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Vol 66. Houlton, , Wednesday, , 1915. No. 8

all of this waste ground can be reach of temptation. They could made to yield a return to the owner j not but acknowledge that it was a mM * M,u,on Means HAKES RHEUMATISM and incidentally add to the value of,’most beneficial tiling.” Of course we all know that a mil­ CATARRH OF HEAD m STOMACH the farm. As I heard this story of a remark­ lion is a thousand thousand, but On account of their light weight, able national reform I fell to won­ when we talk of a million, do we PROMPTLY DISAPPEAR T o o k P e r a n a c,,yUbr ry sheep can be pastured in fields when dering. “ If this marvellous change realize the magnitude of the num­ Chronic, Crippled-up Sufferers Five Bottles the ground would be too wet for has come about in , don't you ber, as applied to what we are spe ak­ Find Relief After Few Doses heavier animals. Their small feet, suppose the other countries must be ing about? The present conflict is of New Remedy are entomologists find, are also more forced as a matter of logic and self- a war of millions. Russia has H.- Taken C u r e d M e preservation to adopt similar laws?” effectual in destroying insects on 0d(J,00O men in the field, It is needless to suffer any longer Mr. Frank Richter, No. 309 East “ Well.” said Mr. Hiller, empati- Second St., Winona, Minn., writes: the surface of the ground than the 5,0.10,000, and 3,000,000, a "with rheumatism, and be all crippled "M y catarrh was principally located hoofs of larger animals. caily, “ I don’t believe in the emo­ total of 1(5,000,000. To .■■•imply count ^P» Aan<^ ,. out ?* shape with its tional methods of t e m p e r a n c e in my head and stomach. I triad The list of dangerous pests that this number would take a man 272 lu n ly ^ v M U .8 pams- when c™ many remedies without sueeess. I societies. But if a.113' woman can winter along neglected roadside days—nearly nine months, working t Rheumatism comes from weak, in­ tried several doctors, but they were margins is long and formidable. stop the sale of 1 i q u o r in this unable to oure me. I read of Peruna night, and day. Standing close to- active kidneys, that fail to filter from in the papers, and five bottles cured The chinch bug, the spring grain country, Jeanne d'Are won't be getlier, this vast armv of men would i ^he blood, the poisonous waste mat- mentioned in the same breath with me. , „ aphis, or “ green bug,” and the cover over 1100 aches of ground, i u" c. acld/ and ** 15 usel' ss to "As a remedy for catarrh I take clover and alfalfa seed chalcis fly her.'’ ^ ; rub on liniments or take ordinary while if they stood one upon another.Feme{jies to relieve the pain. This pleasure in recommending Peruna have all been found by investigators for catarrh of the stomach. I know they would make a column over 17,-j only prolongs the misery and can’t what It Is to be afflicted with this wintering in great numbers in such Werner Horn 300 miles high. |^possibly cure you. awful disease and consider It my undergrowth. Under certain favor­ Reckoning the average pav for1;'. The only way to cure rheumatism duty to say a word in behalf of the able conditions in the fall the Hes­ at Machias . . .. * _ , as to remove the cause. The new dis- remedy which gave me such relief. oach soldiei at oe per week---a ' eLV • fcovery, Croxone, does this because it sian flyjalso breeds in quack grass, low estimate---the total week’s | neutralizes and dissolves all the poi- Peruna cured me, and I know it will Tin* fact was definitely announced cure any one else who suffers from and in “Canada one specialist lias wages bill amounts to $4,000,0001 sonous substances and uric acid that this disease. It gives me great traced the western grass-stem saw- last week that Hannibal K. Hamil­ which, of course, does not include j ^°df»e Jn the^ joints and muscles, to pleasure to testify to the curative fly directly from this grass to the ton of Ellsworth, fonnerly attorney A ^ scratch and irritate and cause rheu- the payments and allowances to, matism, and cleans out and strength- affects of this medicine. Peruna Is general of Maine, will be associated Mheat|fields. This sawfly does con­ wives and families. ens the stopped-up, inactive kidneys, a well tested and frequently used with the counsel for the defense of remedy, and for catarrh of the stom­ siderable damage to wheat in the One can talk in millions, however, so they can filter all the poisons from ach it Is unsurpassed." Dakotas. V o u n g stalk borers Werner Horn, the German prisoner about many other things besides the tj16 blood and drive it on and out c: at the county jail, in resisting extra­ A t a rule, people when ailing apply very properly to a doctor before re­ (Papapiema nitelaj were noticed in war. Mow many words are there l.i j * h the mos, won(ltr;,; sorting to a ready-to-xJre medicine. The great majority are cured by the dition proceedings to take him to very young oats as early as 18S4 by a single newspaper ? Ob, a million i medicine ever made for curing chro:> doctor. But a per cent, of chronic cases fail to find a cure and at the department’s specialist under Canada for trial for attempting to or so, is the invariable reply. A ic rheumatism, kidney troubles, ar. 1 last begin to use ready-to-take medicines. It is very noticeable indeed the wreck the international bridge at number of people among our testifiers who say that it was only after the conditionsjindicating that the parent million words, however, would oc­ bladder disorders. You will find it Vance boro. doctor had failed to cure them that they were induced to take Peruna. moths had spent the winter in the cupy .500 columns of an ordinary different from all other remedies There is nothing else on earth like it. Then they find to their relief, to their surprise, to their joy, that Peruna matted grass along the border of Horn’s lawyers have determined newspaper, and as the average news­ it the remedy they should have taken at first. upon a planjof defense and are said It matters not how old you are, or the fields. paper has about fifty columns it will how long you have suffered, it is The “ fdepartment’s investigator to be prepared to contest every step be seen that a million words would practically impossible to take it into the industries of small communities, has successfully put the winter taken byl'the Canadian authorities be sufficient to fill ten newspapers, the human system without result?. Cooperation sheep-grazing plan into practice to secure possession of him. So far You will find relief from the first few providing the ways and means of while the most expert short hand doses, and you will be surprised how e arn in g money at home ; and supply­ with some 3 miles of roadside and thep have learned of no legal move Cooperation and marketing have writer would take ten days, without quickly all your misery and suffering ing a market for such goods. The even more of fence margins. Many in this State*[to obtain his extradi­ a rest, to write a million words, and will end. long been made subject* of instruc­ tion. third, the Publicity department, successful farmers have also tried fifty days to write them in long­ An original package of Croxone tion on the continent of Europe, Horn's*knowledge of the English costs but a tritle at any first-c!a-s , * consists of a weekly paper, Dirigo, it with profit, but they have not al­ hand. with resulting good effect on the drug store. All druggists are au­ which will soon appear in improved ways realized that in addition to language, while described as some­ prosperity and well-being of the The indefatigable young lady who thorized to sell it on a positive money- the destruction of the useless vege­ what limited, is said to be sufficient people. Courses are offered In some form. This paper aims to develop set out to knit three thousand pairs back guarantee. Three doses a dry community life, advise one com­ tation they were destroying insect to permit him to discuss intelligent­ of socks for British troops would re-1 for a few days is often all tb.:t ? countries op the law of cooperative ly with his counsr] all phases of the , munity of what the. others are doing pests that would have become posi­ quire a million yards of wool, while, ever needed to cure the worst bn m- societies, cooperative book keeping case at the conferences being held in j ache cr overcome urinary disorder.. and advertise the resources of the tive! v dangerous later on. with one million square miles of’ and management, the establishment the jail, where he is serving .So days j of cooperative banks, and of especial State. The President of the Neigh­ private estate the Czar is not likely j borhood Association is Mrs. Fox. for malicious damage to buildings at | to suffer poverty unless the Ger-J Interest of cooperative purchase and Vaueeboi’o. j wist1 and wholesome rule of Diaz. who maintains a club bouse for How Russia 'Swore mans get to Pei rograd. sale societies dealing with all sorts Because of bis training as an army j He failed because of interference rural settlement work near Sargent- Tim $3,v his aUnrnovs. (bun. | even offer special short courses in By Sheep fires 011 tne hearths, reformed the rules from tin- Rio Grande to the these subjects, to give as m a n y wife beater, lifted people from sul- Some idea of tin1 cost of 's ; isthmus and from coast to coast. people as possible a chance to know That many insect pests are pro­ lenness and despair to happiness bridges msy be gathered from thel Peons, muh- did vers, adventurers When Cooking jfact t hat *1 .lion.(MM) was spent in con-| the advantage of cooperating in tected during the winter by useless and self-respect, writes Christina and bandits exercise military author­ buying and selling, even in the vegetation along country roadsides, smicting Waterloo Bridge, while | Merriman for the Survey Press Rub butter, melted, <>n chum p»>-j ity lor their own benefit and the and that the insects may be destroy­ Holborn Viaduct, with improve-, sm allest articles. Bureau. tatoos when they arc io ho baked. j respectable citizens of the country ed and the undergrowth may be ments. cost $1,.boo,non. j The Idea is so far advanced among And the miracle, s t r a n g e 1 y This keeps the skin from getting! are in hiding or in exile. Business Butch fanners that Cooperation is turned into valuable mutton and A million pounds is annually : enough, was made possible by thick and hard. j and industry art1 paralyzed, the applied to nearly every branch of , wool, are facts not generally realized Bussia's autocratic form of govern­ spent for the maint -'nance of lunatics currency is debased beyond belief agricultural industry, while in the [by f a r m e r s. The department’s ment, umlerjwhich the Little Father If soup most be served as soon as | in asylums in and Wales, starvation has millions in its grip while tin- cost of collecting the jn- commercial world it has made great j specialist in charge of cereal and by one stroke of his pen. put. vodka it is mad'j ■‘.t,ml tlmre is no time io| and claims upon tin.1 lornl revenue of t lie c o u n i r y headway. About twelve years ago, i forage-insect investigations recom- and its temptations beyond the let the grease harden, put a piece of J by foreign powers, for damages sus­ Holland, a number of the small I mends the pasturing of a flock of reach of the people---by prohibiting ice in it, and then take it out. re­ amounts to *1 .ToO.ooo. of which tained by their citizens in Mexico, retail dealers united in order to sheep in these places during the win­ the sale of strong drink in any part move tin* grease that, has hardened Loon.non is spent in salaries alone. art? accumulating, and may reach counteract the growing power of the ter months as a most valuable of the empire. on it ; put it in again, and repeat i startling figures. big corporations, with large capital. measure for destroying great num­ Henry W. Hiller, who for the last until the grease has all hardened on But worst of all fo good Ameri­ This movement at once met with bers of insects that might later in thirtv-one yeats lias spent half of the piece of ice. Reaping the Whirlwind cans is the spectre of unavoidable great success, and the number of re­ the spring spread to and breed in eacli year in Russia, told me of the] Butter the saucepan in which mac- intervention that looms ever nearer. In }t; months since Portiro Diaz tailers who joined it grew rapidly. adjoining fields of grain. Where wonderful change that had taken caroni is to be cooked. This will Will President Wilson be able to resigned tint presidency and went It accordingly became evident to I weeds are outside of a fence, or place there, and explained that prevent the macaroni from sticking. avoid wai in Mexico? into exile to prevent further blood­ the union that the only feasible where no crop is growing in the there was nothing half-way about Dried bread crumbs absorb more shed. eight successors have passed manner in which to protect the field, pasturing sheep in summer this pr ihobit’on. liquid and therefore are better for a through the National Palace, Only email dealer was to cooperate, and will, of course, keep down the fall “ I had just landed in Moscow,” FOR SA LE moist dish, but crumbs grated or one of theni gave any promise of re­ soon societies for buying goods for crop of insect-harboring vegetation. he said, “ J^felt a little chilly and fSmall farm in central Maine crumbled from a fresh loaf take a establishing peace and order, and house and farm in large quantities The amount of land covered by sent out for some rum to put in my lighter, more delicate color, and ,ie was forced out by the blundering suitable for poultry or Truck sprang up all over the country and useless matted vegetation growing tea. Not a drop was to be had. are better, then-fore, fora v r y State Department at Washington at gardening, g o o d buildings, operated very successfully. along ditch banks, fences, and roads “ I hadn’t heard till then of the daintv dish. The greatest development of con- isof^no small extent in America. Czar’s ugase, but 1 soon saw the a cost of 2i> American lives and llOUSe of* six rOOlUS, good Cellar I pom. OH), Never was a higher sumetyrs’ cooperative societies is This land, as a rule, cannot he effects of it upon the men when I Never pierce meat while it is cook­ price }arge connecting shed a n d plunge a neighboring and found in England and , in burned over because of the danger went to the shops. I want to say ing, thus allowing the juices t<> es­ paid fo barn 40x50 ft., 14 miles from the cities of the former country and to fences. Besides, much of the friend ly country into the depts of that Jjnever lived fhrough a miracle cape. two prosperous villages and the villages of the latter ; the growth common blue grass thriving in such murder, rapine, robbery and des- 1 before, but the •regeneration that I Always.'when mixing a milk mix­ of the prosperity of Danish agricul­ localities is always too green to pair. R. Station. 27p saw there was nothing short of ture with another, pour the other turists as a consequence of coopera­ burn and serves to protect the thick Victor,ano Huerta, in that part of miraculous. mi.xfure'over the milk. This pre­ WM. Apple yard, Guilford, Me tion Is a well established fact, and mulch of dead grass that accumu­ the country to which his rule ex­ “ The Russian peasants speak al­ vents curdling. For instance, in an example to the farmers of this lates beneath from year to year and ways o f‘Black Monday' in Russia, tended, preserved o i'd e i\ gave mixing tomato and milk, add the guarantees for the safety of life and t . S. Lost < Mtice, Houlton, Me., Office of country which is being heeded. forms an ideal refuge for all man­ for they*usuaHy come to work sod­ tomato to the milk. In m i \ i n g property, maintained the courts and C u s t o <1 i a n, F e b r u a r y 15, ]!•]*>. In the United States, cooperation ner of pests. A small flock of sheep, den, stupid and depressed after a Sealed proposals will be received at this meat stock with cream -uuu-e. pour carried on a civilized government. is the watchword, as it is in Europe. given the range of fields and roads day spent in the wine shops. Ami building until 2 o'clock p. m., March 2, 101", tin- meat siock into the other. Add " was president in fact as well as and then opened, for furnishing electric cur­ Societies like the neighborhood A s­ at this season of the year and where they'rej'lucky, too, if they don't!, 11 rent, water, ice, and miscellaneous supplies, I also a small pinch of soda. in name, and was recognized as sociation have been formed in Con­ there are no growing crops, will dis­ miss at least; 01m day through tin removing ashes and rubbish, and washing pose of nearly all useless vegeta­ When you wisl cut thin slice' nidi• l, / all the great European towel? during the liscal year ending June 30, necticut and Illinois, at least one is working'week for the same reason— p»lti. Sealed proposals will also be receive! talked of in New York, and one is tion. Only a little grain need he drink. On pay day the wives who of bread, heat a s k111le over tJ>• countries. By many well informed until 2 o'clock p. m., April 5, HH.1, and then being developed in Maine. Four added to fatten them. If the farmer fire in d«» ii with. persons tie was looked upon as the opened, lor <>o tons anthracite coal and 2 came—sojunderfed, so badly clothed cords wood. Tim right to reject any and all years ago this Neighborhood As­ does not wish to keep the dieep I rightlit man to restore Mexico tot< the —to wheedle from them part of their After cleaning lettuce and celerv | bids is reserved by the Treasury Department. sociation was started, in Sargent- permanently, lie may often pur­ i hi r 1 place f.har it held unde fin Dennis Sheehan, Custodian. 27 earnings to buy food for the child­ wrap thorn in a damp cloth and ville, by Mrs. Fox, then a summer chase “ feeders” in carload lots at ren, usually came (oo late—all gone. place them dil'er t ly on tic jc>' for resid en t, to aid the w om en iu isolated the large stockyards when they are “ Now." continued Mr. Hiller, half an hour longor to become crisp. districts to earn “ pin money.” Out just in condition to be fattened and “ this marvellous change has swept Keep mayonnaise, butter milk. | of this has grown a society which later dispose of them. over Russia like a cyclone—with the cream and cimoe all closely •over- i was recently incorporated under the Over the prairie country sheep noise left out. It is wonderful. The I ej, as they all absorb odo from ! laws of Maine, with cagital stock of will eat off grass and shoots of lar­ men come to work cheerful, sober ; other foods rapidly. 126,000 and having the right to do ger brush and plants, leaving the their work has improved incredibly. buslntBs anywhere in the State. groun d so bare of protection that in­ And the women—as I met them on When you make an angel cake There are three departments. The sects either will not congregate the streets a great burden was plan to m ake a sunshim cake and a Bales department aims to cooperate there or gain protection there after gradually lifted from me. They bowlful of mayonnaise to use the with the country store to help keep the pasturing is done. In the East, ceasedtcoming after their husbands' volks. its trade at home, and stop the mail­ where trees, bushes, and brambles pay ; and as the weeks wore on, order business which is so much a enter into consideration, if this When you are frying in deep fat. they and their children began to test, the heat of the fat with an inch- part of buying in country communi­ brush is cleaned off in spring the look—well, as if they hud had a ties. Aids to the country rotailer sheep will in late fall dispose of the square piece of bread. When it meal—two meals—finally, t b r e e browns in

