Mobile Deployable Communications Day One | 31St January 2019

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Mobile Deployable Communications Day One | 31St January 2019 Mobile Deployable Communications Day One | 31st January 2019 8.30 Registration & Coffee 12.50 Deploying Software Defined Handheld Radio’s in the Italian Armed Forces • Current timetable to phase out the Larimart RV2/400 and introduce 8.45 Chairman’s Opening Remarks new Selex software defined radio’s Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Head of IT Branch, J6, Polish Armed Forces • Ensuring that radios remain lightweight enough for dismounted soldier operations and integration into the Soldato Futuro HOST NATION OPENING ADDRESS • Limiting points of failure by networking radio communications through 9.00 CIS Requirements for the Polish Mission Network the Forza NEC programme • Working with industry to integrate C4i systems to the platform • How the Polish Mission Network is structured and ambitions to integrate • Anticipated SATCOM requirements for the system – ensuring global it to the FMN coverage is secure and resilient • Current C2 structures and how requirements for battlespace • R&D in future radio programmes and defining requirements for industry management are changing Lieutenant Colonel Valerio Golino, Head of Tactical Radio Assets Policy • Interoperability standards among NATO partners and how the Polish and Procurement, Italian Armed Forces* Armed Forces are working to ensure continuity of function 13.30 Networking Lunch • Capability planning and future equipment structures • Building a network that is adaptable to the modern era. cyber and RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS resiliency considerations • Flexible architecture designs and future ambitions for the programme 14.30 R&D in C4i Systems • An introduction to the work of the Military Communication Institute Brigadier General Robert Drozd, J6, Polish Armed Forces and its organisational structure • Collaboration with other research agencies in building C4i capability 09.40 Connecting the Commander to the Front Line. The French Approach to • Why effective command and control remains important for modern Mobile Telecommunication operations & the role of tactical communications in achieving this • The DGA mission – equipping forces for operations in the 21st century • Minimising the size, weight and power of radio and CIS platforms to reduce soldier burden • Building effective C2 links between commanders and forward • Spectrum management in the increasingly congested frequency deployed units environment • The importance of SATCOM on the move for deployment and how it • Communication requirements for the future battlespace – key is integrated into existing and future platforms considerations • Air combat: going more digital and more connected ? Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Jasiul, Head of Cyber Security Laboratory, C4I Systems Department, Military Communication Institute • How to build communication resiliency and protect against cyber threats 15.10 Tactical Communications at the First and Last Mile Through MANET Colonel Michel Pardoux, Head of Telecommunications Branch, DGA Radio’s • Growth in the use of software defined radio’s and mobile CIS platforms 10.20 Session Reserved for • An overview of critical procurement projects. Mobile Tactical Communications (MoTaKo) and Mobile Tactical Information Network 11.00 Morning Coffee (MoTIV) • Overcoming router challenges for MANET radios and how to maintain CIS SYSTEMS ad hoc networks at the ‘last tactical mile’ • Future priorities for German communications procurement and R&D • Battlespace management of the future – considering the space PANEL DISCUSSION segment requirements for mobile networks 11.30 V4 Strategic and Tactical Communications Roundtable Discussion Mr Peter Stracke, Branch Chief, Federal Office of Bundeswehr • What reactivation of the Visegrad EU Battlegroup means for member Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service-Support (BAAINBw) state communications integration Mr Peter Sevenich, Contact for Projects Network Architecture and MANET, Fraunhofer Institute* • Creating a holistic framework for communications architectures across the region – key challenges and considerations 15.50 Afternoon Tea • Communications ‘on the ground’ terminal requirements from a commander’s perspective OPERATIONAL FEEDBACK FROM UTILISATION OF CIS • Voice over IP (VoIP) for effective telemetry – enhancing global reach 16.30 CIS in the Belgian Land Component and feature flexibility • Current structure of the Belgian CIS & NEC teams and its adaptive • How to ensure your allies can access encrypted data without approach to warfighting compromising cyber security standards • Integrating communications into BEST soldier modernisation efforts and • Integrating rugged systems that are compatible across all partner ensuring forces can flexibly