Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani

Dear Friends,

I am pleased and honoured to welcome all of you, both personally and on behalf of the entire Federal Council of the Italian Sport Fishing, Underwater Activities and Finswimming Federation, to this important sporting event.

The 12th Coarse Angling for Veterans World Championship and the 21st Coarse Angling for Disabled persons World Championship will be taking place from 9 to 16 June 2019 on Canale Scolmatore in Livorno (Leghorn), , organised by the Provincial Sections of Livorno and .

I would like to say hello in particular to all participants and the persons and family members accompanying them, and wish them all the best for a few days of serene yet intense sporting action.

The best of luck to the organisers, stewards and all volunteers who are called upon to ensure the success of the whole event. I am certain they will act with the utmost dedication and professionalism.

I would also like to warmly thank the Leadership of the FIPSAS provincial sections of Pisa and Livorno who have organised the event, local Authorities and the entire community of the towns hosting athletes from other Nations for the help they will give during the course of this sporting event.

FIPSed, a body I am honoured to be the president of, chose to host this world event by virtue of its cultural and sporting traditions, its organisational capabilities and naturally its great enthusiasm.

Finally, I would like to stress that this international event stands out for the particular type of anglers who will be competing for the world titles up for grabs: the two categories are Veterans, i.e. anglers over the age of 65, the great majority of whom have been competing for more than thirty years, and persons with Disabilities who, despite being impeded by handicaps of one sort or another, still manage to compete with a dexterity and skill that often exceeds those of non-disabled anglers. So whatever the final results, all participants will already have the great merit of having taken part in such a prestigious event.

Let us hope then that this international and social event will be a great success in terms of the numbers of those taking part in and watching what is bound to be a spectacular event!

Italian Federation President Prof. Ugo Claudio Matteoli

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani

The organisation of these prestigious championships is nothing new for Italy. Coarse Fishing remains the most popular fishing discipline in our territory, and there are many waterways – some of the world’s most beautiful and best kept – where it can be practised. Just a few years ago, in 2014, the World Championships for Disabled and Veteran anglers were staged on the river Tiber in Rome, and was a great success.

I am now particularly honoured to be able to host this event in my region, on the Canale Scolmatore. I am certain it will be an intense week of sport spent among long-time friends from both near and afar.

I wish to thank the local FIPSAS bodies that have provided great support for domestic and international competitive sport fishing over the years, as well as the local authorities that always respond to such events with great enthusiasm.

It is my hope that the best anglers and nations will come out on top, and that the whole event will be a wonderful experience for everyone.

Maurizio Natucci President Surface Fishing Technical Sector

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


From Sunday, June 9th 2019 (from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm registration of teams) to Sunday, June 16th 2019 (departure of teams).


Livorno is an Italian municipality having a population of 158,371 inhabitants. It is the chief town of the Tuscan province of the same name. The third largest city in the region in terms of inhabitants (behind Florence and Prato) and the fifth largest in central Italy, almost half of all the province’s residents live in the city. With the neighbouring municipalities of Pisa and Collesalvetti it forms part of an “industrial triangle”, within which the population tops 260,000 inhabitants. Livorno is situated on the coast, looking onto the Ligurian Sea, and is a major Italian port, for both commercial and tourist traffic, as well as a nationally relevant industrial centre. Of all Tuscan towns, it is usually considered to be the most modern, despite the presence of numerous historical, artistic and architectural relics that survived the blanket bombings of World War Two and subsequent reconstruction work. The town grew considerably from the second half of the 16th century onwards thanks to the impetus initially of the Medici family and later the Lorena family. It was an important free port frequented by numerous foreign merchants, the seat of consulates and shipping companies. Ever since the late 16th century the town established itself as a multiethnic and multicultural city par excellence. Important reminders of its past have survived to the present day, such as churches and national cemeteries, palaces, villas and public buildings inextricably linked to the main foreign communities frequenting the free port up until the second half of the 19th century. This international vocation led to the town being identified as Leghorn in the United Kingdom and the United States, Livourne in France, Liorna in Spain, etc., in the same way as the names given to the most important state capitals of the time. From the 19th century to the early years of the 20th century the industrialisation process got under way, but Livorno was also a tourist destination of international renown due to the presence of well-known seaside and spa resorts, earning the city the nickname of Montecatini al mare. The city is also famous for the Sanctuary of Montenero, also known as the Shrine of our Lady of Grace, the patron saint of Tuscany, and for being the birthplace of prestigious figures such as Amedeo Modigliani, Pietro Mascagni, Giovanni Fattori, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and many more. Livorno is the seat of the Italian Navy’s Naval Academy, and the headquarters of two regiments of the “Folgore” Paratroopers Brigade of the Italian Army: the 1st Regiment of carabinieri paratroopers “Tuscania” and the 9th paratroopers assault Regiment “Col Moschin”, part of the special forces of the Italian Army and the Carabinieri special intervention group. It is also seat of the Maritime Department of the Corps of Harbour Offices – Coast Guards.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani

