The Pittsburgh Organ of (he Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 lOOlh YEAR—No. 28 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURS§Éyk SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 17 TWO DOLLARS PER TEAR SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS


A plea that Sunday, Oct. 10, the 32nd anniversary of the Republic of China, be observed by the CathoKi Än Called Groundless; of the Unite« State? as a day of public and privawi prayer for China, is contained in a letter which Most1 Rev. Paul Yu-Pin, Yricar Apostolic of Nanking, has ad- Critical Status Continues dressed to the and of this country. Yu-Pin, now* In the Turtle Creek Priest German Soldiers Replace Italians at Border of United States, has been directing relief and welfare work in his Held by Japanese in City; Broadcasts Maintained, Dispatches native land in an attempt to cope with the dire conditions arising New Guinea, Report Indicate Communications Open from the years of invasion from which China has suffered. Techny, 111., Sept. 21 X).—Rev. Vatican City, Sept. 17 (Radio) (NC)—*'L'Osaervatore Bishop Yu-Pin's letter recalls Arthur Manion, S.V.D., son of Romano*' this evening is publishing the information ilfrs. Mary Manion, of Turtle that last year, at the suggestion which has previously appeared in the newspapers of of the Qitholic Students Mission Creek, Pa., and Rev. William Crusade, July 4, the American na- Hagan, S.V.D., formerly of Bos- regarding the placing of German sentinels in tional holiday, was observed by < ;on, American miasionarles who Italian territory at the confines of Vatican City. were serving in New Guinea at Chinese Catholics as a day of It has been noted here that sensational reports have prayer "for the spiritual, moral he time of the Japanese occupa- and physical well-being of the tion, are being held by the Japa- been published abroad purporting to picture the actual eoldiers of the United States of nese on Kairlru Island, New situation in Vatican City. They are without foundation. America." The observance was Guinea, according to word reacti- sponsored by the Chinese Catho- ng St. Mary's Mission House, (By N. C. W. C News Service) lic Cultural Association, which the headquarters of the Society Sifting the welter of rumors and reports that have followed the numbers among its members the of the Divine Word, here. The seizure of Rome by the Nazis, the following seem to be the facts: chief Catholic leaders, lay and word comes from Australia. Contrary to the oft-repeated assertion that the Nazis have "oc- Father Manion was ordained cupied" Vatican City, this is in fact not the case. It is certain that clerical. the Germans have stationed troops about the Vatican, but it is not in Techny, 111., in 1935 and left "In the name of this organiza- known that the troops have been put on Vatican territory at any shortly afterward for the Divine point. tion, of which I sun chairman," Word Mission field in New In the face of reports from European sources that anti-aircraft Bishop Yu-Pin continues, "I re- Guinea. Father Hagan followed spectfully address to Your Ex- guns have been mounted in St. Peter's Square and machine guns BISHOP YU-PIN him in 1936, the same year as his have been set up at the world-famous Colonnade (and this would cellency the entreaty that Sunday, ordination in Techny. Both had not have been done by the Vatican), the N.CAV.C. Ne^'s Service has Oct. 10. the 32nd anniversary of the petration from God of a just and been working with great success a report from its own correspondent reporting that all is cal> inception of the Republic of China, lasting peace, the goal toward in a coastal mission station near and quiet at the Vatican be made a day of public and pri- which American and Chinese Wewfftc until the Japanese occu- While other report« from European sources assert that the vate prayer ¿or China among the Catholics alike aspire — I make pation of New Guinea. Nazis have cut off communication between the Vatican and the clergy and laity of your See. - this earnest request, confident The news that the two priests outside world, the N.C.W.C. News Service continues regularly to "In behalf of the common cause that the power of united prayer are held in a Japanese concen- receive dispatches front, its YstiraH City c4irrespMMBent, who tells of our countries as members of will show itself in effecting uni- tration camp has just been re-" * *» '«»reign dlpIonktTÏTÎ^^ the United Nations, and in the versal diffusion of the peaceful ceived from Rev. George Bernard- N.C.W.C. dispatchcs irom Vatican City report that Italian carab- atill more important behalf of our reign of Christ the King in this ing, S V.D.. of Pittsburgh, who inieri continue to guard the three entrances to Vatican City, in ac- cordance with stipulations of the Lateran Treaty. Reports from other common Christian cause-the im- war-torn world" together with Rev. William Ross, sources speak of German soldiers replacing Italian policemen at St. S.V.D. of South Orange, N. J., Peter's Square- While this may be partially correct, there is no con- was given military trnsportation clusive evidence that these replacements have taken place on ter- Discuss Activities To Address Meeting to Australia pending plans for the * —. rltory belonging to the Vatican. Of History Society return of the missionaries to their High School Students (Secular news dispatches AtHolyNameMen's districts. stated yesterday that "several* At the annual meeting of the A total of over seventy mission-, To Attend Meeting of Italian Cardinals had been Catholic Historical Society of ary priests and ninety Brothers placed by the Nasis under Quarterly Meeting M Western Pennsylvania, to be held of the Society of the Divine Word Federation Sunday hou*e arrest," that hi, forbid- next Monday evening. Sept. 27, in were working in British New den to leave their residences^ Guinea at the time of the Japa- Fa° er Larnen, O. P., Gives Synod Hall, 125 North Craig St., The annual meeting of the ex- to receive visitors or ta com- nese invasion. The main station at 8:30 o'clock, Benedict J. Kaiser, ecutive committee of the Federa- municate with the antidds. A dress; Testimonial to and Cathedral at Alexishafen, R. A., will present a paper on tion of Catholic High School These reports came through Bishop Planned about 150 miles up the New Architecture in the Pittsburgh Students will be held in the audi- Madrid and It win bo recalled Guinea coast from Lae, have Diocese," and Rev. Anthony P. torium of St. Mary's of Mercy that some of the earlier stor- been reported totally destroyed by An address by Rev. Brendan Scholx, of St. Mary's Parish, Ferry St, on Sunday, ies from Madrid regarding the invaders. Larnen, O.P., of New York, a Church, Pine Creek, will relate Sept. 26, at 2:30 P. M. Robert conditions in Rome proved to discussion of the spiritual bouquet "Some Historical Anecdotes" con Strake, of North Catholic High he fa)s» «r

