cleaning specialistIssue 8 summer 2002 news and information from Prochem Europe for the ,fabric and floor care professional

Simply the best How to provide excellent customer service

Rich rewards Ways to work for the wealthy

Cleaning up Your four page guide to truckmount technology welcome What’s inside? Published by: Prochem Europe Ltd Oakcroft Road Chessington Surrey KT9 1RH Tel: 020 8974 1515 Fax: 020 8974 1511 Email: [email protected] Film set the standards Editor: 5 You liked it! Peter Muir – PMPR Business Communications Market House, Market Square Winslow, MK18 3AF Tel: 01296 715228 Email: [email protected] Rich rewards Designed and produced by: 10-11 Four ways to work Headlines Corporate News Ltd for the wealthy Medina House 318 Silbury Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 2AE © Copyright 2002 Prochem Europe Ltd. Cleaning up Material may not be reproduced in any Your four page guide to truckmount technology form without written permission from 16-20 Prochem Europe Ltd Our cover star this issue is Adam Jankowski from Valetek. Adam has achieved so much success with his truckmount – that he is purchasing another. Read more about Adam’s commitment to customer care in the next issue of Cleaning Specialist. Your letters Here’s a happy start for a new business … Here’s another great letter with an interesting marketing proposition …

Dear Prochem, Dear Prochem, We have just started carpet and upholstery cleaning in Great I would like to know if you would mind if I include your Yarmouth and surrounding areas, and chose your Fivestar machine company's name and logo within my advertisements in publications as our first cleaner. We have been overwhelmed with the initial such as Yellow Pages, Thompson Local and local press advertising. response and are very pleased with the machine and its cleaning I have been using Prochem chemicals for at least the last ten standards! years, and I have got to say there isn't anything out there any better. We are using all your chemicals in our machine and sprayers I am particularly impressed with your Woolsafe and Citrus Gel and would be grateful if you could send us a copy of your CD-ROM products, which I get from Dowding and Plummer in Birmingham. with all the COSHH sheets, etc as we would find this helpful on The reason that I am asking about using your name and logo is identifying the correct chemicals for stain removal. just that they help make my advertising look more professional. Hopefully, if all continues to go well, we are well on the way towards our second machine, which will of course be from the Thanks, Prochem range! Kiernon Bromley We purchased our Fivestar from Hugh Crane Cleaning Bromley Equipment at Acle, Norfolk and would like to commend you both Tipton on an excellent service. MANY thanks to Kiernon – the Prochem response was ‘yes’. Kind Regards, Find out more about how Prochem users can implement the Prochem logo in their marketing; articles on page 3 and 12. Alex Seaton Squeaky Clean Correction Apologies to our friends at Disaster Restoration, their Great Yarmouth website address is and not as given in the last edition of Cleaning Specialist. CS 2 news 1st Stop for Number 10

OT everyone gets “I was there to clean the communal hallway and that alone took me seven the call to the hours!” It being a quiet day at Number country’s ‘seat of 10, lucky Richard was treated to a mini- power’.N So count Richard Bailey tour of some of the staterooms, mostly of south London’s First Stop as rugs laid on hardwood floors. Number 10 was a treat of a job for a member of the chosen few. Richard Bailey but not all his work is When luxury carpets at Number 10, quite as salubrious. His next project that Downing Street required a good clean, day was a housing association for facility managers at one of Britain’s most homeless mums. The day after, the man famous buildings contacted manufacturer, from 1st Stop was cleaning luxury flats, , for advice on where to go. and then went on to a council property. The company provided a list of The company employs three, Woolsafe-approved operators in the including Richard, in addition to some London area. 1st Stop lived up to its part-time staff. name by being the closest to the Prime “Prochem technology works very Minister’s home. Richard, a Prochem well. The Steempro is a reliable and Steempro 2000 user, recalls the manoeuvrable extraction machine. In experience of his visit to Downing Street: London, where you have a problem with “The exterior you see on the TV access because of parking restrictions, News is just one tiny element of the site. you need a reliable and lightweight It’s a bit like Doctor Who’s Tardis!” portable and this fits the bill.” Downing street received a The reason for this trick-of-the-eye is 1st Stop Cleaning undertakes carpet, thorough clean from 1st Stop. that Number 10 is really two townhouses rug and upholstery cleaning, domestic conjoined to the Chancellor of the and commercial cleaning, estate cleaning Exchequer’s home at Number 11 and in and maintenance, garden clearance and Web watch: turn to an annexe in which a huge staff go maintenance, window and patio cleaning, about the day to day affairs of state. and premises de-flooding. Improved clean-up rate Big Brand

FOR Prochem Europe’s sales Sutton in Surrey. support representative Roy Pardoe, the term Highdown is training inmates into COULD you use the support of a major ‘inside job’ takes on new meaning when becoming professional cleaners and brand to help sell in your cleaning it comes to providing training support for Prochem technology and chemicals are service? Her Majesty’s Prison at Highdown near being used for the job. As a Prochem user, you can tap into “Training manager Beryl Galan and a the high level of brand awareness about colleague from a nearby prison came on a Prochem. Prochem Europe is providing Prochem training course after reading one logos for use on sales literature, letter of our catalogues,” says Roy. “The staff headings and related print as well as for had an old extraction machine at uniform and vehicle decals. Highdown and had ordered a Steempro to The Prochem System logo is replace it.” available, as is product photography and Roy went along to provide some on- the use of sales text from the current site training and found that Highdown has Prochem Professional Cleaning Products a very good training area for floor catalogue to help promote your cleaning. business’s relationship with Prochem. “It was very well turned out and run. When it comes to promoting your Around 20 prisoners and five supervisors association with Prochem, were talked through how to use the permission is subject to approval machine. They were very pleased with it. based on completion of an The Prochem system is helping Highdown is not for hard cases Ð they Advertising Material Declaration inmates to become professional were by and large a nice bunch of lads,” Form, which is available now from cleaners. recalls Roy. “I was more intimidated by the Marketing Department on the security getting into the prison itself!” telephone: 020 8974 1515. 3 news

