牌九的基本玩法 世界扑克系列赛 国家美式联盟投注贴士 Pai Gow fundamentals World Series of Poker wrap NFL betting tips WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 路氹金光大道 The Cotai Strip 您的澳门及亚洲娱乐指南 Your guide to Macau and Asian entertainment 30 36 54 目录 Contents 封面故事 Cover Story 路氹金光大道简史 怡神静心 10 The history of the Cotai Strip 52 Peaceful tranquility 游戏 Play 欢购 Shop 牌九(A):骨牌和基本玩法 健康之选 18 Pai Gow Part A: The tiles and basic play 54 Gift of good health 世界王者 致她 30 King of the world 58 For Her 财神驾到 Raining money 34 澳门指南 体育 Sport The Macau Guide 交通方式 国家美式足球联盟投注策略 63 How to get here 36 NFL betting strategies 实用信息 66 Things to know 与其遗憾,不如稳妥 综合指南 Better safe than sorry 42 68 Where to ... 澳门半岛地图 乐享 Enjoy 96 Macau Peninsula Map 氹仔/路氹城/路环地图 「鲜」有滋味 98 Taipa Cotai Coloane Map 48 Fresh bliss 4 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 门巴黎人埃菲尔铁塔上的瞭望台,肯定是我最喜欢的澳门景点之 编者寄语 澳 一。饱览路氹金光大道北侧瑰丽景色时,大家会否深思澳门最近十 年来的巨大变迁及进步? From the editor 笔者回想自己于2008年首次踏足澳门时,曾徒步行走在空空如也的 路氹金光大道上。当时,澳门银河处于施工阶段,路氹金光大道上仅有刚 刚开幕的澳门威尼斯人。十年后的今天,澳门威尼斯人四周的空地,早已 变成拔地而起的顶级综合度假村,每年吸引着逾3,000万旅客来到这个弹 丸之地。 如此翻天覆地的巨变,背后究竟有着怎样的来龙去脉?本期 WGM将 以路氹金光大道为封面故事,深入理解其发展历程。让我们一起重温并回 味这一段历史吧! 本思齐 主编 ne of my favorite places in all of Macau is the observation deck O high up on the Parisian Macao’s replica Eiffel Tower, which offers a truly spectacular view of the Cotai Strip. Is there any better location to appreciate just how far Macau has come over the past decade or so? I first stepped foot in Macau in 2008 and clearly recall walking down what is now the Cotai Strip, past a half-built Galaxy Macau and toward the imposing behemoth that was the recently opened Venetian Macao. Fast forward 10 years and the once empty expanses surrounding the Venetian are now spectacular resorts of their own, attracting more than 30 million visitors to this tiny enclave each year. Just how did Cotai's incredible transformation come about? It’s a question that led WGM to retrace the story of the Cotai Strip for this month’s cover story. Enjoy! Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief 封面故事 On the cover 路氹金光大道 The Cotai Strip 图片:WGM Photo: WGM 6 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 编辑 发行 EDITORIAL DISTRIBUTION 主编 营运副总裁 Editor-in-Chief VP Operations 本思齐 张舒文 Ben Blaschke Karen Cheong 副编辑 发行部主任 Deputy Editor Distribution Supervisor 金成安 王禧婷 Oscar Guijarro Emily Vong 中文编辑及主译 发行部专员 Chinese Editor Distribution Officers 户媛媛 叶少扬 and Chief Translator Anson Ip 郑国平 Sophie Hu Peng Cheang 足球编辑 麦敏华 Mak Man Wah 陆逸 许浩伟 Football Editor Hoi Hou Wai Leanne Lu 社交媒体经理 行政 CORPORATE 张焰 Social Media and Content 首席执行官 Production Manager CEO 撰稿人 卓弈 Yvonne Cheong Andrew W Scott 宋文娣 Joseff Musa 财务总监 Contributors CFO 王青云 Wendi Song Fred Wong 首席设计师 Joseff Musa Sandra Norte 首席事务长 Chief of Staff 王艺霖 Lead Designer Helene Wong 平面设计师 Sandra Norte 邓倩雯 信息技术总监 IT Director 刘冠侪 Graphic Designer Michael Lau 摄影师 Ailsa Tang Eduardo Martins 会计及合规总监 Accounting and Compliance 关伟强 吕云 Photographers Director Eduardo Martins Anita Loi 负责人及行政管理人 Danomad Kuan 郑诗韵 Director and Administrator 营业及市场 SALES & Cynthia Cheang 行政助理 香港营业总监 吴雪怡 MARKETING Administration Assistant 黄湘湘 Hong Kong Sales Director Suie Ng 高级派送专员 Angel Wong 营业及业务发展总监 伍志强 Executive Transportation 何敬斌 冯智明 Director Sales and Business Officers Development André Ng 销售及业务发展总監 Jadeson Ho Fong Chi Meng 曾曉露 Director of Sales and Business 客戶關係經理 Development 邱嘉汶 Pam Chang Client Relationship