(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,393 B2 Kim Et Al
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USOO8802393B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,393 B2 Kim et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 2014 (54) ARABINOSE ISOMERASE EXPRESSED FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS FROM CORYNEBACTERIUM GENUS AND KR 99-16118 5, 1999 TAGATOSE MANUFACTURING METHOD BY KR 10-2002-0051835 6, 2002 USING IT KR 10-044.3865 T 2004 KR 10-2006-0068505 6, 2006 (75) Inventors: Seong-bo Kim, Seoul (KR); Young-mi WO O2/052021 T 2002 Lee, Seoul (KR); Seung-won Park, WO WO-2006-065095 * 6, 2006 Gyeonggi-do (KR); Jung-hoon Kim, WO 2008/066280 6, 2008 Seoul (KR); Sang-hoon Song, Incheon OTHER PUBLICATIONS (KR); Kang-pyo Lee, Seoul (KR): Whisstocket al. Quaterly Reviews of Biophysics, 2003, “Prediction Hye-won Kim, Gyeonggi-do (KR): of protein function from protein sequence and structure', 36(3): Hye-jin Choi, Seoul (KR) 307-340. Chica et al. Semi-rational approaches to engineering enzyme activ (73) Assignee: CJ Cheiljedang Corporation, Seoul ity: combining the benefits of directed evolution and rational design, (KR) Curr Opin Biotechnol. Aug. 2005:16(4):378-84. Review.* Witkowski et al. Conversion of a beta-ketoacyl synthase to a malonyl decarboxylase by replacement of the active-site cysteine with (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this glutamine, Biochemistry. Sep. 7, 1999;38(36): 11643-50.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Srivastava et al. Gene expression systems in Corynebacteria, Protein U.S.C. 154(b) by 271 days. Expr Purif. Apr. 2005:40(2):221-9, Review.* Accession No. AAK18729 GI: 19879240 of NCBI database (pub (21) Appl. No.: 12/253.454 lished Apr. 1, 2000). Kim et al. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2002, 212: 121-126. (22) Filed: Oct. 17, 2008 Branden et al. Introduction to protein structure, Gerald Publishing Inc., New York, p. 247, 1991. (65) Prior Publication Data Witkowski et al., Conversion of a beta-ketoacylsynthase to a malonyl decarboxylase by replacement of the active-site cysteine with US 2009/O246828A1 Oct. 1, 2009 glutamine, Biochemistry, Sep. 7, 1999;38(36): 11643-50. Seffernicket al., Melamine deaminase and atrazine chlorohydrolase: 98 percent identical but functionally different, J Bacteriol. Apr. 2001; Related U.S. Application Data 183 (8): 2405-10. Lee, S.J., et al. Characterization of a Thermoacidophilic L-Arabinose (62) Division of application No. 11/564,934, filed on Nov. Isomerase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius: Role of Lys-269 in 30, 2006, now abandoned. pH Optimum. Office Action in connection with New Zealand application No. (30) Foreign Application Priority Data 576797 dated Jul. 23, 2010, 7 pages. Kim, Pil. “Current studies on biological tagatose production using Nov. 27, 2006 (KR) ........................ 10-2006-01 17795 L-arabinose isomerase: a review and future perspective.' Applied Microbiol Biotechnol (2004) 65: pp. 243-249. (51) Int. Cl. Chinese Office Action issued in Application No. 20078004400.X CI2P2/06 (2006.01) dated Nov. 3, 2010, 4 pages. CI2P 19/00 (2006.01) * cited by examiner CI2P 19/20 (2006.01) CI2N 9/00 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Iqbal H Chowdhury CI2N 9/92 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Occhiuti & Rohlicek LLP CI2N L/20 (2006.01) CI2N IS/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT C7H 2L/04 (2006.01) The present invention relates to a thermophilic arabinose (52) U.S. Cl. isomerase and a method of manufacturing tagatose using the USPC .............. 435/69.1; 435/72:435/94; 435/183; same, and more precisely, a gene encoding arabinose 435/234:435/252.32:435/320.1536/23.2 isomerase originating from the thermophile Thermotoga nea (58) Field of Classification Search politana DSM 5068, a recombinant expression vector con None taining the gene, a method of preparing a food grade thermo See application file for complete search history. philic arabinose isomerase from the recombinant GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) strain transformed with the (56) References Cited said expression vector, and a method of preparing tagatose U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS from galactose using the said enzyme. 2003/012971.0 A1 7/2003 Hansen et al. 3 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 Sheet 1 of 4 US 8,802,393 B2 Figure 1 Genomic DNA of Tineapolitana DSM5063 TNA PCR (1509bp: SEQ ID NO. 1 and 2) MCS Etely. Enzyme cutting pCJ-1 EcoRVIPst!) kanamycin EggRf U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,802,393 B2 Figure 2 CJ(1)-TNAI (2.5% sucrose) 16 - OO 85,088 - 80 12 - 60 - cS 8 5o R 40 E O 4. - 20 O l --- -- O O 5 O 15 20 25 30 Time (hour) -O-OD600 -O-pH -O-Activity U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,802,393 B2 FIGURE 3 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,802,393 B2 Figure 4 35O.O E. Corynebacterium 3000 E. coli 2 5 O. O - 2OO. O - 150.0 - 100.0 sists 50.0 O.O – PBS -- 1096 PBS -- 2006 PBS - 30 96 PBS -- 40% Gu Gu Gu Gu Reaction Conditions US 8,802,393 B2 1. 