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• Home An Open Letter to Conferences of Catholic Bishops across the World

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Press statement: Cyber Attack on the Global Petition to Conferences of Catholic Bishops Across the World Regarding the Possible Agreement Between the Holy See and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (14-15 February 2018)

Since yesterday’s afternoon, our petition website of the Open Letter was under distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack, and the internet protocol addresses of the attackers were from Tianjing. The page resumed normal operation at around 12:30pm today after repairing. We condemn such cowardice act. We will not be cowed into silence by such attack, and we will never stop voicing out for the Church. Again, we appeal to the faithful who loves the Church: Please join the petition, and continue to pray for the persecuted Church in China.


《就聖座與中華人民共和國政府可能達成的協議致全球主教團公開信》的聯署網站從昨日 下午起受到阻斷式服務攻擊(DDOS),而多個發動攻擊者的網際網路協定(IP)位址來 自天津。網頁經搶修後於今日下午約十二時半恢復正常運作。我們譴責此等懦夫的惡行。 攻擊不能把我們的聲音壓倒,我們也絕不會因此而停止為教會出聲。我們在此再次呼籲各 位愛護教會的教友加入聯署,並請繼續為在中國受到迫害的教會祈禱。

An Open Letter to Conferences of Catholic Bishops Across the World Regarding the Possible Agreement Between the Holy See and the Government of the People’s Republic of China

Your Eminence and Most Reverend, We are a group of Catholics. Recently there has been news reports indicating that the Holy See and the government of the People’s Republic of China will soon reach an agreement over the issue of bishop appointment, as well as recognition of seven illicit “bishops”. We are deeply shocked and disappointed. With our love and allegiance to the Holy Mother Church, we hope you and the bishops conferences would pay attention to such development.

According to the teachings of the Holy Mother Church, bishops are the successors of the Apostles, bearing the duties of leading and tending the flock: “The Church is apostolic. She is built on a lasting foundation: “the twelve apostles of the Lamb” ( Rev 21:14). She is indestructible (Mt 16:18). She is upheld infallibly in the truth: Christ governs her through Peter and the other apostles, who are present in their successors, the and the college of bishops.”(Catechism, 869) All bishops must therefore be appointed by the Successor of Peter — the Holy Father, the Pope. And they must be men of moral principles and wisdom. The government must play no role in the selection process:

“[T]he right of nominating and appointing bishops belongs properly, peculiarly, and per se exclusively to the competent ecclesiastical authority. Therefore, for the purpose of duly protecting the freedom of the church and of promoting more conveniently and efficiently the welfare of the faithful,this holy council desires that in future no more rights or privileges of election, nomination, presentation, or designation for the office of bishop be granted to civil authorities.” (Christus Dominus, para. 20)

Yet, the seven illicitly ordained “bishops” were not appointed by the Pope, and their moral integrity is questionable. They do not have the trust of the faithful, and have never repented publicly. If they were to be recognized as legitimate, the faithful in Greater China would be plunged into confusion and pain, and schism would be created in the Church in China.

We fully understand that the Holy See is eager to be able to evangelize in China more effectively. However, we are deeply worried that the deal would create damages that cannot be remedied. The Communist Party in China, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, has repeatedly destroyed crosses and churches, and the Patriotic Association maintains its heavy-handed control over the Church. Religious persecution has never stopped. Xi has also made it clear that the Party will strengthen its control over religions. So there is no possibility that the Church can enjoy more freedom. In addition, the Communist Party has a long history of breaking promises. We are worried that the agreement would not only fail to guarantee the limited freedom desired by the Church, but also damage the Church’s holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity, and deal a blow to the Church’s moral power. The Church would no longer be able to have the trust of people, and “serves as a leaven and as a kind of soul for human society as it is to be renewed in Christ and transformed into God’s family.” (Gaudium et Spes, 40) In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, our beloved writes: “Sometimes I wonder if there are people in today’s world who are really concerned about generating processes of people-building, as opposed to obtaining immediate results which yield easy, quick short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fullness… The Lord himself, during his earthly life, often warned his disciples that there were things they could not yet understand and that they would have to await the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:12-13). The parable of the weeds among the wheat (Mt 13:24-30) graphically illustrates an important aspect of evangelization: the enemy can intrude upon the kingdom and sow harm, but ultimately he is defeated by the goodness of the wheat.” (224-225) The Spirit of God sometimes does not allow us to proceed. (ref. Act 16:6) Though the force of evil is growing, time belongs to God. By putting our trust in the Lord, the dark night will eventually pass. Rushing for a quick achievement, taking a wrong step, can result in total failure.

His Holiness has always been attentive to the sufferings of persecuted Christians. He once said: “Legal systems, therefore, whether state or international, are called upon to recognize, guarantee and protect religious freedom, which is an intrinsic right inherent to human nature, to the dignity of being free, and is also a sign of a healthy democracy and one of the principal sources of the legitimacy of the State.” “It causes me great pain to know that Christians in the world submit to the greatest amount of such discrimination. Persecution against Christians today is actually worse than in the first centuries of the Church, and there are more Christian martyrs today than in that era.” We believe that persecution of Christians in China also pains His Holiness. Therefore, we urge that any agreement must be grounded in the protection of religious freedom, and an end to religious persecution. Unfortunately, as a newly-revised Regulation on Religious Affairs, which allows for stricter scrutiny over religions, has just been put into effect in early February, we cannot see any possibility that the coming agreement can result in the Chinese government stopping its persecution of the Church, and ceasing its violations of religious freedom.

Your Eminence and Most Reverend, we earnestly hope that, you, your brothers and your flock continue to pray for the communion of the Church in China, as well as her pastoral ministry. We earnestly ask you, with the love on the people of God, appeal to the Holy See: Please rethink the current agreement, and stop making an irreversible and regrettable mistake.

May the Almighty God bless the Church in China!

Martyr of China, pray for us!

(Click to join the petition) The initiators are university professors, lecturers, researchers, human rights activists and lawyers:

Dr. Kenneth Ka-lok Chan (Hong Kong) Prof. Yu-shek Cheng (Hong Kong) Mr. Yiu-leung Cheung (Hong Kong) Dr Rodney Wai-chi Chu (Hong Kong) Dr. Martin C. K. Chung (Hong Kong) Mr. Yan-ho Lai (London, UK) Dr. Wing-kwan Lam (Hong Kong) Dr. Lisa Yuk-ming Leung (Hong Kong) Mr. Kwok-ming Ma (Hong Kong) Mr. Chit-wai John Mok (Irvine, US) Mr. Benedict Rogers (London, UK) Dr. Yik-fai Tam (San Francisco, US) Prof. Wai Ting (Hong Kong) Mr. Yiu-ming To (Hong Kong) Mr. Patrick Yu (Northern Ireland, UK)

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我們是一群天主教徒。對於近日各方消息顯示,聖座與中華人民共和國政府即將就主教任 命問題達成協議,並承認七名非法「主教」,我們深感震驚和失望。我們本著對慈母聖教 會的忠誠與愛護之情,希望閣下和主教團能對關注事件。

按慈母聖教會的教導,主教是宗徒的繼承人,秉承著領導和牧養羊群的責任:「教會是從 宗徒傳下來的:她建立在鞏固的基礎上:即那『羔羊的十二宗徒』(默 21:14),故此是 不能毀滅的,在真理方面是不能錯誤的。基督透過伯多祿和其他宗徒,以及他們的繼承 者,即教宗和世界主教團來管理教會。」(《天主教教理》,869)因此,主教必須由伯 多祿的繼承者——聖父教宗任命,且必須是道德高尚而賢明的人。在整個選拔過程中,政 府不應有任何角色: 「任命主教,設立主教,是教會合法當局本有、特有、獨有的權利。為此,為維護教會的 自由,並為更易於推行信友的利益起見,神聖大公會議希望,此後不再讓給任何政府揀 選、任命、推薦、指定主教的權利及特惠。」(《主教在教會內牧靈職務》法令,20)

然而,七名非法「主教」並無得到教宗任命,道德操守令人懷疑,得不到教友的信任, 也從無公開懺悔。假若要承認他們為合法,並要求合法主教讓位,將令大中華地區的教 友陷入混亂和傷痛,並在大陸教會中造成分裂。

我們深明,聖座希望能較有效地在中國國內傳揚福音。然而我們非常擔憂,協議將造成無 法彌補的傷害。習近平領導的中國共產黨近年再三拆毀十字架,又破壞教堂。愛國會仍然 牢牢控制教會,對基督徒的迫害從未停止。加上習近平也多次表明要加強黨對宗教的控制 ,可見教會不可能得到更多自由。再者,中共在破壞承諾方面,可謂罄竹難書。我們憂 慮,協議不但不能令教會得到期望中有限度的自由,反而會破壞教會「至聖、至公,從 宗徒傳下來」的神聖本質,並重挫教會的道德力量。教會將再難以得到世人信任,「在 基督內革新人類社會,並將這社會變作天主的家庭。」(《論教會在現代世界》牧職憲章 ,40)

我們所愛的教宗方濟各在《福音的喜樂》勸諭中指出:「有時候我在問,今日世界誰在真 正關心衍生建立百姓的過程,以抗衡急功近利的做法,即使這做法可產生容易的、迅速的 、短期的政治利益,卻不能提昇人性的圓滿。…… 主在人世生活中,經常親身警告祂的門 徒們,有些事情他們還不能理解,他們應等待聖神的來臨。(若十六12-13)莠子摻入麥 子的比喻(瑪十三24-30)生動地說明福傳的一個要點:敵人會侵佔天國的空間,並播種 傷害,但最終敵人被麥子的善良所克服。」(224-225)聖神有時推動人前進,但亦有時 阻止。(參見宗16:6)儘管邪惡勢力不斷蔓延,然而時間屬於天主。只要信靠上主,黑 夜終會過去。急於求成,走錯一步,結果可能是全盤失敗。

教宗方濟各一向關顧受迫害的基督徒。他曾說:「國家和國際的法律體制必須承認、保障 並捍衛宗教自由。那是人性和身為自由人的固有權利,也是健康民主的指標,和國家合法 性的主要根源。」又說:「世界上的基督徒遭到最多的歧視,令我極為傷痛。今日對基督 徒的迫害,甚至比初期教會的幾個世紀還要嚴重,殉道的基督徒比那個時代還要多。」相 信聖父也為中國受迫害的基督徒感到憂傷。故此,我們認為任何協議,必須以保障宗教 自由和停止宗教迫害為基礎。然而在二月初,中共開始實施新的《宗教事務條例》,加 強對宗教的控制。因此,我們認為即將達成的協議不可能令中國政府停止迫害教會和侵犯 宗教自由。

最可敬的閣下,我們希望你,與你的主教弟兄、司鐸團和羊群懇切為中國教會的合一和牧 靈事業祈禱;我們懇求你本著對天主子民的愛,明智地請聖座再三思量目前的協議,臨崖 勒馬。 願全能的天主降福在中國的教會!



