The Pittsburgh Official Organ of (he Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 lOOlh YEAR—No. 28 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURS§Éyk SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 17 TWO DOLLARS PER TEAR SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS BISHOP YU-PIN ASKS OBSERVANCE OF DAY OF PRAYER FOR CHINA BP;' fSUazi|| . Jf s Have Seized A plea that Sunday, Oct. 10, the 32nd anniversary of the Republic of China, be observed by the CathoKi Än Called Groundless; of the Unite« State? as a day of public and privawi prayer for China, is contained in a letter which Most1 Rev. Paul Yu-Pin, Yricar Apostolic of Nanking, has ad- Critical Status Continues dressed to the Archbishops and Bishops of this country. Bishop Yu-Pin, now* In the Turtle Creek Priest German Soldiers Replace Italians at Border of United States, has been directing relief and welfare work in his Held by Japanese in City; Broadcasts Maintained, Dispatches native land in an attempt to cope with the dire conditions arising New Guinea, Report Indicate Communications Open from the years of invasion from which China has suffered. Techny, 111., Sept. 21 X).—Rev. Vatican City, Sept. 17 (Radio) (NC)—*'L'Osaervatore Bishop Yu-Pin's letter recalls Arthur Manion, S.V.D., son of Romano*' this evening is publishing the information ilfrs. Mary Manion, of Turtle that last year, at the suggestion which has previously appeared in the newspapers of of the Qitholic Students Mission Creek, Pa., and Rev. William Crusade, July 4, the American na- Hagan, S.V.D., formerly of Bos- Rome regarding the placing of German sentinels in tional holiday, was observed by < ;on, American miasionarles who Italian territory at the confines of Vatican City. were serving in New Guinea at Chinese Catholics as a day of It has been noted here that sensational reports have prayer "for the spiritual, moral he time of the Japanese occupa- and physical well-being of the tion, are being held by the Japa- been published abroad purporting to picture the actual eoldiers of the United States of nese on Kairlru Island, New situation in Vatican City. They are without foundation. America." The observance was Guinea, according to word reacti- sponsored by the Chinese Catho- ng St. Mary's Mission House, (By N. C. W. C News Service) lic Cultural Association, which the headquarters of the Society Sifting the welter of rumors and reports that have followed the numbers among its members the of the Divine Word, here. The seizure of Rome by the Nazis, the following seem to be the facts: chief Catholic leaders, lay and word comes from Australia. Contrary to the oft-repeated assertion that the Nazis have "oc- Father Manion was ordained cupied" Vatican City, this is in fact not the case. It is certain that clerical. the Germans have stationed troops about the Vatican, but it is not in Techny, 111., in 1935 and left "In the name of this organiza- known that the troops have been put on Vatican territory at any shortly afterward for the Divine point. tion, of which I sun chairman," Word Mission field in New In the face of reports from European sources that anti-aircraft Bishop Yu-Pin continues, "I re- Guinea. Father Hagan followed spectfully address to Your Ex- guns have been mounted in St. Peter's Square and machine guns BISHOP YU-PIN him in 1936, the same year as his have been set up at the world-famous Colonnade (and this would cellency the entreaty that Sunday, ordination in Techny. Both had not have been done by the Vatican), the N.CAV.C. Ne^'s Service has Oct. 10. the 32nd anniversary of the petration from God of a just and been working with great success a report from its own correspondent reporting that all is cal> inception of the Republic of China, lasting peace, the goal toward in a coastal mission station near and quiet at the Vatican be made a day of public and pri- which American and Chinese Wewfftc until the Japanese occu- While other report« from European sources assert that the vate prayer ¿or China among the Catholics alike aspire — I make pation of New Guinea. Nazis have cut off communication between the Vatican and the clergy and laity of your See. - this earnest request, confident The news that the two priests outside world, the N.C.W.C. News Service continues regularly to "In behalf of the common cause that the power of united prayer are held in a Japanese concen- receive dispatches front, its YstiraH City c4irrespMMBent, who tells of our countries as members of will show itself in effecting uni- tration camp has just been re-" * *» '«»reign dlpIonktTÏTÎ^^ the United Nations, and in the versal diffusion of the peaceful ceived from Rev. George Bernard- N.C.W.C. dispatchcs