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Fasci cle ' Family Year issued Fascicle ' Family Year issued Fascicle ' Family Year issued

1_._ _ -Cupedidae 1979 45.- -.Chelonariidae ... 98....-Endomychidae __ 2 ..-Micromalthidae _ .1982 46.. Callirhipidae ... 100....-Lathridiidae 3_. -.-Carabidae 47-_ —Hetcroceridae -. 1978 102-. .-Biphyllidae 4-. Rhysodidae 48.. ..Limnichidae 103... .-Byturidae 5_..__Amphizoidae — - 49_. ..Dryopidae 1983 104__._ _ M ycetophagidae 6 . Haliplidae 50__ --Elmidae 1983 105—. .-Ciidae 1982 8_....Noteridae 51 — ..Buprestidae 107—. ..Prostomidae 9_..__Dytiscidae 52— .Cebrionidae 109__ 10_. .__Gyrinidae 53— Elateridae Colydiidae . 13-..--Sphaeriidae 54- ..Throscidae 110- —Monommatidae 14...--Hydroscaphidae 55- .-Cerophytidae ... 111—. -.Cephaloidae 15-..--Hydraenidae 56.. -.Perothopidae ... 112—._.Zopheridae 16-..--Hydrophilidae -. 57.. -.Eucnemidae __. 115—. ..Tenebrionidae ._ 17... Georyssidae 58 « --Telegeusidae __. 116- ..Alleculidae 18-. .--Sphaeritidae 61- ..Phengodidae ... 117-. ..Lagriidae 20-. .--Histeridae 62- Lampyridae 118--...Salpingidae 21-. ---Ptiliidae 63.. --Cantharidae 119-. ..Mycteridae 22_. ..-Limulodidae 64.. --Lycidae 120— .-Pyrochroidae 1983 23-. .--Dasyceridae 65- ..Derodontidae --. 121-. --Otbniidae 24-..--Micropeplidae -_ 66.. --Nosodendridae _ 122— ..Inopeplidae 25 _-Leptinidae 67.. .-Dermestidae 123— —Oedemeridae — _ 26-..--Leiodidae 69.. ..Ptinidae 124- --Melandryidae _- 27-.—-Scydmaenidae -. 70.. Anobiidae 1982 125- .-Mordellidae 28-. —Silphidae 71.....Bostrichidae 126—._ _ Rhipiphoridae . _ 29-.—Scaphidiidae 72.. .-Lyctidae 127 Meloidae 30_ .--Staphylinidae ..- 74-. -.Trogositidae 128__ .-Anthicidae 31-..--Pselaphidae 76__...Cleridae 129... -.Pedilidae 32-. .--Lucanidae 78-....Melyridae 130_. --Euglenidae 33-.---Passalidae 79__ __Lymexylidae 131-. .-Cerambycidae _. 34_.-..Scarabaeidae _._ 81- --Sphindidae 132.- ..Bruchidae 35-.—-Eucinetidae 82._..-Nitidulidae 133.- .-Chrysomelidae ._ 36- _--Helodidae 83...--Rhizophagidae _ 134.. .-Nemonychidae ._ 37-,---Clambidae 86...--Cucujidae 135-. .-Anthribidae 38-.---Dascillidae 90...—Cryptophagidae 138— .-Allocorynidae _- 39- —Rhipiceridae 92_..--Languriidae 1983 140— --Brentidae 40-. Byrrhidae 93__.--Erotylidae 141.. .-Platypodidae 1979 41_ ---Psephenidae 1983' 94_..--Phalacridae .__ 142- --Scolytidae 42- -.-Brachypsectridae 95__...Cerylonidae _._ 1982 143- --Curculionidae -. 1983 43. ---Artematopidae _- 96...--Corylophidae _. 144— .-Stylopidae 44. —-Ptilodactylidae __ 97.....Coccinellidae .. 145- -.Fossil Coleóptera

' Missing numbers are those assigned in the computer program to families not found in the United States and Canada.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 A CATALOG OF THE COLEÓPTERA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO






Many species of are important pests of agricultural crops, stored food products, forests, wood products and structures, and fabrics. Many other species, in contrast, are beneficial in the biological sup- pression of pest and weeds, as well as in the decomposition of plant detritus, carcasses, and dung. Part of our national responsibiHty to American agriculture is to provide correct identification of species of American beetles so that appropriate controls can be applied. Most information about animal species, whether agricultural, biological, or experimental, is filed under the species' scientific names. These names are therefore the keys to retrieval of such information. Because some species have been known by several names, a complete listing of these names for each species is neces- sary. For the user of scientific names, an up-to-date taxonomic catalog providing currently accepted names and pertinent bibliographic and distributional data is an indispensable tool. Although taxonomic literature is constantly changing to reflect current work, the traditional published taxonomic catalog remains static with updating left to the individual user until it is revised. Production of catalogs in the past has been laborious with long printing delays resulting in data that are obsolete before being published. However, the computer now provides the capability of storing, updating, and retrieving taxonomic data; rapid publica- tion through computer-driven typesetting machinery; and a greater degree of currentness and flexibility. All 124 fascicles in this catalog of the beetles of America north of Mexico are produced by an original group of computer programs, designed and written during a pilot project by personnel of the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, and the Communications and Data Services Divi- sion, Science and Education Management Staff. The published information is stored on computer tape, is updated periodically to reflect taxonomic progress in the family, and is available in a data base for computer searching.

T. B. Kinney, Jr. / / Administrator Agricultural Research Service

PREFACE The Coleóptera, or beetles, are represented in the world by about 220,000 described species, of which about 24,000 occur in the United States and Canada. A comprehensive taxonomic catalog of beetles for this area has not been available except the series of world-based "Coleopterorum Catalogus" volumes (1909-present, Junk, Berlin). The Leng "Catalogue of the Coleóptera of America North of Mexico" (J. D. Sherman, Jr., Mt. Vemon, NY), which was published in 1920 with supplements to the end of 1947, is a checklist. However, it has served professional and amateur alike for nearly 60 years as the principal source of scientific names of beetles. Since 1947, many new taxa have been described and many changes in status and nomenclature have appeared in numerous scattered publications, but little effort has been made to summarize these changes. This catalog will supplant the Leng catalog and supply additional essential information. It is produced by an original suite of storage, retrieval, and printing programs written especially for automated taxonomic catalogs. The catalog for each family is published as a separate fascicle with its introductory text, bibliography, and index. Each family is numbered as listed, but the order of issuance of fascicles is not necessarily in numerical sequence. The publishing of separate fascicles makes data available shortly after they are assembled. Computer tapes for each fascicle are maintained for updating and necessary reprinting. The information on each family is the responsibility of the respective author or authors. The editors modify it only to correct obvious errors and to make it conform to the requirements of the computer programs. No original proposal for a new name, taxon, status, or classification is given, such data having been previously published, but new host and distributional data are often listed. The rules of "The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature" are followed. The geographic scope of this catalog includes the continental United States, Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and the associated continental islands. Names of taxa found only in other regions are excluded. If the range of a species extends outside these geographic limits, this fact is indicated. Inside the back cover is a map of the 12 faunal regions based on historical and faunal criteria to simplify distribution recordings. Two-letter Postal Service style abbreviations are used for States and Provinces, and faunal regions are indicated in each distribution record by a diagonal line between groups of abbreviations. It is not the purpose of this catalog to present a complete scheme of higher classification within the order. The familial makeup is somewhat intermediate between that of R. H. Arnett in "The Beetles of the United States" (1960-62, Catholic University Press, Washington, DC) and that of R. A. Crowson in "The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleóptera" (1967, Biddies Ltd., Guildford, England). Modifications of these two systems are largely those advocated by J. F. Lawrence based in part on suggestions by taxonomic specialists for certain families. Generic groups and higher categories within the family are arranged phylogenetically as indicated by the author of the particular fascicle, and species group names with their respective synonyms are arranged alphabetically. Names referable to incertae sedis and nomen dubium are listed separately at the end of the nearest applicable taxon with notations as to their status. Each available name is followed by its author, date proposed, and page number referring to the complete bibliographic citation containing the original description. Following each generic name are

VII the type-species and method of its designation, necessary explanator>' notes, and pertinent references on immature stages, , redescription, ecology, and keys. After the specific name entry are the original genus (if different from the present placement), type-locality, geographical distribution by State, Province, and broad extralimital units, explanatory notes, pertinent references to immature stages, taxonomy, redescription, and ecology, depository of type-specimen and its sex, and hosts. In addition to the list under the map of faunal regions (inside back cover), the following abbrevia- tions are used in this catalog:


Amer. Bor.—America Borealis Mus.—Museum Amer. Sept.—America Septentrionalis N. Amer.—North America Autom.—Automatic Orig. des.—Original designation C. Amer.—Central America Preocc.—Preoccupied Co.—County S. Amer.—South America Cosmop.—Cosmopolitan Sp.—Species Design.—Designated Subseq. monot.—Subsequent monotypy F.—Female Subsp.—Subspecies Holarc.—Holarctic Taut.—Tautonymy Isl.—Island Univ.—^University M.—Male USA—United States of America Mex.—Mexico Var.—^Variety Monot.—Monotypy W. Ind.—West Indies


AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, FSCA—Florida State Collection, Gainesville New York HAHC—H. & A. Howden Collection, Ottawa, ANSP—Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- Canada delphia, PA ICCM—Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, PA BYUC—Brigham Young University, Provo, UT INHS—Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana CASC—California Academy of Sciences, San JGEC—J. G. Edwards Collection, San Jose, CA Francisco KMFC—K. M. Fender Collection, McMinnville, CISC—University of California, Berkeley OR CNCI—Canadian National Collections, Ottawa KSUC—Kansas State University, Manhattan CUIC—Cornell University, Ithaca, NY LACM—Los Angeles County Museum, CA CWOB—C. W. O'Brien Collection, Tallahassee, LSUC—Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge FL MCZC—Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- DHKC—D. H. Kisitner Collection, Chico State vard University, Cambridge, MA College, CA MSUC—Michigan State University, East Lansing ELSC—E. L. Sleeper Collection, Long Beach, NCSM—North Carolina State University, Raleigh CA NYSM—New York State Museum, Albany FMNH—Field Museum of Natural History, Chi- OSEC—Oklahoma State University, Stillwater cago, IL OSUC—Ohio State University, Columbus OSUO—Oregon State University, Corvallis

