Legislative Assembly Debates

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Legislative Assembly Debates 6th September, 1933 THEI LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DEBATES L (Official Report) Volume VI, 1933 (5th September to 14th September. 1933) SIXTH SESSION OF THE FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1933 .. NEW DELHI OOVBRNImNT OF INDIA PBEBS 111' Legislative Assembly. P,.. Ultd:l 'fHll HONOUBABLB Sm SBAlOIt1JOIAK CD'l"l'Y, K.C.I.B•. Deputy Pre.ident: MR • .ABDUL MATIN CIlAUDJlURY, M.L.A.. ~ Panel of YR. H. P. MODY, M.L.A. MR. K. C. NBOGY, M.L.A. Sm LBsLIB HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. Sm ABDtJLLA-AL-MAKUN SUBRAWABDY, KT., M.L.A. Becrettl'Y. :; MIAN MUIIAKKAD RAPI, BAR.-AT-LAW. R.u BAIIADUR D. Dun• • CAP'l'AD HAJI SARDO NOR AmlAD :KJrAN, M.C., I.O.K. .. I.~ Oommittef: on Publi;, Petitiona:] .:rIB. ABOOL M.UD CHAUDB1JRY, M.L.K., 01aabwln. Sm LzSLIB HUDSON, KT., M.L.K. Ma. B. SITAlWWWU, M.L.A. MR. GAYA PRASAD SINGH, M.L.A. XuNwAR HAJEB ISJlAu, ALI KHAN, O.R.E., M.L.~. OOln'J:ln'S. VOLUME VI.-4th Sep"mber to 14th &ptember, 1933. P'&OIlS. TIlUR8D~Y, 75 bpymmD 19 3 • ·TuEsD~Y. &rB SBl'TBIIBBB, 1933- -conId. Qu_iollJl and Answers. .891-940 Statemente laid on the Table .1121-16 Unstarred Questions and Statement ofBU8ineaI 1126 Answen . 9~150 Resolution re 'Proprietary Election of Members to the Rights of Citizens in the Standing Committees for the LaDd-Adopted • .1126-61 Departments of Commerce Resolution re AdmilaioDS to and Industries and Labour 951 the :Military Academy- Statements laid on the Table • 951-li6 Withdrawn .1161-63 The Hindu Widows' Right of Resolution re Grievances of the aintenance Bill-Cireulat. Travelling Public on the eel. • . 9156-89 Aasam Bengal Railway- Diacusaion not concluded .11M-69 AIndi,ln .. lOladdal' .. ~ame Protection) Bill-Referred to Select Committee. • 969-87 P'BIDAY, 8TH 8ln>TBKBER, 1933- The Removal of Doubte about Statements l&id on the Table .1171-'74, the Applicat.ion of the Doc· M-.ge from the Council of trine of Rep_ntation, in State 11'75 case of Suooesaion to Stri· dhan under the Dayabbag Statement of Bum- .1175-76 Bill-Circullloted . 987-90 The Reserve Bank -0(- India The Ajmer.Merwara Juveniles Bill-Introduced .1176--80 Sm.pking Bill-P88II8d • 990-92 The Factories Bill-Introduc. "The Untouchability Abolition ed .1180-81 - Bill-DiacWlllion not con· "The Indian Tea--COnt.rOl Bill- cluded .992--1001 Introduced. .1181-82 WEnlmSDAY, 6TB SEPTBlOIEB, 1933- The Indian States (Protec. tion) Bill-DiscUllllion not Questions and Answers. • 1003--46 concluded . 1182-1224, Statements laid on the Table .1~7--M Billa p&Med by the Council S.A'1'UBI>AY, 9TH SEPTl!:XBlIa. 1933- of State 10155 Motion for Adjournment re M~ from the Council of Expulsion order pa.ed by State 10156 the CommiaBioner on some The Cotton Textile Industry Residents of Phulra Stau-- Protection (Second Amend. Request for leave to be re- ment) Bill-P&888d .101515-77 Dewed 1m The Indian States (protec. The Indiar.. States (Protection) tion) Bill-Diacuseion not Bill~ulated • • .1226-18 concluded. .1077-H Demands for Exceea Grante .1229-31 Demand for Supplementary 'TJroBsD~Y, 7'l'l1 SEPTlIIIBBB. 1933- Grant . • .1231-60 QueatioDS and Answen. 10N-1119 MONDAY, 11'l'l1 ~B. 1933-- Motion for Adjournment ... Forfeiture by Government Questions and .Anawere .1251-81 of the Pree p,.... J ourftCJl Unatarred. QueatioDB and Deposit-Ruled ou. of Anawen .1281-80 order • • • 1119-1120 MOtiOD for Adjournment ... The MUl'llhidabrod Eetate Expulsion order p.-ed by AdmiDiltration Bill-Pre. the CommiaDoner OD IIOIDe Entation of, the Report of Residents of Phaln State- the Belect Committee • 1111 Ruled out of order .IHl-11 ii PAG•• PAOW •• MONDAY. 