2 ARABINOSE SOMERASE EXPRESSED was 25%, indicating that both thermostability and conversion FROM CORYNEBACTERIUM GENUS AND yield were very low (Korean Patent Application No. TAGATOSE MANUFACTURING METHOD BY 99-16118). Professor Oh, Deok-keun and his colleagues (Se USING IT jong University) Succeeded in heterogeneous expression of 5 arabinose isomerase originating from Geobacillus Stearo This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. thermophilus in E. coli and based on that they proposed an isomerization procedure at high temperature to convert galac 11/564,934, filed Nov. 30, 2006, which claims priority to tose into tagatose. The present inventors succeeded in cloning Korean Application No. 10-2006-01 17795, filed Nov. 27, a novel arabinose isomerase gene from Thermotoga neapoli 2006. The content of the application is incorporated by ref tana and producing it in E. coli, and further developed a erence in its entirety. 10 method of manufacturing tagatose at hyper-thermophilic TECHNICAL FIELD condition using the enzyme (Korean Patent No. 10-0443865). The production of tagatose using a derived arabinose The present invention relates to an arabinose isomerase isomerase derived from thermophiles still depends on the gene expressed in a Corynebacterium sp. strain and a method 15 method of using a recombinant enzyme mass-expressed in of preparing tagatose using the same, and more particularly, recombinant E. coli or the isomerization of galactose to taga the present invention provides a gene encoding arabinose tose using a host containing the recombinant enzyme. How isomerase originating from Thermotoga neapolitana DSM ever, this biological production oftagatose using recombinant 5068, a recombinant expression vector containing the gene, a E. coli is not appropriate for the production of tagatose as a method of preparing a thermophilic arabinose isomerase by food ingredient. To produce tagatose as a food additive, ara expressing the gene in a food grade GRAS Corynebacterium binose isomerase expressed in a host which is a GRAS micro sp. Strain transfected with the recombinant expression vector, organism appropriate for the mass-production of the same is and a method of preparing tagatose from galactose using the essential. Corynebacterium is an industrial microorganism that has SaC. been used for the production of chemical compounds appli BACKGROUND ART 25 cable to a variety offields including L-lysine, L-threonine and various nucleic acid containing feeds, medical Supplies and With the increasing interest in well-being or a healthy life, foods. The Corynebacterium is a GRAS (Generally Recog tagatose has been proposed as an alternative to Sugar as it has nized AS Safe) strain, which favors gene manipulation and less side effects and Sugar is one of the major factors causing mass production. In addition, this strain is highly stable under various adult diseases. Tagatose is the isomer of galactose and 30 the various process conditions and has a comparatively stable is known to have fructose-like physiochemical properties. cell membrane, compared with other bacteria. Thus, this Tagatose is a natural low-calorie Sugar, and has recently been strain remains stable even under high osmotic pressure gen approved by the FDA in the USA as GRAS (Generally Rec erated by a high concentration of galactose. ognized AS Safe), so it is now allowed to be added as a The present inventors found that thermophilic arabinose Sweetener to foods, beverages, health foods, diet additives, as isomerase originating from the hyperthermophile Thermo etc. toga neapolitana is overexpressed as an active form in a GRAS indicates a Substance that is generally recognized as GRAS Corynebacterium sp. strain, and further completed safe, which is judged by specialized people having enough this invention by developing a novel art to induce tagatose experience and skills through Scientific procedure and exami isomerization from the high concentration of galactose by nation under the indicated conditions and purpose of use. using the expressed recombinant enzymes from Corynebac GRAS is a unique system used only in the USA to evaluate the 40 terium species. safety of foods and food chemical Substances (under certain conditions) but it is recognized world-wide. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION Tagatose is produced by either isomerization, which is a chemical method using a catalyst to produce an isomer, of It is an object of the present invention to provide a method galactose or a biological method using isomerase to convert 45 of preparing GRAS strains expressing arabinose isomerase galactose enzymatically. stably in their cells under the conditions of high temperature One of the biological methods well-known to those in the and high concentration of galactose by taking advantage of art is to convert aldose or aldose derivatives into ketose or mass-production of the recombinant enzyme in the Coryne ketose derivatives by using an enzyme.