Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya_Vijaya


Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 1

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)


Editorial ...... 3

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam ...... 5

Bhava Vivaranam - 9 ...... 8

Sarvartha Chintamani – VIII ...... 25

Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust – an analysis ...... 34

Effect of various Planets in different houses ...... 40

Horoscope Analysis ...... 44

Anukramaanika ...... 51

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 2

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)


The saying that time and tide doesn’t wait for anybody is a valid statement in today’s busy world. Every minute of today’s life counts. One minute lost cannot be gained and lot of things can happen without that one minute. If we go one minute late for an exam, we may lose out being the top-scorer in the exam or even clearing the exam (for today everything is competitive). In such a fast-moving busy world, is there any way to control time? Is there any way to go beyond time? These are questions that haunted the minds of ancient seers (sages or rishis). Unlike the people of today these seers didn’t stop their analysis with the external world but they continued searching in their mind as well. As a result their analysis was thorough. They were able to find out the entity of Brahman which is the substratum of the entire world and thereby that which is beyond time itself. It is through realization of Brahman that a person goes beyond time – nobody can control time but we can go beyond time (this means that time doesn’t affect us at all).

But knowing that it is impossible for majority of people to know Brahman, these sages also gave us the science of astrology or jyothisha. This science helps us to find out the right time (auspicious time) for everything. Predictions based on our time will also help us anticipate problems in life; anticipation of problems will ensure that we face them in a better way (without getting much affected) – this is like a person who knows that the roads will be bad as a result of bad weather and therefore is prepared to drive cautiously.

Today in an era where all our ancient sciences are seen in a skeptical way, we should try to understand the importance of these sciences. Even little knowledge of such sciences will eradicate a lot of problems that we face in life. For example if it is shown from the horoscope of a person that he will have fights with his wife then horoscope matching will have to be done properly to ensure that such fights are limited (and doesn’t cause problems to marriage). This is unlike today where most of the marriages end up in divorce because of compatibility issues with partner. Such issues can be anticipated and removed if jyothisha was used (even to the bare minimum).

It isn’t just marriage that is benefitted by jyothisha but everything ranging from life to education to profession to accidents etc. can be predicted with good accuracy and therefore all problems that might happen can be averted easily.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 3

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Many people think that the science of astrology is wrong as many predictions go wrong; the fault isn’t with astrology but with astrologers who aren’t well versed in the science. Even as few doctors who aren’t adept in diagnosing cause issues to all doctors, similarly few astrologers cause bad name to all astrologers.

Since astrology is the eye of the therefore it is through the system of Vedanta that astrology can be properly mastered. Only a brahmajnaani (knower of Brahman or realized master) can predict accurately through astrology as to what might happen in the future. Therefore aspiring astrologers, in addition to learning astrology, should also start learning and implementing Vedanta in their life.

A little effort towards astrology and Vedanta will ensure that one becomes a good astrologer and is able to help himself and others avert dangers in the future; thereby all will be able to lead a smooth life towards the goal of moksha in this very birth itself.

May we all strive to learn and implement the science of astrology in our day to day life so that we will be able to progress smoothly towards moksha and attaining moksha we will be able to ever rejoice in bliss here and now itself.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 4

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam

Astrology and Astrologer Till now we have analyzed the basics of astrology; the various aspects of astrology. These are essential in order to learn and understand the science of astrology. But though there are numerous books and works on astrology still we find that people who are well versed in the science of astrology are very less indeed. Though many claim to know and practice the science of astrology still very few are those who are well-versed in the science of astrology and therefore are able to predict accurately as to what would happen in the future.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that astrology is not just a divine or vedic science but a logical one as well. Understanding of astrology requires a sharp mind and intellect. Minds that are not focused and intellects that are not equipped with proper logic will not be able to learn astrology, let alone practice it.

Most of the works on astrology briefly tell about what is required in an astrologer or who is an astrologer but we can’t find any work that emphasizes on how to become a good astrologer. Since we have already covered the basics of astrology through the series of Jyothisha Vivaranam we will start another series where emphasis is not on the science of astrology but on how to become a good or true astrologer.

We will learn gradually as to how to become a true astrologer through a set of . Sutras are knowledge provided in capsule form – they should have bare minimum words for explanation (and for ease of remembrance as well) but should explain everything that needs to be explained. Putting concepts in the shortest way possible while being very clear isn’t that easy but due to the grace of Ishwara there are many sutras available that explain different concepts or systems in very concise, simple and clear terms.

This work is titled as Jyothishavidanustaanasutram (or sutraani). This series is titld as Vivaranam which means explanation. Anustaanam is practices. Jyothishavid is one who is well versed in the science of jyothisha or a person having deep knowledge of jyothisha. This set of sutras is explanation on the practices required in order to become a jyothishavid. Many of us are so focused on learning the science or tenets of astrology that we miss out on

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 5

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

the practices essential in order to become a true astrologer. This work makes up for what we are missing in our life in order to become a true astrologer.

41 is considered a very sacred number in the tantra or shakta system – it is called a mandala and a mandala of proper practices will fulfil our all desires (as a result of apprehending the grace of Devi). This work consists in total of 41 sutras. All these sutras are important to be at least understood and implemented in life for only then will we be able to become a true astrologer.

We will start the explanation of sutras from the next month but now let us briefly discuss as to what is one of the most important point in becoming a true astrologer.

Astrology and Vedanta Astrology though is used in order to analyze the past and the present, is mainly used in order to predict the future. In brief, astrology is a look into time itself or that which takes us beyond time. As simple as it seems, going beyond time isn’t easy. It is only possible when we achieve that entity which is beyond time. That there is an entity beyond time is known only through the system of Vedanta (the ). Everywhere else we focus on the three limitations of time, space and causation alone.

Vedanta beautifully says that if time is one of the factor of existence itself, then there should be something beyond time; for time itself is changing. Every minute is passing by and this itself means that time is constantly changing. Saying that something which changes is alone real is foolish for then how would we relate the past with the present? Such comparisons are only possible if there is a changeless entity, that which doesn’t change with respect to time. This changeless entity is termed in the scriptures or Vedanta as Brahman. It is through knowledge of this entity that we can go beyond time. It is only when we go beyond time that we will be able to predict the future for the welfare of the entire world.

But knowledge of Brahman is both very simple and very tough also. It is very simple because it is our very nature of Consciousness (that which pulsates inside as I-exist, I-exist at all times). It is also very tough for we are so identified and associated with the entire world that we cannot get rid of these and realize our very nature of Brahman.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 6

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Only a person who has realized Brahman or is in the way to realize Brahman will be able to predict the future; for only he is truly beyond time. Therefore it is essential for all those who are aspiring to be astrologers to also learn the system of Vedanta so that through learning and implementation of Vedanta they are able to realize Brahman and go beyond time. Such realized masters or sadhakas alone can be true astrologers whose words will not fail them and whatever they say will become true as well.

May we all strive to learn the system of Vedanta and follow the various disciplines in order to become a true astrologer so that we will become a true astrologer and will be able to help others in order to overcome problems and sorrows in life; may we all thereby lead a life filled with bliss.

