Journal of Parapsychology
J OURNAL OF P ARAPSYCHOLOGY R HINE R ESEARCH C ENTER Volume 79, Number 1 Spring 2015 ISSN 0022-3387 EDITORIAL STAFF John A. Palmer, Editor David Roberts, Managing Editor Donald S. Burdick, Statistical Editor Robert Gebelein, Business Manager The Journal of Parapsychology is published twice a year, in Spring and Fall, by Parapsychology Press, a subsidiary of The Rhine Center, 2741 Campus Walk Ave., Building 500, Durham, NC 27705. The Journal is devoted mainly to original reports of experimental research in parapsychology. It also publishes research reviews, methodological, theoretical, and historical papers of relevance to psi research, abstracts and selected invited addresses from Parapsychological Association conventions, book reviews, and letters. An electronic version of the Journal is available to all subscribers on the Rhine Research Center’s website ( The current subscription rates are: Individuals ($65.00), institutions ($77.00), with no other categories available. Members of the Rhine Research Center in the Scientific Supporter category receive the electronic journal free with their membership. The current subscription rates for paper copies of the Journal are: Individuals ($100.00), institutions ($118.00). Foreign subscribers must pay in U.S. dollars. Selected single issues (current or archival) are available at $35.00 each; go to for more information. Orders for subscrip- tions or back issues, correspondence, and changes of address should be sent to: Journal of Parapsychology, 2741 Campus Walk Ave., Building 500, Durham, NC 27705. Subscriptions may also be ordered online at Postmaster: Send address changes to the Journal of Parapsychology, 2741 Campus Walk Ave., Building 500, Durham, NC 27705.
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