Number 219** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Wednesday 05-10-2005


VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected]

The ARTHUR N seen here arriving in the port of Rotterdam bound for the Mississippi Harbour Photo : Frans Scheutelkamp ©

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Save the ELBE Giro rekening No 8145443 Att : Piet Sinke - Stationsweg 21 - 3151 HR Hoek van Holland The score until today : 50.780 Euro EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS

During the FURIADE in Maassluis which was visited by thousands of people the tug ELBE was proudly present in the outer harbour and attracted a lot of spectators, with visible on the left in the background a crane of the Maasland craneoperator BOEKESTIJN keeping the repaired aft mast up, ready for installment later, the mast is refurbished and repaired at HUISMAN in Schiedam Photo : Roger van der Kraan © Israeli vessel seen as likely behind collision A saury fishing boat that capsized off Nemuro, Hokkaido, leaving seven crew members dead last week Wednesday, may have been hit by an Israeli-registered container ship, the Nemuro Coast Guard Office said Saturday.

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According to the office, the 41,507-ton Israeli ship was confirmed to have been sailing in the area where and when the 19-ton Shinsei Maru No. 3 capsized. Only one of eight Shinsei Maru crew members was rescued. The office said the Israeli ship had entered Pusan Port, South Korea, on Thursday, but already had left.

A cross-border surveillance radar operated by Japan tracked a number of ships and boats in the area where the Shinsei Maru was found. From the record, the Nemuro office had narrowed the number of large vessels down to 16.

The office then identified the Israeli ship among 16 vessels from reports by crew members of other boats in the area on that day.

At the time, the Israeli vessel was on its way to Pusan from Seattle.

The Japan Coast Guard asked the Pusan Marine Police Station, which is in charge of Pusan Port, to examine the Israeli ship.

During that investigation, the police found what appeared to be a relatively new impact scar and chips of the coating of another ship on the vessel's portside.

Police were asked to submit samples of the ship's paint, some chips of the coating and its navigational records, among other information.

The JCG will examine whether the chips taken from the hulls of the Shinsei Maru and the Israeli ship match at the its research and test center in Tachikawa, Tokyo.

"Based on the Israeli ship's records and the damage on its bow, among other reports obtained by the South Korean investigative authorities, the ship is most likely to be the one that collided with the Shinsei Maru," Mitsuo Hamamoto, deputy director of the Nemuro office, said at a press conference Saturday.

Because the incident occurred in international waters, neither Japan nor South Korea has the right to conduct an investigation into the collision.

As a result, the Israeli container ship already departed for its next stop, Shanghai Port, early Saturday.

If the Israeli ship is confirmed as the vessel that collided with the Japanese boat, the JCG is expected to report the incident to Israeli authorities through diplomatic channels and ask for a joint investigation to be launched. Ferry problem led to free booze The Estonian passenger ferry MS Regina Baltica managed to free itself after running aground off Stockholm last week Tuesday evening, but witnesses were concerned about free-flowing alcohol during the incident. Several Norwegians were among the 373 passengers on board the Regina Baltica when it ran aground in the Baltic Sea at 9:40 p.m. on Tuesday in a well-charted stretch of water. No one was injured in the collision.

"We noticed that the ship suddenly lurched astern. It went full speed backwards, then there was an intense bang and then the lights went out. We were first told that there were technical problems but after half an hour the loudspeakers announced that we had run aground," Terje Lund told Aftenposten.no.

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The ferry managed to work itself loose on its own power at around 1 a.m. and an hour later the ship reached Kappelskär, outside of Stockholm, where passengers were given the option of continuing on to in with another ferry or turning back to Stockholm.

Norwegian passenger Torje Sulland said that rescue ships followed the ferry throughout and the incident was "never dramatic".

More concern was raised by the ship's decision to offer its inconvenienced passengers free alcohol during the delay, and passengers reported that many abused the situation and some could be seen so drunk they could barely walk.

Passenger Jarle Berg told newspaper VG that several people panicked when they saw the ship had run aground and was personally shocked by alcohol being given away in what was an emergency situation.