PS: Please find the sutras with literal translation in the below link: http://vedantatattva.org/vedanta/works/JyothishavidanustaanaSutram.pdf

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 7

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Bhava Vivaranam - 9

The ninth house in a horoscope has lot of spiritual significance. A spiritual seeker should have good aspects to 9 th and 9 th lord. Strength of 9 th house determines a spiritual leader. It is also the house of religion and dharma. The behaviour of the person is dharmic or adharmic can be determined. This is one of the houses to be considered when analysing if a person committed any crime or sin. Luck in life is also determined by this house. It’s the House of Father, Guru and elders, respect to elders etc is determined. The health and well being, position and power of the father is indicated.

It shows the thigh portion in a horoscope. Jupiter is the signifactor of this house. Jupiter stands for pride, power, authority, religion, truth, dharma, children, wealth and prosperity. This house is also called bhagyasthana. This also indicates travel in a horoscope. If the 9 th lord is in chara in a Kendra, the person is likely to have travels. In gochara if Jupiter comes to the 9 th house, the person will have travels.

This is also the house of previous birth. If the lord of the 9 th house is a benefic and has good aspects means the person had a higher birth in previous births. Even we can say he was of a higher caste. So based on the previous birth and actions performed, do we accrue sins and our actions are dharmic or adharmic based on it. This house also indicates pilgrimages to holy places.

The fortune of a person in this life is determined. The prosperity in life, wealth and fame he will acquire is determined by this house. 9 th lord, Jupiter and 9 th house play a key role along with sun for the predictions to this house. Karaka of this house is Jupiter as well as sun. We are referring here Brihat Parasara Sastra and Jataka Parikata Vol 3.

Jataka Parijata Vol 3, Chapter 14

Sloka 65: It is with reference to the 9th house and Jupiter that a person’s fortune, power, father or other such elderly person, good works, strict observances of duty and general

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 8

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

welfare. When the 9th lord and Jupiter are in good vargas and good planets are in 9th house the person will have good fortune.

Sloka 66: If the planets occupying the 9th be malefic, depressed or eclipsed, the person born in the will be void of good name, wealth and moral worth. Even if a malefic planet in exaltation, in swakshetra or friendly house in the 9th bhava will do good.

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, chapter 10th Fortunate father

Sloka 3: If the 9th lord is in strength as venus is in the 9th, while Jupiter is in the angle from the ascendant, the natives father is fortunate.

Poor Father

Sloka 4: If the 9th lord is neecha and 2nd/4th from 9th is having mars, then the native’s father is poor.

Long living father

Sloka 5: Should 9th lord be exalted while venus is in an angle from ascendant and Jupiter is in 9th from ascendant, the father of the native will enjoy long span of life.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 9

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Chart 1

Analysis: For AMMA Jupiter is in the 9th house, 9th lord is exalted, and venus is not in Kendra but in 11th house. AMMA’s father lived for more than 80 years.

Royal status of father

Sloka 6: If the 9th lord is in an angle in aspect to Jupiter, the native’s father will be a king endowed with conveyances or be equal to a king.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 10

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Chart 2 – Mukesh Ambani

Analysis: being Thula, the 9th lord is mercury which is well placed in Kendra in 7th with sun exalted.

Sun which is significator of father is exalted. From 9th lord mercury, Jupiter is in a trine. The father of mukesh ambani was a very rich and famous person.

Sloka 7: Should the lord of the 9th be in 10th and 10th lord be aspected by a benefic, the person’s father will be very rich and famous.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 11

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 8-9: Should the sun be in deep exaltation as the 9th lord is in 11th, the native will be virtuous, dear to king and devoted to father. If sun is in trine from ascendant while the 9th lord is in 7th, the native will be devoted to his father.

Chart 3

Analysis: Here we see that the native has 9th and 10th lord Saturn, which is a yoga karaka. Saturn is in trikona i,e the 5th house with benefic Jupiter. Sun is also exalted. Jupiter is well placed in trikona here.

From moon the 9th lord is sun and is in exaltation in 5th house. So the person listens to his father’s words and devoted to his father. Jupiter is placed in 10th house.


Sloka 10: Fortunes will follow from the 32nd year if there is parivarthana between the 2nd and the 9th lord.

Mutual Enmity with father

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 12

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 11: There will be mutual enmity with father if the lagna lord is in the 9th along with the 6th lord. The native’s father will be of a contemptible disposition.


Sloka 12: If the 10th and 3rd lord is weak and 9th lord is in debilitation or combustion, the native will go begging for food.

Jataka Parijata Vol 3, Chapter 14

Sloka 68: If there be in 9th five planets occupying the exaltation house, a swakshetra and if at same time aspected by the 9th lord, the person will have good fortune abounding in wealth and glory and will have lordly personage. Good fortune is made in ones own country if there are planets in exaltation. Good fortune is made in foreign countries if there is neecha planet in the combination.

Chart 4

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 13

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Analysis: From moon the 9th house has 4 planets, Jupiter being exalted is in the four planetary combination. But we see that moon is neecha, hence did not give a strong yoga. Also as it’s from moon the yoga showed later in life. The planets are all along the border of the house. This did not make the yoga so effective too. The 9th lord is neecha but attained neecha bhanga and Jupiter is exlalted. So the person made fortunes in his own country as well as foreign countries. But as all planets are in 12th from lagna, it did not benefit him to a large extent.

Sloka 69: When 9th house is occupied and aspected by benefics then the person is fortunate. If moon or venus in 9th and aspected by malefics, the person will be addicted to women who are venerable elders. If Jupiter in the 9th is aspected by sun, the person becomes a lordly person. If aspected by mars, then one will be a minister, if by mercury then wealthy, if by venus will command cavalry, if by moon he will be happy, if by Saturn then he will posses camels and riding animals.

Chart 5 – Dr Rajendra Prasad – President of India

Analysis : Jupiter is in the 9th house and aspected by Saturn. He was the president of India and it goes without saying that he had many vehicles to take him and travelled many places.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 14

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 70: If Jupiter is in 9th and aspected by sun and moon the person will become wise and posses elephants, cows, horses and wealth. If by sun and mars he will have army, vehicles and precious stones. If by mercury and sun he will amuse himself with learned discussions and have abundance of wealth. If by sun and venus, the person will be polite in addressing.

Sloka 71: If Jupiter is in 9th be aspected by sun and Saturn, person will be abound in moral excellence and be wise in possession of villages. If by moon and mars he will have extensive fame command an army and enjoy ease and wealth. If by moon and mercury he will be blessed with domestic happiness, valuable property, bedding and furniture. If by moon and venus he will lack children though brave active and wealthy.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 15

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Chart 6 – Angelina Jolie

Analysis: Lagna is and 9th house has 3 planets. Jupiter, moon and mars, which inturn is aspected by Saturn. She is the highly paid actress and has demand in bollywood. She is highly fortunate, rich and has name and fame.

Sloka 72: If Jupiter is in 9th aspected by Saturn and moon, he will be an expounder of law in foreign land. If by mercury and venus he will surpass in learning. If all planets aspect Jupiter in 9th bhava, he will be a great personage, a king in possession of valuable property. All planets in 9th with Jupiter secure influence, wealth which is long lasting.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 16

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)


Sloka 73: If the moon occupying the 9th bhava be aspected by Saturn, mercury and mars, the person born will be a king. The same will happen if a planet in its exaltation is in the 9th house and is aspected by a benefic. If sun with moon occupy the house, the person born will be wealthy but afflicted by opthalmia. If sun and mars is in 9th will be ill at ease, will be liked by kings.

