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MONTANA 917.86 POLK 1900-1 • . • iji i ■ • Billings, Montana city directory ; i i'r- -I::-- including Laurel. Billings Public Library m DOES NOT CIRCULATE II I •: 1

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( I


n ParmlyBillmgs ■ t ortoaiurr nne uba*»t m


♦<§> ® ® O. F. GODDARD,

And COUNSELLOR i Attorney AT LAW ©

Office over First National Bank. BILLINGS, MONTANA. <® 9 .. .JAMES KELLY. . . © © ^ Justice of the Peace. % Notary Public.

REAL ESTATE. .. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ® Office over 2623 flontana Avenue. ©


Office over First Hat'l Bank.




E ..SWIM & SLOEY .. Wines L/iquors9 3 € ^ANoCigars o.o


Minnesota Avenue, Bet. 26 and 27.

MANLEY A JENSEN, Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealer’s in “M & J.” © %

§ §(© BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions. ROOMS II AND 12 BELKNAP BLOCK. Phone 109. Billings, Montana.


Contractor BnD Butlber. -—a ^Estimates on TRUorft 2423 /Dontana Brcnue. eapromptlg jfurntsbeD ^iuumiumumiiuuuunaiumuiUiuuiummnuuuuiK j The Gtat)d,^ o " —------O .... The only strictly firstnclass hotel oc • in Eastern fT)ontana...... 0*>C<>30G0C-00«»4i4§44^M§#«44

a ♦ • w v*< First-Class flccorrjnioclatlons ^ «* j* «*< ♦ ♦ ------• G ♦ ♦ GEORGE F. BENHICMOFF, Propr. • ______♦ • r>ice Sample Pooms. Cor 27Lt> and lsL five. N. * (^(•X*X£XsXsXi>:SX«X*)

♦® ©♦ ® ® —53 4593 © Yellowstone © IWattonal USSanh. 0 of JBillinfls, Montana. O G Capital $50,000 © Surplus ant» tHnt>lv>i&et> profits 20,000 O 0 ◄ 0 A. L. BABCOCK, President. D. FRATT, Vice-President. G. A. GRIGGS, Cashier. E. H. HOLLISTER, Assistant Cashier. © DIRECTORS—A. L. Babcock, G. A. Griggs, D. Fralt, Peter Larson, E. Cardwell. a[> JBanfcing in all its JBrancbcs. Safe H>eposit JBoxes IRcnteb. 0 Special attention Given to Collections. <0OOO> jforefgn anfc domestic JExcbange. 0 ^^>000

First National Bank, © OF BILLINGS, ^MONTANA.

© Paid-Up Capital, $150,000 0 Surplus, JO,000 • © P.

Transact a General Banking Business. ^ ^ ^ Collections Promptly Made. ^ 2701 Montana Avenue. Telephone 11. ® ® ♦® •> 4 •;> 4 *fc 4 *?<• 4 •Tc 4 *> 4 ❖ 4 4 •> 4 •> 4 * 4 *b 4* 4 & 4^4*^ “ r** -44 v *• *- 4 * < SUBSCRIBE FOR 4- * 4- WV^I 4- Issued * 4~ Every => -44 4— Wednesday * <1 Afternoon 4- Billies and «• -44 4— V| Sunday * -44 Morning: * H*. vl AAA>l £* -44 . i rrje s i 4*“ <4 > (Semi-Weekly) 4— <1 ❖ -4-'< ONLY S3.50 PER YEAR 4— •£$ * -44 4*- *3 * “11 4*~ V -44 4— * <1 4- <1 * -44 The Sunday Morning Times 4*- -44 S2.50 PER YEAR vj > -44 4- v -44 4— v* > 4*- "44«*.j •> -3 4- Vi > -44 The Best Job Printing Outfit 4- * 41 4— VJ in Eastern Montana <£ * -4« 4- 4 * -4 4*“ 4 -> -4*< Everything in the Office New 4~ * -4« 4- v ~4^ 4— < M. C. MORRIS ** > -4 4- 4 Editor and Proprietor & -44 4- (•)♦ ®

@ « L.#L. ^ © 0 FINE DOHESTIC © AND inpORTED 0 © © © Wines, Liquors © © C3 © and CigarSo 0 © G © RESTAURANT. © © Meals Served to Order, g) Game in Season. © © © © • • • NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS • • • © © Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Baths. © © © © Per Day, 50, 75 and $1.00 .... © © Special Rates by the Week or Month. © ©

YEE SAH LEE, Proprietor. § © © 2624 Minnesota Ave. Telephone 71. ® ® ♦® ©♦ PARMLY BILLINGS LIBRARY

3 1238 00423 4554 Removals, Arrivals ai I WHILE AT PRESS.]

Abrahamson, Henry, (Campbell & Abrahamson) 2708 Minn ave. Ahlstrom, Gus., bartender at Vale & Potter’s, rms 110 s 28th.- Austin North Co., real estate and conveyancers, 202 n 27th. Burnett & Co., W. C., saloonists, 2816 Mont ave. Benjamin, J. A., photographer, 2913 Mont ave. BennighofT, Andy, r Grand Hotel. Barth, G., stockman, r 416 n 30th. Carter, YV. M., prop South Side Side Board Saloon 2710-1 Minn ave. Campbell & Abrahamson, restaurant, 2708 Minn ave. Crawford, Eldred, r The Driscoll. Crowe, Miss G., student, 404 n 30th. Crowe, Miss.I., student, 404 n 30th. Crowe, R. R.. contractor, 404 n 30th. Colvin. Miss Edith V., r 14 n 29th. Free, .James E., physician, r andotiiec210 n 31st. Frith, Henry A., lawyer, over First Nat’l Bank. Fratt, David, vice- president Yellowstone Nat’l Bank, 20.7 n 29th. Gilbert. Prof. G., violinist, wks Summer Garden, rll8s28th. George, \\\ B., newsdealer, cigars, etc., 2713 Mont ave. HunHey, Arthur, carriage painter, r Cottage Inn. Kennedy, Chas., harnessmaker, wks W. 13. Ten Eyck’s. Lindall, N., carpenter, r over 20 n 27th. Linn, Alex., carpenter, 1.9 s 30th. Linn, John, carpenter, 19 s 3oth. Martin -Taber Mercantile Co., 28161 Mont ave. Miller, I. II., operator N. P. Rv.. rms 705 n 28th. Purvis, W. M., elk First Nat’l Bank, bds 13 n 29th. RtafTeck, John, cigar manufacturer, 2718 Minn ave.. r 2016 1st ave s. St. Jean, Ida, r 607 n 26th. St. Jean, Joseph, r 607 n 26th. St. Jean, Lena, student, r 607 n 26th. St. Jean, Louis, musician, r 607 n 26th. Sterns, John, laborer, r cor s 30th and 1st ave. Spear & White, fire insurance, 11 n 28th. Title Abstract Co., 202 n 27th. Wood, II. B., salesman at B. W. Toole’s, r 209 s 29th. © Sodtl? Side Rr\ w d © © Under % Side 01 © © New iQ Board © Management J\^ SalOOt) o o o o v % m m m W. I\l. CARTER, Proprietor. m © (W & FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. # ©

© East of Mon tana Saloon.

◄©»©©©©> (U. 2710A; rylinnescLa flverrue. ¥^ /T^V

£ FRANK SAVARSEY, | w w id id id id id Pine Amines, id id id id id Liquors id id id and id id ' °-i0°' (Pioars . . . id id id id id id id id ...SUfqJTjef Gafdetj... > id id id 2812 one! 2812^ Minnesota Avenue. id 2802 = 2804 = 2806 = 2808

2810 = 2902 Minnesota Avenue.

Here is Your Business Directory

Yegen Bros/ Cash

Department Store.

-piGHTEEN YEARS SUCCESSFUL MERCHAND- ISING with a Growing Business Every Year is prima facie evidence that our qualities and prices in all de­ partments are beyond a question of a doubt the ring-leaders of our business success. jfc «£*


in the future as in the past and when you visit at any of the numbers of our department store we will furnish you from OUR MANY LINES

as good as the market affords at the best possible business price Yours 'bery truly, YEGEN BROTHERS.

& See Pages Printed in Red. G?6 rirmj-i-m-ij-uTru-Lnj-in^ riiTJTJT.njTririJTJTJViJTnjxrvuiiTriiirinn j» j* 2806 MINNESOTA AVENUE. 2808 txtrnirLTLru^ilnjTnjiJTlrmirLruTlriJtxuTjajiJuij-LrLri^ SECOND FLOOR-ENTRANCE FROM CLOTHING OR DRY GOODS DOOR. JYEGEN iBROTHERS...

Furniture and Quesnswsre Department.

One of the Largest and Complete Furniture and Queensware Stocks in the West. New Furniture Constantly Arriving. *------—ALWAYS 3IN STOCK------—* < □ n □ u n □ t> Rockers, Easy Chairs, Dressing Tables, Oriental Iron Red- steads, Parlor Tables, Wardrobes, Folding Beds, Oltice Desks, Extension Tables, Bed Room Sets, Carpet, Ingrain Squares, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Matting and all kinds of Household Goods. Artistic and Dainty Colors in Queensware, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Separate Fancies in Plates, Cups and Saucers and Nick-Nacks, Water Sets, Bisque Figures. Jardiners, Vases and Staple Crockery. Shade Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Wall Paper, Window Curtains. Picture Framing done to Order. Toys Always in Stock—Particularity Strong at Holidays. Remember the Numbers 2806 and 2808, 2nd Floor. -^rYEGEN BROTHERS. jrnni~iriJVirinjaruT.fvifvimiJTnf>fTfTf^rmnj-u^uarxarxnfTuru^rxar^i^niTriri See Pages Printed in Red. & iXriliiitfuilhjTlnlnHjxnJilminjTJrUTJmjYrilrLnlmiKh

\ 'mm g

■Mr«)\ ^0)1 •58 " • • BILLINGS • • • m m(£> m y m ; Sfr £$) ra^r>A CITY DIRECTORY I •58 I Ss! 1900=1901 arv/»<\ H « ijg A Complete Alphabetical List of Business Firms and Private Citizens, with Much Other Valuable p^«

*5£ and Miscellaneous Information. |

!3K ■Eg VOLUHE I. = e ® « = Price $3.00 § 49 Billings City Directory Co., jp> « -iV Publishers. *5^ & m V m > ...Press of the Billings Times... m h; r;»\ S Wj mt®AA SSL > < y < y < > < i> < y < 4 TKe Driscoll m 4 7 »■ 4 y 4 y 4[ ^^Onc Block From Depot, <■ BILLINGS, MONTANA. < •(S'Next to Opera House. < < i\ »■ i: \ y MATT DRISCOLL, Proprietor. [/> if■c )' »■ < s- y 4 > y y I y 4 4 y < j y < y < i> 4 Special BccommoDations for Commercial /ifcen. y 4 i- < y 4 < <

4 It 4 r> 4 4 l 4 y 4 Strictly First Glass y 4 y 4 y 4 !> 4 j: y 4 > < y 4 la Fv^ery /\ppoiatnr\eat. y 4 l y <; < y 4 y y <;i ,> {/,4 y 4 y 4 y y TCates $2.00 ant> $2.50 per S>a\j. y i y : ; 4 4 r 4 4 ill 4 y 4 y 4 .... Mr. Driscoll gives his personal attention to the l> ► 4 attentions to all details that go to make life pleasant. 4 y 4 y 4 y 4 y < ♦ ♦ PORTER MEETS ALL TRAINS. ♦ ♦ y 4[[ II > TT TV

(ft) ^ v v v V v -r v v W v v mi® m % m m m mW m m II^T^OIDUCTO^Y. m m w m m m The first volume of the Billings City Directory is here­ © with submitted to the public, and, in the canvass for names, © data, etc., neither labor nor expense has been spared to m m make this work complete, reliable and worthy the name © m of Directors Wed > not claim our work absolutely free from ____ i © errors, as no work of this kind has ever reached the acme of m m perfection. No one unacquainted with the ardous task of m compiling such data can have a proper conception of the labor m required to make an authentic city directory. We feel confident m however, that this work will be found as near correct as any /i7\ of the kind can be made, and, with this feeling it is sub­ m O mitted to the criticism of a fair-minded public, and especially ip'tr w to the enterprising citizens who have aided us with their w financial support, do we respectfully dedicate this, the first id city directory of the city of Billings, Montana. W Among one of the absolute necessities relative to a city, w id) w t he city directory may clearly be classed as an important one, w not only of its practical demands in the numerous branches W W of daily pursuits and general uses to which it is put, but it © w has become the index >f the enterprise and of the commercial and professional interests in its locality; a budget of facts W © are recorded upon its pages, and, it is the true record which id w shows the growth and progress of a city from year to year. ifs w id We tender our sincere thanks to the public for the uni- itb form courtesy that has been shown us in our work and Hi wishing every patron continued success and prosperity, we w m subscribe ourselves, it's Very truly yours, its THE PUBLISHERS. Hi id smmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmnmg

I IDt\®. S3, lpricfcett, ©steopatbic H>b\>stctan. |

s •) § •) § •) XTreats all forms of Gbrontc anb 2lcute IDiscases, IRervous •) Bffections, Stomacb, Ikibnep anb Ulver troubles, Spinal fo Curvature, etc., etc. Consultation anb ^Examination tfrcc. ^ Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, Kirks'btlle, Mo. Office at Residence, opposite Cottage Inn. ’Phone 131. Billings, Alontana.

| | Cottage Inn j |

F. D. McCORMICK, Propr. Cor. E. 29th St.jincJ1st Ave. N.

Jif Rates $2 00 Per Day \U i:jf Best Table in City ^0 =3 \Q0. ■ J M ~2

Free Bus at att Trains. ,cPhone 64 for Bus, and it twill be sent to any part of the cily for a reasonable charge. The Cottage Inn,

108 North 29th Street*

Thomas O'Rourke, - - Proprietor.

*£ &

‘p)EST of Table Service and Rooms. £ .O Every Attention paid to make 3 the guests of this hotel enjoy living. $ (o Terms Reasonable. Bus to and from all trains ...... G) (o iP fp & $p ip o) o) ^ Thomas O'Rourke, Proprietor. I 108 North 29th Street. ®)

The Cottage Inn.

Dr. Harriet-Foxton-Clark. Dr. Andrew Clark.


cP.ooms 6 and 7 First Nat'l Bank Block. Office 'Phone 17—Residence 'Phone 82.


i lyloptapa GoYertjrnei?!.


! Governor, Robert B Smith, Helena; lieutenant governor, A E Spriggs, Townsend: secretary of state, TS Hogan, Helena; state treasurer, T E Collins, Helena; state auditor, T W ! Poindexter, .Jr. Helena; attorney general, C B Nolan, Helena; 3 superintendent of public instruction; EA Carleton, Helena; clerk of supreme court, Henry G Rickerts, Helena; chief justice of supreme court; Theodore II Brantly, Helena; asso- « ciate justices supreme court, W II Hunt, resigned, (successor | not appointed time of publication); W T Pigott, Helena. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Veterinary surgeon. M E Knowles, Helena; state land agent, Henry Neill, Helena; inspector of mines, John Bryne, Helena; deputy inspector of mines, Frank Hunter, Butte; boiler inspector, Frank A Burns, Helena; assistant boiler in­ spector, James II Dailey, Helena; state law-librarian, Miss Lou Gut hrie, Helena; state historical librarian, Mrs Laura E Ilowey, Helena; adjutant general! Charles F English, Helena; register of state lands, II I) Moore, Helena; state examiner, J G Mcrony, Helena. STATE HOARDS. State Board of Equalization—Composed of the governor, auditor, treasurer, attorney general and secretary of state. State Board of Pardons—Composed of the attorney gen­ eral. auditor and secretary of state. State Board of Prison Commissioners—Composed of the governor, attorney general and secretary of state. State Board of Commissioners for Insane—Composed of the governor, attorney general and secretary of state. State Board of Examiners—Composed of the governor, attorney general and secretary of state. State Board of Land Commissioners—Composed of the governor, secretary of state, attorney general and superin­ tendent of public instruction. State Board of Stock Commissioners—Officers: President, John T Murphy, Helena; secretary, W G Preuitt, Helena. Commissioners, Beaverhead county, Martin Barrett, Alice; Broadwater county, F .1 Keene, Canton; Cascade county, Jacob Seiben, Cascade; Carbon county, .1 N Tolman, Red Lodge; Choteau county, C .1 McNamara, Big Sandy; Custer county, O C Cato, Miles City; Dawson county, Charles Krug. Glendive; Deer Lodge county, .John Bielenberg, Deer Lodge; Fergus county, S S Hobson, Utica; Flathead county, James A Fork, Kalispel; Gallatin county, V A Cockrili, Bozeman; Granite county, Angus McDonald, Philipsburg; .Jefferson county, John Flaherty, Cold Spring; Lewis and Clarke county, John T Murphy,Helena; Madison county, W -I Ennis, Ennis; Meagher county, Len Lewis, Lewis; Missoula county, .1 A McGowan, Plains; Park county, G W Wakefield, Livingston; Ravalli county, G W Ward, Hamilton; Sweet Grass county, J N Kelly, Hunter’s Hot Springs; Silver Bow county, Levi Cartier, Butte; Teton county, W K Flowerce, Sun River; Valley county, M E Milner, Fort Benton: Yellowstone county, D Fratt, Billings. Stock Inspectors: J H Lander, R P Ilercn, Chicago, 111; H E Bourdette, St Paul, Minn; R !l Rickard, Omaha, Neb; W D Smith, Miles City; Harry Lund, Fort Benton; J W Collins, Butte; A C Hammond, Dillon; E Serruys, Wibaux. STATE ARID LAND GRANT COMMISSION. Thomas C Marshall, chairman, Missoula; Donald Brad­ ford, vice chairman, Helena; C O Reed, secretary. Office, 2-G Thompson blk, Helena.


United States Circuit and District Courts—Convenes at Helena first Monday in April and November; at Butte first Tuesday in February and September. District judge, Hiram Knowles; clerk, George W Sproule; district attorney, W B Rodgers; United States marshal, .J P Wool man. Supreme Court of Montana—Convenes at Helena first Tuesday in March, June, October and December each year. Chief justice, Theodore II Brantley; associate justices, W T Pigott, W II Hunt, resigned, (successor not appointed at time of publication); clerk, II G Rickerts.

DISTRICT CO CRTS—J UDGES—M ONT AN A. First—Henry B Smith and Sidney II. Mclntire, Helena; Lewis and Clarke county. Continually at Helena. Second—William Clancy and John Lindsay, Butte; Silver Bow county. Continually at Butte. Third—'Wellington Napton, Deer Lodge; Deer Lodge county, Anaconda; Granite county, Philipsburg. Fourth—Frank H Woody, Missoula; Missoula county, Missoula; Ravalli county, Stevensville. Fifth—Montgomery H Parker, Boulder; Beaverhead county, Dillon; Jefferson county, Boulder; Madison county, Virginia City. •3 Sixth—Frank Ilenry, Livingston; Park county, Livlngs- 'i ton; Sweet Grass county, Rig Timber; Carbon county, Red 9 Lodge. « Seventh—Charles II Loud, Miles City; Custer county, Miles City; Dawson county, Glendive; Yellowstone county, Billings. Eighth—.fere R. Leslie, Great Falls; Cascade county, | Great Falls. Ninth—F K Armstrong, Bozeman; Broadwater county, :• Townsend; Gallatin county, Bozeman: Meagher county, v White Sulphur Springs. Tenth—Dudley Du Bose, Fort Benton; Choteau county, Fort Benton; Fergus county, Lewistown; Valley county, H Glasgow. ■ Eleventh—D F Smith, Kalispel; Flathead county, Kalispel; Teton county, Choteau.

fT)ilitary. i United States Army—Department of Dakota. Head- El quarters: St Paul, Minn.

M I LIT A RY FORTS A ND TROOPS. Fort Assinniboine—Located on the Great Northern Line, 8 210 miles northeast of Helena. Detachment of Co. D, 24th k infantry. Commander—Second Lieut Edwin A Hickman, I 1st cavalry. ; Fort Harrison—Located 4 miles north west of Helena. Com- 9 mander—Capt Jas R Goe, LBth infantry. j Fort Keogh—Located 2 miles west of Miles City. Troop i F, 1st cavalry. Commander—Major Frederick K Ward, 1st I cavalry. Fort Missoula—Located on the Northern Pacific Railway, 4 miles south of Missoula and 12H west of Helena. A non­ commissioned otHcer and small guard in charge of post. Fort Yellowstone—Located in the National Park. Troop M, 1st cavalry. Commander—Capt Oscar J Brown, 1st cav­ alry. STATE MILITIA. Governor and Commander-in.chief—Robt B Smith. Adjutant General—Brig. Gen. Charles F English. Inspector General—Col James T Stanford. Surgeon General—William C Ridell. Quartermaster General—Col R D Leggat. Commissary General—Col A J Campbell. Assistant Inspector General—Lieut Col J D Eaton. Judge Advocate—Maj H J Miller. Inspector of Rifle Practice—Vacant. Aid-de-Camp—Lieut Col John F Firch, Butte. Aid-de-Camp— Lieut Col Thomas McTague, Deer Lodge. Aid-de-Camp—Lieut Col C M Crutchfield, Hamilton. United States Officers in Montana.

INTERNAL REVENUE. District of Montana—Including Montana, Idaho and Utah. Office, 201 Power Building, Helena. Collector—Charles M Webster, Helena. Chief Deputy—John Moffitt, Helena. U S Gaugers—William Husbands, Salt Lake City, Utah; W R Williams, Ogden, Utah. Collector of Customs—David G Browne, Great Falls.


Broadway cor Warren, Helena. Assayer—Eugene B Braden; Meltcr—LA Walker, Helena.