陳家洛 (香港) 鄭宇碩 (香港) 張耀良 (香港) 朱偉志 (香港) 鍾子祺 (香港) 黎恩灝 (倫敦,英國) 林榮鈞 (香港) 梁旭明 (香港) 馬國明 (香港) 莫哲暐 (歐文,美國) 譚翼輝 (三藩市,美國) 丁偉 (香港) 杜耀明 (香港) 羅哲斯 (倫敦,英國) 余仲賢 (北愛爾蘭,英國)

Signatories 聯署人

Click to join the petition 如欲聯署本公開信,請按此

Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

巫堃泰 Mo, Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Mok, Kwan Ching Hong Kong

Joseph Michael United States

陳宇明 香港

LAI MAN LOK 黎汶洛 Hong Kong 香港

Ng Y C Jacky Hong Kong

傅惠儀 香港

Leung Man Yun Hong Kong

龔立人 香港


Chang Monica Hong Kong

Lau, Josephine MC Hong Kong

Ip Michele Hong Kong

Cheung Tsit Yue Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

To Peter Hong Kong

鄭偉謙 香港

Yuen, Anthony Hong Kong

羅偉聰 香港

Lillian Lee Hong Kong, China

陳樂信 Chan Lok Shun Porson Hong Kong

Tung, Christine Hong Kong

Leong Kah Kit Alan Hong Kong

Rosana Leung Hong Kong

Tam, peter Hong kong

Moe Hong Kong

Leung Wing Yi Hong Kong

Louis Pang Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Hung Bik Fai Hong Kong

Tsang Ronald Canada


Young Portia Hong Kong

Soong Gary Hong Kong

Tsui Suk Fun Hong Kong


Huen Annie Hong Kong


Fu Carrie Hong Kong

Wong Lai Hing Anda Hong Kong

Chow R Hong Kong

Tang Chi Ho Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee Fung Yee Hong Kong

Justina Wan Hong Kong

Justina Wan Hong Kong

Kwok Nicholas Australia

林四季 香港

Wong Letitia Hong Kong

Lam Ka Ming Hong Kong

SUEN Lan Hau Rita Hong Kong kwok Paul usa shirley cheung Hong Kong

Chan Lo Kin Hong Kong

Wong, Chi Wai Hong Kong louey joseph Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan Cho Wing Hong Kong

Lo B D Hong Kong

KWOK Kenneth Hong Kong

Michelle Ma Hong Kong

Terence Chan Hong Kong

Chan Ching Yu Hong Kong

Li Chung Chak Hong Kong

Yeung Pui Yi China

Wong, Ellen Hong Kong

Koo Vincent Hong Kong

李樂琳 香港

Ng William Hong Kong

Lui, TinOi United Kingdom Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lai fun fong Hong Kong

Leung Kin Chung Taiwan

Po Maria Hong Kong

Tin Ka Wai Hong Kong


Chan, Patrick Hong Kong

Tsang Peter Australia

Chang, Agnes Hong Kong

Lea lorraine Hong Kong

Lee, Kaman United States

Kan Ling Yu Hong Kong

陸家樂 香港

WAN Chee-kit China Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

蘇維豪 香港

S. Lai Hong Kong

Lo, Susana Hong Kong

Fung, Chi Wood Hong Kong annie fung hong kong

Cheng Wai Kee Ricky Hong Kong SAR

Tran, Anne United Kingdom

Yick KW

Yau Hon Fai Hong Kong

LAU, Simon Hong Kong

LAW Wang Tat, Anthony Hong Kong

London, England/ 英國 LONG, Joseph W/ 梁允謙 倫敦

Chan Tsz Kin Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Pok Ting Che Australia


NG, Shi Hon Hong Kong

Lee Lindy China


Chan Chak Lui 香港

王振球 香港

黃家緩 香港

NG, Wing Sze Edwina Hong Kong

Mak tsui hung, sabina Hong kong

鄺國全 Cosmas 中國


NG, Ting Fung Mark UNITED KINGDOM Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Hui May-hing China

Wong Hong Kong

KWOK Sin Hang Hong Kong

Cheng Cheuk Yat Australia

Hui Ying Wa Hong Kong SAR China

Wong Mei Ling Hong Kong lee linda China

Tung, Mabel Canada

Chiu, Chris Canada

Chau Hiu Ching Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong SAR, P.R. WANG, Petrus Joseph China

Leung Florence Hong Kong

CHENG Charles B. Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

田桂霞 香港

CHIU, Peter Hong Kong SAR, China

HO, Lai-yu Hong Kong

Wan Catherine Hong Kong

Wong HW Winnie Hong Kong

Ferreira Da Luz,Maria Odete Hong Kong,China

Wong, Joseph Hong Kong, China

Chan, George New Zealand

鄧明龍 香港

Yan Mo Lan Hong Kong

Wong Mei Ling Hong Kong

Kong, Christine Hong Kong

Cheung Josephine Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

陳志均 Hong Kong

Chan Chi Chung Hong Kong

Lee,Ying Chi Hong Kong

Faan Yammy Hong Kong

Wong Lois Hong Kong


陳曦 香港

Leung Yin Hung / 梁燕紅 Hong Kong

Wong ngan yee Hong Kong

Fung, Christopher Ka Lun Hong Kong

Ng, Kenneth Hong Kong

Fong Dara Hong Kong

Yeung Chun Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tsang Kai Kwan Raymond Canada


Lai Ka chun Hong Kong

文秀慧 香港


Chor Joseph Hong Kong

Wong Ming Shun Hong Kong

WANG Lucia Hong Kong

Chan, Lai Lan Clara Macao, China

Chan Choi Yin Hong Kong, China

Tsoi Grace Hong Kong

Yuen Kit yan Hong Kong

Francis Chan Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

伍時達 香港


Chan, Francis Hong Kong

Ng, Anita Hong Kong

Lau Suen Yan Hong Kong, China

TSE Edmund Hong Kong

Lee, Joseph Australia

Chen Catharina Zoe United Kingdom

Laikwokwing Hong Kong

Wu Ken Hong Kong

Fok Leslie Hong Kong

Yau Lilian Hong Kong

Ken Sheang Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee, Kevin Hong Kong

LAM, Stephen Hong Kong

Chan Chi Hang Hong Kong

林子靖 中國

Ng Renee Hong Kong

Leung, Jane Hong Kong

Lai mui fong Hong Kong

Mui Hong Kong

Lam, Renee Hong Kong

CHAN, Tat ming Hong Kong

Emily Fung Hong Kong

Lai lai fong Hong Kong

Wan Sui Lun, Raymond Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

MAU Chi Wang Hong Kong

Leung Shun Kei Hong Kong

Ng Shuk Ling Hong Kong

Au Connie Hong Kong

Li Yik Hong Hong Kong

Tang Ho Shu Lawrence Hong Kong

Tse Teresa Hong Kong

Ho Dominic Hong kong

Lam, Richard United Kingdom

Lam, Richard United Kingdom

Kan, Calvin Hong Kong

WU Hong Kong

Cheung Sammy Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家


Loke Winnie China

Lin, Hong Kong

Chow Wing Sun Hong Kong

Leung, Horace Hong Kong

Lee, Ming Yau Nicholas 李明佑 Hong Kong chow Shan shan Hong Kong

Lam Siu Ting Hong Kong

Chuck Cecilia Hong Kong

Sin, K. Hong Kong

Lui, Alex Hong Kong

Ho Alan Hong Kong

A Mok Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan Lok To Hong Kong

Li Kong wai Hong Kong

LAw Mei Hung Clara Hong Kong

Wong Wai Ho Terence Hong Kong

Ng Victor Hong Kong

。Josephine Hui Hong Kong

Kei Teresa Australia

Lo Chi Ming Hong Kong

Chu Chun Wang Wilson Hong Kong

Tam Sau Kuen Hong Kong

Clara Lai Hong Kong

馬利和 香港

Chan Puisar Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

姜如平 香港

Letitia Ng Hong Kong

Kwong, Eve HONG KONG


Leung Hedges Hong Kong

Winnie Yuen Hong Kong

Li Chi Yan Hong Kong

Lau Christina Susanna Australia

Maria Ip Hong Kong

Chan Karen Hong Kong

Teresa Lam Hong Kong

Wong James Canada

Lee cecilia Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cherry Ip Hong Kong

Yu Agnes Hong Kong, China

Yu Bernard Singapore

王培淼 中國


Chan On Yu Hong Kong

Wong, Yick Ching Hong Kong

Chiu Ka Pui Hong Kong

Toshing Martin Hong Kong

Wong Bonnie Hong Kong

Lee yi lok Hong Kong

NG, Wai Ying Hong Kong

Yiu Cathy Hongkong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

LI Brian Hong Kong

Wong, Wai Kwok Hong Kong chan ka man China

Ng Senia Hong Kong

Chiu Katherine Hong Kong

D Lee Hong Kong

何彥曦 香港

Chan, Oi Ha Hong Kong

Cheung Wai Nga Hong Kong

黃東昇 Taiwan

Chan, Oi Ha Hong Kong

Sum Katy Hong Kong China

Law, Michael Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

YIU BLUE Hong Kong

Chan, Frida Hong Kong

Lee Dorothy Hong Kong

鍾寶強 香港

Lui, Dorothy Hong Kong

Dung David Hong Kong

Chan, Oi Ha Hong Kong

Chow Sin Yee Jody Hong Kong

Leung Noel Hong Kong

Leung sau lin Hong kong

Hans Yeung Hong Kong

CHAN liz Hong Kong

Audrey Cheung Hong Kong SAR Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Hung Hong Kong

Kwan Ka Ying Hong Kong , China

Ho Long sang Hong Kong

谷文昭 香港

Tse Anthony Hong Kong

Choi Y L, Margaret Hong Kong

Wong Natalie Hong Kong

Choi Yui Foon Hong Kong

Wang, Chung-ning Macao

Chan, Anthony Hong Kong

Lee Mei Har Hong Kong

Chan, Wilson de Theodore Hong kong

Kung, Betty Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong Hong Kong

Hung, Joseph Hong Kong

Leung Denise Taiwan

Chan Hou In Macau

周蘭娟 香港

Chan Kwan Lun Anita Hong Kong

Tam Lai Ying Hong Kong

Wong Kwun Nang Andy Hong Kong


Pao Denise Hong Kong


KWAN Chi Keung Hong Kong

Cheung, Betty Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung Po Ling Hong Kong

Tan Janice Hong Kong

Ho Yiu Fan 香港

Chan Brenda Man Yuen Hong Kong

Ng Oi Lai Hong Kong

Chan Justina Hong kong

Ma Manna Hong Kong

Wong Kin Fun Virginia Hong Kong

Chan Ho Yin Hong Kong, China

Hung Jackie Hong Kong

Wong Pauline Hong Kong

CHAN Jimmie Hong Kong

Chan Matt Hong Kong SAR Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

吳嘉怡 Hong Kong

Tu Thomas Jing-wei Taiwan

Law Mew Lun Hong Kong

蔡文燕 香港

Lo, Ethan Hong Kong / UK

Tung Hau Chi Hong Kong

Wong Wai-ming Hong Kong, China


Lau Francisco Macao

Ip Margaret Hong Kong

Pang Shuk Ying Hong Kong

梁承希 香港

Wong Alan Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Pun Yee Man Hong Kong