Sloka 74: If sun and mercury in 9th the person will have numerous enemies, will be unhappy and always suffering from some ailment. If sun in the 9th be associate with Jupiter, will be wealthy and will do what will please the father. If sun and venus in 9th then the person is sick. If Sun and Saturn in the 9th person will be ailing as a father and will have stomach problems. If mars and moon in 9th the person will kill his mother and loose wealth also.

Sloka 75: If moon and mercury in 9th bhava, the person will be effected by yoga will be eloquent and conversant with many sciences. If moon is in conjunctions with Jupiter person will be firm minded, illustrious and prosperous. If moon and venus are in the 9th the person concerned will have a strumpet for his wife and will be in favour of his step mother. If moon in 9th is with Saturn, the person will be devoid of all religious merits and his mother will be cast out of the family.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 17

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 76: If mars and mercury be in the 9th bhava person will be well learned in sacred books and devoted to pleasur. If mars with Jupiter in the bhava person will be wealthy and respected. If mars with venus in the 9th the person will have two wives and will be expounder of law in foreign land. If the planet combining with mars in 9th be Saturn, the person will be wicked and addicted to women not his own. When mercury and Jupiter found in the 9th the person will be keen-witted wise wealthy and learned.

Sloka 77: If mercury and venus in 9th, person will be devoted to music, pleasure and learned. If mercury and Saturn are found together in that bhava, the person concerned will be sickly surpassing in wealth but untruthful. When Jupiter and venus in the 9th, the person will be prosperous and long lived. When Jupiter and Saturn in 9th the person will suffer from disease and will be rich in jewels. When Saturn is with venus in 9th, the person will become a king’s composer.

Sloka 78: If the sun, moon and mars combine in the 9th bhava, the person born will become an orphan and have an impaired limb. If sun, moon and mercury are in the 9th house, the person will be cruel and will do forbidden actions. If sun, moon and Jupiter be in the 9th house, the person will enjoy much ease and will be rich in vehicles.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 18

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 79: If sun, moon and venus are in the 9th the person born will be a royal favourite and loose his wealth by engaging in quarrel for women. The sun, moon and Jupiter be found together in 9th the person will be rich in vehicles.

Sloka 80: If Sun, mars and venus are in the 9th house person will be disputational, irritable and can seduce women. If sun, mars with Saturn in 9th person will be committing parricide and will be friendless and indigent. If sun, mercury and Jupiter be in the 9th house the person born will have large wealth. If its sun, mercury and venus, makes a person a king. If its sun, mercury and Saturn, person is wicked and addicted to women not his own.

Sloka 81: The Sun and Jupiter combining with venus in the 9th bhava makes the person wealthy and learned. If the same planets with Saturn then the person will become notorious libertine. When venus sun and Saturn are in 9th the person will be a convict. Moon, mercury and mars in 9th , gives birth to a child who is afflicted in childhood but will be happy later in life.

Sloka 82: If moon mars and Jupiter are in 9th person will be a devotee and do worship. If moon and venus, the person will be bereft of wife and will have accidents. If moon, mars and Saturn the person will have a base disposition, will loose his mother but will be a king’s peer. Moon, mercury and Jupiter make one a teacher and a wealthy lord.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 19

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 83: When the moon, mercury and venus together in the 9th house, the effect will be that the person born will be subject to the control of his step-mother’s father. If moon, mercury and Saturn in 9th, will be wicked and pick quarrels.

Sloka 84: The moon and Jupiter in 9th bhava combining with venus make the person born a king. The same two planets associated with Saturn in bhava make him inclined to virtuous acts. The planets Saturn, mercury and venus give the person born a status of the king, equal to money-making farmer.

Sloka 85: Mercury and mars together with Jupiter makes a person ruler of the province. Same planets with venus, the person will be conversant with sastras, but fickle minded and cowardly. If those two planets again be associated with Saturn the person will be captious and incompetent.

Sloka 86: If mercury and Jupiter is associated with venus the person is learned and virtuous. If associated with Saturn, person is eloquent and learned. When Jupiter, venus, mercury and moon combine a fortunate person is born.

Sloka 88: If planets in 9th are not associated with mercury or Jupiter, the person will be diseased, unamiable, forlorn, pining in prison and miserable.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 20

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 89: If the 9th lord occupying the 8th be aspected by depressed or inimical planets or 9th lord itself is in depression, the person born is unlucky.

Sloka 91: when the lord of the 9th house is aspected by lord of lagna as well as by lord of the 10th house, the person born will bestow gifts.

Chart 7 – Albert Einstein

Analysis: There is parivarthana between 9th and 10th lords Jupiter and Saturn. 9th lord Saturn is in 10th house along with the lagna lord mercury. Einstein is known to have given lot of inventions to the world. The 9th house has Jupiter.

Sloka 93: If Jupiter is in 9th house and occupied its own or is aspected by a benefic, the person will have high sense of filial duty.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 21

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 94: If the 9th bhava associated with benefics includes Jupiter or the lord of the 9th house is aspected by Jupiter, person will delight in serving parents and be happy.

Sloka 95: If the lord of 9th occupies an amsa of Jupiter, venus and mercury and is aspected by a benefic planet or is admist benefic planets the person does virtuous actions.

Sloka 97: If the 9th lord occupies a trikona or Kendra in great strength and if the lagna be aspected by its lord , good fortunes come in a crowd. If the lord of the 10th occupies in navamsa, or trimsamsa of Jupiter. In either case the person will lead strict austere life and will not indulge in any enjoyments.

Sloka 98: Planets exalted in the 9th house or in its own house, produce lot of wealth. If such a house is aspected by benefics person born will overcome all his opponents, possessing charming constitution and enjoy fame Chart 6 of Angelina Jolie, we have seen that 9th lord Jupiter is in its own house with mars and moon . she has lot of wealth and conveyances. She is very charming, famous and victorious over opponents.

Sloka 99: If at the time of birth, the 9th lord and karaka are in dusthana, the father of the child will not be able to see the face of the child. If the 9th lord is in Kendra or trikona, he will have good fortune and will be able to see the child.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 22

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Chart 8

Analysis: 9th lord Jupiter is in the 8th house, Karaka for father Jupiter is in 8th house. So the 9th lord and karaka are in dusthana. This person right from childhood was away from father. Even sun is with neecha mars. So this shows the person was always away from father.

Sloka 100: If the lord of the 4th, venus and moon be strong and either occupy the 6th house or associated with the 6th lord, the father of the person will encounter death is in the night. If moon be not there in the planetary positions, then the father may die in the morning time.

Sloka 101: If the lord of the 9th bhava is a benefic and is in strength and is associated with benefics Jupiter or venus the person will engage in recitation of prayers, holy contemplation or abstract meditation on the nature of spirit based on the portion occupied by the 9th lord whether it falls in movable, immovable or dual rasis. In chart 3 we see that from moon the 9th lord is Sun which is exalted. Sun is with benefic venus The person always engages himself in recitations, contemplation and meditation.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 23

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sloka 102: when the lord of the 10th and 9th house has attained devalokamsa, or higher amsas, the person will be absorbed in the contemplation of the supreme spirit.

Sloka 103: When the lord of the 9th house is in conjunction with Jupiter and attained parvatamsa and the lord of the lagna is aspected by Jupiter, the person born will bestow great gifts.

