Employment Equity Act (55/1998): 2019 Employment Equity Public Register in Terms of Section 41 43528 PUBLIC REGISTER NOTICE
STAATSKOERANT, 17 JULIE 2020 No. 43528 31 Employment and Labour, Department of/ Indiensneming en Arbeid, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR NO. 779 17 JULY 2020 779 Employment Equity Act (55/1998): 2019 Employment Equity Public Register in terms of Section 41 43528 PUBLIC REGISTER NOTICE EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT, 1998 (ACT NO. 55 OF 1998) I, Thembelani Thulas Nxesi, Minister of Employment and Labour, publish in the attached Schedule hereto, the register maintained in terms of Section 41 of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998) of designated employers that have submitted employment equity reports in terms of Section 21, of the Employment Equity Act, Act No. 55 of 1998 as amended. MR.lWNXESI, MP MINISTER OF EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR ')..,6j oZ> do:2,"eJ 1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISAZISO SEREJISTA YOLUNTU UMTHETHO WOKULUNGELELANISA INGQESHO, (UMTHETHO YINOMBOLO YAMA-55 KA-1998) Mna, Thembelani Thulas Nxesi, uMphathiswa wezengqesho kanye nezabasebenzi, ndipapasha kule Shedyuli iqhakamshelwe apha, irejista egcina ngokwemiqathango yeCandelo 41 lomThetho wokuLungelelanisa iNgqesho, ka- 1998 (umThetho oyiNombolo yama-55 ka-1998) izikhundla zabaqeshi abangenise iingxelo zokuLungelelanisa iNgqesho ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo 21, lo mThetho wokulungelelanisa iNgqesho, umThetho oyiNombolo yama-55 ka- 1998. -6'';7MR.TW NXESI, MP UMPHATHISWA WEZENGQESHO KANYE NEZABASEBENZI 26/tJ :20;:J,()1/ This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 32 No. 43528 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 JULY 2020 List of designated employers who reported for the 1 September 2019 reporting cycle Description of terms: No: This represents sequential numbering of designated employers & bears no relation to an employer. (The list consists of 5969 large employers & 21158 small employers).
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