FORUMI SHQIPTARE LIQENI I SHKODRES Transboundary Forum of Shkodra Lake ALBANIAN SHKODRA LAKE FORUM (member of Joint (-Albanian) Skadar Lake Forum



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Awareness Campaign implementated in the Region of Lake Shkodra/Skadar

FINAL ACTIVITY REPORT September 2011. Shkoder Transboundary SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM ------

THE Transboundary SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM is a non-partisan, non- advocacy, not-for-profit transboundary organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems in the regional level. The organization fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among non-governmental organisations, governments, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision-making.

The Transboundary SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM was established in 2001 by the Stability Pact Project (REC Implemented) “Transboundary Cooperation through the management of Shared Natural Resources” Today, Transboundary SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM is legally based on a charter signed by both forum units in and Montenegro based on the agreement signed on 2nd February 2006 with participation and commitment of both respective ministries in AL & MNE as the key focal stakeholders during the stability pack project implementation in bilateral level.

The Transboundary SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM has its units in Albania and Montenegro and each unit is compounded by 10 experts on different environmental topics. Albanian SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM operates since 2007 through its Office in Shkodra located in street , nr 21. The programmes of our organization includes: public awareness; Environmental Education and Information, Planning and Management, Public Participation, concrete actions and campaigns etc.

The recent donors and partners of the organization: Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC); The regional Environmental Center Albania; World Bank/GEF; local development and decentralization Albania – dldp; EU IPA CBC program in cross-border level Albania and Montenegro etc,.

Contact address: L. Qemal Stafa, Rr. Vasil Shanto P.O.Box 123, Shkoder Tel/fax: +355 222 4 72 03 E-mail: [email protected]

Contact person: Contact person: Prof. Mahir HOTI Arbana Halili President FORUM Secretariat Tel/fax: +355 222 4 72 03 Tel/fax: +355 222 4 72 03 Mob: +355 68 20 52 677 Mob: +355 067 23 52 198 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

2 Table of content

1. Executive Summary ...... 4

2. Project Background and Objectives ...... 5

3. Project Implementation and Achievements ...... 6

4. Project challenges ...... 19

5. Lessons learned & Recommendation ...... 20

Annex 1 – Project book (electronic version send to the key stakeholders & hard copy submitted to PIU Shkoder – Albania)


The Narrative Report will cover the full implementation period; starting from august 30th 2010 till September 30th 2011. The report is prepared based on the contract signed between WB Project, Ministry of Environment Forestry and Water Administration and Albanian SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM Shkoder office within the period upper mentioned.

Aiming to inform the public on the WB Project planned activities and outcomes; promote coordinated organization of joint events; inform the public on the importance of Lake Skadar/Shkodra ecosystem and resources and help resource users, lakeside communities and relevant stakeholders understand the values of Lake Skadar/Shkodra and use its resources in a sustainable way the public campaign was focused in the lake Shkodra/Skadar area. Meanwhile the public campaign aimed to inform the stakeholders regarding their role, rights and obligations towards the lake and educates about the need of working jointly for the management and preservation of Lake Shkodra/Skadar Lake toward ensure sustainability; improve communication between all resource users and lakeside communities.

The Cross-Border Programme between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Montenegro was designed to provide better management of shared resources between AL-MNE countries as well as planning and joint management of the lake resources.

The main LSIEMP objective was to maintain and enhance the long-term value and environmental services of Lake Skadar-Shkoder and its natural resources. The Project is going to establish and strengthen institutional mechanisms for transboundary cooperation through joint efforts to improve sustainable management of Lake Skadar-Shkoder.