Pisa is an Italian municipality with a population of 90,300 inhabitants. It is the chief town of the Tuscan province of the same name. The municipality is the fifth largest in Tuscany in terms of population, and lies within a territory having uniform characteristics, called the Pisan Area. With the neighbouring municipalities of Calci, , San Giuliano Terme, Vecchiano and Vicopisano it forms an urban system having a population of approximately 195,000 inhabitants living in an area 475 in size. Pisa has Tuscany’s biggest airport, “Galileo Galilei”, with a traffic approaching 5 million passengers in 2016. According to legend Pisa was founded by mythical Greek exiles from the Greek city of Pisa, which is situated close to Olympia in the valley of the river Alfeios, in the Peloponnese region. This is why Pisans are also called “alfei”. The city’s main monuments include the famous Piazza del Duomo, or Piazza dei Miracoli, a UNESCO heritage site, with its Cathedral, built between 1063 and 1118 in Romanesque style, and the leaning Tower, a 12th century belfry and today one of Italy’s best-known monuments due to its unusual tilt. The city is the site of three of Italy’s and indeed Europe’s most important university institutions: Pisa University, Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. It is also the most important centre of Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) and of numerous other research institutes. In its past Pisa was an important maritime republic.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


Both Championships will be held on the left side of Scolmatore Canal of Arno river (from the Bridge of the highway 206 Aurelia to the Mortaiolo bridge).

The competition venue for Disabled is located between the bridge of the highway 206 Aurelia and the Railway bridge.

The competition venue for Veterans goes from the Railway Bridge to Mortaiolo Bridge. The total length of the competition venue is of about 2.2 km, the river width is of about 25 metres and the water has a depth that ranges from 0.90 m to 1.20 m.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


The main fish species are carps, catfish from 300 g to 6 kg, bleaks, small breams, mullets of different sizes.

Fishing techniques: Roubaisienne, Bolognese and/or English type rods.


Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno


For Veterans: 15 liters groundbaits (including earth, gravel, corn maize, wheat, hempseed, etc. and other additives that are not toxic for the fauna and the water environment) and 2 liters of baits, of which a maximum amount of 0.5 liter can be jokers. A maximum amount of 0.5 liter of earthworms (not cut) is allowed in the total baits. Bloodworms can be used only on the hook.

For Disabled: 12 liters groundbaits (including earth, gravel, corn maize, wheat, hempseed, etc. and other additives that are not toxic for the fauna and the water environment) and 1.5 liters of baits, of which a maximum amount of 0.5 liter can be jokers. A maximum amount of 0.5 liter of earthworms (not cut) is allowed in the total baits. Bloodworms can be used only on the hook.

For both Championships the maximal length of rods shall be of 11.5 m.

