The University ofWisconsin System



Published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard Women's Studies Librarian University of System 430 Memorial Library / 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS

Volume 17, Number 4 Winter 1998

Periodical literature is the cutting edge ofwomen's scholarship, , and much ofwomen's culture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing ofContents is published by the Office of the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminisf Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in ; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to provide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.)

Table ofcontents pages from currentissues ofmajorfeministjournalsare reproduced in each issue ofFeminist Periodicals, preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. The annotated listing provides the following information on each journal:

1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. U.S. SUbscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). 8. Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. 9. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 10. Locations where the journal is held in the UW System. 11. Publications in which the journal is indexed. 12. Subject focusistatement of purpose of the journal.

Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. ii.

Our goal is to have represented in FP all English-language feminist periodicals with a substantial national or regional readership, with an emphasis on scholarly journals and small press offerings. We do not include publications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women's issues. Nor, with few exceptions, dowe include newsstand magazines. Weare also forced to omit periodicals which lack a complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing feminist literature sorely needs.

Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in DWM:A DirecforyofWomen 's Media published by the National Council for Research on Women (530 Broadway at Spring Street, NewYork, NY 10012); and in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union Lisf of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries, edited by James P. Danky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher, and Neill E. Strache (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982).

Suggestions for improvements of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appre­ ciate assistance from readers in the UW-System with our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up to date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information. Feminist Periodicals is also available on microfilm at the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Alternative Cataloging in Publication Data

Feminist periodicals: a current listing ofcontents. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian


"Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced... preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals... " Frequentfy cited as FP.

1. Feminist periodicals--Directories. 2. -­ Bibliography--Periodicals. 3. Feminist periodicals-­ Current awareness services. I. University of Wisconsin System. Women's Studies Librarian.

(courtesy of Sanford Berman)

Feminist Periodicals (ISSN 0742-7433) is published quarterly by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, UW­ System Women's Studies Librarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone (608) 263-5754. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.library.wisc.edullibraries/ WomensStudiesl Compilers: Linda Shult, Ingrid Markhardt. Graphics: Daniel Joe. Publications of the Office of the UW-System Women's Studies Librarian are available free ofcharge to UW Women's Studies Offices, UW Campus Women's Centers, and UW Libraries. Subscriptions rates: Wisconsin subscriptions: $8.25 (indiv. affiliated with the UW System), $15 (organizations affiliated with the UW System), $16 (indiv. or non-profit women's programs), $22.50 (libraries or other organizations). Out­ of-state subscriptions: $30 (indiv. & women's programs), $55 (inst.). This fee covers most publications ofthe Office, including Feminist Colleclions, Feminist Periodicals, NewBooks on Women &Feminism. Wisconsin subscriber amounts include state tax (except UW organizations amount). Subscribers outside the U.S., please add postage ($13 - surface, Canada, $15 - surface, elsewhere; $25.00 - air, Canada; $55 - air, elsewhere).

© Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 1998. iii,

AWlS MAGAZINE 6. Ahfad University for Women, P.O. Box 167, 1. 1971. Omdurman, Sudan. 2. 6/year. 7. ISSN 0255-4070. 3. $24 ($60. membership). 8. lC sn85·23477. 4. AWlS, 1200 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 650, 9. OClC 12747640. Washington, DC 20005. [email: awis@awis,orgJ 10. Madison. 5. Pamela J. Hines. 11. ERIC, UMI. 7. ISSN 0160·256X 12. The Ahfad Journal's aim Is "to publish scientific 8. lO 93·640724. research in women's development issues in Sudan 9. DOLO 23747329. and other African countries." 10. Madison. 12. 'AWlS promotes opportunities for women to enter ARiSE the sciences and achieve their career goals.' 1. 1990. 2.. 4/ye8J. AFFllIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCiAL WORK 3. $30. 1. 1986. 4. Action for Development, P.O. Box 16729, Kampala. 2. 4/year. Uganda (email;[email protected]) 3. $54 (indiv.>. $175 (ins1.), add $8 surface rale, or 5. Editorial board. $16 air mall rate for foreign postage (Canada: add 8. lC 91·647783. 7'1.> subscription cost, GSn. Single copy: $16 9. OClC 24765934. (indlv.), $46 (inst.) (Califa,mla residents add 7.25% 12. Arise focases on women's interests in buslnes, sales tax). economics, politics, family, and International 4. Sage Publications, Inc., 2455 TeUer Rd" Thousand development and assistance in Uganda Oaks, CA 91320. Orders from the U.K. , the Middle East, and Africa should be sent to: 6 ASIAN WOMEN Bonhill St., London EC2A 4PU, ; 1. 1995. orders from India and South Asia should be sent to 2. 2/year. P.O. Box 4215, New Delhi 110048, India. (email; 3. $20, $14 (students, with photocopy of validated [email protected]) {website; student 1.0.). http;l!www.sagepub.comJ 4. Editorial Manager, Asian Women, Research Institute 5. Emma A. Gross.. for Asian Women, Sookmyung Women's University, 7. ISSN 0886-1099. 53-12 Chungpa·dong 2·ka, Yongsan·ku, SeOUl, 8. lC 'n85-3234. 140-742, Korea. 9. OCle 12871850. 5. Hea Soak Ro. 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; River 7. ISSN 1225·925X. Falls; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Whitewater. 8. lC ,194·91898. 11. ASSIA; Applied Social Sciences Index of Abstracts; 9. OClC 7673725, 36782501. caredata ABSTRACTS; caredata CD; caredata to. Madison. INFORMATiON BULLETIN; Criminal Justlce 12. Asian Women seeks '10 present various Abstracts; Current Contents/Social & Behavioral perspectives and raise important issues in women's Sciences; Family Resources Database; Health studies' and Wishes "to serve as a communication Instrument File; Human Resources Abstracts; channel between researchers in Asia and in Research Alert; Sage Family Studies Abstracts; countries." Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts; Social Scisearch; Social Work Abstracts; ATLANTIS Sociological Abstracts; Violence and Abuse 1. 1975. Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's 2. 2/year. Studies Index. Also available on microfilm from 3. $20 (Canadian indiv.), $40 (Canadian ins1.), $30 Vniv. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. Odn. (U.S. indiv.), $50 Odn. (U.S. in,1.), $35 Cdn. 12. 'This journal is committed to the discussion and (other indiv.), $55 Cdn. (other lnst.), pIus $5 for development of feminist values, theories, and other foreign postage. Single copy: $12 (pIus knowledge as they relate to social work research, postage). education, and practice.' Contains articles, reports, 4. Instrtute for the Study of Women, Mount Saint of research, essays, poetry, and literary pieces. Vincent University, 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, Dedicated to 'the task of eliminating discrimination Nova Scotia, 83M 2J6, Canada {email: and oppression, especially with respect to gender, [email protected]: but including race, ethnicrty, class, age, disability, hnp:llwww.MSVU.ca.rallanti.) and sexual and affectional preference as welt' 5. Marilyn Porter, Christine St. Peter. 7. ISSN 0702·7818. THE AHFAD JOURNAL: WOMEN AND CHANGE 8. LC cn77·32338. 1. 1984. 9. OClO 3409640. 2. 2/year. 10. Madison; State Historical Society. 3. $25 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). Single copies; $20 (indiv.), 11. ABC Political Science: The Alternative Press Index; $35 (in,t.). : History and Life; Annotated Guide to 4. Business Manager, The Ahfad Journal, Suite 1216, Women's Periodicals In U.S.A. and Canada; 4141 N. Henderson Rd., Arlington, VA 22203. Bowker Serial Directories; The Canadian Almanac: 5. Amna E. Sadri. Canadian Business Periodicals Index; Canadian iv,

Literature Index; Canadian Magazine Index: 7. ISSN 0884·2957. Canadian Women's Directory; Historical Abstracts; 8. LC sn85-6513. Index/Directory of Women's Media; International 9. OCLC 12357950. Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses; 10. Madison; River Falls. MLA; Multicultural Education Abstracts; RE/ACE 11. Book Review Index; available in University Journal Index; Resources for Feminist Research; Microfilms Underground Press Collection; Women's The Serials Directory; Studies on Women Studies Index. Abstracts; Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's 12. 'Founded in 1985, Belles Lettres is a qUarterly Studies Index. magazine devoted to literature by or about women 12. 'Atlantis is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to that includes reviews, interviews, rediscoveries, critical and creative writing in English or French on retrospectives, essays, theme sections, and the topic of women. Contains scholarly articles, columns on publishing news, reprints, and review essays, book reviews, art and poetry.- nonfiction titles. Multicultural, independent press, and international authors are frequently featured. AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES Appeals to the general reader as well as the literary 1. 1985. cognoscenti.• 2. 2/year. 3. Australasia: $50 Aus (indiv.), $128 Aus. (inst.); BERKELEY WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL : $54 (indiv.). $172 (inst.); elsewhere: 1. 1986. £33 (indiv.), £96 (inst.). 2. Annual. 4. Cartax Pub. Co., 875-81 Massachusetts Ave., 3. $18 (indiv.), $9 (student), $40 (insl.). Add $4 for Cambridge, MA 02139, or P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, foreign postage. Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, England, or P.O. Box 352, 4. Berkeley Women's Law Journal, Univ. of California Cammeray, NSW 2062, . Press, Periodicals Dept., 2120 Berkeley Way, 5. Susan Magarey. #5812, Berkeley, CA 94720-5812. 6. Research Centre for Women's Studies, University of 5. Laura Beth Nielsen. Adelaide, GPO Box 498, Adelaide, South Australia 6. Simon Tower, Rm. 491, Baal! Hall, Univ. of 5005, Australia: reviews: Susan Sheridan, W.S. California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720. Unit, School of Social Sciences, Finders Univ., 7. ISSN 0882-4312. Bedford Park, South Australia 5042. 8. LC sn85·965. 7. ISSN 0816-4649. 9. OCLC 11830558. 9. OCLC 16151817. 10. Madison. 10. Madison. 11. Alternative Press Index; Annotated Guide to 11. Alternative Press Index; Australian Education Index; Women's Periodicals; Current Index to Legal CUrrent Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences Periodicals. Citation Index; Gay & Lesbian Abstracts; Studies 12. 'The Berkeley Women's Law Journal is guided by on Women Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. an editorial policy that distinguishes us from other 12. 'Australian Feminist Studies pUblishes law reviews and feminist periodicals. Our mandate transdisciplinary scholarship and discussion in the is to pUblish research, analysis, narrative, theory, fields of feminist research and women's studies and commentary that address the lives and courses. In addition, it aims to attract and struggles of underrepresented women. We believe encourage discussion of government and trade that excellence in feminist legal scholarship union initiatives and policies that concern women; requires critical examination of the intersection of examination of the interaction of feminist theory gender with one or more other axes of and practice: comment on changes in curricula subordination, including, but not limited to, race, relevant to women's studies and feminist studies. class. sexual orientation, and disability. Therefore, reviews, critiques, enthusiasms and discussions of women's issues that treat women as correspondence." a monolithic group do not fall within our mandate. Because conditions in ineqUality are continually AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S BOOK REVIEW changing, our mandate is also continually changing.' See HECATE'S AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S BOOK REVIEW. (This journal appears under its former title in the table of BRIDGES: A JOURNAL FOR JEWiSH FEMINISTS AND contents index pages of this issue, pages 4-6.) OUR FRIENDS 1. 1990. BELLES LETIRES 2. 2/year. 1. 1985. 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (insl.). 2. 3/year. 4. P.O. Box 24839, Eugene OR 97402. lemail: 3. $21 (indiv.), $15 (student), $40 (inst.). Sample [email protected]·lwebsne: issue: $5. Add $5 for foreign postage for Canada; http://www.pond.neV'''ekinberg/bridges) add $20 for all other foreign postage. 5. Ruth Atkin, Robin Bernstein; Debra Crespin, Enid 4. Karen T. Jenkins, P.O. Box 372068, Satellite Beach, Dame; Rita Falbel, Toby Finkelstein, Sarah FL 32937-0068. Jacobus, Clare Kinberg, Ruth Kraut, Shlomit Segal 5. Janet Palmer Mullaney. tova. 6. Janet Mullaney, 11151 Captain's Walk Ct., N. 7. ISSN 10468358. Potomac, MD 20878-0441. 8. LC 5191·92391. 9. OCLC 20542141. v. 10. Madison. 11. American Humanities Index; The Annual Index to 11. Index to Jewish Periodicals. Poetry in Periodicals; The Index of American 12. "The editors bring to Bridges a commitment that Periodical Verse. combines tradftional Jewish values of justice and 12. 'Calyx publishes literature and art by women, ft repair of the world with insights honed by the exists to nurture women's creativity through the feminist, lesbian and gay movements." wide promotion and publication of women's finest work.' BROADSHEET 1. 1972. Ceasing with July 1997 issue (see page 10). CAMERA OBSCURA 2. 4/year. 1. 1976. 3. Single issue price for last Issue: $NZ 10. 2. 3/year. 4. WomanFile Inc" P.O. Box 56-147, Auckland 3, 3. $33 (indiv.), $55 (ins1.). Add $10 (sun,ce), $20 (air Aotearoa,lNew Zealand. mail) foreign postage (GST #RI26496330)_ 5. The Broadsheet Collective. 4. Journals Division, Indiana University Pr., 601 N. 7. ISSN 0110-8603. Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404, [website: 9. OCLC 6578660. http://www.indiana.edU/'''lupress) 10. Madison. 5, Constance Penley, Elisabeth Lyon, Lynn Spigel, 11. Index New Zealand. Sharon WIllis, 12. "Broadsheet is New Zealand's only feminist 6. The Managing Editor, Camera Obscura, Film publication. We provide a forum for women to Studies Program, Univ. of California, Sarna debate the issues from a feminist perspective." Barhara, CA 93106. 8. LC sc79-4979. CAFRA NEWSjNOVEDADES CAFRA 9. OCLC 4818143. 1. 1987 (CAFRA News); 1990 (Novedades CAFRA). 10. Madison; Milwaukee. 2. 4/year. 11. Ahernative Press Index; Arts & Humanities Citation 3. $20 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Caribbean: 50 units of Index; The Film Literature Index; International Index local currency and not exceeding $20 U.S. (indiv.), to Film Periodicals; International Index to Television 55 units of local currency and not exceeding $25 Periodicals; Studies on Women Abstracts; U.S. (inst.), elsewhere: $20 US (indiv.), $25 US University Publications of America: Women's (inst.). Studies Index. 4. CAFRA, P.O. 8ag 442, Tunapuna, Trinidad & 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; Tobago, West Indies. psychoanalytic theory; Marxist theory; photography; 5. Avian Joseph. video and performance. 7. ISSN 1016-9741. 9 OCLC 26343925. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND THE LAW 10. Madison. 1. 1985. 11. 'CAFRA News is the quarterly newsletter and 2. 2jyear. primary networking tool of the Caribbean 3. $21.40 Cdn. (studenVlow·jncome), $42.80 (indiv.), Association for Feminist Research and Action $69.55 Cdn. (inst.). Outside Canada: add $10 (CAFRA), a regional network of feminists, individual (U.S.), $36 (international). Prices include GST. researchers, activists and women's organizations, 4. P.O. Box 450, Station A, 575 King Edward Ave., which seeks to channel the collective powers of Ottawa, Ontario, Kl N eN5, Canada. women for individual and societal transformation. 5. Editorial Collective. lis main purposes are to: inform members and 7. ISSN 0832-8781. other interested persons about the activities and 9. OCLC 13902155. programmes of the association; provide a forum for 10. Madison. discussion and debate on key issues of concern to 11. Canadian Feminist Periodical Index; Canadian women in the region; promote the sharing of Periodical Index; Index to Canadian Legal experiences and foster links among individual Periodical Literature; Index to legal Periodicals; feminists, activists and women's organizations; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women Studies assist in breaking down language barriers in the Abstracts. region; stimulate women's creative expression; and 12. "The CJWL is the only Canadian legal periodical contribute to the development of the women's dedicated to providing in·depth, feminist analysis of movement regionally and internationally.' legal issues of concern to women!

CALYX CANADIAN STUDIES/LES CAHIERS DE LA 1. 1976. FEMME 2. 2jyear. 1. 1978. 3. $19.50 (indiv.), $25 (lib. & inst.), $15 (low income). 2. 4jyear. Canada: add $10; overseas: add $18 postage. 3. Canada: $32.10 Cdn. (indiv.), $42.80 Cdn. (lnst.). Single copies: $9.50 + $2 postage. Outside Canada: $42 Cdn. (indiv.), $52 Cdn. (inst.) 4. P.O. Box 8, Corvallis, OR 97339. Single copies: $8.56 + $2.50 postage Cdn. 5. Margarita Donnelly. (Canada), $9 (international). 7. ISSN 0147-1627. 4. 212 Founders College, York University, 4700 Keele 8. LC 77-649570. St., Downsvlew, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada [email: 9. OCLC 3114927. [email protected]] (website: 10. Madison. http://www.yorku.ca;orglcwscf/home.html) vi.

5. Luciana Ricciutelli. 12. History; biography; correspondence; journal 7. ISSN 0713-3235. entries; fiction; poe1ry; visual art. " Common 9. OCLC 9951504. Lives/Lesbian Lives seeks· to document the lives of 10. Madison; Milwaukee; State Historical Society. ordinary lesbians, and to reflect the diversity of the 1I. Canadian Periodical Index; Women Studies lesbian community--Iesbians of color, of age and of Abstracts; Women's Stu~ies Index. youth, fat lesbians, disabled lesbians, poor and 12. "CWS!cf is a bilingual, interdisciplinary, feminist working-class lesbians. CLJLL wishes to Insure journal that brings exciting scholarship about access and visibility to lesbians who have never women to non-scholars, broadcasts our diverse thought before of pUblishing their work." experiences and bridges the gap between Canada's languages and cultures." CONCERNS: WOMEN'S CAUCUS FOR THE MODERN LANGUAGES COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF GENDER AND LAW 1. 1970. 1. 1991. 2. 3/year. 2. 2/year. 3. Graduated dues schedule for the Women's Caucus 3. $15 (student), $25 (indiv., public interest org.), $40 for the Modern Languages. (lnst.). Add $4 (surface), $6 (air) for foreign 4. Diana Bowstead, WCML Treasurer, English Dept., postage. Hunter College, 695 Park Ave., New York, NY 4. Columbia Univ. School of Law, 435 West 116th St., 10021. New York. NY 10027-7297. 5. Joan E. Hartman. 5. Editorial Collective. 6. Joan E. Hartman, Dept. of English, College of 7. ISSN 1062·6220. Staten , Staten Island, NY 10301. 8. LC K3.0348. 9. OCLC 2259670. 9. OCLC 24786087. 10. Madison. 10. Madison. 12. 'Concerns pUblishes essays on the professional, 11. Wilson's Index to Legal Periodicals. political, and curricular concerns of women In the 12. 'The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law was disciplines of modern languages, including English. founded to publish legal and interdisciplinary It also publishes news of the national and regIonal writings on feminism and gender issues and to Caucuses. features on academIc matters and job expand feminist jurisprudence. Both national and discrimination, and announcements of feminist international in focus. the Journal Is Intended to conferences, calls for papers, research in progress, serve as a forum for topics inadequately addressed and publications." in most law journals and reviews. Including issues concerning women, children, family, sexuality, CONNEXIONS: AN INTERNATiONAL WOMEN'S , and violence. The articles in QUARTERLY (Publication temporarily suspended.) JGL approach legal issues from a variety of 1. 1981. disciplines. We aim to promote an expansive view 2. 4!year. of feminism embracing women and men of all 3. $17 (indiv.), $30 (inst. & lib.), $20 (indiv., Canada & colors, classes, sexual orien1ations, and cultures." Mexico), $20 (indiv., overseas surface), $35 (indiv., overseas air mail). Single copies: $4 COMMON GROUND 4. People's Translation Service, P.O. Box 14431, 1. 1985. Berkeley, CA 94712. 2. 1!year. 5. ClaudIa Schaab, Donna Scism, Christel Vestweber. 3. $12 (indiv.), $17 (inst.). Back issues: $10. 7. ISSN 0886-7062. 4. P.O. Box 454, Sautee-Nacoochee, GA, 30571-0454. 8. LC 83-645901; sn83-11831. 5. Lilith Quinlan. 9. OCLC 8015674. 9. OCLC 23150159. 10. Madison. 10. Madison. 11. Alternative Press Index; Women's Studies Index. 12, "A journal where grassroots women speak from the 12. •...the collective product of feminists of diverse heart. By putting the power of the press in the nationalities and political perspectives committed to hands of poor women, Common Ground helps contrIbuting to an international women's them break the silence that perpetuates movement" Each issue focuses on a specific oppression." theme through feature articles, interviews and personal narratives, often translated from COMMON LIVES/LESBIAN LIVES foreign-language publications. 1. 1980. 2. 4/year. CRITICAL MATRIX: THE PRINCETON JOURNAL OF 3. $15 (indiv.), $10 (hardship). $25 (ins1.), free to WOMEN, GENDER. AND CULTURE lesbians in prisons, mental institutions, and old age 1. 1985. homes. Add $7 for foreign postage. Single copies: 2. 2fyr (1 print, 1 electronic). $5. 3. $15 (indiv.), $12 (student), $28 (ins\.). Add $4.50 4. P.O. Box 1553. lowe Ctty, IA 52244. (Canada and Mexico) or $7.50 (other international) 5. Editorial Collective. foreign postage. Single copies: $12. 7. ISSN 0891 ·6969. 4. Program in Women's Studies, 113 Dickinson Hall, 8. LC sn84·10345. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-1017. 9. OCLC 8234014. {email: [email protected] (website: 10. Madison. http://www.princeton.edu! .... prowom/CMl vii,

5. Alison Demos, Anne-Lise Frarnt0ls, Heather examination of cultural politics and discursive Hadlock. practices Informed by feminist criticism." 7. ISSN 1066-288X. 8. LC 86-642588. EMPOWERMENT: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN FOR WOMEN 9. OCLC 13313631. 1. 1994. 10. Madison. 2. l/yeaJ. 11. MLA International Bibliography; Women Studies 3. $8. Abstracts. 4. 63/2, Laboratory Road, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh. 12. 'Critical Matrix Is a forum for research, 5. Hamida Akhtar Begum. critlclsm,theory, and creative work In feminism and 9. OCLC 34518969. . Seeking connections among 12. 'The purpose of this journal is to disseminate academic, creative, and political approaches to information/research data on women and gender, Critical MatriX brings together written and development.' visual materials that explore, redefine, or reach aCross traditional disciplinary boundaries. Edited EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES by graduate students, guided by an advisory board 1. 1994. of natlonally recognized scholars, and published 2. 4/yeaJ. twice yearly by the Program In Women's Studies at 3. £36/$58 (indiv.), £120/$192 (ins1.). For details on Princeton University, Critical Matrix solicits new special student rate, apply to Marketing Dept at work by authors from multiple disciplines, at any Sage London address, below. Complete set, vo!s. stage in their careers, with or without academic 1-4: £340/$544. affiliation." 4. Sage Publications Ltd" 6 Bonhill St., London, EC2A 4PU, United Kingdom, or P.O. Box 5096, Thousand CRONE CHRONICLES: A JOURNAL OF CONSCiOUS Oaks, CA 91359. AGING 5. Mary Evans, Magda Michielsens. 1. 1989. 6. Margit van der Steen, Univ, of Utrecht. 2. 4/year. Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The 3. $21 (U.S.)(add $8 for first class mail), $29 (Canada Netherlands. & U.S. possessions), $31 (Mexico), $41 7. ISSN 1350·5068. (elsewhere). 8. LC 94·648660. 4. P.O. Box 81, Kelly, W'{ 83011-0081. (email: 9. OCLC 30758367. [email protected]} [website: 10. Madison. http://WNW.feminist.comjcrone.html 11. ASSIA: Anbar Abstracts, British Humanities Index; 5. Ann Kreilkamp. Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences; 7. ISSN 1068·8684. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; 8. LC sn93·6019. Internalional Political Science Abstracts; Journal of 9. OCLC 27833262. Social Policy; Sociological Abstracts; Studies on 12. Crone Chronicles is 'dedicated to re·activating the Women Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; archetype of the Crone In western culture. The UNESCO DARE Databank. Crone is the third aspect of the ancient triple 12. The European Journal of Women's Studies has goddess Maiden·-Crone.· been launched to answer the urgent need for an international journal that brings together the DIFFERENCES: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL important work currently being undertaken within STUDIES women's studies in Europe. 1. 1989. 2. 3/yeaJ. FARZANEH: JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES AND 3. $32 (indiv.), $65 (insl.). Add $10 for foreign RESEARCH postage. Single copies: $12.95 (indiv.), $20 (inst.), 1. 1993. plus $3 postage for one issue, $1 for each 2. 4/year. addi1ional issue. 3. $40 (Europe, U.S.A., Pacific, Latin America), $30 4. Journals Manager, Indiana University Press, 601 N. (Middle East. Asia, Africa). Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404. (websi1e: 4, P.O. Box 19575-165, Tehran, Iran. http://www.indiana.edu/-iupress) 5. Mahboobeh Abasgholizadeh. 5. Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed. 6. 23, West Nahid Ave., Vallasr Ave., Tehran, Iran. 6. Box 1958, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912. 7. ISSN 1023-4381. 7. ISSN 1040·7391. 8. LC sn95-18318. 8. LC 89·650873. 9. OCLC 33332242. 9. OCLC 18507940. 11. Periodica lslamica; Women's Studies Abstracts. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh. 12. Farzaneh's aim and focus are on "providing insight 11. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women on women's studies in Iran, the status and Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. condition of , and cross·cultural or 12. °d Iff ere n c e s: A Journal of Feminist Cultural inteliaith dialogue on women's concerns and Studies is affiliated with the Pembroke Center for rights. It includes research articles, analysis, and Teaching and Research on Women, a nonprofi1 editorials on women in Iran and Islam. Farzaneh is educational organization, at Brown University. The a bilingual Persian/English journal. journal brings together cultural studies and feminism and aims to provide a forum for an vii i ,

FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL WomensStudies/femain.htm) JOURNAL 5. Phyllis Weisbard, Linda Shull, 1. 1991. 7. ISSN 0742-7441; 0742-7433, 0742-7123. 2. 4/year. 8, LCsn84·10183. 3. $58 (indiv,), $208 (inst.), or £36 (indiv.), £130 (lnst.). 9. OCLC 6467789. Set: $798/£499. Write Marketing Dept. at london 10. Baraboo; Barron Co.; Eau Claire; Fond du Lac; address for information on student rates. Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; Marinette, 4, Sage Publications Ltd., P.O. Box 5096, Thousand Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville; River Oaks, CA 91359; or Sage Publications ltd., 6 Falls; Rock Co.; Sheboygan; State Historical Bonhill St., London EC2A 4PU, United Kingdom. Society; Stevens Point; Stout; Superior; 5, Sue Wilkinson. Washington County; Waukesha; Whitewater, 6. Dept. of Social Sciences, Loughborough Univ., 11, Women's Studies Index. Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, United 12. Editorials, features, news, bibliographies, book Kingdom. reviews. Focus on feminist Iibrarianship, 7. ISSN 0959-3535. publishing, bookselling, archiving, 8. LC 91-649264. researching·-both in Wisconsin and nationally. 9. OCLC 23367452. Review essays strive to provide a gu'lde to the 10. Madison. literature on a particular topic, (e.g. sociobiology; 11. ASSIA; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral women In development; western women; lesbian Sciences; Family Studies Database; Human studies; Black women; feminist science fiction), Sexuality; IBZ; PsychiNFO; PsychUT; Psychological Abstracts; Research Alert; Sage Family Studies Abstracts; Social Science Citation Index; 1. 1995. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women 2. 3/year. Abstracts; Violence and Abuse Abstracts; Women 3. North America: $48 (ind/v.), $102 (inst.), UKlEC: Studies Abstracts. £32 (indiv.), £68 (Inst.), rest of world: £34 (indiv.), 12. Feminism & Psychology aims "to foster the £72 (ins1.). development of feminist theory and practice in -­ 4. Routledge Subscriptions, ITPS Ltd., Cherttan and beyond .. psychology, and to represent the House, North Way, Andover, Hamt$ SP10 SSE, concerns of women in a wide range of contexts United Kingdom. lemail: [email protected]) (website: across the academic-applied 'divide.'" http://www.rut.rice.eduj.... femec/) 5. Diana Strassman. FEMINIST BOOKSTORE NEWS 6. 303 Lovett Hall, Entrance A, Feminist Economics· 1. 1976. MS 9, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 2. 7/year. 77005-1892. 3. $70, plus $10 Canada or $20 other international. 7. ISSN 1354-5071. Single copies $6. 8. LC sn95-23261. 4. P,O. Box 882554, San Francisco, CA 94188-2554. 9. OCLC 32729633. (email: [email protected]] 10. La Crosse; Madison. 5. Carol Seajay. 11. ASSIA; British Humanities Index; IBSS; JEL 7. ISSN 0741-6555. (online); Responsive Database Services, Inc,; 9. OCLC 10196440. Sociological Abstracts; Zeller Verlag GmbH, & Co, 10. Milwaukee; State Historical Society. 12. "Feminist Economics was founded to provide an 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. open forum for dialogue and debate about feminist 12. "Trade magazine for booksellers, publishers, economic perspectives. By opening new areas of librarians, and all who care passionately about economic inquiry, welcoming diverse voices, and feminist and lesbian books." encouraging critical exchanges. the editors aim to enlarge and enrich the field of economic discourse, FEMINIST COLLECTiONS: A QUARTERLY OF WOMEN'S The journal's goal is not just to develop more STUDIES RESOURCES illuminating theories, but to improve Ihe conditions 1. 1980. of living for all children, women, and men,' 2. 4/year. 3. University of Wisconsin: $8.25 (indiv.), $15 FEMINiST ISSUES (organizations). Wisconsin subscriptions: $16 1. 1980. To be succeeded by Gender Issues in Jan., (indiv. & non·profit women's organizations), $22.50 1998. (libraries & other organizations). Out·of-state 2. 2jyear. subscriptions: $30 (indiv. & women's programs), 3. $54 (indiv.), $120 (inst.). Single copies: $18 $55 (inst.). Foreign subscribers pay postage: $13· (indiv.), $36 (inst.). Add $35 (surface) or $50 (air surface (Canada), $1S-surface (elsewhere); $25·air mail) postage outside U.S. mail (Canada), $55·air mall (elsewhere). Fee 4. Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Dept. SOlO, coverS most pUblications of the Office of the Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903; Women's Studies Librarian (See p. ii). Single European and Israeli orders: Swets Publishing copies: $3.50. Service, Heereweg 347, 2161 CA Lisse, The 4, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, Netherlands. WI 53706. lemail: [email protected]] (website: 6. Elizabeth Fox·Genovese, Women's Studies http://WNW.library/wisc.edu/libraries/ Program, 210 Physics Bldg., Emory Univ., Atlanta, ix. GA 30322. Index. 5. Elizabeth Fox-Genovese. 12. Feminist Review is a "major women's studies 7. ISSN 0270·6679. journal in Britain committed to publishing the best 8. LC 82·641422; sn80-13352. of contemporary feminist analysis and always 9. OGLG 6482659. informed by an awareness of changing political 10, Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; River Falls; issues." Whitewater. 11. Atternative Press Index; Periodica Islamica; Studies FEMINIST STUDIES on Women Abstracts; University Microfilms, Ann 1. 1972. Arbor, MI; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's 2. 3/year. Studies Index. 3. $30 (indiv.), $20 (students with copy of dated prool 12. Feminist Issues offers "8 forum to open debate on of student status), $85 (inst.). Add $6 foreign ($40 feminism, women's issues, and women's lives air mail). Single copy: $12 (indiv.); $25 (inst.), throughout the world," 4. Claire G. Moses, Editor & Manager, Feminist Studies, c/o Dept. of Women's Studies, University FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES 01 Maryland, Coliego Park, MD 20742. 1. 1993. 5, Claire G. Moses. 2. 2/year. 7. ISSN 0046-3663. 3. U.K: £16 (indiv.), £8 (students & unwaged indiv.), 8. LC 78·645276; sc76-192. £55 (lnst.). Outside U.K: £18 (indiv.), £10 9. OGLC 1632609. (students & unwaged indiv.), £55 (lnst.). 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse, Madison; 4. 173 Mather Ave., Liverpool us 6JZ, United Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville; River Kingdom. Institutions in the U.S. should contact Falls; Stevens Point; Stout; Whitewater. Wm. W. Gaunt & Sons, Inc., 3011 Gulf Dr., 11. Academic Index; Alternative Press Index; America: Holmes Beach, FL 34217-2199. (email: History and Life; Applied Social Science Index & [email protected]) {website: Abstracts; Bulletin signaletique-sociologie; Current http://www.legaltheory.demon.co.ukJ Contents/Social & Behavioral Index; Expanded 5. Belinda Meteyard. Academic Index; General Perlodicallndex; 6. Kent Law School, Eliot College, The University, Historical Abstracts; Index to Poetry in Periodicals; Canterbury, Kent cn 7NS, United Kingdom. International Bibliography of Book Reviews; {email: [email protected]) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; 7. ISSN 0966-3622.. Inventory of Marriage & Family Literature; Literary 8. LC sn93-19652. Criticism; Modern Language Association 9. OCLC 27836032. International Bibliography; Newsreach; Periodica 11. Current Legal Sociology, Current Legal Theory, Islamica; The Philosopher's Index; Poem Finder; Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, International Sage Family Siudies Abstracts; Sage Human Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Legal Journals Relations Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index; Index, Studies on Women Abstracts. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women 12. "Feminist legal Studies is a leading European Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's journal of feminist legal studies, with special Studies Index. interests in both the application of law to women's 12. 'Feminist Studies was founded to encourage issues, and contemporary debates in feminist legal analytic responses to feminist issues and to open theory." new areas of research, criticism and speculation. The editors are committed to prOViding a forum for FEMINIST REVIEW feminist analysis, debate, and exchange. The 1. 1979. has demonstrated that the 2. 3/year. study of women is more than a compensatory 3. North America: $46 (indiv.), $126 (inst.), $12.95 project. Instead, feminism has the potential single copy. UK,lEEC: £29 (indiv.), £80 (Inst.). fundamentally to reshape the way we view the Single copies: £9.99 (back issues); Overseas: £29 world. We wish not just to interpret women's (indiv.), £88 (inst.). experiences but to change women's condition. For 4. Routledge Subscription Dept., Cheritan House, us, feminist thought represents a transformation of North Way, Andover, Hants SP10 5BE England. consciousness. social forms, and modes of action." (email (for sample copy requests): [email protected] email (for other FEMINIST TEACHER information): [email protected] 1. 1984. (website: http://www.routledge.com/routledge.htmlj 2. 3/year. 5. Editorial Collective. 3. $25 (indlv.), $50 (inst.). Add $20 for foreign postage 6. Feminist Review, 52 Featherstone St., London (outside U.S. and Canada). Single copies: $8 EC1Y 8RT, England. (indiv.), $12 (Inst.). 7. ISSN 0141-7789. 4. Feminist Teacher, Ethnic/Gender Studies Program, 8. LC 80·647745. Box 4019, Emporia State Univ., Emporia, KS 9. OCLC 6191763. 66801. (emaH: [email protected] or 10. Madison; Oshkosh; Whitewater. [email protected]) 11. Alternative Press Index; Social SCience Citation 5. Editorial Collective. Index; Social Science Index; Women's Studies 6. Theresa Kemp, Feminist Teacher, Dept. of English, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, 217 Humanities x, Bldg., 900 South 13th St., Birmingham, AL 35294­ 5. Karllyn Buck, Ampiwal Sakmuang. 1260. [email: [email protected]) 8. LC sn94-43643. 7. ISSN 08824843. 9. OGLC 30886940. 8. LC sn85-1018. 10. Madison. 9. OCLC 11660672. 12. "Friends of Women Newsletter is a grassroots 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Os.hkosh; Parkside; publication promoting public awareness of Platteville; Stevens Point; Stout; Whitewater. women's issues in ." 11. Alternative Press Index; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. FRONTIERS: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES 12. 'Feminist Teacher is a multidisciplinary magazine 1. 1975. committed 10 publlshing articles that challenge 2. 3/year. traditional teaching practices, disciplinay canons, 3. $24 (indiv.), $33 (inst). Add $9 for foreign postage. research methdologies, & approaches to day-to­ Single copies: $8 (indiv.), $11 (inst.). day classroom interactions.' 4. Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies, Washington State University Press, Pullman, FEMINIST VOICES Washington 99184·5910. [email: [email protected]} 1. 1987. 5. Sue Armitage. 2. 10/year. 6. Frontiers, Wilson 12, Washington State Univ" 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (lost.). Free to women in prison Pullman, WA 99164-4007. and other institutions. 7. ISSN 0160-9009. 4. P.O. Box 853, Madison, WI 53701-0853. 8. LC sc78-317. 5. Editorial Collective. 9. OGLC 2586280. 9. OCLC 25927620. 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; 10. State Historical Society. Parkside; Platteville; State Historical Society; 12. 'Feminist Voices is an open forum by and for Stevens Point; Whitewater. women with a commitment to supporting women's 11. America, History and Ufe; American Humanities choices and the freedom to shape our own lives. Index; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral We wish to reflect the diversity of women's lives Studies; Historical Abstracts; Human Resources and experiences, as well as our common struggles, Abstracts; The Literary Criticism Register; The MLA and to provide a space in which women can share, International Bibliography; PAIS; Social Welfare; dialogue and debate, question and create. We see Sage Family Studies Abstracts; Social Sciences openness to growth and change as an essential Citation Index; Sociological Abstracts; Studies on element of feminism and strive to be a part of this Women Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; process. Feminist Voices will not consider for Women's Studies Index. publication any material that perpetrates patriarchal 12. Feature articles; personal essays; poetry; short stereotypes or other oppressive attitudes." fiction; black and White photography and art., Many issues focus on a theme, e.g., women's oral FIREWEED history; dilemmas in feminist fieldwork; Chicana 1. 1978. identity; lesbian history; gender and nationalism, 2. 4/year. All issues have two or more thematic 'clusters' of 3. Canada: $22 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). Outside Canada: articles, art, and essay. Recent topics include $30 (Indiv.), $45 (insl.) Please add 7% GST dance, hair, multicultural pedagogy. Crossing (#R1073836630). Single copies: $9, plus $1.50 for boundaries in feminist scholarship and the arts, 1 copy, and $.50 for each additional copy Frontiers seeks to be a multidisciplinary, (Canada), $21$1 (oulslde Canada). multicultural between the community and 4. P.O. Box 279, Station B, Toronto, Ontario, M5T the academy. 2W2, Canada. 5. Fireweed Collective. GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT 7. ISSN 0706-3857. 1. 1993. 8. LC cn79-30301. 2. 3/year. 9. OGLG 4677989. 3. Print version Q! electronic version (specifiy): 10. Madison; State Historical Society. $40/£24 (Indiv.). $100/£60 (Insl.), (developing 11. Canadian Literary Index; Canadian Women's countries): $17/£12. {bulk rate (to+ copies)): Periodicals Index; Sociological Abstracts; Softtine $17/£12; print and electronic version (combination): Information Services; Studies on Women Abstracts. $48/£29 (indiv.), $120/£72 (insl), (developing 12. Fireweed is a "feminist quarterly of writing, polilics, countries): $17/£12, (bulk rate (10+ copies)): art, and culture committed to the diverse cultural $17/£12. expression of women." 4. Carfax Publishing Co., P,O. Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom; North FRIENDS OF WOMEN NEWSLEITER America: 87581 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, 1. 1992. MA 02139; Australia: P.O. Box 352, Cammeray, 2. 1/year. NSW 2062, Australia. (email: [email protected],uk) 3. U.S.: $9; Thailand: $3. [website: http://www.catchword.co.uk} 4. 1379/30 Soi Praditchai / Phaholyothin Rd., 5. Caroline Sweetman. Sammsennai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand (checks 6. Oxfam, 274 Banbury Rd.. Oxford OX2 7DZ, Unhed and money orders should be made payable to Kingdom. Ployjew Sunan, FOW Scretary, xi.

