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All tho Now* of WE DO ISED BAFIi nrnl SurrmijiUIng Towns OUR PART Told I'Vmrlessly and Without Rlna.

Weekly, Etitered aa Second-Class Mutter tit the TOBI.- SuWcrli.tlon J'ri.-. Ono Y

taking on men and doinf; various re- pnlr uncl imiiruvL-niunt Joba on tliclr Boat Club Dinner Firehouse For A WORTHY' AVFKAl* Reception For places. Hucli work should bo given c where poi^iblci to Rum. :on pcuple. North Centecyille Tho Salvation Army ISYods Thcro In on file al tho Borough hall Money Now If It in to Con- a pretty complete report of persons tinue Its Work of Mrrey in Thousands of Paper Baga Filled Relief List to lia Reehecked to who would be glad to apply for such Over 200 Persons Attended It Will be Constructed by the )?'<• Our CfMiimunity Rabbi Arthur H. Hcrshon Serv- Shrewsbury Lodge, Kisighu of • With Grain Thrown Out of an Cut fiKpenditures as Borough John, mid It in hoped that tho morn- Washington's Birthday Dinner Fire Company Members on | ing on Committee Which Will Pythias, to Observe Goltfen burs ot your association will avail r We believe that to tell our Airplane to Provide Food for Must Pay Entire Cost Duo tothcmsclvm of thla material. at Monmouth Boat Club— Land Donated by Thomas P. friendfi tills will nt ono« result j Welcome Professor Einstein Event With Elaborate Spread! Hie Feathered Tribe. Its Fine Financial Standing. Pictures of "Heavenly Twins" Brcnnan. In a searching of llejirls and i as a Resident of New Jersey. at Globe Hotel. "I know X can count upon your rocltelboolcff and a llhcrnl w»n- Hurry Y. .Smith, rm employee of Due to tho fact that after March pffcotivn co-operation, which I hopo IvloiunoiUh boat club of Red Bank The member;; nf Hie newly orpan- Irlbatlon, no tliat tliira helpfn! i Rabbi Arthur H. Hcrahon of URCI Invitations were cent out Monday tlio Red Iiimli postofllco, and Joels 1 tho borough of Rtimson will not you will put in motion as soon, an held ita Dsih annual Washington's ized lire company fit North Center- work may continue Act K% •, liam A. hweeiK-y, Harry ('. birds for thli! rciiiion, Kennmry and buildliif; ' the borough dock was jthifi in I.enipornrily br-in^ kept in a Key, Tho disiingui:-h(:d scientist's cent of funds Hpent for emergency • "' M& Sieber. night, when tho entire assembly left March itre the t~\vo lumgric.'jt months awarded to J. A. Howlund on a bid Unrge barn on IL fnnn nwiifl by Peter reluctance to malcc jiublic appcar- the Incite room.T and went to tho relief would no longer be available of $735. The Monmouth lumber com- iur? *-•• ;ini:c;:i wa:i overcome by an arrango of tho year for birds because their after. March 1 and that the borough (I\I< (.'lf< '1 Iv I n m i ojioi tie d by (Jlobe hotel, where a bounteous feast; footl tuijiply runfi lilmil, und tlilu year pany bid $757. Mr. ltyan aaid the te&w •% • Edw;trd Vnnflorbill. imcnt which will convert the occasion had been prepared. Tho installation must carry the full nbare of the cost. men arc doinfj a ^ood job on the . tegspgf jintu a concert, under tho auspices of lnu; bo.cn a piu'ticuliirly ;;evcre one To Mayor Van R. Halsey and mem-, The (ire hoiiM.- will hr built on a ceremonies were completed upon, tho for the feathered tribe beeiiuue of dock and that when the work fa com- lot, 50xH)U feet, urt tlie.rornor of Mid- i the KOveVnor's committee. Besides return of the diners to the lotlgra bers of the council thia action Is un-pleted the dock will be in excellent |Dr. Einstein's apperancc and ad- tinow und iec. For a number of fair, as it penalizes municipalities Ipil dle rond and t'nion avenue. Thi:; Harvey L. Basie's room. year;] pus;t Mr. Smith huB put grains condition. land lif.it-> bem ilonattd to tho com- [ dress, there will be a program by that have kept tht'lr credit good. 1 The first officers of the lodge werd and auct on lilti property ns proven- Mr. Ryan also reported that the pany by Thonins T . lirennun, chnir- distinguished concert artists, and an dor for IJIIIIH. Of late, In making Mayor Hulacy has had several con- cost of laying a water main on Lalte- admission v/ill be charged, the pro- Christian Schnepper past chancellor, MS*! Hi nvdii of the township committee of Charles E. Wickliffc chancellor-corn-* %valldii!; touru of observation, he him fercnccH with state relief olllclals, nidc avenue, with the installation of Karitan townsihlp. H i;i centrally lo- ceeds to be devoted to the settlement found a number of deail quail und hut he has been unable ua yet to ob-two hydrants, would cost approxi- A Modern Five-Room Dwelling of German Jewish refugees in Pales- mandcr, Caleb Patterson vice chan* c;itfd and tho iirt'fiion urn vnry grate- ccilor, John W. Chandler prelate, cardinals under condltlona which tain any modification of tho ruling. mately $1,800. It was decided to hold ful to Mr. l-ireun.'in for liis munificent. tine. Eminent publishers, financiers, r to be Provided for His Use the John Abhott Worthley master, of* provided unmistakable proof that Mr. Hnleey Bald that other municipal- thiH project in abeyance as more ur- ^ift. The firehniiHe, will be built by industrialists, merchants, profession- .-:>#:?#• • r/; jr&fiM exchequor, Charles R. Smith master starvation wan the cause. ities with the same high financial gent matters, such as the emergency the member:; of the company with- Rest of His Life by His Em-al men and others arc serving in var- % of ilnance, Charles A, DuBoio keepex* It occurred to Mr. Smith that food rating as RUmfion have alBo made relief work, havo priority. out charge for their service. The ployer, Howard Wliitfield. ious capacities in the preparation for the bird:i could be distributed protests, The ordinance establiBhinR another T for the event. of records and seal, Joseph Orovct* itpgiit urineip;il industry of ?\ uit Centervillf; master-at-arras, Louis Steinberg in- more effectively by airplane than any Tim following protent against the election district was adopted. i. truck farming, but the company Harvey TJ. Basic, who for tho. past Governor Moore is honorary chair- other way, and he in more convinced ruling waa sent by Jero J. Carew, Councilman George Kuhn said twenty years has boon in the employ man of the reception committee and side guard and Stephen Bedell out- iSilfilitSl numbers amonj^ ii.s memhnr.s live e;ir- side guard. of tlilH than ever an a result of the the borough clerk, to Mrs. George Rome sidewalks were in bad condi- lilflt penter.s and three masons nnd these of Howard Whit Held, will soon have the honorary vice chairmen are trip which ho mado Wednesday. Tho M. Eodman, county relief director: tion from snow and Ice. In Home artisans will be, in eliargc of thea new home. He if; the superintend- Louis V. Aronson, Louirs Bambcrger, Knights desiring more informations grain was thrown out of the airplane places he Raid people were forced to JOSEPH A1TLEGATK nL of Mr. Whitfiokl':! store nnd of-Chester I. Barnard, Senator W. War- :an get same by getting In touch with, "We wish to protest the New Jer- work. fice building on Broad street and of In paper baga and the hags burst walk in the road, subjecting pedes- Kclward Viitiflerbilt. is president of ren Barbour, Paul Block, Dr. Robert |j. J, Shapiro, keeper of records and sey State Kmergency Ilellef Adminis- fitaiidpnint. The liii'^e dining hall of Mr. Wliitfleld's apartment. hou.-;c on •when they {struck the ground, leaving tration ruling that AAA municipali- trians to unnecessary dancers. lie the company. The oilier uUieer.s arc C. Clothier, Edward D. Duffleld, Wal- seals, 30 East Highland avenue,. At* the bird food In timiiM heaps. said the ordinance regarding snow the club wa.s filled to capacity with Wallace street. As a reward fur ter }£. Edtfc, Mrs. Thomas A. Ellison, lantic Highlands, N. J. Those wh'oi ties should curry the entire cost of .William Snj.;g;in vice president, faithful and efficient, service, Mr. "Tho llrst thins I did Wednesday removal from sidewalks should be over 200 ni.cn. Many members und George UhrUc .secretary. C'liri^tophcr Col. J. Lester Eisner, Abram I. El-have not yet replied to "their invita* relief during the remaining months non-membor.s have not intend the Whitfleld has tendered to Mr. Bask: night after returning from tho trip of 1034 as you advised in your letter enforced. Under this ordinance the Day treasurer, James D;iy trustee for Uus, Phillip Forman, Mrs. Felix Fuld, tions are urged to do so at once, borough clears off the snow and event in ycun>. Home come from dia- the free use of a, five-room apartment Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth, Michael Hol- and eating ntipper," said Mr. Hmith, of February 6 to us. three yearsi, George W. Massey trus- for the rest, of his life. Tho apart- "was to read an editorial in The Reg- chargca the cost, to the • property tee for two ye.nrH and Thomas Lar- lender, Senator Hamilton F. Kean, "We wish to advise our budget, had owner. ment is being built on the second Dr. Jacob G. Lipman, Thomas N. ister about tho plight of the# birds been passed and approved before aon trustee for one year. story of a building which was form- and about the Importanco of provid- Mr. Kuhn said some provision Rarilnn township now bai; three McCarter. Alfred J. McCosker, Mrs. this ruling was received. We ap- erly a barn and whicii lias been con- Dwiglit W. Morrow, Joseph B. Per- :e ing food for them during their two propriated $4,000 for 1034 relief and should be made to insure exempt fire companies, the other two being verted into a. garaRc for the use of hungriest months. Thin encouraged firemen who attend flies. Upon the at Ilnzlot ;md West Keansbui'K. The sldc, Edward W. Scuddcr and J. Da- anticipated tho state contributing a Mr. Whit field's tenants. The barn at vid Stern. mo to plan another airplane trip and certain share an part of ita burden. suggestion of Councilman Lewis Wil- North Ccntervillc company is the on- one time was owned by ihe late Wil- to n«k for contributions of grain. son an effort will be made to procure ly one'to havo chemieril equipment. Mayor Baeharach of Atlantic City Our relief coats has reached a point liam Cole. is chairman of the committee and Annual Event Will Take P!!^ Jaclt Casey, good nport that ho al-where it IB costing approximately a binder for exempt llrcmen for the Water is not jivaliable for lighting wayn 1st, readily fell in with the plan present. Men on the active list are jlires in a large part of the township The. second story of tho building jMnyur Ellenstein of Newark is Tonight at the Synagogisa/on $685 monthly and during these cold treasurer. and I received contributions of grain days lias increased more. It is rea-Insured under the state compensation and it is bclievod that (ho North Cen- had been unused since the old horse Riverside Avenue — Musical from a, 'lumber of hunting men and sonable, to anticipate that the govern- act, but insurance companies will not toiville firemen with their chemical and wagon dnyt*. Mr. Whitfleld is Arrangements for the largest seat- ; Program to be Given. from farmers, and other folks who ment will shortly start laying off nsure exempt men. A ruling on this outfit will prove of large service in having it re-enclosed and remodeled. ing capacity ever placed, in the New- arc Interested for various reasons In Is expected shortly from the rating supplementing the lirefighting of the It will be made into a modern dwell- ark armory are in progress. The CWA men, who will, in many in- ing of five rooms with all the latest dinner to Professor Einstein, the lo- Red Bank Jewry will celebrate tho conserving birds. I cannot too atancnH, fall back upon this munici- bureau. other two companies. A donation of Feast of Purim of Lota tonight &fc strongly express my appreciation to Mr. Wilson, who is chairman of the $25 has been made to the company improvements and conveniences, in- cation of which will bo announced pality for relief. We have been satis- cluding a bathroom and a shower later, will be attended by approxi- seven o'clock at tho synagogue on. Mr. Casey and the others who helped lied witli the manner state and fed- road committee, reported that era- [by Mr. MeClces and the iiremen ex- Riverside avenue, under the auspicea put over the plan. The work has by ployeees of the borough worked two j press keen appreciation over this bath. One of the fnatures will be amately 1,500 persons, it is expected. eral funds have been allocated to porch, or roof garden as Mr. Basic The music committee comprises of the Young Men's Hebrew associa^ no means been done as thoroughly a;i us in the past, an we were a 'normal nights and three days clearing the I Rift. TJie jirople of North Centervillc tion and the Young Women's Hcbre^\ It should be. 1 hope there will be 1 roads. He said some of the drifts i hope to receive members and sup-calls it. The porch wilL^lmve a can- Mrs. David Looser of East Orange, grant municipality whereby wo were van roof. Mr.'B't>l*ris vcTiy' muck in- 1. A. Hirachmann ami Harry Fried- association. Rabbi Arthur H. Her« other contrlb"tionn or bird food and reimbursed, fifty per cent of our re-on Kldgc road were twelve feet high. port for {heir new lire company from shon •witt rend tnn '"Mpgiilah," .committees for their cf- E. C. Cunningham, Mrs. Ethel next job was hi.s present one. At Tho archplotter, Haman, canio to am ty organization, and tho past county fortn. A brief period of silence was Krauss, Mrs. Joseph Tomliuson, Miss will hv. able to recognize tho young large tux-contributing municipality the coiner about a minute before the : flr.st he worke.l un Mr. Whitfirld'a men if she* teea them again. ignominious end, And Mordecai, in presidents. Vocal solos were ren- to the above sources is entitled to blaze waa discovered by the owner observed as a mark of respect for Krieda. (la; kei'. Mi;-. .Tuseph John- re^idtMirc propei t y uii I^ast l Arc 'lannm/; to Hold a Din- be mado for a covered dish luncheon trunt you and the Now Jersey State Joseph Fox, responded. joyed in tlie j;rill room, with musin and very active in chnreh work. For ner in May. memberiny the poor.-, to bo held In March. Arrangement:! Emergency Relief Administration The entertainment consisted of vo-by Hacketl's orche^tr-i, A buffet two yearu the nuinaKument of tlie Naturally enough Purim ,camo to will reconsider your action of hav- The firemen managed to Itocp the cal selections by the Country Club cJiui'L'h wa:". entirely in his hand:.; and At the regular monthly meeting will also bo made. for tho county blaze eonllned to the chimney. One iuipper was ;=ervod. have a, utrong popular appeal to the council meeting at Asbury Park, ing Itumuon carry tho entire cost of trio, vocal solos by Danny Dundee Tile club will Jiulfl a, business meet- ht> .frequently preached wermon:;. of (he Middlelown Township Dcmo- Jew dining the Inter centuries of relief for the remaining months of ho;jo lino was laid into the .store nnd selections and comedy skits by llnvcnt p;i«tor, eiatic urbanization Monday, March persecution. The story of deliverance March 13. from an apparatus tank. Most, of ing and bowling party uc.\t Monday 1SI31 and make some special ruling tho Shrewsbury Farms orchestra. night. took ehurge early in Jainuiry. 5, at the Fair View grade school which Purim told spelled a mcasago In Rumson's instance. Wo await tho damage wan done by smoke, Extemporaneous) fiuartets also enter- plan.; will be completed for the firiit of hope and roumgo for thoMO under- (JonstahlrH To Meet Here. which (Hied the fitoro and the photo- going sore oppression. And tho mer- .your reply In tills matter." tained with melodies of bygone days. "GAV iiuuiia) family Democratic dinner to ry festivities with which this holiday The annual meeting of the Mon- graphic titurllo above the :;ton\ The affair from the ^astronomical be held during the month ot May moulh county constables' n:;Hociatlon, The borough huii appropriated which IK comluclod by Paul Stewart. •Choirs To Give =! celebrated brought; brkjhtnes.^ $1,000 for emergency relief for this standpoint left nothing to bo desired. Aniericjin I^egiuii Auxiliary 1'arlv under Urn auspices of tliu organiza- and cheer into the gloom of tho at which olllceis will be elected for a A ladder witfi rained n gainst tho Over 380 pounds of turkey were ittos. The spirit of Purtm wns, year. Mr. Carew reported Unit 5081 building to permit, llremcn to enter to Take rinco Marcli 'Z~. Choral Service tion. H is planned to make tho din- new term, will be held tomorrow served. Tho rest of the menu con- ner :in annual get-tugolliei' for Dem- throughout, more social than religi- night in tho olllco of Justice Walter was expended in January nnd that tho ytudio. Tho "C'ny Kinetic:;" parly, wbieh on:*. Itj observance in tho iiynagoguo up to last week $027 linn been spent rilslcd of celery, cranberry raui:o, tur- ui.Tat.; throughout (ho .township. J. Mills on Drummond place. Ju.'itlcc key dressing, mashi'd pot a too;; and waa planned to be held in the Wom- The f):oii' nf Si. .K'inirM'r; J'ipi.scopul i.i limited to the reading of the Book hi February. Last week tho number A ftmall hole was burned throuRli an';: clubhouse on Broad street yes- churdi ol' I AUU; Hrfineli will join Thr>:;e in the tcntalivu Ji^t of speak- of Esther from tho traditional scroll, MIIIH la uhio constable. Olilceru of the floor of the Guldfnrh store. Thegravy, nmtOiod turnips, relish, pork ers to date arc Klmer K. Brown o£ Jn and outside of the home, mnnquov* tho association now are Abnun receiving aid was 203, tho highest It terday by (lie .Shrewsbury unit, No. wltli tlu- flioir of St. < iforj,'o';j 30pi;;-- has eve- been. The ofljcfuls realize blaze attracted a lai'KO crowd of nnd he.'inn, and coffee and cigurts. A Middlesex county, Judge Leo J. War-ade.-i, play;! and other entertainments J)lxon president, Oliver '1'. Dean Vice few turkeys not consumed were 168, auxiliary of the Itcd Bank Amer- copal church of Kuiuiion inn clior;il make up tlio celebration. that If tho rate la niii|ntalned the fipectntoiit. Kfoud street from Front ican legion post, wa:; postponed be- service .Suiulay afk-riiuun. Muu:h -1, wick u[ I.OHJ; i:r:iiH.'b, State Com- president, Harry J. Postel secretary appropriation will be exhausted by to Monmouth at recta was closed to turned over to Joseph Kalz, who pre- miltc-iMiian John .J. Qulnn ut Red and Irving Cohen treuamw, sented them to county hospitals. cause of the bad traveling; condition in the Uunu-on duireh. The. com- May 1, now that no funds will bo oC tlio roiuir-;. Tin1, party will take bined ;;mu|i:i will coniprir.e 1'K) mn\r.Hank, SI ale CummitU-eman Adeline HAKRY h, McMAHOK TO WE5K forthcoming from Iho Mtato. Tho following committees were in place un Tu^:' i/tmri'li, will ,riivi: KuwaiM \V.'i>mrie oC Mutuwan. Hi'd Uank Voung Mnn TJigag^*! til The .Howard A. Mullen a:;;;ueiation MngU'.Ian Tonight at Kuwsoii. CWA projects neailng completion a Ccnmnl chuiimau- -llciijuimii L. Aiun- order not to rontlict with thi! regular :i, ijClltrn nicditiit UMi. It i.i e\j>ei'U'il Hint. pl;tii.'i will al.