In chart 3 the 9th lord is with Jupiter, the lagna lord is with exalted planet, the person shall bestow gifts to the world.

9th lord and karaka Jupiter along with sun are factors influencing the 9th house, determines the luck of the person. Jupiter stands for stomach, digestion, gas, kidneys and liver. This is part of the medical astrology. This brings us to the end of understanding of this house.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 24

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Sarvartha Chintamani – VIII

This chapter of sarvartha chintamani deals with the 8 th bhava and 9 th bhava significations. In this edition we shall see about 8 th house, the planets involved and various predictions done about this house.

Eight House

From 8 th house the following can be examined – longevity, death, rectum, mode of death, enjoyment of food, service, being bitten and defeat.

Short/Long life

If the lord of the 8 th house is in 6 th or in 12 th and also with malefics person will have short life.

The lord of the 8 th house is in 8 th or lord of 8 th house is in 7 th house in its own sign or exaltation sign then person will have long life.

If the lord of the 1 st and 8 th house are together in 6 th or 12 th houses with benefics then it indicates a long life. If lord of the 6 th and 12 th houses is in 1 st house but under influence of benefics also the person will have long life.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 25

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Very good longevity is indicated if the lord of the 10 th too is in friendly house. The lords of 1st ,8 th and 10 th houses in Kendra confers long life.

If the above planets along with Saturn are in Kendra the person will live for long.

If the lord of lagna is in Kendra with Jupiter and venus or is aspected by them, the native will live for long time.

If the kendras contain benefic planets and lord of lagna is with a benefic and under aspect of Jupiter, the native enjoys longevity.

If the lord of the 8 th house is in 1 st under aspect of Jupiter and venus and lord of 1 st is in Kendra, the man has long life.

If malefics are in 6 th , 8 th or 12 th and lord of the lagna is weak and there is no beneficial influence, the man is short lived and without progeny.

If the malefics are in kendras without any benefic aspects and the lord of lagna is weak, the man is short lived.

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Span of life

Longevity is of three types. Short life is upto 32yrs. From 32 to 69 yrs it is middle age and beyond 69yrs is long life. If the lord of lagna is enemy to the sun then it shows short life. If the lord of lagna is neutral, then middle age. If lagna lord is friend longevity is more. One lives till middle of lagna lord is weak. If jupter is in Kendra or trine and natural malefic are in 6 th , 8 th and 12 th . If benefic occupies Kendra or trine and Saturn is strong in Kendra or trine and situated in 6 th ,8 th or 12 th .

Time of Death

People born in a yoga that gives only short life, the main ruling period of the vipat tara i.e the planet lord of the 3 rd asterism from that occupied by moon at birth which ends life. Incase of people with middle longevity death happens in pratyari tara i.e the lord of the asterism which is 5 th from that occupied by the moon.

For people born in yoga conferring long life the main period of vadha tara i.e the lord of asterism which is 7 th from that occupied by the moon ends the life. Thus death should be predicted after determining the longevity.

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Death through weapons or thieves

Death takes place through thieves or weapons if the 8 th lord is in 6 th and with Saturn, rahu and . Then in the main ruling period of 8 th lord and sub period of 1 st lord or reverse it happens.

Death due to conveyance or appetite

If the lord of 1 st and 8 th is located with 4 th lord, death of native happens through conveyance. If both are with Jupiter it happens through loss of appetite. It will happen due to appetite also if the 1 st lord and Jupiter are in 6 th house.

Death by poison or being hanged

If the lords of 1 st and 2 nd houses are located with Saturn, death takes place by consumption of poison. If the lords of 1 st and 2 nd are with rahu or ketu and located in 6 th , 8 th or 12 th house the man dies by being hanged.

Death at hands of animals

If 6 th lord with rahu or ketu and Saturn, the natives dies at the hands of wild animal. If the lord of the 6 th is with jupiter, it is with an elephant, if its with moon its due to horse.

Death from dogs

If the 6 th lord is with sun and Saturn, death happens due to horns of an animal. If the 6 th lord is with Saturn and mars fear of death is from dogs. If the location of Saturn is in 6 th

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which is not its own house or house of exaltation and without company of benefic the person has fear of death from dogs.

Death of father followed by mother

If the 4 th lord and 9 th lord together with the 1 st lord are in Kendra or trikona, during the sub period or main period of 4 th lord death of father happens followed by death of mother.

Troubled by souls

If moon is in 8 th house along with rahu and Saturn and is weak in paksha strength and is located within 72 deg from sun, the native suffers from epilepsy. Moon in such conditions is troubled by the souls of the dead and from water.

Death by epilepsy

If weak moon in 8 th with rahu, mars and Saturn, the results given above will follow. If these are located in 6 th or 12 th the person dies due to epilepsy or of trouble form souls.


If moon is in 4 th with rahu or ketu the native suffers from intermittent fevers of 4 days interval. If moon and rahu with lord of 8 th house located in malefic shastiamsa, the same results will follow.

Death by punishment

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If sun is in 6 th or 8 th in its sign of debilitation and aspected by malefics the man dies as a result of punishment by government and so does his father. He also suffers financial loss due to the punishment.

Death of relatives/mother/kith and kin

If 9 th or 10 th house from lagna has mars and aspected by malefics it indicates death of brother of the mother. If such mars is aspected by Saturn it indicates death of the son. If the said mars is with moon and malefics it results in the death of the mother.

Death of father/early childhood

If sun and mars are in 9 th or 10 th house and is aspected by malefics it indicated early death of father. If both the lagna and the moon are afflicted by malefics, the native has early death in childhood.

Early Death of person

Mars in 7 th or 8 th aspected by malefics means early death of the native. If mars is in 3 rd and aspected by malefics and is with malefics then early death of younger brothers.

Death of mother

If moon is in the 7th and with malefic or aspected by malefic, the yoga leads to early death of mother. If sun is similarly situated it leads to early death of father. If mars, saturn and venus are in 7 th leads to early death of son.

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Death in Infancy

If malefics in 3 rd and 6 th and benefics in 12 th and if moon is in 4th or 12 th house with malefics the natives dies in infancy.

If moon and sun in the 1 st house and malefics in 12 th house without any benefic aspect, the native dies in infancy. If sun is in 7 th and moon in 1 st with a malefic, the yoga indicates the death of the son.

Destruction of body

If sun and moon in 12 th and 12 th lord in lagna, indicates destruction of body. If Jupiter is in 12 th or 8 th house with malefics also same thing is indicated.

Death of parents at birth If lord of 1 st house is strong and 4 th and 9 th lord are in 8 th house and weak there will be death of parents at the time of birth.

Having milk of another woman/ father does not see son

If at birth the 3 rd lord and moon are in 6 th or 8 th house, the person drinks milk form breast of another woman not his mother and mother dies at the birth of the person. If sun and 9 th lord are placed in 6 th or 8 th the father does not see his son.

Death of father

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If the 9 th lord is in a movable sign or in the 8th house father dies away from home. If fixed or dual it will be near home.

Lighting pyre

If sun and moon are in Kendra and in movable signs, the son will not have opportunity to light the pyre of his parents. If they are in Kendra and common sign there will be delay in lighting the pyre.

Troubles to mother

If the lord of the 9 th house is strong and moon and the lagna and 4 th lord is without strength, the yoga indicates severe troubles to mother.