it any there be, after applying that portion of the eirnings of said road SHALL AROOSTOOK applicable to the payment of the interest and principal aforesaid, as is SURROUNDING TOWNS provided in this sectf m. LEND HER CREDIT Sect. 0. 1 he Usiie of stock and bonds of said Quebec Extension Littleton appreciative n udiimce was in attend­ Railway Company shall not exceed ten thousand ($10,000) dollars of ance. >tock .and thirty-two thousand ($32,000) dollars of first mortgage An unusually large crowd attend­ bonds per mile. Earl Crosby left Friday on a busi­ FOR $4,000,000? ed the concert and dance in Grange Sect. 1 he treasurer of Aroostook county is hereby authorized ness trip to Boston. Hall, Saturday evening, given by C. S. G eorge went away Saturday the Band boys. Everyone seemed and empowered to make such temporary loans of money on the credit with 4 carloads of potatoes which to enjoy themselves and many favor­ Full Text of BUI to That Effect of the county as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this he bo u gh t in town. able comments were made upon the' act. And said treasurer shall, on or before the date upon which the

New Garment Store Boy’s Conference at r AMMMAMMiAAAAiSMe * * * * * * * * THE NEW TREATMENT , Lewiston OF LOCAL INTEREST * Work 011 the Gray >torp h t Lew- ____ FOR SOUR STOMACH sen’s Manufactures ^Exchange is j prof> Xoali Barker, of Kicker Cuts out soda mints and chalk so Good Shoes progressing well and it is expected , oia.ssiea.1 Institute, together with extensively used in the old-time that work will be completed this members of the K, (J. 1., and Y. M. “dyspepsia tablets.” They are too N. Tompkins left Tuesday 014 a harsh for even strong stomachs, and D r. G . P . Clifford w a s in Portland week. C. A., left Friday for Lewiston to often do harm if continuously taken. a few d a y s last week on business. business trip up the Ashland branch. On completion the store w ill be attend the State convention of the Dys-pep-lets are made by experts Mrs. B. O. Noyes and daughter of open to the public, notice ol which , (j Reg-e and Preparatory schools. Y. who understand these things and Mrs. Grimmer left Saturday for a 0 have combined the best stomach visit with relatives in St. Stephen, Caribou were in town Tuesday visit­ will be given in these columns. M. C. A., which was in session Feb. remedies known to physicians—pep­ ing friends. sin. bismuth, mint, rhubarb and other N . B . 18—21, among the students who at­ carminatives and correctives—into W a lte r B. Clark is spending a few H. Edblad who ha3 been in Bos­ Entertainment tended were Phinneas Barnes, Earl delicious tablets that not only look ton for treatment returned last week Lewin, James Jackins, Audbrey good but taste good and do good. days with E. G. Bryson at his They quickly relieve sour stomach, much improved in health. camps near Patten. The Houlton Woman’s Club have Greenlaw, Robt. Wilkins and Merle nausea, indigestion, heartburn. SHOE Lowre.v. W. A. Martin returned Friday Miss Pauline Watson of Wood- been fortunate in arranging for an STORE from a business trip to Washington, stock, N . B.. was the guest of Mrs. entertainment to be given by Laura D. C. and New York State. Geneva Kidder Monday. E. Richards, the famous author of Wood Plentiful Repairs on the Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Rose re­ Guy C. Porter left Tuesday for Captain January, at Watson Hall, L. O O. M. Home turned Tuesday from Boston, where Bangor, where he is attending the on Wednesday evening, March 3, at Never for a good many years has Potato Growers Convention. Mrs. Bose has been for a few weeks. 8 P. M. so much wood been hauled in town Repairs will soon be started at the Mrs. Richards is the daughter of Boxing Match The New York Bargain store has There wilL be Lenton services at as during the present time. The Moose (dub House on Court St., St. Mary’s church Tuesday and Fri­ Julia Ward Howe, American author Been making extensive improve­ wood yards are filling up rapidly. when the 3rd floor of the building Jack Sear Is of Bangor lias closed day evenings at 7.30 o’clock. and philanthropist, well known by ments in their store in the Exchange C. H. McCluskey is unloading 75 will be remedied to make a hall, a a match between Wild Bill Fleming her splendid “ Battle H ym n of the B toek. The net receipts from the Hop cars of 4 ft. birch edgings for sum­ chimney and several partitions will of Old Town and Ernest Mclntire of Republic.” Everyone will want to Mrs. Louise B. Spaulding of Cari­ given by St. Mary’s Charitable mer use. beside many cars of fine be removed, the stairs changed, so this town, to take place in Houlton see and hear Mrs. Richards. boo, who has been the guest of Mrs. Society in Mansur Hall, Feb 15th, quality hardwood. that a hall 30x42 can be made, mak­ March 2d, Manager Wheeler puts The Educational Committee have Cbas. M. Fogg, returned home Sat­ amounted to $251.65. F. A. Cates has his wood yard on ing ample room for all purposes. on the mate!) which will be two six charge of this entertainment and are u rd ay . On Friday evening, Feb. 26, the Bangor St., nearly filled up with ex­ Hardwood floors will be laid and round bouts, beside a number of in­ selling tickets for it. cellent quality wood. G. H. Wig­ Dr. H. L. Putnam and wife will pupils of Longfellow School will steel ceilings will be putin position teresting preliminaries. gins is putting in an unusually large le a v e a b o u t M a rc h 1st. for a trip to give an entertainment in Grange and according to plans now made it It is said that Fleming will get quantity of all grades. Jake Wise Florid* and will remain away about Hall, for their Victrola benefit. A Surprise Party will make a very handsome hall, for $2b0 guarantee. This will be tiie has nearly 500 cords of soft wood on 4 w eeks. R. F. Ward and W. F. Titcomb this rapidly growing Lodge. most important mate!) pulled off in A large number of friends and rel­ his Court St. lot, and many other Mies Ernestine Davis returned spent Saturday and Sunday in Van Maine for years. Fleming is with­ atives of Mr. and Mrs. Lawn Dick­ dealers have a plentiful supply. borne Monday from a visit in Bos­ Buren, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. out doubt the premier boxer of inson met at their pleasant home, Best Record For Many ton and has resumed her duties in F. D. Goud, returning home Mon­ Maine and Mclntire has never been 137 Military St., Feb. 19, to give Mr. thk Boulton Savings Bank. day. The Horn Case Years defeated, having put a w a v all Dickinson a surprise birthday party. comers with ease. Mrs. Edward A t t r i d g e an d Mrs. Wm. Patten who has been a The evening was spent in dancing Two official moves, apparently en­ daughter Gertrude Attridge, have patient at the Aroostook Hospital And games, while refreshments of To date Tax Collector W. F. tirely distinct, were announced Sat­ returned home from a two week’s during the past 3 weeks has recover­ cake and coffee were server!. The Swett. has made the best record in County Salaries urday in the case of Werner Horn trip spent at Saratoga Springs. ed sufficiently to be able to be re­ birthday cake was given by his this position that has bean made for moved to her home and is gaining who attempted to blow up the Inter­ In the Senate Friday the commit­ William F. Coan, of Boston, who mother. many years. national bridge over the St. Croix tee on salaries and fees reported bills w a s S op t. p t Schools in Houlton for daily. During the evening Mr. Dickinson His commitment Nov. 16, was river near Vanceboro, Maine, on fixing salaries for county officers in a number of years is now connected On Sunday evening Feb. 28th, at was presented with a beautiful chair $11,725.88 and 6 weeks from this date Feb. 2, claiming that he was an offi­ Maine. Changes in present salaries with the Boylston Publishing Co. the M. E. Church, there will be a by Miss Florence Grant, who spoke he had collected $8,0<>U. cer of the German army and that were recommended by the special Gospel Temperance meeting under for tii 3 rest, wishing him many more There now remains only $853 un­ Mrs. Frank O’Brien left Friday his act was a war measure. committee appointed by the last leg­ the auspices of the W . C. T. U. such happy birthdays. collected taxes for the year 1914. ■* morning for Charleston. Me., called The Federal district court in Bos­ islature which made its report lhere The address will be given by Rev. The party gathered early and de­ and Mr. Swett informs the T imks tyere by the illness of her mother ton will begin an investigation this this winter. The committee of the W . F. Davis, and music will furnish­ parted late which gave evidence of a that this amount will be collected M rs . A . J. Scott, who must submit week to determine, it is understood, present legislature has held hearings ed by the Methodist choir. E very­ very enjoyable evening spent by all by him in full not later than June 1, to an operation. whether the law against transporta­ on these recommendations and the body invited. present. 1915. C h ristian Science service held each tion of dynamite was violated by bills presented Friday are put in as Miss Margaret Cowan, who was A man who can do as good a job j S u n d a y at 11 a. m ., at residence of Horn in his alleged preparations for a result of these hearings. District nurse in Houlton for a num­ as this should lie re-elected again, ' A d d iso n Smith, 32 H igh St. Sub­ For Potato Inspection blowing tin the bridge. Fourteen The salaries of Aroostook county ber of years, and who for the past as his experience will be valuable ject for Feb. 28, ’“Christ Jesus.” witnesses have* teen summoned from officials under this bill are as fol­ two years has been in the City H os­ for his second term. Results are A l l are welcome. The Washington correspondent Vanceboro to give evidence next, lows : (’onnfy Commissioners $llb0, pital at Jackson, Michigan, has ac­ what count and Mr. Swett lias pro­ A . L. Skinner the Tailor, has has the following : Wednesday. District Attorney Sheriff $2.out, Registers of Deeds, cepted the position of Supt. of the duced them. moved from the Hamilton Block on W. A. Martin of Houlton, presi­ Anderson declined to talk about the northern district $1. )G>, southern Presque Isle Hospital and will enter M a in Street to the Exchange Block dent of the National Potato Grow­ proceedings or to give any clue to its $1,500, Register of Probate $],3oo. upon her duties April 1. on Court Street, in the store former­ ers’ Association, has been m Wash­ exact naturo. saying that he was State House News Judge of Probate $l,tMX>, County At­ ly. occupied as a Fruit store. A surprise party was given on ington trying to help along an ad­ acting on orders from the attorney torney $15oo. County Treasurer $soo. Wednesday evening in honor of R a y m o n d Cummings, of the H ou l­ ditional appropriation for federal general in Washington. Mrs. Henry Hall at her home on Rev. H. F. Dunnack was nomin­ ton W a t e r Co. force, underwent an quarantine. The House voted only Court street, it being the occasion of ated Wednesday for the office of Strikers File operation for appendicitis last week $5 present incumbent. Mr. j P. B. Gardner. Esq., counsel for growers had to dig into their own various cluh alleys have nearly fin­ The Ricker Classical Institute were served and Mrs. Hall was the 1 >un naek is j a>t or of the (\ teen | the striking Bangor A: Aroostook en- pockets at the rate of $2 for every ished and teams will be picked from basketball team defeated the fast street Methodist church. Augusta. j ginoors and firemen, filed with the recipient of several beautiful and car to assure inspection. Now the the high string men to compete for Monticello Five on Thursday night and has 1.... proninum; in recent j public utilities commission Thurs- useful gifts. House has voted $5n,ooo for such a cup in the Triangular tournament at Wording Hall, by a score of 16 to months in the Pimgressive party. ! day additional specifications ordered The Aroostook farmers are hard service again 1 lie present year, but which will start early in March. 6. The game was well attended. This is the position which was by the commission regarding the al­ hit by the low price of potatoes this it is insufficient, and Mr. Martin has 'J'his cup has been contested for The socials given by the Odd Fel­ sought b\ Rev. Geo. S. Robinson of leged inadequate service, of which year, but many of them are making been working with Senator Johnson during t be past two seasons, having lows Lodge are proving to be a most Lewiston. formerly of Houlton. the petitioners complain under para­ good with their cord wood and ties, to get an increased appropriation. been won by the Moose cl i bowlers enjoyable affair, and are largely at­ Rep. Fierce has introduced the graphs one and two of their original of which a large amount is being got j $](jo,unu for the year 1915—ft; and on both occasions, it is expected. tended, on last Wednesday about following : Act amending the act complaint. out the good sledding and the right j $25,boo which will h* available at with the interest that, is being de- IWfcnjoyed the dancing and supper. aut liorizing t In* Hottlron Water Co. Tin* document says that the peti­ amount of snow making the work j once, veloped, that the contest tli is year to Sell electricity. tioners will prove that on Oct. 31. , W . Davis returned last week easy’ and profitable. It is nee Hess j will be more keenly fou. than a nv Resol ve appropr iat ing $61 to for each 1914, train No. 2. due to arrive at from his home in Canada, where he to say that with flour at $9.oh per of tiie previous contests. has been for some time on account Clubs of the next two years for repair.*- and Northern Maim* J unction at 1.58 p. barrel many’ more farmers in Aroos­ The Meduxnekeag club has an un­ of poor health, and has resumed his improvements on the buildings of in., did not make schedule time and took will raise their own wheat an­ Music Club usual! v strong team. The Elks, too. duties at John Watson & Co’s store. the Ricker Classical Institute at that on Nov. 2, 13. 18. 2o. 21, 28, Deo. other year. The regular rehearsal of the Houl­ have developed a strong team and Houlton. 2. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. all in 1914. On invitation of Mrs. John W at­ ton Music Club chorus will he In-*Id will m ake a. sharp bid for the cup. Petition of Harry Hammond and trains Nos. s. 4 and 2. due to arrive son the ladies who have been sew­ at the High school building Thurs­ The Moose bowlers are still picking B. P. O. E. 45 other eiti/ens of Aroostook Coun­ at Northern Maine J unction at 10.3o, ing for the Belgian babies met at day evening Feb. 25, at 7.45, Tim pins and when their team “ toes the ty. for a closed time on fishing in 6.36. 1,5s and 6.46 p. m.. did not make Watson H;»U Tuesday afternoon Dancing Class cantata being prepared for the next foul line" they will fight hard to re­ Ross and Cary lakes, in Littleton, in i schedule time, and also that on Jan. a n d many, garments which were concert, April 29th, is most interest­ tain their hold on the cup which will Aroostook ('ounry. !4. 191’.. Mains Nos. 2 and 8. due to com m enced last week were finished. The dancing lessons at the Club ing and all members of tin* chorus become their property if they win it J>\ Mr. Burleigh of Aroostook : I arrive at Northern Maine J unction Upon invitation of Mrs. S. L. House will be resumed on Wednes­ are urged to attend rehearsals. once more. Petition of W. G. T. C. of Houlton at 1.58 and 10.38 p. m., did not make White, Mrs. W. C. Donnell, Mrs. day evening at eight o’clock sharp. Woman's Club against House Bill Number Three, schedule time. Walter Cary, and Mrs. L. O. Lud­ Music will be furnished by7 piano The Houlton Woman's Club scored relating to the observance of the The complainants will further wig, a number of ladies of Houlton and violin and a competent teacher a great success on Monday afternoon Hillman Case Lord's Day. prove, according to the specifica- met on Thursday afternoon and will be there to instruct, and all and one of the best programs ever An act authorizing Aroostook j tions, that from Oct. 31, 1914, to t e made garments for the Belgian members eligible who wish to attend given at a regular meeting was the The people in the town of Island countv to guarantee principal and J day of the date of the filing of the babies. are invited to be present. result. The hall was filled with Falls are watching wit h keen interest the workings of Madam Mona tin* interest upon $4, • Frank Clayton D. I). S. who has members and friends and many ex­ renowned Indian seeress of Belfast. gage bonds of tin* Ouebec Extension 1, 3 and 7 running from Northern been practicing Dentistry in Fort tra chairs were needed to accommo­ Racing at the Park Madam Mona in company with her Railway Go. Tin* bonds are to run Maine J unction to Millinocket, Houl­ Kent for the past two y ears, has date the crowd. husband went to Island Falls several for 5o years at 4h. per cent and no ton and Car’.bou. and especially rented the offices in the Hamilton [ The hall was tastefully decorated In the matched races Friday the days ago and she has endeavored to more than $329too of bonds shall he train No. 1. on Dec 25. 1914, atul block on Maine street, formerly oc­ j for the occasion and in honor of results were as follows : convince tin* townspeople that she issued per mile by tlm road. No other dates did not make schedule cupied b y Skjnner, the Tailor, where 1 Washington’s birthday with flags Thornhill 112 2 2 will discover the body of the miss­ bond is to he i-sued until contracts time. be will practice his profession. and hunting. Don Foss 2 2 1 1 1 ing deputy sheri If before she Daves. for const ruction of tlm entire road The specifications take up the Old J Tim meeting was called to order . A most interesting illustrated lec Challenge Race are let. Town branch of the road setting | by the president Mrs. F. W. Mitcli- Madam Mona has described sever­ ture on '“The Telephone” was given Joe \V 2 2 2 Tlm commit fees have reported : I forth that on Jan. 1. 