' Abbreviations for U.S. and Canadian museums abridged from Amett, R. H., Jr., and Samuelson, G. A., 1969, "Di- rectory of Coleóptera Collections of North America (Canada Through Panama),** Cushing-Malloy, Ann Arbor, MI, 123 pp. vni PMNH—Peabody Museum, Yale University, New SMSH—Stovall Collection, University of Okla- Haven, CT homa, Norman PSUC—Pennsylvania State Museum, University TAMU—Texas A. & M. University, College Park Station PURC—^Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN UCDC—^University of California, Davis RUIC—Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ UMM2^—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor SEMC—Snow Museum, University of Kansas, UMRM—^University of Missouri, Columbia Lawrence USNM—U.S. National Museum of Natural His- SJSC—San Jose State College, CA tory, Washington, DC SLWC—S. L. Wood CoUection, Provo, UT WSUC—^Washington State University, Pullman


BMNH—British Museum (Natural History), NHRS—^Naturhistoriske Riksmuseet, Stockhohn London NMPC—^Narodni Museum, Prague, Czechoslo- BPBM—^Bemice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu vakia GUHC—Glasgow University, Hunterian College, SCUT—Spinola College, University of Turin, Scotland Italy HMOX—Hope Museum, Oxford, England SMTD—Staadiches Museum für Tierkunde, HNHM—^Hungarian Natural History Museum, Dresden, East Germany Budapest UNAM—Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Mexi- IPZE—Institut Pflanzenschutzforschung Zweig- co City stelle, Eberswalde, East Germany UZMC—University Zoological Museum, Copen- IRSB—Institut Royal Sciences Belgique, Brus- hagen, Denmark sels UZMH—University Zoological Museum, Hel- MFNB—Museum für Naturkunde (Humboldt), sinki, Finland Berlin ZMAS—^Zoological Museum, Academy of Sci- MGFT—Museum G. Frey, Tutzing, Munich, ences, Leningrad West Germany ZMPA—Zoological Museum, Polish Academy of MHNL—Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Lyon, Sciences, Warsaw France ZMUL—Zoological Museum, University of Lund, MNHP—Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sweden Paris ZMUM—Zoological Museum, University of MNSL—Museum of Natural Sciences, Leipzig, Moscow East Germany ZSBS—Zoologische Sammlung Bayerischen MZBS—Museum Zoología, Barcelona, Spain Staates, Munich, West Germany ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are indebted to many individuals who contributed to the planning and development of this ca- talog. We are especially grateful to the following specialists who helped to make it as complete and accurate as possible: Richard H. Foote, Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), for his suggestions, guidance, and encouragement; C. W. Sabrosky, SEL, for valuable counsel on nomenclatural problems; J. F. l^awrence, Division of Entomology, Com- monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra, Australia, for his recommenda- tions on higher categories; and more than 50 coleopterists in Canada, the United States, and Mexico for voluntarily contributing information about their specialty groups. We thank the following members of the Communications and Data Services Division, SEMS: San- dra Strauss and Marianne Kingston for designing and writing the computer programs, and Margaret Seldin for developing the editing system.

J. M. Kingsolver, editor in chief Systematic Entomology l^aboratory. Agricultural Research Service Washington, D.C.

Editorial Board

J. M. Campbell, Biosystematics Research Institute, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, ON T. L. Erwin, Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC H. F. Howden, Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON P. J. Spangler, Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC T. J. Spilman, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, Washington, DC R. E. White, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, Washington, DC


Family Curculionidae 1 Subfamily Rhynchophorinae 1 Tribe 1 Tribe Sipalini 17 Bibliography 18 Index 27 Family CURCULIONIDAE Subfamily RHYNCHOPHORINAE By Patricia Vaurie ' This subfamily is well represented in the Tropics of the Old and New Worlds, also in some temperate and desert areas. Until 1959 it was generally called the Calandrinae or the Calen- drinae. It is a sufficiently large subfamily to have been divided into 16 or 20 tribes and sub- tribes and 120 to 130 or more genera. Since various authors and catalogs are not in accord as to the exact number or the validity of these categories, the following numbers must be taken as approximate. In the New World (Canada south to Argentina) there are more than 325 species in 18 genera, of which perhaps 280 in 13 genera are in North America (Canada to Panama). Of these, only 80 species are in the United States proper, and they are chiefly represented by 1 genus, SphenophoruSy which occurs also south to Argentina and sparsely in Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe. In Africa and Madagascar there are about 120 species in 48 genera and in Australasia and many islands of the Pacific 431 species in 58 genera. Several species of the subfamily are cos- mopolitan. The oldest generic names in the subfamily are RhynchophoruSy described by Herbst in 1795, Calandra or Calendra of Clairville and Schellenberg in 1798 (now ), and Rhina of Latreille in 1802 (now Rhinostomuß). Since the description of the genus Sphenophorus by Schoenherr in 1838 in his great work on'^the Coleóptera, subsequent authors have proposed more than a dozen genera based on some of the 107 species appearing in Schoenherr. The Rhynchophorinae of the Western Hemisphere are discussed in some general works of the 20th century: In the 'Biologia Centrali-Americana ' by Champion, 1910, with keys and col- ored illustrations; in *Rhynchophora or of Northeastern America' by Blatchley and Leng, 1916, also with keys; in Insetos do Brasil' by Costa Lima, 1956, volume 10; and in the 'Curculionidae of America North of Mexico' by Kissinger, 1964, with keys to the genera in the United States and with comprehensive bibliography. In addition, revisions of some genera and groups of species have been published by Vaurie from 1966 to 1981. The Rhynchophorinae are placed in the catalogs between the Baridinae and the Cosson- inae, and these three subfamilies are evidently considered more advanced in structure and habits, as they appear at the end of the classification. The three largest of all weevils are in this subfamily; for example, Protocerius collossus of Australasia is 60 mm long excluding the beak. The Rhynchophorinae breed in stems or trunks of plants or trees, in bulbs or roots, in seeds, or in stored grains or cereals. They can damage grasses, cattails, sedges, palms and palmettos, corn, barley, oats, wheat, bananas, sugarcane, orchids, and cacti. Those detrimental to man's crops or parks have been studied, such as the sugarcane borer { hemip- terus)y the corn billbugs {Sphenophorus spp.), the banana root borer { sordidus)y and grain weevils { spp.). Some breed only in dead or fallen trees. Several species are at- tracted to lights or are found feeding on bushes at night. A cocoon made by the larvae of the long fibers of the host plant is characteristic of many species. No biological information is available, however, for most of the species. This manuscript was received December 1981. Tribe RHYNCHOPHORINI LeConte and Horn, 1876 Genus SPHENOPHORUS Schoenherr Sphenophorus Schoenherr, 1838: 874 (replacement name for Calandra Clairville and Schellenberg, 1798). Type-species: Curculio abbreviatus Fabricius (orig. des.). Calandra Clairville and Schellenberg, 1798: 62, pi. 2. Type-species: Curculio abbreviatus Fabricius (design, by Latreille, 1810: 431).Calandra was placed on the official index of invalid names by Opinion 572, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 17, pp. 112-116, 1959. Calendra (error) . Calendra was placed on the official index of invalid names in Opinion 572, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 17, pp. 112-116, 1959. 'Deceased April 1982. ^ COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

Trichischius LeConte, 1876: 426. Type-species: Trichischius crenatus LeConte (monot.). Merothricus Chevrolat, 1885a: 290. Type-species: Sphenophorus rusticas Gyllenhal (orig. des.). Nesorthognathus Voss, 1943: 234. Type-species: Nesorthognathus pedestris Voss (monot.). IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae, hosts). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision) and 1978 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951 and 1978; Satterthwait, 1931 (host plants). KEYS: Vaurie, 1951 and 1978. aequalis aequalis Gyllenhal, 1838: 941. MO: ^America borealis*; BC WA/ SK MT ND SD/ MN WI MI/ CO/ NE KS lA MO IL IN OH/ NY NJ DC/ TX OK/ LA NC. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. univitta Chittenden, 1924: 146 (SphenophorusXas variety of aequalis), WA: Sprague. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. scirpi Chittenden, 1924: 147 (as variety of aequalis), TX: Traylor's Lake. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Scirpus ßuviatilis, S. validas, com. aequalis discolor Mannerheim, 1843: 293. CA; OR/ CA. The type-locality was restricted to CA: Sacramento, by Vaurie, 1951. aequalis ochreus LeConte, 1858: 80. Mex.: Sonora; ID/ CA NV/ UT/ AZ NM TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: M. atrivittata Chittenden, 1924: 147 (as variety of ochreus). UT. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. aequalis pictus LeConte, 1858: 80. CA: San Diego Co., Vallecito; CA/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. apicalis LeConte, 1878: 432. FL: Enterprise; TX/ MS AL SC FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. arizonensis Horn, 1873: 428. None given; CO/ AZ NM/ Mex. The lectotype from CO was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. fallu Chittenden, 1905b: 172, fig. 19. NM: Santa Fe. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. australis abrasus Chittenden, 1905a: 54. CA; WA OR/ CA. The type-locality was restricted to CA: Sacramento, by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). australis australis Chittenden, 1905a: 53. LA: New Orleans; ON/ CA NV/ UT CO/ MO IL IN OH/ NY PA NJ/ MA/ NM TX OK/ LA GA FL/ Mex., S. Amer., W. Ind TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. CURCULIONIDAE 3

