Metadata for Digital Projects: an Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges

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Metadata for Digital Projects: an Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges University of San Diego Digital USD Digital Initiatives Symposium Apr 29th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Metadata for Digital Projects: An Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges Murtha Baca PhD Getty Research Institute (emerita) and UCLA (emerita) Follow this and additional works at: Baca, Murtha PhD, "Metadata for Digital Projects: An Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges" (2019). Digital Initiatives Symposium. 7. This Workshop is brought to you for free and open access by Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Digital Initiatives Symposium by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Metadata for Digital Projects: An Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges Presenter 1 Title Head of Digital Art History, Getty Research Institute (emerita) ; Adjunct Professor, UCLA Department of Information Studies (emerita) Session Type Workshop Abstract This three-hour workshop will provide an overview of practical issues relating to metadata and controlled vocabularies for digital resources. There will be a review of metadata standards and vocabulary tools; project management and project planning considerations; and issues relating to publication formats, usability, and sustainability. Issues of metadata for the “Visible Web” and the “Deep Web” will also be addressed. Workshop participants will do an in-classroom exercise in which they will create a “storyboard” for a proposed digital project, including a high-level metadata model and proposed vocabularies to be used, as well as their strategies for how users will find and interact with their proposed digital resources. Location KIPJ Room A Comments Murtha Baca has three decades of experience as an implementer and teacher of descriptive metadata and controlled vocabularies. She led the Getty Vocabulary Program, which developed and maintains multilingual controlled vocabularies for art, architecture, and material culture that are used all over the world. She developed and taught, for 18 years, a graduate seminar on metadata for the UCLA Department of Information Studies. She was a co-editor of Cataloging Cultural Objects, and the editor of Introduction to Metadata, in addition to writing and editing numerous articles and keynote speeches. As Head of Digital Art History at the Getty Research Institute (GRI) in Los Angeles, Murtha led a team of scholars and technical experts who developed the GRI’s first “born-digital” scholarly publication. She has taught numerous workshops and seminars nationally and internationally, and written extensively on descriptive metadata, controlled vocabularies, and digital project management. She has twice received the De Laurier award from the Visual Resources Association (VRA); in 2017 she received the Distinguished Teaching award from the UCLA Department of Information Studies. This workshop is available at Digital USD: * and other essential elements Agenda 1:00 " Introduction and goals for the workshop. Participants introduce themselves and briefly explain METADATA* why they are taking this workshop." FOR DIGITAL PROJECTS: THINKING ABOUT THE NUTS & BOLTS 1:15 " Instructor’s presentation (with class discussion and questions):! overview of metadata formats; “Deep Web” versus “Visible Web;” controlled vocabularies, “project- specific vocabularies,” social tagging; issues of access and metadata sharing; steps for developing a metadata strategy; entity-relationship diagrams and “storyboards.”! 2:30 " Break! 2:45 " Participants work on storyboards for their specific projects, possibly including a simple conceptual model, data model, or entity-relationship model. Metadata format(s) and sources of terminology to be used should be identified.! 3:15" Participants volunteer to present the digital projects that they are planning or are already in the process of implementing, highlighting some of the main elements outlined in the instructor’s presentation.! Workshop presented by Murtha Baca, PhD 3:45" Lessons learned; biggest challenges identified; final thoughts and questions.! 