Commutors are greeted Bad news, by clean Connex trains good news thanks to Comatec. HARD on the heels of Cleaning Specialist’s story on Southern Cleaning Supplies’ phoenix-like return from the ashes after a fire destroyed its premises, we hear how bad news can become good. Proprietor Peter Wyatt reports brisk sales after a successful move into his refurbished building and has spotted some new faces at his trade counter on Ferndown Industrial Estate in Wimborne, Dorset. “One chap came in who had read about us. He was interested in car valeting equipment and bought a Cleaner trains selection of Prochem products,” says Peter. “That article was a very nice piece of publicity for us!” And what have the customers had to say about the premises? Says Peter: “Well, we have purposely kept to the for Connex same décor as before the fire, so some, who come in less regularly, OOD news for suggested we have been re-decorating south-east UK Product at-a-glance guide while one annual customer asked commuters. An The Polaris 500 offers unrivalled whether we had re-pointed a wall! portability, ease of operation and The industry is conservative by Gassault on dirty train interiors performance and is ideal for cleaning and large so we try not to change has been launched by contract enclosed areas like trains and buses. too much!” cleaning specialist Comatec for There are four Polaris models to Southern Cleaning Supplies choose from with the 1200 unit Telephone: 01202 893302. rail operator Connex South Eastern using Prochem capable of tackling large open areas Reader note! … car valeting is a while retaining great handling. business with good prospects and Europe’s Polaris, Spot-Pro and The Bazooka is used with its partner Prochem markets a cleaning system Bazooka technology. Spot Remover Aerosol to instantly designed specially for the job plus a remove ground-in gum, sticky sweets London-based Comatec is now brand new machine in its Valet Pro. and adhesive from carpet, hard floors ordering Prochem Europe Polaris 500 and concrete without mess. Perfect carpet soil extractors in addition to the for transport and stations and depots Bazooka gum and spot removal machines Shawly the – and the whole job can be carried in use (see Cleaning Specialist Issue 6). out while standing (aching backs are Comatec fields considerable best out with this technology). expertise in the cleaning of rolling stock PROCHEM chemicals have come out with contracts including London tops in a testing programme of cleaning Underground trains and depots as well as products carried out in the US by the contract work for schools, offices and “Comatec have now placed orders world’s largest carpet producer. civic centres. and with the Bazooka chewing gum Reported in May’s European Cleaning Cedric Rigaud and Eric Grey, removal system already in use, will be magazine, Shaw Carpet’s director of Comatec managers for the Connex South maintaining the carpeted rolling stock to technical services, Carey Mitchell was Eastern rail rolling stock contract, the highest standard,” reports Andrew quoted as saying that “the top cleaning contacted Prochem Europe distributor, Packham at The Maintenance Supply chemicals Shaw tested came from The Maintenance Supply Company, for a Company, which has developed Prochem.” The testing continues as part demonstration of carpet and upholstery specialisation in the transport cleaning of a campaign to improve cleaning extraction machines on the carpeted 365 market. product efficiency and performance. and the new 375 trains. “There is a clear move to provide The only machine to meet their needs improved interiors and passenger comfort in this type of environment was and other train operators such as South Did you know? Prochem’s Polaris 500, with its self West Trains, Silverlink and Thameslink ■ The law requires that a copy of the levelling power brush, and accessories are all going over to carpet now. The Health & Safety at work act is like the power wand and upholstery tools, prospects for Prochem technology look displayed by every employer. making it a particularly versatile solution. even better than ever in this sector.” CS 4 News

We get around... Setting the THE Prochem network is fast-growing. Witness what happened to Dermot Furphy of Furphys CCS of Oldham. The business buys Prochem Europe Standard chemicals and technology through local distributor Clean Solutions. Prochem Europe’s new film sets the standard “My family and I went to Canberra in Australia to visit relatives,” recounts Dermot. “It was good to be having a OU liked it! technical support services. break from work. Or so I thought! Location footage takes viewers “One afternoon we were at some Prochem Europe’s to see cleaning machines and solutions in traffic lights in our car, when a large new corporate video, action in healthcare, transport and white van pulled up alongside us. I just Ythat is. entertainment applications as well as two happened to glance at it. And there, Prochem distributor showrooms. written large, were the words ‘Prochem “Does a great job of educating and “Setting The Standard” is available Cleaning Services’! Was I seeing selling a company all at once…”, “very FREE on a CD-ROM with every copy of things?” Well, no – Dermot wasn’t. informative and not too long!”, were the company’s 2002 Professional Prochem is becoming a global brand, so just two kind comments fed back to Cleaning Products Catalogue. If you keep looking out for us! Why not email Prochem Marketing after the release prefer there is also a VHS video cassette us and tell us how far afield you have earlier this year of “Setting the Standard”, version. seen the Prochem name? a seven-minute film showcasing To request your preference please the company's resources and products, telephone 020 8974 1515 or e-mail its National Training Academy and your request to [email protected] Can’t get

Web watch: enough of it! IT SEEMS cleaners cannot get enough of some Prochem detergents. The company is responding to calls for larger capacity packaging for its S776 Double Clean and S780 Fibresafe Gold and both are now available in 10 kilo as well as existing 4 kilo tubs. Fibresafe Gold is an apple- fragranced powder specialist detergent for wool and stain resistant nylon carpets and incorporates a self neutralising pH system to reduce the risk of colour bleed, texture change and re-soiling. Double Clean is a concentrated, heavy duty detergent powder with a citrus mint fragrance formulated for cleaning heavily soiled carpets. It packs a special punch with its high quality anionic and non-ionic surfactants , Scenes from the filming alkaline builders, optical brighteners of the new video and corrosion inhibitor. “Setting the Standard”. Current recommended selling price for 10 Kilo tubs of Double Clean and Fibresafe Gold are £44-00 and £41-50 + VAT respectively. These and other Prochem products are available from Prochem distributors. Did you know? ■ Recycled paper uses more chemicals to produce than pure pulp! 5 Dealer Profile