7. ISSN 1355-2074. 10. Madison; Platteville. 8. LC 5n95-31039. 11. Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies 9. OCLC 32372551. Index. 12. "Gender and Development offers a forum for 12. Gender and History is 'the only specialist journal development practitioners, students and all for research and writing on historical questions concerned with the theorY and practice of gender· about femininity and masculinity and relationships oriented development to exchange views, record between women and men in the past. The journal experience, describe models of good practice and covers all historical periods and a wide spectrum of disseminate information about networks and societies.• resources," GENDER & PSYCHOANALYSIS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY GENDER AND EDUCATiON JOURNAL 1. 1989. 1. 1998. 2. 3/year. 2. 4/year. 3. North America: $96 (indiv.), $474 (lnst.); EU: £48 3. $37.50 (indiv.), $70 (inst.); foreign (prices include (IndIY.), £242 (Inst.); Oulside EU £48 (indIY.), £242 postage): $71.50 (IndIY.), $96 (inst.). (In st.). 4. International UniversitIes Press, Inc., 59 Boston 4. Cartax Publishing, 875~81 Massachusetts Ave., Post Road, P.O. Box 1524, Madison, CT 06443· Cambridge, MA 02139, or P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, 1524. Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom, or P.O. 5. James Barron, Ph.D. Box 352, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia. 6. James W. Barron, Ph.D., c/o Alice J. Rapkin, Ed. 5. Rosemary Preston, Christina Hughes. Asst.. 22 Grosvenor Rd., Needham, MA 02192. 6. Continuing Education, Unlv. of Warwick, Coventry, 7. ISSN 1091-6318. CV4 7AL Un"ed Kingdom. 8. LC sn20034. 7. ISSN 0954-0253. 9. OCLC 349-17611. 9. OCLC 19946680. 12. 'Gender & Psychoanalysis is devoted to prOViding 10. Madison; River Falls. a lively intellectual forum linking and critiquing 11. ABES; ASSIA: British Education Index; EBSCO CD· diverse psychoanalytic views of gender." ROM Database; EAIC/CHES; Educational Technology Abstracts; linguistics and language GENDER & SOCIETY Behavior Abstracts; Multicultural Education 1. 1987. Abstracts; Research in Higher Education Abstracts; 2. 6fyear. School Organization & Management Abstracts; 3. $58 (indiv.), $215 (ins!.), Add $12 outside the U.S. Social Planning/Polley Development Abstracts; Single copies: $12 (indiv.), $38 (inst.) (California Sociological Abstracts; Special Educational Needs residents please add 7.25% sales tax). Add $12 for Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Technicsl foreign postage. Education and Training Abstracts; Women's 4. Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Studies Index. Oaks, CA 91320. Orders from the U.K, Europe, 12. Gender and Education focuses on "gender and the Middle East, and Africa should be sent to 6 feminist knowledge, theory and debate as these Bonhill St., London EC2A 4PU, U.K; orders from relate to aU aspects of educational development India should be sent to P.O. Box 4215, New Delhi and its effects.' 110048, India SWS membership information: Shirley Scritchfield, Dept. of Sociology, Creighton GENDER & HISTORY Univ., Omaha, NB 68178. (website: 1. 1989. http://www.sagepub.com) 2. 3/year. 5. Margaret Andersen, Beth Schneider (Editor Elect) 3. North America: $57 (indiv.), $190 (lnst.) (Canada, 6. Dr. Beth Schneider, Editor, Dept. of Sociology, please add 7% GST). U.K/Europe: £33 (indlv.), Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. £120 (lnst.); rest of world: £40 (indiv.), £146 (inst.). 7. ISSN 0891-2432. 4. Journal Marketing Manager, Blackwell Publishers, 8. LC 86-003081. P.O. Box 805, 108 Cowley Rd., Oxford OX4 1JF, 9. OCLC 14687475. United Kingdom, or 238 Main St., Suite 501, 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee; Cambridge, MA 02142. (email: Oshkosh; Parkside; River Falls; Stout; Whitewater, [email protected] {website: 11. ABC Political Science; Academic Index; African http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk] Urban & Regional Science Index; America: History 5. Leonore Davidoff, U.K and Grey Osterud, U.S.A. and Life; ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index & 6. Keith McClelland, School of History & Politics, Abstracts; Criminal Justice Abstracts; Current Middlesex Univ., White Hart Lane, London N17 Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences; Current 8HR, United Kingdom, or Grey Osterud. Index to Journals in Education (CIJE); Health Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, 10 Garden Instrument File; Historical Abstracts; Periodica Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Books for review: Islamlca; PsycALERT & PsychlNfO databases; Keith McClelland, School of History and Politics, Psychological Abstracts; Risk Abstracts; Sage Middlesex Univ., White Hart Lane, London, N17 Family Studies Abstracts; Social Planning/Policy 8HR, Un"ed Kingdom. and Development; Sociological Abstracts; Studies 7. ISSN 0953·5233. on Women Abstracts; University Microfilms, Ann 9. OCLC 19587394. Arbor. MI; Violence and Abuse Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index; Work xii, Related Abstracts. 3. $40.50, $42.50 (international). Single copies: 12. "Gender & Society focuses on the social and $17.95. Add $3 for foreign postage, structural study of gender as a basic principle of 4. New York Univ. Press, 70 Washington Square the social order and as a primary social category. South, New York, NY 10012-1091. (email: Emphasizing theory and research from a micro­ [email protected],edu) (website: and macrostructural perspective, Gender & Society http://W.ml.nyu.edu/pages/nyupress) welcomes studies in sociology, social psychology, 5, Ann Kibbey. political science, history, economics, and 6. Dept. of English, Campus Box 226, Univ. of anthropology that are framed by a social analysis Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, and a feminist perspective. Gender & Society is 7. ISSN 0894·9832. committed to an evaluation policy that does not 8. LC sn87·1919. precfude any of the feminist perspectives: 9. OGlC 16388863. 10. Madison; Oshkosh; Whitewater. GENDER, PLACE & CULTURE 11. Abstracts of English Studies; America: History & 1. 1994. Life; American Humanities Index; Arts and 2. 3/year Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts 3. North America: $82 (indiv.), $234 (inst.); EU: £48 and Humanities; Film Literature Index; Historical (indiv.), £138 (inst.). Outside E.U.: £48 (indiv.), £138 Abstracts; Institute tor Scientific Information; (inst.). linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts; 4. Carfax Publishing Company, P.O. Box 25, MHRA Bibliography of English Language and Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom, Literature; MLA International Bibliography; or 875-81 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA Research Alert; Studies on Women Abs1racts; 02139, or P.O. Box 352, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Australia. 12. ~ publishes "."diverse scholarship on issues 5. Liz Bondi & Mona Domosh. of gender in the fields of history, art, literature, 6. Liz Bondi, Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Edinburgh, cinema, and society: Drummond St., Edinburgh EH8 9XP, or Mona Domosh, Dept of Geography, College of Liberal HUES: HEAR US EMERGING SiSTERS Arts, florida Atlantic University, 2912 Colege Ave., 1. 1995. Davie, fL 33314. Books for review: Larry Knopp, 2. 2/year. Dept. of Geography, University of " 3. $19.99. foreign: add $5 (Canada) or $12 Duluth, MN 55812, or Caroline Mitts, Dept. of (elsewhere). Geography & Geology, Cheltenham & Gloucester 4. P.O. Box 3587, Duluth, MN 55803-3587. [email: College of Higher Education, francis Close Hall, [email protected]} (website: http://W.ml.hues.net] Swindon Rd., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 5. Editorial Collective. 4A2. United Kingdom. 7. ISSN 1081·8219. 7. ISSN 0966 369X. 8. LC 96-652825. 8. LC sn94-43357. 9. OClC 32191212. 9. OGlC 29760407. 10. State Historical Society. 10. Madison; River falls. 12. 'A fresh, down-lo-earth magazine for women of all 11. ASSIA; Atternative Press Index; Applied Social cultures, shapes, and lifestyles." Sciences Index & Abstracts; British Humanities Index; family Studies Database; Gay & Lesbian HARVARD WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL Abstracts; Geo Abstracts; International Regional 1. 1978. Science Review; Social Planning/Policy & 2. Annual. Development Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; 3. $17 (indiv.l, $20 (foreign, surface), $26 (foreIgn, air Studies on Women Abstracts. mail). 12. "The aim of Gender. Place and Culture is to provide 4. SUbscription Manager, Publications Center, Harvard the focal point for recent work concerned with Law School. Cambridge, MA 02138. Back issues: gender issues in geography and related disciplines. William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1285 Main St., Buffalo, Key concerns in this area include the following: NY 14209. (email: ssullivan@law,harvard.edu) geographical variations in gender divisions and 5. felicia A. Henderson. structures of ; the cultural construction 6. Articles Editors, Harvard Women's Law Journal, and the cuttural politics of gender; the intersections Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138. between gender, "racs', ethnicity, nationality, 7. ISSN 0270·1456. sexuaHly, class. age and other social divisions. 8. lC 80·643769. The journal wilt provide a forum for debate in 9. OGle 3967304. human geography and related disciplines on these 10. Madison; Platteville. themes. By drawing together these contributions, 11. Alternative Press Index; Current Law Index; Index to the journal will h·lghtight 1he relevance of Legal Periodicals; PAIS. geographical research to feminism and women's 12. 'The Harvard Women's Law Journal is devoted to studies.' the development of a feminist jurisprudence. The main purpose is to provide an in-depth exploration GENDERS of the impact of the law on women and of women 1. 1988. on the law. Political, economic, historical and 2. 2/year. sociological perspectives are combined with legal ones to present a realistic portrait of women's legal xi i L status." 3. $30 Aus. (indiv,), $60 Aus, (NGOs & impecunious inst.), $100 Aus. (inst.). (Includes 1 Issue of HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATiONAL Hecate's Australian Women's Book Review and 2 1. 1979. issues of~. See above) 2. 6/year. 4. See Hecate, above. 3. U,S.: $99, U.K: £60 (indiv.-- addresses only); 5. Barbara Brook U.S.:$229, U.K: £139 (inst.). For details on 6. Barbara Brook, AWBR, P.O. Box 62, Lygon Street membership in the International Council on North, Brunswick East, Victoria, Australia 3057, Women's HeaHh Issues contact Sharon Wilkerson, 7. ISSN 1033-9434. Secretary, 1337 Johnson Hall of Nursing, West 8. LC .n91-26809. Layfayette, IN 47907-1337. 9. OGLG 24488443 4. U.S., Canada, & Mexico: Taylor & Francis, 1900 10, Madison. Frost Rd., Suite 200, Bristol, PA 19007; India: 11. AUSLIT. Universal Sub. Agency, Pvt., Ltd., 101-102 12, "Feminist reviewing of books by Community Ctr., Malviya Nagar Extn., Post Bag No. (some occasional overseas publications), Each 8, Saket, New Delhi; Japan: Kinokuniya Co., Ltd., issue has a series of feature review articles on a Journal Dep1., P.O. Box 55, Chitose, Tokyo 156, particular topic, e.g. "Imaging Asian Women,' Japan; U.K & all others: Taylor & Francis Ltd., 'Women & the Environment,' etc." Rankine Rd., Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 OPR England. (email: [email protected]) HERIZONS 5. Dr. Phyllis Noerager Stern. 1. 1992. 6. Phyllis Noerager Stern, Professor and Chair. 2. 4/year. Parent-Child Dept., School of Nursing, Indiana 3. $29,95 Cdn" or $25 U.S. Canada: $23.95 Cdn. University, 1111 Middle Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46202· {includes GSn; international: $32.95 Cdn. 5107. 4. P.O. Box 128, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2G1 7. ISSN 0739-9332. Canada, (email: [email protected]) 8. LC sn83-8667. 5. Penni Mitchell. 9. OCLC 9837689. 7. ISSN 0711-7485. 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh, 8, LC sn94-31959. 11. BIOSIS; CINAHL; Cumulative Index to Nursing & 9. OGLG 28686487. Allied Health Literature; MEOLARS; MEDLlNE; 10. Stale Historical Society. Nursing Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Studies 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. on Women Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 12. 'Herizons has a feminist issues slant and writes 12. "The journal provides an international, about news, includes book reviews, carries interdisciplinary approach to health care for interviews, includes lots of photos, and boasts a women. The editors accept research reports and full·color cover and lively design. clinical and theoretical papers about a wide variety of women's health issues." HIKANE: THE CAPABLE WOMON: DiSABLED WIMMIN'S MAGAZINE FOR LESBIANS AND OUR WIMMIN ALLIES HECATE: A WOMEN'S INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 1. 1989. 1. 1975. 2 Irregular. 2. 2/year (Hecate), plus 1 (Hecate's Australian 3. For women only. Sliding scale, or $14 suggested Women's Book Review). donation (indiv.), $18 suggested donation (groups), 3. $30 Aus. (indiv.), $60 Aus. (NGOs & impecunious $24/4 issues (inst.). inst.), $100 Aus. (inst.). Foreign: add $10, 4. P.O. Box 841, Great Barrington, MA 01230. (Includes 2 issues of Hecate and 1 issue of 5. Jodi. Hecate's Australian Women's Book Review. See 9. OGLG 21391131. below) 10, State Historical Society. 4. P.O. Box 99, S1. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4067, 12. "Hikane" is a word from Ancient greek (hcavl)) Australia (http://www.uq.edu.au/ ... entjohns) which means 'sufficient', and 'the capable 5. Carole Ferrier. woman.' Hikane: the Capable Womon exists for 7. ISSN 0311-4198. the networking and empowerment of disabled 9. OGLG 2530248. lesbians, our non·dyke wimmin allies, and non· 10. Madison; Oshkosh. disabled sisters who are in solidarity with us and 11. Alternative Press Index; Women Studies Abstracts; our concerns. We are a forum for the expression Women's Studies Index. of the politics, experience, creativity & culture of 12. Historical and critical articles; creative work; disabled wimmin. The word "hikane" is graphics; bibliographies; reviews. "Hecate prints pronounced 'HEE·kan·AV" material relating to women. We are interested in contributions which employ a feminist, marxist, or HURRiCANE ALICE other radical methodology to focus on the position 1. 1983. of women in relation to patriarchy and capitalism." 2. 4jyear. 3, $12 (indiv.), $10 (students/low·incomejseniors), $20 HECATE'S AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S BOOK REVIEW (inst.). Add $5 postage (Canada), $9 (other 1. 1989. foreign), Single copies: $3. 2. l/year. 4. Dept. of English, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI 02908. [email {for inquiries to xiv.

Maureen T. Aeddy): [email protected]; email Platteville; Superior; Whitewater. (about reviews to Meg Carroll): 11. CIJE; Education Index; Higher Education Abstracts; [email protected]) University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. 5. Editorial Board. 12. 'Initiatives, 1he award-winnIng journal of 1he 6. Joan Dagle (contact name for submissions), Dept. National Association for Women in Education, of English, Ahode Island College, Providence, AI publishes articles on SUbjects of concern to women 02908. In all aspects of education. The journal has a 7. ISSN 0882-7907. special interest in significant, timely topics that 9. OCLC 10741971. have not yet received substantial atten1fon In the 10. State Historical Society. professional and popular literature. In recent years, 11. American Humanities Index. special issues of Initiatives have focused on such 12. "The mission of HA is to read and write women's diverse themes as feminism on a Catholic campus, experience fully; to evolve a new prose form that men's studies, gender equity In math and science, integrates personal voice and personal experience sexual harassment, women's centers, and black Into critical reviews of our arts and cutture. Our women in higher education. Articles in nontheme aim is to reflect the diversity of human experience; issues have ranged widely: for example, women's therefore H.A....strives to include in each issue education internationally, mentoring, pay equity, work by people of various racial and ethnic campus climate, women in aviation education, heritages.' journal keeping, professional development, leadership, teaching young Native American HVPATIA women, dual career families, and seff·defense 1. 1986. training for women.' 2. 4/year. 3. $35 (indiv.), $68 (inst.). Single copies: $10 (indiv.), WOMAN $20 (inst.). Add $12.50 for foreign surface postage, 1. 1980. Ceasing publica1ion with Vol. 16. See page $28 airmail. 27 for table of contents of last Issue. 4. Journals Manager, Indiana Univ. Press, 601 N. 2. 4/year. Morton St., Bloomington, IN 47404. {email: 3. $20, $24 (Canada), $26 (Latin America), $29 Bitnet:HYPATIA@CFAVM or Internet: (Western Europe), $32 (international air maiO. [email protected], or Includes newsletter, Iowa Woman Endeavors. [email protected] (website: 4. P.O. Box 680, Iowa Chy, IA 52244-0680. http://'WVNi.indiana.edu/iupress) 5. Joan Taylor. 5. Linda Lopez McAlister. 7. ISSN 0271-8227. 6. Linda Lopez McAlister, Hypatia, University of South 9. OCLC 6685646. Florida, HMS 413, Tampa, FL 33620·8350. 10. Madison. 7. ISSN 0887-5367. 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Alternative Press 8. LC 'n8l>1213. Index; American Humanities Index; MLA 9. OCLC 13312118. International Bibliography. 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; 12. 'Iowa Woman is a nationally distributed. award­ Oshkosh; Platteville; Stevens Point; Whitewater. winning quarterly of fiction, poetry, essays, feature 11. Academic Index; Alternative Press Index; The articles, interviews/profiles, book reviews, and Philosopher's Index; The Philosopher's Index visual art by women everywhere. Subscribers also Database, file 57 of DIALOG; Sociological receive a quarterly newsletter about Iowa Woman Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women Endeavors, an independent, nonprofit organization, Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. and its public events for writers and artists in Iowa.' 12. "Hypatia is the first journal in this country dedicated to the publication of scholarly research in feminist : A JOURNAL ABOUT WOMEN philosophy. Articles in Hypatia provide both 1. 1980. authors and readers a context for understanding 2. 2/year. that is unavailable in other 3. $9 (indiv.); $40 (inst.), $12 (international). Single women's studies journals or in mainstream cop'les: $5.50. philosophy journals.' 4. Women's Center, Box 323, HSC, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908. INITIATIVES: JOURNAL OF NAWE 5. Kendra Hamitlon. 1. 1937. 7. ISSN 089601301. 2. 4/year. 9. OCLC 12588752. 3. $50, $60 (foreign). Single copies: $15. 10. Madison. 4. NAWE, 1325 18th St. N.W., Suite 210, Washington, 11. Directory of Women's Media;Women's Issues DC 2003606511. Database; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's 5. Diane Calhoun-French. Studies Index. 6. Diane Calhoun·French, Dean of Academic Affairs, 12. 'Iris is a fully inclusive journal: we aim to provide Jefferson Community College Southwest, 1000 information to women about issues which affect Community College Dr., Louisville. KY 40272. them, across race, class and sexual preference. 7. ISSN 1042-413X We try to print information the mass media ignores, 8. LC 90·641397. and succeed in raising the political awareness of 9. OCLC 18509875. our subscribers.' 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Oshkosh; xv.

ISIS INTERNATIONAL agencies). Foreign (outside Canada) add 40%; 1. 1984. add 30% + 7% GST (Canada). 2. 4/year. (Women in Action - in English only) 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 3. Africa, the Caribbean, N, America & Latin America: 13904 $30; Asia, Pacific & Middle East: $25; Philippines: 5. Betty MacKune-Karrer. Ph P175 •• Women In Action; $35. 6. Family Systems Program, Institute for Junvenile 4. Women in Action: Isis International, #3 Marunong Research, Univ. of , 907 South Wolcott, St., Central District, Quezon City 1100, Philippines, Chicago, IL 60612. or P.O. Box 1837, Quezon City Main, Quezon City 7. ISSN 0895·2833. 1100, Philippines; Spanish editions: Agenda Salud 8. LC 89·657282. (4jyear); Perspectivas (4/year); & Boleti" Red 9. OCLC 16545991. feminists de Vialencia (4/year, with English 10. Madison. summary): Isis Inleroaeianal, CasiUa 2067, Correo 11. Abstracls of Research in Pastoral Care & Central, Santiago, Chile. (email: Counseling; Ahernative Press Index; Applied SOcial [email protected] or [email protected]) Science Index & Abstracts; CNPIEC Reference 5. ISIS International. Guide: Chinese NationeJ Directory of Foreign 8. LC 5084·10908. PeriodiceJs; Family Studies Database (online & CD· 9. OCLC 4286732. ROM); Family Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin; 10. Madison. Gay & Lesbian Abstracts; IBZ International 11. Women's Studies Index. Bibliography of Periodical Literature; Index to 12. ISIS Inlernational's Women in Action "gives in­ Periodical Articles Related to law; INTERNET depth coverage to the issues women around the ACCESS: Bulletin Board for Libraries, INTERNET, world are working on: development, heahh, work, JANET, et al.; Mental Health Abstracts (online , media, communication, through DIALOG); National Woman's Health methods of organization, models for action, Resource Ctr.; Social Work Abstracts; SociologiCal networking and more.... Each issue is produced Abstracts; Studies on Women Abslracts; Violence jointly by Isis Internallonal and one or more Third and Abuse Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts. World women's groups." Articles, editorials, 12. "The Journal of Feminist Family Therapy provides a conference reports, resource guides. multidisciplinary forum to further explore the relallonship between feminist theory and family 1515·WICCE (Women's International Cross·Cullural therapy practice and theory. Articles include thos!) Exchange) of a theoretical nature, as well as those focusing on 1. 1984. empirical research and clinical application. The 2. 2jyear (Women's World). Journal seeks to critique famify therapy concepts, 3. $35 (Indiv.), $55 (Ins!.). including the field as a whole and its institutional 4. ISIS·WICCE, Women's World, Box 4934, Kampala, structure, as welf as feminist approaches to family Uganda, East Africa (emaH: [email protected]] therapy training and supervision, and to apply a 5. Gladys Siwela. feminist-oriented perspective to treatment Issues 01 11. Women's Studies Index. particular importance to therapy with women." 12. "International feminist magazine providing news about women around the world from a feminist JOURNAL OF FEMINiST STUDIES IN RELIGION perspective and focusing particularly on the link 1. 1985. between women in developing and industrialized 2. 2/year. countries." 3. $18 (indlv.), $14 (sludenls), $30 (Inst), £12.50 (foreign, indiv.), £17.50 (foreign, inst). Single ISSUES QUARTERLY (IQ) copies: £8.85. Single copies: $15.50, from 1. 1994. Scholars Press Customer Services, Professional 2. 4/year, Book Distributors, P,O. Box 6996, Alpharetta, GA 3. Issues Quarterly only: $20 (indiv.). Issues Quarterly 30239·5996. and Women's Research Network News (see 4. Membership Services, Scholars Press, P.O. Box below): $50, $100 (ins!.). 15399, Atlanta, GA 30333·0399; UK & Europe: T. & 4. National Council for Research on Women, 530 T. Clark ltd., 59 George St., Edinburgh EH2 2LO Broadway, 101h Floor, New York, NY 10012-3920. Scotland. 5. Nina Sonenberg, Susan Kenny, Kate Daly. 5. Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Emilie M. Townes. 7. ISSN 1072·1762. 6. Elizabeth Pritchard, Harvard Divintty School, 45 8. LC sn93·5134. Francis Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. 9. OCLC 28873689. 7. ISSN 87554178. 12. Issues Quarterly 'serves as a forum in print for 9. OCLC 11309512. linking research, policy, and practice, with the goal 10 Oshkosh; Madison; Stevens Point. of expanding cross-sector networks and 11. Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical encouraging cross·sector dialogue and exchange.' Literature; Religion Index One: Periodicals, Religious and Theological Abstracts; Sage Human JOURNAL OF FEMINIST FAMILY THERAPY: AN Relations Abstracts; MLA International Bibliography; INTERNATIONAL FORUM Women's Studies Index. 1. 1989. 12. "The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion Is a 2. 4/year. channel for the dissemination of feminist 3. $40 (indiv.), $60 (inst.), $175 (libr. & subscription xv i .

scholarship in religion and a forum for discussion JOURNAL OF WOMEN & AGING and dialogue among women and men of differing 1. 1989. feminist perspectives. The ~ has two parents: 2. 4/year. the academy, in which it is situated, and the 3. $40 (indiv.), $90 (inst.), $175 (Iibr. and sub. feminist movement, from which it draws its agencies). Add 40% for foreign (outside U.S.); add nourishment and vision." 30% plus 7% G&S tax (Canada). GST #R129786984. Back volumes: add 30% of above JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES subscription rate. 1. 1991. 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, 2. 3/year. NY 13904-1580. 3. North America: $35 (indiv.), $188 (lnst.); EU & 5. J. Dianne Garner. elsewhere: £20 (indiv.), £114 (inst.). 6. Dept. of Social Work, Washburn University, Topeka., 4. Carfax Publishing Co., P.O. Box 25, Abingdon, KS 66621. Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom, or 875·81 7. ISSN 0895-2841. Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, or 8. LC 89-656519_ P.O.Box. 352, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia 9. OCLC 16546320. 5. Jenny Hockey, Jenny Wolmark. 10. La Crosse; Madison; Oshkosh; Stout. 6. Department of Social Policy & Professional Studies, 11. Abstracts in Anthropology; Abstracts in Social University of Hull, Hull, HUe 7RX United Kingdom; Gerontology: Current Literature on Aging; Abstracts books for review: Sabine Vanacker, Dept. of Dutch of Research in Pastoral Care & Counseling; StUdies, Univ. of Hull, Hull HUe 7RX, United Academic Index (online); Agelnfo CD·ROM; Kingdom. AgeUne Database; Behavioral Medicine Abstracts; 7. ISSN 0958-9236. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied 8. LC sn91·26591 Health Literature); CNPIEC Reference Guide: 9. OCLC 24317037. Chinese National Directory of Foreign Periodicals; 10. Madison; River Falls. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Combined Health 11. Academic Abstracts; Applied Social Science Index Information Database (CHID); Family Studies and Abstracts; British Humanities Index; Current Database (Online & CD·ROM); Guide to Social Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Research Science & Religion In Periodical Literature; Human Alert; Social Scisearch; Studies on Women Resources Abstracts (HRA); IBZ International Abstracts. Bibliography of Periodical Literature; Index to 12. "The Journal of Gender Studies is an Periodical Articles Related to Law; Institute for interdisciplinary journal which pUblishes articles Scientific Information; INTERNET ACCESS: Bulletin relating to gender from a feminist perspective Board for Libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et aJ.; covering a wide range of subject areas including Masterfile, EBSCO PUblishing; Mental Health the social and natural sciences, arts, and popular Abstracts (online through DIALOG); National culture.' Clearinghouse for Primary Care Information (NCPC): New Literature on Old Age; Periodical JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES Abstracts, Research 2; Periodical Abstracts Select; 1. 1996. Silver Platter Information, Inc.; Social 2. 4/year. Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts 3. $28 (indiv.), $48 (inst.), $75 (library). (SOPODA); Social Work Abstracts; Sociological 4. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton. Abstracts (SA); Studies on Women Abstracts; NY 13904. (For copies, address requests to: Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Haworth Document Delivery CenteL) 12 "This timely journal enhances the knowledge of a 5. Esther Rothblum. wide variety of professionals who are concerned 6. Dept. of Psychology, John Dewey Halt, Univ. of with the health and well-being of women as lhey Vermont. Burlington, VT 05405. age. In order to deliver quality care and services to 7. ISSN 1089-4160. older women, practitioners, researchers, and 8. LC sn91)..523. educators need access to the most current 9. OCLC 34991235. information··information that they can find in the ". Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Current Literature Journal of Women & Aging.· on Aging; CNPIEC Reference Guide: Chinese National Directory of Foreign Periodicals; Gay & JOURNAL OF Lesbian Abstracts; HOMODOK/'Relevant' 1. \981. Bibliographic database; Index to Periodical Articles 2. Annual. related to Law; INTERNET ACCESS: Bulletin Board 3. Available only with membership, which InclUdes for Libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et aI., PAIS monthly mailings and a bibliography of women and Bultetin; Referativnyi Zhurnal; Women's Studies religion. SubscriptiOn/membership rates: $20 Index. (studenVlow Income), $40 (Indiv.), $50 (Inst.). 12. "The Journal of Lesbian Studies is the only Single copies: $3.50. professional journal devoted exclusively to the 4. c/o Center for Women & Religion, Graduate lesbian experience. The content of articles focuses Theological Union, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, CA primarily on women who identify as lesbians. The 94709. journal serves as a vehicle for the promotion of 5. Kathryn Poethig. scholarship and commentary on lesbianism from 7. \SSN 0888-5621. an international perspective.' 8. LC sn82·20870. xv ii,

9. OCLC 7863100. 7. ISSN 0117-4134. 10, Madison; Oshkosh. 9. OCLC 29806884. 11. Women's Studies Index. 10. Madison. 12. 'Each journal's focus differs. We have covered 11. A~ernative Press Index; University Microfilms, Ann areas such as women & power, women & peace," Arbor, MI. 12. Laya seeks "to promote gender consciousness; to JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY develop and refine the concept and understanding 1. 1989. of the feminist movement: to publish studies on 2. 4/year. women's conditions and experiences, and articles 3. $35 (indiY), $88 (inst.). Foreign, edd $12.50 on the theory of women's liberation,' (surface rate), $28 (airmail rate). Single copies: $12.95 (indiY.), $20 (Inst.), plus $3 postege (first LEGACY Issue) & $1 (additional Issues). 1. 1984. 4. journals Manager, Indiana University Press, 601 N. 2. 2/year. Morton SI., Bloomington, IN 47404. (email: 3. $14 (students), $22 (indIY.), $33 (inst.). Foreign: journals@indlanaedu) (website: $25 (indiY.), $38 (inst.). http://YNN1.indiana.adu/''''' iupress) 4. Journals Dept.. Penn. State Univ, Press, University 5. Leila J. Rupp. Support Bldg., Su"e C, University Park, PA 18802. 6. Journal of Women's History, Dept. of History, Ohio (email (editorial): [email protected]) (email State University, 106 DUlles Hall, 230 West 17th (business): [email protected]) Ave" Columbus, OH 43210-1367. 5. Martha Ackmann, Karen Dandurand, Susan M. 7. ISBN 1042·7961. Harris. 8. LC so89-6627. 6. Susan M. Harris, Dept. of English, 342 Andrews 9. OCLC 19219902. Hall, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NB 68588--0333 10. Eau Claire: La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; (manuscript submissions and Information for 'Notes Oshkosh; Parkslde; River Falls; Stevens Point; and Queries'); Karen Dandurand, Dept. of English, Whitewater. Indiana Univ, of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 11. A~ernative Press Index; America: History and Life; (reprint submissions): Martha Ackmann, Women's Historical Abstracts; Women's Studies Abstracts; Studies Dept., Mount Holyoke College, South Women's Studies Index. Hadley, MA 01075 ('Profiles'); Martha Cutter, Dept. 12. International women's history. of English, Kent State Unlv., P,O, Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001 (books for review). KALLIOPE: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S ART 7. ISSN 0748-4321. 1. 1979. 8. LC sc84-2143; sn84-8795. 2. 3/year. 9. OCLC 10881450. 3. $14.95 (indiv.), $24.95 (Inst.). Foreign: add $6 for 10. Madison. subscriptions; $2 for single issues, $3 for double 11. Abstracts of English Studies: America: History and issues. Single copies $4 (Vol. 1 no. 1·-Vol. 9 no. 2), Ufe; American Literary Scholarship; Book Review $7 (Vol. 11 no. 2--present), $8 (Vol. 7 nos. 1/2, Vol. Index; Book Reviews In the Humanities: Informa1lon 8 nos. 1/2). America; lSI; Literary Criticism Register; MLA 4. F.C.C.J., 3939 Rooseve~ BoUlevard, Jacksonville, International Bibliography; Recently Published FL 32205-3056. Articles -- American History Association: Women 5, Mary Sue Koeppel. Studies Abstracts, 7. ISSN 0735·7885. 12. 'Legacy explores the rich and diverse traditions of 8. LC 84·647165; sn 82·7891. American women's writing, offering essays in 9. OCLC 8981808. criticism, biography, literary history and 10. Madison, bibliography, as well as reprints of texts: scope 11. American Humanities Index; Index of American includes women writers from the beginnings Periodical Verse; Poem Finder. through the first decades of the twenlieth century.' 12. 'The purpose of Kalilope is to offer support and encouragement to women in the arts, to promote LESBIAN ETHiCS the pursuit of excellence in both verbal and visual I. 1984. art forms. and to provide a medium of 2. l·2/year. communication through which may 3. 3 issues: $15 (indiv.), $20 (inst.). $18 (foreign share their work, ideas and opinions.' indiv., surlace), $27 (foreign indiv., air), $23 (foreign inst., surface), $32 (foreign inst., air), Single copies: LAYA: FEMINiST QUARTERLY (Publicalion temporarily $6. 8uspanded.) 4. P.O. Box 4723. Albuquerque, NM 87196. 1. 1992. 5. Fox. 2. 4/year. 7. ISSN 8755·5352. 3. $35 (indiv., North), $15 (ind·lv., South); $50 ('Inst. 8. LC sn84-1726. North), $25 (inst., South). Philippines: P200··mane 9. OCLC i 1337345. paper, P120··newsprint (inidv.). 10. Madison. 4. P.O. Box 4386, Manila 2800, Philippines. 11. Women's Studies Index. 5. Eden Corcuera Casareno, Managing Editor. 12. "A journal of lesbian and philosophy, 6. #35 Scout Delgado St., Roxas District, 1103 with a focus on how lesbians behave with each Quezon City, Philippines. other." xviii

