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June 2016 | The Boston Consulting Group CONTENTS







2 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind FROM RUSSIA ONLINE TO RUSSIA ONLINE?

t has been 5 years since the publication of our previous report ‘Russia IOnline’ on the state of the Russian digital economy in 2011. In our new report a question mark in the title has been used for a reason.

A new wave of the digital revolution is about to sweep across the world, the greatest ever in speed and scope. It will substantially change the structure of the global economic system.

As always is the case with dramatic changes taking place, it is bringing huge opportunities to create value as well as challenges, responding to which may mean either coming out as a winner or losing in an intensely competitive environment. And this will concern not only individual companies or industries but also countries.

Another reason for using a question mark was that, as will be discussed in detail below, in the last 5 years Russia has reaped the full benefits of all the key digitization ‘quick wins’. Therefore sustaining the competitive advantage in the future is absolutely crucial.

In the absence of coordinated action by all the participants of Russia’s economic system Russia’s lag behind the leaders in the digital economy, that now stands at around 5-8 years, will rapidly increase. Within the next five years, due to the high speed of global changes and innovations, the lag may rise to 15-20 years – a gap that will be extremely difficult to close.

And this is a direct challenge – a question that calls for a strategically balanced and clear answer.

We strongly believe that by embracing intensive digitalization Russia will not only reduce the gap that separates it from the leading countries, but will be able to ensure that its development is really sustainable in the long term.

The Boston Consulting Group | 3 4 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

igitalization that we see as the use of However, due to the level of the export Donline capabilities and innovative digital component that is still high and investment technologies by all the participants in the growth grinding to a halt, the share of the economic system, from individuals to big digital economy in the GDP has been businesses and governments, is a prerequisite stagnating since 2014. to remaining competitive for any country. For Russia, considering its new economic reality, it Since 2010 the cross-industry effect of is a unique opportunity to refocus its economy digitalization1 has increased by a factor of and make it sustainable in the long-term. 5.5: from 5 to 27.7 trillion rubles. This is the result of the introduction of electronic trading The share of digital economy in Russia is platforms, the growing number of bank card 2.1% – this is 1.3 times more than 5 years ago transactions, the expansion of the ROPO2 and but 3-4 times less than in the countries that online advertising segments. are leaders in the digital economy. As compared to other countries the Russia is the sixth largest country in the world deve­lopment of the Russian digital economy and the biggest in Europe by the number of was evolutionary: it occurred without users. breakthrough success (unlike in China, for example) but also without losing Russia’s Online consumption in Russia has been standing in the ranking (39 out of 85). skyrocketing in the last 5 years growing by 27% per annum on average and in 2015 it reached Russia is currently about 5 – 8 years behind the the level of 2 trillion rubles. countries that top the rankings in the overall level of digitalization. An important achievement of the last 5 years was the rapid growth of new Internet-­dependent Russia‘s level of infrastructure development is segments: tourism, gaming, media, banking still higher than that of other BRIC countries, services etc. Overall these segments represent although China and Brazil are actively closing over half of the entire e-commerce volume. the gap (down from x 1.6 to x 1.2 in five years).

1. Not accounted for directly in the GDP calculation to avoid double counting (for details see Methodology). 2. Researched online purchased offline – searching for information about a product or a service online and purchasing offline.

The Boston Consulting Group | 5 In terms of the extent of using online capabilities There are three possible scenarios of further Russia is improving its position, which is partly digitalization in Russia that can be identified: due to the development of electronic government services and growing user activity. •• Unless the digital component of the economy is supported by targeted incentives, its share of the Due to a more even infrastructure distri- GDP will continue to stagnate; this will result in a bution, the digital gap between Moscow and growing lag behind the leaders, which stands at the regions has been reduced from 2.6 to 5-8 years today and will go up to 15-20 years in 1.353. This is a major achievement of the five years (Venezuelan model). digital economy. Since the digital gap between the leaders The degree of digitalization still varies from and laggards is growing exponentially, it one region to another, which gives us reason to will be extremely difficult to make up for identify four main groups and discuss the such a lag. specific features of their future development. •• A moderate growth scenario (Middle-Eastern The regions become actively involved in the model) is possible with large-scale implementation digital economy as soon as access to the infra- of the initiatives that are already underway – in structure becomes available, although there is particular, those concerning the development and still inequality in a number of additional coverage of public services (government services, indicators – this concerns the penetration rate healthcare, education), optimizing the existing and the use of government services (the gap electronic processes, phasing out their offline repli- between Moscow and other regions is between cation etc. 3 and 5 times) as well as business activity in terms of using digital opportunities (2-3 times). In the current environment where the leading digital economies and Asian Overall, a huge underutilized potential for countries are actively engaging in increasing industry digitalization is apparent, irrespective digital intensity, this development scenario of regional specifics. appears to be somewhat lacking but at least it will ensure that the between Even in Moscow the use of such basic digital Russia and the digital leaders does not products as ERP and CRM systems (basic by the increase dramatically and will instead create standards of best practices) is not more than 24%. the added value for the economy of 0.8-1.2 trillion rubles per annum, whereas the digital access penetration4 in the corporate economy itself will reach 3% of the GDP. segment was already 80% in 2014, however, the share of companies using the Internet with a •• An intensive digitalization scenario is the biggest speed of over 2 Mbit/s is 1.7 times less, while in scope (Asian model) the share of those using the speed of over 10 Mbit/s is 3 times less. Going down this path will require a compre- hensive approach to changes, both at the The main reason for this is that the existing government level and for individual indus- digital opportunities and their impact upon tries and companies. The focus is not only efficiency, productivity and business growth on the basic components of the digital potential in most industries are underestimated economy (infrastructure, online spending both by small businesses and major players. and involvement) but also on the growth of private and public sector investment in such Nevertheless, we are confident that digitali- promising areas as the Internet of Things, zation of industries has the greatest potential to Big Data, the development of IT products create value. and services with a high export potential.

3. Evaluation based on the BCG e-Intensity index (infrastructure development level, online spending – e-commerce and advertising; involvement of the government, businesses and individuals in online use) – for more details see Methodology. 4. The Internet with the data transmission speed of 256 Kbit/s and over. Source: Rosstat.

6 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind This will make it possible to increase the creating a regulatory environment where share of the digital economy to 5.6% of the each participant of the system plays a GDP and create large-scale additional meaningful role. cross-industry effects and real added value across various industries of up to 5-7 trillion Consumers should be open to new opportunities rubles per annum. and play an active part in creating digital services.

This scenario will require the greatest effort Private businesses should be focused on but we strongly believe that fully embracing a long-term growth and initiative, have the ability comprehensive digital transformation of the to question existing business models, show a economy is key to ensuring that Russia readiness to learn quickly on their own and remains competitive. experiment, to review their attitude to risk, be open to creating a cross-industry system of This is the way that was chosen by the digitili- interaction with other players and the state and zation leaders in the Asia-Pacific Region which prioritize innovation. has today enabled China, for example, to make a breakthrough and, according to our forecast, The state should respond to regulatory issues in lay claim to joining the top 10 digitalization a timely manner, invest and co-invest in the leaders by 2021. An impressive achievement infrastructure, act as a moderator in the considering that in 2011 China was 8 positions cross-industry dialogue, and also, considering behind Russia3. Russia’s specifics, act as a responsible owner of a number of major companies and lead change. Driving digital transformation requires a funda- mental review of the approach by the private Coordinated action by all the participants of sector and the government to interaction, the potential digital ecosystem will secure a decision-making, incentivizing innovation and sustainable and positive result.

The Boston Consulting Group | 7 NEW WAVE OF THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION

nfrastructure development, lower cost of Today we are talking about an offline–online Iprocessing, storing and transmitting data convergence and the emergence of a cyber-­ are taking the humankind to the threshold of physical world. a new and most powerful stage of the digital revolution. The previous stage was marked This has become possible due to several funda- by a rapid penetration of the Internet mental factors – universal connectivity, rapid into consumers’ daily lives (Exhibit 1). proliferation of sensor devices and data. The current stage is characterized by a fast and mutually amplifying penetration of a In 1995 only about 45 million people had access much larger range of digital services, to the Internet, whereas today this figure is products and systems. almost 3.5 billion.

Exhibit 1 | The world is approaching the 4th wave of digital revolution

Internet of everything, connected people & mechanisms

Web 4.0 Era of social networks and messengers

Participation of users in the creation and validation of content Web 3.0

Focus on providing access to information Web 2.0 via Internet

Web 1.0

1990–2000 2000–2010 2010–2020 2020–...

Source: BCG analysis.

8 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Nowadays, in addition to people, the Internet is Every minute in the new Internet world ‘used’ by around 10 billion machines and means 150 million e-mails, 20 million mechanisms – devices, meters and apparatuses WhatsApp messages, 3 million views on and by 2020 this number is expected to double. YouTube, 2.5 million Google search queries, 700,000 Facebook logins and over US 99% of the global data have already been $200,000 spent on Amazon.com5. digitalized and over 50% have an IP address. In future data volume will double every 2 years. Today we are already living a 31-hour day6 by doing more and more things at a time. Our Connectivity and data exchange make it possible to attention is becoming increasingly fragmented use resources more efficiently, to share the use of and we give preference to companies and the infrastructure and to optimize capacity utili- products that are better suited to our needs, zation: it is the so-called ‘sharing economy’ the which meet them within a minimal time-frame scope of which today is estimated at US $150 billion. and provide the best value for money.

All these phenomena fundamentally change Various activities are being gamified. In the format the structure of the global economic system – of virtual games and augmented reality any educa- consumer opportunity, industry structure, the tional subject can be studied; the development of role of the state (Exhibit 2). artificial intelligence, robotic technology, this is all remarkably promising; Android and iOS assistants that are rapidly becoming ever smarter, Google Impact on the consumer autopilot systems, Barbie dolls that can maintain a Technology is increasingly becoming part of conversation with a child. our daily lives, it is drastically changing the way we communicate, work, what we spend our However, new possibilities also pose new money and time on. challenges for all of us; they are not limited to

Exhibit 2 | Digitization drives value at all levels – from consumers to countries

Values for nations

A new driver for GDP growth

Positive net impact on job creation

More efficient use of existing resources

Values for government Values for companies Values for citizens

Increasing productivity in government Increased competition – consumers operations such as tax collection Access to bigger market – can find the best products at the lowest and data management increasing sales price-point Increased productivity potential through Potential to identify and reduce fraud digitization of business processes Access to new types of products and misuse of public services and business models and services (e.g. sharing economy) Better employment possibilities Identifying and analyzing societal trends Better access to talent thanks through facilitated access to available with big data tools to better reach of digital channels job positions

More efficient communication Increased transparency and ease Facilitated access to government with citizens and businesses of interacting with government services through e-government services

Source: BCG analysis.