Great Scot! Another Prochem

VERYONE knows that targeting hospitals and realising the huge Prochem products. Prochem Scotland is Prochem is based in potential for a specialist solution. John at Unit 2/2 Cappielow Ind. Estate, provided cleaning consultancy to the big Greenock, PA15 2TQ. Tel: 01475 leafy Surrey in names in carpets such as Stoddard and 892111; fax: 01475 786356; email: southern-mostE England. So BMK, and in 1991, was called into the [email protected] who are Prochem Scotland? USA’s Airforce One Air Base to advise Cleaning Specialist heads north on problem carpets and upholstery. Web watch: By 1992, Prochem Scotland had of the border … outgrown its premises and moved into a It’s a reflection of brand-power that 2,000 sq ft industrial unit at Greenock Prochem pops up more and more in the near Glasgow. The site comprises a small world today and Scotland is no exception. showroom, stores and a sales and What’s new in It helps of course having a sales administration area. The premises were partner in Prochem Scotland. Boss John totally refurbished last year. Little is no Johnny-come-lately; he has Selling is the responsibility of sales 2002 been working the brand in the high and manager Alec Newell and his team. The NEW products and a renewed focus on lowlands for 22 years now. “I went into company handles 300 lines and is aiming adopting systems solutions to the textiles industry as a fabric designer,” to get bigger, but without compromising professional cleaning are facets of he jokes. “The idea of carpet cleaning the Prochem brand name. “We are one of Prochem Europe’s 2002 catalogue, came to me, and with my background in Prochem’s top distributors in Scotland available now on 020 8974 1515. textiles, a move made sense.” and are keen to develop further by Product development plays an In January 1977, John purchased his introducing new lines from other integral role in Prochem Europe’s first machine, but after two years he suppliers but we shall still be Prochem success and additions to the company’s realised he was dissatisfied with the Scotland,” says Alec. range include an easy spray Leather reliability of his machines. “I was “Scotland is a tough market. There’s Cleaner E672, a biological carpet and directed towards Prochem and frankly plenty of competition in England, but fabric deodorising concentrate – A275 was sceptical as you would expect a then it’s huge. In Scotland, we have five Prozyme: an improved formula paint textiles expert to be to start with until I million people, half of whom live in a 50 removal solution – A277 Solvex; and an met Prochem boss, Ron Tilley,” he mile strip between Glasgow and improved B153 Urine Neutraliser. New recalls. In 1980, with Ron Tilley’s Edinburgh. Most of the rest live within 30 cleaning equipment includes Valet Pro, a blessing, John Little named his business miles of that strip and the rest are in housekeeper and car valet extraction Prochem Scotland and got underway. pockets in the wilds.” machine with additional accessories for John was innovating in his own right, Hard work is paying off however the company’s range of high-powered too. He came up with the idea of an and the future looks rosy with ongoing truckmounted extraction cleaning Odour Control Pack system after growth in the continued supply of machines. Prochem is also promoting easy-to- ■ Prochem Scotland sells high quality carpet and upholstery cleaning machines use cleaning systems comprising cleaning chemicals and maintenance and accessories and delivers throughout complementary equipment and products for carpets, fabrics, floors and Scotland and the UK. chemicals for start-up carpet cleaning specialist cleaning applications. ■ Prochem Scotland is a member of the businesses as well as cleaners wishing ■ The company also supplies a complete US’s Association of Cleaning & to upgrade into the growing range of portable and truck-mounted Restoration (ASCR) ‘truckmount’ market. CS 6 When you need more – you need Prochem

Ask for details of the Prochem Leaseplan More power

Prochem truck mounts have the power to tackle the toughest carpet cleaning jobs.

More heat

With consistent heat at the wand, you get the best results possible.

More control

With control over each of the machines individual systems, you have total control over every job whether it’s cleaning carpets, fine fabrics, hard surfaces or deflooding.

More reliability

Prochem truck mounts have a reputation for being the most reliable in the industry.

More profit

Because Prochem truck mounts are so reliable and fuel efficient, downtime and operating costs are minimal and profits are maximised.

Powerful cleaning solutions

With a reputation for being the best in the industry, Prochem chemicals clean a variety of surfaces and nearly every type of stain. Whether it’s stain resist carpets, fine fabrics, hard surfaces or disaster restoration, Prochem has the cleaning solution for your toughest requirements.

Call Prochem today for a catalogue and free demonstration.

Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1RH, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8974 1515 Fax: +44 (0)20 8974 1511 Email: [email protected] profile

Moving Trafalgar MOVING has proved no ‘battle’ for Trafalgar Cleaning Equipment – featured in Cleaning Specialist when we reported on the cleaning of London’s Millennium Dome in Issue No 3 – Winter 1999/Spring 2000. The company, which started the year at its new premises in Horsham, Sussex, celebrated the move and its 21st birthday with an open day in March. Managing director Martin Bremner said: “We had a great turnout from our customer base. We have a wide range of products so we had an equally WACS lyrical diverse turnout, from contract cleaners to council specifiers! And, even better, One of Prochem’s longest-standing dealers is on the we sold a couple of Prochem machines on the strength of that day.” move.WACS shows how important it is to innovate . . . Moving is no simple task, but Martin recognised that it had become an inevitability for Trafalgar. “We had TIStemptingwhenyouhave For WACS operations manager Jim outgrown the four units we occupied been in business for some McCarthy the move spells opportunity. “We and favoured centralising have more lines to offer and to sell direct manufacturing, workshops and years and weathered the over the counter to customers from an distribution under one roof – in this Ishifting sands of the marketplace accessible site with plenty of room for instance a 12,000 sq ft one.” to ‘settle down’. But for Prochem expansion,” he says. Trafalgar, founded in 1981, not Europe’s south London distributor The company has a revised web site in only distributes cleaning equipment development from which it will again be able and chemicals and related janitorial WACS Cleaning Supplies, the need to sell its substantially enlarged product products but makes its own range of to change, no matter how offer. specialist cleaning products and litter successful the business gets, is Keeping tabs on suppliers and ensuring collectors. The company also offers an pre-eminent. the company has the best keeps Jim busy. extensive range of hire equipment. Prochem Europe presents him with no Customers range from That is why June of this year saw the problems. independent cleaning operators (about business, now based at New Cross, rocket “The whole Prochem machinery and 50% of its business) to blue chip plcs, overnight from being a 950-line distributor chemicals range is available and products are local authorities, cleaning companies operating out of 10,000 sq ft to providing competively priced. We also provide a repair and other distributors. 5,000 lines from an extended product offer service for customers across London and the Trafalgar is already feeling the backed up by 17,000 sq ft of space Ð and south-east. benefits of moving to larger premises. more in reserve. “Most of our customers use Prochem “Turnover has gone up,” says Martin, WACS Cleaning Supplies, a distributor because they make a good product that does “business is buoyant at the moment of Prochem cleaning chemicals and what it says on the label. With Prochem, if and I anticipate it will pick up even machinery for nearly 20 years, has merged you have a problem, they have a solution. stronger in September.” with a sister business which was South “An added advantage is that Prochem London’s leading houseware distributor to advertises a lot and that’s good for us. The the independent trade. Selling products such company is very strong on support. as cutlery, crockery, glassware and Jim says: “We have been dealing with disposables, broadens the new business’s Prochem for a long time and both our product offer to the capital’s burgeoning companies have grown strong.” pubs and clubs market. As to the origin of the name WACS. A total of 20 staff took up position at the “W A Cartright limited was the company’s counters of the new WACS Trade Centre, original name and that’s how we became half a mile from the Old Kent Road, and WACS,” says Jim! “So now we’ve come benefiting from plenty of parking (a hard- together it’s struck a chord to call the sought commodity in the city). venture WACS Trade Centre”. The WACS Trade Centre is at Bond House, Web watch: Goodwood Road, New Cross, London SE14 www.trafalgarcleaning Did you know? 6BL. Telephone: 020 8692 1195 or 5864 ■ All aerosols are now CFC-free. Fax 020 8469 2183. CS 8 selling The Like Factor and The Spider

