Church and Village News , , Southolt, Tannington and Worlingworth April 2017 Happy Easter

Dear Friends, One of the less attractive traits of human beings is the way we load expectations on to people that are unrealistic and unfair. Then, when the expectations are not met, we criticise the others, not ourselves. Jesus was well aware of what people wanted him to be and do. He knew he could not be the conquering liberator of their imagination because his path was to lead to defeat and death – something very hard for his followers to accept. St Luke tells us that even when Jesus hung on the cross ‘the leaders scoffed at him, saying “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Messiah of God, his chosen one!” The sol- diers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”’ (Luke 23:35-37.) These must have been bitter words for the Son of God to hear, when he knew that he could have summoned legions of angels to release him from the cross, but chose not to. In that choice he in fact exceeded all expectation. Instead of liberating the nation he sacrificed himself so that every man, woman and child in the world could come back to God. That’s how much he loved us. Sometimes if we let our relatives, friends, the local school, the NHS or whoever it may be off the hook and not pile a weight of expectation upon them, they may in fact deliver in a way that we had never thought of. No-one on that first Good Friday be- lieved that Jesus would rise again, although he had told them he would. On Easter Day he turned defeat into victory and silenced the mockery of his enemies by a far greater miracle than stepping down from the cross would have been. However, he still didn’t do what we might have expected, namely to appear to the Jewish leaders and Roman soldiers. Instead he appeared secretly to his friends, that not very won- derful bunch of disciples. Gradually the message that he was alive again spread and spread, so that now all round the world people can rejoice in God’s great work in saving lost humanity. He has done far more than we could ask, or think, or de- serve. It’s a secret that we can all share in one of our churches this Holy Week and Easter as we proclaim ‘Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again!’ David

Annual APCM during April Bedfield April 4th at 6.30, Monk Soham April 25th 7.00pm

Worlingworth April 20th 7.00pm Tannington April 12th At 2.00pm All held in the respective churches

St Mary’s Church, Worlingworth

3 Day Flower Festival

29th, 30th April and Bank Holiday Monday 1st May

Colours of the Rainbow

Daily 10.00am to 5.00pm

Light Lunches daily 12.00 to 2pm

Refreshments all day Raffle and many stalls

Raffle draw at 4.30pm on the Monday

Proceeds to St Marys Church

Songs of Praise 6.00pm Sunday 30th April


MONDAY 29th MAY 2017

Join us on Spring Bank Holiday Monday for a 65 mile drive through hidden . A new route with lots of clues & puzzles A staggered start from the Community Centre car park commencing 11.0 am. No racing involved. Entrance fee : £10 per car. Winner's prize £50. Refreshments available in the Community Centre at the end. For further details ring Bernard or Jane Butler at 628330 or John or Rita Ridgwell at 627181

Tuesday 11th April Seder Meal This is the third year of this popular event. It has previously been held in Tannington and Brundish and this year will be held in Cratfield church. Cost, only £5 a ticket. Should you wish to reserve your place early, email Virginia [email protected]

For Pastoral Care, Baptism, Wedding or Funeral arrangements please contact Rev David Burrell, email [email protected] (01986 798136) Address -The Rectory, 15 Noyes Rd, Laxfield, IP13 8EB or Rev. Ron Orams, Tel: 01986 798901 2or email: [email protected] Telephone numbers for relevant parishes on the centre pages.

ST. MARY, WORLINGWORTH. Flowers during April April 2nd...... S.Saunders “ 9th...... J. Rodwell (Jnr.) “ 16th...... R.Ridgwell ( Easter Sunday.) “ 23rd...... P. Kench “ 30th...... Y. Wiley.s

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. This takes place in St. Mary’s Church at 7pm on Thursday, the 20th of April. The first part of the meeting is to elect two Churchwardens and anyone on the electoral roll of the parishes of Worling- worth and Southolt can nominate and vote for their candidate. The Parochial Church Meeting follows on, when we hear the Annual Report on the business of the church, the revised church electoral roll and the accounts for the year ending in December 2016. The final part is a brief meeting of the newly elected PCC to discuss any urgent business and officers are elected, which is for the PCC members only.

