Read us and advertise online - - like Premier consoles Kathrada Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa transparency you can see family Accurate. Believable. Consistent Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa – page 3 Established 1889 transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent Mahumapelo stresses unity at JB Marks statue unveiling Free MLM InsideLocal is Lekker introduces Mahikeng Brits Pos March 2017 WIFI Bonus networks – Local is Lekker page 8 Human Settlements to accelerate housing delivery – INDABA – page 9 Dozens of Ventersdorp residents pose with Premier Supra Mahumapelo at the ,ĂƚĐŚĂƌĚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕DĂĮŬĞŶŐͮ^ŚŝƉƉĂƌĚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕DĂĮŬĞŶŐ feet of the JB Marks statue in dĞů͗ϬϭϴϯϴϭϭϮϮϬͬϭͮ&Ădž͗Ϭϭϴϯϴϭϱϳϯϭ Tsing township outside Ven- tersdorp. Story on page 3. :sϯϮ͟ :sϰϬ͟ , >ds :$50<285+20( 13 Martin Street; >ds Galleria Arcade; Shop no 1 & 2 ^sZϰϬϬ 0$66,9( ^sZϱϬϬ EŽǁ '($/ EŽǁ 5 ĂƐŚ 5ĂƐŚ 5 E-mail:
[email protected] GPS Co-ordinates: 25” 51’ 49,42 S :sϲϬ͟ :sϲϱ͟ • 25” 35’ 40,52 E &, h, 5HDFK hZs 31 MARCH 2017 >ds /X[XU\&DUSHWV > 6+((76(76 683(5 ^sZϯϬϬϬ ^sZϯϬϬϬ Tel: 018 381 1330/ '($/ EŽǁ EŽǁ 'RXEOH SHUVHW 381 2884 5ĂƐŚ 5 ĂƐŚ 4XHHQ SHUVHW 5 Fax: 018 381 0425 R4-00 )URPRYHU%ODQNHWVWRFKRRVHIURP VAT INCL PAGE 2 MAHIKENG MAIL 31 MARCH 2017 Happy Birthday All white. This group of youngsters Some of the guests pictured at Mama from Mohlakeng made sure that they T’s birthday party. don’t miss their aunt’s birthday bash. Golf View suburb in Mafikeng was turned into an all white scene when dozens of family, friends, colleagues and neighbours flocked to Suurpruim Street to celebrate Tete “Mama T” Saul’s 62nd birthday on Saturday.