EVERAL years ago, Max Professional speaker Christine Gunther authored a Corelli looks at why we need book entitled The Luck FSactor. For more than 20 years, to network to win business... he researched and studied her web, the better she eats. So it is with Beneficial Relationships Breed Long- successful people on all levels those who would catch good luck. In Term Profitability. and from many walks of life. general, the luckiest men and women are Success in business is not only due to those who have taken the trouble to form the brilliance of your strategic planning, His objective was to determine many friendly contacts with others.” your ability to communicate your vision whether there is truly such a As a cleaning professional, you know and your level of expertise in the cleaning thing as ‘luck’. for certain that success is never only due industry. It has to do with your ability to to the brilliance of your ‘pitch’ or your keep others motivated and influencing What his research proved was it wasn’t gift of the gab. Great sales trainers will them to follow your lead. Here again, the so much the ‘luck’ factor that gave them tell you the customer is not always ‘Like Factor’ comes into play. their success, but it was more that they buying your product or service, more If you are a great person to work with possessed the ‘Like Factor’. He found that often they’re buying you. It’s your (notice I said with not for) and your people who were friendly, outgoing, and personality and how you conduct yourself employees like you, you’ll be successful had a great sense of humour had the odds that becomes a major factor. You must at what you do. Remember one of the in their favour to achieve success in both possess the ‘Like Factor’ to influence highest causes for job dissatisfaction their business lives and personal lives. customers to buy from your company. stems from working for a bad boss. In Gunther’s words: “These people Remember to follow the example of Christine Corelli is a professional make themselves known to many others, the spider and spin your web strong. Look speaker, consultant, and author of Wake usually without thinking about it. They’re at a spider’s sticky web and remember Up and Smell the Competition. She was gregarious. They go out of their way to be good old-fashioned ‘sticktuitiveness’ too. well-received at the recent Professional friendly. They talk to strangers. They start Stick to making those sales calls and Chemicals Corporation conference in conversations. The guy who sells them striving to ‘catch’ their business. Work Arizona. She can be reached at their newspaper is more than just a face.” hard at developing mutually beneficial [email protected]. Visit He compares people we consider as relationships and reinforce your to sign up for ‘lucky’ to a spider. “A spider strings ‘likeability’ with every customer Corelli’sClips–aFREE publication of many lines to catch flies and the bigger encounter. Remember: Mutually ideas and solutions to problems.

Go out of your way to say hello and to surge of POSITIVE ENERGY into your body. 1 greet people. Make sure you ignore no Christine’s top Be sure to smile, too. one. Extend a firm handshake. Call people by their name. 10 tips to Be compassionate and considerate of 7 others at all times. Deliver unexpected Focus on the positive in everyone you kindnesses and courtesies. Small things can 2 encounter and make positive Good Like! mean a lot. comments. In doing so, you’ll bring out the best in them and make them feel good negative way if you don’t stay on your toes Develop the ability to put yourself in about themselves. in those areas. 8 the position of those with whom you interact and communicate: “What’s most Master the art of being “YOU Develop a habit of using these words or important to you about this?” 3 FOCUSED”. Be sensitive to others. 5 phrases at least 10 times a day: “I Make it a habit to ask people questions appreciate . . .”, “Thank you for . . .”, “My Maintain eye contact and LISTEN. One about themselves, their jobs, their families pleasure”, “Please”, “Would you be so 9 of the greatest gifts you can give to and their hobbies. You’ll make them feel kind”. Ask this question often: “Is there others is rapt attention. that you CARE about them. anything I can do for you?” Ask this one at least 10 times a day in your daily Give everyone in your business and Display class and professionalism at all interaction with others: “How are you?” 10personal life, especially your 4 times. Be ethical, honest and up front. children, the most precious gift of all – one Remember your manners, appearance and Maintain a good sense of humour and that every human being deserves: self- social skills too. People will judge you in a 6 laugh a lot. When you laugh, you put a esteem. 9 Customer Focus

Cleaning up – four ways to the wealthy Service with Cleaning homes? Are you targeting the right customers? The top end of the market is the way to go. Here’s how …

IVEN that the cent of cleaners compete for the low end! 1. Be a respecter of their time One reason for this is simply that some wealthy consistently cleaners are nervous of dealing with the Time is money – we all say it, but it’s a code hire professional wealthy because they do not understand for the wealthy who place a premium on their Gservices, it would follow that them or are even prejudiced about them, time. They are the movers and shakers of the world who are willing to pay a higher price to every last professional cleaner a type of reverse blue-collar snobbery. This is a scenario to avoid. those who recognise it and allow them to get on in the country would be To help you decide whether you with doing a professional job. gunning for business at the top want to pursue this niche market, here are So show up on time. If you have been end of the market. our top tips to keeping rich and probably delayed, apologise sincerely and offer a freebie Yet research has shown that 85 per all customers happy. (a room of free protector or a free spotter pack). This course of action will help to build a good relationship with the client. Confirm appointments by email, fax or drop a card off. Cleaning is not high on their agenda and your reminder will look professional and save you a costly ‘no-show’ on their part. The rich rarely get rich working 9 to 5:

Cleaning up after the wealthy needn’t be as exhausting as in The Edwardian House, and now it can be far more profitable. a smile... CS 10 Customer Focus Promotion to inspector

THERE is a lot of truth in the old adage fumes Ð that “time spent on reconnaissance is such as seldom wasted”. tobacco Ð in Most claims paid for by cleaning the building. Next companies are for pre-existing comes the thorough testing of the fabric. conditions rather than malpractice on the It is hard to determine the exact fibre part of a cleaner. But where too many content of every last fabric item. Test cleaners fall down is in the field of pre- fabrics for bleeding and crocking inspection and pre-evaluation. The (i.e. dye transfer from rubbing fabric reason why is simply that these when dry) include spotters, boosters and impress them with your time flexibility. disciplines require patience and fabric protectors at the same time. It is Suggest you meet at the crack of dawn before communication. Most cleaners want to worth testing also for possible shrinkage. they leave for the office (or the gym!) to get the get the job done quickly with the least job done. interaction with the customer. Get it in writing Now, all of the information 2. Keep your promises Look before you leap accumulated can be communicated to the It is important to look before you customer in writing. An Inspection The rich are sceptical of people who promise leap when it comes to cleaning. Carpets Report is a must: This is not a release them the earth for an impossibly low price. for example should be pre-inspected for form or a waiver of liabilities (these Better to under-promise and over-deliver. open seams, de-lamination, improper arouse mistrust on the part of the Overstating performance promises causes clients fitting, rips, burns and permanent customer). The Inspection Report Form to not take you seriously or Ð worse Ð roast you damage. Check for torn fabric, missing lists specific concerns that are when you fall short of providing the agreed buttons, cat scratches and damage to recognised by both parties prior to work. service level and never call you back again. wood trim and legs on upholstery. These forms benefit cleaners in the Inspect cushions inside and out, following ways: 3. Give 100 per cent guarantees looking out for laundry bleaching and ■ They are a useful management tool The wealthy are intolerant of excuses arising check the inside for ink marks. Look out aiding the technician in his work ■ from poor service. Make sure you can meet your also for the presence of synthetic They help to protect you from needless guarantees and make these rock-solid sales backing materials that may be affected and expensive claims ■ propositions. For example, “If you don’t like our by cleaning solutions with higher The customer sees your business as work, don’t pay for it!” It sounds like madness concentrations of solvent. Watch out for professional but 99 per cent of customers pay and the staining from water, urine, ink, rust, Feel you need to know more about statement is a huge incentive for your business coloured soft drinks and tannin. Fabric this topic? Check out forthcoming to deliver the very best. colours may also be affected by bleach Prochem sales training course dates and urine and of course by sunlight and on page 15.

