TAB NEXT CONCH ESS. three members. Of the these, Blair and iDg. If they should get between Thomas evening wero 2,073 bales. A sale of new The casual happener-in could not doubt traying heiself. At last she rose and start- ot the ad- and Brown, unequivocal inppniters Burnside and move upon the latter, lie cotton, classed middling fair, brought his sudden arrival in Bedlam, or else swaying to fo, soon Political Complexion 'of Ibe Next The 74£ ed on, and aud yet ministration, are sure to be elected. could fall back toward Cumberland Gap; cents to-day. w'ould deem himself the modern discoverer rested again, utterly unable to proceed. House of Representatives. and if election of Whaley is probable, though they pursued him, Thomas would be Several small expeditions have recently ot that facillis decensus Averni of which The carriage of a foreign minister passed by From the Correspondent of the N Y. Times. not certain. It is greatly to be desired, thundering iu their rear, and they would been sent across Lake Poncliertrain into Virgil sang. All poor be manner of technical —the woman was noticed—and it Washington, Oct. 23,1863. for be is an ultra Abolitionist. obliged to retreat away from Georgia, Mississippi which destroyed several rebel figurative phrases fly about tho room like turned, stopped, took in the lady, and ? or under heavy Dividing the members elect to tLe next Now how stands the account fight disadvantages.—Cin- tanneries, suit, works and other valuable shuttlecocks, between the buyers and sell- carried her to her luxurious home. For House of Representatives into those who Administration. Anti-War. cinnati Commercial. property. They met several parties of ers. The several stocks are announced is and a Free States. in the lady wealthy occupies high the in its endeav- lebel soldiers, and in the skirmishes which their regular order on the printed she was drunk support Administration 90 74 list. social position, hut in the the rebellion, and those Unparalleled ensued the troops were ever victo- name of some worthless ors to suppress States thought Ail Foil in Iron Union The “fancy” streets of Washington! Drunkenness the war and binder its Harder doubtful. rious. called the who are opposed to 10 3 Hoiindlng. by President, and in a prevails almost everywhere, in camp and of the several dele- The blockading squadron has made sev- is. this prosecution, the roll Stutes yet to trice, sublunary infernaldom breaks court. It is that vice, above all others, elect. TIIE TWENTY-INCH GUNS eral Blockade loose. gations may be called thus: 9 0 SEVENTY TWO TONS captures recently. running The game begins by two men that cripples the army The poor soldier OF AT of the coast is to ADMINISTRATION. ANTI-WAR. METAL ONE “HEAT.” on the part ruinons those shouting at the top of their voice—the one drinks, gets drunk, and is disgracefully Connecticut # Connecticut 1 109....; 77 who engage in it. his oiler to sell, and the other the piice punished for it. The officer does the same California ? Colifornia The Pittsburg Dispatch of the 2Gth says. he’ll pay—both at wide Others 5 Illinois 9 Of candidates for Speaker there are variance. thing, and is not even reprimanded. It Illinois We have (Exchange. 4 Indiana 7 now in the held at least seven. All of already noticed the fact that j The New Turk Stock then, with tongues of lightning, but in would astound some of the sober, devout Indiana preparations weio at thunder tones, contribute their either 6 lowa , them have their claims—all of them are progressing the Fort offers, people of the free states to learn how lowa Works, I THE PUBLIC) HOARD Kansas 1 Kansas men of note and ot legislative experience; Pitt in this city, for the manufac- to buy or sell, until the din is deafening and many young men, officers in the army, Maine 4 Maine 1 in ture of twenty-inch guns, the snarl Massachusetts all have devotedly served their country the lathe, pat- Correspondence of the Heston Post. seems unravolable Meanwhile have already been ruined by strong drink. Massachusetts 10 terns, &c., being in an weak lungs are at a discount. But in a few 5 Michigan 1 her trials. I know too well the duties of advanced condition. There is one institution in New York The Wai Department is making e\ery ef- Michigan As the experiment of i minutes the disjecta signs to Minnesota 2 Minnesota a journalist to indicate a preference for manufacturing a gun which ought no longer to lack a historian. ! membra shows fort prevent intoxicating liquors from Missouri 4 rep- of such a calibre, however, is one of ofreunion—buyers and come nearer going to Missouri 4 one out of a number of candidates, great The prominent part it has played for many i sellers the common soldiers, but why New Hampshire.... 