March 2019 Church and Village news for : Bedfield, , ,Tannington,


Bedfield Village Fete July 6th 2019

The first meeting to discuss the 2019 Bedfield Village Fete was held at the sports pavilion on Thursday the 31st January 2019. Even allowing for the very cold weather, it was very disappointing that only six members attended, with three apologies accepted. Once again this highlights the serious problems facing the organising committee, both in keeping the fete vibrant and in actually providing the activities on the day. We already know that this year will be extremely challenging regarding the latter. For the first time ever, a serious discussion took place at the start of the meeting as to whether it would be possible to have a fete this year at all. However, it was decided to once more proceed with our plans for 2019, subject to receiving support from the village. Whilst many people are involved in the fete each year, with unsung heroes assisting in the planning, collection and many other aspects, we will need much more help on the actual fete day. Without funds raised from the fete, the Sports Club would cease to exist, with the resultant loss to the village of the tennis court, the pavilion and even the use of our beautiful field for recreational purposes and the Gardening Club meadow. In addition, plans now in hand to relocate and replace the children’s play area, plus the pos- sibility of a second tennis court would be in serious doubt.

The next fete planning meeting will be held on Monday 11th March 2019 at the Bedfield Sports Pavilion, commencing at 2000. PLEASE attend, where any ideas for the fete will be warmly welcomed, as well as offers of help on fete day. We only need a couple hours of your time on fete day and its actually great fun. If you can help in any way, further details can be obtained from Geoff Robinson on 01728 685425 or [email protected]

OLD HERBACEOUS Worlingworth Community Centre : April 6th Tickets selling fast don't be disappointed £12 a ticket from Rosemary Ingate 628493.

Dates for your diary




St Marys Worlingworth Flower Festival May 4,5, 6th Theme this year “Countries of the World” ( details in April Magazine )

Worlingworth Fete June 29th

Bedfield Village Fete July 6th 2019 ( see page 1)

Music for Easter at Worlingworth Church

Anthems and Congregational Hymns for Easter led by the Benefice Choir. On Good Friday 19th April at 7.00pm

Welcome with a Hot Cross Bun and a drink from 6.30pm We the choir look forward to sharing the evening with you all .

Items for April Newsletter by 19th March

To Val Swallow : [email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop Street, Worlingworth IP13 7HX tel 01728 628068

Flowers and brasses. During March ( No Flowers during Lent) March 3rd...... C. Stanford. " 10th...... Z. Godfrey. Cleaning in March " 17th...... S. Rutterford. 9th Stevie and Maggie " 24th...... N. Ingate. 23rd John Ridgwell " 31st...... S. Saunders. (Mothering Sunday) Electoral Roll Update. Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is earlier than anticipated on the 2nd of April. Could I have completed forms by the 19th of March please, so the new roll can be displayed for two weeks before our meeting. Again, if anyone would like their name removed from the roll please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you, Shirley Rutterford. 01728 628710

LENT LUNCH. St. Mary's Lent Lunch this year will be on the 16th of March at midday in the Community Centre. This is meant to be a frugal meal of soup, rolls, cheese and biscuits. There is no charge but donations are welcome. The proceeds are divided equally between St. Mary's Church and SARS. Do come and share with us, everyone is welcome.

RON AND LYNN ORAMS. The seventeenth of March is the last service with Ron for six months. He will be 70 and church rules mean that he has to have a six month break. We are sure that at the end of that time we shall see him again in Worlingworth when he gets Permission to Officiate from the Bishop. His services here have always been really enjoyed and we shall miss his cheerful and down to earth manner for a while. After the service on the seventeenth we will have light refreshments. Please join us to give thanks for all that Ron and Lynn do for us at St. Mary's. MOTHERING SUNDAY. Our Mothering Sunday service is in St. Mary's Church on the 31st of March. (Please check grid for times) St. Mary's Ladies Guild will provide posies for the children to give to their Mothers and Grandmothers as a thank you token for all the love and care they have received during the year. We hope lots of children and young people will join us for this special day. We look forward to seeing you all.

Bert Stanford would like to thank all those who donated so generously towards 'Tools with a Mission' and 'Mission Aviation Fellowship' to celebrate his 70th birthday on 10th February. £470 will be divided between the two charities. I had a very happy day and thank you for3 your cards and best wishes.