-u Miss liutlmrlttn lUi.\tvr. will hold a daneu at (he (ilolic hotel A feature at tonlghl'H meeting of he ami.jiuuM'd fur a, series of month- number of men will be out of work, tho ItummHi Kcpublirnn club at Hvd tcr. unit or county inictini;s to be held in Mr. and Mr«. 3CM\G M. Hnstur of oy Hum. Front, idicrl. un Saturday anil In an endeavor to find work for Ci-inM.-il ov«'i:.fL-i-— Jmiir» 'I'. ClitvUiu. tbn middlo of (lie iiioiilli. il is Imped ly ihHHTrl lO lie fTivi'll 1'V t!l« Ol- s Mv.n'H hall will be the (treat Williii- OliiriM |.ii!.,•!.. i- - Al. JJidwiii. "\\ t)iUJMilr>> Weddiui;*' I'us t polled. ; Miliun aniiouncu tho cnj;ug4 rnonfc . " "Duiii'-c, Tlu- "Woinanle;,.! Wctldinp." sched- their dim;-,litort Mif'H iCutbariuo |?ftX» tor to tho Kumson Borough Improve- Noel 1,. J.:ulnml. Jiiiiu'i T. l.'liiylon. tunie yes I eitlay viil a I.-; ft pin n in be wrlfMn- i-ommtlUT. tcr, tu Hi cry l.uf burrow MciMahnn, John Hheehan 'chairman, Jtny Bat- ment association: perform feat;! of mystery nnd mugic. Kntertiiinmtitt • •• Hctbiri'L I^hwml:', Jucl. present when the party i:i hold on uled to be held Thui;.d;iy, Miuch 1, Tlu-odoro J. I -abrecque, towiujhip ltifhrry. HI of Mr. and Mr:i. l^rauK McRlft" ters, Teddy Bryan, Leslie Murker und The public h invited to attend the March 27. fit the, Fin-t HefurnuMl church, huu 1 "An you have, undoubtedly Eeen, Htvtn-iilim- --Kriu-.L Hall, Wiiltou Cnll- Dfinorratic provident, luis :innoum:t:d hi-1-ii punt polled unt il lurthi-i: not ice ; lion of Ued Kank. Harold Longemlyek. Mnny nuvohy the Civil Works Administration pro- itil-tdii. i'.'ltonl I-'IKIUT. tin: rollowlii).', as a tentative. H; t. ot Ml:-! Kaxter i^ a ja'aiiuat'i of Pino feature:] will bo presented. Itt'fj <-:cni;.*>. lluny 11. Clujtun. Sale, is Still y MmL Havihunl. tlulit'il. J-Mwiudr, John Marcli r», at 10:01) A. M., at tin; resi- f Maul, I'nlr View It ban been reported that I am out church of llv.d ISank will meet. at. tlm '20 /t off on ;ill purc)i:i!u>s of umler- relief Su concerned. It la the hope of (•(.,•!;. .Ii-.. Al. niituiM, Alnn;o He Witt, ,U>- dence, oi; tho president, <_larrelL D, i; Muty HoKJill Huyd. Mr. MrMuhon i.i of buiilncmi. I waii granted a Whole- ; wt'iir, hu:;ieiy, ^lovt's, bitfis, in*];li)',cc. , the administration that, as tiiesii parish houiio tomorrow afternoon at M-I-II : itl.', Kah'li Jolinsoii. C li. ]I:ivil;inil. Lun^i'trrcl. H t;riKl\ttitn of Ijawcoiu'evlllfl 0*»i t'f .,• sale Hunt Uci'imu on Uivi'mhrr titli. robe;;, curvet:;, cui-.-jrlctttji; ;uui l»i;i;;- lif l'lnuls ari; discontinued that prlvnio two o'clock to ln'i;in t^cwinj; and oth-(iir. it.-l.'lHM, .Imiic i HUM.-II. OIKi Kviittll. willlmiu I'ltllrgo, " • . IIWII, nml Ciin deliver Iboltlid or kn;:> J{r»rj.H..n {'tiiimiMiltiK; Jio-oph A[.p!c- tSi|;n"d> Slt'l'C;-. Al.iH V\i\;} :.l/es. l.t'V.'i.S J'|1C- ,; er work for Kivervjew hu.spital, un- July lw. !. i;i'»ii..l»u.'<: beer to any one who has a llecnsr fur employment will take up the, slack ii:ilx'., .Icllii :•'. Api'le/iitc. ("'JLMIII'C I'lutiiillei-, C. S. Kolines, St:c. ckilty Sliop. til I'.)..ml .-aicet, Jiccl resale, und will Im pleased tu take ami Unit useful employment liUiy be der tlui direction of Mr:;. Ororj;e Lin- l-Mv.in K, Cnnifu'v. < linlnn l\. Klliutt, ,\l- -- Adverli: eniiMif. l';ink. - Advertl.-.t'ini'iil, Should nd'iiUonnl niiMitini;:. Im t'twi on care of all your wants. fnund by thoii'.' who are now on theton. linl i- Mil.', i;i>ofi;.j W. Hiiiy. Al. 1,, ..clti'tlnici ilu-y will bi*• hnhl nt. Hivcr Kiihn, flini],.. A. Hlnlun. I-cMcr Mcdttrcn, \l. .1J. I't'iiriT, IiH-oiiir, Tax to t»iMt your tmunu*; hwl y.tufaa ajvi • LlcnJ. II. Crate, CWA roll:'. Mi.il. V. I'H.-II. J.i'cch Iliiyimnul, .lu^t-i'li lor Htile. I'IIIZU, Lineiuft ami Middletuwu Vil- expert, is at Kuom I'*, Khmer build- Vvihoi'r Co.. llfd Bunk. i>iiona b$%"* 14 North Bridge Avenue, "With (his thought hi mind, I run Oiril of Tlmiilsti. !Uil/. ])r. Willi/im 1). Snyic, Mjuiri.-p Ij;, Tit Broad litie.et, oveiy Tuc:ul;iy Moiia water, all ilfi.vont, Canudn lfed Hank M:i|>. To thu Wilef of the lied Ji;mk the I'cli.vni!.-, ];. V. H. II. :'["iil, ('lunl,., K. l)iy. VVhtti: Hock, KriiL^tn'« lioer, Advorflrusmnnt H<1iliT;i/lm; your a^ftuiatton in the lit i mi', WIUIniiL Tiiia\, Hntu-il F. Wflltur. and Thunstlny, 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock. department' nnd to each ami ovtuy Phono Jted f:>ank 4S8.—Advortiyc- and othci Itraiulii. Also dint illed v,-a- Olson Itoofrt—;:t.- Artvi-rtl^'iiirnl. l.-bnri'l.i, painter.:, < :i I pent I'I:!, • etc. Ill y «ll nil. 1 M'HIV: on. 7. ic rimn J trip dio tstirvk't1; uhio generator, battery, lliim and Dimcn ^ns. - i; 1 Tho IO.'MI U» (niter und hh'A^ •' ^*^'* ' \i •ui yj Ill I'lll'K Hi .'! Mi•l JL'.'i 1'.road met i tt-r and eirctric motor ncsrvhu . nf t,>mi.-; Kc - t aur: t lit CVIT.V 1-i.it UfU:tV vvv\ td iliiiv. :: iimt 'I'M:; Iip|-Ilt:! I;:' tl' ll ill ll.-lllll itinl 1111- j fom! ;uid lihtnlly iitttio;>plif:ic. Ad- iu-.it. icadri !iH«iu;.:h Thf JN-KteTt-r's *.'&?":• Hoy, on make ralra imvisw inomi.v : ;' jail .' 1., H, ll ll:illli. K< (1 'l!i IIK I'll mv MM.-Ad '0 •UtiC- lcf.'i ie.-i:\un;iblf.'. Phono IW). — Ad- ni^bt. roiili* Ntt, ;i,'i, MiddhMuwit. N. J. i ilou'bll'illy 111:111;/' Ullljloyu,-; Will In: v*jj U :i n^; i \.'l .niiH.i, - AUvtH^t'^cris-* ;- pclllni; TIID liouiatui— Admlluanunt Ad v<: m lit lit •III. \ i-i li^uuicut. »•• Advci I), ciiieiit. VI.M I i.'L-meiU. RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28.1934. Page Two the lircmen thought they had it out. NOTICE. . ' SHERIFF'S They were invited Into tho houao Take notlco that Laird & Company (Offers, Directors and 3tucUlioUlcra: John By virtue of & writ ot fl. ta. to me tli* ami treated to sandwiches and coffee K, Laird, 281 Mala £at.. MaUwan, N. recttid, iaauef! out of tiio Court'of Chan- by Mr. nnd Mra. Kchonclc. President! JOB. T. Laird III. OceBiijtort cery vf tho Bt&tii vt )Jev<* Jfcisey, win be Ave., LHtlo Silver, N. J.. Vice I'res. end eaiiOEed to sale nl tmViIlo veiuiu*-, on Variation of the Square Flan "Before leaving the firemen thought Treusursri Mnh&\ A, WHIett, I^IBIBUS, N. it beat to tnlio another look at tho J.. Kccrt'tary; Walter H. Woolloy, l«05 MONDAY, TUB JSTH DAY Of MAKCII ' Western Portion of Rarjtan Bay chimney anil when they did so they WaunmasBU Prlvc, Asbury V&xU, N. J., 5 This State Has Its Largest Rep- director! Hldnfly J. Dirkcttn, M Shorthtll. batwcfin tho hours of 12i0fi oVlocl and I Now Open lor Taking of ound that its soot encrusted interior Uoatl, Forest Hills. L. J.. N. Y-. Olrecton Cmi) o'clock (at 2tQ{) o'clock) In tlio tif. resentation at Florida Resort was burning more fiercely than be- Loula B. Cimliel. Applebrook Fftrin, Oak- torji^tm of irntd dity, nt tho Court Ilouac Clams and Oysters — Was foir. At the chimney outlet long Imrnt, N. 3., KtockiioUlor) intninlti to »i.- In tlifl UoroiiKh of t'ltichold. County ot in Foisr Years—Many Visitors pty to 1>. FrcdErlck Utirnett, CommiBiilun- ilQrnnotith, Now JtiiBcy, tu imtiiify a (Jc. Closed Several Years. blue-colored flames were protruding. er, for 1'lenary Distillery Llcpnuo for iirfm- crcu of eald t:ourt umouiUinr tu iinitrnxf There From Monmouth. Via- lhe proved a most tlilllcult ono IHCB f,it^mtcU nt H, K. M. No. J, Kalon- liiiUoly 8b.17.oa. Dr. J. Oliver McDonald, chief of to !i;;ht. Soot from tho bottom to tho lowti (acobsyvliic), N. J., and to ranln- All the foliowliis tract or iiarc^l of Inml New Jersey vacationists at St. ihc 1:111 can of Sanitary Hlidlllsli Cun- tuln a \vnrdigunn «t U. I'1. V. No. 1, Kalon- Biitl piombeM Usrclnnftei' itHrtlcuhiriy tic lop or the chimney was ullamc. It scribed. (sltutiU*, iylnj-r iiiul belli;; in the Petersburg, Florida, are enjoying the liet. has announced that the .State town (HroWyvllIc), N, J. . gayest and moat brilliant of social wiu; nrce..::ai*y to cut holes in tlio ObJQotlons. If nny, ehonld ba made Im- Doi-ouuh of Weil Hunk* in tho County of I ii'partment of Health opened for the liloninouth End Htato of Now Jet-soy. seasons at that resort. They arc »t- chimney about four feet apart and to mediately In writing to D. Frederick Hur- takim; of shellllsh u largo area conl- nott, CommiBBloncr, 744 llroad St., New- UcBlnninir tit n iiofnt In tho *juiitcrJy lino pump enormous quuntitie:; ot vvnter of I-olyhton Avenue, snid lioint belnu the tondlng the colorful functions at the jtnsiir.r the western portion of Kari- fcs ark, N. J. into the heated exterior. It wna not BOUtliwoBt corner of property now or for- smarter hotels, afternoon teas In lan l>a>', which had been closed to LAIItD & COMPANY. until llvo o'clock in tho morning that merly owned by Arthur thnltli, tlicnco (l) palm-fringed parties, beach bathing iliM'-c engaged in the ^hcllftah indua- By: JOS. T. LAIKD, III, Vlco Prea.. easterly ono luinilrcil nud twctity-iWo feet parties and sports events. The yacht I he lire was completely tint. Tho dam- R. V. 0. No. 1, ICatontown (Stiobeyvillo), to u point! thouro 50,000 in county bonds, duo on EVERY THURSDAY dccioa will bo taken fl mil net you RS thoMnlnatay liuikllnR m»l Lonn AnHoc-ltitlnn, street. John n. Willard of Wikoff March 1st, all Monmouth county mu- Chnncellor shall think equitable and just. (i corporation of tho State of New Jersey, ; Slulliish t'ontrol, recommended tllu und to bo BO hi by place and Mrs. J. T. WHght. Mr. nicipalities will he a;;ked to contrlb- Tho object of Diild B\Iit Is to ohtuln v. 'openiu;.; ol the area after being a:;- dcertio of divorce. dlnBolving tho iimiilnao H0WAI1D iriCKJUT, yiioiift'. and Mrs. Robert A. Don-ill and Mr. 'surid of the satisfactory quality of uto a sharo of tho needed amount between you and the Bnld potltioncr for Dried Jnmniry 24, UUi'l. and Mrs. Hiram M. Knapp of Little she!l!L-h to be taken from the area. Tile freeholders announced that this tho emmo of desertion. AVnrrou It. Smock, Sol'r. Silver and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bailc, j 'Kli'ort.i of the .State Department of .step was necessary because the coun- ZLGT&IN'S STABLES, Dated February tith, 1034. (45 llnofl) ?J«.!)0 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dean, Mrs. A. ty imd been unablo to raise the HARRY KLATSKY, Eaq.. .H-sllii in the clearing up of the Kar- FREEHOLD, N. J. SuHeitor of 1'otltloner, Gfin ami Mrs. Edward C. Hlcltman, ilan river and tho Installation of sew- necessary amount through banking 21-23 firoad St., Red Bank, N, J. Chancery 4/234. Jr., of Kunison, are. also there. ' ajv treatment plants by municipali- cliunuehi, Failuro to secure the SHERIFFS ^ALE. By virtue of a wilt of tu in. to mo di- Asbury Park arrivals are Mrs. B. liv -. bonlering on tho chore's have re- amount was caused by the non-pny- Chancery 4/242. sulted in flic improvement in the ictit of taxes throughout tho coun- rected. i»«ued out of tho (\nirt of filum- Back, Mrs. Sarah O. Beers, Mr. and AT 1:00 r. M. SHARP SHERIFF'S SALE. nei-y of tho .Stato of New Jeii'cy, will he Mrs. C. W. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Frank j purity of these waters in which shell- ty by the various municipalities. The By virtues of a writ of fl. fa. to mo di- exposed tu onlo at public vendue; un Burke, P. B. Cornel, Mr. and Mrs. ; lish prorogate. Opening of the shell- mount asked of each municipality is "Beat Selection of 11 or sea end Cows In rectcdi turnied out of tho Court of Chan- MONDAY, THE FIFTH DAY Of MAUCII, Fred Dieffenbacli, Mrs. 13. Frank i llsh areas at this time was tnken as as follows: Thb Community." very of tho Stnto of Now Jornoy. will bo exposed to BHIO fit nub lie venthie. on Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Howl- j mi emergency relief measure, after Atlantic ... 5 3,520 Ijctwoen tho houra of 12:00 qV.loclc nnd 1 THE FARM HORSES ARE HEKE. MONDAY, THE 12TII DAY OF MARCH, 0:00 o'clock (nt 2i00 o'clocU) In thu after- and, Miss Edith Howlaml, Mr*. Fan- : tieing satistletl that tho department'.-! .hold township ••- -1.070 licliil 2,200 Mated teams and single horses; dnpplo 1034, noon of !i»id day fit tho Court HOUMO In nie A. Howlaiul, Mrs. H. W. Jack- 'aciion in no way would be prejudicial grays, roan*, bays— tho kind our farmers between tlio hours of 32:00 o'clock and tho HoroiiKh of IVeohoIii. County of Mon- ,-ell 5,060 mouth, New JciHoy, to natisfy u dorrco of son, Mrs. Frank E. Lawrancc, Mr. to the public health. lulapaa 3,135 want and at reasonable prices. fi;0U o'clock (at 2:00 o'clock) In the af- I Since organization of the Sanitary We havo real work horses with lots of tcrnoou of ouid duy, nt tho Court Houno fiald Court imiountlni; tu approximately and Mrs. H. B. Price, Missos Han- Marlboro - '1.345 quality, ready for farm workj nnd it la In tho Ho rough of Freehold, County of 53.215.00. nah, Martha and Mary Ealpli, Mr. Hhelltish Control Bureau In Decem- :i\viil; tlJWUilllp -i.DlO your chanco to buy them worth the Monmouth, Nqw Jersey, to sntlpfy a do- All tho following tract or parcel of land and Mrs. Walter F. Ray, Mrs. Ed- ber the Health Department, In addi- Miilillrtmvn 25,520 money, as wo always sell. c.rco of said court amounting to approxi- nnd preniisoa, hereinafter partldulnrly dc- tion to better supervision of the wa- mately 30,520.00. ucrlliGd, sltuntc, lylnc nnd belmr In tho win B. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Re- •Ultimo 'js',040 40 REAL DAIRY COWS. Itorough of Itcd Hank, in tho County of tetways in which llje products are All tho following trnct or parcel of land ford, Mr. und Mrs. W. E. Rose and .•.•mi i8,o>jr> nnd prcmisics here!nutter particularly de- Monmouth and tJtato of New Jernoy, Fundamentally, of course, this , front, opening directly from thr iritrni 2.175 Fresh cows and close springers—family known an Lot No. lan," and retains most of the vir- Jel.-ey shelllisll. \. :tll 0.270 borccs and cows, dollar for dollar value, of (ieoriTo Hanco rutlo!non, wliieh eald i Living and dining ruonis arc nl Wary l'ark 00,035 with full guarantee and satisfaction. Ex- FIKST TBACTi UBGINNlNtt nt a point map i;i flloil in tho Clt-rl.'n olliro of tho Mary M. Button, Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Two other areas under tho ban of changes rondo. Sea us before buying. In tho westerly lino of DoNormundio Avc* the back, both served by :i len'ai kitchen for ty-four nnd 50)100 feet to a point in tho C:!y, for the winter mouthy only, as Itrndley Hindi 111.030 Phono 330 Freehold, N. J. ning thonco In ft northerly direction nlutik* Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Whytc, Henry : tho family breakfast, anil for lint eiuilmly Hiio of lunda of now or formorly KnH'r>:eiK-.y Employment Relief proj- llrlello -.1.100 Hichnrd Allniroi thence (2) north twenty- tho. wont nldo of lot ho. -', oim hundred C. Wikoff and Mrs. Emma Wood. summer nights a table may he laid ! -i ;, Governor Moore and munici- Il.'nl _ _ 20,7110 and thrlty-Avo feet, to a point in tho. l : (Wo dcKroeo tifty-eiBht mlnutca west nlong nouthcaut corner of lot No. II."i; thonre on tile terrace. pal authorities of .Monmouth and KuUmlowii _ -.. 3,85 0 AHulro'ii coaterly lino forty fcot to a KnirlUUmvn. 1,100 westerly, nlorir Iho noiithcrly nido of lot Visitors from Ocean Grove arc ! The owner's luMrnom ii iliiT.-th.- Cape May eoimlic: petitioned the point; thptico (3) north nixty-two dejtreca No, 35, forty-six nnd four-lelHlirt feet to gested. Trim should be of wt 1 llfty Miitultcu enat ODO huiuheJ nnd thirty* Miss Emma G. White Bird, H. W. : over tilt living l-ouni, ;ind U; of ;;ooIealth to lift Fair llivtn * - 6,270 tho, pnuthwcutinly cocnci- of irnld lot No. wood, with tho same for the front Expert Repairing four, feet to a point Jn tlio wcRteily lino of 36; thenco nouilicrly uloiur tho eufitqrly Brown,' Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. | size. WhuLh; almo.;l a:; imporiiml, the bans against the gathering '"' Freehold boro ....! 14,'J0ii iJcNormandtQ Avenuo; thencu ' 1) oouth door, and the tip of the gablo over 1 Bldo of lot No. •(, one hundred und thlrty- Busch, Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Mrs. the room hat; two large closets. The s!idl!Uh in portions of the closed OB t wouty-six dcftrcea fifty inimitt • t alotur flvo feet to tho ^outlwantei'ly corner o( Marie Kinnison, Mrs. George D. the master's bedroom. A slate roof Inti-rUIcea 1 •1,400 tlio •\veltterly lino of IJeNormiu : Avenue two smaller lic.lrnomi: are likewise 10.72'. aald lot No. liico of Bc- north nlde of Newnirm Hprlima road: Love, Mrs. Elizabeth McLaughlin, il generously supplied with clo;-cl.:. A Koim.'itHirjj 10.500 WATCHES, CLOCKS clnninir. Mr. and Mrs. H. Metzger, Mrs. Hugh • Dr. McDonald announced that con- •1,350 thenca easterly nlonir tho north side of single hath .';erve;; all three. Little Silver | SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a Newman SprlnRn road, forty-six and four- M. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. tracts are about to be signed for in- l.oiifr I)much - 48,950 and JEWELRY The house may be built for ap- point In tho westerly lino of DcNormandlp tcntlin feet to tho. point or placo of bculn- Swain, Miss Rosetta Voorhis, Mr. stallation of .shellfish treatment MniKirJfiuim 8,800 Avenue, aald point beinir distant forty nlni(. proximately $7,000 in must localities, Miitfiwnn boro 5.500 and Mrs. J. V. Warnack and Mr. ;.lanls, with funds allotted by the Accuracy, skill and experi- , feet northerly from the nortlicanterly cor- HeiiiK tho aamo land nnd promlncn con- although much depends, upon ma- ,',tate House Commission, at.Tuckcr- Mojurtouili Ifonch - 4.7 36 ner of tnndo of John, Farley; thenco (1) voyed to Frank tiiinjjcuo by (icome Hnnro and.Mrs. Robert W. Watto N'cptuiio Cit>- : 4,810 ence enable us to do the ' Boiith. oixty-two dogrccd fifty rnlnutoa west, Pfttternon and wifo by docd dittcd April terial choice. ; ton and Absecon. Preparations arc Occiinitort - 4.805 ono hundred und thirty-four feet ta a Arrivals from Long Branch arc 20th, lfll!G. also in progress for similar installa- Rumnon 20.73."' most delicate repairing. We point, rmld point being tho northonst cor- Seized CH tho property of -William V. Mira Martha DeKa'y, Mr. and Mrs. tions at other points along the Now Kod Hunk 33,!t!IO guarantee satisfaction. Our nci- of lnnclo of Hlchard Alltilroi thoncQ (2) OIROEI, et al., taken in (pxoculjon lit tho Nathan Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. ScAliriKlit'.'. 4,235 Houth nixty-ono .dogreea twentsr-ono raln- suit of Thonina Ciml;, and to bo nold by BLUE COMET'S BIRTHDAY. Jersey coast and at Bivalve, Cumbcr- Sen (ilrt A 5,885 prices, will please vou. uteu west nlonff the northerly lino of Al- Kclley, Mrs. Jean H. Norris, Mrs. Monmouth County I land county, the largest oyster grow- Shiewalmry boro '. 