND WATER (WELLS) IN DIFFERENT OUTER ISLANDS IN RMI: 2016 .................................................................................................................................... 128 SUMMARY OF WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS BY MIEPA IN MAJURO, RMI: 2015-2017 ............ 128 MAJURO WATER & SEWER COMPANY, INC. (MWSC) .................................................................. 129 3 RMI Statistical Yearbook, 2017 MAJURO ATOLL WASTE COMPANY (MAWC)............................................................................... 132 TOBOLAR COPRA PROCESSING AUTHORITY (TCPA) ..................................................................... 136 MARSHALL ISLANDS MARINE RESOURCE AUTHORITY (MIMRA) ................................................... 139 MARSHALLS ENERGY COMPANY (MEC) ...................................................................................... 144 MARSHALL ISLANDS NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY (NTA) ................................ 152 REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS PORTS AUTHORITY (RMIPA) ............................................. 156 AIR MARSHALL ISLANDS, INC. (AMI) ........................................................................................... 168 MARSHALL ISLANDS POLICE DEPARTMENT (MIPD) ..................................................................... 172 JUDICIARY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MARSHALL ISLANDS.................................................................. 180 NGOs/INGOs/UN AGENCIES IN MARSHALL ISLANDS ................................................................... 186 WEBSITE TO ACCESS DAY TO DAY INFORMATION ABOUT RMI ..................................................... 190 4 RMI Statistical Yearbook, 2017 REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY PREFACE The first edition of Statistical Yearbook was published in 1985 and the last edition, the 18th edition, was published in June 2008 combining data from 2005 and 2006. This is the 19th edition of this important publication. The aim of the Yearbook is to provide the most up-to-date statistical information to policy makers for evidence-based decision making and all the relevant stakeholders in the Republic and beyond. The data presented in this Yearbook are mostly routine primary data (service/administrative records) that are collected by different Ministries, Agencies, State Owned Enterprises/ Private Organizations for the years 2015-2017 and beyond. Secondary data were also used from pulished quarterly/annual reports/publications, strategic plans, and business plan/performance based annual budget documents. Some results of the most recent National surveys (DHS, Census, National Study on Family Health and Safety, Labor force survey etc.) were cited as well in this document which do not necessarily fall between year 2015 and 2017 however have significance in measuring trends over time. I hope, this publication will provide a quick reference guide for users at different levels. In order to ensure timely reporting of indicators related to NSP and SDGs, the process of data collection, mangement and its utilization need to be further improved across all sectors. I congratulate EPPSO for initiating this publication and wish that it will strengthen its capacity to respond the
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