Having into consideration the ToRs a list of documents have been prepared and agreed between the client and the service provider (FORUM) before the project started up in the region. The list of the documents prepared in advance and submitted to the PIU in Shkoder is the following:

1. Technical proposal regarding Public Awareness Campaign (Annex 1) 2. Strategy of Public Awareness Campaign (Annex 2) 3. Plan of Activities in respect of Public Awareness Campaign implementation (Annex 3) 4. Monthly Reports on Activities 5. Media plan 6. Final report (submitted)

4 All listed documents are presented also in the project book submitted to the PIU Shkoder together with products published on the frame of Awareness Campaign implementation. Meanwhile the list of the products/publications submitted within this project book is the following:

1. Booklet on cultural monuments of shkodra/skadar lake (copy published) 2. TV Publicity spot on values of the lake. USB attached 3. Photo of the activities implemented. USB attached 4. Leaflet disseminated during the eco-camp by the children (copy published) 5. Film produced on natural resources of the Lake Shkodra/Skadar. CD attached. 6. Brochure on cultural monuments on Shkodra/Skadar Lake. Printed document attached & electronic version provided. USB attached 7. Environmental education KIT (220 pages – 3 languages, full colored, interactive composed and designed – attached) 8. T-shirts for children prepared and used during two activities where young students/pupils have been involved – attached) 9. Presentations provided during the joint conference aiming knowledge dissemination and management as well as imputes for further potential activities implementing in the region of Shkodra/Skadar Lake. USB attached


Within the overall goal to help the awareness rising of the community concerned Shkodra/Skadar lake natural resources preservation and protection, the Albanian SHKODRA/Skadar LAKE FORUM with the financial support of the WB/GEF, through the project LAKE SKADAR-SHKODRA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROJECT, implemented the project titled: “Public Awareness Camping on Shkodra/Skadar Lake Natural Values Promotion & Protection” Facing Illegal activities like lakeshore construction, fishing, hunting and pollution from point and non point sources and the other management concerned issues was essential to design a public awareness campaign to better understand the values of the lakes ecosystem and its resources, the importance of joint management and joint events and promotion of sustainable economic development. Public awareness is vital to fostering community ownership of the protection of natural resources. In this respect the Albanian SHKODRA/Skadar

5 LAKE FORUM submited the proposal taking into account the call for expression of interest announced by the MoEWF Albania at July 2010.

The proposed and awarded proposal had four main objectives which were defined as the main drivers for developing and implementing the public awareness campaign in Cross-Border level.

The objectives are the followings:

1. Rising Public Awareness toward joint Albanian – Montenegrin cooperation on the joint natural and cultural values of the water ecosystem protection and preservation;

2. Promoting nature protection and biodiversity conservation; preserving the future of the environmental ecosystem conditions in a good quality;

3. Promoting the natural, cultural, historical and economical values of the shared water ecosystem between Albania and Montenegro as a common resource;

4. Educating young generation with actions “learning by doing” toward the environment quality ensuring as an indicator for the life quality in the region

Moreover this project was relevant because it provided a specific campaign in a specific time frame due to the flood situation in Albanian side (lake area settlements in the lower and upper part of the region) and engagement of the young targets affected directly the education and raised their awareness on better management of water resources. At the same time the proposal was relevant because it demonstrated the relevance of the proposal to the objectives and priorities and requirements of the call for proposals.


The project implementation in respect of “Public Awareness Camping on Shkodra/Skadar Lake Natural Values Promotion & Protection” was based on the contract and the technical proposal submitted to the PIU Shkoder.

Based on the technical proposal agreed among parties the activities implemented are the followings:

The project activities planned and implemented are the followings:

6 1. Schoolchildren Eco-camp on the 22 September – DAY OF CLEANED CITIES, aiming to promote the nature protection among the young people and provide knowledge on biodiversity conservation; 2. Shkodra/Skadar lake “CLEANING WEEK” Solid waste cleaning weekends aiming to educate the young generation with actions “learning by doing” toward the environment quality ensuring as an indicator for the life quality in the region. 3. Environmental Education KIT preparation for the Lake Shkodra/Skadar protection and biodiversity conservation aiming to improve the human behavior as the main challenge for the future of the environment. 4. Joint Albanian – Montenegrin Event/conference aiming to draw attention of the authorities on regards of importance of the ecosystem protection and the law enforcement. 5. Assessment on cultural heritage around Shkodra lake aiming to promote the eco-tourism potentials development around the ecosystem;

