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路氹金光大道 The Cotai Strip

您的澳门及亚洲娱乐指南 Your guide to and Asian entertainment

30 36 54

目录 Contents

封面故事 Cover Story

路氹金光大道简史 怡神静心 10 The history of the Cotai Strip 52 Peaceful tranquility 游戏 Play 欢购 Shop

牌九(A):骨牌和基本玩法 健康之选 18 Pai Gow Part A: The tiles and basic play 54 Gift of good health 世界王者 致她 30 King of the world 58 For Her 财神驾到 Raining money 34 澳门指南 体育 Sport The Macau Guide 交通方式 国家美式足球联盟投注策略 63 How to get here 36 NFL betting strategies 实用信息 66 Things to know 与其遗憾,不如稳妥 综合指南 Better safe than sorry 42 68 Where to ... 澳门半岛地图 乐享 Enjoy 96 Macau Peninsula Map 氹仔/路氹城/路环地图 「鲜」有滋味 98 Taipa Cotai Map 48 Fresh bliss

4 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com

门巴黎人埃菲尔铁塔上的瞭望台,肯定是我最喜欢的澳门景点之 编者寄语 澳 一。饱览路氹金光大道北侧瑰丽景色时,大家会否深思澳门最近十 年来的巨大变迁及进步? From the editor 笔者回想自己于2008年首次踏足澳门时,曾徒步行走在空空如也的 路氹金光大道上。当时,澳门银河处于施工阶段,路氹金光大道上仅有刚 刚开幕的澳门威尼斯人。十年后的今天,澳门威尼斯人四周的空地,早已 变成拔地而起的顶级综合度假村,每年吸引着逾3,000万旅客来到这个弹 丸之地。 如此翻天覆地的巨变,背后究竟有着怎样的来龙去脉?本期 WGM将 以路氹金光大道为封面故事,深入理解其发展历程。让我们一起重温并回 味这一段历史吧!

本思齐 主编 ne of my favorite places in all of Macau is the observation deck O high up on the Parisian Macao’s replica Eiffel Tower, which offers a truly spectacular view of the Cotai Strip. Is there any better location to appreciate just how far Macau has come over the past decade or so? I first stepped foot in Macau in 2008 and clearly recall walking down what is now the Cotai Strip, past a half-built Galaxy Macau and toward the imposing behemoth that was the recently opened Venetian Macao. Fast forward 10 years and the once empty expanses surrounding the Venetian are now spectacular resorts of their own, attracting more than 30 million visitors to this tiny enclave each year. Just how did Cotai's incredible transformation come about? It’s a question that led WGM to retrace the story of the Cotai Strip for this month’s cover story. Enjoy!

Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief

封面故事 On the cover

路氹金光大道 The Cotai Strip

图片:WGM Photo: WGM

6 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com

编辑 发行 EDITORIAL DISTRIBUTION 主编 营运副总裁 Editor-in-Chief VP Operations 本思齐 张舒文 Ben Blaschke Karen Cheong

副编辑 发行部主任 Deputy Editor Distribution Supervisor 金成安 王禧婷 Oscar Guijarro Emily Vong 中文编辑及主译 发行部专员 Chinese Editor Distribution Officers 户媛媛 叶少扬 and Chief Translator Anson Ip 郑国平 Sophie Hu Peng Cheang 足球编辑 麦敏华 Mak Man Wah 陆逸 许浩伟 Football Editor Hoi Hou Wai Leanne Lu 社交媒体经理 行政 CORPORATE 张焰 Social Media and Content 首席执行官 Production Manager CEO 撰稿人 卓弈 Yvonne Cheong Andrew W Scott 宋文娣 Joseff Musa 财务总监 Contributors CFO 王青云 Wendi Song Fred Wong 首席设计师 Joseff Musa Sandra Norte 首席事务长 Chief of Staff 王艺霖 Lead Designer Helene Wong 平面设计师 Sandra Norte 邓倩雯 信息技术总监 IT Director 刘冠侪 Graphic Designer Michael Lau 摄影师 Ailsa Tang Eduardo Martins 会计及合规总监 Accounting and Compliance 关伟强 吕云 Photographers Director Eduardo Martins Anita Loi 负责人及行政管理人 Danomad Kuan 郑诗韵 Director and Administrator 营业及市场 SALES & Cynthia Cheang 行政助理 香港营业总监 吴雪怡 MARKETING Administration Assistant 黄湘湘 Hong Kong Sales Director Suie Ng 高级派送专员 Angel Wong 营业及业务发展总监 伍志强 Executive Transportation 何敬斌 冯智明 Director Sales and Business Officers Development André Ng 销售及业务发展总監 Jadeson Ho Fong Chi Meng 曾曉露 Director of Sales and Business 客戶關係經理 Development 邱嘉汶 Pam Chang Client Relationship Manager Caroline Iau

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8 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com


路氹金光 大道简史 The history of the Cotai Strip 一片空空如也的荒芜湿地,如何在短短十几年 间一跃成为全球首屈一指的博彩娱乐中心?且 听WGM 细说路氹金光大道之始末缘由。

WGM tells the story of how an empty swampland became the world’s number one gaming and entertainment hub.

文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke

10 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 11 封面故事 COVER STORY

于澳门路氹城的金光大道汇聚了九个国际级赌场 度假村,全年博彩总收入高达1,630亿澳门元(约 位 200亿美元)。路氹金光大道不仅是世界上最著名 的地标之一,亦是全球最富庶的地段之一。令人难以想象 的是,这个占地5.2平方公里的世界级博彩娱乐中心,十七 年前仅是一片荒芜湿地。 这是一个犹如盘古开天的故事,见证着从无到有的惊 人改变。凭藉一个人的前瞻,昔日静如止水的湿地,如今 已经发展成亮丽璀璨且享誉全球的博彩娱乐旗舰。

ith nine casino resorts within its reach and annual gaming revenue of around MOP$163 billion W(US$20 billion), Macau’s Cotai Strip is not only one of the most famous stretches of land in the world but also among the richest. It’s remarkable to think that just 17 years ago this bustling 5.2 square kilometer entertainment hub was nothing more than empty swampland. The story of how an expanse of stagnant water was transformed into a global gaming goliath is as intriguing as a night spent indulging its gaming floors and began with one man’s implausible vision. The year was 2002 and US casino company Las Vegas Sands (LVS) – which was already building its first Asian casino, Sands Macao, on the Macau Peninsula – was in search of a location for a large-scale integrated resort unlike anything the tiny Chinese enclave could have imagined. But finding enough empty land for such an ambitious project was easier said than done. The solution, according to government representatives, was to be found in Cotai – an area of reclaimed land just south of the Peninsula originally planned for residential redevelopment. Those plans had since fallen through, so the government decided to offer it to LVS and its aspirational CEO Sheldon Adelson instead. Speaking about that moment at the 2016 launch of his fourth Macau resort, the Parisian, in 2016, Adelson recalled, “When they brought me out to see the land, I asked them, ‘Where is it?’ This place was all under water.” “This whole Coati strip was essentially water,” added LVS Managing Director George Tanasijevich in an interview with WGMʼs sister publication Inside Asian Gaming last year. “We used to take people up to the top of a mountainside, investors and others, and look down from

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2006年澳门威尼斯人在建中 The Venetian Macao during construction in 2006

时为2002年,美国博彩企业拉斯维加斯金沙集团,已 the top at the machinery that was in place to reclaim the 在澳门半岛开设了其在亚洲地区的第一个赌场——澳门金 land.” 沙——并在寻找合适的地点,以建造一个超越这弹丸之地 Yet Adelson saw something in this swamp that few 想象的巨型综合度假村。但知易行难,将雄心壮志变成现 others could. Seizing the opportunity, he devised a plan 实的过程殊不简单。 to build the biggest casino-resort the world had ever seen, 根据政府方面的说法,解决方案是位于澳门半岛以南 covering almost one million square meters of land. The fifth 的填海地段路氹区。政府的原意,是将填海而成的土地作 largest building of any kind in the world when it eventually 发展住宅项目之用,但随着原定计划落空,政府决定将之 opened on 28 August 2007, the Venetian Macao’s 3,000 转予拉斯维加斯金沙集团,以及其雄心万丈的首席执行官 guest rooms just about tripled the amount found in the 谢尔登•阿德尔森。 biggest resorts of the time while also adding the 15,000 seat 2016年,阿德尔森为集团在澳门的第四个综合度假 Cotai Arena, 111,500 square meters of MICE space, 150,000 村——澳门巴黎人——开幕时,回忆道:「他们当年陪同 square meters of retail and a monstrous casino housing 878 我去看这块土地时,我问他们说:『你们说的那块土地在 gaming tables and room for 3,300 slot machines. 哪里?』当时,这里还是一块被水淹没的湿地。」 “There was a lot of skepticism surrounding the 去年,拉斯维加斯金沙集团董事总经理乔志腾接受 Venetian Macao at the time,” recalls Alidad Tash, who joined WGM 姊妹杂志《Inside Asian Gaming》采访时,回忆 the company’s pre-opening team in 2006 as Director of 说:「当年的路氹地段全是被水淹没的湿地。我们与投资 Strategic Marketing. 者等一起上山,俯瞰下面机械装置进行填海作业。」 “When Sands Macao opened in 2004 it was such a 独具慧眼的阿德尔森,却在这片沼泽看到了前景。他 surprise, a huge success, but people wondered, ‘Can Sheldon 决意要抓住机遇,并计划在这里建造一个占地1,000,000 Adelson replicate it?’ I remember meetings in 2007 where 平方米、全球最大的赌场度假村。于2007年8月28日正式 we were trying to figure out how to operate 3,000 hotel 开幕时,澳门威尼斯人乃全球第五大建筑物。澳门威尼斯 rooms. That’s a lot of rooms. In fact, when we first opened, 人拥有3,000间客房,比当时全球最大度假村的客房数目高 we actually had to shut down 1,500 rooms because we didn’t 出两倍;此外,澳门威尼斯人亦包括可容纳15,000人的金 have enough maids – and the ones we did have didn’t have 光综艺馆、占地111,500平方米的会展空间、占地150,000 enough experience – to clean that many rooms in time.

14 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 澳门银河 2015新濠影汇完工时刻 Galaxy Macau The final touches being added to Studio City in 2015

平方米的零售空间,以及拥有878张赌桌和3,300台老虎机 “There was also talk of 30,000 to 40,000 customers 的巨型赌场。 visiting each day, which begged the question – ‘How can 于2006年加入拉斯维加斯金沙集团,并负责澳门威尼 that many people be bused in?’ 斯人开幕的战略营销总监塔什回忆说:「当时,很多人对 “No casino had ever been built on that scale and we 澳门威尼斯人的前景持怀疑态度。」 had no idea what was going to hit us, but in the end the 「澳门金沙于2004年开幕后,立竿见影地取得了骄人 Venetian changed Macau. To this day one out of every two 的成绩,这出乎不少人意料之外。然而,人们仍然心存怀 people that visits Macau, visits the Venetian.” 疑,质疑阿德尔森能否再接再厉,为澳门威尼斯人取得成 The Venetian cost US$2.7 billion to build and earned 功。我还记得,在2007年的某个会议上,我们讨论如何管 its cost back within four years, but Adelson’s ambition 理拥有3,000间客房的巨型酒店,这可是惊人的客房数目。 didn’t stop there. Adopting the Las Vegas model of 事实上,澳门威尼斯人在营运初期曾被迫关闭1,500间客 attracting more tourists by clustering resorts together, 房。这是由于管家部员工短缺,而现有员工却经验不足, he proposed to Macau’s government the idea of a Cotai 故无法及时打理那么多客房。」 Strip of integrated resorts – inviting other operators to 「会议上,我们亦讨论了如何每天接待30,000至 build similar casino and entertainment properties along a 40,000位访客。这问题的关键,在于我们究竟如何能接载 narrow corridor running from south to north through Cotai 那么多人到澳门威尼斯人?」 and turning east towards Taipa. 「当时,规模大如澳门威尼斯人的赌场酒店可谓前所 Among the first to be offered the opportunity to 未有,而我们也不清楚其将带来什么样的影响,但事实证 join him was Adelson’s good friend Steve Wynn, whose 明澳门威尼斯人的确改变了这座城市。时至今日,每两位 company Wynn Resorts was already constructing a casino- 到访澳门的游客中,就有一位会到访澳门威尼斯人。」 resort, Wynn Macau, on the Macau Peninsula. Wynn, 耗资27亿美元兴建的威尼斯人,在开幕后短短四年间 who later opened Wynn Palace in Cotai in 2016, initially 已赚回了建造成本,但阿德尔森却没有停下来。汇聚多家 knocked back that offer, stating at the time that a Cotai 综合度假村以吸引更多游客,是美国拉斯维加斯的发展模 Strip was “the most stupid idea he had ever heard in his 式。阿德尔森以此为鉴,向澳门政府提出了打造路氹金光 whole life,” according to Adelson himself. 大道的构思,邀请其他营运商在贯穿路氹南北并伸延至氹 Only one other budding casino entrepreneur saw what

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 15 封面故事 COVER STORY

仔东部的狭长走廊上,建造赌场酒店及娱乐设施等。 Adelson saw from the beginning, with Lawrence Ho – the son 其中一个最早获邀参与路氹金光大道计划的,正是阿 of Macau gaming godfather Stanley Ho – snapping up two 德尔森的好友史提芬•永利。当时,他名下的永利度假村 parcels of land in Cotai and forming Melco Crown Resorts 正在澳门半岛兴建大型赌场度假村永利澳门。时至2016 in partnership with Australia’s own casino kingpin James 年,他为位于路氹城的永利皇宫揭幕。话虽如此,永利当 Packer. That partnership has since come to an end but Ho’s 初却一口拒绝参与路氹金光大道计划。据阿德尔森所述, Melco Resorts remains one of the Cotai Strip’s most prominent 永利曾说「那是他一生中听过最愚蠢的想法」。 operators today with City of Dreams to the north and Studio 从刚开始时便与阿德尔森英雄所见略同的,只有赌王 City to the south, as well as the smaller Altira Macau in Taipa. 何鸿燊的儿子何猷龙。他立即在路氹城拿下了两块土地, Naturally, it didn’t take long for all of Macau’s six 并与澳大利亚赌业大亨詹姆斯•帕克合作,组建了新濠博 casino operators to come on board once they saw the 亚度假村。尽管两人的合作关系已经结束,但何猷龙名下 success of the Venetian. Galaxy Entertainment Group – 的新濠博亚娱乐,仍是路氹金光大道上最重要的营运商之 originally Adelson’s Macau partner before a bitter split in 一。路氹金光大道南北两端,分别耸立着新濠天地和新濠 2002 – launched the spectacular Galaxy Macau on 15 May 影汇,另有位于氹仔半岛的新濠锋。 2011, followed by its Phase 2 expansion in 2015. Phases 3 眼见澳门威尼斯人发热发亮,六大博彩专营权持有者 and 4 are currently under construction. 随即全数进驻路氹金光大道。银河娱乐集团——其曾是阿 Wynn Palace, at a cost of US$4.2 billion, opened its 德尔森在澳门的伙伴,后来于2002年不欢而散——于2011 doors in August 2016 with MGM launching MGM Cotai 年5月15日为豪华瑰丽的澳门银河揭幕,并于2015年完成 only a few months ago in April 2018. Stanley Ho’s SJM will 第二期项目,而第三及第四期项目则在兴建中。 complete the sextet when Grand Lisboa Palace opens in 耗资42亿美元建造的永利皇宫,于2016年8月开幕。 around 18 months time. 美高梅旗下位于路氹城的美狮美高梅,亦于2018年4月开 As for Adelson, his company remains the dominant 幕。最后一个进驻路氹金光大道的,是何鸿燊所属澳博的 force on the Cotai Strip he created, having followed the 上葡京,将于十八个月内面世。 Venetian Macao by opening Sands Cotai Central directly 在自己一手打造的路氹金光大道上,阿德尔森仍然是 across the Strip in April 2012 and the Parisian Macao next 中坚力量。继澳门威尼斯人开幕后,金沙城中心和澳门巴 door in September 2016. Sands Cotai Central will soon be 黎人亦先后在2012年4月和2016年9月问世。与此同时,金 renovated and renamed The Londoner Macao, completing 沙城中心将在翻修后成为澳门伦敦人,并与澳门威尼斯人 a trifecta of internationally themed resorts in Cotai. 和澳门巴黎人组成国际主题度假村三部曲。 With visitor numbers to Macau having more than 凭藉一个人的前瞻,每年到访澳门的游客数目以倍数 tripled from 10 million in 2001 to almost 33 million in 激增,从2001年的1,000万上升至2017年约3,300万。在短 2017 thanks largely to one man’s vision, this incredible 短十几年间,路氹金光大道已从无人问津的荒芜湿地,发 strip of land is now undoubtedly one of the world’s most 展成全球顶级旅游目的地之一。 remarkable tourist attractions.

16 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 新濠天地 City of Dreams

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 17 游戏 PLAY

牌九(A): 骨牌和基本玩法 Pai Gow Part A: The tiles and basic play

牌九是一个有趣多变的游戏。它将运气、技巧和文化都融入进一个使 用骨牌的赌桌游戏中。其复杂性令很多人止步,但如果花点时间学 习,你会发现这是一个引人入胜、极富亚洲文化色彩的投注游戏。

Pai gow is an extraordinary table game played with tiles. A combination of luck, skill and culture, its complexity has scared many away, but if you take the time to learn you will have found one of the truly great games to play, rich in both Asian heritage and culture.

