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Flight 77 Pentagon Missile Attack Flight 77, Alphabetic Subject Index This version of Total HTML Converter is unregistered. NewsFollowUp.com search Obama home page pictorial index sitemap home Flight 77 Pentagon Missile Attack Flight 77 Pentagon Missile Attack Flight 77, Alphabetic Subject Index The truth will honor the victims. Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. 9/11 was a Bush / Zionist Inside Job. Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. Pentagon, 9/11...Missile Attack Summary of Concepts to Consider Alphabetic Subject Index Victims Attack Aircraft Pentagon Building Reports & Secondary points Arlington, After Action Report page Victims Where's the airliner? There's no passenger jet in the CNN / Pentagon surveillance It's virtually impossible that a Pentagon surveillance system could have missed tape, and only a few shiny, clean, isolated aircraft parts in Navy photos of the attack.. photographing a large passenger airliner only a few hundred feet from its cameras. The notion and eyewitness reports that the jet 'vaporized' is inconsistent with Armed The surveillance images given to CNN are a comical amateurish doctoring of Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) victim identification reports. 64 passengers, evidence, The tapes do show what appears to be a tail structure and exhaust from a Titan Systems reported 'full body scans of the victims, but this is inconsistent with small jet or missile. The American Society of Civil Engineers identifies these fact that no aircraft wreckage is found. If bodies were intact then airline parts would structures as indications of the attack aircraft have also survived. If the aircraft parts were 'pulverized' by the building then so to No Arab names on the Flight 77 passenger list. but Titan Systems reports 5 hijackers would the bodies. on the flight. Conflicting accounts: According to AFIP, (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) all And the FBI gave the American Society of Civil Engineers very detailed information but 5 of the 189 victims were identified. But, this point is arguable considering Titan about the individual identities of the hijackers, crew and passengers. They they Systems report (...in a steep dive...disappearing behind a tree line...going 400 include the hijackers in a list of: 'Front-of-aircraft passenger fatalities'. mph....fully loaded with fuel...) .see conflicts between Titan Systems / After-Action No fatalities were found on the second floor (ASCE) Report and ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) report. (the plane did not Links between Flight 77, Pentagon and Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse, and Titan Systems vaporize). International? CNN passenger and crew list (no Arab names) Search Flight 77 of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics for airline flight information. 911 Commission completely ignores the 'no Arab names' issue. It just assumes there Pentagon Memorial were Muslim hijackers. How can this be reconciled and shouldn't the 911 Commission Rumsfeld quote: "and I saw people on the grass, and we just, we tried to put them in have looked at it. stretchers and then move them out across the grass towards the road and lifted them Wikipedia Whitewash of the Able Danger over a jersey wall so the people on that side could stick them into the ambulances. (no mention of this in the 9/11 Commission report.) and see page 2 see Portland Indymedia Attack Aircraft alphabetic index It is impossible for the surveillance system to have missed the aircraft. Why is the NORAD failures. The Pentagon is one of the most heavily guarded structures in the Pentagon not releasing the tapes? world? What is role of war games being held that day? The Commission claimed that Vice President Cheney did not arrive in the Presidential What is 'Operation Vigilant Guardian'...and relation to war games on 9/11? Emergency Operations Center until 9:58. That claim was contradicted by the testimony The section of the Pentagon struck held personnel of the of Norman Mineta, Secretary of Transportation, who arrived at the PEOC around 9:20 where shortly thereafter he witnessed Cheney confirm an order that is most logically Office of Naval Intelligence, who were responsible for interpreted as an order not to shoot down an incoming object shortly before the monitoring terrorist responses....??? Pentagon was struck. Richard Clarke's account in his book, "Against All Enemies," The evidence far better fits a scenario where a smaller remote control aircraft entered corroborates Mineta's timeline, which was evidently so threatening to the official story the building at the first floor level. Many eye witness accounts of a 'small commuter that Mineta's testimony was deleted from the 9/11 Commission video archives. jet'. Pakistan Daily No damage to the lawn underneath the flight path of the attack aircraft. FBI