Yoga 1

1. Amala-Kirti Yoga

There is a natural benefic in the 10th house from (Phala Deepika 6/12).

A person born in this Yoga is respectful, charitable, kind, helpful, and enjoys physical pleasures.

2. Arishta Yoga

The Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, 8th or 12th house lords (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.

3. Arishta Yoga

The 8th house lord is conjunct or in mutual aspect with the lord of the 12th house lord (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.

4. Ava Yoga

The lord of the Lagna is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/58).

A person born in this Yoga will not be able to influence others. The person will be of no importance to others, poor, indulges in bad company, unstable position and possibly short-lived.

5. Dehakashta Yoga

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 2 Yoga

The Lagna lord is conjunct with a malefic or placed in 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/109).

A person born in this Yoga usually does not acquire the worldly pleasures in life.


There is a relationship between the Lagna lord on the one hand and the 2nd, 5th, 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.

7. Dhana Yoga

There is a relationship between the 2nd house lord on the one hand and the 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.

8. Duryoga

The lord of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/67).

A person born in this Yoga will not be influential, is a traitor, selfish, and usually away from home.

9. Dushkriti Yoga

The lord of the 7th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/64).

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 3 Yoga

A person born in this Yoga indulges in extra-marrital affairs, wanders from place to place, is neglected & unpopular among relatives and unhappy.

10. Ekaputra Yoga

The 5th house lord is in a Kendra or a Trikona.

A person born in this Yoga may possess only one child.

11. Hillaja Netradosha Yoga

Benefics in 6th, 8th and 12th houses and Sun in 10th house (Sambu Prakasha 14/67).

The person will be vulnerable to blindness.

12. Karmajiva Yoga

Mercury is in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of writing, poetry, arts, painting, sculpting and architect. The person could also gain income through a friend.

13. Karmajiva Yoga

Jupiter is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with learned people, wisdom, law, temples, pilgrimage and religious works.

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 4 Yoga

14. Karmajiva Yoga

Jupiter aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with learned people, wisdom, law, temples, pilgrimage and religious works.

15. Karmajiva Yoga

Venus aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of gems, cows & other cattle and cosmetics & other products related to beauty.

16. Karmajiva Yoga

Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with hard work and labor like carrying loads & other lowly works, assistance jobs and detainment.

17. Karmajiva Yoga

Sun is in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon (Brihat Jataka).

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of fragrance, gold and medicine.

18. Karmajiva Yoga

Moon aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 5 Yoga

A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of agriculture and watery products like pearls & shells. The male natives could also be dependent upon women for a living.

19. Kemadruma Yoga

Mars and Saturn in 5, 8 or 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/13).

A person born in this Yoga will have to forsake his/her birth place due to misfortune.

20. Krisanga Yoga

The Lagna lord placed in a dry sign or a sign owned by a dry planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/83).

A person born in this Yoga will possess a lean and depleted physical disposition and undergoes suffering & physical pains.

21. Mriti Yoga

The lord of the 3rd house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/60).

A person born in this Yoga is emotional, face troubles due to enemies, lacking shame, power & wealth and indulges in indecent acts.

22. Mukabadhiramdha Yoga

Either Venus or Mars in 2nd or 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).

A person born in this Yoga may be troubled due to some ear problems.

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 6 Yoga

23. Musala Yoga

If Lagna is in a Sthira sign and several planets are also in Sthira signs then the effects of Musala yoga can be felt.

A person born in this Yoga is known to be proud and wealthy. The person may be learned and liked by rulers. A person of this Yoga will be famous, have a stable nature, and be blessed with several sons. The person will be honest, reliable and trustworthy, be firm and stable in thoughts and be tough, persistent, fixed and determined. A person of this Yoga might also be stubbornand hardheaded, may not have the potential to take quick and instant decisions and may not be able to adapt and adjust according to changes.

24. Nirbhagya Yoga

The lord of the 9th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/66).

A person born in this Yoga will lose his/her wealth, get disrespect from people, is an atheist, poor and miserable.

25. Purnayu Yoga

The 6th or 12th lord in 6th, 12th, 8th house or Lagna (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is long lived.

26. Purnayu Yoga

Saturn in 8th house (Dr. K.S. Charak).

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 7 Yoga

A person born in this Yoga is long lived.

27. Raja Yoga

Lords of the 4th or the 10th are in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the 9th (Brihat Hora 41/37).

A person born in this Yoga attains a high & authoritative position in life.

28. Sankhya Pasha Yoga

All planets distributed over 5 houses in the chart.

A person born in this Yoga has a large family, is proficient in work, accomplished in earning wealth, sharp, rude, fond of residing in forests and having various drawbacks.

29. Sarira Sukhya Yoga

The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus placed in a Kendra (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/98).

A person born in this Yoga is long-lived, wealthy and possesses a good influence in the political field.

30. Shukr- Yoga

Venus and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is a sportsperson, wanders from place to place, may be in the profession of sculpting, writing or painting, and may prosper after marriage.

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 8 Yoga

31. Sumukha Yoga

The lord of 2nd house is in Kendra aspected by benefics or benefics occupy the 2nd house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/26).

A person born in this Yoga is attractive, handsome and happy.

32. Sunapha (Guru) Yoga

Jupiter occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is a master of all subjects, advisor, earns name and fame, wealthy and belongs to a good family.

33. Sunapha Yoga

A planet, other than Sun, occupies the 2nd house from Moon (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga leads a royal life, is wealthy, famous, content, earns money through own hard work and performs noble deeds.

34. -Buddh Yoga

Sun and Mercury are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is polite, intelligent, learned, honest, wealth, profecient in all works and reputed.

35. Ubhayachari Yoga

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 9 Yoga

Any planets, other than Moon, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is strong, rich, responsible, learned, attractive and enjoys worldly pleasures.

36. Uttama Griha Yoga

The 4th house lord in a Kendra or Trikona with benefics (Sarvartha Chintamani).

A person born in this Yoga may own vast lands and houses.

37. Uttamadi (Varisht) Yoga

Moon is in a Apoklima (3,6,9,12) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).

A person born in this Yoga is has unlimited wealth, education, profeciency and fame.

38. Vanchana Chora Bhithi Yoga

The Lagna lord is with Rahu, Saturn or (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/76).

A person born in this Yoga always suspects other people and regards them as untrustworthy and fears being deceived, robbed or used by others.

39. Viparita Harsha Yoga

The 6th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/63).

A person born in this Yoga enjoys health, fame & happiness in life, be victorious over enemies and at times may indulge in immoral acts.

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490 Yoga 10 Yoga

40. Viparita Vimala Yoga

The 12th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/69).

A person born in this Yoga is honest, happy, possesses good qualities, a respectable profession and good behaviour towards others.

Acharya Anuj Jain BB-18B, Shalimar Bagh (West), Delhi-110088 Ph: 9312064462, 011-27476490