Ho Ki Ching Anthony Hong Kong

SHAM Robert Hong Kong

Lau Susie Hong Kong

Scott Lo Hong Kong

Chao Taiwan

Gabriel Yeung Hong Kong

谢颖 意大利

Fan Yumei Hong Kong

Mak Ka Yee, Irene Hong Kong

Wong Eva Hong Kong

LAM, Shing-man Ephraim Australia

Lau Stephen Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

PANg Tracy Hong kong

LUK, Sophia Hong Kong

PANg Tracy Hong kong

PANg Tracy Hong kong

Chan Hoi Yin Hong Kong

Ip, Eliza Hong Kong cheng 香港

HUI Wendy Hong Kong

Hui, Thomas Canada


Chan, Hoi Yin Hong Kong

Tsang Cecilia Hong Kong

Isabel Morais Macau Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung, Chi Wai Hong Kong lee winnie 香港

Tam, On Ting Hong Kong

Fung Queenie Hong Kong

Hoppa Lau Canada

Wong W Y Hong Kong

Peter Yang Hong Kong

Mississauga, Ng PHILIP Ontario/Canada

Lau Christina Canada

Chan, Edward Hong Kong

Chu, Eunice Hong Kong, China

Lam, Otto Canada

Wong Cheung Wai Richard Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong, Brenda Hong Kong

鄭景仁 台灣

Tsui United States

Dr. CHUNG Kam Man Thomas Hong Kong

Li Esther Hong Kong

Cheung Man Ying 中國

Lai Irene Hong Kong

Cheung, Alan Hong Kong

Fung, James Hong Kong (China)

Li Leung Sing Hong Kong

Chiu, Joyce Australia

Kwai Terence Hong Kong

蔡國光 Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung Patrick Austria

Kwai Terence Hong Kong

Chan, Angela Hong Kong

Kwai Terence Hong Kong

廖儁凡 Liao, Chun-fan 台灣 Taiwan

Au Tsz Wing Cheryl Hong Kong

Lo Christina Hong Kong

麥家凱 香港

Fong , Olivia Hong Kong

Ma, Michelle Hong Kong

黃永根 香港


Leung Ka Wah David 香港 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lam tony kk Hong Kong

歐陽澄 香港

Siu Man Dik Dickson Hong Kong

Wong, Pui Yiu Perpetua Hong Kong

Chung James Australia

翁仕錚 香港

Valerio Civardi Italy

顏慶佳 香港


Cheung, Dorothy Hong Kong

Dorothy Wong 王介茵 Canada

Lee, Teresa Hong Kong

Simon, Scott Japan Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tse francis Hong Kong

Ip Po chu Hong Kong

Wong, Cooly Hong Kong


Shum Maria Hong Kong tsoi tom hong kong

Louis pang HONG KONG

Hanna Shen Taiwan

Lai Hermia Hong Kong

Tang Peter Hong Kong

Lee Anthony Hong Kong

Giovanni Da Valle Italy

PONG Danny Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee, Beatrice Hong Kong

Wong Y. Y. Bibiana Taiwan

Chan Kwok Bong Hong Kong

Dr. WONG, Tai Tak Andy / 黃大德 Hong Kong, China

Scagliotti Luciano Italy

Hung, Ingrid Hong Kong

Lau Antonius Hong Kong

Au Sek Hi Hong Kong

LAM KA MAN Hong Kong

Kedzierski Lukasz United Kingdom

Yeung, William HONG KONG

Cheung, Raffaella Hong Kong

Jimmy Lee United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

WONG CS Peter Hong Kong

Wong, Johnny Canada

Ng, Simon T M Hong Kong

Ma, Ophelia Hong Kong

Cheung, Kwok Cheong Hong Kong

朱藹儀 Hong Kong

Lam, Richard Hong Kong

Pang Yin-ping Hong Kong

Mui,Ray Canada

Chan, Tat Ming Hong Kong

Stella Cheung Hong Kong

Mary Yeung Canada

吳國偉 香港 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chau, Ada Hong Kong

Wallace Faan Hong Kong

Huang, Chunsheng Taiwan

黃展南 香港

Nan Joshua Hong Kong

Ferreira Da Luz,Maria Odete Hong Kong,China

Lui Bruce China

Hui, Mo Sze Hong Kong

Francis Ng Canada


凌君慧 Hong Kong


Fung Kam woon Hong kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tang Wing-han Hong Kong

Ma Peter Hong Kong, China

Lau Kenneth Hong Kong

劉聖欣 香港

Kwok agnes Hong kong

TO, LANCE Canada

Selena Chan Canada

Chiang, Joyce Hong Kong

Leung Rosalyn Hong Kong

Tang Tony Hong Kong

Ip Wendy Hong Kong

Chu Nok Yin Hong Kong

Tsang Wan Sang Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tseng Bruce Hong Kong

Chan SY Michelle Hong Kong


Chow Tak Ying Hong Kong

Hong Kong SAR, PR Chak Fung Ling China

Chang, Vincent Hong Kong

Cheung, Benny U.K.

SHI Vivian 香港

SO Hin Wah Hong Kong

Chan Ho Bun Hong Kong

Tang MeiLin HongKong

Charlie Chan United Kingdom

Chan Wai Lok Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chu, Billy Hong Kong

Lam, Andrew Rickie Hong Kong

Lam Kam Leng Hong Kong China

Sun Rita Hong Kong

Wong Chi Man Hong Kong

Ferreria Da Luz Maria Odetr Hong Kong

曾嶸 香港

Liu,Hsiaoming Taiwan

Wat Pui Ming China

陳麗文 香港

TANG, Caleb Hong Kong

Shi Wai Shun Vincent Hong Kong

Wong, Rachel Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

曾湉 Hong Kong

Leung, Polin Canada

Fung, Winnie Hong Kong

蔡利沙 Hong Kong

Ng Yee Sing Louis Hong Kong

楊芷茵 香港

Leung, Teresa Hong Kong

Lee Wai Kin Kevin Jeferson Hong Kong

Yuen Mang Kwong Hong Kong

Li Cheuk Yau Hong Kong

Ng, Yuen Kit Harry Marvin Hong Kong

Si Sing Leung Hong Kong

Ernest Choy Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ching, Siu Wai Daisy Hong Kong

Margaret Chan C.M. Hong Kong

Lam, Eagan Hong Kong

Lee, Eva Hong Kong

Ma Thomas Hong Kong

Lam, Eagan Hong Kong

Ip, Wingkai Hong Kong

Tang, Ricky Canada

Wong Siu lin Hong Kong

Ngai Wilson Hong Kong

Wong Dominic Hong Kong

Martin Lam Canada

Chan Lai Ming Hongkong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong, Juliana Canada

Wan, Vanessa Hong Kong

Flaka Daniel Norway

Wong, Joseph Canada


Tam Ka Yan Cynthia Hong Kong

PAU Kwok Keung Canada

Chung siu lun Hong Kong

Tam Grace Hong Kong

Thomas Tsang Hong Kong

Tai, Dillon Hong Kong

Wong Lai Shan Lucia Hong Kong

LEE, Jacki Dominic Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan Lucia Hong Kong steven wong Hong Kong Country

Chan Lucia Hong Kong

Lam, Grace Hong Kong

Wong Stephen Hong Kong

Lam, Chat Man Hong Kong

Yung, Christina Canada

Yiu Grace Canada

Lam Chat Wai 香港

Cheng, Jackie Hong Kong


Dr. Sadowski Michal Poland

Wong Joyce Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Pih Joyce Hong Kong

劉倍維 香港

Jacob Wong Hong Kong



Chan, Jonathan Hong Kong

Raymond Kwan Hong Kong

Wong Marco Hong Kong

Woo, Janet Canada

Fung, Wendy Hong Kong

Raymond Lo Hong Kong

Bik Kwan ,Tong Canada

Tam, Adrian Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cecilia Yuen Netherlands

Juliana Tsui Hong Kong

Eric NG Hong Kong

Yip, Teresa Hong Kong

Shu Hong Kong

Wong Bel Hong Kong

Soon , Michelle Canada

Lee, Cecilia Hong Kong

Lau Yuen Ting Hong Kong

Kwok Joe Hong Kong

Soon , Michelle Canada

Soon , Michelle Canada

TAM, Joseph Yik Hin Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan, Augustine KW Canada

Fung Man Ho Hong Kong

Soon Michelle Canada

Liu David Hong Kong

Lo Frances Hong Kong

CHUNG, Wai-lung Rivalino Hong Kong

Lawrence Tao Canada

Chan, Augustine Hong Kong, China

Hu, Junn-Yen Taiwan

Yeung, Ho Hei Hong Komg

Maria S. Y. Ma Canada

Luc Ho Hong kong

Chan Shuk Yi Joan Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Yuen Monica Hong Kong

Ivy choi Hong Kong

周志鵬 Vancouver,BC, Canada

Au Joyce Hong Kong

Le Thuy Vietnam

Lam Anthony Hong Kong

Sek Wai Fun Hong Kong

Wong, Joyce Hong Kong

Chan Wai Suen Hong Kong

Tang Man Yin Phyllis Hong Kong

Kwan May Hong Kong

Lau Ka Wai Hong Kong

YAU, Yick Cheung Gary HONG KONG Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cheuk Eric Hong Kong

Li Christine Hong Kong

Tam, Joyce Canada

Teresa Au-Yeung Canada

Eric li Hong kong

Ms Lee Sophia Hong Kong

Cheung Wai Ling Hong Kong

LAM Cherry Hong Kong

Wang Kelvin Hong Kong

Chan Chun Hong Kong

Hsu , Ander United States

Chok, Sueanne Hong Kpng

Eric Hpdv Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lui Po Chu Hong Kong

鄭家富 Hong Kong


Franciscus K Yeung United States

Chan Hin Chung Hong Kong, China

Thomas Tsang Hong Kong


CHOW Wai Yee Hong Kong

Ho Fedora Hong Kong

Mak, Peter Canada

Lee Kristal Hong Kong

Edmond Leung China

韋銘輝 Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kwok Cindy Canada

羅寶英 香港

Yeung, Ivy United States

Kwok Cindy Canada

Waye, Teresa Canada

Selina Kong Hong Kong

Fong Sara Hong Kong

Chan Grace Hong Kong SAR

Au, Lawrence Canada

Cheung, yvonne canada

Kong, Man Yan United States

LEUNG, Julius Hong Kong chun kai kong hong kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Gogarty, Ciaran Ireland