confiscated tapes of nearby hotel and gas station surveillance systems within minutes of the attack. See Flight77.info for details on FOIA request for those tapes. Why won't the FBI release these tapes? See shadow studies of the event to help analyze the event. and see Men in There are photos of the heliport just minutes after the attack where no recognizable business clothes carrying aircraft wreckage to an isolated spot on the Pentagon lawn aircraft parts are seen, Then subsequent photos within an hour of the attack show within one hour of attack. shiny clean aircraft parts near the left side of the heliport that is hundreds of feet from A streak in the Pentagon lawn that is parallel to the flight path of the attack aircraft. the impact site. see U.S. Navy photos. At both ends of the streak there are concrete pads, one seemingly freshly poured. Is Mysterious photo of men in business clothes carrying plane wreckage that appears in this streak related to a missile guidance system U.S. Navy photographs that still are present at the Navy's website. And a study of the Why were there temporary antenna systems on the roof of the Pentagon in the flight shadows and surroundings helps to place these men at the scene and within an hour path of the attack aircraft. In CNN / Pentagon surveillance tape, many see what they of the attack. believe is the attack aircraft. Extraordinary and unbelievable skill required for hijackers to fly a passenger If you agree with the idea that a remotely controlled aircraft attacked the Pentagon, airliner parallel to the ground, clipping many light poles, striking at the first floor then certain equipment is required. These pages detail possible components of that level, and never actually hitting the ground before entering the building. system. Very little damage to the 2nd floor prior to section collapse. Only two windows Inconsistencies: Black Boxes were recovered according to information given to damaged on the second floor. This is shown in government photos prior to the ASCE by the FBI? But FBI says they were not recovered. collapse of the section. Collapse of section due to fire and not the impact of the attack Hijackers identities? conflicts with No Arab names on Flight 77. see FOIA request. aircraft. The landing gear system of a Boeing 757 weighs nearly 2 tons. (3800 lbs) The landing See graphic of nose cone damage by a bird strike and then consider the numerous gear mentioned by Titan Systems reports and photos from FEMA show a much publications that claim the nose cone of the 757 penetrated three rings of the smaller landing gear. This version of Total HTML Converter is unregistered. publications that claim the nose cone of the 757 penetrated three rings of the Pentagon. Image manipulation: Why were obviously doctored images of the Pentagon attack No apparent damage from two 15 ton jet engines that would have hit the building at released to CNN and why are they manipulated? 250-400 miles per hour. Just a single small entry hole about the size of a garage door. Considering the angle of attack, the right wing tip would have struck the building the see AFCE report. same time as the nose, but ASCE report says no evidence of outer third of right wing A phone call by Ted Olsen's wife from Flight 77 has drawn attention and doubt to it's tip hitting building. Comparisons to WTC show that there would have been evidence authenticity. of damage by the wing tips. A C-130 cargo plane was seen by many witnesses at the time of the attack. See Library of Congress photo of attack. Dramatic, extraordinary transformation of Pentagon crash site in only one Moussaoui Trial exhibits day....curious? Investigation? Destroyed evidence. Existence of War Games on 9/11 admitted to by General Myers. Recent Press coverage The tail of a 757 is nearly 45 ft. high, but the visible damage to the area where the tail Dissident Voice "Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11 ... presumably entered only reaches 25 ft. ASCE report An airliner almost certainly did not hit the Pentagon. The width of the opening caused by the attack aircraft is only half of what would be Whole Life Times expected. There appears to be no damage from the wing tips. Compare to WTC wing Citizens for Legitimate Government 9/11 Chronology tip damage Huffington Post, Al Queda and flight 77, but Peter Lance confirms that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon???? Although the official 9/11 Commission Report (CR) said Vice President Richard Cheney did not arrive at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center(PEOC) under Dov Zakheim, Eglin AFB to MacDill AFB in Florida and Dov Zakheim's the White House until "shortly before 10 a.m." that tragic day, Transportation work via SPC contracts, flight termination systems, remote controlled aircraft systems Secretary Norman Mineta testified when he arrived in the room at 9:20 a.m.
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