theRedhillAcademy newsletter July 2019

Message from the Principal Dear Parents

As we come to the end of another academic year at Redhill, I am struck with the wide range of experiences our students and staff have been involved in. As well as the great sporting and performing arts opportunities, students here took part in debating competitions, trips to France, Portugal, Germany, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, a visit to Auschwitz and the Belgium battlefields, and just last week, twenty of our students had a fantastic day at No. 10 Downing Street – see Mr Matthews’ article in this review. I’d particularly like to thank the tireless staff who organised and led all these activities which are so important for the development of our students.

During this term, our Year 11 and Year 13 students completed their final examinations. If hard work and commitment are any indication, I’m sure that they will have achieved some great results when they open their envelopes in August. A Levels results day is Thursday 15th August, with GCSEs available on Thursday 22nd August.

Many of you may have seen in the press that Ofsted are altering their approach to inspecting schools, with a greater emphasis on the curriculum. They seem to be taking the view that a three year (GCSE studies) is not their preferred model. As Redhill operates this system, this has given us food for thought. However, we do not want to make any decisions about altering this without consultation with yourselves as parents. Therefore, we will be carrying out a consultation exercise involving governors, parents, students and teachers early next year, and will share the results of this consultation with you.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the school and our staff. As always, it is much appreciated, and I hope you find the time to have a relaxing break over the summer.

Mr A Burns - Trust Principal [email protected] Twenty to Ten In the early hours of Friday 12th July (4am to be precise!) twenty students from Years 10, 11 and 12 set off by coach for a visit to Number Ten Downing Street. The opportunity was created by Alex Burns who works in the civil service as the education policy adviser to the Prime Minister. After the security checks the group found themselves outside the famous door where the obligatory photo shoot took place. We also met Larry the ‘Chief Mouse Catcher’ though there was no sign of his arch rival, Palmerston the Foreign Office cat. On entry to Number 10, all of our devices were handed in and we were given a guided tour. The route varied at times as Theresa May was in the House about to be interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg for the BBC. However, we saw the Cabinet Room with its set of double doors so that no one can eavesdrop from outside.

We also ascended the famous staircase (as seen in ‘Love Actually’) with the portraits and photos of all the Prime Ministers from Robert Walpole to David Cameron. On the tour, Alex told stories about the house such as how John Major suggested they carry on the meeting in another room after a bomb shattered the window of the Cabinet Room. We were also shown the six small wooden bees that Tony Blair had attached to bookcases representing the 6 members of his family who had lived in the House. As part of the tour there was a Question and Answer session with a group of civil servants. The students also had to create a brief for a civil servant in the role of the Prime Minister on how to ensure people live healthier lives. The students shared a series of excellent ideas and were complimented on the quality of their advice by the civil servants. At the end of the tour and activities we were back in the street again for our group picture and then made our way through the ‘Westminster Village’ to our coach. It was an incredible day that will live in our memories for ever. I would also like to think that one day there will be former Redhill students working in Number Ten as civil servants or maybe even as Prime Minister! Mr N Matthews – Head of School Battlefield trip to Belgium One of the most iconic Redhill trips is the visit to the First World War Battlefields. This trip never fails to impress the Year 9 History students that go. On Friday the 14th June, we set off with our minds full of wonder and excitement over what was to come. The greeting by our amazing coach driver, Ken, started off the very interesting journey to our awaiting destination. When we finally got there, we were amazed at the beautiful Peace Village where we were staying. The next couple of days were filled with so many activities and places to go. We saw countless memorials to the lost and dead from WW1, even visiting the graves of students’ relatives and finding graves of soldiers who died not much older than us. For example, V.J.Strudwick who died on the 14th January 1916 at just 15 years of age. We all enjoyed the free time in Ypres which was followed by a visit to the stunning Menin Gate where the walls of the memorial are lined by the names of the dead with no known grave. We also heard the moving performance of the Last Post here. We saw giant craters, the stunning resting place of 11,900 British soldiers at Tyne Cot (cemetery), real trenches, museums and heard moving stories of brave soldiers. It was an influential trip that allowed the Year 9s to understand much more of what the young men, not much older than us, had to go through. We learnt everyone had a story and we were lucky enough to hear just a few of them. The Belgium trip is surely a trip to remember. Jasmine Greener – Year 9 student Trip to Berlin A small group of Sixth Formers and Year 11 German students spent last week in Berlin accompanying the Carlton Academy to the German capital. To support our A level German course, we covered miles of central Berlin; starting with a tour by boat and visiting during the week the Reichstag, the DDR Museum, the German Spy Museum, the Berlin Wall Memorial, Memorial to the murdered Jews, the Topography of Terror on the site of the former Gestapo headquarters, the Hamburger Bahnhof Contemporary Art Museum, Alexanderplatz, Museumsinsel and the TV tower with astonishing views across Berlin. As well as soaking up the atmosphere and practising our German, it was a fantastically varied and rich experience of the German capital’s past and present. Mrs L Marciani – Teacher MFL Trip to Space Centre, Leicster On Monday 24th June, we took a group of 68 students to the National Space Centre. Throughout the day, the students experienced a rocket launch from inside the body of an astronaut in the planetarium and completed a ‘comet trail’ using the information around the centre. The most exciting part of the day was when the groups took part in a mission to ‘Rendez-Vous with a comet’. The aim was to build, and then launch a probe to rendezvous with an unknown object that may be a threat to Earth. The students demonstrated fantastic teamwork skills to resolve all the problems that were thrown at them, and were able to successfully complete the mission! All students were brilliant and a great day was had by all. Miss C Blackburn Year 12 Loughborough University Trip 2019 The trip started with a tour of the modern, high tech, 437 acre campus. The undergraduate tour guides were helpful and clearly had enthusiasm for their university. The trip however wasn’t just an advertisement for Loughborough; the advice they gave was invaluable as it covered aspects of university life that are often overlooked such as managing loans, time and work. From a student’s perspective, I think the trip was overall a massive success at helping us prepare for the upcoming change from A-level study to degree level education. Bailey Smith - Year 12 student End of year Prom 2019 On Friday 28th June Year 11 had their end of year prom at Goosedale – this was a new venue for the Year 11 Prom but the facilities and staff were excellent and it added to a superb evening. Having arrived in all their finery and a variety of vehicles (including a helicopter!) the students sat down to a slap up meal. Next, the various awards were presented and then the students (and some staff) danced the night away, with some interesting dance moves all round. The Year 11s looked fantastic, were a credit to the academy and enjoyed a fitting send off to their five years at Redhill. Mr R Britton – Head of House