4,345 laire's Inndu forty-two nnd twenty*B!X onc- ach 3,005 and Replated Like New four feot, more or lens, to a point) thencfl Worden. Tho "Blue Comot,"New Jersey Cen- of production, the department has set Wrst Long Uranch 6,160 j (4) north sixty-two dcErecQ fifty minutes Common Law Bradley Beach visitors arc Mr. tral railroad's crack New York-At- The New Jersey Guernsey brecd- 'up three control laboratories at eaat ono hundred and acventy-alx and thir- SHERIFF'S SALE. rs' association reports that the pure Tim road to better and bigger busi- ty-ilvo onc-hundrcdtliB feet to n point In End Mrs. Edward Goldsmith, Miss lantic City flyer, was five years old [Highlands, Monmouth county; Tuck- 'the westerly Huo of UeNormnndfo Avenue; J\y virtue of u wilt of 11. fn. to mo fll- II. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. William S. last Wednesday. Its engine carried ired Guernsey bull, Sunnyhrook I'l- |ton. Ocean county;.and Bivalve, Cum- ness leads through The Resistor's ad- • thenco (5) nuuth twenty.six deyrcea fifty rocted, lainicd out of tho Common Plain vertising columns.—-Advertisement. Court of tho County of Monmouth, Stfltn Guliclt, Mrs. A. P. Kirk, Katherinc five of the largest candles ever made, ra Prince 79!l7f>, bred by Charles D. jherlnnd countv. These laboratories, 36 Broad St., Red Bank niimitoa cast forty-thrco feet to tho point ifif iiUtce o! Bcgliinlnic- oT NPW Jcrtiny, will liii exjiom:d io Miln nt. and Jane Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. measuring llvo feet high. Ami its Cleveland of Eatontown, hau ,juat won ! under the jurisdiction of tho State I'eL 1831. I THIRD TRACTi BEGINNING nt a point public vctiiluc, on Theodore E. Sauer. passengers celebrated the event with national recognition. This bull, hav- I Department of Health, have enabled MONDAY, THE 12TH DAY OF MAKCH,' ing two daughters \yhieh have made in tho easterly line of DeNormandie Avenuo Other recent arrivals are William a birthday party in the train's diner. 'the department to certify the safe Biihl iioint being distant ono hundred feet IViii, creditable ellicial records, has been Land Tours S.S. JAncB liotween tho hours of Ii!:00 o'^lork and W. Landfield, Mrs. M. S. Ocker, Mrs. There was a birthday cake, of •quality of all shellfish produced in northerly from tho intorsoctlon of the course, and Steward Herring did the entered m' the Advanced Register of easterly aide of Do Normandle Ave- 5:00 o'clock (at.2:U0 o'clock) In tha'af- "•"T^r Quackenbush, Mr. and Mrs. the state. AJrways Crulsca nue with tho northerly cidn of the Redternoon of Hnid day, nt tho (Joint HoutiO honors. Steward Herring is experi- the American Guernsey Catile club, One Woman Lost "^WiWillial m N. Thompson and Mrs. A. Bank-Kumeon road, eniil point of bouin- in tho Horoutfh of Freeh old, bounty of enced in the fine art of cutting birth, and will be known hereafter a,; an nliiK beliuf alao tho northwest corner of Monmouth, New Jorsoy, to iinthfy a de- B, Thorne of Freehold and Mr. and 1 Advanced Register sire. Only Guern- I Flltli AT HOLMDEL. 20 Pounds of Fat lands of UardctH; thenco (1) in an enet- cree of Bald court umountiut: to iipiiroxi- Mrs. Oscar C. Bennett, Paul Habcr- day cakes. "At our ilrst birthday eys which meet high production re- Helen Lee Getty crly direction OIOIIB tho northerly lino of matcly 574^.00^ stick, I Irs. L. L. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. party," ho recalled, "I had to cut 120 lands of Oardelli and parallel with tho ALL that tract or parcel of land nnd riulremiint;! arc eligible for entry. The Damage At I.ulher Schcnck's Iloine H. H. Jacobus, Mrs. William H. Ja- portions for the passengers and save TltAVEL SERVICE Ked Bank-Humaon road, flfty-flvo feet to Premlnea, hereinafter particularly dc- two daughters which have complet- , Last Thursday Morning. Lost Her Prominent Hips a point in landa of now or formerly/Klylra H^rlbcd, Bituatc. lyinjr and bdm- in tho cobus, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kelly a bit for the crew at tho,end of the ed ollicia! records are Lily of Hillside IT. llarriBou; thonco (2) In a. northerly di- Borough of Ked Hank, in tho County oi and Mrs. John D. Voget of Belmar. run. But we managed it." I Soot in the chimney of Luther I'liono K-cd Banlt 1821. rection nlonir tho westerly lino of lands of Monmouth and Sttlta ot New Jcnscy. Orchards 238M6, producing 11,7(13.7 Double Chin, Sluggishness Schenck's house in the Pleasant Val- now or formerly Elvira II. Harrison nlxty- UECINNING at a point in thu northerly Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kennedy, Mr. And would you believe it," lio pounds of milk and 510.7 pomnbi of llvo feet to a point; thenco (8) woatorly lino of Monmouth Street, dlntnnt 2i) feel. ley section, near Holmdel, was. found and Mrs. W. F. Lcfferson, Miss Bes- added, "on each succeeding February fat in Class A, and Lady Dahlia of Coast to Coast parallel with tho flrnt course, fiftp-ftvo feet westerly from the westerly nido Ot .Went 21st, many passengers have asked, on lire last Thursday morning about Gained Physical Vigor— to n point in tho enfiterly side of Do Nor- Street; thonco westerly ulonjr tho norther- sie Morris, Misa Sara Morris and Win-o-Dee 198850, producing 8,(137.4 |i mnndle Avenue: thenco (4) iioutherly aloiiff ly lino of Monmouth Ktroct ;i0 fcot to laud Miss Sarah E. Taylor of Manasquain 'Is there going to be a. birthday par- pounds of milk and -ir>!l.s pntinil!) or [one o'clock. The Holmdel tile com- ||j Around the World A Shapely Figure tlio cRBtorly Bldo of Do Normandio Avenuo of F. F. Suppi tliencc northerly nloinr and Mrs. Mary E. Burtis, Mr. ani ty?' even before we had a chance fat in Class AAA. pany was called out siml after ttlxty-flvo feet to tho point or place of kiupp'n lino 75 fcot to other huid;i of eald Mrs. F. A. Harris, Joseph C. John- to announce It." ;' baUlin.^ with the blaze about an hour BeKinning. Hraach; thenco easterly along tho uniil Keized as tho property of HAZEL M. Srasrh lands 50 feet to the wontcrly lino ston and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Rogers The "Blue Comet," which, by the If you'ro fat—first rcraovo tho SMITH, et nl. taken In execution at tho of West ntrcet: thenco nouthorly nloncr tho of Allcntown. way, is colored blue and cream, cause. ' milt of TIED BANK BUILDING AND LOAN westerly lino of Wesit Street 15 fcot to tho ASSOCIATION, n corporation of the Stato lino of M. IJ, Hollywood'n lot; thenco went- Mr. and Mrs. George T. Bromley, made its Inaugural run on Fobruary Tako ono half tcaspoonful' of of New Jersey and to bo Bold by cr-ly nloriB tho Hollywood lot 20 feot; Mr. and Mrs. K J. Lisk and William 21st, 1929. It was the idea of officials KRUSCHEN SALTS In a glaea of HOWARD HEIGHT, Sheriff. thonco noutherly along tho Hollywood lot o£ the New Jersey Central who felt hot water every morning—In 3 weeks T)atcd February 1, 1034. Of) fcot to the point or placo of lleKlnnlnir.' Schoick of Matawan, Mr. and Mrs. Tho hint lino being through n rmrty brick Harvey Bronner, Mrs. Vadln Curtis that thero was a need for a deluxe jet on tho scales and note how many Howard S. Hlgijlnson, Sol'r. (87 I.) - 586.P4 wall erected jointly by Frank II. Braach and F. B, Stoney of Keyport and typo of train to operate nt reirular pounds of fat havo vanishod. and M. h. Hollywood. Miss Sara Bernatcin, Miss Sophia passenger fare on the New York Notlco also that you havo Rained Intended to bo tho wimo land nnd prem- Monmouth Couuly Sunogato'e Couit. lne« dcHcrlliod in n certain iiioitKayo dated Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Atlantic Cily run. In energy—your skin is clearer—you In Hho matter of Charles K.. Thompson, November 5th. 1032, by Frank H. Dranrh Daws of Kcansburg. The "Blue Comet's" record in- feel younger In body—KllUSCHEN who has been nbsont from tho etato et ni. to tho Red Hank Buildintr & Loan will glvo any fat person a Joyous Ana'n, ond vecorded In tho Monmouth Mrs. M. A. Carhart and Miss Edith cludes approximately 3,800 trips, car- more than seven years nnd Is prcBumed County Clcrlt'a Ofilco In Book 10U4, on M. Todd of Atlantic Highlands, Mr. rying over 500,000 passengers. It surprise. to bo dead. PnRo na. Get an 8!ic bottle of KRUSCHEN Order. Seized as tho property of Frank IT. and Mrs. Allen Hendrickson and makes the 136-mile trip in three Upon rcndlns: and filing tho petition of SALTS from any loading druggist flvasph, tnken in c.sccutlon nt tlio nult of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. -McKnight of hours Hat, which means it must RUHO H. Thomp.non, of the Iloroiuih of Rod William O'Uilcn. and to hi!' nold by Imlaystown, Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. De- reach a top speed of 76 miles per anywhoro in America (lasts 4 llanlt, County of Monmouth, and Stata of wccli3). If this (list bottle doesn't New Jersey, from all of .which it npnenrs HOWARD HEIGHT, Shcrlit. Camp of West Long Branch, Mrs. hour. It has a 97 percent onetime that Charlen K. Thoropnon lias been abpont Dated Febriinry Oth, 1934. Fred Schocn of West Allenhurst, Mr. record. convlnco you this Is tho easiest, saf- from tho Stato of Now Jersey nnd from Hurry Klutsky, Attorney. est and surest way to lose fat—your tho place of hia last known realdcnco for _ UP 1.) S20.R3 and Mrs. Austin Curtis arid Miss But the most important thing for money gladly returned. lioven yuaro. Ruth M. Curtis of Spring Lake, Mr. historians of Industry, is that here s It In on tnirt second dny of Februnry, NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE. nnd Mrs. Edward Mack of Seagirt, is one enterprise that started,in '2! 1934, ORDERED that a hearing bo hnd To Pay Garrijie Keeper's Lien. Mr. and Mrs. George T. VanHorn of and is still going strong. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. on uaid petition nnd flfudavlta boforo tho To GEORGE LANK. Humuon, owner of a SurroKuto c£ Monmouth County on tho 102(1 Chevrolet ncdtin, bciirini; tho neilal Port Monmouth and Mrs. Amy TO TUB CREDITORS OF RED BANK iiHcenth day of Mnrch, 1934, next, at ten Bowles of Portaupcck, Major and BREWERY CO., otherwise known an o'clock in, tho forenoon or an soon thorc- number 1H2210, model Intunintlonat, KED DANK BREWING CORPORATION: Mrs. Meglar of Occanport, Mr. and NINE YKAKS 01.IJ. .•ifter na counocl can bo heard nt tho OR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of nn or- Court HOUBO in tho BorouRh of Freehold, 1'urnuant to nn Act of tho I.CKbliitiiin Mrs. J. B. Woodcock of Middletown, dor mado In tho Court of Chancery of New for tho puipo'fio of Imvlntr Clinrleu K. of tho Btato of New Jerflry, entitled "An Mrs. Sadio Schenck of Neptune, Mr. I'arly Given Saturday For Helen Jersey on February 1U, 19IJ4, tho creditors Thonipaou declared nnd presumed to ho Act for tho better prutocllon of (Jnrano of Red Hank Brewery Co., othcrwlno known and Mrs. Andrew Robertson of Lo- Herry of Fair Haven. dead, nnd tetters of ad minlat ration |io Keepers and Automoliila Uupah' Men," ap- an Red Bank Brewing Corporation, nro re-cruntcd on lila entiita In .cronlanca with Plovcd April 14th. UUfi, iintt tin- Acts cust Point and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- \ - quired to proRcnt to the receiver of tho Helen Herry, daughter of Mis tho ttnluta Jn uuch case mudo find provid- nmendatory thereof (I*. L. I',)ir», Chapter ter C. White of Lock Arbour. said corporation nnd provo licfoio him ed. .T12; P. L. 1922, Chniitrr 231: V. L. 1U2-1, Helen Lunibcr:;on of Ki\;j;r!,ruad, Fail- l under oath or affirmation, or otherwise, nn It \n further ORDERED, that u i-opjr of Chnptor 201; I', h. lyar., Clmpiur :\n)f Henry Brockman of Ideal Beach, Haven, celebrated her ninth birth- tho aald receiver shall direct, to lih juitia- thl.i order bo publlnhed In Tho lt«d Bank imtlro in hereby (riven that tlio undcr- faotion, their several claims nnd demands Mrs. A. G. Black of East Kcansburg, day Saturday by entertaining a num- Honinter, n ncwopnper publiahod fn tho D>Kiiod, Harry Oulnn, will HOU on tlio ilrnt ngaliiyt tho paid corporation within thirty Uoroiifjh of Ked Hank, County of Mon-34, nt ton A. M., nt, nlier- Mrs. Harold A. Stelner. Harold A. ber of her friends at a party. Tin days of tho date of wild order or they may mouth. and Stato of New Jcnioy, at leant ilt nalo nt hia plueo of btinlucim, BO Wept Stelner, Jr., and Carol Steiner of decorations and favors were red am: bo excluded from the bencUla of nurh div- onco n week for n period of four weokn Front atreet. Rod Ilnuk. N. J., tliu HIUJVO iriendrt no may hurn.-iftor lm made «nd de- Deal, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ebe white, and a large Jack llorner pic smorcnnivply, once In each tveek next pre- mentioned automobile which wim dctiilncil rlarcil by tho Court of Chancery of Newceding tho return day and tlint tho firot by me. tho iinriondKticri. who claimed n of Como, Mr. and Mrn. P. V. Morris held a gift for each guest. Helen Jersey' out of tho procecda nnd cITccta of pul)lk'i\tloa bo In tho inauo of February lien thereon for repair nnd nervier. tho said corporation. of Brlelle and Mr. and Mrs. C. Stu- who recently returned home from 14, li'3'i, and that a copy of anld order ho HARRY UU1NN. art Vroomnn, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. the hospital, received many gifts. THEODORE D. PARSONS. Eaij., mailed to nil tho next of kin of nald "homnn Hncltett, Conntablo. Salmon and Miss Margie Salmon of Rceolver, Charlon K. Thompaon within ten, days from, Dated Februnry 19, 19:11. Among those present were L0I3 Ikd Bank, New Jersey. thfi dnte hereof. Avon. Dated Februnry 2, 1034. Davlson, Natalie Parker, Corlimc NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE. Heiincssey, Dorothy .Little, Betty JOSEPH k. DONAHAY, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To Pay GnrjiBo Keeper's Lien. Kolsrna, Jackie Huhiebo-S Evelyi MIDDLKTOWN'S IlL'SINKSS. TO CHARLES KDWAItD UOZA1C, jri.: To W. J. McCLKLLAN. 60 Wall Stroct. Bennett, Virginia Smith, Virginia riov/ York City, owner of l'.i^H four- By virtue of nn order of tho Cmirt of Shearer, Lillian Crozicr and Junior IN CHANCERY OF MEW JERSEY. door I'ackiird fuidnti, model Nn. :i32G81i Meet'-Jitf uf the Township Committee Chancery of New Jereoy, inudo on the day bearing tho ncilnl nnmhci1 Ult'/^Oli. Lamberson, all of Fair "Haven, am of tho date hertof, in a cuitnlli rluisu To KQI1EUT JOHN A. FRIES, find his Thursday Afternoon. liclrs, devincon nnd pornornil rcprenfintn- OH TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Gloria and Boris Applegato am' whorcln Eleanor Kilna Ko:nk la potltlonor, nnd you. Cliurlcn Kiiward Hozuk, Jr., nro llvnit, nnd MHS. RODIOItT JOHN A. Purtnmnt to mi Act oT tho Lci'itlutura The meeting: of the township com- Ruth Scott of Rumson. Prizes at dcfetidnnt, you nro roquh'Ml to npi>«ar nnd PRIES i or the Stale of New Jci-Hey, vntitlcd "An mittee of Middletown township gamey were won by I.oi.'i Davison //'/ idonil, nrmwer or U you as tlio Chanrel- LEONARDO IlUILDINd AN DLOAN AH- 1 tine matters and only a nmall num- gate. lor nhnll think ctitdlablo and jinit, HOCIAT10N, of I-eonardo, Now Jointly, la '<112\ V. h. 11)22, Cliaptflr 1!IU : I . I,. l!l'M ber of citizens wan present. A li- Tho object of uaid ouU In to olitnln a romplninant, nnd ROI1ERT JOHN A. Chntitar 201; p. I,, lit^r., <;iint>ler .13). ; : PRIKS and hla helrtr, dcvlseen niul pernonnl no I loo la hereby clven llmfc Iho under- c(;n;;e to - ell liquor to he consumed o'l deerco of dlvorco dlHFolvhu: tho rnarrlat'u between you and tho (mill petitioner. leinci'diitutlvta, and othern, nro defend* itliintMi. Hnrry Otilnn, will R«1| (.M tlm Jlrat <:n or off the pitmiiieu was granted CWA MEN I,AH) Oil". IUIIH, you lire rciiulrtnl to appear and nn«day of March, llMi-1, nt tvn A. M., i.t, rhcr- 1 Dated Jnatinry 20tli, Him. i 1 to I'elor tJ. lJingitore, whoi^e place of I I n-wcv Hie Hill of Bf»l«l '•oinplnlimnt on or MT BHIC (it hin ulnce or 1iuMiin:]n, m> Went Six Hundred Men l'ut Oil' the l'uj ' -1 QUINN, I'AKSONS ft DOltEMIJK, hnforo the .'lint xt, or Ilio I rout direct. Hod Unnl:. N. J,, tlm nhuyn t)Ui=Int'.'-.s I:; on the :',t:it.e highway, folirttoril of I'ntlllonrr. tziltl Dill will be taken us confcoricd nj,rutnit tiifiiitloneii niJltimolillc whlrli waa dr-tuiticd Jinir rUvcr.iidc drive. A distributor':! Ifcill IJISI Week. P. O. A.lilruns, lied Ilnnk. N. J. you. »y me. tho niitlorniL-ticd. who i-tnJmuil a, Hen thereon for rennfr nnd tict-vlro. llccnao was granted to Edward Demobilization of CWA employec.L Tlin nnlrl IMH In filed to foreclose a O'Flaherty of Hcaddcn'/i Corner. certain inortjjaKe iilvrn liy Robert John A. HAUHY QUiNN. in Monmouth county was stalled las Monmoutli County Surrogaln's Office. Prlea nnd Viola Ilclfin I'lien, h!s wife, to 'rhonmf'Hiicliett, Cotwtai.lw. Action wins deferred on an application week, when t;0l> men we •.' '-'M <>!T ii In tho matter of the Cdtnlo of Vv'lillnni A. I.v.um.Mh, Ilulhll,,;:. nrnl Iymn Acsoclntli.it, I'nted February li>, Ki.'M. for a coiiiiumptlou llceniio from Emll accordance with instructions ro- f dutfd tho flrnt dny of July. A. 1>. 1P20, on latitlx in tho TOWUBIIIU of MMrflotown, In •Solnick, who han a restaurant on the celved ul eouniy lie:l(li|u.ij,. ..- ,M i.ed ; Noiic.o to creditor*! to ['losorit clnlmn NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOH1LE. ' . I -I. .H < this County of Moiuiiotith ami Htnto of Hinto highway ii&ar Middletown vil- Bank. The mil™ lias been nolilied niailnnt estate. Mow Jerncy: To Pay Cnrtifo Keeper's Jjon, Piimiiniit to thn order of .Tnsciili h. Jo A. ANDKRKDNf Holimlcl, owner of . ,1.1 net* that the number jif CWA workers -.1 1 u>. •' Ami you. Robert John A. PIIOH, nntl Iiln nonnlmy, .Suritntato of thu. '.'ounty of holifl, devlBt'CH runl tiortiuntil it'prenoutn- J9^0 Ford CIIIII.C, in.Hk'l T, lioiuin^ must be reduced to 8.O8S and thin will Honmouth. tnitilo un tliu flnil. dny of. IVli- tivcn, aro in udo dcfondiuit bet-cut no you peiiiit numlirr lli'ItiTHU. a ii' i •• ' >r > •* %4,'ri:dit HrlollRll lo "Bill" llnldwlll. neccuiiltatc laying off about ifi-uiil owner It) h-a fJiikptu of v.M New Jersey Title (iiiaiantci; anil Trtiht. OU TO WHOM IT MAY (JONLTKN;- tomorrow. It in expected that week Imiiiii CICFSVI-UICMI In ititltl ruortfcnue: s Pui-Binint to nn Art of th L.-rlfjlu(uro Ill an urtlule In luiit Wedim.duy'.'s (Company, Milo e::ccttt'jr nf tho clitala of And jt)H. Mm. Uobcrt John A. IMei, 0 3y luy-offfi will follow ami that 011 or of tlm Hl.it« bt NtW Jcn-cy. entitle "An Irene of 'i'hi: KofjMcr rnlativi: to Ucd Willhim A. HI'IIILTIOII, ili'L'cntcil, mill.-i, Ii :ILC imulo ii ilcfi.'iidarit bt*rati»c of nny IUIW- about May 1 CWA work will cease. hereby KIVCM tc. Ilio tracliloui of raid iln. Art. for tlin bettur fmtr.-tl,,,, ,,f Urn^n Bank poiitiil employees! returning a rensod to exhibit Li Iho iiuljni-rllirr. mlc t-i- or other iij:ht you tmiy liftvn Iiy rciuion Kn«pftrs nnd Autoniobliu Hcpali' H,... " »,,! |\" 'I" • i' nf tlio tnt-t. of l.rlmr Ihc wlfo nf tlio ntiM l-ruvcd April Hth. IM.'i. »,id ih/ AM« loiit pocketbook to itn rightful owner oxc.'iitor na nfonaiiW. llirir iloliln mill-ilp- Robert John A. l'llea.' credit Wiis given lo Mull Carrier Ar- ninndj nnahiut tho unld uiiliito. under onili, jmoinliitl.ry tlu'n^f (|». i, 1:iir,. i-hnvU-v Huclnl Club Dance. . '«> '.i ci , <:.i, within nix niout!ktl fruni tho dato of tha Uitted Jiuttiory 2U, A. 1). Utli, "J-l !'