typhae Chittenden, 1905a: 53 (as variety of pertinax), CA: Los Angeles. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie. 1951; Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Typha latifolia, Sparganium eurycarpum. bartramiae Chittenden, 1924: 154, pi. 6, fig. 3. TX: Victoria; TX/ AR. A paratype was taken 'in crop of Bartramia, Golden Plover'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. blanchardi Chittenden, 1905b: 179. TX; TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. cailosus (Olivier), 1807: 92, pi. 28 (Calandra). 'Caroline'; KS lA MO IL IN/ NJ/ AZ TX OK/ LA GA SC FL/ Mex. The type-locality was restricted to SC by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MNHP. SEX OF TYPE: F. jugosas Chittenden, 1924: 151. lA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931 and 1932. HOST: Cyperus esculentus, Carex, Rhynchospora, Juncus, Panicum clandestinum, wheat, corn. cariosus (Olivier), 1807: 91, pi. 28 (Calandra), 'Amérique septentrionale'; NE/ NY NJ MD/ MA RI CT/ TX OK/ LA MS AL GA SC NC FL/ Mex., C. Amer. The type-locality was restricted to AL: Tuscaloosa, by Vaurie, 1951. larvalis Germar, 1824: 301 (Calandra). 'America septentrionali'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. cicatricosus Say, 1831: 22 (). LA. Say's types were destroyed. flexuosus Gyllenhal, 1838: 940. LA: New Orleans. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. sculptilis Uhler, 1855: 416. MD: Baltimore. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1932. HOST: Rhynchospora comiculata, Cyperus, ScirpuSy corn. caroli Vaurie, 1967a: 141, figs. 1-3. AZ: Santa Cruz Co., Patagonia; AZ. The type was taken 'inactive under dry cow dung'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH. SEX OF TYPE: M. cazieri (Vaurie), 1951: 98, fig. 89 (Calandra). TX: Nueces Co., Corpus Christi; TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH. SEX OF TYPE: M. chittendeni Blatchley, 1916: 565. FL: Dunedin; MS AL GA FL. Specimens have been taken from the stomach of a lark and of a toad. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. 4 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG cicatristriatus Faahraeus, 1838: 958. Mex.; AB ND/ MN/ WY UT CO/ NE/ NM/ Mex. The type-locality was restricted to Mexico City and vicinity by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. cicatripennis Faahraeus, 1845: 262. Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. ulkei Horn, 1873: 413. NE, CO. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably MCZC. variolosus LeConte, 1876: 424. CO. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Warner, 1964. coesifrons Gyllenhal, 1838: 959. Mex.; WI/ CO/ KS/ MD/ AZ NM TX OK/ LA MS AL NC/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. oblitus LeConte, 1876: 425. TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. lutulentus Champion, 1910: 162. Mex.: Paso del Norte, Chihuahua. TYPE DEPOSITORY: BMNH. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae of oblitus). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1932. HOST: Timothy, corn. compressirostris (Say), 1824a: 319 (Calandra). AR: 'near the Mountains'; WI/ KY/ NY/ NM TX/ AR TN. The Say type-specimen was lost and a neotype from TX: Coryell Co., Gatesville, was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH (neotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. cultirostris Gyllenhal, 1838: 951. 'America borealis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. obscuripennis Chittenden, 1924: 156 (as variety). TX: Edinburg. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. costicoliis Chittenden, 1919: 269. LA: New Orleans; MO IL/ LA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. callosipennis Chittenden, 1919: 269 (as variety of costicoliis). MO: Dudley. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Rhynchospora corniculata, Carex riparia, C. crus-corvi, C. lupiliformis, C. lupulina, C. vesicaria, C. lacustris. costipennis Horn, 1873: 420. None given; BC WA OR ID/ SK MB/ MN WI MI ON PQ/ CA NV/ UT/ KS lA MO IL IN/ NY NJ/ NH MA CT/ TX/ SC. The lectotype from NV was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. CURCULIONIDAE

laevigatus Chittenden, 1905a: 58. UT: Salt Lake City. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. medoraensis Satterthwait, 1925: 270. KS: Medora. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Scirpus validas, Carex comosa. crenatus (LeConte), 1876: 426 (Trichischius). CO; CO/ AZ NM. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. cubensis (Buchanan), 1936: 150 (Calendra). Cuba: Havana; FL/ W. Ind. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Cyperus rotundas. cultellatus Horn, 1873: 429. None given; NE KS lA/ TX OK. The lectotype from TX was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. deficiens Chittenden, 1920: 313. FL: Crescent City; NY/ NC FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. omissus Blatchley, 1920: 176. FL: Dunedin. TYPE DEPOSITORY: PURC. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. destructor Chittenden, 1905b: 174. MO: Atoka; WI/ MO IL IN KY/ NJ/ TX OK/ AR. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. sublaevis Chittenden, 1905b: 176. IN. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1932. HOST: Cyperas escalentas. Janeas torreyi, J. acaminatas, Andropogon, timothy, wheat . dietrichi (Satterthwait), 1933a: 210 (Calendra), MS: Wiggins; MS AL FL. The type was reared from a larva in rice stubble. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. diversus Chittenden, 1905b: 170. None given; WA OR/ CA. The type-locality was not specified but is either CA or WA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM (cotypes). eugenia Satterthwait, 1943: 52 (Calendra). OR: Eugene. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. 6 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. gagatinus Gyllenhal, 1838: 952. ^America septentrionalis'; NY NJ/ LA MS GA SC FL. The type- locality was restricted to NJ: Newark and region by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Carpet grass. gentilis LeConte, 1857: 58. CA: San Jose; OR ID/ CA NV/ AZ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Cynodon dactylon, corn. germari Horn, 1873: 430. KS, TX; KS MO IN KY/ TX/ LA MS NC FL. A female lectotype from TX was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. compressirostris Germar, 1824: 300 rCa/andraXpreoccupied Say, 1824a). KY. pinguis Chittenden, 1924: 156 (as variety). FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. graminis Chittenden, 1905b: 168. OR: The Dalles; OR ID/ SD/ CA NV/ WY UT CO. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. monterensis Chittenden, 1905b: 169. CA: Monterey Co. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. subopacus Chittenden, 1905b: 169. CA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM (cotypes). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Roots of grasses, salt grass. hoegbergii Boheman, 1845: 254. Mex.: Veracruz; AZ TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. coactorum Chittenden, 1904b: 136. TX: Edinburg. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. holosericus Chittenden, 1924: 153, pi. 6, fig. 2. TX: Willis; AZ TX OK/ LA MS. lucedalensis Satterthwait, 1933a: 212 (Calendra). MS: Lucedale. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. imus Gyllenhal, 1838: 936. Mex.; AZ/ Mex. The type-locality was restricted to Durango City and vicinity, by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. CURCULIONIDAE ' inaequalis (Say), 1831: 23 (Rhynchophorus). United States; MN/ NE IN/ NY NJ DE/ RI/ TX/ GA SC FL. The Say type-specimen was lost and a neotype from FL: Tampa, MacDill Field, was designated. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH (neotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. contractas Gyllenhal, 1838: 953. 'America borealis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Cynodon dactylon. incongruus Chittenden, 1905a: 61. WI; MN WI MI/ KS lA IN/ MD. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. elephantulus Chittenden, 1924: 151 (as variety of incongruus). KS: western. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Scirpus validas. latinasus Horn, 1873: 421. GA; MS AL GA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. maidis Chittenden, 1905a: 59, fig. 10. KS: Augusta; KS KY/ TX OK/ AL GA SC NC. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Cartwright, 1929. HOST: Tripsacum dactyloides, corn, millet, oats, crab grass, Johnson grass. marinus Chittenden, 1905b: 166. NJ: Sea Isle City; NJ/ SC. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. melanocephalus (Fabricius), 1801: 435 (Calandra). Carolina; MN WI MI ON/ NE KS lA MO IL IN OH KY/ NY PA NJ MD DC WV VA/ NH MA RI CT/ OK/ GA SC NC. The type-locality was restricted to NC by Vaurie, 1951. nubilus Gyllenhal, 1838: 938. 'America borealis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS, SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Leersia oryzoides. memnonius Gyllenhal, 1838: 935. Mex.; AZ/ Mex. The type-locality was restricted to Mexico City and vicinity by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. 8 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG minimus Hart, 1890: 65, pi. 3, fig. 2. IL: Urbana; WI MI ON/ CA/ NE KS MO IL IN/ NY PA NJ/ CT/ AL TN FL. The type was collected from driftwood in a creek. TYPE DEPOSITORY: INHS. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Elymus virginicus, Agrostis alba, cattail, rice, rice cut grass, timothy, wheat. missouriensis Chittenden, 1919: 270 (as variety of glyceriae). MO: Woodrow; MO. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Glyceria septentrionalis. mormon Chittenden, 1904a: 128. UT: Salt Lake City; BC WA OR ID/ AB MT ND/ CA NV/ WY UT CO/ AZ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. distichlidis Chittenden, 1904a: 130. CA: Amedee. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM (cotypes). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Scirpus occidentalis, Distichlidis spicata, salt grass. necydaloides (Fabricius), 1801: 435 (Calandra), 'Carolina, America borealis'; lA/ NY PA NJ/ MA RI CT/ TX/ MS AL SC NC FL. The type-locality was restricted to SC by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MNHP. SEX OF TYPE: F. retusus Gyllenhal, 1838: 949. 'America borealisl TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae of 'retusus). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Panicum repens. neomexicanus Chittenden, 1904b: 134. NM: Albuquerque; CO/ NE KS/ NM/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. nevadensis Chittenden, 1905b: 172. NV; CA NV. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. parvulus Gyllenhal, 1838: 961. ^America septentrionalis'; SD/ MN ON/ CO/ KS lA MO IL OH KY/ NY PA NJ/ RI CT/ TX/ AR GA SC FL. The type-locality was restricted to NY: Long Island, Babylon, by Vaurie, 1951. pumilis Gyllenhal, 1838: 960. 'America septentrionalis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951; Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense, Agrostis alba, corn, wheat, barley, rye, in roots of other grasses and sedges. CURCULIONIDAE ^ pertinax ludovicianus Chittenden, 1905a: 55, fig. 10. LA: New Orleans; MO/ TX/ AR LA MS ALFL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. HOST: Zizaniopsis miliacea. n^rfinav nprtinax (Olivier) 1807- 90, pi. 28, fig. 417 (Calandra). ^Amérique septentrionale'; SD/ pertinax P«'^;^^jJ¿^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^P y^V NH MA RI CT/ GA SC NC FL. The type-locality was restricted to NJ by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. truncatus Say, 1831: 22 (Rhynchophorus). MO. Say's types were destroyed. canaliculatus Boheman, 1845: 253. 'America septentrionalis'. seliger Chittenden, 1905a: 55. NJ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. X^T T i -n peninsularis Chittenden, 1905a: 56 (synonymized by Vaurie, 1974). FL: Jacksonville.

TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. intervallatus Chittenden, 1924: 148 (as variety oí seliger). NJ: Anglesea. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. nasulus Chittenden, 1924: 148 (as variety o{peninsularis). NY: New York City and vicinity. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision) and 1974. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951; Satterthwait, 1933b. HOST: Spartina cynosuroides, S. alternißora. phoeniciensis Chittenden, 1904b: 135. AZ: Phoenix; CA NV/ AZ/ Mex., C. Amer., Hawaii. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. sequoiae Van Dyke, 1930: 165 (Calendra). CA: Sequoia N.P., Camp Potwisha. TYPE DEPOSITORY: CASC. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951; Satterthwait, 1932. , , i u .. ^ «oo HOST: Cynodon dactylon, Echinochloa, Johnson grass, alfalfa, flax, oats, wheat, barley, bent grass, St. Augustine grass. pontederiae Chittenden, 1905a: 63. LA: New Orleans; IL IN/ RI/ LA GA SC FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Pontederia cordata. rectus (Say), 1831: 22 (Rhynchophorus). United States; WI MI/ KS lA MO IL IN OH/NY/ RI/ AZ TX OK/ Mex. The Say type-specimen was lost and a neotype trom JN Y. rine Isl., was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH (neotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. robustior Chittenden, 1905a: 62. IL: Cook Co.; MB SD/ NE lA IL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. 10 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

costifer Chittenden, 1924: 152 (as variety of robustior). SD. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. robustus Horn, 1873: 419. None given; BC/ SD/ MN MI/ CA/ UT/ lA IL IN/ NJ/ TX. The lectotype from IL was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. rectristriatus Chittenden, 1924: 148 (as variety of robustus). IN. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. multilineatus Satterthwait, 1925: 269 (Calendra). MN. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Scirpus validus, S. occidentalis. sayi Gyllenhal, 1838: 943. ^America borealis, N. Orleans^ BC WA OR/ CA NV/ UT/ NE KS lA IL IN/ NM TX/ LA/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. subcarinatus Mannerheim, 1843: 294. CA and Aleutian Isis. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably UZMH. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. schwarzii Chittenden, 1924: 145, pi. 5, fig. 1. VA: Fort Monroe; VA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951; Warner, 1963. scoparius Horn, 1873: 424. None given; WI/ NE KS lA MO IL/ MD/ TX OK/ AR LA AL. The lectotype from KS was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931. HOST: Carex riparia, Scirpus atrovirens, Spartina michauxiana. serratipes Chittenden, 1924: 149, pi. 6, fig. 4. CO: Fort Collins; AB/ CO/ KS. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. simplex LeConte, 1859: 79. CA: Tejon; OR/ CA NV/ WY UT/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Cynodon dactylon, alfalfa, salt grass. soltauii Chittenden, 1905b: 178. CO: Greeley; CO/ KS lA IL/ PA/ TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. CURCULIONIDAE H striatipennis Chittenden, 1905b: 180. IL: Chicago; AB ND/ WI/ lA IL IN OH/ TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). ^ REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. subulatus Chittenden, 1905b: 173. NM; AZ NM TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: ICCM. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. tardus Fall, 1901: 269. CA: San Bernardino; CA/ AZ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Cynodon dactylon, blue grass, bent grass, lawns. terrícola Champion, 1910: 161. Mex.: Northern Sonora; AZ/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: BMNH. SEX OF TYPE: M. reticulatus Chittenden, 1924: 154. AZ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. veiutinus LeConte, 1876: 424. FL; TX/ LA AL SC FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. venatus confluens Chittenden, 1904b: 133. OR: Portland; WA OR/ MT/ CA. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. venatus glyceriae Chittenden, 1919: 270. None given; OR/ CA/ AZ NM TX/ Mex. The lectotype from CA: Palm Springs, was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. HOST: Glyceria septentrionalis. venatus reticulaticollis Boheman, 1845: 257. CA. The type-locality was restricted to Mexico City and vicinity by Vaurie, 1951. Although the type has 3 labels 'California' and one 'Mexico', it probably does not occur in California. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. venatus venatus (Say), 1831: 22 (Rhynchophorus). United States; OH/ NY NJ/ ME NH VT MA RI. The Say type-specimen was lost and a neotype from RI: Watch Hill, was designated by Vaurie, 1951. TYPE DEPOSITORY: AMNH (neotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. immunis Say, 1831: 23 (Rhynchophorus). United States. Say's types were destroyed. placidas Say, 1831: 23 (Rhynchophorus). United States. Say's types were destroyed. confusus Gyllenhal, 1838: 947. 'America borealis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. 12 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

fallax Boheman, 1845: 256. 'America borealis'» TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931 and 1932. HOST: Cypenis esculentus, Cynodon dactylon, Scirpus validuSy wheat, timothy. venatus vestitus Chittenden, 1904b: 134. FL: Sebastian River, Sebastian; KS MO/ DC VA/ TX OK/ AR LA MS AL GA SC NC FL/ Mex., W. Ind., Hawaii. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. villosiventris Chittenden, 1905a: 58, fig. 10. NY: Buffalo; WI/ IL IN/ NY NJ MD DC VA/ NH RICT. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. vomerinus LeConte, 1858: 81. Mex.: Sonora; AB MT/ CA/ UT CO/ NE KS/ AZ NM TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. SEX OF TYPE: F. baridioides Horn, 1873: 413 (as variety). CO, AZ, CA, east of the Sierras. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. zeae Walsh, 1867: 117. IL: Rock Island; WI MI ON/ CO/ IL IN OH/ NY PA NJ/ NH MA RI CT/ TX/ SC FL. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. blatchleyi Chittenden, 1924: 149. FL: Ormond. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. IMMATURE STAGES: Satterthwait, 1931 (pupae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1951 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1951. ECOLOGY: Satterthwait, 1931 and 1932. HOST: Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense. Genus RHYNCHOPHORUS Herbst Rhynchophorus Herbst, 1795: 3. Type-species: Curculio palmarum Linnaeus (design, by Schoenherr, 1826: 327).Schoenherr (1826) cited the type-species as Calandra palmarum instead of Curculio palmarum. Cordyle Thunberg, 1797: 44. Type-species: Curculio palmarum Linnaeus (design, by Pierce, 1925: 113). IMMATURE STAGES: Wattanapongsiri, 1966 (larvae, pupae). TAXONOMY: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. REDESCRIPTION: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. ECOLOGY: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. KEYS: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. cruentatus (Fabricius), 1775: 128 (Curculio). Carolina; TX/ LA MS AL GA SC FL/ S. Amer., W. Ind. TYPE DEPOSITORY: BMNH. zimmermanni Faahraeus, 1845: 219. ^America borealis'. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably NHRS. IMMATURE STAGES: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. TAXONOMY: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. REDESCRIPTION: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. ECOLOGY: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. HOST: Sabal palmetto, Chamaerops palmetto, Oreodoxa olerácea, O. regia. Phoenix reclinata, Ananas CURCULIONIDAE 13

sativa^ date palm. palmarum (Linnaeus), 1758: 377 (Curculio). S. Amer.: Indian Palm; TX/ Mex., C. Amer., S. Amer., W. Ind. TYPE DEPOSITORY: Uppsala, Sweden. SEX OF TYPE: M. barbirostris Thunberg, 1797: 46 (Cordyle). S. Amer. cycadis Erichson, 1847: 136. Peru. SEX OF TYPE: M. depressus Chevrolat, 1880a: 315. Guadeloupe. SEX OF TYPE: F. lanuginosus Chevrolat, 1880a: 315. Guadeloupe. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. TAXONOMY: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. REDESCRIPTION: Wattanapongsiri, 1966. ECOLOGY: Hagley, 1965; Wattanapongsiri, 1966. HOST: Palmae (Acrocomia, Attalea, Bactris, Chrysalidocarpus, Cocos, Desmoncus, Euterpe, Guilielma, Manicaria, Maximiliana); Graminae, Cariceae, Bromeliaceae, Scitamineae. Genus Schoenherr Scyphophorus Schoenherr, 1838: 855. Type-species: Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (orig. des.). IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1971. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1971. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1971. KEYS: Vaurie, 1971. acupunctatus Gyllenhal, 1838: 857. Mex.; CA/ CO/ KS/ AZ NM TX/ AR GA FL/ Mex., C. Amer., S. Amer. This species is also recorded from W. Ind., Java, Hawaii, and Africa. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. interstitialis Gyllenhal, 1838: 856. Santo Domingo. The lectotype was designated by Vaurie, 1971. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. anthracinus Gyllenhal, 1838: 858. Mex. The lectotype was designated by Vaurie, 1971. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. asperulus LeConte, 1857: 58 (Rhynchophorus). CA: Sacramento. TYPE DEPOSITORY: probably MCZC. robustior Horn, 1873: 409. TX. The type-locality was omitted but supplied later by LeConte (1876) as TX. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1971. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1971. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1971. HOST: Agave mexicana, A. cubensis, A. americana, A. sisalana. Yucca glauca, Dasylirion, Lophophora, Furcraea. yuccae Horn, 1873: 410. CA: southern portion; CA/ AZ TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1971. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1971. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1971. HOST: Yucca gloriosa, Y. whipplei. 14 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

