The Solophone a EUROPEAN NOVELTY (OP AHERICAN Flanufacture)
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Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from 2O THE MUSIC TRADE REVIEW pretty busy for some time to come. Nothing the modern" lines'on whkh a still greater Frank A. Lee, president of the John is impossible with Mr. Conn, but it can be renown and a keener appreciation for their Church Co., who reached the city frcm relied upon that he is not going to make products will be achieved. Boston the closing days of last week,left for pianos, organs or bicycles at the present * * * * home on Wednesday. George J. Dowling, time. The widow of Suppe", the operetta com- traveling representative for the New Yok * * * * poser, has filled a room in her elegant villa branch of the Everett Piano Co., returned In the musical and artistic development at Gars, in Austria, with objects associated from a successful tour on Thursday. of this great country of ours, the firm of with her late husband's career. Among The attention of piano and organ manu- Chickering & Sonshave been potent factors. them are the flute on which he practiced facturers desiring up-to-date factory equip- Close application to high ideals in manu- when a boy, the piano he used, gifts pre- ment is directed to the advertisements of facturing and the development of business sented to him, autograph letters from fa- the Towsley Manufacturing Co., Cincin- along advanced lines have given their name mouspersons, and unpublished manuscripts nati, O., and the Union Carving Machicr and their product a great value in the art of his own. The Suppe" museum is freely Co., Indianapolis, Ind., which appear in shown to visitors. and trade world. this paper. Next spring Chickering & Sons will be- gin the last quarter of a century with an Reviewlets. At the recent annual meeting of the honorable record which is part of the his- Chandler W. Smith Co., Boston, the old of- tory of every civilized country the world The Scranton, Pa., Tribune of recent ficers were re-elected. The business report over. date contains a strong write-up of Powell's showed a satisfactory condition of affairs. While this distinguished firm have good Music Store, agents for the famous Chick- Arrangements have been consummated reason to pride themselves on their repu- ering piano in that city, and the Columbus whereby Martinus Sieveking, the Dutch tation and record, perhaps unequaled in Music Store, of which J. W. Guernsey is pianist, will play the Wissner grand in the past, it is of to-day and the future we the proprietor. concert this season. would speak. Business at the Fischer factory is re- Elliott Harvey, Sr., is now manager of In this connection it can be said that ported as good. Henry B. Fischer left Jacob Sheasley's music store in Bradford, Chickering & Sons are more thoroughly town on Monday for a Southern business Pa., and the Meadville store is in charge prepared and better equipped for the pres- trip, extending probably over three weeks. of J. W. Russell. These changes took ent and the future than ever before in their The Balmer & Weber Music Co., of St. place this week. career. Their products afford great possi- Louis, have taken the agency for the Capen Wade & Beal opened up their music bilities for the wide-awake dealer. Whether piano. from a financial or artistic standpoint they store in the Lincoln Block, Rockland, cannot fail to be most successful as The piano trust has been a godsend to Mass., last Monday. "leaders." the comic papers. They are turning out J. C. Freeman, who is displaying the Sufficient proof has been afforded during jokes galore on the subject. Lyon & Healy collection of rare old Ital- the past six months of the progressiveness The Grand Piano Co. recently opened up ian and French violins in prominent cities, of this celebrated house, and to indicate at 1102 Rudolph street, St. Louis, Mo. is having much success in each city visited. The Solophone A EUROPEAN NOVELTY (OP AHERICAN flANUFACTURE). A Stringed Instrument with Keyboard, of EXQUISITE TONE, closely resembling that of the VIOLIN. SOLOPHONE SOLOPHONE •••••••••••• •••••••••*• EASY EASY TO TO PLAY. TUNE. CAN BE PLAYED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER INSTRUMENT. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. For Sale by the Following Jobbers: . IRevv A. E. BEXARY, 62 White St. Clevelano, ©bio: M. E. SCHOENING. 390 Broadway, SMITH & WHITE, 880 Woodland Ave. H. S. GORDON. 139 Fifth Ave. Gbicago, 111.: CARL FISCHER, 6 Fourth Ave. WILLIAM TONK & BRO., WILLIAM TONK & BRO., 250-252 Wabash Ave. 26 Warren St. Boston: SOLOPHONE Cincinnati, Obio: THOMPSON & ODELL. SOLOPHONE THE RUD. WURLITZER CO. ELIAS HOWE CO. ANO OTHERS..