2. 4 and 12, 1915, j ell, and after the business bad been al shacks and camps near tiie village b y Leith S. Black, Gen’l Mgr. of the Lena Wilkes 1 1 1 Ought not to pass, 6. dueat Old Town at 2 p. m.. I disposed of the president gave tile which Were 1 .bought not to exist. Aroostook'Tel. and Tel. Co., at the On Friday the usual races will by Piero* of Houlton on bill relating |^ and train lu3. due to leave Old Town following quotation taken from the Recently she became indignant at CQngregational vestry on* Friday take place and as the track is in film t< > Sunday earch. Mr. Burleigh of Aroostook, pending ning north, from Northern Maim* bank patrons and requesting that a ternoon, and great credit, is dim her p ractical account, and, united with resolution be adopted directing that anVl life eomn,TttV,hlrf. W, if l!uf- The county officials claim they acceptance of the report.) Junction to Houlton and way sta­ such material as Maine has in abund­ The Senate defeated Thursday tions. and especially train No. 45, on no officer or employe of the bank /ell and Mrs. Samuel Lam*, for the have evidence enough in their pos­ ance, is not p rod u cin g * wholesome morning by an overwhelming major­ divers days did not make schedule shall pay or charge to the account of fine and well planned progrinl. session to convict providing tin* and reasonably cheap substitute for body is found. Without this miss­ ity tin* hill to resnlunit the primary time thereby causing inadequate any depositor any check of such de­ The club also feels ('specially grate­ western wheat flour.— Maine Farmer positor when there are not sufficient ing link tlm ease is weak, and the law to the people, by a vote of 21 to freight service. ful to the singers : Mr. and Mrs. 1*. to. This hill introduced bv Senator It is alleged that on or about Dec, funds on deposit to the credit of the S. Berrie, Mrs. F. F. Churchill and prisoner will probably lx* allowed to go. '1'his case has been worked on Hastings of Androscoggin has heell 24, 1914, the f,,eight service between drawer of the check to meet the Rev. T. P. Williams for tlu*ir help in for is days and is just where it was followed with keen interest since i s South Lagrange and Old Town was same. The communication follows : making the afternoon such a success, introduction and party lines have at a stantill. “ The granting by some banks of also to Miss Helen McKay and Mrs. at tin- beginning. accommodations in the form of over­ Acres upon acres, ami in fact not been kept intact by the action of In the second paragraph of tin* W IL L BUY A BOTTLE OF S. A. Fairbanks who presided at the the legislators. The majority report drafts is objectionable and cannot be piano. whole townships have been searched complaint, the complainants will Emulsion Cod countenanced by this office. and researched, day a f t e r day from the committee was “ Ought to 'prove, according to the specifications “ This practice should cease entire­ Shakespeare searchers have gone out returning pass." and the Senate accepted the that accidentscaused by the employ­ ly’. To facilitate the accomplish­ The Shakespeare Club will meet at night disappointed, only to again minority report “ Ought not to pass.” ment of incompetent men occurred Liver Oil with Mrs. H. R. Burleigh on Thurs­ ’ With Hypophosphites. ment of this result, the subject has take up some new clue and work One Republican Senator voted ae the following places and dates : been taken up this office with the day evening. that out to tlm finish. Search has against the acceptance of the inority At Northern Maine Junction, Nov. A Permanent and Palatable Emulsion. banking departments of various Fact and Fiction not been confined to the country report while live Democrats voted 2 k 1913: at Crystal station. Aroos- Pure Cod Liver Oil is a valuable food, states, and these authorities have The next meeting will be field on with It; Republicans for the adopfii li to >k county, evidence now in the a tissue builder, a reconstructive tonic. about Island Falls, but has been generally agreed to take the neces­ Friday, Feb. 26, at the home of Mrs. carried on as far north as Eagle of the same. hands of your commission ; at Mill­ For Pulmonary Affections, Bronchitis* sary action to secure the effective Burpee. lake. It is even probable that within a inocket, Nov. 21, 1914 : at Island Asthma and all wasting diseases of in­

hsJs t a k m s h k .n A pril 18, l«f.u potatoes appears frnin the figures compiled in a recent bulletin of the THE AROOSTOOK TIMES U. S. Agricultural Department. Five Sprains,Bruises ALL THE HOME NEWS. years ago Iowa was not a factor in By Jack London potato raising. in 1914 she raised Stiff Muscles Published every Wednesday Morning by the Legal Newspaper Decisions between 1 *J,imiti,iMm and l.’t.OOO.'Mio bn., Sloan’s Liniment will save Times Publishing Co. 1.—Any person who takes a pa per regularly and there was a proportion,ate in­ hours of Buffering. For bruise I S m o k e from the Post ( (flic*— whet her di reeted to his crease in Illinois, Nebraska and the or sprain it gives instant relief. CHflS. H- FOGG, Pres. & M gr. address or another, or whether he has sub­ I )a kotas. It arrests inflammation and thus Copyright, 11)14, by tin* scribed or not, is responsible for the pay .subscriptions in l . S. $l..">o per year in Over and above this certain reduc­ prevents more serious troubles Wheeler Syndicate . :: :: If any person orders his paper uis- developing. No need to rub it advance, S-.oo in arrears: in Canada eontinued, he must pay all arrearges, or the tion in potato acreage in 1915, figur­ in advance, UAO in arrears. in—it acts at once, instantly Single copies tive cents. publisher may continue to send it until pay­ ing on averages, no such yield per relieving the pain, however I B e lle w ment is made and collect- the whole amount severe it may be. acre the country over as 1914 gave whether it is taken from the otlice or not. No Subscription cancelled until all arrear­ will occur again in a decade. Here'* Proof ages are settled 8.—The Courts have decided that n‘fusing Now let us turn from the positive Charles Johnson, P. O. Box 101, Law­ Advertising . ateb based upon circulation and to take newspapers and periodieals from the ton’s Station, A’. writes: "I sprained very reasonable. post office, or removing and leaving them to the more negative side of the pos­ my ankle and dislocated my left hip by Communications upon topics of general inter­ uncalled for, is prima facleevidenceof fraud. sibilities of bettering existing con­ falling out of a third story window six “I am glad to see you." she went on “Once we lilt out we’ll sure have months ago. I went on crutches for four est are solicited If you want to stop your paper, write to ditions. Let us consider what econ­ months, then I started to use some of slowly and gropingly. her face a ripple some tall runniu’,” Shorty said dis­ Entered at the post office at Ifonlton for cir the publisher yourself, and don’t leave it to your Liniment, according to your direc­ ot smiles. "My English you will please the post-master. omy can do for us —a merely reason-! tions, and l must say that it is helping mally. dilation at second-class postal rates. me wonderfully. I threw my crutches excuse. It is not good. 1 urn English “The place Is a big trap," Smoke able curtailment of expenditures for: away. Only used two bottles of your like you," she gravely assured him. For Advertising Rates apply to the President and Manager. Liniment and now I am walking quite agreed. tilings we can as well and perhaps! well with one cane. I never will be with­ “My father he Is Scotch. M y mother From the crest of a bald knob they better do without. Aroostook prob­ out Sloan’s Liniment." she Is dead. She was French and Eng' gazed out over Snass’ snowy domain. evils with which dry territory Inis ably has today S0,()00 population. A i All Dealers, 28c* IJeta and a little Indian too. H er fa ­ About Colds “What's eatin’ me Is Danny Mc- to contend. per capita saving of 25 cents a week | Send fo ur cents in stamps fo r a ther was a great man In the Hudson Can,” Shorty confided to Smoke. “He’s would mean over half a million for TRIAL BOTTLE B ay company. B-r-r-r! It is cold. Let I a weak brother on any trail. But he Many medical writers are devoting tiie County in six months. The cjif- us go to the fire and talk. My name j swears be knows the way out to the themselves jnst now lo preparing ar­ For Better Potatoes Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Is Lablskwee. What is your name?” ference between our expectations | I westward, and so we got to pull up ticles on the way to treat and avoid Dept. B, , Pa. And so Smoke came to know LabHk- and our realizations of market profit | I with hlib or you’ll sure get yours. It’s colds. Practically all of these wise Another step toward standardizing wee, the daughter of Snass, whom this year are not over $1,000,(HJ0. A j a-comln’ to you straight down the counselors recommend that those the potato through seed improve­ Snass called Margaret. quarter of the Country’s total crop I l I>ike.” wishing to escape the contagion of ment is to betaken at a conference “ Snass Is not m y father’s name,” she “What is?” ot perhaps 7,000,OX) barrels of pota­ SLOANS influenza should avoid intimate per­ Inform ed Smoke. “Snas9 Is only an “You ain’t heard the news? The to he held in Bangor, February toes have already gone or will go ;it; Indian name.” bachelors told me. They just got the sonal contact with sufferers. This twenty-third and twenty-fourth. a goed price for seed. A quart* i\ Much Smoke learned that day and in word. Tonight It comes off, though it’s recalls a custom of earlier days when The important movement under way nioie were marketed early tor an1 LINIMENT the days that followed. These were months ahead of the calendar.” they used to hang a hag ot asafetida to guarantee a better grade of seed average price of nearly or quite a rea l w ild Indians, the ones Anton bad ’Tin waiting to hear.” around the schoolboy’s neck in ordei potatoes was fully described in these dollar. Fifty per cent or thereabout K ill, encountered and escaped from long “Well, Danny’s wife just told the to protect him against colds. Doubt­ columns last summer, following the may have to go at a price lo per cent years before. But strive as he would bachelors. An’ the bachelors told me, less this accomplished to a certain conference in Maine of the experts Sm oke could get no clew to Snass’ off'the dollar mark. But this is by Pain of course, that the maidens’ Hies is due extent the function tor which it was of this country, Canada and Europe. history In the days before he came to no means certain, as the tail end of to be lighted tonight. That’s all. Now designed, because the odor of asa­ Since then the establishment of the lire In the northern wilds. Educated how do you like It?” the season may bring an increase of fetida is such as to discourage a close quarantine on Maine seed potatoes he was. yet in all the Intervening years “I don’t get your drift. Shorty.” price, which will materially change personal contact. w h a t had happened in the world he “Don’t, eb? Why, it’s plain open and and the beginning of Government this figure for the better. At all k n ew not. Nor did be show desire to shut. They’s a skirt after you, an’ that While on the subject of colds it is inspection of all shipments have events, it is easy to see how small a know. skirt Is goiu’ to light a fire, an’ that interesting to note that the United been started. stunt of curtailment in expenditure N o r could Lablskwee help Smoke skirt’s name Is Lablskwee. Oh, I’ve States Public Health Service points The most important topic before all around it needs to set us right. j with earlier information. She had been been watchln’ her watch you when you out the serious bodily ailments that the coming meeting is the finding of The whole thing was demonstrated j born on the hunting grounds. Her ain’t lookin’. She ain’t never lighted are likely to develop from neglected new markets for the surplus of on a pocket edition scale by Treas­ m other had lived for six years after. her fire. She said she wouldn't marry colds. I n general it is a fair assump­ American potatoes. With an enor­ Her mother had been very beautiful— urer Albert Joy’s Christmas Savings | a Indian. An’ now, when she lights tion that most colds come from a mous crop throughout the country the only white woman Lablskwee had her fire, it’s a cinch It’s my poor old Club, conducted last year through ' lowering of the bodily efficiency so last year potato growers find them­ ever seen. 8he said this wistfully, friend Smoke.” the Merchants Trust & Banking Co. 1 the careful person will strive to keep selves toward the end of winter with and wistfully In a thousand ways she “It sounds like a syllogism,” Smoke Three hundred weekly depositors, physically lit. ’This means nothing showed that she knew of the great out |said with a sinking heart, reviewing 1 irge surpluses and a depressed mar­ of stray and unconsidered pennies, aide world ou which her father had , more exacting than a simple observ­ ket. Prices in Houlton have been re­ Labiskwee's actions of the past sever accumulated a total deposit in tlie where general farming is carried on, cloaed the door. But this knowledge al days. ance of the rules of hygiene, ade­ ported as low as fifty cents a bar­ year of $7,000. Make all Aroostook and three different, disiricts where was secret. She had early learned that ‘‘Cinch is shorter to pronounce,' quate food, avoidance of excesses, rel, with few shipments moving at a savings club and the $7,000 easily dairying is tlie chief source of in­ m ention of It threw lier father into a Shorty returned. “An’ that’s always the securing of sufficient sleep, and, that price. The average farm price becomes a million. come. It is stated that the farms mi». the way—Just as we re workin’ up our above all, keeping the teeth, mouth for the entire country on December A n ton had told a squaw of her moth­ So to conclude, with a spirit of mu­ were perhaps a little above the aver- getaway along comes a skirt to com­ and nasal passages clean. first was only forty-nine certs a er and that her mother had been a plicate everything. Hey! Listen!” tual consideration, with patience ago jn prosperity, and this w ould bushel. daughter o f a high official In the H ud­ Three ancient squaws had halted and courage, and the exercise of soem to he reasonable as indicating At the same time a great scarcity son B a y company. Later the squaw midway between the bachelors’ camp Elihu Root economy, this is no bad year at all that the prosperous farm is the om had told Lablskwee. But her mother’s and the camp of McCan, and the old of potatoes is reported from South tor Aroostook, but a good and whole- on which reasonably definite ac­ America owing to the fact that nor­ nam e she had never learned. est was declaiming In shrill falsetto: Elilni Root at 70 is still a young some one. Trade in the stores will counts are kept, and the farm con­ “Lablskwee, the daughter of Snass, mal importations from British terri­ CHAPTER XXII. man in vigor and ability. No man be “off,” for the simple reason that ducted upon a fairly positive busi- the Rainmaker, the great chief, lights in the Senate excels him in speaking tory have been stopped by an em­ people are saving instead ot spend- ness basis. Tin* results of tiie stir­ The Love of Lablskwee. her first maidens’ fire tonight. Maka, bargo Organized trade with this to the point, and his has ing, but tin* thing will work out so vev are to lie published n Bulletin ’OIJ’K E the first intelligent the daughter of Owits, the Wolf Run­ country is lacking, and the Maine been proved in the great part he has that matters will be all evened up No. 625. entitled. What the Farm man we’ve had,” Snass com­ ner”— growers propose to start a move­ plimented Smoke one night borne in the fight against the ship pleasantly for the good year we have Contributes Directly to the Farmer’s The recitul ran through the names of ment to secure experts who will de­ T by the fire, “except old purchase bill, as his sagacity was by a right to look forward to following. Living. a dozen maidens, and then the three velop foreign markets. At the same Four Eyes. The Indians named him heralds tottered on their way to make his declaration that it was a proposal fl‘*s* I Summarized, the preliminary time better distribution of the crop so. He wore glasses and was short­ announcement at the next fires. to “ buy a quarrel.” There is noth­ ...... I statement of the department states in this country will not be over­ sighted. H e was a professor of soolo­ The bachelors, who had sworn ing of the “ lean and slippered panta­ that the farms investigated showed looked. gy M y young meu picked him up youthful oaths to speak to no maiden, loon” in Senator Root, neither does A Little System that the average value of the chief strayed flwn an expedition on the up­ were uninterested in the approaching As the movement for improvement he suggest the lagging veteran. On necessities of life-food, fuel and shel­ per Porcupine. ceremony, and to show their disdain of seed and cultural methods goes the contrary, at To he is a strong Is the farmer's income a tangible ter-used by each family was $595.06, “ H o w as Intelligent, yes; but be was they made preparations for immediate on, an increase in production is to man, ready to run a race. His ver­ matter? He has often wondered of which $421.17. estimated in money also a fool. That was his weakness— departure on a mission set them by he expected. A critical need is to satility, now so generally recognized, whether it is, and more often has value, was contributed by the farm. straying. He knew geology, though, Snass and upon which they had plan develop the market at the .same and working in metals. Over on the ned to start the following morning. took the Country by surprise. It been inclined to think that it is not. This left a balance of $173.91 to be time. Luakw a. where there’s coal, we have Not satisfied with the old hunters’ es­ knew him as an eminent lawyer, It is to be admitted that it is not an purchased with the cash realized several creditable hand forges he made. timates of the caribou, Snass had de­ but when President McKinley called easy matter to place an accurate from the sale of other products on He repaired our guns and taught the cided that the ruu was split. The task upon him to become secretary of A Look on the monetary value upon all products the farm. It is pointed out that the yo u a g men bow. He died last year, set the bachelors was to scout to the war, it did not anticipate the list of that are raised upon the farm, and $421.17, the amount which the farm and w e really missed him. Strayed— j north and west in quest of the secoud great works which proved his con­ Bright Side there is a danger of thinking that it produced, represented greater com- , that** how it happened—froze to death division of the great herd. structive ability. When Roosevelt is not important or practically per­ fort than would have been the case w ith in a mile of camp.” Smoke, troubled by Labiskwee’s fire transferred him to the State Depart­ It is well enough, in considering tinent to the farmer’s prosperity for had the same amount been bought I t was on the same night that Snass lighting, announced that be would ac­ ment lie again more than proved the the problem of a season like the ■aid to Smoke: company the bachelors. But first he him to estimate very closely the act­ in the city market. The food con­ present in Aroostook, says the Star- **You*d better pick out a wife and talked with Shorty and with McCan. wisdom of the selection. He made ual value of the products which he sumed represented 63 per cent raised !