Special Agent General Land Office, T F. Ryan, Missoula. Bozeman Land District, Bozeman—Register, A L Love, Bozeman; Receiver, John F Ashbury, Bozeman. Helena Land District, Pittsburg Block, Helena—Register, George D Greene, Helena; Receiver, John Horsky, Helena. Kalispel Land District, Kalispel—Register, Frank IT Nash, Kalispel; Receiver, W C Whipps, Kalispel. Lewistown Land District, Lewistown—Register, David Hilger, Lewistown; Receiver, John P Barnes, Lewistown. Miles City Land District, Miles City—Register, Samuel Gordon, Miles City; Receiver, .James M Rhoades, Miles City. Missoula Land District, Missoula—Register, E E Ilorshey, Missoula; Receiver, W Q Ran ft, Missoula.


United States Weather Bureau—Observers in charge, E J Glass,-Helena; W E French, Havre; C M Boucher, Miles City. United States Surveyor General’s Office, District of Mon­ tana—Surveyor General,Edward W Beattie, Helena. United States Inspectors, Postofficc Department- -Moved to Spokane, Wash. United States Railway Mail Service—Chief Clerk, Tenth Division, Walter W Earnest, 518 Power Building, Helena. United States Senators—William A Clark, Butte; Thomas H Carter, Helena. Members of.Congress—Albert J Campbell, Butte. ♦ S BILLINGS MERCANTILE CO. ♦ o ♦ ♦ % a(J Dry Goods ♦ o ■ H Carpets, ♦ ♦ o Boots and Shoes ♦ o j and Men’s Furnishing’s...... ♦ o ♦ o • • • WE RECOGNIZE INO RIVALS ♦ o ©\_Call and Compare Our Qualities and Prices._/@ ^♦ O o ♦ $ IN THE LINES WE HANDLE THERE IS POSITIVELY NO 4, O , , , , COMPETITION THAT CAN COMPETE WITH US ♦ O ♦ <> Our* Shoes Once Worn Always Wanted ♦ O ♦ <^> 2705 flonlana Ave, Telephone 28. ^ o — ♦ <£> O H. n). fillet) & Co., ♦ ^ Wholesale arjel Retail ^ O o tDealers 1x7------^ <£> fiOUGH fir}13 o tDtfESSE© o Ltifqbef. ♦ ♦ e*Sas*7, iDoofs, arfd Blinds.^ ♦ Bdildi 17^ lylatefials. ♦ o ♦ Country Orders Solicited and Prornptly Killed. ^ Correspondence Solicited. ❖ <3> ♦ «> IDflY LUMBER *3 SPECIALTY. ♦ <£> ♦ ^ fluents Tor ttie Celebrated Mot Springs Stucco ^ and Crystal Finish. ♦

O Telephone 18. West End Minn. Ave., 31st and 1st Aye. South. ^ <§> | George Soule, |

PLUMBING AND HEATING Iron Pipe and Fittings, Engine Trimmings, Leather and Rubber Belting, Tile Sewer and Drain Pipe...... GASOLINE ENGINES . . THE ONLY MACHINE SHOP IN EASTERN MONTANA

Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing. Promptly Done.p^ 2s | c\The Most Efficient Gun Repairing

•) We do Dot run a department store, but do carry on (q the business of a Department Mechanical Emporium and can in all probability construct what you need from a 5 " mechanical standpoint. •) •) § 21 Not'llf 27th Sreet. <• : S ,pOTHRON & TODD... fi


* (• Livery, •) Feed,

RN0.. Sale Stables.

102 North 28th Street.

Telephone 59. ^3 ^iiuiiiiiiuiuiuuuuiiuimmmmuiuuiiuuuuuuiiaui^ BILLINGS CITY DIRECTORY.


Miscellaneous Information:

County Government, County Commissioners—ThosS Linton, Chairman, P La- velle, .J B Annin. Clerk and Recorder. Nat G Carwile; Clerk District Court, T A Williams; State Senator. CO Gruwell, Billings; Repre­ sentative, J D Losekamp, Billings; Sherilf. George W Hub- hard; Assessor, Charles Spear; Treasurer, E S Holmes; County Attorney. W M .Johnston; County School Superintendent, G F Burla; Coroner, E P Townsend; County Surveyor, A A Morris; Public Administrator, Charles Spear.

O' City Government. City election first Monday in April. Council meets first and third Tuesday evenings of each month in Council Cham­ ber in Fire hall, 2701 Minnesota avenue. Mayor, Chris Yegen; City Attorney and Clerk, J. B. Jler- ford; City Treasurer, Fred Rixon; City Physician, I)r. E. P. Townsend; Police Magistrate, F. L. Mann; City Engin­ eer, A. A. Morris; Sewer and Street Commissioner, Grant Lamport. Aldermen—First Ward, George F. BennighofT, F. B. Con­ nelly; Second Ward, II. F. Clement, C. L. Tubbs; Third Ward, U. E. Frizelle, S. G. Reynolds; Fourth Ward, E. W. Szitnick, George A. Berky. Standing Committees—Finance, Reynolds and Tubbs; Or­ dinances, BennigboiT and Frizelle; Streets and Sidewalks, Tubbs and Connelly; Sewers and Drainage. Clement and Szit- nick: Improvements and City Property, Rerky and Reynolds; Fire, Lights and Water, Frizelle and Perky; Ollicers and Ponds, BennigboiT and Clement; Ways and Means, Connelly and Szitnick. Police Department—Chief of Police, .1 C Bond; Patrolmen, E II Corlc, JosSteinhauser; Policeman, Willard Baker. Fire Department—Engine house corner south 27th street and Minnesota avenue; Chief, J C Bond; assistant chief Geo Robbins: president W B Calhoun; vice president, F X X Rademaker; secretary and treasurer, O W Nickey. Trustees, W II Morse, W B Calhoun. O W Nickey, F J Ohland, F II Hathhorn.


PosLoffice JDepar tmen t. L F Babcock, Postmaster; II P Babcock, Assistant Post­ master; EW Dunne, chief clerk; P F Swanson, general de­ livery clerk. Office hours: 8 a m to 7 p m; Sundays, 9 to 10:.JO a m. (Note—Appoinment of carriers not made at time of publication).


Public Schools. Organization—The public schools are organized under the laws of Montana as district-No 2, Yellowstone county. Board of Trustees—Jas R Goss, W II Ross, P B Moss, C O Gruwell, FS Mills. Officers—Jas R Goss, president; Ira L Whitney, secretary; n M Bray ton, superintendent. School Census 1899—Age (j to 21 years 028; Age under 0 years 308. Enrollment, 1899-1900—High School, 02; second ward, 325; third ward, 263. High School—Superintendent acts as principal; assistant principal, R H Daniels; teacher, Etta A Robinson. Second Ward School—Superintendent acts as principal; teachers, Etta A Robinson, Mae B Edwards, Ella L Hayden, Mabel C Gordon, M Rea Lawrence, Hetty A Crawford. Third Ward School—Ella Hood, principal; teachers, Jane E Pilcher, Laura B Cams, Cora A Edwards.


‘ Lodges.

Masonic—Ashlar A F & A M No 29. Regular communi- ation first and third Thursdays in each month 8 p m in Ma­ sonic Hall. J AV Vaughan, secretary; Nat G Carwile, AV M. Masonic—Aldermar Commandary No 5 meets second Thursday in each month in Masonic ITall. AV B George, E C; J AV Vaughan, Recorder. Masonic—Billings Chapter No G meets first Wednesday in each month in Masonic Hall. J II Rinehart, H P: J W Vaughan, Secretary. Odd Fellows—Billings Star Lodge No 41, meets every Monday night in I O O F hall. LC Palmer, N G; M Solomon, V G; Henry White, Secretary; AV H HelTner, Treasurer. Auxilliary lodges—Zelda Rebekah Lodge No 14, and Little Horn Encampment No 21. Woodman of the World—Billings Camp No 2S9 meets the second and fourth Thursday in K of P Hall. Nat G Carwile, C C; AV E Ilassler, Clerk. Knights of Pythias—Rathbone Lodge No 28, meets every Friday night in K of P Hall. W II Morse, C C; A J Hart, IC of R *S: S. Elks—Billings Lodge No. 394 B P O E meets on the sec­ ond and fourth Wednesdays in Masonic Ilall. F B Connelly, E R; .1 II Foster, E L Iv; .1 B Herford, E L K; S G Reynolds, E L K; Thos. Chappie, Treasurer; AV E Henry, Secretary; W Lee Mains, Esquire. A. O. U. AV.—Meets second and fourth AVednesdays in Smith’s Ilall. upstairs s e cor N 27th and 1st ave N. F L Mann, P M AV; Geo AV Hubbard, M AV; B Schneider. F; AV E Baker, O: A M Peters, R and F; AV II Ross, R. Auxilliary—Degree of Honor. A. F. of L.—Meets in Federation Hall, cor S 29th and Minnesota ave. John StafTeck, President; .1. AV. Collins, Sec­ retary. M. AV.' of A.—Meets every Tuesday in Federation Hall. Geo Dickinson, Ar C; Henry Keer, AV C; O II Brown, B; A P Smith, C. Auxilliary lodge—Royal Neighbors. Gbbrcbes. - • First Methodist Episcopal—Located 324 N 28th street, Rev G C Stull, pastor. Hours for services, 1L am and 7:30 =i p in from October 1st to May 1st; 8 p m May 1st to October 1st. Epwortli League 7 p m; Junior Epworth League 3:30 p m. Sunday School 12 m; W E Hassler, superintendent. St. Luke’s Episcopal—Located corner 20th street and First Avenue south. Rev A Carswell, rector. Sunday service, 11 i a m and 7:30 p in from September to May and at 8 p in from I May to September. Baptist—Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 7:30 p m. William Remington, pastor. Services held in District Court room, s w cor N 27th St and 1st ave N. Catholic—Located corner 30ih street- and First Avenue North. Services second Sunday of every month. Mass at n 10:30 a m. Sunday school at 1:30 p in. Rev F A Van Claren- beck, pastor. Congregational—Located North 27th street, between 3d and 4th avenues. Sunday services lla m and 7:30 p in. Young i People’s Society Christian Endeavor m *ets 0:30 p m. Sunday school at 12 m. W D Clark, pastor. t

r Garpe apcl Fish) Lauls 1899.

Unlawful to shoot or kill Bison, buffalo, quail, Chinese pheasant, beaver or mountain sheep at any time. Moose or elk between November 15th of one year and 15th of September of following year. Deer, Antelope or Rocky Mountain goat between January 1st and September 1st of same year. Grouse, prairie chicken, fool hen, sage hen, pheasant or partridge, between December 15th and August 15th of the fol­ lowing year. Wild geese, ducks, brant or swan between May 1st and September 1st of same year. Shooting more than 20 grouse, prairie chickens, fool hens or sage hens or partridges in one day; more than 2 moose or elk or more than G deer, antelope or Rocky Mountain goats in one one open season prohibited. Fishing except with pole and line prohibited. m m ?? ijfc ft A m m m 0 m m 0 Fir\e Imported arid Domestic J m m m m 0 m ra 0 © M . 0 0 WINES, LIQUORS gn® 0 rr * * 0 0 **• 0 •I drink m &r\d G1QARS ■t® there my- m 4$ belf." > “ i > ',’. *T- © W i/gr %Iftf

0 .:■ 0 0 0 Owing to the fact that we have a first-class trade, we 0 T)Kj 0 never put out anything stale. Come around and we ^ 0 0 will endeavor to convince you that this is so. 0 0 w 0 . 0 0 0 ■0 0 0 » « 27fl2 Minnesota Avenue - - 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JMaurer & DoKr 0 0

■ 1 Hogue, Robinson & Co., | 2910 Minnesota Avenue.


■~f 'J'

•) •) Live and Dressed Ponitry (• a Specialty^" •) t . •) Telephone <31 s «) •5 THE FAIR . . . (•

2805 Montana Avenue. D (• s | (•

Dry Goods, Millinery,

Boots & Shoes,

__ Furnishing Goods, Etc. __ ^

| J. N. McCracken & Son, | PROPRIETORS. ^aaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiK M Billings City Directory 1900-1901.

CONCERNING STREETS. The N. P. railway, running east and west, is the dividing line of all streets running north and south. All tliouroughfarcs running east and west arc denominated avenues, and those north and south are called streets. Minnesota is ihc next avenue south of railway ; then conies 1st ave south, 2nd ave south, etc. North of railway is Montana ave, 1st ave north, 2nd ave north, etc. Streets begin until First, at eastern limits, and are consecutively numbered to western limits. They are called north and south streets, respectively as they run in either of these directions from the railway track, The decimal system of numbering is used— one hundred to each block. For example, 20 South 1st st would be between Minnesota and 1st ave south : and 2022 Montana ave would be between 20th and 27th sts north.

ABBREVIATIONS. agt . .. .agent col .. colored pres.. president ;isst .assist ant c i ndr conductor propr. propr letor ave...... avenue I cor...... corner r .resldence bds...... boards K or e...... east Kcv.. __reverend bet ...... between i engr... engineer S or s ...... south blcnr...... bookkeeper lab ... __laborer s w... . .southwest bldg...... building mngr.. . . manager sec... ..secret ary bl ksmt h ..blacksuiit h ! N or n ...... north st.erio. .stenographer carp...... carpenter n e__ . nort lieast W or w...... west cuslir...... cashier i n w .... . nort Invest wid...... widow elk clerk !•().... . pos toll Ice wks...... works

Alphabetical List of Names.

Abraliamson. Fanny, domestic, wks The Thtdemaker. Ackerman, J. G., fireman, r 108 n .’Mill. Adams, Ike, hostler, r 102 n 28th. Adkins, Earl, student, r 203 s 28th. Adkins, Miss M., student, r 203 s 28th. Adkins, T. W., carptr., r 203 s 28th. Allard, George, switchman, r 3215 Mont. ave. Allen, Miss A., student. r317 n 32nd.

_____ , REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERSHIIMM

: I* 24 {Billings City Directory. c*o H Allen & Co., I_l_l H. 31,. lumber dealers, yards and oilice Ua w end of Minn. ave. oo W Allen, IT. M., (IT. M. Allen & Co.,) r 210 n 20th. cal-ife u-i o <. Allen, Lelah, student, r 3011 Mont, ave. CO o ^ o oo Allen, Lillian S., student, r 210 n 29th. = 3 Allen, Miss P., student, r 317 n 32nd. 5v oo Allen It T lawyer, r 317 n 32nd. b W OO £ Allen, Robert, dental student, r 3011 Mont. ave. ca d ■a Allen, W A, dentist, r 3011 Mont, ave, over First National e 2:^ Bank. Allen, W O, dentist, over First Nat Bk, r 3001 Mont ave. Andrew, Carrie, student, r 102 n 27th. Andrew, Sophia, student, r 102 n 27th.

You can always «et tt- CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. i bost nt CHAPPLES. Druggists and Stationers. 1 272:1 Montana avo.

Andrew, Amy, student, r 102 n 27th. Andrew, Julia F., student, r 102 n 27th. Anderson, D. C., bartender Ira Woolsey’s, rms 107 s 26th. Anderson, Mary, domestic, wks The Rademakcr. Andress, E% F., bartender, r 422 s 33rd. Andress, Myrtle, student, r 422 s 33rd. ; Appleman, J. W., glover, r 24 s 27th. i Arnold, Mrs. S., wid., r 508 n 2lst. Armstrong, Mrs. I., col., s 26th and 2nd ave Armstrong, IT E, physician, oil ice in Belknap block, bds at Grand Hotel. Ash, James, stockman, r 006 n 27th. Ash, J. L., r 628 n 28th. Ash, Priscilla, wid., r 600 n 27th.


Billings Furniture & Carpet Co, CARPETS, DR A ‘PERIES, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. TELEPHONE 56 MA TTING cAND ‘RUGS. : Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

'Billings City Directory. 25 |

Aslibang-li, Charles, hot tamales, r 2121 Mont ave. H-V H-H Ashdown, Chas., steward, r Division st and 1st ave n. i

Babcock, A L merchant, r218n 27th. Babcock, E. B., elk., mis The Rademaker. ; 4 Babcock, II. P., assistant postmaster, r 301 n 27th. o H Babcock, L I*’, postmaster, r 301 n 27th. I F 20 Babcock, L. C., student, r 218 n 27th. Babcock, R. K.. laborer, r 524 n 31st. g > Bailey, Ike, stockman, r 308 n 23d.

*-!P 1W. J. YOUMANS IMS f 2:Q Bailey, William, plumber, wks at Yegen Bros. Bain, .1 R, plumber, wks at Yegen Bros. | 03 W > Baird, C., cooper, r 200 s 27th. : — C! gq 7T Bair, Marguerite E., student; r 300 n 28th. 3 3 Bair, C. M., stockman, r 300 n 28th. 4 £2 Baker, Alba, Student, r IDs 27th. ?I Sa Baker, Mrs. Amelia, r 200 n 25th. Baker, E. J., plumber, wks at Yegen Bros., r 018 n 25th. 1 lo • Baker, George, student, r 19 s 27th. i 3 W 1 y> 8 Baker, Mrs. II., wid. nurse, r 200 n 25th. . ►—r*« Baker, Meta, furnished rooms, over 2712 Minn ave. 1 2: * : 1:: a Baker, W. E., driver Maverick JTose company, 2701 Minn ave, £3 . H-H r 322 n 32nd. P :

SHIRTS. COLLARS AUD CUFFS Commercial Work in 8 Hours. •4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY Livery, Feed and

P. H. SMITH, . . . Sales Stable 15 N. 27th Street.

W 26 ‘Billings City Directory.

CT3 Baker, Mrs. F D., furnished rooms, r 19 s 27th. Ballou, J M., saloonist, 2924 Minn ave. si Baldwin, George, painter, mis over 2712 Minn ave. ■O 3 Baltimore, James, laborer, (colored) r 113 n 33d. c rz 03 g Barley, Edward, student, n 33d. o Barley, Ezra, laborer, n 33d. C/3 C/J Barley, William, stockman, n 33d. O ® 1 Barnes, F. F., elk, 3419 1st ave n. p Barstow, C. H., elk, r 3021 2d ave n. — Barstow, Susan E., student, r 3021 2nd ave n. ^ 3 in E- Barth, A., student, r 418 n 30th. ^ 1 Bartell, II. H., switchman, r 108s 27th. cs Barton,------carpenter, r 108 s 30th. sc ----- I) rutrirlnlri and SIiiiIoikms ------Headquarters for ST. JOHN'S (H)U(i IL CURE and ST. JOHN’S HEADACHE fl) Chappie Drag Co. CURE. Z'Vf“ 272:? Montana nvi. Battan, C. E., watchman, N. P. freight depot. W$: Battles, W., janitor, r 314 so 32d. to flj_! Baverd, W. S., elk, r 11:1 no 30th. a Baxter. F. L., elk Donovan’s, r 223 s 29th. CD Baxter. Portus, physician, olllce Williams & Baxter, 2821 o +J Minn ave, r Cottage Inn. Beaudette, Albert, stonecutter, r 005 n 20th. Bcaudette, Blanche, student, r 005 n 26th. Beaudette, Mary, student, r 005 n 20th. Beaudette, Philip, student, r 005 n 20th. Bccinnn, Frank, Taxidermist, r 3323 Mont ave. Beeman, Simon, bartender, 2700 Minn ave. Beck, Bertha, domestic, wks 17 n 30th. Becker, E II, editor Billings Gazette, r 224 n 31st

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. CLOTHING, THE BOSTON FURNISHINGS, SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

K> ‘Billings City Directory. 27 •o o 'O 3C Beck, Jay J. W., elk 1ST. P. By r 2910 1st ave n. £ c o Belanger, S. V., elk at Williams & Baxter’s, 2824 Minn ave. a > Benjamin, F. IT., r 3421 Mont ave. < r Benjamin, Tna, student, 3421 Mont ave. r H < BennighofT, Annie M. J., r 102 n 27th. — Bennighoir, George F, alderman and propr Grand Hotel, 3* 102 n 27th. C R1 g Berger, Ed, lab., r 2807 2nd ave s. Berger, E. C., r 102 s 24th. 3 Bernier, II, propr. Globe Steam Dye Works, 20 n 27th; r o > in rear of store. C r. Berry, II. D., lab r 12-1 n 23d. a 3 c Berry,.!. II., student, r 124 n 23d. -y m TO X '/■ m ♦♦♦♦♦♦ L!f; W, J. YOUMANSl LUMBER nig iS Berry; J. T., student, r 124 n 23rd. Berky, Eva, student, r 111 s 28th. Berky, George A, alderman and ice dealer, r 111 s 28th. Berky, Henry, student, r 111 s 28th. Berquist, Mrs., laundress, r 14 s 29th. Bennett, AV J, saloonist, 2700 Minn. ave. Best, Blanche, r 2012 Minn. ave. figi§ Bever, C. C., elk., bds Driscoll Hotel. S \7i-b W : C/) : - Biesinger, Joe, student, r 15 n 33rd. 8 i *Ti ■ Biesinger, Joseph, engineer X. P. By., r 15 n 33rd. *!S;I Biessnger, Nita, student, r 15 n 33rd. r 5 Biesinger, Valeska. student, r 15 n 33rd. Bigger & Morris, stock brokers, Belknap block. P I Bigger, J. IT., broker, (Bigger & Morris) r The Rademakcr.

WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. T. W, HUMPHREY THE only exclusive jewelry store in billings. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

: > 28 'Billings City Directory. oo H Billings Brewing Co, Phil Grein, mgr, 2303-2323 Mont sive. L-LJ Billings Furniture & Carpet Co, 14 to 28 n 28th st. CO W Bishop, T. S., wks B & M freight depot, rms 303 n 26th. Blackford, John, lab., r3221 1st ave n.

00 Black, W. E., wks City Meat market, 2811 Minn. ave. S5 Blakeway, Alice, student, r N P section house, Minn. ave. SII 00 Blakeway, Henry, student, r NP section house, Minn ave. t w Blatz (Val) Brewing Co, L. II. Fenske, agent, cor Mont OO £ OC 3 ■a ave and n 27th. ------a Boardman, E. L., r 210 n 31st. Boggs, O. W., drayman, wks Yegen Bros. Bond, J. C., chief of tire department, ofllce 2701 Minn, ave., r Grand Hotel.