The keep-net shall have either a minimum diameter of 40 cm for the round ones or a minimum diagonal of 50 cm for the rectangular ones and a minimum length of 3.50 m.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


By flight

Coming from the airport Galilei of Pisa: Take the Freeroad Firenze/Pisa/Livorno from Pier Giorgio Ballini street and Eugenio III street - 3 min (1.2 km). Follow the Freeroad Firenze/Pisa/Livorno towards Nugolaio street/Provincial Street 24 Arnaccio- Calci/SP24 a Cascina. Take the exit from Freeway Firenze/Pisa/Livorno. Exit in Navacchio from the Freeway Firenze/Pisa/Livorno - 4 min (6,2 km). From the traffic roundabout, take the 1st exit and get the Nugolaio street/Provincial Street 24 Arnaccio-Calci/SP24. Keep going on the Provincial Street 24 Arnaccio-Calci/SP24 - 3 min (3.5 km). Turn left and take the SR206 (directional marks towards Livorno) - 2 min (750 m). Vicarello 57014 LI

Coming from the airport Amerigo Vespucci of Peretola (FI): Take the SGC Firenze – Pisa – Livorno from Viadotto from “Ponte all’Indiano” towards Collesalvetti - 5 min (4.3 km). Take the exit Vicarello from SGC Firenze/Pisa/Livorno - 44 min (66.7 km). From the traffic roundabout, take the 2nd exit and take Galileo Galilei street – 2 min (850 m). Vicarello 57014 LI

Coming from the airport Guglielmo Marconi of Bologna: Take the A1/E35 and SGC Firenze/Pisa/Livorno and follow the same indications expressed above.

By car

Coming from Genova: Take the Motorway A12 towards Pisa and follow the same indications expressed above.

Coming from Bologna: Take the A1/E35 and SGC Firenze/Pisa/Livorno and follow the same indications expressed above.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


The teams registration will be held on Sunday 9 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the “Circolo Arci”, Macchi Square, n.5 Vicarello. The organizers will be on place for delivering all necessary information for the event.

The official headquarter of the Organizer Committee and of FIPSed will be: “Circolo Arci” of Vicarello, Macchi Square n. 5. Persons responsible for the organization are: Lami Andrea +39 349 7369577 Guidi Mauro +39 338 3887940. For the full period of the event, it will be possible to contact MANCINELLI MANUELA (speaking English) +39 349 4098693.


The registration to the Coarse Angling World Championships for Veterans and Disabled shall arrive within April 15th 2019, by filling in the attached registration forms. Further information will be delivered at the accreditation.

Each Nation shall bring its own flag and national anthem, which shall be delivered during the first Captains’ meeting.


Disabled Team Registration € 1,200.00

Veterans Team Registration € 1,200.00 FIPSed fee € 150.00

The registration fee includes 8 tickets for the closing gala dinner, 5 fishing permits, insurance and gadgets. Every team shall get charge of its costs for accommodation and meals.

Closing Gala dinner extra tickets for accompanying people amount at € 60.00 per person.

The registration fee of € 1,200 for each Championship plus € 150 (only for Veterans teams) shall be paid to: Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani

HOTELS WITH ARRANGED FACILITIES (all reservations should also be sent to [email protected])

AGRITURISMO LA BADIA Via Tabaccaia di Badia, 16 57014 COLLESALVETTI – LIVORNO e-mail [email protected] Tel. +39 0586 962878

LA CASETTA DI CASTELL’ANSELMO Via della Casetta, 3 57014 COLLESALVETTI – LIVORNO e-mail [email protected] Tel. +39 339 316 9282

HOTEL GALILEI Via Darsena, 1 56121 PISA e-mail [email protected] Tel. +39 050 507111

EURO HOTEL Viale Europa, 6 56021 CASCINA - PISA e-mail [email protected] Tel: +39 050 710494

AGRITURISMO LA TANNA Strada Provinciale dei Poggi, 106 57014 COLLESALVETTI - LIVORNO e-mail Tel: +39 338 9979016

MEDITUR HOTEL Via Aurelia, 42 56010 MIGLIARINO VECCHIANO – PISA e-mail [email protected] Tel. + 39 331 31 68 795

IL POGGETTO DELLE SPIGHE 57014 LOC. VICARELLO COLLESALVETTI - LIVORNO e-mail [email protected] Tel. + 39 349 5330222 Str. Volterrana 36C

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


Fishing in official venue is only allowed to competitors from Monday, June 10th to Saturday, June 15th 2019.