Activity 1

1 Schoolchildren Eco-Camp Albanian – Montenegrin Activity 1.1 “22 September – International Day without Cars” event

The activity objectives:

- To promote nature conservation in Lake Skadar/Shkodra and help preserve the future of the environment; - To provide information and knowledge for the yang generation toward ensuring environmental ecosystem conditions; - To promote values (cultural & natural ones) of the lake in both AL-MNE sides.

The activity was carried out at 22nd September 2010 aiming to promote and raise the awareness of the community regarding international event “Day without cars”. Aiming to achieve the objectives, the Transboundary FORUM of Shkodra Lake – TFSL AL, organized the meeting in local level (Shkodra City) with the Regional Directorate of Education. The meeting was followed by the FORUM representatives, Director of the Regional Education Director Mrs. Atrida Farketi, education inspectors Mrs. Dhurata Bushati and Ermelinda Hoxha. The Education Directorate representatives were introduced with the project regarding “Public Awareness”, goal and objectives of the project as well as the activities planned to be held on the frame of this project. More over the introduction was focused in the first activity planned “ECO-Camping” which involve the schoolchildren.

7 Being aware about the activity structure (structured in five days), it was necessary to come up with agreement between FORUM and the Education Directorate regarding permition for the children as well as informing the schools directorate for the event and support on the activity implementation. In this regard the Directorate of education fully supported the idea and agreed on the activity implementation. In this respect, the FORUM presented an official request with program attached which was delivered in the schools supposed to participate in the activity by the inspectors Dhurata Bushati and Ermelinda Hoxha. The selected schools planed in the activity were the followings: 28 Nentori – High school Oso Kuka – High School, – Secondary School, Ndre Mjeda – Secondary School etc.

The upper-mentioned schools were selected to participate in the first day activity so called: “22 September day without cars” where each of school was asked to provide 50 school children with bicycles.

On the frame of this activity the schools “28 Nentori” and “Ismail Qemali” were selected to follow the whole program of eco-camping. For this purpose each school was asked by the Regional Directorate of Education to provide 5 school children for school (ecological groups). Both upper-mentioned schools are well known for the ecological groups they do have as well as the education curricula they do implement on the frame of “Green Pack” program implemented by the Regional Environmental Center Albania.

Meanwhile the MNE side was also contacted and informed about the activity and the structure of the ECO-camping planed jointly. In this regard the teacher Hajri Hodič from Ulcinj, represented the High School “Vllaznim- Bashkimi” in the joint meeting we do had before the activity as well as during the eco-camp carried out in MNE. The FORUM of Shkodra Lake prepared the information materials in respect of the project implementation. In this respect a press realize and the info for the TV news has been prepared and disseminated to all local TVs in Shkodra as well as TV Teuta ne Ulcinj. At the same time all logistics staff needed for the activity implementation has been prepared in advance; the booking of the transport means and the accommodation has been arranged in advance through the travelling agency Labeat in Shkodra. Meanwhile the bus for travelling around the lake from Shkodra to Montenegro, bicycles for promoting the day without cars and/or cleaned cities, tents for hosting the participants in different villages around the lake, barbeque grills to promote the various fish species of the lake, boat trip to visit the ornithological reserve in Skadar lake national park MNE etc have been arranged in advance.

Official open of the activity was carried out in the centre of the city where at least 200 students & pupils, 10 media representatives, PIU representative in Shkodra as well as lot of citizens attended.

8 On behalf of the FORUM of Shkodra Lake, Mr. Mahir Hoti, president of the organization, held the welcome speech for the participants. After the welcome speech, Mr. Hoti holds a press release for the Medias involved in the activity. The press realise, was broadcasted by the TV1 channel, TV Rozafa, TV news 24, VOA, ALSAT, Antena NORD etc in the local and national level Albania.

