True20 Companion Is ©2007 Green Ronin 1.0A: All Character and Place Names and Publishing, LLC

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True20 Companion Is ©2007 Green Ronin 1.0A: All Character and Place Names and Publishing, LLC Design Erica Balsley (Horror Adventures), Dave Jarvis (Modern Adventures), Matthew Kaiser (Fantasy and Space Adventures), Steve Kenson (Role Creation), Sean Preston (Horror Adventures) Additional Material David S. Gallant (Modern Adventures) Editing Michelle Lyons Development Steve Kenson Art Direction Jim Pinto with Hal Mangold Graphic Design Hal Mangold and Marc Schmalz Cover Art Mike Franchina Interior Art patrick Ballesteros, Kent Burles, EMpty Room Studios (Bob Cram), Anthony Grabski, Zak Hennessey, Britt Martin, Borja Peña, James Ryman, and Mike Vilardi Executive Producer Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff Steve Kenson, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Jim Pinto, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Robert J. “Dr. Evil” Schwalb, and Bill Bodden Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version True20 Companion is ©2007 Green Ronin 1.0a: all character and place names and Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. descriptions, all art and images. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the The following text is Open Gaming respective copyright holders of that Content: all text not previously declared material. True20 Companion, Green Product Identity. Ronin, True20 Adventure Roleplaying, and Permission is granted to print one copy their associated logos are trademarks of of the electronic version of this product Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. P.O. Box 1723 Renton, WA for personal use. The following is designated as Product 98057-1723 Printed in USA Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction ....................................................... 4 Supernatural Items ........................................................................ 40 Overview .........................................................................................4 Optional Rules ................................................................41 Using This Book ..............................................................................4 Corruption ....................................................................................41 Hard Coinage ................................................................................41 Chapter One:Role Creation .........................5 High Living ...................................................................................41 Role Components ..............................................................6 Honor ............................................................................................41 Combat Progression .......................................................................6 Adversaries & Challenges ................................................42 Skill Progression .............................................................................6 Anthropomorphic Animals ............................................................. 42 Saving Throw Progression ..............................................................7 Chapter Three:Space Adventures ...........43 Power Progression ..........................................................................8 Feat Access ......................................................................................9 Subgenres .......................................................................44 Core Abilities ...................................................................................9 Alien Invasion .......................................................................... 44 New Core Abilities .................................................................... 10 Military Science Fiction ............................................................ 44 Sample Core Abilities ............................................................... 10 Science Fantasy ........................................................................ 44 Ordinaries and Role Creation ......................................................11 Space Opera ............................................................................. 44 The Heroic Roles ...........................................................................11 Tech Ratings ...................................................................44 Adept ....................................................................................... 11 Purchasing Items of Varying Tech Ratings ................................46 Expert ...................................................................................... 12 Space Heroes ...................................................................47 Warrior .................................................................................... 12 Occupational Backgrounds ..........................................................47 Sample Customized Roles ................................................12 Designing Alien Backgrounds ......................................................48 Sample Alien Backgrounds ...........................................................48 Chapter Two:Fantasy Adventures .........13 Roles ..............................................................................................48 Subgenres .......................................................................14 Expert Variant: The Specialist .................................................. 48 Mythology, Fairytales and Folklore .......................................... 14 Skills ..............................................................................................49 High Fantasy ............................................................................ 14 Feats ..............................................................................................51 Historical Fantasy .................................................................... 14 Powers ...........................................................................................52 Romantic Fantasy .................................................................... 14 Equipment ......................................................................52 Sword and Sorcery .................................................................... 14 Tech Rating (TR) ...........................................................................52 Contemporary Fantasy ............................................................. 15 Construction Points .....................................................................52 Dark Fantasy ............................................................................ 15 Weapon Construction ..................................................................52 Genre Conventions ..........................................................15 Armor Construction .....................................................................56 Supernatural Ratings ..................................................................... 15 Vehicle Construction ....................................................................59 Situational Archetypes as Adventure Hooks ...................................16 Equipment Construction and Invention .....................................62 The Hero’s Journey .........................................................................17 Design Check ............................................................................ 62 Narrator Character Archetypes ......................................................18 Materials .................................................................................. 62 Protagonist Archetypes ............................................................ 19 Construction Check .................................................................. 63 Antagonist Archetypes ............................................................. 19 Option: Jury-Rigging Devices .................................................. 63 Other Narrator Character Archetypes ...................................... 19 Sample Weapons ...........................................................................63 Fantasy Heroes ...............................................................20 Adventures .....................................................................64 Backgrounds .................................................................................20 Environments ...............................................................................64 Mythic Race Backgrounds ........................................................ 20 Radiation Sickness ................................................................... 64 Human Cultural Backgrounds ..................................................21 Gravity ..................................................................................... 64 Sample Awakened Beast Backgrounds ......................................22 Atmospheric Conditions ........................................................... 66 Heroic Roles ..................................................................................24 Vacuum .................................................................................... 66 Optional Rule: Heroic Character Archetypes ..............................24 Universe Building .........................................................................67 Changing Heroic Archetypes .................................................... 24 The Scale of Your Campaign ...................................................... 67 Mythic Skills............................................................................. 24 Planetary Campaigns ..............................................................
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