Pertamina Energy Outlook 2015
[email protected] Darmawan Prasodjo, PhD Chairman of the Board, President Commissioner, Ametis Energi Nusantara Ekonom Energi, DPP PDI-Perjuangan 1 BB 7562BC1C 2 The Number of Motor Vehicles 90 80 Sepeda Motor 70 Truk 60 Bis Mobil Penumpang 50 Juta 40 30 20 10 0 3 Who are we? (in term of oil and gas power) 4 Outline Climate Change and Its Policy Implications Biofuel as a Solution Masalah Tata Kelola Conclusion 5 Surface Temperature Increase 6 Sources of Greenhouse Gases 7 Emission and Emission Per Capita 8 Emission and Emission Per Capita 20 18 7 Annual Emission Emission Per Capita 16 6 14 /year) 5 12 4 10 gigatons ( 3 8 6 2 4 Emission Emission 1 2 0 0 capita) per (tons capita per Emission 8 Renewable Energy 9 The Challenge of Renewable Energy: Cost Cost and Emission of 14 Different Energy Sources 1200 12 Cost 1000 10 Emission 800 8 600 6 400 4 g/KWH Emission Cost Cents/KWH Cost 2 200 0 0 10 Coal Consumption in the US and China 11 Renewable Energy In China 12 Environmental Treaties Kyoto Protocol – 1997 Washington Declaration – 2007 33rd G8 Summit, Germany – 2007 Vienna Climate Change Talks, Vienna – 2007 UN Climate Change Conference, Bali– 2007 UN Climate Change Conference, Poland – 2008 UN Secretary General Summit on CC – 2009 UN Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen - 2009 UN Climate Change Conference, Cancun - 2010 Durban, South Africa – 2011 UN Climate Change Conference, Warsaw 2013 13 Indonesian Policy Implication? What kind of Climate Answer: Serving its Change Policy Indonesia