The London Gazette, 5 February, 1915
1252 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 FEBRUARY, 1915. on the 29th day of October, 1910), are, on or before died in or about the month of September, 1913), are, the 10th day of March, 1915, to send by post, pre- on or before the 9th day of March, 1915, to send by- paid, to Mr. William Edward Farr, a member of the post, prepaid;, to° Mr. H. A. "Carter, of the firm, of firm of Messrs. Booth, Wade, Farr and Lomas- Messrs. Eallowes and Carter, of 39, Bedford-row, Walker, of Leeds, the Solicitors of the defendant, London, W.C., the Solicitor of ,the defendant, Charles Mary Matilda Ingham (the wife of Henry Ingham), Daniel William Edward Brown, the executor of the the administratrix of the estate of the said Eli deceased, their Christian and surname, addresses and Dalton, deceased, their Christian and surnames, descriptions, the full parfcieuJars of their claims, a addresses and descriptions1, the full particulars of statement of (their accounts, and the mature of the their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof nature of the securities (if any) -held by them, or in they will be peremptorily excluded from it-he* benefit of default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the said order. Every creditor holding any security is from the benefit of the said judgment. Every credi- to produce the same at the Chambers of the said tor holding any security is to produce the same at Judge, Room No. 696, Royal 'Courts of Justice, the Chambers of Mr.
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