• '" 1»2i!. Chnptcf 231 i 1'. I,. li'M. thur Hlnttoiy for tinning over the ar- •itiiroiolil orclor, or Ihcy will hi) forovcr IRVlNfJ W. TEF.pr.K, Uiiu.tor 201; I'. 1,. IV-U. Cluiplor illil. The iirtit annual danci; and ente/- Collrltor of CfMitpJHtnnnL tkle to Chiirleu lieek, mall iiupervlrior barred of Iliclr nrtlona Ihfrcfor lujalniit f iiollco In hcn-hy Mivrn ttint. thu undcr- 1 7 J0 Ihond mrcat, Newaik, N. 3. /it tho Kod 1'niik poHtolllct . Mr. tninment of tho Uptown Social ehilt the nalil nubunllicr. nUtncd. Many tji,l|in, will ,l(Jl| nn tjlo fi\.pi of Long lliniirli will ho held K.il ur Pntnl. Ficehol.l. N. J., February 1, 1031. Jlny of Mm.'li, iyj(4, at t*?n A. W., ,.i ,:(UT- BUiiU'ty him telephone The Register m Ktilu nt hln plrtco of bunlnr-fin, :iu Wept niltco tiint the credit does not liekmj? (lay night, March '.t, at (lie head- TUB NKW JKIl.'IKY 'riTI.K Mill A hmmfltlo ncwupapGr circulation 1-i-oiit Mrcet, MM Hank, N. j., the nl»ov« (lUAIIANTKi; TIUIKT COMI'AMY. !H him llllt to Ilia nmifidnte on the ((iiarterfi of tho Vet'/rnns of Koreiirn —Ihn kind Tho Rfifiiriter bna—in tho m«iitlon«il nuditnnbllu wlih'h wn*t clotnlnnd 8:\ Moiitnoniciy f't., Jrrpey (,'lly. K. J. IOI &1K IC 11 who fiiiii^. "HIM" Iinltlwln. II VCIUI Mr. V.'III-M lit that pln'-c. ' r-'i.mlt Km.v'l: only kind that count?) with thn nd- llt'ii't'hen.Sn ""' ' ' ' *--I«iitiL-il a iinor. No pn;roiumrj or other Ui- EaMwhi who found the pcHiket.bimk chairman. Music; will he pi nviiled hy Hov'i enn mul:e cMtru poc.Uet money (d 'cmcntij huvo ovc** boon'offeretJ to „, ,, , HAttiJV QU1NM, ilejtirtjitrd In a mall box on his j-oulc. i--iunlaiic.i:hi'& 01 chert'. 1.1, sellirii; Tlio Hejjiutcr—AOvci'tlcu'uicnt is uru clrculaUon. ihnmns ifjirieft t*(ji RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. Paj»e Thi-aa immense trees, that Bolivar apent his last days. What could have been his Pleasure Boating thoughts &a ho rested In the patio looking out over tho lovely garden Enters a New Era and up to tho bluo Andes? Tho Re- publics had turned against him after Until 1929 pleasure boating and 21 Broad Street, ' Red Bank, N. J. The Following Article is the Last ho hud liberated them from Spain. yachting was practically confined to Ilia dream of a United States of those with a better than average in- .Connoisseurs of Really Fine Wines and Liquoir of a Most Interesting Series of South America was shattered, never come. Telephone Red Bank 2. Artikes From Her Pen on Ci- The big era ah hftu changed all that to be realized, lie \va3 old, broken and has placed yachting within tlie: Luncheon Serving Sis Porls. end dying ut 47. You feel his per- roach of thousands vfho previously Slctnbcrs New York Stock Exchange sonality as you gaze at his memen- could not afford It, First of all, The Menu Just at ounset we approached San- tos and testimonials and you begin Tomnte Juir? Coctnll ta Marts, Colombia. Standing up to realize why Kolivar's statuea are thousands of yachts were sacrificed Celery Seed W.nfV™ Associate Members New York Curb Exchange forward we could ueo the cathedral in all the parks of South America. and in sonic lnstancc-H, given away. hicken Loaf KtulFei! Eiju Secondly: pleasure boat ideas have Creamed New I'oustoes and the white houses of tho city, but Bolivar was and etlll is the idol of changed so that today .'serviceability Orange Mulliiis ' Mutter STOCKS Btid BONDS dominating all else wero the stupen- the Latin Republics. Spiced Pf>:c!i*s dous Andea. Their summits wero That afternoon, twelve of uo piled and not elaborateney.s, is foremost Rimplierry Sherbet Accounts Curried on Conservative Margin completely shrouded'In clouds which in the mindu of those who enjoy SponKO Cakes into the largest Lincoln we had ever cruising. Today pleasure boat man- Salted Nuts Coflea 38-B Monmouth Street, kept shifting and giving no glimpses seen and went to tho beach for a ufacturers are offering greater values .CHESTER L. EIJIE, Manager of yet higher peaks in tho distance. swim. We caused not a little amuse- than ever before because much elab- Chicken Loaf, Serving 6 RED BANK, N. J. The Hhadca of green and bluo on tho ment as we rode through the streets orate construction, except that neces- 2 cupa diced 1 biblcspoon -mountains wero gorgeous, while at of. Santa Marta in our bathing Eulto. cooked their base a few white villages could sarv for-service and comfort, has j-rotMi pepper Continuing Our Get-Acquainteel Sale ! Somehow, we knew It was Just "not been eliminated. chick. 1- tablespoon be yeen. done" in Santa Marta! A few white 2/3 cu; oft .•hopped Liglita soon appeared to remind un 'cows were the only sign of life that Small, plain cruisers instead of Main Office: 9 Clinton Street, Newark that thofie tiny hutn were human jwe found at the beach. They stared large, elaborate yachts, are the order '.i. tcasp. SPECIALS! at U3 disapprovingly and sent a few of tho day and prominent among the 2 tablespoons Tmely • li tipped other brunch ofJlccs: habitations. It, grew darlcer and, chopped onion MARBO darker as we entered the harbor, tho moos in our direction, but tho water builder^ of the smaller popular priced pimientos ',!• teaspoon salt OLD DUTCH WINES was perfect. What cared we for the craft is the Kleharclpon Boat com- A blind o[ old whis- Allcnliursf Trenton East Orange mountaln.1 changed from green and Over 4 years old. bluo to black, tho clouds became in- cows! '' pany of North Tonawahda, New chopped - Idtjs, ngod in wooil. tietney City Neiv ftrunswlcls O^ our return to tho ship, the ba-York, pioneers of uUudurdizeU crulo- celery. butte melted l'int Boltlo toncely white, . star after otar ap- Pour into bulr Elizabeth peared and ahono with vlvd intens- nana trains wero arriving. The car-ern. Mix ingredientsg . ity, while the lights of Santa Marta riers (endless belts which carry the Tho Richardson production is con-terod loaf pan. Bake 35 minutes in moderately slow oven. Let stand five CRAB ORCHARD twinltletl their welcome nnd mingled stems from the dock to the olilp) fined to 2V, 28, and 32' length cruis- y unmold cart their reflection with that of the stars were running and the hall was ers with thirteen interior arrange- minutes in hot placel , stuffedld eggs, Straight Whit,li(;y in the placid watern of the bay. swarming with Jamaicans. The next ments to meet the fancies and the fully. Surround wM.h Quilrt We opent the evening watching the hours was just bananas and more ba- purses of the beginner as well as the garnii'h with parsley, - - -2.39 scrtorltaa of Santa Marta dancing on nanas! When it grew dark, tho flood enthusiastic yachtsman, Stuffed Eggs our Hag-draped deck with the wlilto . lights were turned on and the work Most popular among yachtsmen ia Tint J 22 continued with many of tho natives tho 24' Kichardson Little Giant, a 8 hzrd cooked .; tcfir.poon uniformed customB ofllclals and In! salt duiihlng first forward and then aft to ' singing at their tasks. Banana trains cruiser introduced by Richardson last 1 /:• cup salad COLONIAL CLUB tooted madly and the electric winch- year to meet the competition of the (Irctisini: j te.ispoon nee the unloadlng.,of forty freight U tablespoons Straight Wlil»l«:.v Laird's Apple Jack cars. First, tho trucks were swung , es turned endlessly, but there was $1,000-$1J500 used boat, then flooding piirak-y Bomethlng thrilling about watching the cruiser market. When introduced, chopped • pickles Halt Pint _ f=»(f|i_ over tho side, then their sides, j Cut eggs in halves. Remove and (Juart chassia and roofs! Colombian Bteve- jthe wheels of a great industry go Little Giant was a 22' cruise r anamdl round. At 12:00 A. M. the last of our Xi *™Vi !1 I mash yolks, add dressing and sea- dores wore aa nonchalant as steve- pneed at $1,200. lh. year this enns-j * blended, roughly dores tho world over. We momen- 45,000 bunches of bananas were safe- a fioni b and when l'int ly stowed; the carriers were rolled er has been increased to 21' in length refiU wnite cascSi chill and NEW YORKER GIN 1.25 tarily expected to sec them squashed and to 51.3-15 in price making it still flat, for they stood In ffrqups under back, the tired workers went ashore, an exceptional value. There ia noth- Triple Distilled • $$ n ( the hatch covers wero in place. Engineer says the trucks as they were lowered onto . ing fancy in the make up of Little Orange Muffins the pier. Their faith In steel cables, | From the bridge Captain Spear is- Giant. This cruiser lias a toilet room JOHN WALKER Never Change From however, was far greater than ours! sued commands. The chief ofllcer beneath the forward dock, a deck „ (Using Candied Peel) (11ED LABEL) Next morning we were awakened , was in the bow, the siren blew, our house cabin with pilot seat, locker, 4 Spoons'" j /:; CHP choppej SWEEPSTAKES 'blue coal' again . . hawsers were cast off. Slowly, the camlu'd peel Impnrt^d Scotch S « ' by strange guttural comands and the nest of shelves, two berths and gal-1 2 :bakimi ; powder 1 cm; rattle of anchor chains. We lowered Calamares swung around, heading ley and sink. Aft of this deck house- / tcjiHpoon milt ] nip milk .EAN heat...steady licnt...liealili- North out into the velvety night. We i tablespoo -JisJ Bottlo 1 the shutters and to our astonishment Is .a cockpit large enough to com- tablespoons lilHtcr, melted G[ill heat...nnil lower fuel bills. found the bow of the "SS Costa Ei- were under way for Jamaica of the tollable scat llvo or six people. ""Mat's what you get when you hur" blue mountains and bush vegetation. Mix ingredients and beat 1 min- BON HEUR for $6 '. je coal'. And tho best proof of ' of tho Colon line not ten feet After that, a day would be spent run- For those interested in lishlnf,', ute. Half fill small greased muflln it In that home owners who try ollie.r from tho side of the "Calamarea." ning along the coast of Cuba and so Richardson has a short cabin ar- pans and bake 10 minutes in mod- TURE CALIFORNIA WINKS. i fuels, almost always switch to this We grinned at the Costa Eica's chief rangement on the 24.' Ijitile Giant erate oven. With sharp knife make ofllcer and he gave us, what we trust, on up the coast until, on the morning j))u || T)l Is cabin is llttntl with toilet high grade, tradc-murkod hard coal. was a courteous greeting in Dutch. of the fifth day out from Jamaica, ' room and scats and i^ lacking in small cuts in the sides and insert Snug Harbor Tho case of Mr. Harold I,. Drew, The Costa Rica's anchors were we would see AtJnntlc City, then As- sleeping and cooliiiiK accommoda- butter. Serve at once. Dixie Belle Blended in Engineer of Kochrslcr, 'N. Y., ia down and a hawser aft wa3 made bury Par):. Sea Bright and the High- tions. The price is SlOOlpra Ihnn Gin typical. Ho writes as follow: fast to the dock astern of us. Slowly lands, and we would bo home once the regular Little Giant cabin cruis- Left-over cooked or canned lisVi Whiskey v the Costa Rica's winches turned, her more with memories of tropic dawns er. "Last year I tried another nnllirn- l> > \ 'i and aunsets, palm fringed beaches added to a gelatin mixture which has | cilc supposed to be 'just as Rood'hut O {,'<•-;•'„- -'• ,,#., 1 D stern was pulled around and she lay Many seeking larger accommoda- been highly seasoned, when con- Harold I Drcu. Ho- — This model has three interior ar- more than tho 'just as good* brands nt lowest fuel cos!, piny safe. Stick to hanging half way -out our windows, MANY AT CARD PABTY. rangements. The Commuter model and 1 know wo saved many dollars 'itluo coul*—mined by Glen Aldcn, quite oblivious of our pajamas. We is priced at $1,895; U\c deck house by burning 'blue cool'." larROht producers of"liigh quality gave a cheer, and a very slncero one, Kvcnt At St. Jnmes'B Auditorium cabin model at $1,995 and tho trunk Pennsylvania hard coal. Phone your for tho good Dutch captain who Largely Attended, cabin Deluxe model at 52,595. Don't get tho idea thnt 'blue coal' could do such stunta with his ship. is eomo new fanglcd fuel. It is the order tomorrow morning. The regular weekly card party of Richardson's (lnest are the Cruise- name fine D. L. & W. Seranton and The name, address anil phone num- Wo spent tho morning exploring St. James's Parent-Teacher associa- abouts—32' long, 9' 6" beam and with Wilkcs-Bnrro anthraeito that has been ber of your nearest 'Iduc coal' dealer San Pedro Alajandrlna, the home of tion was held Thursday in the school a draft of 2!i'. There are four models recognized ns tho ideal homo fuel for its Hated in the "Wherc-To-Buy-It" Simon Bolivar, the Gcorgo Washing- auditorium. Mrs. Thomaa Little was all of which may be built with open generations. And now, so ttiot you (suction of your classified telephone ton of South America. It was there in charge. Refreshments were served or enclosed cockpits and each is ex- can always recognize it as tho bebt, book under tbc words 'blue coal*. la that quaint white house, shaded by by the students of the high school. ceptionally low priced to bring it Prizes were awarded the winners. within reach of the'person of average Those present wero Mrs. Matthew income. Cruisabouts arc priced as Power, Mrs. James Larkin, Mrs. low as $3,385 and have a maximum Ernest Woolsey, Mrs. Ruth Kaney, price slightly in excess of $1,000. EXTRA STANDARD Mrs. Jacob Bloom, Mra. Allan Frost, Those interested ln yachting should Mrs. John Spillane, Mrs. Thomas drop in at the showroom of Bruns- Mead, Mrs. Henry Gramann, Mr; Kimball & Co., 5th ave. and 15th st., O Edward O'Flaherty, Miss Virginia New York, and see the various ar- Laurino, Mrs. Herbert Edwards, Mrs. rangements of the Richardson Little Philip Moore, Mrs. James Anderson, Giant, Richardson Jrs. and the Rich- l^lf Mrs. Charles Giblln, Miss Bertha ardson Cruisabouts. Bruns-Kimball Power, Mrs. Fred Opper, Mra. John now havo on display a Richardson Hohrey, Mrs. George Conrad, Mrs. Little Giant, two Richardson, Jra. at remarkable savings George Harm, Mrs. Carrie Wilson, and four Richardson Cruisabouts. In rlcfs effective March 1st thru 7lb Mrs. irving Davidson, Mrs. James addition to these there are hundreds Shannon, Mrs. C. A. Thompson, Mrs. of boats of all sizes: outboards, sail Frank Marcltstein, Miss Margaret boats, canoes, skiffs, runabouts and Tobin, Miss Helen Lang, Miss Helen cruisers up to 00" in length on dis- Bennett, Mrs. Mary Massey, Miss play. Visitors are welcome to inspect Maltha Healy, Mrs. George Grause, them at their leisure and without ob- Mrs. Catherine McCarthy, Mrs. Wil-ligation of any kind. The showroom liam Lake, Mrs'. William Cogan, Mrs. is open each day from nine in the William Maloney, Mrs. Theodore morning until six in the evening and „ WHITE OR Koch, Miss Eleanor Koch, Mrs. Otto ' the display represents the largest GOLDEN BANTAM Herden, Airs, lulizabcth Malone, Mrs. permanent display of boats, engines Martin Mead, Mrs. J. T. Wilson, and accessories in the world. Mrs. .hairy lucCormick, Mrs. John 1J. Mulvihill, iurs. Arnold Soden, Mrs. G. COLD WEATHER AND BUGS. A. Howgill, Mrs, Thomas Hackett, GBEEN CIRCtE DKAND , 0REEN CIRCLE BKAND Mrs. Vmiiam Turnier, Mrs. Josepn iTho rrescnt Winter Should Kill Bray, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Miss Some of Them Off. Helen item', Miss Mary O'Brien, Mrs. [ Qt. Jar Charles Hmfman, Mi's. Patrick Col-' Tho rnllBon WR. Imv0 "° mlinSr y'»• ter, Mrs. W. T. Woodward, Mrs. Ken-sects ia that we dont have old fash- CUT cans 10»/2 oz. neth Jeffrey, Mrs. Lewis Hendricks, ioned winters any more." How many leasts 2, 25® bot. Mrs. Harry", Mitchell, Mrs. A. J. Pat- times havo we in Monmouth county heard this, statement during tho last terson, Mra. Patrick Kennedy, Miss few years? Some of the weather we Marie Cassell, Miss Eleanor Uarvey, have experienced in Monmouth coun- THE IDEAL SHORTENING Mrj.John E. Day, Mro. William J. ty during recent weeks has even Ryan, Mrs. E. J. Coyne, Miss Eliza- quieted a few of thoso people who DUY AT THE ESSO 5IGN beth . Murphy, Mrs. William Jeffrey, still remember the blizzard of '88, Thla sli\n Identifies 30,000 Esso Mrs. Patrick McCarron, Mrs. P. J. and tho question naturally arises aa Stations and Dcators from Mafno Mulvihill, Mrs. W. H. Poster, Mrs. to what effect thia weather will have to Louisiana vho represent thescr- John Ryan, Mrs. Williafn Decker, vlco and proilucts of the world'a on our in-sect population. g oil organization. THE WHEAT CEREAL Mrs. John Metz, Mrs. Walter Layton, Japanese- beetles are probably the MTs. John Gaul, Misis'K&thryn John- first topic'of'conversation among the ston, Mrs. David Leroy, Miss Ann group that is discussing this problem. Little, Mrs. Jerome Bloyan, Mrs. Many of us arb wondering just wha; When fledglings fired with ambition, Thomas Kelsey, Mrs. Joseph Laur- will happen to the Japanese beetles ino, Miss Patricia Hughes, Mrs. Mar-during this wintry weather. Dr. T. LIGHT MEAT tin Kearney, and Mrs. David Noonan. J. Hcadlce, the stato entomologist, Hurl loud defies at competition; ish tells us thnt probably tho Japanese PEACH GROWERS FEARFUL. beetle will be able to resist the cold The owl makes this wise observation:- quite well and that we can looh for- Damage Bolicved to llavo ward next summer to their usual Boon Done to Fruit Crop. visit. While front lias gone down in- ''First—better get a reputation!" Virtually a total loss of tho entlro to the soil deep enough to reach the if Fill poach crop In tho southern part ot average hibernal ing depth of tho New Jersey ia looked for by the lead- Japanese hen tie grubs, the fact re- ing orchardist3 in of tho mains that in Japan, which ia their over 50 years the company producing Essolene ha9 state na a consequence of the abnor- native habitat, they often experience mally cold February weather. That weather fully as .severe as this. -No been the oil industry's acknowledged leader. Fully aware thin ia not a supposition but ia re- doubt some of them will be killed off garded aa a certainty by tho peach but wo feel it i.-; a little too much to growers is shown by tho fact thut hope for complete elimination of this of its responsibility in maintaining its leadership, it stands they havo cancelled all orders for pest. uiitayliii; material and fertilizer. The Some oT uiir Iihsuda, particularly squarely behind Essolcne'a guarantee of smoother perform- peach crop Is gone, they feel euro, thoBQ which have bothered vegetables and they belicvo It would be foolish during recent year-; arc now North of ance. It makes no claims! It simply asks you to try Essolene to throw good money after bad by their normal latitude. Mexican bean WASHES AND BLEACHES .spending anything on thia ycar'G beetles, Harlequin bug^, egg plant peach crop. bugs and pickle worm;, are not nor- and judge its merits by your own experience. |§! MIRROLIKE Tho fruit crop news from South mally na far North as New Jersey. Jerncy has caused much concern Tho entomologists feel that somo of among fruit farmcra in this part of theiio will probably be greatly re- Essolube Motor Oil in the cmnkcase gives & WILL OUTWEAR TWO Monmouth county. A Register re- duced by tho severe cold. At least wo Essolene a chance to do its very best. ® ORDINARY BROOMS porter who Interviewed siomo of tho hopo so. I leading peach orchnidlsta found that Most of our Important apple insects they were uncertain an to how great thrive very well in colder climates wnu the extent of tho damage caused than oui'3. Apple maggot, one of tho At REGULAR GASOliM.i by tho cold weather but that they insects which has bothered our fruit wero unanimous Jn ntatlng that it to a considerable extent during re- would bo very heavy. However, cent yean; la a ncrious jieat In the most of them thought that the loss noithcrn New England :,tntc3. 