TO PREVENT WARS IN FUTURE Little Known Facts for Catholics Washington, Sept IT ing» from His HeHnta* Washington, Sept. 21 (NC)—The keystone recom- By M. J. MURRAY «Copyright. 1943. N.C.WC New» Service) XII and from President mendation in a repo t prepared by the post-war world Delano Roosevelt to Kt.] J. Ready, gc committee of the Catholic Association for International tary of the National Peace, just published, calls for the immediate formation Ltd**» Welfare Conference, en *)f a United Nations post-war council to include as many jubilee of his opdimtf read at an informal nations as possible and to plan for a lasting peace which the personnel of through some form of world organization. W.C. and the Nation«! The report, entitled "A Pence American countries. This Community Service keH^ Agenda for the United Nations," sub-committee, the report asserts, honor in the conference! pi eposes a special European .sub- should aid the proper govern- headquarters. In the committee looking toward a feder- ments to come to power in the staff. Very Rev. Msgr. al organization of Europe and a occupied countries of Europe and Carroll, assistant geae«<&i special Far East sub-committee. decide the treatment of Germany, tary, wished the j« Jt also recommend«? close relations Italy, Rumania and Hungary. The multos annos" and JM between the proposed United Na- . mjor European problem, the re- with a spiritual bouquet. tions post-war council and the In- port declares, is the prevention ternational Labor Organization to of war in Europe, Rnd this would The radiogram from the plan and guide post-war economic be the major task of the sub- sent to Most Rev. Attlete reconstruction and the use ef committee. ni Cicognani, Papal private organizations, especially Possibilities of Communist revol- IN ThWiKSCMUû FE* HFR AID IN THE Washington, by Cardinal'! in the fields of charity, education ution* in post-war Europe through D£FEAT OF THf SWEDISH INVASION lione. Papal Secretary of: and economic life. j poverty and internal collapse, ter- or/655 OUR LAOY OF Czavxm* reads: "Holy Father on World organization, the report ritorial aggrandizement by Russia WAS PROCLAMO QUESN OF POLAND cosion of priestly »ibe*r^ contends, is necessary to effect and her encouragement of revo- 68 , 50 MIGHTS 6160 souxefts of Msgr. Michael Ready, GOTWCRfO ROUND HFR SHftJNE his arduous and seMett justice, prevent a third world lutions by subterfuge, the report DffTAIED AN ABMV Of WXOOO. / war and secure the general wel- states, constitute a threat to the service of the fare of the world. The report European and world unification. America, and for an CITY OF LONDON points out: "After the last war, The report recommends that Rus- flourishing growth ef the nations created a governmen- sia and other United Nations meet AVE MARIA LANE* Catholic Action, sends fel tal organization and a ccrtain soon to discus« these problem. EC. 4 and, in imparting froai economic organization of the The report continues: a special and paternal world. Those organizations, how- Regarding Ruwit Blessing, wishes that ever, were improvised after the "Russia should not re-establish years of fruitful priest}; 500zZd fcfzwr^ war was over; they did not grow its ties with the Communist par- may be reserved to Msgr, out of events and agreements ties of the world. In exchange President Roosevelffc" 4 during the war. That is one for guarantees of peace by the reads: "I cannot restrain yf BAPTISTERY he On ad of souo OpCK ty teason why they failed This time United Nations, Russia should pul*e to join with others STjtíARTiÑ (pio still ejOits tit KARtjOUmij .f&WCT. we need not wait In the United abandon Its claim to territorial friends in offering hei Nations there is hope of the aggrandizement — claims that are gratulations on this, the countries' coming together now." in the spirit of the older p< wer- fifth Anniversary of yottf i 9 Many countries not now listed politics." Warning Again«* State 'Charity Monopoly at ion to the Priesthood. Y among the United Nations should The report urges that the pro- the anniversary will torii be included In the proposed post- posed post-war council and the Given by Chicago Priest in Catholic Hour happy memories of days war council to insure a perman- International Labor Organization, hopeful zeal and enthrall ent peace, the report asserts, and which would be supplemented by full and faithful service» also suggests that the council farmer organizations, should take New York, Sept. 20 (NC)—The growing tendency years that lie ahead." would "plan and, while permanent joint action for the transition of of the State to exercise a monopoly in the welfare field Half of his 25 years as ai organizations are being created, peace-time production and guid- "is fraught with danger to the best interests of our as Mspr. Ready said ha flide the post-war world." ance of investment, production ing the members of his The report points out that and trade in the post-war world country and to the free exercise of religion," Rev. thanking them hoth for "Western Europe has lost its It also advocates a United Nations William A. O'Connor, archdiocesan supervisor of chari- or done him on his jirtl former dominance" and that the financial agency for Investment ties, of Chicago, asserted last evening in a radio ad- for their day-by-day «Ml "old capitalism and nationalism" and the development of construc- in carrying out the prefl has proved a failure and is dying, tion, production and trading agen- dress on the "Catholic Hour" program. the Episcopate of the while totalitarianism is threaten- cies to supply the major needs "Thoughtful men and women Diocesan Organizations States- have been spent*- ing to succeed it. For success, the of peoples. It recommends the are concerned seriously that priv- "The most fruitful achievements headouarters of the Welfi report pins its hope on the world representation of both business ate charity and welfare associa- j of the Catholic Charity movement ference. A priest of the organization and the "fluctuating, and labor in all of these agencies tions of a voluntary character arc the organization throughout of Cleveland, he came to uncertain and still timid element" of farmers organizations where may not continue to enjoy in our | Iho country of diocesan charity ington in 1931 to serve as