THE LESBIAN REVIEW OF BOOKS 6. LOLApress Berlin, Friedrichstr. 165, 0·10117 Berlin, 1. 1994. , or LOLApress Montevideo, Salta 1265, 2. 4/year. 11200 Montevideo, Uruguay, 3. US: $12; Canada: $24; UK: £14; Germany: 36 OM; 9. OOLO 36327699. Australia: $26. 10. Madison. 4. P.O. Box 6369, Altadena, CA 91001. (email: 12. LOLApress focuses on women, feminism, and [email protected],edu) developmental poli1ics. 5. Loralee MacPike. 7. ISSN 1077-5884. MAKE: THE MAGAZINE OF WOMEN'S ART (formerly 8. LC sn94·2763. WOMEN'S ART MAGAZINE) 9. OOLO 30835592. 1. 1983. 10. Madison. 2. 61yeaI. 12. The Lesbian Review of Books pUblishes 'reviews of 3. U.S: £38 (indiv.), £53 (inst.); United Kingdom: £18 books by, for, and about lesbians.' (indiv.), £22 (inst.); Europe: £23 (lndiv.), £29 (lnst.); elsewhere: £28 surface, £38 air mail (indiv.), £:29 LILA: ASIA PAOIFIC WOMEN'S STUDIES JOURNAL surface, £36 air mail (lnst.). Single copies: £2,75, 1. 1992. or $10. 2. 2/year. 4. Women's Art Library. Fulham Palace, Bishops 3. $20 U.S. Avenue, London SW66EA Uni1ed Kingdom. (email: 4. Institute of Women's Studies, St. Scholastica's [email protected]] (website: http:// College, P.O, Box 3153, Manila, Philippines. (email: 'WWN.envf.port.ac.uk/women] [email protected],org] 5. Heidi Reitmaier. 7. ISSN 0117-343X. 7. ISSN 0961-1460. 9. OOLO 25900307. 9. OOLO 24481379. 10. Madison. 11. BRAD, SWET. 12. "Ula publishes studies and articles on women and 12. 'The magazine attempts to stimulate debate In art women's issues in the Asia Pacific region." history and to promote the work of women In the arts." LILITH MAGAZINE 1. 1976. MANUSHI 2. 4/year. 1. 1978/79. 3. $18 (indiv.), $24 (inst). Single copies: $6.00. Add 2. 6/year. $6 postage (Canada), $8 for other foreign postage. 3. $25 (indiv.), $38 (Insl.). India. Nepal, Sikklm & 4. Lili1h Subscription Services, Box 3000, Dept. L1L, Bhutan: Rs. 90 (lndlv.), As. 120 (Ins1.); Bangladesh: Denville, NJ 07834. (email: [email protected]] As. 110 (indiv.), 150 (inst.); Australia: $Aus. 30; 5. Susan Weidman Schneider. Canada: SCan. 30; Germany: OM 40; Great Britain 6. 250 West 57th SI., New York, NY 10107. & Ireland: £15; Other European countries: SUS 25; 7. ISSN 0146-2334. Japan: Yen 2500; New Zealand: $NZ $30; Pakistan 8. LO 83-640809; se77-511. & Sri Lanka: Rs. 220 (indiv.), As. 280 (lnst.); Other 9. OOLO 2694720. (Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa & Latin American 10. Madison; Milwaukee; State Historical Society. countries): $US 15 (indiv.), $36 (all foreign Inst.). 11. Index to Jewish Periodicals; Univ. Microfilms, Ann Single copies $3. Arbor, MI; Women's Studies Index. 4. C/202 Lajpat Nagar I, New Delhi· 110024, India 12. Lilith "addresses women's issues from a feminist 5. Madhu Kishwar. perspective within the Jewish community, and is a 7. ISSN 0257-7305. Jewish voice in the general women's movement." 9. OCLO 10639386. 11. Women's Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies LOLAPRESS Index. 1. 1994. 12. Manushi: A Journal About Women and Society Is 2. 2/year. 'dedicated to social Justice issues with a special 3. U.S.: US$15; Caribbean: Caribbean: US$15; focus on women.' Europe: OM 20; Eastern Europe: US$10; Latin America: US$10.; Asia-Australia-Africa: US$10.. MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN 4. U.S./Caribbean: CAFAA, P.O. Bag 442, Tunapurna 1. 1972. Post Office, Trnidad & Tobago, West Indies; 2. 4/year. Europe/Eastern Europe: LOLApress Berlin, 3. $30 (indiv.), $40 (supporting), $50 (inst.). Foreign, Friedrichst, 165, 0·10117 Berlin, Germany; {email: add $10 for surface rate, $20 for air mail postage. [email protected] or Single copies: $10. [email protected] & Central America: 4. Communicallon Aesearch Associates, Inc., 10006 LOLApress Montevideo, Saito 1265, 11200 Mantz Ad., Silver Spring, MD 20903·1247. Montevideo, Uruguay (email: 5. Sheila J. Gibbons. [email protected]]; Asia/Australia/Africa: 7. ISSN 0145·9651. NISAA, POBox 1057, Lenasia, 1820 8. LC 80-640489; scn-865, Johannesburg, R.S.A (website: 9. OOLO 2360896 & 8100460. http://WWIN.syrena.de/Lolapress.html or 10. Madison (Library School); Marinette; Milwaukee; http://www.chasque.apc.orgllolaJ Oshkosh; Parkside; State Historical Society. 5. Editorial Collective. xix. 11. Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Women's Studies Index. 12. Media Report to Women focuses on the 12. Minerva provides 'International Interdisciplinary "relationship between women and media, especially coverage of service women, women veterans (both journalistic coverage, depiction in news, military and civilian) and military wives.' programming and advertising, and media's Influence on women and girls." MS. MAGAZINE 1. Ms. Magazine: 1972--1989; Ms. Magazine: 1990. MEDIEVAL FEMINIST NEWSLETTER 2. 6/year. 1. 1986. 3. $45, $52 (foreign, surface), $88 (foreign, air mall). 2. 2jyear. Back issues: $9 (prepaid). 3. $15 (students and independent scholars), $18 4. Ms.Magazine, P.O. Box 57131, Boulder, CO 80322­ (indiv.), $27 (losl.). Canada: $19; Europe: $22; 7132. Middle and Faf East: $25. 5. Marcia Ann Gillespie. 4. C.S.W.S., 1201·University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 6. 135 We,t 501h St., New York, NY 10020. 97403-1201. (email: mfn@oregon,uroegon,eduj 7. ISSN 0047-8318. 5. Ruth Mazo Karras. 8. LC sn90-1205 7. ISSN 1054-1004. 9. OCLC 22202699. 8. LC 90-650236. 10. Barron; Eau Claire; Fond du Lac; Green Bay; La 9. OCLC 22690408. Crosse; Madison; Marinette; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; 12. Medieval Feminist Newsletter "is a forum lor Parkside; Platteville; River Falls; Sheboygan; Stout; discussion and presentation of professional and Superior; Washington Co.; Whitewater. scholarly Issues from the perspective of feminist 11. Book Review Index; Women S1udies Abstracts; studieS and gender studies with a focus on all Women's Studies Index. aspects of medieval studies, including history, 12. ·Ms., The World of Women Is a mass circulation literature (English and foreign languages), art magazine covering international and national (U.S.) history, religion, philosophy, music, classics, judaic news, the arts, books, popUlar culture, feminist studies and arabic studies. theory and scholarship, ecofemlnism, women's health, spirituality, and political and economic MIDLIFE WOMAN affairs; Ms. also publishes fiction, poetry, photo essays, and cartoons." Ceased publication. NWSA JOURNAL MIDWIFERY TODAY 1. 1988. 1. 1987. 2. 3/year. 2. 4/year. 3. $30 (indiv. member), $45 (Indiv.), $50 (inst. 3. $50. Foreign: $60 (Canada & Mexico); $75 (other member), $115 (inst.). Foreign, add $1010 foreign); add $15 for foreign air mail. Single copy; Canada, Mexico, and overseas surface. Single $12.50. copy: $16 (indiv.), $40 (inst.), plus $1.75 postage. 4. P.O. Box 2672, Eugene, OR 97402. {email: 4. tool.G. Greer Hall, Appalachian State Univ., [email protected]) (website: Boone, NC 28608. http://members.aol.com/midwifery/index.hlmIJ [emaU:[email protected]) [website: 5. Jan Tritten. http://www.indianaedU/... lupress/journals/nws.htmIJ 7. ISSN 0891-7701. 5. Margaret McFadden. 8. LC sn86-2624. 7. ISSN 1040-0656. 9. OCLC 14991213. 8. LC sn88·2059. 12. 'Through networking and education, Midwifery 9. OCLC 18305154. loday's mission is to return midwifery care to its 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; rightful position in the family; to make midwifery Milwaukee; Parkside; Whitewater. care the norm throughout the world; and to 11. America: History and Ufe; ERIC Clearinghouse; redefine midwifery as a vital partnership with Historical Abstracts; The Left Index; Literary women.' Criticism Register; Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; MINERVA: QUARTERLY REPORT ON WOMEN AND THE Women's Studies Index. MILITARY 12. 'Reflecting two decades of feminist scholarship 1. 1983. emerging from and supporting the women's 2. 4/year. movement, the NWSA Journal, a scholarly 3. $25 (students/cadets and limited income publication of the National Women's Studies (household under $15,00), $50 (indiv.), $75 (inst.). Association, pUblishes research which continues to 4. Linda Grant DePauw, President, The Minerva link feminis11heory with teaching and activism. The Center, 20 Granada Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122­ ~ will raise critical and challenging questions 2708. {email;[email protected] in women's studies for the decades ahead.· 5. Linda Grant DePauw. 7. ISSN 0736-718X. NORA: NORDIC JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES 8. LC 83·644761: ,n83-249_ 1. 1993. 9. OCLC 9201074. 2. 2/year. 10. State Historical Society. 3. $49 (indiv), $69 (inst.). Nordic countries: NOK 225 11. America: History & Ufe; Historical Abstracts; (indiv.), NOK 350 (inst.). xx.

4. Scandinavian Unlv. Press, P.O. Box 2959 Toyen, 0608 Oslo, , or Scandinavian Univ. Press ON THE ISSUES: THE PROGRESSIVE WOMAN'S North America. 675 Massachusetts Ave., Ste 84. QUARTERLY Cambridge, MA 01923. (email: 1. 1983. [email protected]) (website: 2. 4/year. hnp:/Iwww.scup.noj 3. $14.95 (Indiv.); $24.95 (ins1.). Foreign, add $4 5. Marianne Uljestrom, Harriet Silius, Anu Koivunen. postage (Canada), $7 (surface, elsewhere), $20 (air 6. Institute of Women's Studies, Abo Akademi mail, elsewhere). Single copies: $3.95. University, FIN·20500 Abo, Finland. (email: 4. P.O. Box 3000, Depl. OTI, Denville, NJ 07834. [email protected]) (email: onissues@e<:honyc.com] (website: 7. ISSN 0803-8740. http://www.echonyc.com/ ..... onls5ues or 8. LC sn93-17671. http://www.igc.e.pc.orgfonissues) 9. OCLC 28566695. 5. Ronni Sandroff. 10. Madison. 6. . 97-77 Queens Blvd., Flushing, NY 11374-3317. 12. 'Nora is a new interdisciplinary journal of women's 7. ISSN 0895-8014. studies, published in English and International in 8. OCLC 12962040. scope, which Is to be a channel for women's 10. Madison; State Historical Society; River Falls. research from all disciplines. Emphasis is placed 11. Alternative Press Index; Directory of Women's on showng a Nordic profile In women's research, Media, The National Directory of Magazines, Of A with regard to both content and methological Like Mind Annual Directory; Women's Studies approaches. Nora aims to discuss and examine Index. the realities and myths of women's lives in the 12. 'A feminist, humanist magazine of critical thinking, Nordic countries, historically and today, while at the dedicated to fostering collective responsibility for same time offering a forum for theoretical debate, positive social change! dialogue and information on research of a general interest to feminist scholars and scientists. Nora PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S STUDIES/ALAM-E­ encourages papers that have a comparative and NISWAN interdisciplinary perspective and are theoretically 1. 1994. self·reflective." 2. 2/year. 3. International: $US 30 (indiv., surface), $US 36 OFF OUR BACKS (indiv., air mail); $US 36 (Insl., suriace), $US 42 1. 1970. (inst., air mail); Pakistan: Pk.Rs. 250 (Indiv.), PkRs. 2. l1/year. 280 (insl.). Sin91e copies: $US 52, Pk. Rs. 3.50. 3. $25 (indiv.), $21 (school year, for students), $50 4. C·12 Staff Town, University of Karachi, Karachi (lnst.), prisoners: free. D.C. residents pay $1.22 75270, Pakistan. sales tax. Foreign: $26 (Canada & Mexico), other 5. Tahera Aftab. foreign: $33. Single copies: $2.50. 7. ISSN 1024-1256. 4. off our backs, inc., 2337B 18th St., NW, Basement 8. LC 94·930266. Office, Washington, DC 20009. (email: 9. OCLC 31702342. [email protected] (website: 10. Madison. htlp:/Iwww.igc.apc.orgloob] 11. Index lslamicus. 5. off our backs Collective. 12. 'Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies Is an 7. ISSN 0030-0071. interdisciplinary journal which alms at disseminating 8. LC sn78-1596. and sharing women's studies research globally. It 9. OCLC 1038241; 5729287. also publishes curricula, course outlines, reading 10. La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; IiSlS, reYiews of books and films, seminar and Parkside; Plat1eville; State Historical Society; conference reports, etc! Stevens Point; Superior; Whitewater. 11. Alternative Press Index; New Periodical Index: PEACE AND FREEDOM Publisher's Index (1970-1974); Women Studies 1. 1970. Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 2. 4/year. 12. 'off our backs is the oldest continuously publishing 3. $15 (indiY.), free with membership of $35 (indiv.), feminist publication in the . It is $40 (household). $50 (supporting). unrivalled for the quality of its articles and the 4. 1213 Race St.. Philadelphia, PA 19107. (email: breadlh of issues it covers: up·to·date [email protected]) comprehensive news on abortion rights, health and 5. lobi White. reproductive technology, lesbian rights, anti­ 7. ISSN 0015-90. pornography actions, comparable worth, child care g OCLC 13148666. legislation; in-depth coverage of all major women's 10. State Historical Society. conferences in the U.S.A. plus international 11. Ahernative Press Index; Directory of Women's conferences such as the Feminist Bookfair, Global Media; .University Microfilms in Ann Arbor, MI. Reproductive Rights, Latin American Encuentro; 12. 'Articles and news notes covering the international interviews with grass roots feminisls, provocative women's peace and justice movement. Emphasis reviews and commentaries. off our backs is open on racism, disarmament, and U.S. global to all feminist sides of an issue, committed to full intervention. Special emphasis on using resources factual reporting and to the development of feminist to fill human needs, especially those of women." ideas in the widest possible context.· xx i .

PHOEBE: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women's FEMINiST SCHOLARSHIP, THEORY 1\ AESTHETICS Studies Abstracts; Women Studies Index. 1. 1989. 12. The Psychology 01 Women Quarterly Is sponsored 2. 2/year. by Division 35 of the American Psychological 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (Inst.). Association. Empirical studies, critical reviews, 4. Women's Studies Dept., State University of New theoretical articles, and invited book reviews are York, Oneonta, NY 13820. published In 1he Quarterly.... The kinds of 5. Kathleen O'Mara problems addressed include: psychological factors, 7. ISSN 1045·0904. behavioral studies, role development and change, 8. LC 89645545. career choice and training, management variabkts, 9. OCLC 20041898. education, discrimination, therapeutic processes, 10. Madison. and sexuality. 11. Women's Studies Abstracts. 12. 'Phoebe was founded to provide a forum for cross· RACE, GENDER 1\ CLASS cultural feminist analysis, original research, debate 1. 1993. and exchange.... We seek not only to describe 2. 3/year. women's experiences but to interpret them within 3. $12 (indiv.), $24 (inst.). Single copies: $7. their socia·political context In order to understand 4. Jean Ait Ambert aelkhir, Dept. of Sociology, Unlv. how women's condition has been and can be of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148·2345. changed.... Phoebe is particularly committed to (email: [email protected]) (website: pUblishing work informed by a theoretical http://,www.uno.edu/'''rgcrd/ or perspective which will enrich critical thinking in hnp://www.asanet.orglrgcbiblio.htm) various areas. Work that examines the intersection 5. Jean Ail: Ambert Belkhlr. of race, class and gender or focuses on racial, 7. ISSN 1082-8354. sexual or ethnic minorities is especially welcome." 8. LC sn95-11 07. 9. OCLC: 30482739. PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY 10. Madison, Superior. 1. 1976. 12. Race, Gender & Class focuses on 'the Intersection 2. 4/year. of race, gender and class, whatever the 3. $46 (indiv., U.S., Canada & Mexico), $123 (inst., topic/discipline for research, readIng and practice.· U.S., Canada & Mexico)~ £34 (indiv., UK + VAT elsewhere), £85 (inst., U.K + VAT elsewhere). RADIANCE: THE MAGAZINE FOR LARGE WOMEN Single copies: $32 (U.S.); £22 (U.K + VAT 1. 1984. elsewhere). 2. 4/year. 4. Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th St., New 3. $20. Foreign: $26 (Canada), $34 (other foreign). York, NY 10011, or C.U.P., the Edinburgh Bldg., (U.S. lunds only.) Shaftesbury Rd., Cambridge CB2 2RU England. 4. P.O. Box 30246, Oakland, CA 94604. (email: [email protected]) (emaiI:[email protected]) (website: 5. Nancy Felipe Russo. Ph.D. hnp:/Iwww.radiancemagazine.com) 6. Psychology Dept., Arizona State University, Box 5. Alice B. Ansfield, Catherine Taylor. 871104, Tempe, AZ 85287-1104. 7. ISSN 0889·9495. 7. ISSN 0361·6843. 8. LC 86-646615. 8. LC 76-12952; sc76-790. 9. OCLC 14104912. 9. OCLC 2529664 & 61906694. 10. Madison. 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Green Bay; Madison; 12. "Radiance: the Magazine tor Large Women, riow In Manitowoc; Marinette; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; its tenth year In print, is one of the nation's leading Parkside; Platteville; Stevens Point; Stout; Superior; resources in the Size Acceptance Movement. Each Waukesha; Whitewater. issue profiles dynamic large women from all walks 11. Abstracts in Anthropology; Adolescent MenIal of life. along with articles on heaJth, media. fashion, Health Abstracts; ASSIA; Chicorel Abstracls to and politics. We document and celebrate women's Reading and Learning Disabilities; Child growing body acceptance In the 90s." Development Abstracts and Bibliography; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Current REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS Index to Journals in Educalion (CIJE); Current 1. 1993. Uterature in family Planning, Development and 2. 2/year. Wetfare (India); Human Resources Abstracts; 3. £24/$40 (indiv,), £10/$17 (reduced rate for those­ Human Sexuality Update; Linguistics and Language primarily in developing countries •• who cannot Behavior Abstract; Marriage and Family Review; afford the full rate or are unable to pay, or have no Multicultural Education Abstracts; Psychological access to, international currency), £76/$126 (inst., Abstracts; Research into Higher Education developed countries), £38/$63 (inst., developing Abstracts; Sage Public Administration Abstracts; countries). Single copies: £12/$20. Sage Urban Studies Abstracts; Selected Ust of 4. 29·35 Farringdon Rd., London, EC1M 3JB, Tables and Contents of Psychiatric Periodicals; England. (email: [email protected] Social Sciences Citation Index; Social Sciences 5. Marge Berer, T.K. Sundari Ravindran. Index: Social Work Research and Abstracts; 7. ISSN 95·640764. Sociological Abstracts; Special Educational Needs 8. LS 95·64-764. xx. 9. OCLC 29940332. (Canada), $8 (outside Canada). (Back Issues 11. Contemporary Women's Issues; Current Awareness available in microform from Mlcromedia Ud., 158 In Biomedicine: Excerpta Medica (EMBASE); Health Pearl St., Toronto, Ontroio, M5H 1l3, Canada) Promotion Information; Human Reproductive 4. P,O. Box 46160, Stn. D, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Update; International Bibliography of the Social V6J 5G5. (website: Sciences; Ust of Free Materials In Reproductive http://www.lslandnet.comJRoomJenter) Health; Ohio Database of Women's Studies; PAIS; 5. Growing Room Collective, Popline; Population Index; SOPODA; Sociofile; 7. ISSN 0316-1609. Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women 8. LC 33152. Abstracts. 9. OCLC 2248303. 12. The aim of Reproductive Heatth Matters is 'to 10. Madison; Milwaukee. promote laws, policies, research and services that 11. American Humanities Index. meet women's reproductive health needs and 12. Room of One's Own seeks "to provide a forum support women's right to decide whether, when where new and established women writers can and how to have children.... (its) women· publish their creative work.' centered perspeclive...allows us to identify and understand women's reproductive health needs. SAGEWOMAN MAGAZINE and therefore evaluate and improve on existing 1. 1986. policy and practice to women's benefit.... To this 2. 4/yeaJ. end, the Journal explores what is meant by 3. $21, $18 (low income). Add $6 for foreign women's needs and how these can best be met. II postage. Single copies: $6.95, addresses fundamental values, concerns and 4. P.O. Box 641, Point Arena, CA 95468. (email: dilemmas, acknowledging the multi-faceted nature [email protected]) [website: of problems and solutions. Finally, it reflects on http://www.sagewoman.com) commonalities and differences in goals and points 5. Anne Newkirk Niven. of view among those involved in the field •• in order 7. ISSN 1068·1698. to foster increased communication and 9. OCLC 16164078. cooperation, new thinking and action, and new 10. Madison. forms of consensus.· 12. 'Celebrating the Goddess in every woman, Sagewoman is a gentle, uplifting magazine of RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST women's spirituality and wisdom.' RESEARCH/OOCUMENTATION SUR LA RECHERCHE FEMINISTE SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH 1. 1979. 1. 1975. 2. 4/year. 2. 12/year. 3. $32.10 Cdn. (indiv., Canada), $64.20 Cdn. (inst., 3. Vols. 36 & 37. 1997: $41 (indiv.), $297.50 (inst.), Canada) .- GST included; $48 (indiv., elsewhere), $48 (foreign indiv.), $347.50 (foreign, inst.); Vols. 38 $78 (inst., elsewhere),$26.75 (student discount rate­ & 39, 1998: $42.50 (indiv.). $322.50 (inst.), $49.50 -include school and student no.). (foreign indiv.), $377.50 (foreign inst.). 4. RFR/DRf, O.I.S.E., 252 Bloor St. West, Toronlo, 4. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 233 Spring St., Ontario M5S 1V6, Canada. {email: New York, NY 10013. [email protected]] (website: 5. Sue Rosenberg Zalk. http://www.oise.uloronto.ca/rfrI 6. Ph.D. Program: Social-Personality Psychology, 5. Editorial Board. Graduate School and University Center, City 7. ISSN 0707·8412. University of New York, 33 West 42nd St., New 8. LC 84·641836; cn79-31946. York, NY 10038. 9. OCLC 5585549. 7. ISSN 0360·0025. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Stout; Whitewater. 8. LC 75·646987. 11. America: History and Ufe; American Humanities 9. OCLC 2243426 & 5730123. Index; Canadian Education Index; Canadian 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Madison; Feminist Periodicals Index; Canadian Magazine Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville; Index; Canadian Periodicals Index; Historical Sheboygan; Stevens Point; Stout; Waukesha; Abstracts; Left Index; Ny Utteratur am Kvinnor; Whitewater. Sociological Abstracts: Women Studies Abstracls; 11. Abstracts on Criminology and Penology; Women's Studies Index. Also available on microfilm Adolescent Mental Health Abstracts; ASSIA: from Micromedia ltd., 20 Victoria St., Toronto, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts; Child Ontario M5C 2N8 CANADA. Development Abstracts and Bibliography; 12. Abstracts; book reviews; bibliographies; periodical Contemporary Sociology; Current Contents; resource guide. An interdisciplinary, international Current Index to Journals in Education; Excerpta periodical of research on women and sex roles. Medica: Family Planning Perspectives; Health Instrument File; Higher Education Abstracts; ROOM OF ONE'S OWN Human Sexuality Update; Mental Health Abstracts; 1. 1975. New Society; Preview; The Family Media Journal; 2. 4/year. Psychological Abstracts; Referallvnyi ZhurnaJ; Sage 3. $22 (indiv., Canada), $25 (inst., Canada) (GST Family Studies Abstracts; School Organization and #R1119292421), $32 (indiv., outside Canada). $38 Management Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation (inst., outside Canada). Single copies: $7.50 Index; Social Work Research & Abstracts; xxiii. Sociological Abstracts; Sociology of Education Aklba Onada-Sikwoia, Kyos Featherdanclng, and Abstracts; The SIECUS Report: Studies on Women Janet Wallace). Abstracts: Women's Studies Index. 7. ISSN 0196-1853. 12. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research is a publishes 8. LC 82·640638; sn79·8096. original research and theoretical articles concerned 9. OCLC 3451636. with the underlying processes and consequences 10. Eau Claire; Madison. of gender role socialization, perceptions, and 11. Alternative Press Index; Directory of Women's attitudes. Topics include developmental, cognitive, Media; Women's Studies Index. and social-personality factors in childhood; child­ 12. "A journal for the lesbian Imagination In literature, rearing practices, family organization, and parental art, and political theory." behaviors and attitudes; social influences; acquisition, maintenance, and impact of SISTER NAMIBIA stereotypes; social contexts; adulthood life stage 1. 1989. concerns and social policies and practices; effects 2. 6/year. of contemporary social change; social, economic, 3. Namibia: N$40, N$20 (studems/unamployed); legal, and political systems and policies; elsewhere In Africa: US$14; Rest of the world: employment and work environments: personal and US$30. interpersonal relationships; sexual preference: 4. P.O. Box 40092, Windhoek, Namibia. lemail: victimization; health concerns: and research [email protected]) me1hodologlcallssues. Submission of papers that 5. Editorial Collective. address gender role socialization and cultural, 7. 1026-9126. racial, ethnic, and class diversity are encouraged. 8. LC 93·981517. The journal also pUblishes critical reviews of 9. OClC 29552869. research and book reviews. 10. Madison. 11. The African Book Publishing Record; Inernatlonal SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND African Institute Apex 96; International Women's SOCIETY Media Foundation Directory 1996; Prodder • The 1. 1975. Southern African Development Directory. 2. 4/year. 12. Sister Namibia alms at ·challenglng s1ructures and 3. $27 (students, with copy of 1.0.), $31 (indiv. NWSA stereotypes that oppress and divide women.· members), $38 (indiv.), $120 (inst.). Add $6 for foreign postage (Canada: add 7% GST to SISTERSONG: WOMEN ACROSS CULTURES subscription price). Single copies: $8.50 (Indiv.), 1. 1992 $30 (inst.). 2. 3/year. 4. The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, 3. $16 (indiv.), $28 (inst.). Foreign: $24. Single P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. (email: copies: $6. [email protected])lwebsite: 4. P.O. Box 7405, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. (websne: http://WWN.journals.uchlcago.edu/Slgns/home.html) http://trfn.clpgh.orglsistersong) 5. Carolyn Allen & Judith A. Howard. 5, Valerie Staats. 6. Box 354345, Vnlv. of Washington, , WA 7. ISSN 1063·214X. 98195. 8. lC 93·641920. 7. ISSN 0097·9740. 9. OCLC 25929461. 8. LC 75·649469. 10. Madison, 9. OClC 1362618 & 7288933. 11. American Humanities Index. 10. Baraboo; Fox Valley; Green Bay: Eau Claire; La 12. Sistersong seeks to 'explore the conditions of Crosse; Madison; Marathon Co.; Marinette Co.; contemporary women's lives, across cultures, Marshfield; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Parkside; through literary and visual arts." Sistersong Is a Platteville; River Falls; Rock Co.; Stevens Point; non-academic, theme journal, working with such Stout; Superior; Waukesha; Whitewater. themes as friendship, travel, dwellings, identity, 11. America; History and Ufe; American Humanities work, body, memory, handwork, eto., and Index; Current Contents; Historical Abstracts: publishes fiction, poetry, journal entries, memoirs, Modern Language Abstracts; Psychological experiential essays and letters, translations, Abs1racts; Social Science Citation Index; Social photographs, prints, line draWings, eto. Science Index; Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's StUdies Index. SOCIAL POLITICS; INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN 12, Feature articles; research; review essays; reports; GENDER, STATE & SOCiETY book reviews; letters/comments; archival notes. 1. 1994. 2. 3/year. SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL FOR THE LESBIAN 3. $22 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Foreign: add $6 surface IMAGINATION IN THE ARTS & POLITICS rate or $12 air mail postage. Single copies: $8. 1. 1976. 4. University of Illinois Press, 1325 South Oak St., 2. 3/year. Champaign, IL 61820. (email: U.S. & Canada: 3. $20 (indiv.), $33 (inst.), $50-$200 (sustaining), $8· [email protected] or international: $12 (hardship), $25 (foreign, indiv.), $40 (Canada, [email protected]) insl.), $46 (other foreign, inst.). Single copies: $6. 5. Barbara M. Hobson, Sonya Michel, Ann Shola Free to women in prisons and menIal institutions. Orloff. 4. P.O. Box 3252, Berkeley, CA 94703. 6. U.S. & Canada: Ann Shola orloff, Dept. of 5. Elana Dykewomon (Changing edilors, with #55, 10 Sociology, UW-Madison, 1180 Observatory Dr., xxiv,

Madison, WI 53706; International; Barbara M. Succursale centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7, Hobson, Sociology Dept., Stockholm Univ., 10001 Canada. Stockholm, Sweden. 7. ISSN 0840-4631. 7. ISSN 1072-4745. 8. LC ce89-33801. 8. LC 94·644139. 9. OCLC 20493998. 9. OCLC 28959388. 10. Madison. 10. Madison; Milwaukee. 11. Canadian Woman's Periodical Index (CRIAW, 11. Current Conlents/Social & Behavioral Sciences; Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta); MLA International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; International Bibliography. Research Alert; Social SciSearch; Studies on 12. 'A bilingual (French, English) periodical, Tessera Women Abstracts. was begun to publish the theoretical and 12. Social Politics; International Studies in Gender, experimental writing of Quebe