Manager Caroline Iau 广告垂询 ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES 国语、粤语或英语 Mandarin, Cantonese or English [email protected] +853 6667 8511 WGM 从属于 is a subsidiary of 由环球博彩杂志有限公司出版 Published by (在澳门注册成立) World Gaming Magazine Limited 澳门注册新闻公司号EP124 (Incorporated in Macau) Macau registered press company number 澳门骑士马路63至69号 EP124 678文创园8楼C-D座 Estrada dos Cavaleiros, No. 63-69 8 Andar C-D, Edif. 678 Cultural Creative Park Macau 澳门政府新闻局 登记编号549 Macau Government Information Bureau 定价38澳门元 registration number 549 Price MOP$38 Printed by 由百乐门印刷有限公司印制 Paramount Printing Company Limited 香港新界将军澳将军澳工业邨 3 Chun Kwong Street Tseung Kwan O www.omedia.mo 骏光街三号 Hong Kong 8 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 封面故事 COVER STORY 路氹金光 大道简史 The history of the Cotai Strip 一片空空如也的荒芜湿地,如何在短短十几年 间一跃成为全球首屈一指的博彩娱乐中心?且 听WGM 细说路氹金光大道之始末缘由。 WGM tells the story of how an empty swampland became the world’s number one gaming and entertainment hub. 文 本思齐 By Ben Blaschke 10 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 11 封面故事 COVER STORY 于澳门路氹城的金光大道汇聚了九个国际级赌场 度假村,全年博彩总收入高达1,630亿澳门元(约 位 200亿美元)。路氹金光大道不仅是世界上最著名 的地标之一,亦是全球最富庶的地段之一。令人难以想象 的是,这个占地5.2平方公里的世界级博彩娱乐中心,十七 年前仅是一片荒芜湿地。 这是一个犹如盘古开天的故事,见证着从无到有的惊 人改变。凭藉一个人的前瞻,昔日静如止水的湿地,如今 已经发展成亮丽璀璨且享誉全球的博彩娱乐旗舰。 ith nine casino resorts within its reach and annual gaming revenue of around MOP$163 billion W(US$20 billion), Macau’s Cotai Strip is not only one of the most famous stretches of land in the world but also among the richest. It’s remarkable to think that just 17 years ago this bustling 5.2 square kilometer entertainment hub was nothing more than empty swampland. The story of how an expanse of stagnant water was transformed into a global gaming goliath is as intriguing as a night spent indulging its gaming floors and began with one man’s implausible vision. The year was 2002 and US casino company Las Vegas Sands (LVS) – which was already building its first Asian casino, Sands Macao, on the Macau Peninsula – was in search of a location for a large-scale integrated resort unlike anything the tiny Chinese enclave could have imagined. But finding enough empty land for such an ambitious project was easier said than done. The solution, according to government representatives, was to be found in Cotai – an area of reclaimed land just south of the Peninsula originally planned for residential redevelopment. Those plans had since fallen through, so the government decided to offer it to LVS and its aspirational CEO Sheldon Adelson instead. Speaking about that moment at the 2016 launch of his fourth Macau resort, the Parisian, in 2016, Adelson recalled, “When they brought me out to see the land, I asked them, ‘Where is it?’ This place was all under water.” “This whole Coati strip was essentially water,” added LVS Managing Director George Tanasijevich in an interview with WGMʼs sister publication Inside Asian Gaming last year. “We used to take people up to the top of a mountainside, investors and others, and look down from 12 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 13 封面故事 COVER STORY 2006年澳门威尼斯人在建中 The Venetian Macao during construction in 2006 时为2002年,美国博彩企业拉斯维加斯金沙集团,已 the top at the machinery that was in place to reclaim the 在澳门半岛开设了其在亚洲地区的第一个赌场——澳门金 land.” 沙——并在寻找合适的地点,以建造一个超越这弹丸之地 Yet Adelson saw something in this swamp that few 想象的巨型综合度假村。