Version 3 15Feb2014 om gaṇānāṁ tvā gaṇapatiṁ havāmahe kaviṁ kavīnāmupamaśravastamam | jyeṣṭharājaṁ brahmaṇām brahmaṇaspata ā naḥ śṛṇvannūtibhiḥ sīdasādanam || om mahāgaṇapataye namaḥ My sincere gratitude to my Spiritual Guru The Mother (Pondicherry Ashram) and my Jyotisha Guru Pt. Sanjay Rath without whose blessings I could not have taken even a single step . bhāva cintā (Principles for analysing bhāvas in Horoscopes) © Sarajit Poddar (aka Varahamihira) Jyotish Guru, SJC
[email protected] Singapore Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges. - Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts and Aphorisms (1913) 15 Apr 2014 © Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhāva cintā 2 v3 Preface Jataka tattva or natal horoscopy is a vast and complicated subject and requires mastery of diverse range of areas. The first and most important step in that is understanding how to interpret bhāvas. The term bhāva cintā is taken from Mantresvara’s Phaladeepika who tried to present the principles in consistent way in his immortal classic. This is an attempt to present various matters used in bhāva analysis in a systematic manner. This is however, not everything one must know to start analysing the horoscope. Before going to analysis of specific bhāvas which have their own set of specific principles, one need to have good understanding of the general principles. This serves as a good starting point in analysing bhāva. In subsequent lessons each specific bhāva will be covered that will reinforce the understanding of both generic and specific aspects of each bhāva.