5. Excelacom, Inc. 2016. 6. Tech and Media Outlook 2016, Activate, October 2015.

The Boston Consulting Group | 9 technology but are also cultural, educational, Such changes are already affecting the B2C moral and ethical challenges. sector (the media, retail, banking and insurance services). Here they are triggered Mosaic thinking, the boundaries of privacy, by an extremely tough competition over two the bifurcation of our virtual and real projec- highly limited resources – the consumer’s tions, competing with artificial intelligence – time and wallet. all these pose questions that the humankind is yet to answer. These days some companies that control no more than 30 seconds of user attention per day have a market capitalization7 running Impact on Business into billions: Shazam (music track information The degree of the impact of digital techno­ search) is valued at US $1 billion; BuzzFeed logies in various industries varies (Exhibit 3). (Internet media) is worth $1.5 billion. However, there is no doubt that all industries and their players will sooner or later have to The success of aggregator platforms such as go through a digital transformation. Uber and AirBnB is based on the principles of ‘sharing economy’ doing away with intermedi- Just like with the invention of the car aries and maximizing asset utilization, cleaning city streets with horse-drawn reducing the time between the moment a need carriages became unnecessary, many, it arises and its fulfillment, and providing ample would appear, major and complex current feedback opportunities. tasks may become irrelevant as a result of the emergence of fundamentally new approaches In addition, both players emerged in the and business models. industries that seem to have very high barriers

Exhibit 3 | Degree of impact of digitization in various sectors is not homogenous

Impact of digitization Media on the sector Fully digitized players like Amazon, Netflix and others, balance in the industry significantly changed not in favour of traditional channels

Retail Internet stores increase their market share; internal company operations, including store operations and supply chain management, undergo significant transformation

Telecommunication, Insurance, and Banking Digitization plays a key role in implementation of initiatives addressed at both clients and back-office improvements

Consumer packaged goods Most initiatives are related to supply chain management and product development; in addition, director B2C trade is developing through online channel (e.g., P&G)

Automotive Optimization of supply chain and projects, transition to service model. Driverless car – on of the main potential disruptors for the industry

Transport, Logistics Significant potential of more efficient use of assets based on principles of "share economy"

Healthcare and Education Potential for significant increase in access and quality without substantial rise in costs

Metallurgy, Oil & Gas, Power, Machine Industry Key opportunities: Internet of Things, augmented reality, robotics, more effective capacity utilization

Point on digitization journey

Several major disruptions Disruptive moves have affected these Effect of digitization is still have occurred industries, but the final outcome is still unknown, disruptive changes to be determined remain to be seen

Source: BCG analysis.

7. Tech and Media Outlook 2016, Activate, October 2015.

10 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind to entry. That is why now the term ‘uberi- already having a huge impact on the estab- zation’ is often used as a synonym for a digital lished business models today. threat to any conventional industry. The development of 3D-printing will signifi- A fundamentally new feature for the business cantly change the production and logistics in the context of the current digital processes in most industries – from mass revolution is its impact upon the B2B sector. consumer products to organ transplantation. It is in B2B that digitalization capabilities are not limited to owning the consumer’s As an example of robotics technology limited resources, but offer infinite oppor- deve­lop­ment, Airbus is carrying out a study tunities to approach new heights of efficiency on the creation of humanoids that will be and productivity. able to perform complex production tasks. Russia, the USA and Japan are developing exoskele­­tons – hardware-software complexes It is in B2B that digitalization that replicate the human locomotion system to enhance a person’s physical strength or capabilities offer infinite restore mobility. opportunities to approach Big Data and advanced analysis enable better new heights of efficiency and faster decision-making from predictive and productivity. maintenance to fighting fraud. However, the most difficult change for conventional industries will be, in our view, not We are talking about a phenomenon called so much the creation and integration of ‘Industry 4.0’ that is characterized by a technologies, but rather a fundamental restruc- number of major trends (Exhibit 4) that are turing of corporate culture and organization.

Exhibit 4 | Industry 4.0 is characterized by a number of trends


Big data & advanced Simulation analytics

Augmented Horizontal & vertical reality system integration

Industry 4.0

Additive Internet of Things manufacturing, (IoT) e.g., 3D-printing

Cloud computing Cybersecurity & storage

Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | 11 Regulatory Work and Involvement The most difficult change A traditional approach to regulatory activity will be the restructuring that implies a strict linear sequence of certain steps and approvals is failing to meet the of corporate culture challenges of the new age – the speed and the and organization. iterative nature of decision-making.

A direct involvement of citizens that has become An iterative adaptive approach and a higher possible thanks to technologies requires a rethink risk tolerance that are inherent to entrepre- and development of fundamentally different neurial mentality are in many ways alien to processes designated to simplify any interactions – the existing approaches to managing big from receiving services to conducting elections. business. It is difficult to accept that the structure of any industry and company today The Job Market must be seen as the main variable rather than a constant. Another no less important mission of the government is concerned with the social Another risk factor is weak integration of sphere. According to the studies, in the next ‘new’ solutions and products with the existing 10–20 years about 50% of professions will cease IT systems. On the one hand, to stay compe­ to exist8. Substantial changes will affect logistics, titive, major companies should at least be production, retail and agriculture. The number quick to embrace innovation. On the other of people employed in administrative hand, they are facing one of the greatest management will also dramatically fall. challenges of harmonizing the already existing IT platforms with any new solutions. Many experts point out that the new digital In other words, the most difficult component revolution may increase social inequality of the term ‘digital transformation’ for rather than reduce it. That is why it is a conventional business is ‘transformation’ – necessary to pursue in advance a well a consistent and conscious restructuring. thought-out and efficient policy in education, Those who fail to embrace it will be left develop comprehensive re-training and far behind. continuous training programs.

The structure of any In the next 10–20 years company or industry about 50% of professions should be seen as will cease to exist. the main variable and not

as a constant. Only then can it be expected that the number of new jobs created as a result of the emergence of technologies will exceed the number of jobs that The impact upon governments are gone. For example, according to a BCG study, in a group of 9 European countries that are In terms of the necessity and complexity of leaders in digitalization, such as Denmark, the changes, the challenges facing govern- Sweden, Finland etc., between 2015 and 2020 ments are no less important than those the number of new jobs will exceed the number of the major players in the private sector. of those phased out by 1.6–2.3 million.

8. C.B. Frey, M.A. Osborne, «The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerization?», 2013.

12 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Relevance of Digitalization We are confident that embracing digitali- for Russia zation may change the forecasts for the next The Russian economy is heavily dependent 3-5 years to being more optimistic. upon commodity markets, which have entered a structurally new reality. The new environment We support the findings of the National makes it more difficult for the country to Report On Innovations in Russia in 201510 that remain competitive. embracing the innovative component should be the key, if not the only possible, focus for Digitalization has the potential for value creation Russia. in Russia’s ‘main business’ – the commodity sector, but also for diversification and unlocking Innovations in the modern world are not only potential of other sectors, stimulating entrepre- related to the possibilities offered by digital neurial activity, ‘amplifying’ the structure of the technology, most of them are based on such economy due to the diversity of opportunities. possibilities. It is for this reason that we maintain that a comprehensive and consistent digitali- According to various forecasts, in 2016 the zation of the Russian economy will become a Russian GDP in rubles will show zero or negative platform for a qualitative change of its growth from –0.2 to –2.1%; in 2017, the growth, structure and long-term opportunities. if any, will be no more than 0.4–0.8%9.

9. Forecast of the Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation for 2015-2019, Russian Ministry of Economic Development, April 2016. 10. Published by the Russian Venture Company, Open Government and the Ministry of Economic Development in 2015.


Direct Contribution of Digital For example, online consumption was Economy to the GDP growing at a faster pace, by 27% a year on In 2001 we estimated that the contribution of average, and reached the level of 2 trillion the digital economy into Russia’s GDP was rubles, but in general the share of the digital 1.6%. For comparison, its average value for economy in the GDP proved to be below the G20 countries at that time was already over 4%. forecast (2.1%) – the share stopped growing as early as 2014 (Exhibit 5). This was due to Our forecast for 2015, which in the base case the stagnation of investment volume and and scenario was 2.6%, in some way exceeded, and high import component. in some way failed to live up to the expectations.

Exhibit 5 | e-Economy share in GDP In 2015 the share of digital has been stagnating since 2014 economy in Russia was e-Economy as % of GDP 3 % 2.1% of the GDP – this is 870 1180 1430 1560 1580 2.3 % Forecast 1.3 times more than 5 years 2.2 % 2.6 % 1.9 % Fact 2 % 2.1 % 2.2 % 2.1 % ago but 3-4 times less than 1.6 % 1.9 % 1.6 % the level achieved by the

1 % digitilization leaders.

In 2015 the share of digital economy in Russia 0 % 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 was 2.1% of the GDP – this is 1.3 times more than 5 years ago, but 3-4 times less than the level achieved by the digitilization leaders. ХХХ e-Economy, B RUB The average share of the digital economy in Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-economy model; Euromoni- Europe today is more than 5% of the GDP, in tor; Data Insight; Mail Group; HSE; CBR; Pyramid research; RAEC; ACAR; MagnaGlobal; IAB Europe; Spark-Interfax; the USA it is 6%. These values are 1.5 times Consumer Barometer; Rosstat;,; Federal Customs Service of Russia; Gartner; Federal Program higher among digitalization leaders: in the «Information Society»; OVUM; Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russia United Kingdom the share of e-Economy has increased to 8.4% of the GDP.

14 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Consumption and foorwear, furniture and DIY goods. Increased accessibility of the Internet, growth These categories account for 80% of the of individual incomes, the emergence of a e-commerce market in Russia. new generation of users – all this has resulted in a rapid growth of online consumption. Feeling the pressure from online retailers, major offline retailers are also actively deve­ E-Commerce loping their online business. For example, the share of online channel in the sales Since 2011 the e-commerce market has been volume of M-Video and Eldorado has doubled growing by 27% per annum on average and in the last 2 years. In 2015 the Internet reached 3.3% of the total retail volume. So far accounted for 15.5% of Eldorado’s sales and this share is substantially lower compared to 11% of M-Video’s (circa 25% in Moscow). the developed economies (Exhibit 7) but it will continue to grow. It is notable that online grocery retail is almost non-existent in Russia (only 0.2%), although the first online food stores appeared a while The share of e-commerce ago: Utkonos, one of the biggest players in this market, was set up in 2000. For com- has reached 3.3% of parison, in the UK the share of online food retail is 4.4%, in the Netherlands – 3.6%, in the total retail volume, the USA – 3.0% (Exhibit 8). however, it is still 2-4 times Feeling the potential of the online segment, a lower than that of the number of major offline retailers already developed economies. have or are launching food delivery services.

For example, in 2016 Azbuka Vkusa is planning to increase its current 3% share of The e-commerce is most widely developed in online sales by a factor of 2.5. In addition to such sectors as consumer electronics, apparel traditional food delivery, Azbuka Vkusa is

Exhibit 6 | Russian e-Economy reached ~1.6 trln rub in 2015 (2.1% of GDP) mainly driven by consumption growth

2015 data, B RUB 233 –1 033

320 50

2 010 Spend ~ 2.1% of GDP on Devices 256 1 580 Spend 419 on Access

Online 1 335 consumption

Consumption Investments Government Export Import Digital spending economy

Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-economy model; Euromonitor; Data Insight; Mail Group; HSE; CBR; Pyramid research; RAEC; ACAR; MagnaGlobal; IAB Europe; Spark-Interfax; Consumer Barometer; Rosstat;,; Federal Customs Service of Russia; Gartner; Federal Program «Information Society»; OVUM; Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russia.