fight in urban terrains nations • The changing operational demands on the Belgian land component • Current CIS equipment. evaluation of software defined radios and • Plans for further interoperability harmonisation and how industry can Astrid terminal systems assist in achieving this • Timeline for multi-role radio introduction and SATCOM requirements Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski, Director of Communications and • Feedback from Operational Vigilant Guardian and other city-wide Information Systems, EU Military Staff operations Brigadier General Robert Drozd, J6, Colonel Herman Hendrickx, G6, Land Component, Belgian Armed Forces Polish Armed Forces 17.10 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One 12.10 Session Reserved for Sponsor Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Head of IT Branch, J6, Polish Armed Forces *Subject to final confirmation Supported by - Mobile Deployable Communications Day Two|1st February 2019 8.00 Registration & Coffee 13.30 Networking Lunch 8.45 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Head of IT Branch, J6, COMMUNICATIONS FOR SPECIAL FORCES Polish Armed Forces US ARMY EUROPE OPENING ADDRESS 14.30 Tactical Communications for Special Operations 9.00 ‘Sword of Freedom’ – Communications on the Eastern Frontier of the • Current area of responsibility for Special Operations Command Europe Alliance • An introduction to the AOR (area of responsibility) of US Army • Existing capability within the ground communications segment Europe and the unique challenges within the European combatant • BLOS (beyond line of sight) communication requirements for special command • NATO’s military footprint across the region and the feedback from forces and SATCOM systems Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 2018 • Working with SOFWERX on tactical communication procurement • Improving access to tactical FM radios at the company and battalion level to increase communications • Deploying to arctic and other degraded environments. key CIS • Operating in degraded cyber and EW environments – key challenges considerations for USARMEUR • Developing a common operating picture – streamlining platforms • Minimising the size, weight and power burdens for deployable radios used by allied partners in the region Lieutenant Colonel Kyle Lands, Senior Officer, J6, US EUSOCOM • Maintain effective blue force tracking to build effective situational awareness in coalition deployments Senior Representative, US Army Europe 15.10 Driving a Net-Enabled Approach to Special Forces Operations • An introduction to what NSHQ does and how it fits within the NATO 9.40 DG GROW. Meeting SATCOM Requirements for the Warfighter • An introduction to the work of DG GROW and how it fits within the force structure wider DND • Creating adaptive and versatile forces by exploiting network enabled • Delivering next-generation SATCOM-on-the-move capability for the warfighter capability • Frequency management within the increasingly congested space- • Exploiting mesh networks to reduce node points of failure on missions segment • Maintaining interoperability within the alliance and SATCOM • Integrating pan-NATO forces into a cohesive and interoperable bandwidth MOU’s with partner nations network • Ensuring communications remain secure and robust • Timeline for DG GROW to enhance space-based satellite systems - Case study of the NATO FMN Major Jason Clement, Senior Officer, Canadian Armed Forces • Priorities for NSHQ to drive battlefield connectivity and future C2 10.20 Session Reserved for Sponsor • Food for thought. final reflections on NEC in action Lieutenant Colonel Kev Simmons, Director J6, NATO Special 11.00 Morning Coffee Operations HQ NORTH AMERICAN CIS UPDATES PANEL DISCUSSION 15.50 Afternoon Tea 11.30 Mobile Deployable Communication Systems for Tactical Operations Roundtable Discussion NEXT GENERATION CIS CAPABILITIES • The US vision for a ‘Strong Europe’ – mission parameters and planned exercises • Creating one tactical network for joint and coalition operations. 16.20 The Portuguese Approach to Mobile CIS challenges of an interoperable network that is modular and flexible in design • Current structure of the Portuguese Armed Forces and area of • The space segment requirements from the user & ensuring that responsibility terminals remain compatible with new SATCOM systems • From Marines to SOCOM balancing generic radio architecture with • Introduction of the PRC-525 multimode tactical radio system. roadmap the requirements of the warfighter for delivery • Preventing communication paralysis – embedding cyber resiliency into IP-based software defined radios • Integrating new tactical radios to the Army’s Tactical Communication • Considering the size, weight and power requirements that and Information System (SIC-T) communication systems add to the warfighter • Concluding remarks.
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