2 New Hampshire 1 supports. risk, it was determined to settle at least and still nearer—until suddenly, like a does it not prohibit offi- New resenting pol*tics which himself months—the fortunes it has furnished, j drinking among New Jersey 1 1 Jersey 4 blink a notorious fact if I one point practically before attempting to clap of thunder, two members come to- cers? One-halt the New York 14 New York 17 But I should alternately foundations and wings—the j brigadier-generals did not say, that Schuyler Colfax is indi- mould the great gun, by melting, at a sin- gether in their terms, and “sold” and now on pay know far better how Ohio 6 Ohio 14 serio-comic and comico-serious sides of its “ ” to swal- heat, the same j taken Oregon 1 Oregon cated as the Speaker of the next Hou.-e. gle nearly quantity of metal exi.-tence—the magnitude of its operations mutually bellowed forth, and low prodigious quantities of whisky than as would be for then re-echoed the com- to manage Pennsylvania 12 Pennsylvania 12 In like manner, out of the six gentlemen required the twenty-inch. aud the motley character of its operators by President, a brig de of troops upon the Bhode Island 2 Rhode Island named in connection with the Clerkship, For this purpose two guns were moulded pletes the transaction. And so on until field of battle. It is time that good men 3 Vermont —all point out the Public Stock Board as i Vermont general is, that the office of the fifteen inch navy pattern, and each ! the entire list ofstocks has been regularly everywhere spoke out upon Wisconsin 3 Wisconsin 3 the impression one of the most remarkable institutions of i this subject. willbe almost unanimously conceded to furnished with a twelve-inch instead of a this city. placed before the board tifteeu-inch Dcaili ot Col. Ellett. Total 901 Total 74 Samuel Casey, the staunch Kentuckian in hollow core, making the This “Public Board” is an intensely It should be stated that it is the Presi- rough weight of each of the guns nearly dent's province to repeat on instant there are Border State Representa- the last House, who ruined himself at democratic afiair. It owes its existence to the From the Cairo News, Oct. 1.1 But as as the offers made, and in the House elect whose votes, from home, by sustaining at Washington the great that of the columbiad filteen- Mr A. G. Jerome—one of the heaviest lie is expected appar- It is with no ordinary degree of sorrow tives inch. These moulds wero placed ently, to drown all other voices with his their consauguiuity to slavery, have, in extremest war measures of the Govern- side by Gull operators in the street—a man at we announce the death of tiie heroic Chas. side in pits “ ” own, as also to name sight the parties apprehensions, been assigned ment. the of the new foundry, and whose nod a oftho fancie rise at Rivers Ellett, Colonel of the the popular number every transaction. Mississippi that the war. These This letter would be incomplete if I did on Saturday morning five of the furnaces and fall, hut whose winks were to This herculean Marine Brigade. He died suddenly at the to the policy opposes foundry for nods and r task is performed in the Public Representatives are as follows: not notice a scheme, attributed to the in the were charged—three alike powerless to secure his admission to residence of his uncle, Dr. Ellett, at Bunk- “ the of casting the Board by Mr. George Henriqnes, a hand- . Blair Family,” to make Frank Blair a special purpose great membership iu the “Old Board.” It is er Hill, in this State, on Thursday night ordinary some Hebrew of Dist. Dist. candidate for Sjleaker, and to secure to gun and twT o lor the work of tlio said that he lias repeatedly offered as high some fitty years old, last. Ilis friends in this city parted with The and of stentorian as a 1. Lucicn Anderson. G. him the Border State vote, aud then to shop. respective weights of these as SIO,OOO lor a seat among the so-called lungs. Quick flash, him on Mouday last, in excellent health 2. George H. Yearn. 7. Brutus J. Clay. dictate terms of and other charges will give some idea f the capacity familiar with all the technicalities, ac- Wm H. Randall. public policy, fossils (where one thousand dollars is the and spirits— his illness, therefore, must 3. , 8. to the Administration; aud if these of these enormous furnaces, being thirty- quainted with all the brokers, and per- 9. W. H. Wadsworth. terms, initiation fee) ; but, fearful of the conse- have been of but a few hours’ duration. 