Legislative Assembly Debates
6th September, 1933 THEI LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DEBATES L (Official Report) Volume VI, 1933 (5th September to 14th September. 1933) SIXTH SESSION OF THE FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1933 .. NEW DELHI OOVBRNImNT OF INDIA PBEBS 111' Legislative Assembly. P,.. Ultd:l 'fHll HONOUBABLB Sm SBAlOIt1JOIAK CD'l"l'Y, K.C.I.B•. Deputy Pre.ident: MR • .ABDUL MATIN CIlAUDJlURY, M.L.A.. ~ Panel of YR. H. P. MODY, M.L.A. MR. K. C. NBOGY, M.L.A. Sm LBsLIB HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. Sm ABDtJLLA-AL-MAKUN SUBRAWABDY, KT., M.L.A. Becrettl'Y. :; MIAN MUIIAKKAD RAPI, BAR.-AT-LAW. R.u BAIIADUR D. Dun• • CAP'l'AD HAJI SARDO NOR AmlAD :KJrAN, M.C., I.O.K. .. I.~ Oommittef: on Publi;, Petitiona:] .:rIB. ABOOL M.UD CHAUDB1JRY, M.L.K., 01aabwln. Sm LzSLIB HUDSON, KT., M.L.K. Ma. B. SITAlWWWU, M.L.A. MR. GAYA PRASAD SINGH, M.L.A. XuNwAR HAJEB ISJlAu, ALI KHAN, O.R.E., M.L.~. OOln'J:ln'S. VOLUME VI.-4th Sep"mber to 14th &ptember, 1933. P'&OIlS. TIlUR8D~Y, 75 bpymmD 19 3 • ·TuEsD~Y. &rB SBl'TBIIBBB, 1933- -conId. Qu_iollJl and Answers. .891-940 Statemente laid on the Table .1121-16 Unstarred Questions and Statement ofBU8ineaI 1126 Answen . 9~150 Resolution re 'Proprietary Election of Members to the Rights of Citizens in the Standing Committees for the LaDd-Adopted • .1126-61 Departments of Commerce Resolution re AdmilaioDS to and Industries and Labour 951 the :Military Academy- Statements laid on the Table • 951-li6 Withdrawn .1161-63 The Hindu Widows' Right of Resolution re Grievances of the aintenance Bill-Cireulat.
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