7 would not bo no great aa in tho In fact, one of Hni im-nH which ox- southern part of the otato bccitusio pcrkuicea con.'jideruhlo trouble with the peach buds were not so far ad- apple maggot frequently h;i;i thirty or vanced /in in ftouth Jersey when the ruoi'o cuTK-rcutlvo daya during winter cold wave took place. It in generally wlifiii the temperature in below znro. .-.# Monmoutb County Stirrogato'o Offn-p niiH lliernfor ftRninnt tho until mitipciilicr, I nmry. 1984, on tlio nnplfruflon o feared hereabouts by orchurcltats that Codling Moth ahso thrive;, in colder In ^tho itmttcr of tho enluto of Annin I'. 1 Kited Frnoliol.1. N. -I.. I-Vl.runry :i, Ilt:i4 H. I.conar.1, nnl« ^QcxitTYxottL JOHN Jl. HUUiK, JJii.-iim A. Ilurdito, decpftflcd. u ^ tho npplo crop ha.'i been greatly in- I'llmutc:. to that we can look for little frey, Mectniucil. tl s I i V;."> Itlveriililc Dilvc. No ill: lil> jured. They Bay that the unusual Notice to creditors* to [necent dutum Kscrul. help from our cold weal her this year Porirormance to oxhibit lo tho BubHcrllor. nol« (" .weather conditions which prevailed l Oiilnn. rnrxiMiH & nnrrraus, H5 fiforapnlil, their debts nnd do In getting rid of these insects. PurBunnt lo tliu oi; mlc'i Offico likely to bts giciitly affected by tho B. llulse, GXfioutiir of tlm i!Htat(! of Aiuik 011 naalnn er. oold wi'.'ithttr. Some of thoso which 1*. Krey, tly nlv^n lii nimtor of tln> ti.lii t of Jjni'fin A. SSbilb ' ' t Freehold. N. J., February 1, 1034. ov in burrows un- STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF N E W .1 E R S E V • nlil, tli.jli ilnhtn nnil ilotiiiniilii mmlii'l III'.- • '"I"""'! ITIIIIU. , N; J. nvt;r *;vv. i y fili'iJcL iii town it ml (svt'iy 'derumttii tho :uirfnoc , It!.'. from Ihn ilnlo ii f Iho iifmoiilil imli'i, "i i I'nmiluiy, ;;m , ,irii!,, „!' I Im riiumv Msnmuititli, rnrulo on the flint «luy ot. ielj- fioctor. thoioup'hf;'.l•es,—• AUvertlyeinciU, RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. Page Four aiata of Mrs. Eltobcth Eetolle, ad- receipts from the property owners who received enow To feing Fire Police To visor, and Mlsces Violet Ands.ri.on, removal service would not ba applied to the credit of fceona and Margaret Bennett, Oulda tho otreet department. It might even bo that the street Fed By Friends Blane, Elaine) Brewer,. Mttrjorle ESTABLISHED 1878 BK JOHN II. COOK. department would show a deficit at the end of tho year. Erleisiwn, Florence p.nd Pearl Qood- rense Becauso of tho many snow storms At the regular monthly meeting of But what of that? It would not be a real deilcit because n<1 rld(je, Zoo Hurley, Evelyn Mntttou, GBQBGE O. HANOE, Editor. the work would bo paid for by the property owners In Birine"3 Men's Organizations » blizzards tiilu winter which hnve John C. Anderson Speaker al tho Mlddletown township flro police Pear! Ralph nnd Albert Whltlnc. Meetin of held In tho flrehouso of Belford ii'KEDEBIC S. HAYES, Managing- Editor. question and not by tho taxpayers. Throughout the Country This ^ '^Jjf'"Ltmuout- "ovc'l'd ' S 'ihe^County Won- The league Is planning a bunco g __ i engine company laat Friday One thing about sidewalk snow removal which Wnelr F.vFirnsninc Tlifiir Views ,-IIV. ,,nnw mnnv Imndred.-i of birds en's Dcnp'Deroocratic Club SatufV'* ovenlng. It wag ue-ctdecl thnt In tho party to bo held March lti at Union TIIOBIAS IRVING BROWN, seems worthy of comment Is that sidewalks in the weft Week Expressing Their Views with snow, many hundreds of birds IIOBO company llrohousa under) the Ul- day at Matawan. future, all members of the ilre police rccUon of Miss Elalno Broww. Publisher and Business Manager. side of the town are as a whole much better looked af- on This Important, Subject. |>»>« pcri.*od from hunger and from would v/fiftr whlta arm-bandg while ter than elsewhere. There Is much less wealth and a I freezing. Last week members of the In spite of tho ley roado, 100 inetn- on duty at fires. In tho pant It has tt pays to advarUao fa Tho Roglnter. THK BED BANK REGISTER much larger number of foreigners and colored folks In Business men's organizations Long Branch Girl Scouts found UiO ber.s of the Women';] Democratic club been difficult for motorists to roc- throughout the country will begin bodies of' birds on Holds and lawns, of Monmouth county met at tlio ogtiizo members of the forco at night la a member of tiie west side than in the rest of the town, yet the people ting this woek in a national refer- i lng dropped exhausted while In there proved better citizens by showing more considera- omlum designed to develop a sug- nightmv , stained pr frozen to death. As American Legion hall at Matawan whtlo thay'aro directing trafflo and THE ASSOCIATED TOESS did t dl rn-nit alld rhinterf a of dtthoh Gh'A l Saturday and heard John C. Ander- ] distinguish them from other tion for the rights of pedestrians than many of (heir gested policy on national defense for a - ' ' ~' ' n so t0 The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the the United States. They will ballot c; :„:'",„ ml dtauleJ or°au"ed over «'»• Keyport lawyer, ,Ilieu, the sue- members of tho fire department. » It more fortunate townspeople. ces.s of the New Deal and tho rq- thought that arm banda simitar use for republlcatlon of all news dispatches to it or not us members of the Chamber of Com- • the week-end and arc mulling cnortti wna A large portion of the sidewalks covered with snow stored confidence of the, American t0 those used by military police dur- otherwise credited in tlila paper and also the local news ; merce of the United States on a re- to feed thousands of birds which are those In front of vacant lots and unoccupied houyt* port of a special committee of tho ,people. "Thero in, however, a nocea- lll(J (_j1Q waVi would overcome this dlf- Ia the cauHO of most foot published therein. otherwise will not survive tho win- iBlty to combat that undercurrent of u ity. and owned by porsons who could well afford to hire men Chamber which has given many ter. cll trouble nnd weak feet can to shovel the snow away. Thest? wealthy landuv.nei:: month;) of study to tho subject. ! selfish oppositioippositlonn ttoo tntlioo . presenpresentt au-ad-1 A commlUea waa appolnte(, to take seriously affect your health, Subscription l'rlecs: ' In older to cooperate, feed stores liilulntrntlon," f'lilil Mr. Anderson. should not be permitted to neglect proper care of side The referendum system of the Na- in Red Bank and other towns have tho matter of compensation for 51.00 tional Chamber for more than twen- "Tho.'io are the particular Inillvidlliiln ' One year .... walks. Since they lack enough public spirit to do the uilido up special mixtures of inex- who think nioro of reviving tlio HreV pollco at tho noxt regular flro Six months - - 1.00 right thinp the unemployed should lie put nt work 3 ™a™' this. Last year waa a very unprofitable one for the the formed a volunteer fire company under circumstances gency. I many thousands of game birds have "^ "nan""'' auangementa aro which show that it is rich in civic pride and In the old- truck farmers hereabouts because of glutted market The United States should make ' been frozen in tho ice. that formed ' in charge of Mrs. Leona Hauselt of fashioned sturdy American pioneer spirit. As soon as conditions and the coming season may be even worse the weather permits the members of the company. 35 in this respect if South Jersey farmers turn their hands In number, will without charge for their services, build to truck crop production to a greater extent than they ft two-story flrehouse on property which has been do- have done in the past. nated as a Bite for tho building by Thomas P. Brennan, Tho national government ha3 taken action along var- pro- g: i return from Florida. ied lines to raise crop prices, but this has proved more army solid, they have become so weakeneu chairman of the township committee of Rarltan town- equipment. I from hunger that they fall aa easy ehip. beneficial to the agriculturists of the West than to those /The United States should have sys- ^ tho rcientiDsa weather. Onc North Centerville, like many other small villages, has of this section. The remark i3 often made that low nlnS0!0 Triad Club Dance mSerial^andrormduS^ a trM mob.?.mob.?.- «^> «» Atlanta City has been cart- no place at present for public meetings and sociables. prices are due to overproduction, but this does not seem zation, with amendment of the Na- iaS truckloads of garbage from its In other words, it ha3 no community capltol. Tho now a reasonable explanation when consideration ia taken tlonal Defense Act to permit educa- kitchens to an Isolated point in buck Held At Shrewsbury firehouse, in addition to serving as a storage place for of the fact that many families are in want and on the tlonal orders for equipment, muni- j of the city near a watering place, v Not infrequently we are informed by the apparatus which the firemen recently bought, will be verge of starvation. Under consumption or bad distri- tions and accessories. Each morning the truck drivers rere- Over one hundred guests attended s of agreements 1)Ort that tho lu, loada dumpc_—,._-. - the dance hold by tho Triad club of Hie family that the manner in which we " used for community recreational and eoclal purposes. bution la a much more likely theory for the cause of low- Wlthiij the terms of agreements 1)Ort that tho lu, loada dumpc.d r t8 pletely , lied Uank nt Shrewsbury Farms at In by-gone times land was frequently donated for school crop prices than overproduction. S ?SSuS i sysy"-- ".»• ^ darbeforr o have complct'Ll handled every detail of the service was, &n|terau?S vanishe I., wild Shrewsbury Saturday night. Tho ar- houses and tho bullding3 were erected by cltlzona who The law of supply and demand Is generally regarded tematic program of building and with thousands of to the family, a source of lasting pride maintaininitii g aiir cerviceeicess in thoe army ducks and geese clammering for food rangements were in charge of MISB contributed their services. Something like a "throw- as the chief price regulator, but artificial conditions of- and in the navy adequate to attain enough to live. Marjorle VVorthley, who was assist- and satisfaction. s back" to these good old day3 is taking place at North ten keep this law from operating freely. These condi- the objectives of tho national defense ed by Mrs. Virginia Rathsmith, Mlsa Naturally, this knowledge is highly . Centerville. tions militate against tho farmer and in favor of the laws. Fair Haven, N. .1., Gladys Forrar anil Miss Helen Van- gratifying to us, as well, particularly The munificent gift from Mr. Brennan and tho con- big utilities corporations. The price of electricity, wa- The Chamber of Commerce of Red Feb. 22/31. Dorn. since we know that the extra VALUE tribution of labor by tho firemen are noteworthy in an ter, gas and many other things are arbitrarily fixed by Bank, as a member of the National Mr. Thos. Irving Brown, Entertainment was furnished by age when It Is often claimed that selfishness dominates government fiat at figures which guarantee a profit to Chamber, lias received a copy of the ged Bank Register, Miss Roberta McKuight, who did a of Worden service does not entail any human conduct and chlselero are rampant. Horo at tho concerns which sell them. The law of supply and report of the National committee, to- ma Bank' N- J- tap dance; Ealph Abbot, who fur- extra cost. « least 1B one example of unselfish, public-spirited action. demand has nothing to do with the Bale of these things. pether with arguments in the nega- Dear Sur:— nished his own special dance; Wil- North Centervlllo in not large nor Important measured If it did prices would be much lower than at present, for tiv'c. This referendum will be pie- I am wrltln yew the below In the liam Bryant, who gave a light-weight nature has produced these commodities on such a lavish sentcd at the next directors' meeting Intrest of vpracity and trooth. tap dance and Harry Ticehurst, who to terms of tho earth earthy, but it has provided an ex- y gave an arrangement of popular - ALBERT W. WORDEN.DIRECTOa ample worthy of comment which shows how this old scale aa to provide plenty not only for the'present gen- of the Red Bank chamber for action. gt^" SEVERE "S^OW^ STORM eration but for many succeeding ones. HITS THIS SECTION, that the wind piano selections. Music for dancing PHONE 557 world could be made safer and happier by neighborly developed Into a howlin NorEaster. was furnished by George Washing- COE.FRONTST. -RED DANK.N.J. It would be fine for tho farmers if the prices of the co-operative action. More of this same kind of spirit Now yew aro right about the de- ton's orchestra from the Shrewsbury ****** would have a greater effect In ending tho depression crops they sell wore also llxed so as to insure profits. velopln, and I alnt jjainaayln tho howlin, but when you say it wuz a Farms. than many other things which havo proved very much But that ia not done nor is it likely to bn done unless NorEaster, yew are as wrong as tho Those attending woro Mr. and Mrs. more expensive. the farmors take concerted action at the polls to bring Editorial Views houndawg that bit tho melianlltlo James Turnock, Mis3 Helen Maascy, it about. The corporations miss no tricks in getting rabbut. Frank Warner, Miss Madeline Gil- -O-O-O-O- 0 -G — prices llxed at profitable levela, but the farmers contin- Now In caze yew air sayin that all bert, Irving EyleK, Miss 1 ue tO'divide their votes between the {wo parties without I know about it wuz threw loolrin out puske, .Tame, ) Gould, Mlsa Dorothy MEMBER. THE ORDER HIE OOIDEM RUIS The Boy Scout Circus . regard to their own Interests. From every logical stand- point they are more entitled to tho benefits of price fix- as an Annual Event. Ing than corporations, but they wilt never get such ad- Tho recent Boy Scout clrcuo at Anbury Park proved vantages except by united political action. They can Buch a success that It is the intention of Bcout ofiicials take no more effective course than to follow the exnm- to hold the event annually. This ought to bo welcome plo shown by the corporations in playing politics 305 news to tho scouts and the public. It Is gratifying to days in the year to get what they want. what was desired. Conditions aro beneath mo were havin a mud lace Toomcy| M,33 Cnrigtin0 Doi,erty, know that the first venture of its kind among scouta not so good in Monmouth as to dis- Hoping yew dont take this as an ' Henry Juslai, Miss Roso Doherty, hereabouts made a big hit, and is worthy of being made —o-o-o-o-o-o— miss tho demand of some of its resi- nspurzinn on yiiro intccrolncsa but , Owen Mnloo, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pnr- a part of tho scout program. dents—heailed by Assemblyman Mc- marely to get things rite I reinanc ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Bussom. Campbcil, author of tho resolution-- Yures Sinaurly, M|, j |o Frost, William Egolf. To Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hunting of Fair Haven Public Opinion for for an Investigation. Clean govern- iS oss should go the lion's share of credit for the successful ment in the county will certainly not Jack Sparling. Mr. and Mr3. Buddy Arden, Mr. nnd undertaking, These wo former vaudeville stars gave a Thorough Investigation. suffer from tho proceeding, and It P. S.—I don't know why tho boot- : Mrs. M. Markstein, Miss Dorothy . , . , „! T-, , ',!'"' "V7 v," leggers air tl-yln tn do J. Laird— i Tiilesmever. William Eveni, Miss unstintlngly of their timo training the performers. Al- A resolution introduced by Assemblyman Tlieron 1 might benefit. Likewise It would be Gosn x forglt the number-So much . Teres, a McMeany' , Robort Noyr,e, MISH most every night for several weeks they traveled from McCampbell calling for the impeachment of Prosecutor justice to Tumen to defend himself dirt. Lord knows he ain't tryln to1( lorcha -UPany' "OUL1L "UJrl11". town to town conducting rehearsals among the various Jonas Turn en hsis benn pi goon-holed and. it scfims un- against accusations now being freely undersell cm. Dorothy Martinson, Thomas liren- nan, Miss Gladys Causane, Walter groups. It was no small job and every bit of praise they likely that it will bo acted upon except by pressure of directed at him. The resolution should be brought out of hiding and DK. RANDALL, Morris, Miss Dorothy Schuman. Rob- havo received is justly due. public opinion. Every Monmouth county resident, re- ert Cadman, Miss Marjorie Worth- gardless of political considerations, should insist upon a acted upon.