**▼# a lire o f your.own. You will be “You be there on the third day, himself one of the great secretaries Herald, to cast about for the most consumes on his own place. He will on tiie farm, and 37 per cent outside m ere comfortable than with those Smoke.” Shorty said. “ We’ll have the of the State. feasible course open to people in or­ find it relatively easy to keep ac­ The products consumed on tiie farm, young backs. The maidens’ fires—a outfit an’ the dogs.” His success is the success of in­ der to get over a bad year as com­ count of the products which lie sells such as fruits and vegetables, meat, amrt o f fea st of the virgins, you know “But remember,” Smoke cautioned, tellect, for he possesses great mental fortably as possible, with a minimum and receives cash or articles corres­ poultry, eggs, milk, cheese and tl e —a re n ot lighted until full summer and “if there is auy slipup in meeting me powers which enable him to see of loss and damage to each and all. ponding in value to the same in re- like were found to be in direct pro­ you keep on going and get out to the the salmon, but 1 can give orders ear­ what others less gifted have to learn It goes without saying that all who turn. But to keep accurate account portion to t tie amount raised on tiie lie r i f you say the word.” —if they can. He attains 7U within are able to stretch a point of accom­ of the various items which enter into j farm. Soroka laughed and shook his head. a few weeks of his retirement from modation financially, will do their his maintaining his family and the i The average farmer fails to reckon “Remember,” Snass concluded quiet­ the Senate, and he will leave in that utmost to aid those who will need ly, “Anton is the only one that ever home is another matter, and a less I his house rent, in estimating the accommodation to bridge them over, get away. He was lucky, unusually body an eloquent void. easy one to figure. year’s expenses, anti in cases where lucky.” mindful of the fact that the smaller The past generation, in fact, that this is reckoned it is included in the Her father had a will of irou, La- the percentage of failures, and the past p, or 15 years, has seen a new farm property, instead of charged on blakwee told Smoke. Everybody fear­ How Licensed Saloons larger the percentage of thoso who emphasis placed upon the business the basis of rent. In the survey the ed him. He was terrible wbeu angry. Obey the Law pull through by their own efforts management of the farm. It may home represented an average of ten T h ere w ere the Porcupines. It was and the co-operation of others, the be said that with the advent of the per cent of the value of the farm through them and through the Lusk- Kansas City is one of the great li­ better by far not only for those who Farm Management question a new property. The hired man was also w ae that Snass traded ids skins at cense cities of America. Not long are kept afloat, but for the County era was opened, and by it increased figured in. even to the cost of the the poets and got his supplies of am­ ago a delegation of 60 men, repre­ as a whoh It is obvious that every [jo-ip has come to the average farmer. board which he consumed and the m unition and tobacco. He was al­ failure not only cripples the man w a y s , fair, but the chief of the Por­ senting the Betail Liquor Dealers Tt must not be thought tfiat the farm­ lodging given him. Of the average who is unable to keep on his feet, cupines began to cheat, and after Snass Association of that city, waited up­ er who has been successful through­ of $14.62 which the hired man cost, had warned him twice he burned his on the police hoard and told their hut that the man who falls down in out a series of years was without but *22 per cent was paid in cash. log village, and over a dozen of the tale of woe. They said that not. insolvency tends to pulldown others t hese same principles. The success­ It should i*e remembered that the Porcupines were killed in the fight. more than 4o per cent of the saloon around him in tin* community. it ful farmer in any era. the farmer averages given in the report are only But there was no more cheating. owners in Kansas City are making is of the utmost importance that the who lias made a profit show in his approximate, as representing all Once wheu she was IJttJe girl there money, and that the others at best maximum number should he tided i year's work, has been mindful of farms, and should not he taken as w as one white man killed while try­ are breaking even, and many are over a had year, and that failures | just the principles which are now exa cr. ing to escape. No; her father did not losing iiidiii'V. And the reason as­ and business disasters should he 'being emphasized with tin* large do It. but he gave the order to the signed for ibis rather strange state minimized. ! number of farmers today. The far- roung met). No Indian ever disobeyed 11 is especially desirable for Aroos­ Teaches Basket Making. her father. of affairs, is illegal competition. In ! mer today who does not apply busi- took to get over this off year in the Caleb Cnapnnm, a gipsy, acts as In­ A n d the more Smoke learned from this license city boot leggers, whisky j ness methods to the management of best possible shape, in order that structor to a basket making class at her the more the mystery of Snass selling drug stores and fake whole­ his farm is *>ue who is finding that Busbridge, near Uodalming, England, deepened. she may take advantage of wlmt sale houses are cutting deeply into he cannot compete with successful which has been established to revive promises t<> he very favorable condi­ “ A n d tell me if it is true.” the girl the merchants of Ho- linens** ] aying, farmers in his own community or. a village industry, and Is attended by was saying, “that there was a man law abiding bar. tions next year. outside. j thirty-four men and women. Chap­ and a woman whose names were Paolo This news may surprise some who The Sotilli will cut its potato plant In getting figures on tin- income j man never takes off his hat while and Francesca and who greatly loved have supposed that the evils of hoot nearly in half tin* coming spring, and the other assets of his farm, a j teaching, and sits ou a chair without aach other?” legging and whisky selling drug Mini the distinctively grain growing farmer today Inis to exercise definite j a back. He lives in a tent at Forest . Smoko nodded. states of the West, which, for a. lew. “Four Eyes told me all about it,” stores are confined to dry territory. business instinct. A definite system i Green* and walks thirteen miles to years past, have been drifting into; Busbridge every week to attend to his she beamed happily. “And so he The Kansas Ciry Times devoted a is necessary, and tin* systematic ap- class. ltdn’t make it up. after all. Then first pan** story recently to tin* ap­ i potatoes, will surely cut out potatoes , plication of that system must he per­ there Is Tristan and lseult, two Iseults. peal of the saloon men and quoted I and go into wheat. This drift into 1sistently followed up. Having de­ It was very sad. But I should like to them verbatim in their complaints termined upon a business basis upon Harsh Tonguod, With Bitter, Venomous love that way. Do all the young men of the illegal competition to which which tin* farm will he conducted, Graciousness Must Be There. Eyes, She Cursed Him. ( ngraciousness in rendering a kind­ •nd women In the world do that? they art subjected. The talk of the Catarrh of theStomach the next st**p is to enter immediately Yukon. That’s flat. If you wake it ness, like a hoarse voice, mars the They don’t here. They just get mar- saloon men in Kansas City does not into tlu* plan. A reasonable value lied. They don’t seem to have time. you can come back for we in the suw- is the bane of thousands of lives. .Many ) nusic of the song.—Feltham. sound so very much different from should he placed upon the buildings, “I am English, and I will never mer. I f I get the chance I’ll wake it folks who use “ L F.” Atwood’s Med­ marry an Indian. Would you? That ind come back for you.” tiie talk we hear where licensed sa­ the equipment, and the stock and 1 ... ~ ~ icine for indigestion find it a really la why I have not lighted my maiden’s McCan, standing by his Hre. iudicat loons are not permitted. Here is the supplies. This is necessary to Ire. Some of the young men are fd with his eyes a rugged mountain one illustration of an interview : reliable relief for Catarrh of the determine what rate of profit or loss tethering father to make me do it. where the high western range outjut- “ This town is so ridden with poli­ Stomach. is realized is realized in the various JoProperlyTreat U bash is one of them. H e Is a great ted on the open country. tics that it is almost impossible to departments under which the farm Rheumatism, Sore Muscles, Sprains, Mr. Morton’s experience is h typical renter. And Mahkook comes around 'That’s the one.” he said, “a small convict an illegal liquor seller, no is conducted. Nothing succeeds Bruises, bathe the parts affected It ream ou the south side. We go up with hot water, then with the bare ringing songs. He is funny. Tonight, matter what the* evidence,” said one instance, that points out to you a quick like success, and there is real en­ It. On the third day yon meet us. hand rub thoroughly with !f you come by my tent after dark, saloon man. relief from this form of catarrh. : thusiasm in seeing the plan worked rou w ill hear him singing out in the We’ll pass by on the third day. Any­ Here Is another, “ If a man puts in •old. But father says I can do as I where you tap that stream you'll meet Newport, Me : out, even though at first the results us or our trail.” a brand of whisky that sells well, an* not all that are to lie desired. •lease, and so 1 shall not light my fire. “ The doctors say I have catarrh of Foil see when a girl makes up her But the chance did not come to the drug store across the street gets The new plan, based upon an inven- mind to get married that is the way Htnoke on the third day. Tiie bache- the same brand.” the stomach. L. K Atwoods Med- lury and also the returns secured, is rs had changed the direction of their •he lets young men know. And how jP' Still another, “ W e know of saloon icine seems to be the best remedy 11 t he means of determining the degree »ccout, and while Shorty and McCan lo you know wheu you are In love— men who are selling to boot leggers can get for it. I keep “ L. F.” At of profit that the farm is producing. The result will astonish you. Ik e P aolo and Francesca. I mean?” plodded up the stream with their dogs and others who are not living up to j wood’g Medicine in the house all the The United States Department of IN USE OVER IOO YEARS. Bmoke and the bachelors were fclxty Snroke w as disconcerted by the clear the Sunday laws.” . . .. , . *.i . Agriculture has been carrying on an This Liniment can be used faoe o f her blue eyee. “ Why. they miles to the northeast picking up the ., , J time— would not be without it. Internally and Externally. Saloon men, mark you. these are, 1 , T T investigation of the contribution •ay.” he stammered, “those who are trail of the second caribou herd. bigned, J. L. Morton Taken on sugar or in sweetened water meu supposed to be in the license which the farm contributes directly it ie a quick, safe remedy for coughs, m lo v e aay it. that love is dearer than Several days later they came back to colds, croup, sore throat and tonsiutis. Get Y O U R Big Bottle at the Dealer's tfe. When one finds out that he or the big camp. A squaw ceased from paying, law abiding class, selling to to the farmer s living. The survey to 25 and 50 cents at dealers. she Hke* sdmebody bettor than every­ wailing by a fire and darted up to boot leggers, and not living up to Today, 3.5 cents has included a representative num­ L 8. J0HN80N & 00., Iao., Boston, Mail. body else In the world—why, then, Imoke. Harsh tongued, with bitter. the Sunday law ! And all in the ber of farms in 10 states, three corn FR EE Sample by Mail they know they are In love. You just great license city where the fact of and cotton areas, two states in the PARSONS’ PILLS kn ow it; that’s all ” (Continued on page .>.) license is supposed to remove all the “ I., F.” M E D IC IN E CO., Portland,Me. corn and wheat belt, two stations Aid Digestion. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, February 24, 1915.

" 4 j A pause fell. There was a burst of English language is not a good lan U m Treatment chiding and silvery laughter from La- guage. The thoughts in my heart for Prof. Cards. H. J. Chandler | btskwee’s tent, where she played with you, as bright: and as many as the In Tuberculosis ' a new caught wolf cub. A spasm of stars—there is no language for them. How can I tell you themV They are ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR lm tbo May 25. 1012, laaiie o f the pain twitched Snass’ face, Tel. 239-;, i i m al oTthe American Medical A*- SMOKE there—see!” ■sstntlin anotand thla statement i “I can stand it,” lie muttered grimly, Oflice l.‘> Hey wood Street otastnlng calcium (ltme) medlca- j “Margaret must he married, and it is As she spoke sin- slipped the mitten Teeth filled without ttnn in tie treatment o t pulmonary from his hand and thrust tlie hand in­ U llt n aloaU feenattmytlon) t I my fortune, and hers, that you are Tel. 236-2. HOULTON. ME. aV m k r tie aystematlc, continued BELLEW here. I had little hopes of Four Eyes. side the warmth of her parka until it pain by the new anal­ mm* s e n In tent restate of calcium rested against her breast. Tightly and — Imllatlita Van ttleaon ia a seen a McCan was so hopeless I turned him gesic method, abso­ a m b e r of iln yatlenta Improve, un- over to a squaw who had lighted her steadily she pressed his hand in its dermo an exudation or partial coa- position. And in the long silence he aMdldattoa In tie Inns, w ileh then re* By fire twenty seasons. If it hadn't been lutely safe. aaivtam would appear to contribute you it would have been an Indian. Li- felt the heat, beat of her heart and O. B. PORTER to the walllnu oil and eloalam ot the knew that every beat of it was love. 1 catena. Hand In hand with this JACK bash might have become the father of Dr. F . O. ORCUTT, SPECIALIST IN (CHILD cemrac of event*, the *putnm clear* my grandchildren.” And then slowly, almost imperceptibly. up of tubercle bacilli, which Anally dlaaparar, and the patient* are dt«- LONDON And then Labiskwee came from her Dentist* PORTRAITURE ohM pt With healed pulmonary tu- tent to tile fire, the wolf cub In her haeaw l^ta ft Studio 7 Market Square Mhlonl medical journals seldom arms, drawn, as by a magnet, to gaze apeak so positively about a remedial Copyright, 1914, by the Wheeler upon the man In her eyes the love that meant, yet thin testimony coincides Syndicate Tel. 11 :i-:i Houlton, Mh. with that from many consumptives art had never taught her to hide. who have secured like results ALBERT E. KLEIN Home Portraiture Given Special Attention. th rou gh the use of Kckman’s Altera­ tive. C H A P T E R XXIII. Since calcium is a constituent of (Continued from page 4) “I shall help you to run away.” thla remedy for pulmonary tubercu­ Teacher of the losis and allied throat and bronchial Whomous eyes, she cursed hfm, wav­ 'ION to me." said McCan. ‘The ■affections. Its healing power may in some measure be attributed to the ing h er hands toward a sileut, fur spring thaw is here, an’ the Violin Parker M. Ward, M. D. manner In which this element is so wrapped form that still lay on the sled crust is cumin’ on the snow. 'V combined with other ingredients as Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat to be easily assimilated by the aver- which had hauled it iu. Its the time to travel. I a go person and it does not irritate What had happened Smoke could would run with no, less a man than Glasses Fitted the stomach. THE KLEIN STUDIO Bckman’s Alterative contains no only guess, and as he came to McCan’s you.” Office H ours: 1 to 4 P. M. opiates, narcotics or habit-forming fire he was prepared for a second curs­ “But you can’t run.” Smoke contra­ drugs, so it is safe to try. If your HATHEWAY DRUG CO. BLOCK 7 to 8 P. M. druggist is out of it. ask him to ing. Instead, he saw McCan himself dicted. “Your backbone is as limiter order, or send direct to Industriously chewing a strip of cari­ as thawed marrow, if I run. I run Forenoons by appointment lekmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia. bou meat. alone. The world fades, and perhaps Main Street HOULTON Office in Dunn Furniture Block “I’m not a flghtin’ man,” he whining- Pnee 9 l and 92 a bottle. 1 shall never run.” HOULTON, - - MAINE ly explained. "But Shorty got away, Said Snass; “Your partner is dead. H . J. Hatheway Co. Moulton, Me though they’re still after him. He My hunters did not kill him. They J. F. Palmer surely put up a fight. He plugged two found the body, frozen in the first of Dr Broup and Hooping Cough bucks that’ll get around all right. An’ the spring storms in the mountains. DENTIST Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau, Claire, Wis., says: O f Local Interest he croaked one square through the Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound cured my No man can escape. When shall we boy of a very severe attack of croup after other chest.” celebrate your marriage?" 