18 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 19 游戏 PLAY

九是一个如此广博的话题,我们准备分三部分讲 xplaining pai gow is such a large subject, we’re going 解: to split it into three articles: 牌 部分A:骨牌和基本玩法(本文) E Part A: The tiles and basic play (the article you are 部分B:对牌和标准手牌 reading now) 部分C:王、杠、高九和至尊宝 Part B: Pairs and standard hands 部分B和C将刊登在WGM的未来期刊中。 Part C: Wongs, gongs, high 9s and gee joon Parts B and C will be in future issues of WGM.

基础知识 The basics of pai gow • 游戏的中文名是「牌九」,在娱乐场中通常拼写 • The name of the game in Chinese is 牌九, which 为pai gow。如其名称所示,数字「九」在游戏中 is pronounced pai gao in Cantonese but usually 起着重要作用。游戏使用骨牌。 spelt “pai gow” in casinos. The literal meaning • 参与人数为2、3、4、5、6、7 或8(荷官在内)。 of pai gao is “card nine” and indeed the number • 游戏目标是打败庄家。庄家不一定是荷官,另外 nine does play an important part in the game, 一位玩家也有可能坐庄。有时你也可能是庄家, but as you’ll see below the game is played with 这时你的目标是打败尽可能多的其他玩家(包括荷 tiles not cards. 官,他成为其他玩家中的一个)。 • The game is played by precisely 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 • 每位玩家都可能轮上坐庄。 players (including the house dealer). • 游戏使用32张骨牌,与多米诺骨牌相似。 • The object of the game is to beat the banker. • 它有一个使用扑克牌的版本,叫「牌九扑克」, The banker is not necessarily the house dealer, 不过单「牌九」两个字指的是骨牌游戏。 one of the other players can be the banker, and • 游戏在一个半圆型台面上进行,与21点牌桌相 sometimes you might be the banker. If you are the 似。 banker the object is to beat as many of the other • 与百家乐和21点一样,你必须在发牌前投注。一 players as you can (including the house dealer, 旦骨牌派出便不能改变投注。 who becomes just another player). • Each player can have a turn at being banker. • The game is played with a “deck” of 32 tiles, similar to dominos. • There is a playing card version of the game called “pai gow poker”, but the term “pai gow” on its own refers to the tile game. • The game is dealt on a semi-circular table similar to a blackjack table. • Just like baccarat or blackjack, you must place your wager prior to the deal. You cannot change your bet once the tiles are dealt. • Many casinos have their own style of shuffling. Some of these are ritualistic, and some are the personal style of the dealer, but all are simply different ways of randomizing the distribution of the tiles. • After shuffling the 32 tiles the house dealer places them in eight stacks of four tiles in a line running from his right (first stack) to his left (last stack).

20 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 21 游戏 PLAY

22 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com • 很多娱乐场都有自己的洗牌方式。有些是规定程 置上的玩家拿到下一墩,以此类推。即便某 式,有些是荷官的个人风格,但目的都是达到随 位置上没有玩家,仍会收到派牌,直到所有 机派牌。 玩家都拿到牌。 –– 洗玩32张牌后,荷官将每四张叠成一墩,共 –– 一旦所有玩家拿到牌,空位上派发的牌会被 八墩,依次从其右边向左边排列,最右边为 荷官收走。 第一墩,最左边为最后一墩。 • 收到派牌后,你自行决定如何配牌(以后会详细 –– 庄家通过摇骰来决定谁收到第一套牌(四 讨论)。每人配好牌后,荷官及所有玩家都要亮 张),具体操作如下: 牌。 –– 庄家被定为1号位置,其右边的位置是2号, • 然后玩家牌与庄家牌比胜负。赢家获赔率1/1的彩 再向右是3号,以此绕桌排序,直至排到第18 金,扣除5%的佣金,与百家乐一样。因此,如果 号(荷官也算一个位置)。因此庄家为第1、 赢了$100的投注,会得到$95的回报;如果输了, 9和17号。庄家右边第四个位置为第5和13号。 你输掉所有投注;如果平局,你的投注退回,无 –– 所有八个位置(七个玩家位置和一个荷官位 需支付佣金。 置)都会编上序号,即便有些位置并没有玩 • 有些娱乐场允许玩家在一手牌开始前押上佣金, 家参与。 作为这把投注的一部分。最好用例子来说明。假 –– 摇骰与使用三个骰子的骰宝游戏一样,三 设你投注$100,并拿出$5佣金,作为投注的一部 个骰子的总点数一定在3和18之间(含3和 分。如果输了,你实际输掉$105,但赢了的话, 18)。 你收回$100,$5算作佣金。这实际上将1/20的佣 –– 三个骰子总点数对应位置上的玩家会拿到第 金(5%)减少至1/21(约为投注的4.8%),不过 一套牌(也就是荷官最右边一墩),下个位 这种做法的确将你的投注额提高了5%。

• The banker rolls three dice in a cup to determine –– Once all players have tiles, the tiles dealt to who receives the first set of four tiles using the the empty spots (that is, the spots with no following procedure: players) are retrieved by the dealer and play –– The banker is considered number 1, the spot no further part in the hand. on his right number 2, on his right number • Once the tiles are dealt, you decide how to “set” 3 and so on around and around the table all your tiles (which we will discuss in detail later). the way to number 18 (the house dealer is After everyone has set their tiles both the house considered one of the spots). Therefore the dealer and the players reveal their tiles. banker is considered number 1, number 9 and • The player’s tiles are then compared to the number 17. The spot four spots on the banker’s banker’s. Each player who wins receives even right is considered number 5 and number 13. money less 5 percent commission, just like –– All eight spots are numbered (the seven baccarat. So, if you win a $100 bet you will be paid spots for players plus the spot for the house $95 in winnings. If you lose, you lose your entire dealer), even if there are no players playing wager. If you tie or “push”, your wager is returned those spots. and no commission is paid. –– The three dice are rolled and of course just as • Some casinos will allow players to put their in the three-dice game of sic-bo, the total of the commission up before the hand, as part of the three dice must be between 3 and 18 inclusive. hand. This is best illustrated by an example. –– The spot with the number corresponding to Imagine you bet $100 and put $5 commission up the total of the three dice receives the first as part of the hand. If you lose, you actually lose stack of four tiles (that is the stack to the the entire $105. But if you win, you’re paid $100, house dealer’s extreme right), then the next with the $5 taken as commission. This effectively spot to the right receives the next stack, and reduces the commission from 1/20th of your bet so on around the table. Even if a spot has no (5 percent of your bet) to 1/21st of your bet (about players, it still receives tiles, until all players 4.8 percent of your bet), but does increase your have tiles. betting turnover by 5 percent.

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牌九骨牌 The pai gow tiles

牌九骨牌与多米诺骨牌相似。多数(但并非全部)骨 The tiles are similar to domino tiles. Most (but not all) 牌可以被视作两个相连的方块,每个方块嵌有1至6个点, tiles can be thought of as two conjoined squares, with each 有点像酒窝。因此每张骨牌的长度均为宽度的两倍,有2至 square having between one and six pips pressed into one 12个点。下面是一些随机的例子: side, like dimples. Each tile is therefore twice as long as 如果你学会了感觉牌面上的点,闭上眼也能玩游戏。 it is wide, and has between 2 and 12 pips. Below are a few 每张骨牌的背面为全黑且完全平整光滑。与任何其他骨牌 random examples of tiles. 或纸牌游戏一样,牌面朝下时,你不可能识别。骨牌上的 It is possible to play this game blind if you learn the 图案和点数都很重要。 feel of the pips on the tiles. The opposite side of each tile is completely smooth and black. You cannot identify the pips while the tile is face down, exactly the same as any other tile or card game. Both the pattern and the number of pips on each tile are important.

从上面的骨牌中你可以看到,牌面上的点为白色或红 As you can see from the tiles above, the pips are 色,而牌的本身是黑色。就像骰子上点的颜色毫无意义一 either white or red in color, and the tiles themselves are 样,牌九骨牌上点的颜色也不对游戏产生任何影响。不同 black. Just as the color of the pips on dice is irrelevant, the 的颜色不过是从美学角度令点数和图案更加容易识别。骨 color of the pips on pai gow tiles makes no difference to 牌不分顶部和底部。很多玩家用手摸牌而不去看,有点像 the game at all. The differentiation of color only makes it 百家乐中的挤牌体验。 aesthetically easier to recognize the number and pattern of the pips. Tiles have no top or bottom. Many players run their fingers along the tiles without looking at them, an experience similar to squeezing the cards in baccarat.

24 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 32张骨牌包括: The 32 tiles are comprised of: • 11对同牌,称作「文牌」。每组牌由两张点数和 • 11 identical pairs, each made up of two identical 图案均相同的牌组成。这11对文牌一共是22张。 tiles with the same number of pips and same pip • 5对不同牌,称作「武牌」,分别为: pattern. These 11 identical pairs total 22 tiles. a. 「杂九」、「杂八」、「杂七」和「杂五」。 Each pair has a one-word name. 这四组对牌每组有两张牌,点数相同,但图案有别。 • Five non-identical pairs. Each non-identical pair 「杂」字后面的数字代表这四对牌中每张牌的点数。 has a two word name: b. 「至尊宝」。这是一组特殊对牌,包括一张点 a) Chop gow, chop bot, chop chit and chop ng. 数为3的牌和一张点数为6的牌。我们会在部分C中就其 Each of these four non-identical pairs comprise two 特殊性做更多讨论。 tiles with the same number of pips but different pip patterns. Note each name starts with the word chop 对牌大小顺序从第一到第十六排列(如下图所示), followed by the words gow, bot, chit or ng, which 最强的排在第一。排序并无逻辑性,与牌的点数没有关 sound similar to the Cantonese words for nine, eight, 系,只是个规定的顺序而已。玩游戏时如果想带一个诸如 seven and five respectively, which just so happens to 上面这样的提示作为参考是完全允许的。 be the number of pips on each of the tiles in each of the four respective pairs. b) Gee joon. This is a very special pair, comprising one tile with three pips and one tile with six pips (yet it is still considered a pair). We’ll talk more about the special properties of the gee joon tiles in part C.

The pairs are ranked in order from 1 to 16 (as shown below), with the lowest rank number being the strongest (just think 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on). Over time, you will learn the order of the ranks of the pairs. There is no logic to the ranking order. It has nothing to do with the number of pips on the tiles. The order is simply the order and it is more than acceptable to have an image of the tiles such as the one below to refer to whilst playing the game.

至尊宝 天 地 人 和 梅 长 板凳 1 gee joon 2 teen 3 day 4 yun 5 gor 6 mooy 7 chong 8 bon

斧头 红头十 高脚七 铜䍋六 杂九 杂八 杂七 杂五 9 foo 10 ping 11 tit 12 look 13 chop gow 14 chop bot 15 chop chit 16 chop ng

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游戏流程 The mechanics of the game

了解了游戏及骨牌的一些基本知识后,让我们来看下 Now that we have introduced the basics of both the 游戏流程。 game and the tiles, let’s have a look at the mechanics of how • 你会拿到四张牌。 the game is played. • 然后你必须将四张牌分成两手牌,每手牌使用两 • You are dealt four tiles. 张。 • You must then divide the four tiles into two hands, • 较大一手牌是你的「高牌」,较小一手牌是你的 each of two tiles. 「低牌」。有时也称为「后牌」(高牌)和「前牌」 • The hand with the higher value will be known as (低牌)。 your “high hand” and the hand with the lower • 高牌和低牌都要尽量做成最大价值的牌面。 value will be known as your “low hand”. These are • 不要与德州扑克中的「低牌」概念相混淆。在德 sometimes referred to as the “back hand” (high 扑中,低牌越低,它就越强。而在牌九中,低牌 hand) and the “front hand” (low hand). 越高,它就越强。之所以称之为低牌,只是因为 • It is still very important to make the strongest 它相对高牌较低而已。理论上来讲,你的低牌有 possible value with both your high and low hands. 可能是第二大牌型(如果你同时发到「至尊宝」 • Don’t be confused by the poker usage of the term 和「双天」的话)! “low hand”. In poker, the lower a low hand is, the • 玩家的高牌和低牌以实际牌面为准,而非口头宣 stronger it is. In pai gow, the higher a low hand 称,他只要将自己的四张牌配成两组亮出即可。 is, the stronger it is. A low hand is only called a 这与德扑中口头宣称无效,按实际手牌强弱的概 low hand because it is lower than the high hand. 念一样。 Theoretically your low hand could be the second best hand possible (if you were dealt precisely a 如果仔细想一下,你便会很快意识到,每次发牌后, gee joon pair and a teen pair)! 一共有三种配牌法。选出任意一张牌,你有另外三张牌中 • The player makes no official announcement of his 的一张与之搭配,剩下的两张牌组成另外一手牌。 high and low hand, he simply organizes his four

26 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 多数情况下,都会有一个明显正确和明显错误的组合 tiles into two hands of two tiles each. The tiles are 方式。你可以选择将自己的牌交给荷官来做,意味着荷官 said to announce themselves based on the strength 会按照与为自己配牌完全相同的方式为你配牌。这对初学 or weakness of the two respective hands. This is 者来说是不错的选择。一旦你更好地掌握了游戏,便可以 identical to the poker concept of “cards speak”. 选择自己认为的最佳组合方式。 胜负不是那么一目了然。你的高牌会与庄家高牌对 If you think about it you’ll soon realize that with every 比,低牌会与庄家低牌对比。如果你两个都赢,便胜出; deal there are three possible ways to set your hand. Pick 如果你两个都输,便输掉;如果一赢一输,结果是平局。 any tile and you have a choice of three other tiles to go 在对比两手牌时(无论是你的高牌对庄家高牌,还是 with it, and the two remaining tiles are your other hand. 你的低牌对庄家低牌),两手牌偶尔会级别或点数相同。 Most of the time there will be a clearly right and 在这种情况下,破解平局的方法是对比这手牌中的最大单 clearly wrong way to set your tiles. You have the option to 张牌。单张牌的排序与其所属的对牌的排序一样,「至尊 ask for your tiles to be set the “house way”, meaning that 宝」例外,它被看作是最低牌,而非最高。 the dealer sets the tiles exactly as he would for himself. 对于破解平局另有两点要记住: This is a great option for a beginner. Once you master the 1. 如果玩家和庄家都有一手牌为0点(手牌点数将在 basics of the game, you can then debate the optimal way 部分B中讲解),则玩家输,即便其有最大单张 to set your tiles. 牌。 Determining whether your bet wins or not is very 2. 在极其少见的情况下,玩家和庄家碰巧最大单张 simple. Your high hand goes up against the banker’s high hand, and your low hand goes up against the banker’s low 牌相同,那么庄家赢,不会再继续比较两张较低 hand. If you win both, you win. If you lose both, you lose. If 的牌。 you win one and lose the other, the result is a push. 当我们在下期文章中开始解释手牌、牌型排序、点数 In comparing two hands (either your high against 等概念时,你会理解得更为透彻。 the banker’s high or your low against the banker’s low),

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occasionally the two hands will be of the same rank or 以下是游戏中使用的一些专有名词: value. In this case, as a tiebreaker the hand with the highest ranked single tile in it wins. The rankings of the individual Below are some examples of tiles are the same as the rankings of the pairs they belong terminology used in the game: to, with the exception that the gee joon tiles count as the lowest ranked tiles not the highest. There are two additional things to remember about tiebreakers: 1. If both the player and the banker have a hand with a value of zero (hand valuing will be explained in part B), the player loses even if he has the highest ranked tile. 2. On the very rare occasions you both happen to have the same highest value tile, then the banker wins the hand. You do not compare the two lower value tiles. This will become clearer when we start to explain 这张是人牌: 这是“双人”:(文牌) hand and tile rankings and values in part B of our series This tile is a yun: This is a pair of yun: on pai gow. 武牌也是如此。 Non-identical pairs work the same way

这张是杂五牌: 这张也是杂五牌: This tile is a chop ng: This tile is also a chop ng:

这是“杂五”: This is a pair of chop ng:

28 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com


30 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 世界王者 King of the world

2018世界扑克系列赛主赛事的规模,在历来多届比赛中名 列第二。经过一轮又一轮的激烈角逐后,美国扑克牌高手 John Cynn最终登上冠军宝座。

American John Cynn topped the second biggest WSOP Main Event field of all time to be crowned 2018 champion in what proved to be another fascinating series.