Update your contact details In your own interest please provide school with your up-to-date contact details. In order for school to be able to contact you in an emergency and for other important matters we need your correct address, phone number, first and second contact person and email address. Please inform school as soon as possible when any of these contact details change. Summer Trust Games On Thursday 4th July eight Trust schools gathered at Tupton Hall to compete in the summer Trust Games for KS3 students. The afternoon saw students experience a range of activities such as Concept Rowing, Quad athletics, Rounders and Tug of War. These Trust Games are participation events where we encourage students that have not competed for school before to get involved in something new. The atmosphere was excellent with students from across the Trust encouraging and cheering each other on. We look forward to the next Trust Games in the Autumn term for our KS4 students. Mrs S Johnson - Trust Director of PE Gedling Athletics On Tuesday 25th June the Year 7 and 8 Athletics Team competed in the Gedling area annual competition with high hopes of claiming the title of top athletic school in the area. After a number of thrilling races, throws and jumps it looked like Redhill were on target for first place. Both Boys and Girls showed great determination and resilience to compete in their event, despite persistent rain showers that soaked the Track. After the final race the students were all exhausted, but proud of their performances. As the results came in the students sat and clapped as the announcer called out 6th place all the way up to 3rd place with Redhill still not being announced. We knew it was close. The tension grew as the announcer stated that there was just a single point between 2nd and 1st place. ‘And in 2nd place…..Redhill’. The students were graceful in defeat and showed good sportsmanship but were disappointed to have missed out on 1st place so narrowly. Next year the students are determined to claim 1st place and become the top athletic school in the Gedling area. Mr M Tibbs – PE Teacher End of Year House Achievements The House Achievement Co-ordinator Team would like to say one final thank you to all the students and Student Leaders who have been involved in a wide variety of events this year. The HAC highlights from this summer term are as follows: MAY: • A win from Smith House in Inter-house Chess • The launch of our new Redvision event with Lawrence House receiving the most votes - well done Evie Shah. JUNE: • Students from Years 7-9 represented their house in a series of athletic activities at Harvey Hadden Stadium. The behaviour of the students involved, and the performance of the academy’s very talented students, were outstanding! The overall winners for each year group were: Year 7 - Knight House, Year 8- Lawrence House and Year 9 - Smith House. • We were treated by some very creative artwork for this year’s Arts Challenge under the theme ‘The Environment’; well done Olivia Greentree (Year 10) from Knight House. • Africanus succeeding in the Inter-House Quiz and • Green House taking the win for KS3 Rounders The final results this year are…………… Africanus Green Knight Lawrence Smith 60 56 79.5 71 69.5