Easter services ( details on grid in middle pages} Good Friday 11.00am At the foot of the Cross and 7.00pm Benefice Choir ( see below) Easter Sunday Holy Communion 11.00am led by Rev Ron Orams

Benefice and Community Choir at St Marys Church

Good Friday Easter Hymns 7.00pm And Reflections of Easter From Rev Ron Orams

Safari Supper in aid of St. Mary's Church Projects Heads up for the 8 July - theme Hawaiian, so dust off your grass skirts! Tickets - £22 to include drinks on arrival, starter, main, pudding , cheese & coffee. Pudding course at The Granary, New Road. If you would like to register your interest for a ticket or would like more information, please contact Diana on 01728 628077. Please Note the date SATURDAY 8th JULY

ELECTORAL ROLL. This will be revised between March 11th and April 8th. If you wish to have your name added or removed from the Roll, please contact Shirley on 01728 628710. 3 This year's Spring Clean

This year the Parish Council and the WI joined together to litter pick the village and give the road signs a wash. It proved to be another very successful day. 14 bin bags of rubbish were collected with an old and large TV being the most challenging item by a long way. But thanks to James Alexander, his son Rob and Diana Totten and her building team we eventually managed to deal with it. Just! Another pleasing aspect was the help of three other young people and a combined turnout of 24 helpers. They were able to stay for the three different soups and rolls on offer which were again delicious. Thanks to Carol Garrett and Judith Smallcombe for providing them . Also thanks to Val Swallow and Margaret Lewis for the serving and washing up. Look forward to seeing you in October for the Autumn Litter Pick. Worlingworth Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 17th May at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. All are [email protected]

Parish Councillor Changes The Parish Council are pleased to announce that the vacancy reported earlier this year has now been filled and we are pleased to welcome Adrian Smith to the role of Parish Councillor. How- ever, since the March meeting we have had another resignation and are therefore still seeking a volunteer to contribute to the local community in the role of Parish Councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.

Thank You to All Our Spring Cleaners ( see separate report ) - please take your litter home with you.

Grass-cutting in the Village ( see separate advert) Invitation to All Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 19th April at the Community Centre at 7.30pm The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity to find out what we and other village organisations have been doing for you over the past year and a chance to see how the money raised at a local level – through what is known as the precept – has been spent. There will also be an opportunity to put forward ideas and suggestions for the future of the village, with refreshments served at the end. Please join us if you can.

Michelle and Luke Humphrey would like to announce the arrival of their son

Niall Jay born on the 10th January 2017. A little brother for Eli

Welcome to Worlingworth Please ring Rita on 627181 if you have recently moved into the village. A welcome pack can be obtained from her.

Worlingworth Parish Council Are you interested in cutting grass on behalf of Worlingworth Parish Council? What is required?

Keep the common land in the centre of the village cut and tidy. Cut the grass, strim around the edges and sweep up afterwards.


The area of grass surrounding the village sign and the piece of grass opposite the driveway to the Community Centre.


It depends on the weather but generally once every two to three weeks. Normally between March and October each year.

How long does it take?

About one hour per cut using a ride-on lawn mower, longer if you are using a pedestrian mower.

If you would like to register your interest, please contact Brian Smallcombe at [email protected] or tel 01728 628567

News from Worlingworth School It’s been a busy term! We celebrated 90years since the publication of Winnie the Pooh with a themed week before launching into our magical book week, with super activities, amazing costumes and a magician! Woodpecker Class enjoyed a Victorian Day, Goldcrest a joint Homestart session and Eagle a trip to Norwich Castle. A visit from a hearing dog helped us understand the challenges deaf people face and we all had ‘Crazy Hair’ for Comic Relief. We are looking forward to Sports Day, Trinity Day and other exciting activities in the Summer term. Joint Home Start and Nursery Session We are having a joint session with Home Start on Monday 15th May at 9:30am. If you have pre- school aged children please do come into school and enjoy our excit- ing activities. Tea and Toys Tea and Toys meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:30pm in the school hall. This is a great opportunity to meet with other parents and for the chil- dren to have some fun. The next meetings are 20th April, 4th and 18th May. Website Please do check the school website: as there are lots of photographs showing some of the things we have been doing at school. Recently there are pictures from our Winnie the Pooh Week, Magic Book Week, Woodpecker Victorian Day and Year 3/4 Theatre Trip. We are also on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and Facebook: Worling- worthSch Victoria Gascoyne-Cecil Headteacher5

A New Partnership for Worlingworth School

Worlingworth School is working on developing a partnership with Thorndon CEVC Primary School. Thorndon is a similar school to us. It is a small, Church School, rated “Good” by OFSTED and very local ( 12 minutes door to door).