文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke

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hirty-three-year-old American John Cynn has been crowned the 2018 World Series of Poker Main T Event champion, earning a massive US$8.8 million payday after outlasting a field of 7,873 players over 10 days to claim the most prestigious prize in world poker. But it took a marathon effort on the final day to do so, with his heads-up battle against eventual runner-up Tony Miles lasting an astonishing 10 hours and 199 hands – the longest in WSOP history – before finally coming to an end at 5am Las Vegas time on Sunday 15 July. 为期十天的2018世界扑克系列赛主赛事期间,现 Incredibly, Cynn’s victory came just two years after 年三十三岁的美国扑克牌高手John Cynn击败了 he narrowly missed the final table in the 2016 main event, 在 7,873名选手,不仅夺取最高殊荣,亦赢得高达 eliminated in 11th before returning in 2018 to go all the way. 880万美元的巨额奖金。 “To make 11th is insane on its own,” said Cynn after 赛事的最后一天可谓旷日持久的鏖战:John Cynn与 more than making amends for his narrow 2016 miss. 最终排名第二的Tony Miles之间,展开了长达十个小时合 “Then to win, that’s literally something that you dream of, 共199轮的终极决战。这是世界扑克系列赛史上最漫长的 but just never expect to happen. Right now I feel pretty 冠军争夺战,一直拉锯至拉斯维加斯时间七月十五日清晨 overwhelmed – all the emotions times 10.” 五点钟。 The professional poker player and former logistics 两年前,John Cynn曾在2018世界扑克系列赛主赛 analyst, from Illinois, had 12 WSOP cashes to his name 事中失之交臂,因排名第十一位而无法进入决赛。John before this year’s main event with career live tournament Cynn今年卷土重来,并最终勇夺冠军。 earnings of US$944,786. 终于得偿所愿的John Cynn说:「进占第十一名已 Runner-up Miles pocketed a tidy US$5 million for his 经是难以置信的成就,而夺取冠军更是我绝不敢奢望的美 efforts – a significant increase to the US$54,333 in career 梦。此时此刻,除了感到极其强烈的情感外,我还真是不 earnings he came into the main event with. His previous 知所措。」 best effort was third place in a local event in Jacksonville 来自美国伊利诺伊州的John Cynn从前是物流分析 for US$18,000. 师,现已成为全职玩家。参加本年度的主赛事前,他曾 ’s Yueqi Zhu, who won his first WSOP bracelet 十二次赢得世界扑克系列赛奖金,职业生涯累计锦标赛总 a few weeks earlier, fell just short of reaching the final 收入为944,786美元。 table this year with the 55-year-old engineer from Benxi, 屈居亚军的Tony Miles亦进账甚丰,赢得了500万美元 China eliminated in 10th place. But 2009 WSOP Main 的巨额奖金。参加本年度的主赛事前,他的职业生涯累计 Event champion Joe Cada produced another stunning 锦标赛总收入仅为54,333美元,最佳成绩是赢得杰克逊维 performance to secure a fifth place finish, enough for a 尔本地赛第三名的18,000美元奖金。 US$2.15 million payday. It topped a spectacular 2018 WSOP 来自辽宁省本溪市、现年五十五岁的朱跃奇几个星期 for Cada, who went close to winning his third bracelet in just 前才赢得世界扑克系列赛手镯,他在主赛事中排名第十, the second event of the series with a final table appearance, 无缘进入决赛。世界扑克系列赛主赛事前冠军Joe Cada then proceeded to win event three to become the 90th player 的表现仍然出色,在本届赛事夺得第五名佳绩,以及高达 in WSOP history to claim three bracelets. 215万美元的奖金。对Joe Cada而言,2018是值得纪念 Another former WSOP Main Event champion, Phil 的一年:他在决赛仅仅第二轮,就差点儿赢得个人第三条 Hellmuth, also created history by winning his 15th bracelet 手镯。他最后的确赢得了期待已久的第三条手镯,成为世 in a US$5,000 No Limit Hold’em event, putting him well 界扑克系列赛史上第九十位达到此里程碑的玩家。 clear of his nearest rivals – Phil Ivey, Johnny Chan and 另一位前冠军Phil Hellmuth亦创造了历史,在5,000美 Doyle Brunson – with 10 bracelets each. And Michael 元无限赛事中,赢得了个人第十五条手镯,大幅抛离已赢 Mizrachi, who reached the final table of the 2010 WSOP 得十条手镯的Phil Ivey、Johnny Chan及Doyle Brunson Main Event, won the esteemed US$50,000 Poker Players 等对手。2010世界扑克系列赛主赛事决赛圈玩家Michael Championship for the third time – an event considered to Mizrachi,则第三次赢得50,000美元扑克玩家锦标赛:这 be the ultimate test of a player’s skill. 项比赛向来备受推崇,可谓对玩家技术的终极考验。 The 2018 WSOP Main Event was the second largest 参加2018世界扑克系列赛主赛事的选手人数为历来第 in history behind only the 2006 event which attracted a 二最多,仅次于2006年的8,773人。 monster field of 8,773 players.

32 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 2018 世界扑克系列赛主赛事最终奖金分布如下: 2018 WSOP Main Event final table results:

第一位:John Cynn(美国)—880万美元 1st: John Cynn (USA) – US$8.8 million 第二位:Tony Miles(美国)—500万美元 2nd: Tony Miles (USA) – US$5 million 第三位:Michael Dyer(美国)—375万美元 3rd: Michael Dyer (USA) – US$3.75 million 第四位:Nic Manion(美国)—282.5万美元 4th: Nic Manion (USA) – US$2.825 million 第五位:Joe Cada(美国)—215万美元 5th: Joe Cada (USA) – US$2.15 million 第六位:Aram Zobian(美国)—180万美元 6th: Aram Zobian (USA) – US$1.8 million 第七位:Alex Lynskey(澳大利亚)—150万美元 7th: Alex Lynskey (Australia) – US$1.5 million 第八位:Artem Metalidid(乌克兰)—125万美元 8th: Artem Metalidid (Ukraine) – US$1.25 million 第九位:Antoine Labat(法国)—100万美元 9th: Antoine Labat (France) US$1 million

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 33 游戏 PLAY

文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke

34 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 财神驾到 Raining money

多福多彩历来最丰厚的累积奖金,刚于七 月初在澳门新濠天地派出。

City of Dreams awarded the largest ever Duō Fú Duō Cái progressive jackpot in July.

财神爷的眷顾下,一位玩家刚于七月初在澳门新 濠天地,赢得了历来最丰厚的多福多彩累积奖 在 金。 高达4,290万港元的累积奖金,由一位皇玺会会员夺 得。这不仅是澳门史上最丰厚的多福多彩累积奖金,亦是 新濠天地历来最丰厚的累积奖金。 多福多彩是澳门最受欢迎的累积奖金博彩游戏,仅在 亚洲地区已有约4,000台博彩游戏机。 然而,新濠天地可能要等上好一段日子,才会再次刷 新累积奖金记录,因为在派出4,290万港元后,多福多彩的 累积奖金已回落至1,300万港元上下。

ne lucky player enjoyed an amazing start to July when they won Macau’s largest ever Duō Fú Duō O Cái jackpot at City of Dreams. The monster progressive prize sat at HK$42.9 million when it was won by one of the resort’s Signature Club members, making it not only Macau’s biggest Duō Fú Duō Cái jackpot but the largest jackpot of any kind at City of Dreams. Duō Fú Duō Cái is the most popular progressive link in Macau with around 4,000 machines currently deployed in Asia alone. However, it could be a while before City of Dreams writes another check as big as this with the Duō Fú Duō Cái progressive jackpot now back down to HK$13 million.

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国家美式足球 联盟投注策略 NFL betting strategies

美式足球新赛季已迫在眉睫,让全球各地的精明投注者们 垂涎欲滴。WGM为读者们提供精辟的投注心得,好让大 家得以在国家美式足球联盟新赛季中稳操胜券。

The American Football season is rapidly approaching, which means the champagne corks are popping for savvy punters around the world. WGM provides some handy hints for those looking to get the best of the bookies.

文 / By Sean Callander

36 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 37 体育 SPORT

家美式足球联盟的受欢迎程度与投注额,均远高 hen it comes to sports betting, the National 于美国职业棒球大联盟及美国职业篮球联赛,可 Football League (NFL) is “The Godfather” – a 国 谓体育博彩领域中的「教父」。据估计,国家美 W colossus soaring far above its sibling rivals the 式足球联盟与大学美式足球联赛的赛事总投注额,每年高 MLB and NBA. It’s estimated that, combined with College 达1,000亿美元。要知道,美国每年通过赌场合法渠道投注 Football, around US$100 billion is bet on football games 的资金总额,仅相等于上述1,000亿美元中的2%,即美式 each year. That’s not bad for a country where legal betting 足球投注额之巨,实在令人乍舌! channels through casinos account for barely two percent of 正如在电影或现实生活中与「教父」打交道一样,玩 that figure! 家投注美式足球时可得步步为营。上述数以亿计的投注额 But like any encounter with “The Godfather”, 中,不乏极其有经验的专业玩家。纵观过去十四个赛季的 wagering on the NFL should be treated with caution. Those 常规赛和季后赛,冷门球队的赢盘比例为50.3%(1,561场 billions mean you’re betting into a very sophisticated and 对1,541场)。换言之,庄家自2004年以来在设定赔率方 knowledgeable market. Over the past 14 seasons, NFL 面的表现,堪称十分出色。 underdogs have gone 1561-1541 Against the Spread (ATS) 首先,让我们重温国家美式足球联盟的基础知识。国 at 50.3% in regular season and playoff games. That shows 家美式足球联盟分为两个联会(美国职业美式橄榄球協会 the oddsmakers have done an exceptional job of setting 及国家橄榄球联盟)和四个赛区(北部赛区、南部赛区、 lines since 2004. 东部赛区及西部赛区)。每一支球队在常规赛中作赛十六 Here are a few basics for those unfamiliar with the 场,两个联会中排名首六位的球队得以进入季后赛。两个 NFL: There are 32 teams spread across two conferences 联会中冠军,将争夺被称为超级碗的总决赛冠军宝座。 (National and American) and four divisions (North, South, 值得注意的是,在同一赛区中,每一支球队将主客场 East and West). Each team plays 16 regular season games 对垒两次,即十六场常规赛中的六场。每一支球队亦将对 with six from each conference progressing to the playoffs. 阵同一联会但不同赛区的球队,主客场各出战两次。从分 The grand final, or Super Bowl, features the champion 析让分方面出发,这些较为频繁的赛事将为投注者提供比 from each conference. 较一致的数据流。 It’s important to note that that divisional teams play 篮球、棒球和曲棍球等体育项目的得分以一分或两分 each other (home and away) each season, accounting for six 为基础,且最终比分差距覆盖任何数字。国家美式足球联 of those 16 games. Teams also face opponents from those 盟则不然,最有可能的最终比分差距为三分(在热门球队 in another division within their conference (two at home 得胜的比赛中,近10% 的比分差距仅为一球射门进球)。 and two on the road). From a handicapping perspective,

38 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 达阵一次为七分,而射门进球则为三分,故常见赛果的比 punters can at least rely on a consistent flow of data from 分组合是有迹可寻的,如31比28、28比21及17比14等等。 such contests that are played more regularly than others. 在国家美式足球联盟近半个世纪的历史中,皇朝盛世 Other sports such as basketball, baseball and hockey 可是绝无仅有。事实上,最近十二个赛季的总冠军分别由 have consistent scoring with either one or two points at a 九支球队夺得,同期夺得总冠军两次或以上的,仅有新英 time and final score margins that are consistent across all 格兰爱国者和纽约巨人。国家美式足球联盟赛事——尤其 numbers. In the NFL, the most likely final margin is three 是超级碗——的投注种类五花八门,包括胜负、得分差和 points (almost 10 percent of all favorites win by exactly a 总分等等。 field goal). The combination of seven-point touchdowns 国家美式足球联盟是极其成熟的投注领域,有说其专 and three-point field goals also creates a number of 家投注者的数目,足以填满拉斯维加斯规模最大的赌场。 common final scores (31-28, 28-21, 17-14 and so on). 如是者,业余玩家究竟如何能在这个投注领域中获利呢? Dynasties have been few and far between in the half- 我们一般建议,玩家应在制定投注策略和赌注计划前进行 century history of the league. Indeed, nine different teams 研调,但在国家美式足球联盟领域,要掌握所有相关新闻 have shared the past 12 NFL titles, with only the New 和信息是不可能的。这倒也无妨,反正专家投注者已经做 England Patriots and New York Giants winning multiple 好功课供业余玩家参考。 trophies in that period. The main NFL betting categories 首先,寻找一个列出公众投注与专家投注比例的数据 are head-to-head, spreads and totals to go with myriad 来源(covers.com可谓其中的佼佼者)。这些数据,来自 exotic options, especially come Super Bowl Sunday. 位于拉斯维加斯众多赌场中的投注记录。就往绩而言,反 So what hope does the enthusiastic amateur have of 公众之道而行的投注,不失为有利可图的策略:其赢盘比 taking on and beating such a mature market populated 率高达约58%;若集中关注主队,赢盘比率高达约60%。 by enough wiseguys to fill the biggest Las Vegas casino? 专家投注者同样注意的,是让分分界线(如减三分或 Normally we advocate undertaking your own research 加七分)两端的关键变化。在其他项目高达加三点五分之 prior to building a betting strategy and staking plan but it’s 际以加三分的让分投注,或在其他项目低达减六点五分之 virtually impossible to stay on top of the relevant news and 际以减七分的让分投注,将大为提高长线胜率。所获投注 information. And in this case, those wiseguys are doing the 额低于总量20% 的冷门球队,其赢盘比率却高达55.4%, hard work for you. 相等于0.5分让分。 Firstly, find a data source that features a split ofthe 除反公众之道而行外,玩家亦可追踪并跟随专家的资 public/consensus versus sharp/smart money being placed 金流。比如洛杉矶公羊主场对阵西雅图海鹰,前者让分为 on NFL games (covers.com is an excellent example). This

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 39 体育 SPORT

五分,逾80% 的投注额及中在洛杉矶公羊上,但庄家已悄 悄地将让分降低为四分。 这确凿地证明专家的资金流已移至西雅图海鹰,并压 倒了针对洛杉矶公羊的公众投注,因为庄家已调整让分 比例以平衡风险。这种投注方式适用于所有体育项目,但 总汇愈大,玩家愈是能肯定资金流的去向——资金流的趋 向,正是应该投注的方向。 正如阿尔•帕西诺在《教父》中出常说:「小伙子,这 不是意气用事,这纯粹是生意而已。」

一如投注其他任何体育博彩,玩家应针对国家美式足球 联盟博彩制定合适的资金策略,时刻在投注时寻求最有利的 赔率,并了解赔率的价值。

data is based on the money flowing through the sportsbooks situated in the numerous Las Vegas casinos. Historically, we know that betting against public money alone is a profitable play representing a win rate just shy of 58 percent and rising to almost 60 percent when focusing just on home teams. These same sharp punters are also looking for the crucial line movement either side of those key NFL numbers – 3 and 7. Being able to bet +3.5 when other spots have only +3 or lay -6.5 when other sportsbooks have -7, will substantially increase your long-term win percentage. In games where one team receives 20 percent or less of spread bets, the underdog closes with a better line 55.4 percent of the time – enough to tip the line that crucial 0.5 points. In addition to simply opposing the public money, it’s possible to follow where the sharps are taking the lead in market movements. Let’s say the LA Rams are at home to the Seattle Seahawks, and the oddsmakers have made them a five-point favorite. Around 80 percent of all the straight action is on the Rams yet the sportsbooks have lowered the number to -4. This is sure evidence that the smart money is flowing in on the Seahawks, overwhelming all of the public money with the Rams as they lower their line on the favorite in an attempt to balance the books. This approach works in all sports but the bigger the pools, the more certain you can be that the smart money is flowing one way or another – and that’s the side to ride. As Al Pacino’s The Godfather character Michael Corloene would say, “Itʼs not personal Sonny, itʼs strictly business.”

• As with all forms of sports betting, ensure you have appropriate bankroll strategies in place, always chase the best possible price and understand the concept of value when making NFL wagers.

40 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 41 体育 SPORT

与其遗憾,不如稳妥 Better safe than sorry

文 陆逸 By Leanne Lu

42 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 正如红黄牌在1970年墨西哥世界杯被引入后成为最常见的规则那样,俄罗斯世界 杯开始推广的视频助理裁判(VAR)首次亮相就取得相当大的成功,VAR的未来可 期。

Just as red and yellow cards have become commonplace since being introduced to the World Cup in 1970, the use of the new Video Assistant Referee (VAR) is set to grow in the future after a highly successful debut at the recent World Cup in Russia.

2018年俄罗斯世界杯所有珍贵的记忆中,有一个 mid all the memorable moments from the 2018 手势会被记入足球的史册。主裁、球员、教练甚 World Cup in Russia, one gesture will go down in 在 至是看台上的球迷用手比划一个长方形的手势, A the annals of football history. Referees, players, 这是模仿电视的样子,简单来说就是用来示意裁判需要寻 coaches and even fans in the stands have mastered 找新出现的视频助理裁判的协助。 drawing the shape of a rectangle in the air, mimicking 数据上来说,VAR在本届世界杯上被证明是成功的。 the shape of a TV and a reference to officials seeking 小组赛之后,国际足联官方数据显示所有小组比赛中, assistance from the new Video Assistant Referee, or VAR VAR总共核实了355次犯规(每场比赛7次左右),同时17 for short. 次做了全面回放判定(14次应主裁判要求,3次做出“事实 Statistically speaking, VAR proved to be a success at 性判定”,这些判定可以用来确认越位或错误的球员身 this World Cup. After the group stage, statistics from FIFA 份)。在这17次回放判定中,14次逆转了裁判最初的判罚 showed that among all group stage matches, VAR checked (其中包括给出7次点球判罚,并撤销2个点球判罚),3次 335 incidents (around seven per game) and was used for 主裁判罚得到确认。 17 full reviews (14 on the field by the referee and three in- 退役传奇裁判科利纳如今担任国际足联裁判委员会主 house “factual decisions” that can be made on issues like 席,他同样透露了另一个令人惊艳的数据:在小组赛阶 offside or mistaken identity). After those 17 reviews, 14 段,主裁判在没有VAR的协助下做出的判罚正确率达到 initial referee decisions were reversed (including seven 95%。但当VAR参与的情况下,它帮助提高判罚成功率超 penalty kicks awarded and two withdrawn) and three calls 过4 个百分点,达到了99.3%。 were confirmed.

