„,.<-f Z-<J- AJ THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA aimer VOL.. VI, NO. 36 HAZELTON, B. C, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR THE LATEST DESPATCHES LOCAL NEWS P4RAGRAPHS Special Last-Minute News From Items Of General Interest From RUSSIA'S ATTITUDE U Hazelton and Surround­ Various Theaters of the Great War ing District Copenhagen: The German chan­ SOLDIERS FRA TERNIZE ON EASTERN FRONT- H. L. Gibbs is reported killed cellor will make a plainer declar­ at the front. ation of Germany's peace condi­ BRITISH GAIN IN FIERCE STRUGGLE A T LENS Lieut. K. B. Forster, of the tions within a fortnight. 72nd Battalion is reported wound­ ed. New York: The naval consult­ Petrograd: A virtual armistice sobering influence. The premier of Wilhelm's game, according 'to Otto Utterstrom returned on ing board announces that the exists along almost the entire said the government would never reports received here, which tell Wednesday from a visit to Van­ problem of dealing with the sub­ Russian front. Not a shot has consent to a separate peace; the of grave dissension between the couver. marine has been solved. been fired on the Austro-Russian name of Russia, he declared.can- central powers. Al. Falconer returned this week Petrograd: The provisional front for more than a month,and not be stricken from the list of from his winter's work at Babine government declined to modify Washington: It is predicted hatchery. there has been no real activity on Allies. the note pledging Russia's con­ that the "Liberty Loan" will be A. Smith and F. R. Alexander, tinuance in the war. The council the German-Russian sectors. In of Prince Rupert, arrived on London: Another day of close, doubly subscribed. of workmen's and soldiers' dele­ many places soldiers of both sides Wednesday. fierce and difficult fighting is in An agreement on disputed fea­ gates accepted the government's are fraternizing, meeting unarmed Chief Constable Taylor return­ progress on the British front. At tures of the army bill is looked . explanation and everything is in no-man's-land. So general has ed on Wednesday from an official many points Haig's forces have! . d the measure will visit to Pacific. now pro-government and orderly. the habit of fraternizing become, fo| todayi an succeeded splendidly, in spite of \ . ident early next Harry Bretzins returned this Paris: The French have cap­ and so completely is the fighting gQ to the pt Gs week from an extended visit to tured Craonne and first line fresh German regiments and ar-1 week The first armv under tne spirit subdued that General Gour- his old home in the east. trenches over a wide front, also tillery being opposed to them, j draft system will consist of 18.000 ka, commander on the Minsk James Dyer came upriver on a thousand Germans. The most important gains of the front, has issued a formal state­ officers and 530,000 men, forming Tuesday, on business connected Washington: Information from day were at Cherisy and Bulle- with his mining interests. ment warning his forces to be­ 18 infantry divisions and 18 heavy Berlin indicates that the power court. At Fontaine-lesCroisilles The new telephone line of the ware of German ruses to obtain artillery regiments. of the bureaucracy will be curbed Northern Telephone Co. to South the British found it difficult to German socialists in this coun­ by changing the constitution to information. Hazelton will be in operation on require the signatures of both the get forward, because of the try who attempt to bring about Monday. chancellor and the Kaiser to all There is an open rupture be­ strength of the German defences i a sepai.ate pe;ice between Russia J. C. K. Sealy returned on imperial decrees, which have tween the provisional government south of the village. and Germany will be severely Saturday from a visit to Victoria heretofore only required the Kai­ heads and the workmen's and and left on Tuesday for his Bulk- ser's signature. Lens was three-fourths encir­ dealt with if their acts be proven. soldiers' council, the latter de­ ley Valley ranch. cled by yesterday's fighting, London: Germany is turning London: H. Pollen, a naval manding that they be taken com­ Rod. McCrimmon has begun expeit.says the Germans are now which marked the resumption of out submarines at the rate of development work on the Comet pletely into the confidence of the sinking twice as many ships as the British offensive. The Brit­ three a week. group, a good-looking property at the beginning of the ruthless government. After listing a ish grip on the coal city now on Four-mile hill. submarine warfare. Jews are being slaughtered