Trust Rounders competition On Monday 24th June our KS4 Rounders team travelled to The Carlton Academy to play in the qualifying round of the Trust Rounders competition. It was a close game but Redhill ended up going through to the finals night by scoring 10 ½ Rounders over two innings. Good luck to the team in the final. Mrs S Johnson – Head of PE

Year 8 Rounders Our Year 8 girls entered into a Rounders school games tournament that was hosted at Christ The King school. We were up against four other schools in order to try and secure a place at the school games final at Nottingham Trent University on 5th July. Our first game was tough against Christ The King and we narrowly avoided defeat by two rounder’s. Having won the first game the girls were motivated to keep the winning streak, which they did. They won every game comfortably from then on, securing our place in the finals on 5th July. Good luck to them all in the final round. Ms E Baker – PE Teacher REDfest REDfest 2019 took place on Wednesday 19th June. The ’s Arts Festival. During the event there were performances in a range of styles, workshop activities, stalls and plenty of Redhill spirit. The Main Stage was opened by the headline act “The Manic Street Teachers” who performed classics by ACDC, Blur and Keane. Over in the Old Dining Hall the festival spirit continued with smaller, acoustic performances whilst the Main Stage hosted the larger performance acts, including live bands, dance groups and LAMDA. As the acoustic sets came to a close, an improvisation café took place in the Old Dining Hall. This workshop engaged audience members who had an opportunity to participate in drama improvisation games or just watch the drama unfold. Over in dance studio, performances included smaller dance ensembles and a regular yoga session to allow participants to unwind. Outside the hall and performance spaces, stalls were set up including glitter tattoos, face painting, cake sales and a range of activities run by the house achievement co- ordinators. The event came to a close on the Main Stage with a singalong involving all performers and audience members. Well done to everyone who took part or helped out. It certainly was a fantastic event which will return again in two years’ time. Mrs Y Thomas – Head of Music

The University of Warwick – Devising workshop On the 11th of June, a keen group of Year 10 drama students were lucky enough to take a trip to Warwick University. There we were welcomed with professionalism and bounds of energy as we took on a workshop exploring new approaches to devising drama and interpreting stimuli. The insight into their sophisticated course motivated us as GCSE drama students to look at things in a different light as opposed to going for the obvious. Hopefully, there will be more amazing opportunities like this for eager students in the future! We would like to thank Miss Bates and the drama department at Warwick University for organizing this trip. Jennifer Brown – Year 10 Student Swing Band performance During the morning of Thursday 27th June 2019 the Redhill Academy Swing Band were invited to perform as part of Burnstump Seely C of E Primary School’s Summer Concert. The primary students had been practicing for many weeks in order to perform as part of their choir and brass group. The Redhill Academy Swing Band opened the event with pieces that wowed the audience and students which then led on to a joint performance of Flashdance where the primary school students sang along. The primary brass group also worked hard to learn the main riff from Uptown Funk which was performed along with the Redhill Swing Band at the end of the concert. It was a fantastic opportunity for all the students to collaborate and produce some excellent music. Mrs Y Thomas – Head of Music Art On Tuesday July 2nd we hosted this year’s annual Art and Photography Show for the Year 13 final moderation work. Students, parents, friends and family attended, and lots of staff came down too. It was a fantastic show with some outstanding work on display. Some said it was the most exciting show we have had – well done to all the students showing their work. The work and ideas were so diverse, and the quality of the outcomes was of a really high standard. Themes and works included expressive portraits, nature and the environment, reflections on society – even Brexit! We had students who explored ideas of self and self-confidence, national identity as well themes on religion and war. We would like to wish all the students involved all the best for the future; many will go on the study art and design at university level including degrees on everything from art history to theatre and product design. Miss A Swann – Hear of Art Food preparation practical exams

Year 9 Work

Year 9 and 10 Food preparation students have had a busy term preparing for their three hour practical exams. Students had 3 hours to prepare and cook three different dishes, demonstrating as many cooking skills as possible. Some of the higher skills seen included, noodle making, fish filleting and jointing a chicken. The staff would like to pass on their congratulations to all the students who took part. The students conducted themselves very professionally and we got some outstanding results. Below are some examples of the standard we received. Ms A Massey – Food Design & Technology

Year 10 Work Year 8 Challenge day On Friday 12th July we ran a special challenge day for some of our Year 8 students, also inviting students from Oakwood Academy and . Students were given a series of challenges throughout the day, including code breaking and various tasks around the planning of a school for the future. Students presented their ideas at the end of the day and were judged on the quality of their presentation, their teamwork and how many of the tasks they managed to complete. It was a challenging and enjoyable day and a great opportunity to see how well our students can work together with others, some of whom they had not met before.