The Boston Consulting Group | 15 Exhibit 7 | e-Commerce share in Russia Exhibit 8 | Russian online grocery is 2-4 times lower than in developed market is poorly developed markets

e-commerce as % of retail share of online in total grocery sales

11.4 4.4 10.2 3.6 8.4 3.0 6.8 6.2

1.5 3.3 0.8


Note: in 2014; the volume of retail excluding fuel. Source: Online retailing Europe, Euromonitor, AKIT, Syndy «State of online grocery retail in Europe», BCG analysis.

developing other online services, such as competitions. The main news in the Russian delivery of ready-to-eat meals and set menu market was the announcement by Alisher ingredients for parties. Usmanov about investing US $100 million in that organizes cybersports tourna- The development of new online markets and ments. It is planned that one of the biggest the changing nature of consumption cybersports stadiums in the world will be opened in Moscow already this year. An important achievement of the last 5 years is the rapid growth of Internet-­ Apart from the gradual digitalization of the dependent markets that are new compared mass segment, the nature of online to 2011: tourism, gaming, media, banking consumption is also changing. For example, services and others. Currently these the tourism and travel segments, as we forecast, sectors taken together account for over are moving from simple online ticket bookings half of the total e-commerce volume. (mainly airline tickets) to a comprehensive selection, comparison and payment for travel For example, one of the leaders in online packages. Travel companies are facing growing games – Wargaming (creator of the World of competition from search aggregators of airline Tanks), whose sales in 2015 were RUB 36.2 tickets and hotels – Booking, AirBnB, Aviasales billion11, became one of the three major etc., which pushes conventional operators to Internet companies in the CIS coming very actively develop online booking and dynamic close to Mail.Ru Group (with its RUB 39.3 packaging. billion sales revenue). Today it can be confidently stated that the Both Russian and international investors show Internet in Russia is no longer only a tool for interest in cybersports. The biggest trans­action information search and communication, as it in this sector was a US $970 million purchase of was 5 years ago. Today the Internet offers a the Twitch Internet service by Amazon in 2014 full range of services: offline-to-online, online-­ that makes it possible to webcast cybersports to-offline and online-to-online.

11. US $590 million. Source: Bloomberg.

16 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind The internet in Russia A halt in investment is no longer only a tool growth became one for information search of the key reasons for and communication but the stagnation of the share is also a comprehensive of the digital economy service platform. in Russia.

Spending on access and access devices Government Expenditure

In the segment of access device spending Government expenditure was primarily used the key driver of growth became a on special purpose government programs, substantial increase in mobile devices especially the Information Society program, spending. It was due to the emergence of whose overall purpose was to ensure that affordable smartphones and a significant Russia joins the top 10 countries in terms of development of the mobile Internet not only information technology development. In this in Moscow and but all across comprehensive program three areas can be Russia. Spending on mobile Internet alone identified that are crucial for the digital grew by a factor of 1.5 and exceeded economy: RUB 200 billion. •• development of the infrastructure and bridging of the digital divide among regions; Investment Capital spending is one of the fundamental •• development of e-government; drivers of Internet development. Penetration growth, the development of fixed broadband •• development of ICT-based services in and mobile access area a pre-­requisite for education and healthcare. the development of the digital economy.

The share of telecom operators in the total Export investment volume in the Internet infra- The contribution of net export to the digital structure is around 80%. The investment economy is currently negative – minus RUB 800 programs of major players were mainly billion. This is due to two key factors: the associated with the development of 3G/4G import of ICT goods and services and the networks and fixed broadband access. growth of cross-border import.

The last few years have seen no conditions in ICT Import Russia that would prompt substantial investment growth by telecom operators. Due As of today Russia imports about 90% of to the basic infrastructure reaching its hardware and 60% of software. saturation point and the absence of cheap ruble loans, capital expenditure has been Russia has seen quite a number of examples stagnating since 2012. This was one of the key of domestic IT projects becoming compe­ reasons for a halt in the growth of the digital titive on a global scale: Kaspersky Laboratory, economy in Russia and can become the major Parallels, Acronis. Russia also has several large restricting factor in the digitalization process technology companies such as Yandex,, over the next 5-10 years. VKontakte. Although maintaining their positions in the future will be a challenge for these players, the CIS is still one of the few

The Boston Consulting Group | 17 markets where such giants as Google and Beyond the GDP: Cross-industry Facebook do not enjoy a dominant position. Contribution of the Digital Economy Cross-border import The importance of digitalization for the economy is much higher than it appears from the estimate Over the last 5 years the volume of purchases of its direct effect on the GDP because to avoid in foreign-based online shops has increased double counting, a number of siginificant tenfold to about RUB 200 billion in 2015. economic effects was not included in our calcu- lation: the creation of electronic trading platforms, the growing number of bank card transactions, Over the last 5 years deeper ROPO12 penetration, the growth of online advertising and venture investments (Exhibit 9). the volume of purchases The markets with a digital economy component in foreign-based online have expanded by a factor of 5.5 since 2011 shops has increased from 5 to 27.7 trillion rubles. tenfold to RUB 200 billion. The markets with a digital Goods from China account for 50% of the economy component entire volume. Reciprocal export of similar goods is minimal. AliExpress is clearly demon- have expanded since 2011 strating to the entire world that the export of by a factor of 5.5 from SME products has a very high potential (see insert ‘China: on page 25). 5 to 27.7 trillion rubles.

Exhibit 9 | Cross-industry effect of e-economy was 27.7 trln rub in 2015; 85% was contributed by electronic platforms

2015 data, B RUB 3 812 108 34 27 695

5 096

18 645

Electronic Credit and ROPO Online Venture & Direct Internet- B2B and B2G debit card advertising investments related market trading platforms transaction

Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-economy model; Euromonitor; Data Insight; Mail Group; HSE; CBR; Pyramid research; RAEC; ACAR; MagnaGlobal; IAB Europe; Spark-Interfax; Consumer Barometer; Rosstat;,; Federal Customs Service of Russia; Gartner; Federal Program «Information Society»; OVUM; Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russia.

12. ROPO – researched online purchased offline: goods selected over the Internet but purchased in offline stores.

18 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Bank card transactions and ROPO The advertising budgets of the largest companies are switching to programmatic (for example, up Despite the fact that the bank card transactions to 75% of the P&G Internet advertising budget). segment has seen a dynamic growth (50% per annum on average), the main payment method Venture Investments in Russia is still cash. 60% of card transactions are still cash withdrawals from ATMs. The The venture investment market is an important majority of users prefer cash payments even element of the digital economy. The growth noted when ordering goods from Internet stores. in 2010-2014 put Russia’s venture market next to the leaders in terms of volume: in 2014 Russia The ROPO sales segment has substantially made it to the Top 10 countries with the largest expanded from 6% to 23%, and there is still a venture investments. On the other hand, as regards potential for growth. By analogy with the European its venture investment share in the GDP, Russia is experience it may be assumed that this segment still behind the majority of OECD countries. may further grow at least by a factor of 1.5. In 2015, as a result of the deteriorating Online Advertising macro­economic situation, the Russian venture market shrank by half against the A global growth of the online advertising segment 2014 level and many experts expect a further should be noted. While other global advertising diminishment­ in 2016. channels show a 2% growth per annum, the growth of digital advertising is 13%. In Russia There are also some institutional issues, in Internet advertising has already taken over one particular, the lack of balance in the development third of the market and its mobile segment of various stages of financing. share is growing as well. A relatively effective mechanism of supporting Overall the Russian advertising market shrank business projects in the early stages has been by 10% in 2015 whereas the Internet advertising created, however, at a more advanced stage most of market grew by 15%. It is revealing that as early such projects fail to get the support of the Russian as two years ago Yandex outstripped the First business community. The existing corporate Channel (Russia’s leading federal TV channel) demand for innovative startups is generally met in terms of revenue, and the 2015 advertising with the import of technologies or attempts to revenue put Yandex ahead of the largest Russian develop the products required in-house. advertising seller Gazprom-Media. Therefore even the companies that were grown by the local venture market are leaving for other In 2015 the Russian countries to improve their competence and secure financing for future development, having advertising market no further investment prospects in Russia. shrank by 10% whereas This is one of the most serious problems to be the internet advertising addressed while the digital component of the economy is being developed, it requires consistent market grew by 15%. incentives for innovative entrepreneurial activity.

Within the global digital advertising segment the The companies grown share of automatically targeted (programmatic) advertising is rapidly growing: the average annual by the local venture market growth rate is ~30% compared to 9% in tradi- tional online advertising. In Russia this segment is are leaving for other countries not more than 5%. In comparison to the United due to limited access Kingdom and the US, the share of programmatic there is already over 50% of online advertising. to further financing in Russia.

The Boston Consulting Group | 19 RUSSIA’S INTERNATIONAL


ince the assessment of any achievement The group of Leaders includes the most Sin terms of quality requires under- digitally developed countries: South Korea, standing not only its absolute but also its Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden, relative result, we compare the progress of Norway, and the Netherlands. They digitali­zation in Russia and the dynamics implement the most advanced digital demons­trated by other countries using the technology solutions. BCG e-Intensity index. Players include the majority of developed For the purposes of this index we have made global economies: , USA, Japan a comprehensive assessment based on 28 and the EU. criteria divided into three main categories (see the Methodology section on page 47). Laggards include prosperous countries with a high level of GDP per capita and the rate •• Infrastructure development: availability of digitalization that is lower than in the and speed of mobile and fixed-line Internet countries with a comparable level of economy. access. They are the countries of the Middle East: UAE and Saudi Arabia. •• Development level of online spending: e-commerce and online advertising. It should be noted that in recent years these countries have worked hard to close the •• Involvement of the government, individuals digital divide that separates them from and businesses in using the opportunities the leaders and given priority to the offered by digital economy. deve­lop­ment of online government services online, that is why despite lagging behind, they have succeeded in considerably Digital Economy Worldwide improving their position in the rating in the Overall, the digital intensity of the global last 5 years. economy is constantly rising; however, the level of digitalization differs considerably The group ‘Nascent natives’ is of interest. It from country to country. For convenience, includes countries where the level of digitali- five groups of countries can be identified zation is higher than the relative deve­lopment across the globe (based on their digitalization level of the economy. China is one of the best level and GDP per capita). examples of countries in this group.

20 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Russia’s standing Infrastructure Development As compared to other countries the development­ Over the last 5 years the wired Internet of the Russian digital economy was evolu- penetration has increased by a factor of 1.5 tionary – there was no breakthrough success reaching 70.4% of the population13. The acces- (unlike in China, for example, and some sibility of wired broadband services in 2015 other countries), but there was no loss in was 66.7%. relative position – 39 among 85 (Exhibit 10). In the mobile internet segment Russia has Over the last five years Russia has moved from considerably improved its positions compared the fringe of the Laggards group to the fringe to other countries in terms of broadband of the Players group (Exhibit 11). mobile (+29 positions) and sales of smartphones (+12 positions). Thus, Having compared the current level of digitali- the accessibility of 3G in Russia is 95%, LTE is zation of the Russian economy and the accessible for 60% of the population. deve­lopment dynamics of the ranking leaders, it can be concluded that at present Russia is behind them by 5-8 years (Exhibit 12). Penetration of 3G in Russia is 95%, LTE – 60%. As of today Russia is behind the digitalization According to the Cisco VNI report, the 3G connection speed in Russia is above the leaders by 5-8 years. average level in Central and Eastern Europe.

