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VOL.. VI, NO. 36 , B. C, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR THE LATEST DESPATCHES LOCAL NEWS P4RAGRAPHS Special Last-Minute News From Items Of General Interest From RUSSIA'S ATTITUDE U Hazelton and Surround­ Various Theaters of the Great War ing District Copenhagen: The German chan­ SOLDIERS FRA TERNIZE ON EASTERN FRONT- H. L. Gibbs is reported killed cellor will make a plainer declar­ at the front. ation of Germany's peace condi­ BRITISH GAIN IN FIERCE STRUGGLE A T LENS Lieut. K. B. Forster, of the tions within a fortnight. 72nd Battalion is reported wound­ ed. New York: The naval consult­ Petrograd: A virtual armistice sobering influence. The premier of Wilhelm's game, according 'to Otto Utterstrom returned on ing board announces that the exists along almost the entire said the government would never reports received here, which tell Wednesday from a visit to Van­ problem of dealing with the sub­ Russian front. Not a shot has consent to a separate peace; the of grave dissension between the couver. marine has been solved. been fired on the Austro-Russian name of Russia, he declared.can- central powers. Al. Falconer returned this week Petrograd: The provisional front for more than a month,and not be stricken from the list of from his winter's work at Babine government declined to modify : It is predicted hatchery. there has been no real activity on Allies. the note pledging Russia's con­ that the "Liberty Loan" will be A. Smith and F. R. Alexander, tinuance in the war. The council the German-Russian sectors. In of Prince Rupert, arrived on London: Another day of close, doubly subscribed. of workmen's and soldiers' dele­ many places soldiers of both sides Wednesday. fierce and difficult fighting is in An agreement on disputed fea­ gates accepted the government's are fraternizing, meeting unarmed Chief Constable Taylor return­ progress on the British front. At tures of the army bill is looked . explanation and everything is in no-man's-land. So general has ed on Wednesday from an official many points Haig's forces have! . d the measure will visit to Pacific. now pro-government and orderly. the habit of fraternizing become, fo| todayi an succeeded splendidly, in spite of \ . ident early next Harry Bretzins returned this Paris: The French have cap­ and so completely is the fighting gQ to the pt Gs week from an extended visit to tured Craonne and first line fresh German regiments and ar-1 week The first armv under tne spirit subdued that General Gour- his old home in the east. trenches over a wide front, also tillery being opposed to them, j draft system will consist of 18.000 ka, commander on the Minsk James Dyer came upriver on a thousand Germans. The most important gains of the front, has issued a formal state­ officers and 530,000 men, forming Tuesday, on business connected Washington: Information from day were at Cherisy and Bulle- with his mining interests. ment warning his forces to be­ 18 infantry divisions and 18 heavy Berlin indicates that the power court. At Fontaine-lesCroisilles The new telephone line of the ware of German ruses to obtain artillery regiments. of the bureaucracy will be curbed Northern Telephone Co. to South the British found it difficult to German socialists in this coun­ by changing the constitution to information. Hazelton will be in operation on require the signatures of both the get forward, because of the try who attempt to bring about Monday. chancellor and the Kaiser to all There is an open rupture be­ strength of the German defences i a sepai.ate pe;ice between Russia J. C. K. Sealy returned on imperial decrees, which have tween the provisional government south of the village. and Germany will be severely Saturday from a visit to heretofore only required the Kai­ heads and the workmen's and and left on Tuesday for his Bulk- ser's signature. Lens was three-fourths encir­ dealt with if their acts be proven. soldiers' council, the latter de­ ley Valley ranch. cled by yesterday's fighting, London: Germany is turning London: H. Pollen, a naval manding that they be taken com­ Rod. McCrimmon has begun expeit.says the Germans are now which marked the resumption of out submarines at the rate of development work on the Comet pletely into the confidence of the sinking twice as many ships as the British offensive. The Brit­ three a week. group, a good-looking property at the beginning of the ruthless government. After listing a ish grip on the coal city now on Four-mile hill. submarine warfare. Jews are being slaughtered by long series of acts to whicli they H. H. Philips, who is now in twists from Loos around to Ache- the Turks in Palestine. Silver Standard Ships object,council representatives de­ charge of the Sargent store at ville, Givenchy and Fresnoy. Amsterdam reports of big riots Telkwa, is spending a few days A carload of high-grade silver- clared they would not approve lead ore from the Silver Standard in Berlin are unconfirmed. with his family here. any loans until fully informed as Paris : French troops have was shipped to the Selby smelter J. F. Maguire left on Wednes­ (his week. Another carload, of to the complete war policy of the made further progress northeast Berne: The revolutionary party day for a business visit to Smith­ zinc ore from the same property, ers and