Capt Mike van der Meer, general manager of the Port Authority Division of Walvis Bay Port, pointing at beautiful paintings in his office and telling about “his time” as master onboard this steam powered harbour tugs from Cape Town. See picture below in Photo of the Day section Photo : Piet Sinke ©

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Crowley to Acquire Titan Maritime Crowley Maritime Corporation Chairman, President and CEO Tom Crowley Jr. announced at the International Salvage Union's annual dinner that Crowley has reached agreement with the owners of Titan Maritime, LLC to acquire the company. The deal is expected to close within the next 30 days. Crowley made the announcement to an audience of about 60 salvors from around the world who had gathered for dinner at the Columbia Tower Club in Seattle as part of the weeklong International Salvage Union's annual conference.

He said additional details would be provided after the closing. Titan, founded in 1980 by David Parrot, is a worldwide salvage company that is headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., with offices in Newhaven, UK and Sao Paulo, Brazil and equipment depots in Batam, Indonesia and Dubai, UAE. Over the past 25 years, Titan has performed more than 200 salvage and wreck removal projects worldwide. Workers suspend ferry strike WORKERS suspended a shipping strike overnight that has stranded thousands of tourists on the Mediterranean island of Corsica and pitched the island into ferment over government plans to privatise its ferry link.

The conflict at the highly-indebted National Corsica Mediterranean Company (SNCM) entered its third week, with the prospect of a new meeting between the government and union leaders Monday and a meeting of the company's board that could lead to a bankruptcy decision, according to sources close to the affair. The Union of Corsican Workers (STC) said it was calling off the strike until Tuesday "as a measure of responsibility." Union leader Alain Mosconi said, "we are not diehards, and we realise that the situation has deteriorated." He said he hoped the suspension would be accepted as a gesture of appeasement and not of weakness.

The strike has taken on volatile political overtones in as militants on the island turned the issue into a nationalist rallying-cry.Violence flared after thousands of islanders demonstrators on Saturday and a group of masked nationalist youths went on the rampage in the northern port of Bastia. Witnesses said they beat up a plain-clothes police officer, who plunged into the harbour to escape and was taken to hospital with head injuries.

Later, a bomb went off aboard an unmanned customs cutter, blowing a gash in its side. The unions fear that privatisation of the company will lead not only to loss of jobs on an island where unemployment is an explosive problem, but also the end of the ferry company's public service commitment to continue operating outside the tourist season.

The ferry company, which serves Algeria and Tunisia as well as Corsica, has been in financial freefall because of the end of its monopoly on Corsica routes, growing competition from cheaper private operators and regular strikes.

The government bailed the company out to the tune of E 69 million last year,but is prohibited by European Union rules from pumping in more money.However EU transport commissioner Jacques Barrot said on Friday that he was prepared to negotiate permission for Paris to inject more cash on condition that the government guarantees the total privatisation of the company.

Unions are insisting that the government keep a majority stake in SNCM. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, facing the first major crisis of his administration, has offered a package whereby the government

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would keep a 25 per cent stake, offer the workers five percent and sell the rest to a French concession operator, Veolia, and the Butler Capital Partners investment group.

Unions have rejected that proposal, saying it would lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs. While they are prepared to accept part privatisation, they insist the state should keep ultimate control.

According to Butler, the company has debts of between E 150 million and E 200 million.

Meanwhile, sources close to the negotiations said the SNCM board would meet today to decide on possible bankruptcy if the unions continue to reject the government proposals. Finance and Economy Minister Thierry Breton and Transport minister Dominique Perben were scheduled to meet union leaders in Marseilles today.

After police forced the opening of the port on Saturday amid scenes of high tension, the situation returned to normal yesterday after the suspension of the strike around midday.

According to the prefecture for the region, some 10,000 passengers were still waiting to leave from Ajaccio as the strike was called off. Up to 6,500 were expected to leave the port during the day aboard ships of The SCNM and the rival private Corsica Ferries company. Earlier, a bomb disposal team was brought in by helicopter on board a ferry ship bound for France after an anonymous caller claimed there was a device on board.

After combing the Girolata with sniffer dogs, police said that the call was a hoax. The government's senior official on Corsica Pierre-Rene Lemas ordered searches of all ferries leaving the island "in order to avoid Any nasty surprises and to reassure the passengers."

Later, however, the searches were scaled down as long lines of cars waited to embark. Schip zinkt op Amazone; drie doden en 22 vermisten Een passagierschip dat op de Amazone voer is gezonken. Zeker drie opvarenden zijn omgekomen en 22 worden er vermist. Het schip was donderdagavond op weg naar de junglestad Manaus toen het in botsing kwam met twee vrachtschepen, zei een woordvoerder van de Braziliaanse marine.