Mr C West - Assistant Headteacher Debate Mate at the House of Commons After becoming regional champions at the Debate Mate Cup in Nottingham, Redhill’s debate team were invited to the prestigious Houses of Parliament to compete in the national final. On Thursday 11th July, Max, Harry, Charlotte, Malaikah, Sara and Scarlet travelled to the capital to take part in three rigorous and challenging debates. Before voicing opinions themselves, they were allowed to view a political debate happening in the House of Commons, providing inspiration for the rest of the day. The team then went on to tackle a number of topics eloquently and intelligently. The debate motions included evaluating the impact of global technology companies, moral debates around children’s literature and considering how the armed forces should be allowed to recruit. As the youngest team to compete, the students showed they were able to build reasoned, thoughtful arguments and express these with clarity and flair. Huge congratulations to the team for making the finals! Miss K Wiseman – Teacher of English The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 2018-2019 Hopefully you have noticed the vast array of cake sales this term, students carrying enormous rucksacks and certain staff looking a bit tired and dishevelled on a Monday morning? We call this the DofE Award. This year we are proud to have hosted three separate awards at The Redhill Academy; Bronze (Year 9), Silver (Year 10) and Gold (Year 12). This term, our Bronze, Silver and Gold groups have been pulling out all the stops in embarking on expeditions, fundraising by baking and selling the most incredible cakes we’ve ever seen and completing their awards in time for the end of the academic year. Bronze Award: On the hottest day of the year so far what did you do? Sunbathe? Hide in your room? Hang out in the park? Whilst you were lounging around, enjoying your leisure time, our hard-core Bronze DofE group were trekking, in blazing sunshine, through the countryside; laden with rucksacks weighing a quarter of their bodyweight and navigating their way along their 6-hour route to their campsite! Arriving at the campsite, groups set up their tents and cooked evening meals on camping stoves before relaxing with games and group activities. After a night under the stars, they were ready to do it all again for day two! All students completed the expedition with incredible determination and resilience and are now well on their way to completing their Bronze award! Silver Award: Huge thanks to all students in the Silver team; especially Maisie Smith, Winnie Wheeler, Skye Salmeron, Rowan Ketteridge and Dylan McDonald, for their outstanding commitment to DofE fundraising for the award this year. They have led numerous cake sales throughout the year, representing the DofE Award scheme and The Redhill Academy students in an inspirational manner. The Silver group are now completing their award, ready to focus on their GCSEs in Year 11. Gold Award: Huge congratulations to Year 12 students who embarked upon and completed (or are on their way to completing) their expedition section; Eva Musta, Rebecca Smith, Leonard Perryman, Umar Kayani, Paige Love, Caitlin McCracken and Morgan Capey This is by far the toughest award. These students travelled over four days, through the Dark Peak countryside of Derbyshire, camping overnight at each stop-over and looking after the wellbeing of one another throughout. The Gold group were assessed by a company called Adventure Expeditions and all had brilliant praise and feedback for their efforts. This group will continue their DofE journey into Year 13 where they will undertake a residential experience for a further five days, alongside completing their other three independent sections.