irom Vatican City report that Italian carab- atill more important behalf of our reign of Christ the King in this ing, S V.D.. of Pittsburgh, who inieri continue to guard the three entrances to Vatican City, in ac- cordance with stipulations of the Lateran Treaty. Reports from other common Christian cause-the im- war-torn world" together with Rev. William Ross, sources speak of German soldiers replacing Italian policemen at St. S.V.D. of South Orange, N. J., Peter's Square- While this may be partially correct, there is no con- was given military trnsportation clusive evidence that these replacements have taken place on ter- Discuss Activities To Address Meeting to Australia pending plans for the * —. rltory belonging to the Vatican. Of History Society return of the missionaries to their High School Students (Secular news dispatches AtHolyNameMen's districts. stated yesterday that "several* At the annual meeting of the A total of over seventy mission-, To Attend Meeting of Italian Cardinals had been Catholic Historical Society of ary priests and ninety Brothers placed by the Nasis under Quarterly Meeting M Western Pennsylvania, to be held of the Society of the Divine Word Federation Sunday hou*e arrest," that hi, forbid- next Monday evening. Sept. 27, in were working in British New den to leave their residences^ Guinea at the time of the Japa- Fa° er Larnen, O. P., Gives Synod Hall, 125 North Craig St., The annual meeting of the ex- to receive visitors or ta com- nese invasion. The main station at 8:30 o'clock, Benedict J. Kaiser, ecutive committee of the Federa- municate with the antidds. A dress; Testimonial to and Cathedral at Alexishafen, R. A., will present a paper on tion of Catholic High School These reports came through Bishop Planned about 150 miles up the New Architecture in the Pittsburgh Students will be held in the audi- Madrid and It win bo recalled Guinea coast from Lae, have Diocese," and Rev. Anthony P. torium of St. Mary's of Mercy that some of the earlier stor- been reported totally destroyed by An address by Rev. Brendan Scholx, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, Ferry St, on Sunday, ies from Madrid regarding the invaders. Larnen, O.P., of New York, a Church, Pine Creek, will relate Sept. 26, at 2:30 P. M. Robert conditions in Rome proved to discussion of the spiritual bouquet "Some Historical Anecdotes" con Strake, of North Catholic High he fa)s» «r<u«merafted.) to be offered the Bishop of Pitts- earning the diocese- Retreat Director School, the president uf flrtfftdei*- In connection with the reports burgh, Most Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Rev. Paul E. Campbell, pastor ation, will conduct the meeting. regarding the entrances to Vatican on the occasion of his 70th birth- of St Lawrence's Church, and To Be Honored at Election of officers will be held City, it la possible writer» in the day, Oct 8, and an outline of ac- president of the society, will con- Farewell Dinner and plans will be made for the secular press do not know the tivities in which the parish so- duct the meeting. coming school year's activities. Lateran Treaty confers police cieties are expected to take part powers hi the Square on Italian Paying tribute to Rev. Romuald during the coming months, feat- authorities. Article Three of the Communion Breakfast Walsh, C.P., who has been di- ured the quarterly meeting of the Number of Cardinale Treaty between the Holy 8ee and Diocesan Unior Holy Name So- To Be Held by ACTU rector of St Paul's of the Cross Retreat House, South Side, for Now Reduced to 45 Italy contains these paragraphs: ciety. held last Sunday afternoon And Radical Alliance "It is agreed, however, that the in St. Mary's of Mercy Parish the past three years, and who is leaving to become a chaplain .with Vatican City Sept. 17 GO -Word Piazza di San Pietro (St. Peter's Hall. Third Ave. and Ferry St- Members of the Association of the armed forces, members of the of the death in Fribourg. Switzer- Squared although forming part of Twelve priests and a large num- Catholic Trade Unionists and of St. Paul's Laymen's Retreat League land, Monday, of His Eminence the Vatican City, will continue or- ber of officers and delegates from the Catholic Radical Alliance will will hold a banquet in hia honor Francisco Cardinal Vidal y Bar- dinarily to be open to the pubHe the societies in alt parts of the attend a Communion breakfast at- the Hotel Keystone next Thurs- raquer, Archbishop of Tarragona, and subject to the police pow^pa diocese were present. and conference at St. Joseph's of the Italian authorities. The House of Hospitality, «1 Tanne- day evening. Sept.
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