Aan boord van het schip waren zestig mensen. Van de 35 die gered konden worden hebben er acht ernstige verwondingen opgelopen, meldde de Braziliaanse pers. The Great Whites are back Less than 24 hours after a surfskier was attacked by a shark near Sunny Cove, another four Great Whites have been spotted hugging the coast in False Bay as the predators move away from their winter feeding ground off Seal Island.

Clive Wakeford, president of Western Province Lifesaving, confirmed that a Great White shark was also seen swimming near the Sunny Cove walkway at 10.30am on Sunday.

The sharks were spotted from a Base 4 helicopter on Sunday afternoon.

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Wright was unharmed in the incident , Two Great Whites were cruising off Muizenberg's back line and another two were swimming close to Fish Hoek beach.

Mike Meyer of the City Shark Working Group, said: "Research done by scientist Alison Kock indicates that the sharks have left Seal Island, their winter area, and moved closer inshore." Slepers bieden overheid samen diensten aan De op de Westerschelde actieve sleep- en bergingsbedrijven Multraship uit Terneuzen en URS uit Antwerpen staan te trappelen om de overheid hun diensten aan te bieden. Zij willen meedoen aan afspraken voor de permanente stationering van bergingssleepboten met bluscapaciteit langs de vaarweg.

Multraship en URS hebben afgelopen weekeinde gezamenlijk een persverklaring uitgegeven waarin zij dit aanbod doen. Het is uitzonderlijk dat zij samen naar buiten treden, maar de tijd is er naar hun idee meer dan rijp voor. De twee bedrijven hebben zich gestoord aan berichtgeving, onder meer via RTL Nieuws, dat er onvoldoende brandbestrijdingsapparatuur op de Westerschelde beschikbaar is. Dat is volgens hen volstrekt bezijden de waarheid. Ongeveer vijftien sleep- en bergingsvaartuigen van beide firma’s zijn met die apparatuur uitgerust.

Bij de Zeeuwse autoriteiten is dit bekend, maar, stelden zij in de eerder dit jaar verschenen eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde, ’er is sprake van grote afhankelijkheid van bergers’. Zij gaven verder aan: ’Hulpdiensten noch Rijkswaterstaat beschikken over blus- en bergingscapaciteit om ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen te beheersen’. Onvermeld bleef overigens dat de brandweer bluscontainers heeft die op het betonningsvaartuig Frans Naerebout uit Vlissingen kunnen worden geplaatst. De Frans Naerebout is bij de stranding van het containerschip Fowairet bijna twee weken geleden ook ingezet. Het betonningsvaartuig is echter niet altijd actief in de Zeeuwse wateren.

Op en om de Westerschelde is dus wel degelijk bluscapaciteit aanwezig, signaleren Multraship, URS en de Zeeuwse autoriteiten. Maar, erkennen de sleepbedrijven met diezelfde autoriteiten, ‘de calamiteitenorganisatie en rampenbestrijding op de Westerschelde kan nog verder worden verbeterd’. Waarop zij melden ‘daaraan een bijdrage te willen leveren door afspraken met de overheid te maken over het permanent stationeren van bergingssleepboten op de rivier’.

Multraship en URS laten zich niet uit over de kosten en waar de schepen moeten komen. Multraship- directeur L. Muller: ,,Dat zijn kwesties van onderling overleg.’’ Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, verantwoordelijk voor rampenbestrijding, zou het voortouw voor een overeenkomst met bergers moeten nemen, zo staat in de eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde. Zulke overeenkomsten bestaan al voor het IJsselmeer, de Waddenzee en de regio Rijnmond. Ook over de financiering is nagedacht. De ‘belanghebbende havens’ in het Westerscheldegebied, waaronder zeker ook Antwerpen en Gent, zouden daaraan moeten bijdragen naar het voorbeeld van Rotterdam. De havens zijn er immers bij gebaat dat zij bereikbaar blijven door te investeren in hulpverlening.