Telkwa. He will prob­ Entente and all details of com­ of Rheims. The combat in this in Germahy is apparently making went to Oklahoma. ably return tomorrow. pacts entered into with the Al­ sector is characterized by violent little headway. A circular de­ Long Distance Shippers lies. cannonading. Babine Indians brought a large nouncing Hindenburg and calling amount of fur into Hazelton this Receiving ore shipments from A dramatic speech by Premier out of the way places, as well as Copenhagen: Emperor Karl upon laborers to revolt was cir­ week, and received Peveral thou­ Miliukoir, appealing to the work­ from far distant climes, seems to sand dollars for their catches. men and soldiers, is having a of Austria is anxious to drop out culated on May 1. be getting to be a common thitlff The popular J. I,. Christie,who with the Trail smelter, says the is now Stewart & Mobley's dis­ Mr. Ware Transferred DISTRICT MEETING School Dance Next Friday Trail News. Nearly a thousand trict representative, spent acouple tons have already been received There will shortly be a change OF METHODISTS The young ladies of the town | are arranging a "Middy Dance", of days in Hazelton this week. from the Tip Top mine at Kasha- in the management of the Hud­ Representatives from the vari- |, | j j„ schoolhouse on bowa, Ont., this year. This ore son's Bay store; here, Wm. Ware, t0 e he c tne Rev. W. M. Scott, of Prince came 1,780 miles, 1000 on the who has successfully handled the ous Methodist congregations of I Friday evening, May 11, in aid George, was here on Tuesday, to Canadian Northern and 780 miles branch for a considerable lime, the district met in St. Andrew's of the school fund. attend the Methodist district from Regina on the C.P. R. Hall on Tuesday evening for their meeting. He left on Thursday going to Telegraph Creek, and A New Departure annual district meeting. The for the conference in Victoria. This week another long-distance W. W. Anderson, who needs no Patrons of the Up-to-Datedrug- following district officers were shipper is added to the list, being introduction in Hazelton, being stce may in future be served Dr. Maclean, "Wiggs" O'Neil elected: Chairman, Dr. Wrinch, from the Manday, LePas, in Nor­ appointed to succeed him. Be­ with afternoon tea, Manager and 0. A. Ragstad, former Ha­ secretary, Rev. W. M. Scott, thern Manitoba the first ship­ fore going to his new post, Mr. Newick having enlarged the scope zelton men who are now located stationing committee, Rev. M. ment to come to Trail from that Ware will visit Fort St. James, of his ice cream and soda depart­ at Smithers, came down from Pike. province. The consignment of Fort Fraser and .on com­ ment. the Valley town on Tuesday for one car of 31 tons of copper ore pany business. J. C. Boyd, now As lay delegates to the confer­ a brief visit. ence, Robert Langlands of Hazel­ Methodist Church was sent over 1,138 miles of rail­ in charge at Telegraph Creek, Sergt. Jack Bennett, of the ton, and L. C. McDowall, of Rev. M. Pike will preach tomor­ way to reach Canada's metallur­ will take the management at grenade section, 16th Battalion, Smithers, were chosen. The row evening on the subject: gical electro-chemical Mecca. First Quesnel, according to reports. has been wounded for the third it traveled hundreds of miles over conference, which will be held in "Thrusting Out." Victoria on May 17, will also be time. He is the only member of the Canadian Northern through W. J. Sweeney, who has been Holy Communion. attended by Dr. Wrinch and Rev. the original Hazelton contingent the wilds of Northern Saskatche­ at the Rocher de Boule during All are cordially invited to M. Pike, of Hazelton, and Rev. left with the 16th. wan and Alberta, finally reaching the winter, spent a few days attend. W. M. Scott, of Prince George. H.C.Crawford, who is in charge Calgary. There it was taken in in Hazelton before leaving for his of Babine hatchery, was in town charge by the C.P.R., and came ranch at Houston. Hunter Corner, who went to direct to Trail. Whether the E. A. Donohoe has been ap­ the front with the 72nd Battalion, this week, on his way to head­ next unusual shipment will come Coming Events pointed secretary of Hazelton has had his right foot amputated quarters in . He re­ ports a fair season for the hatch- from the North Pole or Timbuk- May 11 Middy Dance, for School Fire Association, in succession to as a result of wounds, but writes too, or some other equally unusual Fund, in public schoolhouse. H. H. Phillips, who capably filled cheerfully to friends here. Hun­ ery.although the salmon run was and unexpected shipping point unusually light and the Indians July 1- Annual General Picnic, Hos­ the position for two years, but is ter is a veteran of the South has not yet been announced. pital Park. removing to Telkwa. African war. secured comparatively few fish- THE OMINECA MINER, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917