4. themselves into the four, nineteen, thi'teen and and a fectly impartial, this gentleman does his 5. . Total, 9. were rejected to throw eight quences of letting such a bull into their Col. Ellett was a native of Pennsylva- half ami a tar amount of work and leaves the beholder VIBGINIA. arms ot the anti-war Democrats, organize greater China shop, they refused his offers, and thoroughly, nia, from which State his parents removed m« we believe than was ever lost which most to admire—the many- 1. L. H. Chandler. | 3. S. M. Kitchen. the House, and obstruct the Government. tal, reduced regularly blackballed his name when pre- to Georgetown, D. C., where lie remained Total, 3 single of the 2. Joseph Segar. I The scheme is too improbable and too in furnaces iu a establishment in sented. Mr. Jerome at last conclud- sidedness President’s ability or the until of suitable age, when he was sent to MISSOURI. monstrous for belief. The initial elements one day. Seventy-two tons ofthis metal, obedience aud deference so promptly con- Paris, where lie received education. Blair, Total. 1. ed that some things could be done his Frank P. Jr. 1 to accomplish it, the Border State vete, being the charge of the three large fur- ceded t<> bis orders and rulings by the riot- Col Ellett was high-minded, I will venture to take the politics of as well as others, and set himself about or- throng chivalrous in cannot be controlled for such a purpose. naces, were designed for thecasting of the ganizing au ous who were a moment before the extreme; daring, even to rashness; many of these Border State men out ot experimental opposition Stock Exchange, enacting role of Montgomery Blair's canvass of Maryland guns. The metal was led which would furnish bold operators, like the wild beasts around his quick in action, fertile in expedient; and, the held of speculation, at least so tar as against our radical candidates for from eaeb of these furnaces to a large chair. House is concerned. Con- himself, congenial surroundings, where all possessing these qualifications, it is no the organization of the gress, who are sure to be elected, would pool equi-distant from each of the moulds could move untrammeled by red tape and I iiion Pacific Railroad. wonder that lie readily attained high dis- Of Kentucky (all to this stone- and communicating by two “runners” with man alone suffice strike conspiracy unfetteied by fogies and fossils. He started tinction in the military service. Ilis fath- honor to him !) is an Administration “ deaa as it stalked into caucus. But Frank the “gates.” the fixed ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. er was the originator of the ram and “up to the hub.” He will as thoroughly Public Board,” the member- fleet, Blair’s Republican life, and his soldierly About one o’clock the three furnaces lee The amount of stock having in carrying out his he was ably sec- sustain the war as Samuel Casey did in ship at twenty-five dollars (instead of requisite plans, service in the field, forbid belief in a were tapped in quick succession, and in a one thousand dollars as been taken, the stockholders iu this com- onded by liis sou Charles. In the taking the last House. More, (and more honor three of in the other scheme which croaching traitors against moment streams nmulten iron board), and pany were called together at their office, of Memphis the rains bore a prominent him !) he goes for the destruction ot hired a room in au eligible to their country liquorislily dream of, hut do were pouring into the pool, from which as No. William in this city, on part, and among the noted for their brav- human not only in own locality. This room, being a basement, 54 street, slaveiy, his noble not expect. S. W. the metal rose to the level of the open tomewnat Thursday, inst., on that was, but throughout the Republic. And and gloomy, was early christ- the 29th for the choice of ery occasion, Col Ellett per- State, ings, two fiery lines shot into each ot the Hole,” directors aud officers. There was a full haps, the most conspicuous. lie was on Anderson will into ened “The Coal and, of course, go caucus. Extraordinury Cane of Treason. moulds. The intense heat ot tho iron sneers attendance, very the deck of his boat Itis that George H. Yearn will attracted the and slurs of the swell- and great interest mani- amid the hottest fire, probable pouring along these seven streams, with mob who arrogated all the respectability fested by those present. Tiie meeting was and fearlessly ordered the attack upon the vor e for the administration candidates for CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHROW THE OHIO GOV- the moulten mass in the reservoir, seemed of tiie profession in the regular board. organized by the appointment of Hon. rebel gunboat Gen. Price. the organization, if lie does not go into KKNMKNT. to extraordinary have no effect on the But, by its very popular management George Opdyke. mayor of the city, as Even before the rebel Heel, had surren- caucus. Itis probable that Henry Grider workmen, who performed their accustom- — chairman, Henry V. Poor, E-q , sec- dered, at the order from his will do This probability could Cincinnati, Nov. 1. An extraordinary and democratic manners, the Public and father he the same. ed duties of skimming and clearing the Board retary. The number of directors (thirty) sprang into a boat, and w;th an unarmed been, can yet be, made a cer- case of treason