Tot nu toe is er met eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde weinig gebeurd. J. Lonink, burgemeester van Terneuzen en voorzitter van het Zeeuwse veiligheidscollege, heeft er recentelijk tijdens een bezoek aan Georgië minister Peijs van Verkeer en Waterstaat nog attent op gemaakt. ,,We zaten samen in het vliegtuig’’, aldus Lonink, ,,een betere gelegenheid kan je niet hebben.’’

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CASUALTY REPORT 21 Die As Tour Boat Capsizes on N.Y. Lake A seemingly ideal day of sailing along a calm but busy mountain lake turned abruptly tragic Sunday when a tour boat carrying a group of senior citizens overturned, killing 21 people and injuring dozens more.

The glass-enclosed Ethan Allen was carrying tourists from Michigan on a fall foliage tour when it capsized shortly before 3 p.m. The accident on Lake George may have occurred when the boat was hit by the wake of a larger vessel, Warren County Sheriff Larry Cleveland said.

"We haven't ruled anything out yet," Cleveland said.

The 40-foot boat was carrying a tour group from the Trenton, Mich., area, and was sailing just north of the village of Lake George, a popular tourist destination about 50 miles north of Albany in the Adirondack Mountains. With calm waters, clear skies and temperatures in the 70s, it seemed perfect boating weather.

U.S. Rep. John Sweeney (news, bio, voting record), who talked with survivors at the hospital, said the boat flipped in about 30 seconds, giving victims no time to react. The sheriff said none of the passengers was able to put on a life jacket.

Adult boat passengers are not required to wear life jackets in New York, but boats must carry at least one life jacket per person.

Patrol boats that reached the scene within minutes found other boaters already pulling people from the water. All passengers had been accounted for within two hours.

Twenty-seven people were taken to a hospital in nearby Glens Falls. Some suffered broken ribs and others complained of shortness of breath. Seven survivors were admitted, hospital spokesman Jason White said.

He said the hospital had received 21 bodies. Police investigators were at the hospital late Sunday to question survivors.

Dorothy Warren, a resident who said she brought blankets and chairs to shore for survivors, said one passenger told her "she saw a big boat coming close and she said, 'Whoop-dee-doo. I love a rocking boat.'"

Warren said the woman did not know how she got out of the water but said her mother was killed.

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Officials gave conflicting information on the number of dead and passengers. Cleveland said there were 48 or 49 people aboard, which was close to the boat's maximum capacity of 50.

Investigators were interviewing survivors to get an accurate count. The National Transportation Safety Board arrived at the lake early Monday.

Police said the boat pilot was interviewed. The New York Times reported that investigators had not tested Richard Paris for drug or alcohol use because there was no evidence of intoxication.

Cleveland said Paris was well known and well liked by law enforcement officials.

The boat was last inspected in May 2005 and no problems were found, according to Wendy Gibson, spokeswoman for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

Trenton, Mich., Mayor Gerald Brown, whose community is about 20 miles south of Detroit, said 14 of the passengers were part of a senior citizen tour group. Of those, three were killed, and 11 survived. The group left Tuesday on a weeklong bus-and-rail trip to see changing fall colors along the East Coast.

The trip was organized through the city's parks and recreation department and arranged through Canadian-based Shoreline Tours, Brown said. He said 11 of the group were from Trenton, including a Parks and Recreation Department employee. Two others were from Gibraltar and one was from Lincoln Park.

"It's a sad time in our community. We're a small community, and we handle things differently in small communities," Brown said. "We know names. We know faces. We have relatives. It's all intertwined. It's a sad day for us."

Many of the bodies were laid out along the shore, and the site was blocked off by police with tarps. A hearse, police vehicles and several sport utility vehicles later began taking the dead from the scene.

The weather did not appear to be a factor on the lake, a long, narrow body of water that is a popular tourist destination in the summer and quiets down after Labor Day. The water temperature was 68 degrees.

"This was as calm as it gets," said Jerry Thornell, a former Lake George Park Commission patrol officer and a lake enforcement officer for the county sheriff's department. Late Sunday, a tour bus pulled up on the darkened north side of the Glens Falls Hospital, away from reporters. About 10 people, mostly older women wrapped in blankets, walked out of the hospital and boarded the bus.

At the Georgian Hotel in Lake George, where some boat passengers had been staying, a police cruiser and other emergency personnel kept the media away.

Representatives of Shoreline Cruises, which operated the boat, could not immediately be reached for comment by The Associated Press.

