The Aroostook Times, February 24, 1915
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/ ♦ Vol 66. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, February 24, 1915. No. 8 all of this waste ground can be reach of temptation. They could made to yield a return to the owner j not but acknowledge that it was a mM * M,u,on Means HAKES RHEUMATISM and incidentally add to the value of,’most beneficial tiling.” Of course we all know that a mil CATARRH OF HEAD m STOMACH the farm. As I heard this story of a remark lion is a thousand thousand, but On account of their light weight, able national reform I fell to won when we talk of a million, do we PROMPTLY DISAPPEAR T o o k P e r a n a c,,yUbr ry sheep can be pastured in fields when dering. “ If this marvellous change realize the magnitude of the num Chronic, Crippled-up Sufferers Five Bottles the ground would be too wet for has come about in Russia, don't you ber, as applied to what we are spe ak Find Relief After Few Doses heavier animals. Their small feet, suppose the other countries must be ing about? The present conflict is of New Remedy are entomologists find, are also more forced as a matter of logic and self- a war of millions. Russia has H.- Taken C u r e d M e preservation to adopt similar laws?” effectual in destroying insects on 0d(J,00O men in the field, Germany It is needless to suffer any longer Mr. Frank Richter, No. 309 East “ Well.” said Mr. Hiller, empati- Second St., Winona, Minn., writes: the surface of the ground than the 5,0.10,000, and France 3,000,000, a "with rheumatism, and be all crippled "M y catarrh was principally located hoofs of larger animals. caily, “ I don’t believe in the emo total of 1(5,000,000. To .■■•imply count ^P» Aan<^ ,. out ?* shape with its tional methods of t e m p e r a n c e in my head and stomach. I triad The list of dangerous pests that this number would take a man 272 lu n ly ^ v M U .8 pams- when c™ many remedies without sueeess. I societies. But if a.113' woman can winter along neglected roadside days—nearly nine months, working t Rheumatism comes from weak, in tried several doctors, but they were margins is long and formidable. stop the sale of 1 i q u o r in this unable to oure me. I read of Peruna night, and day. Standing close to- active kidneys, that fail to filter from in the papers, and five bottles cured The chinch bug, the spring grain country, Jeanne d'Are won't be getlier, this vast armv of men would i ^he blood, the poisonous waste mat- mentioned in the same breath with me. , „ aphis, or “ green bug,” and the cover over 1100 aches of ground, i u" c. acld/ and ** 15 usel' ss to "As a remedy for catarrh I take clover and alfalfa seed chalcis fly her.'’ ^ ; rub on liniments or take ordinary while if they stood one upon another.Feme{jies to relieve the pain. This pleasure in recommending Peruna have all been found by investigators for catarrh of the stomach. I know they would make a column over 17,-j only prolongs the misery and can’t what It Is to be afflicted with this wintering in great numbers in such Werner Horn 300 miles high. |^possibly cure you. awful disease and consider It my undergrowth. Under certain favor Reckoning the average pav for1;'. The only way to cure rheumatism duty to say a word in behalf of the able conditions in the fall the Hes at Machias . .. * _ , as to remove the cause. The new dis- remedy which gave me such relief. oach soldiei at oe per week---a ' eLV • fcovery, Croxone, does this because it sian flyjalso breeds in quack grass, low estimate---the total week’s | neutralizes and dissolves all the poi- Peruna cured me, and I know it will Tin* fact was definitely announced cure any one else who suffers from and in “Canada one specialist lias wages bill amounts to $4,000,0001 sonous substances and uric acid that this disease. It gives me great traced the western grass-stem saw- last week that Hannibal K. Hamil which, of course, does not include j ^°df»e Jn the^ joints and muscles, to pleasure to testify to the curative fly directly from this grass to the ton of Ellsworth, fonnerly attorney A ^ scratch and irritate and cause rheu- the payments and allowances to, matism, and cleans out and strength- affects of this medicine. Peruna Is general of Maine, will be associated Mheat|fields. This sawfly does con wives and families. ens the stopped-up, inactive kidneys, a well tested and frequently used with the counsel for the defense of remedy, and for catarrh of the stom siderable damage to wheat in the One can talk in millions, however, so they can filter all the poisons from ach it Is unsurpassed." Dakotas. V o u n g stalk borers Werner Horn, the German prisoner about many other things besides the tj16 blood and drive it on and out c: at the county jail, in resisting extra A t a rule, people when ailing apply very properly to a doctor before re (Papapiema nitelaj were noticed in war. Mow many words are there l.i j * h the mos, won(ltr;,; sorting to a ready-to-xJre medicine. The great majority are cured by the dition proceedings to take him to very young oats as early as 18S4 by a single newspaper ? Ob, a million i medicine ever made for curing chro:> doctor. But a per cent, of chronic cases fail to find a cure and at the department’s specialist under Canada for trial for attempting to or so, is the invariable reply. A ic rheumatism, kidney troubles, ar. 1 last begin to use ready-to-take medicines. It is very noticeable indeed the wreck the international bridge at number of people among our testifiers who say that it was only after the conditionsjindicating that the parent million words, however, would oc bladder disorders. You will find it Vance boro. doctor had failed to cure them that they were induced to take Peruna. moths had spent the winter in the cupy .500 columns of an ordinary different from all other remedies There is nothing else on earth like it. Then they find to their relief, to their surprise, to their joy, that Peruna matted grass along the border of Horn’s lawyers have determined newspaper, and as the average news it the remedy they should have taken at first. upon a planjof defense and are said It matters not how old you are, or the fields. paper has about fifty columns it will how long you have suffered, it is The “ fdepartment’s investigator to be prepared to contest every step be seen that a million words would practically impossible to take it into the industries of small communities, has successfully put the winter taken byl'the Canadian authorities be sufficient to fill ten newspapers, the human system without result?. Cooperation sheep-grazing plan into practice to secure possession of him. So far You will find relief from the first few providing the ways and means of while the most expert short hand doses, and you will be surprised how e arn in g money at home ; and supply with some 3 miles of roadside and thep have learned of no legal move Cooperation and marketing have writer would take ten days, without quickly all your misery and suffering ing a market for such goods. The even more of fence margins. Many in this State*[to obtain his extradi a rest, to write a million words, and will end. long been made subject* of instruc tion. third, the Publicity department, successful farmers have also tried fifty days to write them in long An original package of Croxone tion on the continent of Europe, Horn's*knowledge of the English costs but a tritle at any first-c!a-s , * consists of a weekly paper, Dirigo, it with profit, but they have not al hand. with resulting good effect on the drug store. All druggists are au which will soon appear in improved ways realized that in addition to language, while described as some prosperity and well-being of the The indefatigable young lady who thorized to sell it on a positive money- the destruction of the useless vege what limited, is said to be sufficient people. Courses are offered In some form. This paper aims to develop set out to knit three thousand pairs back guarantee. Three doses a dry community life, advise one com tation they were destroying insect to permit him to discuss intelligent of socks for British troops would re-1 for a few days is often all tb.:t ? countries op the law of cooperative ly with his counsr] all phases of the , munity of what the. others are doing pests that would have become posi quire a million yards of wool, while, ever needed to cure the worst bn m- societies, cooperative book keeping case at the conferences being held in j ache cr overcome urinary disorder.. and advertise the resources of the tive! v dangerous later on. with one million square miles of’ and management, the establishment the jail, where he is serving .So days j of cooperative banks, and of especial State. The President of the Neigh private estate the Czar is not likely j borhood Association is Mrs.