Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Psoriasis

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Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Psoriasis Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Psoriasis Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Kleinhovia hospita 1 1 Dicliptera roxburghiana 1 1 Haplophyton cimicidum 1 1 Salvia willeana 1 1 Viburnum cassinoides 1 1 Alyxia levinei 1 1 Elsholtzia densa 1 1 Lamium sp 1 1 Juniperus horizontalis 1 1 Lepechinia meyenii 1 1 Panax pseudoginseng 1 1 Clinacanthus nutans 1 1 Hyssopus seravshanicus 1 1 Pycnanthemum flexuosum 1 1 Rhododendron schotense 1 1 Thonningia sanguinea 2 1 Alchornea floribunda 1 1 Picrasma quassioides 1 1 Rabdosia adenantha 1 1 Acanthus ilicifolius 1 1 Castanopsis concinna 1 1 Juniperus macropoda 1 1 Maytenus octogona 1 1 Neuracanthus sphaerostachys 1 1 Diospyros oblongifolia 1 1 Euphorbia broteri 1 1 Casearia arborea 1 1 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Aletris farinosa 1 1 Premna integrifolia 1 1 Salvia apiana 1 1 Colubrina texensis 1 1 Castanopsis eyrei 1 1 Larix laricina 1 1 Maytenus senegalensis 1 1 Simaba obovata 1 1 Alnus crispa 1 1 Croton macrostachys 1 1 Galeopsis segetum 1 1 Pulicaria salviaefolia 1 1 Rhizophora mucronata 1 1 Betula alba 1 1 Clinopodium vulgare 1 1 Andira araroba 1 1 Euphorbia hermentiana 1 1 Grewia asiatica 1 1 Ilex verticillata 1 1 Acacia lenticularis 1 1 Cistus laurifolius 1 1 Zataria multiflora 1 1 Dictamnus hispanicus 1 1 Suaeda maritima 1 1 Thymelaea hirsuta 1 1 Tetraclinis articulata 2 1 Salvia beckeri 1 1 2 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Derris trifoliata 1 1 Castanopsis lamontii 1 1 Sphenostylis stenocarpa 1 1 Argyreia nervosa 1 1 Croton megalocarpus 1 1 Meleleuca howeana 1 1 Fagonia cretica 1 1 Rhododendron anthopogon 1 1 Betula alleghaniensis 1 1 Bupleurum salicifolium 1 1 Cedrus libani 1 1 Erica arborea 1 1 Porteresia coarctata 1 1 Dalbergia sericea 1 1 Grewia bicolor 1 1 Diospyros elliptifolia 1 1 Dieffenbachia seguine 1 1 Aralia spinosa 1 1 Betula populifolia 1 1 Senecio alpinus 1 1 Castanospermum australe 1 1 Lasianthus chinensis 1 1 Micromeria benthamii 1 1 Pyropolyporus fomentarius 1 1 Dionaea muscipula 1 1 Helichrysum bilobum 1 1 Streblus asper 1 1 3 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Betula caerulea 1 1 Ornithogalum umbellatum 1 1 Phytelephas macrocarpa 1 1 Aeolanthus myriantha 2 1 Diospyros rotundifolia 1 1 Grewia flavescens 1 1 Cassia siamea 1 1 Rhus alata 1 1 Desmodium pulchellum 1 1 Diospyros undulata 1 1 Hygrophila auriculata 1 1 Latua pubiflora 1 1 Lithocarpus cornea 1 1 Pterospermum acerifolium 1 1 Solanum mammosum 1 1 Tricholepis glaberrima 1 1 Gymnostachyum latifolium 1 1 Paris polyphylla 1 1 Strobilanthes cusia 1 1 Verbena hastata 1 1 Anredera baselloides 1 1 Betula caerulea-grandis 1 1 Canavalia bonariensis 1 1 Orthosphenia mexicana 1 1 Aerva lanata 1 1 Euphorbia paralias 1 1 Grewia tenax 1 1 4 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Acacia modesta 1 1 Mahonia bealei 1 1 Phyllanthus flexuosus 1 1 Dryopteris marginalis 1 1 Fraxinus americana 1 1 Helleborus niger 1 1 Lithocarpus elizabethae 1 1 Pterospermum lanceaefolium 1 1 Picea glauca 1 1 Alnus rubra 1 1 Arisaema triphyllum 1 1 Carlina corymbosa 1 1 Melilotus alba 1 1 Leptospermum polygalifolium 1 1 Paris quadrifolia 1 1 Prunus