4. Be appreciative How to Sell it Always thank customers after you have completed a job. The telephone Selling Your Services is a starting point of course but you ARE you an owner operator? Still customer confidence, which is a major could also send a laminated card or looking for new ways to increase your influence in positive-reaction selling. even a newspaper article of interest to business? Are you more of a good So why not take advantage of our the customer. cleaning technician than you are a sales highly trained and modern training If you read a positive story about person? Like to know how you can team and make enquiries today a commercial customer in the local improve your selling ability and increase about the Prochem cleaning systems press, clip it and laminate it and send your sales turnover? Prochem Training sales training programmes on it to them. You have just courses are all designed to create telephone: 020 8974 1515. demonstrated how well you know them and care about them. ■ ■ When did a service person last Understand why we need to continue Learn how you can turn sales call you after being on site in your to sell cleaning services, how you can enquiries into positive jobs and at home and thank you for the work? do this without the need to be a super profitable prices. The wealthy are not that much sales person, and what these key Ron Tilley, founder of Prochem different from those with fewer requirements are. Europe Ltd. has more than 40 years ■ resources. They simply know what Find out what it takes to become a experience of teaching and training they want and are able and willing to real Professional and how this alone businesses and owner operators in pay a premium for it. All you have to can create automatic and continuous HOW TO DO IT and HOW TO .. know is how to deliver! sales enquiries. SELL IT. 11 News Good show, Sir

ROCHEM Europe has been making inroads into the continental cleaningP market via Amsterdam where it enjoyed a first ever solo ‘spot’ at the important Interclean Show. “Having shared in the past with overseas dealers and our American counterparts, we found that the growth of our European operation merited having our own stand this year,” says sales director Martin Davies. “If you want to be a player in the Prochem Europe discovered the benefits of cleaning world, you have to be seen to be, having its own stand at the Interclean Show. and Interclean is the stage.” Some UK companies like to show like the Blazer Plus truck-mounted carpet visitors spending an average of 4.5 hours together but Prochem opted out of the cleaning system with a new titanium at the show, with 30 per cent coming Brit pack. “Showing under a national lightweight wand and Powerglide rotary back for a second day there. Nearly 40 banner may mean missing out on other carpet extraction power tool. per cent came with a view to buy, out of important visitors,” comments Martin. Valet Pro, the new portable aimed at which 34 per cent made a purchase or In addition to exhibiting new product the growing car valeting market, grabbed specified. Is Interclean likely to be a developments for 2002, Martin, their attention as did Prochem’s now top mainstay in the Prochem calendar of managing director Alan Tilley together selling portable, the ultra-quiet Steempro. events? “Definitely,” says Martin. “We with head office sales and training For Prochem marketing executive had enquiries from dealers from all the executives, were kept busy developing Lisa Sharp, Interclean 2002 was her first eastern European countries plus partnerships with key distributors in other experience of a major cleaning show. Germany, Greece, Turkey and the Middle European sales territories. What did she make of it? “To see it all East interested in taking on our products. Also lending support and some useful you have a massive amount of walking to “Our aim is to support them as we do language skills (six in all!) were Marcin hall after hall, packed with stands of all our UK customers.” and Olga, representing Prochem Europe’s sizes and Ð judging by the scale of some - For a bigger picture on the world of newly-appointed Polish dealers as well as all budgets. cleaning, Interclean is worth a visit. The colleagues from Dutch dealer AB “Our stand was very busy, and we had show is back in 2004, May 11-14th. Cleaning Equipment. a high calibre of visitors to it: people The full product range was on show at sought us out and that meant they had Web watch: Interclean where visitors seemed business in mind.” particularly interested in new technology Interclean organiser research reported AB succeeds Decal Challenge PROCHEM Europe, Dutch dealers AB Cleaning Equipment have taken to Prochem vehicle branding like Dutch to water (sorry!). See how effectively they have employed Prochem decal artwork on this new Transit (snapped recently outside their HQ). To find out how you can tap into the benefits of Prochem branding contact: 020 8974 1515. Did you know? ■ Mixing bleach and acid toilet cleaner produces the potentially fatal chlorine gas similar to mustard gas used in the 1st World War – so never let your staff mix chemicals unless trained to. AB Cleaning Equipment’s vans look great with their new artwork. CS 12 News

To Russia with love (from Prochem)

A FRESH, new feature of the Moscow market in general, demand for Cleaning Show Ð Prochem Europe has professional cleaning services is growing experienced its first major exposure to the in step with its customers markets. Russian cleaning market. Moscow presently fields around 100 The company’s products were companies offering cleaning services, showcased by Radnik Ltd, one of the with eighty per cent being small or family country’s major suppliers of cleaning managed companies employing five to equipment and chemicals and a 30 staff. distributor of Prochem products. The services offered by these This was the third Moscow Cleaning companies are restricted by the Show and the company was delighted equipment available to them, says Danny, with the response. and that’s what he proposes to change. Radnik directors Danny Radovanovic “Naturally, the leading companies are and Nikolay Kosinsky gave practical the ones that are able not only to survive demonstrations of Prochem technology to but also to invest in new equipment to over 50 contract cleaning company provide new and high quality competitive owners and housekeepers from executive services,” he says. “With Prochem’s hotels in a special seminar on support, Radnik is well positioned to professional carpet, fabric and floor care meet the demand for the best available. at the show. Danny Radovanovic attended “The increasing specification of Prochem training courses last year and his carpet, mostly from Belgium and own seminar was modelled on the England, is stimulating interest in fibre Prochem training curriculum, with the care and maintenance and we are now company’s full sanction. developing a training facility modelled Whilst Russia’s financial crisis of on Prochem’s for the Russian cleaning St Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow. 1998 had a great impact on the service community.”

Prochem: the winning formula

To keep you in front with your customers we haven’t

rested on our laurels. We are continually improving our

cleaning chemicals, and investing in research for new

chemical formulations to keep you on the track to success.

Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1RH, UK Call for a copy of our catalogue and the name of your Tel: +44 (0)20 8974 1515 Fax: +44 (0)20 8974 1511 Email: [email protected] nearest Authorised Distributor. technical Mind your Peter Hargreaves’ regular round-up of the more commonly-asked questions put to Prochem’s Technical s and s! Support team Q A A customer has a blue denim stain fireplace and in the traffic lanes. The job we discovered that neither product Q on a cream leather suite and has customer has a pet alsatian dog. nor method of application was at fault. asked if it can be removed. I’ve tried From it, soil and grease has The carpet was laid on top of an old leather cleaning products without been compacted down one which caused a high static charge to success. Is there anything more that into the carpet and the build up and be held in the old carpet. can be done? power of the truck The old carpet has been removed and This depends on the quality of the mount has pulled underlay fitted, which has cured A leather and the type of finish that has this soil to the the problem. been applied. You might want to consider surface. using E400 Red Rx to remove a dye stain. Heavily We have to remove an old blood I would apply this solution to the stain pre-spray the Q stain from a carpet. What’s the using a terry towel and if it breaks it affected areas best approach? down, towel it off with another terry with E836 Longstanding blood stains may be towel rung out in a solution of B109 Enzyme Prespray, A extremely difficult or impossible to Fibre & Fabric Rinse. Remember that the agitate in with a remove. terry towels should only be damp, not brush and leave to dwell However there is always a chance that soaking wet. Finally, apply E675 Leather for 5Ð8 minutes, then rinse pre-spraying with B144 Stain Pro, Conditioner and buff with a clean dry extract with B109 Fibre and agitating with a brush and allowing two terry towel. Oh yes – and don’t forget Fabric Rinse. That will solve to three minutes’ dwell time before to do your pre-test! the problem (and it did!) rinsing out with B109 Fibre & Fabric Rinse will remove the stain. Sometimes Help! I have just started We have a problem with static after this operation you may be left with a Q cleaning a beige carpet Q on an office carpet. B194 red/brown stain. If this is the case then with my truckmount and Shockaway was used on it twice, but apply B198 Rust Remover according to the carpet is turning after a few weeks needed re-applying. the label instructions. Repeat with B198 black! What can I do? Why is this? Rust Remover if required. The carpet did not look That’s all for now! soiled before I started. This was a puzzler to start If you have a cleaning question for Let’s get all the facts A with, but after being given Peter and the team, call now on A in first. We know: The further details 020 8974 1515 or email: carpet only turned black near the about the [email protected] Cleaners game on for Manchester CLEANERS in the north-west cannot get equally well attended.” The training team enough of Prochem. Not only is continues to win fans. Andrew Smith, of Manchester host for this year’s Asclean in Atherstone, wrote to say: “I Commonwealth Games, but more than 60 spoke to Spencer about a number of course applicants were booked on to the carpet cleaning issues and his technical April carpet and upholstery cleaning knowledge and customer care were course in the city. It proved to be the best superb. I felt at the end of the call I had to attended regional course for over five write and thank you!” Equally pleased years, according to Prochem Europe was Tony Ellison, MD at Prime Cleaning Training & Technical Manager Spencer in Southend on Sea: “My sincere thanks Young. to Peter and Spencer for their excellent “In fact, our regional training courses demonstration. I know that our customer are becoming ever more popular,” says was suitably impressed.” Spencer. “The recent course at Bristol in Tony’s Bristol Site Manager was duly March went very well and I expect the booked on to his local Prochem Europe City of Manchester stadium Dudley dates on October 1-2 to be regional course. CS 14 TRAINING training Course Selector

When it comes to getting the job done properly, many readers told us the same thing: success depends on getting the basics right. Yet a surprising number of cleaners get into trouble because they neglect to ‘check first’. So here’s the Cleaning Specialist guide to . . .

C2 Two day comprehensive extended carpet cleaning Getting the job Includes: carpet and fibre identification, stain removal techniques, chemistry of cleaning. All cleaning methods, protector treatments; plus surveying and basic sales. right C1 Comprehensive carpet cleaning Includes: carpet and fibre identification, stain removal techniques, Store cleaning products safely with caps and lids secured chemistry of cleaning. All cleaning methods, protector treatments. ✓ and at the recommended temperature given on the safety data sheet. U1 Upholstery cleaning Qualify the job in writing. This means ensuring that the Includes: fabric - leather - curtains - dye test - shrink test - ✓ customer is aware of what results can realistically be dry cleaning and shampoo. expected, and what can and cannot be achieved with the cleaning product being used. For example, no matter how HF1 Floor cleaning & Maintenance good products are, they cannot repair permanent damage to Includes: vinyl sheet & tile, linoleum, safety floors, wood, rubber, carpets and fabrics. terrazzo - strippers - polishes - seals - maintainers. Check you have the right product for the job (it’s frightening S1 Professional Sales Training ✓ how many people do not). How to produce instant sales and build repetitive solid business. Always read the product packaging label before use. ✓ Unless specified, never use a product straight from the P1 Practical Cleaning Methods container. Use at correct dilution rates/measure and know the Four 90-minute sessions in one day for: carpets, upholstery, floors, product’s limitations, dwell time, etc. stain removal. All action – no theory. Ideal for new operators. Familiarise yourself with the information available in the ✓ Prochem Europe Safety Data Sheets. These contain detailed information on the handling of the company’s products:- All courses are one day except C2 which is two days. directions for use; the products’ composition; the physical and chemical properties; and appropriate guidance on Health and Safety and environmental factors/precautions. These Chessington Date Selectors factors should all be considered. Course JULY SEPT OCT NOV DEC Always use products in accordance with COSHH* ✓ regulations. C2 30/31 24/25 - 26/27 - Where recommended, pre-test a product prior to application ✓ and ensure you are using the correct application method. It C1 9 3 16 5 3 is just as important to use the correct methods as it is having the correct products for the job. Use solutions at the correct U1 10 4 - 6 - temperature. Read the Safety Data Sheet/Technical Data HF1 17 11 - 13 - Sheet and pay attention to pH levels. And finally Ð should you not already have done so Ð attend S1 - - 8 - - ✓ one of Prochem Europe’s acclaimed training courses and learn how to get it right and keep getting it right! P1 - 12 - - 4 *Further information and guidance on COSHH can be There are no courses set for August obtained from the HSE in the form of a free leaflet “COSHH – The new brief guide for employers”. Available from HSE Books Tel: 01787 881165. DISCOUNT WHEN YOU BOOK AND 15 % PAY FOR ANY TWO OR MORE COURSES Time left to learn Phone now to book and ask about special offers and other discounts 020 8974 1515 WHY not take time out this courses held during 2002 at All courses include lunch and operator’s reference manual year and get on the fast- Prochem’s Training Centre in track to making money out Chessington, Surrey, unless Regional Course Selector of cleaning? otherwise stated: Training does not come For further details Venue C1 U1 better than on a Prochem regarding training courses Europe course. All dates please contact Prochem, West Midlands 1 OCTOBER 2 OCTOBER shown here (see right) are for tel 020 8974 1515. Prochem Europe Ltd Oakcroft Road Chessington Surrey KT9 1RH UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8974 1515 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8974 1511 15 Email: [email protected] Feature Cash incentive to truckmount upgrade CLEANING businesses ready to make with fully automatic water and chemical the-minute quotation, subject to status, the transition from portable machines to feed and even continuous emptying with written details on request. “There are their truck-mounted big brothers can look the optional pump-out system. Sixty or plenty of benefits in leasing including the forward to a £500 price discount off a 120 gallon fresh water supply tanks are an release of capital for the day to day brand new Prochem Blazer “Plus” until optional extra for users who require total running of the business,” says the leasing November 30, 2002. self-sufficiency in areas such as airports company’s Karen Cottrell. “Principal The new Blazer “Plus” provides and for residential cleaning. credit lines are unaffected plus fixed powerful vacuum, solution pressure and The Blazer “Plus” is available at a list payment and period mean simplified instant heat to the carpet wand at a price of £8,495.00 + VAT until budgeting for your accounts.” distance of up to 250ft from the vehicle. November 30, 2002. A popular payment For further details about purchasing Totally self-contained and fully fitted option is lease hire through the LeasePlan the Prochem Blazer "Plus" or another by Prochem’s engineers, the Blazer policy available from specialists, KC truckmount from Prochem’s range, call utilizes Prochem’s exclusive Advanced Leasing. Monthly repayments over a five- Prochem Sales on Tel 020 8974 1515. Generation Multi-Stage Heat CaptureTM year term are around £196 + VAT, at the For full details in respect of the process. Setting up time is only a few time of going to print. Call K.C. Leasing LeasePlan call KC Leasing on minutes, then carpet cleaning is ongoing, on the number shown below for an up-to- Tel. No. 01827 313222. Truckmount The big clean-up