of a revival of religion. appropriate. beloved country that sympathetic offices- and the founding and de- general secretary of the 1J United States Must Belong •Social Science and Religion welcome, generous support and j velopment of the National Con- Following the death of The United States, the report The United Nations also are position of honor which they have j ference of Catholic Charities and Msgr. John J. Burke, C. 8t insists, "must belong" to the world urged by the report to establish received in the past," Father O' of the Catholic "schools of social was appointed general organization, for .without the an Independent board on the so- Connor said. work," Father O'Connor asserted. on Nov. 19, 193. "richest and geographically central cial sciences to develop a code of Partnership Favored The Bishop in each diocese, he Msgr. Ready was bom explained, is lesponsible for the nation of the earth" there can principles and practices in educa- "Our American and democratic Haven, Conn., but his faflaH) efficient administration of the be no world organization. A tion based on the balanced truth tradition favors and supports a moved to Mansfield, O* Church's charitable activities. Dur- recommendation of the report calls of man's dignity and interdepen- benevolent and sympathetic part- attended St. Peter's ing the past quarter century, the for the establishment of a special dence. The basis of membership nership of private and public care college work was don»'! Bishops of this country have or- sub-committee on internal Euro- choice on the board, the report for the poor," Father O'Connor Vincent's College, Lai ganized central offices and co- pean relations "which will be pre- slates, should be men competent said, "Unuestionably there is an j and his theological tfl dominantly European in member- ir the social sciences who hold to ordinated and supervised varied made at St. Bernards obligation of the State to promote and multiple works of charity. ship, but which, because of Euro- both man's dignity and interde- the welfare of its citizens and es- Rochester, N Y, and tM| pean divisions," will include the pendence and adds: "Since only pecially of the poor. "The National Conference of ary of Our Lady el United States and one or more the members of the religions hold Catholic Charities, the first of the Cleveland. At the time at1 "But the State exercises this not loo confusedly to these no- Cotholic Charity Movement, has pointment to the N.C.W.C' important function of government tions, the board should be in the grewn to be its voice and th« director of the Society WEEKLY religious tradition. Certainly Cath- in fullest and most harmonious instrument . of its functioning," Propagation ef the Falll" olics should be represented in good accord with American tradition said Father O'Connor. Cleveland Diocese. MASS CALENDAR number. Such a board not only when it encourages self-help and He declared that ''our agencies

Greater Respect On Air Patrol football team. Nice selection, Tech. His first game will be with Roch- For Vocations in ester U. on Oct. 2. . . Strange sight around town: a Duquesne Missions Sought University rooter looking for Du- CaHIOUC SrCS quesne football tickets. . . Have New York, Sept. 22 <»C) —In an- BY SEBASTIAN C ILA» you seen the Duquesne players* nouncing as the mission intention names who are playing for other schools7 Quite a few, and among of Hi« Holiness Pope Pius XII Unusual Double-Bill lovers of good sports, who wish the stars, too. . . World Series for October, "Greater Esteem For The fans of the tri-state district to be anonymous, and who read to start in New York, if the Vocations On The Part of Chris- will be given an opportunity to this corner, had a beautiful Yankees win, on Oct 5. . . Last tian Families in Mission Coun- see an unusual feature in Amer- twelve-inch loving cup to be given year this corner called it to end tries," Rt Rev. Msgr. Thomas ican sports this Saturday as the ! away. They requested the award in six, but it ended in five with J. McDonnell, national director of big league baseball game between be made through this corner and the St- Louis Cardinals. The teams the Society for the Propagation the Pirates and New York Giants THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. are well matched but the pitchers of the Faith, issued the following at Forbes Field Saturday night They wanted to perpetuate the will decide the winner- More next •tatement: at 8:30 o'clock will follow the j memory of a certain lad who week on the series . . . "Pinky" opening contest of the collegiate had been a life-long resident of "The proper training of those Martin, No- 1 Not re ,Dame rooter, football season at the Stadium the Garfield District and a well- called to the service of the Lord will come up from Newport in the afternoon, when the Uni- known athlete in the East Liber- was well undestood under the News, where te is USO Club di- versity of Pittsburgh team is to ty area. Old Law and the Jewish families rector, to view the Pitt-N. D. game meet the Notre Dame warriors. considered themselves blessed The cup will be awarded in his and greet his friend Frank Leahy. There are many Notre Dame fol- when one of the children was memory as he was killed in action lowers who will thus have their called to the priesthood or for while serving his country in the Next Week's Quia first chance to see a big league service in the temple. Under the African theater of war. It will How many games have been baseball game under the mazdas. New Law the early also I be awarded to the winner of the played in all the World Scries gloried in the fact that one or Notre Dame will be making a i North Catholic • Central Catholic history? What league has domin- more of their offspring felt the first appearance in Pittsburgh in I football games. It will become a ated the winnings and how many call to divine service and this several years. Every time the permanent possession to the team times? 