The governing body believes that a collaborative partnership, with Mrs Gascoyne- Cecil as Executive Head of both schools, would be beneficial for our school as it con- tinues to provide an excellent education for all our children. It also offers our staff new opportunities for career development and there will be financial benefits with the new arrangement as we share resources and services.

Whilst many things in the school will not change, we feel that this is an exciting op- portunity for our school and the local community as we share our expertise, co- operate and work with others and strengthen and protect our small schools for the future. If you have any questions about this development or would like to visit the school, please contact Mrs. Gascoyne-Cecil, Headteacher, on 01728-628-397.

Date for your Diary Saturday June 10th 2017 7.00pm

Harbour Lights Ceilidh Band

Wilby Village Hall

Tickets £7.50

More details next Month

For more information ring Doreen 07591 499912

Elvis Tribute Night

Saturday 13th May Worlingworth Community Centre 7 for 7.30 start

Entry with Ticket only £10.00

Ploughman's Supper

Please ring 01728 628017, 01728 628493 The Muppits Band

Saturday April 8th 9pm to 11.30pm ( bar open from 8.00pm)

Tickets £5.00 available from : Mel Farrow 01728 627191 Carly Holland 01728 627973 or Worlingworth Social6 Club Proceeds to Worlingworth Community Centre upkeep

St. Nicholas Church Bedfield

Church cleaning and flowers Mary Nesling Lodge Farm. Services at St. Nicholas for April April 16th Easter Day 9.30am Rev. Andrew Vessey Family Holy Communion. Refreshments after the service Easter chocolate for the children April 30th 10.30am Benefice service for all the group churches. Benefice Holy Communion Refreshments after the service St. Nicholas A.G.M. is on April 4th at 6.30pm There are formal notices on the Sports Pavilion board and at the Church for

Garden Club in March: Propagation evening. We propagated near to one hundred plants which we will sell at the Garden Club stall on July 8th at the Bedfield & Monk Soham Fete. Next Garden Club meeting is on April 21st at 7.30pm Our speaker is Trish Shepherd who is a garden designer. It will be an illus- trated talk with lots of ideas like structure in the garden: hard and soft land- scaping etc Trish will be bringing plants to illustrate her ideas. There will be a chance to ask Trish questions after the talk. If you would like to come for the evening as a non member it is £3

Easter Service at St Peters Monk Soham

Please join us for Holy Communion at 11.00pm on Easter Day led by Rev. Cannon Andrew Vessey .

Worlingworth Gardening Club April Trip On Wednesday 26th April

All details and membership enquiries to 01728 628 296 or email [email protected] 7


9 St Mary’s Guild The April meeting will be held at the home of Nora Ingate on Tuesday April 11th at 3.30pm (time change ) Tuesday Fellowship The next meeting will be on Tuesday 4th April at 2 pm at Meg ’ s house

The speaker will be John Copley Meg Mitchell 628572

"Games for Guys and Gals!" NOW Every Tuesday at 2.00pm Worlingworth Community Centre this is open to everyone Come along and join in the fun, have a chat; all this for £1. Christine Smith, 01728 628177 , email : [email protected] Worlingworth Social Club Community Centre, every Friday, 8.30 pm Carpet Bowls first Friday, 7pm ( 7th April 2017 )

Worlingworth and Tannington WI The next meeting April 5th 7.15pm at Worlingworth Community Centre Speaker : Wendy Butcher talking about “The Connie”. A holiday camp set up by her father. If any lady would like to come along to see what the WI has to offer them please contact Jane on 628446.

WHIST continues every Third Friday of the month at Village Hall, opposite the church. Next meeting is Friday April 21st at 7pm. Beginners always wel- come.£3pp Further information Maureen Flannery 01728 628094

Bedfield and Monk Soham Over 60’s Club

Our first meeting was to decide where to go on our outings. Sadly we have lost some of our members . If you live in either villages and are interested in joining, the annual subscription is £12.00pa.

The trips are the 2nd Wednesday of the month and we travel in the Community Bus so no driving necessary. If you are interested please ring Gillian on 628421.



March 2017 Update

Following a plea for new volunteers prepared to help with the 2017 Bedfield Fete, we were pleased to see some new faces at the season’s first meeting, which was held on Monday 30th January 2017. Further meetings will be held most months on the last Monday at The Crown (8pm) and everyone is welcome at what is a very friendly and informal group. Volunteers will still be re- quired on the day of the fete (Saturday July 8th 2017) so please contact Jacque even if you cannot make the Monday night meetings.