has recently come to light, soon drew to itself a membership have and moulds with as much indifference as if numbering nearly being first determined upon, tiie conven- crew pulled ashore, and landing in the tainty. Kentuckians who have in the last implicating several persons in this city, glowing three hundred, the Covington and in the metal surrounding them aud membership fee was advanced to SIOO, tion proceeded to ballot, with the follow- midst of a crowd of rebel-, displayed the ten months gone homeward from Wash- Columbus, Newport, filling the air with showers of sparks were conspiring to release the rebel prisoners at and a more favorable location offering, the ingresult, Viz : American flag. Waving his colors, he ington, from missions ot a pure patriotism, harmless streams of water. Familiarity Camp Chase and overthrow the gov- institution was removed to the large room Names Directors. rushed to the Postoffice, and there, timid carry ing in their hearts the bitterness of State with such situations is apt to breed con- of ernment. conspiracy was brought on the ground floor of No. IS Gccrgc Opilyke, New’ York City 2.007 the imprecations of the crowd, he hoisted disappointment and the sense of injury and The to tempt believe William-st, John York of danger, but we that no where are now held two crowded sessions A. Dix, New City 1.937 the stars ami stripes, and demanded of where tiny had a right to expect light by United States detectives who were T. C. Duraut, New York City 2 007 neglect, accident lias ever yet occurred at the every day. No the Mayor the surrender of the city, sympathy and care, as children have the supposed by the parties implicated to be works of connection is permitted K. H. Dunham, New York City 1,937 during the operation casting. by the Chi with the new, and one Pickering Clark, New York which demand was acceded to; and tiie right to expect fostering from tlair pa- spies from the rebel artny, and were Board . City 1.555 Notwithstanding the unusually ri-ky char- E. 11. Gibson, New York City 1 937 city of Memphis was actually surrendered will what I mean. Of treated with full confidence. The plot, as of its rules is that expulsion shall be vis- rents, understand acter of the experiment on Saturday, ited upon J. T. Lamer, New York City 2,(;07 to him. not at sufficient disclosed to the deteciiues was that an at- any member who buys or sells Harding I have present everything passed off successfully, and A. G. Jerome. New York City 1,550 At the organization of the tack be made on Chase, the at the Public Board. ” Marine Brig knowledge to speak Of Robert Mallory Camp release the streams ofhot metalaud cold Abriel Low, Ne York City 007 confined there, numbering water, As a simple t peculation this establish- T. M. New York ade, bis services and abilities obtained for there is no hope nor present possibility of prisoners 3,500. crossing their way, George Davis, City 1 937 pos- and interlacing on ment is a wonderful success, after Augustus Belmont. New Yom City l.<>2<> him the position of Colonel, and he was political good. Green Clay Smith stump- s ize the arsenal at Columbus, take poured for, session the penitentiary, release John into the moulds without accident. paying all the expenses, including the sal- L. C. Clark. New York City 1.556 probably the younge.-t peison in the coun- ed Ohio for Brough. Could anything of of Charles New York and other officers confined there, Tite success the experiment abundantly ary of the President, Secretary and sub- Tuttle, City 1,556 try who obtained such high command—at more be lie will vote for the Morgan demonstrates II V. Poor, New York City 1.556 asked? the capacity of the works ordinates, from au the time of his death being less than t wenty administration candidates on the organiza- and then was to commence a rebel cam- for Mr. Jerome enjoys it George Griswold. New York City 1.937 the manufacture of guns of twenty- income of twenty thousand dollars per J. L. Pruyu. years of age. His brilliant career on the tion, if he dees not go into caucus. So paign in Ohio. inch calibre. V. Albany 2.007 United States Marshal Sands and Pra- annum. E. H. Rosekrans, Glens Falls, N. Y 1 5 0 Queen of the West is fresh in the recollec- will Brutus J. Clay. So will William H. William B. Ogden, Chicago 2,007 tions of our Mallory, vost Marshal Reany arrested the following Would that we could affirm that all the readers. Jdis achievements Randall. Of Wadsworth, like Froni New Orleans. members J. F. Tracy. Chicago 1 556 with this boat are unparalleled; and hut there is neither hope nor present possibi- persons implicated: Charles W. U. Cath- of the Public Board are fine- Nathaniel Thayer 80-ton 2.007 looking but candor compels us to for his unfortunate and unwise expedition lity of |>olitical good. So that ot six of cart, Columbus, Ohio; J. D. Cressap, of PARTICULARS OF THE OCCUPATION OF OPE- men; C. A. Lain bard, Boston 2 007 iormerly the Reg- falter here; iu point of fact, the majority C. S. Bushnell New Haven 1.937 up the Red river, Charles Rivers Ellet these Border State men, it may be said Columbus, sutler of 18th I.OUSAS who was to lead the attack on of those who swarm about this hive of Joseph 11. Scranton, Scmntou, Penu 2.007 would have been one of the idols of bis that it is nearly certain that they will help ulars, J. Edgar Thompson, Philadelphia Camp Chase; James D. Poulton, of Cov- New Orleans, October 24.