Genus METAMASIUS Horn Metamasius Horn, 1873: 410. Type-species: Calandra sericea Olivier (monot.) hemipterus (Linnaeus). LeConte, 1876: 331. Type-species: Sphenophorus validus LeConte (monot.) spinolae (Gyllenhal). Odontorhynchus Chevrolat, 1880a: 316. Type-species: Not yet designated. Phyllerythrurus Chevrolat, 1885b: 92. Type-species: Curculio sanguinolentas Olivier (design, by Champion, 1910: 90). Eucactophagus Champion, 1910: 96. Type-species: Calandra aurofasciata Breme (orig. des.). Metamasiopsis Champion, 1910: 100. Type-species: Metamasiopsis rugipectus Champion (orig. des.). Odontomycter Marshall, 1943: 118 (replacement name for Odontorhynchus Chevrolat, 1880a). Type-species: Not yet designated. Subphyllerythrurus Voss, 1954: 333. Type-species: Metamasius iuberculipectus Hustache (monot.). Paramasius Kuschel, 1958: 750. Type-species: Calandra distorta Gemminger and Harold (orig. des.) inaequalis (Gyllenhal). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1966 and 1967b (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1966 and 1967b. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1966: 219 and 1967b: 186. KEYS: Vaurie, 1966: 238 and 1967b: 193. graphipterus (Champion), 1910: 98, pi. 4, figs. 35, 35a (EucactophagusKiniroáwceá but not established in N. Amer.). None given; NJ DC/ Mex., C. Amer., S. Amer. The lectotype from Costa Rica: Miravalles was designated by Vaurie, 1967b. TYPE DEPOSITORY: BMNH (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. weissi Barber, 1917: 21, pi. 4, figs. 4, 4a, 4b (Eucactophagus). NJ: Summit. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. fallaciosus Hustache, 1936: 91 (Eucactophagus). Colombia: Muzo. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MNHP. IMMATURE STAGES: Weiss, 1916 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1967b (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1967b. ECOLOGY: Weiss, 1916 and 1917; Vaurie, 1967b. HOST: Orchid bulbs (Lycaste, Odontoglossum, Oncidium, Cycnoches); on Cattleya plant. mosieri Barber, 1920: 151, pi. 8. FL: Paradise Key, Royal Palm Park; FL/ W. Ind. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1966 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1966: 283. HOST: Bromeliad, probably Tillandsia utriculata (Barber, 1920: 152). spinolae spinolae (Gyllenhal), 1838: 883 (Sphenophorus){nominaie subspecies extralimital). Mex.. The type-locality was restricted to Mexico City by Vaurie, 1967b. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. obliquefasciatus Chevrolat, 1883: 580 (Cactophagus). Mex.: Puebla. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: F. rubronigrum Fisher, 1927: 217 (CactophagusXas variety oí spinolae). Mex.: Tehuacan Puebla. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY; Vaurie, 1967b (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1967b. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1967b. HOST: Opuntia pseudo-tuna Oliva, Ferocactus, Cercus. CURCULIONIDAE 15

spinolae validus (LeConte), 1858: 80 (Sphenophorus). Mex.: Sonora; CA/ AZ/ Mex. proceras LeConte, 1858: 80 (Sphenophorus). CA: San Diego. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC and ZMUM (cotypes). subnitens Casey, 1892: 685 (Cactophagus). AZ. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1967b (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1967b. ECOLOGY: Anderson, 1948; Vaurie, 1967b; Pettey, 1953. HOST: Cereus giganteas, Ferocactus, Opuntia. Genus LeConte Rhodobaenus LeConte, 1876: 332. Type-species: Curculio tredecimpunctatus lUiger (design, by Vaurie, 1967c: 13).Curculio tredecimpunctatus lUiger was the first included species by LeConte and has been assumed, by concensus, to be the type-species, but was actually designated by Vaurie, 1967c. Homalostylus Chevrolat, 1885a: 287. Type-species: Sphenophorus latiscapus Kirsch (monot.). TAXONOMY: Champion, 1910; Vaurie, 1980 and 1981 (revisions) REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1967c: figs. 1-31 (nawradii group) and 1981 (revision); Blatchley, 1916. ECOLOGY: Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981 KEYS: Vaurie, 1967c: 13 {nawradii group), 1980, and 1981 (revisions). pustulosus (Gyllenhal), 1838: 923 (Sphenophorus), Mex.; AZ TX/ FL/ Mex., C. Amer. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. punctatus Gyllenhal, 1838: 923 (Sphenophorus). Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. puncticollis Chevrolat, 1885a: 283 (as variety of pustulosus Gyllenhal). Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. pustulatus (error) Chevrolat, 1885a: 283. alboscutellatus Chevrolat, 1885a: 284. Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Champion, 1910; Vaurie, 1981 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1981. HOST: Zexmenia brevifolia. tredecimpunctatus (lUiger), 1794: 613 (Curculio). Not known; WA OR ID/ MN WI ON/ CA/ WY UT CO/ NE KS lA MO IL OH/ NY PA NJ DE MD VA/ CT/ AZ NM TX OK/ TN GA NC FL/ Mex. quatuordecimpunctatus Panzer, 1798: 54, pi. 37, fig. 18 (Curculio). None given. leptocerus Panzer, 1798: 57, pi. 37, fig. 23 (Curculio). None given. cribrarius Fabricius, 1798: 165 (Curculio). 'America boreali*. REDESCRIPTION: Blatchley, 1916; Champion, 1910; Vaurie, 1981 (revision). ECOLOGY: Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981 (revision). HOST: Xanthium commune, Vernonia, Helianthus, ragweed, sunflower, many other Compositae; breeds in stems; hibernates in adult stage. quinquepunctatus (Say), 1824b: pi. (Calandra). GA, FL; SD/ MN WI MI ON PQ/ NE KS lA MO IL IN OH KY/ NY PA NJ DE MD DC WV VA/ TX OK/ AR LA MS AL TN GA SC NC FL/ Mex. The types of Say were lost. triangularis Champion, 1910: 151, fig. 26, pi. 7 (as variety of tredecimpunctatus lUiger). Mex. The lectot)rpe was designated by Vaurie, 1981. TYPE DEPOSFTORY: BMNH (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. TAXONOMY: Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981 (revision). REDESCRIPTION: Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981. ECOLOGY: Riley, 1871; Blatchley, 1916; Vaurie, 1981. 16 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

HOST: Ambrosia, Xanthium, Helianthus and other compositae; breeds in stems. Genus COSMOPOLITES Chevrolat Cosmopolites Chevrolat, 1885a: 289. Type-species: Calandra sórdida Germar (monot.). IMMATURE STAGES: Zimmerman, 1968b. TAXONOMY: Zimmerman, 1968a and 1968b. KEYS: Zimmerman, 1968b. sordidus (Germar), 1824: 299 (CalandraXalso recorded from W. Ind., Bermuda, Old World). India orientali; FL/ Mex., C. Amer., S. Amer. striatus Faahraeus, 1845: 251 (Sphenophorus). Brasil. cribricollis Walker, 1859: 218 (Sphenophorus). Ceylon. IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae); Zimmerman, 1968b. TAXONOMY: Zimmerman, 1968a and 1968b. ECOLOGY: Woodruff, 1969. HOST: Bananas, manila hemp, plaintain, sugar cane, yam. Genus SITOPHILUS Schoenherr Sitophilus, of authors, not Clairville and Schellenberg, 1798. Curculio oryza Linnaeus, 1763 was ruled under plenary powers to be an invalid original spelling for oryzae by Opinion 572, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 17, pp. 112-116 TAXONOMY: Warner, 1962; Zimmerman, 1941 and 1968b; Kuschel, 1961. ECOLOGY: Zimmerman, 1941; Floyd and Newsom, 1959. KEYS: Zimmerman, 1968b. granarius (Linnaeus), 1758: 378 (Curculio), None given; OR ID/ ON/ CA/ IN/ NY/ AZ/ TN/ Mex., Cosmop. segetis Linnaeus, 1758: 381 (Curculio). None given. pulicarius Panzer, 1798: 54 (Curculio). None given. unicolor Marsham, 1802: 275 (Curculio). None given. remotepunctatus Gyllenhal, 1838: 979. 'America boreali'. HOST: Stored grain, spices. linearis (Herbst), 1795: 5, pi. 100, fig. 1 (Rhynchophorus). 'Amerika'; NY PA NJ DE MD DC WV VA/ W. Ind., Hawaii. striatus Thunberg, 1815: 112 (Cordyle). None given. tamarindi Christy, 1834: 36 (Calandra). Ind, Occid.?'West Indies?. HOST: Tamarindus seeds. oryzae (Linnaeus), 1763: 395 (Curculio). None given; IN/ NY/ Cosmop. TYPE DEPOSITORY: Linn. Soc. (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: F. frugilegus De Geer, 1775: 273 (Curculio). None given. The lectotype from ^the Levant and Surmam was designated by Kuschel, 1961. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS (lectotype). SEX OF TYPE: M. funebris Rey, 1895: 50 (Calandra). Lyon, Hyeres. minor Sasaki, 1899: 485, fig. 202 (Calandrareis variety of oryzae). Not known sasakii Takahashi, 1928: 164 rCa/a/idraXunjustified new name for Sitophilus oryzae var minor (Sasaki) (Kuschel, 1961)). Not known. TAXONOMY: Kuschel, 1961. HOST: Stored grain, rice, wheat, maize, barley, rye, hulled oats, buckwheat, chick peas. rugicollis (Casey), 1892: 687 (CalandraXalso recorded from Mauritius). FL; FL/ Old World Hawaii. ' ' TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: F. rugosicollis Hustache, 1920: 192 (Calandra). Ile Maurice shoreae Marshall, 1920: 276, pi. 7, fig. 4 (Calandra). India or Mauritius. HOST: Shorea robusta, Dipterocarpus turbinatus. zeamais Motschulsky, 1855: 77. Cayenne; NY/ TX/ FL/ S. Amer., Hawaii, Ceylon. CURCULIONIDAE 17

quadrimacula Walker, 1859: 219 (Cossonus). Ceylon. TYPE DEPOSITORY: BMNH. SEX OF TYPE: M. chilensis Philippi and Philippi, 1864: 374 (Calandra). Chile and Peru. TYPE DEPOSITORY: Museo Nacional, Santiago. SEX OF TYPE: M. platensis Zacher, 1922: 55 (CalandraX8iS variety of oryzae). None given.

