North Atlantic Energy Network January 2016

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North Atlantic Energy Network January 2016 Grønlandsudvalget 2015-16 GRU Alm.del Bilag 32 Offentligt North Atlantic Energy Network January 2016 Orkustofnun (OS) - National Energy Authority of Iceland Norges Arktiske Universitet (UiT) - The Arctic University of Norway Energy Styrelsen - Danish Energy Agency Jarðfeingi - Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate Shetland Islands Council - Economic Development Service Greenland Innovation Centre 1 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The aim of the North Atlantic Energy Network project was to investigate how isolated energy systems in the North Atlantic can be connected to Norway and Greenland to form an electrical grid in the North Atlantic. Representatives of Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Shetland and Norway met in Copenhagen in the end of February 2015 to formulate how to tackle this question. Each country documented its status regarding energy production and potentials in the fields of renewable energy and the technological aspects were investigated. Greenland has a big hydropower and solar energy potential, which is not known in detail. Further work is needed to map the potentials. Due to lack of infrastructure and experience a cable connection between Greenland and the neighbouring countries is not realistic in the nearest future. It is technically possible to connect all of the neighbouring countries around Iceland with subsea cables. Iceland now produces about 18 TWh of electricity per year and could have the potential to double the production from geothermal and hydropower alone. There are many unclear aspects that need to be investigated further to draw a full picture of the pros and cons of interconnectors from Iceland. The legal and regulatory framework must be in place before a project of this kind can be realized and extensive grid reinforcements are needed to support export through a cable at a single connection point in Iceland. A 100 MW cable between Iceland and Faroe Islands is possible but might not be economically competitive. Faroe Islands and Shetland have offshore wind conditions on land and large windfarms in Faroe Islands need powerful interconnectors. A large cable from Iceland to Scotland could be laid via the Faroes and Shetland and could possibly transmit energy from Iceland, Shetland and Faroe Islands to Scotland and Europe. A probable synergy effect could be to transmit hydropower from Iceland in summer and windpower from Faroes and Shetland in winter. The submission of Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission’s (SHE-T) needs case for developing a 600 MW transmission cable between Shetland and the UK national grid, is expected to be submitted to the UK electricity regulator Ofgem in 2016. The Shetland to UK interconnector project has been in process for over a decade and is the main focus for harnessing Shetland’s exceptional wind resource. The North Atlantic Energy Network has highlighted the potential for Iceland and Faroe Islands to export renewable energy to electricity markets in the UK, Norway and connect to the wider European grid. Cable routes from Iceland to the UK are currently being investigated and Faroe Islands also have an interest in securing a supply of renewable energy from Iceland. Although the NAEN project has the potential for localized introduction of electricity from renewable resources for both Shetland and oil platforms along the cable route, the economic benefit seems reduced with respect to Norwegian interest. This especially so with the new HVDC subsea interconnector to Great Britain to be finished in 2021. The North Atlantic Energy Network has explored the potential of connecting some of the best renewable energy sources in the Arctic, Nordic and northern European regions to the large energy markets of the UK and European continent. The project has allowed informative exchange of knowledge between the participating regions and organisations. Access and utilization of renewable energy is a key element in fighting global warming. The countries behind the NAEN project could benefit from integrated future cooperation regarding exporting energy and knowledge in this field in the widest sense. A platform to develop this cooperation and mapping the possibilities for future development in this area could be beneficial for all of Europe. 3 4 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Energy markets in Europe ....................................................................................................................... 8 The North Atlantic Energy network ......................................................................................................... 9 Financing cables ................................................................................................................................ 10 Installation cost ................................................................................................................................. 10 Bipolar v.s. Monopol ..................................................................................................................... 10 Cable size ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Depths ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Prices ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Ships .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Timescale ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Alternating Current (AC) technology ............................................................................................. 12 Transformers, Converter stations ................................................................................................. 12 Surveys .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Operation cost ................................................................................................................................... 12 Lifetime .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Technologies .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Submarine cable faults ...................................................................................................................... 13 Total number of submarine faults reported 1990 to 2005 ........................................................... 13 Windfarms .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Land-based windfarms ...................................................................................................................... 15 Windturbines of different wind classes ............................................................................................ 16 Optimal grid integration .................................................................................................................... 17 Wind energy converters (WEC technology) ...................................................................................... 17 Annular generator ............................................................................................................................. 17 SCADA System ................................................................................................................................... 18 Closed-loop control of the wind farm at the point of connection .................................................... 18 Reactive power capability ................................................................................................................. 18 Power-frequency control .................................................................................................................. 18 Inertia Emulation ............................................................................................................................... 19 Fault Ride Through ............................................................................................................................ 19 Storm control .................................................................................................................................... 19 Offshore Wind Turbines .................................................................................................................... 20 Floating wind turbines in deep water environment ............................................................................. 20 5 Substructures, station keeping and anchoring.................................................................................. 21 Rated power and rotor size ..............................................................................................................
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