Have t.lio most oomploto PRE- I SCRIP UOK IJJKPA KTMKN I’ Chappie Drug Co., - in Eastorn Montana. No. 2721} Druggists and Stationers. I Montana avenue.

Bonnell, William, cook at Grand Hotel. Bouton, T J, stock broker and insurance, r 105 n 30th. Bowley, Willie, student, r 705 n 27th. Bowley, W. W., laborer, r 705 n 27th. Bowring, H. W., brakeman B & M By r 303 ii 20th. Bowers, .T., elk at Yegen Bros, r 324 s 33d. Boyd, James, bartender, 2624 Minn ave. r418 s 33d. Boykin House, David Boykin, prop. 19 s 30th. Boykin, David, prop Boykin House, 19 s 30th. Boykin, Miss M., waitress, r 19 s 30th. Bradly, Daniel, laborer, r 15 s 30th. Bray ton, H M, superintendent of schools, r 20 n 31st. Brayton, Hattie, student, r 20 n 31st. Bray ton, Mary, student, r 20 n 3Lst.

CARRETS, DRARE^IES. Billings Fumiture&Caipet Co Furniture and Wall Raper. UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALMERS. Telephone 56.

V Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

killings City Directory. 29

Bradfc, II. A., elk at B & M Ry freight depot. H- Breed, Mrs. II., r 218 s 28th. Brook. 31 iss Jean, dressmaker, over 2908 Minn aye. c+ 0 Briscoe, Mattie, (colored), r 2401 Minn ave. 0 Brooke, R. B., (colored) barber, 27121, Minn ave, r 101 s27th. Brooks, Edward, plasterer, r409 s32d. Brooks, Levi, r409 s32d. W go 4 Brooks, Charles, carpenter, r 117 s 32d. H Brockway, Miss CV, student, r 217 n 29th. o Brockway, M rs. N. C., r 217 n 29th. 8 >. Brown, F. R., wksN P Ry, r 3223 Mont ave. H ™ IW. J. YOUMANSlLUMBER | H

Brown, O. II., carpenter, 121 s 32d. Brown, Gurnie, student, r 121 s 32d. i z Brown, Mead, student, r 121 s 32d. CO OO £> Brown, Maud, student, r 121 s 32d. 2. 2* n Brown, F. H., bartender, r 216 s 27th. s 3 ■a Brown, Mrs. N., wid r 112 n 25th. w Brown, Walter, student, r 112 n 25th. i f2 n ^ Brown, Miss K., domestic, r 3203 4th ave n. I Jirown & l>eckert, props First National Bank Barber 1 lo Shop, basement cor Mont ave and 27th. 3 TO C/i Brown, E. L., barber, r 200 n 26th. c Brown, Maggie, servant, wks 30G n 28th. c a3 a Browning, Miss C.. (colored) r 106 s 25th. p Browning, Charles, (colored) r 106 s 25th. 3 §

SIIRIS, COLLARS AND DOFFS. Commercial Work in 8 Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P. H. SMITH, Undertake1 and Embalmer

C/3 30 ‘Billings City Directory.

cd Browning, W., (colored) janitor, 106 s 25th. Brunswick, A., butcher, r 102 s 25th. ^ 1 Bryan, A. F., prop boarding house, 3021 1st ave n. *2 3 Bryan,F., blacksmith, r 11S n 33d. . ^3 Bryan, Lane, laborer, r 3021 1st ave n. c Bryan, Roy, laborer, r 3021 1st ave n. ^ C/2 o I Bryan, Miss T., r 3021 1st ave n. © q Bryant, Miss A., (colored) s 26th and 2d ave. Buckley, Frank, elk at Yegen Bros., rms The Rademakcr. —J •£ Bullard, IT. C., carpenter, r 216 n 33d. •V © CO B* Bullard, ’Nellie C., student, r 216 n 33d. QJ c/5 Bunnell, Ben, student, r 115 s 27th. Bunnell, Fred, fireman 7SI P Ry, r 115 s 27th.

Carry a Complete Line of Cv Chappie Drug Co., TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS, otc. 2723 Montana ave. ^ Qj Druggists and Stationers. I Bunnell, Maude, r 115 s27th.

w ^ Bunnell, T. W., wks N Pcoal docks, r 115 s 27th. CD Bunnell, W. M., wks Grand Hotel, r 115 s27th. a Buns, J. C., bartender L & L, r 223 s 28th. Burg, Mike, fireman N P Ry, r 3205 Mont ave. o -P Burgner, O C, drayman, r 3409 Mont ave. Burke, T. E., ticket agent !N P Ry, r 620 n 27th. Burke, Charles, bartender Grand Hotel. Burns, Miss B A, milliner, r 22 s 27th. Burrows, E. C., harncssmaker, r Cottage Inn. Burton, Charles F real estate and insurance, IS n 29th, r 112 n 30th. Burton, Charles, student, r 112 n 30th. rH Burton, Miss V., student, r 112 n 30th. 'Eest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana.------. Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. Dry Goods, Notions, THE BOSTON Millinery, Etc...... THE PEACE TO SAVE MONEY.

•V 'Billings City Directory. 31 4. Bury, Alfred, restaurant, 2002 Minn ave. x Bury, Alfred, Jr., r 2002 Minn ave. 70354 < Bury, Rosa, r 2002 Minn ave. Butler, Thomas, hostler Dark Horse Livery, 18 so 27th. Butterfield, James, warehouseman N P freight depot.

Callahan, J. W., operator, r 2010 1st ave n. Calahan, John, stockman, 214 s32d. Calhoun, Bertha, bookkeeper, r 24 n 30th. <

TEL 126. W. J. YOUMANS Cor 30, Minn Abe. Calhoun, AV l$, (Holmes & Calhoun, druggists,) rms over * H 2703 Mont ave. § •§ Calvin, Henry, laborer, 18 s 27th. CO Canline, E. J., roadmaster 7ST J* Ry r 24 n 31st. ll W TJ n Campbell, I) K, restaurant, 2013 Mont ave. c. O Cameron, E. C., operator N P Ry bds The Driscoll. = *Tl %* Cameron, Daniel, blacksmith, r 15 s 29th. 3 £ Cams, Miss L., teacher, r 223 s 30th. la 5 o Cardwell, Edna, student, r 300 n 30th. n % Cardwell, Edward, stockman, r300 n 30th. 3- 5: Carwile, N G, county clerk, r 23 n 30th. ir Carwile, Joseph, student, r 23 n 30th. if Carwile, Gertrude, student, r 23 n 30th.

—J Carpenter, C. IT., carpenter, 14 s 29th. I


South Centred Federation of Dhmrrip^ REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

: 32 *Billings City Directory. H CO -4 cc Carswell, Rev. A., pastor St. Luke’s church, r 100 s 29th. L_l_l <►—< =C U Cliapplc, Thomas, (Billings Furniture & Carpet Co.) r The CO W Rademaker. u_i o Chappie Drug: Co, (Chas. .1. Chappie, manager) 272:1 Mont o in ave. 1H Chappie, Chas J, manager Chappie Drug Co., rms 2723 u2 00 Mont ave. * w Chappie, Mrs. II., widow, r 122 n 30th. co 1 CC 3 O -a Chappie, Miss C., student, r 122 n 30th. S Charless, R., carpenter, r 121 n 26th. Chase,----- painter, r 3119 Mont ave. Cheney, F., carpenter, r 10 s 30th. Child, C. M., master mechanic N P Ry, r opp round house, south side.

You cun always got tlio CI-IAPPLE DRUG CO., host at CHAPPLE’S. Druggists and Stationers. 1 2723 Montana avo.

Christoph, Miss E., student, s 33d. Christoph, William, student, rs33d. Christoph, Miss J., student, r s 33d. Christoph, Edward, student, rs 33d. Christoph, IT., carpenter, r s 33d. Chrysler, W. B., elk at Yegen Bros, r 100 n 31st. Chrysler, W. S., student, r loo n 31st. Church, A. C., wks Yellowstone'Milling Co. r 404 s 29th. Church, S. D., stockman; r 309 n 36th. Chung, Lung, (Chinese) cook, 19 s 27th. Clark, IKe, porter at Montana saloon, 2712 Minn ave. Clark, Rose, student, r 210 s 32d. Clark, Rev. W. D., pastor Congregational church, r 316 n 27th.


Billings Furniture & Carpet Co. CARPETS, DRAPERIES, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. TELEPHONE 56. MA TT1NG cAND RUGS. Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

killings City Directory. 33

Clark, Andrew, physician, office over First National Bank H- bldg, r 110 Division street. <1 r* Clark, Harriet-Foxtou, physician, oiTicc over First Nat’l (D t-1 Bank bldg, r 110 n Division street. [fi> Clem men t, IT. F., alderman and stockman, r 212 n 30 th. C+ 0 Clifton, Walter, saloonist, “TheOwl,” 10n 27tli r 118s29th. 0 Cochran, W. B., bookkeeper at Millis & Co., r 107 n 30th. Cook, E. S., well driller, r 313 s 29th. Collins, J. W., painter, rras 2820 Minn ave. bd in Collins, W., laborer, 3221 1st ave n. Collins, Miss J., student, r 322 n 31st. Collins, YV. J., stock detective, r 322 n 31st. Colvin, Len, elk r Cottage Inn 108 n 29th. ss > Colvin, Miss E., r Cottage Inn 108 n 29tli. H oH “W.J. YOUMANSUIS 25 Cole,----- operator N I* Ry, rms 221 n 30th. Combs, Mrs. A. L., widow, r 3013 2d ave n. CJ Conley, Mrs. A. A., dressmaker, Belknap block. 2. 9Q 7T a Conrad, Harry, porter, r 2700 Minn ave s. 3 P ■a Conrad, J. R., saloonist, 28101 Minn.ave. 2 Conklin, E. N., steno N P freight depot, rms 221 n 30th. o 7? n Connelly, Mrs. Maggie, dressmaker, Belknap block upstairs, o rms 221 n 30th. I 13 Connelly, F. G., student, r 115 n 20th. 3 % Connelly, F. B., merchant, r 115 n 20, (ft Connelly, S. T., miller, bds at The Driscoll. a • C f : a Conway, .J. M., laborer, r 207 s 28th. Ea * t—* Conway, Miss E., student, 207 s 28th. P : z

COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 ^ 4 hours. __ Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. Livery, Feed and

P. H. SMITH, 1 D N. 27 th Street. . . . Sales Stable

34 \Billings City Directory.

Conway, J. R., prop Con way’s sideboard saloon, 27101 Minn ave. Cornell, Mrs. L. E., furnished rooms, 10 n 28th. ^ 3 Corle, E. IT., policeman, r 400 s 27th. rO 03 £ Corcoran, Daniel, teamster, r 017 n 20th. o X Cothron, G. G., of Cothron & Todd, livery, r 215 n 20th. ^3 ^ Cottage Inn, Thomas O’Rourke, prop, 108 n 20th. Cottage Inn Annex, 2007 1st ave n. b cr Covington, L. J., (colored) barber shop in basement 2704 Minn 'p ave. v* s Coyle. Agnes, domestic, r 23 n 30tli. QJ A Cox, George, painter, r 122 s 20th. Cox, William, machinist, 122 s 20th. s£ r\ hniKKisIs and Slalionern ------lloadciuartors for ST. JOHN’S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE

© Chappie Drug Co, CURE. 2723 Montana avi.

W % Craft, Miss D., waitress, 19 s 30th. Crampton, R. B., painter, 314 s 29th. Crainpton, Love, saleswoman at Yegen Bros. Crawford, John, barber, wks at 27121 Minn ave. os Crawford, Miss IT., teacher, r 404 n 30tli. Crawford, Miss E., r 404 n 30th. Crowl, Miss G., student, r 404 n 30th.. Crowl, R., contractor, r 404 n 30th. Crowl, Miss J., student, r 404 n 30th. Cumberland,----- blacksmith, r 14 s 29th. Curry, G. M., laborer, r 202 s 29th. Curtin, M. M., elk at Losekamps, bids at The Driscoll. Cushman, C. L., engineer B & M, r 200 n 27th.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. 7



5 BROTHERS* ** *

Hardware and Agricultural Implement Department.


Stewart Enamel ware, Granite Tinware, Carvers and Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Ammunition, Paints and Painters Supplies, Glass; Stewart, Bucks and St. Clair Stoves and Ranges; Heavy and Shelf Hardware.

Agricultural Department.

Racine Buggies and Spring Wagons; Burg, Hickory and Webber Wagons, Peering Harvesters, Mowers and Rakes. Pumping Machinery for Irrigating Purposes. Gasoline Engines.

Tinware Department.

Mac’s Camp Stoves Made to Order—Estimates Furnished on Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work. ^^YEGEN BROTHERS.

V* See Pages Printed in Red.

a * * * * * + * A* A*.-1.* * * + * * fr- * .** ■*■.*

I n_ruoriJ>nju-iru~iririrTJTrij~^^ njTJTJTTiruTjruTryTJiJTUT-riri-r^^ u* * 2802 MINNESOTA AVENUE. * IYEGEN ^BROTHERS...

& Grocery) Department.

“In ^what *we eat and drink foe should atfoays Try to get The *3est." . . .

| HIS is the principle we work on in our grocery * department—A reputation for good goods is the ♦ | magnet that will draw the steel, Standard i I------intakes in Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Meats and Soups; Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Olives, Jellies and Pre­ serves in tins and glass, and all table luxuries. •A <4 Fresh Fruit and Farm Produce in Season. <2* o* Our own make Four-Ace Flour—Also “White Rose'” Family Wines and Liquors a Specialty. lpabst JGluc IRibbon 36eer. = = /ibalt ^Extract for jfnmilg IHsc.

Grain, Feed, Hay, Oats, Grass Seed, Ranch and Stock Supplies.... City Customers Ring Up, our telephone Number is 16. ^rYEGEN BROTHERS. rLTUTniTrxnivuiiVirLrmnriJvvviririn^nj^jTnJv^fv^jv^jvviiiru^iiJiJiJ^rLfiriri & See Pages Printed in Red. UTjiKnlrtaJUT^iJilnjTiiXrilrLn^lninJrijrilriJiinlnjXntniixnlnlrilnlri^ isminmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmji

... SWIM <& SLOEY ■ ■ Wines Liquors, AjNioOigor*s • • •


Minnesota Avenue, Bet. 26 and 27.


Manufacturer's unci Wholesale and Retail Dealers in “M & J.” Fine * * * # “Maverick.”


2710 Montana Avenue.


BIGGER & MORRIS, BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions. ROOMS II AND 12 BELKNAP BLOCK. Phone 109. Billings, Montana.


Contractor Bnfc ®utlbcr. ^JEstimates on BJlovft 2423 flDontana Bvcnuc. <3fl>romptlg ifurnlsbeb ^aaaaaaauaaaauauaaimaauiuaiaamaaaaaaK V 2 1406 2 2 5- <6- O. R. GODDARD,

And COUNSELLOR i Attorney AT LAW €

Office over First National Bank, BILLINGS, MONTANA, ©

..JAMES KELLY...# ^ Justice of the Peace. & % Notary Public. REAL ESTATE. .. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ® 9 Office over 2633 Hontana Avenue. ©

1 0 ; © JAMES R. GOSS, i LAWYER i office over First ltat’1 Bank.





'Billings City Directory, 35 D Daly, Miss Amber, r 2524 Minn avc. Daly, E. C., carpenter, 19 s 30th. Danhauer, Otto, cook Grand Hotel. Davidson, Miss Della, r 2514 Minn ave, Davidson, Mrs. G. W., r 322 s 32d. Davis, C. J., elk at Billings Mercantile Co’s., bdsTbc Driscoll. Davis, Harry, r 413 s 32d. Davis, H. S., chief dispatcher N P Ry, bds The Driscoll. Davis, .J. J., gardner, r 413 s 32d. Davis, Jell’, (colored) propr. “The Main” barber shop, under Rademaker’s saloon, n 27th st; r 305 n 25th.

O IgHlJ. YOUMflNS illl n:D;S Davis, J. P., painter, r 100 n 33d. Davis, Oscar, r 410 s 32d. a.%im : Zs : r> Davis, Thomas, driver H. M. Allen & Co., rms Boykin House. 0- : : C Davenport, L., organizer, bds Grand Hotel. s-igl? Daniels, R. II., asst principal public schools, rms 221 n 29th, £1 : U j c bds Grand Hotel. Deal, George, contractor, s 33d. ?!g!l Deckert, Miss A., student, r 203 s 27th. mi s? I£2: r, Deckert, Miss B., student, r 203 s 27th. «I S3 Deckert, Feno, student, r 203 s 27th. 73.^ Deckert, George, student, r 203 s 27th. r* i ° Deckert, T II, (Brown & Deckert, barbers) r 203 s 27th. Sil tn Dedrick, Charles, plasterer, r 23 n 35th. Dedrick, D. W., contractor, r 23 n 35th.

CUT GLASS SILVERWARE UMBRELLAS, Etc, Etc. T, W. HUMPHREY The Only Exclusive Jewelry House in Billings. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

36 'Billings City Directory.

CO DC Deuel, Y. A., carpenter, rms 115 s 32d. = L-l—! < u Delisle, Demase, r 2906 Minn ave, wks at Yegen Bros. co W cn ife Delfoss. Miss E., dressmaker, r L19 n 31st. DC u Denham, Miss M., vocal teacher, bds Grand Hotel. - OQ 2 ^ o OO Dcnsmorc Typewriter Co., N. S. Gillette, agent, 2019 Mont ave. 3 oo Derbert, Miss M., r 2504 Minn ave. S $ w Dietrick, Gus, engineer N P Ry, r3205 Mont ave. CO £ DC 3 Dick, William, warehouseman for Millis & Co., bds s 29th. Dickinson, George A., stonemason, r 3415 Mont ave. Dickinson, Raymond, student, r 3415 Mont ave. Disch, IT., carpenter, r 301 s 29th. Dixon, George, laborer, 19 s 30th.

■ Hhvo frliomost complotn PHIv- Chappie Drug Co♦t i SCRIPriON DEIWliTM ENT I in Eastern Montana. No. 2728 Druggists and Stationers. Montana avonuo.

Doelz, Fred, jeweler, r upstairs 201 n 25th. Dolir, Peter, saloonist, (Maurer & Dohr), 2712 Minn ave. Do, Jack, (Chinese) furnished rooms, over 2704 Minn ave, Donaldson, Albert, elks at Yegen Bros., rms 122 s 29tli. Donaldson, C., r Cottage Inn, 108 n 29th. Donaldson, W. A., elk at Yegen Bros. Donahue, Edward, wks steam laundry, r 109 n 27th. Donolioe, P J, Architect, r 217 n 27th. Donohoe, P. J. Jr., student, r 217 n 27th. : Donohoe, Willie, student, r 217 n 27th. Donovan, W IT, (Donovan & McCormick) r 317 n 29th. Douglas, A. E., porter Grand Hotel. Douville, F. W., brtdr. Billings Club, r 22 n 26th. Downing, Miss Lucile, r 2514 Minn ave.

CARPETS, DPAEEPIES. Billings Furniture & Carpet Co • Furniture and Watt ^Paper. UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALMERS. Telephone 56. © m P W. A. VALE. ROLLAND POTTER. © «A1 © w © JW $ © © afi/i m ~-

® CLUB AND BILLIARD ROOMS, ffltt • # m VALE & POTTER, Proprietors.



Fine Liquors . ij$r i'/i Hi and Cigars. Hi © ■ # i-71 r Uvi ■4®$*- © Hi W Hi Hermitage and Coon Hollow g m Whiskies. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Headquarters for Billings Beer. Hi Hj Hi \$J 2709 Mont Ave. Next to Yellowstone Nat’l Bank. ^ ©

L . I

9 1 * 9 »9 s I 9 ♦ 03 CO © =3 zi ♦ o ♦ h o <3 CO E* : "ra £= s:ia cc 03 o ♦ 03 CO 03 ♦ CSD $5< CO o “ i 03 "co 5 2 ca CJO 03 : JZ7. CO s ♦ 03 It 03 CO 5 ♦ £ = .= Ui i.ojyi ♦ - — m 0 co : ^ ...

j*rr______Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

‘Billings City Directory. 37 V Drever, Mary, dressmaker, mis 122 s 29th. H Driscoll, Matt, prop The Driscoll, r same. Driscoll, The, Matt Driscoll, prop, cor 20th Mont ave. (D t-' . Ducks, John, teamster, r 021 n 25th. Du IT, Albert, elk, r 24 n 31st. C+ 0 Duffy, Edward, horsetraincr, bds The Driscoll. 0 Dunn, E. W., elk at postotficc. Dunley, John, watchman, r 109 n 30th. Dunley, Miss M., student, 109n 30th. bd oo

8 > Eads, W. W., stockman, r 34IG 1st ave n. H LlilW.J.YOUMANSlMg oH Earl, Miss Meta 2524 Minn ave. z Eastman, Mabel, student, r.33Ll Mont ave. Eastman, Gus, tinware, r3311 Mont ave. C5 CO >■ Kcklioldt, F K, lawyer, Belknap block, r 2515 4th ave n. 2. 9Q 7T n Edwards, Cora, teacher, rms 221 n 29tli, bds Grand Hotel. 3 P ■o Edwards, May, teacher, rms 221 n 29th, bds Grand Hotel. Ellers, Mrs. Mary T., widow, r 204 n 26th. ? el S- Eilers, Walter F., student, r 204 n 26th. o„ ^ Filers, Willie, student, r 204 n 26tli. = ^ O Kisenberg", Lee, prop The Fashion, rms The Rademaker, ; ^ ^ I y> bds Grand Hotel. Ekholm, A., shoemaker, r rear 127 s28th. 3 E ; © S- a Elde, II. .7., switchman N P Ry, bds The Driscoll. P >-—< 9 Elliott, Homer, elk Ycgcn Bros., r 115 n 30th. P £

SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS. Commercial Work in 8 Hours. 4BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P H SMITH Undeitaker and Embalnrer A 1 AA I MAlAA A 11 j ig n. SOrtli Street.