The boat's owner, Jim Quirk, whose family has operated Shoreline Cruises for decades, told the Glens Falls Post-Star: "It is a tragedy and it's very unfortunate."

As dusk fell, several police boats were on the water, and at least half a dozen divers were in a small cove on the west side of the lake. The Ethan Allen lay at the bottom of the lake in 70 feet of water.

"It should have been a day of enjoyment," said state police Superintendent Wayne Bennett, who was out boating on the lake earlier Sunday. "Instead, it was one of sadness."

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NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Petrus Bogaertslaan 31 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected]

Fleet Week Under near-perfect conditions, about 50,000 people lined San Diego Bay Saturday to watch more than a dozen Navy ships and aircraft take part in the annual "Sea and Air Parade." The parade, the pinnacle of San Diego's annual "Fleet Week" celebration, started at noon and lasted about two hours.

Ships that participated in the procession included an aircraft carrier, cruiser, guided missile destroyer, nuclear submarine and an amphibious assault ship. A crew of about 10 sailors stood at attention on the submarine deck, as onlookers waved and cheered the massive ship, most of it under water. Hundreds of people lined the flight deck of the retired U.S.S. Midway, now used for tours. One sailboat flew a huge U.S. flag, and under it a smaller Texas flag.

About halfway through the parade, crews on security boats had to shoo away operators of some sailboats, power boats and at least one personal watercraft, who had entered the parade route.

The boaters may have mistakenly believed the festivities were over. Commercial and recreational boat captains had been advised of an off-limits area regarding military vessels in the parade. That area extended 1,000 yards in front of, 700 yards behind and 200 yards on both sides of each military vessel. The intruders were dispersed by U.S. Navy and Coast Guard security boats. Security was tight, each boat equipped with machine guns at the ready. No serious problems were reported. The monthlong Fleet Week salute to the military runs trough Oct. 28. Upcoming events include the Coronado "Speedfest" on Oct. 8 and the three- day Miramar Air Show, which begins on Oct. 14. Pakistan Navy ship Shahjahan makes port call in Kuwait The Pakistan Navy Ship Shahjahan visited Kuwait for the first time. Dr Mohammed Khalid Ejaz, the Head of Chancery of Embassy of Pakistan in Kuwait, told Kuwait Times: "This is a goodwill mission in order to create good relations between the Pakistani and Kuwait navies and to increase the cooperation between the two countries. A third reason is to allow Kuwaitis and the Pakistanis in Kuwait to visit the ship and be able to get introduced to the facilities on board the ship". He noted that according to the UN resolution 1373, 13 countries are participating and Pakistan is one of them".

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He added that during the four-day visit of the ship, there will be a meeting between the ship and crew members with the chief of Kuwait navy and other senior offers, and on Oct 3 the ship is having a huge reception allowing people to see the state of art of the ship and it sophisticated weapons".

PNS SHAHJAHAN - Photo : Coll. Piet Sinke

According to the embassy's press release, the ship was built as the HMS AVENGER by Vosper-Thornycroft and was launched on Nov 23, 1972. It took its name from the famous Muslim emperor of India. Shahjahan was the fifth king of the Mughal Dynasty and ruled from 1658 to 1672 AD. It was during his reign that the splendour of the Mughal court reached its zenith. Shahjahan built many splendid monuments, the most famous being Taj Mahal of Agra and the Badsahi mosque at Lahore.

Captain Asif Majeed Butt who is the commanding officer joined Pakistan Navy on Dec 1, 1984. He specialized in navigation and operation in 1990 from PNS Bahadur. The officer has a vast sea experience which includes performing almost all the duties pertaining to various sub specialization of operation branch onboard cruiser, Destroyers, Submarine Chasers, Mine Huners, FPBs and hydrofoils. His command assignment includes command of FPB PNS Lahore, a Hydrofoil division and PNS Haider prior to assuming command of PNS Shahjahan.

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Kleven Verft to build another AHTS for Rem Maritime Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik in has signed a contract with Norwegian owner Rem Maritime for the construction of a UT712L anchor handler designed by Rolls-Royce working in close cooperation with the owner and the yard.

The vessel is 78.30m long, with a beam of 17.20m, bollard pull of 190 tonnes and 400 tonne winch. The vessel will be delivered in January 2007.

