Kopi fra DBC Webarkiv Kopi af: Shaping the sustainable economy : summary report of the World Business Summit on Climate Change, Copenhagen, 24-26 May 2009 Dette materiale er lagret i henhold til aftale mellem DBC og udgiveren. www.dbc.dk e-mail:
[email protected] Shaping the sustainable economy Summary report of the World Business Summit on Climate Change Copenhagen, 24-26 May 2009 A Monday Morning Initiative Summary report THERE IS NOT MUCH TIME. WE HAVE TO DO IT THIS YEAR. NOT NEXT YEAR. THIS YEAR […] THE CLOCK IS TICKING BECAUSE MOTHER NATURE DOES NOT DO BAILOUTS.” Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore Summary report Foreword 3 Foreword The World Business Summit on Climate Change was convened in Copenhagen from 24-26 May at the same venue that will host the COP15 in December this year. Over the course of three days, global leaders from business, policy, civil society, and science, all engaged in dialogue on the road to a low-carbon future and the recommendations for an ambitious new climate change framework. They heard from the United Nations Secretary-General on the need for business engagement and leadership; former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore on the critical impor- tance of an effective climate treaty and business leaders from more than 40 countries. The key objective of the World Business Summit on Cli- What we take from this Summit is a positive commit- mate Change was to contribute input to the work of the ment to action. It is clear to all that the world is in the Danish government and the United Nations negotiations midst of a global recession.