—Newark Evening News. Wholesome play, especially the kind the boys enjoy, William M. Hurley Says Ho Should ley, Ralph Dennis, Miss Dorothy BY THESE GUIDES [3 one of the chief aims of the scout movement. It will thorough and complete investigation. Not be Ousted. Lang, John Patterson, Mlfio May bo hard to find any other pastime or amusement that Mr. McCnmpbell, in a speech at a recent session of INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS. VanNote, Robert Eniight, Miss expense can be judged will surpass a circus in this respect. the assembly, accused Mr. Tumen of various acts of 4S Hudson Avenue, Louise Jones, R. C. Grceley. Miss Red Bank. N. J., Dorothy Brown, Edward Cog™, /"MTTEN tho quoutioii Io nuked, -How can I tell No doubt the circua brought back to many mcjn wrong doing. Whether or not the charges are true is Round Table in Do Held By tho Feb. 26, 1931. not for anyone unfamiliar with the circumstances to de- Woman's Club. Miss Koso Ladlr.co, Harry Kruno, *"* how much should bo opent for a funeral T there, memories of days when they fed the elephants at To the Editor of Miss Charlotte Hampton, Peter Ol- termine, but nothing could be more unsatisfactory than a real circus, or "sneaked" under the big tent. And The international relations depart- The Red Bank Register: son, Miss Peggy Sickles, K C. Gar- A dllllcult question that, but a moat natural onc. what man there who' would not have traded his place to have the matter ignored. Tho legislators may laugh ment of tho Woman's club of Rod Who is Benjnmin Davis? Tn he in vln, Miss Emily Stillwagon, Edward with tiny of tho youngsters! lit off and forget about it, but the public will not do HO. Hank will hold Its regular bi-weekly position to circulate a petition be- It can only Bo answered apociflcally whon applied The law makers at Trenton booed and jeered Mr. Mc- round table on current International fore the citizens and taxpayers of Jeffrey,-' Miss Dorothy Parker. Gor- to an Individual enno But thero arc three general Red Bank, to oust Dr. Randall from don Miller, Miss Laura Ellis, Perry —o-o-o-o-o-o— ' Campbell when he made his speech. Apparently they problems at the clubhouse tomorrow gulden that should provo of great aid- the board of education as unfit to iiarmonoy Miss Vera llamsden, i thought this was smart and that it would discredit Mr. (•ventng at eight o'clock. Youth servo this community as a public Timnthy Noonan, Miss Dorothy L l'ho standard of living to which ench In accuo- Removing Snow McCampbell in the estimation of his constituents, i movements in various countries will servant and destructive to our public Ramsdcn, David Wallace, Mln3 In reality the reverse is true. The fact that an in- be the subject of discussion, Miss school system? I have known Dr. Gladys Kutcher, Worden Grooms. tomed To go far abova la rnl3;ru!ded oontl- from Sidewalks. Florence Forgoison will preside and Rnndall for several years and I am vestigation Ifi apparently being dodged has Increased llltcll cnt cn u 1 know when a Miss Grace Brooks, Dudley Rams- montallty to far bolow. mistaken oconomy. I*ast week, Tor the iirot time this winter, an at- ndiict the round table. Rabbi Ar-' !S _ ° K! ,r-.V? . hia prestige. If he ran for re-election right now ho I- Avallnblo funds By thin Io mount tho ennh on tenipL ,,.,.s initdfi ;it liod iiiink to enforce tho law rc- would undoubtedly win by a bigger majority thnn ho quifiiiK )ikl(j\v;i]kfi to be cleared of onow. Eight men received last fall. Ilia accusations have made an Ini- Imnd la BuVlnga or checlthiB accounts together who had been joblesu were hired to ahovel snow at the pres3lon upon the public mind which can be erased only with Insurance provided tor |unt thin purpono. ruto of fifty cents an hour. Tha town lost nothing by by proving that they are false. The matter cannot be Youtli movement in Italy." those" children, nnd I consider It! Dn'vlson, Donakl Klckelii, Miss Rober- rldiculoun for such otatcments to be i In. MclCnighl, Alex Mullor, Mi;;s Mll- i Tho effect on (uturo Income l'o upond an taking thin action borause the coHt wan assessed ngninnt huiihed up without disastrous political consequences to A general discussion will follow. ! the properly owneni nnd if not paid will stand ns Hens circitlntcd and unjust to Dr. Handall died Scheldt, Arthur MncDonnkl, amount that would aoriously curtail tho prin- ! those responsible. Tho blg-wiga of both parties havo Thr.;e moi'tings aro open to non- as well as to tho votern who elected WI[M IK-li>n Voorhees, Edward von until settled, tho name as when taxes are not paid. Snow members of the club as well as mem- [him to protect their children's safety cipal and thus worli future hardship In nover j evidently decreed that no Investigation shall be. mmle Miss Edith Paul was cleared off sidewalks in front of more than one : nnd this ha a increased public belief that both parties are ,bers. j| p good bunlnetio (udgrnont. • lahne: Dalton Hall, B. A. Parker, hundred properties and the .shovelcrs did very efficient 1 no longer responsive to the will of the people. Mlsa Florence ICrldcl nnd Miss work. irorgi)t!;im'aro co-chairmen of thn dc- docThis nno th obolon is crulcavorlnig to tho wrecltim; to do- . creHwe , l'«t Calhmin, Davhl Mountford, Mr. In dotormlnlii!! funorai oxponoofi. wo oarncotly I Mr. Tumen claim:! that the charges made against —ho In a builder. And what the citl- nnd Mr.". P.idph Abbott, Mlun Klole It. way a. good move, but the force of worker.'! was i him are not true and if lie is sincere in making thin zens of lied Bank wnnt mo more Dr. ' siiydcr, Clii>stor Porrar, Mr. nnd Mro. recommend that theno threo ipildoa bo kept In not large enough to produce maximum benefits for pe- j filatcmnnt no one nbould be moru insi.itcnt tlnui he in Randalls on the ho-ird oC education ' (ioorrn Ciircy. Walter liunbnr, Mian mind A dcclnlon booed on thorn prevontn rogrol dcotiianii. With regard to nnow removal on streets for l'Hi;i) XIIH IllHUM. for their own welfare. ' demanding an investigation. If ho ia not guilty nothing Sincerely, Oullierlno LeddyHull Arthur Thoinp- and yot pormlto an oxpondlturo that la In keep- the benefit of autoints Red Bank lias a better record | else would prove thin no conclusively aa an investigation, \* ni. M. Ilmlcy. ion. ing with hablta and diatoms formod In llfo. tlian mofit other mimlcijmliUesi. At the outaet of all the A loiter on This Subject from A. i Moreover, such an outcome would permanently iitamp M. MacKen/.ie. big anow falls thitj year motorized plows and various , Mr. McCfimpbcll aa unworthy to hold ofllce. Nothing J'jlit^rialnUig at Miami, Inquirloa for further mpro opcclflo Information other apimratu*rm'!fi tator;! at tho running of (ho Jliihaiiias i'«lK!r«l Directors "VVhcn one oon.sUicni the larjv number of job- tufie, "If iiomcthinj; i;; rotten Hi Denmark" it might h* ( iiprrt. '.%'e\v rnetnbrj-!) wei'rt pul>lloly >f ;:i;iln ct^attcltnl on tlio window handicap Kntiirduy at • Hlalertli i'ark Initiate!] ami other feature!! of tlio \craturc3 and they'll Uo the rcsL berts during a week of piutlea and nrsii leads throuRli Tho Itc{d;»tnr'r< atl- "A. G. McJCenzlo.", dance*. verti^ing colunma.—^AUvertioenieuU HED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 28. 1984. "I, \' !\C AMUSEMENTS, Monday afternoon at a meeting of was hurt and not much damage was and it was celebrated witli a goose Keyport News. thu Garden department of tho Koy- done. dinner at which eight guests wero port Improvement association held at A number of the residents of this present. Mrs. Blelch was the recipi- Christie u Sci, with Kay Francla in the main Mra 1 lorenco Melee. Gus SCIIEOD and Mrs. Dr. Heary T. Hopkins spoke at a held by tho Veterans of X^orelgn The muriralc; which was to have Reading RooSii meeting of the Current events club Wars of Red Bank Thursday nl^ht. been piven by Mr. and Mrs. Frank r ;. v.'ili \w, the feature attraction A cow owned by Arthur Koffcl died (FltEi; TO nn.: I'tiuni; .! tlu) Cailtoa today and tomorrow. Mis Harold Donald, who has been of the grammar school on Wednes- .Sherry of Keyport and their pupils Church ICdlflro day afternoon. Dr. Hopkins, who was last v/eek. last week at the fschoolhouse, under .•.iipiiorUiiK Miaa yho mril!es;i hia home icri'1, borrcftvcl or laircjii^-cd Knaalrm girl, an exilo from her own The Keyport Literary club will be Tho annual meeting of the Kxeutpt (late has yet. been lixed for this even: with them, wire on the nick list laat 'lira public in ennllnlly Invltpil to '. entertained Friday afternoon at tho Firemen's association was held on uno tht; licailinj: Um,m. \vh! •h country, who in rsohl Into vlrtunl A mm was born to Mrs. Frank Til- wrpk. 'i'luy have recovered, open tlnily t-xts-jit KuiMkiys nr on North tho electric lights having been put PRESSURE GAMP. SO'Ml' >:'o caterpillar troada and aklls, services wer^ held on Katurday after- Broad street, and had gained consid- out of commission by the storm. Tho picture • wag directed by Mi- erable headway before it was discov- Circulation That Counts. I chael Curtlz from tho ccreen play WHERE IN ANTARCTI' ••• .M.'iltbowa motor boat cruiser noon from hla home. rtev. D. K. A communion Eervice will be held New.-.pa[ii;i circulation that counts by Auutin l3arkor mid Chnrloa Kcn- Fob. 8 (via Maeitay Radio): l>" ' 'Hat. but not-Least, the big Kob/ Haney, pastor of Calvary church, of- ered. Mr. GernldtV shop was badly at the Reformed church Sunday with the advertiser ia tho bonafldo you, which in based on tho story by bye, good old Jacob Ruppart. On. 1 gencratlne set for our electric ficiated. damaged but litLle or no damage was morning. one the kind The Register has. No J grand old stool flagship, novel in light oupply. It lo a twenty-four V. P. Armstrong end J. H. Hen dono to the building, which is owned prchilums or other inducements have ; I HUI ilervcy Fox. by Louis Chlsman, and whose plumb- Tho birthday of Mrs. Ida Blelch ever bfnm offered to secure clrcula- \ W. S. VniiDylcc'a production of londod for pounding through nun oour Job satisfying tho appetites ot drlckeon of the Keyport banking T occurred on Washington's birthday tion.—Advertisement company attended a banquet of the ing shop la also In the building. 1N O "TMiImn," which' wan made In the Jrodfi of miles ol Ice calces aa blj; as all these units! Ono piano uses one damage, was done to the two flats Arctic with .a native cast and l'O- tlio Urooklyo Bridge and' bergs aa kind ot gaa. another anolhei and Hudson county branch, American In- li-.ani'd UirouRli Mctro-Goldwyn-May- .etltuto of banking at the Hotel Plaza over tho storefi. Mr. Geraldi had big 03 half ot Boston, Is tearing U3 so on, even to the motorboat and at Jersey City Saturday. somo ineurance. It is not known cr, cornen to tho Carlton for show- for a wholo year. I hato to see nor the generator. Now that wo have what started tho lire. ing Friday and Saturday of this J. Carlo Anderson htm been apond- week. Tho picture if) not a travelogue, go. I bet I'll yoll like a fool when actually and permanently landed, Ing several days at Cambridge, Md. Tho Thought club will meet with though II. ahowo excellent shots of nho heaves Into eight. again next the real Job has begun. But I'm in Dr. F. Wado Holnian lion moved H. Louis Hutchinson at Enslish- Arctic unlomlor, but has a plot which Docotnbor or January. Bho has boon good shape lor work. You know, Iil3 ofllco from 123 First street to town on Monday. i'l unraveled by native actora with- a grand old friend 10 us. noisy, all ot us eoftles wore given special Broad street. Kass Brothers of Brooklyn have We buy and sell anything and everything on out a trace of eaineva-conociouancuo. smelly, uncomfortnnlo. bnt wove training when we started this Jour- Robert Brown Is substituting ns rented the old Cutlery factory from commission. Sales every Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. Caiit. Peter Frcuchcn, author of folt oafo on her, that Is. compara- ney back at Norfolk. All ot us, sci- mail carrier for Rufua O. Walling, tho Tingley Rellahce Rubber com- tho story, who accompanied tho cx- tively oato. At entists and everybody, were sot to Jr., while. Mr. Walling la on a trip pany of Rahway. Thoy will open a pmlition, la known an a writer, a least oho never work in tho engine room and holds to California. furnituro factory and It is said will Announcement has bepn mado of employ about sixty men, about 9U Matawan Auction Sales Co. whaler, explorer and authority on showed any ten for a month, to harden UB up. per cent of whom will be local help. Eskimo life, a knowledge* gained doncy t o cracB Otherwise we'd collapse In an hour tho engagement of Miaa Aldona Clapp from 35 yearn (jpont in the frozen of Elizabeth to William E. Woolley, The factory has been idle for several 77 Main Street, Matawan, N. J. open and oplll tu with the worli we're doing now. 3rd, eon of Mr. and Mra. William E, years, the Straltway coffee company wllda, Frcuchen wad with Araund- nil Into tho oca, All day long—and that -means 24 J. M. EVANS, Auctioneer. nen In the latter'a fumoua polar ex- Woolley, Jr., of this borough. being the last to use It. Previous to pedition and proved an invaluablo tho way • b I o hours long—radio messages arrive Rev. Thomas Bray, pastor of St. their occupancy, it was used aM a nld In locating unusual details of wholo landscape from tho various caches wo'vo es-' Mary's Episcopal church, was a re- rubber factory by the Reliance Rub- K'-'ilmo lifo tor tho now film. around hero lo do- tabllshed all ovor the place 00 If cent visitor at Mr. Ephrlam, Pa. ber company. Ino. the Ice goes out It may not take Mrs. Ernest Dunham has been vis- PHONE 2310. Barretts Approved Hoofer Sales and Service. Strand Theater. Commodore everything with It. Th»> tell up to iting frlondo at Freehold. Capt. Robert A Ujenseo and Cap-send ten gallons of Tvdol gas tor Mra. Eliclc. Relmor has returned Colt's Neck News. ""'ho Wonit Woman in Paris," ia from a several -weeks' visit at Fort the Mile- of tho Fox feature to bo J. English, .. ,_ the tractors to Nurabet Ono cache, send fifteen gallons to Prcssuro Lauderdale, Florida. Warren Sncdekcr and William Des- H nhown toduy at tho Strand theater. the-Bear "| maBnlflccm JOB HIT Tho caat Includes Bonita Hume, bringing us t'arap tor the snowmobiles, send 25 Miss Marjorlo Lockwood has been mond, who arc In charge of the roads Adolphe Menjou, Harvey Stephens through those bundreda or miles oi gallons ot Veedol oil to Llttlo malting a trip to the West Indies. of Atlantic township, hired all the Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor and, ,-iolen Chandler! Monta Bell la roaring, tumbling, threatening Ice. Atnnrlca for the Condor, 20 gallons MiS3 Barbara Van Buakirlc, a stud- nifin they could get to shovel snow tho .liithor and director. to Number Two cache for tho Fok- ent In the Women's collego at New last week. Some of the roads were Motal Celling?) Slate, Slnj* Tile. IVIetal Many times a faloo move would Brunswick, visited her parents, Mr. impassable several dayn. On this ac- Gutters and Leaders. and Composition Roofs. Tho iitory rovolveo around the no- Imvo sent us to tbc bottom of tho Iter. Then there are calls for kero- and Mra. Arthur S. Van Buskirk. count ochool was closed every day torloua cxplolta of a Parisian beauty world'u coldeat ocean. But those seno for the stoves. It's like a com- over tho holiday. last week except Monday. During Furnuco and Stovo Work. whtfsio affairei are, tho talk of tho wonderful men don't make faloo bination ol Filth Avc-nuo and Ron- Capt. Frank B. stonoy has re- tho snow storm three automobiles continent. Tired of tho gay life Of moroa. The Jake's going back to nevelt Field nerc, with the automo- turned from a trip to Florida. collided in front of tho home of Mr. 35 WHITE ST., . RED BANK, N. J. tho Fronch capital nho uooko romance tlvo activity. The amount ol gaso- and- lovo In tho quiet of America's Duncdln, 1 think, or Port Chalmers, Arno Kalma, local floriBt, Bpoke and Mrs. Joseph Lefferson. No one New Mlddlo Wcat. When at last aho finds NOT? Zealand, to bo laid up tor a line and oil used Is tremendous. la tho love she baa always dreamed of yoar. And we're staying on tho ico. one 24-bour period tho planes, trac- sho realizes that tho ohadow of her I wonder! What will Bhe find when tors and other motor equipment Factory Built past If! too great an ob3taclo for her oho rcturno? Well, wo'll bo In com drew 750 gallons ot gas and 60 gal- to overcomo and nho returns to munlcatlon by radio with her and lon!! ot oil. And I bave to keep 13-Pkte Battery Paris after aiding her rival to win the rest of tho world all tho time track ot It all, soolog that It all gets tho man tsho loves. and wo can tell GJertsen our trou- safely to our permanent home at "Beloved," a Universal picture, bios even It ho can't get to us. Little America and mennwhllo with John Boles and Gloria Stuart, Tbo liuppert la empty ot supplies mailing sure that as they draw it will bo tho feature at tho Strand —ISO tone, I feel that 1 personally each raachlno gets the proper fuel Thursday, Friday and Saturday of must havo carried It all onto the ice and lubricants. this week. Described as a musical and lifted It onto the tractor and Here we havo vivid illustrations panoramic review of tho paut cen- With Your Old Bnttcry. tury, tho plcturo affords Bolca an dog ^lodges and airplane® and ot tho old and now methods of ex- opportunity to sing a number of snowmobiles. I'm that weary. Now plorative transportation. It takes a QUALITY PLUS SERVICE winpu of the typo which ho doea best, tliq wonderful old Dear of Oajtfand dog team three hours to go between which were especially composed for - and cho lo old—01 years •-la'with tho ship and Little America, do- him by Victor Schertzlngcr. us pouring moro otuft out on the touring about four miles around tbo 2 PHONES—MO WAITING. "All of Me," a Paramount picture, Ico and getting 250 tons ot that dangerous pressure ridgeB and cre- PHONES: 3262 or 3263. FREE DELIVERY. with Frederic March, Miriam Hop- borrowed coal from tho Rupport. vasses. Any of tho planes makes kins, George Raft -and Helen Mack, Thoy*vo both got to get out of here the same trip In throe minutes with v/111 open a run of three daya on quickly beforo thla whole place a greater load. It is interesting and Sunday. Tho plcturo wag adapted freezes up and uqueczoo them to thrilling, this unloading business, from the atago play, "Chrysalis." with planes roaring overhead, trac- The supporting cast Includeo Wil- death. Wouldn't wo bo in a pickle linm Collier, Sr.. Edgar Kennedy then? tors milling over tho ice, snowmo- John H. Burns, Mgt.% unu-Nclla Walker. , I am now watching absolutely biles whizzing along throwing up tho world's moot peculiar sight. big chunks of enow and tho dog Throe COWB and a baby bull on their teams straggling along the side of 151-153 W. Front St., Matawan News. way ovor tho Ice.to Llttlo America. the trail. There will bo no rest until Iceberg and his mother, Klondike, all the supplies are safely at Llttlo CHASE & SANBORN RED BANK _ (Tho Kcd Flunk ltpylater enn bo bounhl are riding In stylo In a crate on a America. Foodstuffs, gasoline and In Miilmvim trom M. J. O'Conncll. li!4 nlodge behind a tractor where 1 oil take priority ovor everything PHONE 1200. Main ntruLt, Juuob A. Lcwl» nni| J., & 3. helped to fasten them, {foremost clBO. We are working strictly on TuismU Imported Norwegian Solid Pack—Largest Cans Southern Girl and Deorioot are our own codo—20 hours a day! Lota GET-ACQUAINTED SALE Mr. and Mrs. August Kuttnor loft walking ovor the bumpy Ico BO ot tun I Reg. 10c Conqueror Brand last week to spend a month in lHorl- burled In blankots tbey look like The maps and membership cards Chancery 4-303. .