1/3 38 'Billings City Directory.

03 Elliott, Inez F., student, r 19 n 30th. fed E3 Elliott, Irene S., student, r 19 n 30th. % o Elliott, J. B., wool grower, r 19 n 30th. Ellingston, Mrs. John, r 203 n 25th. 03 g Ellis, Isabella, waitress, r 3205 Mont Ave. & Ellis, P. II., boilermaker, r 2102 6th ave n. X o 3 Elngren, O. E., tailor, r 523 n 2lst. a Elngren, O. E. Jr., student, r 523 n 21st. a Elvin, Nelse, coal heaver "N P Ry, r 103 s 31st. *£ Emmerich, C. E., N P Claim agent, bds The Radcmakcr. •V o t/3 ET England, A. R., quarry man, r 711 n 26th.

Carry a Comploto Lino of Chappie Drug Co • j TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, Druggists and Stationers. otc. 2723 Montana ave.

Erickson, Mrs. G., r 109 n 27th.

M <1> 1 Erickson, John, (Erickson & Co.) r 109 n 27th. Erickson, Ole, r rear s 28th. a Evans, Kiltie, 2322 Minn ave. Evans, Roy, electrician, r 108 n 31st. o -p

Fairburn, Helen, waitress, wks 3005 Mont ave. Farmer, Jack, elk at Donovan & McCormick’s r 115 n 30th. Farr, IT., student, r 2821 3d ave n. Farr, Miss IT., student, r 2821 3d ave n. Farrell, Allen, elks at Yegen Bros, r 13 n 29th. Farrell, P. H., wks IT. M. Allen & Co., r 102 n 31st.

'-Best Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana.------Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. |! D>-y Goods, Notions, |g, '"PWF! BOSTON ^ Millinery, Etc S?& X X -LJ-4 X 1 THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY.

killings City Directory. 39

Farrell, Mrs. M., 2624 Minnave. Fceley, Etta, prop road house, Lavina and Musselshell road, one mile from town below B & M stockyards. Fehliman, IT. L., cashier B & M freight depot, rms 3013 2d ave n. Fenske, Albert, bartender L. IT. Fenske’s, r 206 n 30th. Fenskc, \j IT, wholesale and retail liquors and cigars, 2623 Mont ave, r 2715 2d ave n. Fenske, Madge, student, r 323 n 27th. Fenske, T J, propr. Billings Bottling Works, r 323 n 27th. Fichter, Miss L., laundress, Cottage Inn, 10S n 29th. Fish, Harry, elk, r 114 s 31st. Fish, .1. W., bkpr. at A. L. Babcock’s, r 202 n 29th.

♦♦♦♦♦♦ YOUMANSlill § Fisher,------engineer, r 109 n 30th. *5 Fogg & Clif ton, proprs. “The Owl” saloon, 18 n 27th. 2-S Fogg, Josh, saloonist, “The Owl,” rms over 18 n 27th. Folksdorf, Henry, wks Billings Brewing Co. CO — nm Folmer, John, boilerwasher N P shops, r opp round house, o np 'll south side. - s § Folmer, Mrs. M. E., widow, r3119 Mont ave. s £ Forrester, C \V, (Forrester & Frizelle, jewelers) r 218 n 25th. Forrest, Miss M., waitress, Cottage Inn, 108 n 29th. 5 g Foster, Miss C., student, r 317 s 31st. I ?l Foster, Fred, insurance, rms over 2623 Mont ave. Foster, II., student, r 317 s 31st. £ Foster, J. C., carpenter, alley s 31st. 9

Fox ton, Miss A., r 110 n Division street. I

Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Rings cMade to Order. H. W. Humphrey THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE JEWELRY HOUSE IN BILLINGS. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

40 'Billings City Directory. H -i cc < Flanagan, .Joseph, laborer, r-205 s 33d. UJ *—i U Fraser, A & Co, real estate and insurance, over First Nat. oo W < U P_ Bank, cor Mont ave and 27th. C=3 ^ OO DC O • Fraser, A, (A. Fraser & Co.) r 1G n 30th. I—l—J < CQ 3 Fraser, Christina, r 1G n 30th. Fraser, Edward, real estate and insurance, r 1G n 30th. Fraser, J. II., wks at Babcock Hardware Co’s, rms 117 s 28th. Fraser, Jack, (A. Fraser & Co.) r LG n 30th. Fraser, James G., wool buyer, r 3221 2d ave n. Fratt, David, president Yellowstone Nat’l Bank, r nc cor 29th and 2d ave n. Freeman, Frank, bartender at the Summer Garden, r 11 S29th. Free, James E, physician, r 315 n 29th.

You can always ffot tho f CHAPPLE DRUG CO., i best at CM APPLE’S. Druggists and Stationers. ' 2723 Montana avo.

Free, John, drayman for Yegen Bros. Free, Edward, laborer, r 410 s 32d. I French, Fannie, (colored) r 2506 Minn ave. Frizelle, U K, (Forrester & Frizelle, jewelers) r 24 s 29th. Frizelle, Miss Vera, student, 24 s 29th. Fuller, Frank, carpenter, r rear 2807 2d ave s. Fuller, J. E., carpenter, r rear 2807 2d ave s. Fuller, Miss M., domestic, r 105 n 29th. Fugidge, O. M., switchman, rms 122 s 29th. Fuget, John, wks N P Ry, r 3205 Mont ave.

Gacdke, Charles, bakery, 2722 Minn ave. Gagnon, F if, contractor, r 109 s 29th.



t----- ■ Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

iBillings City Directory. 4t

Garrity, Harry, student, r 3209 Mont avc. p.V I "H • Garrity, Mary, student, 3209 Mont avc. 0 Garvin. Samuel, stockman, r 000 n 27th. 0 s Gardner, William, (colored) barber, 2712A Minn ave. Gass, A. S., county road superintendent, r 10 n 31th. Gatchell, Charles, elks The Driscoll, r same. bd on Gates, Albert, rms 122 s 29th. Gates, Miss II.. dressmaker, over 2709 Mont avc. sdK/O Gates, Martin, elk at Yegen Bros., rms 122 s 29th.

Gates, William, elk at Yegen Bros. s > i -J i LfilW.I. YOUMANS] LUMBER ( H 5 O Gazette, The Hillings, (semi-weekly) E. II. Becker, editor, inn n 27 th. Z Gee, Ilong, (Chinese) 13 s 26th. ? > George, Jule, wks Billings Brewing Co., r 23 n 24th. 2. 9Q a George. P., stonemason, r 3021 1st ave n. !l P German, Robert, wks X P Ry, r 3215 Mont ave. Gillette, X S, steno at Babcock Hardware Co., bds The o2 pr, n ^ Driscoll. o Gilsdorf, A »T, prop City Meat Market, r 110 s 28th. ! 1 GilsdoiT, Fred, (Gilsdorf Bros., Yellowstone Meat Market,) 3 r 118 s 29th. i * k; Giisclorf, Henry, (Gilsdorf Bros., Yellowstone Meat Mar- ^ g ket.) 210 s 29th. j* • Goad, .). A., porter, r Callage Inn, 108 n 29lh. 1 p : z

COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 - - - HOURS. - - - Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. I

P H SMITH Undertake! and Embalmei i X I ill k/UX JL X JLJL ^ 1(5 1ST. 2 7 th street. <

56 'Billings City Directory.

Heritage, R. B., musician, r 119 s 29th. - Havens, William, operator B & M, rms 3013 2d ave n. £ O Hibbard, George, painter, bds 3205 Mont ave. "P. O Hicklin, R. B., driver for U. M. Allen & Co., r 105 s 2Slli. T3 cd g Hinds, T 11, (T. R. Hinds & Co.) Billings Brick Co., room 1. ^ I over 2G23 Mont ave. o £ Hing, Wall, (Chinese) merchant, 19 s 27th. 13 f Hirbeson, Mrs. Emma, laundress, rear 125 s l«Sth. or § riood, Miss E., teacher, r 115 n 30lh. Hodel, Gus, foreman, Billings Brewing Co., rms cor 24th and - s m s- 1st ave n. dj co Hoe, Charles, student, r 107 s 27th. Hoe, James, r 107 s 27th.

Carry a Complete Cine of r\ Chappie Drug Co., TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS. Druggists and Stationers. ot.c. 2723 Montana avo. © Hoe, Mabel, student, r 107 s 27th, Hoe, Oscar, student, r 107 s 27th. Hoe, Peter, contractor, r 107 s 27th. Hoe, Sophia, r 107 s 27th. S3 Holler, Miss B., waitress, 2906 Minn ave. o ■p Hogan, Thomas, traveling solicitor N P Tty, r 216 s 30th. Hogue, Robinson & Co, produce and commission mer­ chants, 2910 Minn ave. Hogue, O D, (Hogue, Robinson & Co.) r 305s 30th. Holden, Miss Gertie, 2522 Minn ave. Holly, T F, (Holly & Mowre,) r 405 n 24th. Holly & Mowre, second hand store, draymen, auctioneers, agents for Sheridan coal, 2909 Mont ave. Hollister, E. 11., asst cashier Yellowstone Hat’l Bank, r 210 s 30th.

'Eest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana------Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN Sc DECKERT, Proprietors. ^J| Dry Goods, Notions, |g, ^(\ Millinery, Etc THE BOSTON ^ THE place to save money.

c.Billings City Directory. 57

Holmes, A. T., wks Billings Steam Laundry, rJ09 n 27th. 1 O Holmes, Robic, student, r 24 n .‘10th. Holmes, Miss S., domestic, r 115 n 26th. lr% •Holmes & Calhoun, druggists, 2703 Mont ave. 8 r Holmes, E S, (Holmes & Calhoun, druggists) treasurer of c Yellowstone county, r 24 n 30th. © 3 Howard, Miss Lucilc, 2522 Minn ave. c Howard, Mabel, student, r 16 n 29th. 5 ► Howard, Mrs., r22 s 25th. ^ O Howe,----- nurse, r 319 n 30th. I t Howell, T. N., stockman, r 225 s 31st. ■a— Howell, T. M., stockman, r 209 s 28th. Hope, Henry, brakeman N P Ry, r 3119 Mont ave. I 70 I i m ♦♦♦♦♦♦ L«IW.J. youmansIJJH I Hopkins, Curtis M., foreman Times otlice, rms 204 n 20tli. *3 H Hopkins, W. H., wks Babcock Hardware Co’s. r27l2 Otliave n. 8-3 5 Hopkins, Lulu, (colored) laundres, r 2420 1st ave s. u CO I lout, Hattie, domestic, r317n 29th. nW Hubbard, George W, sherilT, r 403 n 27th. go. O 2 Hubbard, George, Jr., student, r 403 n 27th. a Hubbard, George, painter, r 209 s 28th. X Huckleberry, R. B., (C. E. Smith & Co.) 2823 s28th, r 200s32d. £ T f g Huckleberry, Miss M., student, r 206 s 32d. 5 K as

Huckleberry, R., student, 206 s 32d. 5. ^ a Iluftile, J. F., laborer, r 115 s 32d. Humphrey, T W, manufacturing jeweler, r 209 s 29th. 11 ? 9 H Hunley, Otis, cashier at Yegen Bros., r 202 s 29th. r- Hungerforcl, E M, mngr Telephone Exchange, r 114 n 29th. Sw

♦ ♦ MANUFACTUING JEWELER ♦ ♦ DIASMON'D SETTING AND JEWELRY %EPAINING cA T. W. HUMPHREY . . SPECIALTY. • • ______^ . .fvr^a A me only exclusive jewelry store in billings.

\■\ \ I REAL ESTATE r Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

58 1Billings City Directory. ooI S IIungerford, Lyle, student, r 114 n 29th. Ui-I Hughes, E. D., (colored) musician, r 2404 Minn ave. oo aW u CL, g^C/5 ITupman, W. C., laborer, r s 33d. UJ O Hutchinson, C. F., laborer, r 705 n 23d. CQ 5 ^ o 0O Hutchinson, C., student, r 705 n 23d. Ifc Hutchinson, Miss F., r 705 n 23d. = 5 2'J 00 Hyer, J. D., carpenter, rms over 18 n 27th. b w oc d= o -3 „._ e i Inabnit, Fred, bookkeeper at Yegen Bros, r 401 s 31st. Independent Meat Market, Hebard & Pennington, props, 2609 Mont ave.

----- OruKEiHtH ami Stal loner* ------3 Hoadquartors for ST. JOHN'S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE S Chappie Drug Co, CURE. 2723 Montana avi. Ingalls, Mrs. K., domestic, r over 18 n 27th. Irvine, John, steno for T. R. Hinds & Co., over 2023 Mont ave. Isaacson, Christine, domestic, wks 210 n 28th.

j Jackson, Miss A., student, r 112 n 25th. Jackson, Miss C., student, r 217 s 29th. Jackson, Edward, brakeman, r 112 n 25th. Jackson, John, carpenter, r 217 s 29th. Jackson, Miss M., student, r 217 s 29th. Jacobs, N. J., car repairer N P Ry, r 3401 Mont ave. JefTray, William, elk r 109 s 29th. Jenkinson, John, stonecutter, r 323 n 32d.



N . Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

cBillings City Directory. 59 V Jcnkinson, Miss L., student, r 323 n 32d. H- Jensen, A K, (Manley & Jensen, cigar manufacturers,) 27 19 C+ Johnson, Miss B., cook, 1st ave and n Division street. 0 Johnson, E. S., engineer N P Ry, r 3205 Mont aye. 0 Johnson, F., lineman, r 305 s 29th. Johnson, IT. L., switchman, mis 122 s 29th. Johnson, Harry, engineer N P Ry, r 3205 Mont ave. til on Johnston, M W, attorney, otlice Belknap blk, rms 3013 2d sd ave n. Johnson, Miss Myrtle, r 2522 Minn ave. © :> Johnson, Peter, laborer, 2900 Minn ave. H »TW, J. YOUMANS 111 O Johnson, Henry, cook, N P lunch counter, rms 122 s 29th. z Jones, Miss Annie, r 310 n 29th. Jones, E. M., laborer, 307 n 22d. » £ > ! n IQ Jones, I. G., driver, r 322 s 31st. o Jones, O. II., bartender, r 2807 2d ave s. ! f D ■o Jones, O. L., elk Vegen Bros, r 122 s 29th. | S| Joscolyn, II C, contractor and builder, 2423 Mont ave. n _ ^ 7? O ^ Judkins, F. paper hanger, r 119 n 32d. I 92 f 3 .5 f : a Kane, J. II., laborer, r 118 s 30th. Kftin, W O,(Thompson, Kain & Vaughan, grocers) r 110 s31st. p= : v2

Billings Steam Laundry. 311 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. 1,\ p- iJiSinw- M C/3 60 'Billings City Directory. C3 Keene, E. W., laborer, r 24 n 34th. *=*> 3 Keil, E. R., elk at Yegen Bros., r 122 s 29th. ^>1 Kellison, F. D., plasterer, r 117 n 25th. Kelly, James, Justice of the Peace, office over 2023 Mont -3 > ave. £ eg Kepford, Mrs. housekeeper, 2024 Minn ave. Kennedy, H N, agent N P Ry, r The Driscoll. © 2 2 Kimball, Miss Alida, 2512 Minn ave. ©* § Kimball, IT. A., brakeman, 2513 4th ave n. J -P Kimberly, J., wks at Bottling Works, r408 n 30th. s c/3 B* Kimberly, John, stonemason, r 40S n 30th. 1 CJ c/5 Kimberly, Miss P., r 40S n 30th. King, Miss Alice, 2512 Minn ave.

You can always got the ev CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. 1 best at CHAPPLE’S. (1) Druggists and Stationers. ' 2723 Montana avo. > w Kipe, Elmer, student, bds cor 1st ave n and 20th. Kipe, L. E, carpenter, cor 1st ave n and 20th. R Kircheis, Al., barber, r 309 s 23d. Kirk, R., merchant, r 14 s 29th. o •p05 Kistler, J. S., stockman, r 3015 4th ave n. Kitzberger, Tony, elk. r 24 n 31st. Klos, Florence, student, r 211 n 20th. Klos, Nicholas, merchant, r 211 n 26th. Koll, C. J., operator N P Ry, bds The Driscoll. Kolb, Eugene, butcher, wks City Meat Market, r 318 s 32d. Kolisho, Mary, cook, Grand Hotel. Krause, Mrs. waitress, 2024 Minn ave. Kurtz, J. E., bookkeeper Yellowstone Nat’l Bank, r705n 28th.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. CLOTHING. FURNISHINGS, THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

'Billings City Directory. 61 5 I O "> vr ? r Ladbury, G. F., elk at IT. M. Allen & Co., r Cottage Inn. g < Laduke, Tilie, prop restaurant 2913 Mont ave. =*. 2 Lamport, Grant L., street commissioner, office 2701 Minn ave, c r 304 s 29th. o. Lamport, G., live stock commission, r 304 s 29th.

LaMont, Benj., rms over 20 n 27th. ' O > Landis, Miss, milliner, r 115 n 30th. c fj L & L Kcstriirnnt and saloon, Lee & Lee, props, 2624 Minn ave. i I ! i rn ♦♦♦♦♦♦ O • : • Lie f.notifMS i nM : Hi ' 3~ Landgraf, Joe, wks Billings Brewing Co., bds 202 n 25th. Lane, A. M., carpenter, r 3307 Mont ave. lH»i Lane, Claude, student , r 316 n 26th. 7 >:2 Lane, G A, attorney, office over First National Bank, r 316 l:Z' - e i n 26th. * • * : P3 Lane, Harvey, student, r 316 n 26th. S? i 3 ; s Lane, Maude, student, r 316 n 26th. ! 1 2 Lavarre. Miss M.. student, 222 s 30th. rz t I Z & Lavelle, Mike, car repairer N P Tty, r 3507 Mont ave. Lavigne, Edith, student, r 107 s 29th. . : — • C Lavigne, Freda, student, r 107 s 29th. Lavigne, Josie, student, r 107 s 29th. z Lavigne, Romeo, carpenter, r 107 s 29th. 7. Lavigne, Romeo, Jr., student, r 107 s 29th.

CUT GLASS SILVERWARE UMBRELLAS, Etc, T, W. HUMPHREY The Only Excltis House in Billings.

<1 I N REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS....

: 62 ‘Billings City Directory, H GO DC Latell, Miss Claude, 2504 Minn ave. LU Lay, Miss Nellie, 2512 Minn ave. GO 3w h Dh Lazonby, R. B., carpenter, r 23 s 29th. Lee, Frank, laborer, r 422 s 34th. CQ 2^ U 00 Lee, Yee, (Chinese) restaurant, 2024 Minn ave. 1^ Lee, Sam, (Chinese) merchant, 2618 Minn ave. = 5 — S oo Lee, W O, (Brewer & Lee) saloonist, 2004 Minn ave. -*gw Lecliner, Mrs. Fred, r 315 n 30th. 1 Lecliner, Fred, student, r 315 n 30th. ___ a Lecliner, Valentine, student, r 315 n 30th. Lenahan, J. T., r 22 s 25th. Leon, Joseph, laborer, r 120 s 25th. Leone, James, laborer, wks at Yegen Bros.

Carry a Comploto Liue of Chappie Drug Co TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS Druggists and Stationers. otc. 272;} Montana ave.

Leonard, Miss IT., waitress, r Cottage Inn, 108 n 29th. Lewis, C. II., switchman, N P By, 219 s 31st. Lewis, C., car checker N P By. Lewis, Miss Mamie, 2504 Minn ave. Lieberg, Vigo, elk at Williams & Baxter’s drug store, 2024 Minn ave. Lindstrom, M., contractor, r 122 s 26th. Lindell, Nels, carpenter, rms over 18 n 27th. Ling, C. W., conductor, 312 s 30th. Linton Clothing Co., William Linton, manager, 2721 Mont ave. Linton, Miss L., student, r 105 n 29th. Linton, Miss P., student, r 105 n 29th. Linton, Miss R., student, r 105 n 29th. •

CARPETS, DRAPERIES, Billings Furniture &. Carpet Co Furniture and Wall Paper. UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALMERS. Telephone 56* A A A 2810 MINNESOTA AVENUE. -A A


1BROTHERS* *** 1


All Harness and Saddles our o

Fine Single Driving Harness a Specialty. Heavy Team Concord Harness. Ladies’ Saddles. Cowboy Outfits. Horse Collars. Whips. Fly-nets. Blankets and Robes. —: Harness Repairing Done on Short Notice :— Remember all our guaranteed hand-made harness and saddles arc made at SSIO Minnesota Avenue.


Plumbing and Heating Department.

Estimates Furnished on Plumbing, Heating, and Sewerage. Always in Stock==»Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, Sinks and Lavatories. Also a Full line of Pipe and Fittings......

No. 2902 Also Carries our Hew Home and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, ◄♦♦♦♦♦♦► YEGEN BROTHERS.

& See Pages Printed in Red.

\ rinnjyy^nxuTJxnriixiTmT^ JTJTJTjgnjVTJTJTJIuxruxnjTruTnjuiuiiVV!! -■* 2806 MINNESOTA AVENUE. 2806 j* UTJUinnjaxiJiJTrLrLrLruTJTjriruTjijTjuTjij-uiIrLnjTlniriln^^ FIRST FLOOR JYEGEN


Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded, Men's Ready-Made and Tailor-Made Suits, Dutchess Pants. Boys’ and Children's Suits. Mackintoshes, Furnishing Goods, Hats and, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Tranks, Valises and, Suit Cases. Rubber Goods in Season. We invite your trade. YEGEN BROTHERS.


DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. A complete, strong full line of staple and fancy dry goods and notions. We are the first to place seasonable novelties on the home market. Mail orders solicited. Samples and prices on application. Owr- Specialty: — Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Skirts, Waists, Wrappers, Jackets and Capes. Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Druggists’ Sundries, and Sheet Husic. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Shoes. WE INVITE COMPARISON. YEGEN BROTHERS. rurrunruar^rxrinjT.rTriJTJirxnrm.njnnjT.rxrirLarmrmriJ-i[-ij-irmi~LrTrLn.rLnririn-n See Pages Printed in Red. ** & ilrilnlnjiInlhjuiinjuTJtnjTlJThjT-riJinjijiJTjiljxnlnlriihjTliTrilnjtrLri^^ Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOIS

1Billings City Directory. 63

Linton, Roy, student, r 222 n 29th. H- ►—< Linton, Thomas, county commissioner, r 105 n 20th. c+ Lord, Charles, r 107 s rust. 0 Lord, Lida, student, r 407 s 31st. 0 Lord, J. R., contractor, r 407 s 31st. Lockard, C. D., laborer, r 317 s 33d. Lockard, C. H., teamster, r 317 s 33d. til in Loftus, Mrs. Agnes, (widow) seamstress, r 322 n 23. LoelTler, Fred, laborer, r cor 5th ave n and 26th. Logan, A. C., stockman, r over 2419 Mont ave. %>. Logan, Richard, student, r over 2419 Mont ave. H H 9Jl WjjOUMml---- ■ C°tUMBERr 30, Minn Abe. O Love, Miss S., student, r 314 s 29th. Z Lowe, Belle, student, 303 3d ave n. Lowe, IT., teamster, r 303 3d ave n. co 00 > Lowe, N. P., student, r 303 3d ave n. 2. C* < — OJ Lowe, Nellie, student, r 303 3d ave n. s P ■o Luderman, C H, (Luderman Shoe Co) 27151 Mont ave, r 311 2 n 29th. r.Q* Luderman, Mary E., student, r 311 n 29th o Luderman, Veva B., student, r 31L n 29th.

Lundbcrg, John, wks Billings Brewing Co. r cor 1st ave n and j 3I 1 Is iS j? 24th. Lyle, Mrs. M., r 22 n 31st. I; o£ • Lyle, Miss Alice, milliner. 23 n 27th, r 22 n 31st. ! a : § : 9 Lynch, IT., conductor N P Ry., r 16 n 30th. p : v

.SH1R1S, COLLARS AUD CUFFS, Commercial Work in 8 Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P. H. SMITH Undertaker and Embalmei X 1G N. 2*7Lli Street.

I t/3 64 'Billings City Directory. CU 3

o 3O

(I C3 g Main, Agnes, steno, bds 13 n 20th. rf\ ^ Mains, Lee, elk First Nat’l Bank, bcls Grand Hotel o 1 Mallany, J. J., car checker N P Ry, r 2010 1st avc n. 3 1 Malosh, Mrs. Jennie, r 117 s 27th. .s"! Manley, Thomas, (Manley & Jensen, cigar manufacturers), ■9 2719 Mont ave. •V o m E- Manley & Jensen, cigar manufacturers, 2710 Mont avc.

i llavo t.ho most comploto PRE* Chappie Drug Co 1 SCRiriTON DE1WKTM h.N'1 7 in Enstorn Montana. No. 27£t 0 Druggists and Stationers. Montaua avenue. i> W <1 Marble, F. M., (Swift & Co) r 211 n 30th. tA Maring. J. C., car elk U P Ry, mis 3013 2(1 ave n. aS Marshall, J. T., carpenter, r 110 n 31st. Marston, Catharine, student, r 122 s 31st. o ■p05 Marston, Carroll, G., student, r 122 s 31st. Marston, Elmo D., student, r 122 s 31st. Marston, E. L., physician, r 122 s31st. Martin, Mrs. D., housekeeper at The Driscoll. Martin, J II, merchant, r 320 n 31st. Martin & Co, J II, custom tailors and haberdashers, 20 n 27th. Martin, M. W., baker, r 322 n 29th. Martin, Theo., conductor, r 323 s 31st.

cBest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana------— Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors* ■

Dry Goods, Notions, fyl Millinery, Etc THE BOSTON THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY.

65 I if iBillings City Directory. T o' 3 Martiny, J. D., contractor, r Cottage Inn 10S n 29th. £ o Martin, Miss I. E., student, r 320 n 31st. I r Mashaw, F. J., elk at Ycgcn Bros., r 312 s 28th. Mason, G. A., blacksmith, wks 23 s 27th, rms over .2704 Minn i ;8 r i p a ve. M c o Mathews, Mrs. A. B., waitress at the Grand Hotel. *c 2 8» Matheson, Beatrix, student, r 209 n 30th. c Matheson, J. D., editor Red Lodge Democrat, r 209 n 30th. s. > Matheson, Kate, student, r 209 n 30th. < ? o Matheson, William P., printer, r 209 n 30th. H 2. * Matheson, Roy, student, r 209 n 30th. ST Mathis, Conrad, wks Billings Brewing Co., bds cor 24th and c 3 Lst a vc n. O' m ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Minn Abe. I Maurer & l)ohr, props “The Montana” saloon, 2712 Minn ave. ii1 § Maurer, John, (Maurer & Dohr, props “The Montana” O n oo W saloon,) rms over 2712 Minn ave. n Maxwell, Roy, plumber, wks Yegen Bros. is o Mayer, Frank, fruit and confectionery, r 13 n 25th. § Mecey, W. E., barber, wks 27124 Minn ave. 11 Melburn, Eugene, teacher, bds Grand Hotel. lx 2 g Meyer, Ernest, wks Billings Brewing Co., bds 202 n 25th. i K - o' ►*1 Meyers, Miss Hannah, waitress at Grand Hotel. s-5- o Middleton, Harry, elk at “The Fashion” rms The Radcmaker. Vs 2 i—< Miller, Allen, wks B & M Ry, r 14 n 35th. % * H Miller, Bessie, milliner, r 14 n 35th. Miller, C. IT., wks X P Ry, r 3215 Mont ave. i

Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry.


1? REAL ESTATE i Austin North Company, DEALERS..... : 66 killings City Directory. oo H cc Ui-I Miller, Clifford, wks B & M By, r 14 n 35tli. oo Miller, Edward, teamster, 213 s 30tli. Wi a h 0-t Miller, Frank, cowboy, r 14 n 35th. nrr -z W Miller, Ira II., operator, rms 705 n 28th. G CD %< « C/5 Miller, Minnie, student, rms 300 n 30th. It Miller, S. R., stockman, r 2721 2d ave n. 5 Soo > Miller, W. A., stonemason, r 14 n 35th. t W oo ■G Millis & Co, wholesale grocers, 2705 Minn ave. 3 ~z Millis, O E, (Millis & Co., wholesale groceries, 2705 Minn ------e ave) r 309 s 29th. 5 g H-lS Millis, Scott, elk Millis & Co., r 309 s 29th. Mills, Edwin, laborer, r 12Ls28th. Mills, F. S., contractor, r 121 s 28th.

----- l>ruKi;lHtrt i* ml Slut loner*------Doadquartorw for ST. JOHN’S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE Chappie Drug Co, CURE. 2723 Montana avi. Mills, Hubert, bartender, 2700 Minn ave. Mills, Nellie, student, r 121 s 28th. Mills, Ruth, student, r 12L s 28th. Miley, Thomas, carpenter, rms 12L s 31st. Minnick, Guy, wks Billings Brewing Co.,, r cor 27th and 1st ave n. Minder, Tony, 2512 Minn ave. Mitchell, Miss Grace, 2514 Minn ave. Mitchell, Fanny, domestic, wks 15 n 33rd. Mooney, Albert, (Billings Marble Co) r 3521 Mont ave. Mooney, W. J., blacksmith, r 508 s 34th. Moore, Frank, lodging house, basement 2022 Minn ave. Moore, Mazie, chambermaid, Grand Hotel. Moots, Miss M., r 317 s 29th.


£Billings City Directory. 67 55 Moffett, L. L., r 215 n 29th. H-V ►—I Molt, R., stockman, 318 s 29th. 5 r* Monahan, F. L., carpenter, r314 n 24tli. (D t-1 Morris, A A, (Bigger & Morris, stock brokers) bds at The Rademaker. 8> 0 Morris, Lieut. G., Salvation Army, r2917 Mont ave. 0 Morris, Miss L., steno, r 117 n 25th. ft Morris, Miss Miriam Martha, student, r 203 s30th. Morris, 31 C, editor Billings Times, 23 n 27th, r 203 s 30th. bd oo Morris, Ralph Losekamp, student, 203 s 30th. 0 ^ Morris, William, elk, rms 315 n 30th. ftTO Morer, Mrs. M., furnished rooms, over 20 n 27th. Moss, I* 15, president First National Bank, r 210 n 28th. H H “IW.J.YOUMANS™ O Mount, Mrs. M., widow, r 3315 Mont ave. z Mount, William, driver, r33l5 Mont ave. Mowre, W I), (Holly & Mowre, second hand dealers) 2909 : ^ C3 W > Mont ave. 2. 7? rs Moran, II. M., bartender at Grand Hotel. I 3 Moran, M., contractor, 122 s 20th. I 73 Morse, Earl, student, r 21 n 30th. 7TI n0 Morse, Frank, student, r 21 n 30th. O Morse, S. F., cashier First Nat’l Bank, r 21 n 30th. —I io Morse, W., deputy county clerk, r 314 n 32d. Morton, Harry, wks H. M. Allen & Co., rms 24 n 31th. I'iR Mullane, Eugene, plumber, wks Yegcn Bros. Mull in, Georgie, rms 1920 s 27th. f : a i S' : *—H 3 : z Mullin, Mary, servant, wks 216 n 31st. I ? :• i

rrrzxr.r Billings Steam Laundry. 311 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. i ‘ Livery, Feed and P. H. SMITH, 15 xC. 27 th Street. . . Sales Stable

68 ‘Billings City Directory. S—* cd Mullin. Margaret, servant, wks 210 n 29th. Mullins, William, teamster, r cor 5th aye and s 27th. 1 Mullison, F. W., carpenter, 318 s 31st. 2 Murphy, Mrs. B., widow, r 203 s 29th. c -3 cd lg Murphy, Miss C., student, r 203 s 29th. " cn Murphy, Mrs. E., boarding house, 15 s 30th. © I Murphy, Miss F., student, r 203 s 29th. Murphy, James, city bill poster, bds the Driscoll. CT q J Murphy, John, student, r 203 s 29th. Murphy, May, waitress, r 2503 Mont ave. Myers, Joseph, butcher, wks City Meat Market, 2S1-1 Minn ave. CJ co C

You can always the «\ CI-IAPPLE DRUG CO., i best at CHAPPLE’S. Druggists and Stationers. ' 2723 Montana ave. 0 McBeth, Frank, (colored) barber, 10 s 29th. M 5 McBride, Delos, student, r 210 s 32nd. to McBride, Ethel, student, 210 s 32d. a McBride, J. S., stockman, r 210 s 32d. McBride, Tom, laborer, wks at Vegen Bros. os McBroom, William, carpenter, r 15 n 25th. McCann, John, steam titter, r 3101 Mont ave. McCarty, O. M-, laborer, r 24 n 34th. McCaw, W. L. P., elk N P freight office. McCormick, Miss A., milliner, r 120 n 31st. McCormick, Miss A., waitress, L9 s 30th. McCormick, Edward, elk rms 224 n 32d. McCormick, F I>, r 14 n 29th. McCormick, J. J., retired merchant, r 221 n 29th.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

79 cBillings City Directory. o 'O McCormick, Jay, elk, r 120 n 21st. f o McCormick, L., student, r 120 n 31st. a> *P McCormick, Miss M., r 120 n 31st.

McCormick, Paul, stockman, r 404 n 31st. * r t ^ McCormick, W II, (Donovan & McCormick, grocers) bds *s 13 n 29th. c McCormick, William, elk, mis 224 n 32d. o McCracken, Claude, mngr McCracken & Son, “The Fair,” -u. McCracken & son, * N, proprs. “The Fair,” dry goods, O 2805 Mont ave. > c McCrea, Mrs. Maria, r 1 IT s 30th. c. McDonald, Goldie M., student, r 19 n 30th. McElroy, .J. II. , bookkeeper at Soule’s, rms 204 n 20th. 173 i ra ♦♦♦♦♦♦ o 2 McFarlin, Mrs. Fanny, widow, r 22 n 32d. £:§•! McFarlin, II. F., foreman Gazette otlice, r 22 n 32d. urnl: ►< r McFarlane, John, painter, r 210 n 26th. ? : > : ! McFarlane, William, student, r 216 n 20th. Ejgil McGinnis, C. W., brakeman, r 703 n 20th. ° , i a McGlcnn, — — wks at Yegen Bros., 18 s 29th. ^ Id : - McGregor, James M, (Billings Mercantile Co, 2703 Mont nils ave) bds Grand Hotel. McIntyre, J, candy manufacturer, 2015 Mont, r 110 n 25th. I Sz McKcown, Mrs. M. T., 4LI 4th ave n. Hh : 2 McKinley, Mrs. Mary, widow, r 224 n 32d. Mclvune, A, propr N P lunch counter, also of McKune Bros., si I r 510 n 27th. «:1 McKimc Bros, props "New Cash Bakery, 290 4Minn ave.


= > 80 killings City Directory. oo H ac Mclvune, Frank, (McKune Bros) 2904Minn ave, r 510 n 27th. McLennan, Neal, tinner, wks at Yegen Bros. co W Si Oh McNaugkt, Frank, bartender at L. IT. Fenske’s, r 20G n 25tli. q- ■§ UJ ° <* McNeal, Walter, elk at Yegen Bros. ro c McQueary, A. J., fireman N P By, r 10 n 30th. —a McQueary, Edward, student, r 10 n 30th. Sv 00 McQueary, Grace, student, r 10 n 30th. b W oo 1 McQueary, Minnie, student, r 10 n 30th. ctz •a McQueary, Walter, student, r 10 n 30th. ------C3 McYay, W. A., wks Billings Brewing Co., bds Cottage Inn. McVicker, E., operator N P By, mis 401 s3ist. McWhirk, Miss L., wks Cottage Inn. McWhirk, Mrs. S. A., housekeeper Cottage Inn.

Carry a Complete Lino of Chappie Drug Co., TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS Druggists and Stationers. OtiC. 272:3 Montana avo.

Nancy, Mrs. laundress at The Driscoll. Nelson, II. P., painter, r 320 s 30th. Nelson, H. W., elk at Yegen Bros., r 502 s 34th. Nelson, Merle, student, r 502 s 34th. Nelson, Enos, wks at Yegen Bros., r 502 s 34th. Nelson, Orley, student, r 502 s 34th. Nelson, Boy, student, r 502 s 34th.

CARPETS, DRAPERIES. Sings Furnitme&Carpet Co « Furniture and Walt Paper. UNDERTAKERS AND EITBALMERS. Telephone 56.

—... Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

'Billings City Directory. 81 t1 3 kelson, Mrs. H. P., 320 s 30th. H- ►—! kelson, Henry, elk Yegen Bros, r 502 s 34th. ! Newton, Parker, student, r 272L 3d ave n. c+ 0 Newell, Miss M., domestic, r 122 n 30th. 0 Newkirk, C., eook at Cottage Inn. Newman, Edward, porter, 2024 Minn ave. Newman, C. IT., stockman, r 222 n 25th. W hn hS Newton, Mabel, student, r 2721 3d ave n. o H Newton, Ethel, student, r 2721 3d ave n. F /V Newton, Ray, student, r 2721 3d ave n. $ > Newton, J. W., stockman, r 2721 3d ave n. H H If E YOUMANSlLll. o Nicholas, 11. M., laborer, r 117 n 34th. z Nicholson, A. C., farmer, r (323 n 27th. Nickey, Blanche, elk at Babcock’s, r 221 n 20th. £ GO > Nickev, Orrin, elk.at Babcock’s, r 221 n 20th. Nickey, Mrs. M. M., widow, r 221 n 20th. I |i Nix, Robert, prop “The Sideboard” 2713 Mont ave. « 5-; Nord, Miss M., tel girl, r 20(3 s 28th. i s| : 5r Norman, Ole, carpenter, r 104 s 31st. O Norris, F. laborer, r 210 s 28th. ! i= !o North, Austin, (Austin North & Co.) r 202 n 27tli. I 3 North & Co, Austin, real estate dealers and conveyancers, ? 3 r 202 n 27 th. North, II, (Austin North & Co.) r 202 n 27th. I : a p 1—4 Nutt, Henry, cashier Yegen Bros., mis 122 s 29th. p .• 2 1 SHIB1S. COLLARS AND CUFFS Commercial Work in 8 Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P. H. SMITH, Undertakerjd Embalmer

82 killings City Directory. 03 - • p—- 1 <-> 5 ^ 2 C Oak, Miss A., student, r 118 n 33d. 03 £ Oak, J., stonemason, r 1 IS n 33d. £ O’Donnell, Miss E., student, r 224 s 29Lli. *—■< r © J O’Donnell, F., stockman, r 213 s 29tli. 2 O’Donnell, I. D., stockman, r 224 s 29th. O- P Ogilvie, Janet, r 1G n 30th. T, O’Grady, G, saloonist, 2022 Minn avc. •v O ^ - O’Grady, Mary, 2422 Minn ave. OJ zn Ohland, Emma, elk at McIntyre’s confectionery, r 113 s 2Slli. C Ohland, Fred, oigarmaker, r 113 s 28th.

JIavo t.lio most comploto PRE* SCIUmON DEPARTMENT Chappie Drug Co. 1 ? in Eastorn Montana. No. 27£1 0 Druggi5ts and Stationers. Montana avonuo. > Ohland, Henry, plumber, r 113 s 28th.

M Parker, Willie, student, r221 n 30th. Ss 2 § 2 Parque, Jos A, prop Delmonico restaurant r The Hade- % 8 a *T\ maker. i tl c TO Partington, W., bricklayer, 3119 Mont ave. i? HZ Payne, C. P., at X P freight oiHce, r 3419 1st ave n. £ • H r- C Peacock, Thomas, carpenter, r 20J 3d ave s. i S Pearsall, Charles, laborer, r 707 n 26th. MANUFACTUING JEWELER ♦ ♦ m TI7 1] IIM VIIR p V D1ASMOND♦ ♦ SET‘TNG AND "jF.WEDkY ‘PI: PAINING cA 1 , II. j] U 111 I 11RL 1 IN I3ILLINOH. • • SPECIALTY. • • JEWELRV HTOBB EXCLUSIVE the ONLY REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

84 1Billings City Directory. ' oo_] £ *-1 Pearsall, Irvin E., carpenter, r 2603 6th ave n. LU < oo U Pearsall, Paris, barber, r 2603 6th ave n. W I ndc- Pennington, 31 I), (ITebard & Pennington, proprs CC 3U ft U-l O pendent Meat Market,) 2609 Mont ave. “2 Penrod, Edward, student, r 106 n 33d. = Penrod, Fred, student, r 106 n 33d.

5■-> oo Peroe, Peter, fruits and confectionery, 2603 Mont ave, r 311 t W oo 1 n 27til. CX- 13 ■o Pettigrew, Frank, express messenger, B & M, rms 124 s 30th. _____ 3 Peters, A 31, tailor, Belknap bile, r 3209 4th ave n. Peters, James, student, r 3209 4th ave n. Peters, Miss M., student, r 3209 4th ave n. Pilcher, Miss J., teacher, r223 s 30th.

------OrujrtrlHtH anil Still Inner* ------Hoadquarter» for ST. JOHN’S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE

Chappie Drug Co, CURE. Z2&" 2723 Montana nv<>. Piper, A. A., teamster, r 302 n 25th. Piper, A., student, 4th ave n near B & M section house. Piper, Charles, student, r 302 n 25th. : Piper. C. W., laborer, 4tli ave n, near B vK: M section house. Piper, F., student. 4th ave n, near B & M section house. Piper, Miss M., domestic, B & M section house. Pizo, —— musician, rms 116 s 28th. Platt, B. M., student, 3015 4th ave n. Platt, Charles, blacksmith helper, r 219 n 39th. Platt, Chauncy, student, r 219 n 30th. Platt, Daniel, student, r 219 n 30th. Platt, J. B., student, 3015 4tli ave n. Platt, J. F., stockman, 3015 4th ave n. Platt, Miss L. A., 3015 4th ave n.



SBillings City Directory. 85 ' V Platt, Lida, r 210 n 30th. Platt, R. B., blacksmith, r 210 n 30th. !!Jr

Platt, Richard, student, r 210 n 30th. © r Pope, George, (colored) laborer, r 3221 1st ave n. LD> C+ Portillo, F., teamster, r 407 n 24th. 0 Potter, R., saloonist, rms 2611 Mont ave. 0 Pott, John, porter at The Driscoll. Poy, Chin, (Chinese) cook, 19 s 27th.

Priekett, Dr O H, osteopath, r 2912 1st ave n. bd bo Pritchett, A. W., laborer, 2503 Mont ave.

Pritchett, C. IF., R R contractor, r 2503 Mont ave. i Pritchetts Boarding House, 2503 Mont ave. Prudhomme, Cass, manager, .J. I). Losekamp s, r 210 n 25th. H LUMBERIw.J. YOUMANSl™ jl g Purcell, F. L., driver, r 116 n 34th. I z

: W 00 > R 2. Cw — o 3 3 Rabe, Edward, waiter N P Lunch counter, rms 122 s 29th. £ RadclilT, Alice, student, 3319 Mont ave. :j 5-.a O ^ RadclilT, R., sheepman, r 3319 Mont ave. Rademaker, Amy, student, r The Rademaker. ' O ; Rademaker, Dora, student, r The Rademaker. l||o 5- Rademaker, F X N, saloonist, r 118 n 32d. v> Rademaker, 51 15, confectioner, r The Rademaker. | *• ^ Kademaker, The, Mrs. M. B. Rademaker, propts., cor 28th 5 g

and 1st ave n. I : a Ramsey, II. M., stockman, r 2910 1st ave s. P : ?!

COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 - - - HOURS. - - - Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. Livery, Feed and

P. H. SMITH, -as ICS >3. 27 th Street. I . . . Sales Stable

86 (Billings City Directory.

C3 Ramsey, .John A., stockman, r *2910 1st ave s. 'S Ramsey, Miss J., elk at McIntyre’s confectionery store, bds at <->1 209 n 27 th. Rapley, E. B., baggage master N P depot. H3 « s. Reece, .Jos., painter, r 203 s 27th. Reece, P. L., railway contractor, bds The Driscoll. Reed, C. P., laborer, r 618 n 22d. Reed, F., student, r 618 n 22d. Reed, Miss.I., student, 618 n 22d. —31 Reed, Miss L., student, r 618 n 22d. *** s- .Reed, Mamie, servant, wks 315 n 30th. cs Reed, Sadie, 240*2 Minn ave. Redding, A. J., traveling salesman, r *212 n 28th.

You can always KCk

«\ CHAPPLE DRUG CO., , best at (’ll APPLE’S. (D Druggists and Stationers. ' 2723 Montana avo. > Redding, Bernice, student, r 212 n 28th. w« 'Reeve, George, r 719 n 26th. Reifcrath, W., express agent, bds Grand Motel. Reitter, Fritz, wks Billings Brewing Co., bds 204 n 26th. ^ Remington, Rey. W., pastor Baptist church, rms 122 s 31st. *F Renwick, A. B., jeweler, r 24 s 27th. Retallick, Charles, brtndr Bade maker’s saloon bds 13 n 29th. Reynolds, Charles II, mngr Billings Messenger Co., ’phone Ko. 140. Reynolds, J. W., carpenter, r Cottage Inn. Reynolds, S. G., asstcashier First Nat’l Bank, r 32034th ave n. Ribb, Peter, wks Billings Steam Laundry, r 109 n 27th. Ricci, Angelo, bartender Savaresy’s, rms 118 s 28th. M Rieder, F., engineer Billings Brewing Co., rms 204 n 26th. BROWN & DECKERT, First National BankBarber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. CLOTHING, I FURNISHINGS, THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

killings City Directory. 87 ! 3 Rinehart, »l M, physician, ollicc over FirstNat’l Bank, r3l7 of O n 27th.*

Rivers, May, (colored) 2424 Minn ave. * r Rixon, Fred P., city treasurer, r 3023 Mont ave. * r Rixon, Harold, student, r 3023 Mont ave. Rixon, John, r 3023 Mont ave. Rixon, Miss W., asst city treasurer, r 3023 Mont ave. Rixon, William, druggist, r 3023 Mont ave. Roach, P. C., mason, r 112 n 34th. Roark, Miss A., student, r 321s 33d. Roark, .James, r 321, s 33d. Roark, Miss K., student, r 321 s 33d. Roark, Patrick, herder, r 321 s33d.

♦♦♦♦♦♦ klfjW.J. YOUMANS ™ 0 • D : S Roark, Thomas, student, r 321 s 33d. Robbins, Miss A., student, r 101 n 25r.li. 1mt k; * /■ Robbins, E. L., elk, r 101 n 25th. J?! > i SS Robbins, Frank, student, r 101 n 25th. Robbins, George, elk, r 124 n 31st. $ i U : T. Robbins, Lou, carpenter, r 101 n 25lh. lidig Robbins, Walter, student, r 101 n 25th. 1 7: l > Robinson, E. B., (Robinson Bros., fruits and confectionery.) o r 2714 Minn ave. Robinson, Miss E., teacher, r 103 n 32d. m Robinson, S., (colored) laborer, r 121 s2Gth. r:§ g:§ Robinson, \V A, (Hogue, Robinson & Co.,) r 14 s 20th. w:i Roe, C'. F., laborer, r 501 s 34th. •7. Roc, Ida, student, 501 s 34th. cut GLASS SILVERWARE UMBRELLAS, Etc, Etc. T. W, HUMPHREY The Only Exclusive Jewelry House in Billings*. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

88 killings City Directory. H Roe, Isabel, student, r 501 s 34th. 3►—i U Roe, Townsend, r 501 s 34th. w Roeser, Miss E., teacher, r 223 s 30th. Ross, A. E., bartender, r201 n 25th. £30 2 ^ Ross, iSTiss Rose, 2514 Minn ave. I Rose, Frank, painter, r 313 s 33d. Rose, W., prop boarding house, 2920 Minn ave.

OO £ Roth, Mrs. Annie, (colored) laundress, rear 104 s 27th Ctz 3 ~z Roush, Mrs. C., r 122 s 26th. __ 3 Roush, IT., student, r 122 s26th. sO Rowley, H \V, (of Water-Power Co., also vice-president of »-4 First National bank,) r 2821 3d ave n. Russell, Miss A., teacher, r 119 n 31st.

1 Carry a Complete Lino of Chappie Drug Co., TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, Druggists and Stationers. ot.c. 2723 Montana avo.

Ryan. IT. P., conductor, r 524 n 26th. Ryan, .Tames, laborer, r 401s 34th. Ryan, N., student, r 524 n 26th. Ryan, Will, rms 122 s 29th.

Sabin, Mrs. E. II., r 223 s 29th. Sage, Roy, elk, rms 204 n 26th. Salsbury, Arthur, student, r 24 n 35th. Salsbury, C. T., student, r 204 s 31st. Salsbury, Ira, student, r 24 n 35th. Salsbury, J. W., student, r 204 n 31st.

CARPETS, DpAPERIES. Billings Fumitme & Carpet Co • Furniture and Wall Faper. UNDERTAKERS AND EflBAL/YlERS. Telephone 56. :

Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

killings City Directory. 89 I

Salsbury, L. R., student, 204 s 31st. H- »—H ' Salsbury, Mabel, E., student, r 204 n 31st. Salsbury, V. IT., student, 204 s 31st. C+ 0 Salsbury, V. J., machinist, 204 s 31st. 0 Sam, Wah, (Chinese) laundry, 2018 Minn ave. i K Sansoine, Ina, student, r 3205 Mont ave. Sansome, Joseph W., wks at Yegen Bros., r 3205 Mont ave. bd c/3 Sansoine, 31 rs Joseph, boarding house, 3205 Mont ave. Savage, James, carpenter, rms over 20 n 27th. Savaresy, Frank, prop Summer Garden Theatre and saloon, 0 •> r 118 s 28th. H H liiW.J.YOUMflNStTll 1 O Savaresy, Ida, r Its s 28th. ! z Savaresy, Mike, student, r 118s 28th. Sawyer, Charles, carpenter, r 210 s 28th. W GO > Sawyer, Frank, elk at Yegcn Bros., r 120 s29th. 2. 7T r. Sawyer, S. B. Jr., carpenter, r 413s 29th. 2 3 Schaefer, Con, cigar manufacturer, rms over 2G23 Mont ave. Schneider, B., shoemaker, 2017 Mont ave, r 1*21 s 30th. ! rI oS ^1 Schneider, B. C., wks stock exchange, r 121 s 30th. 9 ►< Schneider, Charles B., harnessmaker, r 121 s 30th. = i o Schneider, J. F., wks Water Power Co., r 121 s 30th. i s- > a ? 3* Schneider, W. P., printer, wks The Gaztte, r 121 s 30th. r 2 • ►—i Schinudlach, A., carpenter, r 302 s 30th. O . "TJ i 5. : m Schnnidlach, Miss A., student, 302 s 30th. ! BP , M Schinudlach, Miss C., student, 302 s 30th. P : z

SHIR1S, COLLARS AHD CUFFS Commercial Work in B Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LMM P. H. SMITH, Undertaker and Embalmer

m 90 ‘Billings City Directory.

^ .• j Schmudlach, Edward, student, 302 s 30th. : Schmudlach, Miss L., student, 302 s 30th. O , Schmudlach, R., student, r 302 s 30th, *"2 Selnvanz, II W, blacksmith and repair shop, 23 s 27th, r 218 cu £ ; s 32d. £ eg Scoville, Herbert, teamster, r 013 n 26th. Scott, W J, (of Billings Steam Laundry Co,) r 202 s 30th. © 1 £ Scott, Tom, traveling salesman for Hibbard, Spencer Bartlett j i & Co. (hardware) Chicago, 111., r Grand Hotel. ’X. Scott, W., (colored) janitor, r 3231 1st ave n. o W r-— Scott, William, traveling salesman, Billings Brewing Co. QJ CO Scott, W. W., barber, r 506 s 33d. C Scott, Walter, student, r 50(5 s 33d.

Have l.ho most^co'nploUi^PR^E- «\ Chappie Drug Co. I 1 ?- in Eastern Montana. No. 2722 Druggists and Stationers. Montana avonuo. 0 1 M Seay, Edward, switchman, r 3215 Mont ave. Seaman, .1. M., druggist, r 13 n 29th. in ^ Sebert, Annie, domestic, wks 222 n 29th. • Seek, Charles, student, r 1st ave s bet 33d & 34th. | Seek, Frank, r 1st ave s bet 33d & 34th. 1 Seek, Robert, fireman N P Ry, 1st ave s bet 33d & 34th. Seek, W. F., wks E P roundhouse, r 1st ave s bet 33d & 34th. Segur, IL 13, gen’l agent B & M Ry, r 17 n 30th. Segur. Maud J., student, r 17 n 30th. Selbrcde, Clarence, student, r 303 n 27th. Sclbrede, W c, dentist, otlicc in Belknap blk, r 303 n 27th. Selvidgc, J. W., elk at Yegen Bros., r 101 s 27th. Selvidge, W. L., blacksmith, rear 101 s 27th, r 101 s 27th. Settergren, M., tinner, r3311 Mont ave.

cBest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana------► Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. ^]| Dry Goods, Notions, ^ THE BOSTON ^1 Millinery, Etc...... ^ THE PEACE TO SAVE MOISEY.

'Billings City Directory. 91 ! 3 Setzler, George, (Billings Fur & Carpet Co.) 14 to 28 n 28th. 1 O Settergren, R., tinner, r3311 Mont ave.

Slmd, L. E., elk r 103 n 32d. 1 r

Shad well, Miss Nellie, 2522 Minn ave. ■nr* < Shaw, Alice Frances, student, r 202 n 25th. tv Shaw, Lowell V., student, r 202 n 25th. 1 fip 3 Shaw, Mrs. M. R., furnished rooms, r 202 n 25th. c Sheppard, R. A., (colored) porter basement 2704 Minn ave. 5 Sherwood, S. A., engineer, r 201 s 29th.

Shevlin, John, stockman, r 405 s 32d. i o — Shevlin, Thomas, gardner, r 704 n 25th. Shevlin, T. P., laborer N P coal docks, r208 n 34th. I Shortel, .1. A., elk Cottage Inn. 170 % m ♦♦♦♦♦♦ LUMBER fw. J. YOUMANSl™ Shuck, M. E., laborer, r 115s32d. 5 ^ H Shuck, Perry M., carpenter, rms 115 s 32d. §3 Sims, Mrs., (colored) cook, 2503 Mont ave. 5? 00 Simpson, George, warehouseman, B & M depot, rms 203 n 26th. W tl= 03 n Simons, F. II., laborer, r 21 s 281th. -=r K*O. o ~ on Simons, Miss L., student, r 211 s 28th. Ti O § Sister Mary Antoinette, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st­ li and 1st ave n. clx o Sister Mary. Anacaria, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division stand 8 $ 1st ave n. Sister Mary Euphemin, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st 11 and 1st ave n. 5 8 *t? &* 3

Sister Mary Lucille, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Divst& 1st ave n. $“ ' Sister Mary Madisa, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st and 1st ave n. I W

Watches, Diamonds, Je

Rings cMade to Order. T. W.Humphrey THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE JEWELRY HOUSE IN BILLINGS. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

92 ‘Billings City Directory, oo1 i az Sister Mary Sylpester, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st and UJ 3 u 1st ave n. OO W Skirving, A. F., engineer, r 409 4th ave n. cn u Slaauwanhoak, Nick, bartender, 2702 Minn ave. laj © < m o ^ -«=C t OO Slater, II., brickmaker, r 319 s 30th. Sleeper, Joseph, wks at Yegen Bros., r 2L0 s 31st. g OO Sleeper, Mary L., r 309 n 28th. fe w Sleeper, Mrs. M. S., widow, r 309 n 28tli. oo^ Ctz 3 Sloey, J M, saloonist, (Swim & Sloey) 2<>0(> Minn ave. o ■3 : a Smart, A. J., contractor, r 322 n 29th. sO Smart, Maude, student, r 322 n 29th. w H-l 15a Smith, Albert, liarnessmaker, wks Yegen Bros., r 104 s 30th. H Smith, A P, tailor, over First Nat’! Bank, r 41(5 n 30th. CO oc l_l_l a ------OrujreriHtH iiml Stationer* ------Hoadquartors for SI'. JOHN’S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE Chappie Drug Co 1 CURE. 272:J Montana av i. Smith, A. E., bartender Conway’s Sideboard, 27101 Minn ave. Smith, C A, (C. E. Smith & Co.) 2823 Minn ave. r 204 s 32d. Smith & Co, C E, second hand goods, 2823 Minn ave. Smith, C E, (C. E. Smith & Co.) 2823 Minn ave, r 210 s 32d. Smith, Elizabeth, (colored) r 121 s 26th. * Smith, Grace, student, over 2603 Mont ave. Smith, Herman, with P. H. Smith, livery, bds Grand Hotel. Smith, II. M., (colored) barber, wks basement 2704 Minn ave, r 107 s 25th. Smith, Louis, clerk, r 210 s 32d. Smith, Maud, waitress at The Driscoll. Smith, Percy, jeweler, wks T. W. Humphrey’s, bds at The Driscoll. Smith, P H, liveryman, 15 n 27th, r 305 n20th.



\ Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

‘Billings City Directory. 93 V Smith, Robert, elk, r 202 s 29th. H- Smith, W. C., elk, r 202 s 29th. <1 r Smith, W. W., bartender, rms over 2(503 Mont ave. 0 f-1 Snider, H. A., carpenter, r 3307 Mont ave. [fi> C+ Snidow, T. A., stockman, r 120 n Division st. 0 Snyder, Miss N., student, r 224 s 29th. 0 Soo, Chong, (Chinese) r 13 s 26tli. Soo, Kee, (Chinese) r 15 s 26th. Somerville, Louis, (colored) teamster, r 321 n 25th. M on Sorenson, Peter, engineer N P Ry, r 319 s 31st. M Soule, Mrs. F. A., widow, r 305 n 26th. *70 Soule, George, plumbing, 21 n 27th, r 308 s28th.

Soutlnnead, Mrs. O. A., r 107 n 30th. 8 > H WilW-lYOllANSlLlJi O Soy, .J., blacksmith, wks 23 s 27th, rms 218 s 32nd. /* Spear & White, (ire insurance, 13 n 28th. Spear, Charles, (Spear & White) r 220 n 28th. : w <£ > Spear, Clara, r 220 n 28th. O Spear, Miss IT., 31214th ave n. P ■d Spear, Willis, carpenter, 3121 4th ave n. Spencer, J., landlord, r 211 s 28th. 11 a| Spencer, Nellie, r 2422 Minn ave. o JStafteek, John, cigarmaker, r 3016 1st ave s. i Stapleton, Miss Fannie, 2512 Minn ave. 3- -2 Steele,-Charles, student, r 205 s 28th. V» Steele, Earnest, student, r 205 s 28th. c 1! • a Steele, Mrs. M., r 205 s 28th. HH : a Stebbins, Ellen W., student, r303 n 25th. p : 2

rrzrr.r Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. Livery, Feed and P. H. SMITH, 15 JN. 27th Street. . . . Sales Stable

94 *Billings City Directory.

03 Stebbins, Harriet C., student, 308 n 25th. ££> S Stebbins, Mabel B., student, r 308 n 25th.

O O1 Stebbins, Roland, janitor s side school, r 308 n 25th. _o Stein, Mrs., laundress, r 14 s 29th. ro t Steiner, L. E., salesman, bds Grand Hotel. Steinbrueck, Ton}’, brakeman N P Ry, r 15 n 33d. Yl & o © Steinhauser, J., policeman, r 214 s 27th. Sterling, Floyd, brakeman B & M By, rms 124 s 30th. p Stewart, Charles, laborer, r 507 s 34th. 'f Stewart, Miss Hazel, 2512 Minn ave. S St. Gean, Ida, r 007 n 20th. CJ c/5 St. Gean, Joseph, student, r 007 n 20th. St. Gean, Lena, r 607 n 26th.

You cnn always got tho

CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. best at CHAPPLE’S. Druggists and Stationers. 1 2723 Montana ava. 0 > St. Gean, Louis, musician, r 607 n 20th. W <1 St. John, F. R., painter, r 308 s 29th. St. John, L. B., banker, r 308 s 29th. a Stockwell, C. N., elk Yegen Bros., r 404 s 29th. cti Stock well, Mrs. S., widow, r 404 s 29th. o -p Stockwell, Willard, bookkeeper Yegen Bros., r 404 s 29th. Stoddard, G. W., wheelwright, shop 101 s 27th, r 203 s 28th. Stoddard, W. J., wheelwright, wks 101 s 27th, r 203 s 28th. Stoddard, Lee, wks tel exchange, r 203 s 28th. Storm, Walter, fireman N P Ry, r basement 104 s 30th. Story, Miss L., waitress, r Cottage Inn. Strader, Lester, elk Yegen Bros. Stratton, W J, stock broker and insurance, office Belknap M blk, r 322 s 30th.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. 4♦ ^gSggtgsegsggsgfsgjgjgcgSgSgsg:^ ♦ ♦ ¥ ' ,..JACK3S PLACE...## i t% ❖ ♦ ♦ jHiff aircutting and ♦ t ^Shaving Parlors ♦ ♦ ^ Hot and Cold Water Baths. 20131 MONTANA AYE. + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .jf,#»TILLIE LADUKE,^ ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ = = ♦ - RESTAURANT = = = ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW AND GLEAN J .A RATES REASONABLE. 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ 2913 Montana Ave. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Jafpes F. Free, fl?. iD. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OCULIST AND ♦ ♦ GENERAL PRACTITIONER. ♦ ♦ IRew Office 210 1R 31st. ’DSbone 7. ♦ ♦ ♦ BILLINGS, MONTANA. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I McKUNE BROTHERS.!

• • BAKERY o o zz. 2904 Minn. Ave. Telephone 15

SIFTER JUNE 15th I •will operate in person THE ^ — Crl •BILLINGS STUDIO and 'frill endeavor to turn out 22 ^ the Very 'Best Work and at Fair'Prices, ' # ' ' •) ...Indian and Western Views,,. (e ®) Kodaks and Kodak Supplies constantly on hand and all kinds q) of cPhoto Finishing promptly executed. •) ^s-J. A. BENJAMIN. © ' g®) © (0 tLbe ©wl Saloon, Umportefc •) © anO Domestic— (• Q) q-fugru^nj^nj^niinj^njTJVi.p E § BOTTLED CBEERS. | Wines, 000 BLUE RIBBON • VAL BLATZ 1 ,i<|U(MT JE §1 BUDWEISER j£ g BILLINGS £ and arlnjrLfxjilhji^ilnlnlnlri^^ (Nears . .

Private Wine Rooms in Connection. Billiard and Pool Tables...

g FOGG & CLIFTON, Proprietors. ^ 16 N 27th Street. Telephone 101. rauuuuiiiaiuuuauauuuuuuumiuuimummuum^ CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS. THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

c.Billings City Directory. 95 'O >—p Stratton, A. L., laborer, r 703 n 20th. ?o Stull, Rev. G. C., pastor M. E. Church, r 312 n 28th. Stull, Harold, student, 312 n 28th. ~> *r Stuffy, Peter, laborer, alley rear Yegen Bros. ? r St. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st and 1st ave n. t < o Studnicka, W. A., wks N P ry, r 31 n 31st. — Stupe, Minnie, student, r 400 s 32d. 2 c Stupe, William, r 4*H5 s 32d. Sturms, George, driver Yegen Bros., r 110 s 31st. * Sullivan, D. F., stockman, r 320 s 31st. o Summers, Essie, student, 200 s 30th. > qc Summers, F., stockman, r 200 s 30th. c Summer, Franz, yardman Grand Hotel. -z. m ;c m ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Lii|W.J.YOUMflNStL!!i o O ■ O ; 3 Sung & Co., Sin, (Chinese) tailors, 10 s 27th. Svennes, .1. K., rms 103 s 31st. Ulig:a i : > Swanson, Alfrey, car inspector N P Ry, r 101 s 32d. ?i> = S Swanson, Bud, cowboy, r 2024 Minn ave. £. • : z Swanson, P. F., elk postottice, r 2ir> s 27th. ; £ Swim & Sloey, saloonists, 2000 Minn ave. » H "

Swim, Frank 15, saloon ist, (Swim & Sloey,) r220 s 28th. 3 ! >> Swim, F. Jr., r 220 s 28th. o Z:s Swift & Co, (F. M. Marble, agent,) 2723 s 28th. Szitnick, Miss Agatha, student, 302 s 28th. i!@:Ic Szitnick, W., student, 302 s 28th. : ^ Szitnick, Miss B., student, 302 s 28th. : iZ:§ • !W;2 Szitnick, E. W., elk at Yegen Bros., r 302 s 28th. T Szitnick, Miss E., student, r 302 s 28th.


96 4Billings City Directory.

GO! S UJ 0 CO W Taylor, C., elk Donovan & McCormick’s, rms 27L2 Minn ave. oz ■£ Taylor, C. D., laborer, wks Berky Ice house, r 115 s 28th. CO 2 .Taylor, E., wks at Yegen Bros., 21L s 29th. 3= in Taylor, Mrs. M. M., r 518 n 32d.

