A History of the Rangelands of Western Canada1
A History of the Rangelands knowledge of good livestock hus- bandry was limited to only a few of of Western Canada1 the colonists. Cattle were most nu- muerous and most important espe- ALEX JOHNSTON2 cially after 320 head were driven in Range Ecologist, Research Station, Canada from the Mississippi River valley Department of Agriculture, Lethbridge, Alberta. in 1822 and 1823. But even in 1812 the settlers had Highlight frozen sea.” The French, in con- cattle on their minds. On the first trast, moved inland, taking the trip southward from York Factory In western Canada, the grass-buffalo on Hudson Bay to the Red River,> economy of the Indian was replaced trade to the natives and, by the the settlers saw a yearling bull and a by the wheat-cattle economy of the 1780’s, were cutting seriously into white man, and the Red River cart and the fur trade of the Hudson’s Bay heifer at Oxford House, a trading boat brigades of the fur trade by the Company. A result was that the post on the Hayes River, and pur- railways and highways of modern Company realized its mistake of re- chased them for the colony. (Sel- times. Ranching was part of the de- kirk earlier had provided eight velopment but its heyday lasted only maining on the Arctic shore, moved from about 1885 to 1905. inland also, and began to compete head of cattle at Stornoway, in the aggressively. By the 1790’s the Hud- Hebrides but they had been left son’s Bay Company and the newly behind when the ship sailed.) The The first cattle came into western organized North West Company of yearlings from Oxford House were Canada in 1702, 267 years ago.
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