06:00 pm – 08:00 pm Registration of teams

MONDAY 10 June

From 07:30 am to 09:00 am Drawing for angling positions of teams according to the grid prepared by FIPSed. For absent teams, drawing will be done by a representative of FIPSed. 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training without interruption 06:00 pm End of training. The venue must be get free by all competitors


09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training without interruption 06:00 pm End of training. The venue must be get free by all competitors


09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training without interruption 02:00 pm End of training. The venue must be get free by all competitors 05:30 pm Meeting at Don Milani Square, n.5, Vicarello, before the teams’parade 06:00 pm Opening Ceremony at the gym of Vicarello, Don Milani Square, n. 5.


09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training without interruption COMPULSORY 02:00 pm End of training. The venue must be get free by all competitors 03:30 pm - 1st Captains’ meeting

Only one heavy baiting will be allowed during the first 10 minutes of each training session.

FRIDAY 14 June

Disabled and Veterans 07:00 am 2nd Captains’ meeting

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani

08:00 am First signal - competitors take their positions in the pegs 08:45 am Second signal - 5 minutes to the control of baits and groundbaits 08:50 am Third signal - control of baits and groundbaits 09:50 am Fourth signal - heavy baiting – no fishing allowed 10:00 am Fifth signal - Start of the Coarse Angling World Championships for Disabled and for Veterans Disabled 12:55 pm Sixth signal - 5 minutes to the end of the competition for DISABLED 01:00 pm Seventh signal - end of the 1st day of competition – start of weighing for DISABLED

Veterans 01:55 pm Sixth signal - 5 minutes to the end of the competition for VETERANS 02:00 pm Seventh signal - end of the 1st day of competition – start of weighing for VETERANS

Disabled and Veterans 04:00 pm Results of the 1st leg and 3rd Captains’ meeting


Disabled and Veterans 06:30 am 4th Captains’ meeting 08:00 am First signal - competitors take their positions in the pegs 08:45 am Second signal - 5 minutes to the control of baits and groundbaits 08:50 am Third signal - control of baits and groundbaits 09:50 am Fourth signal - heavy baiting – no fishing allowed 10:00 am Fifth signal - Start of the Coarse Angling World Championships for Disabled and for Veterans

Disabled 12:55 pm Sixth signal - 5 minutes to the end of the competition for DISABLED 01:00 pm Seventh signal - end of the 2nd day of competition – start of weighing for DISABLED

Veterans 01:55 pm Sixth signal - 5 minutes to the end of the competition for VETERANS 02:00 pm Seventh signal - end of the 2nd day of competition – start of weighing for VETERANS

Disabled and Veterans 04:00 pm Final results and proclamation of results 07:00 pm Award ceremony 08:00 pm Closing gala dinner.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


The opening Ceremony and the presentation of teams is scheduled on June 12th, starting from 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm at the gym of Vicarello, Don Milani Square, n. 5.


The prize giving ceremony will take place on June 15th at the gym of Vicarello, Don Milani Square, n. 5. The closing dinner will take place at the restaurant: POGGIO D’ORO FAUGLIA PISA.


Carabinieri: 113 Police: 112 Firefighters 115 Ambulance: 118 Municipality of Collesalvetti Car first aid ACI: +39 803 116 Taxi: LIVORNO 800 900216 /PISA 050 541600

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


Athletes are reminded if they take any medication they must check it against the WADA Prohibited Substance & Methods list.

Particular attention must be paid to the use of anti- hypertensive agents, especially diuretics, which are popular in singular preparation and/or in a combination with other normally permitted drugs. Diuretics are always forbidden.