pensylvanica 1 1 Betula cordifolia 1 1 Atractylis carduus 1 1 Cenchrus biflorus 1 1 Datura candida 1 1 Grewia tiliaefolia 1 1 Rzedowskia tolantonguensis 1 1 Stachys sieboldii 1 1 Dioscorea composita 1 1 Duboisia leichhardtii 1 1 Lithocarpus haipinii 1 1 Pterospermum suberifolium 1 1 5 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Vancouveria hexandra 1 1 Cleistocalyx fullageri 1 1 Euclea crispa 1 1 Alnus rugosa 1 1 Plectranthus incanus 1 1 Parthenium hysterophorus 1 1 Betula dahurica 1 1 Chondrodendron tomentosum 1 1 Ceriops decandra 1 1 Grindelia squarrosa 1 1 Cassinia uncata 1 1 Phillyrea latifolia 1 1 Pterospermum xylocarpum 1 1 Rheedia gardneriana 1 1 Stephania glabra 3 1 Comptonia peregrina 1 1 Acinos thymoides 1 1 Euclea divinorum 1 1 Actinidia polygama 1 1 Euonymus echinatus 1 1 Hyptis verticillata 1 1 Lemaireocereus thurberi 1 1 Aristolochia serpentaria 1 1 Garcinia xanthochymus 1 1 Lumnitzera racemosa 1 1 Plectranthus rugosus 1 1 Strophanthus hispidus 1 1 6 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Salacia cordata 1 1 Scutellaria polydon 1 1 Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus 1 1 Flindersia pimenteliana 1 1 Hedyotis lawsoniae 1 1 Juncus roemerianus 1 1 Sideritis tomentosa 1 1 Nepeta cilicia 1 1 Stephania japonica 2 1 Brugmansia amesianum 1 1 Gmelina arborea 1 1 Hyssopus ferganensis 1 1 Holacantha emoryi 1 1 Rhododendron ledebourii 1 1 Strophanthus kombe 1 1 Citrus meyerii 1 1 Roylea elegans 1 1 Sorbus americana 1 1 Maytenus boaria 1 1 Rhus typhina 1 1 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 1 1 Clerodendrum inerme 1 1 Glechoma hirsuta 1 1 Physalis angulata 1 1 Diospyros morrisiana 1 2 Gochnatia blanchetiana 1 2 Diospyros derra 1 2 7 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Ocimum americanum 1 2 Diospyros wallichii 2 2 Shorea zeylanica 2 2 Tetracera indica 2 2 Betula maximowicziana 2 2 Pouteria torta 1 2 Callicarpa arborea 1 2 Diospyros spinescens 2 2 Eurya acuminata 1 2 Diospyros hirsuta 2 2 Hydnocarpus venenata 1 2 Mesua ferrea 1 2 Zizyphus rugosa 2 2 Cotylelobium scabriusculum 1 2 Dillenia pentagyna 2 2 Formosia benthamiana 1 2 Maytenus canariensis 2 2 Pedicularis longiflora 1 2 Psychotria adenophylla 2 2 Syncarpia laurifolia 1 2 Caraipa densifolia 2 2 Diospyros abyssinica 2 2 Platanus orientalis 1 2 Tacca aspera 1 2 Wisteria floribunda 2 2 Vatica affinis 2 2 Ceanothus americanus 2 2 8 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Diospyros maingayi 2 2 Epilobium rosmarinifolium 1 2 Hypericum patulum 1 2 Coccoloba excoriata 1 2 Diospyros natalensis 1 2 Mitrephora heyneana 2 2 Hopea brevipetiolaris 2 2 Dicoma tomentosa 1 2 Diospyros zenkeri 2 2 Jasminum sambac 1 2 Tetracera sarmentosa 2 2 Betula papyrifera 2 2 Balanops australiana 1 2 Callistemon lanceolatus 2 2 Colubrina granulosa 1 2 Diospyros sumatrana 2 2 Eurya japonica 1 2 Amanoa oblongifolia 2 2 Diospyros hoyleana 2 2 Mesua myrtifolia 1 2 Schleichera oleosa 2 2 Sorocea bonplandii 1 2 Dillenia retusa 2 2 Caraipa grandifolia 1 2 Diospyros argentea 2 2 Hibiscus mutabilis 1 2 Platanus vulgaris 1 2 9 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Rivea corymbosa 1 2 Guatteria discolor 1 2 Salvia mexicana 1 2 Vauquelinia corymbosa 1 2 Ailanthus grandis 1 2 Ceanothus velutinus 1 2 Clinopodium umbrosum 1 2 Diospyros malanonilau 2 2 Quercus myrsinaefolia 2 2 Eryngium creticus 1 2 Gratifolia