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THE ROLEPLAYING GAME OF MARTIAL ARTS ACTION C D R E MARK A. JINDRA E S D I I CHRIS PRAMAS G T W S E JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES N B E DRAGON C R P A R R O T D G O W U R G E C A SAM WOOD R B E P A R H P P SUE COOK I H A C Y G E D E E D S I ACTION ARTS GAME OF MARTIAL THE ROLEPLAYING I SEAN GLENN T G O N R E R JD WIKER, AND SAM WOOD TWEET, JONATHAN JEFFERSON SHELLEY, NICOLE LINDROOS, RICH REDMAN, GROSS, MARK JESSUP, DAVE JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, SEAN GLENN, PETER ARCHER, WOLFGANG BAUR, JIM BISHOP, YU, WANG YUQUN YU, WANG LI YOUSONG, KANG GAO YAN, SONGJIAN, CHEN WEIDONG, KEEFE, LIU SHANGYING, DING ZHANG JIAZHEN, CHRIS AU YEUNG, LIU JIANJIAN, TOREN ADKINSON, SOLOMON I S N P T ©1999 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.©1999 All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A. writtenWizards of the Coast, Inc. permissiontained herein is prohibited without the express of of the United States America. laws copyright reproduction or unauthorized use of the material Any or artwork con- Wizards of the Coast, Inc. by thereof are trademarks owned likeness distinctive This material is protected under the Wizards of the Coast, Inc. by is a trademark owned and the names, character Wizards of the Coast characters, All AD&D E E C AND TOREN ADKINSON SEAN GLENN, CHRIS KEEFE, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, TWEET, COOK, JONATHAN NICOLE LINDROOS, SUE R and the Wizards of the Coast logo are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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