'V* V'l t, OFFICE OVER FRENCH’S remedies had failed. Our milkman cured his SOME PEOPLE WE KNOW, AND “Yes, I know,” Smoke answered. “I And Labiskwee: “I watch you. There children of hooping cough." Foley’s has a forty years record of similar cases. Contains just met the widow.” Is trouble in your eyes, in your face. DRUB STORE WE WILL PROFIT BY HEAR- ! no opiates. Always insist on Foley’s Broad- ING ABOUT THEM. ‘‘Old Snass’ll be wantiu’ to see you.” Oh, 1 do know all your face. When Offiice Hours : 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. j way Pharmacy. McCan added. ’Them’s his orders. you are happy tlie corners of your Tbia ia a purely local event. Soon as you come In you was to go to mouth turn up. When you think sad Others by appointment. Calling cards engraved and print­ his fire. 1 ain’t squealed. You don’t thoughts they turn down. When you It took place in Houlton. Telephone it>4-2 ed at tiie T imks office. Not in eonie far away place. know nothin’. Keep that in mind. smile there are three and four wrin­ You are aaked to investigate it. Shorty went off on his own hook along kles at the corners of your eyes. When .Asked to believe a citizen’s word ; with me.” you laugh there are six. But I can To confirm a citizen’s statement. At Snass’ fire Smoke found Labisk­ not count them now. Any article that is endorsed at home wee. She met him with eyes that “I have never read books. I do not la more worthy of confidence shone with such softness and tender­ know how to read. But Four Eyes MILLINOCKET 1 'Than one you know nothing about, ness as to frighten him. taught me much. And in his own eyes “W e w ill go back, Labiskwee. You wil “I’m glad you didn’t try to run I have seen the trouble of the hunger be my wife.” Endorsed by unknown people. away,” she said. “You see, I”— She for the world, lie was often hungry still holding his hand, her body began hesitated, but ber eyes didn't drop. Elmer C. Cameron, 33 Putnam St., for the world. Is the world so good to incline away from bis and toward They swam with a light unmistakable. Houlton, Me., says; “Some time that you, too, are hungry for it? Four the direction of the cache Nor would “1 lighted my fire, and of course it was . A , ago 1 suffered from kidney complaint Eyes had nothing. But you have me.” he resist. It was as if lie “'ere drawn for you. It has happened. 1 like you ' A dull, heavy ache seated itself in the She sighed and shook her head. by her heart itself that so nearly lay better than everybody else In the email of my back and sharp twinges “Four Eyes died still hungry for the in the hollow of his hand. For Lining Cars world. Better than my father 1 love. world. And if you lived here always So firm was the crust that they slid joften darted across my loins. My eyes It is very strange. I love as Francesca would you. too, die hungry for the along rapidly on their skis. also gave me a great deal of trouble loved, as Iseult loved. Old Four Eyes and the secretions from my kidneys world? 1 arn afraid I do not know the “Just here, iu the trees, Is the cache.” 35 lbs. per 500 square ft. spoke true. Indians do not love this world. Do you want to run away to Labiskwee told Smoke wars irregular in passage. I tried nu­ way. But my eyes are blue, and I am the w’orld?” The next moment she caught his arm merous remedies, but nothing helped white. W e are white, you and I.” Smoke could not speak, but by his with a startle of surprise. The flames Toughest and most serviceable for me to any extent until I began using Smoke had never been proposed to in mouth corner lines was she convinced. of a small fire were dancing merrily, Doan's Kidney Pills. They rid me of his life, and he was unable to meet the Minutes of silence passed in which and crouched by the tire was McCan. POTATO SHIPPERS and BUILDERS my troable and I am very willing that situation. Worse, it was not even a she visibly struggled, while Smoke “1 was minded you'd run without the public should know of my experi­ proposal. His acceptance was taken cursed himself for the unguessed weak­ me,” McCan explained when they came ence.” for granted. So thoroughly was it all ness that enabled him to speak the U OR SAL K BY arranged in Labiskwee’s mind, so up, his small peering eyes glimmering truth about his hunger for the world Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t warm was the light in her eyes that he with cunning. "So 1 kept an eye on while it kept his lips tight on the truth eimplv ask for a kidney remedy—get was amazed that she did not throw her the girl, an’ when 1 seen her cachin’ of the existence of the other woman. arms around him and rest her head on skis an’ grub 1 was on. I’ve brought Doane Kidney Pills—the same that Again Labiskwee sighed. my own skis an’ webs an’ grub. Will JAMES S. PEABODY bis shoulder. Then he realized, despite Mr. Cameron had. Foster-Milburn “Very well. I love you more than 1 her candor of love, that she did not we be startin’ now?” Co , Props , Buffalo, N. Y. fear my father’s anger, and he is more HOULTON, MAINE know the pretty ways of love. Among Labiskwee looked swift consterna­ 37 advtg terrible in anger than a mountain the primitive savages such ways did tion at Smoke, as swiftly achieved a storm. You told me what love is. This not obtain. She had had no chance to judgment on the matter and spoke. is the test of love. I shall help you to learn. “McCan, you are a dog!” she hissed, After Many Years run away back to the world.” J. L. Soothers, E&u Claire, Wis., writes: She prattled on, chanting the happy and her eyes were, savage with anger. “ Veers ago I wrote you in regard to great re- burden of her love, while he strove to "I know it is in your heart to raise the Smoke awakened softly and without soils I obtained from Foley Kidney Pills. grip ftimself in the effort somehow to camp if we don’t take you. Very well. A fter all these years I have never had a re­ movement. Warm, small fingers touch­ turn o f those terrible backaches or sleepless wound her with the truth. And then We must take you. But you know my ed his cheek and slid gently to a pres­ sights; I am permanently cured. “ Men and Snass strode in to the fire through the father. 1 am like my father. You will women, young and old, find this reliable falling snowflakes, and Smoke’s oppor­ sure on ills lips. The one word do your share of the work. You will lemedy relieves rheumatism, backache, stiff “Come” was breathed in his ear. He obey. And if you play one dirty trick I’m as Hungry When the “man tunity was lost. Joints and Ills caused by weak or diseased sat up carefully and listened. Close kidneys or bladder. Broadway Pharmacy. “Good evening,” Snass burred gruff­ it would be better for you if you had ly. “Your pavtuer has made a mess at hand he could distinguish the light never run.” of the house” of It. 1 am glad you had better sense.” regular breathing of Snass. Daylight found them in the belt of Labiskwee tugged gently at Smoke’s foothills that lay between the rolling as a Bear! Tricksd Him I “You might tell me what's happen­ Hiram—Haw! Haw! Haw! 1 ed,” Smoke urged. sleeve and he knew she wished him country and the mountains. McCan says this you can aktaned one of them city fellers thal The flash of white teeth through the to follow. He took his moccasins and suggested breakfast, but they held on. pat the lightning-rods on my house. stained beard was not pleasant. “Cer­ German socks in his band and crept Labiskwee explained to Smoke her Silas—Ye did? How did you do ltt tainly, I'll tell you. Your partner has out into the snow in his sleeping moc­ knowledge of the country and the way be sure he expects something sub­ casins. Beyond the glow from the Hiram— Why, when I made out the killed one of my people. That snivel­ she planned to baffle pursuit. There dying embers of the fire she indicated aheek to pey him, I Just signed my ing shrimp. Met'an. deserted at the were but two ways out, one west, the to him to put on his outer footgear, stantial coming his w ay directly. same without specifying the amount first shot. He'll never run away again. other south. Snass would immediately and while he obeyed she went back un­ 111 bet there will be somebody pretty But my hunters have got your partner dispatch parties of young men to guard der the fly where Snass slept. a id when he goes to cash It.—Llppim in the mountains, and they'll get him. the two trails. But there was another Feeling the hands of his watch. c o lt’s He’ll never make tlie* Yukon basin. As way south. True, it did no more than IF YOU BUY YOUR for you. from now on you sleep at my Smoke found it was 1 in the morning. penetrate halfway into the high moun­ fire. And there'll be no more seoutiug Labiskwee rejoined him and led him tains; then, twisting to the west and Seventy Seven Years Old ROASTS, STEAKS, CHOPS, with the young men I shall have m.\ on through the sleeping camp. crossing three divide*. it joined the Gsonp|W. Clough, Prentiss, Miss., who eye on you.’’ “Now we can talk,” she said when regular trail. When the young men had wnnred giestly with kidney trouble. the last fire had been left half a mile found no traces on the regular trail POULTRY OR GROCERIES Write*: “ Foley Kidney Pills are the only Smoke’s new sinuiion al Snass' fire VMMdy that ever did me any good at all ” was «*mbnriiissimr Hi* s.iw more of behind. they would turn back in the belief that Just mink of the relief and oomfort that means Ijibi.skwee than e\r:. In ii sweci m ss In the starlight, facing him, Smoke the escape had been made by the west of us, you can be sure that he will be to him. Foley Kidney Pills are recommended noted for the first time that her arms traverse, never dreaming that the run­ for sleep disturbing bladder troubles, pain in and innocence the I mnkn** .s of hoi PLEASED right down to the gravy. were burdened, and, on feeling, dis­ sides or heck, rheumatism, and kidney and love was terrible. Her mvs were aways had ventured the harder and . 6 Madder ailments. Broadway Pharmacy. love glances. Every lock was a carets covered she carried his snowshoes, a longer way around. A score of times lie nerved himself to rifle, two bebs of ammunition and his Glancing back at McCan, in the rear. Our Slaughter Souse tell her of Joy t.’astell. and.a seen* of sleeping robes. Labiskwee spoke in an undertone to Settles Airtight. times, lie discovered that he was a ”1 have everything fixed.” she said, Smoke. “He is eating.” she said. “It (The Best in the .Statej Corks may be made to seal catsup coward. with a happy little laugh. T have is not good.” Is a busy place these days—W e are so airtight If they are slightly larger The damnable part of it was that La been two days making the cache. Smoke looked. The man was secret­ than tops of bottles they should be biskwee was so delightful. She was There is meat, even flour, matches and ly munching caribou suet from the proud of our new quarters that we are tolled in clear water for 20 minutes; good to look uppm 'Despite the hurt to skis, which go best on the hard crust, pocketful be carried. glad to show visitors around. this deereaaee their size, says the 8 t his self esteem of every moment spent: and, when they break through, the “No eating between meals,” he com Louis Star. Insert In mouths of bob- with her, he pleasured in every such webs will bold up longer. Oh, I do manded. “There's no game in the "fry us on your next order “ If it is good flea while hot; they will expand in moment. For the first time In his life know snow travel, and we shall go country ahead, ami the grub will have pooling, and In this way will make he was really learning woman, and so fast, my lover.” to be whacked in equal rations from to ent we lmve it’’ perfectly air-tight stoppers. clear was Labiskwee’s soul, so appall­ Smoke checked his speech. That she the start. The only way you can travel ing In Its Innocence and ignorance, had been arranging bis escape was with us is by playing fair." that he could not misread a line of it. surprise enough, but that she had plan­ By 1 o’clock the crust had thawed I f a better cough syrup than Foley’s Iloney All the pristine goodness of her sex ned to go with him was more than he so that the skis broke through, and W . STARKEY and Tar Compound could be found, we would was prepared for. Unable to plan im­ before 2 o’clock the web shoes were was in her. uncluttered by the con UNION SQUARE carry It. W e know this reliable and depend­ mediate action, he gently, one by one, breaking through. Camp was made able medicine has given satisfaction for more ventionality of knowledge or the de than forty years; therefore we never offer a celt of self protection. took her burdens from her. He put and the first meal eaten. Smoke took substitute for the genuine. Recommended for And Smoke learned about. himself. his arms around her and pressed her Stock of tiic food. MeOan's supply oouohs, oolds, croup, whooping cough, bron­ close, and still he could not think what was a disappointment. .So many silver chial and lagrippe coughs. No opiates. Broad- He remembered back to all he knew fox skins had lie stuffed into the bot- way Pharmacy. of Joy Gastell and he knew that he to do. loved her. Yet he delighted in Labisk “God is good.” she whispered. " 11c j tom of tiie meat bag that there was Ht- wee. And what was this feeling of sent me a lover.” j tie space left for meat. Wireless Operation. delight but love? He could demean it Yet Smoke was brave enough not to I Enough food for a month, with oare- \yireless messages are sent much | by no less a name. Love it was. Ix>ve suggest; his going alone. And ere he j fill husbanding and appetites that nev- j er blunted their edge, was Smoke’s more easily at night than In the day­ it must be. And be was shocked to sfK)ke he saw all his memory of tin* bright world reel and fade. time and in winter than in summer, the roots of his soul by the discovery A WHOLE LOT DEPENDS and the range under favorable con­ of this polygamous strain in hls na­ “x»Ve will go back, Labiskwee,” he (Continued on Pago s; J£WELl upon your judgment in the choice of your fertilizer. If you select ture. said. “You will be my wife, and we ditions at midnight during midwinter Lowell Animal Fertilizers you make no mistake. They have been shall live always with the t’arlbou Is said to be several hundred per cent “There must be many women iu the tested for years—are always the same— always satisfactory. They totter than at noon In midsummer. world,” she said one day. “And wom­ people.” Guard Children j restore the elements that are lacking in the soil, nourish the growing en like tneu. Many women must have "No. no!” And her body, in the cir­ crop and increase the yield. Lowell Animal Fertilizers are tnemost liked you. Tell me." cle of Ids arm, resented his proposal. Against Worms j powerful crop producers known, and the right selection of fertili­ Fiv0 Cents P roves It He did not reply. "I know. I have thought much. The Then- is really little excuse for | zers may mean the difference between success and failure. sickness if proper care is taken to . “Tell me,” she insisted, “Is it not so?” hunger for the world would come upon “ MY (TSTOMKKS MOIJK THAN PLEASED" A Generous Offer. Cutout this ad, enclose guard against disease, Worms are j “ Hav ing observed the o,M>d results ot the Lowell Fertilizers in this county, T with 5 cents to Foley <& Co., Chicago, 111., and “1 have never married,” he evaded. you. and in the long nights it would one of the most dl'eadei <1 iseases of i • leeided to ,i'ciirt) the -ellin” a^eney for my ho ality if possible. Am pleased’ to they will send you our trial packages of Foley’s “And there is no one else? No other devour your heart. Four Eyes died of have made arrangement with you and last year my customers were more than children. pleased, and I expert to sell more Lowell goods than usual next year.” Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, hunger for the world: so would you croup, bronchial and lagrippe coughs : Foley Iseult out there beyond the moun­ Signs of worms; Derang­ C. <>. CHANT. Aroostook County. Me. tains?” die. And I will not have you die. We \\ rite to us for advice and suggest ions. Our Pocket Handbook is free. Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. ed stomach, swollen up­ For sale in vour town by Broadway Pharmacy Then It.was that .Smoke knew him­ will go on across the snow mountains If we are not represented in your locality write ut for the agency. per lip. sour stomach, self a coward, lie lied. Reluctantly • *n the south traverse.” l-F LOW ELL FERTILIZER CO., 40 North Market St., Boston,Mass. “Dear, listen,” lie urged. “We must offensive breath. bard he did it, hut he lied. Me shook his 0//. ’t, to t t e r Let H er Cry. head with a slow, indulgent smile, and go back.” and full belly, with oc­ A woman Is almost as peculiar as a In hls face was more of fondness than She pressed her mitten against hls casional griping* a n d man. She will break Into taare, and he dreamed as lie noted Lablskwee’s dps tu prevent further speech. “You pains about the navel, pale face of tto more she le urged to cheer up swift Joy transfiguration. love me. Say that you love me.” leaden tint, eves heavy and dull, {to more she will cry. But If some He excused himself to himself. Hls “I do love you. Labiskwee. You are twitching eyelids,itching of the nose, itching of the rectum, short dry tells her to go ahead and shed as reasoning was deceitful lieyond dis­ my wonderful sweetheart.” cough, grinding of the teeth, little y tsars as she pleases, she will pute, and yet he was not Spartan Again the mitten was a caressing ob red pointsjstickSng out on the tongue, / nat onoe quit crying and apeak herenough to strike this child woman a Rtacle to utterance. “We shall go on starting during sleep, slow fever. mtad.— Atohlson Globe. quivering heart stroke. to the cache.” she said with decision. Dr. True’s Elixir, the Family Lax­ Snass, too. was a perturbing factor “It would he a great wrong to you to ative and Worm Expellee. will sure­ In the problem. Little escaped his keen go back. I—I am only a wild girl, and ly and quickly expel worms. Good Hundreds of hsalth articles appear in news­ C. H. DINSMOKE, Gen. Agt., Ft- Fairfield, Me. black eyes, and In- spoke significantly. I am afraid of the world, but I am for adults also. A t all dealers’, 35c, papers and magaxlneti, and in practically every 60c and $1.00. Advice free. Special “No man euros to see his daughter more afraid for you. You see, it is as one of them the Importune of ta r in g the treatment for takeworms. Send for bowels regular is emphasized. A constipated married.” lie said to Smoke. “At least, you told me. 1 love you more than book. eooditton Invites disease. A dependable no man of imagination. Just the same anybody else iu the world. I love you physio that note without Inooownlenoe or E N G R A V E D Sc P R I N T E D griping Is found In Foley Cathartic Tablets. In the natural order of life Margaret more than uiyself. The Indian lan­ Broadway Pharmacy. hiust marry some time.” guage is not a good language. The Auburn. Maine )/V C / A U ^ CALLING CARDS AT THE TIMES ...OFFICE The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, February 24, 1915.