1 state continued until the Refor- Rev. Joseph A. Hahn, M. M., Irish pull into town the turnstiles which wins t vt o out of three And here is a question that re- mation. Then came the barrier member of the Pennsylvania Aero- click for the host team. The games- Permission has been grant- quires an answer by some old which exists even to our own nautic Patrol. Father Hahn la South Benders certainly have the ed by the school authorities at timer: Which is the oldest Cath- time and especially in the mis- seri nee profettitor at >lary knoll largest unofficial alumni in the North and Central. The award is olic lyceum in the Pittsburgh sion lands. College, darks' Summit, Pa., and world. They love Notre Dame to be known as the "Pvt Charles Diocese ? studied at Villanova and at Mas- football (and who does not?). J. (Huck) Meehler Cup." The youth of Christian families sachusetts Institute of Technol- Many of these fans will want to In those territories must face Word was received from the TEACHING FOOTBALL ogy, winning a fellowship at the what happened to another difficulties which are unknown War department by Mrs. Mary As all know the most important Guggenheim Airship Institute. He great in sports, the New York here. In most oCv them there is Lou O'Malley that her husband. post on the line is the center or is the only priest-member of the Giants- the practice of early espousals Pvt. Charles Meehler, died on pivot position. The center handles American Institute of Aeronautic- which prove a hindrance to the Speaking of the New York Nov. 10, 1942, from wounds re- the ball (other than a quarter- al Sciences. Formerly a profes- young man or women who wishes Giants it seems that this year ceived in action in the African back in the T formation), mora sional airplane designer, he has to follow the religious life- The will mark the third time they area on Nev. 9. "Huck" Meehler than any other player. This week question of dowry payment also made special research in the field will have finished in the cellar attended St. Lawrence's Parish hints will be turned over for tha provides embarrassment, particul- of dirigibles, which craft he has since 1901. But at the rate the School and Central Catholic High benefit of the centers. piloted as well as airplanes. (N.CL Giants have been moving the last arly if the partner in the con- School. His father and mother, "Centers** WC.) ten days the Buccos would better tract refuses to relinquish his or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meehler, The center can make or break keep their best line-up fired up her rights. Finally the idea- of have been life-long parishioners of a winning combination. His pass- and ready to go if second place celibacy is not so well understood British Catholic Papers St. Lawrence's. They have another es to the backfield will cause a money is to be relished. The New by the parent* of new Christians. Comment Cautiously on son. Pvt. Robert F. Meehler, who play to be good or bad. He must * York club owners have taken a Soviet, Orthodox Moves is serving with the armed forces. know how to pass the ball. Ha "Actually, however, the need for severe licking from the Selective "Huck" Meehler left for the Army must know how to give a ball an increased number of vocations Service law, having suffered more London, Sept. 18. (Cable) (10 — on June 11, 1942. Before that he carrier a good lead. He must bo in mission countries is greater than any other team in the league. The Catholic press here com- had played with the Garfield Don- able to pass the ball back to a than ever before. The conditions However, many new faces have ments with caution on dispatches ohues, Morningside, Homewood punter jn time and in such a which compelled St. Francis Xa- been called into action by Man- from Moscow, telling of the hold- Community and the Oakland Rod manner that the kicker can get vier to urge the formation of a ager Mel Ott and the light is ing of a Synod of the Greek Or- pnd Gun Club. off a good kick. native clergy in the Orient are thodox Church there and of a piercing the depths of the cellar Increased a thousandfold today. meeting which Premier Stalin and may lead the once great The first game in the cup con- When over the ball no part of With the necessitated curtailment held with leaders of that church. Giants into a notch higher. test will be played in November back should be higher than the shoulders. Too much weight should of the work of foreign mission- (Secular press dispatches in the The New York-Pirates noctrun- of this year. More about the cup not be placed over the ball. All aries in many parts of the world United States describe the meet- al appearance will mark the last and game later. passes should start the same so today the burden of responsibility ing between Stalin and the Orth- night game of this season and Answer to Quia as not to give a tip on the com- for the sustaining and solidifying odox Church leaders and suggest- the first Saturday night baseball A "slow" bowling alley is one ing play. Never tip off when you of the faith among millions ed it was an evidence of a recon- game to be staged in Pittsburgh. on which a hook ball will readily intend to pass by lifting, teasing of souls rests upon the priests ciliation between the Russian work. Then again you will hear Pitt Game ( or any motion of the arms. Keep who are native to the lands State and religion.) ' the same said about a "fast" alley. your mind on the ball. Do not where such conditions exist. In Regarding the situation, the Two sad notes were struck for Most bowlers call an alley "fast" addition "the native priests, by "Catholic Times" commented: the Notre Dame-Pitt gtrtne. First let the defensive player get your that has high polish and glassy goat by hitting you on the head; birth and temper, by sentiment "There are some who see in the the service men (except those at- surface. This makes it difficult for and by interests is in touch with ignore him by laughing and ho move a direct response to Pres- tending Pitt) will be asked to pay the ball to hook to any great his own people.' There is obviated will quit it. If any one' appears ident Roosevelt's request for re- 40% of the established prices, not degree. the danger of the so-called 'for- ligious freedom. If Stalin is mov- only for this game but all other to be off side on your team, hold Strange as it appears, five of eign entanglements' for this min- ing just ahead of articulate pub- games on the Pitt home schedule. the ball. You will prevent your the fourteen players lin the Hall ister of the Gospel is one in lic opinion, we may be about to The other is that children will team from being penalised. Maka of Fame never had managerial thought, in appearance and in un- witness great changes in the have to pay the same price of your pass good before you charge opportunity in the major leagues. derstanding with the peoples a- structure of the Soviet Union." admission as adults. This ruling or block. Be consistent in your The sixth had the opportunity, mong whom he is working. The "Catholic Herald" said: is for the Notre Dame set-to, as passing, and don't let your wrist no plans have been announced but requested relief of responsi- become stiff or rigid. "It will help the Soviet Govern- bility after a few days at the "What has been