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1 the Illusion ISBN 978-615-5169-12-0 The Illusion (The Science of Human Perception) WARNING! This book contains provocative material not for children or the sexually immature 1 theThe science Illusion... of human perception Table of Contents Functionsofthebasalganglia 129 PeripheralANS 132 Perception 6 Definitionandlocalizationofintegrativefunctions 138 Basicconceptsofsensoryphysiology 22 Circadianperiodicity 146 Generalobjectivesensoryphysiology 25 Sleepanddreaming 147 Generalsubjectivesensoryphysiology(perceptionpsychology) 30 Plasticity,learning,memory 153 Mechanoreception(senseoftouch) 32 Basicconceptsrelatedtomotivation 158 Proprioception(deepsensibility) 34 Thirstandhunger 160 Thermoreception(senseoftemperature) 35 Sexualityandreproduction 160 Visceralsensibility 38 Learnedmotivationandaddiction 160 Pain 44 Basicconceptsrelatedtoemotion 161 Opticalillusions 51 Thirstandthequenchingofthirst 163 Theeyeanditsopticalsystem(dioptricapparatus) 54 Hungerandsatiety 164 Psychophysiologyofvision 62 Generalendocrinology 165 Signalprocessinginthevisualsystem 80 References 167 Peripheralandcentralvestibularsystem 86 LawofInterpretationnotAttraction 171 Pathophysiologicalaspectsofthesenseofequilibrium 88 GodandTheCosmos 173 Psychoacoustics 89 LawsVersusRules 180 Auditorysignalprocessing 95 Senseoftaste 98 Senseofsmell 100 ESP(extrasensoryperception) 102 Operationofengineeringcontrolsystems 107 Molecularmechanismofcontraction 109 Somatosensoryinputstothemotorsystem 117 Componentsandfunctionsofthemotorsystem 119 The cost of this book is 53 Euro. The copyright is owned by QX Ltd., all rights reserved. Motorfunctionsofthespinalcord:reflexes 121 Pleasepaytothepaypalunderdesifm.netunderdonations.Allofthebookshavelowresforsizeandhiresversions Motorfunctionsofthebrainstem:posturalfunctions 124 forclarity. Ifyoudonothavethemoneypaywhatyoucan,andifyoucannotpayanythingpleasepaythecosmosbackwith Functionsofthecerebellum 127 gooddeedstoothers.PassonthegoodkarmabybeinggoodtoothersandhelpingthemthewayIamhelpingyou. Passiton. 2 3 theThe science Illusion... of human perception Introduction thatthebestsignofmentalstabilitythusistheabilitytolaughatone’sself. Thecauseofallsufferingisthedesireforsomethingtobedifferent.Wecanreducethisdesire Wenowknowthattheworld/universeismadeupofatomsandtheseatomsaremadeupofvery thruacceptanceofwhatwecannotchange,changeofwhatwecan,andthewisdomofperception smallsubatomicparticles.Theseparticlesaresosmallandarevibratingandmovingveryfast.The tofindthatwecanbesetfreefromtheimpositionofallfalsebeliefs.Mindfulnon-judgmental electronsaremovingat600milesasecond.Ifwecondensedtheseparticlesofmatteranyobject awareness,liberatedenthusiasm,respectfortheuniverse,loveandforgivenessofself,compassion wouldbeveryveryveryveryveryVERYVERYsmall. forothers,andabilitytolaughatone’sselfandtakethejokesoflifewithhumorandlaughter.It’s Lessthan99.99999999999999999999999999%oftheworldissolidmatter.Therestoftheworld alljustanillusionatonelevel. isjustemptyspace.Objectsonlyappeartobesolidbecauseofthespeedofmovementofthe Thisbookisadeepanalysisofperception.Reality’sweaknesses,andstrengths.Thenormaland subatomicparticles. abnormal.Thehealthyandunhealthy.Theillusionofperception.Thefrolictricksofmateriality