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44 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com VAR系统并非万无一失。举个例子,英格兰的哈里• Pierluigi Collina, the former legendary referee who 凯恩在小组赛对阵巴拿马的比赛中,禁区内两次被对手侵 now heads FIFA’s refereeing committee, also revealed one 犯,但VAR并没有判罚点球。然而,VAR的整体表现在全 other impressive stat: in the group stage, referees called 球还是引起了掌声,最初围绕这项技术的质疑声如今逐渐 95% of incidents correctly without the use of VAR. When 淡去。 called upon, it helped improve that success rate by more 关于VAR的一个主要的批评,是有可能打破足球运动 than four percent to 99.3%. 自由流动的天性。和板球、网球和美式足球不同 – 这些运 The system is not entirely infallible. For example, 动都是VAR系统广泛使用的项目 – 足球比赛时间并不会 England’s Harry Kane was fouled twice in the group game 停止。自由流动的比赛和攻防的快速转换,是这项运动在 against Panama without being awarded penalties by VAR. 全球如此吸引人的主要原因。这也是为什么最初人们担心 Nevertheless, the general performance of VAR won much VAR会打破足球欣赏价值的道理。 applause worldwide and initial skepticism around the 2017/18赛季,VAR逐渐在全球被引入使用,欧洲主 technology is now gradually fading away. 流联赛也在广泛推广。英格兰是其中采纳VAR技术较为保 One of the key lines of criticism around VAR is the 守的国家,只被选择性在部分足总杯比赛上使用。当使用 possibility of breaking the free-flowing nature of games. In 该技术的时候,表现堪称毁誉参半。 contrast to cricket, tennis and NFL – sports in which video 今年一月,利物浦和西布朗的足总杯比赛中,当值主 systems are used widely – the action never stops in football. 裁克雷格•鲍森多达8次主动申请VAR的协助,而其中萨拉 Free-flowing play and quick transition is the major attraction 赫在禁区内被对手犯规的判罚中,鲍森用了超过4分钟最终 of this sport globally. That’s why there were concerns that 才判罚点球。两边主教练,阿兰•帕杜和尤尔根•克洛普, seeking help from VAR may ruin the spectacle. 都对于VAR不断打破比赛的节奏,同时让球迷、教练和球 VAR is gradually being adopted around the world and 员都感到迷茫表达了自己的不满情绪。 in the 2017/2018 season was broadly introduced to most 在比赛之后,退役裁判克里斯•福伊分享了对这个事 European leagues. England is one of the slower leagues 件的看法。“当我们观察VAR技术——该技术在美国职业 on the uptake, using VAR only in some selected FA Cup 大联盟、意甲和德甲联赛中开始使用——如果主裁走到裁 matches. When it was used, its results were up and down 判回顾区域来确定自己的判罚,这差不多需要花2分半的时 to say the least. 间。我认为最重要的事情是……没错,这的确花了更长的 In the FA Cup match between Liverpool and West 事情,但更重要的是做出正确的判罚。我能想象随着技术 Brom in January, referee Craig Pawson proactively looked 的成熟,花费时间会越来越少。4分钟的确太长了,但如我 for help from VAR eight times and in one instance when 所说平均时间差不多是2分半,而这不过是英格兰本土第 Mohamed Salah was fouled in the box, Pawson took more 六次采用该技术,也是主裁第一次走到那个电视屏幕前观 than four minutes to award a penalty. Both managers, Alan 看,所以我们不要太苛责。事情会变得更好,这不过是一 Pardew and Jürgen Klopp, shared their dissatisfaction with 段旅程的开始,让我们看看会达到怎样的成就。” VAR as it constantly broke up the tempo of the match while 没错,事情的确变得更好了。感谢本届世界杯,打断 keeping the fans, coaches and players in the dark.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 45 体育 SPORT

After the match, retired referee Chris Foy shared his perspective on the matter. “The thing is, when we’ve looked at VAR – we’ve seen it in MLS and Serie A and Bundesliga – it takes about two minutes and 30 seconds when the referee goes to the referee review area to look at the decision. And I think the most important thing is ... yes it takes time, but itʼs about getting the big decision right. And I imagine as we move on it will take less time. Four minutes is a long time but as I’ve said the average is about two minutes-thirty, but this is only the sixth time we’ve used it in England and I think this is the first time the referee has been over to the screen so we donʼt want to be too critical. It will get better. It is the start of a journey and letʼs just see where it takes us.” It does get better. Thanks to this World Cup, punctuated games are no longer the major concern for VAR. Nowadays, the public’s focus is more on the “obvious missing” of crucial fouls. According to FIFA rules, VAR can only be used in the case of four types of major decision: goals, penalties, red cards and mistaken identities. Since 比赛已经不再是围绕VAR的主要顾虑。如今,公众更多 these decisions usually have a great influence on the result 关注那些关键犯规的“明显漏判”。根据国际足联规定, of the game, VAR is becoming increasingly important. VAR只能用于如下四类重大判罚:进球,点球,红牌和错 Some crucial decisions from VAR directly changed the 误球员身份。而既然这些决定通常会给比赛走势带来重要 results of games in the World Cup group stage. In Spain’s 影响,VAR的重要性与日俱增。 final group match against Morocco, Iago Aspas scored in VAR的一些关键判罚,直接改变了世界杯小组形势。 the 91st minute to bring Spain back on level terms at 2-2. 在西班牙对阵摩洛哥的最后一场小组赛中,阿斯帕斯在第 But the goal was originally flagged out for offside. VAR 91分钟进球,把比赛扳平成2 - 2。但是这个进球最初被认 corrected that decision after the referee saw that Morocco’s 为越位,被判无效。然而,VAR纠正了这个错误判罚,视 Mbark Boussoufa had played Aspas onside. This goal 频助理裁判通过回放看到摩洛哥的姆巴克•博索法站位让 helped Spain leapfrog Portugal to claim top position in 阿斯帕斯处于不越位的位置。这个进球帮助西班牙超越葡 their group. 萄牙,拿到了小组第一。 Like the trend of other key technologies being 正如其他关键科技初次介绍到这个世界那样,VAR也 introduced to the world, VAR is also adjusting with the game 在和这项运动以及公众进行磨合和适应。科利纳说,“从 and the public. As Collina himself said, “It’s impossible to be 一开始就正确是不可能的,我们会介入,去调试。” right from the start. We intervened and fine-tuned.” 我们见证了VAR自身在世界杯上的不断的“调试” – We have now witnessed the “fine-tuned” VAR in the 而它的未来看起来一片光明。 World Cup – and its future looks bright.

46 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com


文 / By Joseff Musa

48 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 「鲜」有滋味 Fresh bliss

WGM于澳門金沙度假村收 获了健康美味的就餐体验。

WGM experiences a healthy and delicious dining experience at Sands Macao.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 49 乐享 ENJOY

日的饮食选择对我们的健康和用餐体验至关重 要。尽管于餐厅就餐往往被看做不健康的生活方 每 式,但金沙中国正着力改变人们的观念。 「金沙厨艺」有机时令飨宴于澳门金沙度假区旗下的 12家餐厅进行推广,除供应天然美味的食材外,即日起至 8月31日,凡於周一惠顾有机菜肴,即享买一送一优惠。 这12家餐厅为碧涛意国渔乡、喜粤、皇雀印度餐厅、 北方馆、朝、常满饭庄、巴黎轩、巴黎人法式餐厅、御莲 宫、色香味、金沙阁及高雅扒房。「金沙厨艺」有机时令 菜品采用30样不同种类的有机蔬菜,皆采购自中国大陆的 有机农场。有机餐单不仅为满足味蕾,更是提倡一种健康 的生活方式。 如果您想品尝经典的法式下午茶,巴黎人法式餐厅绝 对是理想之选,而澳门巴黎人酒店内的另一家餐厅——巴 黎轩则善于烹制糅合中法两地文化的创意佳肴。位于澳门 威尼斯人酒店内的碧涛意国渔乡的什锦海鲜、北方館的老 北京面及米其林星级美食餐厅“皇雀印度餐厅”的特色美 馔都是不错的选择。

veryday we make choices about the food we eat. These choices make a big difference to our health E and how we feel. While eating at restaurants is usually associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, Sands China is looking to change perceptions. Catering healthy and delicious cuisines, the Sands Dining Sensations – Summer Organic Delights promotion takes place at the property’s 12 restaurants for the whole month of August including a special two-for-one deal every Monday. Sands restaurants including Portofino, Canton, Golden Peacock, North, Dynasty 8, Rice Empire, La Chine, Brasserie, Lotus Palace, Market Bistro, Golden Court and Copa Steakhouse are among those promoting healthier options. Using around 30 different seasonal vegetables sourced from organic farms in mainland China, menus are prepared not only to delight the taste buds but to encourage a healthy lifestyle. We recommend the authentic French afternoon tea at The Parisian Macao’s Brasserie, French influenced Chinese dishes at La Chine, the famous seafood platter at The Venetian Macao’s Portofino, old Beijing noodles at North and spiced delights at Michelin-starred Indian restaurant, Golden Peacock.

50 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 51 乐享 ENJOY

怡神静心 Peaceful tranquility

在澳门丽思卡尔顿酒店的怡世宝水 疗中心,WGM得以忙里偷闲,小 憩一阵。

WGM takes a peaceful breather from work at ESPA at Ritz- Carlton Macau.

文 / By Joseff Musa

52 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 疗可以帮您解除一日重压,放松身心。正因灵魂 与肉体彼此相通,怡世宝水疗中心提供多种保健 水 项目,让宾客体验超卓服务。 水疗中心注入中国及葡萄牙的传统建筑元素,呈现澳 门的独特风格。迎宾大堂的设计以黄褐色晶石为主题,整 体调子以暖色系为主,接待柜枱铺上啡色皮革,并且采用 金色及珊瑚色的布艺用品,配以由多块镜片镶嵌的八角柱 体和淡雅米色云石地板,其装潢尽显豪华优雅。每间理疗 室均适量采用天然物料,包括黑木、橡木和缟玛瑙,并运 用不同的照明技术来营造舒适平静的气氛,让宾客将日常 的沉重生活压力彻底释放,尽情放松。 我们诚意向您推荐两个特色护理疗程。「奇玉气 韵」——一款主打舒缓、恢复气韵的护理项目,采用天然 玉石和芳香精油,给予肌肤重焕新生、美白提亮之效。「养 生足部护理」——这项传统中式足部护理主要针对足部反 射穴道按摩,调理全身精气神。

pa time often takes the stress out of the day, relaxing your mind and body. But because of the way the mind S and body are connected, ESPA incorporates various methods to give its guests the spa experience they deserve. Infusing elements of design rooted in traditional Chinese and Portuguese architecture, the spa treatment rooms reflect the unique character of Macau. The arrival lounge is inspired by tawny colored crystal rock formations. The palette has a warm glow with tan leather on reception stations, upholstery in golden and coral tones, creamy Calcutta marble floors and antique glazed mirrors that clad octagonal support columns. The interior of the various rooms all feature a balanced use of natural materials such as dark timber, oak and onyx and use different illumination techniques to ensure the perfect sanctuary where guests can restore their inner and outer glow. Our team recommends two standout signature treatments. The Jade Reviver therapeutic offer is a revitalizing and stress relieving treatment that utilizes the natural benefits of jade and powerful essential oils to awaken the senses and brighten the skin. We also enjoy the Reflex Meridien Massage – a traditional Chinese medicine inspired reflex point massage that helps to regulate the flow of energy through the body.

怡世宝水疗 澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店 每日10:00至23:00

ESPA The Ritz-Carlton Macau 10:00 to 23:00 daily

+853 8886 6248 Q26

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 53 乐享欢购 ENJOYSHOP

54 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 健康之选 Gift of good health

WGM 喜遇澳门干果小吃世家柠檬王,探索 其多年来一直受旅客欢迎的秘密。

WGM heads down to local Macau family- run business and dried fruit establishment, Lemon King, to discover the secrets to its long-time popularity among tourists.

文 Joseff Musa 和 关伟强 By Joseff Musa and Danomad Kuan

图 关伟强 Images by Danomad Kuan

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 55 乐享欢购 ENJOYSHOP

56 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com owadays, more and more people are opting for the healthier choice when it comes to food. Traditional N dried fruits such as raisins, walnuts, almonds and all types of citrus provide a wealth of nutritional benefits and help meet a person’s daily fruit intake. Dried fruits can also help in maintaining a healthy weight as well as being the perfect snack for just about any occasion. It was with this in mind that WGM discovered Macau’s Lemon King – a must-visit venue for anyone looking to bring dried fruits back home as a gift. 人们愈加注意饮食健康的今天,传统小吃如核 Hidden away from the bustling crowds of Rua de Sao 桃、杏仁、葡萄干和柑橘类干果等无疑是健康之 Paolo, Lemon King offers a unique and healthier snack to 在 选。上述食品不仅营养丰富,更是坚果及水果每 its customers. 日摄取量的重要来源。干果有助于保持理想的体重,亦是 “This branch of our store has been here since 1999 适合任何时间享用的小吃。 but we were originally established in 1973 in Hong Kong,” 正因如此,WGM来到了澳门干果小吃世家柠檬王。 explains Lemon King owner, Chan Wing Wah. 柠檬王不仅在澳门享负盛名,更是旅客购买手信的必到之 Taking over his father’s legacy of selling these healthy 处。 snacks, Chan says that Lemon King has sustained over the 柠檬王位处熙来攘往的大三巴街附近某僻静位置,多 years because of its ability to provide tasty snacks that are 年来一直制作健康而独特的小吃。 also good for one’s health. 柠檬王东主陈永华介绍道:「这家分店于1999年开张, “The lemon zest, for example, is the most popular 但我们早于1973年已在香港成立。」 among tourists,” he continues. “It is full of fiber which 陈永华承继了父亲的衣钵,坚持制作美味而健康的小 helps give you better digestion. Another one of our more 吃,多年来一直屹立不倒。 popular items, ginger, stimulates the appetite.” 他解释说:「柠檬皮含有丰富纤维,有助肠胃消化, The Lemon King’s dried fruits are produced in Hong 特别受旅客欢迎。柠檬姜是另一较为受欢迎的食品,有助 Kong with ingredients sourced from different parts of the 于刺激食欲。」 world, including a large quantity from Turkey. Though 柠檬王的产品全在香港生产,原材料来自全球各地, Chan says his products should not to be used as a substitute 其中一大部分来自土耳其。陈永华认为,柠檬王的食品虽 for medicine, he hopes his shop can continue to provide a 然不应被视为药物的替代品,但他还是希望品牌能继续为 healthy option to boost the immune system. 顾客提供有助于增强免疫系统的健康小食。 “Just as I have done, I hope that in the future my son 他说:「正如我继承了父亲的衣钵,我也希望儿子将 will continue this kind of business so that many people can 来会继承我的衣钵,继续为顾客提供健康美味的传统小 still enjoy a traditional healthy snack,” he says. 吃。」 The Lemon King has earned plaudits from the 凭籍其富有港澳特色的健康小吃,柠檬王在过去三年 esteemed Michelin Guide for the last three years for its 的米芝莲指南中均有亮相,因此亦不难理解这么多旅客慕 healthy Macau delicacies – a definitive hint as to why so 名而来。 many tourists keep coming back for more.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 57 欢购 SHOP

致她 For Her

58 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 白月光 White moon

华丽、优雅,Tambour Moon Divine系列以铺镶钻石的 Glamourous and elegant, the Tambour Moon Divine Monogram花卉装饰,设计精致高贵。此35毫米款式以白 collection features sophisticated reinterpretation of the 色珍珠母贝配钻石,可为高雅女性缔造隆重、妩媚而开朗 brand’s famous monogram flowers, paved with diamonds. 的造型风格。腕表配置具备路易威登专利系统的可互换式 This 35mm watch in white mother-of-pearl and diamonds 表带。 offers a dressy, feminine and joyful look to refined women. The watch is worn with an interchangeable strap equipped with a Louis Vuitton patented system.

购买去处 Where to get it


路易威登 壹号广场店 四季名店 新濠天地店 澳门银河店 永利澳门店

Around MOP$50,000

LOUIS VUITTON One Central Shoppes at Four Seasons The Boulevard at City of Dreams The Promenade at Galaxy Wynn Macau Esplanade

+853 8299 6688 I17 +853 2899 8810 Q25 +853 2882 4690 Q25 +853 2822 3658 Q26 +853 2875 3100 I17

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 59 欢购 SHOP

高阶爱恋 Level-up love

厚底运动鞋大行其道。这款 Chain Reaction运动鞋体现 The thick sole sneaker trend is here to stay. Versace’s The 了强烈的 Versace 特征元素。折中主义细节打造出独一无 Chain Reaction is a sneaker that embodies the strongest 二的鞋履,采用超轻材质、链条样式橡胶鞋底,鞋底灵感 elements of the brand’s identity. Eclectic details create a 来自 Versace 经典链式珠宝。此款最新式 Versace 运动 one-of-a-kind shoe characterized by a lightweight, chain- 鞋采用的标志性元素包括经典的希腊回纹图案、“Chain linked rubber sole that takes inspiration from iconic Reaction” logo 贴饰和布莱叶“love”字母,表达“爱 Versace chain jewelry. Signature elements on the newest 是盲目的”概念。 Versace sneaker include the iconic Greek Key pattern, the “Chain Reaction” logo patch and braille “love” lettering expressing the concept that love is blind.