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 20th March 2019 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre all are welcome. [email protected] Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the village website at

CHANGE OF DATE – The Village Spring Clean - Will now take place on Saturday 27th April from 10.15 am at the Community Centre. Please join your Parish Councillors and help tidy the village. All litter picking equipment and bags will be provided and there is a delicious lunch available to all volunteers upon completion.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 24th April 2019 at the Community Centre from 7.30pm, why not come along and find out what the Parish Council and other village organisations have been up to over the last year - all followed by some deli- cious refreshments.

NEW COUNCILLOR - The Council are delighted to confirm that Victoria Alexander of Barn Meadow Farm, Swan Road has been co-opted to join the Council, this brings us up to a full com- plement of councillors working hard on your behalf and we thank Victoria for taking on this additional voluntary role alongside the important role of Tree Warden.

UPCOMING PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS - On Thursday 2nd May 2019 all Parish Councils in are subject to an election. If you would like to stand as a Parish Councillor please contact the Clerk, (email above) who can provide you with nomination forms and de- tails of the process involved.

30 MPH SPEED AWARENESS STICKERS - The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to have stickers placed on their wheelie bins which act as additional speed limit signs. In order for this to be really effective we need volunteers whose bins are put out for collection on the main through route through the village. Please contact the Parish Clerk to take part.

POTHOLES & OTHER HIGHWAY ISSUES – PLEASE REPORT IT! - If you find a pothole, or indeed any other highway issues, such as worn lining or recurrent flooding, then please use the Suffolk County Council online reporting system. Go to and click on ‘Report’. Please don’t assume that someone else has already done it – if it has been reported it will show in the map, but if it hasn’t the highways team don’t know it needs fixing!

PARKING IN THE VILLAGE - Although it is not a Parish Council responsibility please do con- sider the needs of your neighbours and make sure that you are not causing any issues with access or making it difficult for through traffic. If you do have any concerns about parking being illegal or dangerous, then please contact the local Safer Neighbourhood Team officer [email protected] and they will investigate.

DOG FOULING - Again, please can we appeal to everyone to clear up after their dogs whilst walking around Worlingworth. The Parish Council has provided a number of bins for disposal.

WEBSITE UPDATE EMAILS - If you would like to subscribe to a mailing list to receive noti- fications of when updates have been posted to the village website please email [email protected] with “PC Alerts” in the subject line. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. NEWS FROM WORLINGWORTH CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL

Get Active As part of whole school approach to getting more active, the children will be learning this month about how to look after themselves and improve their health through special weekly sessions run by Suffolk County Council. They will explore a healthy diet, why we need sleep, learn about body hygiene and getting enough exercise through lots of hands-on and fun activities. Alongside this, we are having a whole school Gardening Competition to grow the tastiest and healthiest fruit and vegetables in our class raised beds – ready for a grand show in the summer term so as spring arrives, the children will be planning and researching their seed choices.

Explorer Book Week This year’s exciting book week takes place from March 4th – March 8th when the children will become explorers for the week! Through their reading and cross-curricular learning, they will explore the characters, events and themes in the story of Pocahontas leading to the publication of a whole school version of the story with illustra- tions and cover designs by the end of the week. Plenty of opportunities to explore the world of books are planned for the week with: Cosy Reading sessions for parents, Buddy Reading time in our explorer camp and individual Down Tools read- ing time! The children have the opportunity to complete our Explorer Book Trail around the village on Wednesday and on World Book Day, everyone will dress up as explorers and the children will take part in a carousel of activities based on three other explorer texts. Look out for the photos on the website!

Arithmetic Café Following on from our successful Literacy Café last month, we are holding a special morning maths session for all parents and carers to come in and work alongside their children in maths lessons in order to find out how we teach arithmetic and how best to support their child’s learning at home. Don’t be afraid – pop along and have some fun with numbers!

Lego for Schools Tokens - EADT We are now collecting these vouchers which are published daily in the East Anglian Daily Times. Please save any you have, or ask friends and family to do so and send into Mrs Lawrence in the school office. All vouchers received will provide us with Lego Education Resources for the children. Thank you.

Young Arts East Anglia We are delighted to announce that Alivia Sharp (Reception) and Leo Farrow (Year 3) have had their beautiful artwork selected to be exhibited in this year’s exhibition at . Over 2,000 artworks were entered on the theme of ‘Extraordinary Adventures’ this year and they were one of 350 to be selected for the exhibition so congratula- tions to both!