Tribe SIPALINI Genus ORTHOGNATHUS Schoenherr Orthognathus Schoenherr, 1838: 812. Type-species: Orthognathus lividus Gyllenhal (monot.). Sphaenognathus Schoenherr, 1845: 215 (unjustified new name). Type-species: Orthognathus lividus Gyllenhal (automat.).Schoenherr thought his Orthognathus had been used previously, but it had not. (Lacordaire, 1866: 311, footnote 1.) TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1970b (adult). REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1970b (revision). KEYS: Vaurie, 1970b. subparallelus (Chevrolat), 1880b: cxxiv (Mesocordylus). Mex.; AZ/ Mex., C. Amer. TYPE DEPOSITORY: NHRS. TAXONOMY: Vaurie, 1970b. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1970b. Genus YUCCABORUS LeConte Yuccaborus LeConte, 1876: 133. Type-species: Rhina frontalis LeConte (monot.). IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Sleeper, 1960; Tanner, 1966; Vaurie, 1970a. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1970a. ECOLOGY: Vaurie, 1970a. KEYS: Sleeper, 1960; Tanner, 1966: Vaurie, 1970a. frontalis frontalis (LeConte), 1874: 70 (Rhina). CA: Mohave Desert; CA NV/ AZ NM TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: MCZC (cotypes). SEX OF TYPE: F. grossus Casey, 1892: 689. TX: El Paso. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae): Wickham, 1896 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Sleeper, 1960; Tanner, 1966; Vaurie, 1970a. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1970a (adult). ECOLOGY: Tanner, 1966; Vaurie, 1970a. HOST: Yucca. frontalis sharpi Casey, 1892: 688. Mex.: Guerrero; TX/ Mex. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. lentiginosus Casey, 1904: 324. TX: Brownsville. TYPE DEPOSITORY: USNM. SEX OF TYPE: M. IMMATURE STAGES: Anderson, 1948 (larvae). TAXONOMY: Sleeper, 1960; Tanner, 1966; Vaurie, 1970a. REDESCRIPTION: Vaurie, 1970a (adult). HOST: Yucca. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY

Anderson, W. H. 1948 Larvae of some genera of Calendrinae (Rhynchophorinae) and Stromboscerinae (Coleóptera: Curculionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 41, pp. 413-437, illus. Barber, H. S. 1917 Notes and descriptions of some orchid weevils. Proceedings-of-the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 19, pp. 12-22, illus. Barber, H. S. 1920 A new tropical weevil from Florida and Cuba. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 22, pp. 150-152, illus. Blatchley, W. S. 1916 In Blatchley and Leng, Rhynchophora or weevils of northeastern America. Nature Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 682 pp., illus. Blatchley, W. S. 1920 Some new Rhynchophora from eastern North America with additions to and cor- rections to the 'Rhynchophora of northeastern America.' Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 28, pp. 161-178. Blatchley, W. S. and C. W. Leng 1916 Rhynchophora or weevils of northeastern America. Nature Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 682 pp., illus. Boheman, C. H. 1845 (New species). In Schoenherr, Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 8, pt. 2, pp. 1-504. Buchanan, L. L. 1936 A new genus and four new species of West Indian Curculionidae (Coleóptera). Me- morias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural Telipe Poey', vol. 10, pp. 145- 152. Cartwright, O. L. 1929 The maize billbug in South Carolina. Bulletin of Clemson Agricultural College, vol. 257, pp. 3-35, illus. Casey, T. L. 1892 Coleopterological notices IV. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 6, pp. 359-712. Casey, T. L. 1904 On some new Coleóptera, including five new genera. The Canadian Entomologist, vol. 36, pp. 312-324. Champion, G. C. 1910 Curculionidae: Calandrinae. In Biología Centrali-Americana, Insecta. Coleóptera. F. Godman and O. Salvin, eds. Taylor and Francis, London, vol. 4, pt. 7, pp. 79- 212, illus. Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1880a Diagnoses de rhynchophorides de la Guadeloupe. Le Naturaliste, vol. 2, pp. 315- 316. Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1880b (Description de nouvelles espèces de curculiónidos). Bulletin des Seances de la So- ciété Entomologique de France, ser. 5, vol. 10, pp. cxxiv-cxxv. CURCULIONIDAE 19

Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1883 Calandrides. Nouveaux genres et nouvelles espèces, observations, synonjonies, dou- bles emplois de noms de genres et d'espèces. Ire partie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France ((188), ser. 6, vol. 2, pp. 555-582. Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1885a Calandrides. Nouveaux genres et nouvelles espèces, observations synonymies, dou- bles emplois de noms de genres et d'espèces, etc., 3rd partie (1). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, ser. 6, vol. 5, pp. 275-292. Chevrolat, L. A. A. 1885b Calandrides. Nouveaux genres et nouvelles espèces, observations, synonymies, dou- bles emplois de noms de genres et d'espèces, etc., 2nd partie (1). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, ser. 6, vol. 5, pp. 91-112. Chittenden, F. H. 1904a On the species of Sphenophorus hitherto considered as simplex LeConte. Proceed- ings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 6, pp. 127-130. Chittenden, F. H. 1904b On the species of Sphenophorus hitherto considered as placidas Say. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 6, pp. 130-137. Chittenden, F. H. 1905a On the species of Sphenophorus related to pertinax 01., with descritions of other forms. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 7, pp. 50-64. Chittenden, F. H. 1905b New species of Sphenophorus with notes on described forms. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 7, pp. 166-182. Chittenden, F. H. 1919 Notes on Sphenophorus (Coleóptera). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol.32, pp. 269-270. Chittenden, F. H. 1920 Description of a new species of Sphenophorus from Florida. Journal of the Wash- ington Academy of Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 313-314. Chittenden, F. H. 1924 New species and varieties of Sphenophorus with notes on certain other forms. Pro- ceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 26, pp. 145-159, illus. Christy, W. . 1834 Remarks on a species of Calandra, occurring in the stones of tamarinds. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, vol. 1, pp. 36-37. Clairville, J. P. de and J. R. Scheilenberg 1798 Entomologie helvétique ou catalogue des insectes de la suisse ranges d'après une nouvelle méthode. Avec descriptions et figures. Orell, Fussliat Compagnie, Zuric, vol. 1, 149 pp., illus. Costa Lima, A. da 1956 Insetos do Brasil. Escola Nacional de Agronomía, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 10, chap. xxix, pt. 4, 373 pp., illus. Csiki, E. 1936 Curculionidae: Rhynchophorinae, Cossoninae. In Coleopterorum catalogus auspicns et auxilio W. Junk editus a S. Schenkling. W. Junk, 's-Gravenhage, pt. 149, pp. 1-212. De Geer, C. 1775 Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des insectes. Pierre Hasselberg, Stockholm, vol. 5, 448 pp., illus. 20 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG Erichson, W. F. 1847 Conspectus insectorum coleopterorum quae in República Peruana obsérvala sunt. Archiv fuer Naturgeschichte, vol. 13, pp. 67-185. Fabricius, J. C. 1775 Systema entomologiae sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectic synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Flensburgi et Lipsiae, 832 pp. Fabricius, J. C. 1787 Mantissa insectorum sistens erorum species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Hafniae, vol. 1, 348 pp. Fabricius, J. C. 1798 Supplementum entomologicae systematicae. Proft et Storch, Hafniae, 572 pp. Fabricius, J. C. 1801 Systema eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Kiliae, vol. 2, 687 pp. Faahraeus, O. I. von 1838 (New species). In Schoenherr, Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fred. Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 601- 1121. Faahraeus, O. I. von 1845 (New species). In Schoenherr, Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fred. Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 8, pt. 2, pp. 1-504. Fall, H. C. 1901 List of the Coleóptera of southern California, with notes on habits and distribution and descriptions of new species. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, no. 8, pp. 1-282. Fisher, W. S. 1927 New cactus beetles. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (1926), vol. 28, pp. 214-217. Floyd, E. H. and L. D. Newsom 1959 Biological study of the rice weevil complex. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 52, pp. 687-695, illus. Germar, E. F. 1824 Insectorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. J. C. Hendelii et filii, Halae, xxiv and 624 pp., illus. Gyllenhal, L. 1838 (New species). In Schoenherr, Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fred. Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 601- 1121. Hagley, E. A. C. 1965 On the life history and habits of the palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarim. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 58, pp. 22-28, illus. Hart, C. A. 1890 (Key to the Illinois species of Sphenophorus) pp. 63-65. In Forbes, Sixteenth report of the State Entomologist on the noxious and beneficial of the state of Illinois. Springfield, Illinois, 104 pp., illus. Herbst, J. F. W. 1795 Natursystem aller bekannten in- und auslaendischen Insecten, als eine fortsetzung der von Bueffonschen Naturgeschichte. Pauli, Berlin, vol. 6, 520 pp., illus. CURCULIONIDAE 21

Horn, G. H. 1873 Contributions to a knowledge of the Curculionidae of the United States. Proceed- ings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 13, pp. 407-469. Hustache, A. 1920 Curculionides des iles Mascareignes. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, vol. 89, pp. 113-203, illus. Hustache, A. 1936 Nouveaux sphenophorides Sud-Americains (Curculionidae). Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, vol. 76, pp. 87-114. Illiger, J. C. W. 1794 Beschreibung einiger neuen Kaeferarten aus der Sammlung des Herrn Professors Hellwig in Braunschweig. Neuestes Magazin fuer die Liebhaber der Entomolo- gie, vol. 1, heft 5, pp. 593-620. International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature 1959 Opinion 572. Suppression under the plenary powers of the generic name Calandra Clairville & Schellenberg, 1798, and validation under the same powers of the specific name abbreviatus Fabricius, 1787, as published in the binomen Curculio abbreviatus (Class Insecta, Order Coleóptera). The Bulletin of Zoological Nomen- clature, vol. 17, pp. 112-116. Kissinger, D. G. 1964 Curculionidae of America north of Mexico. A key to the genera. Taxonomic Publi- cations, South Lancaster, Massachusetts, 143 pp., illus. Kuschel, G. 1958 Neotropische Ruesselkaefer aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col. Curcul.). Entomolo- gische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, vol. 9, pp. 750-798, illus. Kusche!, G. 1961 On problems of synonymy in the Sitophilus oryzae complex (30th contribution. Col. Curculionoidea). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 13, vol. 4, pp. 241-244, illus. Lacordaire, J. T. 1866 Histoire naturelle des insectes, genera des coléoptères ou expose méthodique et cri- tique de tous les genres proposes jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. Roret, Paris, vol. 7, 620 pp., illus. Latreille, P. A. 1802 Histoire naturelle, genérale et particulière des crustacés et insectes. Ouvrage fai- sant suite a THistoire Naturelle genérale et particulière, composee par Leclerc de Buffon, et rédigée par C. S. Sonnini, membre de plusiers sociétés savantes. Dufart, Paris, vol. 3, pp. iii-xii, 13-467. Latreille, P. A. 1810 Considerations generales sur Tordre naturel des animaux composant les classes des crustacés, des arachnides, et des insectes; avec un tableau méthodique de leurs genres, disposes en familles. F. Schoell, Paris, 444 pp. LeConte, J. L. 1857 Report upon insects collected on the survey. War Department, Washington, D. C, 72 pp., illus. The date for the species described in this work was taken from a preprint first issued in 1857. It was again pubhshed in 1860: In Report of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practica- ble and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, vol. 12, bk. 2, pt. 3, no. 1. LeConte, J. L. 1858 Description of new species of Coleóptera, chiefly collected by the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, under Major W. H. Emory, U. S. A. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 10, pp. 59-89. 22 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