Leung, Betty Hong Kong

Lau, Olivia Canada

Chu, Carine Hong Kong

Wu, Jeannie Canada

Brian Or Canada amanda mac United States

Grzegorz Kolodziej Ireland

Fu, Peter United States

Wong, Cynthia Hong Kong

Chan, Cheuk Ling Hong Kong

Dyl Tomasz United Kingdom Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cathy Fu United States



John Chung Hong Kong

Kwan Loretta Canada

PHAM, TIM United States

Yeung wing ling Canada

Pang Siu Kau Hong Kong

Terry Mok Canada

Tsoi, Anna Canada

Siu, Stephanie United States wong charm luen 香港

歐世樂 Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung Thomas Canada chu dominic s United States

Chan Catherine Hong Kong

Wong, Savio Singapore

Yau Wing Chun Hong Kong

To Natasha Hong Kong

Chan, Bonny Canada

尤永春 香港

淋漓 香港

淋浪 香港

Chiu, Shin Canada

Leung Anthony United Kingdom

Zakrzewski Tomasz United Kingdom Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cheng, Rowena Hong Kong

Jin Joseph 中国

梁廣明 澳洲

Huang, Nuanting-Ting Taiwan

Lit, Thekla Canada

Tong, Joseph Canada

Yeung Joseph Canada

Hon Wang Dominic LAM Canada

陳清華 香港

Chia-Wei Lin Taiwan

Alonso, Beatriz Mercedes Argentina

José Gil Llorca Spain

Cheung Yu Piu Billy Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ng Wai Pui /伍偉培 Hong Kong/香港

Woo, Thomas Germany

Jerry Chen Taiwan

Jerry Chen Taiwan

Baumeister, Mark United States

Víctor Lozano Martínez Spain

Tai, Stephen Po-Sing Germany

王振江 神父 意大利

Chow Patrick Hong Kong

Yeung, Claudia United States

Lee Australia

Au, Anissa Canada

Allie, Edward United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Bautista, Alfredo. Spain

Mok, Winnie Canada

Llera Vázquez, Pedro Luis Spain

Chiu, Helen Canada

Gabriel G. Delvalle México

Valentini, Efrem Massimo Italy

Tsui Peter Denmark

歐世樂 Canada

Lee Vivian Hong Kong

Bowling, Caitlin United States

Ng, K Albert Canada

Lau Bosco Hong Kong

Jesús Tejeda Cosme Spain Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Arkadiusz Osinski Wielka Brytania

Federica Iturria Argentina

Pow, Yuk Sang Hong Kong

Carolina S. Argentina

Maria Heaven Ybo Hongkong

Sexton, Daniel United States

Rebeca Garcia United States

蕭卓慧 台灣

Alberto Alarcon México

Chow Tai Wai Canada

Alberto Alarcon México

Susana Llaguno México

Wong, Em Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

TSE, Hoi Nang Hong Kong

Yiu Kam Chuen Hong Kong

Chan Canada

Peter Ho Toronto

Tong Jackie Hong Kong

Leung, Adrian Tsz-yan United Kingdom

駱梓傑 加拿大

Like Lai Chun Hong Kong

Cevasco Paola Italy

Woo, Ronnie Canada

Chang, W Australia

Ho Ada Hong Kong

Kwan Kam Sheung Cortia Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lau Wing Cheong Hong Kong

Magdalene Chan Hong Kong

Chow Lucia Hong Kong

王晓东 中国

赵慧杰 中国

朴桂荣 中国

徐凤艳 中国

Chin Agnes Canada

Lee john Hong Kong SAR

Yeh Agnes Garman Hong Kong

Magoon, Darryl United States

Magoon, Darryl United States

Wong Alice Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

李麗賢 加拿大

Lee Sandra Hong Kong

Choi Joseph Hong Kong

Lui Margaret Canada

Lau Wai Ying 香港

Lau, Angel Hong Kong

William Poon Canada

Bague, Jose Puerto Rico

Li, Deborah Hong Kong

YIP Yuen Yan Julie Hong Kong

容偉堂 Hong Kong

Imm, Jeffrey United States

Chan, Anita Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lo Regina Hong Kong

Lui Eva Hong Kong

Cheung, Margaret Canada

Lau Wai Ling Hong Kong

Lau Wai Ling Hong Kong

林麗芬 香港

Kok Yee Keung Hong Kong

Wong Man Yi Hong Kong

Li, Rebecca Canada

Wendy Poon Hong Kong

Chang Wai Lam Hong Kong hui william hong kong

Chu Timothy Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Johnny siu Hong Kong

賈禕文 台灣

Tam Terence Hong Kong

Chan Canada

Lee Siu Luen China

Liu Man Ching Hong Kong

Leung Chun Ho Hong Kong

Johnson, Betty United States

So, Lok Man Hong Kong

Sun, Shinn Taiwan

Leung, Suzanne Hong kong

Andereggen, Pedro Argentina

Yip, Ki Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

David Chow Hong Kong

梁君培 澳門

MAK, Mary Hong Kong

Angela yeung Hong kong

Jadwiga Miodownik United States

LIAN Yi Zheng Hong Kong

Wong Josephine Hong Kong

Chan Suet Ping Hong Kong

Sister, Lic. del Castillo Maria del Rosario, SSVM Philippines


Tong, Anthony Kin Kwok Canada

Liu, Yat Man, Mario Hong Kong

Lai,Chun-Yo Taiwan Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ho Aries Hong Kong

Au Yau Kuen Hong Kong

Sophia Lui Canada

Foo, Wai Yin Hong Kong

Phyllis Pang Hong Kong

Chan Chi Chung China

Lam , Ellen Canada

Ng Selina Hong Kong

Tung, Victor Canada

Mangano Scholar Hong Kong

Fung On Kei Hong Kong

蔡秀瓊 香港

Chan Lourdes Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kok Hin Chi Hong Kong

Wong, CH Hong Kong, China

Jung Claudia Hong Kong

卓昭文 香港

Wong Theresa Hong Kong

Ms. Law Jane Janny Hong Kong

Au Yeung Shui Hung Hong Kong

Tse, Donna Canada

Ka Seng, Ng Macao

Chan Susan United States

Mr. Lai The Hoa United States

Mok Ching Yee Hong Kong

Susan Chan United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家


黎灝 美國

杨威 中国

Wong Catherine Hong Kong

Ng Julie Hong Kong

Ying, Fuk Tsang Hong Kong

Ng, Franco Hong Kong

Tung Anthony Hong Kong

Lee YK Hong Kong

Fung Ming Chun Maria Hong Kong China

Leung Eva Hong Kong

簡治明 香港

Yu Wing Yan T C 香港 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kau KW Hong Kong

Chong WY Hong Kong

Joseph Chor Hong Kong

鍾淑兒 香港

Chan Hong Kong

Kuk Linda Hong Kong

Wong Peter Hong Kong

Chung Ellen Hong Kong

Sin Hung Ming Hong Kong

Fung Joanna Hong Kong

Lee, Margaret Hong Kong

Moe yi Hong kong

Chung Cindy Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong chiu fan Hong Kong

Chan, Kwok Yeung Hong Kong

Tam, Karen Canada

Yau Simon U.K.

Judy Ho Hong Kong

Evan, Yohanes Indonesia

Yau Simon U.K.

Margaret Yeung KaYee 香港

Yip Lester Hong Kong

黃婉儀 Hong Kong

陸衍燐 香港

Zhou Paulus China

Sin Kelvin Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cheung Hoi Yan Hong Kong

CHEUNG Daniel Hong Kong

Gerard Maher United kingdom

Chow Chi Lai Hong Kong

Francis G China

Chau Madeleine Hong Kong

Chan Wai Hung Hong Kong

Chan Chui Yuk Hong Kong

游大志 香港

Leung, Ka Ming Michael Hong Kong

Li Yin Fan Becky Hong Kong

Ip, Roque Canada

Cheung Wing Yee Hong kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

羅葉慈 台灣 choi yan wing Hong kong

Lee, Steven Hong Kong

Ng Shau Yiu Canada

Ma, Gregory China

LAI, Sang Keung William Hong Kong

Edwin Wong Hong Kong

Chan Alban Hong Kong

Lau pui chi Hong Kong

To Wai Man Hong Kong

Lai Calvin Hong Kong

LEE Chi Wai Hong Kong

Pi Rosaline Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cho Ka Chum Hong Kong


鄭翊群 台灣

MAK, Hin Hong Hong Kong

許冠誠 Hong Kong

Ng Pui Ling Hong Kong

Villa, Leonard Rev United States

Szeto, Gilda Hong Kong

楊龍生 香港

Au Yeung Lucia China

Yeung Kit Hong Kong

Sin Kai Chung Hong Kong

R. Medrana Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ng Claudia Hong Kong

Lung Anthony Canada

Luk Sze Wau Hong Kong

Leong J Hong kong

Ng, Anthony Y.W. Hong Kong

Wong sze Wai Hong Kong


Chui Wai Chung Hong Kong

Au Benjamin United States

李蘭菊 美國

Chic Pun Wing Alice Hong Kong

Cheong, Adolfo United States

Cheong, Adolfo United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kin kim Hong Kong

Ho Stephen Hong kong

Tsang, Gabriel Canada

Ho Fung Bing Hong Kong



Chik, Andy Canada

Wong Patrick Hong Kong

Cheuk Ho Yin Hong Kong

Nima US

Poon, Alice Hong Kong

Ha, Peter Hong Kong

Leung Maria Shuk Man Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kong Ching Man Hong Kong

Tsoi, Arthur United States

Lamb shira P.S. Australia

Rodríguez De Guzmán Ochoa Carlos Spain wu ho chi hong kong

Svilans, Mar Australia

Law, Alice Canada

Kwong Canada

Law, Alice Canada wan Grace Canada

Danny Yau Hong Kong

張孟豪 香港

Wong, Shirley Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Poon Wai Ying Hong Kong

CHAN Wendy Hong Kong

Canor, Esther Hongkong

Cheng, Samuel Hong Kong

Kwong, Denis Hong Kong

Bian, Ashley United States

林豪 台灣

Charlotte Kwok Hong Kong

郭偉彰 加拿大

Chui chi hung Canada

Wong, Amanda Hong Kong

TSUI,Bernadette Australia

Tse, Rosa Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cheung, Joseph Hong Kong

Lo Yan Wai Hong Kong

Yau,Teresa Canada

NG WAH YAU Hong Kong

Hsu, wanting Taiwan

Tsang Lin Chun Hong Kong

林冠廷 台灣

Leung Suk Yin Eva Hong Kong leung fonda Hong kong

LEE Chi Wai Hong Kong

Tsang Wai kwok Hong kong

Chang Shiu Hei Henry Hong Kong

李志偉 香港 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee Tsui Shan Hong Kong