购买去处 Where to get it


范思哲 四季名店 澳门银河店

Around MOP$8,000

VERSACE Shoppes at Four Seasons The Promenade at Galaxy

+853 2899 8881 Q25 +853 2882 7978 Q26

60 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 粉色畅想 Think Pink

Miu Miu 发布了新款系列手袋以迎合夏日百变穿搭。这款 Miu Miu has released a new bag line to go with everyone’s Miu Miu 小号“Delice”粉色衍缝皮革单肩包于意大利精 summer outfits. This mini pink leather matelassé Miu Miu 制而成,选用马特拉塞凸纹皮革及正面开合翻盖设计,并 “Delice” bag is made in Italy. This cross-body bag features 配以金属肩带,手袋正面饰有金属字母徽标,内置多个夹 a front flap closure, matelassé stitching, a gold-tone chain 层。 shoulder strap, internal slots and gold-tone metal logo lettering at the front.

购买去处 Where to get it


MIU MIU 新濠天地店 澳门银河店 永利澳门店 永利皇宫店

Around MOP$2,900

MIU MIU The Boulevard at City of Dreams The Promenade at Galaxy Wynn Macau Esplanade Wynn Palace Esplanade

+853 2889 8697 I17 +853 2882 7143 Q25 +853 2878 5515 Q25 +853 2877 6037 S25

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 61 澳门指南 The Macau Guide

62 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 交通方式 How to get here

穿梭澳门 Shuttle in style 在澳门旅行时,使用城中庞大的穿梭巴士网络,不失为一种很好的 A great way of travelling in Macau is making use of the extensive 方式。所有的大型综合度假村都提供这项服务,一些规模较小的酒 network of shuttle buses in the city. All the city’s Integrated Resorts 店亦有提供。乘客可以轻松登上这些舒适又免费的巴士,大部分还 provide this service and some of the smaller hotels do too. Passengers 提供免费无线网络! can easily board these comfortable buses for free – most of which provide free WiFi!

前往澳门半岛(历史城区) To Macau Peninsula (Historical City Centre) 澳门外港客运码头和氹仔客运码头均有免费穿梭巴士衔接。前往市 Both Macau Ferry Terminal and Pac On Ferry Terminal (Taipa) 中心的话,可以乘坐澳门金沙、星际、永利、美高梅以及新葡京等 are connected by free shuttle buses. To go to the city centre, shuttle 运营的穿梭巴士。 buses operated by Sands Macao, StarWorld, Wynn, MGM Grand and Grand Lisboa are among those that can be used. 澳门半岛与关闸之间的主要服务 关闸至澳门金沙:每日09:00至23:30(每10分钟一班) Major services from Macau Peninsula to the border gate 关闸至永利澳门:每日09:00至23:45(每15至20分钟一班) Border Gate to Sands Macao: 09.00 to 23.30 daily 金沙城中心亦有免费穿梭巴士前往关闸。 (every 10 minutes) Border Gate to Wynn Macau: 09.00 to 23.45 daily 澳门外港客运码头的主要服务 (every 15 to 20 minutes) 澳门外港客运码头至永利澳门:每日09:00至23:45 Sands Cotai Central also runs free shuttle buses to the border gate. (每10至15分钟一班) 澳门外港客运码头至澳门金沙:每日09:00至23:55 Major services from Macau Ferry Terminal (每5至10分钟一班) Macau Ferry Terminal to Wynn Macau: 09.00 to 23.45 daily (every 10 to 15 minutes) 氹仔客运码头的主要服务 Macau Ferry Terminal to Sands Macao: 09:00 to 23:55 daily 氹仔客运码头至永利澳门:每日09:00至23:30 (every 5 to 10 minutes) (每20至35分钟一班) 氹仔客运码头至澳门金沙:每日07:45至23:50 Major services from Pac On Ferry Terminal (Taipa) (每10至15分钟一班) Pac On Ferry Terminal to Wynn Macau: 09.00 to 23.30 daily (every 20 to 35 minutes) 氹仔客运码头至澳门金沙的夜间服务 Pac On Ferry Terminal to Sands Macao: 07.45 to 23.50 daily 00:20、00:35、01:20、01:30 (every 10 to 15 minutes)

Night service from Pac On Ferry Terminal to Sands Macao 00.20, 00.35, 01.20, 01.30

路氹专线 Cotai Connection 路氹特快 Cotai Express

威尼斯人 The Venetian 威尼斯人 The Venetian

新濠影汇 Studio City 银河 Galaxy

金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central 新濠影汇 Studio City

新濠天地 City of Dreams

永利皇宫 Wynn Palace

银河 Galaxy

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 63 交通方式

渡轮 By Ferry 澳门外港客运码头——连接澳门和香港、香港国际机场 Macau Ferry Terminal – Connects Macau to Hong 以及中国内地的几个目的地。 L15 Kong, Hong Kong International Airport and several destinations in mainland China. L15

氹仔客运码头——连接氹仔和香港、香港国际机场以及 Taipa Maritime Terminal – Connects Taipa to Hong 中国内地的几个目的地。 O23 Kong, Hong Kong International Airport and several destinations in mainland China. O23

香港至澳门半岛或氹仔岛的旅行时间约为一小时。 Travel time from Hong Kong to Macau or Taipa is around one hour.

L15 直升机 L15 By Helicopter 希望更快抵达香港的游客可以在澳门外港客运码头乘坐 Visitors wishing for a quicker connection to Hong 空中快线直升机。往返香港的票价单程4,300港元,而 Kong can take the Sky Shuttle service at the Macau 往返深圳的票价为单程5,900港元。 两条路线均需时15 Ferry Terminal. Tickets to and from Hong Kong cost 分钟左右。 HK$4,300 each way; if you’re off to Shenzhen it will cost HK$5,900. Both routes take around 15 minutes.

J11 关闸 J11 Border Gate 拱北/关闸——很多游客可以在澳门和珠海之间过境, Gongbei/Portas do Cerco (Border Gate) – visitors 抵达时申请单次入境签,每日早六时至次日凌晨一时开 can cross the border between Macau and Zhuhai by 放。莲花口岸全天候开放。 applying for a single-entry visa upon arrival. It is open each day from 06:00 to 01:00. The Lotus Border Gate is open 24 hours.

64 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com How to get here

P23 澳门国际机场 P23 Macau International Airport 澳门国际机场没有亚洲之外的直达航班。它是廉价航空 There are no direct connections beyond Asia. Macau In- 的一个枢纽。 ternational Airport is a hub for low-cost airlines.

巴士 Buses 澳门巴士价格低廉,且通常准时可靠,但在高峰时段会 Buses in Macau are quite affordable. They are usually 过于拥挤。您可以购买“澳门通”,在大多数超市或便 reliable in terms of showing up on time but are 利店均可充值。一张单程票至多花费6澳门元(0.75美 overcrowded during peak hours. You can buy a “Macau 元)。 Pass” and charge it at most supermarkets or convenience shops. A one-way ticket will cost you MOP$6 at most (US$0.75).

的士 Taxis 在澳门乘坐的士有些棘手。尽管价格合理,但据悉司机 Taxis in Macau can be tricky. Although reasonably cheap, 有拒载和宰客行为,两者均为非法。切记确保司机打开 drivers have been known to refuse rides and to overcharge, 计价器,不要同意协商定价。安全起见,我们建议您在 both illegal practices. Always remember to make sure the 指定的士站搭车,就像您在所有澳门娱乐场和度假村看 meter is running and never negotiate the fare amount. To be 到的那样。如遇任何不正当行为,请联络澳门特别行 safe, we recommend always catching taxis at a designated 政区交通事务局(+853 8866 6363)。澳门还有电召的 taxi stand like the ones you will find at all of Macau’s 士服务(+853 2881 2345),并且司机具备英文交流能 casinos and resorts. To report any abuses, contact DSAT on 力,但请注意,该公司的士数量有限,常常订满。 +853 8866 6363. There is also a new radio-taxi in town and they speak adequate English. They can be reached at +853 2881 2345 – however be aware this company only has a limited number of taxis and are often booked out.

优步 Uber 优步未能与澳门当地监管机构达成协议之后,于七月宣 Uber announced in July that it was pausing its Macau 布暂停其澳门服务。在此之前,优步在澳门属于非法运 services after failing to come to an agreement with local 营,但对于无法找到的士的乘客而言,它仍然是一项选 regulators. Until then, Uber had been operating illegally in 择。至于其是否以及何时重启服务,目前尚不得而知。 Macau but was still an option for those unable to find a taxi. It is unknown if or when Uber will return.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 65 实用信息

医院及卫生中心 Hospitals and Health Centers

Hospital Conde S 山顶医院 荷兰园大马路 Av. Cons Ferreira Alm. +853 2831 3731 I15 Januario

镜湖医院 Hospital Kiang Wu 贡士旦甸奴街11号4至7楼 Const. Brito Ed Misto 4o. +853 2837 8311 I14

科大医院 University Hospital 氹仔海洋花园大马路 Largo do Ponte, s/n, Taipa +853 2882 1838 24P

塔石卫生 Macau Oriental Health 荷兰园大马路 Av. Cons Ferreira Alm. +853 2852 2232 I15 中心 Center (Tap Seac)

海傍卫生 Porto Interior Health 贡士旦甸奴街11号4至7楼 Const. Brito Ed Misto 4o. +853 2892 0024 G15 中心 Center

海洋花园 Taipa Health Center 氹仔海洋花园大马路 Largo do Ponte, s/n, Taipa +853 2881 3089 O28 卫生中心

Largo Pres. Ant. Ram. 路环卫生站 Coloane Health Center 路环恩尼斯总统前地 +853 2888 2176 V27 Eanes, Coloane

货币 澳门的官方货币是澳门元(MOP),1澳门元可分为100仙。澳门元与港元挂钩,1港元等于1.03澳门元。在实践中, 澳门很大部分的现金交易是以港元结算,几乎都按一比一来计。如果您使用港元支付,可能会收到澳门元找零,或澳 门元和港元的混合。近期,人民币亦开始被广泛接受(也常按一比一来计)。不过请注意,澳门以外地区(包括香港) 均不接受澳门元,因此务必在离开澳门前兑换货币。大多数信用卡都可以在澳门使用。 Currency The official currency of Macau is the pataca (MOP), which is divided into 100 avos. The pataca is pegged to the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) at MOP$1.03 = HK$1. In practice, a large percentage of cash transactions in Macau are made in Hong Kong dollars, which are accepted on an equal 1:1 basis by almost all businesses. If you pay using Hong Kong dollars, you may receive patacas as change, or a mixture of patacas and Hong Kong dollars. Recently, RMB has been widely accepted as well (often also on a 1:1 ratio). However, please note that patacas are not accepted outside of Macau – including in Hong Kong – so make sure you convert your currency before you leave Macau. Most credit cards are accepted in Macau.

66 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com Things to know

重要电话号码 Important Phone Numbers 澳门国际电话区号 Macau country code +853

紧急求助热线 Emergency 999, 110 or 112

消防局 Fire Station +853 2857 2222

治安警察局 Police +853 2857 3333

司法警察局 Judiciary Police +853 2855 7777

24小时赌博辅导热线 24 Hour Gambling Counseling Hotline +853 2823 0101

澳门明爱-生命热线 Caritas Lifehope Hotline +853 2852 5222

澳门娱乐场的禁烟进程 Smoking in Macau casinos

澳门酒店及娱乐场对吸烟有严格限制,且这些限制在未来几年内只会愈加严格。 2012年,澳门政府通过一项法 律,禁止在大多数室内公共场所吸烟。 娱乐场在这项法律中获得了一定程度的豁免,其中50%的博彩空间允许被指定为吸烟区。然而,这项法律在 2014年再度更改,所有博彩中场完全禁止吸烟,目前只有贵宾区和吸烟室允许吸烟。 2017年7月,澳门立法会通过了一项新法律,要求所有娱乐场于2019年1月1日之前在贵宾区设立吸烟室。届时, 一切设有赌桌或电子博彩机的区域都将禁止吸烟。 这些吸烟室还必须符合严格的技术标准,包括使用负压系统、带自动滑动门的单一入口以及警报装置——如果 门保持打开超过一分钟便会发出警告。

Smoking in Macau’s hotels and casinos is heavily restricted and those restrictions are only going to get tighter over the next few years. In 2012, the Macau government passed a law that banned smoking in most indoor public places. Casinos were offered some exemption from the new law, with up to 50% of their gaming floor space allowed to be designated smoking zones. However, this law was changed again in 2014, with smoking banned completely from all main gaming floor areas. The exceptions are VIP areas and smoking lounges, where smoking is currently allowed. In July 2017, Macau’s Legislative Assembly passed a new law that will require all casinos to install smoking lounges in VIP areas by 1 January 2019, when smoking will be banned from all areas that have gaming tables or electronic gaming machines. These smoking lounges will also have to meet strict technical criteria, including the use of a negative pressure system, a single entrance with automated sliding doors and an alarm that sounds a warning if the doors remain open for more than one minute.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 67 游览指南

澳门大熊猫馆 Macau Giant Panda Pavilion


路环岛石排湾郊野公园 10:00至17:00(星期一闭馆) Seac Pai Van Park, Coloane 10:00 to 17:00 (closed Mondays) +853 2833 7676

15, 21A, 25, 26, 26A, 50, N3

澳门大熊猫馆有两个室内活动区、一个供大熊猫居住的室外庭院和 The Macau Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor activity 一个室内展览区,坐落于路环岛石排湾郊野公园的一个山坡上。它 quarters, an outdoor yard for the inhabitation of the giant pandas and 还设有花园以及澳门城区唯一的公园。位于其中的动物园内居住着 an indoor exhibit area. It is located against a hillside in Seac Pai Van 其他一些稀有动物,如红熊猫、亚洲黑熊、爬行动物、灵长类和鸟 Park in Coloane. It also features a garden and the only park in Macau’s 类动物。这里是澳门珍稀动物保护的重点教育基地。园区于1981年 urban area containing a zoo, which is home to other rare animals like 已立法成为保护区,并于 1984年成为澳门第一个郊野公园。 the red panda, Asian black bear, reptiles, primates and birds. It is a key educational site for the conservation of rare animals in Macau. The park zone was protected by law in 1981 and became Macau’s first country park in 1984.

大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St Paul’s H15

大三巴牌坊 24小时开放 Ruins of St Paul’s 24 hours

3, 3X, 4, 6A, 8A, 18A, 19, 26A, 33, N1A

毋庸置疑,大三巴牌坊是澳门最具代表性的地标。它于1583年由耶 The Ruins of St Paul’s is without doubt the most iconic landmark 稣会创立,是圣保罗学院和圣保罗教堂的遗迹。2005年,它与澳门 in Macau. Founded by the Society of Jesus (also known as the 历史城区其他一些文化遗迹一起,被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗 Jesuits) in 1583, the ruins are what remain of St Paul’s College and 产,是历史城区的灵魂。如果您还不曾到访大三巴牌坊,那么就不 the Church of St Paul. In 2005, it was listed as a UNESCO World 能说您曾经到过澳门! Heritage site together with other cultural relics in the Historical Centre of Macau. If you haven’t visited the Ruins of St Paul’s you can’t really say you have visited Macau!

68 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com Where to visit

玫瑰堂 St Dominic’s Church H15

板樟堂前地 10:00至18:00 注意:游客应避开11:00及17:30 的弥撒 St. Dominic’s Square 10:00 to 18:00 To note: Visitors should avoid Mass at 11:00 and 17:30

3, 3X, 4, 6A, 8A, 18A, 19, 26A, 33, N1A

玫瑰堂是澳门为数不多的巴洛克式建筑之一,由圣多明我会(道明 One of the few Baroque buildings in town, St Dominic’s Church 会)创建于1587年,位于议事亭前地附近,非常值得一游。教堂初 is beautifully preserved and well worth a visit. Founded in 1587 时用木板搭建,华人称之为“板樟庙”;又因教堂供奉玫瑰圣母, by three Spanish Dominican priests from Acapulco in Mexico, 故又称“玫瑰堂”。整座教堂建筑富丽堂皇,其巴洛克建筑风格的 this church is also connected to the Brotherhood of Our Lady 祭坛更是典雅精致。教堂旁的“圣物宝库”收藏了三百多件澳门天 of the Rosary. Besides the unique and traditional church, what 主教珍贵文物。 used to be the bell tower has been transformed into a small Museum of Sacred Art, now exhibiting a collection of around 300 artifacts. Situated close to Senado Square, it is well worth a visit.