11th SIIPl'RMBIIB, 1933 -oMtId. WBDlO!:SDAY, 13TH SBPTBKBBR, 1933- Statements laid on the Table .1292-93 Questions and Answers. .1445-72 Election of Members to the Salt Industry Committee .1293-94 Unstarred Questions and Answers • .1472-85 The Imperial· Bank of India (Amendment) Bill-Intro- The Indian Income-tax duced 1294 (Amendment) Bill-Presen- The Indian Lac Cess (Amend- tation of the Report of the ment) Bill-Introduced. .1294-95 mmittee on Petitions • 1485 The Reserve Bank of India Ae Reserve Bank of India Bill·-DillcussioD on the mo- Bill-Referred to Joint tions to refer to Joint Com. Cbmmittee 1485-1531 mittee and to circulate-not concluded . 1295-1332 THuR.'!DAY, 14TH SEPTEKBER, 1933- TolIsDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER, 1933- Message from t.he Council of "state 153~ Questions and Answers. .1333-88 , / Motion for Adjournment nI hhe Imperial Bank of India Alleged Scurrilous Article V (Amendment) Bill-Referred in the Daily Gautte f'e Mahat- to Joint Committee .1533-56 ma Gandhi-Talked out .1388-91, 141~4 The Indian Merchant Ship. ping (Second Aml!ndment) The Reserve Bank of India Bill-Pa.ed .1556-58 Bill-Discussion on the mo- UoD8 to refer to Joint Com- The Murshidabad Estate Ad. mittee and to circulate not ministrat'on Bill--PaB8cd ooncluded 1391-U19 as amended . I 511--8 a - LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. ll'ednesday, 6th September, 1933. T·he Assembly met in . the Assembly Chamber at Eleven of the Cloek, Mr. Pl"e6ident (The Honourable Sir Shanmllkham Chetty) in the Chair. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. RACIAL REsTRICTIONS AGAINST INDIANS TO BUY LAND IN KENYA. 656. *lKr. Gays Prasad Singh: (a) Has the attention of Govern- ment been drawn to an article in the Tangan.yika Opin.tOtl, dated. the 3rd F'ebruary, 1933, a.t page 5 under the heading" Sub-divisions ofP.lots in Highlands " , (b) 1s it a faet that there exists in Kenya Highlands a racial restric- tion ag"ai.Dst Indians to buy land even for non-~icultural purposes, $Dd that this restriction affects the Indian interests prejudicially Y What steps have Government taken in the matter , lIIr. G. S. Bajpai: (a) Yes. (b) So far as the Government of India are aware the restriction is intendp.d to apply to agricultural land only. As the Honourabl.. Member probably knows the matter has been referred to a Select- Committee of tIle Kenya Legislative Council. Government have asked f(,r a copy of the Committee't; report and, after considering it, will take suitable action. if uecessU'y. Mr. lI.•. lGilhi: In view of the fact that Government recognise that the Ktnya Government, with the approval of the British Government, i.m;}*te r,ucial discrimination and restrictions against IndjalL~, may I ask whether they will represent to the British Government that the Go\'ernment of India should have similar powers in th~ future censti- tution for imposing restrictions upon the subje.ets of thot\e coioDies where restrictions are imposed upon Indians T Ifr. G. S. Bajpai : My Honourable friend asked a t:imilar question the other day and I informed him that the Joint Select Committee of Pft,.Jinment and His Majesty's Government are now seized of the matter. Mr .•. II. Joebi: May I ask whether the Government of India ,ba"'e considered ~ragraph 122 of the White Paper , 1Ir.. 0. 8. 'JIa;p&i : I am not in a position to answar whether they have eODsidered paragraph 122 or ·not. Mr. N .•. Joshi: May I ask whether they will consider that ,p~;r;a­ graph 122 from the point of vie,w of the facts that have arisen out of tbis q.ulJ&tion , , . .,. G. e . ..".. : The HoDOUl'tlt11e Melllber's suggestion wm· "be eOBve~. to tllP. p.rqp~r qU_J!~, ,Sir. ( 1003 ) L235LAD .... 1~ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. [6TH SEPT. 1933. LEASES IN KENYA NATIVE RESERVES. 