Mother’s Day Lunch We are inviting mothers into school for a special lunch on Thursday 28th March so the children can celebrate their importance in their lives and thank them for everything they do. This is always a lovely spring occasion when our hall and classroom tables are decorated with flowers and tablemats and the children are proud to have their special person eating beside them.

Sports Events Congratulations to our Year 6s for their excellent effort at the recent basketball tournament. You played with determination and as a team. Coming up this month Years 3, 4 and 5 will be combining their physical and logical skills when they take part in an orienteering competition and several members of Panther Class will be representing the school at a swimming gala. Good luck to all and do your best.

Easter Egg Hunt The Friends are organising another fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt at the end of term to raise money to pay towards resources, trips and events which benefit the education of all those at the school. It will take place on Tuesday 2nd April at 3pm. Any donations of Easter Eggs can be brought to the school office. Many thanks.

Trips We have some amazing trips planned for this month to support our creative curriculum. Our Year 5s and 6s are off to London to find out more about the life on the Golden Hinde and the history and workings of the Houses of Parliament. Penguin Class are visiting the Museum to explore fossils and create their own out of clay. Years 1,2 and 3 are off to Time & Tide at Great Yarmouth for an Explorer Experience – created with stories and artefacts from the museum.

Fairies and Elves Our tea and toys group is called Fairies and Elves and it is held the first Thursday of each month at the school from 1.30 – 3.00pm. The next meeting is Thursday 7th March 2019. We welcome young children who would like to enjoy singing, stories and some craft activities with their parent, grandparent or carer – babies are welcome too! It’s a chance to meet others, relax and have a cup of tea.

Website Please do check the school website: as there are lots of photographs showing our activities . 5

St. Nicholas Church, Bedfield Flowers and cleaning for March by Mary Nestling (Ivy House) ——————————————————————————————– St Nicholas Church, Bedfield : family service 10th March to be taken by Rebecca Artiss, at 10am (1st Sunday of Lent) —————————————————————————————— BEDFIELD & MONK SOHAM GARDENING CLUB. We meet again on Friday March 15th. 7.30pm at Bedfield Sports Pavilion. This will be our annual friendly ‘hands on’ propagation evening to share information on seasonal propagation methods and enjoy a profitable plant share. All levels of knowledge welcome. (Visitors £3) Further information from Barbara (Lee) 628048

TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BEDFIELD Q. WHAT IS THE BTE? A. The Bedfield Town Estate. It is a Charity Trust that was set up in 1883 to benefit Bed- field residents. Q. WHERE DOES THE CHARITY GET ITS MONEY FROM? A. The Trust owns farmland, sports field and nine allotments which are leased to vari- ous individuals and organisations. Other income comes from the interest of its liquid assets. Q. HOW IS THE MONEY DISTRIBUTED AND TO WHOM? A. The Trustees meet to consider the distribution of the funds. The original Trust Deed was set up to enable maintenance and repair of the church, therefore a large propor- tion of the income is used for that purpose. The remaining amount is distributed for education, those in need and the general benefit of the residents of Bedfield. Q. How often do we meet? A. There are normally 3-4 meetings a year.

If you are interested in becoming a Trustee please contact :-

Chair of BTE - Mary Dickson 01728 685280

Lynne Spence is running the London Marathon on April 28th and is requesting sponsorship.

“I have recently gone through 5 years clear of breast cancer. To celebrate, I’m running the London Marathon again, this time raising money for Breast Cancer Now. The6 link below includes a short personal story:”

Bedfield school

Monk Soham News With the APCM, due in April the P.C.C. would wish to add the following to their committee for the coming year, Treasurer, Secretary, and another Church Warden. The present Treasurer is unable to continue for the coming year. At present we have no secretary and only one church Warden. For those who may be interested please contact Rev. David Burrell, Or Church Warden Geoff. Artiss Every six years the church Electoral Roll has to be renewed, 2019 is the year for that. Timothy Artiss our Electoral Roll officer will be contacting all exist- ing members in due course. If you are not a member and would like to be added to the list please contact Timothy. 01728 865 663