Kwok salina Hong kong

Kwok Hong Kong

Kwok salina Hong kong

Olinger, Marie United States

Kwok billy Canada

Zhen zouyi United States

Wong Kang Yu Hong Kong

Kwok chi Cheong Hong kong

周國忠 香港

Lam, Sandy Canada

Wattson Yeon Charliee Hermione Taiwan

Lam Philip Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

NG, Pauline Hong Kong

正州億 美國

Christopher P. Benischek United States

Lee, Ana Canada

Paulus Zhou China

Locke, Francis Canada

Lin, Shu Li Taiwan

Zheng Zou Yi United States

Yip, Matthew Hong Kong

何寶英 香港

Luk, Fred Australia

Ho Kwai Yin China

Lam Margaret Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lucia Kwok Hong Kong

Cho Helsa Hong Kong

邱嘉恩 台灣

Wong Man Yin Singapore

Wong Hui Yim Yi Singapore

Lam Myra Hong Kong

Lai Raymond Hong Kong

Louis Wong Hong Kong

Maudo, Samuel Spain

Chan YY Hong Kong

Lau Emily Hong Kong

Lam Sau Chin Cecilia Hong Kong

Michelle Ma Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ng Lai Ling Doobie Hong Kong

Lam, Kiu United States

Johnny wong Hong Kong

Chung York Shan Hong Kong

Ma chris Canada

Chu Shirley Hong Kong

Kwok Agatha Hong Kong chau Mary Hong Kong

John Wong Hong Kong

Chan Qio Hong Kong

Lí Sìn-jîn Taiwan

Zheng,Zou Yi USA

Chan Chong Hin Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家


Lam Wai Man Hong Kong

Villalba, Marisa Argentina sarah pow hong kong


Lau Mandy Hong Kong

Vilimas, Jonas Lithuania

Wan, Teresa Canada

Yu Margaret Canada

Lau Alexandra Hong Kong

Thomas Hong Kong

TONG , PETER Hong Kong

Jackson, Paul Anthony Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Michelle Ma Hong Kong

Fu, Rose Canada

Valeria Viviani Italy

Ying Cheuk Yu Hong Kong

Benedetto Rocchi Italy


Matteo Dellanoce Italy

TAM, W. P. Maximilian Hong Kong


Marina Carrese Italy

Siu Sea Taiwan

Nancy Chan China

Wong, Goretti Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

葉永青 香港

Tom Eric Canada

McDermott Michael UK

Maschio Joseph Italia

Urpandi Pierina Italia

Tak-Kei Cheong Hong Kong d'Amico Andrea Poland

Li Christine Hong Kong

Fung, James Hong Kong

Mui Terry Hong Kong


方兆文 香港

YEE, Jasmin Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

YAU, Joe Hong Kong

Ximo Tormo Spain

Tam , Tat Cheung Hong Kong

Chan Maria Rosa Hong Kong

Chan Maria Rosa Hong Kong

Martini Andrea Italy

Wu, Ho Man Arther United kingdom

Yu, Philip Hong Kong

Cosimo De Matteis (Website "Il Bene vincerà" Italy

Cosimo De Matteis Italy

Lau Alexandra Hong Kong

Lau Alexandra Hong Kong

EMANUELE GHIRARDI Italy Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lau Alexandra Hong Kong

Sin Caroline Mauritius

Lau Alexandra Hong Kong

Leung earnest Hong kong

Ho angela Hong kong

Lam Maria Mei Hing Hong Kong

Lam, Teresa Hong Kong

Sunarto, Agus Indonesia

Sergio Pereira Italy

Wan, Peter Canada giuseppe balbo Italy

Pang Dominic Australia

Passalacqua Vito Italy Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家 maracino francesco italy

Cheung Kaman Hong Kong

何鳳冰 香港

Serra Paolo Italia

Sung, Dennis Canada

Wu Francis Canada

Patrick Tsui Hong Kong

Lee, Ho Wai Oliver Hong Kong

Kunio HK

Resu Martín Herrero España mascioni Giovanni Italia

Milan, Daniel Venezuela

Wong Ka Po Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kam Paulus United Kingdom

Wong Jason Chak Lam Hong Kong

Cheung SL Lucia Hong Kong SAR, China


ROSA Enzo Italy

Tang Cecile Hong Kong

Martinetti Alessandro Italia

Lau Rachel Hong Kong

Katja van Rheenen The Nederlands

Mak Keith Hong Kong

李恒青 美国

Chan Ka Leung Hong Kong

LEUNG, Christopher Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chen Maggie Hong Kong

Choi,Fun Him Francis Ignatius HONG KONG

ZAMOYSKA Maria Helena Poland

Vitolo Carlos Venezuela

Alexandra Tompson Poland

Gianfranco Armeli Italy


Paul Cheng USA

Chung, Louie Hong Kong

Tse Faith Hong Kong


James lam USA

Fabio Palmieri Italy Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Fabio Palmieri Italy

Ho Elizabeth 香港

Chow Wing wai Sabina Macau China

Wong, Dorothy Australia

Delgado, María Rosario Burgos (España)

Lam, Paul USA

Sanchez Saez, Antonio Spain

Bendazzoli Michele Italy

Lau, Pauline Hong Kong

Cheung chun pong Hong Kong SAR China

Cheng kitman Hkg


Daoudal Yves France Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan Grace Hong Kong

Fung, Yat Chu John China

Tablón, Macarena Argentina

Kwok Wan Man Hong Kong

Leung Rebecca Hong Kong

Fung Ben Hong Kong

Tsui, Margaret Canada


Tsui, Margaret Canada

Molina Alcalde, Fernando Joaquín United States of America

Lam Kit Ching Hong Kong

Bao Jun Wei Hong Kong

CAMBRAI (Nord ; Zislas Tarczynski FRANCE ) Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Luigi Italia

Francesco Saruggia Italia

Chabot Marie France


Tsui, Joseph Canada

Gloria Fuentes Chile

Elli Angelo Italia

Lim Dominic Malaysia

Cazzago San Martino Uberti Orsolina Brescia

Ho Ting Chi Daphne Hong Kong

Sung, Augustine Australia

Yu,Connie Canada

Chau, Paul Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Paz Gomez Ferre Spain

Wong Rosanna Hong kong

Gomez, María del Prado Spain

George Yeung Hong Kong


Chan Lucia Hong Kong

Alcover Lacal, María Spain

Chan WAN SEUNG Hong Kong

Lino Venturini Verona Italia

Chan Hong Fat 香港

Man Siu Hung China

Lucchetta Gustavo José Argentina

Chan, Adelaide Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Adriana De Luca Italy


Ho, Kin Nee Hong Kong

Adriana Cely Colombia

Cheung Tak Lan Hong Kong

Bourque, Gabriel Canada

Leung Margaret Hong Kong

Hsu, Ka Lam Hong Kong

Yu Goretti W. HONG KONG

Garcia, Miguel Colombia


Garcia, Miguel Colombia

Yu Ching Hoi Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan, Carrie Hong Kong

Hou, François France

李文 香港 zhang paul china

KOO Wendy Hong Kong

Ana Isabel Fontes de Gracia España

Marcela Lynch Argentina

Wu haster Hk

Soohoo, Karen USA

Ivy Cheung Hong Kong

Anne Bürgi Canada

Marie-Louise EVRARD Belgique

Aviani Stefano Italia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tam Kevin Hong Kong

Mo, Howard Canada

Lau Wing Cheong Hong Kong

Chen Catharina Zoe/陳莒清 United Kingdom/英國

Lau Wing Cheong Hong Kong

Law, Shu Kay Ambrose Hong Kong

Maria Giulia Spinola Italy

Wong Louisa Hong Kong

Chan Lai Ming Hongkong

Wong Wing Sze Hong Kong, China

Gillow United Kingdom

陳麗文( monica ) 香港

Chan Lai Ming Hongkong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家 de RODELLEC du PORZIC Marc Etienne France de RODELLEC du PORZIC Marc Etienne France

Cheung Rosemary Hong Kong

María Isabel Callén Mexico

GINDRE François France

Gerardo Álvarez México

Paulus Chou China

Delmotte Etienne Belgium


Claudio Uruguay

THOMAS Jean-François France de Koranyi Alexandra USA simon chan hongkong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家 giovanni lodone italy

楊啟龍 United states

Bigel M

Correia, Dr Mendonca Portugal

Gisela Rementeria Venezuela

Yue Leo Hong Kong

Kirk Kennedy USA peterxu 中國

Yan, Hong Young Taiwan

Luk, Francis USA

Philippe Edmond France

Raoux Yves France

Jump, Katherine USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lau Lilian (HK) Hong kKong

Bellier Olivier France

MAGNE, Chantal France

Cheung Winnie Hong Kong


Snyder, Stephen United States

Ho Siu Man Hong Kong

Lui Hong Kong

Lau Wilson Hong Kong

Waldron, Abigail United States

Jean-Jacques DECLERCQ België

Prof Daniel Marie Godreau priest FRANCE chong, yan hon USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chin Eva Hong Kong

Pinder, Brendan USA

Laurent Guadeloupe

Ham Fen Chan United States

Belon Veronique France

Mosqueira, César Perú

黃, 健平 加拿大

Chan Sze Chi Hong Kong

Patricio Walker Argentina

Prof. Ryan Brady United States

桑普 香港

SILVINA PS Argentina

Lại Thế Hoà USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Raluy Graziella Mexico


Raluy Graziella Mexico

Zhuang R C China

Perez Reynoso de Gonzalez Rosalina Mexico

Acar Raymond Senegal

Lại Thế Hoà USA

Raczyńska Catherine UK

Maureen Kirwan United States of America

Maureen Kirwan United States of America

David Cheung Hong Kong

Kirwan, Maureen U.S.A.

Mok Sharon Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Patricia Barrio

Wong Ching Chuen Hong Kong

Olivari, Giovanni Maria Germany

Diacono Kranz Calai Antonio Marcos Brazil

Diacono Kranz Calai Antonio Marcos Brasil

Gentek, Dariusz Poland

Ng Tracey Hong Kong

Peter Sweden

Lau Ling Yun Agnes Hong Kong

Michael Mallinger US


De Vries, Karolina Poland

Warner de Vries Poland Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Kendall, Edward United Kingdom

Olivier France

McDonald, Angela U. S. A.