productivity; accurate automatic dilution income by thousands of pounds without NQUIRIES from of chemicals; minimal operating noise on any additional personnel.” professional cleaners site; plus improved indoor air quality. Prochem Europe has the most about ‘truckmount’ “You get better performance than extensive range of truck mount Ecleaning are stimulating portables, and reduced need for extractors in Europe. For more equipment handling as you only take the information call 020 8974 1515, increased sales of Prochem wand and hand tools plus the hoses on fax on 020 8974 1511 or email technology. site.” Martin’s experience as a provider of [email protected] Prochem Europe sales director Martin these machines is that once a cleaner has Davies said “truckmounts will make the used a truckmount, he does not want to Web watch: professional cleaner more productive and go back to portables Ð and more successful. The only objections we hear importantly neither do his customers. about truckmounts are from people who “Truckmount set up and tear-down do not own one. It’s a bit like those saves a considerable amount of time per people who say they prefer a manual job, compared to a portable,” says Martin. gearbox but have never owned an “These savings alone can gain enough automatic! time to fit in one more job per day. “This technology sells on the strength Multiply that additional revenue over of clear and superior benefits Ð increased a year, and you’ve increased your

But aren’t these machines very expensive? “The unaffordability of truckmounts is a complete myth,” Martin asserts. “You do not have to buy one outright. For example, with Prochem’s Leaseplan scheme, you can lease purchase a Blazer for around only £7 a day.”

How do I get I started? “The Blazer Plus is perhaps the ideal entry-level truck Did you know? mount,” says Martin Davies. “It is compact and combines all the benefits of low purchase cost with reduced operating ■ The single blade window cleaning costs. For the professional cleaner, it is a perfect starting squeegee was invented in 1936 by point in the world of high volume, high sales cleaning.” Ettore Steccone. CS 16 feature

What does nya-nya-nya-nya mean? All right Squire? This Scarborough flooring retailer is making more than sense out of cleaning – just catch his ad jingle!

T’S Happy Hour all month Cleaning came later.” long at Squire’s of In fact, cleaning is an Getting to grips “ Scarborough! Let us clean ancillary service with a sticky constituting around 20 per problem Iyour three-piece suite and cent of the company’s we’ll clean 15 square yards of turnover. Last year saw the carpet absolutely free! Dries in company upgrade from a hours not days using the latest Prochem Europe Bruin 2 truckmounted extraction truckmount technology and machine to a Performer. we’re not using your hot water This is now snug in a or electricity! Gets the nya- brand new long wheel- nya-nya-nya-nya out of your base Transit and Jonathan is delighted. carpets!” “We’ve had two We are at Squire’s of Scarborough Prochem truckmounts and showroom, so this is a good opportunity this is the best yet – we’ve to ask boss Jonathan Squire what a ‘nya- fitted it with two 60-gallon nya etc etc’ is. “It’s our term for the tanks. This is a mechanical creepy crawlies such as dust mites that exterior pump which can accumulate in a carpet,” he explains. means that cleaning “We’ve been using the term on our radio sessions can be kept going ad for some time and the customers have for as long as the fuel tank come to expect it now!” holds out,” he says. Clearly, this 52-year-old, third “We started with big generation family business is not shy of portables and went on to putting the word out Ð but surely radio Prochem truckmounts. No- advertising is a tad pricey? one here would go back to “Not really,” says Jonathan. “Our 30 portables now,” says second ad costs £80 to produce and six Jonathan. pounds each time it airs. We run the ad The team works jingle six times a day on a weekly basis. domestic and commercial business Jonathan sees a good future in flood Squire’s foremost audience is the including retail outlets, offices and work and allied equipment hire. “My floorcovering buyer. “We sell domestic leisure, such as Haven Leisure’s advice to any cleaner would be to go into and contract carpets, soft furnishings, nightclubs. Haven is a major employer de-flooding and equipment hire. vinyl flooring and stock oriental rugs. locally and best known for its holiday “Truckmounts are perfect for the job caravan sites. as they can be used where there is no “I went to a caravan park one electricity. But training is of paramount Saturday afternoon where a new importance in this field. Get on a caravan had flooded. I extracted it Prochem course and know what you are immediately and the manager doing.” called me in the next day and said But de-flooding work should not be to we need to get new carpets for this the cost of that important bread and butter customer, so I got the job to cleaning business. “No – we still have to supply them, too. get the nya-nya-nya out of those carpets!” “It all comes from having your mobile on and providing what you Squire’s of Scarborough; telephone: promised: a 24 hour service.” 01723 374474. The Squire’s advertisement promoting their truckmounted system. 17 You can have a truckmounted carpet cleaner from only

per day*

SPECIAL OFFER £500 off the r.s.p of the Blazer “Plus” until 30th November 2002.

Now there’s no need to worry about the cost of Prochem engineers will fit the totally self-contained having a cleaner that delivers that extra power, suction unit, allowing you the peace of mind that only Prochem and versatility demanded by today’s professional technical back-up can give. Plus the comfort and carpet cleaners. knowledge that low overheads will enable you to offer your customers - whether you are cleaning a house, a The Blazer “Plus” truck-mounted steam carpet hotel or an cleaning system provides powerful vacuum solution airport - the very best in professional carpet cleaning, pressure and instant heat to the carpet wand - even 250 for a long time to come. feet away from the vehicle. The system takes only a few minutes to set up and offers performance that cannot *Lease-hire available from around £46 per week, subject be matched by portable electric machines. to status, based on 60-month Leaseplan, excluding VAT (quotations are available based on shorter terms). Deposit equal to first three months’ payment.