For these reasons, it is necessary for every athlete or National Federation to check the list for prohibited substances and process a TUE as necessary. The Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) must be granted before taking a prohibited medication. An application for a TUE must be requested 30 days before taking part in the championships. The application forms must be filled in carefully with your physician/doctor who must authorise the application. A physician’s certificate or prescription on its own does not mean that the athlete has permission to use the prohibited substance or method. The application should be completed either in English or French directly to the office of the CIPS President. Email: [email protected]

Every athlete has a right to clean sport


Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______

CITY ______

ADDRESS ______


E-MAIL ______



DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______










DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______


DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______

CITY ______

ADDRESS ______


E-MAIL ______



DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______










DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani



NATION ______


DATE ______SIGNATURE ______

The registration form shall be sent within April 15th 2019

Organizing Committee: Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al Colpo Veterani

Address: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno - FIPSAS Sezione di Pisa c/o ELLEBIPESCA Via Marco Mastacchi, 23 – 57122 Livorno Tel. 0586 428317 Cell 349 7369577 e-mail [email protected]

Payment Reference: IBAN: IT 41 K 01030 13901 000001719155 Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 1 Account name: FIPSAS Sezione di Livorno

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


Bait and groundbaits may be supplied by filling in the order form attached and sending it as soon as possible to the following fax number or e-mail address:

Obiettivo pesca srl di Govi e Reverberi Via I. Pizzetti n. 2/G – 42124 Reggio Emilia Tel. 0039 0522 560202 – Mob 0039 335 8448408 e-mail: [email protected]

Later will be communicated the place where the material will be distributed.

Type of baits available: white maggots € 6.00/kg coloured maggots € 9.00/kg big pinkie € 9.00/kg little maggot (white, yellow or orange) € 18.00/kg little pinkie € 18.00/kg ruby pinkie € 19,00/kg big maggot - 25 g/box € 2.50/box foundering caster 1 lt € 11.00/box foundering caster ½ lt € 5,50/box jokers € 20.00/kg baiting bloodworms - 35/40 g/box € 10.00/box bloodworms kg € 110.00/kg earthworms € 22.00/kg baiting earthworms (small/medium/big) € 1.90/box canadian earthworms 12pz € 3,00/box hemp done - 750 g/box € 5.60/box hemp done – 350 g/box € 3,90/box death maggots 150gr € 2,00/box death little pinkie 150gr € 3,50/box stone gray 25 kg € 17,00 stone red 25 kg € 27,00 mais strawberry € 2,00/box mais krill € 3,60/box

Groundbaits and other types of baits may be supplied on request. Baits will be delivered every day on the competition site by the organisation and shall be paid on delivery. Prices may change according to market variations. Baits and groundbaits order must be sent within the date of 31.05.2019. We are at your disposition for any further information.

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


NATION ______DATE: ______

BAITS 10/06 11/06 12/06 13/06 14/06 15/06

White maggot

Coloured maggot

Big pinkie Little maggot (white/yellow/orange)

Little pinkie

Big maggot

Ruby pinkie/kg

Foundering caster ½ lt

Foundering caster 1 lt


Baiting bloodworms 40 g


Earthworms kg

Baiting earthworms Big

Baiting earthworms Small

Canadian earthworms

Hemp done 750g

Hemp done 350 g

Death maggot 150 g

Death little pinkie 150 g

Stone Gray 25 kg

Stone Red 25 kg

Mais Natural

Mais Krill

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)

Comitato Organizzatore SCOLMATORE 2019 21° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Diversamente Abili 12° Campionato del Mondo di Pesca al colpo Veterani


NATION ______DATE: ______

BAITS 10/06 11/06 12/06 13/06 14/06 15/06

White maggot

Coloured maggot

Big pinkie Little maggot (white/yellow/orange)

Little pinkie

Big maggot

Ruby pinkie/kg

Foundering caster ½ lt

Foundering caster 1 lt


Baiting bloodworms 40 g


Earthworms kg

Baiting earthworms Big

Baiting earthworms Small

Canadian earthworms

Hemp done 750g

Hemp done 350 g

Death maggot 150 g

Death little pinkie 150 g

Stone Gray 25 kg

Stone Red 25 kg

Mais Natural

Mais Krill

Con il patrocinio del Comune Collesalvetti (LI)