—Advices humanity, arc a hard-featured set. Moses 2 o*'7 countrymen. His death is a national loss; organize the House in behalf of the prose- and Shy E. Cook, Davenport, lowa 1.937 tor America had few brighter intellects or support of the ington, a regular agent of the rebel gov- from the 13th Army Corps up to last lock and Fagan are numerously John E. Henry, Davenport. lowa 1 937 cution of the war and the more chivalrous hearts, and certainly no administration. ernment, who frequently furnished money evening, state that the corps was at Ver- represented iu the membership; while H. S. McComb, Wilmington, Del 2,007 to the detectives under the impression The Army Corps many a face meets the eye which sends Augustus Kountzo. Omaha. Nebraska 1 937 braver or more self sacrificing patriots Of Missouri —politicians unprincipled niillionville. 19th had John J. Belvidere, N. J that they were spies, and according to made a reconnoissance in force to Ope- your hand instinctively to the place where Blair, 2.007 in heart and foes of their country thinly S. C. Pomeroy, Atchison, Kansas 1,017 The Sixpant-ion of tlic Country. agreement met Cathcart and others at meeting with much resist- your pocket-book ought to be. Bankrupt ¦veiled with patriotism, are taking Frank lousas without The total (of Camp Chase and assisted to mature the ance, and the larger part of the corps was merchants, mostly of the dry goods per- number of shares sold We receive many letters asking how Blair’s name in vain, and assigning him as SI,OOO was 2,007. plan of attack; Ruth McDonald, of Cov- at suasion, haunt the spot, driven hither each), long the present inflation is to continue, a tool to be used in the next House to em- still Opelou-as. The enemy is reported The directors ington, who acted as mail carrier through to be rapidly retreating towards Alex- by desperation,' or hopeful, it may be, met yesterday for elec- and when it will be wise to look for a barrass the Government and encourage tiou of officers, when John A Dix po- the rebel lines, and whose house was the andria. of picking up suddenly a few hundred Geu. change. We can only answer these in the rebellion. His is the pedigree of was chosen president of the company; of patriotism. Never headquarters of the rebels; Samuel P. Major General Ord has returned to this thousands, with which to square off with general terms. We are ascending the hill, litical sagacity and tailor, Cincinnati, the Thomas F. Durant, vice-president,; Joliu will he decend into that avernus of Thomas, merchant of city, and Gen. Wa hburne is in command world and thus leave the legacy and notwithstanding the foot gives back and his wife; and Catherine Parmeuter, of the 13th Army Corps. of an honest name to the loved ones at J. Cisco, treasurer, aud Henry V. Poor, occasionally, tne general course is toward politics, from which revocation can diffi- home. secretary. —New York World. cultly be purchased with ten years sacri- of Cincinnati. New Orlfans, October 22. —The latest Others there are who frequent the expansion. Sooner or later the turn will Information was obtained that an or- news the Army the is up to Public Board, whose passion is to play at and the descent cannot be avoided. fice of youth and blood, upon the altars from of Gulf Object* come, ganization in waiting for lootball with fortune, and to of Intercut in liiclimoud. The whole caravan must come down as low, that are set up in camps and on battle- existed Illinois, yesterday afternoon, and is of the most experience outbreak in to similar the as — fields. the Ohio, produce cheering character. inevitable alternatious of wealth and Among the objects of interest one sees at least, the original starting point State. Other some, are two ways of Of Virginia H. Chandler, like An- results in that particulars The column under Gen. Franklin entered want. Other like the founder and in the streets of this city at present, are probably lower. There —L. are to authorities, not of one derson, of Kentucky, is for the Adminis- known the but yet Opelousas at noon yesterday. The enemy engineer this money-making machine, some fifty or sixty splendidly dressed mu- coming down: is perpendicular; the made public. are men of inclined plane, corresponding tration “up to the hub.” He is a sound made a stand about five miles in front of character and