Mrs C Smith – DofE co-ordinator

Tough Lawrence 2019 WE ARE TOUGH. WE ARE LAWRENCE. On Tuesday 2nd July, Lawrence House hosted their annual Tough Lawrence event. Swarms of students attended, and worked hard to raise money for their efforts, towards The Big Appeal charity at Nottingham University hospitals. Everyone taking part worked tirelessly through the assault course; launching themselves at staff on the Tackle Pads, getting drenched on the Slippy Slide and tunnelling through the Cargo Net, not to mention so many others. Thanks to all who participated and donated to this fantastic, summer event. If you missed it, look out for the next attack in 2020! Team Lawrence Dreadlock Alien Trip As part of the Accelerated Reader scheme at The Redhill Academy there is a reward trip for Year 7 students who have made outstanding progress or worked really hard to develop their reading to the best of their ability. On Thursday 21st June ten Year 7 students went to Oakwood Academy to join other students from across the Redhill Academy Trust Schools for a day with Dreadlock Alien - a performance poet. The students involved were – Tom Hunter, Tyler Wright, Freya Tolcher, Sophia Stevens, Neive Dilks, Abbygail Coulter, Olivia Molde, Kayleigh Porkett, Brinna Daws and Keira Allen. Mrs K Hilditch - Librarian On Thursday, we went to Oakwood to enjoy a day watching and performing poetry. Mrs Hilditch took ten of the best/most improved readers of the year to Oakwood Academy. Once we were there, we used everyday words to create poems. It was really good fun. Some of us were chosen to beatbox! Thankfully not me! Then we were split into groups from different schools and made a poem together. My group was called “Perfect Poets”. All in all, we had an amazing day at Oakwood. Tom Hunter – Year 7 Student Say Hello Wave Goodbye As always at this time of year, we are saying goodbye to staff who are moving on to pastures new or retiring. We would like to thank Miss Boa, Miss Daniel, Miss Hickling and Mr Moore for all their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm during their time at Redhill. We would also like to wish them luck in the future career paths. In addition, three of our more senior members of staff will be leaving the Academy at the end of term. Mr West is moving on to a Deputy Headship at after twenty four years here. Mr West arrived as a newly qualified science teacher in 1995 and since then he has taught science, art, computing and IT as well as serving as Assistant Head. Joining him at Hall Park, as Assistant Headteacher, will be Mr Trowbridge. Since joining the Academy in 2013 he has taught PE and served admirably as the Head of Smith House. Whilst it is always good to lose Derby fans from the staff, we will obviously miss them both very much. We wish them every success in their well-earned promotions. Finally, Ms Pounder is retiring after thirty six years as a teacher. She came to Redhill in 2005 as a Deputy Headteacher having entered the teaching profession in 1983. Ms Pounder has taught a range of subjects including history, critical thinking and government and politics as well as being a key member of the senior team. In recent years she has worked on a part-time basis but all of her work, throughout her time at Redhill, has played in major role in moving the school forward. Looking ahead to September, there will be new staff joining the Academy. We wanted to introduce you to two of them now who will be part of the senior team. Mr Teasel, will be joining us as Deputy Headteacher from Catmose College, an outstanding school in Rutland. In addition, Mrs Booth will be a new Assistant Headteacher, moving here form her current post at Shirebrook Academy in Derbyshire. Both of them will be welcome additions to the Redhill team. Mr N Matthews – Head of School

Academic Achievements July 2019 English Year 7 For excellent progress with reading and AR: Keira Allen For outstanding contributions to English and reading this year: Tom Hunter

Year 8 For outstanding progress over the year: Eve Shaw

Year 9 For consistently produces outstanding work: Elise Chapman

Year 10 For positive attitude to learning and for his drive and determination: Oliver Burchall For positive attitude and brilliant work ethic: Braxton Simmons Maths Congratulations to the following students for performing exceptionally well on the last year 7 assessment of the year: Astrid Carroll, Chrisdaniel Nchinda Chamcheu, Alfie Cox-Jones, Leah Dillon, Lily Jones, Amy Leary, Kaitlan Leatherland, Maddie Mace, Dione Mohammed, Zakaree Walker iMedia Year 9 For excellent effort and attitude throughout the first year of their iMedia course: Aisha Gordon, Naomi Maclaren, Niamh McCarthy, Charlie Smith, Holly Macqueen and Scott Wood. For excellence performance in year 9 iMedia exam: Ellie Kirby Science KS3 For exceptional achievement throughout the year, particularly on the most recent end of year assessment: Penelope Davies-Bright For amazing determination and resilience throughout the year: Cyanne Wayland-Pinnock

KS4 For being an outstanding student who always goes above and beyond, hard working and always there to help staff or students when in need: Lucy Jean-Holmes For being extremely diligent and hard-working. A proactive member of the class who always goes above and beyond: Sofia Olivero

KS5 For presenting an excellent and passionate piece of individual research on the function and development of the electric guitar pick up: Tyler Cook For improvement and preparation for Year 12 exams: Eva Musta

Health and Social Care Year 9 For their excellent effort with the first unit of coursework: Leighton Searcy and Ellie-May Woodhouse

Year 10 For their excellent work and effort enabling them to complete both units of coursework to Distinction standard: Mercedes Alexander and Libby Alenson-Smith Computer Science Year 9 For excellence performance in Year 9 Computer Science exam: Ewan Duriez, Paul Hurst, Sofia Olivero,Thomas Raine, Jacob Sanders, Ewan Williams