Exhibit 10 | Russia is at the 39th position in terms of economy digitization

BCG e-Intensity index score Rank # index average 1 Denmark 213 2 Luxembourg 212 3 Sweden 208 4 South Korea 205 5 Netherlands 198 6 Norway 191 7 United Kingdom 191 ...... 30 UAE 129 ...... 35 China 120 36 Israel 118 37 Romania 118 38 Slovenia 114 39 Russia 113 40 Italy 109 42 Greece 107 43 Brazil 97 45 Saudi Arabia 88 ...... 65 Venezuela 47 ...... 80 India 32 ...... 85 Cameroon 12 050 100 150 200 250

Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-Intensity model

13. Data from Euromonitor.

The Boston Consulting Group | 21 Exhibit 11 | Russia’s relative position remains unchanged over the last 5 years

2011 BCG e-Intensity score 2015 BCG e-Intensity score 250 250

Leaders 200 200

Leaders Nascent Players 150 150 natives Players

Russia '15 Laggards 100 Nascent 100 natives

Laggards Aspirants 50 Russia '11 50


0 0 020406080 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 2010 GDP per capita 2014 GDP per capita ($K, PPP) ($K, PPP)

Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-Intensity model.

Exhibit 12 | Russia’s absolute e-Intensity score has been improving at 24% CAGR, but its relative position is stagnating at ~#39–40 out of 85

BCG e-Intensity score 250 CAGR1 Maturity of Russian e-economy has reached the level of leaders' 5–8 years ago South Korea 11 % 200 UK 14 %

150 UAE 24 % China 33 %

Russia 24 % 100 BRIC2 27 %

50 Venezuela 16 %

0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1. CAGR - compound annual growth rate. 2. BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India, China. Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-Intensity model.

22 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Overall, in terms of infrastructure Involvement in the Digital Economy develop­ment Russia is the leader among Analysis of the dynamics over the last 5 years BRIC countries; however, it is behind the indicates that it was thanks to its involvement average for OECD countries by a factor of indicator that Russia was able to improve its 1.5 (Exhibit 13). relative standing in the ranking.

It should also be noted that Russia is showing The main driver of growth here was a number a slower growth rate as compared to China of initiatives that were implemented by the and Brazil. Over the last 5 years these countries government and involved the deployment of have substantially reduced the gap with digital technologies. Two major projects can be Russia, from 1.6 to 1.2 times. identified among them.

The first one was the introduction of electronic Online Spending Development procurement (Federal Law No. 44 (Federal Law In the previous chapter we already described No. 94) and Federal Law No. 223). The very the specific features of online consumption emergence of an electronic platform is a proper patterns in Russia, so we are not going to dwell fundamental step towards optimizing the on this issue here. It should only be noted that existing processes and phasing out the repli- the development level of e-commerce and cation of document management. online advertising in Russia is higher than among its BRIC ‘neighbours’, India and The other major achievement is the electronic Brazil, but on average lower than in China government project. According to a study and OECD countries (Exhibit 13) and is carried out by the Russian Statistic Service, in almost half the level of the countries that top 2015 a total of 40% of citizens used the Internet the rankings. to interact with the government, which is commensurate with the average figure in the China is a representative example of an (46.3%). explosive growth of e-commerce that put the country among the Top 5 in terms of online However, the issue here is whether the services consumption (see insert “China” on page 25). provided constitute real full-cycle services.

Exhibit 13 | Russia is the leader among BRIC in infrastructure development and engagement in digital economy

Infrastructure development Online spending Engagement in digital economy BCG e-Intensity score BCG e-Intensity score BCG e-Intensity score OECD OECD averag e OECD averag e 60 % 20 % average

Russia China Russia

China Russia China

Brazil Brazil Brazil

India India India

050 100 150 200 0 100 200300 400 050100 150 2015 2011

Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-Intensity model.

The Boston Consulting Group | 23 So far most of the processes that require As regards the extent of involvement in electronic interaction with the government in Russia interaction with the government, the gap between have to be completed offline, in contrast to Moscow and the regions continues to be the more digitally advanced countries. substantial: the use of e-government services in Moscow exceeds the level of other regions approxi­ For example, only 14% of citizens are registered mately by a factor of 5 (Exhibit 14). This indicates with the state services website and only 4% have that further effort is needed to provide a larger a digital signature (e-signature). In comparison, share of the population with online government in Denmark it is over 75%. services, and a potential for enhancing the efficiency of interaction processes.

Exhibit 14 | E-government in Russia is at an early stage of development

40% of citizens have used Internet Only 14% of citizens have used Only 4% of the citizens to interact with state authorities public services portals have electronic signature

% of individuals interacting online % of individuals registered % of individuals with electronic signature with state authorities at the public services portals 64 %

Russia's 47 % average 40 % 36 %

Russia's average 15 % 14 % Russia's 8 % average 3 % 4 %

Moscow Other regions Moscow Other regions Moscow Other regions

Source: Rosstat 2015

24 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind CHINA – THE LEADER IN DIGITALIZATION TEMPO

Over the last 5 years China has made a total market volume, in 2014 its share quality leap in digitalizing its economy increased to 25% and amounted to approx- which was partly achieved by the imately US $36 billion. develop­ment of the fixed and mobile Internet infrastructure. This resulted in a The main driver of online consumption substantial increase in the number of development is the growth of online trading; Internet users. The Internet penetration however, other Internet segments are also increased from 16% in 2007 to 48% in showing high growth rates: online adver- 2014. 86% of users access the Internet tising, online games, online payments etc. from mobile devices (Exhibit 15). (Exhibit 16).

Explosive Growth of Online Consumption The online markets in China are highly In 2010 online retail accounted for only 3% consolidated. Alibaba Group is the leader in of total consumption. By 2015 the number the online trading market. Baidu and of people making purchases over the Taobao that are part of Alibaba Group, Internet trebled reaching 410 million. At account for 70% of the Internet advertising present approximately 8.4% of all market. Tancent is the absolute leader in purchases are made over the Internet. the online gaming market in all the Forecasts claim that by 2020 the Internet segments: mobile, browser and PC games. sales volume will go up by 20%, whereas offline retail will grow by 6%. Thus, the The Alibaba Phenomenon Chinese e-commerce market will reach Alibaba Group is an indisputable leader in US $1.6 trillion by 2020 or 24% of total all segments of the online trading market. It retail sales. Meanwhile, the mobile segment accounts for 40% of the B2B market, 61% share is growing. Namely, in 2011 the of the B2C and C2C markets and 86% of mobile segment accounted for 12% of the the mobile e-commerce market.

Exhibit 15 | Internet penetration in China is growing fast, especially in the mobile segment

1 China's PC and mobile Internet users 649 618 564 557 513 500 PC Internet 457 420 384 356 Mobile Internet 303 298 233 210

118 50

200 7 2008 200 9 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Internet penetratio n 16.0 % 22.6 % 28.9 % 34.3 % 38.3 % 42.1 % 45.8 % 47.9 %

% of mobile user2 24.0 % 39.5 % 60.8 % 66.2 % 69.3 % 74.5 % 81.0 % 85.8 %

1. Internet users are defined as those aged 6 years old and above, who went online in the past 6 months. 2. % of internet users used mobile phone to access the internet in the past 6 months. Source: CNNIC; BCG analysis

The Boston Consulting Group | 25 Exhibit 16 | China’s Internet economy has been growing at record rates during the last 5 years

China's PC & Mobile Internet market size, B USD E-commerce +61 % 77 49 18 28 141 2011 2012 2013 2014 36 Mobile Internet Online Advertising +52 % +42 % 96 25 9 13 18 18 2011 2012 2013 2014 61 Online Games 9 105 PC Internet +44 % 18 40 6 9 14 5 79 52 2011 2012 2013 2014 35 Online Payment s +71 % 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 2 3 6 2011 2012 2013 2014

Note: Other markets are ~$15 in 2015. Source: iResearch; BCG analysis.

In addition to the largest trading floors such 2020 Alibaba is planning to make cloud as,,, technologies and Big Data the basis of the, the company is developing entire ecosystem of its business. Alibaba’s an ecosystem of services that touch upon founder, Jack Ma, strongly believes that various aspects of users’ lives. For example, this is the key to the future. in 2004 Alipay, an electronic payment system was launched enabling commission- Contribution by the State free payments. Currently Alipay is the The Chinese government plays an largest player in the online payments market important role in digitalizing the national with a 50% share. In the mobile payments economy and consistently manages the segment the company’s share is even digital transformation. In the five year plan higher, at 82%. (2016-2020) priority is given to the deve­lopment of information and commu­ Alibaba Group is constantly seeking oppor- nication technologies and their impact tunities to increase its market presence. upon the country’s development. Several For example, to find a solution for stra­tegies at a time directly or indirectly withdrawing funds by the merchants from relate to the promotion of digitalization: a Alipay, Alibaba launched Yu’eBao, a money wider use of ICT, fostering innovation. market fund that makes it possible to deposit funds at interest rates comparable One of the main ICT initiatives is the with bank deposits. This made Alibaba the Internet+ strategy that involves the largest player in this market with a share of deve­lop­ment of the Internet of Things, Big around 30%. Data, cloud computing, the mobile Internet, etc., and their integration with all sectors of In addition to primary business promotion the economy: industry, agriculture, financial that involves further development in the sector, commerce, state sector, etc. The local market and global expansion, as well Chinese government is planning to make as the development of financial services, by the Internet+ concept a new economic

26 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind model for China and the principal driver of Internet of Things: as of today 202 cities economic and social development of the have been selected for pilot testing of the country by 2025. opportunities and over 90% of Chinese provinces and municipalities have indicated To deploy this strategy the government is the Internet of Things as a development implementing a number of measures to reduce priority. the barriers that prevent the develop­ ment­ of new companies and products and their Online healthcare. The government is aware access to the market: of the substantial benefits associated with the deployment of online healthcare and is •• amendments to the legislation; striving to create all the conditions required for its development. For example, in 2012 •• preferential terms of financing and tax the Health Ministry invested US$9.5 billion benefits; in the development of electronic medical record books and data systems. The •• provision of legal services; government is also working to remove the existing legal barriers. For example, it •• involvement of all governmental author- simplified the registration of online ities in strategy deployment; pharmacies and is expected to permit the online sale of certain prescription drugs in •• raising investment, including foreign 2016. The government has also green-lit funds etc. the use of telemedicine and remote issuance of prescriptions in rural areas with limited The Internet of Things. The state’s contri- access to medical services. bution into China’s digitalization is exemplified by the initiative supporting the The development of online healthcare in development of the Internet of Things. In China is of interest not only to the state but particular, in 2012 a five-year development to private companies as well. In 2014 plan was launched to bring the Internet of various services associated with online Things market to the level of US $163 billion healthcare received US$700 million in by 2020. As a measure to attain this goal a investments. For example, Alibaba and special state fund was set up designed to Tencent developed services for online engage in research and develop applica- purchase of drugs including prescription tions and services associated with the drugs, making appointments with doctors Internet of Things. In 2014 the state invested online, and making online payments for over US $1.5 billion into such projects. In their services. Baidu developed a ‘cloud addition, in 2013 an ad hoc council was healthcare’ service to prevent massive formed to develop laws and standards for outbreaks of diseases and implement the Internet of Things. preventive diagnostics.