Disease of rectum

If more malefics in 8 th house then disease of rectum should be declared not however when there are benefics in the 8 th house.


If the 8th house has benefics or aspected by benefics the person will lead life in comfort and also eat good food else will eat coarse food.


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If the lord of the 8 th house is located with malefics, is aspected by malefics, is located between malefics or if the sign of a malefic is in the 8 th house, the native often meets defeat in undertakings.

This brings us to the end of the 8 th bhava and its significations as per sarvartha chintamani. In next edition we shall see the 9 th bhava.

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Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust – an analysis

Advent of ishwara on earth as an avatara happens when dharma diminishes in the world and entire world is in chaos and suffering. Every where selfishness, blood shed and destruction prevails and few people realizing the futility of human life are in quest of eternal bliss unknowingly, then the lord manifests himself for the upliftment of the entire world. Such an Avatara Purusha we have around us now is AMMA. AMMA has provided solace to the suffering people all over the world through her hugs. Inorder to transform the lives of people, AMMA‘s ashram centers have spread all across the globe, performing many humanitarian activities, providing opportunities for spiritual growth to the masses and helping hand to people in need.

Guru manifests himself when the sishyas are thirsty for the truth. The establishment of AMMA’s mutt called M.A mutt was done with a divine sankalpa of continuing the ancient tradition of Guru and sishya parampara, where the sishyas stay with the guru, serve the guru by doing the work allocated by the Guru and thereby gain eigibility to get the divine knowledge and tread the path of self - realization under the supervision of the Guru.

In this context lets analsye the chart of M.A. mutt. On May 6, 1981, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and Mission Trust was founded. Lets analyse the see the past and future of the ashram. The time of below is not known. We felt that mesha lagna would be appropriate.

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General Predictions Sun and moon exalted in the chart in lagna and 2 nd house, made ashram famous all over the world. Sun which is the 5 th lord is exalted. 5 th lord also stands for name and fame. Sun and moon also represents government. So ashram is so famous and also is like a government body by itself, which is self –sufficient and carrying on activities in the world, without any dependency.

Having exalted planet in lagna and 2 nd house shows the power of the ashram. Strength of ashram with respect to spirituality is shown by sun. Moon in 2 nd also represents wealth. So ashram has lot of wealth. People here talk and advise others a lot. Also moon exalted in 2 nd house shows that women population in ashram. 4th lord is moon which is exalted. So mother of the ashram offcourse AMMA is the source of all the wealth. Without AMMA ashram would surely be poor.

Immense potential of ashram is represented by 3 planets in lagna along with lagna lord. Lagna lord being mars, shows that ashram people are aggressive and action oriented. They belong to the caste of kshatriyas. Hence we see the ashram always at action and never calm and quiet. Lagna has the 8 th lord, which indicates lot of problems and internal conflicts in ashram. 8 th lord is with 2 nd ,7 th and 5 th lord. So problems in ashram, for people interacting with ashram and mental problems of people in ashram.

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Moon is with mercury which is 3 rd and 6 th lord. Hence we can say that enemies are in the ashram itself .This means that our internal enemies have to be overcome from individual perspective as well as enemies in ashram from ashram perspective. It also shows that people who are mental patients are present more in ashram. Moon and mercury shows this. Jupiter in the 6 th house from lagna shows that ashram people are not spiritual oriented and people do not know the importance of a Guru and haven’t come to ashram for spirituality. From moon 5 th has Jupiter which means that after 30 years from the establishment of ashram i.e after 2010, slowly changes will be seen in the people to become devotional towards AMMA. Jupiter aspects 10 th house from lagna, so shows that all spiritual activities will be done by ashram.

10 th lord Saturn in the 6 th house shows that initially the ashram will be more into actions in the world but will not derive any happiness or satisfactions due to it. The 10 th and 11 th lord Saturn with 9 th lord Jupiter shows that spiritual oriented work to serve masses will be taken up by the mutt. Ashram people are never happy with the work they do and never satisfied at work. But from moon yogakaraka is in 5 th house with Jupiter. So after 30 years of the ashram, people will do more of mental activities like research and other activities rather than at physical plane.9 th lord being in 6 th also means dharma is not followed in the initial stages in ashram.

From lagna, mandi is in 4 th house. So initially AMMA has to undergo lot of problems due to her children. There is no happiness in ashram which is indicated by mandi. It indicates the initial struggles of people on the spiritual path. But 4 th lord moon is exalted, they are happy with AMMA and not by anything else.

From moon 4 th lord sun is exalted and is in 12 th house. So as people progress in later years all will be sent away from ashram and from AMMA. In later years people in ashram become more devotional and will cut off all external relationships. After 2010 alone people will think or come to know about the goal of moksha.

From moon 3 planets in 12 th shows that only in later part of the years people in ashram will strive towards moksha.

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The mutt was established in atiganda. So only spirituality will help in sustenance of the ashram. The numerology shows that fate number of ashram is “1” means they will be leaders to the world. 6th character number people are passionate about doing mission work. Lets analyse the Dashas of the chart .The mutt was started in moon and ketu bhukti. from 1981 to 1985 -- Moon dasha from 1985 to 1992 -- Mars from 1992 to 2010 – Rahu from 2010 – to 2026 – Jupiter from 2026 to 2045 – Saturn from 2045 to 2062 -- mercury

Below are the key events at the ashram 1. 1998 – AIMS hospital , inauguration of the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi 2. 2004 , 26 th Dec tsunami hit the ashram 3. 2009 – many people left ashram 4. 13 th Jan 2013-- Engineering college

AIMS was built in rahu dasha. Rahu gives effects of moon. Moon is the 4 th lord and hence ashram got properties and establishments during that dasha. Moon also represents hospitals and rahu in it made it hospital establishments.

When tsunami took place it was Rahu main dasha and venus sub dasha. Rahu in moon’s house gives watery problems. Rahu in 4 th gives problems at home, I.e for ashram. Hence ashram was effected by tsunami. Jupiter was also in 6 th house in gochara which is not a good location and Saturn was in the fourth house from lagna. For lagna venus is the . So in rahu and venus dasha the ashram was inundated with water. Mars aspects 4th house and Saturn was in 4 th house in gochara, which lead to tsunami.

In Jupiter main dasha and Saturn sub dasha, engineering college was constructed by the mutt. Jupiter being the 9 th lord and Saturn 10 th and 11 th lord caused the educational institutions to come up. Jupiter also represents education. This also raised lot of funds for the mutt as 11 th lord was involved. But Jupiter and Saturn are in 6th house, there were lot of

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obstacles for the same. From moon 5 th house has Jupiter and Saturn, so also educational institutions came up.

2009 was the end of rahu dasa with mars. Rahu creates domestic problems and mars is also the 8 th lord though being lagna lord. So it lead to problems for ashram and AMMA, where many people left ashram.

Mars dasha and rahu dasha ashram would have gone through rough waters, like troubles with respect to institutions and properties and domestic problems. 8 th lord also means social service. The ashram residents have done lot of social service works during the period 1985 to 1992 where the ashram was in initial stages and lot of work for maintenance of ashram was there. Now many facilities have come up and life is smoother at ashram now.