4:00 " Workshop concludes.! University of San Diego Digital Initiatives Symposium, April 2019 “Making a Website” Some digital projects in which I have participated ≠ Doing a Digital Project •# Getty vocabularies: Images and other digital vocabularies/ (+ Vocab LOD project) assets without accompanying metadata •# “Digital Mellini”—the Getty Research Institute’s are mostly useless, and generally “unfindable,” first digital critical facsimile publication (with unsharable, and not re- metadata record in the GRI’s OPAC, WorldCat, usable. etc.): •# Getty Research Portal: M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 1 Controlled vocabularies reflect the critical & The Role of Language linguistic history of an person, object, concept, etc., and provide important additional access points Weeping Woman Crying Woman Femme qui pleure Bulgarini, Bartolomeo Bartolomeo Bolgarini La larmoyante Bartolomeo Bolghini La Mujer que llora Bartolomeo Bulgarini Bartolommeo Bulgarini da Siena La Mujer llorando Maestro d'Ovile Master of the Ovile Madonna Donna che piange Ovile Master Donna piangente Lorenzetti, Ugolino Ugolino Lorenzetti names from Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) Example from Getty Research Institute Αγία Σοφία Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA) Ayasofya Fencai Naonal Palace Church of the Holy Wisdom Museum , Taipei Famille rose Hagia Sophia Bri#sh Museum, Haghia Sophia London Saint Sophia Sancta Sophia St. Sophia Ch‘ien-lung Reign , Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) 清 乾隆 粉彩蟠桃天球瓶 Ch’ien-lung Reign, Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 2 Using terminology to reach broader audiences: this is where “local” “collection-specific” or “resource-specific” controlled vocabularies, “Digital Mellini”: which can include non-expert and even “wrong” terms (as in The Getty Research Institute’s First “Born-digital” Scholarly Publication “folksonomies”), can help. cabinet? desk? chest? cartonnier? M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 GETTY RESEARCH LIBRARY MARC RECORD FOR DIGITAL PUBLICATION RECORD FOR THE SAME DIGITAL PUBLICATION, IN WORLDCAT M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 3 OCLC ART DISCOVERY GROUP CATALOGUE KEYWORD SEARCH RECORD IN WORLDCAT LINKS DIRECTLY TO THE FULL DIGITAL PUBLICATION ON THE GETTY WEBSITE M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS (METADATA ON WEB PAGES IS OPTIMIZED FOR SEARCH ENGINES) RECORD IN ARCHIVEGRID FOR THE ORIGINAL 17TH-CENTURY MANUSCRIPT IN THE GRI’S SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN THE GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE’S SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ! The publication also has an ISBN number, like all of the Getty’s print publications. M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 4 GETTY RESEARCH PORTAL: AGGREGATED METADATA RECORDS FROM LIBRARIES GETTY RESEARCH PORTAL SEARCH RESULTS DISPLAY AROUND THE WORLD M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 COMPLETE BROWSABLE, DOWNLOADABLE DIGITAL FACSIMILE IS AVAILABLE GETTY RESEARCH PORTAL RECORD DETAIL (MAPPED TO DUBLIN CORE) AT THE INTERNET ARCHIVE M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 5 THUMBNAIL VIEW DIGITAL FACSIMILE IS WORD-SEARCHABLE IN INTERNET ARCHIVE M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 MANUSCRIPT INCLUDES A MAP OF TENOCHTITLÁN, LATER KNOWN AS MEXICO CITY Digital Projects— Why bother? Information technology makes it possible to frame research questions in a computational way, to use electronic tools and new research methods to work (and collaborate!) more efficiently, and to ask new kinds of questions. It also facilitates sharing of both raw data and research findings—if data and metadata are carefully and thoughtfully formatted. M. Baca SEFLIN 2018 M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 6 The “Visible Web” versus METADATA FOR THE WEB the “Deep Web” ❑ The Web is not a “library”! • The Visible Web is what you see in the results ❑ Web searching is very hit-and-miss pages from commercial search engines like Google. ❑ Some “places” for Web metadata exist, but not all institutions implement them • The Invisible or Deep Web consists of data from consistently: dynamically searchable databases that are not ❑ TITLE HTML tag automatically indexed by search engines, because ❑ DESCRIPTION META tag they are not static HTML pages that “live” ❑ KEYWORDS META tag somewhere—they are created on the fly when a ❑ “No index, no follow” META tag user does a search. METADATA FOR THE WEB CONTINUED Speaking of the Web... ▪ Will your digital resource be The most important elements for search engine optimization (SEO) are: “reachable” by commercial search engines? ❑ The HTML “TITLE” TAG (appears at the top of a web page, and is used to bookmark the ▪ If yes, how will you “contextualize” page) ❑ The actual indexable text on the page individual objects? ❑ Referring links (the Google “popularity contest”) ▪ If not, what is your strategy to lead Web users to your main page/search page? M. Baca, Metadata for Digital Projects 7 Order from Chaos: The Pieces of the The Pieces of the Puzzle, continued Puzzle ❑ Appropriate software ❑ Data (aka “metadata”) AND software support ❑ Assets (e.g., images, media ❑ Institutional support files, texts, bibliography, etc.) ❑ A project manager! ❑ People
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