naval representatives of our dem­ The Omimeca Miner ocratic allies the assurance: t -— "We are not preparing for a PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT HAZELTON. THE CENTER OF THE | short war. We are preparing for GREAT OMINECA DISTRICT OK BRITISH COLUMBIA. a long war, in which we will use jail our resources to defeat the IF YOU CANT FIGHT A. R. Macdonald, Publisher and Proprietor. j German government, and we in- tend to fight to a finish." YOU CAN AT LEAST SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada and British Possessions. Two Dollars a Words that were instantlv fol- yeart Foreign, Three Dollars a yea:. j ,owed by deeA^ by arrangement ADVERTISING RATES: Display, $2.5(1 per inch per month: Reading| between the Hritish, French and Notices, 20 cents per line for each insertion. Legal notices inserted at B. C. STAND BEHIND THE Gazette rates. American naval forces for joint ..- , naval action against Germany, VOL. VI. SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1917 No. 36 and for the division of the task =; between the three fleets. In MAN WHO FIGHTS Under the new Land Settlement Bill now before the legislature j London the American ambassador the Departments of Agricultnre, Lands and Public Works will he[was Pledging, before cheering , . „ ,. . , .. , .. , , ^ , u IJ ta (Americans and British,the utmost FOR YOU! shorn of some of their duties and the labors of the holders ot the , ...... I endeavors or his country, and the twthaot iformes to bre createportfoliod wils lconsiderabl have an extensivy easede. tasThk ane ned wa commissiolatitude tno ; j^ritish premier was saluting, as he said, "the American nation as correspond. The government, through its new creation, is, as far comrades in arms.'- In Wash­ as can be gathered from the bill, to engage in farming on an ington the words were being industrial scale, but as yet there are no means of knowing how far translated into action as they it will compete with others who are making their living from spoke. THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND j It is cheering and comforting Which assists the wives and families of Canada's gallant agricultural pursuits. In brief, the commission is to have the. t0 Americans to find that their following powers, subject to the sanction of the Lieutenant-: government, so forbearing and soldiers, requires millions of dollars to Keep the soldiers' Governor-in-Council: j patient in the face of provocation, home fires burning. (a) To take over from the Crown and to purchase from or lis entering the war with such District Treasurer: Stephen H. Hoskins, Government Agent obtain by exchange with private owners lands within the province!clearness of vision, such energy for agricultural purposes. of action, such complete recogni- Hazelton Committee: (b) To survey, re-survey, sub-divide, clear, fence, dyke, drain, tion of the size of the task and J. E. Kirby, R. E. Allen, J. K. Frost. J. R. Barker,' irrigate, plant, cultivate and otherwise improve, develop and use the necessities of the situation, and J. G. Powell. Monthly Subscriptions are Solicited any lands so acquired. j A weak government would have (c) To erect suitable buildings on such lands. j paltered with the task, a stupid (d) To farm such lands when necessary or desirable and government would have sought generally do all things necessary or incidental to such farming. j to make war as if we had no (e) To build and maintain roads and bridges for the improve- allies, a cowardly government ment of such lands. j would have fulfilled the German (f) To sell, lease or exchange the said lands upon such terms expectation that wd would fight THE CANADIAN RED CROSS as may be agreed upon. (only with dollars, and disaster (g) To buy, sell, or exchange all kinds of live-stock and every j would have brought it at last, The Hazelton Branch requests the support of all in its kind of merchandise which may be of use or benefit to the board after shameful loss of lives and efforts to assist in the noble work of this great humanitatian in any of its undertakings. I money, to the very steps which organization. (h) To enter into an agreement with any person obtaining a [ the clear-sighted and energetic loan under the provisions of this Act whereby the board may I government we have is taking Honorary Presidents: Mrs. (Rev.) John Field; Mrs. (Rev.) undertake to make and execute improvements on the land for! with such promising resolution W. hogan which such loan was made. and thoroughness. The German Chairman: Dr. H. C. Wrinch Without doubt the new legislation is far-reaching. The purpose government, indeed, does not know America. Vice-Presidents: S. H. Hoskins; Mrs. E. R. Cox; W.J. Carr it has in view is the promotion of agriculture, both by state aid and Honorary Secretary: Miss J. C. Grant state example. It is not altogether clear about what are the definite plans for increasing production beyond a continuation of the loan Honorary Treasurer: H. H. Little, Manager Union Bank system instituted by the former government, but the powers to be Executive Committee: given the commission open tip a possibility that much good will be Mrs. H. C. Wrinch, Mrs. R. G. Moseley, Mrs. Chas. Reid, accomplished. In fact, says the Colonist, we can go as far as to I Miss Hogan, Rev. John Field, Rev. M. Pike, H. H. Phillips say that if the arrangement as proposed is workable, and its) Large or Small Contributions will be Gratefully Received administration kept out ef politics, it holds out very definite hopes I of the agricultural industry being placed on a firmer basis. It must be made clear,however, how far, if at all, the government is going to compete with individual farmers. Beyond this it is impossible to go until Mr. John Oliver explains the ends he