657. "Mr. Gaya Prasad Singh: (a) Has the attention of Govern- ment been drawn to an article in the TOInganyika Opinion, dated the 3rd February, 1933, at page 6 under the heading "Leases in Kenya Native Reserves" Y (b) Is it a fact that leases of plots which have already been com- mercially developed by them, have been refused to Indian traders, and that in future there is a danger of that policy being more vigorously pursued , H (!IO, what steps have Government taken to safeguard the interests of t.he Indians T Mr. G. S. Bajpai: (a) and (b). Governmant have no information beyond what is contained in the newspaper report refel'red to by the Honourable Member and await the report of the Kenya Land Commission. DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ASIATIC STAFF IN THE TANGANYIKA RAILWAYS. 668. ·Mr. Gaya Prasad Singh: (a) Has the attention of Govern- m:ent been drawn toO a leading article in the Tanganyika Opinion, dated the 10th February, 1933, at page 7 under the heading" Railway Methods ", and also to another leading article in the Tanganyika Opinion, dated tIle 14th JulY. 1933, a.t page 8 under the heading" The Asiatic in Rail- ways ", relating to the severity with which discriminat.ion against. the Asiatic staff is practised in the Tanganyika Railways' . (b) Will Government be pleased to state if they propose to take sODle steps to guarantee to the Indian s?Uf on th~ T~anyi.ka Railways an equitable treatment as common subJects of HIS MaJesty 7 (c) Has the attent.ion of Government been drawn to a report in the Tanganyika Opinion, dated the 10th February, 1933, at page 12 under the heading" Mr. Gibb's R.eport on Railway Rates and Finance" f (d) Have Government received a copy of that report .from the Colonial Office Y If so, have Government considered the recommendations made. in the !-,eport and its effects on the Indian settlers in Tanganyika , And If so, WIll Government be pleased to lay on the table of this House a statement showing the results of such consideration and examination indicatiiIg how they affect the Indian settlers , ' Mr.
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    I CONDOLENCE RESOLUTION | I The 32nd Session of the All-lndia Trade Union Congress held at Bangalore (Karnataka) on 15—20 December 1983, condoles the death of the following prominent personalities abroad, leaders of freedom struggles and fighters against fascist dictatorships: L. I. Brezhnev: Outstanding leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, of the Soviet state and the International Com­ t munist Movement. M. 4. Suslov: Veteran leader of the CPSU and of the International Communist Movement. Alexi Kosygin : Prime Minister of the USSR and CPSU leader. Dr. Yusuf Dadoo : Chairman of the Communist Party of South Africa and leader of the African National Congress. S. A. Vikramsinghe: Veteran Communist leader of Sri Lanka. Arvid Pelse: Veteran CPSU leader. Soong Ching-Ling (Madam Sun-yat Sen): Outstanding nationalist leader of China. Bobby Sands and 9 others: Irish freedom fighters, died in prison as a result of hunger strike. Abe Feinglass: Trade Union leader in the United States. Otto Kersten: Secretary General of the ICFTU. Simon Mogoerane. Jerry Semeno Mosololi, Marcus Thabo Motaung: Young South African freedom fighters hanged by the b racist regime. Wilfred Burchett: Progressive Journalist, famous for his anti-im­ perialist reporting. Killings in Iran Some of the leaders and activists of the Tudeh Party and of Trade Unions were tortured to death in prison. Maurice Bishop : Prime Minister of Grenada, killed in civil strife. Santiago Hernandez: General Secretary, El Salvador Trade Union Federation and member of WFTU General Council, brutally murdered by the US backed reactionary ruling junta of El Sal­ vador. II The 32nd session of the AITUC condoles the death of the fol­ lowing public personalities of India who passed away since the last session: Pundit Sundarlal: Prominent freedom fighter and a prominent figure in the peace movement in the early period.
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