LeConte, J. L. 1859 Catalogue of the Coleóptera of Fort Tejón, California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 11, pp. 69-90. LeConte, J. L. 1874 Descriptions of new Coleóptera chiefly from the Pacific slope of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, vol. 5, pp. 43-72. LeConte, J. L. 1876 In LeConte and Horn, The Rhynchophora of America north of Mexico. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 15, xvi and 455 pp. LeConte, J. L. 1878 (Additional descriptions of new species) pp. 373-454. In Schwarz, The Coleóptera of Florida. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 17, pp. 353-472. LeConte, J. L. and G. H. Horn 1876 The Rhynchophora of America north of Mexico. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 15, pp. xvi-455. Linnaeus, C. 1758 Systema naturae per regna tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, spe- cies, cum characteribus, difíerentiis, synonymis, locis. ed. 10. L. Salvii, Holmiae, vol. 1, 823 pp. Linnaeus, C. 1763 Centuria insectorum rariorum. Amoenitates Academicae, vol. 6, pp. 384-415. Mannerheim, C. G. von 1843 Beitrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Aleutischen Inseln, der Insel Sitka und Neu-Califor- iens. Bulletin de la Société Imperiale de Moscou, vol. 16, pt. 2, pp. 175-314. Marshall, G. A. K. 1920 Some new injurious weevils. Bulletin of Entomological Research, vol. 11, pp. 271- 278, iUus. Marshall, G. A. K. 1943 New Indian Curculionidae (Col.). The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 11, vol. 10, pp. 105-119. Marsham, T. 1802 Entomología britannica, sistens insecta Britanniae indígena, secundum methodum Linnaeanum disposita. London, 548 pp. Motschulsky, V. von 1855 Notices. Etudes Entomologiques, pt. 4, pp. 77-78. Olivier, A. G. 1807 Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes, avec leurs characteres génériques et spécifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur figure enluminée. Co- léoptères. Desray, Paris, vol. 5, 662 pp. Panzer, G. W. F. 1798 Johann Euseb Voets Beschreibungen und Abbildungen hartschaalichter Insekten Coleóptera Linn. Aus dem Original getreu ueberstzt mit der in selbigen fehlen- den Synonymie und bestaendigem Commentar. Palm, Erlangen, vol. 4, (1-120 pp.), illus. Pettey, F. W. 1953 The boring beetles of prickly pear in South Africa and their importance in the control of Opuntia megacantha. Science Bulletin of the Department of Agricul- ture of South Africa, no. 340, pp. 1-36, illus. Philippi, R. A. and F. Philippi 1864 Beschreibung einiger neuen Chilenischen Kaefer. Stettiner Entomologische Zei- tung, vol. 25, pp. 313-406. CURCULIONIDAE 23

Pierce, W. D. 1925 The history of the rynchophorid genera Rynchophorus, Calendra, Sphenophorus and Sitophilus (Coleóptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- ington, vol. 27, pp. 113-114. Rey, C. 1895 Remarques en passant. L'Echange, vol. 11, pp. 49-50. Riley, C. V. 1871 Third annual report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the state of Missouri, made to the State Board of Agriculture, pursuant to an appropriation for this purpose from the legislature of the state. Jefferson City, Mo., 175 and 7 pp., illus. Sasaki, C. 1899 Nippon-Nosakumotsu Gaichu Hen. (Manual of Japanese Crop Insects). Seibi-Do, 520 pp. Reference not seen. Satterthwait, A. F. 1925 Two new species of Calendra (Col., Curculionidae). Entomological News, vol. 36, pp. 269-271. Satterthwait, A. F. 1931 Key to known pupae of the genus Calendra, with host-plant and distribution notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 24, pp. 143-172, illus. Satterthwait, A. F. 1932 How to control billbugs destructive to cereal and forage crops. U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin, no. 1003, pp. 1-22, illus. Satterthwait, A. F. 1933a Two new species of Calendra (Col.: Curculiondiae). Entomological News, vol. 44, pp. 210-213. Satterthwait, A. F. 1933b Life history and distribution of the low-tide billbug, Calendra setiger (Chittenden). Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 26, pp. 210-217. Satterthwait, A. F. 1943 A new species of Calendra from Oregon, (Coleóptera, Curculionidae). Entomologi- cal News, vol. 54, pp. 52-53. Say, T. 1824a Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains, performed by order of Mr. Calhpun, Secretary of War, under the command of Major Long. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, vol. 3, pt. 2, pp. 298-331. Say, T. 1824b American entomology or description of the insects of North America. Illustrated by coloured figures from original drawings executed from nature. Mitchell, Philadelphia Museum, (vol. I), 1-18 pis. Neither the pages nor the volume are numbered in this work. Say, T. 1831 Descriptions of new species of Curculionites of North America, with observaions on some of the species already known. New-Harmony, Indiana, pp. 1-30. Schoenherr, C. J. 1826 Curculionidum dispositio methodica cum generum characteribus, descriptionibus atque observationibus variis seu prodromus ad synonymiae insectorum partem IV. Fleischer, Lipsiae, pt. 4, 338 pp. 24 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

Schoenherr, C. J. 1838 Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fred. Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 601-1121. Schoenherr, C. J. 1845 Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris and Fred. Fleischer, Lipsiae, vol. 8, pt. 2, pp. 1-504. Sleeper, E. 1960 Notes on the Curculionoidae II. 20. A contribution to the knowledge of the Curcu- lionoidae. Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 60, pp. 83-88, illus. Sturm, J. 1826 Catalog meiner Insecten-Sammlung. Nuernberg, 1st Theil, Kaefer, 207 pp., illus. Takahashi, H. 1928 Insects injurious to field crops. Meibundo, p. 164 Reference not seen. Tanner, V. M. 1966 Rhynchophora beetles of the Nevada test site. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-34, illus. Thunberg, C. P. 1797 Cordyle et saerskildt -slaegte beskrifvit. Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien Nya Handlingar, vol. 18, pp. 44-49. Thunberg, C. P. 1815 De coleopteris rostratis. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, vol. 7, pp. 104-125. Uhler, P. R. 1856 Descriptions of a few species of Coleóptera, supposed to be new. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ((185), vol. 7, pp. 415-418. Van Dyke, E. C. 1930 New Rhynchophora (Coleóptera) from western North America. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, vol. 6, pp. 149-165. Vaurie, P. 1951 Revision of the genus Calendra (formerly Sphenophorus) in the United States and Mexico (Coleóptera, Curculionidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natu- ral History, vol. 98, pp. 33-186, illus. Vaurie, P. 1966 A revision of the neotropical genus Metamasius (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhyn- chophorinae). Species groups I and II. Bulletin of the American Museum of Nat- ural History, vol. 131, pp. 213-337, illus. Vaurie, P. 1967a A new Sphenophorus from Arizona and distributional notes (Coleóptera, Curculion- idae). The Coleopterists' Bulletin, vol. 21, pp. 141-144. Vaurie, P. 1967b A revision of the neotropical genus Metamasius (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhyn- chophorinae). Species group III. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 136, pp. 177-268, illus. Vaurie, P. 1967c The nawradii species group of Rhodobaenus (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhyncho- phorinae). American Museum Novitates, no. 2310, pp. 1-36, illus. Vaurie, P. 1970a Weevils of the tribe Sipalini (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae). Part I. The genera Rhinostomus and Yuccaborus, American Museum Novitates, no. 2419, pp. 1-57, illus. CURCULIONIDAE 25

Vaurie, P. 1970b Weevils of the tribe Sipalini (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae). Part 2. The genera Mesocordylus and Orthognathus. American Museum Novitates, no. 2441, pp. 1-78, illus. Vaurie, P. 1971 Review of Scyphophorus (Curculionidae: Rhynchophorinae). The Coleopterists Bul- letin, vol. 25, pp. 1-8, illus. Vaurie, P. 1974 Synonymy in Sphenophorus pertinax Olivier (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhyncho- phorinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 82, p. 14. Vaurie, P. 1978 Revision of the genus Sphenophorus in South America (Coleóptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae). American Museum Novitates, no. 2656, pp. 1-30, illus. Vaurie, P. 1980 Revision of Rhodobaenus. Part 1. Species in South America (Coleóptera Curculioni- dae, Rhynchophorinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural Hostory, vol. 167, pp. 1-44, illus. Vaurie, P. 1981 Revision of Rhodobaenus. Part II. Species in North America (Canada to Panama). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 171, pp. 119-198, illus. Voss, E. 1943 Einige neue Ruesslerarten aus Argentinien und Paraguay. (Coleóptera: Curculioni- dae). Arbeiten ueber morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin- Dahlem, vol. 10, pp. 225-236, illus. Voss, E. 1954 Curculionidae (Col.). Beitraege zur Fauna Perus (Erich Titschack, ed.), vol. 4, pp. 193-376, illus. Walker, F. 1859 Characters of some apparently undescribed Ceylon insects. The Annals and Maga- zine of Natural History, ser. 3, vol. 4, pp. 217-224. Walsh, B. D. 1867 A new foe of the corn. The Practical Entomologist, vol. 2, pp. 117-118. Warner, R. E. 1962 Separation of two species of Sitophilus (S. oryzae (L.) and S. zea-mais Mots.). Coop- erative Economic Insect Report, vol. 12, no. 19, p. 476, illus. Warner, R. E. 1963 A rarity, Sphenophorus schwarzii Chittn., rediscovered (Coleóptera: Curculionidae). The Coleopterists' Bulletin, vol. 17, pp. 30-31. Warner, R. E. 1964 Sphenophorus cicatristriatus. Damaging blue grass lawns in Washington state (Co- leóptera: Curculionidae). The Coleopterists' Bulletin, vol. 18, p. 111. Wattanapongsiri, A. 1966 A revision of the genera Rhynchophorus and Dynamis (Coleoptera:Curculionidae). Department of Agriculture Science Bulletin. Bangkok, Thailand, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-328, illus. Weiss, H. B. 1916 (Note in miscellaneous notes). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 24, p. 93. Weiss, H.B. , ^^ 1917 Some unusual orchid insects (Hem., Lep., Dip., Col.). Entomological News, vol. 28, pp. 24-29, illus. 26 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG

Wickham, H. F. 1896 Description of the larvae of some heteromerous and rhynchophorus beetles. Jour- nal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 4, pp. 118-124, illus. Woodruff, R. E. 1969 The banana root borer ( Germar) in Florida (Coleóptera, Cur- culionidae). Florida Department of Agriculture, Entomology Circular, no. 88, pp. 1-2. Zacher, F. 1922 Eingeschleppte Vorratsschaedlinge. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer angewandte Entomologie E. V. auf der dritten Mitgliederversammlung zu Eisenach, pp. 55-59. Zimmerman, E. C. 1941 The Rhynchophorinae found in Hawaii. (Coleóptera: Curculionidae). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 96-102. Zimmerman, E. C. 1968a The Cosmopolites banana weevils (Coleóptera: Curculionidae: Rhynchophrinae). Pacific Insects, vol. 10, pp. 295-299, illus. Zimmerman, E. C. 1968b Rhynchophorinae of southeastern Polynesia (Coleóptera: Curculionidae). Pacific In- sects, vol. 10, pp. 47-77. INDEX

Names are indexed as follows: frontalis (LeConte), Yuccaborus 17 CAPITALS: All names for taxa above the generic frugile^us (De Geer), Sitophilus 16 level; funebns (Rey), Sitophilus 16 Boldface: Valid generic and subgeneric names; gagatinus Gyllenhcu, Sphenophorus 6 Roman: Valid speciñc and subspecifîc names; gentilis LeConte, Sphenophorus 6 Italic: All invalid names such as synonyms, nomina germari Horn, Sphenophorus 6 nuda, and extra-limital taxa even though valid. glyceriae Chittenden, Sphenophorus 11 graminis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 Parentheses around an author's name indicate that granarius (Linnaeus), Sitophilus 16 the specific name has been transferred from its original graphipterus (Champion), Metamasius 14 genus. The generic name following the author's name in- grossus Casey, Yuccaborus 17 dicates the present placement of the species. Synonyms noegbergii Bioheman, Sphenophorus 6 of species-group names are listed with the original spell- holosericus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 ing. Homalostylus Chevrolat 15 abrasus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 2 immunis (Say), Sphenophorus 11 acupunctatus GvUenhal, Sc3mhophorus 13 imus Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 6 aequalis Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 2 inaequalis (Say), Sphenophorus 7 alboscutellatus Chevrolat, Khodobaenus 15 incongruus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 7 anthracinus Gyllenhal, Scyphophorus 13 interstitialis Gyllenhal, Scyphophorus 13 apicalis LeConte, Sphenophorus 2 intervallatus CÎnittenden, Sphenophorus 9 arizonensis Horn, Sphenophorus 2 jugosas Chittenden, Sphenophorus 3 asperulus (LeConte), Scyphophorus 13 laevigatus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 5 atrivittata Chittenden, Sphenophorus 2 lanuginosus Chevrolat, Rhynchophorus 13 australis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 2 larvalis (Germar), Sphenophorus 3 harhirostris (Thunberg), Rhynchophorus 13 latinasus Horn, Sphenophorus 7 baridioides Horn, Sphenopnorus 12 lentiginosus Casey, Yuccaborus 17 bartramiae Chittenden, Sphenophorus 3 leptocerus (Panzer), Rhodobaenus 15 blanchardi Chittenden, Sphenophorus 3 linearis (Herbst), Sitophilus 16 blatchleyi Chittenden, Sphenophorus 12 lucedalensis (Satterthwait), Sphenophorus 6 Cactophagus LeConte 14 ludovicianus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 Calandra Clairville and Schellenberg 1 lutulentus Champion, Sphenophorus 4 Calendra 1 maidis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 7 callosipennis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 4 marinus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 7 callosus (Olivier), Sphenophorus 3 medoraensis Satterthwait, Sphenophorus 5 canaliculatus Boheman, Sphenophorus 9 melanocephalus (Fabricius), Sphenophorus 7 cariosus (Olivier), Sphenophorus 3 memnonius Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 7 caroli Vaurie, Sphenophorus 3 Merothricus CÍhevrolat 2 cazieri (Vaurie), Sphenophorus 3 Metamasiopsis Champion 14 chilensis (Philippi and Philippi), Sitophilus 17 Metamasius Horn 14 chittendeni Blatchley, Sphenophorus 3 minimus Hart, Sphenophorus 8 cicatricosus (Say), Sphenophorus 3 minor (Sasaki), Sitophilus 16 cicatñpennis Faahraeus, Sphenophorus 4 missouriensis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 8 cicatristriatus Faahraeus, Sphenophorus 4 monterensis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 coactorum Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 mormon Chittenden, Sphenophorus 8 coesifrons Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 4 mosieri Barber, Metamasius 14 compressirostris (Germar), Sphenophorus 6 multilineatus (Satterthwait), Sphenophorus 10 compressirostris (Say), Sphenophorus 4 nasutus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 connuens Chittenden, Sphenophorus 11 necydaloides (Fabricius), Sphenophorus 8 confusas Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus U neomexicanus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 8 contractas Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 7 Nesorthognathus Voss 2 Cordyle Thunberg 12 nevadensis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 8 Cosmopolites Chevrolat 16 nubilus Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 7 costicollis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 4 obliquefasciatus (Chevrolat), Metamasius 14 costifer Chittenden, Sphenophorus 10 oblitus LeConte, Sphenophorus 4 costipennis Horn, Sphenophorus 4 obscuripennis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 4 crenatus (LeConte), Sphenophorus 5 ochreus LeConte, Sphenophorus 2 cribrarius (Fabricius), Rhodobaenus 15 Otíontom^cter Marshall 14 cribricollis (Walker), Cosmopolites 16 Odontorhynchus Chevrolat 14 cruentatus (Fabricius), Rhynchophorus 12 omissus Blatchley, Sphenophorus 5 cubensis (Buchanan), Sphenophorus 5 Orthognathus Schoenherr 17 cultellatus Horn, Sphenophorus 5 oryzae (Linnaeus), Sitophilus 16 cultirostris Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 4 pfidmarum (Linnaeus), Kh3mchophorus 13 cycadis Erichson, Rhynchophorus 13 Paramasius Kuschel 14 deficiens Chittenden, Sphenophorus 5 parvulus Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 8 depressus Chevrolat, Rhynchophorus 13 peninsularis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 destructor Chittenden, Sphenophorus 5 pertinax (Olivier), Sphenophorus 9 dietrichi (Satterthwait), Sphenophorus 5 phoeniciensis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 discolor Mannerheim, Sphenophorus 2 Phyllerythrurus Chevrolat 14 distichlidis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 8 pictus LeConte, Sphenophorus 2 diversus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 5 pinguis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 elephantulus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 7 placidas (Say), Sphenophorus U Eucactophagus Champion 14 platensis (Zacher), Sitophilus 17 eußenia (Satterthwait), Sphenophorus 5 pontederiae Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 fallaciosus (Hustache), Metamasius 14 proceras (LeConte), Metamasius 15 fallax Boheman, Sphenophorus 12 pulicarias (Panzer), Sitophilus 16 fallu Chittenden, Sphenophorus 2 pumilis Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 8 flexuosus Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 3 punctatus (Gyllenhal), Rhodobaenus 15 27 28 COLEÓPTERA CATALOG puncticollis Chevrolat, Rhodobaenus 15 sordidus (Germar), Cosmopolites 16 pustulatus 15 Sphaenognathus Schoenherr 17 pustulosus (Gyllenhal), Rhodobaenus 15 Sphenophorus Schoenherr 1 quadrimacula (Walker), Sitophilus 17 spinolae (Gyllenhal), Metamasius 14 quatuordecimpunctatus (Panzer), Rhodobaenus 15 striatipennis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 11 quinquepunctatus (Say), Rhodobaenus 15 striatus (Faahraeus), Cosmopolites 16 rectristriatus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 10 striatus (Thunberg), Sitophilus 16 rectus (Say), Sphenophorus 9 suhcarinatus Mannerheim, Sphenophorus 10 remotepunctatus Gyllenhal, Sitophilus 16 sublaevis Chittenden, Sphenophorus 5 reticulaticoUis Boheman, Sphenophorus 11 subnitens (Casey), Metamasius 15 reticulatus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 11 subopacus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 6 retusus Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 8 subparallelus (Chevrolat), Orthognathus 17 Rhodobaenus LeConte 15 Subphyllerythrurus Voss 14 RHYNCHOPHORINI 1 subulatus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 11 Rhynchophorus Herbst 12 tamarindi (Christy), Sitophilus 16 robustior Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 tardus Fall, Sphenophorus 11 robustior Horn, Scvphophorus 13 terrícola Champion, Sphenophorus 11 robustus Horn, Sphenophorus 10 tredecimpunctatus (lUiger), Rhodobaenus 15 ruhronigrum (Fisher), Metamasius 14 triangularis Champion, Rhodobaenus 15 rugicoUis (Casey), Sitophilus 16 Trichischius LeConte 2 rugosicollis (Hustache), Sitophilus 16 truncatus (Say), Sphenophorus 9 sasakii (Takahashi), Sitophilus 16 typhae Chittenden, Sphenophorus 3 savi Gyllenhal, Sphenophorus 10 ulkei Horn, Sphenophorus 4 schwarzii Chittenden, Sphenophorus 10 unicolor (Marsham), Sitophilus 16 scirpi Chittenden, Sphenophorus 2 univitta (Chittenden), Spnenophorus 2 scoparius Horn, Sphenophorus 10 validus (LeConte), Metamasius 15 sculptilis Uhler, Sphenophorus 3 variolosus LeConte, Sphenophorus 4 Scyphophorus Schoenherr 13 velutinus LeConte, Sphenophorus 11 segetis (Linnaeus), Sitophilus 16 venatus (Say), Sphenophorus 11 sequoiae (Van Dyke), Sphenophorus 9 vestitus Chittenden, Sphenophorus 12 serratipes Chittenden, Sphenophorus 10 villosiventris Chittenden, Sphenophorus 12 seliger Chittenden, Sphenophorus 9 vomerinus LeConte, Sphenophorus 12 sharpi Casey, Yuccaborus 17 weissi (Barber), Metamasius 14 shoreae (Marshall), Sitophilus 16 Yuccaborus LeConte 17 simplex LeConte, Sphenophorus 10 yuccae Horn, Scyphophorus 13 SIPALINI 17 zeae Walsh, Sphenophorus 12 Sitophilus 16 zeamais Motschulsky, Sitophilus 16 soltauii Chittenden, Sphenophorus 10 zimmermanni Faahraeus, Rhjmchophorus 12 '^'^.'^gJu^^»o


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