means, sharp, lattoes, late ushers and attaches of gam- other is an the town with infantry, cavalry shrewd, quick, and cool whose in greater or less degree with the angle of Northern man, though the “rib taken Lookout mountain. and artil- witiial, bling houses, who have accumulated small ” faces no We have been able from his side by marriage is of Mary- lery, yesterday morning, but were quickly have muscles, whose eyes, like fortunes by their services, and are now descent. never to de- “ which is understood to have The occupation by our troops of Look- driven from the field. This result has fol- dead men, tell no tales, to whom oper- adrift force of the law faro termine ofthe two is most desirable. land. Joseph Segar ating” by against had bis support of the Administration out Mountain, a point which overlooks lowed every attempt the enemy ha 9 made has become a second nature, at once banks and other temples of fortune and The sudden and perpendicular fall breaks a profession a more bones, and most strained to that point of tension where Chattanoogo, and commands the railroad at stand during the present campaign on a and science;—men who depravity. These hifalutin swells pay but seems disastrous at have the time ; but as broken often heal patriotism almost breaks; but he has between that place and Br'dgeport is an the Tesche. brains enough to form resistless com- littleregard to the regulations of outdoor bones would vote for event of considerable significance. The At Vermillion Bayou, where they had binations and money enough to dety suc- etiquette, outdo white quicker than chronic ailments of a less vio- bt en beard to 6ay that he cessfully and even scoundrels origin, regard him as sure to mountain was supposed to be a place of obtained a strong stand, an ugly engage- the most determined opposition. in impudence the occupation of the lent ko in the financial world the Casey for Clerk. I Of and damage of a for nominees of the first class importance, and the presump- ment might have been expected, but the such are the two or three broth- sidewalks, wherever they may happen to downright fall is sooner re- vote all the Adminis- ers covered tration caucus. stands tion was that the rebels would make a des- threats of their rear by Gen. Dana’s col- Jerome, and John M. Tobin, whose loafing. There are now thousands of from than the less exciting trouble B. M. Kitchen be follows a for emancipation. That’s enough. perate stand there. The tact that they umn, compelled the rebel General to manipulations of Michigan Southern, Pa- honest faithful slaves at work on various which long, lingering period of squarely cific Mail, commercial When He will go into caucus, too. So well is yielded it quietly opens a wide field for divide his forces, and so we attacked him Harlem and Hudson river shares public works, and it would be but just, as revulsion. that turning have put will come none can 6ay, as to this known that the conspiracy against the conjecture. We are hardly at libeity to on the bayou, when they were completely millions into their pockets and well as expedient and proper, to give these almanac dates ; but it will be when to Etheridge assume that they gave up through sheer turned by our cavalry, and forced to fall made their names the synonyms ofsaga- a of the the enormous country which seeks replace it fellows little wholesome exercise of the war an weakness. theory that they must keep back from their strong position. city and financial ability. As same outlay government for purposes as Clerk, and to make anti-war Demo- The evidence of sort shall or be set up a man named their main body near the railroad terminus, Our troops are reported well supplied their wealth and their wariness it may be The ordinance of the city council ex- cease, greatly checked. As crat Speaker, has “ not keep a sufficient body and in good health and spirits. The ad- stated that the recent panic,” long as the treasury spends two million seat, in or- and could of although pelling the hucksters from the markets, “ ” McKenzie to contest Kitchen’s dollars per day, the good times will der to exclude his vote from the organiza- troops near Chattanooga to make a fight, vance camp is now beyond Opelousas. startlingly sudden and immensely disas- went into effect yesterday. The huck- is not satisfactory. What, then, are the There is much speculation in camp as to trous to hundreds of Wall street operators, the gamblers, obeyed the law continue. When it ceases, labor must seek tion of the House. sters, like other and then the rebels about? Are they waiting an at- whether the line of march is to be north has had no perceptible effect upon this and up; and the farmers and coun- employment, trouble So the account with the Border State closed willbegin. We can only hope be but tack by our forces, or are they moving west, but nothing is known. particular clique, whose overthrow