1 2 Jose Herculano Pires OBSESSION PASSES COUNSELING Translated by Jussara Korngold & Marie Levinson 3 Translation copyright © Spiritist Alliance for Books, 2004 http://www.sgny.org
[email protected] Original Title: Obsessão, O Passe, A Doutrinação – Editora Paidéia LTDA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. Library of Congress Control Number: Main entry under title: Obsession, Passes, Counseling 1. Religious Philosophy 2. Spiritist Doctrine 3. Christianity ISBN: Cover Design: Edition: Pires, José Herculano Obsession, Passes, Counseling The Spiritist Alliance for Books (SAB), is a non-profit organization, which has the sole aim to promote and disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine in English, as codified by Allan Kardec. The group was officially established on April 12th, 2001. However, some of its participants have been earnestly fostering the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine in the United States and in the United Kingdom for about ten years. The Spiritist Alliance for Books (SAB) is an organization that aims to unite people from all over the world who are willing to volunteer in the effort of translating spiritist books (which were originally written in other languages) into English. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 7 OBSESSION I The Meaning of Life 11 II The Dimensions of Life 13 III