*! C Bottle Htreet. Bcvcnty-nitio i'eut moro or less, to Lewis and children. Washington's birthday. Four tables : Mr. nnd Mra. William Harris and 6ft Cans fflPC tlio Hiiutli si,Id of ]:>III1H of (Icqrra II. and George Outwater, who attends tho woro In play. Mrs. Richard Krdman 3on William aro spending several Jtuliortn L> I ttti on tlitmu (-> neiitfirly won first prize, Mlea Mary Learn sec- alont, tho f mil !i i ale of HUUI Fatteroon University of Pennslvanla, tipent tho weeks with relatives at New York, land twe Tit\ nine tci t imd cis ht inches holiday with bis mother, Mrs. Addlo ond, and Mra, Howard Erdman con- Tholr daughter Mildred Is the guest inuu oi U s to i stone monument otand- Outwater. eolation. Other j;uc3ta were Mrs. Ed- of Mrs. Judson VanAr3dale. in>. u\ tho nlonjf beth Hlggins, Marlon Gabriel, Irene I-orgc Bottles Ca s ( (ho Mii.1 noith udu *r Monmouth Str«wt. connection. Mrs. Joseph A. Dcrnberger, Jr., en- Sft Cans gRPC t\\Lnt> tula fn. t unl f-i tiuiic3 to the R. Bolto and Martha Anderson of 9 " <3)^ Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kennedy tertained the members of the Tues- for I point OL pin e of h, ninlnt were guest:] of their daughter und Keyport nnd MIBS Lillian Gordon of day afternoon bridge club at a lunch- Intends 1 tn h<- th. h urn li.m! unl iirem- New Yorlv. , lit i con t)(.d to ' tun e M it thu s Hnj tion-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo I eon bridge laat week. Mrs. G. Ster- llunnan Mil lit h> dLL*l ut I lieu Hub- Misfi Nutallo Moreau of Freehold t.'HICKKN IINKKDA I5AKEKS' I hud {widm ) iiid ot IK I ( tnuiinu ilnto Craig of Haldwin, IJ. I., several daya ling Thompson won first prize and 1 was the week-end jjuest of Miss Ann Mrs. August Mtiehlhausen, Jr., seo- DINNEIt (iKAIIAM CKACKEKS, Ai til ibtli i "i i nnri iLci iika in tlie last week. — or — Mr iimoutli ( ount> ( Icik j oihit- la Book Miss Angelina Tourlno had aa her Laird. | ond. Mry. Thompson, llrs. Jacob R. SOU A CKACHEBS ! hi i i guests layt Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Llttlo and Lofforts and Mra. John E. Laird wero CHICK KN KICK — or — I OMi- liti inr inif at a point on the I.iirjjo Special! nraren • 1 'n.iiluily tiik f Moiim nilli Stitcf, (laid neph Barry, Jr., Frank, Charlea and daughter uro niovlnf; to the Ellison substitutes. Iloni-y Mulil Grahamn , luitit htlnt dirititit \\Lstirlj U\a hundred William Barry of Elizabeth. houso on Schcnclc avenue. Wcsehester Branil K-rg. llid in 1 IVLIII) iin ft.1.1 fi ii tha wui'tetly I Miss Helen Walter entertained sev- *@ ffKC ib. 1 L 3(! 1M:II round I'krr, NI lo of bmul tittt tluiun (I) norther" Misfi Natalie Smith returned to her Mr. and Mra. Joseph A. Dornber- eral friends at a dinner bridge party , U und »n % Mn IM all'l with the utterly duties as a teacher In tho public KOr, Jr., are tho owneru ol! a new Tu- Monday evening. Among tho guests i* tor «)<) I d wero Mr. and Mra. Joseph A. Dorn- iiioic *n 1- n (t> tlw ( nth ilf nltl rf(iiim»Utli Adol])h J'ltko ot Collingswood. i, Mrs. Malcolm McMlllian wn3 hos- I ltl u I llttt-LU U t t « (111 1 < lilt 111 [line© ut Sirs. Howard 3!'rdnian wan hostess Jivcob V. Lcl'fortK, Jr., a student at tess to several frlcnda at bridge Fri- IDAHO . 1»L clnniin. ,o tho Tcaehorji' Contract brldgo Columbia college, was home for the day ovonlnt;. Among tlio guests woro CARROTS I lnUndi.1 to In th i tint Inn 1 mil proin- slub Tuesday evening. Mrs, Ith'ha.d holiday week-end. 1 Mr.-). Kil|;ar Pike, Mm. Harold Dis- Oli i > 1 i mm M i\ t<> { . i) . M tltlu\ ~.i nnd Mlfis I'jvolyir J.chrltter of Olanijc I* i mint M itiln i I v fi I of 1 dwoM I'^nlniiin, Jr., and Mliia Irene IX. Bolte lirow, Mra. Flunk Duncan, Mra. BEETS V fa -inii wuc lit i in prize for high and low spent Washington's birthday with Floyd VanBraklo, Mrs. Russell V. 10-lt>. Sachs MEDIUM SI/1'i S\VI:I:T ( .M.IIOKMA I h) > IUIJi* Mi;i:i < i(.>nu White of Matawan, us a Lchrlttoi-. Mm. Jnmou VanBrakle. Mrs. Lcary C Dor. i\ | if aiemhiT of tho Worship committee of The Children of Miuy ate planning won ilrat prlzo and Mrn. Jninea Van- ll w ti ul i t\ in '111 il tho :he sludcnt ehuroll at Norlhileld to hold n dance In .St.. Jo.'icph'n par- Braklo w,i!i awarded consolation. >u 1 ..f An.ni i llu. In 1 ' 1 i 1.1 1 v li-mlnnry, Fast Northllehl, Mute, ish Imll on or about. Kuster Munday i Mlira Dorothy. T.Iulsart spent tho mm III III If ll Belpcd to conduct tho dally chupnl evening. week-end at Allcnhurtit. 1 1 1 > 1 I 1 1 1 \\ \i 1 »eivtco laiit week which marked tho Mr. and Mr:;. Herbert Kyron nnd ( 1) seglnnlni: ci£ the Lenten uciinun. daughter .Tnnot ot Dover wore gueulii flower Celery Hearts o[ Mr. find Mis. Ocorgo l.ioublicr No in K.\N» =IS— ! 190()^ Mr. Johnson formerly conduct-Hoinlng the present cemetery from Plattsburg, New York, and Fort Ni- Monthly Charge Two and One-Hall. •d a meat and grocery business fromJRhca Moreau. Mr. Moreau will con- agara, New York, both opening Au- Per Cent on Unpaid Balance Only which he retired about two years |tinuo to cultivate tho land this year. gust 1, and at Camp Dix, opening Au- I ago. Keyport Factory Leased. gust 0. CO-MAKER and FURNITURE LOANS ,Attdr< Died Before Operation. Tho building at Keyport known as Advanced coast artillery students will bo trained at Fort Hancock, be- City t George Hulse, five-year-old son ot tj10 cutlery factoiy has been leased Phoni Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hulse of Point Hamilton furniture corpora- ginning August 1; advanced field ar- J; t0 tho tillery studets at Madison barracks, Pleasant, died at the Fltkin hospital ]t |on nncl j,)ang arc being made to lit last Thursday before a surgeon could near Watertown, New Yorlc, begin- tho building for Its new use. The ning August 1, and advanced signal perform an emergency operation factory will employ about C5 men. for acute appendicitis. The child had corps students at Camp Dlx, begin- been rushed to tho hospital over ice- Hospitals Overcrowded. ning August 6. Cavalry students In coycred roads in an automobile. The Monmouth memorial andFit- tho blue, or fourth year, course only kin hospitals found it necessary last w"l be sent to camp this year, some TAKE Pi MEW DEAL Extradition Asked. week to turn away patients. In both S°lng to Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, Governor A. Harry Moore has re- hospitals all the rooms were occu- and others to Fort Myer, Virginia. quested New York authorities to ex- pied and even the sun parlors were Offering thirty days of outdoor life ! tradite William Wlthington of Ocean- being used in which to place beds. and training in citizenship, drills and i port, who escaped from n New Jcr- athletics, the citizens' military train- • scy prisort'road camp in 1910. With- New County Detective. ing camps aro open to youths of good ngton is serving a six to twelve- j Prosecutor Tumen lias appointed character and sound physique who year term for attacking a girl. His Harry Zuckcrman of Long Branch are betwenn 17 ami 24 yenr.n of term will expire March 31. as a county detective at a salary ot. Those accepted nro furnished rail- ?2,500 a year. Zuckman has been road transportation to camp and re- Suing for Son's Death. employed "as a constable by tho pros- turn. Wholesome food, uniforms, I Fabian de Velasco of Westwood ecutor at a much lower salary. athletic equipment, laundry service, jhas brought suit against the Ameri- medical attention, and other neces- ! can Stores company for $100,000 for Firo nt Long Blanch. sary accommodations are supplied by the death of his son, Amador, a sol-1 Fire caused damage of about $7,000 the government without cost to the I dicr at Port Monmouth, who was ] to a house on Liberty street, Long student. No obligation for future !,struels and killed by one of the com- ! Branch, owned by Dr. Thomas Me- military training or service of any pany's trucks a few weeks ago. Sherry, last Wednesday morning. Mnd is Incurred by those beginning The fire is thought to have started the C. M. T. C. Boy Dies In Hospital. from an overheated chimney. Tho military training camps nsso- Chester Miller, thirteen-year-old ciatlon, at its offices at 10 West 44th son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller Suit Against Laundry Company. street, New York City, will furnish of Long Branch, died in the Mon- Joseph J. Barhan of Long Branch '' application blanks "to interested j mouth, memorial hospital Tuesday has brought suit against the New | youths and assist them In qualifying ! night of last week, of an intestinal \yay Laundry company for $25,000 for admittance to the camps. Col- ailment. He had been operated on for injuries he suffered when struck onel Julius Ocha Adler, civilian aide for appendicitis last October. by a truck owned by the company to the Secretary of War for C. M. T. and driven by Samuel Weiss. C. in this Corps area, heads the or- Victim of Monoxide Gns. ganization, which has local chairmen •Harry Lovcll, 55, of Deal, was j Bradley Beach Man Dead. appointed In ench county of New overcome by monoxide gas aa he i James Estelle of Bradley Beach. York, New Jersey and Delaware, as- , warmed up the motor of his car in j died Tuesday of last week at the Islating in tho enrollment. !I a closed garage last Wednesday. T.hts ! a^e of 81 years. He was a carpenter : lirst aid squads from Oakhurst and : by trade but had retired several i Wanamassa gave him treatment and i years ago. He leaves one son, two WHY DO CHICKS DIE. i he wujj soon revived. ; brothers and two sisters. Written by A. G. Philips, Poultry ', Overcuiiw in Garage. j I'oliei'mcn's Ears Frozen. Husbandry Professor at Purdue. ] J. Ashley Woollcy, 37, of Wana- i Policemen Joseph VanBrunt nnd I mn.-'su, was overcome by monoxide ' George Damon of Asbury Park both , Among the many 'Causes of chick t;:i:i fumes in his garage, Tuesday suffered frosted ears during the cold mortality may be included tho prob- luornmp; of l.ift week. He was giv- : lipcll hist week. Both of them siif- ll>ms of feeding and feeding methods. | en i:r;-t aid treatment and then re-I fercd absccssen of the ear aa a re-'A lot of chicks arc lost because they I moved to the Long Branch hospital ' suit of the extreme cold. (1° not learn to eat. Consequently i"i ions condition. they starve to death. Years ago It Died of Exposure. was thought necessary to keep feed for Injuries. Frank Ncdd, a colored railroad away from baby chicks until they ;:: Mildred Dodge of Elizabeth crbssing watchman, died in thoLong were sixty to 12 hours old, requiring brought suit for $50,000 against Branch hospital . last Wednesday that the egg yolk be absorbed bc- the Coast City Railway company and morning from the effects of expo- \ fore any feed was given. Ai vjd Jolinson, a bus driver, for in-1 sure. He was found in a snow bank The use of wiro batteries as brood- juries tihe claims to have suffered by a neighbor. era taught us that this belief was before she "^ 1 Endorse Issuance of Scrip. erroneous. A les;; decree of los.s or fully alighted. mortality wan nfi.cn noticed when The Asbury Park board of trade brooding \vit;> cm v'u d on in ismall New Advertising Manager. has endorsed tile issuance of $430,000 • case;: than when the ehk:k:; wore John R. Lannon has been appoint- '" scrip, which will be used by (he c r thc kept on bidinlci' lunu-e lluoi ^ Chick:! ed to take charge of the display and ">' f° payroll. Sixty per cent . kept in btitW:v;tn learned to eat ay advertising of the Tepper Brothers' will be paid in scrip and the balance \ snon fi.s they were taken from the store at Asbury Park. He was form- in cash.. | incubator and they Ki'ew rapidly. erly employed by the same company Died from Exposure. I MaUiir.: this same early feed con- in a store at Elmira, New York, for Hcrbert Matthews, 40, of Harmony 'sumption possible in brooder houaen eleven years. was overcome by the cold Tuesday has reduced death losses veiy ma- $ 00 Policemen's Dinner. night of last week while walking penally. An soon, as chicks are taknn The third annual dinner of tho through the snow near hia home. He froni ihdr boxcf.f p]ace tnem in tne 4 monthly Ocean township police was hold last died a few hours after friends found brooder house preferably at night. Your Family and You Need the i Wednesday. Walter Stewart of West him. and put a guard of some kind Allenhurst offered a gold cup for the Fractured Jaw. Klioclni; fur Aincrlcu's row's Meeting—Past Presidents to Be Guecir.— in dealing with their domestic prob- lie had nnich rluirftcd double tlio price. Mel,, In 60S OU&LITV lems are turning with Increasing- . . |leetioa and jiomlered much on several year;-, und whifh has been ' your mourft.' "" "• Most Fumfliifs f(JI re apparent to men thoroughly familia conlldence to tlic Rotarlans of their conditions of life and business In a pp THE LOFT GUARANTEE.: KACING KTAUI.K Short History of Rotary; h h bi bneb a evii- respective countries, UnowliiB that |arg(, Kny j,, mor,, ua a rc.lUit ,,f },ia with the hortfo Wlir your slit, cull Itotary club training can Ue applied i jy , dent to dealers who h.id lo 1niy 12-or.PacI.ago* All lumli f hand-mado hot's The lied JBnnk ilotarlanii will cele- s u( an Mr. Harris had hordes last ;iprlnsr, as they found it for Tliciiuunlili c-ds ,,,,d Ju Wo brate tlu: anniversary of notary to- with every hope of. success to th" o } philosophy of more and more diflleuH to buy ani- 6luii|ii:u liniLo later. The in lapid succession cluba larger duties of citizens. morrow nt tlio Molly Pitcher hotel were fnriiieil in sixteen of (he larg- relation: Callin g K mal;; for resale. Many buyeis repoit 43-A BROAD STREET, RED BANK Phone Red Bank 793-J-l. by holdiru; their unniinl lied liniik "HotariaiiK liave a. tested experi- that they have to drive two or thi(< est cilies In the country, within the ence in human relationships, tlie three of lii.i friend:;, i;nch of whom Pant nolarlann Day. Tlio affair la was gf-'il in • a different, line of times as far to purthi < 1 ( lilenl In chnrcft of William Wcclt/i ami HrsL five years. valuo of which has been cHtabllahed Witli tlie help ol ChcHlcy it. Per- he expounded his theory to nf horses or mules and th'\ al o h'i\e promises to be a 'most inspiring oc- in thouiiandy of communities them. Tins uniup \vi\n the nucleus of jto pay from fifteen to t" tnt^ doll 11 , cunioii. The mcetlnir will begin ry, another Chicago notarlali, Paul throughout the world. This exper-jtho Rotary Club of Chicago. Through I more for them than fluv il at tin- iijwiltpis' t.ilili- The first plenary of: fin ion will States. J,-, thi.- 0>:l^n,--jr}^ work th> nd the situation will beeomi < ' ( n The. gnoiit speaker of tlio hour will called to order Monday afternoon, i acquaintances I'aul Ilarrir. had made /oi'3,-i toward spring is th< up])l\ FASHIONED ho Dr. Alexander Cairns of New.uk Juno 25, by President Nelson. Other j in the Jlvu yf-;us that ho knocked of horses from west of the Mi -nun [ipeukcr of national importance. lie plenary sessions will be held each j around the country wero of material river, off ranges, will bo (Uilailid Ural old-fa'Jilontil Mo! vies Oindlci, mjde waft one of tlio principal speaker;; at ihornlnff, and afternoon;* will be oc- assistance, u, him in tlic establish- from now on. It is tlu lefoie the p u t from ehr purr-i orirn-Lcttlt un' ulphurnl Mo- tho Lions convention last year and he cupled with informal confcrcnccu and \ ment of new dub.. of wisdom for every man who needs Ja.s.ic-—none iiurir. or better al any You can lei the Kiddies cat all they uam! iiddrcsaeci their great convention liekl discussions. work horses or mules for next In I/ou AnKclen two yearn ago. Ed- After a few yens tlie necessity for Paul P. Harris, who formed the spring's work to buy as soon as pos- SPECIAL THIS WEEK word O'Brien of Ilumao.n, the tal- organization to 'bind these dif- sible, and it 13 highiy Important that Jlrst Rotary club at Chicago on Feb- ferent clubs together THE LOFr OUARANTKF.: ented vocall:;t, will render sjuloii :md appar- the animals be well fed no as to Ret If you ever ace better candy r 40« QUALITY '- If ,vonr typewriter la fussy "Bill" WCOIEB tiaya that "there will ruary 23, 1905, was born April IS, ent. Thereupon Paul Harris, Cliefi- them in the best possible working tlM> (tilr expert Kcrvlcn. Mfnor 18G8, at Uacinfi, Wisconsin. j[e \vn: ley R. Perry aif.l oUier:- called a con- (tnuble tlie prlro return eh condition before spring work starts. empty.hoi and I.nil nil! died FULL POUND COX mljiiMniriils or ii complete vention in iitlO of the ilxtec-n Jlotary fully refuntt your money. uvi'iiiuul—ctM lub.s then In existence, and Hie Is"n- •'In addition lo this it will he well (Ji-LB. BOX 10,!) iim.-il Association of Hotary Clubs in for farmers to get into their Held as \meriea was or^iini/.ed. Later Ihrough soon as possible, and to take advant- 43-A BROAD STREET, RED BANK the extension of lh^' lnuvement into age of every suitable day for plowing in order that tho work may be well Canada and Great llritain, the In- hand early in the season. Wilh ternational Association of Hotary good strong horses or mules ami /' Clubs was formed. Tills later was re-forehanded management, so that the named Rotary Tnternntional. Harris work is well done ahead of time, it was third president of tlie Kotary will bo feasible to get tlio crops in in club of Chicago, the lirst president pood shape, even with feweP horses TELEPHONE SERVICE of tin; National association and tlie or mules than farmers really need; i first president (if the international whereas if tlie animals are not association of notary clubs and is bought until late in tlie season, and from Red Bank, New Jersey, President-Emeritus notary Inter- are not built up by liberal feeding, national. and are crowded hard at the last mo- to our New York Office ment to get the land in shape, .some PAUL I\ IIABRIS , losses are bound to occur, either by death of animals or by delay in plant- CALL WX-3300 Riiat, 1910, and founded on asso- Horses and Mules ing, which is apt lo reduce crop ciation, now known us Rotary Inter- Are Becoming Scarce yields. Conservative Accounts Invited. national. Paul Harris became the "Early purchases arc strongly rec- Unit, president and Cheslcy Perry tho ommended. Men who delay will pay secretary. Harris Is now prc.iident- "Men who need horses or mules for the cost in much higher prices next i!nit!i''itu:j and I'erry is still secretary, next spring's work should buy them .-spring and will huvc no one but after more than twenty- throo years. at Once, as prices arc practically cer- themscdves to blame." tain to advance form twenty to forty dollar's per head between now and It pays to advertise in The Register. F. P. RIstine & Company April 1st," Mid Wayne Dinsmorc, sec- Members retary of tlie Horse association of New York Stock Exchange t/j tho only Direct All-Water Route/rant New York America, in an address at Chicago. Philadelphia Stock Exchange AVou York Curb Exchaagu "Every available horse and mule (b No matfor v/hore you'ro LIQUID, TABLETS. SALVE, NOSE DR0IJS 1>K. WALTER W. GOSUNG JOHN NELSON old enough to work will be at work 15 Broad Street, New York fjolng In Florida . .. here's in harness next spring," he contin- Checks ColdM flrbL day. Headaches or tho. delightful and ECO- educated in tho public schools and ued, "and a Ricat niiiny two-year-old Neuralgia in 30 minutes, Malaria iuJ dayo riiiladclphiu UUzubctb Westfield Itidgewuod NOMICAL way to go I A ulso lie something else -you'll ilncl out at the meeting." aeademies in Vermont, the University colts will also l)e broken and put in- Fine Laxative arid Tonic vocation in Itself—Iho voy- of Vermont end Princeton Univer- to work, although it is not customary age on a big modern liner Tho honored ;;ucsts of. session will sity, lie took Ills law course at the nor desirable t/o work young animals Most jpcedy Remedies Known. with deck sporti, radio, bo tho past president:; oC tlic lied University of Iowa, graduated in 1893 until they are three years old. The dancing, etc. Bank club -who will be scaled to- KOthcr. They arc Mort V. Pach, John and was admitted to the practice of j shortage of work animals, however, Fares include . 