澳门科学馆 Macao Science Center


澳门孙逸仙大马路 10:00至18:00 (星期四休馆)

Avenida Dr Sun Yat-Sen 10:00 to 18:00 (Closed Thursdays)


3A, 8, 10A, 12

澳门科学馆由世界著名美籍华裔建筑师贝聿铭设计,银色的斜锥体 Designed by world-renowned architect I.M. Pei, the Science Center’s 外型独树一帜。馆内设有十四个呈螺旋上升状分布的展览厅。 亮点 silvery, cone-shaped exterior is instantly recognisable. The 14 galleries 之一是配备了高清 3D 数码播放系统的天文馆,让观众尽情探索宇 are arranged in a spiral and accentuated by an arch shape. This 宙星辰及科学奥妙,寓教于乐,适合全家出游。 perfect outing for the whole family also features 3D effects generated by a high definition 3D projection system in the planetarium’s Space Theatre, offering visitors an insight into the fascinating world of science that is entertaining as well as educational.

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 69 游戏指南

娱乐场 Casinos

银娱 Galaxy Entertainment Group 百老汇 Broadway broadwaymacau.com.mo +853 8883 3338 R27 银河 Galaxy galaxymacau.com +853 2888 0888 Q26 总统 President hotelpresident.com.mo +853 2878 8198 I16 利澳 Rio riomacau.com +853 2833 3183 J16 星际 StarWorld starworldmacau.com +853 2838 3838 I16 华都 Waldo waldohotel.com +853 2888 6615 J16

新濠博亚娱乐 Melco Resorts 新濠锋 Altira altiramacau.com +853 2886 8888 O26 新濠天地 City of Dreams cityofdreamsmacau.com +853 8868 6688 Q25 新濠影汇 Studio City studiocity-macau.com +853 8865 8888 S25 骏景 Taipa Square taipasquare.com.mo +853 2883 9933 P27

美高梅 MGM 美高梅 MGM mgm.mo +853 8802 8888 I17

金沙中国 Sands China 澳门巴黎人 The Parisian Maca0 parisianmacao.com +853 2882 8833 R25 百利宫 Plaza theplazamacao.com +853 2881 8888 R25 金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central sandscotaicentral.com +853 8113 6000 R25 澳门金沙 Sands Macao sands.com.mo +853 2888 3388 K16 澳门威尼斯人 The Venetian Macao venetianmacao.com +853 2882 8888 R26

澳博 SJM 巴比伦 Babylon fishermanswharf.com.mo +853 2823 2233 K16 皇家金堡 Casa Real casarealhotel.com.mo +853 2872 7791 K15 励骏会 Club VIP Legend landmarkhotel.com.mo +853 2878 6233 J16 钻石 Diamond ichotelsgroup.com +853 2878 5645 I16 英皇宫殿 Emperor grandemperor.com +853 8981 6803 H16 财神 Fortuna hotelfortuna.com.mo +853 8982 1301 I16 金龙 Golden Dragon goldendragon.com.mo +853 8982 6201 K15 新葡京 Grand Lisboa grandlisboa.com +853 2828 3838 I16 君怡 Grandview grandview-hotel.com +853 2883 2265 P27 回力 Jai Alai +853 2872 5599 K15 集美 Jimei jimeihotels.com +853 2822 8811 J16 金碧 Kam Pek paradise-macau.com +853 2878 6945 I16 凯旋门 L'Arc larcmacau.com +853 2880 8888 J17 兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong macaulkf.com +853 2880 0888 J16 励宫 Legend Palace legendpalace.com.mo +853 8801 8801 K16 葡京 Lisboa hotelisboa.com +853 8297 7111 I16 赛马会 Macau Jockey Club mjc.mo +853 8801 3388 P27 回力海立方 Oceanus oceanus-macau.com +853 8861 8888 K15 十六浦 Ponte 16 ponte16.com.mo +853 8297 5920 G15 海岛 Taipa Regency regencyhotel.com.mo +853 2883 1537 O26

永利 Wynn 永利澳门 Wynn Macau wynnmacau.com +853 8986 9966 I17 永利皇宫 Wynn Palace wynnpalace.com +853 8889 8889 Q24

70 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com Where to play

澳门金沙 K16

如果您想为自己的周末之行增添一抹历史 色彩,不妨前往位于澳门半岛的澳门金沙 一游。它于 2004年开幕,金色窗户璀璨 夺目,是澳门第一家真正意义上的综合度 假村,被誉为改变了博彩世界面貌的度假 村。2004年5月18日的开幕庆典以挤爆大 门的巨大人潮而闻名;而2.65亿美元的建 造成本在不足一年之内便悉数收回——堪 称成功故事中的典范!

Sands Macao K16

If you want to mix a slice of history in with your weekend away, take a trip to Sands Macao on the Macau Peninsula. Opened in 2004, Sands Macao – with its resplendent gold windows – was Macau’s first true “integrated resort” and is widely credited as the property that changed the gaming world. Its official opening on 18 May 2004 is famous for the huge crowd that literally broke down the doors, while the US$265 million it cost to build was earned back in less than a year! The ultimate success story.

贵宾会 VIP Gaming Rooms

广东集团 GuangDong 新濠天地 City of Dreams +853 6260 0010 Q25 银河 Galaxy +853 6260 0008 Q26 新葡京 Grand Lisboa +853 6260 0001 I16 美高梅 MGM +853 6260 0007 I17 广东8号会 美高梅 Club No. 8 MGM +853 6260 0088 I17 澳门巴黎人 The Parisian Macao +853 6260 0066 R25 澳门金沙 Sands Macao +853 6260 0002 K16 星际 StarWorld +853 6260 0004 I16 澳门威尼斯人 The Venetian Macao +853 6260 0006 R26 永利澳门 Wynn Macau +853 6260 0022 I17 永利皇宫 Wynn Palace +853 6260 0003 Q24

黄金集团 Golden Group 黄金10 新葡京 Gold 10 Grand Lisboa +853 2871 8988 I16 黄金36 新葡京 Gold 36 Grand Lisboa +853 2888 3399 I16 黄金38 新葡京 Gold 38 Grand Lisboa +853 2838 3883 I16

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 71 游戏指南

钜星国际 Meg-Star 银河 Galaxy +853 6330 3661 Q26 新葡京 Grand Lisboa +853 2871 8960 I16 星际 StarWorld +853 6202 1155 I16 永利澳门 Wynn Macau +853 6881 7598 I17 永利皇宫 Wynn Palace +853 6811 0295 Q24

太阳城集团 Suncity Group 吉利 永利澳门 Joli Wynn Macau +853 8891 1322 I17 励扬太阳城 凯旋门 Liyard Suncity L’Arc +853 8891 1126 J17 美高梅钜星太阳城 美高梅 Meg-Star Suncity MGM +853 8891 1689 I17 百家 新葡京 Ocho Grand Lisboa +853 8891 1390 I16 澳门巴黎人太阳城 澳门巴黎人 The Parisian Macao Suncity The Parisian Macao +853 8891 1190 R25 扑克王俱乐部 澳门威尼斯人 Poker King Club The Venetian Macao +853 2833 5500 R26 澳门新濠影汇太阳城 新濠影汇 Studio City Macau Suncity Studio City +853 8891 1837 S25 太阳城贵宾会 凯旋门 Suncity VIP Club L’Arc +853 8891 1118 J17 太阳城贵宾会 四季 Suncity VIP Club Four Seasons +853 8891 1820 R25 太阳城贵宾会 澳门威尼斯人 Suncity VIP Club The Venetian Macao +853 8891 1831 R26 太阳城贵宾会 新濠锋 Suncity VIP Club Altira +853 8891 1089 O26 太阳城贵宾会 星际 Suncity VIP Club StarWorld +853 8891 1671 I16 太阳城贵宾会 永利澳门 Suncity VIP Club Wynn Macau +853 8891 1680 I17 太阳城贵宾会 金沙城中心 Suncity VIP Club Sands Cotai Central +853 8891 1886 R25 太阳城贵宾会 银河 Suncity VIP Club Galaxy +853 8891 1996 Q26 金星太阳城 皇冠度假 Venus Suncity Crown Towers +853 2882 1230 Q25 金星太阳城 美高梅 Venus Suncity MGM +853 8891 1880 I17 金星太阳 银河 Venus Suncity Galaxy +853 8891 1863 Q26 永利皇宫太阳城 永利皇宫 Wynn Palace Suncity Wynn Palace +853 8891 1966 Q24

德晋集团 Tak Chun Group 新濠锋 Altira +853 6555 6116 O26 新濠天地 City of Dreams +853 6663 9778 Q25 银河 Galaxy +853 6272 2993 Q26 银河 Galaxy +853 6201 2888 Q26 新葡京 Grand Lisboa +853 6282 3202 I16 凯旋门 L’Arc +853 6286 6332 J17 美高梅 MGM +853 6301 2079 I17 金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central +853 6309 1302 R25 星际 StarWorld +853 6233 0308 I16 澳门威尼斯人 The Venetian Macao +853 6280 3688 R26 永利澳门 Wynn Macau +853 6666 9112 I17

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角子机娱乐场 Slot Lounges

摩卡娱乐场 Mocha Clubs 金龙 Golden Dragon mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 K15 皇都 Hotel Royal mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 I15 新丽华 Hotel Sintra mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 H16 骏景 Hotel Taipa Square mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 P27 内港 Inner Harbour mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 G17 广发 Kuong Fat mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 J16 旅游塔 Macau Tower mochaclubs.com +853 2878 0233 G18 体育投注及竞赛 Sports Betting and Racing

澳门彩票有限公司 Macauslot 逸园赛狗场 Canidrome macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 I12 渔人码头 Fisherman's Wharf macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 K16 新葡京 Grand Lisboa macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 I16 鸿安 Hung On macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 K16 佑汉 Iao Hon macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 J12 金碧 Kam Pek macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 I16 葡京 Lisboa macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 I16 澳门赛马会 MJC macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 P27 海立方 Oceanus macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 K15 三盏灯 Three Lamps macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 I14 荣兴 Wing Hing macauslot.com +853 8898 6388 H16

竞技俱乐部 Racing Clubs 澳门赛马会 Macau Jockey Club mjc.mo +853 2882 0868 P27 逸园赛狗场 Macau Canidrome Club macauyydog.com +853 2833 3399 I12 白鸽票 Pacapio

葡京酒店 Hotel Lisboa +853 8297 7111 I16

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五星级豪华酒店 5-Star Deluxe Hotels

新濠锋 Altira altiramacau.com +853 2886 8888 P22 四季 Four Seasons fourseasons.com/macau +853 8889 8889 Q25 新葡京 Grand Lisboa grandlisboa.com +853 2828 3838 I16 置地广场 Landmark landmarkhotel.com.mo +853 2878 1781 J16 励宫 Legend Palace legendpalace.com.mo +853 8801 8801 K16 美高梅 MGM mgmmacau.com +853 8802 8888 I17 摩珀斯 Morpheus cityofdreamsmacau.com +853 8868 8888 Q24 頤居 Nüwa cityofdreamsmacau.com +853 8868 6868 Q24 澳门金沙 Sands Macao sandsmacao.com +853 2888 3388 K16 永利澳门 Wynn Macau wynnmacau.com +853 2888 9966 I17 永利皇宫 Wynn Palace wynnpalace.com +853 8889 8889 Q24 五星级酒店 5-Star Hotels

悦榕庄 Banyan Tree banyantree.com +853 8883 6888 P25 百老汇 Broadway broadwaymacau.com.mo +853 8883 3338 O25 康莱德 Conrad Macao sandscotaicentral.com +853 8113 6000 Q25 皇冠假日 Crowne Plaza crowneplaza.com +853 2888 6888 L12 银河 Galaxy galaxymacau.com +853 2888 0888 P24 鹭环海天 Grand Coloane Resort grandcoloane.com +853 2887 1111 V23 君悦 Grand Hyatt macau.grand.hyatt.com +853 8868 1234 R24 金丽华 Grand Lapa grandlapa.com +853 2856 7888 K16 大仓 Hotel Okura hotelokuramacau.com +853 2888 0888 P25 JW万豪 JW Marriott galaxymacau.com +853 8886 6888 P25 凯旋门 L'Arc larcmacau.com +853 2880 8888 J17 葡京 Lisboa hotelisboa.com +853 2888 3888 I16 澳门罗斯福 The Macau Roosevelt Hotel themacauroosevelt.com +853 2882 0100 P27 文华东方 Mandarin Oriental mandarinoriental.com/macau +853 8805 8888 I18 丽景湾艺术 Regency Art Hotel regencyarthotel.com.mo +853 2883 1234 P27 濠璟 Riviera rivierahotel.com.mo +853 2833 9955 G17 丽思卡尔顿 The Ritz-Carlton ritzcarlton.com +853 8886 6868 P25 皇都 Royal hotelroyal.com.mo +853 2855 2222 I15 喜来登 Sheraton Grand Macao sheratongrandmacao.com +853 2880 2000 Q25 十六浦索菲特 Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 ponte16.com.mo +853 8861 8888 G15 瑞吉 The St. Regis stregismacao.com +853 8861 8888 R25 星际 StarWorld starworldmacau.com +853 2838 3838 I16 澳门威尼斯人 The Venetian Macao venetianmacao.com +853 2882 8888 Q25

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新濠影汇 S25

新濠影汇于 2015年开幕,是新 濠博亚娱乐旗下运营的第三家 澳门娱乐场,凭借其好莱坞式 建筑和诸多漫画及卡通人物形 象,亦是迄今为止最个性鲜明 的一家。除了设立蝙蝠侠夜神 飞驰等家庭娱乐设施,它还于 2016年成立了贵宾会。

Studio City S25

Opened in 2015, Studio City is the third Macau casino operated by Melco Resorts and by far the most unique with its Hollywood- inspired architecture and plethora of comic book and cartoon character imagery. As well as boasting family entertainment such as the Batman Dark Flight ride, the casino added VIP gaming rooms in 2016.

四星级酒店 4-Star Hotels

雅诗阁 Ascott the-ascott.com +853 2822 0688 J17 迎尚 The Countdown cityofdreamsmacau.com +853 8868 3333 R25 金皇冠中国大酒店 Golden Crown China htlchina.com.mo +853 2885 1166 P23 金龙 Golden Dragon goldendragon.com.mo +853 2836 1999 K15 君怡 Grandview grandview-hotel.com +853 2883 7788 P27 励庭海景 Harbourview harbourviewhotelmacau.com +853 8799 6688 K16 假日 Holiday Inn holiday-inn.com/macaumacau +853 2878 3333 Q25 金沙城中心假日酒店 Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central sandscotaicentral.com +853 2828 2228 I16 富豪 Hotel Beverly Plaza beverlyplaza.com.mo +853 2878 2288 I16 皇家金堡 Hotel Casa Real casarealhotel.com.mo +853 2872 6288 K15 维景 Metropark metroparkmacau.com +853 2878 1233 J16 竹湾 Pousada de Coloane hotelpcoloane.com.mo +853 2888 2143 X26 总统 President hotelpresident.com.mo +853 2855 3888 I16 利澳 Rio riomacau.com +853 2871 8718 J16 皇庭海景 Royal Infante Harbour View pousadamarinainfante.com +853 2883 8333 Q27 新濠影汇 Studio City studiocity-macau.com +853 8865 8888 S25 骏景 Taipa Square Hotel taipasquare.com.mo +853 2883 9933 P27

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三星级酒店 3-Star Hotels

帝濠酒店 Emperor Hotel emperorhotel.com.mo +853 2878 1888 I16 财神酒店 Fortuna hotelfortuna.com.mo +853 2878 6333 I16 富华酒店 Fu Hua Hotel fuhuahotelmacau.com +853 2855 3838 I14 英皇娱乐酒店 Grand Emperor Hotel grandemperor.com +853 2888 9988 H16 港湾大酒店 Grand Harbour Hotel +853 2822 1381 H13 东望洋酒店 Guia hotelguiamacau.com +853 2851 3888 J15 莱斯酒店 Hotel Rocks rockshotel.com.mo +853 2878 2782 K16 盛世酒店 Inn Hotel innhotel.com +853 2882 1666 P25 澳门兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong Macau macaulkf.com +853 2880 0888 J16 京都酒店 Metropole macauctshotel.com +853 2838 8166 H16 澳门巴黎人 The Parisian Macao parisianmacao.com +853 2882 8833 R25 新丽华酒店 Sintra hotelsintra.com +853 2871 0111 H16 维多利亚酒店 Victoria Hotel mo-victoria.com +853 2855 6688 J12 华都酒店 Waldo Hotel waldohotel.com +853 2888 6688 J16 二星级酒店 2-Star Hotels

东亚酒店 East Asia +853 2892 2433 G15 家逸酒店 Happy Family Hotel +853 2871 1212 H16 假期酒店 Holiday holiday36.com +853 2835 0161 I15 康泰酒店 Hong Thai Hotel +853 2892 3923 G15 濠江 Hou Kong +853 2893 7555 G15 高华 Kou Va +853 2893 0755 G15 英京酒店 London +853 2893 7765 G15 万事发酒店 Macau Masters Hotel mastershotel-macau.com +853 2893 7572 G15 文华 Man Va +853 2838 8655 G15 澳莱大三元酒店 Ole Tai Sam Un Hotel +853 2893 8818 G15 新新酒店 Sun Sun Hotel macauhotelsunsun.com +853 2893 9393 G15 三星级宾馆 3-Star Guest Houses

富城宾馆 Forson Residential Pension +853 2893 3199 G15 遇莲客栈 Pensão Lotus (Nam Pan Guest House) cnmacauhotel.com +853 2848 2842 H16 富都宾馆 Pensão Residencial Florida +853 2892 3198 H15 大利迎宾馆 Vila Universal +853 2837 7569 G15