Martin J Render of the Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) attended the pavilion on Tuesday 21st February 2017 and gave an excellent and informative presentation regarding how to recognise a cardiac arrest and use our recently installed (two) defibrillators. It is hoped to organise a second event later in the year. Many thanks to Martin for a very pleasant occasion.

The Sports Club is about to buy some new and heavy duty gazebos and marquees for use not only at the fete but to also to supplement the hiring of the field, pole-barn and the pavilion during the summer months. The Committee wish to record their thanks to Councillor Matthew Hicks for his ongoing support for the Sports Club and for providing finance support from his Local Amenities Fund for the new equipment, without which the purchase would not have been possible.

Finally, as Spring, Summer and Autumn approach why not consider hiring the sports field and facilities for your party, event or any other social occasion. At £10 it’s a bargain! If you can help in any way, please contact Jacque Grice at The Crown on 01728 628431 who will be delighted to answer questions on any aspect of the Sports Club

Worlingworth Cricket Club are getting ready for the new season with both junior and adult indoor nets underway at Thomas Mills High School and with outdoor training and nets due to start at the club on the morning of Sat 29th April. Adult (inc 14/15 year olds ) nets are at TMHS on Thursdays the 6th , 13th , and 27th April from 8.00 - 9.30pm so please come along if you are interested in playing. For more information about the Juniors please contact Sam Bennet-King( 07710788350 )or Ros Smith (07971193760 ) and for adults Mark Harding (07910268668 ) or Simon Rodwell ( 07788036765). The club have again entered the Adnams Petanque League (Boules ) and are looking for more players . Whether you have played previously or not, if you interested please contact Val Swallow on 01728 628068 ) Make, Munch & Motivate. We will be meeting on Saturday 22nd April 10am to 4pm, at Horham Baptist. All welcome, under 12 yrs old must be accompanied by an adult. Bring & share lunch. This month we have a lady who is going to teach us Kumihimo. Kumihimo is a Japanese form of braid-making. Cords and ribbons are made by interlacing strands. Kumi himo is Japanese11 for "gathered threads". The braids can be made into lovely bracelets. Please bring some coloured wool if you have any. Jane Smith

*The Bedfield Guild

In February 2001 a group of ladies from Bedfield decided to form a committee for the sole purpose of raising much needed funds for the fabric of St Nicholas Church Bedfield. The first meeting took place at the home of David & Jean Tye, Rivendell Bedfield on 21st March 2001 when nine ladies attended. Officers were elected . We decided to call ourselves “The Bedfield Guild” and to invite male membership. The first of many successful events was a coffee/sale morning at Dove Cottage . After 15 years the grand total of £47478.99 was raised and many jobs completed in the Church & Churchyard. Over 14 years we had 32 members, from many denominations. Their names are listed alphabetically as follows.

Mo Ambridge Ivan Dickings Beverley Nesling

Iris Barrell Penny Dickings Beatrice Page

Alma Boulton Sam Edwards Emma Rodwell

Rex Boulton Judith Eyles Brian Rowan

Angela Budd Frank Eyles Suzanne Rowan

Audrey Bultitude Tony Fairweather Winnie Shaw

Jane Cater Susan Forster Rosaleen Tutty

Sally Cowham Barbara Granath David Tye

Celia Davies Macha Lansdowne Jean Tye

Suzie Demmon Mary Mayhew Carolyn Woods

Stan Dickenson Mary Nesling

Sadly because of lack of support due to age and ill health, the Guild had to close.The last meeting took place in April 2015. Without the help and dedicated support of Timothy & Christine Easton and members of the Community, the Guild would not have been so successful.

The Bedfield Guild are joint sponsors of this month’s cover in blue

Compiled on 21st January 2017 with thanks from the retired Chairman Celia Davies , Secretary Iris Barrell, Treasurer Mo Ambridge and the TEAM The following is a list of work and items paid by the Guild for St Nicholas Church Funds paid direct to PCC from Functions to assists with the clearance of the loan for Roof Repairs in years 2001,2002,2003,2004 ( see following12 page )