Following the structure of the activity, Mr. Hoti presented for the media the planned activities and objectives on the project frame, the eco-camp prepared for the schoolchildren as well as forthcoming project activities. Meanwhile several interviews from the schoolchildren have been taken from different TV operators to refer the activity aim, Day without cars; the meaning of young’s involving on activity implementation etc.

The event 22nd September 2010 was conducted on the on the frame of the public awareness campaign in respect of “DAY WITHOUT CARS”. It was an outdoor activity where about 200 children with bicycles have been gathered in the center of Shkoder city aiming to promote the clean day through bicycle riding in the main streets of the city. They have been associated by the exercise teachers of the respective schools whom leaded and followed the itinerary defined in advance.

Meanwhile the police authorities have been informed in advance in order to block the cars moving in the city. In this respect an official request (from the FORUM) have been send in the Regional Directorate of the Police and the agreement for this purpose have been achieved between parties.

At 22nd of September 2010 - International Day without cars, the main streets of the city have been blocked by the police men from 8.30a.m in the morning while the activity was supposed to start at 9.00a.m. The whole activity was fully enjoyable by the children and the citizens’. The young’s gladness harmonized with the biking tour around the city and the lake shores too, created a gala day in the city drawing also attention of all pedestrians.

Following the activity of 22 September – Day without cars, the Joint ECO-CAMP activity was planned to carry in MNE side aiming to introduce the Albanian young’s with the other side of the lake and the natural and/or cultural resources countries shared. In respect of the activity the children were dressed with T-shirts and caps stamped with donor logos in order to provide the visibility of the donor and the project itself. The eco-camp followed the itinerary and it was concentrated in the following areas:

On the motor way from Shkodra to Muriqan (border with MNE) the echo-camp participants were informed about Buna River as the main Lake Shkodra/Skadar discharger; On the motor way from Muriqan to Ulcinj (where the first visit was planed) the echo-champ participants were introduced with Shasi Lake in MNE side where interactive discussion between teachers and schoolchildren lasted

9 for an hour. After arrival in Ulcinj, the schoolchildren from Albania visited the School “Vllaznin –Bashkim”, where they introduced their friends whom represented the MNE school children group planned to join the eco-camp; - “Kryporja e Ulcinjit” “Bajo Seković” was the destination visit of the second day in MNE. There the joint group of children was introduced with the bird species and the biodiversity of the area by the biologist Lindita Bushati - Ada Bojana in Ulcinj was the other visit carried out from the joint AL- MNE group of children associated by their teachers on the second day of the activity; - Virpazar (touristic village) where the children visited the village, center of education & monitoring (the building was used as education center and university lectors working related to water analyses and meetings organizing); Boat trip - after the visits, the joint group was associated to sail in the lake through ferry boats. During the sailing they do recognized the cultural monuments in the lake, the ornithological reserve location, monastery etc. - The other visit organized in MNE side was the National Park building, the area around and the nature museum within the national park. - The last but not least activity was the visit in National Park of Lovčen. The beauty of the mountain area, the skiing zone provided special impressions for the children. A representative of the hotel there introduced the children with the building, skiing facilitation during winter as well as painting rooms for the children within the building. The joint eco-children group left with special impressions from the whole event and the nice areas they do recognized.


- At least twenty school children attended and gained knowledge about the natural and cultural the values around the lake area in MNE side. - The Eco-camp event established networking and friendship relation between AL-MNE schoolchildren; - Common understanding between children is always on stage while nature is the concern issue; - knowledge shared on nature conservation and simple tools toward protection and promotion the values of the lake; - Education is the key of nature approaching but learning by doing fits better with young ages;

10 - eco-camp stimulated interactive discussions & changing behaviour; - Information and impressions from eco-camp have been disseminated to their friends’ school ages.