TRANSFORMATIONS: THE PROJECT surlace worldwide), £13/$24.50 (indiv. air mail JOURNAL worldwide), £25 (inland inst.), £35 (overseas Inst). 1. 1990. Please pay by international money order outslde 2. 2/year. Ihe U.K 3. $15 (IndiY.), $40 (Inst.). 4, P,O. Box 8, Diss, Norfolk IP22 3XG, England. 4. The New Jersey Project, Matalson 110, William 5. Editorial Collective. Paterson College. Wayne, NJ 07470. (email: oj­ 9. OCLC 16406843. [email protected],eduj [website: 10. Madison, http://www.wi! paterso n. edu/wpcpages/iclpjnjp/lndex 12. 'Publication of readable and Insightful articles on .hlm) areas of currem concern within . 5. Donna Crawley, Frances Shaplro·Skrobe, Kathleen To record 1he history of the current wave of Fowler & Constance Crawford.. feminism worldwide.' 6. Kathleen Fowler or Constance Crawford, Ramapo College, 505 Ramapo Valley Rd" Mahwah, NJ TULSA STUDIES IN WOMEN'S LITERATURE 07430. 1. 1982. 7. ISSN 1052·5017. 2, 2Jyear, 8. LC s194·91834. 3. $12 (indiY.), $14 (inst.), $10 (stUdent), $15 (fo,elgn, 9. OCLC 22296121. indiv.), $16 (foreign, Inst). Single copies: $7, $8 10. Madison. (foreign), Oklahoma residents, please add 8% sales 11. Alternative Press Index; Sociological Abstracts. tax. 12. 'Transformations provides scholarly articles, both 4, TSWL, University of Tulsa, 600 South College Ave" theoretical and practical, that help facutty at all Tulsa, OK 74104-3189. (email: levels to integrate issues of gender. race, class, [email protected],edu) and culture inlo the curriculum. Book reviews, 5. Holly A, Laird. syllabi, and resource lists are also included.' 6. Editor, TSWL, The Universfly of Tulsa, 600 South College Ave., Tulsa, OK 74104, THE TRIBUNE 7. ISSN 0732·7730. 1. 1976. 8. LC sn82·3788. 2. 4/year. 9. OCLC 8426594. 3. North America: $12: Europe, Australia, New 10. Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; Oshkosh; Zealand, Japan: $16; free to Africa, Asia, the Whitewater. Pacific, Latin America, the Caribbean and the 11, Academic Abstracts (EBSCO): Book Review Index; Middle East. Single copies: $3. Humanities Index; MLA Internallonal BibllQgraphy; 4. IWTC, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY Modern Humanities Research Association Annual 10017, {email: [email protected],orgor Bibliography of English Language and Literature; [email protected]) Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 5. Anne S. Walker, 12, 'Tulsa Studies In Women's Literature Is "8 scholarly 7. ISSN 0738·9779. journal that publishes articles, notes, archival 8. LC sn83-4306. research, and reviews dealing with the lite and 9. OCLC 8339405. work of women writers of every period and In all 10. Madison, languages,' 12. 'The Tribune is a women and development quarterly, It is a clearinghouse of information on U.S.·JAPAN WOMEN'S JOURNAL: ENGLiSH women's issues and concerns, with a focus on the SUPPLEMENT global south,' 1. 1991. 2. 2Jyear. TRIVIA: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS 3, $35 (Indiv,), $70 (Inst.). Foreign, add $5, 1. 1982. 4, Josai Center in Riverside, clo Extension Center, 2. 2/year, Univ, of California, Riverside, 1200 University Ave., 3. $16/3 (IndiY.). $20/3 (lib,. & Inst.). Add $2 for Riverside, CA 92507. Mexico & Canada (indiv,); add $4 for other 5. Yoko Kawashima, Noriko Mlzuta. International (indiv.); add $2 foreign (Iibr, & inst.). 7. ISSN t059·9770. Single coples: $5, 8. LC 92·648350. 4, P.O, Box 9606, N, Amherst, MA 01059·9606, 9. OeLC 24838451. 5. Kay Parkhurst, Erin Rice, 12. U.S,·Japan Women's Journal focuses on "Japanese 7. ISSN 0736-928X. Women's Studies, Asian Women's Studies and 8, LC 83·641534; sn83-1973. comparative studies of women,' It fosters 'the 9. OeLe 9247235. exchange of scholarship on women and gender 10. Madison: Milwaukee; Platteville. between the U,S" Japan and other countries." 11, Alternative Press Index; Women's Studies Index, 12, Women's and lesbian issues, predominantly non­ UNCOVERINGS. fiction, with a focus on art. 1. 1981. 2, 1/year. TROUBLE AND STRIFE: A RADICAL FEMINIST MAGAZINE 3. $18, plUS $2 shipping & handling; add $.75 per 1. 1982. each addftonal copy. 2. 3/year, 4. American Quilt Study Group, 600 Mission St.. Sufte 3, £8,50 (Britain & Ireland, indiv.), £10/$19.50 (indiv., xxv i • 400, San Francisco, CA 94105-4007. {email: social Sciences Index; Women Studies Abstracts; [email protected]) Women's Studies Index. 5. Virginia Gunn. 12. WE International provides'a forum for feminist and 6. Virginia Gunn, 819 Quinby Ave., Wooster, OH environmental communication on issues relmed to 44691. development, urban and rural planning, health, 7. ISSN 0227-0628 (ISBN 1-877859-07-9). ecology, and social action.' 8. LC 81-649486. 9. OCLC 7495216. WISCONSIN WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL 10. Madison; State Historical Society. 1. 1985. 11. America: History and Life; ARTBib1iographies; 2. 2/year. Bibliography of the History of Art; Clothing and 3. $16 (indiv.), $30 (inst.). Special National Women Textile Arts Index; Historical Abstracts; MLA law Students Assn, Conference Edition: $8. International Bibliography; Sociological Abstracts. 4. cjo University of Wisconsin Law School, 975 12. 'The purpose of Uncoverings Is to carry out Bascom Mall, Madison, WI 53706. Back Issues AQSG's mission to encourage, present, and from William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1285 Main St.. preserve accurate research on quilts, quiltmaking Buffalo, NY 14209-1987. and related textiles, and to provide an accessible, 5. Jennifer A. Schmidt, Molly A. Terwilliger. enriching connection from the past to the future.' 8. lC 86-644116; sn85·23805. 9. OCLC 12192424. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 10. Green Bay; Madison; Stevens Point; Whitewater. 1. 1995. 11. lAC's Current law Index; Index to Legal 2. 6/year. Periodicals; Westlaw. 3. $61 (indiv.), $200 (inst.). Add $8 for foreign 12. 'We established this journal to sustain and enlarge postage. Single copies: $12 (indiv.), $35 (inst.). the forum for discussion of the impact of law on Add $8 for foreign postage. women's lives. We publish so that the best of what 4. Sage Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand is thought and said about women and the law Is no Oaks, CA 91320; U.K, Europe, the Middle East and longer ignored or relegated to a 'speclaf issue,'" Africa: Sage Pubs. Ltd., 6 BonhiU St., london EC2A 4PU, United Kingdom; India & South Asia: Sage THE WISE WOMAN Pubs. India Pvt. LTD., P.O. Box 4215 New Deihl, 1. 1960. 110 046 India 2. Quarterly. 5. Claire Renzetti. 3. $15. Single copy: $4. 6. Violence Against Women, Dept. of Sociology, St. 4. 2441 Cordova St., Oakland, CA 94602. Joseph's Univ., Philadelphia, PA 19131. 5. Ann Forfreedom. 7. ISSN 1077-6012. 7. ISSN: 0663-119X. 6. LC 95-652956. 8. lC sn85·7514. 9. OCLC 30669194. 9. OCLC 12067355. 10, Madison, River Falls. 10. State Historical Society. 11. Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts; 11. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. Criminal Justice Abstracts; Criminal Justice 12. 'The Wise Woman is a feminist journal that focuses Periodical Index; Family Studies Database; Index to on feminist issues, Goddess lore, feminist Periodical Articles Related to law; Indian spirituality, and Feminist Witchcraft. This journaJ Psychological Abstracts and Reviews (IPAR); includes women's history/herstory, news, analysis, Linguistics and language Behavior Abstracts critical reviews, art, poetry, photos, cartoons by (llBA); Penology & Police Science Abstracts; Bulbul, exclusive interviews, and original research Periodicallslamlca; Psychological Abstracts; about witch hunts, women's heritage, and women PsychlNFO; PsychllT; Risk Abstracts; Sage Family today.' Studies Abstracts; Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts (SOPODA); Sociological WOMAN AND EARTH (ZHENSHCHINA I ZEMLlA) Abstracts (SA); Studies on Women Abstracts; 1. 1979 (Previous name: Woman and Russia). Violence & Abuse Abstracts. 2. 1jyear. 3. $10 per issue. Free copies sent to women in WE INTERNATIONAL (formerly WOMEN & Russia/CIS/NIS and Eastern Europe. ENViRONMENTS) 4. Suite 7F, 467 Central Park West, New York, NY 1. 1976. 10025. (email: [email protected]) (website: 2. 4/year. hnp:/Iwww.dorsai.org/"'womearthl 3. Canada: $22 (indiv.), $32 (inst.); outside Canada: 5. Tatyana Mamonova SUS 22 (indiv.), SUS 32 (inst.). Single copies: $8. 9. OCLC 27724066. 4, 736 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 10. Madison. 2R4. (email: [email protected]) (website: 12. Woman and Earth Is an 'internatlonal eco.feminist htlp://INWW.web.neV"'weedJ magazine in English and Russian.' lis focus Is on 5. Editorial Collective. women (globally) and Russia and the environment, 7. ISSN 0229-460S. and it also features art, music, dance, poetry and 8. lC cn81·304S2. fiction, as well as gender and health issues. 9. OCLC 7966463. 10. Madison.. WOMAN'S ART JOURNAL 11. Alternative Press Index, Canadian Periodical Index; 1. 1960. xxvi L 2. 2!year. Science Abstracts: Family Studies Database (online 3. $16 (jodil/.), $25 (inst.), plus $4 surface rate or $9 and CO/AOM)~ Family Violence & Sexual Assault air rate for foreign postage. Single copies: $8. Bulletin; Family Violence Research; IBZ: Index to 4. 1711 Harris Rd., lavarock. PA 19038·7208. Periodical Articles Related to Law; INTERNET 5. Elsa Honig Fine. ACCESS: Bulletin Board for Libraries, INTERNET, 7. ISSN 0270·7993. JANET, et al.; National Criminal Justice Reference 8. LC 80·647891; ,n80-1207. Service; PAIS Bulletin; PATHFINDER: Perlodlca 9. OCLC 6497852. lslamlca; Sage Public Administration Abstracts: 10. Green Bay; Madison; Platteville; Stevens Point; Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts Superior. (SOPODA); Social Work Abstracts; Sociological 11. Art Index; Artbibliographies; Arts & Humanities Abstracts (SA): Studies on Women Abstracts; Citation Index (lSI); Bibliography 01 the Hislory of Violence and Abuse Abstracts; Women Studies Art (BHA); University Microfilrms, Ann Arbor, MI; Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. Women's Studies Index. 12. 'Women & Criminal Justlce is the only periodical 12. Cr~ical articles and reviews pertaining to women in devoted specifically to interdisciplinary and the visual arts. 'We are interested In a Internalional scholarly research and criminal justice re-interpretation of art history from our new practice dealing with all areas of women and awareness as women.... Woman's Art Journal is a criminal justice.' vehicle for the exchange of ideas and for honest criticism," WOMEN & ENVIRONMENTS

WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW See WE International. 1. 1990. 2. 3/year, WOMEN & HEALTH 3. £25 (jodiv., U.K & Europe), £57 (inst.. UX & 1. 1976. Europe), $45 (indiv., U.S. & elsewhere), $104 (inst., 2. 4/year. U.S. & elsewhere). Single copies: £9.50 (indiv., 3. $45 (indiv.), $85 (in,1.), $250 (lib.). Canada: add U.K & Europe), $17 (indiv., U.S. & elsewhere); £22 30%. then 7% GST (GST #Rl29780(84), out'lde (inst., U.K & Europe); $39 (inst., U.S. & elsewhere). U.S. & Canada: add 40%. 4. Journals Subscriptions Dept., Oxford University 4. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton, Press, Great Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 60P NY 13904·1580. United Kingdom. 5. Jeanne M. Stellman, Ph.D. 5. Isobel Armstrong, Helen Carr & Laura Marcus. 6. School of Public Heatth, Columbia Unlv., 600 West 6. Women: A Cultural Review, cIa Dept. of English, 168th St., New York, NY 10032. Birkbeck College, Malet St., London WC1E 7HX, 7. ISSN 0363-0242. England. 8. LC 76-648355. 7. ISSN 0957-4042. 9. OCLC 2337206. 9. OCLC 22349229. 10. Eau Claire: Green Bay, Madison; Milwaukee; 10. Madison. Oshkosh; Parkside; Platteville; Stevens Point; 12. 'Women: A Cultural Review is a new initiative in Whitewater. feminist thought and culture. It explores the role 1t. Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Academic and representalion of women in arts and culture, Abstracts/CD-ROM; Academic Search (EBSCO past and present, taking up the challenging Database); Behavioral Medicine Abstracts: Biology debates on sexuality and gender." Digest; clo CAB InternatlonaVCAB ACCESS: CINAHL; CNPIEC Reference Guide: Chinese WOMEN & CRIMINAL JUSTiCE Directory of foreign Periodicals; Child Development 1. 1989. Abstracts & Bibliography; Combined Health 2. 4/year, Informallon Database (CHIP): Criminal Justice 3. $40 (iodiv), $60 (inst.), $140 (libr. & SUbscription Abstracts; Criminology, Penology and Police agencies). Canada: add 300A>, plus another 7% Science Abstracts; Excerpta Medica/Secondary G&S tax (GST #R129786984); other foreign: add Publishing Division; Family Ufe Educator "Abstracts 40%. Section'; Family Studies Database (online & CD­ 4. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton, ROM); General Science Index; General Science NY 13904. Source (EBSCO database): Heatth Management 5. Donna C. Hale, Ph.D. Information Service (HELMIS), Health Source 6. Dept. of Criminal Justice, 2tO Horton Hall, (ESSCO); Heanh Source Plu, (EBSCO); Shippensburg Uoiv., Shippensburg, PA 17257­ HealthSTAR; Higher Education Abstracts; Hospital 2299. and Health Administration Index; IBZ International 7. ISSN 0897-4454. Bibliography ot Periodical Literature; Index 8. LC sn88-381, Medicus/MEDLlNE; Index to Periodical Articles 9. OCLC 17501958. Related 10 Law; Industrial Hygiene Digest; Institute 10. Madison; Platteville. for Scientific Information: INTERNET ACCESS; 11. Alternative Press Index; CNPIEC Reference Guide: Bulletin Board for Libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et Chinese National Directory of Foreign Periodicals; al.; MasterftLE (EBSCO); Medication Use STudies Criminal Justice Abstracts; Criminal Justice (MUST) Database; Mental Health Abstracts (online Periodical Index; Criminology, Penology and Police through DIALOG); NIMA Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database (ETOH); National xxviii. Women's Health Resource Ctr.; ONS Nursing Scan 8. LC sn83-4500. In Oncology-·NMCOG's Women's Health Nursing 9. OCLC 9855579. Scan; Papillomavirus Report: Periodical Abstracts, 10. Madison; Parkside. Research 1: Periodical Abstracts, Research 2; 11. Alternative Press Index; The Lefllndex; MLA Periodical Abstracts Select; POPUNE; Population International Bibliography; Women's Studies Index. Index: Psychological Abstracts (PsychINFO); Public 12. 'Women & Performance is a feminist journal Affairs Information Service BUlletin (PAIS); devoted to the study of theater, dance, film, music, Referativnyl Zhurnal (Abstracts Journal of the video, ritual and performance art. It includes Institute of Scientific Information of the Republic of discussions of , photo essays, Russia): SOMED (Social Medicine Database); Sage interviews, historical material, reviews and scripts, Family Studies Abstracts; SilverPlatter Information, W&P encourages dialogue among performers and Inc.; Social Planning/Policy & Development theorists.' Abstracts (SOPODA); Social Science Source; Social Sciences Index; Social Work Abstracts; WOMEN & POLITICS Studies on Women Abstrac1s;Women 'R' CD/ROM; 1. 1980. Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 2. 4/year. 12. Feature articles; research; bibliographies: book 3. $40 (indlv.), $90 (Ins1.), $275 (lib.). Canada: add reviews; news and notes. 30% & Ihen 7% G & S lax (GST # 129780084); other foreign: add 40%. WOMEN a LANGUAGE 4. The Haworth Press, to Alice St., Binghamton, NY 1. 1975. 13904·1580. 2. 2/year. 5. Janet M. Clark. 3. $10 (indiv.), $20 (Inst.), $13 (indiv., Canada & 6. Editor, Women & Politics, Janet M. Clark, Dept. of Mexico), $18 (international indiv.), $25 (international Political Science, West Georgia College, Carrollton, inst.). Single copies: $6: 7 for special issues. Add GA 301 18. $1.50 for postage (Canada & Mexico) or $3 (other 7. ISSN 0195·7732. intI. mailing). 8. LC 80·644752: sn79·8972. 4. Communication Dept., Ge¢rge Mason Univ., 9. OCLC 5661577. Fairfax, VA 22030. {email: [email protected] 10. La Crosse: Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; River 5. Anita Taylor. Falls; Whitewater. 7. ISSN 87554550. 11. ABC Political Science: A Bibliography of Contents: 8. LC 86-659507; sn84-1701. Political Science & Government; Academic 9. OCLC 11313029. Abs1racts/CD-ROM; Academic Index (online); 10. Madison; Milwaukee: Oshkosh; Parkside. Academic Search (EBSCO); America: History & 11. MLA; Women's Studies Index. life; CNPIEC Reference Guide: Chinese National 12. 'Women & Language is an interdisciplinary Directory of Foreign Periodicals; Current Legal research periodical and newsletter, associated with Sociology; Expanded Academic Index; HlstorlcaJ the Organization for the Study of Communication Abstracts; IBZ International Bibliography of Language and Gender, which seeks to provide a Periodical Literature; Index to Periodical Articles feminist forum for those interested in Related to Law; Institute tor Scientific Information; communication, language and gender. It raises International Political Science Abstracts; INTERNET questions on the constuction of gender and the ACCESS: Bulletin Board for Ubraries, INTERNET, interconnections among sex, gender, race, class, JANET, et al.: MasterFILE (EBSCO); PAIS Bullatln; and heterosexual hegemony with regard to Per/odica lslamica; Periodical Abstracts, Research symbolic communications and the impacts of 1; Periodical Abstracts, Research 2; Political masculinist communication paradigms. Women & Science Abstracts; Social Planning/Policy & Language welcomes completed research, essays, Development Abstracts (SOPODA): Social Science personal narratives, poetry, as well as work in Citation Index; Social Work Abstracts; Sociok>gicaJ progress and information sharing on conferences, Abstracts (SA); Studies on Women Abstracts; publications, and so on. It includes contributions Women Studies Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. from all disciplines, and particularly looks for 12 Women & Politics is 'dedicated to uniting the field interdisciplinary work." of women's studies with political science, sociology, and psychology, Interdisciplinary in WOMEN & PERFORMANCE: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST scope, the journal draws articles trom a wide THEORY spectrum of methodological approaches, with a 1. 1983. comparative perspective." 2. 2/year. 3. $14 (Indiv.), $25 (inst.). Single copies: $7 (indiv.), WOMEN a THERAPY $12.50 (Insl.). Add $3 poslage (Canada), $6 lor 1. 1982. other foreign postage. 2. 4/year. 4. Women & Performance Project, Inc., NYU/Tisch 3. $40 (indiv.), $120 (inst.), $250 (lib.). Canada: add School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, 6th Floor, New 30% plus another 7% G&S tax (GST York, NY 10003. lemail: #R129786984); add 40% for other foreign postage. [email protected]: 4. The Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY htlp://WIIffl.echonyc.com! '" womentJ 13904·1580. 5. Editorial Collecllve. 5. Marcia Hill, Esther D. Rothblum. 7. ISSN 0704·770X. 6. Esther D. Rothblum, Dept. of Psychology, John xxix.

Dewey Hall, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, VT 3. $5; Women in French members: $15 for volume 05405. and newsletters. Single copies: $8 (U.S. & 7. ISSN 0270-3149. Canada) or $12 (elsewhere). 8. LC 82·645607; 5n80·13045. 4. Women in French Studies, Colette T. Hall, Urslnus 9. OCLC 8394106. College, Collegeville, PA 19426. 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; River 5. Colette T. Hall. Falls; Stout; Waukesha. 7. ISSN 1077·825X. 11. Abstracts of Research In Pastoral Care and 9. OCLC 29831629. Counseling; Academic Abstracts/CD·ROM; 10. Madison. AcademIc Index (online); Alternative Press Index; 11. MLA Bibliography. Behavioral Medicine Abstracts; CNPIEC Reference 12. Women in French Studies seeks "to publish GuIde: Chinese National Directory of Foreign research on women writing In French, on women In Periodicals; Current Contents; Clinical Medicine/li1e French or Francophone cultures and other domains Sciences (CC: CM/LS) Digest of Neurology & of feminist criticism.' Psychiatry; Expanded Academic Index; Family Studies Database (online & CD-ROM); Family WOMEN IN GERMAN YEARBOOK: FEMINIST STUDIES IN Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin; Heatth Source; GERMAN LITERATURE & CULTURE Health Source Plus; Higher Education Abstracts; 1. 1985. IB2 International Bibliography of Periodical 2. 1/year. literature; Index to Periodical Articles Related to 3. Please contact Unlv. of Nebraska Press (address law; INTERNET ACCESS: Bulletin Board for below). libraries, INTERNET, JANET, et al; Mental Heatth 4. Univ. of Nebraska press, 312 N. 14th St., P.O. Box Abstracts (online through DIALOG); ONS Nursing 880484, Uncoln, NE 68588-0484. Scan in Oncology-NAACOG's Women's Health 5. Sara Frledrichsmeyer & Patricia Hermlnghouse. Nursing Scan; PASCAL International Bibliography 6. Dept. of German, Vnlv. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, T205: Periodical Abstracts, Research 1; Periodical OH 45221. Abstracts, Research 2; Psychological Abstracts (& 7. ISSN 10587446. PsycINFO); Published Internationalliterc\ture on 8. LC 85·642607·91. Traumatic Stress (the PILOTS Database); Sage 9. OCLC: 12869456. Family Studies Abstracts; Social Work Abstracts; 12. Women in German Yearbook focuses on "feminist Studies on Women Abstracts; Violence and Abuse approaches to all aspects of German literary, Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's cultural, and language studies, Including teaching." Studies Index. 12. 'Women and Therapy is the only professional WOMEN IN HIGHER EOUCATION journal that focuses entirely on the complex 1. 1992. lnterrelalionship between women and the 2. 12/year. therapeutic experience. The journal is devoted to 3. $79, $40 (students). Canada: $89; elsewhere: $99. descriptive, theoretical, clinical, empirical, and Please prepay. multicultural perspectives on lhe topic of women 4. 1934 Monroe St., Madison, WI 53711·2027. (email: and therapy. Women comprise the overwhelming [email protected]) (website: http://www.wihe.com] majority of clients in therapy. Yet there has been 5. Mary Dee Wenniger. little emphasis on this area In the training of 7. ISSN 1060·8300. therapists or in the professional merature. Women 8. LC 96-664123. & Therapy is designed to fill this void of 9. 25065894. information.• 10. Madison. 11. Educational Resources Information center (ERIC). WOMEN ARTISTS NEWS BOOK REVIEW 12. 'Women In Higher Education aims to enlighten, 1. 1975. encourage, empower, and enrSch women on 2. l/year. campus by facilitating the integration of women 3. $4 copy, plus $1.50 postage. administrators and faculty, staff and students to win 4. Midmarch Assocs., 300 Riverside Dr., New York, acceptance of women's styles and values on NY 10025·5239. campus and in society." 5. Sylvia Moore. 7. ISSN 0149·7081. WOMEN IN SPORT & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY JOURNAL 8. LC 81·642200; 5c78·127. 1. 1992. 9. OCLC 3534670 & 32104108. 2. 2/year. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Parkside. 3. $20. $18 (NAGWS. IAPESGW and WSF members). 11. Atternalive Press Index; Art Index (England); 4. Fay Klein, Business Editor, Women of Diversity ARTblbliographies; H.W. Wilson Co. Art Index (print Productions, Inc., 400 Antique Bay St., las Vegas, & electronic); International Repertory of the NV 89128. (email: [email protected] literature of Art; RILA. 5. Marlen~ Adrian. 12. 'Review of relevant books on the arts. women 6. 421 Sandy lane, Fort Worth, TX 76120-1717. artists and women's Issues: 7. \SSN 1083·6161. 8. LC 93·664159. WOMEN IN FRENCH STUDIES 9. OCLC 26085230. 1. 1993. 10. Madison. 2. l/year. 12. "The purpose of Women In SPOrt & Physical xxx.

Activity Journal is to provide a forum for women· 7. ISSN 0961·2025. centered issues and approaches to sport and 8. LC sn92·25184. physical activity.· 9. OCLC 25943278. 10. Madison. WOMEN OF NOTE QUARTERLY 11. America: History and Ufe; British Humanities Index; 1. 1993. Current Contents: Arts & Humanities: Historical 2. 4/year. Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women's 3. $20 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Add $8 for foreign Studies Index. postage. Single copies: $6. 12. Women's History Review 'publishes contributions 4. P.O. Box 157, Readfield, WI 54969. (email: from a range of disciplines (women's studies, [email protected] (website: history, sociology, cultural studies, literature, http://WWoN.vivacepress.com) political science, anthropology and philosophy) 1hat 5. Barbara Harbach. further feminist knowledge and debate about 7. ISSN 1068·2724. women and/or gender relations in history. The 8. LC 94·658538. time span covered by the journal includes the 9. OCLC 27568338. twentieth century as well as earlier times." 11. International Index to Music Periodicals; Music Article Guide, Music Index. WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NETWORK NEWS (WIN 12. 'Women of Note Quarterly Is a journal/magazine of NEWS) historical and contemporary women composers. 1. 1975. The audience includes libraries, music scholars and 2. 4/year. performers, those interested in women's social and 3. $35 (indiv.), $48 (inst.). Foreign subscribers pay political Issues. and all who enjoy classical music." postage: $4 (surface, overseas & Canada), $10 (air mail, overseas). Single copies: $5. WOMEN'S EDUCATION DES FEMMES 4. 187 Grant St., Lexington. MA 02173. (email: [email protected]) Ceased publication. 5. Fran P. Hosken. 7. ISSN 0145·7985. WOMEN'S HEALTH JOURNAL 8. LC 77·641756. 1. 1987. 9. OCLC 2694733. 2. 4/year. 10. Madison; Milwaukee: Oshkosh; River Falls: 3. $40; Chile: 4,000 pesos. Whitewater. 4. Casilta Postal 50810, Santiago 1, Chile. (email: 12. 'WIN News is a worldwide, open, participatory [email protected]) communication system by, for, and about women 5. Deborah Meacham. of all backgrounds. beliefs, nationalities and age 9. OCLC 24302247. groups. Dedidcated to women's development, 10. Madison. WIN News serves the general public, institutions 12. Women's Health Journal alms 'to promote and organizations by transmitting Internationally women's health and quality of life; to promote information about women and women's groups,· women's rights, especially their reproductive and sexual rights.' WOMEN'S RESEARCH NETWORK NEWS 1. 1988. WOMEN'S HISTORY REVIEW 2. 4/year, 1. 1992. 3. Women's Research Network News only: $35, 2. 4/year. Women's Research Network News and Issues 3. $52 (indiv.), $130 (inst.). Quarterly (see above): $50 (indiv.), $100 (inst.). 4. Triangle Journals Ltd., P.O. Box 65, Wallingford, 4. National Council for Research on Women, 530 Oxfordshire OX10 OYG United Kingdom. {email: Broadway, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10012. [email protected] (website: (email: [email protected]) http://www.triangle.co.uk) 5. Lorraine Kenny. 5. June Purvis. 7. ISSN 1072·1770. 6. Dr. June Purvis, School of Social & Historical 9. OCLC 23208599. Studies, University of Portsmouth, Milldam Site. 12. 'To disseminate news about and promote the Burnaby Rd., Portsmouth P01 3AS United visibility of research. policy, and educational Kingdom: for North America: Or. Clare Midgley, resources on women in the U.S. and Women's History Review, School of Humanities & internationally." Social Science, Staffordshire Univ., P.O. Box 661, College Rd., Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2XW, United THE WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS Kingdom (email: [email protected] for 1. 1983. AustraliS/Far East: Prof. Patricia Grimshaw, 2. 11/year, Women's History Review, Dept. of History, Vniv. of 3. $23 (indiv,), $35 (inst.). Add $5 surface; $20 air rate Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia for foreign postage. Single copies $3. {email: [email protected]); for 4. Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, book reviews: Prof. Penny Summerfield, Women's 828 Washington St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8255. History review, Centre for Women's Studies, (website: Lancaster Vniv., Lancaster LAl 4YL United h«p:/Iwww.wellesley.edu/WCW/CRW/WROB/welco Kingdom. me.html) XXxi. 5. linda Gardiner. Abstracts; Studies on Women Abstracts; Women 7. ISSN 0738·1433. Studies Abstracts. 8. LC sn83·9538. 12. 'Women's Studies provides a forum for the 9. OCLC 9529447. presentation of scholarship and criticism about 10. Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee; Parkside; women in the fields of literature, history. art, Platteville; River Falls; Stevens Point; Superior; sociology, law, political science, economics, Whitewater. anthropology and the sciences." Also Includes 11. Atternalive Press Index; American Humanities poetry. Index; Book Review Index; Left Index; Vniv. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI; Women's Studies Index. WOMEN'S STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION 12. "In-depth review of current books, in all fields, by 1. 1977. and/or about women.' 2. 2Iye81. 3. $15 (student), $25 (Indiv.), $40 (Inst.). Single WOMEN'S RIGHTS LAW REPORTER copies: $10. 1. 1970. 4. For regular/stUdent SUbscriptions: Gayle Chryslee, 2. 4/year. Dept. of Communication, Univ. of Southern 3. $15 (students), $20 (indlv.), $40 (Inst.). Add $6 for Alabama, 1000 UCOM, Mobile, AL 36888. For foreign postage. Single copies: $6 (indiv.), $12 institutional SUbscriptions and single copIes: (inst.). Jessica Nelson, Dept. of Speech Communication, 4. 15 Washington St., Newark, NJ 07102. CSU·Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long 5. Is iris Isaac, Meeta Gamande. Beach, CA 90840·2407. 7. ISSN 0085·8269. 5. Sharon D. Downey. 8. LC 74·647333. 6. Sharon Downey, Chair, Dept. of Speech 9. OCLC 1795817. Communication, California State University. Long 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison; Milwaukee. Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd" Long Beach, CA 11. Alternative Press Index; Current Law Index; Index to 90840. Legal Periodicals; Legal Contents; Legal Resource 7. ISSN 6749·1409. Index; Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS); 8. LC sc83-9998. Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; 9. OCLC 8848461. Women's Studies Index. Also available on 10. Madison; Oshkosh; Parkside. microfilm from Universfty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. 11. Index to Journals in Speech Communication; 12. Full-leng1h and feature articles, comments, review Matlon; Women Studies Abstracts; Women's essays, book reviews and bibliographies on all Studies Index. areas of the law affecting women's rights and sex 12. "To publish material related to gender and discrimination, communication deriving from any perspective, inclUding interpersonal communication, small group WOMEN'S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL communication, organizational communication, 1he 1. 1972. mass media, and rhetoric." 2. 6/year. 3. ECU 30, U.S. $35 (Indiv. Society rate, incl. MLA & WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM NWSA members), ECU 99, U.S. $118 (indiv. whose I. 1978. library subscribes or for whom journal is for their 2. 6/year. own use & provide home address); institutions: 3. 575 Dutch Guilders (Europe, the CIS & Japan), "Please write for details or contact your $355 (elsewhere). 'Members of the National subscription agent." Outside Europe & U.S.: Women's Studies Assoc. may order personal contact publisher. subscriptions at a concessional rate; details ot 4. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c/o STBS these rales are available upon request." Ltd., P.O. Box 90, Reading, Berkshire AGI 8JL 4. Elsevier Science, Inc., 655 Avenue of 1he Americas, U.K, or P.O. Box 786 Cooper Station, New York, New York, NY 10010 (email: usinfo­ NY 10276. (email (editorlal):[email protected]) [email protected]); or Elsevier Science Ltd., The (email (otherlnfo):[email protected]) (website: Boulevard, Langford Lane. KIdlington, Oxford OX5 http://www.gbhap.comJreader.htm) 1GB, England. {email: [email protected]] 5. Wendy Martin. 5. Christine Zmroczek, Managing Editor, 6. Wendy Martin, Dept. of English, Claremont 6. Dept. of Women's Studies, Roehampton Institute, Graduate School, McManus Hall, 170 E. Tenth St., Southlands College, Wimbledon Parkslde, London Claremont, CA 91711·6163. SW19 5NN, England. 7. ISSN 0049·7878. 7. ISSN 0277·5395. 8. LC 74·641303. 8. LC 82·643383; sn81-1570. 9. OCLC 1791887. 9. OCLC 7590245. 10. Eau Claire; Green Bay; Madison: Milwaukee: 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Oshkosh; Parkside; Platleville; Stevens Point; Parkside; Stevens Point; Whitewater. Whitewater. 11. Alternative Press Index; America: History and life; 11. Abstracts in Anthropology; Communication Annotated Guide to Women's Periodicals on the Abstracts; Expanded Academic Index; Family U.S. and Canada; ASSIA; British Humanities Index; Studies Abstracts; film Literature Index; Humanities Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Index; lSI Current Contents; International Historical Abstracts; PsychiNFO; Psychological Bibliography of the Social Sc'lences; Sociological Abstracts; Research Alert; Social Sciences Citation xxx i i. Index; Sociological Abstracts; Studies on Women WOMEN'S WRITING Abstracts; Women's Studies Index. 1. 1994. 12. Research communications; review articles; book 2. 3/year. reviews. The journal strives to reflect the 3. $52 (indiv.), $120 (inst.) multidisciplinary, international field of women's 4. Triangle Journals Ltd., P.O. Box 65, Wallingford, studies, both inside and out of academia. It also Oxfordshire OX10 OYG, United Kingdom. (email: aims to acknowledge cultural differences and at the [email protected]) (website: same time to encourage an International exchange http://www.triangle.co.uk) based on a shared feminist framework. 5. Marie Mulvey Roberts, Janet Todd. 6. Marie Mulvey Roberts, School of Literary StUdies, WOMEN'S STUDIES JOURNAL Univ. of the West of England, St. Matthias Campus, 1. 1984. Fishponds, Bristol, B$16 2JP, United Kingdom 2. 2/year. (emall: [email protected]); books for 3. New Zealand: NZ$36 (Indiv,), NZ$30 (unwaged), review: Janet Todd, Dept. of English and American NZ$40 (inst); Australia: A$30 (indiv.), A$40 (inst.); Literature, Univ. of East Anglla, Norwich, NA4 n, elsewhere: US$30 (indiv.), US$40 (inst.). Single United Kingdom (email: [email protected]). copies: NZ$19.95. 7. ISSN 0969·9082. 4, Women's Studies Journal, Univ, of Otago Press, 8. LC So94·26737. P.O, Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. (email: 9. OCLC 30983772. [email protected]) 10. Madison. 5. Phyllis Herda. 12. "The aim of this international journal Is to open up 6. Women's Studies, Univ. of Aukland, Private Bag a forum for dialogue, discussion and debate about 92019, Aukland, New Zealand. the work of women writing in the Elizabethan to 7. ISSN 0012·4099. Victorian period. The editors welcome theoretical 8. LC 96-658677. and historical approaches, multidisciplinary 9. OCLC 14929028. perspectives and contributions which are 11. Madison. concerned with gender, race, and class. From time 12. Women's Studies Journal Is "an academic journal to time the journal publishes special issues devoted pUblished by the Women's Studies Association of to particular themes.· new Zealand, which is a feminist organization formed to promote radical social change through WOMEN'SPACE the medium of women's studies. The Women's 1. 1995. Studies Journal welcomes contributions from a 2. 4/year. wide range of feminist positions and disciplinary 3. $18 Cdn. (indiv.), $28 Cdn. (Inst.); U.S.: US$17 backgrounds. It has a primary, but not exclusive, (indiv.), US$27 (lnst.); Overseas: US$2O (Indiv.), focus on women's studies in AotearoalNew US$30 (org.) Zealand." 4. R.R.#1, Scotsburn, Nova Scotia, BOK lAO Canada. {email: [email protected]] (website: WOMEN'S STUDIES QUARTERLY hUp://www.womenspace.ca) 1. 1981. (Previously published as Women's Studies 5. Scarlet Pollock. Jo Sutton. Newsletter, established 1972.) 9. OCLC 37381805. 2. 2!year (double issues). 12. Women'Space seeks "to promote women's 3. $30 (indiv.), $40 (inst.). Add $10 for foreign participation on the Internet, and our use of postage. electronic communications for women's equality." 4. Circulation Manager, The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, City College/CUNY, YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND FEMINISM Wingate Hall" Convent Ave. at 138 St., New York, 1. 1989. NY 10031. (website: 2. 2/year. hUp:/iWIf'N'I.CCNY.CUNY.edu/lempressJ 3. $18 (indlv.), $12 (students-·ID required), $30 (Inst.). 5. Janet Zandy. Add $10 for foreign postage. Single copies: $10 6. Janet Zandy, Women's Studies Quarterly, (indiv.), $8 (stUdents), $16 (inst.). Humanities Division, Rochester Inst. of Technology, 4. P.O. Box 208215, Yale Station, 127 Wall St.. New 92 Lomb Memorial Dr., Rochester, NY 14623·5604. Haven CT 06520-8215. (website: 7. ISSN 0732·1562. http://www.yale.edu/lawnfem.html) 8. LC sc82·7058; sn82·2oo82. 5. Editorial Collective. 9. OCLC 7387895. 7. ISSN 1043·9366. 10. Baraboo; Eau Claire; La Crosse; Madison; 8. LC sn89·6191. Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Stevens Point; Stout; 9. OGLC 19571969. Whitewater. 10. Madison. 11. Alternative Press Index; Women Studies Abstracts; 11. Current Law Index; Index to Legal Periodicals; Women's Studies Index. Infotrac.. 12. ·Women's Studies Quarterly covers recent 12. "The Journal provides a forum for the analysis of developments In women's studies and feminist women, society, and the law. We are committed to education, including in·depth articles on research expanding the boundaries of traditionailegaJ about women and current projects to transform discourse, and plan to publish a wide range of traditional curricula.· legal and non·legal work, Including articles, fiction, criticism, poetry, and autobiography,· Association for