Thehumanbeinghasnoabilitytodirectlyperceivetheworldasittrulyis.Thuseverythingwesee andnon-materiality isanillusion.Allisawhimsyvision,atrickofperception.Everythingwesee,feel,hear,smell,taste Theultimatejokeofrealityisthatwecannotknowit.Wemakegoodguessesbutwestilldonot andintuitisbutaphantasm,mirage,ordelusionoffancy. haveagoodcompletetheoryofjusthowitworks. Therulesofthesesmallparticlesaretherulescalledquantum.Inthemacrolargeworldthe NowQuantumtheorytellsusthatthereisanNon-deterministic,Uncertaintylockedintoreality. objectsfollowdifferentruleslikeNewtonianprecepts.Theserulesaremorerepeatableandthus Fractalstellusthatthingsneverrepeatincomplexsituations.Andthejokeofsciencegoeson. reliable.Sowecanoperateinaworldofmutualhallucination. Human perception is very very very very very VERY VERY flawed and we are stuck with Everythingweperceive,behold,orobserveisareflectioninsideourownbrain.Ourbraindoesnot misperception.Andthebiggestjokeofallisthatsomeareoveranxioustobeconvincedand interactdirectlywiththeoutsideenvironment,butinsteadreceivessensorystimuliandassembles excessivelyobstinateandclutchingpossessiveoffalsebeliefs.Peoplearetortured,prosecuted, aviewofconsistencyoftheoutsideworld.Themutualhallucinationpossesanimposingability persecuted,discriminated,persecuted,andevenmurdereddailybecauseoffalsebeliefs.This ofanimpedingpressureforsurvivalthrucooperationwiththeenvironment.Weneedtofind bookisdedicatedtoanalysisofthejokeofreality,andtheillusionofperception. nutritionandberepelledfromtoxins. Wesoonfindtherearerulesandconstructsofexistencesuchasthatweareallatonceofthebody, themind,thespirit,thesocialsociety,andtheenvironment.Thesecanappeartobeseparate, butatanotherdeeperleveltheyallblendtomakeupwhatweareandwhatwewillevolvetobe. Allisanillusionbutthereisagreatdegreeofconstraintandrestrictioninthisillusion.Thematrix assomehavesaid.Sociallinesofstructureareimposedbyourparentsandinternalfamilyand laterourfriends,schools,organizations.Mutualillusionsandbeliefsystemsareimposed.Allare falseatoneleveloranotherbutsomearemorefalse.Manyofthesefalsebeliefsareinconvenient, asthattheymightbefoundtocostmoneyoroffendtherich. Education and Metabolic typing (nature / nurture) effect our motivation, motivation effects perception,socialperceptivepatternsstructureintobeliefs,andbeliefsarehardtodispelonce theyhavebeeninvestedin. Allbeliefsarefalseatsomelevelofintrospection,butsomearemorefalse.Thismutualhallucination anddelusionofagreedfancy,needstobechallengedbythelargemindedanddefendedbythe smallminds.YinYang,dualisticextremesthatblendandweavethepathwaysofourlife.The DharmaforwantofagoodEnglishword,weuseagoodforeignword.Dharmameansthatour livesflowwiththecircumstanceandtheinnateintelligenceoftheuniverse. Thereisaintelligenceoftheuniverse,oristhisjustanotherfalsebelief.Butasthereisnothing wrong,butthinkingmakesitso,thereisnothinggoodbutthinkingmakesitgrow.Everyideahasit thesisandantithesisandthemoldanddanceintotheexpansionandcontractionofthelowoflife. Everythingisseenonlythrutheperspectiveofone’sownbrain.Alloflaughterismakingfunor hurtingsomeone.Therealpersonthatishurtorembarrassedthenisonlyus.WillRodgerssaid 4 5 theThe science Illusion... of human perception veryhelpful.Couldn'twehaveasocietythatismorethanjustonedayayear.Couldn'twehavea