Jennifer Urrego Colombia


Tesolat Stefanina Italia

Maria del Carmen México

Lam, Michael Alan Nigel China

Pinaud Edward France

SOLANGE Bocek Argentina

Caruana, Margaret Malta

Caruana, Margaret Malta

Pierre Le Corroller France Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Terri USA

Bugnolo, Alexis Italia

Lemos Stella Maris Argentina


Lemos Stella Maris Argentina

Johnson, Jonathan United States

Vincent FRESNEAU France

Stig, Ashley USA

Albarracin, Marilina Canada

Peyton, Michael United States of America

Gatica,Juan Usa

Eddy. VICKI Usa

Fung Maria New Zealand Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Sanchez, Jose USA

Strickland, Melissa USA

Stollenwerk Caitlin United States

Cassidy, Daniel United States

Jacques Le Morvan France

David Clark United States

Cuevas, Frecia USA

Jean-Jacques DECLERCQ België

Gamba, Steven USA

DeVito, Patrick United States of America

DeVito, Patrick United States of America

Fernández Ana Cecilia Costa Rica adie Sandra Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Recchia, Robert USA

Kent Palma United Arab Emirates

Cisneros USA

Serven, Janis USA

Esper, Marcelo Ronaldo Argentina

Soleil Gilles France

Partipilo Maria Franca Italia



Emily Hackett United States


Saint-Maurice, Armanda Portugal

Raymond Chan Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Saly Levano Arista Perú

O'Neill, Andrew United States

Enrico Mancini Italia

黄志强 澳洲

Mrs. Jill United States of America

Vincent Dusanter France

Pringle, John United States of America

Taggart,Barbara USA

Franco Pròcino Italy

Fries, Anna United States

Ng Yee lin Hong Kong

Ouellette, Andrew USA

Dixon, Sheryl USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Dr LEHALLE Bertrand France

Cassidy, Daniel United States

Minsal, Elisha United States

Brown, Canada

Ribas Wannieck, Magdalena Spain wong hk

Chesterton USA

Lai, Sze Fong New Zealand

Oke Louis Nigeria de Batz, Chantal Norway

Chan Godfrey Hong Kong

Olivier t'Serstevens Belgique

Kevin Krayeski United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lopez Marie Switzerland

Wong Eric Australia

Kwong Philip Hong Kong

Luiz Antonio de Aguiar Japão

Dos Santos, Brazil

Maleszyk Maciej poland

Lai, Sherman Australia

张东吉 中国 de Reynal Hervé Cambodia

Cusworth, Patrick United Kingdom de Reynal Hervé Cambodia de Reynal Hervé Cambodia delemo, Catherine USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Sze, Bernard Canada

Marie Hess Carpenter USA

SZE, Linda Canada

Ma Ching Chau, Helen Hong Kong

Juan Castillo México

Leung, Ngai Chung Hong Kong

Chow Kit Yee Hong Kong

Leung, Henry Canada

姜永強 澳洲

Munita Enrique France chan lai na 香港


Zavala, Mario MÉXICO Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

黄志强 澳洲

José Rafael Páez Venezuela

耿紅岩 中国

Diaz Edgar United States

Tong Ho Wai Hong Kong

Yang Chung Tao Gary Canada

Spicer, David USA

Tony Gomen Taiwan

Shan Ya Fang Taiwan


鍾威龍 香港 holyraymond hong kong holyraymond hong kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ko, Stella Hong Kong


Lau, Philip Australia

Wong Po Yiu 香港

Neil sullivan USA

高贤芬 中国

焦世萍 中国

John poeschl USA

张玉强 中国

Thomas USA

Chan, Augustine Hong Kong, China holyraymond hong kong

闫云生 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家 lie, chinglan hong kong

Wesley Yuen Manchester, UK

施冲义 中国

Lung Gregory Hong Kong

郑淑坤 中国

Cheung Siu Yan Hong kong

Camen KO France

Pau KM Hong Kong SAR hubert hy tsang hk

Cueva, Joshua Philippines

A 加拿大

Ho Edmund Hong Kong

Hung chor hing Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

师亚江 中国

Chan, Ivy Canada

Chan, Ivy Canada

Chan, Ivy Canada

张维彦 中国

焦世梅 中国

Chan, Ivy Canada

Chan, Ivy Canada

Ho Teresa Canada

Liu Noel Hong Kong chan,sk hong kong

Mrs Mary United States

Cheung Maria France Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Torre Amelie USA

Pinero, Belsie United States

Ho Pui Lam Joseph Hong Kong

Wong, Vincent Canada

Being, Annie Canada

Wong,Raymond Canada

Crary née Hsu, Elizabeth USA

Yeung Michael Hong Kong

Yau Patrick Eulogius Australia

Jollivet de Oliveira South Africa

王旭 日本

Griffin, Christopher UK

Chen Wenfa Singapore Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan Pui Wai Jane Hong Kong

Lau Yiu Chung Hong Kong

Yiu Agnes Toronto Canada

Simona Vezzoso Italia

Lee Kai Kong Hong Kong

Katheria Cheung Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. Baron, Peter P. Japan

Gherardi Walter Italy

Martin Marker Germany


Qua Norton Philippines

張敬宗 中華民國

Corrado Bassanese Italia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee, Martin Chu-ming China Hong Kong

Li, Ching Lam Hong Kong

Annie Pierre France

Visintainer Franco Italia

Fu Rose Hong Kong

Tsang Sarinna Hong Kong

Wong Kandis Canada

Chin Peter Australia

DU BOURG Gabriel France

Lai, Sze Fong New Zealand

Thomas Zbiral Austria

Bożejewicz Arkadiusz Poland

Labrouve Marie France Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lillian Law Hong Kong van Ommen Kloeke, Treasa Australia


Alfonso Osorio de R. Spain

Resu Martín Herrero España peter xie Canada

Norma Kennedy Spain

Donnelly, Deacon Nick United Kingdom

Campos, Juan Argentina

Lynch, Paul Scotland

San juan, Gie Philippines

Republic of the Almadrones, Maurice Joseph Philippines Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Giorgis, John J USA

Ayson Mark Anthony Navotas City

Teresa Mills United Kingdom

Coffey, Ann USA

Hermoso, Reuel The Philippines

Armaticus, Scipio United States of America

Heinz, Iselin Germany

Lentner, Stefan Germany fung siu fong hong kong

Asch, Robert Spain

Connolly, Sheenagh UK

Dorothy Shaw Australia

Narde, William US Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ho, Duncan Hong Kong, China

Eid, Mary Australia

Lai, Clement Canada

Wong, Oi Kwan Hong Kong SAR

Rubino, Anthony United States

WONG SAI HO Singapore

Tang Peter Hong Kong

Partington, Jonathan UK

Tsang Shirley Hong Kong

Fan King Hung Hong Kong

Cattaneo, Chris USA

Joseph Perron USA

Yim, Shirley Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

華文傑 USA

Baán, Tamás Hungary fava, samantha Australia

Keay, Stephen United Kingdom

Mary WANG China

BEHE Wendy Ireland

Wong Yin Kwan Hong Kong


Olazabal, Salvador Portugal

Stoop Jeanmarc Switzerland verena tompson United Kingdom

Wild, Tigga UK

Le Mottee, Louise USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Suárez Rodríguez Juan Andrés Spain

Alfonso Maria Mexico


Leung Ngai Chung Hong Kong

Thorne Mark United Kingdom

Patriarca Pier Italy

Orazi Lamberto italy

Maria Vilas-boas Portugal

Bilby, Stacie United States of America

Salzani Giovanni Italy

Hung, Hoffman Hong Kong

To Siu Fung Hong Kong

John Richter USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Priest, Paul UK

Wheeler, DB USA

Hornshaw, Simon Great Britain

李洪本 中国

SIU, Wilfrid Hong Kong

Han Fen Chan USA

施冲义 中国

赵慧杰 中国

Ariza, Paula Brazil

Novaro Hueyo, Manuel José Argentina

王晓东 中国

MacMeanmain, Feargal Ireland luca caviglia italia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Sergio Adolfo Rios Argentina william United States

Danièle GOALIC France

张玉强 中国

Tang, Josephine HongKong

Dean, Peter Canada

O Connor David United Kingdom

Camara,Cristina Portugal

Chan, Teresa Hong Kong

Acevedo Fanny Colombia

Leung Makky Hong Kong

Beck, Peter United States of America

Chiu Eva Hk Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

宗学兵 中国

Caroline Marris USA

张吉东 中国

Banholzer, P. Albert-Maria CRVC Germany

Cristina C Serra Portugal

Serra, Cristina Portugal

Luk, UK

Yarek, Darrell Canada

Chan Hong Kong

DaRos, Rosaleen United States of America

Bourgeois France

Crosby, John Canada

Iglesias, María Pilar Spain Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cunha, Filipa Portugal

Adriana Dworak United States

Lago, Liza USA

Meiattini Giulio Italy

Lago, Michael USA

Leo Wong United States

David Howard United States

Binder, Nan USA

Andrew Williams United States

Gonçalves, Manuel Portugal

Lai Jeromy Hong Kong

United States Of Ely, June America

Tararà, Antonino United States of America Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

YIU Thomas H.K.

Perez, Andrew USA

Irena Sani United Kingdom marisa ferla italy

Lane, David United States

Carol and Ned USA

Elaine White Roff United Ststes of America

Lau Kin Ling Hong Kong

Ng Kwok Hung Canada

Jenny Ng Canada

Wong Clement Hong Kong

Serra Joao Portugal

Manuel Ferreira Portugal Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Frank Herrmann Germany

Davidson, Christina USA

Howell Georgina UK

Minarelli Federico Italy

Patrick Pun Macau

Fr. Thomas Hennigan Spain

Zawadzi, Anthony USA

A.P.M.Meijknecht The Netherlands

Thomas, Clare UK

Wilson Dr. Mercedes A. UNITED STATES

Abouchedid, Nicolas United States

Keller, Holly United States

Ner, Maria Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Cunningham, Lee United States

Fordyce, Patti United Kingdom

Tyrrell, Carol Canada

María México

Mrs. Engel United States

Hennigan, Martin Ireland

Rey Viridianne France

Lopez , Jose USA

Chow Hing Wah Hong Kong

Blyth, David South Africa

涂春茂 中国

Desbrosses Veronique FRANCE

Burns, Anne USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Hui Jonice Hong Kong

张红娟 中国

李露亿 中国

李馨 中国

Marie-Elisabeth AROT Switzerland

HURLEY, christine USA

Ho King Fan Hong Kong

Leung Man Yun Hong Kong

Dunnells, Shirley US

LI Peggy Hong Kong

WanShingChun HongKong

Law, David canada

To Kwai Wah Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Colombo, Luigi Pietro Maria Italy

Kedzierski Lukasz United Kingdom

Lee, Luke Hong Kong

Kawo Lee United States

Chui, Feria Hong Kong

高王丹鳳 香港

Chong Lai Shuen Hong Kong

Leong, Justin Australia

García Alcover, María Luisa España

高作強 香港

García Alcover, Rosa María España


Wu Ping Keung Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Benoît Hervé-Bazin France

PANHARD Blandine Luxembourg

Wong Anita Australia

Chan Agnes Hong Kong

Franzoni Lia Italy

Ho, Frances Hong Kong

Helen Kwok Hong Kong

CHEUNG LI KWAN HongKong ( not China)

Ho T. S. Hong Kong

Angela Yuk Chun Leung Hong Kong

Chungkan Suen Canada

Chau Stanley Hong Kong

Ng kam wang Hongkong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung Yuk Ying Hong kong

Leung, Alfie Hong Kong

Hutton, Graham United Kingdom


Cheung , Aloysius Hong Kong

Ip isaac China

Leong Aki Macau, China

關志明 香港

Marco Bernasconi Switzerland

Marco Bernasconi Switzerland

Chau Wung Ki Hong Kong

Victor. James HONG KONG

Lo Chi Ching Roland Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Taylor, Neil Hong Kong

