
Through a J.E.D.I Lens

Dr. Keshia Abraham Sister Science/ The Abraham Consulting Agency CE Yoga Alliance Presentation 9/23/20 Synopsis

In this session we will discuss an applied understanding of basic ayurvedic principles through a Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) lens. We will discuss , how to see and value their qualities, while exploring techniques to ameliorate samskaras, and build ojas, fostering greater self-love and appreciation. We will consider how we apply these principles throughout our lives, personally and professionally. What is Health?: Intention setting

“One who is established in Self, who has balanced doshas (primary life force) balanced (fire of digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person. ”

- Sushruta Samhita (15/44) What is ayurveda?

Ayur/ Ayus = “life” (body, mind, senses, soul)

+ Veda = Wisdom/ Knowledge Ayurveda is Soul Wisdom… a “Sister Science”of yoga, a life science. The Five Elements (Mahabhutas)

Earth - grounding, stability, concentration, loyalty, steadfastness, consistency

Water- fluidity, gracefulness, flow, cooling, calming, awareness, feeling centered

Fire - intensity, heating, precision

Air (wind)- movement, lightness, flexibility, sensitivity, memory

Space - awareness, witness consciousness, expansiveness

WE ALL NEED ALL OF THEM, JUST IN DIFFERENT AMOUNTS... Elements with Sense organs, Motor Organs and Root energies To learn how to achieve balance- the true essence of yoga - the yoke of pure consciousness between body, mind and consciousness/ soul requires an understanding of how vata, pita and kapha work together. If the entire cosmos is made of these five basic elements it would behove us to really consider their qualities and work with them as blessings, as each having the potential for good and being of necessity. So, what’s a ?

complexes understood through their qualities, attributes or gunas ● “Fault”/ “spoiled”/ “mistake”/ “impurity” (when out of balance or in excess) ● Organization ● “According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the entire cosmos is an interplay of the energies of the five basic elements - Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are combinations of the five elements that manifest as patterns in all creation.” (Lad, “Textbook of Ayurveda” v1) Season: Winter; Wisdom years, 60+ Vata: Time: 2-6 Am and PM Qualities/ Gunas: dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, hard, clear KEY WORD: FOCUS

Asana: warming, grounding, soothing, relaxing, calming, slow, Ether and yin, focused/ specific cues

Pranayama: rhythmic, even, Ujjai, Dirgha, Nadi , Air Anuloma Viloma

Meditation: Mantra, Tatrack, Japa, Yoga Nidra; earthy images

Dristi: Eyes closed. Down. Navel.

Colors: golden yellow, browns, earthy tones

Music: grounding drums; music with good bass; soothing Season: Summer; main active years (Puberty to menopause)

Time: 10-2 Am and PM

Pitta: Qualities/ Gunas: Oily, Sharp, Hot, Fleshy Smelling, Spreading KEY WORD: RELAX Asana: Cooling, calming, quieting, relaxing, wide leg stance; less Fire and stress is best! Pranayama: deep, relaxing exhales, sitali, nadi shodahana

Water Meditation: expansive and releasing, cooling and soothing. Silence.

Dristi: Eyes closed, go within. Heart focus.

Visualization: deep blue sea

Colors: white, dark blue

Sound: light flute; mantra to start and finish; gentle and soft sounds Season: Spring; Childhood (Conception to age 25)

Time: 6-10 am and PM

Kapha: Qualities/ Gunas: Heavy, Slow/ Dull, Cold, Unctious, Smooth, Dense, Soft, Stable KEY WORD: Breathe...

Asana: Warming, Stimulating, Energizing, Activating, Vinyasa, Twists, Pulsing

Earth and Pranayama: Kapalabhati, Bastrika, Ujjai, Dirga. Include several moments of focused pranayama

water Meditation: Walking, Warming imagery, Releasing attachments, releasing what’s no longer needed, leaving behind stagnation and heaviness.

Dristi: Third eye, Eyes open, Above horizon

Colors: Bright sunny colors - gold, orange, red

Music: Energetic; rhythmic Applying the J.E.D.I. mind

J.E.D.I. - Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is important in everything we do including yoga and ayurveda All doshas matter. Ayurvedic guidance even food and diet can be adjusted to your cultural context. All of the elements have benefits and strengths. Adjust your practice to the seasons and make room for options always.

You are not a dosha. You are not a mistake. You are a combination of elements at their optimum in harmony. Like attracts like! …A few key

Opposite! Opposite! phrases to It depends! always keep in Consider what’s beautiful and mind unique to each dosha. Off the mat and into the office

Apply ayurvedic principles to projects, meetings, classes and classroom management, business, organizations, projects... The GUNAS (20 qualities)

Heavy - Guru Slimy - Slakshna Light - Laghu Rough - Khara Slow - Manda Dense - Sandra Sharp - Tikshna Liquid - Drava Cold - Shita Soft - Mrudu Hot - Ushna Hard - Kathina Oily - Snigdha Static - Sthira Dry - Ruksha Mobile - Chala Subtle - Suksma Cloudy- Avila Gross- Sthula Clear - Vishada Rasa and The Six Tastes

“Rasa” is generally understood as taste and more deeply it is what provides the context for our experience as living beings. Taste, as a therapeutic tool has profound impact on our state of body/ mind/ spirit balance…

Ayurveda recognizes six tastes. We need them all just in varying amounts at various times…

Sweet = Madhura (Earth and Water) Salty = Lavana (Water and Fire)

Sour = Amla (Earth and Fire) Pungent = Katu (Fire and Air)

Bitter = Tikta (Air and Ether) Astringent = Kashaya (Air and Earth) - Daily routine

Have a routine!

Hot water, hot water, hot water

Biggest meal in the middle of the day

Love yourself up with oils

Sleep early. Rise before day break.


Final thoughts...

Tapping into soul wisdom is about coming into alignment and learning to love the individual gift you are. You are precious. Uniquely made, gifted with a combination of elements necessary to bringing balance in this world. Imagine what happens when we approach ourselves and each other as the gifts we truly are…

-Dr. Keshia Abraham Instagram: @sistersciencewithdrkeshia