A Smart City. The Chinese government is We expect an exponential growth of online also developing the concept of a smart city healthcare in China, from US$3 billion in as a practical example of implementing the 2014 to US$110 billion in 2020.


Jack Ma went all the way from a modest to set up something similar to WTO to translator and a teacher of English to one help small companies in the course of of the richest people in the world. A globalization and ensure they can sell company he founded, Alibaba, overturned­ their goods all over the world.’ the concept of e-commerce and made a major contribution to an explosive digitali- About e-commerce: ‘In 15 years e-commerce zation of China. will be like electricity, nobody will be speaking about it.’ 5 selected quotes by Jack Ma: About the future: ‘Data will be the largest About the role of the Internet: ‘15 years resource of the future. It will become a ago nobody heard of Google, Facebook, common resource like oil, water or iPhone, Alibaba. And now they are an electricity.’ integral part of people’s lives. The magic is down to the Internet that changes About economic difficulties: ‘When I the world.’ went into business 15 years ago, everyone was complaining about poor About globalization: ‘WTO is good but it conditions and the investment climate focuses on large corporations. We have just like today.’

Alibaba creates an ecosystem to tap into various aspects of people’s daily life

Social О2О Independent Network Software Vendors Mobile Browser MARKETPLACES Marketing Retail operational Affiliates partners

Professional Service Provider

Digital Financing Entertainment Sellers Buyers

Logistics Mobile Payment Online and mobile commerce platform


Source: Alibaba Group.

28 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind REGIONAL SPECIFICS OF THE DIGITIZATION IN RUSSIA

ussia’s major achievement is an almost managed to bridge the existing gap and come Rtwofold reduction of the digital divide14 very close to Moscow levels. between Moscow and other regions. The development of access infrastructure While in 2011 the digital gap between Moscow was the key driver of reducing the digital and the regional average was 2.6, today it is gap. On average, since 2011 this indicator in down to 1.35 (Exhibit 17). Digitalization growth the regions has grown by a factor of 2.6. should also be noted in Saint Petersburg which

Exhibit 17 | Digital divide between Moscow and other regions has narrowed significantly over the last 5 years

BCG e-Intensity score as % of Moscow 2015 2011 100 % x 1.6 x 1.8 17 % x XX 2011–2015 growth x 1.7 x 1.9 x 1.9 x 2.3 80 % x 2.3 Regional average x 2.0 in 20151 60 % 46 %

40 % Regional average in 20111

20 %

0 % Moscow Central FD Ural FD Volga FD Far-Eastern FD

St. Petersburg North-Western FD Siberian FD Southern FD North-Caucasian FD

1. Average for Russian regions except Moscow and St. Petersburg. Note: Data for Southern FD is used as data for North-Caucasian FD in 2011. Source: BCG analysis; BCG regional e-Intensity model; HSE; Rosstat, Yandex.

14. Evaluation made on the basis of the BCG e-Intensity index (infrastructure development level, online spending – e-commerce and advertising; the involvement of the government, businesses and individuals in going online) – for more details see Methodology.

The Boston Consulting Group | 29 As a result of the infrastructure development Developing regions – the main group and individual income growth there was a rise in online consumption in each region. On This group includes most of the regions of Central average the gap with Moscow was down by a and , the Urals, some regions of factor of 1.6. and the Far East. These regions have an average level of digitalization and in the last 5 years have substantially reduced the gap that In the last 5 years the digital separates them from the leaders. The Moscow and Leningrad regions where digital develop­ gap between Moscow ­ment is driven by Moscow and Saint Petersburg and the regions went down respectively are worthy of special notice. from 2.6 to 1.35. The regions in this group have growth potential in all the key areas – infrastructure, online spending, and involvement. In addition, the frequency of purchases made in Internet stores is the same nationwide, which In the current macroeconomic environment the is yet another indication that the level of online development priority should become maximizing activity does not depend upon the person’s the use of the existing infrastructure and access as place of residence. As soon as Internet access well as the enhancement of process efficiency by becomes available, people become active using digital services and platforms. participants of the digital economy. However, the average bill in the regions is 25% lower than Underpopulated developing regions in Moscow, which is due to the remaining differ- ences in people’s incomes. This group includes the Northern regions of Russia and the underpopulated regions of the Far East. Their level of digitalization is compa- Specific features of regional rable to that of the previous group, however, development their future development in terms of digitali- The degree of digitalization in the regions varies zation has certain specific features. from one region to another, making it possible to identify 4 main groups (Exhibit 18) and First, these are mining regions. Best practices discuss the specifics of their future confirm that the implementation of digital development. technologies in the industrial sector makes it possible to significantly increase efficiency and Digitalization leaders therefore added value.

Despite the reduction of the digital gap, Second, low population density imposes certain Moscow and Saint Petersburg remain absolute restrictions on the development of e-commerce leaders in the ranking. They are role models for and accessibility of good quality education and the other regions. healthcare. Implementation of online services in social sectors will allow to even out the More growth can be achieved through further geographical peculiarities of these regions and penetration of online services and greater provide access to good quality services with no involvement of individuals, businesses and the substantial increase in costs. government in the digital economy. Regions lagging behind Thus, despite its achievements, in terms of its digital maturity, Moscow is still in the second This group includes some regions of the North dozen of the largest megacities15. Caucasus. Despite lagging behind the main

15. According to the Ranking of Smart Global Cities by the Institute of Information Sciences Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Networked Society City Index by Ericsson for 2014.

30 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Exhibit 18 | Regions differ greatly in digitization level; 4 main groups have been identified

2015 regional BCG e-Intensity score 70


Saint Petersburg Moscow 60

Moscow region Murmansk region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra Leningrad region Arkhangelsk regio n Underpopulated 50 Developing Komi rep . developing regions Tyumen region regions Krasnoyarsk region Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Kamchatka Krai Chukotka Magadan region. Sakhalin region 40 Saha rep. Kabardino-Balkar rep. rep. Karachaevo-Cherkessia rep.

Laggards Ingushetiya rep. 2013 GMP per capita Chechen rep. (M RUB, PPP) 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2600

Source: BCG analysis; BCG regional e-Intensity model; HSE; Rosstat, Yandex. group to a fairly small extent in terms of infra- The regional government should take the lead in structure development, they are far behind the digitalization. This will not only make it possible to average indicators both in terms of the level of improve the efficiency of government services, but online spending dynamics and the level of their will also increase the involvement of individuals in involvement in the digital economy. online use and its ample opportunities.


huge underutilized potential for digitali- worth 5–7 trillion rubles per annum. For A zation of businesses is common for all the comparison, this is quite commensurate with Russian regions. the total fiscal revenues from the Russian oil and gas sector (RUB 7.4 trillion in 2014). Even in Moscow the use of such basic, by best practice standards, digital products as ERP and CRM systems by companies does not exceed 24% Consistent digitalization of and the regional indicators are 2.5-3 times lower. the key industries by 2021 Broadband access16 penetration in the corporate segment exceeded 80% already in 2014, will make it possible to create however, the share of companies using the added value worth 5–7 trillion Internet with a speed over 2 Mbit/s is 1.7 times less and of those using a speed of over 10 Mbit/s rubles per annum. it is 3 times less.

The main reason for this is that the existing To illustrate the readiness of the Russian indus- digital opportunities and their impact upon tries for digital transformation we rely on the efficiency, productivity and business growth BCG Industry Digital Readiness Index that potential in most industries are seriously under- applies methods that are similar to the approach estimated – both by small businesses and major to the evaluation of the digital intensity of players. economies and are based on three factors.

We consider that it is important to stress once •• Development of basic requirements to more that digitalization opens up fundamen- launch the process of digital transfor- tally new opportunities to create added mation – the existence of the infrastructure, value across all the industries and sectors of the development level of institutions, services the economy. and regulation for the industry.

According to our estimates, the effect of •• Basic Internet use – online representation consistent digitalization of the key industries by and the degree of online activity of the 2021 will make it possible to create added value industry players.

16. Internet with data transmission speed of 256 Kbit/s and over. Source: Rosstat.

32 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind •• Advanced use of digital technologies – makes the scaling and integration of any new penetration level of global digital trends solutions a challenge. into the internal operations of the corporate industry players. Basic Internet use: average

The evaluation of digitalization is relative and is For the most part Russian retail companies use based on a comparison to the international the Internet for advertising and providing leaders of a particular industry, for example, information about their services, whereas its the retail sector is compared to that of the ‘basic use’ by leaders today includes much United Kingdom, the railway transport sector is more advanced solutions (for example, social compared to that of Germany. media monitoring, CRM etc.).

We have provided illustrative examples to show Advanced use of digital technologies: average the underlying status of the major industries and the potential areas for their digitalization. On the face of it, it may appear that the need for using digital technologies in the Russian We have intentionally selected the industries retail market may not be high – the share of the that are vastly different (retail, railway transport, top 5 food retailers accounts for only 26%, and healthcare, museums) to stress that digitali- all of them still have room for growth through zation is relevant for any of them. geographic expansion and consolidation (Exhibit 20). However, in some cities and regions competition between major chains is Retail beginning to get tougher (for example, in Saint A number of complexities are inherent to this Petersburg) and is gradually approaching the sector in general. The major one is increasing levels of such countries as the United Kingdom. customer fragmentation due to an accelerated pace of life. This affects the product range, in In some non-food categories the level of retail particular, it makes it necessary to maintain a consolidation is even higher (Exhibit 20). In large number of items. Maintaining a large this situation all players have to engage in a range of products, in its turn, requires a fairly tough competition for the customer. It is here sophisticated system of logistics from the that digital technologies should become the supplier to the point of sale. key differentiation tool as well as a way of increasing revenue and minimizing the players’ In Russia these complexities are aggravated by costs (Exhibit 21). the country’s extensive territory, the low quality of transport infrastructure and For example, Mercaux is an interesting B2B workforce shortages. solution for apparel stores. It is a mobile appli- cation that allows the shop assistant to have all Our experience shows that digital technologies the necessary information at hand about the are a solution to many of these issues. product range, availability of a particular item in the store or other stores of the chain, prompts Development of basic requirements: average what other goods may be offered to go with a particular item making it possible to offer all In terms of the development of such funda- items as part of a digital set that is similar to the mental factors for retail digitalization as way clothes are now presented on a mannequin equipment- and telecom-related costs, Russia is in a store. This service is already used by Incity almost on par with best practices. However, it and Benetton chains, Loriblu boutiques in lags behind in investment in data storage and Russia and the stores of a big cosmetics brand management systems and especially in software Kiko Milano in Italy. The first results showed a and the lag is much more considerable. As a sales growth of 6–11%. result, the IT systems of most players are charac- terized by multiple ‘makeshift’ IT solutions and ‘We do not expect an Uber driver to know the ‘patches’ that are less effective than specialized city inside out – he must drive well and be solutions and need ongoing maintenance. This polite, and a navigator will show the route. In

The Boston Consulting Group | 33 Exhibit 19 | Overall, share of top-5 players in Russian grocery retail is ~26%; however, in St. Petersburg, it is ~70%