societywherewecouldachievesomethingclosetothateveryday?Isitpossible?That'swhatthis projectisallabout.Inordertounderstandthat,inordertoachievethatweneeddifferentrule. Andthat'swhatthisprojectisabout. Butrightnowlet'sunderstandthatthereisabody,mindandspiritandtheyhavedifferentneeds. Eachoftheseneedsproducesbiologicalstatesthatdrivetheneedforthesethingsandmakethe bodygooutandtrytofindfood,tofindrespect,tofindlove,tofindintellectualstimulation.Also alteredstatesofconsciousness:there'saninnatedriveforthehumanbeingtowanttoalterhis stateofconsciousness,tohaveabeerormaybemore,differenttypesofdrugs.Thatcanleadinto anaddictionquality,anyofthesethingsthatareontheboardnowcanbeaddictive.Theycan makeitsothatapersonhastohaveit-andthengetsintoanaddictivestate.However,thereare drugsthatareevenmuchmoreaddictivebecausetheywillhavebiologicaleffectsofaddiction aswellasmentaleffectsofaddiction.Smokingcanbeaphysicaladdictionbutalsohasamental componenttoitaswell.Soallofthiscomesintogetherforustobeabletoanalyze.Thehuman brainisbuiltsothatalldifferenttypesofthingsarehappening,butatcertaintimesahormonal reactioncangetsointenseastofillthebrain,therebyatypeofobsessioncomesonwheremaybe somebodycan'tgetoutofanidea.Thebasicideaofhowtobuildamonkeytrap,we'vetalked aboutthismanytimes,ifyouhaven'theardaboutit-wetakethelittlecoconutandputholein thetop,monkeycomesalongputshishandinthecoconut,grabsapieceofcandy.Whilehe'sgot aholdofthepieceofcandyhecan'tgethishadoutofthecoconut.He'strapped.Whatreally hashimtrappedisastateofgreed.Nowgreedcouldbeseenasabiologicaldrive,becauseof protectionofterritory,tryingtomakesureyouhaveclothing-survival,food.Butactuallygreed ismuchmoreofthemindbecausenowallthemonkeyhastodoisletgoofthecandy,letgoof Perception thegreedandhe'llescape,he'llbeabletoleave,hecanescape.Greedholdsthemonkey,down Now let’s talk about the basic construct of what we are as human beings. For long time we comesthehuntersandit'sthewisemonkeythehuntersdon'twanttokill,butit'sonlyawise talkedaboutbody,mindspirit.Theideawasthattherewasabody,mindspirit.Thisisaunique monkeythatcanletgo. perspectivethathasbeendevelopedinthelastcoupleofhundredyears.Nowwhenwelookat Andashumanbeings,that'swhatwealsoneedbecausewerecognizethatangercomes.Somebody thebodyweunderstandthattherearecertainphysiologicalbiologicalneeds.Biologicalneedsare hitsthebackofyourcaryou'regoingtogetangry,butthequestionishowlongdoesittaketolet notjustlimitedtothebodyhowever,butlet'stalkabouttheactualbody’sneeds:wehavehunger, go.Twomonkswerewalkingdownthefieldandthey'rewalkingalong,it'stherainyseasonand thirst,clothing,shelter.Thisleadstoanideaofterritorialnessaswell.Themind,then-we're there'sthisbeautifulwomanwearingabeautifulsilkkimonoandshecan'tgetacrosstheroad nottryingtosaythere'sadifferentiationthatthemindandspiritorthebodycanbeseparated, becauseit'stoomuddy-whattodo?Theonemonkpicksherupandcarriesheracrosstheroad, they'reallentwinedhere,itreallyismuchmoreofaGestalt,notreallyaseparatething,butwe setsherdown.Theycontinuetowalk,theycontinuetowalk,mileslatertheothermonksays cantalkabouttheseondifferent,separateways. "I'vegottosaysomething-we'renotallowedtothinkaboutbeautifulwomen,letalonetouch
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