VOtUME 26, HUMBER S, SEPTEMBER/OOOBER 1997 ~ Focus: Patents-Protecting Intellectual Property

Editor's Notes To Patent or Not to Patent .3 by Pamela j. Hines, PhD 11 by Hynda Kleinman, PhD Science and the Law: Patent From Bench Science to Patent 5 Law as a Career 12 Examining by Lily Rin-Laures, MD,]D by Karen Brown, PhD Saving Lives in Post·Crash 8 Fires: An interview with Boeing executive Sally Hasselbrack, PhD by Alix Robinson, PhD

>- Of Interest Reflections of an Assistant Bioscience Job SurOng: 15 Professor, renure~Track 20 A Follow-up by Mary E Miele, PhD by Sharon Powell, PhD Postdoctoral Scientists: Faces of Feminism: An 18 Glimpse of an Invisible 21 Activist's Reflections on the Population Women's Movement by Patricia Bresnahan, PhD reviewed by Deborah C. ForI, PhD

> National AWlS President's Remarks AWlS Educational Foundation 2 by]aleh Doie, PhD 23 Awards by Sheila Pfaff/in, PhD National News 4 by Calherine j. Didion

~ In Every Issue

A Focus on Undergraduate Information about Intellectual 27 Science Education Refornl 32 Property on the Web by Donna Gerardi by Alice Deutsch, PhD Honoring the Best Book Review 28 by Dana G. Williams 33 by Margaret Reilly, PhD Chapter News Information Resources 30 by Ann Brodie, PhD 34 Bulletin Board Resources for Reading GranlS and Awards Employment Ads Resources Order Form Membership Form Association for Women in Science



VOLUME 26, NUMBER 6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1997 ~ Focus: Editor's Notes . Learning to Apply What We 3 by Pamela). Hines, PhD 16 learn by Michael Tinnesand Public Science Education: 5 A Win-Win Situation Changing a Girl's Attitude by Elia Ben-Ari, PhD 23 aboul Science: An Interview with Michelle B. Curtin Impact of Calculus Reform by Alix Robinson, PhD 1Aon Student learning and Attitudes Challenges in College-LeYel by Susan L Gante" PhD 26 Science Education by Yolanda P. Cruz, PhD

~ National AWlS President's Remarks EleclionIVoting Supplement­ 2 by Jaleh Dale, PhD 18 1998 Executive Board Elections National News 4 by Calherine). Didion

~ In Every Issue

Science Education Chapter News 29 by Donna Gerardi 32 by Ann Brodie, PhD Perspective from a Small Web Sites about Science liberal Arts College: What 33 Education Reform Enables Improvements in by Alice Deutsch, PhD Undergraduate Science Education Honoring the Best by Jay B. Laboy, PhD 34 by Dana G. Williams

Information Resources Book Review 31 Grants and Awards 35 by Margaret Reilly, PhD Employment Ads Resources Order Fonn Membership Form AFFILIA· Joltrl1al of Women and Social Work 3 Vaillme 13, Nllmber 1, Spring 1998

5 Editorial Reevaluating Feminist Thought for Social Work Practice Emma Gross Articles 9 Toward an Alternative Account of Feminist Practice Ethics in Mental Health Amy Rossiter, witll Catherine de Boer, jasma Narayan, Narda Razack, Virginia Sco/lay, and Chris Willette 31 Multicultural Perspectives on Menopause and the Climacteric Alice Chornesky 47 Occupational Status Differences Among Three Groups of Married Mary Secret and Robert G. Green 69 Gender and German Unification Ween 'fucinski 102 Race, Gender, and Class: Interlocking OppressiON in the lives of South Asian Women in Canada Uslla George and Sarah Rnmkissoon 120 Book Reviews Planning Community Mental Health Services for Women: A Multiprofessional Handbook. Edited by Kathryn Abel, Marta Buszewicz, Sophie Davison, Sonia Johnson, and Emma Staples. Reviewed by Ronda S. Connaway Classism and Feminist Therapy: Counting Costs. Edited by Marcia Hill and Esther D. Rothblum. Reviewed by Miriam Freeman Healing Voices: Feminist Approaches to Therapy With Women. By Toni Ann Laidlaw, Cheryl Malmo, and Associates. Reviewed by Helen umd Women and Group Psychotheropy: Theory and Practice. Edited by Betsy DeChant. Reviewed by Patricia Sherman Feminist Approaches to Bioethics: 17leoretical Reflections and Practical Applications. By Rosemarie Tong. Reviewed by Janis L. Goodman Good Enough Mothering? Feminist Perspectives on Lone Motherhood. Edited by Elizabeth Bortolaia Silva. Reviewed by Barbara Kasper Handbook for Treahnent ofAttachment-Trauma Problems in Children. By Beverly James. Reviewed by Heather F. Harcourt Soledad Women: Wives of Prisoners Speak Ollt. By Lori B. Girshick. Reviewed by Pamela Fisher My 11,m: Women's Search for Self After the Cllildren Leave. By Patricia Gotlieb Shapiro. Reviewed by Martha Raske Feminist Theories and Social Work: Approaches and Applications. By Christine Flynn Saulnier. Reviewed by Miriam Dinennan 4 feature Articles

13 'Of Ghosu, Secrets and Survivors: NewWriting by Women in the United States' Heather Neilson 24 'Working Ourselves to Death' Gina Mercer 26 'life Swdies:TwoAussieWomen in Berlin' Gaby Bila-Gunther 3'1 'The MelbourneWriters' Festival 1996' Tracy Ryan 42 'Different Dragons: the Year in Teenage Books' Heather Scutter Cartoon 16 Gertrude Stein said..: Judy Horacek fiction 8 'speaking In tongues' Francesea Rendle·$hort 19 'Down Deep' Jessie Huon 28 'Leaving'; 'The Electricity Man' Celestine PItt nee Vaite Reuiews 2 Nightflowers by Kathleen Stewart Bronwyn eran 3 Passing Remarks by Helen Hodgman luq Sussex 4 DIY Feminism edited by Kathy Bail Eleanor Hogan 5 Collected Stories by Beverley Farmer Suzanne Roberts 6 Dorothy He~tt: Collected Poems edited by William Grona Barbara Garlick 7 Common Knowledge by Jan McKemmish Delia Falconer 9 Selected Poems: The life on the Water and the life Beneath byJSHarry Maryanne Lynch II Borderline by leanne Frahm Rosaleen love 12 Map of Power byTess Williams lucy Sussex 16 How to Conceive of a Girl by Beth Spencer Enza Gandolfo 17 Imaginary Bodies by Moira Gatens Catherine Dale 18 Dedication to Hunger by leslie Heywood: Anorexic Bodies by Morag MacSween Deborah lupton 21 Motherlode edited by Stephanie Holt and Maryanne lynch Janis Laming 22 The Visitation by Sue Reidy; listening for Small Sounds by Penelope Trevor Helen McConnell 2J Generation f byVlrginia Triofi Usa Simmons 31 In the Constellation of the Crab by Dons Brett Barbara Bursill J2 A Children's Food Forest by Carolyn Nuttal Judith Gleeson 33 Della Smith's Winter and Summer Collections Rita Dimasi 36 DearWriter by Carmel Bird; Instead of Full Stops edited by Susan Sellers Pia Herbert 37 Fair Comment by AudreyTate Gina Perry 38 Brldgings by Rose lucas and lyn McCredden Bev Braune 39 Factory Joker by Susan Bower: libido by lis Hoffmann: Skinprlnt by lorraine Marwood Lainie Cameron 40 The Internet for Women by Rye SenJen and Jane Guthrey: Netchick by Carla Sinclair Jenny Millea 41 Building Babel by Sunlti NamJoshl Heather NIX Poetry II 'Birth-day' Dommique Hecq 17 'the body as text' Kathleen Dzobiel 36 'Ma Donna' Bev Braune

10 leiter AUTUMN 1997 VOLUME 9.1


IFEATURE ARTICLES I /Old Colonisation: t+che!e Grossrna-n and Den'se Cuthbert All Interview with Debonh Bird Rose 24 Forbidden love--Bold Passion: Ruth Ford and Lyn IsHe An Exhibition of Lesbian Stories 21 Women in the Landscape:TravelWriting Adele Flood 37 The Return of the Social Critic: Juliet Mitchell in conversation with les Terry 40 AboriginalWomen'sWritingToday $andr'l Ph,il,ps

ICARTOONS I 13 My heart is an open book... Judy Horacek II Where angels fear (0 tread Judy Horacek

IFICTION I Out of Memory Fiona WInning "II Wedding Dresses Marra Pak>tta·Chiarolll II The Shell lenn,fer Moore

IREVIEWS I I WarlpiriWomen'sVoices:Our lives Our History Angela Ro<:kel ed.ted by Petronella Vaarzon·t-!orel Antarctica by CaroLne Caddy Robin Bums Wee Girh:Women Writing From An Irish Perspective K4thy K,tuai ed,ted by L,u. Murphy 5 The Keepsake by Klrsty Gunn Janis laming love and Freedom: ProfeSSional Women and the Reshaping lee·Ann Monk • of Personal Ufe by Alison MJck,nnOn II Rooting Democracy; Growing the Society We Want by MOira R.1yner II Gender, Polities and Citizenship in the 1990s Jen Featch edited trt Barbara S"iltvMl J08 G:i'dn V\lh,tehouse 11 Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed Laurel Guymer ed.ted by D,ane Be,' Jnd Ren~te Kle,n Queer Theory by Annamane Jagose Jod'e Joyce 11" Theorising Heterosexuality ed,ted by O,anl'! Richardson Haree Macm,tlan 3' Nuraghlc Echoes with the Riting of the Runda 50n'a M:,cak b'l H


8 Salutation Leula S, Redopeulos 9 GatherYe Rosebuds Frances Rouse 22 Mona R. Farrell 18 Notebooks loula $, Rodopoulos 28 Reading Her Poems Sandra Hutchins SPRING 1997 VOLUME 9.2/3 $6


ICARTOONS I 23 If You Can't Say Anything Nice,,, Tonia Walden 25 Future Book Reviewer Tonia Walden Australian Women's Book Review 30 Never Judge a Book by its Movie Tonia Walden

IFEATURE ARTICLES I 13 Feminist Publishing: Reinventing a Reading Culture Diane Brown 18 Beyond 'JapaneseWomen';A Review Article Vera Mackie 23 Strike While the Irony is Hot-A Shopping Guide Tonia Walden toWomen Cartoonists 21 The Black and White Menstruals Alison Blackbum A Hidden Agenda: So You Don't Forget!

ICREATIVE WRITING I 4 Mare Sue Moss 7 I Writing theWord Susan Steggall 15 Cruel Little Belgium Dominique Hecq 32 Red Brigid lowry 41 Spell MTC Cronin

IREVIEWS I 2 Dragonclaw by Kate Forsyth: Darkfall by Isabelle Carmody: Penny Hendred Threshold by Sara Douglass 3 Women with Altitude by Judy Horacek Caitllin Punshon 5 Telling Time edited by Virginia Baxter; Merrilee Moss Playing withTime compiled and edrted by Colleen Chesterman 8 Women's Circus: Leaping off the Edge Dominique Hecq 8 The Book of Possibilities by Jill Jones; Botany Bay Document Bev Braune by Jerdie Albinon; WorkingTemple by Caroline Caddy; Night Reversing by Morgan Yasblncek 11 The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia and Croatia edited by Helen Kurincie Julie Mertus./asmina TesanovlC. Habiba Metlkos and Rada Boric 12 Sexing the Subject of Law Margie Cronin edited by Ngaire Naffine and Rosemary j:Owens 18 Sisterhood is Global edited by Robin Morgan Anita Harris 17 FeminlstAmnesia by lean Curthoys: Katie Hughes living Feminism by China Bulbeck 21 What About Us! by Maureen Freely Bronwyn Silver 22 Scarp 30: New Aru and Writing edited by Ron Pretty JennIfer Kremmer 24 Vamp by Tracy Ryan Kathryn Greek 27 Depraved and Disorderly by joy Damousi Barbara Brook 31 Glittering Surfaces:A life of Maie Casey by Diane Langmore Gina Perry 32 The Hoax by Sophie Masson Tanya Dalziell 33 Hot News by Wendy jenkins: Sanctuary by Kate de Goldi Lisa Bullock 34 OurTerritory by Ludwika Amber; The Blue Gate by Alison Croggon: Michelle Mee The Wild Reply by Emma lew: Quickening by Sarah Day 38 Care Factor Zero by Margaret Clark Nikki de Koning 37 Touching Earth Lightly by Margo Lanagan Kellie WIlliams 31 Yarrtji: Six Women's Stories from the Great Sandy Desert Judith Gleeson compiled and edited by 500la Peters and Pamela Lofts 39 Bad Girls by Cathenne lumby Juliet M. Peers 42 The God of Small Things by Arundhatl Roy Bandana Pattanalk 43 lambs of God by Marele Day Jan McKemmlsh

28 LETTERS Canadian Journal of Women and the Law Revue Femmes et Droit 7

1997. Volume 9 Number 2 / 1997 Volume 9 numera 2

v EditoriavEditorial Articles/Articles Michelle Boivin 235 La feminisation du discours : Ie pourquoi Dorothy E. Smith 269 Textual Repressions: Hazards for Feminists in the Academy Tracey Lindberg 30I What Do You Call an Indian Woman with a Law Degree? Nine Aboriginal Women at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law Speak Out Kelly Gallagher-Mackay 336 Routine Offering of HIV Tests to Pregnant Women: Foetal Supremacy, Medical Authority, and Invisible EffeclS on Women Sandra Petersson 365 Ruby ClemenlS and Early Women of the Alberta Bar Commenlaries/Commenlaires Manin Dionne 394 Voices of Women Not Heard: The Bernardo Investigation Review: Repon ofMr. Justice Archie Campbell Judith Macfarlalle 418 Acknowledging the Relationship between Job Status and Gendet: A Feminist Critique of Cronk v. Canadian General Insurance Company and the "ManageriaVClerical Distinction" Susan B. Boyd 447 Child Custody, Relocation, and the POSt­ Divorce Family Unit: Gordon v. GOel1Z at the Supreme Court of Canada

Book Reviews/Chroniques bibliographiques Ruby Heap 469 Science. conscience et actioll. 25 ails de recherche feministe au Quebec. Sous la direction de Huguetle Dagenais Renisa Mawan; 472 Subversive Sites: Feminist Engagemems with Law in India. By Raina Kapur and Brenda Cossman 481 About the Contributors/Quelques mots sur nos collaboratrices 483 Information for Contributors 488 Renseignements generaux 492 Editorial Policy 493 Politique editoriale 8 Woman Studies les cahiers de Ia fenune

Winter 1998 (Volume 17, Number 4)

Women and Education

Editorial 3

Power The Abandonment ofthe Pursuit ofEquity and the Implications for Education by Patricia MeAd;e 6 "IfWe Can't Get Equal, We'll Get Even": ATransformarivc Model ofGender Equiry byJune La,kin lind Pat Staton 16 Negotiating Power in the Classroom: The Example ofGroup Work by lindA Br;,!in 23 Becoming a Leader. Strategies for Women in EducadonaJ Administration by Barbara A. Gill 29 Power and Struggle in Educational Rc.search: Interrogating the "Unity" in "Community" by Jani" HlaJ/ti 32

Pedagogy Lener to Denise. A FirS[~Year Teacher by E. Lisbeth Donaldson 40 Gender Issues in Collaborative Learning by Rtvathi Chtnnabathni and Gillian R(jJkinJ 44 Cuhure, Gender, Power: "Rcvisioning" Nonhero Education by Shari Burhan and IngridJohmon 47 Embodied Learning about Heahh and Healing: Involving the Body 3S Content and Pedagogy by Diana L Gus/afton 52 The Cold War and the Sexual Chill: Freezing Girls Out ofSexual Education by Chris/abtlk Snhna 57 Literacy Learning for Survivors ofTrauma: Acting "Normal" by jmny Horsman 62 Struck Dumb by Mary Nyqu;,t 69 Resistance is Futile, Or is It? Gender Lessons from a Micro Cybercommuniry by RobutA. Priuhard 72

Equity Equity in the Women's Studies Classroom: The Politics ofVoicing Difference by jarqutlint Rtid-WalJh and Elaint Co"ta 76 The Travails of Using an And-Racism and Feminism Approach When Teaching a Course on Women and Islam by Coli M. RnAi R4Jhti 80 Identity Puzzles: Talking Sex in Education by Margot Frands 85 Gender and Technology: Looking to the Past by Dmist M. Shortt 89 Women Writing, Women Teaching: Speculating on Domestic Space by Barbara Mdtan 94 The Work ofSouth Mrican·Canadian Educator Goodie Tshabalala Mog3dime by Dolana Mogadimt 98 Educators for Gender Equity: Organizing for Change by Rtb{(r4 Pritgtrt Coulltr 103 Men's Resistance (0 Women's Education: The Personal is Political by Norma Husk 107 Water Notes: On Women and Science by Mtg Walktr 113 Eighteen Tips: A Guide for Including Everyone in Science. Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by Susan Wilma 115 Grrrl Talk byjanirt Turntr 119

Community Shopping for Training by Karm LioT and Susan WiSmtT 122 Gender and Education in an Agricuhural Community by Aniko Varpalofai 127 Interference: An Interview with Arlist and Educator, Wilma Needh:lnl by Lynnt Btlland Carol Wi//iatm 131 Woman Studies 9 Ies cahiers de Ia femme

Wlnler 1998 (Volume 17, Number 4) (conlinued)

Adorable filles d'aujourd'hui par Sf/phanit Damtrrau d Jeanne Maranda 135 Employment and Training Services for Women in Metro Toromo by /(artn Lior andAnn ZA~(how 139 Survey of Trends in Adult Education 1985-1995. and Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century by /tnniftr Sftphm and GtUtan Btaudtt 143

Poetry The Second Toogue by /(alt /Iogm 15 Ode to a Paradigm by Susan E. Harm 22 The Thinker by ,hris wind 37 Entresol ct duo-gourmand par UUa Young 39 Where Have the Words Gone by Aida Fa"ag Graff 51 Two Poems for Judith Mcrril by Valtri, Alia 56 Mirage by Aida Fa"ag Graff 61 Snow by Sh""·L,, Olson 71 (Sans tiere) par LindA Lavoie 75 Sacred Places by Elisavi",a mlthk 88 End ofthe Affair by Mi,h,1t Ltar 93 The Disintegration by Lortltt C. ThiNJtn 97 I ArnAll by Lila Ltrn" 105 Handshake by Rmu Nonnan III Search Panies by Elisal/ima Ritchit 114 Bone by Sh",,·Lt, Olson 118 Grandfiuhcrs byloam"l M. Wmon 120 Xray by (Aithltm Brady 121 Body Language by (Ai/hltm Brady 121 Role Modd by Roft Rombtrg 126 (Sans tine) par Linda Lal)()ir 148

Book Reviews Dangrrow Trrritorirs: StrUggUs for Diffirmu and Equality in Education by Shtila Cavanagh 149 Knowing Womm: Origins ofWomms Education in Ninrtunth-Cmtury Awtralia by Swan Archer 149 To thr Gwry ofHa Sa: Womms Rous in thr Composilion ofMrditval Ttxts Gmthr and Immortality: Htrointt in Ancitnl Gruk MJlh and Cull by E. Lisbtlh Donaldson 150 Ftmmts. /ducation tl transformations soriaus par Dianr Glrin-Lajoit 151 Gar(ons tlfillts: sllrlotypts tl rlussitt scolairt par Diant Glrin-Lajoie 153 Htrrs To You Sistrr. Crrating a Womms Addition Servict: Amtthysts Slory by (AU"n Lundy 154 Marynia Don " Cry: Mnnoin ofTwo Polish-Canadian Familits by Eva C. KArpinski 155 Tht Apartheid ofSa: A Manifislo on ,ht Frrtdom ofGmdtr by Ptg Tinlt 156 La SOUpt par LIlia Young 157 Fnnmts voi!lts: intlgrisrntt dlmasquls par Suzannr Ch4mpagne 157

Front Cover Young womm from Woburn Colugi4u Institufts ongoing Grrris' Coalition. Pholo: R. Lall/tns Reprinttd with ptrmission, courttS) ofthr Toronto Star Syndic4tt. Back Cover RiI/ly organiud by tht Ontario Ftthration ofLabour in support ofu4chm'job-4crion against Bill J60. Quem s Park. Toronto. November 8, J997. Photo: David Smitty 10 CiONECHRONICLFS~POlver &' I!reSe1tCe

Summer Solstice 1997 A Journal of Conscious Aging

Cover: "Goat Lady #2" Jane Bregoli (see p.24-25) From the Editor: Who We Really Are 3 Ann Kreilkamp Inside Crone 4 Dear Crone, 5 Power &Presence Introduction: Meeting Sekhmet 8 Ann Kreilkamp (Photo: Elizabeth Stephenson) The Other Side of the Mountain: Life After Menopause 11 MarianVan Eyk McCain (ArtJlIdy Widener) A Spiritual Life: Practice of the Presence 13 Jeanne Hardy (Art: Emmie Loll Haffison) Poem: The Yelapa Connection 14 Elizabeth Ann Rhodes Poems: The Dust Collection 17 Tasha Halpert My Dying Mother's Gift: Nesting Woman 18 Julien Puzey Poem: The Disappearing Mother 20 Jacqueline Summers Coming Full Circle 22 Maggie Kraushaar (Art:Lois Bartlett Tracy) The Goat Lady 24 Jane Bregoli (Art: Jane BregoIJ) Interview: Artist and Mystic Lois Bartlett Tracy 26 Lucile Cavanaugh (Art: Lois Bartlett Tracy) Laundromat 31 Marian B. Findeison Review: "Stirring, Spinning, Sweeping," Marilyn Arsem 32 Tasha Halpert (Photos: Bob Raymond) VOICES: Learning the Power of Presence 34 (Art: Kathy Taylor) ....of the Pain ofGenerations 34 Orian Quintal ....ofSmiles and Other Good Deeds 34 Jane Morris ....of Moods, and Dreams 35 Anna Racicot ....of the Inner Male and Other Selves 35 Sandra Hollander ....through Its Absence 36 Catherine Cobeaga Poem: Glory 36 Muriel StellY Lipp The Straight Poop:The Source ofAll Power37 Carol Rosin

. Cronetroversy: Maiden, Mother, Matriarch and Crone 42 Constance Dawson and Nancy Parsons-Craft What Is Crone? Reflections on Aging 45 Barbara Vienot-Atcheson Croning Ceremony: Group Croning with a Twist 47 Connie Spittler Column: Living Well 48 Helga Kollar Column: Roots Remembered 49 Julien Puzey Column: Sands ofTime 50 Karen Sands . Column: Road Crone 51 Redmoonsong CroneTales: An Unexpected Joy 52 Mary Hubbard, Maurine Thttle, Peggy Phillips, Lee C. Kirk, Sarah Peterson, Therese Harris, Crones CounselV 54 Crone Clarion 55 Glenda Martin and Jeanne Hardy Raven Reviews 61 Merridawn Duckier, Patricia Corrigan, Judy A. Fitzgerald, Glenda Mattin 11 UONECHRONICLFS"a A Journal of Conscious Aging • Spring Equinox 1998· No. 34

Cover Art Uesela Gurau (Plwto: Gael 1\4l1staphl1: see page 6) FrontPoem: Loose Woman 3 Mildred Tremblay (Art: Lim Elizabetll Berg) Editorial: We called the crones and they cawed back 4 Ann Kreilkamp Inside Crone 5 Dear Crone 7 Poem: I am circled by my friends 10 Kim Breneman Crones Counsel V 13 Carol A. Brown, Betty Chapman, Phyllis Clifton, Ann Emerson, Mnimab, Nadeau IN THE BEGINNING

Introduction: fI~VeIl? Are yOH Comjll<~?" 15 Ann Kreilkamp (Art: Usa Elizabeth Bet;.q) Incubating Crone 19 Phyllis Clifton (Art: Lisa Elizabet/l Berg) The Egg and an Egg Meditation 21 Helena Hudson (Art: EI'C Withrow) The Egg Altar &The Egg Ceremony 27 Helena Hudson Poem: Creation Story 28 Barbara Clark (Art: Suzmme J\!/orfolk) Interview: Inside the Ashram 30 Carol Mersereau Sophia Hagia Kali Ma 39 Marianne Brown (Art: j\tlariatllle Braum) Excerpts from Moon Lodge Visions 40 Neva Howell Poem: Grandmothers 42 Julien Puzey Art: Grandmother Gourd 43 Joan Riise My Grandmother's Name 44 Susan Marsh VOICES: Beginning and Beginning 47 (Art: Lisa Elizabeth Be~!?) Mother-Daughter Play 47 C.J. Goldin Mother-Presence 48 Julie Gonzales-Corbin Every beginning completes.... 48 NanSea Livingstone From the Ashes 49 Cathy Smith The Seed 49 Marilyn Weiss Poem: Astonishing Creations 50 Mildred Tremblay Carol Rosin, SpaceVisions and Crolle Chronicles 51 Ann Kreilkamp

What is Crone: An Elder Speaks 55 Julia Kreger Old Wives' Tales 56 Tasha Halpert Coming into Crone: Remembering, Gathering.... 57 Carol Wolfe Konek Column: Road Crone 58 Redmoonsong Column: Country Crone 59 Jeanne Hardy Column: Living Well 60 Helga Kollar Column: Sands ofTime 61 Karen Sands Column: Roots Remembered 62 Julien Puzey Column: She/He 63 Tasha and Stephen Halpert Crone Tracks 67 Jeanne Hardy and Glenda Martin Raven Reviews 74 Mary R. Hopkins, Phyllis Clifton, Helen Larkin, Brenda-Joyce Garner, Dodie Stearns, Sondra Tarkington, Artemis Bast-Astarte,Joan Weiss Hollenbeck, Karen Kotzen, Jeanne Hardy, Glenda Martin 12

• d I f f e r e n c e s

Volume 9, Number 1

Spring 1997

WILLY APOLLON 1 Nothing Works Anymorel

RENATA SALECL 14 The Sirens and Feminine jou/ssonce

NEIL HERTZ 36 "The Scene Came Alive": Autobiography and Anger

CLAIRE KAHANE 49 Gender and Patrimony: Mourning the Dead Father

HENRIETTA L. MOORE 68 Sex, Symbolism, and Psychoanalysis

XIAOYING WANG 95 The Body That Puts the Mind on Trial ieminism 13 F: &: C;::..::O;..:N:.:....:.T...:E:..;N:.:....:.T...::.S Psychology Volume 8. Number I. 1998


5 Editorial Note ______ARTICLES

7 . Memory and Reality; Psychoanalytic and Legal Perspectives on Rape Linda BURNS 25 Men and the Discursive Reproduction of Sexism: Repertoires of Difference and Equality Brendan GOUGH


'Bias ill Psyclwlogy': A Reappraisal 51 Editors' Introduction: Carolyn Wood Sherif: A Prescient Wisdom Rhoda K. UNGER and Amold S. KAHN 58 Featured Reprint: Bias in Psychology Carolyn Wood SHERIF

Commentaries: 77 J. 'The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House' Lucia Albino GILBERT 84 II. The Reproduction of a Skeptical. Feminist Social Psychologist Janice D. YODER 90 III. On Reading 'Bias in P~ychology': The More Things Change. the More They Stay the Same Karen Fraser WYCHE

94 IV. Comments on Carolyn Sherif's 'Bias in Psychology' Chapter and Other Assorted Remarks Martha T. MEDNICK 99 Afterword: Illusions of Progress and 'Insurgent Science': An Imagined Conversation Stephanie A. SHIELDS


105 l. Representing Ourselves and Representing Others: A Response Manjil BOLA. Ciair DREW. Ros GILL. Stella HARDING. Estelle KING and Bruna SEU III II. Researcher as Leamer: Negotiating Responsive Agency Tracey BURGESS·LIMERICK

123 Ill. Bridging the Gap during the Interview Process Gill GREEN 14 Feminist Bookstore News 1:1\11:111;

Winter 1998 Volume 20 Number 5/6

BLACK & WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTHS Honoring Other Community Stores: ...... 5 The Commercialization of Black History Month. .. . 6 Working Together . 7 Profile: Sisterspace & Books . 8 A Bookseller's Book: Lest We Forget .. . 9 Breaking the Race Barrier in Publishing . . 11 Black Classic's DocuTech ...... 12 Resources...... 15 Booksellers' Recommendations .... . 19 The African American Lesbian Section. . 33 Roundup of Titles for BHM & WHM . 39 ARTICLES Bookstore News...... 67 Feminist Publisher News...... 69 Responses to Distribution Articles . . 54 News 59 $1,000 to Bookstore from Penguin Settlement· Fine Print Closes' Independent Bookstores' Bestsellers List· TLC • Publishing Trian\lle Awards' Authorless Events' Stonewall Awards' UniOnizing at B&N, Borders' Obituaries DEPARTMENTS Ad Index . 139 Announcements...... 74 Back to Press...... 76 Classified Ads...... 140 Letters . .53 Subscription Information . .57 .They Went That-A·Way . .77 Writing Wanted .. .80 THE BOOKS Art Books ...... 98 Canadian Content .75 Gay Men's Lit . .81 Humor . .99 Kids'Lit . .87 Music . .83 Mysteries . .91 New Media . .90 Our Own Presses. . 101 Publisher's Row...... 125 Science Fiction & Fantasy.. .95 Small Presses...... 105 University Presses...... 115 Citizenship: Pushing the Boundaries 15

Editorial Citizenship: Pushing the Boundaries 1

Women, Citizenship and Difference Nlra Yuval·Davis 4 ~

Citizenship Towards a Feminist Synthesis Ruth Lister 28 =.-. Enabling Citizenship Gender, Disability and Citizenship in Australia Helen Meekosha and Leanne Dowse 49 =.-. CLJ. The PubliclPrivate - The Imagined Boundary in the ( ~ Imagined NationiStatelCommunity The lebanese Case Suad Joseph 73 ~ ~ The limits of European·ness Immigrant Women in Fortress Europe ~ Helma Lutz 93 .-. Negotiating Citizenship ~ The Case of Foreign Domestic Workers in Canada Daiva Stasiulis and Abigail B. Bakan 112 ~ Women's Publics and the Search for New Democracies Zillah Eisenstein 140

Reviews Linda M. McDowell on Writing Women and Space: Colonial and Postcolonial Geographies: House Garden Nation: Space, Gender and Ethnicity in Post-colonial Latin American Literature 168

Haleh Afshar on Women and the Political Process in Twentieth·Century Iran 171 Miriam Glucksmann on Homeworking Women: Gender, Racism and Class at Work 174

Swasti Mitter on Hidden in the Home: The Role of Waged Homework in the Modern World Economy 176

Noticeboard 179 16 Feminist Voices ~\ FREE ~MJ)JS{)~ AR~A ,'i.lEWS JOURNAL: Il\" WOMES fOR" UMES

Volume 10, Number 8 Decemoer 6, 1997 ­ February 5, 1998

Success Teams: AND SO SHE Making Dreams Come SAID.., 6 True by Lorill B. Bean 1 Women-owned Business Takes Off RadFest98 1 by Lorill B. Bean 8

LETTERS 2 Feminist Resources Fair 9 NEWS BRIEFS 3 NETWORK 10 Feminist Perspectives In Menopause CALENDAR 11 by Rosalie Hanson 4 New Year's Cages, Traps, Pink Resolutions Panther, Bobcat and by Karen Schultz 12 Me by Maria B. Parker 4 CLASSIFIEDS 12

Michi of the Golden Knights by Adora Pozolinski 5 17 Feminist VDices A FREE MAIlISO~ ARE,\ NEWS JOURNAL: BY WOMEN FOR WO\IEN

Volume II, Number 1 February 6 . March 5, 1998

ACrica's Daughters: Seeing the Bigger Image and Vision Picture: Thoughts on by Cheryl Sterling 1 Teaching the Sociology oCRaclsm The Myth oC American by Pamela Oliver 10 Justice and a NaIve White Girl In the South Racism: A Pep Talk Cor by Lois Dunn 1 Whites by Marian Fredal 11 Letters 2 Outsider at Home Editors' Notes 2 by Antoinette Moore 12

NewsbrieCs 3 Celebrating Our Lives: International Women'. Lip Service Day 1998 by Terry Glover 4 by Judith Siers 12

Lesbian Health Still Working Cor Human Matters Rights In Guatemala by The Lesbian Health by Esty Dinur 13 Issues Task Force of Dane County 6 NETWORK 14