Share of top-5 players, 2015 80

70 % 60 % 70 % Metro 4 % Co-operative Dixy 8 % Group 5 % 60 % 60 Aldi 12 % Casino Lenta 12 % 9 % 48 % Rewe Morrisons Auchan Publix 2 % Group 9 % 47 % 9 % Safeway 3 % Metro 5 % Intertorg 14 % Walmart 13 % 40 12 % E Leclerc Costco 6 % Tesco 6 % Schwarz 12 % Group Kroger Eurocash 6 % Sainsbury 16 % ITM 10 % O'Key 13 % Schwarz (Intermarche) 16 % 20 % Group 11 % Lenta 2 % 20 13 % Dixy 2 % Edeka Walmart Auchan 3 % Tesco Jeronimo X5 1 % 24 % Carrefour 27 % X5 6 % 9 % 22 % Martins 21 % 1 % 18 % 19 % Magnit 2 % 7 % CRE 4 % Auchan 2 % Germany UK France USA Poland St. Petersburg1 Russia China

1. Data of Federal Anti-Monopoly Service in St. Petersburg, 2014. Sources: Euromonitor, Infoline, BCG analysis.

the same way one cannot expect sales assistants Exhibit 20 | In Russian non-grocery to remember the entire product range, the retail, the highest concentration exists specific features and details of each product in the cosmetics & consumer electronic and whether it is available, considering how fast segments collections change and the high staff turnover in the retail business, this is simply physically market share of Top-5 players, %, 2015 80 78 % impossible, and is not required anyway,’ says 2 % 3 % 67 % the founder of Mercaux Olga Kotsur. 11 % 8 % #5 60 #4 10 % In Russia, with its vast territories and low 17 % #3 population density, digital technologies may play #2 40 16 % an important role in the geographic expansion of #1 the players into the regions through automation 25 % 16 % 1 % 45 % 2 % and standardization of supply chains. The use of 20 3 % 7 % 8 % digital technologies in the distribution centers 19 % 1 % 11 % 2 % 2 %2 % makes it possible to achieve a 5-10% reduction 0 2 % in costs and a 1-2% increase in revenues by Beauty Consumer DIY, Apparel ensuring that deliveries to the points of sale Electronics Home & Garden are made in a more timely manner and are

more complete, by speeding up stock turnover Sources: Euronomonitor, Planet retail, Infoline, BCG analysis. and reducing the probability of running out of stock. Thus, the existing distribution centers become more efficient and there is less need for investment in new ones, which makes entry into Railway Transportation new regions cheaper. Railway transportation in Russia today has quite a number of issues. Thus, those retailers that implement digital technologies will become more competitive in Both B2B and B2C are affected by the following: the Russian market. In addition, they will get closer to global leaders that will create the •• absence or limited functionality of the digital additional potential for entering new markets channels for communication between carriers, in other countries. shippers and passengers;

34 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Exhibit 21 | Digitization should become a key tool for differentiation, as well as a source of new revenues and cost optimization of players

Innovations in interaction Innovations impacting Supply chain BENEFITS with customers store operations innovations

Personalized advertising Differentiation & online merchandising Virtual store research 'Click-to-track'3 Заказ онлайн – Большие данные: мониторинг самовывоз из магазина в торговых точках, ценообразование

New revenue Online & mobile shopping Interactive fitting room mirrors (incl. virtual tours, video chat) and automation of fitting rooms

Electronic price tags Big data: Inventory management, Cost demand forecast optimization Self-service Automation of distribution 'Smart' shopping bags2 centers

Digital stores1 Training for personnel 'Smart' logistics using 3D simulation

1, Stores without physical presence of goods in outlets. 2. Allow the shopper to pay for the goods automatically upon leaving the store. 3. Tracking of products from the source. Source: BCG analysis.

•• limited demand forecasting capabilities A problem that is common to B2B and B2C for cargo and passenger transportation; structures both in Russia and in the countries with more digitally advanced railway transpor- •• low efficiency and high cost of repairs, tation, is the fragmented nature of the IT infra- absence of predictive maintenance. structure that is often supported by various divisions within the company and is poorly In the B2B sector there is limited access to coordinated. Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) for cargo transportation for small and medium example has recently allocated € 120 million to businesses, which is mainly due to the absence harmonize its IT landscape. of digital communication channels. The B2B structure is affected by regulatory restric- In the B2C sector customer experience is in tions: under the current regulation performing need of improvement: predictive maintenance is not permitted. Providing condition-based repairs in such •• making multimodal transportation more countries as Germany, Denmark, Austria, convenient, including not only the possi- Switzerland, has already resulted in cost bility of planning the itinerary but also reduction. purchasing ‘door-to-door’ travel tickets; In the B2C sector passenger access to means of •• ensuring access to means of communi- communication during travel is limited. The cation en route; telecom infrastructure designed to support such access, especially during long-haul trans- •• creating simpler ticket booking systems portation, often operates with disruptions. using websites and mobile applications. Addressing the problem is further complicated by the long distances involved and the low Digitalization offers solutions to all these issues. density of coverage of remote segments of the route network. Development of basic requirements: average Basic Internet use: average Despite the progress made, a number of issues are apparent that are blocking the digitalization Although Russian cargo and passenger carriers of railway transportation. are already present on the Internet, the

The Boston Consulting Group | 35 possibilities of purchasing passenger services X-CHANGE PLATFORM and especially cargo transportation services through a website or mobile applications are so One of the outstanding examples of B2B far limited. digitalization in the transport industry is BCG’s X-Change platform designed to Meanwhile, a Deutsche Bahn’s B2C application streamline marine container transportation. DB Navigator makes it possible not only to buy a ticket but also to plan a detailed itinerary In this area the total costs of the major from the starting point to the destination, players related to an empty run are including the way from home to the railway estimated at US $15-20 billion per station, doing a search and paying for parking. annum. Our analysis has shown that a platform that allows a shared use of Advanced use of digital technologies: low assets by the players may reduce such costs by more than 30%, let alone the Today the use of digital trends in B2B and B2C beneficial effect of such synergy on the railway transportation is very limited in Russia. environment. Depending upon the development stage and Today the X-Change platform has been their relevance for Russia they have been successfully implemented1. divided in three groups (Exhibit 22).

We believe that the first priority is: continuous connectivity for B2C; Big Data for B2B and B2C; digital platforms for B2B.

17. For more information please see https://xchange. In the short term Big Data is required to forecast the demand for passenger and cargo

Exhibit 22 | Digital trends in rail transportation can be split into three groups by stage of development and relevance for Russia

Relevance 3D-printing Big data Digital platforms for the industry Production Advanced analytics Provision of logistics in Russia of individualized of supply chain and as a service with products in small improved forecasting, opportunity to configure batches closer e.g., of demand its elements to the point and capacity of sale / use

Driverless Internet of Things Continuous transportation Intelligent connectivity connectivity Intelligent, of 'smart' objects Continuous connectivity autonomous to combine material to information and systems, e.g., and information flows channels driverless vehicles

Augmented reality Social platforms Cloud Allows operators & localization Applications with to visually determine, Understanding of social high productivity e.g., location or route networks and connection and ability to work of a container to local content with big data for localized offers in the cloud

Stage of technological development 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd priority (1–3 years) (5–7 years) (10 years and more)

Source: BCG analysis.

36 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind transportation more accurately and to better Social platforms will make it possible to person- understand customer needs and other objectives. alize offers to customers based on their location, Poor forecasts today result in both lost revenue frequency of using services, preferences and and increased transportation costs. Big Data is interests. already widely used for these purposes by such foreign players as DB, SBB, SNCF etc. We believe the following trends to be the third long-term priority: 3D-printing, autonomous The digital platforms make it possible to change transportation and augmented reality. the current operating and/or business model and methods of interaction between counter- 3D-printing will allow to produce spare parts where parties. In particular, they make it possible to and when they are needed which will substantially provide access to cargo transportation for small reduce the duration and cost of repairs. and medium enterprises (SME) through electronic exchange. Today, despite a more The future of autonomous transportation is economical cost of long-distance rail transpor- still uncertain, but it creates potential for tation (over 1,000 – 1,500 km) as compared to reducing labor input, power consumption and road transportation, SMEs select the latter due improving reliability. to a complicated process of booking and purchasing railway freight transportation. We believe that the implementation of the above Globally, digital B2B platforms are divided into trends is not only important for the Russian broker platforms (, DBSchenker, railway industry but will have a multiplier effect Cargomatic), forwarding companies’ platforms on the development of other industries. (UPS, MyDHL) and information platforms (Xeneta, Inttra). Most of them are multimodal and have a global reach, which makes the Healthcare process of purchasing logistics services much It is obvious that the development level of simpler and improves fleet utilization. healthcare directly affects the country’s welfare, which is especially critical for Russia due to an We consider the following to be the second increase in the demographic load factor. priority objectives: switching to cloud to streamline the B2B and B2C workload; the As shown by the experience of many developed development of the Internet of Things to countries, each additional year of life expec- improve the efficiency of the B2B and B2C tancy is increasingly costly (Exhibit 24). infrastructure; social platforms and localization However, digital technologies may make of supply in B2C. healthcare services more accessible and improve their quality even without an increase Processing large amounts of data in the in costs. This is the key challenge. medium term will require moving to the cloud, since this technology has the required level of Development of basic requirements: average performance without adding a substantial server equipment cost. A digital revolution in healthcare requires widely spread digital telecommunications The Internet of Things, together with Big Data channels – both fixed-line and mobile. In (and amendment to the current laws), will allow Russia it is not formally the main obstacle – for to perform predictive maintenance: sensors will example, in 2014, 97% of healthcare institu- transmit all the current information about a tions in Russia had access to the Internet. train and the infrastructure; analysis of Big Data will allow to compare such information with The main obstacle to the healthcare digitali- known accident patterns; the maintenance plan zation in Russia is the lack of regulatory basis, will be immediately updated, this will allow to data processing protocols and standards. The prevent major breakdowns. This will result in a Ministry of Healthcare is currently drafting a substantial cost reduction (estimated at 17-18%), telemedicine bill. The success of digitalization improved availability of trains and customer of the industry will in many ways depend upon satisfaction. the results of this work.

The Boston Consulting Group | 37 Another obstacle is the current system of Advanced digital technologies have not yet healthcare financing: the share of VMI18 and become widespread in the Russian healthcare personal spending is not high, while public system be it in terms of patient interaction, or funding is not focused on digital healthcare. internal processes. Initiatives to develop digital systems to support medical solutions and Basic Internet use: average advanced analytics of medical data are just beginning to be discussed. Thanks to a number of government programs, the online presence of the healthcare system is In some regions and healthcare sectors the now starting to expand. For example, the system situation is somewhat better. For example, in of electronic appointments with doctors in Republic of the local government public clinics in Moscow exceeds 50%. supports the development of certain telemed- icine components and electronic medical However, due to regulatory restrictions, the sale records, there is also a designated Situation of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices Center of the Healthcare Ministry. over the Internet is almost non-existent. In Moscow almost all subsidized prescriptions Advanced use of digital technologies: low are issued electronically (however as per regulatory requirements, then they have to be Certain digital trends are increasingly developing printed out); medical startups are now appearing worldwide: some of them will become common- in big cities (for example, Doc+ in Moscow). place in the next 10 years, others will follow later (Exhibit 24). It should be noted that there are a Generally, the legislation is the main obstacle to number of other factors whose impact is difficult the development of digital . to predict at this time – for example, genome However, once this obstacle is removed, deciphering, the cost of which has gone down system-wide changes will be required which are from US $100 million 15 years ago to US $1,000 only possible through coordinated effort by all today. Such innovations create unprecedented participants of the sector – for example, the opportunities for the future development of development of data standards, changes to the genetics and precision medicine. healthcare system financing etc.