and de- try with their wag- that allevi- men elect, thought to doubtful, producers, coming in ating may mitigate the to get between Thomas and Burnside, Another expedition composed of veteran struction it was specially and confessedly ons carts, vacuum mos' circumstances- nat- reasonably certain to vote far the Admin- originated and supplied the ural horrors ot such a crisis. —New York istration, stands thus: abandoning the railway on the south side troops is being fitted out, and will doubt- to accomplish. Speculating, acceptably. Cabbages that heretofore sold flank less sail within the next forty-eight hours. themselves, to extent Journal of Commerce. Kentucky 61 Eastern Virginia 3 ofthe Tennessee River, to us on the the of perhaps ten at one dollar per head, retailed readily at not Its of not to be pub- millions daily, they Oc- Missouri 11 north? It does appear that they destination course is have seen their fel- fifty cents. —Richmond Examiner , Total 10 have the force to make such a movement, lically announced, but it is undoubtedly lows topqled over by scores—many ofthem, tober 11. General Orders, No. 71. In the from the Free States, first with much prospect of success. Our army bound for some port on the coast of Texas. like Lucifer, to rise no with roll more—while A Fashionable Woman Drunk. Headquarters District of Minnesota,) to part comparative '- above, the name of Mr. Oorning of New has certainly been reinforced since the Brownville is supposed be the ease they have “kept the Department of the Northwest, York, was allowed to stand, as a Demo battle of Ghickamauga, to a greater extent aimed for at from which it will operate, as noiseless tenor of their way,” making the Correspondence of the Independent. Sr. Paul, Minn., Nov. 5,1863.) necessary cratic Representative. I take it for grant- than that of the enemy. One division of the on ward progress of the main column financial connections amid the Washington, October 24, 186S. Commanding officers of companies or de- ed that Mr. Pruyn will succeed him. Dela- our troops can hold Chattanooga, as it is may decide best. Parts of corps d'Af- wildest fluctuations and the most doleful There was a sight to be seen in broad tachments when ordered trom one military post ware is to choose one member. He will fortified. The oiher divisions, joined to riyue accompanies the expedition. vaticinations. daylight a few days ago, in front ot the or station to another within this district, will a be Sinithers, a Unionist and a supporter the corps under General Hooker, could be The enlistment of colored soldiers is But word about the Public Board Presidential mansion, which gave those hereafter, on their arrival at their destination, any to the enemy, Two white when at work. Language is idea of the of the Administration. Maryland is too massed at poiut light rapidly progressing. regiments powerless to who witnessed it a shocking turn over to the proper officers of the Quarter- choose five Ifthe which and Sherman is entering upon the scene are also following up. describe the sessions of this Stock Ex- onward which the vice of intemper- Department all members. policy - strides master's there, the Government allowed our last candidate for Governor with formidable reinforcements from So much of the Mississippi as is in this change. The confusion of tongues at ance has made “in good society ’’during transportation for gue- whichthey are severally ac- in Delaware to be defeated is not persis- the Mississippi. If the enemy meditate department is now entirely free f. om Babel would seem a pantomime, or mere the last few years. A woman clad in the countable. Or if they are not accountable for t< ntly and raucorously repeated a rush upon General Burnside, the rilla demonstration, and traffic along its dumb show, alongside of this scene of most fashionable garments, such transportation, Itwill be returned to the against this “ richest and by State, Mary laud will surely** nd to Congress chances are they will be toiled. They must branches is n m as uninterrupted in this confusion worse confounded. One with diamonds flashing from her slender officer whom it was furnished, unless otn- five staunch move lar theii railroads, at most, respect as before the war. wonders that the President a slant sat erwise ordered. These instructions will be upholders of the war, and and, survives sin- fingers in the Western sunshine, strictly observed in all eases. of to evacuate a re- gle of supporters the Administration. The can only force Burnside por- Business is steadily increasing. The session that howling, yelling, snap upon the stone balustrade, unable to pro- By command of Brig. General Sibley. new State of West Virginia will send tion of the territory he has been ocoupy- ceipts of cotton tor the week up to this ping, snarling mob of money-makers. ceed on her homeward walk without be- R. C. OLIN, A. A. G.