LEE Michelle HK

Chu Winnie Hong Kong

Lee Man HK

Fauskevåg, Svein Eirik Norway

Cheng , chi ho Hong kong

Chiu,Joyce Australia

LAM, Miranda Hong Kong

Tan, Margaret Philippines

Ruffell David Hong Kong

Lam, Sergius Hong Kong

Lee Mei Chun Hong Kong

Patrick Leung Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tsang Savio 香港

Lee Steven Hong Kong

Katherine Kwong Australia

Lee, Andrew Hong Kong

Yeung, Jessica United Kingdom

Joshua Loo United Kingdom

Mak Jenny Hong Kong

Wong, Henry Hong Kong



Lee, Nicholas Hong Kong

Ho, VietAi Vietnam

Herman Tsang Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chan, Sophy China

Georg Noack Germany

Manza, Christopher United States of America

Li Siu King Hong Kong

Lau Wai Hang Macau

Cheung, Dick Hong Kong cheung peter hong kong

Au Yeung, David Hong Kong

Chong Charlie Hong Kong

Au Francis Canada

Johnson, Tim US

Ralph Wong Australia

Ho, Pik K. United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong richard HONG kong

Liu, Keith Canada

Leung, Keith Canada


Riccardo Cariaggi Italy

LAU, Kwok-kun Hong Kong

Wong Man Hing Hong Kong

Li, Yuk Ying Hong Kong

Lam Tommy Hongkong

Lam, George Canada

Chan USA

Anna-Karina USA

Yeung Anita Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wong, Teresa Canada

Lau Kit Man Minny Hong Kong


Massimiliano Loi Italy

Cheung, Michael Canada

Wong, David Canada

Aries Ting Canada

Wesolowski, Mariusz Canada

Suen, Clemens USA

John Shen United States

Diana Shen US

Wong, Ball USA

Paletta, Silvia USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Larry Ford United States

González, Jorge Zenón Argentina

Chittenden Sylvia Costa Rica raul canada

Wan Charlie Canada

Wong Corina Canada


Chiu Yuet Shen Hong Kong

岳玉英 中国

杨雅珍 中国

沈素芸 中国

Joseph, Gerard Australia

刘亚娟 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

金空军 中国

候爱叶 中国

葛四 中国

候爱连 中国

郭领 中国

汤三 中国

葛青 中国

孟井云 中国

扬爱鸽 中国

王福 中国

鲁春英 中国

林晓华 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chui E US

Mok, Yee Ting James 香港

Bruneau, Donald Andre Canada

Verver, Theresa Canada

Causer, Ronald USA

Arms, Richard USA

Yuen, Chi Yeung Canada

Lee Yat Sang Hong Kong

La Riccia Deborah Canada

溫啟明 Canada

郭燦發 香港

Ferguson, Tim Canada

Lavin, Tomas USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tau I, Ling Hong Kong

Tallon, Eileen United States of America

Sou, Stephen Macau

Li KY Hong Kong

John Dawson United Staes

Ho gilbert Hong kong

Lam y y HK

Chen CW Hong Kong

Huang, Dominic Canada

Mullin, Kathleen United States

Mullin, Joseph United States

Mullin, Robert United States

Dr. Mac Mak USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家 lai teddy hong kong macarthur victoria usa


林耀堂 台湾

Reid, James USA

Lam Paul Hong Kong

Wong Liza Hong Kong

Shaeffer, Richard United States of America

Au, Yiu Kai Hong Kong

Ana Margarita Gómez México

Chau Chi Fung Hong Kong

Lo, Lorna Canada

LI WS Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Neumann István Philippines

Lam, Catarina Canada

Tsang KK Hong Kong

Li Gang 美国

Kostuch, Ray Canada

李伟 中国

Hui Seamus Hong Kong

Becerra, Diane USA

Casilda Josephine Struckhoff United States


Jahn julie Us

Larry Gregan Canada jack gibes usa Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Michael Bong Canada

Yeung,Vincent Hong Kong

Angelina Steenstra Canada

Chan Po Ki Hong Kong

McCann, Noreen USA

Ho Ming Kei Hong Kong

Chan, Chi Wang Hong Kong

Sin pui ka Hong Kong

Wong, Kai Keung Hong Kong

Luk, Andrew Hong Kong

Lin, yaotang Taiwan

Wong Margaret Hong Kong

Chui Matthias Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家


Kin sun wong Canada

Gerard Hennigan Ireland kwok hongkong

Lau, Louis Hong Kong

張帆 中國

施若瑟 中国

Hui, Natalie Canada

Yeung Shu Bong Hong Kong

Liu Paul Hong Kong

Tang Yu Chung Hong Kong

Wong, Wai Kit Hong Kong

Wong, Him Shun Sylvester Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wah, Kenneth Canada

Wong, Chi Ying Hong Kong

Wong, Yat Yin Hong Kong

Lam, Yau Lan Teresa Hong Kong

De la Portilla, Lourdes México

Lai, Henry Hong Kong


Shiu Sun Chuen Hong Kong

Maria Smetny Canada chan tim Hong Kong

Cho Charmaine Hong Kong

Lee Well Hong Kong

James LAM Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lam Yuk Por Hong Kong

Quarracino, José Arturo Argentina

Kreitmair, Thomas Germany

Cunningham Leslie United States

Johnny siu Hong Kong

Lee Suet Chun Hong Kong, China

Lee Suet Chun Hong Kong

Fannie Ho HK

Cheung Bernie Hong Kong

Carradice Mary Teresa United Kingdom

吳立波 Hong Kong

蘇万興 Hong Kong hayes, james usa Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Leung Chi Ting Matthew Hong Kong

Marilú Galíndez Mexico

Dupont, John United States


Ron Australia

Murawsky, Chris Canada

Allen But U.S.A

McHardy, Gemma Canada

Menietti, John USA

Lamont Dyck Canada

周偉勇 香港

Chan Chi Kin Hong Kong

Sarah K Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Salvarrey María Gabriela Uruguay

范美德 香港

李詠嫻 香港

Lam,Raymond China Hong Kong

Chan Pius London minolfi gianpiero Italia

Peter and Barbara Kennedy United States

Blodgett, T. D. USA

Cerce, Susan USA

Rochford, Veronica Canada

Law, Wing Cheung Canada

Tat Wong USA

Mary USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Mr. and Mrs. William and WynMarie Hamilton Canada

Skeris, Rev. Robert A. U S A

Jesus, Luis A. Spain

Paletta, Leonard United States

Cheung Kitty Hong Kong lee Canada

Wong Tony Hong Kong

Tsui, Roger Hong Kong

Hawke, Kenneth Australia

Lynch, Larvina Canada

Zivnuska, Anne USA

Womack, Erin US

Snell, Jennifer Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Huang, Bosco China


廖柏寧 中國

Tason Adrian Michael Andrew China

Cheung anna Hong kong

譚偉強 中國



鄧寶民 香港

Quinn Canada

蔡惠貞 香港

Tsang Ho Tak HongKong

劉立德 台灣 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Henderson, Sarah United Kingdom

Wang,Jacob China

Ingo Breuer Germany

Huang bernadette Taiwan

Yeung, Ka Zin Hong Kong

De la Santísima Trinidad y de la Santa Cruz, fr. Luis María Spain

Tang kwong mei Hong Kong

Ayala Roberto Ezequiel Russia

周智海 香港

Segura Nundehui Mexico

Reilly Simon The United Kingdom


关朝峰 澳大利亚 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lau, Philip Canada

Lau, William Canada

Lau, Ching Yee Canada

Lau, David Canada

Luca Francesco PERSICO Italy

Catala Sebastián Argentina

HUI, Lisa Hong Kong

Helen Lee Canada

Lam Frederick Hong Kong

Ho, Chi Yin Ambrose Canada

Chan, Yau Hei Hongkong

Ken Ho Hong Kong

Ng Hedi Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Herrera Salazar, Jesús Arturo Colombia

Chau, Paul Australia

Wong Hoi Ching Angela Hong Kong

Argene Águila Clasara Philippines

Diana Chang Hong Kong

Kwong Kyla Hong Kong

Yee Anthony Hong Kong

Young Lily Hong Kong

Yeung Raymond Hong Kong

Sun Anna Hong Kong

Leung. Virginia Canada

Ho jonathan Canada

Pierre Pillet France Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lau, Eugene Yuet Chee Hong Kong

Ng, SW Hong Kong


Matías Ruiz De Luque Argentina

Monteverde Karen United States of America

Michel Lavoie Canada

Flood, Francine USA

Joseph Hui Hong Kong

Joanna To Hong Kong

GV Chan Hong Kong


Ho, Siu ming Hong Kong

李玉华 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

赵德林 中国

李玉凤 中国

王春花 中国

张菊 中国

曾君会 中国

马丽 中国

李兰芳 中国

汪向芝 中国

高波 中国

高天颂 中国

高天颂 中国

夏连梅 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

马涛 中国

王金城 中国

Liu Man Wai Hong Kong

Tsui, Kai Cheong Hong Kong, SAR

溫若瑟神父 中國

LUK Stanley Hong Kong

Lok, Benedict USA

Carolina Rodriguez Italy

Lam, M. G. Hong Kong SAR

Lam Yee Hang Hong Kong

Choi, Edmond Hong Kong

劉影梅 香港

Kan Yau Man China Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Yuen Michael Hong Kong

Yuen Jonathan Hong Kong SAR

So, Man Sze Hong Kong

TONG, William Hong Kong SAR, China.