officianalis 1 2 Magnolia obovata 2 2 Alphitonia excelsa 2 2 Diospyros discolour 2 2 Hopea cordifolia 2 2 Plumeria obtusa 1 2 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 2 2 Tetracera scandens 2 2 Betula pendula 1 2 Paeonia japonica 1 2 Stemonoporus affinis 2 2 Dendroseris neriifolia 1 2 Diospyros sylvatica 2 2 Diospyros ismailii 2 2 Metrosideros excelsa 1 2 Zizyphus trinervia 2 2 Dillenia scabrella 2 2 10 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Forsythia viridissima 1 2 Juniperus oxycedrus 1 2 Syzgium claviflorum 1 2 Carapa guianensis 2 2 Diospyros buxifolia 2 2 Melanoxylon brauna 1 2 Newcastelia viscida 1 2 Solanum aviculare 1 2 Triadenum japonicum 1 2 Woodfordia floribunda 2 2 Shorea affinis 2 2 Vellozia declinans 1 2 Acrotrema arnottianum 2 2 Ampelozizyphus amazonicus 2 2 Aspidixia angulata 1 2 Diospyros mannii 2 2 Eugenia fruticosa 1 2 Hyptis albida 1 2 Diospyros perigrina 2 2 Alphitonia macrocarpa 2 2 Bowdichia virgilioides 1 2 Diospyros ebenum 2 2 Hopea jucunda 2 2 Cornus capitata 2 2 Sambucus racemosa 2 2 Betula platyphylla 2 2 Pilocarpus jaborandi 3 2 11 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Stemonoporus canaliculatus 2 2 Calophyllum apetalum 1 2 Combretum imberbe 1 2 Diospyros thwaitesii 2 2 Artocarpus integrifolia 2 2 Diospyros iturensis 2 2 Metrosideros sclerocarpa 1 2 Pygeum acuminatum 1 2 Schrebera swietenioides 1 2 Zizyphus vulgaris 1 2 Bocconia arborea 2 2 Careya arborea 2 2 Diospyros canaliculata 2 2 Wormia burbidgei 1 2 Iris missouriensis 1 2 Shorea congestiflora 2 2 Acrotrema uniflorum 1 2 Diospyros maritima 2 2 Eugenia jambolana 1 2 Avicennia alba 2 2 Calathea allouia 3 2 Diospyros quaesita 2 2 Alphitonia petriei 2 2 Cassia obtusifolia 1 2 Dipterocarpus glandulosus 2 2 Rauvolfia vomitoria 1 2 Stemonoporus cordifolius 2 2 12 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Agave americana 2 2 Calophyllum bracteatum 1 2 Diospyros tomentosa 2 2 Diospyros japonica 2 2 Eucalyptus viminalis 1 2 Phyllanthus discoideus 1 2 Scirpus fluviatilis 2 2 Lithocarpus attenuata 1 2 Viscum articulatum 2 2 Alnus maximowiczii 2 2 Diospyros celebica 2 2 Ludwigia parviflora 1 2 Solanum laciniatum 1 2 Wormia triquetra 1 2 Fagonia indica 2 2 Rhododendron arboreum 1 2 Salvia nicolsoniana 1 2 Shorea dyerii 2 2 Bursera delpechiana 4 2 Diospyros melanoxylon 2 2 Lemaireocereus griseus 2 2 Avicennia marina 1 2 Alphitonia whitei 2 2 Cuphea carthagenensis 1 2 Diospyros eriantha 2 2 Elaeis oleifera 2 2 Schefflera octophylla 1 2 13 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Tectona grandis 2 2 Dipterocarpus hispidus 2 2 Ficus thunbergii 1 2 Limnophila rugosa 2 2 Scutellaria discolor 1 2 Aleurites montana 1 2 Stemonoporus oblongifolius 2 2 Anisodus tanguticus 2 2 Calophyllum lankaensis 1 2 Ammannia baccifera 1 2 Citrus unshiu 1 2 Diospyros kaki 2 2 Polygonum plebeium 1 2 Scirpus tuberosus 2 2 Vismia cayennensis 1 2 Alnus nepalensis 2 2 Boehmeria excelsa 1 2 Diospyros chevalieri 2 2 Echinops echinatus 1 2 Kayea stylosa 1 2 Putoria calabrica 1 2 Leptospermum ericoides 1 2 Shorea magistophylla 2 2 Zizyphus xylopyra 2 2 Akania luceus 1 2 Amsonia grandiflora 1 2 Buxus microphylla 2 2 14 Plant Chemical Count Activity Count Clusia arboricida 1 2 Diospyros mespiliformis 2 2 Eugenia wallichii 1 2 Hyptis emoryi 1 2 Lemaireocereus hystrix 1 2
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