3‘-i on Tawney, Miss A., waitress Cottage Inn. t W co-g Ten Eyck, Olive, student, r 222 n 30tli. DC 3 1 Ten Eyck, William, harness and saddles, 2(511 Mont avc, ___ a r 222 n 30th. Terrell. Henry, stockman, r 201 n 30th. Terrell, Josephine, student, r 204 n 30th. Tews, Fred, laborer, r 107 s 31st.

Carry a Complete Lino of Chappie Drug Co. , TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS, Druggists and Stationers. etc. 2723 Montana avc.

The Hillings Fair, (Claud McCracken, mngr) 2805 Mont ave. The Billings Mercantile Co, K. E. ITarkness, manager, 2705 ont Mave. The Billings Telephone Co, (E. M. Tiungerford, mngr), office over First 'Nat’l Bank. The Billings Bottling Works, T. .T. Fenske, prop, 112 n 20 th. The Billings Steam Laundry, Erickson & Co., proprs., 113 n 27th. The Boston, .1. D. Whitejs, prop, 2017 Mont ave. Tlie “C O I>,” Thompson, Kain & Vaughan, proprs. whole- sale and retail fruits, produce and groceries, 2807 Mont. The Dark Horse Livery, Jeff Brewer, prop, 14 s 27th. The Fashion, Lee Eisenberg, prop, 2803 Mont ave.

cBest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana.------• Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

'Billings City Directory.

The First National Bank, P. B. Moss, president, 2701 Mont ave. 3' P The Gem Saloon, .TelT Brewer, prop, 26071 Mont ave. © t”1 The Globe Steam Dye Works, J. IT. Bernier, rnngr, 20 n 27th. The Montana Saloon, Maurer & Dohr, props, 2712 Minn 8 S ave. N The Owl Saloon, Fogg & Clifton, props, 16 n 27th. The Sideboard Saloon, R. L. !Nix, prop, 2713 Mont ave. tri bo The Maine Barber Shop, .Jeff Davis, prop, under Rade- 3dI maker’s saloon. Thompson, Mrs. E., widow, r 118 n 33d. (D |> Thompson, Miss E., student, r 118 n 33d. d LUMBER [wj, YOUMANS LUMBER | d

Thompson, Kain & Van-ban, wholesale and retail fruits, >♦z (growers & packers) also retail groceries, 2807 Mont ave,

W. G. Kain, manager. C3 OQ > 2. C 7Q Thompson, J., wks N P Ry, r 3215 Mont ave. 7T 3 p Thorborn, Miss K., student, r 3209 4th ave n. •o Thorsou, Henry, saloonist, 2724 Minn ave. Thrum, Mrs. K. D., furnished rooms, over 2811 Mont ave. I nl Thurman, George, blacksmith, r 406 s 33d. Tillery, F J, elk at The Boston, bds The Driscoll. l|S Tillman, John, carpenter, wks Billings Bw’g Co., r 202 n 25th. Toole, Ben W, grocer, 2809 Mont ave. r 214 s 29th. . c Toole, Miss M., student, r 214 s 29th. 3: I : a Toole, Miss N.. student, r 214 s 29th. i : ►—< ! 3 : z Toole, Miss’ W., student, 214 s 29th. i p :• i

Commercial Work in B Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDBIf P Jj_ SMITH, Undertaker and Embalraei

C/3 98 cBillings City Directory.

CO I Toole, Walter, elk at B. W. Toole’s, r 214 s 29th. 53 Todd, Miss C., student, r 119 n 31st. 1 Todd, J S, Cothron & Todd, livery, r 119 n 31st. -o O. Todd, Miss N., student r 119 n 31st. ~ C3 £ Tolpscorf, IT. F., wks Billings Bw’g Co., r 213 s 31st. t/3 zno Tomlinson, A., student, r 210 s 28th. Tomlinson, Mrs. C. C., r 210 s 28th. Tomlinson, Harold, student, r 210 s 28th. or I Tomlinson*, Miss R., r 210 s 28th. j ^ Tomlinson, Miss T., student, r 210 s 28th. o Tompkins, A. C., traveling salesman, r 214 n 30th. C-> co Tougher, John, laborer, r 3d ave s. CS Towne, Mrs. Anna, widow, r 13 n 29th.

ff\ I S&KSSSSrWSnfi&'r Chappie Drug Co., I in Eastern Montana. No. ‘&T£s (D Druggists and Stationers. Montana avenue. Towne, Mary II., r 13 n 29th. Townsend, Dr. E. P., r and office 120 n 29th. co Cl3 Toy, Charles, (Chinese) laundryman, 2922 Minn ave, £3 Trenholm, B., laborer, r 209 s 33d. Trott, Charles, Sr., elk at Zimmerman’s, r 3501 Mont ave. o -pd Trott. C. T., printer at Times office, r 3501 Mont ave. Trott, Miss G. T., student, r 3501 Mont ave. Trott, P. T., student, r 3501 Mont ave. Tschudy, Miss F., student, r 206 s 28th. Tschudy, J. O., steward Billings Club, r 203 s 23th. Tubbs. Bertha, student, 121 s 31st. Tubbs, C. L., alderman, contractor, r 121 s 31st. Tubbs, Edith, r 121 s 31st. Tubbs, John, carpenter, r 121 s 31st. cBest Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana.------—--- • Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. Dry Goods, Notions, ^ Hi Millinery, Etc...... THE BOSTON & THE place to save monev.

'Billings City Directory. 99

I?! 3 Tucker, G. F., contractor, r 402 s 33d. a o Tung, Yee, (Chinese) merchant, r 19 s 27th. ;g r— Twitcheh, Mrs. E. 11., r 16 n 34th. Tyrrell, F. G., printer, bds Cottage Inn. ;3»r

C o u o 2 Ulyat. J. R., porter, r219 s 29th. o a > l o v H Valkov, A., cook, r Cottage Inn. a ; S Vale, \V A, (Vale & Potter) saloonist, r 307 n 30th. ST Vanek, F., carpenter, r 3307 Minn avc. ! 70 i rn ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ------{Cor 30, Minn A'be. W w. ntiiiMm I Lun § Van Clarenbeck, F. R., pastor Catholic Church, r 22 n 33d. * Van Home, D. P., elk, r 104 s29th. * H g •§ Van Horne, II A, stenographer, office 6 n 27th, r 104 s 29th. 00 Van IIouten, Ray, student, r 413 s 32d. W = TJ n Van Ilouten, J. W., contractor, r 413 s 32(1. 16 o Van Ilouten, Leo., student, r 413 s 32(1. § Van Hoten,------laborer, r 14 s 29th. Vaughan, .7 AV, (Thompson, Kain & Vaughan) r 324 n 26111. ix Vaughan, Lucille, student, r 324 n 20lh, r' c Vaughan. Wayne, student, r 324 n 26th. ” I: I 2- “• : iff 3 J* H Wallace, Walter, student, r 3319 Montave. Walker, Mrs. M., widow, r 3315 Mont ave. BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL PHEUMATIC OPERATOR. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS.....

too Warner, Clayton, druggist, rms over 2623 Mont ave. t w oo ~ Warren, Miss Ollie, r 2504 Minn ave. oc 5 T3 Ward, W. C., (Tubbs & Ward) contractor, r 203 n 33d. Watts, Charles, carpenter, rms 202 n 25th. Watt, G. W., student, r B & M section house. 1/5 _) Watt, Mrs. J., widow, r B & M section house.

CO Watt, J. A., teamster, r B & M section house. 00 UlJ w ----- Druggists ami Stationer*------lloadquartors for ST. JOHN'S COUCII CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE = 9 Chappie Drug Co, CURE. 272:1 Montana av^. Wanty, George, butcher, wks City Meat Market, 2814 Minn ave. Weistanner, Andrew, wks Yegen Bros. Weistanner, Jacob, elk Yegen Bros. Webster, A. L., laborer, r 402 s 33d. Wesch, P. H., stonemason, r 12 n 30th. Wesch, Bose, student, r 12 n 30th. Weiss, Gus, blacksmith, rms over 2623 Mont ave. Wells, Mrs. A., cook, r 404 n 31st. Wells, Joseph, (colored) wks oyer 20 n 27th. Welch, W. W., traveling salesman, r 16 w 2d ave n. West, A. II., bookkeeper for I. 1). O’Donnell, r 104 s 29th. Whaley, J. W., bookkeeper, r2910 1st ave n. Whaley, Mrs. K., r 110 Division n st.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

'Billings City Directory. wi

Whaley, Miss "N., music teacher, r L10 n Division st. H- Wheeler, Charles, elk James Wheeler, notions, 2908 Minn ave. <1 t— Wheeler, Mrs. Ella, widow, r 3105 Mont ave. (D f“1 Wheeler, Janies, notion store, 290S Minn ave. Cfi> C+ Wheeler, Morris, carpenter, r 3105 Mont ave. 0 Wheeler, Winnie, student, r 3105 Mont ave. ! 0 Wliiteis, J I), prop The Boston, 2617 Mont ave. Whiteis, N. It., elk The Boston, r 112 s 29th. Whitaker, J. II., wks X P It/, r The Driscoll. bd co White, Clyde, wks B & M By, r34 1st ave n. White, llcnry, (Spear & White) insurance, r 24 n 31st. F/O White, G. II., carpenter, r 3416 1st ave n. (D •> 4 K'T White, Guy, wks B & M By, r 3416 1st ave n. H LlijW.J. YOUMANS IJrll o White, Balph, student, r 24 n 21st. Whitcher, G. A., tinner at Vegen Bros. Whitelow, W. B., (colored) porter, r 17 n 25th. 03 CO > Whitney, C. A., elk r 108 n 31st. — CJ 2T P Whitney, Mrs. F. S., widow, r 108 n 31st. 5 ■a Whitney, Ira L., elk at Toole’s, r 108 n 31st. 2 Whitney, Oliver, laborer, r 201 s 32d. o M 77 n Whitney, Miss O., r 108 n 31st. o Willard, Clinton, waiter, 3205 Mont ave. i i° 3 % Willett, K. C., wks X P round house, 34th st and 1st ave s. Off (A Williams, Arthur, teamster, r 614 n 25th. Williams, Catherine, student, r223 s 33d. c II i i Williams, E., laborer, r 404 n 31st. William*, B. J., laborer, r 506 S 34th. IP j % COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 - - - HOURS. - - - Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27U1 St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. P. H. SMITH, -3S Livery Feed and

lo N. 3Tt.il Street. 7 ... Sales Stable

C/3 : i J02 'Billings City Directory.

"Williams. Harold, student, r 223 s 33d. I Williams, II. M., teamster, r rear 316 n 23d. 1 Williams, IT. G., druggist, (Williams & Baxter) 2824 Minn ave. ^ •s - ' Williams, J. B., cook, 19 s 30th. 03 f Williams, T A, clerk of the court, 223 s 33d. ^ J Williston, H. S., elk Donovan & McCormick, r 310 n 29th. © J Wilkinson, A. .1., stockman, r 322 n 25tli. o Wilkinson, Roscoe, student, r 322 n 25th. 0" 5 >-2 Wilkinson, Viola, r 322 n 25th. AVilson, M. V., elk at Babcock’s, r 210 s 27th. o C/3 -3- Winslow, F., laborer, r 321 s 33d. CJ co Winnett, Annie, student, r 3217 Mont ave. Winnett, R. E., blacksmith, r 3217 Mont ave.

You can always got the

CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. i best at t'11 APPLE'S. Druggists and Stationers. I 2723 Montana avo.

> Winnett, Walter, student, r 3217 Mont ave. W Witcher, B., tinner, wks Yegen Bros., 222 s 28th. Witeller, L., elk, bds Grand Hotel. Witcher, L. AY, elk r 10S n 31st. AVitham, B., student, r 316 s 31st. os With am, Charles, elk r 316 s 31st. AVood, II. B., elk at Toole’s, r 22 n 31st. Wood, Harry, elk, bds The Driscoll. Woods, Miss Alice, 252-1 Minn ave. Woodson, G. AY, retired merchant, r 210 n 28th. AVoolsey, Ira, saloonist, r 107 s 26th. Woreaall, P. J., elk, Yegen Bros. AVright, George, driver for W. J. Youman’s, 3221 1st ave n. t-H "I AVynn, Chas., wks IT. M. Allen & Co., r 24 34tli.

JL^J^!^!jUa:c-t-u!ng jeweler ♦ ♦ m tit UTT jWipupPY dia^ion^ettng^andJewel^y^paining 1, II, flu liir lllllj I . . SPECIALTY. • • ______'THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE JEWELRY STORE IN BILLINGS. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, I THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS .1 THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

killings City Directory. t03 £ o I vO 33 2 1 2 o i ft > r ! S r H < 2. Yates, J. R., traveling salesman Millis & Co., r 315 n 30tli. o ‘2. Yellowstone Valley Mills, A. H. Babcock Hardware Co. o Pr- 3 O owners, 2402 to 2424 Mont avc. Yellowstone National Hank, A. L. Babcock, president S* 3 2707 Mont ave. I o Yegen Brothers, Cash Department store, 2802 to2810 Minn > :C r. ave. id 3 c Yegen, Christian, (Yegen Bros.) r 317 s 29th. z 70 Yegen, Peter, (Yegen Bros.) r 10 s 28th. 5 m Yonmans, AV J, lumber dealer, cor 30th and Minn ave. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ l LlPlW.J.YOUMflNSLLli liigli: r. C S Young, A., saddler, wks Yegen Bros. i i\<\z i Young, R., carpenter, alley s 33d. g-iGiiO Young, D., carpenter, over 2908 Minn ave. ;■ : O i c ° : , : H i gM 3 I 2 t 3 i imi S? : ££ '■ * ! |! 3 | | Zimmerman, Sidney, student, r 203 n 26th. • ; *3; » Zimmerman, Max, student, r 203 n 26th. i : i r*° Zimmerman, Joseph, merchant, r 203 n 26th. i :: Z i § i . : SW : O Zimmerman, Lester, student, r 203 n 26th. Zimmerman, Vandeline, 203 n 26th.

CUT GLASS SILVERWARE T, W. HUMPHREY UMBRELLAS, Etc, Etc. The Only Exclusive Jewelry House in Billings. ®:§esti > A A A A IIIV \y ' > \\\> } ! j ( The Old Reliable m mV I;«i» /);»(> > h Vm i> ! SECOND HAND STORE S > < i)' > •: > l> y 1 i

Longest Established. i illI m <)))> Largest Stock. m \y 1 ii y I Lowest Prices. n: i> 1 > I> < >

< Storage and Transfer. > > i [i> § 11 I We Pay Highest Prices^i|j m «ll> Anything of Value. ||

► j y 4 y 4 I > y P 4 Saddles, Camping Outfits, Etc., a Specialty. > y Will< > < y 4 y 4 2823 MINNESOTA AYE., CORNER 29th. > . TT TT '*r' mt® «♦ <§> © L * © 9

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 q WHOLESALE • DEALER IN

Wines, /* 9 Liquors AND Cigars.. • • 9 9 9 i soleagentfor^blatz MILWAUKEE BEER, 9 © © & 2623 lyiontana five. Telephone 41. (§>♦ | C. O. D. STORE, ♦ ♦ 2807 Montano Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ New and ♦ Up-to-Date . . ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ ■ GROCERS □ □ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Carry the ♦ ♦ Finest and Freshest . . . ♦ ♦ Fruits, ♦ ♦ Vegetables, ♦. ♦ andTable Delicacies. J ♦ + SELL FOR CASH ONLY. * ♦ ♦ : THOMPSON, KAIN & VAUGHAN ■ ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ Forester & Fri^eiie, ♦ ♦ Expert Watchmakers. ♦ ♦ IDealers in jt j. jt ♦ ♦ ♦ 19iaii)017els, l^atG^es, ♦ ♦ ai)d Jeuielry . . . ♦ ♦ ♦ + Manufacturing Jewelers. Montana Rubies and Sapphires. + ♦ 2717 Montana Avenue. ♦ ♦ —■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R. T. ALLEN. ♦ ♦ ♦ ATTORNEY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AT ♦ ♦ LAW . . . ♦ ^ Office Over* 2611 Montana Ave. ♦ ♦ Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

iBillings City Directory. 107


1900-1901. §S

Classified 'Business Information. M bn

Abstracts. North & Co., Austin, 202 n 27th. (D H ™:W,J.Y0UMANS|M1 H Apartment Houses. O The Raclomakcr, Mrs. M. R. Rademaker, proptrs. cor 1st z a vc n and 28th. Wheeler, Mrs. Ella, 3105 Montave. C5 W S. A G RICULTU R AT. IM PLEM ENTS. I

Babcock Hardware Co., A. L,, 2019 to 2021 Montave. ■o § Donovan & McCormick Co., cor s 29th and Minn ave. 2 02 Ycgen Bros., 202 to 2810 Minn ave. r nrt

Arch itects. i i* Donohoe, P. J., 217 n 27tn.

Banks. First National Bank, P. B. Moss, president,2701 Montave. 3 • E Yellowstone National Bank, A. L. Babcock, president, I : S 2707 Mont ave. P i 2

SHIRTS. COLLARS AND CUFFS. Commercial Work in 8 Hours. 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P. H. SMITH, Undertaker and Embalme;

C/3 ! 108 ‘Billings City Directory.

C3 ; I Banks (Continued.) | Yeg’cn Brotlrars Savings Bank, (organization not com­ ^ o12 I pleted at time of publication) 2S20 Minn ave. ’O O i cs ^ Bakers. g Campbell, 1). K., 2613 Mont ave. Gaedke, Charles, 2722 Minn ave. o 2 The Vienna, Joseph Parque & Co., props., 2711 Mont ave. 31 cr = MeKune Bros., 270-1 Minn ave.

T. © Barber Shops. LO §- Brown & Decker!, under First Rational Bank.

Carry a Complete Lino of in mi Ch^PPie Drug Co., TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS, r 1 W Druggists and Stationers. otc. 2723 Montana ave.

Davis, Jefferson, (colored) under F. R. X. Rademaker’s saloon. I Seliwedcr, J. W., 2613 Mont ave.

03 Baths. Brown Sl Deekert, under First Rational Bank.

o Qs | Brooke, R. B., (colored) 2712* Minn ave. J Covington, L. J., (colored) basement, 2704 Minn ave. j Davis, Jefferson, (colored) under F. R. X. Rademaker’s H saloon. Sell wed er, J. W., 2(513 Mont ave.

94. o] : Bicycles. | Babcock Hardware Co., A. 1,., 2(519 to 2021 Mont ave.

CARPETS, DCRACPECRIES. Billings furniture iCatpel Co UNDERTAKERS AND EflBALMERS. 1 Furniture and Walt cPaper. Telephone 56. Dry Goods, Notions, ^ Millinery, Etc...... THE BOSTON TH E PLACE to save money.

killings City Directory. /05>

Bicycles (Continued). Soule, George, 21 n 2Ttli. Van Horne, Herbert A., 0 n 27th, Yegcn Bros., 2802 to28L0 Minn ave.

Bicycle Repairing. Soule, Georgre, 21 n 27th. Yegren Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.

Bill Posters. Murphy, .1. T.. bds The Driscoll.

Blacksmiths. Platt, R. B., 15 s 29th. Schwanz, II. W., 23 s 27th.

♦♦♦♦♦♦ iPIW.J.YliyiflNSjg § *5 Selvidge, W. L., rear 101 s 27th. Seipp, Gust., 13 n 27th. F y Is* 00 Boarding Houses. 8 m = T3 n Bryan, A. F., 3021 1st ave n. 16 O Cottage, J. L. Guiler, prop., 2023 1st ave n. § Murphy, Mrs. E., proptrs., 15 s 30tli. ?£ Pritchett, Mrs. C. H., 2503 Mont ave. p © O Rose, W., 2920 Minn ave. -2 K Townc, Mrs. Anna, 13 n 29th. 5-s 5: Booksellers and Stationers. ir Chappie Drug* Co., 2723 Mont ave. 9 * H Holmes & Calhoun, 2703 Mont ave. S The Backet Store, .1. W. Wheeler, prop., 2908 Minn ave. i w

Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry.

Rings cMade to Order. 9^ W.Humphrey THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE JEWELRY HOUSE IN BILLINGS. REAL ESTATE Austin North Company, DEALERS....

: i* no ‘Billings City Directory. oo H Q= -1 ULJ < Bottling Works. ►—< U CO W Billinas Bottling* Works, T. J., Fenske, prop, 112 n 2CLh. a a= 2 Boots and Shoes. uJ°

, Have the most complete PRE- Chappie Drug Co i SCRIP 1TON DEPARTMEN l’ i in Eastern Montana. No. 27253 Druggists and Stationers. Montana avenue.

Brick Manufacturers. Hinds & Co., T. K., (Billings Brick Co.) over 2623 Montave. Hoe, Peter, 107 s 27tli. Slater Brick Co., yards northwest of city, ollice 202 n 27th.

Stock Brokers. Bigger & Morris, ollice in Belknap black.

Live Stock Brokers. Car wile & Bouton, 12 n 28th.

Brewers. Billings Brewing Co., 2205 to 2223 Mont aye. Val Blatz Brewing Co., (Milwaukee) L. II. Fenske, Agt., 2623 Mont ave.


Billings Furniture & Carpet Co. CARPETS, DRAREFIES, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. TELEPHONE 56. MATTING cAND RUGS. Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. muNGION TOWN LOTS

Jit i cBillings City Directory. V H- Carpets. <1 r* Billings Furniture Carpet Co., 14 to 1G n 28th. © t”1 Hillings Mercantile Co., 2705 Mont ave. llJ > Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.. c+ The Fashion, Lee Eisenberg, prop, 2803 Mont ave. o The Fair, Claude McCracken, mngr, 2805 Mont ave. o

Carriages, Buggies and Wagons.