2001 £ 2370.74 2002 £ 3 601.00 2003 £ 2096.00 2004 £ 2480.00

2004/5 Altar Cloth £1,400.00 2005 Footpath 2,200.00 2006 Decoration of Church 2,797.49 2007 Paint for Porch 199.00 2007 Water Heater (Urn) 81.08 2007 Scaffold & Shoring 1,745.59 2007 Curtains for Pavilion 30.43 2008 Bedfield PCC - As agreed 2,000.00 2008 Bedfield PCC - Tower 4,000.00 2008 Bedfield PCC - General Repairs 2,000.00 2010 Marquees & Tables - plus replacements & extra items 681.05 2010 Installation of Church Gates & Fixing and Shuttering 289.00 2011 Railings on Church Bridge 1,002.00 2011 Tome of Erasmus Conservation 1,450.00 2011 Builder & Decorator for Church 2,635.32 2011 Carpet for Church 541.00 2011 Frames for Lead work 100.00 2011 Moving & Refit Screens 382.80 2011 Notice Board for Church 734.00 2013 20 Plates 20.00 2014 Showcase for Tomes 4851.60 2014 Electrics for Showcase 205.00 2014 Church Doorway 195.00 2015 Cameras and Cables at Church 930.00 2015 Archway and Fitting of Gate 425.00 2015 Gate Posts and New Door Lock 169.00 2015 Hedging and Tower Work 44.00 2015 Lighting & Tests 13 230.00 2015 Donation to St. Nicholas PCC 5592.89 Grand Total £47478.99

Ironing Fairy Ironing service. Local Collection and Delivery if Required Call 01728 627878

D. J. GARDEN MAINTENACE Grass, Hedge Cutting Strimming

Fence and Shed Painting

Other jobs considered

LADY GARDENER DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN MAINTENANCE For general mainte- GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING nance and gardening FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC work AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS Tel 01728 628424 TEL: 01728627806 / 07898308601 W Sharpe Computer Services SM Plumbing & Heating Computer/Laptop/Pads & Specialist in bathroom installations, main- Books Internet/Broadband/ tenance and repairs Printer & Networking Support & For your local plumbing needs Free Repair. 01728 685905 quotations Telephone: 01728 628046 [email protected] Mobile: 07732 272403 Email: [email protected] Cooker Cleaning HOWARD GARDEN SERVICE Hedge trimming, grass cutting, pruning trees/ Nick Williams shrubs, weed spraying, Fence and shed care, general house and garden maintenance Reasonable rates 07923 897705 and reliable service. NPTC qualified, fully insured. Reasonable rates Please call Nigel Howard 01728 14 628058/07501405706 His email is [email protected]

AJS CONSTRUCTION Groundwork and Building Contrac- tors

Landscaping, Mini digger and driver available

01728 861799/ 07746 213000

Kathy Thurman MCIAT Chartered Architec- tural Technologist

Locally based practice for the last 30 years Wide range of experience both in practice and education. Have won Listed Buildings awards and worked all over East Anglia Will look at all your proposed Building Projects whatever the Lawn Mower Service size Can be involved from feasibility to and Repairs completion including statutory bodies Fast friendly service Broad based both in clientele and pro- Over 30 years in the trade jects, where a personal service is essential Free pick up and drop off in Local area Please call Nick on 01379 388119 or Tel /Fax 01728 628470 email 07833 098596 [email protected]

Framlingham Barbers Bridge St 01728 621622 Opening times Tuesday & Fridays 9am - 6pm Wed (eve) 2pm –7. 30pm Thurs 10am - 4pm (appointments only15 ) Saturday's 8am - 2pm Walk in, no appointments necessary

HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS Except at Bank Holidays, every week the bus runs to Framlingham ( Tuesdays ), to ( Thursdays ), and to Diss ( Fridays ).

In addition, there are services to ( first Saturday and third Wednesday of the month ), to Bury St. Edmunds ( first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month ), and to Norwich ( second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of the month ). During April, the dates of these services will be:

Saturday April 1st Ipswich Wednesday April 5th Bury St. Edmunds Saturday April 8th. Norwich Saturday April 15th Bury St.Edmunds Wednesday April 19th Ipswich Wednesday April 26th Norwich Please note that because it is Good Friday there will be no service to Diss on April 14th. Also, in May, June and September, there will be services to on the fourth Monday of the month. Timetables are available on the bus, or from Gerry Garwood ( 685415 ) or from John Ridgwell ( 627181 ). We are always seeking potential new drivers. If you can help, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please contact our Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728

HELP NEEDED URGENTLY WITH COMMUNITY BUS The role of secretary for the Community Bus has become vacant. Anybody interested in undertaking this vital role could they please contact the Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728 685415. Many thanks.

Fondest Memories

This month magazine cover has been sponsored by Dorothy Chapman

In memory of her dear husband Walter, who died on April 2nd 2016

Items for the May Newsletter to:-

[email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop Street , Worlingworth IP13 7HX

. tel 01728 628068 by 18th April