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二星级宾馆 2-Star Guest Houses

5步廊旅舍 5 Footway Inn +853 2892 3118 G15 亚洲精品旅馆 Asia Boutique Inn +853 2822 3899 Q26 嘉明 Carmen +853 2892 1959 H15 晶晶 Cheng Cheng +853 2871 5037 I16 高士德 Costa +853 2852 6176 J14 蓬莱 Fong Loi +853 2857 4292 G15 海运 Hoi Van +853 2825 6577 G15 新华大旅店 Hospedaria San Va sanvahotel.com +853 2857 3701 G15 豪华 Hou Va +853 2825 6577 H13 玉珠公寓 Iok Chu +853 2852 5006 J14 嘉华宾馆 Ka Va +853 2832 3063 G15 恋爱七号旅馆 Love Lane Seven Inn +853 2836 6490 H15 曼谷 Man-Kok +853 2893 7889 G15 明明 Meng Meng +853 2871 5241 H16 南龙 Nam Long +853 2871 2573 H16 新金门 New Golden Gate +853 2855 0430 I13 京悦宾馆 Pensão Keng Iut +853 2893 9277 H15 华发宾馆 Pensão Wa Fat +853 2871 6415 H16 金湾宾馆 Praia Dourada +853 2878 1594 I16 大来 Tai Loi +853 2893 9315 G15 天丽 Tin Lai +853 2852 2015 I14 天天 Tin Tin +853 2871 5241 H16 东京 Tong Keng +853 2893 7722 G15 镇兴宾馆 Townswell Motel +853 2835 6868 H15 东方 Tung Fong +853 2857 2710 G15 荣华 Veng Va +853 2893 3381 G15 和平 Vo Peng +853 2857 3598 G15 威利 Wai Lei +853 6684 1942 H16 澳门之家 Your Home Is Macau +853 2857 3629 G15

富历史感的酒店 J13

望厦迎宾馆是一间独树一帜的酒店。自2014年以来,它连续荣获“TripAdvisor 旅行者最佳之选”殊荣,在澳门凭藉服务品质和合理价格,享有极高声誉。 它是一间教学酒店,设有高级餐厅。酒店坐落于澳门半岛北部的望厦山, 是澳门旅游学院的一个实习单位,其中部分员工为学院学生。宾客有三种 客房类型可选,价格介于每晚 700至1,800澳门元之间,含早餐。

Hotel with a soul J13

Pousada de Mong-Há is a hotel unlike any other. The property has been the winner of the TripAdvisor “Traveller’s Choice” since 2014 and enjoys a great reputation around town for its quality of service and reasonable prices. Pousada de Mong-Há is an educational hotel complete with a fine-dining restaurant. Situated on the Mong-Há hill in the northern region of the Peninsula, the hotel is part of the Institute for Tourism Studies and some of its staff are students. Guests can choose from three room types with prices ranging between MOP$700 to MOP$1,800 a night including breakfast.

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土生葡菜 Macanese

鸣诗 四季 Belcanção Four Seasons +853 2881 8888 R25 木偶葡国餐厅 Cozinha Pinocchio +853 2882 7128 R26 小岛葡国餐厅 Madeira Portuguese Restaurant +853 2882 8312 G15 佛笑楼 Restaurante Fat Siu Lau +853 2857 3580 F17 海湾餐厅 Restaurante Litoral +853 2896 7996 F17 船屋葡国餐厅 Restaurante Lorcha +853 2831 3195 P26 九如坊葡国餐厅 Restaurante Platão +853 2833 1818 H15 利多餐室 Restaurante Riquexó +853 2856 5655 J14 葡萄园 Vinha +853 2875 2599 J17 葡国料理 Portuguese

澳门咖啡 Café Ou Mun +853 2837 2207 H15 花道葡萄牙餐厅 Fado +853 2855 2222 J15 百姓餐厅 Restaurante Banza +853 2882 1519 O27 里斯本咖啡室 Restaurante Café Lisboa +853 2884 3313 P26 澳门陆军俱乐部 Restaurante do Clube Militar +853 2871 4010 J17 公鸡葡国餐厅 Restaurante Dom Galo +853 2875 1383 W27 里斯本地带餐厅 Restaurante Espaço Lisboa +853 2888 2226 V24 法兰度餐厅 Restaurante Fernando +853 2888 2264 Q26 阿曼诺葡国餐厅 Restaurante Ó Manel +853 2882 7571 Q26 山度士葡式餐厅 O Santos Comida Portuguesa +853 2882 5594 I16 葡国美食天地 A Petisqueira +853 2882 5354 P26 皇家葡萄肴 澳门旅游塔 Tromba Rija Macau Tower +853 2838 9118 G18 怡景餐厅 莱斯 Vic's Cafe Rocks Hotel +853 2896 2878 K16 中餐 Chinese

99面 永利澳门 99 Noodles Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 I17 99面 永利皇宫 99 Noodles Wynn Palace +853 8986 3663 R24 喜粵 澳门威尼斯人 Canton The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9930 R26 朝 康莱德 Dynasty 8 Conrad Macao +853 8113 8920 Q25 京花轩 永利澳门 Golden Flower Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 I17 帝王点心 澳门威尼斯人 Imperial House Dim Sum The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9910 R26 吉祥面栈 新濠天地 Ji Xiang Noodle House City of Dreams +853 8868 6662 Q25 金映阁 新濠天地 Jin Ying City of Dreams +853 8868 6632 Q25 麗軒 银河 Lai Heen Galaxy +853 8886 6712 Q26 利苑 澳门威尼斯人 Lei Garden The Venetian Macao +853 2882 8689 R26 御莲宫 澳门巴黎人 Lotus Palace The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9260 R25 皎月食坊 澳门金沙 Moonlight Noodle House Sands Macao +853 8983 8125 K16 粥面庄 新葡京 Noodle & Congee Corner Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7755 I16 御品居 澳门威尼斯人 Ping The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9701 R26 赤龙面馆 澳门威尼斯人 Red Dragon Noodles The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9900 R26 丽景湾拉面小厨 丽景湾 Regency Noodles & Chinese Light Dishes Regency +853 2883 1234 O27 永利宮 永利皇宫 Wei Lei Palace Wynn Palace +853 8986 3663 I17 永利轩 永利澳门 Wing Lei Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 R24

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中国北方风味 Northern Chinese

满堂彩 君悦 Beijing Kitchen Grand Hyatt +853 8868 1930 Q24 風味居 星际 Feng Wei J StarWorld +853 8290 8668 I16 北方馆 金沙城中心 North Sands Cotai Central +853 8113 8950 R26 北方馆 澳门威尼斯人 North The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9980 R25 粤菜 Cantonese

8餐厅 新葡京 The 8 Restaurant Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7788 I16 金沙阁 澳门金沙 Golden Court Sands Macao +853 8983 8222 K16 金殿堂贵宾厅 美高梅 Grand Imperial Court MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 金殿堂 美高梅 Imperial Court MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 丹桂轩 星际 Laurel StarWorld +853 8290 8628 I16 南湖明月 澳门旅游塔 Lua Azul Macau Tower +853 8988 8700 G18 葡京日丽 葡京 Portas Do Sol Lisboa +853 8803 3100 I16 珍味馆 星际 Sensations StarWorld +853 8290 8618 I16 桃花源小厨 葡京 Tim’s Kitchen Lisboa +853 8803 3682 I16 喜迎楼 新濠天地 Treasure Palace City of Dreams +853 8868 6636 Q25 帝影楼 新濠锋 Ying Altira +853 2886 8868 O26 紫逸轩 四季 Zi Yat Heen Four Seasons +853 2881 8888 R25

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上海风味 Shanghainese

苏浙汇酒家 星际 Jade Garden StarWorld +853 8290 8638 I16 456新派沪菜 澳门威尼斯人 Shanghainese 456 Restaurant The Venetian Macao +853 2886 6618 R26 上海魅影 新濠影汇 Shanghai Magic Studio City +853 8865 6620 S25 日本料理 Japanese

大江户日本料理 澳门威尼斯人 Edo Japanese Restaurant The Venetian Macao +853 2882 8321 R26 江户日本料理 新濠天地 Edo Japanese Restaurant City of Dreams +853 8868 6616 Q25 板前寿司 澳门威尼斯人 Itamae Sushi The Venetian Macao +853 2882 8490 R26 冈田日式料理 永利澳门 Mizumi Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 I17 新故里日本料理 葡京 New Furusato Lisboa +853 8803 3677 I16 金坂极上寿司 新濠天地 Shinji by Kanesaka City of Dreams +853 8868 7300 Q25 天政 新濠锋 Tenmasa Altira +853 2886 8868 O26 泰餐 Thai

灆泰国菜餐厅 金丽华 NAAM Grand Lapa +853 2856 7888 K16 尚坊 银河 Saffron Galaxy +853 8883 6061 Q26 厨泰 渔人码头 Talay Thai Fisherman’s Wharf +853 2872 7207 H16 亚洲菜 Asian

富贵坊 澳门巴黎人 Cafe Express The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9220 R25 金亭 新濠天地 Golden Pavilion City of Dreams +853 8868 6636 Q25 色香味 澳门巴黎人 Market Bistro The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9270 R25 季风 新濠锋 MONSOON Altira +853 2886 8866 O26 食八方 美高梅 Square 8 MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 法国菜 French

宝雅座 美高梅 Aux Beaux Arts MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 巴黎人法式餐厅 澳门巴黎人 Brasserie The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9200 R25 天巢法国餐厅 葡京 Robuchon A Galera Lisboa +853 8803 7878 I16 御膳房 皇冠度假 The Tasting Room Crown +853 8868 6681 Q25 御苑餐厅 文华东方 Vida Rica Restaurant Mandarin Oriental +853 8805 8888 I18 意大利菜 Italian

奧罗拉 新濠锋 Aurora Altira +853 2886 8868 O26 班妮意大利餐厅 金沙城中心 BENE Sands Cotai Central +853 8113 1200 R25 当奥丰素1890 新葡京 Don Alfonso 1890 Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7722 I17 帝雅廷意大利餐厅 永利澳门 Il Teatro Ristorante Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 R26 碧涛意国渔乡 澳门威尼斯人 Portofino The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9950 R26

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扒房 Steakhouse

高雅扒房 澳门金沙 Copa Steakhouse Sands Macao +853 8983 8222 K16 大厨 新葡京 The Kitchen Grand Lisboa +853 8117 5000 R26 莫尔顿牛排坊 澳门威尼斯人 Morton’s The Steakhouse The Venetian Macao +853 8117 5000 I16 国际风味 International

180°空中酒吧•扒房 澳门旅游塔 180° Lounge & Grill Macau Tower +853 8988 8659 G18 360°旋转餐厅 澳门旅游塔 360° Café Macau Tower +853 8988 8622 G18 玲珑阁 A Pousada Café +853 2883 1234 O27 迎尚酒吧 迎尚 The Bar at The Countdown The Countdown +853 8868 6694 Q25 峰景餐厅 澳门威尼斯人 Cafe Deco Macao The Venetian Macao +853 2882 3326 R26 咖啡廷 永利澳门 Café Encore Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 I17 咖啡苑 永利澳门 Café Esplanada Wynn Macau +853 8986 3663 I17 Café on 4 澳门旅游塔 Café On 4 Macau Tower +853 8988 8788 G18 水晶廊 新葡京 Crystal Lounge & Deli Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7711 I16 大堂酒廊 文华东方 Lobby Lounge Mandarin Oriental +853 8805 8888 I16 大堂酒廊 君悦 Lobby Lounge Grand Hyatt +853 8868 1130 Q24 大堂酒廊 星际 Lobby Lounge Star World +853 8290 8608 I18 大堂酒廊 皇庭海景 Lobby Lounge Royal Hotel +853 2855 2222 I15 Mezza9 Macau 君悦 Mezza9 Macau Grand Hyatt +853 8868 1920 Q24 美高梅咖啡饼店 美高梅 MGM Patisserie MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 不夜天Café Noite E Dia Café +853 8803 3140 I16 Patisserie 葡京 Patisserie Lisboa +853 8988 8125 G18 日夜咖啡室 新葡京 Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7766 I16 扑满 四季 Splash Four Seasons +853 2881 8888 Q25 乘风廊 金丽华 Vasco Grand Lapa +853 2856 7888 R25 浪淘 迎尚 Wave The Countdown +853 8868 6636 K16 自助餐 Buffet

888美食天地 澳门金沙 888 Gourmet Place Sands Macao +853 8983 8222 K16 渢竹自助餐 澳门威尼斯人 Bambu The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9990 R26 荟景阁咖啡屋 金丽华 Café Bela Vista Grand Lapa +853 2856 7888 K16 咖啡苑 永利皇宫 Fontana Buffet Wynn Palace +853 8889 3663 Q24 自助山 新葡京 The Grand Buffet Grand Lisboa +853 8803 7733 I16 奧旋自助餐 金沙城中心 Grand Orbit Sands Cotai Central +853 8113 8910 R25 金都餐厅 四季 Grand Waldo Restaurant Four Seasons +853 2888 6888 R25 巴黎人自助餐 澳门巴黎人 Le Buffet The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9250 R25 盛事 美高梅 Rossio MGM +853 8802 3888 I17 星汇餐厅 新濠影汇 Spotlight Studio City +853 8865 6668 S25 品味坊 星际 Temptations StarWorld +853 8290 8688 I16 华屋 四季 Windows Restaurant Four Seasons +853 2881 8888 R25

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夜店 Clubs

娇比 新濠天地 Club Cubic City of Dreams +853 2828 6696 Q25 富城夜总会 Club Luxury +853 2896 9128 H16 D.D.3的士高 渔人码头 D.D.3 Disco Fisherman's Wharf +853 2871 1800 H16 D2夜总会酒廊 渔人码头 D2 Club Lounge Fisherman's Wharf +853 2872 3700 H16 天梵 友邦广场 Divino AIA Tower +853 2872 3968 H16 派驰 新濠影汇 Pacha Macau Studio City +853 8865 6699 S25 夜总会及KTV Night Clubs and KTVs

9号会所夜总会 凯旋门 Club 9 Night Club & Karaoke L'Arc +853 8869 9888 J17 金龙夜总会 Dragon Night Club +853 2836 1666 K15 美丽世界 银河 Endearing Galaxy +853 2857 6539 Q26 天河夜总会 Fortuna Night Club +853 2878 5678 I16 花心公子俱乐部 Playmate's Club +853 2853 2081 J15 酒吧及酒廊 Bars and lounges

171 171 +853 6632 2178 P26 壹佰捌拾度 澳门旅游塔 180º Lounge Macau Tower +853 8988 8659 G18 船吧 新濠天地 Adamaster Bar City of Dreams +853 2855 3888 Q25 时后酒吧 After Bar +853 6201 2128 P26 五时后 After Five P26 「38」酒廊 新濠锋 Altira 38 Lounge Altira +853 6632 2178 O26 悦榕吧 Banyan Lounge +853 8883 6061 Q27 名贵酒吧 四季 Bar Azul Four Seasons +853 2881 8828 R25 炫 永利澳门 Bar Cristal Wynn Macau +853 2888 9966 I17 泳池吧 美高梅 Bar Da Piscina MGM +853 2878 1781 I17