Jupiter is the 9 th and 12 th lord in the 6 th house. From moon Jupiter is in 5 th house and from lagna in 6 th house. During this period, ashram people will slowly get into more scriptural studies and acquiring more knowledge of sastras. Will be forced to implement what they are learning. They will slowly start treading the path of renunciation. True Devotion towards AMMA would be gained by people. People shall see AMMA with attitude of Guru slowly rather than just considering AMMA as mother.

Saturn dasha will be very beneficial for AMMA’s children. They will get name and fame and grow spiritually. None of the enemies of ashram can trouble ashram. Ashram activities will be more on mental plane than physical plane. People will do more of research, composing works, songs, studying scriptures, doing dhyana etc. AMMA will be proud of her children. AMMA’s children will listen to the words of the master. All desires of the AMMA’s children will be fulfilled.

Mercury dasha will make ashram people. Enemies and diseases will prevail more during this time in ashram as mercury is the 3 rd and 6 th lord which is a malefic in the 2 nd house. Educational and professional progess of ashram as mercury stands for profession and education. Related problems are also seen.

Now as per gochara Jupiter is in 3 rd house and 2 nd from moon. So ashram will do good at studies and researches and also at spreading the words of AMMA. When Jupiter moves to

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cancer next year, it will be in exalted position and many will start learning sastras and getting involved in such activities. It will be a good period. From moon Jupiter will be in 3 rd house, which will give a balanced effect of good and bad.

Saturn is in thula currently and is in 7 th house and exalted from lagna and in 6 th from moon. So work is not that satisfactory for mutt as such for couple of years. But at same time mutt has progressed in various fields and has attracted masses. When Saturn moves to next year after December, it will be a difficult time for ashram. Troubles for ashram will be seen. Also there will be lot of expansions, exposure work load at work front.

Overall ashram chart is a mixed one. It has both good and bad effects and balancing out each other. Ashram shall progress slowly towards later years and become more focussed on spiritual activities at the end.

This is as per my limited knowledge in astrology. Readers can make more interpretations from the charts. We have approximately assumed the lagna. In case someone knows the right time, they can analyze it further.

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Effect of various Planets in different houses

Venus is one of the brightest planets in the solar system. Its speed is similar to sun. It is much closer to the sun. The size of venus is similar to the earth. It can never be more than 48 degree away from the sun. Venus also represents the Guru Shukraacharya. This is a planet that rules love, beauty, comforts and sensual pleasures. People under the influence of this planet are very passionate. They like to keep contact with people, have lot of friends, attend parties and are fun seeking. People having venus strong cannot have strong vairagya. It’s difficult for them to develop dispassion towards the world. Even though often faced with situations to teach them lessons on futility of worldly existence, they still are not able to overcome the passions. Venus strong in lagna or associated with lagna, gives beauty, charm, grace and captivating looks to a person. Generally beautiful women have venus or moon strong. Venus strong and well placed will give a good husband, provided other factors in the horoscope are good.

If venus is not afflicted the person takes to righteous ways of expressing love. If not afflicted, person will have chances of attaining true love. If afflicted the person enters into illegal relations etc. Venus also stands for comforts in life. If venus strong such people will have all comforts in life. Venus is the karaka for the 7 th house for marriage. Venus also indicates the partner in business. 7 th lord of the 7 th house and its aspects etc determine what kind of spouse the person may get.

Here have referred texts like Phaladeepika, Brihat Jataka of and Brighu sutras to come up with below details.

Venus as a planet Venus is the planet of love and pleasures. It’s a feminine planet which shows soft nature love and compassion. It governs throat, breasts, kidneys, veins, ovaries and generative organs. Venus is good humoured, loving and warm. Such people have pleasant voice and sweet words, dependent on people etc. Venus also gives, music, dance, drama, acting, adornments, amusements, painting and similar arts. It is also a planet for vehicles.

Day is friday and gem is diamond. Metal, silver or white color is its color. They have handsome and beautiful appearances ,symmetrical and graceful forms. It rules the sense of

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touch. They are natural peacemakers. Soft natured, entertainers, promote pleasure and excellent hosts. People are good at biological sciences.

Venus gives rise to malavya yoga, Which is one of the pancha mahapurusha yogas. Such people will have all comforts, tasty food and clothing and enjoy life. Venus is exalted in at 27 deg. It is debilitated at at same degree. It is a sattvic planet. Venus owns and thula. Mercury and Saturn are friends of venus. Sun and moon are its enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him.

Let’s see now the results of effects of Venus in various houses.

Venus in Various Houses The tow houses it rule are Vrishbha and Thula. Venus moolatrikona is Thula. The ill effects of the planet reduce if it’s in its own house. If the planet forms the malayva yoga also ill effects will reduce. For virgo, and ascendants the following results will prove more beneficial as venus is the yoga karaka.

1st House -- Will have health, beautiful, charming, graceful body and will be attractive and will be endowed with long life. Person will be good at mathematics. Will be loved by spouse and will like ornaments, decorations, dresses etc. Person will be fair and shining. Will be skilled at acts of love and will live in good comforts. If it’s associated with malefic or is debilitated the person will cheat or be a thief and will suffer from rheumatism and phlegmatic diseases. If lord of the first house is associated with rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If venus is in the ascendant and benefics in 4 th house, person will have vehicles and high prosperity. If venus is in own house then person will enjoy maharaja yoga with lot of name, fame and wealth. If venus is lord of 8 th , 6 th or 12 th person will have two wives and his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.

2nd house – The person will be a poet and will have riches. Person will have sweet words and sweet voice. Will be singer, Will have family, will have attractive eyes, will eat good food, will have good looking face. If venus with moon while the 2 nd lord is in dusthana the person may be come night blind. Will be a devi bhakta.

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3rd house – Family life may not be good, not in good terms with spouse, will be good at arts like singing, drama etc. he will have good number of brothers and sisters. Native will have success with efforts. He will be a miser. Will not be courageous.

4th house – gives a person comforts, vehicles, good clothes, jewellery, scents etc. Native will be handsome, intelligent, will have happiness from brothers. He will have abundance of milk. If lord of 4 th is strong person will have palanquins vehicles pulled by horses etc. if 4 th lord is with malefic or in malefic house the person will be deprived of lands and mother will be in distress and he will have illict relations with woman. Person will have happiness from relations and friend.

5th house – The person concerned will be having huge wealth, will protect others, will be very wise and blessed with children. He will be like a minister. Will be a good artist of fine arts. He will have luck of seeing grandmother alive. He will be respected and honoured by the government. If not strong the person will be in want of children and will be dull headed. He will be fond of enjoyments. He will be well educated. Will be a devi bhakta.

6th house -- The native will have good number of relations. There will be destruction of enemies. He will incur wasteful expenditure and have diseases. If associated with malefics there will be loss of relations and destruction of enemies. Wife will be like an enemy. He will be corrupted by young females.

7th house -- If venus is in the 7 th house, the native will be fond of kissing on the mouth and will be highly sexed. He will be wealthy and take interest in women other than his wife. He will have conveyances and will play foul with women. If debilitated or with malefic there will be loss of wife but he will marry again. If with benefics or exalted will get wealth from in- laws. If with benefic then both will be chaste and have happy married life. Will lead to multiple marriages. Native will be attractive and attract women. Fond of quarrels and sexual union.

8th house –- He will be sick, have long span of life if not associated with malefics. He will have devoted wife but will be discontented. Person will be wealthy.