Lesbian Health Issues, CALENDAR 15 Take Two by Catherine Odette 6 CLASSIFIEDS 16

Healing Racism: A Personal Experience by Amy Anderson 7

And So She Said 8 3 t\T1UllJl"I:T1I1':: '. ~',f-l,LEO· '" TrlANKS 6-7 TIll': tHiS CIII.U:CTln.; 8-9 Wll,,"f COI.u'cfl\ I..\IDmu.;-. :">.\1lJ 10 Recently, Someone Asked Me Why I Am an Activist BY EMMY PMITIN 12 pop quiz BY CARlY STASKO 18 14 and she says she is going mad BY GABRiElLE ORCUTT 15 Girls, When You're Walking Home Alone at Night BY ANNA HUMPHREY 15 Pretty Girl BY RITA fATlLA 16 The Bikini Summer BY At NEILSON 18 art BY MElANIE GORDON 21 My Vegan Summer BY JENNIFER WHITEfORD 22 Then and Now BY TflUDY·ANN (DEBBIE) YOUNG 23 A Manifesto of the Girl To Be BY IVANA SHEIN 24 education BY JENNIFER PERRINE 25 Home on the Plains BY TH)RZA CUlHAND 25 whole 8'1' KIM TRUSTY 26 My 0'09'5 Piercing Intellect BY THIRZA CUTHAND 27 Coming out on St. Dominique 8'1' ZOE WHITTAlt 27 photo BY MAUReEN GRANT 28 This is about Ageism and HIV BY BOA O'RUHLE 30 Agitate from Within BY DEBRA ANDERSON 31 On Being a Jewish Dyke at Oberlin College BYCHAtiA ROTHMAN 33 An Interview with Kristy Chan from Riol aul Review BY RlTA FATltA 36 she consumes pop culture BY TRACY ALllSON ANDREWS 37 REVOLUTION IS SO DAMN SEXY BY THE GIRlfRIEND ACTION CDAUTION 38 The Amy Story BY SHAUNA lANCIT 41 like a Good Girl BY TEENA AU:LA 41 art BY MURACO HRANCHUK 42 Mr, Piano and Me BY lAURA SCHADLER 44 Queens in the Summer BY LORRAINE HEWITT 46 Assembly BY ANI DORAN 50 untitled BY KASIA BRIEGMANN 51 Stutter BY SANDRA ALLANO 51 Armageddon Years BY SUSAN SAVA 52 baby bean (it's a zine!) BY SARAH BROWN 53 the performance art of everyday BY MEtiSSACAMERON FIREWeed 54 Slough BY KAREN KAWAWADA 62 illusions of order BY MEGAN RIVERS· MOORE 64 Prom Night BY ANNE HENNINGflHD 64 art BY CHANDRA BULUCON 64 Post-Prom Etiquette BY JESSICA MANN 64 art BY BESS 65 It Spills out like Water BY SARAH EDGAR 66 Penis Story BY ROSEANNE HARVEY 67 Monologue: Staring Problems BY DEBRA ANDERSON 68 BLACK lOVE BY JEMENI 68 art BY BESS 69 Dropping Wildflowers on Ocean Tongues BY JANICE KENT 74 Blonde Julie - Ode to Girl BY ANNA HUMPHREY 74 Sacred & Scared BY ClAIRE GANOOLA 75 I Want Out BY DEBRA ANDERSON 75 On the Subway: You Speak of love BY MEGAN RIVERS·MOORE 76 sweet. sweet sixteen BY AliCE CHEN 76 top 10 things my daddy told me money (an buy BY RlTAFATILA 77 I'm FAllJWlNTER 1997 not a feminist, but... BY JAIME KIRlNER·ROBERTS 78 tank BY SARAH BLAGG 79 Poem Found on a Walk across Town BY ARIANNE lWARTJES 79 The Debbie Poem BY MARGARET MAtEY 80 To Serve and Protect Racism BY TRUDY·ANN (DEBBIE) YOUNG 82 Ode to Girls in the Sky BY lot WHITTALL 83 If BY JEMENI 84 Gene Simmons Can Suck My Dick BY HEATHER HARKINS 85 Bitch Session #3 BY AIM£E DURCH 86 Veins Winding BY JANE MARSHALL 89 I Will laugh BY SARA WEINRIB 89 art BY AYMEY KAlYMERCHY 90 There Isn't a Truce Coming BY BOA D'RUEllE 92 The Museum Exhibit BY DEBRA ANDERSON 96-97 blood sisters feministo & TRASH TOXIC TAMPONS BY BLOOD SISTERS 98 Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before 8Y EM MY PANTIN 98-99 Wounds 8Y MICHelLE AHILA DANiel 99 This Building BY CATHLEEN THOM 101 Bleeding Texts (AnyGi,lline) BY ROSAlEEN '..hcGURRY 105 Drawing Stars in 1939 BY HIU YEE KWOK 105 Sky land BY AOIRA ROSE 106 FUN GAME FOR GIRLS 8'1' CARlY STASKO 107 Sleepy 8Y JENNIfeR WHITHORD 112 Towards Flight: A Vision BY JENNIfeR WOODlll 113 untitled BY ALISON McQUEEN 113 Box of Dreams BY MARY CHAN 116 Kissing Her with a Cold Sore BY lOt WHITTAll 116 art BY LEANNE FRANSON 118 Bathroom Stall Graffiti BY SARAH MUff (EDENN SMITH) 118 Super­ model & Untitled Plastic Dinosaur with leg BY HADAR NESTEl 119 Saturday Night/Sunday Morning BY LORRAINE HEWITT 120 The longest Days the Most Ignored, The Cupboards Too High, The Adults Too Narrow BY BOA O'RUHlE 123 line list COMPilED BY HEATHER HARKINS 127 1.1.\-' or COXTlHIH'W!lS 127-131 art BY DEBRA ANDERSON 132 1'1'(:11\11.\(; ISS".:S: (JI'II)EI,I:->E~ .'()It SI'IHIISSIOXS 139 AXXOI';.;(;E.\IEXTS 140 11.\1:1\ I~SI'ES 143 SI'IISCRII'T10;'; 1:-':.-0 19 GENDER AND PSYCHOANALYSIS An InterdisciplinaryJournal

Volume 2 1997 Number4


ALAN BLUM and Assaults to the Self: 427 VAN PFETZING The Trauma of Growing Up Gay

MICHAEL J. DIAMOND Boys to Men: The Maturing of 443 Masculine Gender Identity through Paternal Watchful Protectiveness

IRWIN HIRSCH On Men's Preference for Men 469


RICHARD C. FRIEDMAN Response to Ken Corbeil'S 487 "Homosexual Boyhood: Notes ,on Girlyboys" (Vol. 1, No.4, 1996)

KEN CORBEn Speaking Queer: 495 A Reply to Richard C. Friedman

JUDITH BUTLER Response to Lynne Layton's 515 ''The Doer behind the Deed: Tensions and Intersections between Buller's Vision of Performativity and Relational Psychoanalysis" (Vol. 2, No.2, 1997)

LYNNE LAYTON Reply to Judith Buller 521 GENDER & SOCIETY 20 Volume 12, Number I February 1998


From the Editor 5 Articles Gender-Based Pay Gaps: Methodological and Policy Issues in University Salary Studies MYRA MARX FERREE and JULIA McQUILLAN 7 Doing Power: The Confluence of Gender, Race, and Class in Contrapower Sexual Harassment KA11ILEEN M. ROSPENDA. JUDITH A. RICHMAN. and STEPHANIE J. NAWYN 40 Research Reports When Work Doesn't Work: The Failure of Current Welfare Reform ELAINE MCCRATE and JOAN SMITH 61 Feminist Attitudes Among African American Women and Men ANDREAG. HUNTER and SHERRILLL. SELLERS 81 Book Reviews A Woman Scorned: Acquaintance Rape on Trial by Peggy Reeves Sanday AMANDA KONRADI 100 Balancing Act: Motherhood, Marriage, and Employment Among American Women by Daphne Spain and Suzanne M. Bianchi RACHEL K. JONES 102 The Family Silver: Essays on Relationships Among Women by Susan Krieger MARJORIE L. DBVAULT 103 Family and Gender Among American Muslims: Issues Facing Middle Eastern Immigrants and Their Descendants Edited by Barbara C. Aswad and Barbara Bilge Tomorrow, God Willing: Self-Made Destinies in Cairo by Unni Wikan NADINE C. NABER 105

For Richer, For Poorer: Mothers Confront Divorce by Dernie Kurz JASON D. JOYNER 107 What Does Your Wife Do? Gender and the Transformation ofFamily Life by Leonard Beeghley Family Man: Fatherhood. Housework, and Gender Equity by Scott Coltrane JUDy ROOT AULEITE 108 Theorizing Heterosexuality: Telling It Straight Edited by Diane Richardson ANNA M. ZAJICEK 110 21

...... •..••.•.•...... •...•...... WINTER 1998 VOLUME 4 NUMBER DIPARTMlHTS 4 We HearYa 5 HUES News 6 Globe Trottln' 7 Wellness Watch 9 While You Were SleepIng 10 Fly Girl 11 Cybermama 12 EducatIon &Careers 31 MusIc 34 Poetry 35 Books FlATU RES 46 last Word 1S Photo Essay: One Million Strong Diary of the Million Woman March. 20 Onl-OnoOne: ACultural Dialogue About Arranged Marriage An Indian American and a woman raised in India discuss arranged marriages. 22 COVER STORY: SPORTS AND SELF·IMAGE Three womens stories about action, body and self-esteem,

'2') MIxed Doubles Can an interfaith couple find common ground? 37 How I Failed As AFantasy Maker Ariel "Misty" Gore goes 1-900 undercover. 41 Fashion: Outwardly Mobile Sportin' comfort and style,

SISTIRS IN" TH! SPOTLIGH.T Emme: MakIng It Big 1 A size 14 model-at last! Verse·Atility: Jessica Care Moore J2 The rising star ofspoken word. 22

Health Care for Women International

CONTENTS Volume 19 I Number 1 I 1998


Health Care for Women International

CONTENTS Volume 19 I Number 2 I 1998


An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation

Vol. XXIII no. ii, 1997

4-8 Editorial 9-12 • The Story of Two Paintings by Gloria Beckett as told to Julie Kearney 13-34 Can We Be Australian? 'Third World' Women in a 'First World' Society Indrani Ganguly 35-47 Poems by Kher-Shing Lee, Carolyn Morwood, Anna Brooks, Ivy Alvarez, Dene Iwanicki, Lissa Mitchell, LiLian Tait, Ashlley Morgan-Shae, Sarah Carmela Helen Endacott 48-66 Crossing Cultures: An Interview With Helena Gulash Denise Cuthbert and Michele Grossman 67-75 'Manawa Toa: Heart Warrior' Cathie Dunsford 76-94 Racism in the Never-Never: Disparate Readings of Jeannie Gunn Katherine E11Inghaus 95-103 Becoming-Violet: Desire in the Love Poetry of Mary Fullerton Sylvia Martin 104-108 'Something Borrowed' Maddo Field 109-120 Poems by Maria Kirchner, Patricia Sykes, Anne-Maree RoUey, Sarah Attfield, Lisa BeUear, Julie Constable 121-140 The Shock of Body Against Body: History and the Politics of Despair in Theories of Difference J anine Little Nyoongah 141-147 'The Good Bird Doesn't Shit in its Own Nest' Lana Demianeuk 148-151 Artworkby Cathy Thompson 152-157 The Plural Gaze: Reflections on Contemporary Feminist Curatorial Practice . Julie Kearney 158-159 Jury Service Shirley Tucker 160-191 Nga Ahorangi: A Bibliography of Maori Women's Creative Writing. Part Two Jon Battista vii Preface 25 ix Karen Green For WoUstonecraft

I Karhleen B. Jones Citi~enship in Feminism: ldentiry, Action, and Locale, An IntTCxluction

6 Ruth Lisrer Dialectics of Citi~enship 27 Patricia Moynagh A PoUtics ofEnlarged Mentaliry: Hannah Arendt, Citi~enship Q:() ResponsibiUt" and Feminism g ~. en o. O.-c 54 Wendy Sarvasy ~ ~ m Social Citi~enship From a Feminist Perspectioe :>n ::T_.-(') ::t,,,,, » 74 Holloway Sparks g S', Dissident Citi~enship: Democratic Theor" PoUtical Courage, and Activist ~;Pen Women c.. §, en b~'C III Susan Bickford ~ Anti-Anti-ldentiry PoUtics: Feminism, Democrae" and the Complexities of Rooam Citi~enship

132 Katherine Pettus Ecofeminist Citi~enship 156 Robin Silbergleid Women, Utopia, and Narratioe: Toward a Posnnodem Feminist Cititenship 178 Loretta Kensinger VOL. 12, NO.4 (In)Quest ofUberal Feminism FALL 1997

Book Reviews 198 Barbara S. Krasner Feminist Interpretations of G. w: F. Hegel 200 Peggy DesAutels Justice and Care: Essential Readings in Feminist Ethics

202 Anita laFrance Allen Reproducing Norms: Recent (Mainl,) Whire Feminist Perspectioes

211 Joan Mason-Grant Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism

217 Carolyn DiPalma Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporealiry

223 Notes on Contributors

226 Guidelines for Contributors/Call for Papers

227 Announcements

231 Books Received

234 Recent Back Issues 26

Lessons irom the Past: Women in Higher Education Leadership in the Depression Years Robert A. Schwartz 1

Opening the Doors to Medical Education From the Victorian Era to the Present Stephen C. Tom 23

Mentoring Women Administrators: Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling Karen Cameron Scan/ull 39

Narratives Oi Adult Women's Learning in Higher Education: Insights from Graduate Research Elisabeth H"yes alld Dalliele D. HlIlller)' 61

Enhancing the Development oi Adult Women Students: Co-dependency Issues, Eiiects, and Implications ior Campus Programming Sail)' A. Robson, lvlarilyn]. R)'an, and Gayle C. Veltman 81 27

PORTFOLIO 50 Creation Energy Glenda Dietrich 53 Transitions/Transformations Marybeth Heikes

ESSAYS / CREATIVE NONFICTION 13 Notes Toward a Fiction of Voices and Rooms Judy Ruiz 20 Popcorn-Land Molly Tenenbaum 42 Food for Memory: My Mother's life Carol Sklenicka 56 Two Men Drinking Tea Becky Soglin

POETRY 26 Tituba JA Benjamin 29 Minoan Snake Goddess Margaret Kaufman 30 lilian at Eighty-Six Ann Slruthers 31 Girlfriend Walking Corie M. Herman 32 In the Middle of Nowhere Roz Spafford 33 Gary Andrea Mathews 34 Homeless Glenna Henderson 39 Song to Indiana Sarah Miller 40 Late November JC Watson 47 Thinking of Flowers Barbara Merchant 48 Argument and Evidence Martina Reisz 49 Innocence Faith Shearin 61 Dianne Barbara Crow 62 This Is Not a Poem About My Mother Dufflyn Lammers 63 Daughter of God Beth Brell 70 Margery Dow Dede Wilson

FICTION 3 Fundamental Accessories Donna R. Walker 8 Imaginary Friends Virginia HarIman 35 Avery Lukens Diane Mertens 64 Moves We Could Never Have Imagined Elizabeth Poliner

DEPARTMENTS 71 Book Reviews: Becky Soglin on Her Face in the Mirror Barb Olson on Swaying 73 Contributors Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 28 An International Forum


REGULAR ARTICLES Individual and Family Therapy Implications ofa Therapisl's Pregnancy Marjorie Sallzberg Carl Bryalll Women's Development in the Family: A Thematic View 15 Korell Skerrell REFLECTIONS So Go Today and Touch the Torah 43 Marsha Pravder Mirkill INTERVIEWS An Interview with Betty Carter, MSW 49 Sukie Magraw BOOK REVIEWS The Cullural COlllradicliolls ojMOlherhood, by Sharon Hays 65 Reviewed by Dialle Ehrellsaji

The Agillg Family: New Visiolls ill Theory, Praclice. alld Reality, edited by Terry D. Hargrave and Suzanne Midori Hanna 70 Reviewed by Ja-Alln Krestall

Allerillg Fale: Why Ihe Pasl Does Not Predict the Future, by Michael Lewis 73 Reviewed by E. H. Allerswaid

111 the Name ojIhe Family: Rethinkillg Family Vailles ill the Pastmodern Age, by Judith Stacey 76 Reviewed by AIIII Hartmall

Prevellling Helerosexism and Homophobia: A Review, edited by Esther D. Rothblum and Lynne A. Bond 78 Reviewed by Gaty L. Sanders

The Healing Connection: How Women Form Relatiollships ill Therapy alld ill Life, by Jean Baker Miller, MD and Irene Pierce Stiver, PhD 82 Reviewed by Marsha Pravder Mirkill .


1hily Madly Deeply, written and directed by Anthony Minghella 87 Reviewed by Maty Frallces Schlleider Journal of 29 WOMEN

& Volume 10 Number I AGING 1998


Gender Role Orientation as a Correlate of Perceived Health. Health Behavior, and Qualitative Well-Being in Older Women 3 Mary Ann RI!lJing-Rahal. PhD. RNC Lois J. Barin. MA. MS. RN. CS Carol J. Combs. MS. RN. CS

Gender Differences in Coping and Control with Memory Aging 21 Graham J. McDougall. PhD. RN. C

Women. Marital Status. and Symptoms of Depression in a Midlife National Sample 41 John R. Earle. PhD Mark H. Smith. PhD Catherine T. Harris, PhD Charles F. Longino. Jr.. PhD

Longitudinal Employment Decisions of Daughlers and Daughters-in-Law After Assuming Parenl Care 59 Joanne M. Pohl. PhD. RN. CS Clare E. Col/ins. PhD, RN. FAAN Charles W. Given. PhD

Thriving Older African American Women: Aging After Jim Crow 75 Dena Shenk. PhD Diane Zablotsky. PhD Mary Beth Croom. MA


The Other Within Us: Feminist Explorations ofWomen and Aging, edited by Marilyn Pearsall 97 Reviewed by Paula M. Usita. PhD

Adulthood and Aging: Research on COII/inuities and Discontinuities, edited by Vern L. Bengtson 99 Reviewed by Raemlll R. Hal/IOn. PhD 30 LEGACY

Volume 14, No.2, 1997

Douglas Ford Inscribing the "Impartial Observer" in Sedgwick's Hope Leslie 81

Di:" McComas 's One 0/Ours: In Distant Effigy 93

janis R Stoul Behind "Reflections on Willa Cather": Katherine Ann Porter and the Dilemmas of Werary Sisterhood 110

Reprint jelmifer A. Gehrman "1 am half-sick ofshadows": Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Ladies ofShaloll 123 "The Lady of Shaloll" by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1871) 129

Proftles Paula Garrett Grace Greenwood (Sara Jane UppincOll) (1823-1904) 137

Grace Farrell Lillie Devereux Blake (1833-1913) 146

Book Reviews Maggie Montesinos Sale Doers 0/the Word: A/rican-American Women Speakers and Writers in the North (I830-1880) by Carla L. Peterson 154

Mary R. Reichardt In a Closet Hidden: The Life and Work 0/Mary E. Wilkins Freeman by Leah Blall Glasser 156

Diane Lichtenstein Streets: A Memoir 0/the Lower Easl Side by Bella Spewack 157

Rosemary Fithian Guruswamy A Colonial Woman's Bookshelf by Kevin J. Hayes 159

Denise D. Knight A Lanlem in Her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich; Benigna Machiavelli by Charlolle Perkins Gilman; Fall River: An Authentic Narrative by Catharine Williams 160

Marlha] Cutter In Short 163

LEGACY Bookshelf 165 31

2 Our Valerie: An obituary hy Tee A. Corinne. A testimouial hy Lee Lynch. 3 Au Interview with Valerie Taylor. Interview hy irene Wolt. S Outstanding Lives: Profiles of Lesbians and Gay Men ed. by Christa Brelin and Michael J. Tyrkus; Michael Bronski, Consulting Editor. Particular Voices: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Writers by Robel1 Giard. Reviewed hy Kirsten Backstrom. 6 Excitahle Speech: A Politics of the Performative by Judith Butler. Reviewed hy renee c. hoagland. 8 Policing Public Sex: Queer Politics and the Future ofAIDS Activism ed. by Ephen Glenn Colter, Wayne Hoffman. Eva Pendleton, Alison Redick. and David Serlin. Reviewed by Joanna Russ. 9 Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit: Covering Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgen­ der Lore ed. by Randy P. Conner, Dl!vid Ilatfieid Sparks, and Mariya Sparks. Re­ viewed by Susan K. Raffo. . 10 Danger Zones: Homosexuality, National Identity, and Mexican Culture by Claudia Schaefer. Reviewed by Maria Dolores Costa. 'lOut of Ihe C'oset aud Nothiuli 10 Wear by Leslea Newman. Reviewed hy lIeather Cassel/. 12 The Explicit Body in Performance by Rebecca Schneider. Reviewed by A/~Jls Dierker. t.:I What Are We Fighting For? Sex, Race, Class, and the Future of Feminism by Joanna Russ. Reviewed by Julie Linden. 14 THE F'CTION CORNER: alkla by Ruthann Robson. Reviewedby Sonya Jones. 16 Quecrs in Space: communities public places sites of resistance ed. by Gordcn Brent Ingram, Anne-Marie Bouthillette, and Yolanda Retter. Outside Belongings by Elspelh Probyn. Reviewed by Carol LeMasters. 17 School flf Fish by Eileen Myles. Reviewed by Camille Roy. 18 Lcsbian Lifestyles: Women's Work and the Politics ofSexuality by Gillian A. Dunne. Reviewed hy Chen'i Shur. 19 Car' Maiutenancc, ,"xplosives and Love ed. by Susan Hawthorne, Cathie Dunsl(,rd, and Susan Sayer. Reviewedby Diane Brown. 19 "Blessing: To Rose and .lass on tbeir marriage." A poem by Rebecca Reynolds. 20 Tilt: EXI'LOIHNG FRANGlI'ANI: The Snowball Waltz by Renee. Reviewed bySusan Sayer. SI,CONI> THOUGHTS 21 Orlando's Sleep by Jennifer Spry. Reviewed by Margaret Deirdre O'Hartigan. 22 Coffee Will Make Yon Black by April Sinclair. Reviewed hy Tiya Miles. IT'S A MYSTERY 22 Killer lnslinet by t\lartina Navratilov.. and I.iz Nickles. Reviewed hy Judith V. Brmizburg. 23 3rd Degree by Kate Calloway. Reviewed hi (;ail A. Rek;rs. 32 ••

Volume 22, No.4 Winler 1997·<)8

2 From the Editor 20 Family Secrets by AlOHa Kombug 3 KolIsha Did your Jewish family once have News oj lewis!} lVOnl(ll Mouud the world a retarded relative hidden away? • Were Yemenite babies stolen in An old photograph holds new Israel? • What's in a bra? • New revelations about the author's feminist scholarship· Penny long-dead sister. Liebman's intimate gallery· How women of Luboml. Poland. lived 26 Suleika and Me before the War •A new film on why A slJorf story by RUIIJ Kllafo SettOll some women are drawn to Lubavitch A Moroccan Jewish girl, assassinated 8 Letters in Fez 170 years ago, becomes a martyr to Muslims, Jews and Christians too. . 10 Is Abortion Murder? by Leila Bronner 12 31 Fin-de-Siecle Feminist As Promise Keepers cast their politi­ Food Culture cal opposition 10 abortion in religious • by Ditlllt Colt lenns. a biblical scholar offers us Women take the spotlight as care­ texts which help us understand the takers of a vital part of Jewish life, theological differences between Christians and Jews. 33 Book Reviews Our Sisters' Keepers Five Women Emerge by Alice Sparberg Alextoll From the Shadows of Guess who loses in the Promise­ Their "Great Men" Keepers' "battle against Satan"... by Sllml, BlustaiH 14 An Insurance Commish Memoirs recall life with Bellow. Who's Changing the World Singer. Roth. Schindler and Mailer. by G"ol, Glickftld New and Noteworthy Seattle's battle-hardened Deborah Senn fights for the rights of domestic violence survivors. Holocaust sur­ 44 Tsena Rena vivors and others. transforming her UUfH's i"Jisprnsable resource pllgn agency from lapdog to watchdog. Plus, .. Part Two of our Jewish Now some national politicos are Women's Address Book. watching her. Corn paillfillg i.l' l, I'n~fi.'ssllr emerilus of 1m 11/ they created and to hear what the Soulhfn! On'>!o/l Cllil'I.'f.'iitl: ('GIl be cOlJ/aued llt liturgy in the fullness of spirit it Orthodox ~ayde said at the dinner. 6/0 Lung \\/Ir. A,Muml. ok 97510. deserves. 33

MEDIA REPORT TO WOMEN Covering all the issues concerning women and media

Volume 26, Number 1 Wlnlerl998

Internet drawing more women for research, purchases 4 IWMF opens African women's media center 1 Virgins, vamps and the tabloid mentality 8 Media coverage of health care slights nurses, nursing 8 Analysis: When news coverage becomes caricature 16 34 idwiferv ~~.- ode ~ -~<=:~wlftllnlemationalMidwife ~ WINTER ISSUE 1997 THEME: NUMBER 44 TRUSTING BIRTH


MIDWIFERY TODAY 1 From the Editor 4 Networking 8 Tricks of the Trade 9 Marion's Message MIDWIFERY TODAY FEATURES 10 Question of the Quarter

11 Doing It HerWay Diane Gregg 62 Journal Abstracts 13 Josephine: Grieving a Sad Birth Made Worse Susanrachael Condon 63 Media Reviews 15 First, Do No Harm Maria Wolford 65 News 18 Sterile Water Blocks for Back Pain in Labor Sharon Glass Jonquil 69 Calendar 20 Slings: Rediscovering Mother's Mobility Jennifer Rosenberg 70 Classified Advertising 23 Trust the Babies Jill Swanson 73 Photo Album 25 Pitocin Induction at Home Anonymous INTERNATIONAL MIDWIFE 27 Advocating for Intersexed Babies 43 From the Editor and Their Families Elizabeth von der Ahe 44 Cards and Letters 32 Low Birth IQ NancyWainer Cohen 61 International News 36 Birth Decisions and Heuristics Sarah Wickham 39 Trusting Birth Karen Salt 40 Truest Trust Judy Edmunds


Have you seen our newly redesigned website? Visit us at the address Cover Photo by above to find our 1998 conference programs and registration forms! '---~JlHarriette Hartigarl Photo on page 40 by Harriette Hartigan: INTERNATIONAL MIDWIFE FEATURES "Photographing childbirth since 1975, 1 focus 011 the emotiowll, cultural and 45 Birth in Pre-Hispanic Mexico Guadalupe Trueba physical dimensions of this elemental reality we all share, guided by the mystery 48 The Guarani of Northern Bolivia Ann Davenport and awe one feels i~l the presence of the 50 Kangaroo Care:Why Does ItWork! Holly Richardson sacred. Botll as photographer and midwife, I see 52 A Visit to the Netherlands Czech Midwives beallty in the power of natllre lived daily 53 Interventions: Consequences for Breastfeeding Joy Johnston by womm who give birth, babies who are bom and by those who give care." 57 Is She a Partera or Matronal Marina Nzugaray 58 From the Philippines: Life's Breath Sarah Gemmell 59 Becoming a Nurse-Midwife in Nigeria Obubeleye West ~. 35



74 ROE v. WADE AT 25-WHERE Do WE Go FROM HERE? WOW-women organizing worldwiae 10 Pushing the U.N. on Women's Rights b,Y Alice Jfaslran,qelo Giulel 11 An Australian Circus with aPurpose 12 Resources: Manuals for Change. Keeping Tabs on the Media in Jamaica 13 Disabilily Righls Go Global. Human Righls: An AClivist's Agenda 14 WOW Q&k On Staging aPoll Walch in Nicaragua

!1ews 16 Good News 1997: The Vear in Review 22 Welfare Reform Goes Private and for Pront byShel)'IMcCartlrj 25 Disturbing Queslions AboutJaTTrials 28 Abstinence-only Programs Gellhe Big Bucks by AnnysSllin 29 OPl~IO~: The Perils of Privatization bJ JlimiAbramooitz 30 Global Gains and losses. Nike Watch

31 NE\lI'SMAXER: Patty Murray fJ)'jeSJt'c4KtolltS 32 CUPfINGS b.Y Kale Rounds

Jour1ealth 34 After Abuse: Surgeons Help Erase the Scars byJenn;ferBing1uJm HuB 37 PROfilE: Juliel Nathanson 38 Is It Really aYeast Infection? by TorangMPah 39 Health Notes by TorongSepoh

".lour Nork 40 Women F'armworkers Stand Up 10 Bias try£lizabelh Kadelsky 42 Family and Medical Leave Act: Are You Covered? 43 fIRST PERSON: Silver HajWood 44 Work Notes by roranqSepah

OOOKS 78 Women Imagine Change: 2,600 Years of Resistance by!.mtlia Richards 80 R£\1EWS 63 BoLD mE: Anna Quindlen

'epartments 1 ~DITOR'S PAGE by MarciaAnn Gillespie 4 LrnERS 84 TECHNOJE.\! Girl Games: Adventures in Lip Gloss by Rebecca £/senbm 88 F'lCTION: Arnor Divino iJyJuliaAlrarez 91 POETRY: What the Living Do by,lfan'e Hvu'e 96 GUEST ROOM: An Unholy Alliance b.~· Ch~NCrews No CO\I\lF.NT (inside back cover) the HEART 36 of the MATTER Women Get Up Close and Very Personal OIl VOLUME V I, As They Reflect Their Sexual Politics 43 essays by Laurie Stone, Teresa Moore, Anastasia Higginbotham, alld bell hooks NUMBER 5 Plus: 38 Isabel Allende on Erotic Recipes, Love and Grief, Writing and life interview MARCH/APRIL 1998 by Claudia Dreifus 61 Homeless in New York photographs and lexl by Joan Roth women organizing worldwide 9 Passing the TORCH byAnneMarieDobos? 10 Mauritius Poster Blitz. Raising Funds 1.1. Hutu, Tulsi Women Rebuilding in Rwanda • Peace Petition 2000 12 WOW Q&A on Domestic Workers: Cleaning Up Exploitation byARGga Dalal

news :1.4 Breast vs. Bottle: Striking a Balance as AIDS Enters the Formula Fray by Sharon lemer 20 Guatemala and Gerber Wage aBaby Food Battle by Sharon lemer

22 Religious Divorce: The Catch-22 for Orthodox Jewish Wome~ by Naomi Grossman

25 NEW5MAKER: Rhonda Copelan by Ga.\'le Kirshenbaum 26 OPINION: Work Inside Ihe Home Is Still Work, Right? by Theresa [unidelia

27 Report from Rwanda by laura Flanders

31 Women's Rights Under Threat in Nicaragua by Donna Vukelich Gnd Estelle Schneider 32 CLIPPINGS by Kate Rounds

your health 34 Ovarian Cancer: Women Break the Silence by LeltyCollin Pogrebin 36 PROfilE: Laura Fields 37 HEALTH NOTES by TorangSepah

arts 71 Ida Applebroog: Exposing the Personal by Terrie Sultan 74 Kasi Lemmons: The Woman Behind £Loe sBayoll by Erika Muhammad 76 ARTSWATCH by C/lris Kelsey

books 77 ANew 1'wist on Romance Novels by Amy Aronson

79 Lessing Is More by Marya Smith 80 REVIEWS

departments 1 EDITOR'S PAGE by ,llarcfaAnn Gillespie 4 LEITERS 68 SHE SAYS: Cybill Shepherd by Amy Aronson 82 fiCTION: The Fantasma of Q_ by lisa Goldstein 89 POETRY: Snow by Janice Gould 90 CONNECTIONS: Looking for Alice by Valerie Boyd 96 GUEST ROOM: Dogma Girl Hits the Road by Jessica Heaces No COMMENT (inside back cover) 37

january 1998 volume xxviii. number 1

IlIImew Interview With JED: A New Focus 1

sPHlllllablrlS ALIANZA: Forging a Feminist Alliance 8 Lesbian Mormons•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 G.I. Sperm ScatteriDI Statute 13

Women on Death Row••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 reViews CariDI for Just/ce by RobiD West 18 Storm Clouds alJd Party Sboe••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22

regullr !few••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Chicken Lady ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 OOB- Calendar ••••••••••••••••••••••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Letters ...... ••...... ••...... •...... •••...... ••..... 23 38

february 1998 volume xxviii, number 2

interview Interview With Phyllis Chesler 1 speclalleablres How to Pi.. Off a Women's Studies Major 10 Nuclear Racism ...... •...... • 11 Rape in Cyberspace ..•...... 12 Phlteessav· Refuse and Resist meet the Anti-choicers: the 25th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade 14 clmmentanr Through the Looking Glass 16 The Death of a Fairy Tale 18 reviews Letters to a Young Feminist by Phyllis Chesler 8 For-Giving: A. Feminist Critique ofExcbange 20 regUlar News •••• ;•.•.•..••••.•••••.••.••••••••.•.•••••••.•••••••••••.•.•••.••••••• 3 Chicken Lady 24 OOB Calendars •••••••••••.••.••.•.••••••.•••••••••.•.••.•.••••••••• 22 Letters 25 39 Peace&Freedom MAGAZINE OF THE WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM

DECEMBER 1997 VOL. 57 • No.6

- reatures International Youth Movement is Alive and Well Page 6 Office of War Crimes 20

Generation X Page 8 Women Challenging the Politics of Power 21 Breaking Down Barriers Page 10 How did W1LPF come to explore the issue of Learning, Growing drug policy reform 22 and Activism Page 11

Biographies Page 12 r"'. 'eJ va'-.." I'TI1"l ,en • It~rc; Media &Democracy Page 13 Reader's Forum Page 4

Working Women, Working Together ...Page 14 UN Report Page 5

As Land Mines Go. Action Alert.. Page 24 So Go Nuclear Weapons Page 16 Peace Education Page 26 Leadership Institute- WILPF's Loving Transformation ...... Page 18 W1LPF Action Page 27

Outreach/Leadership Page 19 Resources Page 30

Baby Teeth 20 40 ADIANCE WINTER 1998 VOL. 15, NO.1

Sandra Bierman: Painting It Large FROM AN INTERVIEW BY ALICE ANSFIELO ••••• 24 Rediscovering my art at age fifty

------de par t men t 5 • Essays When Is Measured by the Size of Your Dress BY JOAN RYAN ••••• 9

Travels with Alan-or, Let's Eat ! BY ALISON WTERMAN ••••••••• 30

• Health & Well-Being

Losing It BY LAURA FRASER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 America ~ obsession with weight and the industry that feeds on it

Losing It-A Book Review BY MARINA WOLF .17

• On the Move

Brave and Buoyant! BYVIKTORIA TlNBERG •••••••••••••••••••••• 18 How f took to the world beneath the water • Poetry

Why I'm Against Liposuction BY DANNYE ROMINE POWELL .22

What Would Happen? BY LONNIE HULL DoPONT .22

Choice and Accommodation BY CB FOLLETr .23


• Images fashions from Love Your Peaches Clothing Company 26

• Perspectives

Life in the fat Underground BY SARA GDLOA BRACHA FISHMAN • •••••••••• 32

-C) i 'J m n 5 _

Letterfrom tile Editor BY ALICE ANSFIELO .3 Letters to RADIANCE .4 Big News BY WILLIAM J. FABREY •••••••• .12

In Season: Beans! BY LINDA BRANDT TANNER .20 Contributors and Acknowledgements Editorial 6 Marge Berer The international women's health movement 41 RHM publications 1998-1999: submissions welcome RHM and Blackwell Science: subscriptions and editorial changes; new journal sections; a note on submissions; RHM in Chinese Roundtable 9 Jane Cottingham, Judy The personal is political: beginnings and endings in Norsigian, Carmita Guzman, an ongoing history Marge Berer. TK Sunderi ::c Ravindran. Sandra Coney, ('t) Linda Hill. Rosalind P Petchesky Z c A Page from History :;: ~~ 29 Ann Oakley Beyond the yellow wallpaper m'" Features on the Theme " =-~ 40 Hope Chigudu Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre and Network: ~ knowledge. analysis and equitable development 0 46 Susan Law Big goals, small steps: the early history ofa women's ~8 health centre in Ontario. Canada z 0 58 Marta Lilmas The feminist movement and the development of < political discourse on voluntary motherhood in m ~§-' Mexico :;: 68 Anita Hardon Contesting claims on the safety and acceptability of pt.(") anti-fertility vaccines '"m 82 Mary EI/sberg, Anna Winkvist The Nicaraguan Network ofWomen against Violence: " ft) ~ ::t. andJerker Liljestrand using research and action forchange 93 Lene Sjorup Globalisation: the arch-enemy? '"..., ~~ 99 Mabel Bellucci Women's struggle to decide about their own bodies: '" abortion and sexual rights in Argentina 107 Sonia Correa From reproductive health to sexual rights: achievements and future challenges 117 Maria Setania Avila Making alliam:es and partnerships: challenges for the feminist movement More Features, Different Themes 124 Sabu M George Female infanticide in Tamil Nadu, India: from recognition back to denial? 133 Geeta Ramaseshan Women imprisoned for abortion in Nepal: report ofa Forum Asia fact-finding mission

139 Anuradha Kumarand Gender relalions and education ofgirls in two Indian Carol Vlassotf communities: implications for decisions about childbearing Issues in Current Polley 151 Rebecca Cook UN Human Rights Committees advance reproductive rights Commentary 154 Sunanda Ray Prevention ofHIV/STI transmission: clarifying the research questions 156 Lena Lennerhcd ef al Sterillsation on eugenic grounds in Europe in the 1930s: news in 1997 but Why?