has in view. There is just one word of warning that seems timely following SOLDIERS'AID & EMPLOYMENT a perusal of the bill. The commission's operations, if they are made as extensively as is foreshadowed, will entail the creation of COMMITTEE a new army of government employees and thus build up a system Endeavors to supply soldiers from Hazelton district with that will lend itself to political patronage. This feature of the such comforts and necessities as cannot be readily obtained legislation is on^ that will crave wary walking. We know it is Mr. at the front, and will assist them to re-establish themselves Brewster's intention to do away with patronage, and to this end it in civil life when they return. The Committee is acting In is earnestly to be hoped that he will exercise the closest supervision co - operation with the Provincial Returned Soldiers' over the appointments made, not only by his ministers, but also by S. M. NEWTON Commission and the Military Hospitals Commission the numerous governmental commissions that are to be created. If The Prince Rupert Empire man. he does not, the last stage of political machines in the province will j who is a candidate for the house Contributions to the Soldiers' Aid Tobacco Fund are Welcome be worse than the first. 'of commons for this Riding. Chairman: A. R. Macdonald •• ======, •' 'phis is to introduce the man Honorary Secretary-Treasurer: J. K. Frost, "With All Our Strength" for liberty this nation has ever who always fights for the rights (New York Times) had the privilege of striking. and interests of the masses H. H. Little, R. E. Allen, F. B. Chettleburgh We can no longer speak ob­ Germany "does not know Am- ratner than for Partyiem. H. B. Campbell, H. F. Glassey, G. W. McKay. jectively of the Allies. The word erica," said Lloyd George; she is no longer in the third^person pictures a gold-soaked nation NOTICE plural, but in the first. We are! which JU make war cautiously W IN THE MATTER OF AN APPL1C- one of the Allies. We are allied with dollars, and does not dread 1 AATIOT N for the issue of a duplicate Certificate of Title to Part of Lot with democratic Britain, with us. She makes the same mistake Fifty-three (53), Town of Hazelton, republican France, with demo-!she made about England. While known as Lots Three (3) and Four SOME CAN FIGHT, SOME i , i . ..,,,, (4), according to Map 543. cratic Italy and revolutionary Mr. Lloyd George was telling the; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Russia, to make the world safe Americans in London, "We know i't is my intention to issue at the expira- for democracy, to root out from I America, and we also know that I gStto teSfS§ ^Hcaterf Pthe CAN WORK OR PAY — the earth the poison weed that now that she has said it she will Certificate of Title for the above L.. ,,..„,„„ t« r..„.,.r.v.ncin.., fUu J„ :t " ii r.> v. i i, t. , I mentioned lands iii the name of EDWARD has grown to overshadow the do it, the trench and British [ HOWE HICKS-BEACH, which Certificate peaceful democratic nations with admirals,Grassett and Browning j of Title was issued on the 13th day of ALL CAN SERVE a foliage of terror No more j were in conference at Washington n^^t^T& va, than any ol our Allies shall we with Secretary Daniels and after-1 at the Land Registry Office, Prince witholdanounceof strength from wards with Admiral Benson. The1 Rupe,t'B'C' the task, from the greatest blow ! secretary was giving the two 133.7 ' Dirtrict Registrar. THE OMINECA MINER, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917

will be enveloped on every side, o]iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiii[o]iiiiiiiiiiiiro]iiiiiiiiiiiico]iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiMiiiiaiiiiiiiiniico and,striking out vainly the while, The World's Doings in Brief will seek whom it can devour, News Notes from Many Sources but will never find him. "There will be great battles j Hudson's Bay Company j Chicago bakers struck on Tues­ Canada's trade of $800,000,000 during thirteen moons. Thefifth HAZELTON, B.C. day. , over the previous year, the total day after the sun comes out from Guatemala has severed relations being over two and a quarter the sign of the Lion the beast £ Groceries, Drygoods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Wholesale Liquors £ with Germany. billion. will die a very bad death." Fiji will send a contingent of The new provincial tax on Including the moon which was natives to France. amusements includes all places new the day Roumania entered of public amusement except pat­ the war, the 13th new moon 1 — STEEL WIRE — BEERS Italy will send two official mis­ riotic entertainments. would rise on August 17 next sions to Washington. and vanish again on September VICTORIA PHCENIX, Britain's national debt is over FENCING 16, and on August 23 the sun CASCADE, The Austrian parliament will ' eighteen billions. The nation is leaves the sign of the Lion to Quarts, per bottle, .25 be convoked on May 30. preparing to spend ten and a half Poultry and enter under the sign of the Vir­ President Wilson may appoint billions on the war in 1918. Rabbit Proof oo BUDWEISER, ( gin. Five days later would be a minister of munitions. in 10-rod rolls $8!! Quarts, per bottle, .40 Canadian railways will ask the August 28, and on that day Mal­ There is, a great revival in the board of