said about for future games. Why the service Do not let the offensive center ment to counteract hostility -from helm. The five were Babe Ruth, native priests is likewise true of men are being asked to pay any- get to your body when you are Christian quarters, especially In Cy Young, Grover Alexander, the «native Brothers and Sisters. thing when other recreational fa- charging on defense. Keep handa the United States- But the effect Willie Keeler and Lx>u Gehrig. The Indian maiden, though re- cilities in this district have been on his head until you have diag- on Catholic missions to convert The sixth who had the oppor- leased from the restrictions of the Russia may not be at all favor- made available without charge Is nosed the plsy, unless short yard- tunity and would have made the purdah by the adoption of Chris- able if the revived Russian Orth- a question that should be an- age is to be gained and then you grade had the desire been there tianity by her family and her- odox Church maintains its tra- swered by Pitt The Stadium «-is will be charging into opponent's is our own Honus Wagner. Honus self,, retains the inborn knowledge ditional hostility to Rome." large enough to allow several sec- backfield. The best method is to is now one of the coaches with and appreciation of the needs of tions, which would mean space use double-co-ordination or sub- Said the "Universe": "The fact the Pirates. Although you .never her countrywomen. Her services for three thousand, to be set marine. When pulling out of line, that the* initiative comes from seen him on the coaching lines therefore become invaluable since aside for members of the armed do not tip off to the offensive the Bishops and not from the you can always catch him giving they combine comprehension of Government is all the more hope- forces. men when and where you do. native restrictions with the added one of the young players a few ful since any approach from the The ruling about children could Always fske direction of charge Insight into true Christian charity. hints about the game. Soviet Government would have be understood for the Notre Dame and threaten as much as possible "Because of the seal of our been suspected as an attempt to game, as the small ones might Credits and Debits On short passes play the ball missionaries there Is no dearth of gain control of the church. Nev- be trampled by the huge crowd. Ace Adams, Giant Hurler who more than the man. Start fast vocations among the Catholic ertheless the place of militant But the youngsters of today are will be appearing in one of the and when going up in the air youth of mission lands. However, atheism in the • Communist scheme students and fans of the future. games this week-end in which the after the ball, get up as .high as with tiie words of the Sovereign haa been very clearly defined." Why should they pay higher prices New York Giants play against the possible. Relax the shoulders, Pontiff ringing In our ear* the for this game when they sup- Pirates, played in his Wth game wrists and fingers. Ksep fingers spresd; wrist motion Is to tha Society for the Propagation of Welsh Church, Forbidden ported the Pitt teams of last of the year earlier hi the week to equal the modern r^jnade same direction as the flight o# the Faith urges the prayera of year through thick and thin at To 'Look Like Church', is Big Ed Walsh in 1WJ. M Mel the ball. In the same manner yo* the fctfthful during the month of children rates? Why not be con-, by October for "greater esteem for Marking Sesquicentennial Ott doe. not use him before Sat- would catch a baseball. In pulling sistent with the young ones, Mr.' vocations on the part of Christian urday night chances are that you out to meet flank plays off tackle Pitt? famWos In mission countries." London, Sept. 18.3D—Local mag- win be seeing the Ace better the or end come to on the inside. istrates permitted the building of H the train ride does not affect mark by playing to his On defense ksep to contact with St Mary's Church, Monmouth, the boy* from South Bend, they . Jack Berger, Jr, son of car- your fullback. Learn to leak aad Wales, on condition that it would should romp over the Pittaburgh- Appointed Rector toonist Jack Berger, Is J^w at analyse at the same time. Against not look like a church, that it ers. However, Clark Shaughnessy Of Belmont Seminary the G*at Lakes Naval Tratotog spreads and passes keep to touch be screened from public view, has a tricky outfit which is ex- with the others to secondary. and that the congregation walk pected to give the Notre Dame Station. He left a Bfhnont, N. C., Sept 21. « — letiflj career to Join the i^eateet Talk it up at sll times. Whenever in one at a time. followers many s bad moment The appointment of Rev. Bernard you pull over to the weak side during the afternoon. It would Navy to the world. .. j'lm OAB„ as rector of the That was 180 years ago, and between tackle and end, and you not surprise this corner to see be a vacancy to the Pitt pre« Belmont Abbey Seminary was' an- the anniversary has Just been fool sure tha other team Is goto« celebrated. Pittsburgh the winner In a hard box; even with all of here by Most Rev. Vln- hva scribes there for the Pitt- to punt, as It «uistly sad ehargs •«* G. Taylor, OJ3J3., Abbot- fought game, In which the air to with abundsnt speed to Moek. wiU be filled with passes and N. D. game: Prank Cfcrver, now ****** of Belmont Abbey Nul- German Bishop Appointed Always be alert for quick piays punts. serving Uncle Sam, win be miss- Jwt Father Bernard, who ha* "Vatican Oty, Sept 17 (Radio) Meehler Cup ing as the informant and co-ojr- and out sfe boundi plays. Nk it ef men at the Abbey 00 — Nomination of Msgr. John One day a genial gentleman dinator vi fublto. wlatkms to up afi fiie time aa< never loss is e native of Brie, Pa^ Joseph van der Velden as Bishop sports affairs . Pit*. V*. is heart It the center Is weak, haw v asked this corner: How would ®ade his undergraduate stud- of Aachen, Germany, has just Sam's gain. . . Jbe ^ sot the baak«*sld *t» is * Belmont Abbey College been announced In "L'Osservatore you like to award a Sterling Sil- 1 ver Cup?" Astonishment was the Sklidsay» 'has Aee^'aJML/jy» * Pfb, M> itrrsigf n> • T«lfiph»M M ay Rawer Women's Union, Held in Allentown) We gratefully acknowledge re- A casual glance r»t the headlines than the present period. You can- ceipt of the following private coa- of the current press is sufficient not diregard the home and the trihutions: Circle 44, 46, Rev. JJfc,, to di4W immediate and serious Church in the bulding of a nation. Rev. B.S., N.N, Mrs. E.3.M, Miss all- ntion to the problem