Bedfield and Monk Soham Play area The Parish Council decided some time ago to relocate and replace the children’s play area in Bedfield. Moving it to the land adjacent to the pole barn on the main field will create a recreational hub for residents and visitors. Plans are now progressing, and we have started to consult with children at the Pri- mary school to find out their likes and dislikes. This will inform the type of play equip- ment to be installed but first we will need to raise the necessary funds. How you can help…We will soon have an online7 facility for you to provide your ideas and feedback on the new play area. Watch this space for more information and get involved. If you have the time and/or skills to provide support in any way, please con- tact Alison Manning: [email protected]


9 STRADBROKE AND DISTRICT BRANCH, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ‘A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language’. ― W.H. Auden If that is so, the 92 pupils of Stradbroke High School Academy, who took part in our Branch Poetry Competition, are indeed enjoying a good relationship with the English Lan- guage. Their use of words, imagination and their engagement with the reader was inspiring. Chairman Bernard Mills, together with the President, Alan King, and two committee members, Joyce Cooper and Rosemary Warne, attended Assembly on 13th February to congratulate the pupils and present the prizes. The Head Teacher read extracts from the top five poems to an appreciative audience. A huge thank you to staff and pupils.

The Chairman is keen to encourage YOU to join the Branch to invigorate the proceedings with new ideas, energy, and a desire to help serve the Service and ex-Service communities. The Legion is the largest Service Charity, with its’ special role to lead National Remembrance, as well as contributing to welfare, care, and other aspects of Veterans’ needs. It works alongside other Service Charities, such as – Seafarers; The Soldiers Charity (ABF); RAF Bene Fund; BLESMA (limbless charity); Combat Stress; REFA (The Forces Employment Charity); Haig Housing Trust (Housing) and so forth. It is a member of the Confederation of Service Charities. The Branch meets every second Thursday of the month, usually at the Royal Oak Laxfield. 1130am- Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec. 7pm Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep. Come to listen to one of our speakers, subjects range from occupations, hobbies, to the strange or informative, …and learn more about RBL. Watch local press, magazines or notice boards for information. You do not need to be ex-Service to be a member .Contact Bernard Mills for more information: [email protected] Tel:- 01986 798414

Welcome to the possibility of new activities! Thank you to the Worlingworth residents who have volunteered to organise an Evening Craft Group, a War Games Group and a Photography Group. Please let me know if anyone is interested in forming any other groups in the village. The Parish Council has some funding available to support small start up grants to help get things going. Details of how to apply are available on the Worlingworth Parish Council website.

Worlingworth Cricket Club Sat March 2nd - Training the Trainers with Ian and Dan at Thomas Mills 4 - 7pm for all junior coaches ,managers and helpers . Sat 9th March - Junior coaching starts at Thomas Mills 4 - 5.30pm Tues 12th March - Adult nets start at College 8.00 - 9.30pm

New Cricket season commences10 April 27th HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS

Except at Bank Holidays, every week the bus runs to Framlingham ( Tuesdays ), to ( Thursdays ), and to Diss ( Fridays ). In addition, there are services to Ipswich ( first Saturday and third Wednesday of the month ), to Bury St. Edmunds ( first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month ), and to Norwich ( second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of the month ). During May, June and September there is also a service to on the fourth Monday of the month. During March the dates of these services will be: Saturday March 2nd Ipswich Wednesday March 6th Saturday March 9th Norwich Saturday March 16th Bury St Edmunds Wednesday March 20th Ipswich Wednesday March 27th Norwich Timetables are available on the bus, or from Gerry Garwood (685415) or from John Ridgwell ( 627181 ). We are always seeking potential new drivers. If you can help, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please contact our Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728 685415 WORLINGWORTH GARDENING CLUB As I sit here writing for our March meeting I'm hoping we are past any chance of a beast from the east putting in an appearance this year. Just in case the weather is going to go against us our meeting on Wednesday March 27th will find us safely under cover at Worlingworth Community Centre, 7pm for 7.30pm. Tom Harbinson is coming to tell us about his Countryside Framlingham business. With his 20 years experience of creating, maintaining ponds, lakes and fisheries as well as the maintenance of trees and hedges I'm sure we are going to have a very interesting evening. Anyone interested in joining our club or coming to our talks please contact Janie on 01728 628 296 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

A Request from a Worlingworth village resident

The problem is back again. I walk my dog in Worlingworth and lately I've noticed that the grass verge from the bottom of Swan Road up to the top is absolutely disgusting with dog’s poo every where. I find it very hard to understand why people are so lazy not to clear up after their dogs, especially when there is a red poo bin in that area .