Figure 1: photo from the activity 1

Activity 2

2 Shkodra/Skadar lake “CLEANING WEEK” - Solid waste cleaning weekends

Activity Objectives . To promote and address the AL-MNE joint efforts for collection and disposing the solid waste/garbage accumulated around the Lake Shores luck of waste management and/or after recent floods in Albania. . To educate the young generation with actions “learning by doing” toward the environment quality ensuring as an indicator for the life quality in the region. . To promote RAMSAR status principal: cleaning and healthy ecosystem – healthy people;

11 The activity was carried out from 19-23 November 2010. Preparation Phase: On the frame of the activity implementation, on the frame of the project objectives, the Transboundary FORUM of Shkodra Lake – TFSL AL, carried out several meetings in order to prepare the ground of the activity implementation. The first meeting in the Albanian side was carried with the Regional Education Director Mrs. Atrida Farketi. The meeting aims to agree on the activity dates, participation schools and the schools schedule participation. During the meeting, the working group present there (FORUM) presented the formal request to the Director. Mr. Hoti (FORUM President) presented the program of the activity and the planning to clean in both Albania and Montenegro countries. Based on the Education Institutions proceedings, the children travelling do need permition from the Ministry of Science and Education. On this frame, Mr. Irakli Beka, (working team member) requested from the Director to have permition in the Ministry for travelling in MNE.

The second meeting followed the directorates of the schools agreed on the upper-mentioned meeting. The meetings have been carried out with Mr. Ymer Vila, Director of the school “Ismail Qemali”, “Ganimet Kastrati”, director of “28 Nentori” School, Xhuljeta Fresku, director of Forestry School etc. The aim of the meetings was to introduce the school directors with the agreement between FORUM and the Regional Directorate of Education as well as ensure the children participation in 5 days activity. Each school was prepared in advance providing time schedule changing for the school time table.

On the other side the meetings were carried out with the school director of Kraja settlement (Lake area in MNE) as well as Vice director of Tuzi School (Lake area in MNE). The aim of the meetings carried out was to introduce the counter partner in MNE about the planed activity and the participation of the MNE side in joint cleaning activity around the lake. The activity was welcomed by both upper-mentioned school director and vice/director that agreed to participate and gave their contribution on the joint cleaning activity. The meeting with both schools provided common understanding between parties ensuring the success on activity implementation.

Meanwhile the meeting was also organized with National Park Director in MNE Mr. Zoran Merdak. During the meeting, Mr. Merdak was introduced with the planed activity and the platform of implementation considering the cleaning around the lake in two days starting from 10.a.m till 14p.m. The National Park Director, Mr. Merdak, fully supported the FORUM representatives and committed to join and support the activity implementation. In this regard, it was agreed about the cleaning place, organizational way of the activity, time table of the activity as well as the information providing for the children on national park of Skadar lake MNE side. Following the support offered by Mr. Merdak, it was agreed that the children will move with ferry boats to clean and also to visit important parts of the lake in MNE side as a good

12 opportunity for a bigger group of young’s to see and visit the MNE side of the lake. The logistics have been prepared in advance. In this regard have been prepared collection the cleaning staff needed like plastic gloves for the cleaning; plastic bags; T-shirts; metallic means for collection etc. It is important to mention that all logos (WB, GEF, MoEFWA AL & MoESP MNE) have been stamped in the T-shirt to ensure the visibility of the donor. At the same time all logistics related to the travelling in AL (Shiroke and Zogaj) and MNE (Virpazar, Vranine) has been arranged in advance; In this respect a press realize and the info for the TV news has been prepared and disseminated to all local TVs in Shkodra

Based on the pre-selected schools it was planed that 100 children per day to attend the activity in both Albania and Montenegro sides of the lake on the frame of the Cleaning Week. About 500 AL-MNE school children during the 5 days activity; teachers from Albania and Montenegro; national park Montenegro representatives, service provider representatives (travelling agency); FORUM representatives; TVs representatives; operators etc