of juv- It cannot be done and never has T.L, Pittsburgh. been done in the world. And the enile delinquency. J. Edgar Hoov- Rev. B B, Rochester; Rev. thing what we need to-day is a er, chief of the Federal Bureau return to the old-fashioned meth- H.H., Rev. P.M.L., Carrick; of Investigation, summarizes this od of life as far as the home A.E.C, Freeport; Miss M.W, Ml nation-wide condition In these and the Church are concerned." toona; Miss L.S, Betlevue; Mrs. words: "More persons eighteen G.W.M, Crafton; Rev. M.J.C, The words of the Assistant Gen- years of age are arrested than Uniontown; Rev. F.J.M, Beavef eral Surgeon of the United States Falla; Rev. E.F., Ernest; Rev. J| in any other age group, and I Public Health Service, Dr. R A. K.M., Rankin; Dr. P.A.L, Doner»; am genuinely alarmed about the Vonderlehr, express the same sen- Rev. J.C.F., Dunbar; Mrs. MJP* marked increase in crime among timent: "The major responsibility Masontown. fcouth" for developing the only healthy A truly dfp«rable slate of af- attitude in this matter rests on tairs, hut the causes are only too the Home, the Church and the Sicilian Child Needs evident; an increasing divorce- School." Among the hundreds of rate; lack of parental authority; editorials and magazine articles Convincing Cssséitt expressing the same view, this changed living - conditions which . Chaplain is a Pi ill an ali-out war program entail«; one from a Chicago newspaper, Tlt« Army Chaplnin« Corp» exhiblt ha» provré ta he a wwt populär dated June 1», 1M*. may be cited: corner of the hug* "Back the Attack" «h«w OH the Washington high pay for youths; little or no Ottawwa, Ont, Sept. IT Kb-Mm "Our nation's greatest post-war supervision in the home; toe National Monument Ground* hi the capital. The «xhihiU wer© amusing story of s meeting to* 1 and current danger is not econo- much leisure and the lack of stagHI hy the t'. H. Tmanury Department I« beowt ti»® Third War tween a Canadian Catholic cha»> mic, but lies within the relations recreational facilities. Loan Drive. In tliU picturn, fallier Mariner T. Smith, O.P. (loft), lain and a child in teti in the home. The appaling condi- Is Some will Interpret these sta- of Washington, expiai«» the Catholio article» u«*d hy an Arm y in a dispatch from Maurice Dm* tions we are facing did not come tistics in the wrong light. To with the war. The war only ag- rhaplaiit, lo tuo non-tatholio chaplain«. Ken! Newwphot« (N.O.W.C.) jardins, war correspondent of tia quote from the Press Bulletin of gravated a case of moral anemia Canadian Press (TCP), secMtaf the Central Bureau, issued Jan. from which we have been suffer- news agency, with the Cuidiek 7, 1943: "Certain social reformers ing ever since we began to ex- Stokowski Conduci« Choir in Cathedral Army in Sicily. profess to be gravely alarmed at clude God from our lives. Now "Sitting at the wheel of a Jeep the alleged increase in juvenile we are paying for our neglect." in a public square of a Sicilies delinquency, while others contend In Mexico in Palestrina Mass Recital no such increase has taken place, "Fidelity to God" meaps that village, Captain Rev. Joseph WH* but that the whole matter la a parents realize that their author- Meitico City, Sept 11 (NC)-In U. S. Must be Arsenal helm, of Hamilton, Ont., chapMi communist plot to gain control of ity is from God, and that they the Guadalupan Basilica, and fori Of Spiritual Values, of a Canadian mechanised reg» imerit, puffed on a cigarette after IHK the children for the State. . . must exercise it rightly; the the benefit of the restoration of President Declares m There is an element of truth in children will in turn recognize a long and dusty ride," the est» the Metropolitan Cathedral, Ijeo- Chicago Sept. 11 (10.—In a let- the statements of each si oKrf i Guaduuawa»a - , c<, I „ "I • I .,TI dividuals, the greed for power r of But here the girl said, 'PrieetS The missionary wrote: "I h*ve not j 25, in the school hall of St. Jos- upe, Maestro« said: The ' , ., ... Isorre ore*imed groups and the do not smoke cigarettes.' u*ed soap nor taken a bath in over eph's Parish, Sharpsburg, for the solemnity of the presence of the . _ . not infrequent miscarriage of a year, and still I am as clean, benefit of the parish, include: Mexican prelates impressed me "That, said the chaplain, 'is • as healthy as ever, and have plans for human betterment all George Neff, general chairman; profoundly. And the Mass of privilege accorded to miHtaif gone through a year without a tempt us at times to adopt a cyn- Jacob Arenth, Frank Hursen, Pope Marcellus which I directed chaplains.' single cold." He commented on ical view of human nature and Frank Kotchey, John Kusniss, there, in itself so solemn and re- "Slowly, as though she fearad "how artificial our lives really Its possibilities We need on such r Michael Gavin, Thomas Nestor, ligious, has a feeling of sublimity the reply, the girl risked anstii«* we e" in the pre-war day« when occasions to live above our im- Harry Popp, Harry Pov/ers, Vin question 'Are you married, Fath- "wt* thought so many useless which is never manifested with mediate experiences, to see the cent Phelan, Richard Morrissey, er? things were necessaries for our such intensity as in the nave of slow, difficult but constant Edward Brett, Edward Walter well being." a church. This pure, flexible music, struggle of our forebears toward "Suppressing his mirth, he Im- and Joseph McDonald. of absolute polyphonic perfection,• the realization of these ideals. We plied: 'No, my child, OttaBi "My first thing in the morning," Nelle Nestor, chairman of the is as profound and spontaneous neeJ educat;9(1 amJ re-education priests never marry.' he wrote, "is ten minutes of simple women's group; Mrs . Frank as a thought before prayer. The in the dynamic concepts which "Apparently relieved of a f*** gymnastics, without any costly Kotchey, Mrs. Ralph Burns, Mrs. choir responded well in their ef- have made of this hemisphere a burden, the youngster sighed he«* appartus whatever; followed by R. R. Dougherty, Mrs. Michael forts towards this impression new world." ily and then enthusiastically brisk rub with a wet towel Gavin, Mrs. William Ewing, Mrs which I felt like a pulse as I The President's letter was ad- ed the chaplain's hands. and with the temperature around Harry Poj»p, Helen Bullian, Mrs. conducted within the austerity of dressed to Dr. Roy G. Ross, of "The jeep in which the ch freezing. I assure you it makes Mary Harrigan, Mrs Cecilia Yer- \ the Basilica." the International Council of Re- was seated was the same the old skin glow. Me for the kins, Mrs. George Neff, Mrs. Ed- The distinguished guest express- ligious Education, wh'ch sponsors which carried him Into attach* simple life from now and ever." ward Gift, Mrs. James Smith, ed his approval of the invisibility the religious week observance. with his regiment.