a Legislative Notices TONE UPJHE BLOOD OF LOCAL INTEREST » SEVEN HUNDRED AND » ii*t nsei Judiciary Ho«d’« Sarsaparilla, a Spring Tonic* %si&si 'I lie Committee on Judiciary will give a Medicine, is Necessary. Public hearing in Its room at tin- State TWENTY House, in Augusta, on Wednesday, March Harry Mishou and wife were in No Food Shortage a, 15*15. at 2 P. M. Everybody is troubled at this sea­ Portland last week for a few days No. 42. An Act amending Section 12 of MILLION FEET OF SHOES! son with loss of vitality, failure of visit. Assurance that the United States Chapter 17 of the Revised Statutes as amended by Chapter :tl of the Public Laws appetite, that tired feeling, or with Mr. Lom e Slipp started for Bos­ is in no danger of a shortage of food, of 15*11 relating to the Registration of The Above despite enormous exports to Europe, bilious turns, dull headaches, indi­ ton where lie will spend a few weeks Pliysicia ns and Surgeons. gestion and other stomach troubles, visiting with friends and relatives. has been given by the department of No. 4a. An Act in relation to certain agriculture in a statement to the rights and liabilities of Husband and Wife. Is Consdered a or with pimples and other eruptions Stetson H. Hussey of Blaine, and public. The surplus of wheat above No. 4.j. An Act to amend Chap. 211 of the on the face and body. The reason is T. E. Hacker of Fort Fairfield, were Private and Special Laws of 15*11 relating to domestic needs on hand Feb. 1, the * that the blood is impure and impov­ in town last week and attended the the Congregational Conference Society of CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE statement said would permit the ex­ Maine erished. Bowdoin Alujnui banquet at Watson portation of nearly 1,000,000 bushels The Committee on Judiciary will give a Hall. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all daily—about the recent average— public hearing in its room at the State of the Number of House, in Augusta, Friday, March 3, 1915, at these ailments. Ask your druggist until the new crop is available. 2 P. M. for this medicine and get it today. Shoes worn by the American People each M d | o r Olltt M. Smith Moreover, there were larger supplies No. *12. An Act to amend Sec. 57 of Chap, It is the old reliable medicine that of corn and other grains, meat ani­ t of the R. S. relating to casting votes. y e a r .' has stood the test for forty years,— General orders have been issued mals, dairy products, potatoes and N o .63. An Act to amend Sec. 19 of Chap. 16 of the R. S. so as to create the Trustees that makes pure, rich blood—that from the office of the adjutant gen­ fruit at the opening of 1915 than for of the Local Methodist Episcopal Churches strengthens every organ and builds eral stating that Capt. Olin M. many years. Incidentally, it was a corporation. 720,000,000 feet—137,405 miles. pointed out that the average price of up the whole system. It is the all- Smith of Houlton, commissary. Sec­ No. 65*. Ail Act toam nul Chap. 125* of the ond Infantry, National Guard of the meat animals was seven per cent, Public Laws of ]!U3 entitled An Act to tbe-year-round blood-purifier and create a Public Utilities Commission, pre­ State of Maine, is placed on the re­ lower in January than a year ago ; Put Toe To Heel They Would Encircle The health-giver. Nothing else acts like scribe its powers and duties and provide fo r tired list. H aving servod continu­ butter 2 per cent., potatoes 35 per it, for nothing else is like it; so be the regulation and control of Public Utili­ Earth Five and One Half Times! ously for more than/IB years as a cent., apples 37 per cent., and the ties. sure to get H o o d ’s. commissioned officer, Capt, Smith price of chickens slightly lower. No. 72. An Act to amend Chap. 129 of the Public Laws of 1913 entitled An Act to will be carried on the retired list “ But suppose a shortage in wheat You Buy Your Quota, We Sell Our Share: create a Public Utilities Commission, pre­ should develop in the next three Classified Ads. with the rank of major. scribe its powers and duties and provide Capt. Smith's service is as follows: months, what would be the situa­ for the regulation and control of Public No Where, Can Any American Citizen Buy Second regiment of infantry, first tion ?” the department was asked. Utilities. Fur*—All Kinds Of Furs Bought No. 74. An Act amendatory of Sections lieutenant, Co. L, March 28, 1894, to “There is a great surplus in other Better Or More Comfortable Shoes, and will pay highest cash prices. S. C. 21 and 2s of Chap. 129 of the Public Laws of July 6, 1897 ; captain, Co. L, July 7, food crops in the United .States, a Shea at Starkey’s Market. 1913 relating to corporat ion for operation of Than H e re ! 1897, tf> Aug. 28, 1899 ; first lieuten­ number of which can he used as sub­ telegraphs or telephones and other public Furnished Room On Ground ant, inspector of rifle practice, Aug. stitutes. The most important com­ utilities. 29, 1899, to April 16, 1901 ; first lieu­ peting products are corn and pota- The Committee on Judiciary will give a floor, electric lights, hot water heat. Ap­ public hearing In Its room at the State Norm ally only about three 6 ply to Mrs. Mary Stuart, Military St. tenant, battalion adjutant, April 17,1 toes House, in Augusta. Tuesday, March 9, 1915. 1901, to Jan. 29, 1909 ; captain, as­ per cent.| of the corn crop is con­ at 2 P. M. Dressmaking Done At Home Or sistant inspector, small arms prac­ sumed as food. The potato produc­ No. 51. An Act to authorize the Maine HOUL TQA/ MA/Nt. will go out by the day. Mrs. Geo. Day, 40 tice, Jan. 30, 1909, to Feb. 24, 1911 ; tion in the United States averages and Electrical Power Com­ pany, Litd. to exercise certain powers with­ Sohool St. Tel. 54-3. I8p captain, commissary, Feb. 25, 1911, 3.8 bushels per capita. This year in ttie State of Maine. the available supply is 4.10 bushels. F# Let—Furnished Rooms, One to Jan. 29. 1915. The Committee on Judiciary will given “ It would seem that the United public hearing in its room at the State minute walk from the Post Office. For States is not likely to he t hreatened House, in Augusta. Wednesday. March ](», gentlemen only. C. G. Lunt, Mechanic St. 1915, at 2 P. M. Notice of Foreclosure W . C. T. U. with a shortage of food stuff's." Hoit & McWilliam No. 66. An Act for the better conserva­ Whereas Dennis Coro and Annie ( oro A Ladles Gold Thimble In a tion and protection of public water supplies John Hancock Building fWifeof said Dennis Coro), both of Chapman The formal closing of the W . C. T. for dottiest ic use and I Ire protection. leather case was lost last Thursday on 200 Devonshire Street Plantation in the County of Aroostook and Court or Main St. Reward for return to IT. contest was a very enjoyable oc­ Potatoes No. 7b. An act to amend Sec. 9of Chap. 17 of l lie R. S. as amended by Chap. 259 of the BOSTON State of Maine, by their mortgage deed dated T im e s Office. casion indeed on W ednesday even­ Public Laws of liHi'.i also to amend Sec-. In the twelfth day of March, 1913, conveyed to ing, Feb. 17, at the dining room of Sound Investments of Long Local buyers are paying 05 cents and 13 of said Chap. 17 of the it. S. relating tu, the undersigned, certain real estate, situ- Having Returned From Boston the M. K. Church, when a very Standing Netting 5 to 10% for Green Mountains and To cents to regist rat ion of physic in ns and -urgeons. ate in Castle Hill Plantation in said County 1 am prepared to resume instructions on bountiful supper was served to over No. 79. An Act to amend Chap. M of the Sand for 1‘Ll’age Circular describing “Tid**- of Aroostook and State of Maine ; to wit - for Gobblers with a small amount Violin and Cornet. Emmons Robinson, one hundred persons. The tables K. S. of 11*13 relating to piocedurcin court. Wator ( >il" and a largo variety of high-grade Lit nuniltered One Hundred twenty-six in Green St. #tf coming in. NoM. An Act to amend Sec. 5 of Chap. issues, Public Utilities and Standard Oil slid Castle Hill Plantation, containing (me were loaded with food which was Stocks. B. & A. SHIPMENTS 65 of t tie R. S. rein t i ng to Rights of Married Hundred sixty acres, wore or less. Being abundant in quantity and delicious Women. Wanted—An Honest* Clean Feb 10 1 ears from Houlton L. R. PACKARD, Manager the same premises convey<*«l to him by Deed woman to assist with housework in small in quality. LKiiNA R 11 A. PI E IK E. See, 11 P'.s Ti'i. Foil 11 ill 1 ins of Henrietta Sinclair and Thomas K. Sin­ family. Best of wages. Communicate After supper a short program was IS 9 clair. date*] April 10, isn't, recorded in Ar***-- with Mrs. O. Davidson, Maine. carried out. A very excellent paper Salaries and Fees 19 took Ilegistry of Deeds, Vo], 230, Page 11"*. on W . C. T. IT. work was read by Will give public henring in its room Tues­ Main Thing. Ari* 1 wherea- tic- condition of said mortgage For Bale—My House On Cleve­ Miss Grace Archibald. Miss Maud 20 day Fell. Vi. l!*l.i jit 11. m. on the f< i i low i ng. At the end of a somewhat sweeping is broken, now therefore. In reason of tie* land St., all modem conveniences, hot and Astle delighted the audience with \;i Act tonmeml -ection one of chapter peroration the young lady said: “Aiw breach of tin 'iidition thereof, wn claim a cold water, furnace heat ; good stable and The Produce News says : I !9 Of t he public law's of I'.m.'i, reltit ing to t lie foreclosure I >aid mortgage, and give tl. several humorous readings, among com peri-a t ion of Cou 111 y Attorneys. now, Mrs. Snytli, would you not like garage. For further particulars apply to notice for th*' purpose of ‘I which were “ A W om an in a Shoe In New York although the potato An A c 1 providing- for <•!« rk lure for the to have a vote and exercise the priv­ so foieciosing 11. M. Drew. 33 Shop,” and “ A Courting Scene Way market has been quiet and no ma­ n gisirr of deeiN in ( i \ ford Count y. ilege of citizenship?” To which, says same. I lac'd at ! 'oi l Down S^nth.” Rev. T. ]’. Williams terial change has occurred in the An Act to amend -ection iV.iof chapter -j;» the Glasgow News, the lady of the in-id. Me., February For Sale—80 Acre Farm Equally of t lie lie vised Slat in e- r. dating to tie re- 191.;. and Mr. E. L. Cleveland made five situation, tin* general tendency is scrubbing brush made a typically fem­ divided in wood, pasture and tillage, cuts mum ra t int i of deputy - In n IT-. inine reply. ”1 don't know, miss,” she A.MFS U. IIOPKIN.-. minute speeches and both gentlemen for a steadier market. This week An Act to amend cha pi er I I- of I lie pu 15 ic 36 tons of hay, two story house, hardwood ■aid, agitatedly; “what would ,t cost?" F.I5KV N HOPE! V- floors, furnace heat, bath room, Located spoke very encouragingly and with has been a. good mm. although noth­ I .a w-■ of Itiu.'i, eii tit led " A n Act" imbuing to in Lewiston, Maine, car line, for particular much appreciation of the work of ing to boast; of. The movement out t In-com pen.-ut ion of clerk of courts. Cum­ berland Cou n t y. inquire of Mrs. Ellen B. Doten, Lewiston, of the yards lias been good and much the W . C. T. U. An Act relating to 11m <-<>in|M n-ntiou of Notice Maine. -"P The new members, numbering heavier than lias been the ease fm1 I u>! ices of (,he Si111rente Judicial Court. Harmful Insects. To w bom it may concern ; several weeks hack, and much more about twenty, formed in a circle and Tim Commit ti e on .salaries and Fee.- will From a composition on "Harmful In­ My wife .Mary Du four, lias left my . ■ the president of the local union, than last week. However, stocks in give a public hearing in it- room at t In­ aud Uurd without just cause. I hereby noth state lion-,' in Augii-ta. I-Vb. In],",, at 5 sects'’ a teacher gleaned the following Mrs. Frances McLeod, in a few well the yards are still lma,vy. the accum­ Information: "The chief insects harm­ and warn all persons from harboring her > ulations being much Imauier than p. nj. on l In- fol low i ng . chosen words welcomed them to the A n Act to (i \ the sala r\ of l in- t reasnrer ful to man is the fly, mosquito and oat- trusting lmr on my account, as I shall pay i work and privileges of the W . C. T. last wni'li, hut these goods are being of K e 11 m ! icc County. erpillov. To destroy them get them debts contracted by her after the * late there. There should U., after which the wiiite ribbon steadily worked out. Tim demur­ An Act provldi ng f< >r add i t iona I c] • - rk hire all and step on them or otherwise de­ Dated at Madawaska, Maine, this twe1;1 for t 1m clerk-of murt- oMie< in Komi I day February, A. D. 1915. was pinned on. rage is hindering somewhat, and stroy their breathing places.” be no question Inlying is being done on a more con­ nullity. <11 API.KS DUFOIT. A solo by Miss Hattie Deasey was A n Act to pi o\ ide for cl hi re m lie much enjoyed by all,.aud tin* pro­ servative basis, as owners are not ollice (if Ib gi-lerof Probiiti K'-nic-be. as to the Qual­ gram closed with a solo by Rev. T. desirous of [laying exorbitant charges count v. A n Act to II \ I In* -alary * P. Williams “Oh Love That Will for hold-up cars. Another ..thing f t 'll- .1 11*1*0* ity of the which has been of material assist­ Probate for tlm < 'omit v of K II in lice, Not Let Me Go.” A n Act to regu late t he in pl< >y me n t if ance in helping to steady tin* mar­ * r The committees in charge of the -uiioniinat e- by Legi-la t ivc '* mi m i 11 f. * Wedding Cards supper and entertainment are to he ket lias been the fact that offerings An A ct to fix t lie -ilia ries of o it h i n public oltircrs. FOR SALE MU A n invitation of this char- congratulated on their success. out of New York have not been heavy for the past few days, as the An Act todx the -alary of tin- < tovcimor. * acter done in good taste An Act to amend tin- llevi-cd Statute-. * will convey a decidedly favor­ weather in Western New York has <1*-tilling. eomp*-n.-Ht ion of member-of tin- Road W ork been had, and this has mad/* poor 1 .cRi-la t u re a ml of the bovt-i noi'8 t'onneil. Maple Spring Farm able Impression of the sender. An Aft to pro \ ide for .-ala ry for t he Tu r n- roads, so that comparatively few po­ * HIT W e are prepared to exe- Highway District Work tatoes have* been hauled to the ship­ ke.v or Jailer for tlm county of Oxford, Situated in the Town of Westfield, Me. cute Engraving and Print­ An Act providing temporary clerk hire ping stations. for t lie Reg i-t e r of I To bn t * • in < him ber In ml ing to satisfy the most exact­ ^ Road Commissioner Work Shippers out of Maine are quoting County. * Tins farm contains mo acre- *>t Aroostook's most ing. Come in and see the liberally. Out of Aroostook County An Act to create tin office of ( ommi — lerttl -i 'il. complete assortment of sam­ -loner of Inland Fi-li and ilnnm and to In the town of Brunswick which quotations are on a basis of 42 and * ples which will aid you in nboli-h t In-otliec of I'oimni —loin r- **l In­ On it is located that famous MAPI,]', SPRIXO, * is practically tq>e same size as Houl­ 45c hu. Harlem River delivery, land l-'i - !m r i* - a nd < hi me. m aking a selection. Out of the water oi which has cured many case- oi stomach, & ton, the following facts will interest while Maine Central shippers ask 47 town orders will receive care­ M . SANBORN, • reiary Houlton voters. and 18c. Prices in the yards are kidney and bladder trouble. There is a large sale lor & ful attention. During the past municipal year slightly better. Last week some lots T e m p e ra n c e the water in several towns in Aroostook County. of Maines had to he hammered down HIT I F YOU WANT Higli- the town made a departure Iron; the T i m * < m i i i l l ) t t > « • m T t - i n p - r a n c * w i i It llows from a hole m a. large rock not less in diy # ^j| Grade W ork take it where old system of dividing the highway • i r *11 ; i m; 1 r 111 - above sea level. and is surrounded by beautitul scenerv Nexv York, tun I iiippers nr** still l a e I n r 11 i c p i i r p o - e ;i i id ’ 1 * • art-. Times Pub. Co. commissioner says the Brunswick "I high ridge- cf ^* : a P i- ■".* of : ii.■ I \ I-' 'I StMt ut i ITiMl 1 tig With thirty-four districts outside the yards most sab -- at* am Its location is un-urpa-sed tor a summer aud ’ In *iin : it; fri'-t i: i .'*' I 11 * .1 9- of li t x i.'M ting 1.7*0 pel* 1 St) 1 its. of the village, in charge of almost as :i !'.* lioii-o. Align-!.'*, M miiio. in the County of Aroostook, ties. As far ;ts Europe is concerned aud State of Maine, in said District, respect­ uniformity in either results or ex­ T uo-Um.v ' xi-ning Mtnvli 2, I,n! 7 5" 1*. M. Tel. 110-15 Westfield or Mars Hill Me. * fully represent!, that on the 16th day of Jan., penditures. Some districts have they have all tin* potatoes they need i >!! Mil Ai'l t o ' I in I >1 * ■ t hr * '< n i n t y of \ roo-- t ook to Mil! in lilt' 1*011 - 1 ri n-l ion of tin- * I t last past he was duly adjudged bankrupt under cost too much, and others have been find tliere is no likelihood of import­ the A d s of Congress relating to bankruptcy : i) n> 11* <■ K x 11- n- io n I bi i I \vm y that he has duly surrendered all his pro­ poorly served. ing any. LUC \I.BERT. s.'.n* tMiy. I perty and rights of property, and has fully* The system of load districts is a Reports from Florida points show oomplled with all tne requirements of said ads and of the orders of Court touching his relic of the days when the town was that the new crop will Hardly start bankruptcy. divided into school districts with an moving in tiny grea.t quailtities mtieh W h e r e f o r e h e pr a y s , That he may before April 15-20, us the wet weath­ be decreed by the Court to have a full dis­ agent to manage the business af­ charge from ail debts provable against his fairs of each district. Since the er has delayed planting as well as estate wider said bankruptcy Acts, except school district system was abolished setting the crop backward a Hit. such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. we have had better schools in every 'Uliis will give the old crop an excel­ Dated this 17th day of Feb., A. ])., 1915. way, and no one could he found now lent chance to clean up a good deal Carpenters and Decorators Witness: his of its supplies, as when tin* new crop WILLIAM X BOUCHARD who would advocate the idea of re­ O. L. Keyes mark Bankrupt turning to that old-fashioned meth­ is on most, of the consumers turn v away from the old potatoes ami buy ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON od. It is the same with the manage­ are busy making our New Store in the Gray ment of highways ; the district plan new pot tiroes. District of Maine, ss. Onun thistuts20tn 20th day ofor Feb,feb., A. I). I9i:>. on of many small divisions with widely reading the foregoing petition, it is— Block one of the handsomest Cloak scattered authority and all kinds of Ordered by the Co u r t , That a hearing . , , , . to tod upon the same on the 2nd day of Ideas road w ork has been out,- See Life in Right Light. A fr if A* D. 1915. before said Court at grown and was wisely discarded. Hold your dull life up to the light, Stores in New England. Portland, in sakl District, at 10 o’clock in the and see how it will be transfigured. fdtenoon; and that notice thereof be publish­ W e have no doubt that some of our ed in the Aroostook Times, a newspaper citizens living out in the village Life is not meant, to be a path of ease, printed In saht District, and that all known favor the district system, but wo but steep and rugged; and it is only Do not buy a Spring Garment of any kind until we creditors, and other persons ]n interest, may through self-denial, discouragement, are confident that a study of results appear at the said time and place, and show discipline and trial that you may at­ cause, if any they have, why the prayer of under the centralized plan will show open our doors. ■aid petitioner mould not be granted. tain the higher life.—Light on the a n d it is further Ordered uy the them that more is to he gained for Hidden Way. Court, That the Clerk shall send by mail good roads and efficient, manage­ to all known creditors copies of said petition Style, quality, workmanship and price will surprise aflft this order, addressed to them at their ment by the change that has been places of residence as stated. made. you. Witness the Honorable Clarence Hale The expense for men. and teams in Economic Epigram. Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof So great is the power of ready rnrmthmd, In safd'District, on the 20th work out of the village, including mon|oney that if Judas Iscariot should MAIN STREET of Feb. A. D. m o. * "*.:'• all of the dirtricts, during the past 57 fiar in our midst, waving a wall (t, f.) JAMES E. HEWEY, Clerk. year, was $2,985 99 under the dis­ HOULTON, ME. A true copy of petition and order thereon. Riled purse, he could quickly obtain Lewsen’s Manufacturers Exchange trict sysjtem. the cost for thq jjajjr Attest : JAM ES E. 1IEW EY, Clerk. a position of prominence in a ffnanclal ending Feb. 1, 1914, was $4,373.71). corporation.— Journal. The Aroostook Times, Wednesaay, February 24, 1915