Content Preparation: The content of the activity was focused on the education of the schoolchildren. The education was considered in two directions: a) learning by doing – cleaning action and b) producing different toys and/or “birds” using plastic bottles, papers and teens toward promoting recycling as a mechanism toward better management of the solid waste in both sides. Activity Implementation: The activity was structured in 5 days scheduling the time table from 8am - 14p.m including break & lunch for the children. In this regard two busses have been booked to pick up the children to the destination. The first day activity/cleaning were planned on the shore lake in Shiroka. The cleaning distance included about 1 km lake shores involving the points from bridge of Buna to Shiroka village main square. The first day activity was attended by 150 schoolchildren. They were divided in three groups where each of them was responsible to clean 300m. After the solid waste collection by the children, the waste management company came to pick the waste in order to avoid the garbage spreading. The agreement with the waste collection company has been in advance under coordination of the Municipality of Shkodra. The second day cleaning activity was concentrated in Zogaj village, the western part of the lake. The distance of cleaning was about 1km starting from ex army point to the Hilmia Bar. The second cleaning day was very successful because the weather was good and the quantity of solid waste collected was bigger than the first day due to the raining.

22nd & 23rd (Monday and Tuesday) were the days of the activity implementation in MNE side of the lake. The activity was focused mainly in the National Park of the lake Skadar, Virpazar. At about 10a.m, about 80 schoolchildren from Albania and about 35 from MNE (Tuzi School) gathered

13 together to implement the activity. All of them were dressed on T-shirts and equipped with cleaning gloves, plastic sacks in order to collect the recycling materials. Due to the heavy rains the cleaning activity was shorter than planned. Meanwhile the authorities of the National Park provided for the schoolchildren the visit in the National Park Museum and show-up (DVD film) of the natural values of the lake Shkodra/Skadar. The second day of the activity in MNE was also focused on cleaning mainly in Virpazar (nearest village on the National Park of the Lake in MNE. The activity encouraged children on cleaning up even the raining do not stopped. It shows their willing and motivation to contribute on the Lake Shkodra/Skadar resources protection. During the two days activity in MNE, the schoolchildren have been associated by the school teachers and representatives of the FORUM Mr. Mahir Hoti and Irakli Beka. In this regard the teachers and the FORUM representatives carried out the meeting with NP authorities to share information between them. The networking was extended through the cooperation with schools of Kraj and Tuzi that attended the activity and further steps of cooperation has been agreed to be taken between School of Tuzi and Ismail Qemali toward schools twining.

Figure 3: photo activity – cleaning week

The activity can be found on the following link: 1403:qjava-e-gjelber-liqeni-i-shkodresq&catid=13:aktualitet&Itemid=78


. 5 meetings have been carried out with school directors & teachers; . More than 150 schoolchildren attended (100 from AL + 50 from MNE – Tuzi High School);

14 . 3 days in AL & 2 days in MNE the children exercised “learning by doing”; . 12 teachers has been involved; . At least twenty school children are informed about the natural the values and the cultural ones around the lake area in both Albania and MNE countries. . Wide community leaving around the Lake informed about the project objectives and sustainable use of natural recourses principles through the leaflets delivering . Information and knowledge about various areas around the lake gained during the visits and the presentations provided by teachers involved in the activity; . Schoolchildren Network established; . Priorities and the timeframe about twinning between School of Tuzi in MNE and “Ismail Qemali” discussed and set between vise directors of respective schools. . Education on natural resources protection and preservation is practiced;



The activity objectives: . To rise community awareness on protection and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage around ecosystem; . To promote the lake event “DAY of SHKODRA/SKADAR LAKE” as an important day constituted by both AL-MNE homologue ministries.

The main goal of this event was to provide inputs toward ecosystem resources promotion and protection. Meanwhile the event aimed at exchange best practices management among the both sides of the lake. The event was also a good opportunity to strengthen and extend networking between Albanian – Montenegrin stakeholders dealing with natural resources.