Rolls-Royce will supply the main engines, propellers, deck machinery, stabilising systems, side thrusters, dynamic positioning and automation systems.

"The vessel has a number of functions and facilities making it well suited for advanced anchor handling tasks and other subsea operations”, said Åge Remøy, Managing Director of REM Maritime.

The owner is currently building three offshore vessels at Kleven Verft for delivery in 2006, as well as one UT755L under construction at another yard.

“Through this contract we have once again proved that cooperation between owner, designers, equipment manufacturers and yard in this region yields results”, said Jørn Heltne, managing director of Roll-Royce Ship Technology - Offshore, which is also based in Ulsteinvik.

“This contract shows that Kleven is competitive and that local cooperation is a key factor”, said Ståle Rasmussen, Managing Director of Kleven Verft.

The yard now has a totla of nine offshore vessels on its order book, four of which are for Rem Maritime Scotland: Scotland to get bulk of £4bn navy carriers SCOTLAND will get the lion’s share of the Royal Navy’s new £4 billion aircraft carrier contracts in a decision that will determine the future shape of the British shipbuilding industry and will guarantee hundreds of Scottish jobs for more than a decade. Defence industry sources said that a decision had been taken in principle for the ships to be built in five sections. Three out of the five go to Scotland — two to BAE Systems’ yards on the Clyde, one to Babcock at Rosyth — and final assembly of the carriers will also be at Rosyth. The other sections go to BAE’s submarine works at Barrow-in-Furness and VT Group at Southampton.

News of the contracts decision will be met with jubilation on the Forth and Clyde, which is already building up to eight Type 45 destroyers for the Royal Navy. The combined order book for T45s and carrier modules will take the yards well into the next decade.

The contracts for the large sections will account for around 80% of the total shipbuilding on the project, with the remainder — mainly the construction of the ship’s deck — to be put out to tender. This holds out the prospect of work for other British shipyards including Devonport and Swan Hunter on Tyneside. The sources said other yards apart from the main four were likely to receive subcontract work.

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The allocation of the carrier work paves the way for the creation of “shipco”, a grouping that would combine all the four companies’ naval ship construction assets in a single company. Talks aimed at establishing shipco have been held up by indecision over how the work on the carriers would be allocated.

Despite the outline agreement on work share, sources close to the project say there are still wrangles over the project’s management. Earlier this year the Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) controversially appointed Kellog Brown & Root, a unit of the American defence and oil services contractor Halliburton, as the “physical integrator” on the carrier programme.

“We are making good progress on the shipbuilding programme and have made some sensible decisions. But there are still differences of opinion between the DPA, Ministry of Defence and the industry partners as to the structure of the alliance body that will run the programme,” said one source.

The Ministry of Defence hopes to achieve “main gate” — the final sign-off and contract award — for the two ships in the first quarter of next year.

The decision on the allocation of shipbuilding work decreases the chances of French involvement in the construction of the British vessels. Defence ministers from both countries had signed an agreement of co- operation, although it is still possible that the French may use the British ship design for their planned new aircraft carrier. Keppel Singmarine secures orders for four OSVs and two tugs Keppel Singmarine Pte Ltd, the wholly owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) in Singapore, has secured orders for four offshore support vessels (OSVs) and two tugs worth about S$78 million.

The vessels will be progressively delivered to their owners up to first half of 2007.

Currently, Keppel Singmarine has 22 vessels under construction, having delivered nine since the beginning of 2005. Its strong orderbook has secured the company a role as one of the world’s leading builders of OSVs.

Keppel Singmarine will build a total of four anchor handlers for Saudi Arabia companies, two for HADI Establishment (HADI) and two for Zamil Operations and Maintenance Co.

A repeat customer since 2001, HADI has ordered a total of nine vessels from Keppel Singmarine, including the latest two vessels. Zamil Operations and Maintenance Co. Ltd. (Zamil) is a new customer.

Keppel Smit Towage (KST) has placed an order for two Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) tugboats, designed by the Marine Technology Development (MTD), Keppel Singmarine’s research and development arm.

A joint venture between Keppel Shipyard and Smit International Singapore, Keppel Smit Towage owns, manages and operates tugs to provide marine support services in the Asia Pacific region.