Wood For Sale j TOO MANY CHILDREN If you want a wall board that will give you f" OF LOCAL INTEREST £ _ __ „ the best service at the lowest cost—one vvas'S fr*4tfO’.L4S&t9&M£4)£4 K 4 M M M **4M 1M M M >14K4 Beginning Saturday, ! are undersize, under-weight that keeps the rooms warmer in winter Feb. 27th I will deliver j with pinched faces and poor blood; they and cooler in summer—ask your dealer Weddin 1'in^s, all stvlcs at Os- Alarm Clock-! at Osgood’s. ) do not complain but appetite lags, they any where in village ha .e no ambition and do not progress. about good’s. Mrs. Carl C. King, of Caribou, A. O. N utter. Treasurer ' ( the was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. S. L. one half cord 16 inch Such children need the rich medicinal nourishment in Scott'* Emulsion aL>ve Mars Hill Trust Go.. was in town White a few days last week, mixed wood at $2.50 everything else ; its pure cod liver oil con­ Toursday on business. Mileage- hooks at H. E. Thomas. per load. tains nature’s own blood-forming, flesh- (ret your Potato Slip Rooks printed Miss Florence Weiler returned building fats which quickly show in rosy at the Tnw hs office. last week from a visit with friends Tel. Orders : 504, 623, 73 cheeks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturd) frames. Certain-teed Emmons Robinson, who lias been in Boston and Philadelphia. JAK E W IS E If your children are languid, tired in Poston studying violin and cornet The Rent Receipt Books made at when rising, catch cold easily or find W all Board returned home last week. T t.mes office contains a receipt and their studies difficult, give them Scott’s N otice of F irst M e e t in g o f C bk d ito k s Tot* tnade on six high grade Wall Boards show that Certain-teed is the strong­ Hii>'h tirade Carbon Paper in dif­ notice to quit—Call and see them. Emulsion; it supplies the very food ele­ In the District Court of the United States for est and that it resists dampness and water better than any other Wall Board. ferent sizes and kinds may be bad Deputy SheriiT Albert X. Ingra­ ments that their systems lack. the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. It can be used In house*, offices, factories,.etc At each of our big mills we make the fol­ at tiie T tmks office. ham of Sherman Mills, was in Scott’s Emulsion contains no alcohol Permanent and temporary twoths can be lowing product?. In the matter of , and is so good for growing children it's a qaickly aud inexpensively built with Certain? Asphalt Roofings The monthly supper at the Con­ Houlton Saturday on business. Paul S. Penney > In Bankruptcy. tfMf Waft Board. It can be applied by any Slat* SurfacedShingle* Bankrupt. 1 pity to keep it from them, Asphdlt Feka gregational vestry will take place Maple Spring Water will cure that To the creditors of Paul S. Penney of B t f ol workman who follows directions. r-f —47 Scott &Bowue, Bloomfield, N. J. 'One Cwnifctwj roaffaxe are known and next Wednesday evening, Mar. <">. kidney trouble. M. L. DeWitt West- Ea^le Hike in the County of Aroostook, f t S W and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. ’I m i m m |o m all on r ttka world. field will supply you. Far Mis hr 4MhwliWim*«r#. KffitfKS:,. Price Osgood's Jewelry or first Notice is hereby eiven that on the at (aownoMs prices Wan Boards^ last. Jt will pay you. Jack Cbampeon returned last 20th day of Feb. A. D. 1915, the said Cw enl Roofing Mfg. Company Plastic Roofing Cement Paul 8. Penney was duly adjudicated Worthy Teaci.er |» trouble. Asphalt Cement Mr. (leo. H. Lovett who is care­ Thursday from a visit with his moth­ bankrupt; and that the first meeting of Some people, because of their owa fV'erWs JorfM* masn/brfM rers of Roojtng Roof Coating his creditors will be held at the office and Bu lliitoti Papti-i Metal Paints taker for the B. & A. office building' er in Roxbury, Mass. of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 13th happiness, feel moved to help others. Rev Tssk City la t a CUnst. PStakargk Out-door Paints is confined to tiis home by illnes. Last Block wood delivered for $6.50 day of Mar. A. D. 1915, at 10 o’clock But more people, out of their sorrows, I l i l M i t Athata Cleeehad Detrell Shingle Stains in the forenoon, at which time the * - T “ KsMMOty , ftefined Coal Tar A ll kinds of potato books for ship­ a cord by telephoning P. R. Mooers learn to minister to those who need ' TarCoatiag said creditors may attend, prove their claims, pers and buyers are printed at the 625-2. Also pressed hay for sale. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and love and kindness. There Is no en­ transact such other business as may properly larger and deepener of the life IUm Times office. Mrs. H. F. (Hidden left Monday come before said meeting. that unwished for guest. Trouble, who The past week after a heavy rain for Portland where she will visit her EDWIN L. VAIL, carries rich gifts under his blMlc on Monday was more like the latter daughter, Mrs. Jas. K. Freeman, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated at Houlton. Feb. 22, 1915. cloak.—Great Thoughts. part of March than the middle of and later, friends in Boston. Its Always rair February. Take your Calling Card plate to Mrs. E. N. Carpenter, Lecturer of the Ttmes office and let them fur­ BOARDING AND SALE STABLE '*b Houlton Grange was in Bangor last nish your cards—They enjoy it. We wish to announce that we have taken possession of week to attend a meeting of State Dr. P. M. Ward returned Satur­ it fa th e r If You the stable formerly occupied by 0. H. Rideout on Military Lecturers. day from a month's study in New All kinds of fresh and smoked fish York City. Mrs. Ward is now in Street where we shall conduct a first class boarding and bating as well as oysters at Riley's market. Boston and will return later. stable. We also have a lot of acclimated horses for sale. Have, Fresh every day. Office supplies such as Typewriter Competent help will be employed and good service will be The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Copy Paper our motto. Church will serve a public supper in may be obtained at the Times office. the church dining room on this Dow Bros. Boarding and Sale Stables Wednesday from 5.30 to 8 P. M. m For all stomach troubles drink 71 f (Rideout Stable) Military Street. Tel Cnn. Maple Spring Water. Order of M. > L. DeWitt, Westfield. Tie Maine Register The annual meeting of the Maim* State Grange will be held in Port­ CONTAINS Perfection in Style and Fit That’s what land on Dec. 13, 14 and 15, according 1 .A to an announcement made recently. COMPLETE BUSINESS Pictorial R eview Patterns ™.n. Any automobile owner may se­ Here are three of a wonderful collection of smart dresses, illustrated in cure Registration and Operating li­ DIRECTORIES cense blanks for 1915 by applying to I The FASHION BOOK for Spring now on sale. the Times office. Of 20 Oitics and 400 Towns UnW of misfortune generally blow upon EVERYBODY sooner or The Ladies’ Circle of the Congre­ i W later in life. If you are prepared to meet trouble by having a gational church will meet this Wed­ GOOD B A R K BALANCE yon can weather any GALE. A bank nesday afternoon with Mrs. L. S. Full Statistics of all State Interests book Is the SURE8T protection against the tempest of ill luck. If you Black. are not a depositor hero start AT ONCE. W e are the financial weath 21 G. T. Holt, the eye sight specialist Census and Valuation of 1010 for each town r u e of hundreds of SATISFIED PEBSONS. Prepare NOW for thi who lias been here a few weeks, will and city in the State. leave here March 1, so that anyone A new Township and Railroad Map of storm that is SURE to come. 3 desiring his services should attend Maine Revised to date. \ to it at once. Every OFFICE and HOME needs it for / I * \ handy reference. V A T T H E Chester Hay of the Grange Store force, has been confined to His home \ with the mumps during the past 41 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Price, Pospaid 2.00 \ ' L y / . week. * pW 1 ■ /Omm HOULTON, MAINE. It is a great convenience to get GRENVILLE M. DONHAM Typewriter Ribbons at the Times W / 1 > office and save the bother of sending Publisher away for them. Ribbons for all makes of machines. 39oCongress St-, opp. City

Quebec Extension Rail­ Bitildimr A w ay. | A <3 Time to Depit Money PORTLAND. MAIN!*:. Mr. A. R. Gould of Presque Isle, N ow is a very good time to sent the T imes the following infor­ 4 mation : j deposit money to your credit Probably no question the Maine s K: ; Legislature will have before it is of with the Houlton Savings Bank Y V <3i a larger calibre as regards import­ J where it will be secure and earn ance than the bill introduced last week providing for the County of Be Sure money for you. Aroostook lending its aid towards Tou are cordially invited to the construction of an electric line across the State, to open up the To Read Our great resources of the Western por­ start an account w ith us. Coetume 604 L - I ">c. Costume 6024— 15c. Costume ol I I— I5C.’ tion of the County. Until late years this vast section has been almost un­ We recommend to you to look ttrough known and the project to really open New Serial The FAS I- ION BOOK for Spring HDULTDN SAVINGS BANK it up by rail has been practically un­ oflor_* deciding on your new gowns. thought of. Of recent years, how­ MARCH PIC TC " 1 V PATTERNS now ready. H O U L T O N f{ M A I N E ever, its resources has been some­ what explored and it has come to b« realized that it comprises within its limits probably the greatest wealth G. W. Richards & Go. of forest resources, along wit h water TH E BOV power for building up manufactures, of any section of equal number of acres in the whole County. With 36 i Calling Cards Engraved and Printed townships embraced in t his area, of | tin* approximate acreage of 4,8(H).(too! FARMER REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF LIV­ of this land clothed witii an almost i & Invitations .... Times Office. unlimited abundance of almost every ! OR ING-MORE BREAD TO THE variety of growth, spruce, cedar, fir, ; ami the different varieties which are! BARREL sought for in various manufactures! of hard wood, probably 9-ln of rhisj A Member of the vast natural wealth under existing! conditions is going to waste. 11 seems j almost a crime against itself on the LAST OPPORTUNITY Corn Club i ! part of any state, <,r any section of j any Sf»te sue!) as Aroostook to neg-j You will like this strong lect to take steps to develop interest j T O C O N S U L T in 4his section ami of various busi-i story of country life. ness activities resulting therefrom 1 tributary to the further growth at d You will watch with inter*! DANIEL development of Northern Maine. | I Aroostook will just begin to con,# est the work of plucky Sani; G. T. HOLT, into its own when it adds this new! isolated territory to the rest of the1 Powell on his wornout farm, j OPTOMETRIST County, and makes the whole a unit 1 k • v in growth, wealth and population. Yes, he was a scientific J It is important to add as hearing j farmer, but he was wise be* j upon the judgment that Aroostook; i people will he likely to pass, when ; WEBSTER Now at Mrs. Nevers 37 Court St., this matter comes to he voted upon, yond his years. that the promoters of the project j Houlton, Me. until Feb. 28 under consideration claim to he able! There are thousands of to give the County ample and satis-j bright boys like Sam. factory assurance in legal form1 Eyes examined by the latest im­ which will absolutely safeguard the 1 proved methods without the use of counties interested. j Did he win a prize in the If this is done the plan ought to he corn contest? FLOUR drugs. Glasses also furnished. club entitled to the respectful considera­ Ladies prefering consultation at their tion at the hands of Aroostook (’ounty voters. HEAD residence please notify me and calls 4 IS I T will be promptly answered Your Grocer Can Supply You But Of Political Partita. The political parties that I would THE BOY FARMER call great, are those which cling more MNSULTATION FREE PHONE 14-5 to principles than to consequences; A m / y ou bvitt ttnobu. to general, and not to special cases; to ideas, and not to men.— such par­ Appointments Preferred. ties are usually distinguished by a [EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO. nobler character, more generous paa- To commence in ■ions, more genuine convictions, and NEW ULNI. NIINN. a more bold aud open conduct thaa next issue, •there.— De Tocquevllle.

\ The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, February 24, 1915.

panted “ It is you. your life. The dog! He is eating you, he is eating you!” Your taste for SMOKE * * * ’♦**♦ It was a morning stark still, clear good tea will prove to you blue above, with white sun dazzle on TIME AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ tin* snow. The way ted up a long wide PECTED TO ARRIVE AND DEPART HBELLEW slope of crust. They moved like weary IN EFFECT NOV7 EM HER 16, 1914. ghosts in a dead world. ‘Something is going to happen,” La- Trains scheduled to leave Houlton: And Sore Lungs Were Over­ By Jack London Dally Except Sunday Bisk wee whispered. “Don’t you feel It—here, there, everywhere? Every­ 8-17 a. m.—(or Ft. Fairfield, Caribou, Lime­ come by Vinol— Mr. Hill­ stone. Van Buren and intermediate man’s Statement of Facts thing is strange.” stations , . (Continued from page 5) “ I feel a chill that is not of cold.” 0 .6 2 a. m .-fo r MlUinocket, Bangor and Follows: Smoke answered. “ Nor is it of hun­ principal intermediate stations—Fort- Oamden, N. J.— “ I had a deep seated and Labfskwee’s judgment. Smoke ap­ ger.” Red Rose land and Boston, via. Medford. Din­ cough, a run-down system and my iungs portioned the weight and bulk of the “ It is in your head, your heart," she IB ing Car' MiUinocket to Bangor. were awfully weak and sore. I am an 11.20 a. m.— for Ashland, Fort Kent, St. packs, yielding in the end to Lablsk- agreed excitedly. “That is the way 1 electrician by occupation and my cough Francis and intermediate stations, also wee’s Insistence that she, too, should feel it.” good tea for Washburn. Presque Isle, Van kept me awake nights so I thought at carry a pack. Buren,Grand Isle. Madawaska, 1 times I would have to give up. I tried A quarter of an hour Inter they Tea ville, St. Francis and Intermediate everything everybody suggested and Next day the stream shallowed out in paused for breath. In 1 lb., % lb. and 10c. pkgs. N .B . — R ed R o se Crushed stations via. Squa Pan and Mapleton. had taken so much medicine I was dis­ a wide mountain valley, and they were “The air is getting thick and heavy,” Bronze Label 50c. Gold Label Coffee is as generously good as 12.44 p. in.—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, gusted. already brenking through the crust on limestone and intermediate stations. said Lnbiskwee. "It is hard to breathe." 60c. Never sold in bulk. Red Rose Tea. Try it. m 1.45 p. m—for MiUinooket, Greenville, Ban­ “ One evening 1 read about Vinol and the flats when they gained the harder “There be three suns.” McCan mut­ decided to give it a trial. Soon I noticed g o r, a n d intermediate stations, Portland surface of the slope of the divide. tered hoarsely, reeling as he clung to g«uj JBoflton, an improvement. I kept on taking it “ T en minutes later, and we wouldn’t his staff for support. 6 .6 3 p. m.—for Mllllnocket, Bangor and in­ and toaav I am a well man. The sore­ kave got across tUe flats,” Smoke said termediate stations, Portland and Bos ness is all gone from my lungs, I do not They saw a mock sun on either side SHERIFF S SALE ton. Buffet Sleeping Car Caribou to Have any cough and ha gained fifteen when they paused for breath on the of the real sun. AROOSTOOK, ss. Boston. pounds in weight and I am telling my bald crest of the summit. “ We must “There are live,” said Lnbiskwee, By virtu*1 of a decree issued out of the 7.14 p. m—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Van be a thousand feet higher here.’' Buren and intermediate stations. friends that vinol did it.” — Fr a n k and ns they looked new suns formed •Supreme Judiiiil Court in Equity, witlnn Hillm an, Camden, N. J. But Lnbiskwee, without speaking, T r a in s D u e H o u l t o n . and flashed before their eyes. and for the County of Aroostook and .State of Daily Exoept Sunday It is the curative, tissue-building in­ pointed down to an open flat among Maine, and dated December 24, 1914, in a fluence of cods’ livers aided by the blood- "By heaven, the sky is filled with 8.07 a. in.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor the trees. In the midst of it, scattered suns beyant all countin’,” McCan cried suit in equity in which 1\ J. Garcelon is and intermediate stations. Buffet Sleep­ making, strength creating properties of abreast, were live dark specks that tonic iron, contained in Vinol, that made in fear. plaintiff and Jacob Anderson is defendant, ing Car Boston to Caribou. scarcely moved. 