11 News from Monk Soham /Bedfield The community has funded the installation of two Automated External Defibrillators (AED). One is at the sports hut in Bedfield and the other is next to the gates at Jewsons in Monk Soham. They are accessible for emergency use following a cardiac arrest. They operate with clear visual and audio instruction. However, we know that practice in the use of AED’s greatly improves their effectiveness.

The providers of the AEDs are offering a short 2 hour introduction into Cardio Pulmo- nary Resuscitations (CPR) and the use of the AEDs. This will be held at Bedfield sports pavilion on Thursday 11th April 2019, commencing at 1900.

I hope you appreciate that the course will make you more efficient and effective in CRP and use of the AED, helping to save a life. The chances are that you will know the person that needs the use of a AED. I would encourage you to attend this session.

Please email your wish to attend to [email protected] so I can ensure we can accommodate those wanting to attend. Or call on 07960083792. If you attended the first session a couple of years ago, please attend again. It will be a good refresher.

We will try lots of different ways to encourage you to attend so I don’t apologise for the emails, flyers and publicity you will receive.

Bedfield and Monk Soham Tennis Club AGM. The Tennis Club will be be holding its Annual General Meeting at the Sports Pavilion, Bedfield on Monday 18th March at 8.00 p.m.. All interested parties are most welcome to attend and we would be delighted to hear any comments or suggestions on the Club’s activities. Anyone who would like to take a more active interest in the Club’s operation both now and into the future is most welcome to join our committee. Our membership renewals will start at the beginning of April and can be accessed via the Club website. Please contact me, David Entwisle, on 01728 628128 with any queries about the Club’s activities or signing up as a member.

Bedfield and Monk Soham over 60’s Club Our AGM will be held in the Sports Pavilion on 13th March at 2.00pm. When we will decide where to go on our monthly outings travelling in the Community Bus . We would like see some new members as we have members who have moved away or are unable to join us now. If you live in either village and are interested, please come to our AGM and discuss. Details - Gillian 628421 12 PADDOCK MAINTENANCE

Harrowing Hedge-cutting Rolling Spraying Topping Fertilizing

General Maintenance

01728 628054 07889 311734

[email protected]

LADY GARDENER For general maintenance and gardening work DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN Tel 01728 628424 MAINTENANCE W Sharpe Computer Services GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING Computer/Laptop/Pads & Books FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC Internet/Broadband/Printer & Net- AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS : working Support & Repair. 01728627806 / 07898308601 01728 685905 1728627806 / 07898308601 [email protected] Cooker cleaning SM Plumbing & Heating Tel Nick Williams Specialist in bathroom installations, main- tenance and repairs 07923 897705 For your local plumbing needs Free quotations Marks Maintenance Telephone: 01728 628046 Mobile: 07732 272403 All Types of house and garden

Email: [email protected] And Property Maintenance

tel 01728 621341 Mobile 07887 925507

Chris from Tannington

Garden Services, Hedge Cutting, Strimming, Grass Cutting, Power washing and More Currently working in Athelington and Pettistree , References available 13 Own equipment 4/8 hour day preferred. Rates negotiable tel 07535 494760 or [email protected] Mustard Pot Boarding Kennels AJS CONSTRUCTION The lodge, New Road Worlingworth Groundwork and Building Contractors IP 13 7PA Landscaping, Mini digger and driver available Heated Kennels, with outside covered runs, Dogs exercised regularly 01728 861799/ 07746 213000

Fully Licensed and insured Tel Trevor on 01728 627101

Email [email protected]

POSTMAN FENCING SERVICES Paddock & Agricultural Fencing Specialist Mechanical Post Driving, Gate Installation Home: 01728 628078 Mobile: 07876355579