Mr Hoe Eng Hock, Executive Director of Keppel Singmarine, said: "Keppel Singmarine’s track records and experiences as a specialised shipbuilder have exemplified its capabilities and confidence in meeting customers’ expectations and requirements. With our commitment to provide quality products and delivery

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on-time on-budget, Keppel Singmarine creates value for our customers. We are very glad that HADI Establishment, Zamil and KST have chosen Keppel Singmarine as their preferred yard.”


TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl

The RMS ST.HELENA seen here departing from Walvis Bay (Namibia) October 2nd Photo : Eric de Graaf ©

Built in Aberdeen in 1989 for St Helena Line Ltd. of Sutton Surry. UK the RMS ST.HELENA is unique. First of all, after entering service in 1990 she is the only ocean-going vessel in the world still to carry the venerable title of Royal Mail Ship, held in the past by so many famous British passenger liners, the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary amongst them.

Second, the 105 mtr long vessel does the unique job of supplying the remote South Atlantic island of St Helena with pretty well everything it needs - St Helena has no airfield and this means that everything

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has to be brought in by sea., the vessel with a accommodation for 128 is powered by 2 Mirrless Blackstone engines for a service speed of 14.5 knots.

THE CAPE V78 29-09 departed from Cape Town > LUDERITZ > WALVIS BAY > ST HELENA > ASCENSION > ST HELENA > ASCENSION > TENERIFE > VIGO > UK Port Farstad sells Far Server to Secunda Farstad Shipping Ltd, the wholly owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping based in Norway, has reached an agreement to sell the UT704 PSV Far Server to the Canadian company Secunda Marine Services Ltd.

Far Server is a 6,600bhp vessel built in Norway in 1991. The price was US$16 million, which Farstad noted, is in excess of the value of the ship as of June 30th.

Delivery to the new owner will take place in November 2005. Ezra orders two more anchor handlers The Board of Directors of Ezra Holdings Limited in Singapore has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd, has awarded contracts to Pan-United Marine Limited for the constructions of two 65m 7,300bhp multi-purpose anchor handling, towing and supply vessels at a combined contractual value of US$15.29 million, excluding the cost of certain owner furnished equipment.

Both AHTS are targeted for delivery in the first half of the financial year ending 31st August 2007. Ezra also recently ordered two 12,000bhp AHTS from the same yard, and also recently ordered a construction/pipelay vessel.

In a statement the company said: "Ezra is now building up its fleet base to drive earnings beyond FY07. This latest order is in line with our fleet expansion and upgrade programme. We will stay focussed on supporting the sustained firm demand in offshore E&P activities in the oil and natural gas sector."

Lionel Lee, Ezra’s Managing Director, said: "The past under-investment in the sector has created an acute shortage of better-equipped and high-tonnage offshore support vessels today, particularly those suitable for long term charters. I see Ezra as a key service provider in this market, with our increasingly wide range of offshore support vessels that meet the stringent requirements of the oil majors worldwide.”

Ezra currently manages a fleet of 13 vessels comprising six AHTS, one AHT, two tugs, two crew boats, one barge and a heavy lift accommodation work barge. By end FY07, Ezra’s fleet under management and operation will grow to 26 offshore support vessels with a strong deepwater E&P support services capability.

Ezra took delivery of three AHTS in FY05 and another four AHTs and four AHTS will be delivered in FY06. Tanjung Offshore orders supply vessels

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Tanjung Offshore Bhd, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Tanjung Kapal Services Sdn Bhd, has placed an order with MSET Shipbuilding Corp Sdn Bhd in Malaysia to build two straight supply vessels (SSV).

Construction and commissioning of the two SSVs is expected to be completed in 15 months, or by December 15 2006.The SSVs will be used to provide and support and act as safety standby vessels for offshore drilling and workover rigs in Southeast Asia. Construction of the two SSVs will be part-financed by internally-generated funds and borrowings from financial institutions. MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet [email protected] http://www.multraship.com

The WESTCOAST II seen here in the port of Walvis Bay is the former Dutch fishing vessel UK 73 Photo : Piet Sinke ©

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The SOLITAIRE seen here enroute to the Keppel Verolme yard in Rotterdam for a maintenance / conversion period Photo : Frans Bausch ©


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Beautiful painting of the South African tug E.S. STEYTLER operating off the East London coast Photo : Piet Sinke ©


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Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: [email protected]


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