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9th house –- blessed with wife, friends, children and have prosperity through royal favour. Person will be religious minded. Will be devi bhakta. May get fortunes through women. He will devote himself to meditation. He will enjoy all comforts. Native’s father will live long. If venus is associated with lord of 4 th and 7 th the native will be exceedingly fortunate. Person will be lucky an will have wealth. He will be philosophical.

10 th house –- The native will be renowned. He will have good job. If associated with malefics person will face obstacles in the undertakings. Person will like music. He will have reputation, wealth, conveyances prosperity.

11 th house –- Person will get benefits from women. He may have multiple marriages. All his desires will be fulfilled by devi. He will get many gifts. Have company of females and with many comforts. Learned, wealthy, kind hearted and owner of lands. If venus associated with benefics financial gains will be through proper means.

12 th house –- person will be have sexual enjoyments. Person will face poverty. If with malefic will have sexual indulgences. Will have bed pleasure, will go to heavens after death. Will be clever in sexual matters will have plumpy body and dominated by women.

Thus we see venus is good when its in 4 th house where it has digbala. Venus in dusthanas is not good for married life. Venus in 7 th or 1 st will make a person handsome and same time highly sexual. Venus stands for matters of love and emotions. If malavya yoga is there in a chart we see strong effects of venus. Venus should be checked in charts for marriage. Malefic associations take people in adharmic way or cause tragedies in life.

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Horoscope Analysis

Sadguru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi – Life and Events Marking the event of AMMA’s 60 th birthday celebrations, let’s all retrospect and see what we can learn from Life of AMMA from astrological perspective and spiritual perspective. A mahatma teaches the world through his life and teachings. Teachings are the satsanga we get from AMMA. But let’s see how AMMA utilized the good and bad periods for spiritual growth.

Many people on the spiritual path resort to analysing their horoscope and worrying about good and bad period. Let’s analyse the various incidents in AMMA’s life to learn how a sadhaka should utilize the period for his own benefit. We also can understand how good and bad Dashas help us on spiritual journey. We will be able to learn how to understand the period in a right perspective and utilize the time for spiritual growth from AMMA’s life.

Astrological interpretations help us to see how the challenges in life were taken upon to bring in the inner transformation. AMMA also faced similar challenges a common man faces on spiritual path, but stood strong on the path towards the goal. AMMA faced challenges in early years of her life and she overcame that and stood for the truth. Through AMMA’s life we can learn how one can follow the path one chooses. One can learn how one can change his destiny.

Birth of a Mahatma is very rare. It’s even rare to spend time in the physical presence of Mahatmas. So one should know this value to use the time to the best possible extent in reaching the goal of life very quickly else our lives will be futile. We shall also try to see AMMA’s Future works. No one can predict what mahatmas future can be. As whole creation is in the hands of AMMA. AMMA can change anything anytime in the world. But we shall attempt to analyse to an extent, so that we know the importance of AMMA’s life for us and we can focus on utilizing AMMA’s life for our spiritual growth as soon as possible.

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The Dasha at birth was Sun main Dasha and Mercury Sub Dasha. The following are the Dasha periods. from 1953 to 1955 – Sun Dasha from 1955 to 1965 – Moon Dasha from 1965 to 1972 – Mars Dasha from 1972 to 1990 -- Rahu Dasha from 1990 to 2006 – Jupiter Dasha from 2006 to 2025 – Saturn Dasha , currently going on is Saturn – venus.

Below are the key events in AMMA’s life. 1. 1958 – AMMA showed divine qualities, like singing ,meditation,composing songs 2. 1961 – AMMA’s mother fell sick. AMMA stopped education. AMMA started serving people around. 3. September 1975 – AMMA started Krishna Bhava and Devi Bhava. 4. 1979 – followers gathered 5. 1981 – Mutt, May 6, 1981, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and Mission Trust started.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

6. In 1987, at age 33, responding to the request of devotees from the USA and Europe, Amma made her first world tour. 7. In 1989, the Mata Amritananadamayi Center, a residential ashram and retreat center, was established just outside San Francisco. 8. 1998 – AIMS hospital , inauguration of the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi 9. September 3, 1993 – AMMA attended Parliament of World Religions, Chicago, 10. 1995 -- Interfaith celebration in New York to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. 11. 2000 August 29 --'The Role of Religion in Conflict Transformation' 12. 2010 AMMA’s father Sugunachan passes away.

Lets analyze major events from AMMA’s life in astrological perspective. 1. AMMA started composing songs at the age of five years. She was singing beautifully by then. Right from birth AMMA showed signs of spirituality. Sun is the 11 th lord in the 12 th house of moksha. AMMA was doing her practices of singing and calling out to lord. At the age of 5yrs moon dasha just started. Moon being the 10 th lord exalted in 8th house. Moon also gives imagination and innovation. AMMA started composing songs.

2. AMMA’s mother fell sick when AMMA was 9 years and AMMA had to take up all the family chores and at same time helped her relatives and neighbours. In the year 1962 when AMMA was 9yrs old the period running was moon- ketu. This caused problem for her mother. Moon in 8 th house gave problems for AMMA’s mother and she was sick. Ketu and moon is also not a good sub dasha, hence during that time AMMA’s mother fell ill. 10 th lord in 8 made AMMA do lot of work as service to mankind. Until 1965 AMMA served lot of people around her who were sick and needed attention. AMMA’s education also stopped due to the 8 th house effect. AMMA served people at home too. Thus Moon period saw AMMA feeding the poor and needy. By end of moon Dasha AMMA was 13 years old. 8 th lord causing obstacles, troubles, body problems etc. For sadhaka 8 th house is house of sacrifices hence AMMA did lot of social service during that time.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 46

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

Moon Dasha brought lot of troubles to AMMA physically and mentally. It was also the time of spiritual sadhana and growth. AMMA’s mother was not well also.

3. During the mars period, i.e the 2 nd lord and 7 th lord in 11 th house, AMMA faced lot of opposition from family. Mars is with 1 st and 8 th lord venus. Due to the spiritual activities, AMMA’s brothers also turned against her. Mars stands for brothers. Mars shows aggression and mars is the enemy of venus. It was not permitted by society that a 14 year old girl hugs men. 7 th lord period is also the time for marriage. Same time AMMA’s parents wanted to arrange marriage for her and AMMA overcame all those compulsions. AMMA became known to the public as it’s the 7 th lord in 11 th house. Mars stands for brothers and it’s with venus which is the 8 th lord also. So brothers became obstruction on her path of serving the world. 2 nd lord is also with 8 th lord, hence whole family posed an obstacle to AMMA. As mars is with venus which is the lagna lord which is in the 11th house. So AMMA through her own will overcame all obstacles and tread the path AMMA wanted to. 11 th house is house of desires and lagna lord venus in it shows that person will fulfil his desires. Most probably during the period of 1968 to 1969 AMMA faced opposition from brother and attacks on life. This was the Mars - Saturn period. It lead to death of one brother as well due to mars been with the 8 th lord.

Mars period saw that family was against her. Problems from brothers, Marriages proposal etc. Public coming to know AMMA started at this time.