*' On the food situation, the mis- Margaret Nestor, Mrs. James Mai- of both choir and conductor dur- sionary wrote: "For the last year sack, Mrs. Walter Haggerty, Rose ing the performance because, he and- more, I have not tasted bread, Mellon, Mary Lynskey, Mrs. Ei- but I assure you tfiat when peace said, "the public knows that this FOURTEENTH STREET BANK Ji , ward Phelan, Mrs, Irene Dougher- was a religious concert without uet CARSONN htST.. SOUTH BIOK. PITTSMSflriTTSMSOil. comes the Lord will surely pardon , ty Mr9 Mary Hughe, Mrs R9,e —ORNKBAL BANKING— any connection jwith theatrical af- me for the quantity of bread that^^ Mn M„yme s,age, ,nd Mrmlirr of Feder»! DrpMlt luirniN Orp»r»tt— fairs. It seems to me that it I shall eat. My bill of fare of members of the Young Ladies the past year has consisted of would have shown a lack of re- Sodality. spect to conduct in front of the boiled corn meal, boiled wheat Funeral Dbtt** (which is delicious) — not that) Virgin or even at her feet. I 1 which has been de-natured, as V " offered a musical homage; and I MAyflower «M9 in your modern patented food- repeat that I consider it would Joseph A. Crowley 181« stuffs, but the natural wheat, | have been disrespectful to make broken up into cracked wheat and; '\ BUY CHRISTMAS MS a spectacle of what is full of boiled. If only we could get somei such intense religious feeling." milk and sugar for it, it would| m- FUNK BAI. DIBECTOB8 be a perfect dish and it will j WM. SI.ATER & SONS certainly be on my daily bill ofj OFFICRS PHONN fare of post-war days. Rice, plenty! Union Virginia Ave. A Reu-Mrge St., HI. Wiikli|toa Everglade W of green vegetables and eggs, 1936 Broadway Aveaae, Bewfcilew Lehigh mt 740 WuhlaipM Ko ad. Mt. Leba no« Lehigh Ulf when my patients send me some. .ásf/ '• >•' Engraving Co. As I said before I have neverj felt better, and what an appetite PHOTO ENGRAVING Truly there is no sauce like! Try our quick, over - night hunger and I have been hungry, Service. for two years, but a healthy hun-j High quality, carefully made Hill Top Bank ger, one that does one good." plates guaranteed — We SoUeit Your Account — The missionary recounted that' .. lii'jf'i"» his knowledge of diseases "has1 * PROTECT YOURffOMf fROM ~ TUBERCULOSIS Arlington and W arrington Avenue« been a life saver, spiritually and • I MU m I«II»—1 1003 PENN AVE. temporally. I wish you could see| • :->. v.V Phone, AT 7944 Member rodersi Deposit mjr 'operating room.' It U the. Thursday, September 23, 1943 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC ELEVEN

ADDITIONS TO town, having charge of its mis- Maurice W. Rihn Benedictine Priest sion at Daisytown. Dr. Alfred Guerinot Father Sebastian is survived by Motion Picture Guide Solemn Requiem Mass was of- Solemn Requiem Mass was of- Dies at Johnstown his father, Thomas McKay, of fered in Resurreetion Church, fered yesterday merning in SS. Latrobe, and several brothers and CLASS A-l Rev. Sebastian McKay, O.S.B., Brookline, en Monday morning for Peter and Paul's Church, Roches- sisters. Mauriee W. Rihn, of 524 Berkshire Unobjectionable a member of the Benedictine ter, N. Y., for Dr. Albert J. Guer- Ave., who died in Ms home last community at St Vincent's Arch- inot, Pittsburgh physician who Adventures of A Rookie Thursday following a lingering Aerial Gunner abbey, Latrobe, and pastor of St. Seaman William Madden had been a member of the staff Air Raid Wardens, I'be illness. Burial was in St. Mary's of St. John's General Ho"pita), Alaska Highway Gregory's Church, Daisytown, for Cemetery. Always A Bridesmaid Requiem Mass will be sung North Side, fer many years, and Antttng Mrs Holiday I he past year, died on Tuesday, Mr. Rihn, who was §7 years old, who died suddenly last Saturday Assignment in Brittany this morning in Sacred Heart Sept. 14, in Mercy Hospital, Johns- was secretary-treasurer of the : .orning at his home on Dawson At Dawn We Die Terheyden Company, with which Background to Danger town, and was buried last Friday Church, East End, for "William Ave. He was a former resident firm he had been associated for 53 Bad Man of Thunder Gap in the cemetery

PROTECTORS OF THE VATICAN STATE Redemptorist Priest Discuss Activities Goes to Puerto Rice

At Hol V NameMen's Rev. Bernard McWilliams, C.8«. R., who had been in charge of Quarterly Meeting Perpetual Help devotions at th* Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine in St. Philomena's Church, Squi (Continued From Page One) N rel Hill, for the past few year^ Ur >n, conducted tlie meeting. and who left Pittsburgh a few Recommenda lions which the del- weeks ago. sailed Monday for eg were to eonv \v to Puerto Rico, where he will serv* th rcspec i ve irish so* ieties on the Redemptorist missions. Ho if! led: i ' succeeded here by Rev. on day, Ort. 10, all Peter Starin, C.Ss.R. mor ¡ receive Holy Communion an i ?r their prayers for tiie into i of th c Most •n.l plan: lot the poor do the fighting IV >f the d ioeese. and let those who have attained Th i on Sum 1 IV. Oc the a "higher" standard of living! no Fe i-i f Chris t the Ki the matter how. enjoy the protection mem > ri - Holy C for which they will have to help Ion i V lí- s to the pay in taxes. By "higher" stand- Sacr i an i take part ard of living Senator Taft refers, pi ore-Lsions in their parish chureh- of course, to material possessions; es, pr ayirig for the welfare of all he does not think a father should those in the service of the nation be exempted because he sets his and fi >r a just peace, children the example on an up- Th i t on Sundav, Nov. 14. th< right life, and sees that his home regula r Holy Name Communion conforms to high ideals; the baaie Sunday, prayers be offered for the fo:- favoritism would be: has he "Tepose of the si nils of all those a strong acquisitive sense? If not, who have given their lives in let him go out and fight, let his the service of their country. wife go back to her parents, lit That on Thanksgiving Day, his home disappear. Thank heaves' Nov. 21», aach parish society have the Taft philosophy does not dom- a Requiem Mass offered for its Pictured at tlie annual oath-taking eeremony are th« Swi*<« Guard* of the Vatican, famed for their inate in this country. deceased men» hers. loyalty a-* defender« of the property of the Holy See. Here they art reviewed by their commander I, and their chaplain. (N.C.W-C.) o — It was also urged that the par- New