Round-Up 162 Research: Breast cancer: aspects ofdetection and prognosis No link between DDT and breast cam:er found in European women Survival from breast cancer in NSW Australia Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: are-analysis ofdata Treatment for ectopic pregnancy should be updated Effectiveness ofcondoms in preventing HIV transmission Higher concentrations ofHIV-1 in semen. cervical and vaginal secretions: role ofSTDs and other factors Late postnatal HIV transmission documented in Ivory Coast HIV infection among infertile women seeking hospital treatment in Tanzania Condom use among women with HIV in New Orleans, USA Spermicides and increased risk ofurinary tract infection Oral contraceptive use and heart attack Genital injuries from rape (continued, next page) (continued) 1G8 Law and Policy: Polish abortion law found unconstitutional Catholic Church in 1\-lexl[o distorts truth i.Jboul condoms 42 Race, ethnicity and sexu31 health Colombian Constitutional Court rulings on reproductive rights Australian reproductive rights record tarnished Danish rCLord not much better Abortion l

173 Service Delivery: \Vomen's understanding ofabnormal cervical smear results Views of pregnant women. midwives and technicians on ultrasound leaflets Internet warning: quinacrine and methotrexate Factors affectin~J maternal mortality in Tanzania Barriers to use ofA2T by women with HIV in Violence against women and pregnancy Depression in middle-aged women not always due to menopause \Vomen's counselling needs in Yokohama, Japan Acceptability of Norplant in China Experience of Norplant introduction: , Bangladesh and USA 178 Courses and Conferences

181 Publications: The Women's Movement in Turkey: The InUuence of Political Discourse La Escritura de la Vida y el Sueii.o de la Politica: Debate t- Feminista 15(Aprilj, 1997 O> Cumbres, Consensos y Despues ~CV) 0> ;....(~ ... The Politics ofInfant Abandonment in China • Disease Prevention as Social Change: Toward a Theory of i-lQ) "' Public Health U~ '" Fertility, Family and Social Policy in Contemporary '" Western Europe :E State Policies and the Birth Rate in Egypt: From Socialism '"> to Liberalism =~ Healthy Women Counselling Guide 0 z What Makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political "'O~ EconomyofHealth Women ofthe World, Laws and Policies Affecting Their 0 Reproductive Lives: Anglophone Africa 8 ... Databases on Violence against Women and Female Genital Mutilation Q..~ "' HIV and Safe, Healthy Sex '" Making Sex Work Safe :E'" Trabalhar com Jovens sobre Saude Sexual e VIH/SIDA :> Straight Talk: Keeping Adolescents Safe, 1993-1996 ~d Z Guidelines for HIV Interventions in Emergency Settings Morganthaler: A Difficult Hero (l) Abortion Law Reformers: Pioneers ofChange Voices for Choice The Abortion Pill Jane =t Planning Appropriate Cervical Cancer Control Programs Increasing Financial Sustainability ofFamily Planning Service Delivery in Bangladesh Mezzo: For Young People by Young People What's Sex Got to Do with It? Introducing Sexuality within Family Planning: Three Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean The Story ofCaroline Beale Touch Me, Touch-Me-Not: Women, Plants and Healing African Journal ofReproductive Heallh Recommendations on Ethical Issues in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Review 187 Angeline Faye Schrater Pandora's Box: Feminism Confronts Reproductive Technology, by Nancy Lublin RFR~DRF 43


Volume 25, Numbers 3 & 4 Winter 1997 • Passionate Ethics/Une ethique passionee • Table of Contents/Sommaire

Introduction Book Revlews/Comples !endus Passionate Ethics Bedside Matters: The Transformation of Canadian Barbara Godard and Pamela McCallum Nursing, 1900-1990 107 Kalhryn McPherson Articles Reviewed by Cathy Crowe Paper Lesbians: On the Reading of Lesbian Theory 9 Blood, Sweat and Mahjong: Family and Enterprise Kathleen Martindale in an Overseas Chinese Community 108 Feminist Ethics and "Privilege" 18 Ellen Oxfield Martha J. Saunders Reviewed by Jane Su Chaun Ku Class, Subjectivilies, Desire: lWo Autobiographies 26 Ecological Feminist Philosophies 109 Bina Toledo Freiwald Karen J. Warren. ed. Reviewed by Ca/riona Sandifands On Refusing Explication: Towards a Non-narrative Narrativily 34 L'extreme droite contre Ies femmes 110 Deborah P. Britzman Jo de Leeuw et Hedwige Peemans-Poullet (coord.) Compte rendu parJacinthe Michaud Women's Biographies and Autobiographies: A Political Project in the Making 38 Gender Balancing History: Towards an Inclusive Pao/aBono Curriculum 112 Rosemarie Schade and Keith Lowther, cds. Legacy: A Student's (Re)Memory of Dr. Kathleen Reviewed by Paula Bourne Martindale 46 Christian O/bey Le harcelement sexueI en . La levee d'un lahou 1985-1990 113 Homeless in Tulonaguy: Excerpt 50 Sylvie Cromer Robert Majze,ls Compte rendu par Cylvie Claveau Everyday We Live is a Miracle: Poem 52 Mililer au feminin 114 Carolyn Gammon Evelyne Tardy (avec la collabora lion de "Bl':cause You Aren't Indian": The Polilics of 'Andre Bernard) Location in Lee Maracle 53 Compte Tendu pa, Lucille Beaudry Helen Hoy Technologies of lhe Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Polyvocal Ethics 60 Women 115 Debra SJlOgan Anne Balsamo Reviewed by Jan Clarke The Question of Ethics: Reading Kathlt':en Martindale Reading Fredric Jameson 64 Le voile contre I'ecole 116 Pamela MeCallmn Elizabeth AllschulJ Compte Tendu par Yolande Geadah Promises and Politics: Implementing Canada's Equalily Commitmenls 70 Whose India? The Independence Struggle in Barbara Roberts British and Indian Fiction and History 118 Teresa Hubel (De)Claiming Pride: Refleclions on the (Im)politics Reviewed by Amilia Jamal of Que(e)rying Pedagogy 77 Ja"ice Andreae and Mary Aline Coffey Women in Trouble 120 Elizabeth Cormack Signifying "Lesbian"/Strategizing Error 82 Reviewed by Marge Reitsma~Street Robert Wallace Women, Politics and Reproduction: The Liberal "Passionate Fictions": Portraits of Female Masculinity Legacy 121 in The Well of Loneliness and Stone Butch Blues 92 Ingrid Makus Jean Noble Reviewed by Anne MirlQs Scrapbook: Excerpts 102 Sarah Murphy Announcemenls/Annonces 129 44 Verna Feehan Introduction 3

Vera Jensen The surprise of unfamiliar Who Is That Old Woman? 5 glimpses

Sheila Peters With raised eyebrows and Cultivation 7 less·limber limbs

Lyn Lifshin The entanglements of familial My Mother and I Tangle 17 relations The Bowls from Bava(18 18 Those Last Weeks 19 in Vermont

Mavis Jones A tale of swank and funeral If You Want to Know Who I Am 20 ~Uire

Lyn Lifshin Corridor lighls,lbreath on thel Volume 20:2 January 28 other side ofla curtain. Summer 1997 Nuns at a Retreat 28

Marilyn Gear Pilling Natural consequences and The Change 29 man-made disasters

Louise O'Donnell Eight weekslto vomil up eight Tribute 36 decades of rage Carol Ann's Dance 38

Sheila Meads Being, not wearing, the family Family Jewels 39 riches

myrna garanis blacklno question what to wear to leonard cohen 49 old men 50

Jean Mallinson Choking on family secrels Forgiveness 51

Heidi Greco Wailing for Mortality: 57 splayed feeUcarry too much Lined Up at the Ferrry weighUand years of disap- Old Wives Tale 58 pointment Empty Nest Syndmme 59

Janel Filch A mid-summer's day dailiance The Dark Beach Dream 60

Lorie Mlseck her flat hand scans the curve Saba Speaks No English 74 of her breasVsonar sweeping self-examination 76 for mines under the blue duvet 77

Caroline Shepard When leaving doesn't mean Addie Holds Herself Sideways 79 good-bye

Reviews by Virginia Aulin Bread and Salt 85 Genrecide 86

Review by Wendy Putman Grow old with me the best is yet 87 to be and I'm Becoming the Woman I've Always Wanted

Contributors' profiles 89

Back issues & sUbscriptions 94 SageWoman 45 Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman

Issue #41 - Spring 1998 PLANT MAGICK

FEATURE ARTICLES il48 i! ilS4 i! Crone Eyes, Crone Heart: Cycles and Seasons: !11611 Inner Journeys & Outer Realities Lunar Cycles and Taoist Astrology Kali and the Hibiscus: by Ann Kreilkamp by Sman Levitt The Dark Goddess in the Pruning Shears !II So i! !IIS6 i! by Suzin Green Into the Green: Time to Celebrate: artwork by Cat Stone Where to Begin Holidays and Holy Days by Elizabeth Barrette from Around the World !lin iii! by Waverly Fitzgerald Path of the Green Witch !IIS2 iii! by Suzan Stone Sierralupe The Sibyl Speaks: FROM OUR READERS artwork by Tracy Christensen Divination in Everyday Life by Joanna Powell Colbert !II 14 iii! !II 62 iliI Ivy's Child A Circle is Cast: REGULAR COLUMNS by Ashley Kaufman Ideas for Ritual Work artwork by Peggy Sue McRae !II 411 !II 69 i! !II 16 iii! Living the Dream: Leaves ofSage: Plant Memories: Letter from the Editor Book Reviews Tales from the Green World by Anne Newkirk Niven by SageWoman readers, ill 79 lIlI artwork by Renee Christine Yates !113S II Tools for Transformation: One of Ten Thousand: Product Reviews !JiI22 JIi! Goddess Lore & Ritual­ A Pinch of Rosemary Ostara: !II 82 i! by Ivy MoonJlower, The Goddess of Spring The Rattle: artwork by Colby Pftil by Diana Paxson The Wise Woman Council artwcrk by !JiI26 JIi! Joanna Powell Colbert !II 9SlIlI Emerald : Weaving the Web: Networking The Magic of Small Gardens ill 4411 by Elizabeth Barrette Sacred Herbs ­ DEPARTMENTS illustrations by Linda Ware lies Gifts from the Land by Jan WillialflS !113 l1l1 !1130 II Business Notes Cattail Tales il461il.1 Heart and Home: article and artwork !II 91 lIlI by Blanche Cybe/e Derby Everyday Enchantments by Lunaea Weatherstone Women at the Well: A Marketplace ofGoods & Services !116o II We Long for Spring il961il.1 poem by Lee Pelbam Cotton A Pinch of Sage: Words ofWisdom 46 Vol. 9 Nos. 5/6 Nov. & Dec. 97

English: Cesaria Evora: the soul of Cape Verde .4 Me'shell Ndegeocello - 'Compassion is for greater Ihan God' ..5 She who laughs lasl, laughs Ihe longest 6 Trip to Rwanda 7 Goodbye DDT. hello pyrethroids 11 Read yourself happy: what's on our new books' shelf 13 The unsayable word - Under the tongue by Yvonne Vera .. 15 Sexual harassmenl: building solidarity among The body as battlefield -A new men at women's expense 16 type 01 contraceptive, caUed immuno-contraceptives can lip the I did iI, so can you 17 scale of conlrol over women's Sister talk Ishort storyl 19 reprOductive rights into the hands of population controllers. - see p. Healing body and soul - 24 for story. A look at traditional healing in modern-day Namibia ... 20 They call them immuno-contraceptives, we call them messing with women's bodies 24 Dear Reader . 36 Do you really have to say that? 37 Afrikaans: Daardie Iyd van die maand 27 Hang dil uit om droog te word 28 Seksuele teistering - die opbou van krediet onder mans teen vroue se onkoste 29 Seksuele leislering • alhoewel nle Oshiwambo: aile mans dil doen nie, is daar nag Cesario Evora: Ondiimbo yomoCape Verde 30 hopeloos Ie veel, en veral op slraal, in die openbaar. Vroue kan Okwaaludha olulu nomwenyo - etalo Iyepango leer hoe om sulke orige mans te Iyopamithigululwa pangashingeyi muNamibia 31 konlronteer. DDT kala po nawa, onawa pyrethroids 34 Regulars: Womentalk: sexual harassment 18 Middle pages: Tulipamwe feast 22 Competition 26 Consumer Column - that time of the month again 9 News Clippings: 38 Letters 42 Okwaaludha olulu nomwenyo ­ etala lyepango lyopamilhigululwa pangashingeyi muNamibia. 47



From the Editor 2 Jenny Potts 4 Greek Dancing Janine Canan 8 Her Strings Sharon F. McDermott 9 Reasons for Singing Pam Herbert Barger 10 He Missed; Seventh Grade Orchestra Concert Joanna M. Weston 14 Singer's Bar Liane Ellison Norman 15 Writing Mozart's Mother Myrna Garanis 23 Harmonica Deborah Batterman 24 Musical Men Marilynn Talal 27 Piano Music Anne Feeney 28 Adventures of a Big Labor Boss; Ms.Ogyny Tikvah Feinstein 35 My Father's Violin Eunjoo Paek 36 Dead Show 1994 Rhoda Rabinowitz·Green 38 The Wind at Her Back Jessica Jordan Nudel 48 The Music Therapist Randa Shannon 50 Melancholy Baby Christine Murphey 53 Astral Projection (at Pie in the Sky) Janice M. Waddleton 56 Interludes and Preludes Loraine Hayes 66 My Girls' Song Valerie Staats 68 Book Essays Scarlet Music: Hildegard of Bingel!; Ladyslipper Music Catalog 76 Notes on Authors and Artists 79 Note to Educators 80 Guidelines 48 • January 1998 Vol. 23, No.5 ·0· ·o·u·r·n·e·r TbeWomen'sForum









Janine DeBaise AncmntRh~hm , 5 Pat Falk Ufel/ne 6 Jaime Meisler So Herd Be(ore to Clean 7 Alison Mandavilie Reclining the Belly-O ...... 10 Terrt Chasteln Teetering No More 11 Lisa Rluo Childhood...... 12 Laura Lee Washburn Samuel's Riding Mower 13 Anne Boyer-Ca",on Sestina on Childhood 14 Rebecca Baggett With Every Breeth I Take 15 Jane Jacobson My Every Word 17 Christine E. Atkins Chronology...... 18 Krtstine SomervJlle Finishing Last ...... 19 Jennlter Brentley A Girl's Green 26 Peggy M. Woods In the Attic ...... 28 Faith S. Holsaert Grinding Teeth 39 Wendy Patrtce Williams The Forgotten White Wolklng Cless, o( Which I em One 43 Jennlter A. McMahon My Molher's Vege 45 Gina Frangello The Leeders ...... 47 Cortney Davis Rented Rooms, Martha's Vlnayard 66 Shay Youngblood My Body Is Bread ...... 68 Elisa A. Garza Ana Marla After Ricardo 70 Janat Lowary Girts 71 Elalna Bannatt First Kiss 72 Tracy V. Wilson Fleld 73 S.L. Mangan Pussywillow ...... 74 Cili Janeway Chemistry Class ...... 75 Hyoejln Yoon About Your Hair Fetish 76 Julie Kize",hot Poem 78 Erotic Poem 78 Mattie Richardson Audrey 79 Nancy Welch Sweat Maddy ...... 89 Alyce MJller Thirtean ...... 97 Linda Fader Swenson At tha Freak Show: Your Five Cents, Plaasa, (or a Caged Curiosity 99 Ruth Feinlight Fatima 100 Cydney Chadwick Smile 102 Elaine Batcher So Much Uke His ...... 104 Mary Winte", Sisters ...... 112 Janell Moon Sense 113 Hollis Seamon The Strange Sad History o( Suzanne LaFlesha 114 Hannah Gurmen The Wadding Train ...... 126 Mertlyn Krysl Canticle on Kissing ...... 127 Joan Cofrancesco My Name Is Alice and I Am Hemingway's Feminist Cat...... 129 S.B. Sowbel To the Pre-Modem Poets (end My Father) 131 Molly Wizenberg Ail/eurs 132 Mlriem Levine La Belle Femende 133 Cadence Kidwell Marooned in Cuba 134 Renee Ellen Olander A Risk In Wrestling a Bind 135 Leslie Paolucci In Carol's Gardan 136 JUdythe Stahl Gardan Diary 137 Maureen A. Sherbondy Poem In Fragments, Chicken Cooking 139 13th MmN 51 VOLUME XV NUMBERS 1 & 2 1997 (continued) Lynn Hassan Arlwoll<. . 140 Nicola HalWood The Wall< offt 144 Linda Bamber Wall< 145 Emily Steinlight The Sacramant of Walking Home af Nighf. 146 Constance E. Boyle Survivel ...... •...... 149 Mery H. Ber Grounds for Therapy ...... 150 Pam Ore SaInI. Say It. . 151 Barbara Louise Ungar Pana/ope, Revisned 152 W.R. McCabe- Teichert Ctare Westhoff Wmes a Letter to Herself . 154 Anne Waldman Passages from lovis II 156 Sandra Soli The Uses of Paper 167 Barbara Lynne Brush Ventriloquism 169 Beverley Brahlc Daad Bird 170 Maureen Buchanan Jones Passages from Seraphic Evidence 171 Mary Hower Evaded Cadences ...... 173 Susan Naomi Bernstein Becoming a Mother (Not in the Usual Way) 175 Suzanne Wise Mother Takes a Tum for the Worse 176 Sally Alien McNall Heart Fa;lure 179 Wendy Fairey Grace 182 Anna Mortal Maiden Fonn 190 J. Landy Dann Miss Whne's Superior Offspring 191 Cydney Chadwick The Economy of Art (Th~ CedsrBaf. New York. February, 1956) 192 Deirdre O'Connor Inventory ...... 194 A.B. Sickels A Fairy/ale ; 197 Nathalie Stephens Passages from Memones of Sleep 210 Mendith Brand Bush Heat 211 Diana Garcia Tisica 213 Gwyn McVey Anna Andreevne 215 Therese D. Murphy Desire to Possess 216 Claire Malraux Passage from Octet Before Winter 217 Translated by Passage from Octet Before Winter 218 Manlyn Hecker Vlsnatlon 219 Claire Malraux Geneses 220 Lyn Llfshin My Mother and the Vlacs 221 I Love the Man In this Picture 222 SA Bartfay Stephanie's Quintina 224 M.C. Bell Claire ~ ...... 225 Hilary Holladay Overhaard at Walden Pond ...... 247 Alison Seevek Late Bloomer ...... 249 Liza Taylor Rapunzel 250 Ktmi Sugioka Caremony I 254 Lon Horvitz Traces of an Egg Shell ...... 257 Jennifer O'Grady The Cava of the Winds in Winter 261 Marcia Mulloy Passage from My Fathe(s Mother 262 Ellean NI Chuilleenaln Edgings: Part /I •.••••.••.•••.••••• 264 Maureen Salzer Measures of Grlaf I: Pallbearers 265 Beth Houston Grandmother's Garage 266 When 1Am an Old Woman 268 Louise Grieco Uving Forever 269


270 278 52


A Magazine for Women in Blue-CollarWork

Vol. 16, No.4 Winter 1997

3 Viewpoint Sexism Personified Molly Martin 4 Focus on Program Raising the Roof Bertha Humez Hatvari 9 Poetry Sue Doro 10 Tools of the Trade Rocky Mountain High Marcia Munson 12 Photo Essay Wilderness Ranger Marcia Munson 16 Book Excerpt We'll Call You Susan Eisenberg 18 Resources Bay Area Community Colleges Bob Jolly 22 Ads, Announcements, Events Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 53 Volume 16, Number 2 Fall 1997

From the Editor 255


Refiguring the Pnstcoloniallmagination: 259 Tropes or Visuality in Writing by Rhys, Kincaid. ,md Cliff Mary LOll Emery

"Like a Hook Fits an Eye": Jean Rhys, 281 Ford Madox Ford, and the Imperial Operations of ~vlodernist Memoring Sheila Kineke

Plotting the Mother: Caroline Norton, 303 Helen Huntingdon, and Isabel Vane Elisabeth Rose Gntner

Imagining Women at \Var: Feminist 327 Strategies in 's War Writing Claire M. Tylce

Re-Versing the Past: Adrienne Rich's 345 Postmodern Inquietude Barbara L. Estrin


Katie's Canon: \XImnanism and the SOIlI of the 373 Black Communit)'. By Katie Geneva Cannon.

The Rising Song ofAfrican American \'(Iomell. Ry Barham Omolade. Lund Bllllinger

The Fiction of Paule Marshall: ReCOIlS/ructions 376 (If HisWTY, Culture, and Gender. By Dorothy Hamer Denni:-ton. Kimherly N. Bm-ll'n

Writing MOIhl'rs, Writing Daugh/crs: 377 Tmdl1,f: the Maternal in Stories h)' Americllll }cU'i_~h \'llllllen. By Janer Handler Burstein. Her FtlCC in the lvtirror: Jcwish Women 011 M(){her.~ llnd DaughfcL'i. Edited ,",y Fayt.' Moskowitz. )\.tiri~·ml1 Glazcr

Impertinent Voices: Suf>t'ersit'e Strategies in 380 Co1ltemporary Women's Poetry. By Liz Y{lrkt.'. Karen Kah'o/Cl

The Disobedient Writer: \'(lomen and NmTatire 382 Tradition. By Nancy A. Walker. Molly Hite

Elldora \'(1dty and Virginia \'(1oolf: Gender, J8J Genre, and Inf!Ill:nCl'. By SUZ<1n Harrisnll. Gail l\'lortimer (continued, nexI page) Tulsa Studies in Women's 54 Literature Volume 16, Number 2 Fan 1997

(continued) Wmnen's Fiction of the Second World \Var: J85 Gender, Power {ind Reslsrallce. By Gill Plain. War, Women, and Poetry, 1914-1945: British and Gennan Writers and Actit,jsts. By Joan Montgomery Byles. Ann Ardis

Women Editing Modemism: "Little" Magazines 387 and Literary Hisrory. By Jayne Marek. Margaret D. Sretz

Seeing Together: Friendship Between the Sexes in J89 English Writing, If/1m MilIw \'-:'oof[. By VicttlT Lllftig.

The Web of Fricmlshill; Marianne Moore and Wallace Stet'cns. By Robin G. Schulze. jo)'Ce Wexler

The Veiled Mirror and the Woman Poet: H.D., Louise 391 Bogan, Elizabeth Bishop, and Louise Gliick. By Elizaheth DDdd. Tony Trigilio

Imperialism at Home: Race and Victorian Women's 19J Fiction. By Susan Meyer. Lynn M. Alexander

Keeping the ViclOtian House: A Collecrion of J95 £S5a)·s. Edited by V~messa D. Dickerson. Jane Curlin

The \Vorld of Hannah More. By Patricia Demers. J97 Mitz:i M)'crs

Erotic Dawn,Sollgs of the Middle Ages. 400 By Grace Sigal. Roberta Davidson





Untitled (from the Si/ucta Series), 1978, 276 by Ana Mendieta

Magic Glasses, by Edwin Romanzo Elmer J49 U.S.-JAPAN 55 WOMEN'S JOURNAL

A Journal for the International Exchange of Gender Studies ENGLISH SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 13 1997

In the Feminine Guise: A Trap of Reverse Orientalism ...... Chizuko Ueno 3 -~.G~.~..-~~0X~~0Xb~ •• Misreading and Un-Reading the Male Text, Finding the Female Text: Miyamoto Yuriko's Autobiographical Fiction Michiko Niikuni Wilson 26 rJ3-r'f-A t-J ~i1nJ;.J!Ii~liJ'G~!B1.$;C: r~-r'f-At-J ~R.:.*N~~~ rU/)\mJ ~i1j'W

The Establishment of the Women's and Minors' Bureau in Japan...... Manako Ogawa 56 -~A!J>iFf.l~illl:ft1:: ':> ~ll

Gender, Class, and Age in the Microcosm of the Family: The Household Division of Labor in Hokkaido, Japan ... Deborah M. Aoki 87 -.~C:~l? rm®tt~J 1::~7.>Y.:L~:$"-, ~l'&, 1!!:{-t : ~tltmH:: :t3IH1!!:'I!l'P

The Effects of Income Tax and Social Security Policy: Married Women in the Japanese Labor Supply...... Yoshio Higuchi 104 r rW~:E~J {¥~ilJ(m~g~MiJ r r~~J {¥~*,m~kmm:5tm.!l 56

VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Volume 4, Number 1, February 1998

Special Issue: \Vomen, Violence, and the Media


Guest Editors' Introduction SUSAN CARlNGELLA-MAcOONALD and DREW HUMPHRIES 3 Articles Jane Tennison and the Feminist Police Procedural GRAY CAVENDER and NANCY C. JURIK 10 "That Wasn't Even Me They Showed": Women as Criminals On America's Most Wanted LISA BOND·MAUPIN 30 Crack Mothers at 6: Prime-Time News, Crack/Cocaine, and Women DREW HUMPHRIES 45 The Relative Visibility of Rape Cases in National Popular Magazines SUSAN CARlNGELLA-MAcDONALD 62 TaillJOok and the Construction of Sexual Harassment in the Media: "Rowdy Navy Boys" and Women Who Made a Difference RENEE GOLDSMTIH KASINSKY 81 Playing Gender Against Race Through High-Profile Crime Cases: The Tyson(fhomas/Simpson Pattern of the 1990s LYNN S. CHANCER 100 Book Review Representing O. J.: Murder, Criminal Justice and Mass Culture edited by Gregg Barak MELISSA HlCKMAN BARLOW 114

Call for Papers 119 57

Wisconsin Women's Law Journal

VOL. XII, NU~lBER 2 FALL, 1997





THE NAME OF THE MAIDEN •.....•...... Omi 253



COURT-CREATED BOUNDARIES BETWEEN A VISIBLE LESBIAN MOTHER A.'1D HER CHILDREN •..•..•...... •.•.••. Susan J Becker 331 58 WOMEN a cultural review


INDEPENDENT INDIA Guest editor: Anita Roy

Introduction: Cultural Studies, Violence and Femininity 259 ANITA ROY Married to the Mahatma: The Predicament of Kasturba Gandhi 264 EMMA TARLO The Long and Saggy Sari 278 ANIA LOOMBA The Profanity of Prudery: The Moral Face of Obscenity Law·in India 293 RATNA KAPUR Thoroughly Modern Misses: Women on Indian Television 303 SHAILAJA BAJPAI Listening to Widows in Rural India 311 MARTHA ALTER CHEN Sex, Lies and the Genderscape: The Cinema of Aparna Sen 319 BRINDA BOSE From Co-star to Deity: Popular Representations of Jayalalitha Jayaram 327 PREMINDA JACOB

REVIEW ARTICLE New Writing by Indi4n Women: Arundhati Roy, The God ofSmall Thing,; Mrinal Pande, Devi' Tale, ofthe Godde.. in Our Time; Shashi Deshpande, A Matter of Time 338 PADMINI MONGIA

REVIEWS Mrinalini Sinha) Colonial Masculinity: The 'Manly Englishman' and the (Effeminate Bengali' in the Late Nineteenth Century 345 HELEN CARR Jyotsna G. Singh, Colonial Narratives, Cultural Dialogues: 'Discoveries' ofIndi4 in the Language ofColoni4lism 348 IRA SINGH Gita Mehta, Snake, and Ladders: A View ofModem Indi4 352 ANITA ROY Bishnupriya Ghosh and Brinda Bose (eds.). Interventions: Feminist Di4logue, on Third World Women's Literature and Film 355 SANGEETA DATTA



BOOKS RECEIVED 365 The Treatment ofWomen with Mental Heallh Disorders Under HMO and Fee-far-Service Insurance Sheri)' Glied, PhD 59 Work Conditions, Mastery and Psychological Distress: Are Housework and Paid Work Contexts Conceptually Similar? 17 Emilio L. Lombardi, MA, PhD Patricia M. Ulbrich, PhD A Content Analysis ofObstetrics and Gynecology Scholarship: Implications for Women '8 Health 41 Lillda Galllloll, PhD Jill Stevells, MA nacy Steckel; BA

Lack ofColon Cancer Coverage in Seven Women's Magazines 57 Karell K. Gerlach, PhD, MPH Christilla Marilla, MD, MPH Douglas L. Weed, MD, PhD Laurie HojJiuall-Goetz, PhD, MPH

Self-Discrepancy Theory, Standards for Body Evaluation, and Eating Disorder Symptomatology Among College Women 69 Rita Snyder, PhD


Catching Babies: The Professionalization ofChildbirth, /870-/920, by Charlotte G. Borst . 85 Reviewed by Linda V. Walsh, CNM, PhD

The HistOlY ofPain, by Roselyne Rey, translated by Louise Elliott Wallace and J. A. Cadden and S. W. Cadden 88 Reviewed by Albert J. Saubennann, MD

Prenatal Testing: A Sociological Perspective, by Aliza Kolker and B. Meredith Burke 91 Reviewed by Barbara Katz Rothmall

A New Psychology ofMen, by R. F. Levant and W. S. Pollock 94 Reviewed by Bonnie L. Rickelman, EdD, RN, CS, CNS, LMFT, CGP

Children ofChoice: Freedom & the New Reproductive Technologies, by John Robertson 97 Reviewed by Cynthia B. Cohen, PhD, JD

When Abortion Was JIIegal: Untold Stories, by Dorothy Fadiman 101 Reviewed by Charles R. King, MD

Litermy Anatomies: Women sBodies and Health in Literature, by Delese Wear and Lois LaCivita Nixon 103 Reviewed by Charles R. King, MD

Heal' Me Patielllly: The Reform Speeches ofAmelia Jenks Bloomel; edited by Anne C. Coon 105 Reviewed by Charles R. King, MD

The Writillg on the Wall: Women:, Antobiography alld the Asylulll, by May Elene Wood 106 Reviewed by Charles R. King, MD

BOOKS RECEIVED 109 60 Gender DilTcrcnces in Physician Stress: \Vhy the Discrepant Findings? !-.·dith B. Gross, PhD Physicinns' Gender and Clinical Opinions ofReproductive Health Matters 15 ,5ilpa Mal/ila-Lindy, MD Elina Helllllllnkl, MD, PhD MaW Malin, MsSci Katrl Makkol/el/, MD, PhD Piiivi 7bpo, AlsSci TainG lHiintyrallta, JHD I1ka Kal/gas, LicSci

Physical Activity and Women in the United States: An Overview of Health Benefits, Prevalence, nud Intervention Oppornmities 27 AIllY A. Eyle/; MS, ABD Ross C. Brownson, PhD AMy C. King, PhD David Browl/, PhD Rebecca J. DOl/atelle, PhD GregO/)' Heath, PhD Sex Differences in Persistent Fatigue 51 Jawleke vall Mens· Verhulst, PhD JOllen M. Bel/sll/g, PhD

Older \Vomcn: Social Cognitive Theory COlTclates of Health Behavior 71 Vicki S. CO/III, PhD, RN

BOOK REVIEWS Subversive Dialogues: Them)' in Feminist Therapy, by Laura S. Brown 87 Reviewed by Jean Levitall, PhD

Eatll/g Disorders and Magical COl/trol ofthe Body, by Mary Levens 89 Reviewed by LYI/n E. POIIIOI/, MD

Constructil/g Pal/ic, by L. Capps and E. Oehs 91 Reviewed by Robert M. Goislllan. MD

The Talk ofthe Cliuic: Exploratiol/s in the Analysis ofMedical and Therapeutic Discourse. edited by G. H. Morris and Ronald J. Chenail 94 Reviewed by Barbara F. Shm/. PhD

The Harvard Guide to WOlllen S Health. by Karen Carlson, Stephanie Eisenstat, and Terra Ziporyn 96 Reviewed by w/miol'ie A. Bowmall, lv/D, MPA

Health Care Rejorlll aud the Bailiejor the Body Politic, by Dan E. Beauchamp 98 Reviewed by Susan D. Goold. MD. MHSA, MA

1m/Partial Science: Gender Ideology in !vIo/eeli/a/' Bi%gy, by Bonnie B. Spanier 101 Reviewed by Rllth Hubbard, PhD 61 omen & olitics Volume 18, Number 31997

Introduction Sally J. Kenney

Nancy Hartsock's Standpoint Theory: From Content to "Concrete Multiplicity" 7 Katherine Welton

Where Standpoint Stands Now 25 Catherine Hundleby

Counteridentification or Counterhegemony? Transfonning Feminist Standpoint Theory 45 Catherine M. 0 'Lelll)'

Feminist Standpoint as Postmodern Strategy 73 Nancy J. Hirschmann

Standpoint Theories for the Next Century 93 Nancy C. 114. Hartsock


Signifj'ing Woman: Culture and Chaos in Rousseau, Burke, and Mill, by Linda M. G. Zerilli 103 Reviewed by Kimberly F. Curtis Unequal Struggle: Class, Gendel; Race and Power in the U.S. Congress, by John C. Berg 105 Reviewed by Laura R. Winsky Mattei

Why Women Are Oppressed, by Anna G. Jonasdottir. Fore- word by Kathleen B. Jones 106 Reviewed byJennifer Ring

Micro-Politics: Agency in a Postfeminist Era, by Patricia S. Mann 108 Postll/odem Revisionings ofthe Political, by Anna Yeatman 108 Reviewed by Julie Wutlmow

About the Contributors 113 62 Women & Politics

Volume 18 Number 4 1997


feminist Solidarity, Relleetive Solidarity: Theorizing Connections After Identity Politics Jodi Dean


Perceptions of\Vomcn Politicians in Kazakhstan 27 Rebekah Herrick Almira Sapievll

Differences in Pmtisan Style and Ideology Between Female and Male State Party Committee Members 41 Joel Paddack Elizabeth Paddock

Ilannah Arendt and the Eichmann Controversy: Cultural Taboos Against Female Anger 57 Jenniler Ring


Support for Women's Interests in the I03rd Congress: The Distinct Impact ofCongressional Women 81 Julie Dolan


Expecting Trouble: Surrogacy, Fetal Abuse & New Reproductive Technologies, edited by Patricia Boling 95

Human Reproduction, Emerging Technologies, and Con/lieting Rights, by Robert Blank and Janna C. Merrick 95 Reviewed by Fraucis Carleton

All American Feminist i/1 Palestine: The IJll{j(/{/a }ears, by Sherna Berger Glnck 98 Reviewed by Kathy E. Ferguson

Fetal Rights, Women:S Rights: iI/the Workplace, by Suzanne Uttaro Samuels 100 Reviewed by Wolfgang Hircz)'

The Rooster :s Egg: 011 the Persistence

H0mell alld Gove1'1lment: Nelli Ways to POlllica/ Powe/; edited by Mim Kelber 104 Reviewed by Lynne A. Weikarl

Abollt the Contributors 107 WOMEN ---.&-- 63 THERAPY A Feminist Quarterly

Volume 20, Number 41997

Breaking the Rules: Women in Prison and FemlnlstTherapy Part One Preface xv Women Prisoners: A Contextual Framework Susan D. Phillips Nancy 1. Harm

The Experiences of Women in Prison: Implications for Services and Prevention II Cynthia Garcia Coli Jean Baker Miller Jacqueline P. Fields Betsy Mathews

An Analysis ofthe Impact ofPrison on Women Survivors ofChildhood Sexual Abuse 29 Jan Heney Connie M. Kristiansen Comparison Study of Women Who Have and Have Not Murdered Their Abusive Partners 45 Gloria Hamilton Tammy Sutterfield

Managing Motherhood in Prison: The Impact ofRace and Ethnicity on Child Placements 57 Sandra Enos

Restricted Love 75 Dominik Morgan

Children Without Childhoods: A Feminist Intervention Strategy Utilizing Systems Theory and Restorative Justice in Treating Female Adolescent Offenders 85 Carol Lee O'Hara Pepi

Breaking the Rilles: Women in Prison and Feminist Therapy, Part Two will follow in Women & Therapy, Volume 21, Number 1. WOMEN 64 ___....6& 5 THERAPY A Feminist Quarterly

Volume 21, Number 1 1998

Breaking the Rules: Women in Prison and Feminist Therapy Part 1\vo

Preface xix

Lessons from a Mother's Program in Prison: A Psychosocial Approach Supports Women and Their Children 103 Kathy Boudin

