DONALD BIRCHIP Phone: 5497 1222 Phone: 5492 2735 Email: The Buloke Times Fax: 5492 2863
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[email protected] birchipblc@ Est. 1875 Published Tuesdays and Fridays PRICE (inc. G.S.T.) $2 PP331336/0000 1 Friday, April 16, 2021 For the Shire of Buloke, and the districts of Birchip, Charlton, Donald, St. Arnaud, Watchem and Wycheproof Teddywaddy RFB Service Recognised (By Jenny Pollard) The presentation of the CFA National Medal was made to long-term Teddywaddy Rural Fire Brigade member, John Powell last weekend for his service to the organization covering almost 60 years. The Medal, amongst the advice as transformations Captain, Tim Giles, had the CFA’s highest accolades, is took place. pleasure of presenting the awarded only when a candi- Additional roles have in- Medal at the brigade’s AGM date meets a range of criteria, cluded secretary (2002- 2014), and social day held at the sta- including diligent long service along with VFBV delegate tion last Sunday. to the community in hazardous from 2006-2014. Emphasizing that long circumstances, including in As the 2011 floods un- service alone is not the pre- times of emergency. folded, John was actively requisite for a National John’s involvement has engaged in the initial evacu- Medal, Commander Illman shown not only dedication to ation of Charlton, undertak- read out the preamble which his own brigade and wider ing rescues as the perilous accompanies the presenta- community, but also to sup- conditions intensified. tion, along with the details of porting others, taking part in Encouraged to be in- the award’s symbology and numerous strikes teams over volved in the fire service the presentation of clasps the years in the wake of ex- from an early age, John’s re- signifying additional 10 treme fire events.