Year 10 For excellent attitude and effort throughout year 10 in Computer Science: Mercedes Alexander, Oliver Burchell, Chloe Ellis, Will Shaw, Keera Perry School Calendar Autumn Term Monday 2 September to Friday 20 December Half Term Week Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November

Spring Term Monday 6 January to Friday 3 April Half Term Week Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February

Summer Term Monday 20 April to Friday 24 July * Half Term Week Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May

Please be aware that some event or trip information in this calendar may be subject to change. Additional trip information that is not listed in this calendar will be sent home to parents throughout the year. * Please note the change to the May bank holiday from Monday 4th May to Friday 8th May to commemorate the anniversary of VE day. SCHOOL CALENDAR 2019-2020 AUTUMN TERM SEPTEMBER Monday 2 Sept INSET DAY Tuesday 3 Sept Autumn Term starts Year 7 Start 8.45am in Main Hall Year 11 Start 8.45am in Tutor Rooms Year 8, 9 and 10 Start 9.45am in Tutor Rooms Year 12 Additional Enrolment Wednesday 4 Sept Year 13 Assembly and Timetables P1 Year 13 Lessons begin P2 Thursday 5 Sept Year 12 Assembly P1 Year 12 Tutor Time P2 Year 12 ALIS Tests P3 Year 12 Lessons begin P4 Friday 6 Sept Week 2 Monday 9 Sept Musical Audition (all) Tuesday 10 Sept Year 7, 9 and 12 individual photographs taken (am) Wednesday 11 Sept Year 7 Instrumental assembly (P1) 3.05pm – 5.00pm Musical Auditions (re-calls) Thursday 12 Sept Year 7 CATs tests 7.00pm Welcome to Year 7- Evening for Parents Friday 13 Sept Year 7 CATs tests Year 12 Stepping Up Day (off timetable all day) Trip: GCSE Music students ‘Don Giovanni’ at the Royal Opera House, London Week 1 Monday 16 Sept Tuesday 17 Sept 3.15pm Inter-House KS3 It’s a Knockout 7.00pm Year 12 Welcome Evening for Parents Wednesday 18 Sept 3.15pm Inter-House KS4 It’s a Knockout Thursday 19 Sept INSET DAY: Open Evening 6:30pm Year 6 Open Evening Friday 20 Sept INSET DAY Week 2 Monday 23 Sept Year 11 Assertive Mentoring 1 Week (until 27.09.19) Tuesday 24 Sept Wednesday 25 Sept 7.00pm Year 13 University Information Evening for Parents Thursday 26 Sept Trip: Year 12 Theatre trip to Nottingham Playhouse: ‘An Enemy of the People’ Friday 27 Sept Trip: Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Expedition (until 29.9.19) Week 1 Monday 30 Sept Year 13 Common Deadline Week OCTOBER Tuesday 1 Oct Wednesday 2 Oct 6.00pm Year 13 Drama Devised Performance Thursday 3 Oct 12.30pm National Poetry Day Reading Event 2.30pm – 3.30pm Duke of Edinburgh Network Group (location tbc) 7.00pm Post 16 Open Evening Friday 4 Oct Week 2 Monday 7 Oct Trip: Year 13 Biology trip to Perlethorpe (w/c 7.10.19 - date tbc) Tuesday 8 Oct 3.45pm Year 11 Drama Devised Performance Wednesday 9 Oct Inter-House Drama Challenge (lunch time) 1.00pm – 3.30pm Year 9/10 only: KS4 Trust Winter Games at Hall Park Academy 3.45pm Year 11 Drama Devised Performance Thursday 10 Oct Year 11 Progress Report 1 issued Year 11 Mock Interviews 7.00pm Year 11 Parents’ Workshop – “Revision Strategies” Friday 11 Oct Trip: Year 10 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expedition (until 13.10.19) Year 11 Mock Interviews Week 1 Monday 14 Oct School closes early at 2.05pm Year 11 Reviews week Year 12 Common Deadline Week Inter-House Art Challenge launch Tuesday 15 Oct Year 13 Oxbridge early entry deadline Wednesday 16 Oct Restart A Heart Day, Training (all day) Year 11 Drama Devised Performance Exam (all day) Thursday 17 Oct Trip: Year 12 STEM visit to Caterpillar manufacturing plant Year 11 Drama Devised Performance Exam (all day) Friday 18 Oct Year 13 Reports issued Trip: KS4 Poland Trip (until 21.10.19) HALF TERM HOLIDAY Wednesday 30 Oct Year 13 Oxbridge Tests