Contemporary South African Popular Music Among Durban Adole
Sarah Isabel Ralfe Local is Le-kker? A study of the perceptions of contemporary South African popular music among Durban adolescents at five culturally diverse schools in the greater Durban area. Durban 2005 Sarah Isabel Ralfe Local is Lekker? A study of the perceptions of contemporary South African popular music among Durban adolescents at fi"e culturally diverse schools in the greater Durban area. Durban 2005 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of Master of Music, in the Department of Music, University of KwaZulu-Natal Unless specifically indicated to the contrary in this text, this thesis is my own original work. Sarah Isabel Ralfe Acknowledg ments There are many people in my life without whose support this would have been an impossible task. I would like to thank: My supervisor, Chris Ballantine for his guidance, support, patience and eternal wisdom. My parents for offering their endless support and letting me follow my dreams. My mother who read and edited every word of this thesis and was constantly on call for any crisis and my father who always believes I am the best at everything! My siblings, Kate, Joanne and Thabo, who supplied me with endless cups of tea and were very helpful in the capturing and transcribing of the data. My friends, especially Nicole, Gundula, Clint and Neville, who always offered a shoulder to cry on and dragged me away from my work often! The principle, staff and Grade 11 's of 2003 at Bonela Secondary, Gelofte Skool, Thomas More College, Hillcrest High School and Sastri College who wiilingly participated in this study.
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