railway commissioners achie says the war must end. It is an exceptionally good buy. STOUT Hudson's Bay, XXXX, lumber industry in B. C. for a fifteen per cent increase in Concerning Italy, he says: Let us have your order at once; we have only a small supply. Quarts, per bottle, .25 An effort is being made to re­ ' freight and passenger rates. "A Virgin whose name contains concile the Irish factions. Cambridge University confer- two iotas and two alphas, one General Obregon, Mexican min­ i red honorary degrees on Sir Rob- Tau and one Lambda (the Greek oiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiiiiiiitoiiimiiiiiiicojiiiiiiiiiiiirojiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiito ister of war, has resigned. i ert Borden, General Smuts, and letters meaning, respectively, I, American Ambassador Page. A, T, and L, and so spelling Prohibition went into effect in (T ^ The Honor League asks that Italia), will crush the beast's New Brunswick on May 1. head, and the Latin people will ex-convicts and prisoners be giv­ Lowest rates Prince Rupert to all Eastern Points via steamer The U. S. will send a thousand en a "fighting chance" to clean divide its remains" doctors to the western front. to Vancouver and Canadian Pacific Railway. their slates by forming a battalion Meals and berth included on steamer All former German consuls have for active service. Addressing Soldiers' Mail In order to facilitate the hand­ For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE been ordered to leave Brazil. Speaking in New York,Gerard, ling of mail at the front and to S.S. "Princess Maquinna" leaves Prince Rupert every SUNDAY, at 6 p.m. The American war loan of two former ambassador to Germany, ensure prompt delivery, it is re­ S. S. "Princess Sophia" leaves Prince Rupert May billions will be oversubscribed. said that nation would have at­ quested that all mail be address­ May 11th, May 21st, and June 3rd. Canada has sent seven cargoes tacked the U.S. if the war ended ed as follows: J. I, Peters, General Agent, 3rd Ave. & 4th St., Prince Rupert, B.C. of wheat to destitute Belgians. favorably to the Teutons. (a) Regimental Number. V. J) Wheat for immediate delivery Investigators found that be­ (b) Rank. sold in St. Louis for $3 last week. tween 30,000,000 and 36,000,000 (c) Name. eggs were being held by specu­ (d) Squadron, Battery or Com­ A large part of Rostov, Russia, lators in Chicago with the object pany. Express, General Drayage and Freighting is flooded. Many persons perish­ of maintaining high prices. (e) Battalion, Regiment (or / 1VFRY and ST A GFS We are Prepared to supply private ed. Lit VsliiXM UllU OltWJUO d public conveyances day and Bonar Law stated in parliament other unit), Staff appoint­ an The British have not lost a gun night. Our stages meet all trainB at South Hazelton or New Hazelton. that the Imperial war conference ment or Department. on the western front since June, has endorsed preferential trade (f) CANADIAN CONTINGENT. BEST DRY BIRCH, $6.50 A CORD 1915. tariffs between the different parts (g) British Expeditionary Force. j Consign your shipments in Our May wheat reached the unpre­ of the British Empire after the Care for Storage or Delivery. Ruddy & MacKay cedented figure of $2.82 in Win­ war. (h) Army Post Office, LONDON Address all communications to Hazelton. HAZELTON and NEW HAZELTON nipeg. England. mines are practically Unnecessary mention of higher The British steamer Gena was c'osed down, owing to the coke formations, such as brigades, sunk on Tuesday by a German shortage and the prospect of labor divisions, is strictly forbidden, seaplane. RAILWAY and LINES. troubles resulting from the min­ and causes delay. CRM4P- Elihu Root will head an Am­ ers' demand for a fifty-cent in­ Steamers sailing between Skagway, Juneau, crease in pay. Wrangell, Ketchikan, Anyox, Prince Rupert, erican mission which will shortly FARM LANDS Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle. leave for Russia. George Bury, vice-president of iPA£HS OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAIL­ the C. P. R., has returned from Leave Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Colonel Roosevelt now offers to ROAD CO. GRANT LANDS. Title to Russia, where he served the Rus­ Thursday at 12 midnight. For Anyox Wednesday at 12 midnight. For raise four army divisions to be sam«' revested in United States by Act Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway, Wednesday, April 4th, 18th; rushed to the front. sian government. He tells of of Congress dated June 9, 1916. Two May 2nd, 16th, 30th,at 1 P.M. Fortnightly sailings to Queen great trade possibilities for Can­ million, three hundred thousand Acres Island points. Chinese students will now be ada in the new republic afterthe to be opened for Homesteads and sale. Arrive Prince Rupert from the South every Wednesday at 10:30 A. M. allowed to enter Canada without Passenger trains leave Hazelton Eastbound 7:10 P, M. Wednesday and war. Agricultural and Timber Lands. Con­ Saturday. Mixed 1:56 P.M. Tuesday. Wayfreight 12:30 P.M. Saturday. paying the head tax. servative estimate Forty Pillion feet of Passenger trains leave Hazelton Westbound at 9:46 A.M. Tuesday and Evidence in the trial of ('apt. commercial lumber. Containing some Thursday. Mixed train 6 A.M. Sunday. Wayfreight 11:35 A.M. Sunday. One hundred