Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, Vol. 29/4, Pp. 203-244

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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, Vol. 29/4, Pp. 203-244 Albian and Cenomanian ammonites from the island of Bornholm (Denmark) WILLIAM JAMES KENNEDY, JAKE MICHAEL HANCOCK AND WALTER KEGEL CHRISTENSEN Kennedy, W. J., Hancock, J. M. & Christensen, W. K.: Albian and Cenomanian ammonites from the DGF island of Bornholm (Denmark). Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, vol. 29, pp. 203-244, Copenhagen, January 26th, 1981. The ammonite faunas from the Amager Greensand and its conglomerate on the island of Bornholm (Denmark) are revised. Three time intervals are represented in the phosphatic conglomerate. The ammo­ nites from the primary nodules represent two time intervals in the Lower Albian (Leymeriella tardefurcata and Douvilleiceras mammilatum Zones). The ammonites from the phosphatized matric of the secondary nodules are assigned to the Lower Cenomanian (Mantelliceras saxbii and/or M. dixoni Zones). The Amager Greensand sensu stricto is low in the Middle Cenomanian (Turrilites costatus Zone) on the basis of ammonites and planktic foraminifers. The transgressive history of the Mid-Cretaceous on the island of Bornholm is outlined. W. J. Kennedy, Geological Collections, University Museum, Oxford 0X1 3PW, England. J. M. Hancock, Department of Geology, King's College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, England. W. K. Christensen, Geological Museum, Øster Voldgade 5-7, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark. September 18th, 1980. This paper is a contribution to IGCP-project Mid-Cretaceous Events. Introduction General geological setting More than fifty years have passed since Ravn The island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea is a (1916, 1925) monographed the ammonites from horst in the Fennoscandian Border Zone: that is the Amager Greensand and its phosphatic con­ the marginal area between the stable Pre-Cam- glomerate on the south coast of the island of brian Baltic Shield and the generally subsiding Bornholm. Ravn also gave a detailed description Permo-Mesozoic Danish Embayment which of the greensand, its conglomerate, and the lower forms part of the Danish-Polish Trough (fig. 1), boundary of the formation. Ravn considered the and can be followed from northern Jutland across conglomerate to be a basal conglomerate for the marine Cretaceous, and he defined the conglomerate as the base of the Arnager Green- sand. The aim of the present paper is to revise the ammonite faunas from the Arnager Greensand \ %r>v BALTIC SHIELD and its conglomerate, because (1) rich ammonite faunas from the mid-Cretaceous are not found elsewhere in the Baltic area, northern Germany or Scandinavia, and (2) the ammonite faunas provide important information on the transgres­ sive history of the mid-Cretaceous in the Fenno- scandian Border Zone. Moreover, the boundary between the Cenomanian Arnager Greensand and the Early Cretaceous Jydegaard Formation, N earlier referred to the Wealden needs discussion. BORNHOLJVM Comments are also made on the foraminifers |£si Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the island of Bornholm and from the Arnager Greensand. the approximate location of the Fennoscandian Border Zone. 204 Kennedy, Hancock & Christensen: Albian and Cenomanian ammonites Scania and Bornholm to Poland. This marginal of Bornholm: (1) between Grødby Å and Læså, area is characterized by graben and horst struc­ (2) in the Nyker area, and (3) between Madse- tures trending NW-SE and is crossed by faults grav and Amager on the south coast of Bornholm with a mean direction NNE-SSW, creating a (Gry 1960). At the last locality the Amager mosaic of tilted blocks. The Border Zone has also Greensand crops out in low sea cliffs. The general been discussed under other names, viz. Tornquist dip of this fault block is 6° towards SW. However, Line, Tornquist-Jentzsch Line or Tornquist- near or at the coast the dip might be slightly Teissyre Line; see a recent review by Baartman & greater, and at Madsegrav itself the Amager Bruun Christensen, 1975. Greensand dips 12-13° towards SW (Ravn 1916, The northern two-thirds of the island of Born- 1925). holm consists of Pre-Cambrian granite and The Amager Greensand is a loose, poorly gneiss, and Mesozoic sediments are found to the sorted, glauconitic quartz sand deposit that rests south in down-faulted areas (fig. 2). Mesozoic with a slight angular uncorformity on the Early sediments are also found in a small down-faulted Cretaceous Jydegaard Formation (Gry 1960). area at Nyker. The latter formation was earlier referred to the Wealden, but according to Bruun Christensen Amager Greensand (1972) it might be Valanginian-Hauterivian. The thickness of the Amager Greensand is estimated The Cenomanian Amager Greensand has been to be ca. 85 m (E. Stenestad, pers. comm. 1977). found in three down-faulted areas on the island The basal part of the Amager Greensand is ex- TOWN Locality Bavnodde Greensand 2~<^7j Amager Limestone Amager Greensand Jydegaard Formation RØNN (Valanginian-Hauterivian) Rabekke Fm and Robbe- dale Fm (Berriasian) Triassic -Jurassic Precambrian and Palaeozoic BALTIC SEA Fault ARNAGER 0 5km Madsegrav l i_ Fig. 2. Geological map of southwestern part of the island of Bornholm showing the lithostratigraphical formations at the base of the Quaternary (after Gry 1960). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, vol. 29 1980 205 posed immediately west of the Madsegrav creek, Rankin (1969), Stenestad (1972) and Christen­ and the topmost part of the formation can be seen sen (1973). From a hitherto unknown horizon in at the beach approximately 110-130 m west of the upper part of the Arnager Greensand (ca. Arnager. Here the Amager Greensand is 4-5 m below the basal conglomerate of the Ar­ overlain by the Arnager Limestone, which was nager Limestone) a sample was collected in 1975 referred to the late Coniacian by Douglas & by WKC during a temporary excavation for a approximate 85 m to top t of Arnager Greensand glauconitic quartz sand with scattered phosphatised pebbles indurated glauconitic quartz sand with scattered phosphatised pebbles glauconitic quartz sand with scattered phosphatised pebbles < CO indurated glauconitic quartz sand z with scattered phosphatised pebbles LU LU cc glauconitic quartz sand with o scattered phosphatised pebbles DC LU O conglomerate with I e phosphatised ammonites DC T- < glauconitic quartz sand with few burrows 30 white sand with many burrows m (spotted sand of Ravn) clay cross-bedded white sand 5| >50 with few burrows -3LL cm Fig. 3. Section of the boundary between the Jydegaard Formation of Valanginian-Hauterivian age and the overlying Arnager Greensand Formation at Madsegrav. The phosphatized ammonites came from the conglomerate, and the unphosphatized ammonites came by and large from the two indurated glauconitic quartz sand beds. 206 Kennedy, Hancock Christensen: Albian and Cenomanian ammonites sewerage plant. This sample has yielded strati- Ravn (1925). It consists mainly of phosphatic graphically diagnostic foraminifers (Hart 1979; nodules ranging in size from 1 cm up to 30 cm. see below). Lower Cambrian sandstone and quartzite, and A section of the boundary between the fresh Jurassic or Early Cretaceous lignite were also re­ and brackish water Jydegaard Formation and the ported from the conglomerate. Ravn recognized basal part of the Arnager Greensand at Madse- two generations of phosphatic nodules in the grav, as measured by WKC in 1977, is shown in conglomeratic pebble bed: (1) primary nodules fig. 3 (se also Bromley 1979, fig. 6). The upper consisting largely of phosphatized glauconitic part of the Jydegaard Formation consists of sandstone, and (2) secondary nodules that are cross-bedded white sand with a few thalassinoid built up by primary nodules cemented together burrows. This layer is overlain by a 30 cm thick by a matrix of brownish phosphatized glauconitic bed of white sand which has been heavily biotu- sand. The nodules often carry encrusting animals. bated by thalassinoid burrows. The burrows are The conglomeratic pebble and cobble bed was infilled by the overlying glauconitic quartz sand, reported from several outcrops and shallow bor­ resulting in a spotted appearance of the sand ings on the southern fault block (between Mad­ ('spotted sand' of Ravn 1916). Upon the spotted segrav and Stampe Å) and the thickness varies sand follows the Arnager Greensand which starts between 18-55 cm, with a mean thickness of 37 with a 30 cm thick glauconitic quartz sand with­ cm (Ravn 1925). out phosphatic pebbles. This sand has yielded a few foraminifers without stratigraphical value (E. Stenestad, pers. comm. 1977) and shark-teeth; Age of the Arnager Greensand faunas Bromley (1979) records 'Rhynchonella' sigma and Avellana incrassata. The glauconitic quartz Ravn (1925) referred the fauna from the primary sand is succeeded upwards by a 40 cm thick con­ nodules ('Hoplites Horizons' of Ravn) to the glomerate with complexly built phosphatized Lower Albian (tardefurcata-regularis Zone) and pebbles and cobbles (hiatus concretions). The the fauna from the matrix of the secondary conglomerate is followed upwards by a loose nodules ('Schloenbachia Horizon' of Ravn) to the glauconitic quartz sand with two layers of indu­ Upper Albian and Lower Cenomanian. The Arn­ rated glauconitic quartz sand. The greensand ager Greensand could be younger. Ravn arrived above the conglomerate also contains scattered at these conclusions on the basis of mollusks, phosphatized pebbles. mainly ammonites. Rosenkrantz (1945), on the It should be stressed at this point that the basis of a single specimen of Acanthoceras, Bir­ boundary between the Arnager Greensand and kelund (1957), on the basis of the belemnite Ac- the Jydegaard Formation is placed at a lower tinocamax primus, and Douglas & Rankin level in the section than Ravn did (1916, 1925), (1967), on the basis of planktic foraminifers, because it seems more natural to include the confirmed Ravn's dating of the Arnager Green- glauconitic quartz sand below the conglomerate sand sensu stricto. in the Amager Greensand. Our revision of Ravn's and Rosenkrantz' am­ The conglomerate was described in detail by monites is as follows: RAVN, 1916 and 1925 Revised determinations Kossmatella? sp. Sonneratia spp.
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