Cheung, Daniel Hong Kong

Lam Kwai Hung, Verana Hong Kong

Wong Fanny HONG Kong China

Tsang, Tony Hong Kong

尹華第 美國

Kam Claudia 香港

Casey Koo Hong Kong

Tang Tee Wah Hong Kong, China

Ng Wan Hung United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Awerkamp, Robert United States

Kwan Louis Hong Kong

Au Yeung, Patrick Hong Kong

John Keily Australia

Wong Alice China Hong Kong

Wong, Veronica US

Man Daniel Hong Kong

Folley, Paul Australia

Wong, Paul USA

Mulligan, Sean Canada

Fan Ka Ming Hong Kong wong peter hong kong

Ann Lau United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee cecilia hong kong

Wong Peter HONG KONG

Cheung, Raymond Canada

張廷 台灣


Cheng Chelane Canada

Noonan, Ann USA

Deb Stevens United States ngai kit hongkong

Peter kong HONG KONG

María de la Trinidad Gondra Argentina

黄春龙 中国

隋雨晴 中国 Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

林利 中国

Loureiro, Tiago Portugal

黄占喜 中国


Choy, Erminia Canada

Andy Huang United States

I won't tell you Hong Kong

蘇雨桐 柏林 德国 kit cheuk USA

Chong , Clara 香港

Li Runzhou United States

NG Dismas Hong Kong

Leung, Sandy US Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

游精佑 中国大陆

Chen, Chenchen Taiwan

安中玉 香港

游贵 美国

Pan Hongbo USA

张向忠 prc

吴文亮 中国

Paul Ng Malaysia

Ng Boon Ping Malaysia zhang gary Hong kong

Lee Yik Hang Hong Kong

Agustina Miranda Argentina huasong wei China Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

LEE William Hong Kong

Wang Helen China

Geralds, Kathleen United States forest_yang杨桦林 China中国

NG Hung Hei Louis Hong Kong

Wu Siu Lan Hong pKong

Michael Quinn Ireland charles feicht USA wong, margaret USA

Michael McCullough US

Fong Samson Hong Kong

Mikus, Bill United States

Tang Michael-Joseph Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Wilkie, Janet US

Graham USA

Lazarczyk, Stanley United States

the anti-Christian China, Lin, Paul PRC

A. T. Wilson United States of America

Medak, Anton South Africa

Leung, Hoiying USA

Reta United States of America

Da Costa Joseph India

Groves, Marybeth United States

Groves, Kenneth USA

Lee, Bartimaeus Hong Kong, China

Jones, Mary USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lawton, Marian United States of America

Greiner, Matthew USA

Carneiro, Pedro Erik Brazil

Kuenz, Lynn USA

Samuel Generoso Dias Brazil

Silvy vaca Mexico

Maria Vilma de Oliveira Apucarana

Perdue, Jane USA

Dr. Wang Ce Spain

Wilson, Father Joseph F. USA

Sarracino, Alvin United States of America

Lau, Wing US, SF

Hart, Denise USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Li, Leo Sweden

Bates,John A. USA

Wong,Jenny Canada

Levine, Jihee USA

Inocencio Rangel United States

Gaylor, Carol United States

Leahy, Michael Ireland

Ella Mae Howard Canada

LAU, Kwan Yin Sweden

Ella Mae Howard Canada

Elia Azzi Brasil

Marion and Michael Smyth USA oquias, gerry philippines Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Mary King United States


Wakeman, Leslie USA

Mitchell, Dennis USA

Jeffree, Anne Australia

Van der Jeught Wilfried Belgium

Phillips Australia

Mark USA

Adams, nancy United States

ZHANG JING ( 張菁) USA woodstone USA

Hunt. Oliver Canada

Renato Cardoso Alves de Souza Brazil Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Teles, Antonio Brazil

Geert ter Horst The Netherlands

Hoffman, Gail USA

覃慕賢 Hong Kong

LO Kenny Hong Kong

Rausch, Karen USA

LIU, James 中國大陸

Cyr Kenneth USA

Frank Woo Singapore

Rose, Douglas United States of America

Joshua H United States

Wong Bernadette Hong Kong

David Fender United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Lee, Joseph 李偉信 United States

Offer, Brian USA

Mr. Michael G. USA

Raúl Estévez Venezuela

Qu wei United States waters,raymond australia

Ocampo, Norberto Philippines

Marie USA

Lau, Sannie Los Angeles

Yu Lai Foon China

Mohs, William United States of America

Byrne Thomas Australia

Giovani Diogenes Brasil Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Emma Prall Australia

Jacob Pius Yuyencia (幽燕西亚)


Okello, Francis Uganda ernst gross germany

Joseph Muraya Kenya

Laurel Cobb United States

Ferraro, William USA

Turnbull, Patricia United Kingdom

Tao Lily Yuyencia

Demetz Susanna Italy

Plantagenet d'Anjou de Tremblay, Antoine USA & Quebec

Isac Carvalho Brazil Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Sexton, Daniel United States

People's Republic of Chen, Wen Di China

Solimeo, Plinio Maria Brazil

楊太 香港/美國

LEE Bernard Hong Kong

Andy Reeves United States of America

Elliot, Jane United States of America

Devoid, Therese United States

YAU ChunYu, Peter Hong Kong

Lau Yiu Chung Hong Kong

John Puglisi USA

Exline, Nancy USA

Chang Tony usa Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Caruana, Margaret Malta

Lancaster,Sean Ireland willian mise brazil

O'Gorman, Sandra USA

Chan, Robert T. S. United Kingdom

Poel, Elizabeth United States of America

Zotter, Rev. Fr. Thomas USA

Eduardo Brasil

Antonio Morales Brasil

Serafim Anderson Brasil

Liu Yan Yan

HUANG, Lunjia Canada

Mary Migliano Brazil Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Tsang Edmund 曾卓希 Hong Kong

Hon Jerome Hong Kong

Diane R Singapore

Talano Maria USA


Chaves, Cássio Brazil

Fumis, Rodrigo de O. Brasil

Cristofoletti, Ana Cândida Brazil

John United States of America

Lui Miriam

Chankinleong 澳門

NG Hung Hei Louis Hong Kong

Monteiro, Eduardo Brazil Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ahearn, G USA

Kikuchi, Camila Brazil

Asmar, Marie Brasil patrick brasil

O'Connell, Andrew Great Britain

Laura Blumetti Argentina

Djair Dias Brazil

莫慧宜 香港Hong Kong

Kwok Biddy Hong Kong

Garcia Susana Argentina

Garcia Romina Argentina

Garcia Maria Susana Argentina

Morgan, Tim Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Jones Philip Uk

Moorhouse Graham Uk

Camisao Correa Fernades Felipe Brazil

路和平 中國

Wong Sally Hong Kong

Kauê Cunha Machado Brazil

Jill Muennich USA

Wood Mary Australia

Carlos Glerian Brasil

Valdez, Patricia United States

Teresinha Moreira Brasil

Vincent Young USA

So, Jeffrey British Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chong Bruce Hong Kong

Houlihan, Mary U.S.A. cheng yue hang 香港

Francisco Cabral spain

Li Sau Man Hong Kong

Benischek U. S. A.

Benischek, C. P. U. S. A., N. Y., N. Y.

Chan Andrea Hong Kong

Stroka, Susan USA

Maryanne Kveck USA

O'Halloran Catherine Australia

Liu Australia

Elizabeth Rodgers Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Rita DiPippo United States

Orlando de Andrade Cavalcanti Junior Brasil

Kocurek, Lee Ann United States of America

Jalmir Brazil

Brasino, Ann United States

Wood, Patrick Australia

Giordano,Carolyn United States

Charrette, stacy United States

Hernandez, Richard USA leung ching ye hong kong

Benischek, Liliana U. S. A.


Ko Eric Hong Kong Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Chow Dave Hong Kong

Catherine Ryan USA

Giovanna Henriues Brasil

Martin, Judith USA

Hazard, Ben Ireland


Mak Lai Yee Hong King da Luz, Alexandre Luiz Antonio Brasil

Marques da Silva Luz, Carmen Brasil

Zhu Victor P.R.China

John, mount Australia

Wagner de Oliveira Fernandes Brasil

Alicia Boland United States Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Sze Yun Chun Sally Hong Kong

Puckett, Marc USA

Fr Blake Raymond UK

Laurence England United Kingdom

Dale, T UK

Henderson, Sarah United Kingdom

Tom Hauser USA

Iselin Heinz Deutschland

Karen Ann Therese Horn United Kingdom

LEWIS, Mary United Kingdom

Huntz, Bonita United States

Corcoran, Debra United States

Dorsey, John USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Flynn, Eamon USA

Cates, Michael Japan

Bowne, Maryann United States

Gandionco, Cornelio Philippine

Fermino Fernando Brazil

Assirati, Fiona United Kingdom

Woolman, Thomas United States

Newberry, Brian United States

Kagay, Stephen USA

Murphy, Ryan USA morrissey carmelle anada

Lee, RD US

Joanne USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Dalence, Susan United States

Bellini, Phillip U.S.A.

Patrick M Gohl United States

Worth Kathleen U K

Terence English United Kingdom

MacMeanmain, Feargal Ireland

C.M.A. Laitinen United States

Harrison Peter U.K.

Michele Barczynski United States

Bancure, Benedict Philippines

Campos, Juan Argentina

Mark Quinn Ireland

Gosnell, Charles UK Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Souphab Milee USA

Westerman, Hannah United States of America

Yohanes Zulio Bin Song Sarawak

McGivern, James Ireland

Patrick J Mulvey United States

Steven United States of America

Nguyen, Peter Canada

Hill, Ruth USA

Cassidy, John Paul USA

Brady, James Francis United Kingdom

Nora FitzGerald United States

Sinon, Johnny Philippines

Mr. Nelson Chase USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

William Barrocas Barrocas

Barrocas William India

Armstrong, Sarah USA

Barrocas William India

Barrocas William India

Blair, Leslie Canada sandy Morris United Kingdom

Lanier, Monica United States

Allon, Dominic United Kingdom

Bitakaramire, Liz UK

O' Brennan, Ed England

Cynthia Laforty Canada

Mitchell white Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Seymour, Tomas US

Robert F Bennett United States

Dong Vivian United States

Magkasi, Emerson Philippines

Tang Henry Canada

Wong, Kristine Canada

Chan, Dominik Hong Kong

Kym McNeal USA

Wigutow, Samuel USA

Ng Hong Kong

Samuela Martin Australia

Falgoust, Janine United States

Swartz Thomas USA Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Banholzer, Albert-Maria Germany

Liu, Rebecca Canada

Lam, Sarah Canada

Lau, Bosco HONG KONG

Susanna Ng Canada

King United Kingdom

Eileen Closs USA

Hellyer, Paul United kingdom

Carol Welch United States

Gerard &. Marguerite Raes Canada

MacIsaac, Doug Canada

Connelly Canada

Bong Michael Canada Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Monica Harris USA

Tremblay, Nancy Canada

Schmidt, Niklas Austria

Chan Phi Shan China, SAR shaw, marcus hong kong

Pamela Atkinson United States of America


Andrew McFarland United States

Schiano, Heather USA

Wendy MacIsaac Canada

Fanny Yip Hong Kong

Jeffery C Kwong 鄺恩龍 China

Young Rosita Australia Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Ferrara Family United States

HOWE, Christopher UK

Kullavanijaya, Piranat Kingdom of Thailand

Galantti, Gabriela Argentina

Bieringer, Reimund Belgium

Tong, Mi Kuen Canada

Lau Louis Canada

Julia Ocasio Usa

Kwan Arthur Hong Kong

Tucker, John U. S. A

Kong, David 江如天 Canada

Vibar, Edwin Philippines

Figallo Tomaso A. Italy Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Au, Sai Lok Canada

Ng Alice Canada

HUANG, Faustina Taiwan

Chan, KAja Hong Kong

伯铎禄+夏天 中国黑龙江省绥滨县

Signatories 聯署人 Country 國家

Global Petition: An Open Letter to Conferences of Catholic Bishops Across the World Regarding the Possible Agreement Between the Holy See and the Government of the People’s Republic of China 全球聯署:就聖座與中華人民共和國政府可能達成之協議致全球主教團公開信

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The Open Letter is initiated by university professors, lecturers, researchers, human rights activists and lawyers in the world.

Acknowledgement: Michael Mo FREE CATHOLICS IN CHINA

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