On JUNE 17th, the FORUM OF SHKODRA LAKE organized the joint AL-MNE event in the frame of the project “awareness campaign toward Shkodra/Skadar Lake

15 protection”. The event was part of the upper-mentioned project supported by the WB/GEF project. This event brought together about 75 stakeholders from Albania and Montenegro representing different institutions, NGOs, Universities, Municipalities, National Park MNE, MoSDT MNE, community representatives as as well as TV representatives whom followed and broadcasted the activity. The event was structured in one day respecting the goal and the objectives of the activity. Based on the activity structure, the event started up with the greetings. The welcome speech was carried by Prof. Mahir Hoti, president of Albanian FORUM of SHKODRA LAKE. He was followed by the Montenegrin counter partner Mr. Vassilie Buskovic, president of Montenegrin FORUM of Skadar Lake. Both FORUM presidents in AL and MNE presented the work done in bilateral level from 2002. They did a resume of the activities and the projects implemented in bilateral level thanking also the World Bank and the respective ministries in Albania and Montenegro for the current financial support.

The greeting speech was followed by the deputy mayor of Shkodra Mr. Ridvan Troshani who brought the Mayor of Shkodra commitment to continue working in the field of natural resources protection and management. Mr. Troshani appreciated the initiative of the FORUM to organize the joint AL-MNE event as a good sign toward integrated management of Lake Shkodra/Skadar. Last but not least greeting was carried by Mr. Novak Cadjenovic as the coordinator of “Integrated management of Shkodra/Skadar Lake Project” supported by the GEF/WB. During his speech, he stressed the implementation of the project by both AL-MNE authorities and greeted the idea of the event in the DAY of SHKODRA/SKADAR Lake. The event was moderated by Prof. Elda Marku, working team member, who gave the floor to the experts for presenting the biological diversity of the ecosystem; cultural heritage around the ecosystem; potentials for tourism development of the Lake Shkodra/Skadar. During the presentations both AL-MNE experts presented the potentials on each side contributing to the knowledge dissemination for the participants. The event continues with a visit in the cultural street “13 December” in Shkodra, pedestrian one. The visit was headed by Mr. Mit`hat Dibra, expert on cultural heritage who explain for the participants the buildings stile and the characteristics of that area. Following the agenda, the event continues with a visit to the handcrafting shops where the participants have been introduced with the main crafting products produced in Shkodra lake area. These activities are the proper potentials for eco-tourism development as well as working alternative for the local population of Shkodra lake area Following the gastronomic tradition, the event was concluded with a special carp cooking for all participants in Zogaj village near the lake.

16 Figure 2: Joint event carried out in Shkoder. Date 17th June 2011

Figure 3: photo activity – joint AL-MNE event

Note: In respect of the joint AL-MNE event, the booklet on cultural and historical monuments around Shkodra Lake, have been published in 300 copies and most of them are disseminated during the conference. Copies of the booklet are attached to the hard copy project book submitted to the PIU Shkoder

Achievements activity 3

. Cultural and natural values of the lake have been promoted . At least 80 Albanian – Montenegrin stakeholders were gathered together in a joint meeting;

17 . Networking and cooperation between two AL-MNE countries further strengthened; . Common understanding of the AL-MNE stakeholders achieved; . Attention of the authorities in both AL-MNE drowned; . Wide community in general and target groups in particular are reached; . At least 6 Medias broadcasted the activity. . Information and promotion of the lake Shkodra/Skadar Integrated management project has been ensured;

Activity 4

Assessment on cultural heritage around Shkodra Lake

Objective of the assessment:

. To promote the eco-tourism potentials development around the ecosystem;

This assessment prepared (brochure) aims to promote the cultural & historical values of the shared water ecosystem between Albania and Montenegro as a common resource potential for eco-tourism/tourism development.

Assessment on historical and cultural heritage of Shkodra/Skadar Lake as potentials toward sustainable tourism development will help the readers to understand the importance of the cultural monuments toward sustainable eco- tourism/tourism development and the revenues income in the region of Shkodra/Skadar Lake.