and twenty coal of best land left in United States. miners were trapped in a burning von Rintelen in New York show­ For further information apply to any Grand Trunk Pacific Agent,or to ed that he went to the U. S. to Large Map showing land by sections (i. A. McNIcholl.Asit, Qtn. Freight and Puswigtr Ax.'nt.Prince Rupert, B.C. mine at Hastings, Colo. and Description of soil, climate, rain­ bring about an understanding be- fall, elevations, etc. Postpaid One I Prisoners of war employed on ween the German and American Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., municipal works at Kiev, Russia, governments for the crushing of Box 610, , Oregon. have struck for an eight-hour Britain's maritime supremacy. day. He used every endeavor to em­ »««• During the fiscal year just broil the U.S. in war with Mexi­ ended.75,395 immigrants entered co and Japan. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS Canada, 61,389 coming from the Ice Cream U.S. An Ancient Prophecy and All Labor candidates opposed The war will end on August 28 Soft Drinks to conscription were defeated in of this year and the Germans will FIGHT be crushed by the Italians.aecord- municipal elections in New Zea­ AT THE FRONT. land. insr to a prophecy attributed to Up-to-Date Drug Stores St. Malachie, made in the 12th Hazelton - - - B. C. Vienna declares that perfect century, recently unearthed by BUY agreement exists uetween Ger­ the director of the Civil Museum many and Austria on all peace linComo, and published in the DOMINION OF CANADA questions. Green Bros., Burden & Co. ' Petit Journal of Paris. Civil Engineers Former Ambassador Gerard Malachie, the accuracy of whose Dominion, British Columbia, THREE YEAR and Alberta Land Surveyors says that the Kaiser's police can predictions regarding the line of maintain peace within the Ger­ Popes three centuries after his Offices at Victoria, Nelson, Fort George own era is celebrated, begins by and New Hazelton. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES man Empire. F. P. BURDEN, New Hazelton specifying in somewhat mysteri­ $ 25.OO FOR $21.©O As a result of inflated wheat ous language the exact date- a—~—~~—~~ ~—o prices, trading in futures has August 28, 1916—on which "new 60.00 " 43.OO been prohibited on the Winnipeg races taking their name from I STUART J. MARTIN 100.00 " 86.OO INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO II50J. grain exchange. Romulus" -which must mean the i Provincial Assayer I Premier Hughes of Australia , Roumanians — would enter the I } war. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK says if he is returned to office Hazelton, - - B.C. OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE Germans will not be admitted to "Then," the prophecy is said o-~- ..~._~..-~a ! the Commonwealth. to continue, "the ferocious beast FINANCE DEPARTMI, JAN. 9, 1917 OTTAWA which for two years and one Commercial Printing at Government figures for the fis­ month had covered the earth cal year show an increase in with blood, horror and carnage, THE MINER OFFICE THE OMINECA MINER, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917

THE MINER WAR BULLETINS of neutrals, he says, is worse 400,000 tons were destroyed by uation and the facts may be made chy-Guemappe is apparently a than that of many belligerents. submarines in a single week. public, Lord Northcliffe says. The MONDAY, APRIL 30 clinch, both sides being more or Athens: The Greek throne is The army and navy appropria­ Germans hide their losses, which less' deadlocked. tottering. Venizelos.speaking his tion bill for $2,827,553,653 passed is very significant of the tremen­ the house by a vote of 362 to 1. dous success of the British push. London: The British 1orces,in In Saturday's advance the Can­ mind on pro-Germanism, said it The draft system is being work­ Amsterdam: Scheidemann.the a desperate attempt to turn the adians drove more than a mile was useless to exile evil officials into the enemv lines and held the ed out. Americans will be called leader of the Socialist party, has northern wing of the Drocourt-! when Germans were housed in the round des ite to the colors by classes, the ex­been appointed head of the reich­ Queant line, advanced on a front'^ P determined coun- royal palace. The French are furious at the perfidy of Constan­ empt and unfit being weeded out. stag committee, a step regarded of nearly ten miles and captured I ter-attacks. Areleux was taken Shipping and finance questions the village of Arleux-en-Gohelle, at the bayonet's point. Fighting tine, who now appears anxious to as very significant. lasted appease the Allies. He denies he have been settled by the Allied nine miles west of Douai. Most' sixteen hours, conference, which will complete violent fighting marked the battle; Paris: Forecasting the probable has ever acted on advice from the Notice central powers or has permitted its work within six days. Notice is hereby given that the under­ and successive German counter-j resumption of Nivelle's offensive signed will not be responsible for the attacks made with heavy sacrifices,! the war office reports violent ar- submarine bases on Greek coasts. Petrograd: Serious riots oc­ curred in the city. payment of freight or telegraph char­ failed to check the British ad-1 tillery action south of St. Quen- Petrograd: There is a notable ges unless