Morality ish societies hold nomination and ly quoted from the "Acta Apos- election of officers on or before Reports Nazis Have Seized tólica Sedis," official monthly bul- Answering the charge of the the second Sunday of Decern ber. letin of the Vatican, a decision re- Post Office Department that nine Dec. 12, and send a record of garding the reading of the Bible recent issues of "Esquire" mag»« their names to the diocesan Vatican (ailed Groundless; in the vernacular. It omitted the 7.ine contained material or "an union. usual note regarding the country obscene, lewd and lascivious char- Announcement was made that Critical Status Continues to which the broadcast was ad- acter," the magazine's editor, Ar- aince the last quarterly meeting dressed. nold Gingrich, said its defense the d*»ath had octmred of Henry (C ontinusd from Page One' C.VV.C. correspondent's radioed dis- would be based upon the conten- Fitf.patrick. third president of the On the first day of German London, that German troops have patches makes it clear that Nazi tion that "public attitudes and Diocesan Union, and that Maurice "protection" of Vatican City, some occupied Vatican City were with- soldiers have not occupied Vati- tastes have become much more- Rihn, a former member of the programs from the Vatican sta- out foundation. can territory. The correspondent sophisticated" than they were executive committee, had died last tion consisted "for purely tech- speaks of Nazi soldiers being on at the time the statutes were writ- Thursday- It was also announced In fact, newspapers of Rome nical reasons" of religious music have commented upon the calm- the boundary line between Vati- ten under which the Post Office that a Requiem Mass, marking exclusively, but the usual hom- is proceeding. "We contend thlt ness prevailing at the Vatican can City and Rome, but relies ilies in German and English were the sixth anniversary of the death none of the material we haw following" recent events. upon Italian sources for word of given. of the society's former diocesan printed is indecent to the mindt director, Rev. James M. Delaney, The Rome newspapers also state their activities indicating that that since Monday afternoon two they have not come under his per- j The Vatican City's radio stat- anil sensibilities of the average : would be offered in St. Joseph's tion has not yet mentioned Italy's fully equipped German sentinels .son:«! notice inside Vatican Citv.i person today." he asserted. Church. Clairton, on Tuesday, Oct. capitulation, as far as is known are patrolling the outer limits of Mr. Gingrich doesn't mind slur- 5, at 8:00 o'clock. here. St. Peter's Square at the line of ring ami insultininsult g the "average", John B Sullivan, of St. Mary's | Ziirieh, Sépt. 1 ( Radio» tC Onlv i tew names of war pris- demarcation between Vatican pe r.son. apparently; but nobodjf of the Mount Parish, who was j .vcports from the Italian frontier oners are now coming through and Italian territory. They say wants to be considered "average,* the s.'cond president of the dio- i anti-aircraft gnu have been from t he Vatican station. I am in- this arrangement is the result of anyway. The fact is it will be cesan union, addressed the meeting set up in St. Peter's S |u ire and formed by the "Catholic Times." conversations between the Secre- very depressing to the "sophist!* briefly, expressing his regret at j that machine guns h ive been here, which prints the lists. To- tary of the German Embassy at cated" readers of "Flsquire," who the small number in attendance, placed at the fa nied Bernini Col- day. the Vatican radio gave only the Holy See, the commanders of i onnade at the Vati like to think that they are a compared to what was customary n have been messages from soldiers written the Pontifical armed forces and l printed in th» Ga little bit more seasoned, a little 25 years ago, and the apparent LIII- in August, and emphasized the German officers. saune. more advanced, than the common decline in interest and zeal on d;tes of the letters. At the same time, guarding the people who are shocked by the the part of the delegates and offi- It hi >< al so been print/ d It u A grave view is taken here of three entrances to Vatican City magazine's coarseness, to learn cers. He urged the fullest co- that Orman parachutists guard the Holy Father's position. are armed Italian Carabinieri, as I now that the editor thinks hi» operation in the activities directed i the whole of Vatican City, pre- provided for by Article Three or j stuff is not indecent: here thejr by the society for the spiritual venting every contact with the the T^ateran Treaty. have been paying high price* benefits of its members. side world It is even said that TO THE POINT for it all along because thef (The United States Foreign i such guards prevent people from Broadcast Intelligence Service re- ! thought it was. Catholic Rural Life praying in St. Peter's Bisilici. 'Continued troni I» Four ) ported that broadcasts by the The Roman population, it is «aid. The theory that morality is t#. Croup to Convene in Vatican City radio said that Vat- I* »or Father'« is told that these measures serve be determined by "average" atti- ican offices have continued their The controversy Milwaukee Oct. 9-13 to prevent anti-Fascist elements about drafting tudes and tastes is simply * regular work and that the Holy fathers for army Milwaukee. Sept. 22 (ID What from seeking refuge in the Vat- service seems whine from those who hav« bee« Father has continued to give au- due to be settled in the right way Is described as a "war time meet- ican. trying to debase the public taste c.iences, but that precaution* have for any subject of such basic im- ing to replace the 194.1 conven- more and more. Because a frac- been taken for stricter control of (The last paragraph would seem tion" i3 to be held by the Na- portance for the general good, tion of the populace buys their entrance into Vatican City.) to indicate that the Nazis recog- tional Catholic Rural Life Con- in the judgment of those com- filthy stuff, they claim they art nize the sovereignty and neutral- patent to decide and responsible I ference at the Pflster Hotel, here. (A wireless dispatch of the ity of Vatican City. If they al- meeting "public" demand; the- f< the results, and not according ' sai Oct. 9 to 13. Due to transportation German Transocean Agencv re- ready "occupied" and controlled me argument could be used bf difficulties, a campaign for a ported to the Office of War Infor- all of Vatican City, there would be to selfishness, or partisanship, or ¡ the purveyors of drugs and pela- to satisfy personal grudges. l