Blazer Plus Legend SE Catalytic Performer Catalytic

Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1RH, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8974 1515 Fax: +44 (0)20 8974 1511 Email: [email protected] 19 Cut out and keep feature A day in the life of a Truckmount operator

A six-person team business, ServiceMASTER Hastings bought a Prochem Performer truckmount in 1996 and has since found many benefits from it.The company has used it for a range of purposes from combined cleaning of carpets and upholstery on ferries to specialised cleaning of commercial and domestic properties.

URING the day Engineered for dual wand spent with operation, it is able to clean ServiceMASTER carpet and upholstery at the same time by operating two DHastings, John Ellenger, wands simultaneously. proprietor of the company, The truckmount was explained how the Prochem connected to an outside tap Performer truckmount had and the engine heated the rinse agent to 175 degrees been an instrumental fahrenheit. Before rinsing the investment for the company. carpet, Steve sprayed the floor The Performer had enabled them to with an alkaline mix of pre- cater for a wider variety of clients, spray. provide competitive quotes and a very For the corridors at John Ellenger gets to grips with soiled carpets and high standard of service . Rother Homes Steve used chewing gum stains using the power of the truckmount. Prochem S888 Ultraprep 8.45-11.45 am Traffic Lane Cleaner which The first job of the day was at Rother he said was the most efficient for that Homes Retirement Association and the particular job. 11.45-12.30 am brief was to clean the carpets along the During work, the corridors were split John Ellenger was introduced to the ground floor corridors and to remove the into segments. This enabled segments carpet cleaning business whilst working chewing gum from the lifts. This from the 50 foot hose to be detached and for a local company as a technician. In exercise was defined as a two man job rolled up, thus speeding up the packing 1996 he joined forces with David Veal to and employed John Ellenger and son up of tools. provide carpet and upholstery cleaning Steve, an accredited technician. At the lift and front entrance to the with their new company Admiral. The The Prochem Performer truckmount home there were some troublesome spots business established itself in the local is powered by a Nissan water cooled 1.2 with chewing gum. To easily facilitate area, gaining a reputation with shipping litre 32 hp industrial engine. the removal Steve pre- companies and securing the carpet sprayed the chewing gum cleaning contract with Stena Ferries.

with Prochem B123 In July 2000 they bought the Solvall Spotter, a mixture ServiceMASTER franchise for East of non-chlorinated quick Sussex which enabled them to capture drying solvents, and the disaster restoration business in that then used the truckmount area, but also placed them just outside to heat it up and lift the service area for Stena. The it off. ServiceMASTER franchise makes The finished ServiceMASTER Hastings the first port result was very of call for insurance companies dealing impressive with visibly with fire, flood or other means of improved surfaces damaged carpets and upholstery in and spillages removed. that area. Did you know? ■ Since being appointed by Cardiff Council, a safety officer has been knocked down by a police car, run over by a fire engine, had his neck broken in an ambulance crash and had his hand crushed by a dustbin lorry! ServiceMASTER’S Prochem truckmount has a lifespan three to four times longer than other machines. 19 cont. overleaf cont. from page 19

In September 2001 they also bought the carpet whilst another concentrated on later if the blood had reached down to the licence for contract cleaning in East the chairs. backing of the carpet. He told the client to Sussex which extends their service and John comments: “We were the only contact ServiceMASTER Hastings and enables them to supply contract cleaners franchisee to have a truckmount, but now arrange another visit if this was the case, to commercial properties within the area. the one in Portsmouth has one too.” He but after the utilisation of the spotting They currently employ approximately 20 continues: “You can get more machine the stain was invisible. staff who are managed by Barbara commercial work. We do a nightclub in Ellenger, John’s wife. Hastings every two months, it would be 12.45-1.30 pm Bought in 1996, the petrol powered impossible to do that without a The third job, was an insurance Performer enables two people to work truckmount.” booking from a client who had suffered the surface area at the same time Ð a The second job attended was a carpet spoiling from one of his dogs. John huge advantage for the ferry work as residential property where the client had had been called in to evaluate the job and one person could be cleaning the spilt some blood on a relatively new assess whether he could repair it to pre- carpet. John had damaged condition. visited the If he decided it was possible then he property the day charged the bill back to the insurance before and company. If not then he would evaluate

sprayed the stain the cost of the carpet and send a report to with Prochem’s the company about re-imbursing the B144 Stain Pro. client. To perform evaluation of insurance The job now jobs it is necessary for the operator to be needed the excess ServiceMASTER accredited. blood to be rinsed John inspected the ten-year-old carpet from the stain. He decided that since the carpet was Lukewarm water already heavily soiled they might as well was used in a try and use the truckmount, if the carpet spotting machine, remained in a damaged condition then and the excess they would push forward with an blood was rinsed insurance claim to replace the carpet. He out. Spotting measured the carpet and arranged a date machines work on for the following week to return with the the same principle truckmount. as the truckmount, On the completion of this job John but in a portable drove back into Hastings and returned to design. the office. The day had provided a greater John explained insight into cleaning practice, as well as John finds that having the truckmount provides more to the client that demonstrating the many benefits that a commercial work. the stain could re- truckmount generated. appear some days

John Taylor:Why a truckmount makes sense 1 Access: Truckmounts do not contaminants and heat to the outside. Water Pressure: Higher water necessitate leaving a door fully ajar; you This reduces indoor humidity, which pressure results in faster penetration of need a three inch gap only to allow the lessens the chance of mould and mildew emulsifiers, loosening dirt and suspending

hoses access and often you can use a growth and speeds drying. it for extraction. Portables operate louvred gap in a door panel, removing between 50-100 psi whilst truckmounts the need for the door to be open at all. 3 Productivity: A truckmount operate at 300-500 psi. An alternative is to run the hose through is also more efficient and productive due a nearby window down to the truck. to its superior performance of the three Vacuum Systems: With higher Yes, truckmount hoses lie about the key elements of hot water extraction airflow and lift factors, faster drying times place, but then so do portables. cleaning:- and more thorough removal of dirt and Truckmount hoses are only another half chemical residue are attained – a key inch in diameter. Water Temperature: Directly factor in today’s ever increasing concern relates to higher cleaning efficiency and about indoor air quality. Portables give 60- 2 Environment: A truckmount faster drying times. Portables give 110ºF – 135 CFM with 6”-8” lift Hg (Mercury). leaves a healthier indoor environment 150ºF average whilst truckmounts Truckmounts provide 250+ CFM with 12”- than a portable, because it exhausts average 190ºF – 220ºF. 14” lift Hg.

Contact Prochem Europe Ltd at Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1RH • tel – 020 8974 1515 • fax – 020 8974 1511 • email – [email protected] • or visit the websites at – and CS 20