by long series of acts to whicli they H. H. Philips, who is now in twists from Loos around to Ache- the Turks in Palestine. Silver Standard Ships object,council representatives de­ charge of the Sargent store at ville, Givenchy and Fresnoy. Amsterdam reports of big riots Telkwa, is spending a few days A carload of high-grade silver- clared they would not approve lead ore from the Silver Standard in Berlin are unconfirmed. with his family here. any loans until fully informed as Paris : French troops have was shipped to the Selby smelter J. F. Maguire left on Wednes­ (his week. Another carload, of to the complete war policy of the made further progress northeast Berne: The revolutionary party day for a business visit to Smith­ zinc ore from the same property, ers and Telkwa. He will prob­ Entente and all details of com­ of Rheims. The combat in this in Germahy is apparently making went to Oklahoma. ably return tomorrow. pacts entered into with the Al­ sector is characterized by violent little headway. A circular de­ Long Distance Shippers lies. cannonading. Babine Indians brought a large nouncing Hindenburg and calling amount of fur into Hazelton this Receiving ore shipments from A dramatic speech by Premier out of the way places, as well as Copenhagen: Emperor Karl upon laborers to revolt was cir­ week, and received Peveral thou­ Miliukoir, appealing to the work­ from far distant climes, seems to sand dollars for their catches. men and soldiers, is having a of Austria is anxious to drop out culated on May 1. be getting to be a common thitlff The popular J. I,. Christie,who with the Trail smelter, says the is now Stewart & Mobley's dis­ Mr. Ware Transferred DISTRICT MEETING School Dance Next Friday Trail News. Nearly a thousand trict representative, spent acouple tons have already been received There will shortly be a change OF METHODISTS The young ladies of the town | are arranging a "Middy Dance", of days in Hazelton this week. from the Tip Top mine at Kasha- in the management of the Hud­ Representatives from the vari- |, | j j„ schoolhouse on bowa, Ont., this year. This ore son's Bay store; here, Wm. Ware, t0 e he c tne Rev. W. M. Scott, of Prince came 1,780 miles, 1000 on the who has successfully handled the ous Methodist congregations of I Friday evening, May 11, in aid George, was here on Tuesday, to Canadian Northern and 780 miles branch for a considerable lime, the district met in St. Andrew's of the school fund. attend the Methodist district from Regina on the C.P. R. Hall on Tuesday evening for their meeting. He left on Thursday going to Telegraph Creek, and A New Departure annual district meeting. The for the conference in Victoria. This week another long-distance W. W. Anderson, who needs no Patrons of the Up-to-Datedrug- following district officers were shipper is added to the list, being introduction in Hazelton, being stce may in future be served Dr. Maclean, "Wiggs" O'Neil elected: Chairman, Dr. Wrinch, from the Manday, LePas, in Nor­ appointed to succeed him. Be­ with afternoon tea, Manager and 0. A. Ragstad, former Ha­ secretary, Rev. W. M. Scott, thern Manitoba the first ship­ fore going to his new post, Mr. Newick having enlarged the scope zelton men who are now located stationing committee, Rev. M. ment to come to Trail from that Ware will visit Fort St. James, of his ice cream and soda depart­ at Smithers, came down from Pike. province. The consignment of Fort Fraser and Quesnel.on com­ ment. the Valley town on Tuesday for one car of 31 tons of copper ore pany business. J. C. Boyd, now As lay delegates to the confer­ a brief visit. ence, Robert Langlands of Hazel­ Methodist Church was sent over 1,138 miles of rail­ in charge at Telegraph Creek, Sergt. Jack Bennett, of the ton, and L. C. McDowall, of Rev. M. Pike will preach tomor­ way to reach Canada's metallur­ will take the management at grenade section, 16th Battalion, Smithers, were chosen. The row evening on the subject: gical electro-chemical Mecca. First Quesnel, according to reports. has been wounded for the third it traveled hundreds of miles over conference, which will be held in "Thrusting Out." Victoria on May 17, will also be time. He is the only member of the Canadian Northern through W. J. Sweeney, who has been Holy Communion. attended by Dr. Wrinch and Rev. the original Hazelton contingent the wilds of Northern Saskatche­ at the Rocher de Boule during All are cordially invited to M. Pike, of Hazelton, and Rev. left with the 16th. wan and Alberta, finally reaching the winter, spent a few days attend. W. M. Scott, of Prince George.
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