4. During Rahu Dasha, AMMA started to Show Krishna Bhava and Devi Bhava. At age 22 during the Rahu – Jupiter period AMMA might have demonstrated oneness with Ishwara through the Bhava Darshan. Rahu in the sign of Saturn, gives the results of Saturn. Saturn is the yoga karaka and also is the 4th and 5 th lord. AMMA’s started hugging people and received them as children. 4 th lord Saturn in lagna made AMMA take motherly attitude. AMMA got lot of children as results of Saturn are seen. In Bhava mercury moves to lagna. So Saturn which is the 5 th lord is with mercury, hence also AMMA would sign songs of lord Krishna. From moon also the 5 th house has mercury in it. Influences of Jupiter over Saturn Made AMMA preach Vedanta. Venus aspects the 5 th house, hence AMMA prayed to devi and got devi’s vision.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 47

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

5. During the period of Rahu – Saturn i.e in 1979, few followers of AMMA on spiritual path gathered around AMMA. Here we see Saturn as a yoga karaka and also lord of 5th house, due to which AMMA got spiritual children. So Rahu and Saturn dasha, made AMMA a spiritual leader for her few children.

6. During the Rahu – Mercury Dasha – AMMA’s ashram formally came into existence. Mercury is exalted and is the 9 th lord in 12 th house. Rahu in the 4 th house made the house or area around the house as ashram premises. 9 th lord mercury helped in establishing a spiritual center.

7. During the Rahu – Sun Dasha AMMA travelled to US. Thus Rahu period gave foreign tours to AMMA. Rahu in 4 th house will not allow the person to stay at home or in the native town of the person. Rahu gives effects of Saturn which is in chara. Hence travels started for AMMA. Sun also is the 11 th lord in 12 th house. So the 12 th house effects of travel are seen here.

8. During the Rahu – Moon Dasha AMMA’s First US ashram was founded in san franscisco. Moon shows overseas. 4 th house rahu and 10 th lord moon in 8 th house have resulted in ashram aboard.

Establishment of ashram’s happened during the Rahu dasha giving effectives of 4 th house I,e ashrams in foreign lands as well as India. For AMMA home is her ashram. Rahu also represents Foreign. Rahu Dasha also brought AMMA her disciples not only indian but of foreign origin.

9. During the Jupiter – Mercury Dasha AIMS hospital was inaugurated. Jupiter is the 6 th lord of diseases and is in the 9 th house. Mercury is the 9 th lord. So both lead to establishment of hospital for serving the world.

10. During the Jupiter – Saturn dasha, AMMA addressed the parliament of Religions in Chicago after swami vivekananda represented India 100 years back. Jupiter in 9 th house turned AMMA as world spiritual leader, under the favourable yogakaraka sub dasha of Saturn.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 48

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

11. During the Jupiter – Mercury Dasha, Continuing with making a mark on the world as a Spiritual leader AMMA attended Interfaith celebration in New York in 1995. Jupiter in the 9 th house and Mercury being the 9 th lord, showcased AMMA as spiritual leader. Jupiter is the 6 th lord, hence AMMA got recognition abroad.

During Jupiter – Venus Dasha, AMMA represented another spiritual forum in 2000. From 1993 to 2006, AMMA was recognized world over as a Spiritual Leader. AMMA made a mark on the world in the stream of spirituality. AMMA got many awards an recognitions all over the world.

12. Saturn and mercury dasha saw demise of AMMA’s father. Mercury is the 9 th lord and Saturn is enemy of mercury. As per the gochara Jupiter was in 6 th house for AMMA and Saturn was in in enemies house. Gochara was not strong as well as sub dasha which might have lead to demise of AMMA’s father.

AMMA’s Saturn dasha is in progress from 2006. Saturn is yoga karaka and brings in lot of name and fame to ashram and AMMA’s work. Lot of AMMA’s children will come and expansion of ashram and people will take place. AMMA’s children all around the world will gather around AMMA by 2025. Establishing centers and leading people to do social service will be seen. Huge humanitarian activities shall take place. Saturn stands for servants. So lot of followers and volunteers will do the services to the world. AMMA will move the masses. AMMA has sasha yoga in lagna. AMMA shall come up with lot of innovative ideas to serve and uplift society. AMMA shall change homes of people, by providing homes for needy. Huge construction activities on large scale shall take place as Saturn is the 4 th lord of properties. Lot of research activities will happen under AMMA’s guidance as Saturn is the 5 th lord. Saturn is in lagna. So AMMA’s children are AMMA’s strength. AMMA shall face health issues as well. Saturn gives skin and nerve related disorders. As Saturn is the 4 th and 5 th lord, troubles related to chest or stomach can happen. It’s good period for AMMA’s kith and kin. AMMA’s mother may have problems during the 2016 to 2017. If she lives through this period 2019 and 2020 may prove to be again a hurdle to her health. AMMA will also see rise of enemies during this time. But they won’t be able to effect AMMA as 6th house from moon has Saturn. This is period when AMMA’s tries to reach out to all her children and attract them and bring them under her fold.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 49

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)

During Mercury main Dasha from 2025 to 2042 – AMMA will take up Guru bhava towards her children. AMMA will ensure all people tread spiritual Path. Transformation of children into Disciples will take place. All people eligible for the same will stay back. AMMA shall be strict in disciplines and routines. AMMA shall have more foreign travels. AMMA might even stay in foreign lands for long. It may be longer than the stay in India. Ashram will become a pilgrimage center. Many of her children will attain liberation during this period. AMMA may not continue on work for creating more wealth to help the masses. The projects and undertaking will reduce. More focus on spiritual activities rather than worldly activities will take place. AMMA will emphasize on reducing external activities and focus on internal growth through sadhana. This is period of intense sadhana. The ashram will become like Himalayas, seeked over by people desirous of moksha.

During Ketu Dasha from 2042 to 2049 – Ketu is placed in the 10 th and it gives effect of moon. There will be lot of spiritual activities undertaken by the Mutt. This is to help more sadhakas on the path. Lot of masses will join these activities. More of reaching to masses on spiritual grounds. AMMA’s children will carry out the message to the entire world. AMMA’s children will reach out to masses and do lot of spiritual activities for the welfare of the mankind. Females will be focus in such activities as well as backward castes. Also will lead to physical health issues for AMMA. Problems will come for ashram. Legal issues can happen.

During Venus Dasha from 2049 to 2069 – Lot of health issues will be faced by AMMA. For thula mars is the maraka being the 2 nd and 7 th lord. So venus main dasha and mars sub dasha can be bad period for AMMA. Also venus is in 11 th house. So lagna lord in 11 th means, it will be by AMMA’s own will AMMA might take up Samadhi. So one can never predict. But AMMA will decide on her will the period to end this avatara. AMMA will roughly complete 120 yrs of advent on earth for upliftment of mankind.

This is a small analysis by my limited mind and intellect. Interested people can analyse further and give various interpretations.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 50

Jyothisha Prakaasham Kanya (Vijaya)


1. Editorial 2. Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam - This can be called Jyothishavid 101 or explanation about how to become a knower of astrology. 3. Bhava Vivaranam – analysis of various bhavas (a continuing series). 4. Sarvartha Chintamani – a brief analysis of the slokas/work of sarvartha chintamani (a continuing series). 6. Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust – an analysis – an analysis of mata amritanandamayi mission trust (based on the time when it was started. 7. Effect of various planets in different houses – analysis of planets and their effect in different houses and bhavas. 8. Horoscope analysis - brief analysis of the horoscope of a renowned person.

Opinions and Questions regarding anything in this magazine are welcome. Suggestions to make this magazine better through requesting of articles on specific topics are also welcome.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 51