Exhibit 23 | China has achieved higher life expectancy without significant additional costs; Russia in 2010–2013 followed the ‘path to avoid’

Outcome: Healthy life expectancy at birth, years, 2013 80 Ideal path

China, 2013 70

China, 2010 USA, 2013 USA, 2010 60 Russia, 2013 Russia, 2010 Cost per capita Country of 1 additional year 50 of life expectancy2 Path to avoid China $198 USA $272 40 Russia $362 Size – health expenditure as % of GDP1 30 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000 Input: Health Expenditure per Capita in Int$, PPP, 2013 Note: Health-adjusted life expectancy: Estimates the number of years in full health an individual is expected to live at birth by subtracting the years of ill health (weighted according to severity) from overall life expectancy. 1. Bubble size corresponds to 1~0% of GDP. 2. 2013 compared to 2010, in Int$, PPP. Source: WHO; World Bank; BCG analysis

18. Voluntary medical insurance.

38 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Exhibit 24 | Some digital trends in healthcare will be wide-spread within the next 10 years; others – later

SHORT- AND MID-TERM (0-10 years) LONG-TERM (10+ years)

VIRTUAL CARE MEDICAL 3D-PRINTING ACCESS • Connects clinicians, patients, family members and health • 3D-printing to build biological structures from soft tissue professionals in real-time to provide health services, or skin replacements promote collaboration, support self-management, and coordinate care

CONNECTED PATIENT • Allows physicians and nurses to maximize their connectivity and productivity, incl. using intelligent devices CONNECTED HOME • Integrated digital services that enable remote monitoring, COSTS video consultations, coordination of care and care delivery at home PATIENT ENGAGEMENT • Insurance offering programs with rewards for health lifestyles • Remotely monitoring a patient's health to identify signs of degradation

ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS PRECISION MEDICINE • Tracking data over time and across health institutions • Treatment and prevention taking into account individual QUALITY visited variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle • Identifying patients who are due for preventive visits and ROBOTICS screenings • Robotic surgical delivery, robotic services within a facility • Monitoring how patients measure up to certain parameters and emergency response services (e.g., vaccinations, blood pressure)

FACILITATING • Platforms & connectivity FACTORS • Internet of Things

POTENTIAL • Genome research Source: WEF, BCG analysis; BCG Center for Sensing and Mining the Future DISRUPTORS • Stem cells research Digitalization of Museums and Galleries majority of the systems used do not meet the international standards, in particular, in terms Digitalization in the culture sector is a matter of of integration capacity. national importance. Culture is an area where the educational and research effect of digitalization is Second, most of museum employees in Russia boundless, so is the expansion of access to the are senior citizens who often do not have suffi- cultural heritage, and this is exactly the key cient skills to deal with computer technology. mission of the sector. Third, under the existing regulations of the Contemporary users that are spoilt by attention Ministry of Culture it is required that stock- and the ‘sophistication’ of commercial entities taking records and reports to the Museum expect the same level of experience from Fund must be kept and submitted on paper. museums and galleries. Attempts have been made to digitalize the The other major change affects the principles of records and catalogues, though they are financing: digitalization opens new sources of limited: at present only several museums are revenue for museums and galleries. allowed to keep the books of new arrivals in electronic form. Development of basic requirements: low One of the recent initiatives is the digitalization In terms of basic conditions required for digital of the State Catalogue of all museum exhibits. transformation, museums and galleries in Russia Although any information required for this encounter a number of issues. catalogue may be digitally transmitted, in practice it is very limited (the name of the First, in the majority of cases the existing IT exhibit, author, year and place of creation, size, infrastructure is obsolete and insufficient. The brief description, and location). The digital

The Boston Consulting Group | 39 images in this catalogue are of low quality and are Examples of digital solutions are shown in only available for a few exhibits. Exhibit 25. Some of them are already being introduced in Russia by technology companies Basic Internet use: average that support museums and galleries (for example, there is a cooperation program Russian museums and galleries generally have between Samsung and the Moscow Museum of their own websites, and many of them are also Modern Art). Still, introducing many of them present in the social media. first requires compiling an internal database with detailed information on all the exhibits However, the convenience of user interface and (Collection Management System). the scope of services offered through the website are limited. For example, there is no compre- Unfortunately, Russian museums and galleries, hensive information about the exhibits, and only unlike foreign ones (for example, The Met), the biggest museums offer tickets online. simply do not have such databases. The experience of our Western colleagues shows Advanced use of digital technologies: low that the best way to do it would be by adapting one of the existing special programs (for The deployment of digital technologies will make example, The Museum System), as opposed to the following possible: developing an in-house proprietary system. The reason is not only the time required or the level •• preserve the existing cultural heritage and of complexity of the development of propri- pass it on to the next generations; etary solutions but their inevitably limited functionality and impossibility of subsequent •• contribute to the Russian and international integration with other systems. scientific research by providing access to infor- mation on valuable exhibits to researchers; It is relatively easy to ensure a successful digitalization in this sector as compared to the •• provide access to valuable exhibits to a wider others. However, considering the limited audience, including people who for various resources of individual museums and galleries reasons are unable to visit a museum or gallery the success will specifically depend upon the in person and improve the quality of user centralized decision of the government to experience for such people. prioritize digital transformation.

Exhibit 25 | Examples of digital solutions for museums & galleries

Key components Examples

• VanGo Yourself • Art Detective Add. • The Artist Project creative solutions

Diversification & improvement • Audioguide of British Museum of museum experience • MoMA application for iPad Mobile Theme sites, Information kiosks, application blogs panels, tablets • Interactive wall in Cleveland Interactive navigation museum Audioguides system Audiovisual effects

Strengthening of educational • Online-collection of The Met function • Child education project

Online-collection, #metkids library, catalogues Educational projects

• Website Rijksmuseum Satisfaction of basic information needs • MoMA page in Facebook

Website Social networks -distribution

Sources: Museums and the Web 2015, museum websites.

40 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind THE FUTURE OF DIGITIZATION IN RUSSIA

uring the last 5 years the digital gap The general decline of consumption will limit Dbetween the leading countries and those the online sector growth in absolute terms, lagging behind has increased by a factor of 1.7. despite the growth of its share. Considering that at present digitalization of the economies occurs almost exponentially19, the At that, as seen from the international digital divide may also be expected to increase experience, the stagnation of the digitalization in the future (Exhibit 26). of economy, that Russia began to experience in the last two years, results in a rapid growth of the gap between Russia and the digital leaders. During the last 5 years Exhibit 26 | Digital divide between the digital divide between leaders and laggards has increased the leading countries 1.7 times over the last 5 years and those lagging behind BCG e-Intensity score has increased by a factor 400 of 1.7 and is growing. 1 quartile 300

No acceleration means a growing divide (Venezuelan model) 200 241

The new economic reality and a fairly high level 140 of infrastructure development that Russia has 100 4 quartile already achieved are likely to prevent digitali- 83 zation from increasing at a sufficient rate if the development is evolutionary. 0 2011 2015 2021 Further development of the infrastructure will require significant investments, which will Source: BCG analysis; BCG e-Intensity model. prove difficult given the new economic reality.

19. Based on the digitalization growth dynamics for the economies of 85 countries from 2011 through 2015. Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | 41 A striking example of such scenario is online services, e-purchases, online education Venezuela – during the last 5 years its and e-healthcare to full-cycle services and economy digitalization level has fallen platforms, to exclude duplicating offline behind that of the digital leaders, with the services, streamline the current processes, gap increasing by a factor of more than 1.5 standards and regulations, etc. and counting. Based on the international experience, the We believe this scenario to be likely and the potential effect of these initiatives can be worst possible for Russia. In the absence of estimated at RUB 0.8 – 1.2 trillion annually. targeted action, digitalization of the economy will virtually stop growing; its share will remain at its current level of 2.1–2.2% of the Public sector GDP: the investment volume will stagnate, while the share of import will remain high. digitalization is expected

In this event, by 2021 the digital divide to yield RUB 0.8–1.2 between Russia and the digital leaders, trillion annually. which currently stands at 5-8 years, will rise to 15-20 years. UAE and Saudi Arabia are an example of implementing this strategy. The digital trans- The current evolutionary formation of the governments of these countries based on a number of such major scenario will result projects as creating an electronic government, an electronic job market, a national payment in an increase in the digital system etc. has enabled them to significantly divide between Russia cut the transaction costs both for the and the digital leaders government and the businesses. to 15-20 years. Acceleration means decreasing the gap (Asian model)

The intensive digitalization scenario implies Public sector digitalization – a comprehensive approach to changes, both preparing for a leap (Middle-­ for the government and the individual indus- Eastern model) tries and companies. The focus is not only on the basic components of the digital economy If the state creates a favorable environment to (infrastructure, online spending and support the growth of online markets and involvement), but also on the growth of services, the share of online consumption is private and public investment in such likely to increase. However, unless priority is promising areas as the Internet of Things, Big given to digitalization, growth in other areas Data, the development of IT products and (investments, public spending and export) services with a high export potential. will be limited. This will allow to increase the share of digital Our estimates show that with this scenario by economy by up to 5.6% of the GDP, which is 2021 the direct contribution of the digital comparable to the digitalization level economy will be over RUB 3.2 trillion, i.e. 3% expected in Europe by 2020, i.e. 7.5%. of the GDP. However, the digital divide between Russia and the digital leaders will still The most important outcome of this strategy increase to 8–10 years. will be improved efficiency and productivity, continued growth in the digitalization-­ Even with this scenario, considerable effort dependent markets and sectors. The expected will be required to upgrade the key public annual added value will be RUB 5–7 trillion.

42 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Exhibit 27 | We see three digitilization scenarios for Russia


• Digitization – top priority for the government Share of e-economy 5.6% of GDP • Adoption of advanced digital technologies Added value RUB 5–7 trln./year ASIAN such as IoT, Big Data & Analytics, e-Heathcare SCENARIO Gap vs. leaders RUB 5–7 trln./year Examples: Asia Pacific countries – China, Taiwan

• Focus on e-government and digitization Share of e-economy 3.0% of GDP of public and social sectors of economy Added value RUB 0.8 – 1.2 trln./year MIDDLE- • Evolutional growth of online consumption EASTERN Gap vs. leaders 8 – 10 years SCENARIO Examples: Middle East countries – UAE, Saudi Arabia

• Stagnation of e-economy Share of e-economy 2.2% of GDP • Growth of digital divide vs. leaders Added value RUB 0.1 – 0.2 trln./year VENEZUELAN Gap vs. leaders Examples: Venezuela 15 – 20 years SCENARIO

Source: BCG analysis.

Intensive digitalization This is the approach that was chosen by the leaders in digitalization in the Asia-Pacific of the economy will make it region which today has enabled China20, for example, to make a radical breakthrough and, possible to reduce the digital according to our forecast, lay claim to joining gap between Russia and the the top 10 digitalization leaders by 2021. An impressive achievement considering that in digital leaders and will create 2011 China was 8 positions behind Russia. an annual economic value of RUB 5-7 trillion.