same are duly authorized by vance. There were many fierce!tin, around Troyon, Craonne and increase in activity, particularly Buenos Aires: Argentina may him. Wm. H. HOLLAND. encounters in which bayonet and j Hurteboise. by enemy scouting parties, on break off relations with Germany. rifle-butt were used, and soldiers | . , the Russian fronts. The latter's explanation of the Amsterdam MaMayy Day jf the sprang at the throats of their foes Washington: Troops may besinkin g of the Monte Pretegio is Canadian Express fears of the German autocracy considered unsatisfactory.' in hand-to-hand fighting. Wave are justified, may be a fateful day sent to France soon' for traininK Money Orders after wave of gray-coated Ger­ near the front. in Germany's history. With the Issued and paid mans were shattered by the dead­ example of Russia before them, Lord Percy has informed the FRIDAY, MAY 4 ly British fire. the laboring classes may mark government that losses through! |B»"I> >1 IAAAAAAA IMU.UUgi The Canadians, in a brilliant the holiday by far-reaching action. submarines are very serious. The London: The British again J. F. Maguire assault, captured an important Frenziedly-worded placards is­ combined maximum production dealt a blow at the Germans over village. Progress has been made sued at the Berlin factories yes­ of ships is required and the bal­ a wide front north and south of Branch Agent everywhere, and the so-called ancing factor may be the tonnage terday show the great tension. the Scarpe. At the moment of HAZELTON Oppy-Mericourt line was pierced, available in the U.S. cabling, the impression here is the Wurtemburg division being London: There is increasing London: Half of the munition that the battle is going favorably >_!"—"Il— llll—llll—Mil—.llll — literally cut to pieces. The battle j demand for disclosure of all facts workers in the Rhine provinces for the British. Prisoners are is still in progress in an easterly | regarding the submarine situa- tion Lord of Germany joined the general beginning to arrive and more Just Arrived direction from Vimy ridge south-1 - Northcliffe leading the strike called yesterday. German guns have been taken. ward to the Scarpe. I critics. The admiralty is under Heavy fighting continues. HOBBERLIN'S All the nations of Europe are heavy fil-e from the public and in THURSDAY, MAY 3 Since the fighting began on the Spring and Summer feeling the pinch of hunger; neu- parliament. ninth more than thirteen enemy uyuutM SAMPLES trals and belligerents in common [ New York: The U.S. lost its divisions have been exhausted on London: France is waging her LET US SHOW YOU APPRO- are faced by a shortage of the first fighting force in the war on this front alone, yet Hindenburg - I PRIATE STYLES and WEAVES necessities of life, due to the Saturday, when the oil tanker greatest artillery battle of the is desperately throwing in fresh blockades. All are taking stock Vacuum, returning home after war. to blast loose the German units, with orders to hold or die. of visible supplies. discharging cargo at Liverpool, hold on the Moronvillers crest in North of Greenland Hill, to­ f NOEL & ROCK The people of England are on was torpedoed. A lieutenant and Champagne. The battle, which ward Fresnoy.Cherisy and Bulle- Hazelton, B. C. honor to economize in food. If nine of the gun crew perished. began on Sunday, extends over a court, the British have gained KM—llll—nil—-nil-llll—nil—u:t that system fails rationing <4 ill Ottawa: Canadian casualties at front of eight miles. Two bar. ground. At Gavrelle and Loos be adopted. rages are kept up night and day, Vimy Rigde were 12,303. Heav­ Prussians are counter-attacking / There is no sign of a chastened ier losses are expected in this isolating the enemy in his front fiercely. The enemy is in a par­ DENTISTRY I spirit in speeches by leaders of week's advance at Arleux. trenches. The bombardment in­ ticular frenzy over the British O the German agrarian junkt r par­ creases throughout the night. DR. BADGERO I Tw>w"f*»yy> H possession of these points because Smithera, B.C. ty. They declare that they must Hindenburg threw ir. fresh divi­ it hampers the work of destruc­ WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 o - have the coalfields of Longwy and sions to check the French advance tion at Lens. That destruction Briey. The German government —A..4^XA«...**... and fierce bayonet fighting fol­ DALBY B. MORKILL proceeds day and night. The British Columbia Land Surveyor is in a difficult position between London: Both sides are tem­ lowed. The French are occasion­ Boches also fear for Douai, the ::: MINE SURVEYOR ::: the Socialists and reactionaries. porarily deadlocked from Arleux ally thrown back, but hold to remaining position of the Hin­ Hazelton, B. C. The latter believe the U-boats to south of Monchy, and the only strategic positions. denburg line which is already Surveys of Mineral Claims, Townsites, will win the war and oppose any Timber and Coal Leases, Etc. and Gen­ fighting reported by Haig was a French soldiers are working partly turned at.Arras. eral Engineering Surveys. return of occupied territory. night raid successfully carried alongside peasant women, girls The obtaining of Crown Grants attend­ Copenhagen: Relations between ed to. tf Washington: By overwhelming out north of Ypres, where a few and little children, plowingsowing