但知易行难,将雄心壮志变成现 others could. Seizing the opportunity, he devised a plan 实的过程殊不简单。 to build the biggest casino-resort the world had ever seen, 根据政府方面的说法,解决方案是位于澳门半岛以南 covering almost one million square meters of land. The fifth 的填海地段路氹区。政府的原意,是将填海而成的土地作 largest building of any kind in the world when it eventually 发展住宅项目之用,但随着原定计划落空,政府决定将之 opened on 28 August 2007, the Venetian Macao’s 3,000 转予拉斯维加斯金沙集团,以及其雄心万丈的首席执行官 guest rooms just about tripled the amount found in the 谢尔登•阿德尔森。 biggest resorts of the time while also adding the 15,000 seat 2016年,阿德尔森为集团在澳门的第四个综合度假 Cotai Arena, 111,500 square meters of MICE space, 150,000 村——澳门巴黎人——开幕时,回忆道:「他们当年陪同 square meters of retail and a monstrous casino housing 878 我去看这块土地时,我问他们说:『你们说的那块土地在 gaming tables and room for 3,300 slot machines. 哪里?』当时,这里还是一块被水淹没的湿地。」 “There was a lot of skepticism surrounding the 去年,拉斯维加斯金沙集团董事总经理乔志腾接受 Venetian Macao at the time,” recalls Alidad Tash, who joined WGM 姊妹杂志《Inside Asian Gaming》采访时,回忆 the company’s pre-opening team in 2006 as Director of 说:「当年的路氹地段全是被水淹没的湿地。我们与投资 Strategic Marketing. 者等一起上山,俯瞰下面机械装置进行填海作业。」 “When Sands Macao opened in 2004 it was such a 独具慧眼的阿德尔森,却在这片沼泽看到了前景。他 surprise, a huge success, but people wondered, ‘Can Sheldon 决意要抓住机遇,并计划在这里建造一个占地1,000,000 Adelson replicate it?’ I remember meetings in 2007 where 平方米、全球最大的赌场度假村。于2007年8月28日正式 we were trying to figure out how to operate 3,000 hotel 开幕时,澳门威尼斯人乃全球第五大建筑物。澳门威尼斯 rooms. That’s a lot of rooms. In fact, when we first opened, 人拥有3,000间客房,比当时全球最大度假村的客房数目高 we actually had to shut down 1,500 rooms because we didn’t 出两倍;此外,澳门威尼斯人亦包括可容纳15,000人的金 have enough maids – and the ones we did have didn’t have 光综艺馆、占地111,500平方米的会展空间、占地150,000 enough experience – to clean that many rooms in time. 14 WGM #61 2018/08 wgm8.com 澳门银河 2015新濠影汇完工时刻 Galaxy Macau The final touches being added to Studio City in 2015 平方米的零售空间,以及拥有878张赌桌和3,300台老虎机 “There was also talk of 30,000 to 40,000 customers 的巨型赌场。 visiting each day, which begged the question – ‘How can 于2006年加入拉斯维加斯金沙集团,并负责澳门威尼 that many people be bused in?’ 斯人开幕的战略营销总监塔什回忆说:「当时,很多人对 “No casino had ever been built on that scale and we 澳门威尼斯人的前景持怀疑态度。」 had no idea what was going to hit us, but in the end the 「澳门金沙于2004年开幕后,立竿见影地取得了骄人 Venetian changed Macau. To this day one out of every two 的成绩,这出乎不少人意料之外。然而,人们仍然心存怀 people that visits Macau, visits the Venetian.” 疑,质疑阿德尔森能否再接再厉,为澳门威尼斯人取得成 The Venetian cost US$2.7 billion to build and earned 功。我还记得,在2007年的某个会议上,我们讨论如何管 its cost back within four years, but Adelson’s ambition 理拥有3,000间客房的巨型酒店,这可是惊人的客房数目。 didn’t stop there. Adopting the Las Vegas model of 事实上,澳门威尼斯人在营运初期曾被迫关闭1,500间客 attracting more tourists by clustering resorts together, 房。这是由于管家部员工短缺,而现有员工却经验不足, he proposed to Macau’s government the idea of a Cotai 故无法及时打理那么多客房。」 Strip of integrated resorts – inviting other operators to 「会议上,我们亦讨论了如何每天接待30,000至 build similar casino and entertainment properties along a 40,000位访客。这问题的关键,在于我们究竟如何能接载 narrow corridor running from south to north through Cotai 那么多人到澳门威尼斯人?」 and turning east towards Taipa. 「当时,规模大如澳门威尼斯人的赌场酒店可谓前所 Among the first to be offered the opportunity to 未有,而我们也不清楚其将带来什么样的影响,但事实证 join him was Adelson’s good friend Steve Wynn, whose 明澳门威尼斯人的确改变了这座城市。时至今日,每两位 company Wynn Resorts was already constructing a casino- 到访澳门的游客中,就有一位会到访澳门威尼斯人。」 resort, Wynn Macau, on the Macau Peninsula.
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