9.4 9 a. m —from Van Buren, Caribou, it so successful in Mr. Hillman’s case. Which was true, for, look where they said suit being brought to enforce a lien on Fort FWrfteM and intermediate We ask every person in this vicinity “The young men,” said Labiskwee. would, half the circle of the sky daz­ the real estate hereinafter described, I have stations. suffering from weak lungs, chronic “They are wallowing to their hips,” zled and blazed with new suns form­ on this 15th day of February, 1915, 12.30 p. m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, coughs, or a run-down condition o f the Smoke said. “They will never gain the seized said mil estate and all the right, title Greenville and intermediate stations. ing. system to try a bottle o f Vinol on our hard footing this day. We have hours Dining Car JBsAgor to MilHnocket. McCan yelped sharply with surprise and interest in and to the same which the guarantee to return your money if it the start of them. Come on, McCau. 1.37 p. m . - f r ^ L U » t t o o e , Caribou, Fort fails to help you. and pain. “ I’m stung!” he cried out. said Jacob Anderson has or had on the Fairfield ana intermediate stations. Buck up. We don’t eat till we can’t then yelped again. seventh day of July, 1 iff4, at four o’clock in 2 .6 3 p. m.—from St. Francis, Fort Kent, Hatheway Drug Co. Houlton,Me. Ashland and intermediate stations, also travel.” Then Labiskwee cried out, and the afternoon, the time when tin* same was St. Francis, Frenobville, Madawaska, In the higher valley in which they Smoke felt a pricking stab on his cheek attach**d on the original writ, and will sell Grand----- Isle, Van Buren," Washburn, now found themselves the crust did so cold that it burned like acid. the same at public auction at the law offices NO PREMIUMS Presaue Isle and intermediate stations, not break till 3 in the afternoon, at of Ilersey A* Rarnes, in Houlton in said via. Mapleton and Squa Pan. Notice of Foreclosure And then a shot rang out, strangely 6 .6 0 p. m.—from Van Buren. Limestone, which time they managed to gain the muffled. Down the slope were the County of A mistook, on the 24th day of Whereas Leigh B. Trafton of Limestone in Cariboo, Fort Fairfield and intermedi­ shadow of a mountain where the crust young men, standing on their skis, March, 1915, at ten o’clock in the foremxin. ate stations. , , „ the County of Arooostook and State of was already freezing again. Said real estate is described as follows : — Makers ofthe Highest GmdeTurhsh and one after another they opened 7.11 p. m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, Maine, by his mortgage deed dated October Black darkness came on. after a long being the land bought by said Anderson and Egyptian Ggartttes in the VMd MUlinooket and prinoipal intermediate fire. 18,1912 and recorded In the Arixistook Reg­ twilight, at 9 o’clock, when they made from George B. Noyes by deed dated May 22, stations via. Medford. “Spread out!” Smoke commanded. < Timetables giving complete informa- istry of Deeds in Vol. 265, Page 2W, convey­ If 14. and recorded in the Aroostook Registry camp in a clump of dwarf spruce. Mc- “And climb for it! We’re almost to 1 tien may be obtained at ticket offices. ed to the undersigned, I.aura F. Trafton of Can was helpless. The day’s march of Deeds, Vol. 272, Cage 583, situated on tlx* GEO. M. HOUGHTON, Pass'r Traffic said Limestone, a certain parcel of real estate, the top. They’re a quarter of a mile had been exhausting, but in addition, below, and that means a couple of east sideof the main line of the Bangor and Manager, Bangor, Me. a part of lot numbered eighty-two (82) in the Aroostook Railroad in Oaklield, in said despite his nine years’ experience in miles the start of them on the down town of Limestone aforesaid, and described county, and south of said Bangor and Aroos­ the nrctic, he had been eating snow going on the other side.” as follows, to wit: Beginning at the south­ and was in agony with his parched and took round-house, together with the house “Thank the Lord," Smoke panted to Don’t Bother west corner of a parcel of land conveyed to burning mouth. lie crouched by tin* erected thereon. Said lot being lions** lo! Labiskwee. “all these suns spoil their Joseph E. Spear by Laura K. Trafton ; fire and groaned while they made the numlier ti, llaekett'.s survey ami plan of A. aim.” thence north, by the west line of said Spear's camp. house lots in Lot 21 in said Oaklield, be- “ It shows my father’s temper,” she land, eight (s) rods and ten (10) feet, to the In the night came wind and snow, ginning at a cedar corner stake in the easter­ center of c street or way ; thence west by the said. “They have orders to kill.” ly line of a roadway (said corner s‘ake being and through tlie day of blizzard they “ IIow strange you talk!" Smoke said. To send your plates away center of a proposal street, nine (9) rods ; fought their way blindly, missing the live hundred and sixty-live i.T.y (Yet distant “ Your voice sounds far away.’’ to have your cards on- thence south by a line ■running parallel with turn of the way that led up a small in a northeasterly direction from tin1 point of Direct Short Route “Cover your mouth,” Labiskwee graved lake it to tin* said west line, eight ’(8) rods and ten (10) j stream and crossed a divide to the intersection of said easterh line of said road-j MARITIME p r o v in c e s feet, to the north line of a lot of land owned j cried suddenly. "And don’t talk. I way with the westerly line of said lot mini- j west. For two more days they wan­ know what It is. Cover your mouth TO by the heirs of Victoria Durepo ; thence east, her twenty-four (21) and southerly along said 1 Times Office dered, crossing other and wrong di­ with your sleeve, thus, and do not by said north line, nine (9) rods, to the place | vides, and in those two days they westerly lot line three hundred and five ijn.V ; of beginning. Being the same premises con- j talk.” and bff t hem lie hot bored Montreal andWeat dropped spring behind and climbed up feet from the Bangor A Aroostook's land,! veyed to said Leigh B. Trafton by Sarah A. * From the crest, looking back, they into the abode of winter. j thence on a e >ursj bearing north fifty-live (.Vo j FAST EXPRESS TRAINS llattield, by her ileal of warranty data! saw the young men stumbling and fall­ | degrees east along said line of said roadway “The young men have lost our trail, ing on the upward climb. March 21, 1910, and recorded in the Aroos­ an’ what’s to stop us restin’ a day?” I eight iSj rods to a cedar corner stake, them >' BETWEEN took Registry of Deeds, in Yol. 256, Page 303.; “ They will never get here,” Labisk­ McCan begged. j with an angle iff nin<■ t\ mm degrees to lie* And whereas, the conditions of said mort- j wee said. “ It is the white death. 1 M0NTREAL • TORONTO But no rest was accorded. Smoke I right, a distance of twenty rjm rods, to a* gage are broken, now, therefore, by reason of know it. though I have never seen it. They Enjoy it. PITQOIT - CHICABO and Labiskwee knew their danger. ] cedar corntT stake, theme with an angle of the breach of the conditions of said mortgage, , 1 have beard the old men talk. Soon j niiiel\ e.Mi) domees to the right eight *s) rods, They wen* lost in the high mountains, will come a mist unlike any mist or Electric Lighted Sleeper* Compartment Car* 1 claim a foreclosure thereof, and give this and they had seen no game nor signs | thence w ith an angle of ninety c.im degrees notice for that purpose. i fog or frost smoke you ever saw. Few of game. Day after day they strug­ j to 1 lie right, a distance of twenty <20) rods, W . B. H O W A R D . D. f . A.. O. P. R.. Dated at Limestone, Maine, have seen it and lived.” St. John. N. B. gled on through an iron configuration I more or less, to the place of beginning, eon- A. D. 1915. , j McCan gasped and strangled. |i mining om* (It acre, more or toss, ami the of landscape that compelled them to “ Keep your mouth covered.’’ Smoke LAURA F. TRAFTON. I labyrinthine canyons and valleys that i western boundary of said lot being at all IIkiikkut T uafton. i commanded. McCan had sunk down, By her Attorney, W. led rarely to the west. The terrible j points parallel with, ami ihnteeu ami onc- :S6 i squatting. et him be,” Labiskwee muttered heard a gasping and strangling from cial Court, next to lie held at Moulton, in the harshly. ADMITTED ASSETS where McCan slept. Kicking the tiro County of Aroostook and .Shite pf Maine : But Smoke persisted, dragging the Notice of Foreclosure into flame, by its light he saw Labisk- Bonds and Stocks, amortized Evie M. Gray, of Macwahoc Plantation in man to his feet and facing him down Whereas Prosper Theriault, of Rood Plan­ values $4,863,812.44 8aid County of Aroostook, respectfully repre-: wee, her hands at the man’s throat and the long slope they must go. Then lie tation, Comity of Aroostook. State of Maine, forcing from liis mouth a chunk of Mortgages on Real Estate 1,873,957.4!) •sents that on the twenty-second day of by his mortgage deed dated the Ninth day of partly chewed meat. Even as Smoke started him with a shove, and McCan. ixmui to Policyholders (Pol­ March A. D. 1911 lit Hampden, by Freeman July, lbin, and recorded in the Aroostook saw this her hand went to iier hip and braking and steering with Ids staff, icies held as collateral) 1,630,523.09 U. Whiting, Justice of the Peace she was Registry of Deeds, Book 250, Pag** so, con­ flashed with the sheath knife in it. shot into the sheen of diamond dust Real Estate 847,883.41 lawfully married to William F. Gray, that her vey* *1 to the Springer Lumtier Company, the “ Labiskwee!” Smoke cried, and his and disappeared. Cadi in banks and on hand 562,077.04 maiden name was Evie M. Shannon that ever undersigiK-d, a certain tr.wt of land situated voice was peremptory. Smoke looked at Li bisk wee, who People Like Pie Premium notes and premiums since said time she has conducted herself to­ smiled, though it was all she could do in the South half of tin* South Barker Tract, in prooess of collection (net) 444,977.45 wards said Libelee as a faithful, true and The hand hesitated. so-called, in township No. 1, Rang**::, Aroos­ “ Don’t!” he said, coming to her side. to keep from sinking down. He nodded Kspecially when the erw-t Accrued Interest 139,654.73 affectionate wife but that said Libelee, re­ took County, Shite of Maim*, and bounded She was shaking with anger, but the for her to push off. but she came near is the crisp, flaky, tevuier gardless of his marriage covenant and duty, to him. and. side by side, a dozen feet and described as follows : Beginning five $10,3(15,885.65 that on the twenty-seventh day of December hand, after hesitating a moment longer, ami th reef norths (5 :>-4) rods from the north­ kind that William Tell apart, they flew down through the nukes—the digestible, wind.- A. D. 1913, the said William F. Gray com­ descended reluctantly to the sheath. east corner of the Oliver Horton Coton the LIABILITIES stinging thickness of cold Ore. S' one crust tint brings every­ mitted the crime of adultery with one Minerva McCan sat up, whimpering and snarl­ County Road and running northerly on the Policy Reserve $8,552,080.00 Brake as lie would. Smoke’s lien vie. one back [or a second piece. Bell Carver, and your Libelant further says ing. County Road Line live and three-fourths ! A ll other Liabilities including body carried him past her. and he that said William F. Gray entered into a “ Where did you get it?” Smoke de­ *5 3-4) rods ; thence Westerly, south 7 degrt-es They like William Tell c ike Claims in prooess of adjust- dashed on alone, a long way, at tre­ second marriage on or about Dixjember 25th manded. west, twenty-eight rods ; thence southerly, p-st as weil, and William Tell • inent; Premiums and interest mendous speed, that did not slacken 1913 with one Minerva Bell Carver, not hav­ “ Feel around his Body,” Labiskwee south 2 degrees east, live and three-fourths | 'loand, biscuits anil muffins. paid in advance ; Bills await­ till he came out on a level, crusted ing been divorced from your said Libelant, said. (5 3-4) rods : thence easterly, north 7 degrees' ing presentation for payment; plateau. Here he braked till La bisk The reason ? Red Winter thereby having committed the erime of bigamy: east, twenty-eight rods (28) rods to jKiint be- ' Reserve for Accrued Premium CHAPTER XXIV. wee overtook him. and they went on. Wheat and a special process of That your Libelant lias made diligent in­ gun at, containing one acre, together w ’tli the Taxes 280,538.70 again side by side, with diminishing mining obtainable only in quiry, but that the residence of said Libelee Like Weary Ghosts In a Dead World. buildings thereon, being the sam*1 premises 1 (27, Surplus reserved Jor future speed, which finally ceased. The loth is unknown to your Libelant, and cannot he' ’CAN stroic to struggle. But conveyed to said Prosper Theriault In Charles ' dividends to Policyholders 55.000. 00 nrgy had grown more pronounced. The ascertained by reasonable diligence. That Smoke gripped him cruelly Theriault ; and whereas die condition of said Surplus reserved for conting­ Mildest effort of will could move them there is no collusion between them to obtain1 and searched him, drawing mortgage 1ms been broken : encies 15.000. 00 no more than at a snail's pace. They a divorce ; but that your Libelant believes forth from under his arm­ Now, therefore, by reason of tin* bicarb of Additional Surplus as regards passed Met'an. again cr’OUClied itown that said bonds of matrimony ought to be ■ pit, whore it had Been thawed By the the condition thereof the Springer l.umlier Policyholders (including on liis f*kis, jtiiil Smoke rouse*1 him with _ j dissolved, wherefore she prays that a divorce, heat of his body, a si rip of caribou Companv, aforesaid, ela i i * * - a Creelo-ure of Capital Stock) 1,463,266.95 ( nmy ^ decreed. ' Ids stall' in ]•assiug. meat. A quick exclamation from La said mortgage. ------KV IK. M. (MIA \ , j biskivee drew' Smoke’s attention. She “Now we must st(>P.’ 1,a lu'slc wee $10,365,885.65 wliispe:red |lainfully, ‘or we■ will die Feb. slh, pile. | Signed and sworn to before me this eighth had sprung to McCan's pack and was SPRINGER LUMBER <« >.M I’A N V, ! H. F O G G F o r the best Life, Accident and day of February,1015. opening it. Instead of meat out pour We must cover up—£*0 the old men A. CO. said.” lb i. a I* 111;i.- i P. I’.i;n m ; * t . Treasurer. Health Insurance communicate J AM F.S A. CAHNERS, ed moss, spruce needles, chips all th ■ DISTRIBUTOR She did noif delay to 1111tie knots,, but With Justice of the Peace. light refuse that had taken tin* pkee began J. R. HARVEY, General Agent. of the moat and given the pack its dm- ru by a dry buildings thereon situated in said Linneus, took to be held at Houlton, in said county, on cough, spasmodic am] uncontrollable Fresh To Be Good viz., the north hall of the east part of lot the third Tuesday of April, 1915 ; that he Smoko noted Ids temperature rising in numbered seven (7) in the Seventh Range of a fever, and Labiskwee suffered siml may then and there appear and defend if lie Real tobacco flavor depends upon tne leaf being pre­ lots in said Linneus, according to survey and sees fit. larly. Hour after hour tin* eoughiiic plan of sakl town made by Roswell B. Tar- A. R. SAVAGE, spells increased in frequency mid vio served in its natural state, possible only by pressing the box, surveyor, containing twenty-five (25) Chief Justice of the Supreme .Judicial Court. lend*, and not lill late afternoon was waves into plug form and keeping it in by covering it acres more or less. Also the east half of lot the worst reached After that the V A true copy of libel and order of court with a natural leaf wrapper. The natural flavor and numbered six (6) in the Seventh Range of thereon. mend came slow ly, and helween spell** lots in said town, according to survey and 37 Attest : Mu iiAK.i. M. Ci.akk, Clerk. they dozed in ex ha list ion. strength of tobacco escape when cut or granulated. plan of said Linneus made by Roswell B. Smoke awoke with lip* touching hi** Tarbox, surveyor, and containing in said east lips lie lay [tartly in Ln bisk wee’s Take a Plug of Sickle that is even thoroughly dried out half fifty (00) acres more or less. Also all arms, bis bead pillowed on her breast. so that when you whittle it off it crumbles into dust, but it that part of lot numbered six (6) in the PYRAMID OF GIZEH . Her voiei* was cheerful and usual The Seventh Range of lots in said linneus which NO LONGER ENIGMATIC. muffled sound of it had vanished. will burn and smoke smooth and cool as it has all of its orig­ was conveyed to Robert Ruth by James “ It is day,” she said, lifting the edg'i. inal tobacco flavor preserved, unevaporated in Plug Form. White by deed dated October 1862, recorded Unexpected Conclusion*. of the robes a trifle. “ See. oh. my in said Registry in Vol. 24 Page 326, to lover, it Is day! We have lived through, Whittling a pipeful is little trouble, amply repaid T h e very atones o f the G reat Pyram id which deed reference is hereby made. All of and wo no longer cough. Let us look of GIzeh are crying out in no uncer­ in both quality and quantity. Try this experiment and said above described parcels being the same at tin* world, t bough I could stay here tain tones. Every inch of the massive conveyed to said Hamilton by Raymond L. thus forever and always." ludge for yourself. structure, with unerring precision, re­ Young on said March 30,1914. “ I do not hear M' l'an." Smoke said veals the solutions to problems which Now, therefore, the condition of said mort- ’ And what has become of the young for centuries civilized nations have 3 O u n c e s Slice it as gage is broken, by reason whereof said Houl- Fieu that they true not found in:" spent fabulous sums In vain to find ton Savings Bank claims a foreclosure of the % *™^. you use flpne, and gives this notice for that purpose. and which men of science have encoun­ tered hardships to analyze. Hi'#* jft' Houlton, Maine, ,1915. (To Be Continuq.ii.1 This wonderful testimony of the / HOULTON SAVINGS BANK, '5? 37 By its Attorney, Powrhs A Powkks. Great Stone Witness, with Its general description and storehouse of Truth, scientific, historic and prophetic, with Method. Bible allusions to It, the Importance of T j mf** Changes. Every great man exhibits the talent Its location and verifications of as­ Bha "Flew at the C ulprit, Only to Be • 1lW^WWnWr*were married you said of on’fani/ation or construction, tronomical and geographical deduc­ Caught In Smoke’s Arms. Jtou’d lay down your life for me,” she whether it be in a in cm, a philosophi­ tions, Is an extensive chapter of a vol­ gobbed. ”1 know It,” he returned sol* he caught in Smoke’s arms, where she cal system, a policy, or a strategy. ume which may be obtained by send­ nly; “ but this confounded flat la surrendered "herself, sobbing with the And without method there is rio or* tiny there's no place to lay any­ ing 85 cents to the Watch Towsr Bo- futility of her rage. ganizutiou nor c< ns: rut tien.Lulwer. tthing down.” j dety, 17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn. “Oh. lover, it is not the food!” she !>