Norway and Germany approach majorities both senate and house Germans were captured. The and harrowing: fighting France's the breaking point. In govern­ HOTEL PRINCE RUPERT passed the administration bill to tremendous fighting of Saturday economic battles as their brothers ment circles the opinion prevails THE LEADING HOTEL IN NORTHERN B. C. raise an army for active service and Sunday seemingly brought a in the trenches just ahead are that the maritime situation has i: EUROPEAN PLAN : i by selective draft, The vote was period of temporary abatement fighting in military combat. grown intolerable. Norway is One Dollar per day and upwards 397 to 24. during which bothsides are hur­ Quiet prevails on the British 25c. auto service lo and Irom all trains and boats rying up fresh troops and material front today. trying to induce Sweden and PRINCE RUPERT B. C. A cablegram urging the settle­ Denmark to join in suspending all for the renewal of the struggle. On the western front 714 air­ ment of the Irish question was intercourse with Germany and planes werebrought down in April Assay Office and Mining Office sent to Lloyd George by 200 Paris: In a powerful attack in entering the war on the side of Arts and Crafts Building, 578 Seymour Strtcl members of congress. the Champagne the French cap­ London: All work was com­ the Allies. VANCOUVER, K.C.- Joffre said France hopes to see tured several lines of fortified pletely stopped throughout Aus­ The Estate of J. O'Sullivan an American army on the west­ London: Chancellor Hollweg Provincial Assayers and Chemists trenches in the neighborhood of tria-Hungary on May Day. Food Established 1897 by the late J. O'Sul­ ern front. questions and need for peace were is today facing his greatest pol­ livan, F. C. H., 26 years with Mont Carnillet, to a depth of f>0() itical crisis and is under fire from Vivian & Sons, Swansea. Stockholm: Knut Wallenburg, 11 iQQfj metres. discussed at all gatherings. 0 There is much speculation con­ the conservatives, who oppose a noted banker and foreign min-! Germany is closing her frontier ISSUES cerning the peace terms Hollweg electoral reforms, while he is HAZELTON HOSPITAL TICKETS ister, plans a league of neutrals, [tight and suppressing new papers. for any porlod from onu monlh upward at $1 per is to introduce in the reichstag distrusted by the socialists. Hin­ month in advance. Toll rato include ofltat con- which, with fresh armies and new | because of an epidemic of typhus denburg may succeed him. Miltationi and inedlclnt'H, BH woll as all co»U whlli weapons, can impose its vill which is now raging in many big tomorrow. London papers agree III tho hoipltal. TirkotH ohtahnblo in Haaolton The Allies are giving the.U. S. at tho Pout Otflcu or tho Druir Storo; tn Aldurmere when the present belligerents are industrial centers. The spread that the chancellor's second offer from Mr. T. J. Thorp; In Trlkwa from Dr. Wallace; full details of the submarine sit­ or by mall from the Mndlcal Smiflrintondont at the exhausted by war. of the disease is attributed to has been forced by growing un­ Hoophal. malnutrition. rest throughout the central em­ pires. The Berlin Tageblatt ad­ TUESDAY, MAY 1 Amsterdam: The Dutch village mits that Germany is no longer of Zierikzee, near the Belgian in a position to dictate terms,but London: As an indication that frontier, was laid waste on Sun­ I says she must demand freedom JUST IN FOR the British offensive is not taking day night by bombs dropped from of trade and independence. an airplane. The aviator's nation­ all the strength of Haig's armies The traffic and invention boards ality and reasons for bombing a on the Arras-St. Quentin front, of the British admiralty are to be THE SUMMER the field-marshal staged a raid neutral unprotected town have remodelled. They have failed to north of Ypres last night, in which not been established. There were check the work of the submarines. CHILDREN'S eighteen prisoners and a machine five casualties and more than 100 New plans are being laid, with a gun were captured. Ypres is houses were wrecked or damaged. view to increasing combative nearly fifty miles north of the Buenos Aires: In 1913, when means. NOBBY TREAD SHOES Arras sector, where the British [Prince Henry of Prussia visited Lloyd George is in France. pushstill bears powerfully against j Chile, a secret treaty was nego- LADIES' WHITE the northernmost end of the tiated, guaranteeing Germany a Amsterdam: According to a statement in the reichstag, 1,300,- Wotan line. | foothold in Chile. It is stated by 000 Germans have perished in the CANVAS SHOES Between Monchy and theScarpe JoseMolins.an authority on South war. Surplus of females in Ger­ we took prisoners and improved American relations, that the pact many has increased from 800,000 GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS our position. Prisoners taken by in question prevents Chile from to more than two millions. The the British since Saturday num­ acting with the U. S. and Brazil. nation has been bled as never be­ ber 976, including 16 officers. Rome: Baron de Bildt, the fore since the Thirty Years' War. R. Cunningham &Son, Limited Fighting in the rounded sector .Swedish diplomat, says Sweden, Washington: Shipping losses in front of Gavrelle-Roeux-Mon-1 is close to starvation. The plight are serious. Secretary Lane says