The Boston Consulting Group | 43 CONCLUSION

n the last few years Russia’s development was remain high on the agenda of strategic investors Irather similar to the Middle-Eastern model and managers who care about sustainable develop­ of implementing public sector digitalization ­ment of their businesses. programs. However, today it is likely to drift towards the Venezuelan scenario robbing the Multiple opportunities for companies in all country from its competitive edge. industries are apparent to actively develop their dialogue with the state, cross-industry cooper- We strongly believe that only an intense digitali- ation and a joint development of major projects. zation scenario and a strong focus on compre- hensive digital transformation of the economy The mission of the state is no less important. Its will allow Russia to remain competitive. three key functions can be identified as follows:

Digital transformation, in its turn, requires a •• orchestrator and coordinator of the cross-in- fundamental review of the approach of private dustry dialogue with focus on public interest businesses and the government to interaction, and economy as a whole, including the decision-making, promotion of innovation social sector, employment, etc.; and creating a regulatory environment where each participant of the system plays a •• investor and co-investor in the infra- meaningful role. structure required for digitalization;

Consumers who enjoy most of the benefits of •• regulator and law maker, especially in the digital economy should be open to new areas concerned with the development of possibilities and play an active role in develop­ small and medium-sized businesses. ­ment of digital services. In Russia, in addition to these three functions, Businesses should focus on improving there are two significant factors determined by efficiency and productivity for which ample its economic and cultural specifics. opportunities are emerging today. The state is a shareholder in a number of major Digitalization also brings quick wins that are so industrial companies where even a small-scale necessary to demonstrate success in the short digitalization effect will deliver tangible results. term. Even more importantly the topic should The state is best positioned to accelerate the

20. See “China” insert.

44 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind innovative ecosystem, as the Russian cultural These general stages help to determine where model tends to resemble the Asian model exactly changes should start, how to manage the where changes are announced and initiated process and achieve not only impressive results from top to bottom (which, however, does not but a large-scale long-term positive effect. preclude other participants from taking an active approach as mentioned above). Coordinated action by all the participants of the potential digital ecosystem will secure a A strategic approach to transformation is sustainable and positive result. based on the four major elements:

•• defining clear objectives; Coordinated action •• focusing on immediate results and by all the participants consolidating them in the early stages; of the potential digital •• promptly selecting and developing ecosystem will secure successful initiatives on an iterative basis; a sustainable and •• implementing and supporting the trans- positive result. formation process – encouraging changes in culture and approach.

The Boston Consulting Group | 45 ANNEX: METHODOLOGY

This report was prepared based on the We used a number of international annually following assumptions, calculations and updated reports as data sources, including information sources. reports by Gartner, Ovum, Pyramid Research, Euromonitor, the UN report on the state of the electronic government development e-Intensity (E-Government survey), The Global Infor- The economy digitalization index is calcu- mation Technology Report, etc. lated as a weighted average of three sub­­­ indices: infrastructure development, online When no data in respect of any parameter was spending and user activity. The Infrastructure available, one of the following calculation Development sub-index shows the level of methods were used: infrastructure development and the availa- bility and quality of Internet access (fixed-line •• approximation of values based on the data and mobile). The Online Spending sub-index for the previous periods; includes online retail spending and online advertising costs. The User Activity sub-index •• calculation based on the values of similar is calculated as the weighted average of the parameters from alternative sources; lower level sub-indices: corporate activity, consumer activity and public agency activity. •• regressions based on the parameters with All the sub-indices are calculated as the which the required metrics correlate to a weighted average of the values of several high degree. underlying parameters. The index was tested for sensitivity to changes In 2016 the methods of calculating the BCG in the weight values and the choice of metrics e-Intensity index changed, including the by the Monte-Carlo modeling method using issue of setting the rates: the focus was shifted random weight values and variables. Where a to mobile technologies. The method of parameter was randomly omitted, the inter- ranking the countries was also changed: the quartile range was insignificant. When the absolute index values were replaced by weight values changed, the variance in inter- relative values. In compiling this report it was quartile values for each country was insignif- important for us to observe the dynamics of icant, but for several groups of countries the the index changes in the last five years that is same average rating values were obtained, and why we used the previous calculation method. their interquartile ranges overlapped.

46 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind Calculating the Regional Euromonitor, Data Insight, Pyramid research, Digitalization Index the , a bulletin issued When calculating the regional digitalization by the Higher School of Economics entitled index the same methods were used as for The Information Community Indicators, a calculating the country digitalization index bulletin issued by the Higher School of (e-Intensity). Economics and the Russian Association for Electronic Communications entitled When calculating the user activity index for the Economics, an industry-specific report by the state a portion of the parameters based on the Federal Press and Mass Media Agency entitled UN and WEF data was substituted for similar Internet in Russia, reports by Mail Group, parameters based on the Russian Statistics M.Video, Travelata etc. Service data and The Information Community Bulletin issued by the Higher School of Capital costs include telecom operator invest- Economics to replace the data relating to Russia ments and investments by other private as a whole with regional data. The other param- businesses. When calculating the input of eters remained the same. investments by telecoms operators in the GDP, the share of investments to develop mobile Due to the lack of data for 2014 – 2015 and fixed-line Internet was taken into account. regarding the city of Sebastopol and the To calculate the input of investments by other Republic of Crimea in the sources used, these businesses in the GDP, the equipment costs regions were not included in the were taken into account pro rata to the calculations. proportion between the average time during which the Internet access equipment was used to the overall running time of the equipment. GDP Calculation When calculating the input of the digital The following sources were used for the purposes economy in the GDP, the cost-based method of of the calculations: Gartner, Ovum, telecom calculating the GDP was used. The cost-based operators’ annual reports, data from the Russian GDP is a total of the final consumption, capital Ministry of Communications and Media. costs, public costs and net export. The state expenditure on the information All the calculations were in rubles to keep the and communication technologies (ICT) effects of a drastic change in the currency include the costs relating to hardware and rate out of the equation. software, telecommunications and infra- structure services. The end consumption includes three components: The share of costs included in the calculation •• volume of online spending, including was determined pro rata to the proportion e-commerce, online tourism, games and between the average time during which the media sectors (books, music, films) etc.; Internet access equipment was used to the overall running time of the equipment. •• Internet access costs: consumer expenses relating to fixed-line and mobile access; The analytic reports by Gardner, data from the Information Community state program and •• costs relating to access equipment. The the bulletin by the Higher School of Economics share of costs relating to access equipment entitled The Information Community (computers, mobile phones, routers, etc.) Indicators were used as data sources. included in the GDP is calculated as the share of the average time spent by the The state expenditure on the information and consumers online to the entire time of communication technologies (ICT) include using the device. the costs relating to hardware and software, telecommunications and infrastructure The sources used to calculate the final services. The share of costs included in the consumption include reports and analyses by calculation was determined pro rata to the

The Boston Consulting Group | 47 proportion between the average time during Digitalization Scenarios which the Internet access equipment was used The evolutionary scenario (the Venezuelan to the overall running time of the equipment. model) means there will be no changes in the structure and share of the digital economy. The analytical reports by Gartner, data from the Information Community state program and the A moderate growth scenario (Middle-Eastern bulletin issued by the Higher School of model) is based on the following assump- Economics entitled The Information tions: public consumption will grow at 12% Community Indicators were used as data per annum on average, while the other sources. indicators, such as investment, public expenditure, net export (as a share of the The net export is calculated as the aggregate of other three indicators) will remain at a level the net export of the ICT-related equipment comparable to that of 2015. and services and the net export related to electronic cross-border trading. The share of An intensive digitalization scenario (Asian the equipment included in the calculation was model) is based on the following assumptions: determined pro rata to the proportion between public consumption will grow at 23% per the average time during which the Internet annum on average, while the investments will access equipment was used to the overall continue growing at the 2009-2012 level based running time of the equipment. on investment by businesses (not telecoms operators) in the development of digital The following sources were used for the technologies, the state expenditure will remain purposes of the calculations: data from the at a level comparable to 2015, and the share of Federal Customs Service, data from the Central import will decrease by 30%. Bank of Russia, report by the Association of Internet Trade Companies, Data Insight, and the bulletin issued by the Higher School of Effects of Implementing Digital Economics entitled The Information Technologies Community Indicators. In evaluating the effects of implementing e-government and e-purchasing, the research The calculation of cross-industry effect of the by the European Commission, OECD and digital economy on the GDP is based on the such EU countries as the UK and Denmark reports and analyses by MagnaGlobal, IAB was used. The estimates by the Audit Europe, Consumer Barometer, Russian Chamber, and B2B-centre Statistics Service, DataInsight, Russian Associ- portals were used as well as estimates by ation of Communication Agencies, Central experts regarding the results of implementing Bank of Russia, SparkInterfax, Investment Initi- the e-purchasing system in Russia . atives Development Fund, data from the public procurement portal and the bulletin issued by The valuation of effects from implementing the Higher School of Economics and the digital technologies in the economy is based Russian Association for Electronic Communi- on BCG’s international practice and global cations entitled Runet Economics. research (Gartner, IDC etc.).

48 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind ANNEX: ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED MATERIALS

1. Digitizing Europe, 2. The Digital Revolution Is Disrupt- 3. The Winner-Take-All Digital May 2016. ing the TV Industry, March 2016. World for CPG, March 2016.


The Digital Revolution Is The Winner-Take-All Digital Disrupting the TV Industry World for CPG

4. Travel Innovated: Who will own 5. Digital Government: Turning the the customer?, January 2016. Rhetoric into Reality, June 201421

Digital Government Turning The rheToric inTo realiTy Travel Innovated Who Will Own the Customer?

21. An update is expected to be published in July 2016.

The Boston Consulting Group | 49 NOTE TO THE READER

Authors Achnowledgement Contacts Bartolomeo Banche Authors would like to thank In case you have questions about BCG Partner and Managing Director the following colleagues for this report, please contact: Head of the Technology, Media contribution in writing this report: and Telecommunications practice Maxim Bakhtin, Anna Ganeeva, Bartolomeo Banche in CIS Thomas Krüger, Ekaterina Mikhlina, +7 499 7553 272 Sergei Perapechka, Sergey [email protected] Vladislav Boutenko Samokhvalov, Arseniy Semenov, BCG Senior Partner and Managing Ilya Silaev, Alexander Soloviev, Ekaterina Sycheva Director Olof Sundström, Ekaterina +7 499 7553 324 Head of the Public Sector practice TImofeeva, Pavel Faybisovich, [email protected] in CIS Anton Kholodov, Alexander Chernyshev, Andrey Shilov, Ivan Kotov Alexander Schudey, Vladimir BCG Partner and Managing Director Yushin, Benny Yoshpa. Head of the Consumer Goods and Retail practice in CIS

Grigory Rubin BCG Partner and Managing Director Head of the Transportation practice in CIS

Stefan Tuschen BCG Partner and Managing Director Head of the Healthcare and Pharma practice in CIS

Ekaterina Sycheva BCG Principal CIS Technology, Media and Telecommunications practice

50 | russia online? сatch up impossible to fall behind © The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved.

For information or permission to reprint, please contact BCG at: Phone: +7 499 755 3100 Fax: +7 499 755 3101 Mail: The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. Gasheka Ul., 6 Ducat Place III Moscow 125047 Russia

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