A. L. Babcock Hardware Co., 2G19 to 2G21 Mont ave- td oo Donovan-McCormick Co., cor s 29th Minn ave. o H Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.

i-i LUMBER | W7 J.IY 0 U MANStLU M BER H H China, Glassware and Queensware. O l)onovan-3lcConnick Co., 2801 Mont ave. Toole, B. \V., 2809 Mont ave. z Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. CJ CO > Cigar Manufacturers. 2. O —- W 2 Manley & .Jensen, 2719 Mont ave. T3 H John StafFeck, 3016 1st ave s. i eg Cigars and Tobbacco. Pc roe, Peter, 2603 Mont ave. si Manley & Jensen, 2719 Mont ave. !!g 3 George, W. B., 2713 Mont ave. (a 3: • c Contractors and Builders. I o l 3 • Deal, George, s 33d and 2d ave. : a Dedriek, I). \Y., 23 n 35th. ! f i 3

COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 - - - HOURS. - - - Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. P. H. SMITH, Sd livery Feed and 1C N. 3Ttli Street. I • • • ScllCS Stable

C/3 ; I U2 'Billings City Directory. cd .S«| Contractors and Builders (Continued). O Gagnon, E. H., 109 s 29th. o Iioe, Peter, 107 s 27th. rO cd se Joscclyn, H. C., 2423 Mont ave. £ Lord, R. .)., 407 s 31st. © s Sawyer, S. B., Jr., 4L3 s 29th. S Smart, A. J., 322 n 29th. .ST ,3 Tubbs, C. L., 121 s 31st. -P Tucker, G. F., 402 s 33d. s in g- Van ITouten, J. W., 413 s 32d. C-> co Coal Dealers. =S Holly & Mow re, 2909 Mont ave.

----- DrugciHlx and Stationer* ------Headquartors for ST. JOHN'S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE

^ g Chappie Drag Co, CURE. 2723 Montana av*. M4 ^ I - Toole, B. "W., 2809 Mont ave. Donovan-McOormick Co., 2801 Mont ave. s Yegcn Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. O -P05 Clothing. The Fair, Claude McCracken, mngr, 2805 Mont ave. The Boston, 2G17 Mont ave. Linton Clothing* Co., 2721 Mont ave. Losekamp, John D., 28L7 to 2819 Mont ave. Martin & Co., J. H., 20 n 27th. Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. Zimmerman, Jos., 2605 Mont ave.

*Best Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana.------Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

tf3 'O killings City Directory. o *o 3 2 Dentists. c o Allen Allen, rms 17, 18, 19, over First National Bank. a > r Sclbrecle, \V. C., oiTice in Belknap block. ! t r < Dray Lines. I 32. Burgrier, O. C., 3409 Mont ave. Q ! =■ English, C. \V., 3021 4th ave n. 2 9? Q

Holly A; IWowre, 2909 Mont ave. -U. Salsbury, S. R., 204 n 31st. 3 Smith & Co., C. K., 2823 Minn ave o Dressmakers. :> Brook, Miss Jean, over 2908 Minn ave. I iq 3

Connelly, Mrs. Maggie, Belknap block. Hira po Drever, Mary, 122 s 29th. m ♦♦♦♦♦♦

: I—1 c LUMBER I w J. YOUMANSUll f0 vJ : B Gates, Miss, over 2709 Mont ave. li^I /• 1 < r Drug Stores. \im Chappie Drug Co., 2723 Mont ave. }!0li Holmes & Calhoun, 2703 Mont ave. IsiHlS Williams & Baxter, 2824 Minn ave. •f I i > Dry Goods. °:Z S The Fair, Claude McCracken, mngr, 2805 Mont ave. The Billings Mercantile Co., 2705 Mont ave. The Boston, J. D. Whiteis, prop., 2017 Mont ave. j : :r ? The Fashion, Lee Eisenberg, prop, 2803 Mont ave. \ egon Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. Zimmerman & Co., Jos., 2605 Mont ave.


: ^ 1J4 killings City Directory. r H GO hJ LU < Dye Works. ►—< u Globe Steam I)yc Works, .1. II. Bernier, prop., 20 n 27til. oo W cc ■a 00 Express Companies. l_U O <| oa 2 ^ Adams Express Co. office 7ST. P. passenger depot. ^2 N. P. Kxpress Co. ollice N. P. passenger depot. S*5 oo > Flouring Mills. t w oo- Yellowstone A alley Mills, 2402 to 2424 Mont ave. DC 3

Fruits and Confectioners. Peroe, Peter, 2603 Mont ave. Racleinaker, M. 15., 2717 Mont ave. Robinson, Bros., 2714 Minn ave. Savaresy, Frank, 2812 Minn ave.

Carry a Complete Lino of Chappie Drug Co., TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, Druggists and Stationers. etc. 22723 Montana ave.

Fruits. (Wholesale). Thompson, Kain & A'aughan, 2807 Mont ave.

Furnished Rooms. The Racleinaker, cor 1st ave n and 28th. AVheeler, Mrs. Ella, 3105 Mont ave.

Furniture. Billings Furniture & Carpet Co., 14 and 16 n 28th. Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.

Gents’ Furnishing Goods. kosekamp, John D., 2817 to 2810 Mont ave. kinton Clothing* Co., 2721 Mont ave.


Billings Furniture & Carpet Go CARPETS, DRACPERIES, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. TELEPHONE 53. MA TTINC cAND 9?UGS. Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

‘Billings City Directory. t!5

Gents’ Furnishing Goods (Continued). H Martin & Co., J. II., 20 n 27tb. C+ Ycgen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. 0 Zimmerman & Co., Jos., 2605 Mont ave. 0

Gun and Locksmiths. Soule, George, 21 n 27th. bd c/3 Ycgen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.

Guns and Pistols. F/0 Babcock Hardware Co., A. b., 2619 to 2621 Mont ave. S > Donovan-McCormick Co., cor s 29th and Minn ave. H Ycgen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. H “iW.J. YOlflNSUll 5 § ------— >♦ /■ Green Houses. c; Ponton, Miss J., .'1019 Mont ave. — a 77 M rocers g G . (Wholesale). X3 Z H Millis & Co., 2705 Minn ave. I f 02 Grocers. S' nN I * I>onovan-McCormick (To., 2801 Mont ave. i Iloguc, Robinson «V Co., 2910 Minn ave. Thompson, Kain & Vaughan, 2807 Mont ave. m3 • E Toole, Ben \V., 2809 Mont ave. Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. I : a Zimmerman & Co., 2605 Mont ave. I : 3

SHIR1S, COLLARS AND CUFFS. Commercial Work in 6 Hours. 4BILLINGS STEAM LAUNORY P. H. SMITH, Undertake! and [mbalmet

CO U6 killings City Directory. C3 Harness and Saddelry. *S>M Doiiovaii-McCorinick Co., cor s 29tli Minn ave. Schneider, William, 2615* Mont ave. *2 3 "T Ten Kyck, W. B., 26L1 Mont ave. 60 l Yej4e.11 Bros., 2802 to 2S10 Minn ave. £ « Hardware. O s o Babcock Hardware Co., A. 2619 Mont ave. Doiiovaii-McCorinick Co., cor s 29tli and Minn ave. —i ^ Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. - 8 CO 0* House Furnishings. CJ cd Billing's Mercantile Co., 2705 Mont ave. Billings Furniture & Carpet Co., 14 to 10 n 28th. St You can always get tlio

CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. , best at GRAPPLE'S. Q) Druggists and Stationers. 1 2723 Montana avo. t> M Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave. cd Hospitals. n St.. Vincent’s Hospital, Division st. and 1st ave n. Hotels. O ■P Boykin House, David Boykin, prop, 19 s 30th. Cottage Inn, Thomas O’Rourke, prop, 108 n 29th. Tlie Driscoll, Matt Driscoll, prop, 2521 to 2523 Mont ave. The Grand, George BennighofT, prop, 102 n 27th. The Kademakcr, Mrs. M. B. Rademaker, proptrs. 2719 1st ave n.

Ice Dealers. M Berky, George A., Ills 28th. BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR. l| I THE BOSTON TME PLACE TO SAVE MONEY.

‘Billings City Directory. U7

J INSURANCE ComI*AN (ES. Represented by Speak & White. Royal, ol' Liverpool; Fire Association, of Philadelphia: North British & Mercantile, of London; Thuringia, Erfurt, Germany; Atlas, of London; Commercial Union, London; Connecticut, of Hartford; Plienix, of Brooklyn; Spring- lield Fire & Marine, of Springfield; ITamburg-Bremen, of Hamburg and Bremen, Germany; Royal Exchange, London; Transatlantic, Hamburg, Germany; Queen, of N. Y.; Lancashire, Manchester, Eng.; Westchester, N. Y.; North German, of Hamburg. Germany; British America, Toronto, Canada; American Fire, Philadelphia; Western, Toronto, Canada; Franklin, Philadelphia; Greenwich, New York; Williamsburg City, Brooklyn; New Zealand, of New Zealand; Traders, Chicago; Merchants, Newark, N. J.; German American, New York; American Central, St. Louis: Continental, N. Y. Ollice, 11 n 28th. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 3 ™ W. J. YOUMANSli™ i *3

Represented by C. F. Burton: is 5O Northern Assurance Co., of London; Insurance Company of *_ 8 00 North America, San Francisco: Palatine Insurance Co., > T3 n Ltd., San Francisco; Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., of it o San Francisco; Providence Washington Insurance Co., of 3 S> § Chicago., Home Mutual Insurance Co., of San Francisco; Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co., Chicago; lx Niagara Fire Insurance Co., Chicago; National Fire In­ C O surance Co., of Hartford; Orient Insurance Co,, 'of Port­ 5 I x £ land; Hartford Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford; Home S S’ Insurance Co., New York: Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co., = ? San Francisco; Alliance Assurance Co., San Francisco; -Etna Insurance Co., San Francisco; Phoenix Assurance ¥r- H Co., San Francisco; Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford. Office, 18 n 29 th. gW


U8 (Billings City Directory. CO1 s cc Represented by Car wile) & Bouton. LJ—I g Philadelphia Underwriters, of Philadelphia; Svea, of Gothen­ co u W burg; Milwaukee Mechanics, of Milwaukee; American, ^185 of New York; Baloise, of Basle, Switzerland, Ollice, 14 1 1 1 o n 28th. rn o < < too Represented by James Kelly. Saint Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., of St. Paul; Scottish & 15S 00 National, of Hartford, Conn. Ollice over 2623 Mont ave. ■

Have the most complete PRE- Chappie Drug Co. SC R l P no N L> E PA RTM EN 1/ 1 ?; in Eastorn Montana. No. 2723 Druggists and Stationers. Montana avenuo.

Jewelers. Forrester A: Frizelle, 2717 Mont ave. Humphrey, T. W., 8 n 27th.

Job Printing. Bouton, T. jr., 12 n 28th. The Gazette, 101 n 27th. The Times, 23 n 27th.

Justices of the Peace. Fraser, A., over First Nat’l Bank. Kelly, James, over 2623 Mont ave.

Ha UN DRIES. Billings Steam Laundry, 113 n 27th. Soo, Chung, (Chinese) 2907 .Mont ave.

CARPETS, DRAPERIES. Billings Furniture & Carpet Co 1 Furniture and Wall '-Paper. UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALMERS. Telephone 56. Property Bought, Sold, i Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

‘Billings City Directory. U9

Laundries (Continued). H- Henry, Charles, (Chinese) 2922 Minn ave.

Lawyers. 8> Allen, It. T., over 2611 Mont ave. 0 Fritli, Henry A., over First Nat’l Bank. 0 Kckholdt, F. It., Belknap Block. Goss, «J. It., over First Nat’l Bank. tri in Hatlihorn, Fred H., over First Nat’l Bank. 4

Herford, J. B., Belknap Block. o d Johnston, W illiam, Belknap Block. H « W. J. YOUMflNS LUMBER H Goddard, O. F., over First Nat’l Bank. O Lane, Gib A., over First Nat’l Bank. 2! /• Light and Power Company.

Biilin 2. 7? O LlV EIUES. : 3 T3 § Cotliron A: Todd, 102 n 28th. H Dark Horse Livery, Jell Brewer, prop. 18 s 27th. i 1 S- n| Smith, P. H., 15 and 17 n 27th. -

Lumber Dealers. 11 s* Allen & Go., H. M., west end Minn ave and 30th. Youmans, W. «T., cor Minn ave and 301 h. 3 • E I O Lunch Counters. i i a I S • 9 IMeKnne, J. C., N. P. depot. I p : r

COMMERCIAL WORK IN 8 - - - HOURS. - - - Billings Steam Laundry. 113 N 27th St. Telephone 100. FINEST WORK IN THE CITY. Livery, Feed and P. H. SMITH, 1 5 N. 27 th Street. ... Sales Stable

73 120 'Billings City Directory. C3 Meat Markets. I City Meat Market, 2814 Minn ave. c The Independent Market, 2009 Mont ave. JD 'TD Yellowstone Meat Market, 2S11 Mont ave. 03 g> S Merchant Tailors. Cn x Airth, Adam, Belknap Block. O 2 Martin & Co., J. H., 20 n 27th. i» ' .ST3 Peters, A. M., Belknap Block. ^ 'f, Smith, A. P., First Nat’l Bank block. <=> Solomon, M., under 270.4 Mont ave. ^ g- QJ co ) Milliners. Driscoll, Mrs. M., 2521 Mont ave. The Fair, Claude McCracken, ningr, 2805 Mont ave.

Druggists ami Stationer* ------fl) Headquarters for ST. JOHN’S COUGH CURE and ST.JOHN’S HEADACHE : Chappie Drug Co 1 CURE. 2723 Montana av%. . li (D Ti»e Fashion, Lee Eisenberg, prop, 2803 Mont ave. ! cd Lyle, Mrs. and Miss, 24 n 27th. : Morgue. o s Smith, P. H., (Undertaker and Embalmcr), 114 n 27th.

Music Teachers. Whaley, Miss M., 110 n Division si. St. Jean, Prof.. 007 n 26th. I N EWSPAPERS. The Hillings Gazette, (semi-weekly) 101 n 27th. The Hilling’s Times, (semi-weekly) 24 n 27th. I 'Best Appointed Shop in Eastern First National Bank Barber Shop. Montana------Hot, Cold, Turkish and Massage Baths. BROWN & DECKERT, Proprietors. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, THE BOSTON SHOES and HATS THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY

'Billings City Directory, t21 -o o 'O 3 Notaries Public. 3: o o Burton, Charles F., 18 n 29th. > Kelly, James, over 2623 Mont ave. < r ? Mann, F. LM Belknap Block. r < Orchestras and Bands. 2. o •a The West Orchestra, A. II. West, leader, G n 27th. sr o St. Gean’s Orchestra, Prof. St. Gean, leader, GOT n 26th. g s* The High School Orchestra, Prof. St. Gean, leader, 607 n20th. -u The Billings Band, IT. A. Van Ilorne, leader, 6 n 27th. The Logan Orchestra, Mrs. A. C. Logan, leader, over 2419 O > * Mont ave. c a Photog raphers. c 2- Rcnjnniin, J. A., 291.‘kM >nt ave. ra 70 7Z ra ♦♦♦♦♦♦ >#.P w. J. YOUMANS LUMBER n O S IInut, IS. 31., 20 n 29th. | pa * § ! 5 ! S Physicians and Surgeons. «• I ^ r Armstrong, H. \V., Belknap Block. m Baxter, Port us, 2824 Minn ave. ?;d s Clark, Andrew, over First Nat’l Bank. H: - £ Clark, Harriet-Foxton, over First Nat’l Bank. 1 l > Prickett, (). 15., cor e 29th and 1st ave n. o 5 Free, Janies K., 210 n 31st. ’ § 5 Rinehart, J. H., over First Nat’l Bank |"@:i I Townsend, E. P.. 120 n 29th. r S Places of Amusement. § c W c Opera House, 2517 Mont ave. -7. Summer Garden, 28124 Minn ave.

CUT GLASS SILVERWARE UMBRELLAS, Etc, Etc. T. W, HUMPHREY The Only Exclusive Jewelry House in Billings. m REAL ESTATE i Austin North Company, DEALERS..... 'P

: ^ 122 *Billings City Directory. \ H I- oo yl lumbers and team itters IN LU < P S F . i—i f U CO W Soule, George, 21 n 2711). Yegeu Bros., 2902 Minn ave. 1 Railroads. ! CO 2 ^ D oo B. & M., (Burlington System) II. B. Segur, Agent. s 5 The Northern Pacific Railway, IT. IT. Kennedy, Agent. Su oo s w Real Estate. oo 1 QC 3 North & Co., Austin, 202 n 27t h. t. _ - Burton, Charles P., 18 n 29th. i- Carwile & Bouton, 12 n 28th. Mann, F. L., Belknap Block.

Carry n Complete Liue of Chappie Drug Co • 9 TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS, Druggists and Stationers. etc. 2723 Montana ave.

Minnesota & Montana Land & Improvement Co., 9 n 27til. Restau rants. Campbell, D. K., 2708 Minn ave. - Billings Restaurant, 5 s 27th. Bury, Alfred, 2002 Minn ave. Ilaworth, Mrs. R., 2900 Minn ave. S'. Laduke, Tillie, 2913 Mont ave. I* Look, Charley, (Chinese) 2704 Minn ave. The Delmonico, Jos. Barque, prop., 2711 Mont ave. -I Lee & Lee, (Chinese) 5 s 27t h. Henry, Young, (Chinese) 18 n 27th and 2720 Minn ave.

Saloons. Ballow, .7. M., 2924 Minn ave. Bennett, W. .1./2700 Minn ave. I ...GENERAL HOUSEFURNISHINGS... I


. ■

Property Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Conveyed. BURLINGTON TOWN LOTS

killings City Directory. 123

Saloons (Continued). H-t1 Conway, »T. K., 2718 Minn ave. Lee & Co., E. Sam., (Chinese) 2G2-1 Minn ave. 0 O’Grady, G., 2(522 Minn ave. 0 Itademakcr, P. X. N., 14 n 27th. Savaresy, Frank, 28121 Minn ave. ♦ The Exchange, Yale & Potter, props., 2700 Mont ave. td on The Gem, Brewer & Lee, props., 26071 Mont ave. The Montana, Maurer & Dohr, props., 2712 Minn ave. The Owl, 1(5 n 27th.

: The Sideboard, 2713 Mont ave. 1? > ; H ' i H ™|WJ. YOUMANSllll o Swim & Sloey, 2(506 Minn ave. z /* Woolsey, Ira, 2(501 Mont ave.

Thorson, Ilenry, 2724 Minn ave. C3 C/5 2. O Second Hand Storks. 7~ w ; 3 *o 2 Holly & jMowrc, 2900 Mont ave. H Smith & Co., C. IS., cor 29th and Minn ave. n - 2o M s § SKW KR CONTRACTORS. O . o ^ Hinds & Co., T. II., over 2623 Mont ave. Shoemakers. ,!|g Ekholm, A., 2620 Minn ave. '? Is 3 • K Helms, B., 29011 Minn ave. O • *Tj : 3. : W Lisker. Karl, under 10 n 27th. CJ t—• Schneider, B., 26161 Mont ave. p i 2

SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS. Commercial Work in 8 Hours, 4 BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY P. H. SMITH, Undertaker and Embalmer

C/3 124 'Billings City Directory. Urn ■ cd ■: Stenographers. Browne, Miss Nina J., Belknap Block, ^6 Gillette, N. S., 2G21 Montave. *5 3 s Van Horne, II. A., (I n 27th. cd g> 5 Surveyors. C/3 x 31 orris, A. A., Belknap Block. O I h ! Taxidermist. J Soule, George, 21 n 27th. -f C/3 TRLEPH ON E AN D T EI/EG R A PII COM PAN IES. co c Billings Telephone Company, over First Nat’l Bank. Western Union Telegraph Co., N. P., and B. M., depots.

You enn always got tlio

CHAPPLE DRUG CO.. , host at CHAPPLE’S. Druggists and Stationers. ° 2723 Montana ave. (D > Typewriters. w < Gillette, N. S., (The Densmore) 2G21 Mont ave. S3 Van Horne, II. A., (The Remington) G n 27th. Watchmakers. o $ Forrester & Frizclle, 2717 Mont ave. Humphrey, T. W., 8 n 27th.

Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Fenske, L. H., 2623 Mont ave. Yegen Bros., 2802 to 2810 Minn ave.

Wooi. Buyers. Fraser, James, G., over First Nat’l Bank. Kailsback, E. O.

BROWN & DECKERT, First National Bank Barber Shop Proprietors. Expert Attendant to Turkish and Massage Baths. 7 SUCCESSFUL RHEUMATIC OPERATOR.

. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Dark Horse Livery ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ & JEFF BREWER, Propr. j* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ First-Class Rigs Reasonable Rates ♦ r . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Teams for Traveling Men and Country Trips a Specialty. ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ 18 Sooth 27th St. 'Phone 78. ^ ♦ : : : ♦ - ♦

♦5 THE OEM SALOON • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . . . BREWER & LEE, Proprs . . . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ If you want the best in the way of Liquors ♦ ♦ or Cigars, and a nice, quiet place to enjoy ♦ yourself, DON’T FORGET THE NUMBER. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + 2607 Montana Ave. ’Phone 116. + ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ Charles Spear. Mepry Wi?ite. ^ ♦ O ♦ * ♦ -*4®4*“ ♦ ■J ♦ «> ♦ ♦ $ jSPEAR&WHITI** ♦ ❖ ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦ Fife ❖ ♦ ❖ ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ If)sUfat)ce ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ flgef)ts. ♦ .♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ -*4®^ ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ $ Mocl Unsuvance a Specialty. % ♦ * ♦ ◄©©©©»©► ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ Biliipgs, lyloptapa. ♦ ♦ * ♦ >«©©C©3©*> ♦ ❖ * ♦ ♦ 11 1S[ 28th Street. Telephone 1^2. ^ ♦ ♦ *)* I O? 7 1 3533 6oer ( r

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