Girls in Jail 127 Verna J. TiJesday

Women in Ptison: AJ?proaches in the Treatment ofOlll' Most InvisIble Population 141 Stephanie S. Covington

To Find a Voice: Art Therapy in a Women's Prison 157 Beth Merriam

A Feminist Examination ofBoot Camp Ptison Programs for Women 173 Susan T. Marcus-Mendoza Jody Klein-Saffran Faith Lutze Volume 23 1998 65

PIIOTOGRAPIIY 3 THE PHOTOMONTAGES OF HANNAH HOCH Essays by Peter Boswell. Maria Makela. and Carolyn Lancher; Chronology by Kristen Makholm Reviewed by Joan Harrison 5 THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS John Wood Reviewed by Judy Seigel 6 PARISIAN VIEWS Shelley Rice Reviewed by Joan Harrison 7 THE CRITICAL IMAGE: Essays on Contemporary Photography Carol Squiers, ed. Reviewed by Kari Grlillsby 9 ON THIS SITE: Landscape in Memoriam PhOiographs by Joel Sternfeld; Armin Harris. ed. Reviewed by Joan Harrison

CRITIClSM/ART HISTORy/ARTISTS 10 POWER AND BEAUTY:lmages of Women in Art Georges Duby and Michelle Perrol, cds; tmnslated by Berlitz Art Reviewed by Fredrica Glucksman FEMINISM AND TRADITION IN AESTHETICS Peggy ZegHn Brand and Carolyn Korsmeyer. cds. Reviewed by Retia Hansen II ART ON THE EDGE AND OVER: Searching for Art's Meaning in Contempomry Society, 1970s-1990s Reviewed bv Kar; Grimsb}' 13 FEMINISM AND CONTEMPORARY ART Jo Anna Isaak Reviewed by Cassandra Langer THE LANGUAGES OF LANDSCAPE Mark Roskill Reviewed by Cassandra Lallger 14 DOUBLE EXPOSURES: The Subject of Culluml Analysis Mieke Bal Reviewed by Cassandra Langer 15 GENERATIONS AND GEOGRAPHIES IN THE VISUAL ARTS Griselda Pollock. ed. Reviewed by Cassalldra Lallger 17 WOMEN. ART & POWER AND OTHER ESSAYS Linda Nochlin Reviewed by Blair T. Binllelill 18 CELLBLOCK VISIONS: Prison Art In America Phyllis Kornfeld Reviewed by Valerie Serpa 19 JUNE WAYNE: A Retrospective Foreword by Lucinda H. Gedeon, leXl by Arlene Raven Reviewed bv Claire Heimarck 20 PICTURES OF PEOPLE: Alice Neel's American Portrait Gallery Pamela AHara Reviewed b\' Sfisall Piau 21 RACHEL WHITEREAD: Shedding Life Introduction by Fiona Bradley; lext by Rosalind Krauss, Bartonmeu MarL Stuart Morgan, and Michael Tarantino Reviewed by Valerie Serpa

(cOnlintled, nexi page) Volume 23 1998 66 (continued) 22 DEBORAH BUTTERFIELD Steven Brezzo, Mary Stornet Reviewed by Claire Heimarck 23 PAULA REGD: Survey of the Paintings, Drawings and Prints John McEwen Rel,jewed bv CYllthia Kukla PAULA REGO Introduction by Fiona Bradley: texts by Judith Collins, Ruth Rosengarten and Victor Willing Reviewed by Valerie Serpa 25 PRE-RAPHAELITE WOMEN ARTISTS Jan March and Pamela Gerrish Nunn Reviewed by Alicia Faxon 26 IMPRESSIONISM, A FEMINIST READING: The Gendering of Art, Science, and Nature in the Nineteenth Century Norma Braude Reviewed bv Alicia Faxon ~ 27 NAKED TRUTHS: Women, Sexuality. and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology o Ann Olga Koloski·Ostrow and Claire L. Lyons, cds. Reviewed by Susan Hamilton o 29 ANGELS OF ART: Women and Art in American Society. 1876. 1914 Bailey van Hook = Reviewed by Cassandra Langer 30 D1CfIONARY OF WOMEN ARTISTS Delia Gaze, ed. Reviewed by Cylllllia M. Kukla 3t NUNS AS ARTISTS: The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent Jeffrey Hamburger Reviewed by Virginia Maksymowicz 33 CONTEMPORARY IRISH TEXTILE ART: The Women of Annaghmakerrig Karen L. Labat and Nancy J. Nelson Reviewed bv Silvia Tenllenbaw" 34 OUTLOOKS: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities and Visual Cultures Peter Horne and Reina Lewis, eds. Reviewed by Cassandra umger

SOCIETY AND CULTURE 35 THREE ESSA YS ON STYLE: Erwin Panofsky Irving Lavin, eC:., with a memoir by William S. Heckscher Reviewed by Susan Ferguson Gussow 37 WHEN THE DRUMMERS WERE WOMEN: The Spiritual History of Rhythm Layne Redmond Reviewed by Jo Hanson 38 WHEN WOMEN CALL THE SHOTS: The Developing Power and Influence of Women in Television and Film Linda Seger Reviewed by Dorothy Sinclair

POETRY AND LITERATURE 39 THE GAZER'S SPIRIT: Poems Speaking to Silent Works of Art John Hollander Reviewed by Blair T. Birmelin 40 DANGER WALL MAY FALL: Stories Lynn Luria Sukenick Reviewed by Silvia Tennenbaum 41 REBEL WOMEN: Feminism, Modernism and the Edwardian Novel Jane Eldridge Miller DREAM REVISIONARIES: Gender and Genre in Woman's Utopian Fiction Darby Lewes Reviewed by Blair T. Birmelin Volume 23 1998 67

(continued) 43 ON THE WALLS AND IN THE STREETS: American Poetry Broadsides from the 19605 James D. Sullivan . FOR A LIVING: The Poetry of Work Nicholas Coles and Peter Oresick Reviewed by Fredrica Glucksman 44 FLYING HORSES, SECRET SOULS Randeanne Telu Reviewed by Nina Shenvill 45 A JEWISH MOTHER FROM BERLIN, A NOVEL & SUSANNA Gertrud Kalmar. translated by Brigitte Goldstein Reviewed by Silvia TelltlenbawlI 47 CRAZY WOMAN Kate Horsley Reviewed by Stephanie Ha;ns!urtlier 49 PORTRAITOFTHE WALRUS BY A YOUNG ARTIST Laurie FODs Reviewed by Molly Siemers THE CLAIRVOYANT ~ Marian Thurm Reviewed by Rebecca Sorgen o 50 LOVE INVENTS US Amy Bloom o Reviewed by Fredrica Glucksman 51 HUMMERS, KNUCKLERS, AND SLOW CURVES ~ Don Johnson, ed. Reviewed by Fredrica Glucksman 52 SHORT REVIEWS

WOMEN'S ISSUES 54 GENERATIONS: A Century of Women Speak About Their Lives Myriam Miedzian and Alisa Malinovich Reviewed by Rena Hansen THEOR YON GENDERIFEMINISM ON THEORY Paula England, ed. Reviewed by Rena HaJ,sen 55 SCHOOLING YOUNG CHILDREN: A for Liberatory Learning Jeanne Brady Reviewed by Nancy Odessky Acord WHEN MIDWIFERY BECAME THE MALE PHYSICIAN'S PROVINCE: The Sixteenth Century Handbook Eucharius Rossling. trans. from the German by Wendy Arons Reviewed by Elletl Levitt 56 THE WOMAN'S WHEEL OF LIFE: Thirteen Archetypes of Woman at Her Fullest Power Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard Reviewed bv Fredrica Glucksman 57 THE STORY OF JANE: The Legendary Underground Abortion Agency Laurie Kaplan Reviewed by Eve Stra14ssman-Pjlatlur 59 QUEERS IN SPACE: Communities, Public Places, Sites of Residence Gordon Brent Ingram. Anne Marie Bouthillelle. and Yolanda Retter. eds. Reviewed by Cassandra Langer 60 REAL GORGEOUS: The Truth About Body & Beauty Kaz Cooke Reviewed by Peg Lopata

POEMS 61 STUDIO, Elaine Alibrandi: THE GIFT, Irene Dayton: STUMPS AND SKY and FIELD OF VISION, Marianne Milton: MUSIC DRIFTING BY and POOL STUDIES, Lila Goodman: NUIT BLANCHE, Vashti; TEN. Erin Bealmear 68

® JANUARY 1998 Volume 7, No.1

How to use the media to respond to backlash , 1 Supporting women's sex conference brings SUNY $350,000 . 2 Newswatch: Gendered politics at work on campus...... 3 Use ethical pragmatism, not just rules, to solve conflicts. . .. 6 Generation affects how women view role on campus , 7 Can women athletes today avoid land mines in their paths? 8 Today's feminist scholars want to reach ordinary women .. 22 WILL program for women educates the total student...... 23 Confessions of a new evening class teacher...... 24 PROFILE: Theo Kalikow gives new meaning to "up front". 25 Opportunities for women on campus...... 26 Adult women speak of their first semester as new students 27 Editor: 1998 inspires refined strategies for success 28 PLUS: 85 great jobs on campus waiting for women candidates!

® FEBRUARY 1998 Volume 7, No.2

Cender equity VisilH1s 2000 set at 6 schools ..... ,...... ] Newswatch: Gendered politics at work .. ,...... 3 Tips to getting women into campus leadership 5 Atbnta Semester interns link academics to activists b Cracking 80l) years of male style at Cambridgl' 7 I Ill\\' 11isp~lnic-An1l'rican WUIllen succeed in highL'r ed , H Wonll'n dodor,ll stolknls and femak f,ll'ult)' , 23 (lut lesbian f,)Culty 11l,1ke tough choices ," 2·] ivlentorNel helps \-\,0111('n stay in engineering, science " 25 Tips to grow your own Dream Team on campus 26 On-line g,lllle sensitizes tech faculty to women's issues 27 Editor: My body let me down 28 PLUS: 92 great jobs on campus awaiting great women! 69

MARCH 1998 VOIUllll' 7, Nil. J

StrMegic confronlotion turns conflict into positive chonge ... 1 Stonford links feminist studies program to athletics event.. 2 Newswolch: Gendered politics at work on campus 3 Beyond offinnMive action: How 10 get into administration.. 5 Tips on how to market your women's teams 6 iVlimy career paths can leod you 10 a presidency 8 Tips on how to survive to tenure while changing the world 21 Cn,.,ti"g gl'nlkr l'quity in and out of the classroom , 22 Test your hl'IHIl'r dWilJ'l'IH'SS qllolil'lll 23 Rools of woml,,,'5 managemenl thoughl go dl'l'p 2~ Not tonight, dear, I have a PhD...... 25 Improved WIHE Web site offers new delights on-line 26 Solilude can help women learn about themselves 27 Editor: We all won Olympic gold 28 PLUS: 69 great jobs on campus woiting for women candidates! 70

The Magazine of Historical and Contemporary Women Composers

Vo!. 6, No.1, February 1998


Violet Arc/ler: A Life LOllg Leonler l by Barbara Harbach

Violet Archei': A Bibliograpllll l1 by Barbara Harbach


SI/sall Blol/steill Sextet. 15 review by Elizabeth Lauer

Violet Archer; Corey Field; ROVOlllla Martill From the Great Land 16 review by Barbara Harbach


Alice fordoll: CllOpters of0 Mllsicol Alblllll 20 By Earline Moulder

INDEX for 1997 31 71 Women's History Review



Introduction 461

Rosemary Raughter. A Discreet Benevolence: female philanthropy and the Catholic resurgence in eighteenth-eentury Ireland 465

Marla ,Luddy. "Abandoned Women and Bad Characters": prostitution in nineteenth-eentury Ireland 485

Andrea EbeI Brozyna. "The Right to Labour, Love and Pray": the creation of the ideal Christian woman in Ulster Roman Catholic and Protestant religious literature, 1850-1914 505

SHe Chulnneagaln. The Politics of Equality: Catherine Mahon and the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, 1905-1916 527

Cllona Murphy. The Religious Context of the Women's Suffrage Campaign in Ireland 549

Caltrlona Beaumont. Women, Citizenship and Catholicism in the Irish Free State, 1922-1948 563

Title-page and Contents, Volume 6 587 72


2 4 WOMEN AND THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY 52. SESSION Sept.· Dec. 1997 New York: resolutions for women COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. 42. SESSION: 2·13 March 1998. N.Y. CEOAW: Comm. on Elimination of Discrimination, 18th SESSION, 19. Jan.- 6 Febr.'98 IWRAW: International Women1s Rights Action Walch INSTRAW: UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women: Sustainable Development IWTC- International Womenls Tribune Centre / WOMEN INK 5 . 6 WOMEN AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: CLEARINGHOUSE INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: World Heallh Orgonizolion II Food and Agriculture Organization /1 Non-Governmental Organizations /1 UNESCO·UN Educational, Cullural and Scientific Organization II World Bank 7 • 21 WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT WORLD BANK: Gender Equity and the World Bank Group:A Post-Beijing Assessment by 'Women's Eyes on the World Bank', 1/ At a Turning Point: New job opportunities at the we II IMF: Diversity Advisor at the International Monetary Fund: statistics II The World Bank and IMF Policies: The Editor's Review II WB claims it has changed II Indian NGOs confront President of the WB II Mortgaging Women's Lives edited by Pamela Sparr - Critique of Struclural Adjustment COMMONWEALTH SECRETARIAT: Link inlo Gender and Developmenl USAID - WID: US Agency for International Development Women in Development Programs II Girls' and Women's Education - a new Initiative Cooking Smoke a pervasive killer in developing countries II Solar Cookit 22 • 28 WOMEN AND HEALTH REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: India: Conference on ObstetricslGynecology Leclure: 'Women holf Ihe World, Half Ihe Power' II Japan, Childbirth a painful experience II United States: Maternal Mortality inexcusably high increasingll Trinidad and Tobago: Childbirth practices by physicians criticized - welcomed by women - CAFRA II Translations of WIN NEWS Childbirthbirth Picture Books ABORTION: United States: Abortion continues to be ballieground II Ireland: Bailie over another roped 13-year old II Sri Lanka: Abortion illegal but ECP pills available (emergency contraceptive pills) II Poland: Prohibition of abortion re-imposed II New techniques make abortion possible earlier II Resources 29 • 43 FEMALE GENITAL AND SEXUAL MUTILATION INTER AFRICAN COMMITIEE, Fourth Regianal Conference, 17·21 Nov. '97 Dakar, Senegal: Conference Agenda II Summary Report: Participants from 27 African countries and observers II The Dakar Declaration II Recommendations 52. UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Resolulions on FGM adopled SENEGAL: President praises Village Women for renouncing FGM NIGERIA: Female Genital Mutilation: Report by lAC Nigeria, Dr.lrene Thomas Pres. EGYPT: Egyptian Society for Prevention of Harmful Practices reports prohibition II Supreme Court confirms prohibition II Physician jailed for fatal mutilation PROGRESS REPORT: Grassroots Education Campaign by WIN NEWS wilh Childbirth Picture Books in Africa to stop FGM: Lellers by recipients from all over Africa 73

(continued) 44 • 50 WOMEN AND VIOLENCE NEW ZEALAND: Crime Victims and Womenls Safely Surveys GERMANY: legislation passed criminalizing rape in marriage ORGANIZED RELIGIONS SUPPORT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: a global view ISRAEL: Muslim Women killed by men of their families to preserve "honor" SPAIN: Murder of Wife results in public outcry and demonstratins CHINA: More and more girls "missing ll from statistical surveys BOSNIA: Mass rapes still not punished by International Courts // INDIA - New Delhi: World Conference on Family Violence, Spt 1998 RUSSIA / UKRAINE Women victims of Sex· Traffick all over Europe/Israel USA: Sexual Abuse affects one in four teenagers 51 • 57 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST AFRICA: Traditional cultural practices harmful to the girl-child - a cross sectional Review· by African Centre for Women, ECA, Addis Ababa KENYA: Rampant wife abuse challenged in Court by one woman: a First NIGERIA: Women and Laws program SOMALIA: Juba Women and Development Center newly organized needs support SOUTH AFRICA: A woman is Speaker of Parliament II Woman and Law in S Africa RECOMMENDATIONS of African Regional Symposium on Gender, Politics, Peace... ISRAel: Women told to lcover up' by orthodox Rabbis IRAN: The Status of Women - lillie change 58 • 68 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: ASIA AND PACIFIC ASIA AND PACIFIC: 7th Triennial Pacific Women's Conference and Declaration II Pacific First Ladies Conference and Resolutions II A-P Resource and Research Centre for Women: Arrow II Gender training in the A·P region KOREA:Women NG01s Committee Activities Report PAKISTAN: 50 years later NEPAL: Women WIN· Women Works SRI LANKA: The Plight of women migrant worker from Sri Lanka in Kuwoi JAPAN: Monetary evaluation of unpoid work announced AUSTRALIA: Discrimination against home-makers challenged:taxation, social security NEW ZEALAND: National Survey of Crime Victims by Ministry of Justice 69 . 75 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: EUROPE EUROPEAN UNION: 4th European Ministerial Conference on Equality between womn and men, Istonbul Turkey. II EU Court upholds affirmative aelion NORDIC COUNTRIES: Nordic Cooperation on Gender Equality GERMANY: Only 5% of top positions held by women RUSSIA: The status of women in the labor force· on overview II New Independent Stotes . NIS-US Women's Consortium II Russian business women moving up 76 . 79 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD: AMERICAS UNITED STATES: The National Education Goals Report II National Commillee on CEDAW· Conference Report:"Moving History forward" . Update on National Plan of Action II San Francisco1s Mayor's Summit for Women II Abortion: Legislation: 25th Anniversary II National Women's Studies Assoc. Conference II Women Entrepreneurs embrace new Information Technologyll Glass Ceiling still firmly in place II 12 women win Rhodes scholarships 80 . 84 INFORMATION OF INTEREST: INTERNATIONAL GENDER AND NATIONAL IDENTITY: Women and Politics in Muslim Societies, edited by Volentine Moghadam II WE· Women and Environments International II FEMINIST ECOLOGY is the ANSWER by Vandana Shiva II WIDE Bulletin: Trade Traps and Gender Gaps - Annual Conference Report II WOMAN and EARTH - International Conference Report - SI. Petersburgh, Russia.!1 20 top Military Budgets lopped by USA 74

1 Molly Hite • Imagining Characters: Six Conversations About Women Writers: Jane Austen, Charlolte Bronti!, George Eliot, Willa Cather, Iris Murdoch, and Toni Morrison by A.S. Byatt and Ignes Sodre 4 Lellers 5 Veronica Chambers' A Long Way From St. Louie by Colleen J. McElroy 6 Sharon Thompson' The Body Project: An Intimate History ofAmerican Girls by Joan Jacobs Brumberg 8 Carol Anshaw • Hospital Time by Amy Hofftnan 9 Jo Ann Citron' Caring for Justice by Robin West; Beyond Portia: Women, Law and Literature In the United States edited by Jacqueline St. Joan and Annette Benning/on McElhiney 10 Brenda Wineapple • Appetite for Life: The Biography ofJulia Child by Noel Riley Fitch 12 Tamala Edwards' Not Our Kind ofGirl: Unraveling the Myths ofBlack Teenage Motherhood by Elaine Bell Kaplan 13 Isabelle de Courtivron • La Bfitarde by Violette Ledllc 14 Adrienne Zihlman • Blood Rites: Origins and History ofthe Passions ofWar by Barbara Ehrenreich 16 Carol Lemasters' Spectral Evidence: The Ramona Case: Incest, Memory and Truth on Trial in Napa Valley by Moira Johns/on 17 Meda Chesney·Lind· Nothing Bad Happens to Good Girls: Fear of Crime in Women's Lives by Esther Madril. 18 Nina Siegal' Real Majority, Media Minority: The Cost ofSidelining Women in Reporting by Lallra Flanders 19 Lauri Umansky' Whores and Other Feminists edited byJill Nagle 21 Lundy Braun' To Dance with the Devil: The New War on Breast Cancer by Karen Stobiner; The Enemy Within: The High Cost ofLiving Near Nuclear Reactors by Jay M. GOllld; Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment by Sandra Steingraber 22 Helena Minton' Yllkon Hallnting (Poem) 23 Melani McAlister' Crossing Borders: An American Woman in the Middle East by Jlldith Caesar 24 Sheila Bienenfeld' Call Me Crazy: Stories from the Mad Movement by Jri/ Sllimrat 25 Amy Villarejo' Becoming Mae West by Emily Wortis Leider 27 Desley Deacon' The First Stone: Some Questions about Sex and Power by Helen Gamer 28 Sally McConnell·Ginet • Qneerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality edited by Anna Livia and Kira Hall 29 Books Received 75

~~~~?;ttn.+QIk;'''M.: 2t!U¥Z. •. ge,_ is ISU"S ,".--...

I Deborah E. McDowell' My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid 4 Leiters 5 Helen Yglesias' Rage for Fame: The Ascent ofClare Boothe Luce by Sylvia Jukes Morris

6 Sharon Liebennan • Venus Envy: A History ofCosmetic Surgery by Elizabeth Haiken 7 Meryl Altman' Beyond the Pale by Elana DykelVomon; The Escape Artist by Judilh Katz 9 Deborah Solomon Reid' Titanic Survivor by Violet Jessop, introduced, edited and annotated by John Maxlone~Graham

10 Annette Zilversmit· The Last Gift ofTime: Life Beyond Sixty by Carolyn G. Heilbrun

12 Sara Ruddick· A Tradition That Has No Name: Nurturing the Development ofPeople, Families and Communities by Alary Field Belenky, Lynne A. Bond, and Jacqueline S. Weinstock

13 Martha Nichols· Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace by Jal1et H. Afurray

14 Deirdre Bair· Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter by Diana Soullami

15 Lois Rita Hclmbold • Thinking Class: Sketches from a Cullural Worker by Joanna Kadi; Queerly Classed: Gay Men and Lesbians Write about Class ediled by Susan Raffo

17 Marilyn Richardson' Go Girl!: The Black Woman's Book ofTravel and Adventure edited by Elaine Lee 18 Alison Townsend· Earth Elegy: New and Selected Poems by Afargal'et Gibson; Alive Together: New and Selected Poems by Lisel Mueller; Invisible Horses by Patricia Goedicke

20 Eileen Boris· Gcndered Practices in Working Life edited by liisa Rantalailw and TUllia Heiskanen

21 Judith Plaskow • Engendering Judaism: A New Ethics and Theology by Rachel Adler; The Book of Blessings: New Jewish Prayers for Daily Life, the Sabbath, and the New Moon Festival by Marcia Folk; Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation ofTradition by Rebecca Alpert

22 lIeather Sellers' 1\\'0 ['oellls 23 Farah Jasmine Griffin· Anything \Ve Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism by Alice Walker

24 Nancy E. Rose' Economics and Feminism: Disturbances in the Field by Randy Albelda; Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits: Women's \Vork, \Vomen's Poverty by Randy Alhelda lind Chris Tilly

25 Jeanette Clausen' Magdalena the Sinner by Lilian Faschinger

26 Rooks Reeeh'cd 76

1 Elsa Dorfman· Changing New York: The Complete WPA Project by Berenice Abbotl, ediled by Bonnie Yoche/son 4 Letters S Margaret C. Jacob' Why History Matters: LICe and Thought by Gerda Lerner 6 loli Sandoz· Crooked LUtie Heart by Anne Lamoll; The Necessary Hunger by Nina Revoyr 7 Peggy Phelan' Out oC Order, Out oC Sight by Adrian Piper 9 Lydia A. Nayo· Not Only For Myselr: Identity, Politics and the Law by Martha Minow; Where Is Your Body? And Other Essays on Race, Gender and the Law by Mari J. Matsuda 10 Jeanne Minahan' 1\ro Poems 10 Judith Beth Cohen· Ms. Mentorls Impeccable Advice for Women in Academia by Emily Toth 1t Ann Jones· "Finding the Lovedu" 12 Beth Harrison· Grace Towns Hamilton and the Politics ofSouthern Change by Lorraine Nelson Spritzer andJean B. Bergmark' . ]3 Sonia Jaffe Robbins· Halfway Heaven: Diary ora Harvard Murder by Melanie rhemstrom 14 Susan Kelly· Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz by Mona Ruiz with GeoffBoucher 15 Ann With om • When Work Doesn't Work Anymore: Women, Work and Identity by Elizabeth Perle McKenna; Breaking Point: Why Women Fall Apart and How They Can Recreate their Lives by Martha N, Beck CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: A NEW GENERATION IN WOMEN'S STUDIES

17 Lisa Marcus· "Feminism's daughter: voices 0/a new generation" 19 Dale M. Bauer· "The politics o/housework: women's studies teachers' double day" 20 Ann Froines· "Outsiders within-outsiders without: the continuing challenges o/women 's studies" 22 Joan Catapano and Marlie P. Wasserman· "/s publishing perishing? Bad news from the university presses"

24 MODELS AND MENTORS: A CONVERSATION Willi EVELYN UIGGINBOTfIAM AND FARAH GRIFFIN 25 Banu Subramaniam • "A contradiction in terms: life as afeminist scientist'" 27 Deborah Cohen· "Chronicle o/higher education: squeezing women in" 28 Deborah Rosenrelt • "Think globally, teach locally: women's studies goes international" 29 Lisa Trivedi· "History lesson: widening the World History course"

30 NEW DIRECTIONS: A CONVERSATiON Willi BEVERLY GUY·SHEFTALL AND ROBIN KILSON 32 Natalie Bayme! Kampen· "Gauging the gender gap: the ambiguities ofgender studies" 33 Alisa Klinger and Kate Adams· "A place at 'he table: the future oflesbian studies"

34 Claire G. Moses· "Passing 011 the torch: the women's studies PhD" 31 Books Received 77

1 Paula DiPerna' : Witness for Nature by Linda Lear

4 Karen Rosenberg· A House of Her Own: Kay Sage, Solitary Surrealist byJudith D. Suther; China EggslLes Oeufs de Porcelaine by Kay Sage, edited byJudith Suther 6 Rebecca Steinitz • Here on Earth by Alice Hoffinan 7 Rebecca Gordon' Queers in Space: Communities, Public Places, Sites of Resistance edited by Gordon Brent Ingram, Anne-Marie Bouthillelle and Yolanda Reller

8 Arlene Raven' Suffragettes to She-Devils: Women's Liberation and Beyond by Liz McQuiston 10 Emily Toth • Juggling: A Memoir ofWork, Family, and Feminism by Jane SGould; Fields of Play: Constructing an Academic Life by Laurel Richardson

11 Janette Turner Hospital' The Devil's Chimney by Anne Landsman 12 Anastasia Higginbotham· A Girl's Guide to Taking Over the World: Writings from the Girl Zine Revolution edited by Karen Green and Tristan Taormina

14 Elizabeth Castelli' Perpetua's Passion: The Death and Memory ofa Young Roman Woman by Joyce E. Salisbury

15 Judith Grossman' The Healing by Gayl Jones 17 Ellyn Kasehak • The Healing Connection: How Women Form Relationships in Therapy and in Life by Jean Baker Miller and Irene Pierce Stiver 17 Jane Sehapiro • Two Poems 18 Gail Pool· Fado and Other Stories by Katherine Vaz; Within the Lighted City by Lisa Lenzo 19 Elizabeth Reis· Toward an Intellectual History ofWomen by Linda Kerber 21 Meg Daly' Letters to a Young Feminist by Phyllis Chesler 22 Gertrude Reif Hughes' The Story I Tell Myself: A Venture in Existentialist Autobiography by Hazel Barnes

24 Pamela Petro' The Case for Women in Medieval Culture by Alcuin Blamires; Nuns as Artists: The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent by Jeffrey F. Hamburger 25 Books Received 78


Volume 19, Number 1 CONTENTS Fall 1997

ARTICLES: The History of the Agunah in America: A Clash of Religious Law and Social Progress Jessica Davidson Miller .

Political Culture and Suffrage in an Anglo-American Women's West Karen Morin...... 17

Dear President Clinton Carl Tobias...... 39

NOTES: The Student Summer Associate Experience With Harassing Behaviors: An Empirical Study and Proposal for Private Party Action Maya Alexandri ...... 43

Violence Against Chinese Women: Defining the Cultural Role Cathy C. Cardillo 85

Undue Influence and Gender Inequity Brian Alan Ross...... 97

BOOK SUMMARY: Women Lawyers: Rewriting the Rules. By Mona Harrington...... 121 Volume 27, Number 1 (1997) 79 mO~lH':S STUUllS

An Inlerdisciplin"ry Journ,,1

To Work in the World: Anne Frank and American Literary History MARTHA RAVITS 1 "A System of Complicated Crimes": The (Con)Fusion of Subjects in Angelina Grimke's Public Speeches AMY BENSON BROWN 31 Photo Essay ALISON TEAL 53 Dangerous Margins: The Body and Art in Janet Frame's Autobiographies CAROL MERLI AND KAY TORNEY 63 Books Reviews PEGGY SCHWARTZ 85 LISA COLLETIA 91 In Brief 95 Notes on Contributors 10 1 Recent Publications WOMEN'S STUDIES 80 IN COMMUNICATION


91 In Praise of Eloquent Diversity: Gender and Rhetoric as Public Persuasion

Celeste Michelle Condit

l17 Transforming Rhetoric Through Feminist Reconstruction: A Response to the Gender Diversity Perspective

Sonja K. Foss, Cindy L. Griffin, and Karen A, Foss

137 Rhetoric as Balance: A Dialectical Feminist Perspective

Sharon D. DOlvlley

151 Students' Affective Evaluations of the Professor and Course: To What Extent is Teacher Sexism Relevant?

Terry M. Petersen, Patricia Keamey, Timothy G. Plax, and Jennifer H. Waldeck

167 Hegemony in the Ideal: Wedding Photograph, Consumerism, and Patriarchy

Charles Lewis

189 All Dressed Up With No Place to Go: Rhetorical Dimensions of the Nineteenth Century Dress Reform Movement

Kathleen M. Torrens Women's Studies Journal 81

Volume 13, Number 2 Spring 1997


5 Editorial: Indigenous Women in the Pacific 7 Images ofMaori Women in New Zealand Postcards after 1990 Jacqlli SlIlIon Beets 25 In the Interests ofMaori Women? Discourses ofReclamation Clea Te Kawehall Hoskins 45 Education in Western Samoa: Reflections on my Experiences Lonise Tanielll 61 Reclamation ofCultural Identity for Maori Women: A Response to 'Prisonisation' D. Helene Connor 75 Deconstructing the 'exotic' female beauty of the Pacific Islands and 'white' male desire Tamasailall M. SlIaalii 95 Ancient banyans, flying foxes and white ginger: the poetry of Pacific Island Women Selina nlsitala Marsh 123 Poems Konai Helll Thaman 127 Gender and Work in Fiji: Constraints of Re-negotiation Jacqlleline Leckie 155 Book Reviews The Dictionary o(New Zealand Biography Vol 3 1901-1920. Reviewed by Charlotte Macdonald ,-In Angel in God's Office: AI.\' Hflrtime Diaries, Neva Clark \ IcKenna. Reviewed by Deborah Montgomerie The Discovery ofEarfv Childhood: The De\'elopmelll of Sen'ices for the Care and Eilllcatioll oIJ't't)1 Young CJ,ildrell, .\lid Eighteenth Celltllry Europe to Alid Ihtentietlz Century 'veil' Zealand. Helen May. Reviewed by Phillipa Mein Smith. 167 Response Reply to 'Feminism and the sexual abuse debate: a troubled response to Camille Guy' by Annabel Cooper Felicity A. Goo{~\'eat'~Smith 82 Women's Studies Quarterly

Volume XXV· Numbers 3 & 4 Fall/Winter 1997

4 Editorial


Standard Texts, New Readings 10 Visions of Freedom and Democracy in Poslcolonial.-\frican Literature Paul Ti)'ambe leleza 35 :"Jegritude, Feminism, and the Quest for Identity: Rc·Reading ~lariama Ba's So Long a Letter Omnja/abo Aiayi 53 B1ack~\Vhite Love in African Novels Pia Tllielmann

68 ?'-:egotiating Between Ideologies: The Search for Identity in Tsitsi Dangarcmbga's NeniOllJ Conditions and ~-Iargaret Atwood's Cal 5Eye Christine W Sizemore

Old Challenges, New Voices

83 Daughters of Yennenga: I.e Alai de !H'all and Feminine Voice in the Literature of Burkina Faso Joye Hope Scott 97 Zairian Novelists and Their Female Characters Faidn M. Alii/Ill


Teaching in Changing Times 109 African and Caribbean Texts/White Critics and Teachers: The Search for New Academic Life Hdell AI. Cooper

U I On Teaching TIll' ,.\//fllll/I/II/·d !J(w!m/): A St>llr)!,O/f'\(' \\'l/ll/fllI \ Alltobiof.,'1"flIJhy 1\[([ri~)'l1 5i/Ill7.!ly Z//f!ll'r

139 Teaching t\larial11a B{\ 's So tOlIK (/ 1.1'l1('/" in a '""omell and Lileralllre Coursc U,W Willia1l/,\ l!)O Somc Thoug-ll1s on Producing African Tht:al(T ill Frcnch with American Sltl

I{lq ,\!".icall 1.iltT'llllH' ami lis ( :0I1It'XI: 'U:aching 'II';ICIH'I','i 01 Chillua Achehc's TIling,1 Full A/ul1'( 1111/11 n' Ojait//' Women's Studies Quarterly 83

Volume XXV, Numbers 3 & 4 Fall/Winler 1997


17R Teaching African Literaltln' ill the Dcparlllll'lli of English. LJ ni\'l'l"siI)' of Botswana i\'o!muflll,. Rml'lJ(Jl.wt

IHH A Sfi" fir' ,\11': l.c:anlillg to Teaell the African (hal Epic in Ali-killl Lil<''r,lIl1l'e Courses 'J1lOma.~.ri. Half'

Workable Syllabi 201 Issues in Afrkan Fcminism Ada Uwama/m Al.odo 20R Black Women \·\'ril<.'rs ObhJ111fl Nuafmf'!m 22f> Women's Issues in Global Context Pmmila \fll/wlt'swamn


2~;l Postrolonial AfriGl? Problems ofThclll'r I'f'ln IIi{r!l(()(!t

Afterword 24[) Doing Archival Research in Sotllh Africa for \Yomen Writing­ Arrica,]uly and AUgllst 1996 TuzyliJ/rJita Al/an

RESOURCES 2£19 Centers for Research and Teaching on \Vomen: An International List-in-ProRress 29fi Newshriels 84

Fall 97/Winter 98 Volume 3, No.2

Q) Parallel World Jo Sutton 4 .-C N National Capital Freenet Sheila C. Alder 5 ctS 0) The Women's Internet Conference 7 ctS From Bread Riots to Cyber.Revolutlon ~ ...... Vida Panitch ...... 8 +-' Q) Music, Film & Books 13 C :0- Q) Inclusion WorksI Part 1 Lise Voisin 14 +-' Inclusion WorksI Part 2 Tanis Doe 15 C Using Search Tools Denise I2Jsted 17 CJ) ~ C Book Reviews Q) Working Together Online Scarlet Pollock 21 Tech Girl's Intemet Adventure Denise I2Jsted 22 E Net Activism Jo Sutton 23 o S Clearinghouses Penney Kame 24 But is It Training? Jo Sutton 26

Women's Sports Pages 29

Opportunities in Online Organizations ...... Sonja Greckol ...... 30

Plus News, Tips, and Web Sites

Illustrations Juliet Breese cover, pp 5, 7, 9,12,17,19.21,25,28,35. back cover