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濠吧 Bar Do Imperador +853 2878 1888 I16 星星酒吧 假日 Bar Estrela Holiday Inn +853 8790 3251 I16 潮百吧 Bar H8 +853 6656 5825 P27 8号吧 Bar Número Oito +853 6685 7846 I12 富豪吧 Bar O Chefe +853 8801 3371 I16 葡吧 Bar Po +853 6689 3030 P25 蓝月谷 Blue Moon Gorge +853 2893 8818 G15 岚 新濠天地 Brisa City of Dreams +853 8868 6685 Q25 迎宾吧 澳门旅游塔 Café On Four Bar Macau Tower +853 8988 8788 G18 文华酒吧 Caldeira +853 2838 8655 I18 嘉萨布兰卡酒吧 Casablanca +853 2875 1281 J17 葡京一楼吧 葡京 Casino Bar Lisboa +853 2857 9802 I16 古堡卡拉OK酒廊 Castelo De Macau +853 2885 1108 O28 迷洞 置地广场 The Cave Landmark +853 2878 1781 J16 乐怡酒吧 Cheers Bar +853 2878 2288 I16 Cherrie’s Corner +853 2883 7788 P27 红伶 银河 China Rouge Galaxy +853 6296 6138 Q26 霞 永利澳门 Cinnebar Wynn Macau +853 2888 9966 I17 唐会卡拉OK酒吧 Club China Bar & Karaoke +853 2872 2766 J17 王府卡拉OK酒廊会所 星际 Clube Do Imperador StarWorld +853 2872 5972 I16 水晶廊 Crystal Lounge & Deli +853 2828 3838 I16 名流酒吧 星际 Diplomat Lounge StarWorld +853 8118 9703 R25 达菲吧 百老汇 Duffyʼs Irish Pub Broadway +853 2884 5212 R27 行政酒廊 Executive Club Bar +853 2888 6888 L12 焰 新濠天地 Flame Bar City of Dreams +853 8868 6695 Q25 财神吧 Fortuna Lounge +853 2878 6333 I16 金吧 星际 Golden Bar StarWorld +853 8290 8665 I16 金船吧 Golden Yacht Bar +853 2825 2599 H13 运财阁 Good Luck Corner +853 8801 3371 K15 舞台吧 新葡京 Grand Stage Bar Grand Lisboa +853 8982 3016 I16 绿庭吧 The Green House +853 8899 6861 O27 艳阳天 十六浦 Green Wine Bar Ponte 16 +853 8861 2618 G15 心醉吧 Heart Bar (Mixology Cocktail) +853 2822 8523 J17 蜂巢 Hive Bar +853 2883 1711 Q26 假日吧 Holiday Inn +853 2878 3334 I16 假日酒店大堂酒廊 假日 Holiday Inn Lobby Lounge Holiday Inn Macao +853 8113 8983 I16 冰岛酒吧 Iceland Bar +853 6667 9520 J17 潮格酒吧 Inn Side Bar +853 2883 1233 P26 爱尔兰酒吧 Irish Bar +853 2882 0708 P27 金门阁 银河 Jinmen Lounge Galaxy +853 2888 0888 Q26 桂 K Bar +853 8291 2532 J16 金碧吧 Kam Pek Bar +853 2878 5064 I16 大细佬酒吧 Kidult Club +853 6654 9044 H13 凯旋廊 凯旋门 L’Arc Lounge L’Arc +853 8860 6113 J17 大堂酒廊 新濠天地 Lobby Lounge City of Dreams +853 8868 1131 Q25 文华东方大堂酒廊 文华东方 Lobby Lounge Mandarin Oriental +853 8805 8888 I18 大堂酒吧 星际 Lobby Lounge StarWorld +853 8290 8608 I16 乐卡拉OK酒吧 Loft Bar +853 2870 0166 I13 莲花廊 新葡京 Lotus Lounge Bar Grand Lisboa +853 2828 3838 I16 康莱德大堂酒廊 康莱德 The Lounge Conrad Macao +853 8113 8973 Q25 大堂酒廊 JW万豪 The Lounge JW Marriott +853 8886 6178 R26 麦卡伦威士忌吧 星际 The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge StarWorld +853 8883 2221 I16

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贵族廊 Majestic Lounge +853 2888 9938 H16 皇庭酒廊 Marina Pub +853 2883 8333 Q27 麦时利 澳门威尼斯人 McSorley’s Ale House The Venetian Macao +853 2882 8198 R26 音乐酒廊 Melody Lounge +853 2885 1166 P23 大都会 Metro +853 2872 2626 J17 迷你吧 银河 Minibar & Lounge Galaxy +853 2883 0638 Q26 十六浦MJ咖啡馆 十六浦 MJ Café At Ponte 16 Ponte 16 +853 8861 2618 G15 Music Lounge & Night Club “Melody” +853 2833 9955 G17 和 大仓 Nagomi Okura +853 8883 5116 Q27 Nga Keng +853 2855 3838 I14 澳比湾酒吧 Obi Wan Bar +853 2893 9393 G15 十月吧 October Bar +853 2825 3061 H13 大仓行政酒廊 大仓 Okura Executive Lounge Okura +853 8883 5131 Q27 刘伶吧 美高梅 Opiarium MGM +853 2875 2800 I17 东方吧 文华东方 Oriental Mandarin Oriental +853 2833 3883 I18 奧斯卡 Oskar's Bar +853 2878 3333 I16 御匾会一楼酒廊 Paiza Club Level 1 Lounge +853 8118 9702 R25 御匾会三楼酒廊 Paiza Club Level 3 Lounge +853 8118 9733 R25 御匾会酒廊 Paiza Club Lounge +853 8113 5566 R25 喜柏(北) Palms (North) +853 8113 1127 R25 四季 Panorama Lounge Four Seasons +853 2887 1111 V23 巴黎人池畔小食亭 澳门巴黎人 Parisian Pool Kiosk The Parisian Macao +853 8111 9297 R25 美高梅 Poolside Bar MGM +853 2887 1111 V23 Porto Bar +853 2887 1111 V23 新口岸公鸡酒吧 Porto Exterior Dom Galo +853 2875 1373 J17 珀克酒吧 Praha Bar +853 8799 6688 K16 佳酿 Prem1er +853 2882 7109 Q26 巨星酒廊 新濠影汇 Premiere Bar Studio City +853 8865 6660 S25 私人派对 Private Party +853 2883 5221 P26

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派意舫 十六浦 Prive Ponte 16 +853 8861 2828 G15 乐吧 新濠天地 R Bar City of Dreams +853 8868 6694 Q25 雅聚廊 十六浦 Rendezvous Ponte 16 +853 8861 2618 G15 利澳大堂酒吧 百老汇 Rio Lobby Bar Broadway +853 2871 8718 J16 丽思酒廊 丽思卡尔顿 The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge Ritz-Carlton +853 8886 6706 Q26 澳门路屋 利澳 Roadhouse Rio +853 2875 2945 R27 太白廊 皇庭海景 Sala De Estar Royal +853 2855 2222 I15 天一酒廊 Sky Lounge +853 8299 3678 K16 诉诉 Soso +853 2875 3505 J17 澳门威尼斯人 Spirito The Venetian Macao +853 8118 9950 R26 体育酒吧 Sports +853 2882 0130 P27 瑞吉酒吧 瑞吉 The St. Regis Bar St. Regis +853 8113 3700 R25 瑞吉泳池酒吧 St. Regis Pool Bar +853 8113 4873 R25 圣特罗佩酒吧 十六浦 St. Tropez Bar Ponte 16 +853 8861 2618 G15 星悦廊 银河 Stellar Bar Galaxy +853 2888 0888 Q26 时间 Time's +853 6881 9633 H16 雅廊 百老汇 Upper Lounge Broadway +853 8883 1881 R27 乘风廊 金丽华 Vasco Grand Lapa +853 2856 7888 K16 海港吧 维多利亚 Victoria Bar Victoria +853 2855 6688 J12 悦来酒吧(I) 葡京 Welcome Bar I Lisboa +853 8982 3016 I16 悦来酒吧(II) Welcome Bar II +853 8982 3016 I16 薀莎廊 帝濠 The Windsor Lounge Emperor +853 8986 7442 H16 永利吧 永利皇宫 Wing Lei Bar Wynn Palace +853 8889 8889 Q24 永利轩酒廊 永利澳门 Wing Lei Lounge Wynn Macau +853 2888 9966 I17 仙乐都酒廊 Xanadu +853 8983 8778 K16 音乐轩 Yan Ngok Hin +853 2832 6689 I14 盛世酒吧 盛世 Zip Bar Inn Hotel +853 2882 1666 P25 卡拉OK Karaoke

A1 A1 +853 6296 6138 J17 时后卡拉OK酒吧 After Karaoke Bar +853 6683 3063 P26 琥珀卡拉OK酒吧 Amber Bar & Karaoke +853 2875 3329 J17 宝贝卡拉OK酒吧 Baby Club / Karaoke +853 6556 6343 K17 巴斯 Bass Karaoke Pub +853 2875 1177 K17 梦想 Dream Bar & Karaoke +853 2822 8882 J17 喜喜卡拉OK酒吧 Dupla Felicidade +853 6677 8977 J17 伊甸园 Eden +853 2832 6202 I14 行政酒廊 Fabric Bar & Karaoke +853 2822 1010 R25 高级会所卡拉OK酒吧 Hyper Club Bar & Karaoke +853 2875 3363 J17 侏罗纪 Jurassic Karaoke Bar +853 2836 6012 I14 大细佬酒吧卡拉OK Kidult Club +853 2825 2550 H13 利舞台卡拉OK酒吧 Le Club Bar & Karaoke +853 2852 9537 J13 魔法术卡拉OK Magic +853 2872 8942 K15 音乐世界卡拉OK酒吧 Mundo De Música +853 6683 0302 I16 新国会卡拉OK夜总会 Palace Karaoke & Night Club +853 2878 7307 I16 21世纪卡拉OK酒廊 Século Vinte E Um +853 2872 6144 J16 霹雳火Ae卡拉OK酒吧 Super Fogo Ae Karaoke Bar +853 6683 6860 I12 提升卡拉OK及酒吧 Tune Up Karaoke & Bar +853 2870 1982 I16 优雅卡拉OK酒吧 Wa Wa Club +853 6206 7000 K17 丰盈卡拉OK Wind Club +853 2872 3893 K17

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水疗及按摩 Spa and massage

「澄」水疗 新濠锋 Altira Spa Altira +853 2886 8886 O26 悦榕Spa 悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Spa Banyan Tree +853 8883 6633 Q27 菩提水疗 康莱德 Bodhi Spa Conrad Macao +853 8113 6188 R25 怡世宝水疗 丽思卡尔顿 Espa Macau Ritz Carlton +853 8886 6868 Q26 四季酒店水疗中心 四季 Four Seasons Spa Four Seasons +853 8112 8080 R25 怡・水疗中心 新濠天地 Isala Spa City of Dreams +853 8868 1193 Q25 La Belle +853 2875 2842 J17 澳门巴黎人 Le SPAʼtique The Parisian Macao +853 8111 1221 R25 Nirvana Spa P25 兰之谷 Orchid Valley Spa +853 2883 3356 P26 「腾」水疗中心 新濠天地 Rock Spa City of Dreams +853 8868 3318 Q25 炫逸水疗中心 Shine Spa +853 8113 0222 R25 十六浦 So Spa Ponte 16 +853 8861 0016 G15 泰福马泷日间医院 澳门威尼斯人 Taivex Malo The Venetian Macao +853 88622688 R26 「漾日」水疗中心 皇冠度假 The Spa At Crown Crown +853 8868 6883 Q25 万利水疗中心 永利澳门 The Spa At Encore Wynn Macau +853 8986 3228 I17 澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心 文华东方 The Spa At Mandarin Mandarin Oriental +853 8805 8888 I17 永利水疗中心 永利澳门 The Spa At Wynn Wynn Macau +853 8986 3228 I17 永利皇宫水疗中心 永利皇宫 The Spa At Wynn Palace Wynn Palace Q24 禅潺水疗中心 美高梅 Tria Spa MGM +853 8802 3838 I17

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足疗 Foot Spa

悠然自足 银河 Foot Hub Galaxy +853 8883 2488 Q26 林卓仪 Lam Cheok I +853 2895 5117 H14 研丽舍专业美容 Pretty Beauty Centre +853 2893 8718 K16 皇朝按摩中心 Wong Chio On Mo Chong Sam +853 2875 0332 G16 造型 Beauty

Base 2 Hair Culture +853 2833 0098 I15 Id Hair +853 2833 6339 H16 展字派 Joy’s Salon +853 6662 9293 J16 汤尼英盖 友邦广场 Toni & Guy (Macau) AIA Tower +853 2871 8877 H16 汤尼英盖 银河 Toni & Guy (Taipa) Galaxy +853 8883 3757 Q26

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在澳门过夜,酒店并非唯一选择。桑拿可供客人休息放松,且价格非常 合理,更会提供其他一些休闲选项!逗留 24小时的费用通常在 800至 1,100澳门元,含所有设施的使用,包括淋浴、沐浴及餐饮。部分桑拿 还设有睡眠区,例如指定房间的双层床或公共区域的躺椅。如有需要, 客人还可以额外付费购买按摩服务。 需要注意的是,如果您乘坐出租车前往,务必指明去哪一家桑拿,因为 很多司机会尽可能带您前往与他们有私下交易的桑拿。您可以要求在附 近地点下车,但不要直接在桑拿门前,以避免任何问题。

Macau’s saunas

Hotels aren’t the only option when it comes to finding a place to sleep in Macau. Saunas offer clients the opportunity to rest and relax for a very reasonable price and with a few optional extras thrown in too! Sauna fees generally range from MOP$800 to MOP$1,100 for 24 hours and include use of all amenities including showers, baths, hot tub, food and beverages. Some saunas also provide sleeping areas ranging from bunk beds in a designated sleeping room to recliner chairs in public areas that some guests choose to sleep in. Guests can purchase a massage if desired at extra cost. Note that if you are taking a taxi, it is important to specify exactly which sauna you want to go to because many drivers have deals with certain saunas and will therefore take you to their own sauna of choice wherever possible. Alternatively you can request a drop-off location nearby but not directly outside the sauna so as to avoid any problems.

富豪皇宫桑拿殿 Beverly Sauna +853 2832 6888 I16 大富豪 Big Boss +853 2855 8877 H16 波士芬兰浴 Boss Sauna +853 2871 2388 H16 打令浴室 1 Darling Sauna 1 +853 2872 6666 G15 打令浴室 2 Darling Sauna 2 +853 2821 1919 I13 东方皇堡水疗会所 皇家金堡 East Castle Spa Casa Real +853 2872 6688 K15 东方水疗会 华都 East Spa Club Waldo +853 2828 6666 J16 十八桑拿 Eighteen Sauna +853 2835 1777 K15 帝濠桑拿 Emperor Sauna +853 2878 6696 I16 极品桑拿 英皇娱乐 The Excellent Sauna Grand Emperor +853 2875 2282 H16 豪门桑拿殿 Familia Nobre Sauna +853 2881 0000 J17 金池桑拿 Golden Sauna +853 2878 2123 I16 热点桑拿 Hot Spot Sauna & Massage +853 2841 3366 J12 吉原水疗 JYS Sauna +853 2883 6006 P27 祈福按摩中心 Kei Fok +853 2872 7812 K15 美健达按摩中心 May Kin Tai +853 2872 7721 J15 利澳水疗 利澳 Rio Spa Rio +853 2871 8777 J16 至尊桑拿 Supreme Sauna +853 2878 8899 I16 凯旋桑拿 凯旋门 Victoria Sauna LʼArc +853 2888 9882 J17 薀莎桑拿 Windsor Sauna +853 2878 7313 I16

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男性时尚 Men’s fashion

Brioni 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6220 Q24

Canudilo 金沙城中心店 Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2885 3151 R25 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8649 Q25

D’URBAN 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2878 3076 P24

Dolce & Gabbana 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7760 P24

Emporio Armani 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2875 3008 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Q25

Hugo Boss 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8968 Q25 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8118 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 8791 8400 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2708 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7486 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5038 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6198 Q24

S.T. Dupont 巴黎人店 Shoppes at Parisian +853 2883 6618 R25

Versace 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7978 P24

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女性时尚 Ladies’ fashion

Chanel 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Q25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2870 5111 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6160 Q24

Dior 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2872 3262 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8831 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8640 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7448 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3486 I17

Dolce & Gabbana 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2872 3028 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8931 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7760 P24 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6250 Q24

FENDI 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2875 2887 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8839 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2592 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2883 9888 P24

Hermes 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2822 9978 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Q25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 3389 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6029 Q24

Miu Miu 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8697 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7143 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5515 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6037 Q24

Prada 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2881 8262 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8616 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2203 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7256 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3421 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6061 Q24

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珠宝及腕表 Jewelry and timepieces

Breguet 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2886 6891 Q25

Bvlgari 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2875 2618 I17 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8748 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2533 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2884 5080 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2875 2386 I17

Cartier 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2875 1938 I17 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9308 Q25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 0800 3922 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 0800 3922 Q24

Chanel Fine Jewellery 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 8803 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6160 Q24

Chopard 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2885 2238 Q25 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2878 3077 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2877 6098 Q25

Graff 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2885 2335 S25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 3077 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6068 Q24

Panerai 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2872 3681 I17 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9318 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2857 6007 P24

Piaget 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8018 P24 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2368 S25 置地广场店 The Landmark Macau +853 2878 3785 J16 万利大楼店 Wynn Encore Tower +853 2872 3168 I17 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3128 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6186 Q24

92 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com Where to shop

Rolex 金沙城中心店 Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2885 2939 R25 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9369 Q25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 8986 3885 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 1380 Q24

Tiffany & Co 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8082 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2335 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2883 9950 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3660 I17

VACHERON CONSTANTIN 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2256 S25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2870 7207 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6168 Q24 潮流数码 Tech toys

Bang & Olufsen 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2878 2911 I17

Ferrari Store 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 8986 3881 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 8889 Q24

New Horizon 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2885 3266 I17 金沙城中心店 Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2885 3266 R25

Vertu 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2886 6648 Q25 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 7028 I17

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鞋履及配饰 Shoes and accessories

Berluti Paris 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2872 3681 I17 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 3430 P24

Gucci 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2872 2762 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2870 0135 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 8590 3391 Q25 新濠影汇店 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2884 4008 S25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2857 6207 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5336 I17 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 8889 R24

Jimmy Choo 壹号广场店 One Central +853 2850 8791 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 9936 Q25

Louis Vuitton 壹号广场店 One Central +853 8299 6688 I17 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2822 8800 Q25 新濠天地店 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2822 8800 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2822 8800 P24 永利澳门店 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2822 8800 I17

Roger Vivier 永利皇宫店 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6290 R24

Stuart Weitzman 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8610 Q25

94 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com Where to shop

美妆 Beauty

Chanel 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8912 Q25 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2888 0888 P24

Dior Skincare Suite 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Q25

Jo Malone 澳门银河店 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2888 0888 P24

L’Occitane 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Q25 威尼斯人店 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8367 Q25

La Mer 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Q25

LANCÔME 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Q25

MAC 四季名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Q25

WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 95 LEGEND


澳門半島 Macau Peninsula

氹仔 路氹城 路環 Taipa Cotai Coloane