Kathy Thurman MCIAT Chartered Architec- tural Technologist

Locally based prac- tice for the last 30 years Wide range of experience both in practice and educa- tion. Little Dream Parties LOCAL Have won Listed Buildings awards and worked Children's Party Entertainment all over East Anglia Will look at all your proposed Building Projects whatever the Tailor made just for you. size Can be involved from feasibility to Princess, Pirate, Toy story, Frozen completion including statutory bodies And much more Broad based both in clientele and pro- jects, where a personal service is Call 07516030947 essential Tel /Fax 01728 628470 email Simply Beautiful by Anne [email protected] Weddings, Bridesmaids, Ball Framlingham Barbers Bridge St Gowns, curtains alterations and 01728 621622 Tuesday & Fridays 9am - 6pm much more Wed (eve) 2pm –7. 30pm 14 Thurs 10am - 4pm (appointments only ) Free estimates and quotations given Saturday's 8am - 2pm Walk in, 01379 384097 07944894757 no appointments necessary [email protected] Dear Friends Letter from Rev David Burrell We are all familiar with there being four seasons in the year: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. It is the way we understand our weather and a rough guide to planning any outdoor or indoor jobs we need to do. But we are not as familiar with the fact that the church’s year is divided into seasons as well. We all know Christmas and Easter but are perhaps less aware of Epiphany, Trinity, Lent and Advent. Each season allows us to reflect and rediscover certain as- pects of church life and history. Some seasons are joyful, such as Christmas and Easter, and we are always sad to see them go. Others are sad and more reflective and others, to be unfair to them, are used to fill in the gaps. You may say that the church is always harking on about the bad stuff and never enjoying the good stuff; perhaps more people would come to church if there were more Christmas and Easter-like sea- sons. Unfortunately life is not like that and if the church is to be relevant to the lives of people it must reflect a true picture of life. Nobody can claim that their life is full of joy and there is no sorrow; in many cases there is a lot of sorrow and very little joy. It was the same for Jesus. His life had its ups and downs just like any other, perhaps more so. We cannot ignore that he was rejected by some, hated and reviled. We cannot ignore that many a time his miracles and healings were met with hostility from the very people who should have recognized them for what they revealed about Jesus. We are now entering the season of Lent, which begins on 6th March . This is an opportunity for us not only to follow Jesus on his journey from baptism to crucifixion but also to reflect on our own lives on the good as well as the bad. If it happens that life is hard for us at the moment then we know that Jesus had it hard too and will understand what we are going through. Life can be very cruel and if we are in the depths of despair it does not help to have the jolly folk around telling us things will be all right. It is at times like that we can look into the face of Christ as he faced the cross, or as he heard Peter deny him, or as the Pharisees tried to destroy him, or as one of his closest friends betrayed him; we can look upon that face and know he has been there and is ready to listen, support and love. Lent acknowledges life is not a bundle of roses and allows us to get angry, to despair and to cry with the understanding that all through our blackest moments we are not abandoned by God; no we are not abandoned, for he has been there and is there ready to take our hand and walk with us whatever the prob- lem is and for however long it takes. 15 See also page 16 David

St Mary’s Guild Tuesday March 19th at the home of Ann Davidson details 628488/628068 ( Please note change of date )

Tuesday Fellowship The next meeting is on March 5th at 2.00pm at the home of Meg Mitchell when our speaker will be Pastor Adam Blowes Details Meg 628572

Worlingworth Social Club Community Centre, every Friday. Carpet Bowls 7.30pm First Friday ( March 1st )

Worlingworth and Tannington WI March 6th 7.15pm

Speaker : Fraser Hale from the Woodbridge Tide Mill. Competition is ‘Something made from flour’. New members welcome Details call Jane 628446 / Diana 628077 Saturday 23rd March Worlingworth Community Centre Worlingworth & Tannington WI Bangers & Mash Quiz. £7.50 per person Starts 6.30pm with John Hutton bangers, buttery mash & onion gravy. Quiz starts at 7.30pm Teams of 4 - if you haven’t got a team please phone as we can often put one together.

Games for Guys and Gals We meet every Tuesday at the Community Centre at 2pm. Come and join us and play board games such as Rummikub and Scrabble. £1.30 (Details: Christine 628177)

Make, Munch & Motivate held at Horham Baptist Church For more information call Jane Smith 01728 628573

David Burrell announces the winner of the Christmas Quiz! There were several entries and most were all correct this left me with a bit of a dilemma should I break the bar of chocolate up and give a piece to each winner? Or should I put the names of all the winners in a hat and draw one name out. I decided upon the latter and the name that came out of the hat was Catherine Cawood. Congratulations to her and well done to all those who got it right.. Answers are available from the editor16