The brochure preparation involved two experts (one from Albania Mr. Mit`hat Dibra and one from Montenegro Ms. Radmila Adžić) whom prepared the material in English version. Meanwhile a short film on values of the lake including cultural ones has been prepared and broadcasted in two TV channels. At the same time a spot publicity in three languages has been prepared and broadcasted for a month to reach the wide community.

18 Activity 5

Environmental Education KIT

The KIT objectives are:

. Provide important information on the Lake’s values; . Educate children and youth generations on the importance of environmental protection; . Rise awareness on better protection of the lake; . Engage young generations and other interested people to activities promoting sustainable development.

The KIT preparation involved 5 experts covering different topics. Among the experts engaged have been: Prof. Dr. Elda Marku; Dr. Djana Bejko; MSc. Lindita Bushati, Ass Ph Dr. Gezim Dibra and Ass. Ph. Elvira Cango who contributed with preparation, consultation and material compiling based on the previous experience they did have and the UN, REC & Institute of Curricula and Training methodology. This KIT is the first one dedicated to Shkodra/Skadar Lake. The KIT is intended to support especially teachers throughout the lake watershed to sensitize children to the natural resources of Shkodra Lake and to raise awareness about the protection and sustainable development of this treasure. The materials are intended to be exciting and inspiring for teachers and students alike. The activities can also be adapted to the needs of the different classes and adjusted to any teaching situation. The KIT is not limited to only schools level, but it can serve as a family KIT as well. It is prepared in three languages English, Albanian and Montenegrin and has about 220 pages, full colored and perfect bounded book for the children.


. Lines of communication among actors/targets involved in the process in both sides were not well performed. Often do face problems with engaged experts in translation documents (especially in Montenegrin language) because common understanding was not easy especially on environmental terminology. Moreover timeframe respecting remains still a challenge for the experts; . Flood situation in Albania do caused difficulties on the program implementation. Due to this the activities has been postponed accordingly;

19 . Changes on the project coordination in MNE side caused the difficulties on communication till the new coordinator was nominated; . Publications in three languages still remains challenge due to a very few good experts capable to Albanian – Montenegrin translation and conversely; . The maintenance of an active cooperation with stakeholders in MNE remains still a challenge in cross-border projects implementation. Due to the several needed agreements and coordination, more travelling than foreseen have been done;


- When cross-border projects/activities are planned by the donor, there is needed to support two organizations (one in AL and one in MNE). - Although the willingness of the colleagues on the other side of the border is much appreciated, the responsibility to respect time frame of their engagement remains a challenge. - Communication and responsibility remains equal when two organizations on both sides are supported. - Visibility and/or impact of the project ensured better when two organizations on both sides are supported.

- When people feel owners, they do feel responsible on activity implementation. In this regard the teachers and schoolchildren have been involved and even engaged to prepare the logistical part of the activity. A group of schoolchildren have been established with goal to assess the market for buying T-shirts, gloves and sacks; another group was responsible to design the logos of the donor and stick up on the T- shirts etc - Constant trust and confidence in the fairness of dealings within the project – requires transparency and openness, and a systematic approach with local authorities and targets involved within process.

- The direct involvement of the schoolchildren increase the awareness toward natural values knowledge; - The young’s can be very good volunteers, actions are the best approach for them. In this regard we do recommend outdoor actions as the perfect approach on getting knowledge and friendly environmental education; - The joint activity established networking and friendship relation between AL-MNE schoolchildren; - Common understanding between children is always on stage while nature is the concern issue;

20 - They are willing to share knowledge and work together toward nature approaching; - Joint cooperation and interactive involvement stimulates the friendly behaviour with the nature. - Implementation of cross-border projects/activities do need financial support on both sides (counterparties) - Bringing all elements in harmony with objectives and cross-border impact was really hard working.

For the Albanian FORUM of Shkodra lake

------Prof. Dr. Mahir HOTI President

Shkoder, 26.9.2011