1-f. Mount, John Bucldin, Eelwin C. law In. Iowa the name year. He re- and the urgent need for cash is in- meals and Oilland, Phillip Moore, John Lawley, ceived his Illinois license as an At- ducing a good many farmers in the stateroom Oeorgo II. Merrill, John L. Montgom- torney and Counselor ut Law in 189C principal horse and mule producing accommodations ery, Homer Methot, William A. Hwcc- and since then he has been engaged ! states to sell off some of their older ncy, Dr. .Samuel Hnusman and Maur- continuously in the practice of his I animals anil put the two-year-olds ROUND TRIP FABI5 ice SchnmU. Dr. Walter W. Gonlinp;. profession in fJhicngo. On July ... into service, especially where they 1010, ho married Miss Jean Thonip- are large, well grown and vigorous. to JACKSONVILLE the present head o£ Ihe Red Bunk club, will also sit at this table, 'son, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland. "This is feasible, particularly on • After completing his law course in farms where it has been a set pol- §O Unit H®3 limit The members of tho Red Bank Rotary club aro Frederic K" 1891, he spent the following five years icy to raise enough colts each yearfto to m\m\ Adams, Christian L. T>r;rc, Myron in seeing the world and learned to permit of selling the older animals' at V. Hl'envn, Thoaias Irvimr lOrown, know his fellows by actual contact five or six years of age; for by crowd- $«nfs>3QD;iy $f£||F? long 5/,3 with them under all sorts of con- ing the colts from the time they arc t! JS Limit !- ami Snlutcl.1,.. land, Dr. Walter \V. C.oslini;, i'hiii; Ct.'ll" li I CHARLESTON —Tuonduyo. Thursdays and alternate Saturdays. Round Trip, $42. Moore, John ] [. Mount, Pierre A Proa!, Dr.. Martin A. Quirk, William Inn tin' (Ml e-ir.u Uotury club \.eie de\elo(iillf; EASTER TOURS— L. Russull, Joseph Salz, Fred Sch.'itzle, (her, ;omc of the Sailing 0 I1. M. Ma rcli zath Charles K. Ktraus, Dr. Harry Tico- and piitmpl wliirli are now 8 dnvii i T'l. vIMtl li'iiton, Jnelt. hurst, Dr. William Wiith, Karl ]Ina;r, ivi.wheie Paul llanis i'( iivillc. Miami Urin-Ji— ni'lmlliii; imj- the t lub tlic n ime "Rolaiy'1 tor toui of Fieri* rt iKiifil Cor St. (Hlior Dr. Samuel Hausmau, Thomas lle:ad, gave to 1. <;iiiuli-f.t ato based upon the orii;inal custom of ur;i t< m. Jiu ivillc. St. l)r. William lleatlcy, John T; Lawley, 1 A UgllBti ie, S iluj' 5. i'homaa Lewis, Hobort G. jM.'ieDoll- holding Ihe weekly mo. ! ings in the otliees'of memb^i^ in lutstion. The Superior accommodations only ald, Clydo Mason, Gilbert Malison, David Matth.ews, Albert 8. Miller, founder also devised th - e! i:-!.'i, i- tion principle of mei.il) T. :K;I, ro- IOW RATES FOR AUTOS William A. Miller, John I,. Montgom- ery, William O'Urien, Mort V. l'aeli, strielill';- mcnibershH in tlv elu'i to Cl_YDE-MALLORY LIMES Krnest Priest, Dr. Allan Ii. Randall. one 111:1 n in each (!i.::aiet Kr. ; tif Gordon Ryno, Victor Sailer, Main -ice New York, r>.:rj Fifth Ave, Tol. VAnilcrl'lll 3-,'<::nO .11 I'lei 31 North Kdnvait/., "Wanoa IT. Hu:ue|->, Iluhcrl River, '1VI. WAIker r>-:tcH)0 or Any F. Wilucr, William Week;:, Rulsum vn: and Authorised TourUt Airc.it. Waterbiny and Glen P. Wi.'-hanl. sionaiiy. .•:• di;iv.e;\ 1 i.1; , •, . • ; t. The present oIlieeYs (it tho Red "Iloli'iy ' i-nd the: Ilieuijilr. ( ; • ..1 s- Bank club me .Dr. Walter W. Cos-linn' ar.:(,;-,; 1 ae's iri.niL'. i- .. c the presldeut; Thomas living insp.rsls a for the I! Drown, vico president; Albert. H. -Mil-the co;; wheel. tarj. .- 1,!,-,.,. ler, treasurer, and , llnberl. M. Kar- TFP on the throttle until the speedometer eii'ndually 1 i u-li \v;is accepted by S says 80 or better. Loaf along at 50 or» toil unsurpassed hy any other American car. And hairman (if the elub servico and more than sevent'y countries and or numu oeinitnittee, Christian L. 2}fi'f;e, .11 FLOATING HEAR AXI.F. . si wo even greater economy than last year's Ford. 4 R"oo;;raphiral area's in which Rotary and other makes in Single oinmunlty service ; Thomas Irvinj; clubs have been established. In the WELI>ED STI.il. Sl'OKK WIIEKl.S . . .~. . J.UOO Crown, public information; Dr. Hain- The Ford V-8 for 193'f gives you the riding si year there have been aelded to and Double Breasted Models. lel W. Hnu^nian, international rt'i- Other features of the Ford V-S for 1'Krf comfort of free action for all jour rcAcr/t — 'vlco; Pirrro A. Proal ami Chailej fv. this list I/itvia. tlio Spaaish Zone in wiih. the safety of strong axle construction; StraiiH. cla::silU'ation ol' members; .Morocco, and Uiilgnrln. There is to- Dual ildwn-ilraft oirlmrrtlon I'd fenilers to match day a chain of more thin li.iiOO Ro- anil In (.like nuuilfold. on lh'I.uio in. ild9, at Before you buy any car at any price, see and John H, Moiuil. boy:.' work, Jn:t';ih no eitni cti:iri^ '.Salz, orijipletl children; WilliVm ;'- tary elulu eneiri'lilig the world with lilts — drive the Foul V-JI for 193-1. Weeks. fcllowiililp; RIIIMMI fi. M.-.i- nearly l.'iO.fl lotarlnn.i, united in i ur DouMc -nrtlnn elf- wurltl fi'llnwship. lju^tliiii lly ilr;ui!tc unk donald. atlendaiH'i', Thoni:'..i Hivul. Oxford and Banker Grey, Taiis, Browns and • hleld —nil IIIKIJ l.vpi- S1.V-: YOl'R NKAHEST FORD DF,\LP.R I rural-urlian promotion, llr. Allan I-. (JROWTI1 OF ItOTARV Ifluiiilall, : Indent loan fuail. Juliu 'I'. Fancy Mixtures; also some blues in the lot. AH-atccI noily illTca Find Out Here Free Lawle\', jiru.'^ram; William I,, ku.'- mum oafuly. sell, aims and objects. Karl (i. Una;:, Strife, Nortlir Thi;j ncw-tyjMi trsicr tclla John T. l,n\vley, Dr. Flarnlil J. Sluice:- Safety CAnni iinl thrmifch- vim tho truth. Henri tlm ami Charles K. t'hamplin aro !he out iin UK I.m hoilics — im ntra il "liitls yourself—ni) technical .•ion;;- loade!:i. vercoats—- 11'rnis- - no rlianiio fop trror. The inocUii!;:; of Hie Heil Bank $515 ami tifi — F.U.H. Detroit if UK, wo ndtl water* clean club are held every Thursday lmon Oxfords, Browns and Fancy Patterns in u!f firciMi Btulf. tighten con- at balf-iiasl. hvi'lvo :ty eomiltiis.', will In: he:ld In He- Authorized lord Sales and Service. T'he ellib would riieimrace laislin-ss 1'iil, Juno S.Vl'll advantage of this opportunity. fi'llowship and eiiiphnsl.'.'! 11 111.1 • 1 > l^'ononiie problenui nrialuB from Alias Tires — Lubricationi.taudnrd in huslm's-. and prnfe: . lunal life. Inn r.iplil eliaiuvi-.M ju fomnierem, In- Free Crankcaee Service Iti.-.liy ami lin.uuc v,-j|| rrce:lvc malnr Con Maple Ave. & Monmouth St., Red Bank Wllliln st few weeks I here wen- a •onsideiatlon. '|')in opcnlii,; .session i;e.oro of member;' and Iho Ihsi of tlie will locus atlenllnn on tlit-Ko miidern Cor. Maple Ave. & UcrRcn I'l. "iu'ivle'" clubs came Into existence. ' iiioblenis. .Sul):u:f|uoiit fie-islonfj Inspired by this success, tlie found- Cor. Oridec Ave. & Rector P). will colisldi'i- II,,' ,'ffoet of th,,,io Phone 176. or bewail to iv:',' ipmi niir Imsiiie. leu, luul imr Intcr- formed In Kan p'raliciseo by I Imui'r 1 tti'ind rcl.itlun.iilps. W. We mil, ol thai eiiy, tluec yrar.. The isnivenliou j.;; eaileel hy John Page Eight RED BANK REGISTEK, FEBRUARY 28,1981." health had been sovevcly tried by thein tho eye by a fTylnj? stick and heThr o dinner waa propareiJ by Edward climatic chances during the winter, eye win tylackcned and her faca Doughty ai Pair Havsn, •o in went to Florida for his health. bi'uiae.d. William H. Hlnteimana leased the Htcfimbont wharfa -were in great de- Henry W. Naughton, who had been Otto Beiitel bungalow at West Park mand at Scabrlght. Three steamboat spending several weeks at hla homo Rumson, to Harry I. Caesar, ton of, Funeral Home companies with tWe'boats were ar- at Oceanic, reaumett his position aa H. A. Caesar, a Rumson road.ffcal- SPECIALIZING ] N . J O B B I Belfonf, N. J. Incidents Culled From The Reg- ranging for wharfage. head clerk at tho Lakewodd Country dent. This vi&n tho first spring; ren- SCREEN AND STOKM ttNCLGSUBJW - , " ,T - .,: .i, . •„ i Mr. and Mm. Tylce W. Throckroor- club. tal of tho year. Telephone 010-BI 160 Bridge Avenue, Red Ilontt, W. 3. ister of the Fou.th Week in , i Francis White & Son opened a real Harry A. Seulthorp and his daugh- |on of RcA Bank ce ebratc[l the r estate ofllce in tho Swift building: In ter Tessle were Injured whila coast: February, Twenty, Thirty andigouieGam-In wtddin;t Wall,; aanniversary farmer of .Marlboro tho rear of tho Knickerbocker drug lug on Miller street hill at Highlands.' Forty Yeats Ago. [township, -was found dead sitting in store on Monniouth street. Mr. Sculthorp.'s leg was wrenched forty Years Ago. fhulr in bis home. Hewlett Conovcr oucceoded John and one of his daughter's legg was Mr. aril Mrs. llulif Willett of Colt's Antonidcs as clerk In Conover'a atoro broken. ENDEffiSON'S The Washington birthday enter-, at Uncroft. Ho had been attending tainmont in St. James hall under thei^"-!' returned from their wedding Fire destroyed the Leonardo man- school at Greenport ual echool building at a losa ol $3,000. to look Upr beat at oil times... auspices of the Young Ladies' Soditl-1 trip. Miss Magtfta Connors, daughter of to fed at case and perfectly ity netted $80. Those who had parts Charles Derby's house at Highlands l) Thlrly Tears Ago. Richard Connors of Lincroft, cele- was destroyed by flre of unknown poised. in the program were Mfig^'it* Q '£~ brated liet- birthday -with a party. origin. The loss was estimated at MIS-SIMPUCITT' ley, Delia Ilollan, Mamie Kellly, Mag- The exhibition of work of the pu- Joseph S. Clark reopened his coal $3,000. 1934 SEED CATALOGUE gie Vlolimi, Anilin Taylor, Annie Holl-jpiis of the JleA Banlt public schuol, Created by and lumber business at.Belford. DeWitt Scott succeeded George ly, Mamio Sldell, Marion McDcrniuit, wll|ch wag to t]0 snown ttt the 8t. Seaman as a member of tho Rumaon AND 25c REBATE SLIP Gosaard Alice Warwick, nose Kelly, Knlie jijUiiis fair, was shipped to Trenton, Tiventy Years Aso. board of health. Mr. Seaman spent is tSo answer. Coyne, Mury Bradley nnd Mildred jwilcr{. it was to bo combined with the Hollywood. Between the numbers uii| ), i ork from the rest of the There wero lively aleigh races be- much of hits time in tho South and Tho pull of tho EC 0o w ing helil on Broad street, but In apito for this reason gavo "up tho Job. bade • straps tho program vocal and instrumental |?tn(e somo exceptionally lino, work music was rendered by Katie ltyun, | dona by Gtutrudo Norman, Alma of tho fine sleighing tho sport did M1S8 Emma S. GIsleson, daughter the coupon nnd %vo will BCIICI you free flattens tho ab- wns not nttmct tho Interest it did a few of Elicit S. Glaleson. and Lawrence of charge "Everything for tlic-Gardcn'\ llcndco domen, uplifts the Misses Hollywood and JJelia j,\u|, Margaret Patterson, Mabel WI1- Hulian. . jber, Isabel Grapel, Lathum Fcarsall, years previously. Tho reason was V. Wolf, both of Red Bank, were eon'o new BCCII cntalo^ue, together ivith the new tho bunt, and that automobiles were crowding tho married, at tho Matawan Baptist par- controls the that put the The Riverside Gun club of Hed; Sarah Hlprglna, IDmma LaFetra and eonago by Rov. Samuel Bower. Ilcnilcraon 25-ccnt rcliato slip. Bank and the Centrals u[ Long j Blanche Patterson. Other contrlbu- horses out. Mont of tho races on hips. Broad street were won by Arthur W. John Foster held tho coasting roc- Let our expert Indian Sign Branch had a Washington birthday .'tors In the girls' department from shoot lit Red Bank. The two clubs • tho lower grades were Marguerite Shutta of Tinton Falla and Alfred ord at Highlands, having coasted "Everything for tlio Garden" is trie title of our 1934 fitters e h o w Plntard of Oceanic.' John T. Hop-from tho top of tho hill on Miller you what on the one tied, the score bcln^ 80 to SO out of , Davidson, Gertrude Walling, Elsie catalogue. It ia a beautifully illustrated book with 32 full- a possible 100 birds to a side. The iconovcr, ISthcl Braun, Emma Pattcr- ping had a team of fast trotting street to Benjamin Nelmark'B store, Mls-Slmplicity you're wearing horaea which he exhibited almost near tho foot of Miller street. color plates and hundreds of illuslratipna direct from actual can do. Jiud Bunk gunncru wer.es Henry C. 'ion. MurgnrM Prate* Ethel Bnidon, Wliite, Phil Daley, Jr., James Cooper, Alice Supp, Anna Henrehan, Mabel eveiy afternoon. Charles Ellis, aged fifteen years, photographs of the results of Hmtlerson'rt seeds. It offers Brny and Elizabeth Taylor. The Tho Keansburg Tango Social club son of Thomaa Ellis of Hoimdel, ran many special collections of ve,getnblen seeds arranged BO as Old ideas in felt are Jr., I. W. Budd, Oscar Hesse,. K. \V. into a fence while coasting and ho $4.50 to $10 Throclunorton, John 'Cooper, work of the boy.s in their department frave a danco in MacDonald'a audt- to give a continuous supply of fresh, crisp vegetables through- as obsolete as old Frank IS. Heycr, Albert Iviris ami was executed by Charles Hammell, torium at that place. Music was was so badly braised and cut that out the summer, and collections of flower seeds especially Kdward Cooper, Geor^i? A. Lon^r-j PJiilip Warner, Clinton Harrison, Ed- furnished by Hopplng's orchestra of ho was laid, up several days. arranged for harmony of color ond continuity of bloom. ideas in fenders. street was the ulllclnl eco; nd John win Davis. William VanKirk, Jehu Red Bank. The olllcera of tho club Tho engagement waa announced of wero Joro Sheehan president, liyrtlo Professor Lloyd B. Wheeler, principal It ia a complete garden book and should he in the bands 17 Broad Street, IJed Bank, N. J. S. Hocy was referee. Cooper nnd Isaac Nixon. Charles K. While motor makers One of the most notable hor.se cases • D. Foxwcll exhibited two lurge cards Smith vice president, Norman Car- of the Rum3on public school, to Miss of every lover of tho garden beautiful or bountiful. Clip ever tried In tho courts of Monniouth 'of photographs. hart treasurer, Irving Broander sec- Rachel VanAtter Mowdcr of. Net- tho coupon now! 77io Henderson Rdbato Slip, which uill bo retary, Earl Pclper chairman of en-cong, Now Jersey. have been busy chang- county had been £Olti£ on for several The Alerts baseball club of Itcd sent with every catalogue, where the coupon in this advertisement days. It was a case to determine tertainment committee and Oscar Preaching the gospel by the aid of ing hoods . . . the Bank held a minstrel show In thoBroander chairman of athletic com- moving pictures was a now feature is sent us, will bo accepted by us as 25 cents cash payment ore the ownership or a horse, which was I opera house and cleared $250. Those mittee. any order oftim dollars or over. hood makers haven't claimed by Charles E. Quackenbush having parts In the show were Jim being conducted at tho Red Bank Re- of Middletown .township and John E. [Hulibard, Frank Wellcr, Joseph Dlck- Miss Eleanor Thome, a teacher in formed church by tho pastor, Rov. Leigh J. Sessions been napping. Boyce of Marlboro township. Charles 'opf. Al Bottlehcr, Dr. Herbert E. Wil- tho Oceanic school, and G. Howard Lester Leggctt. Hem-y Ivins of Red Bank was rcprc-liiams, Ernest Hilsdorf, George D. Llpplncott, son of Georgo Lipplncott James O'Toolo of Kcyport, while at For 87 yeara. HENDERSON'S (JOBFOBATIOX scntlng Quackenbush and Frank P. Cooper, Gaorfre M. Keough, Oliver of Littlo Silver, were married at New work in a factory at Perth Amboy, TESTED SEEDS have been tho Here today is an en- McDermutt and Charles H. Butcher jsutphin, Delford Fisher, Fred Frlck, York. Mr. Lipplncott was employed caught a hand in a fine cut rib saw Btandard. Year after yrnr our Lstiibllshed 1925 were counsel for Mr. Boycc. Quack-! Oliver and John C. Brown, Walter at New York and the couple planned and a thumb and llrst finger were constantly improving methods tirely different kind of severed. have enabled us to maintain our enbush won the case. Conk, Prrcy Davis, Charlie Foxv/ell, to start housekeeping in' the city in supremacy among American Bcctl tho spring. Mrs. Lipplncott was a Miss Elizabeth Cross, daughtar of An oil royalty is always tlio hat beauty. A surprise party wasehcrintivo Hmdilot >*ont Stetsons , . , I relative to giving up the possession [Bownc. They wero shipping an av-opinion to the effect that the borough acres of her farm at Port Monmouth to hor niece, Mrs. Flora Poolo of City.. ...Stata . on request. {of a farm in Middletown township' crage of two carloads a week from council could acquire tho Fair Ha- Unlined ...6.00 to his brother Joseph. The trial oc- this section. ven dock by purchase. "A commit- Freneau, for $10,000. jcuplcd about four days and the jury tee, composed of Mayor Frank Cov- Mrs. Edith A. Leek, widow of Reu- TESTED, Lined 6.50 Mrs. Minerva C. Antonldes, wife of ert, Councllmen, Brown, Travis and ben Leek of Belford, died of Bright's MEDS 17 East 42nd St., New York i was out three hours. John J. Antonldes of Red Bank, tiled Although it was bad traveling, the ., . Monmouth street. Davis, was appointed to meet with disease. Sho waa 81 yeara old. t hel home on the dock committee to arrange for E. A. G. Intemann was elected National City Building, Lincroft chapel was filled to capac- sj,e was 72 years old. She was sur- ity when tho Ladies' aid society gave i i by her husband, three sisters "ie purchase of the property. president of the Highlands board of VAnderbllt 3-3407-8 v vo( trade. 35 CORTLANOT STREET NEW YOKK CITY an entertainment. Those who liad,aml a brother. One of her sisters A euchre party for the benefit of BRANCH STORE: Newman Sprins« Road. Red Bank, N. J. parts in tho program were Josiejwas MJS3 Sarah M. Willett, a well St. Catherine's church at Everett John R. Conover was reappolnted Bray, Bessie Fenton, Btta Thompson,! )cnown teacher In the Red Bank pub- netted ?00. The roads wero some- flro warden of Middletown township. Miimlp TmnlinsdP, fjnrnli W.-illin:;,, lie 'iohool what snow blocked and this caused . The road to better and bigger oust- a shiall attendance., The prize win- Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- ness leads through The Register's ad- Joseph Thompson, Irene Hurley, I Anumbcr of barrels of cylinder oil One of the quickest ways to find a vertising columns.—Advertisement. f1"™ ThomP3On' Annie Sanborn and 'washed ashore between Keansburg ners were Mary Morrcll, Edward job in to advertise In The Regl3- ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who Lydia Thompson""" . fand the Highlands during the past Rowe, William Gaughan, Charles [ tor's Want nepartment.—Advcrtloo- wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. An Oriental court in connection 'week. The oil formed a cargo of the Kelly, Edward- - Braach, William ment. Walch, Carrie Toornby,. Margaret with the Order of American Me-.stcanlcl. Boston, which was rammed chames at Atlantic Highlands wasjnnd sunk off Sandy Hook. Repre- Maher and James Maher. belng organized by Jacob Skidmorc, ise ntatives of the insurance company Mrs. A. Holmes Borden of Shrews- J. S. Cruscr, Charles R. Snyder, Rob-] that had insured tho cargo wore Jiay- bury entertained tho Shrewaburj crt C. Todd, -F. D. Lacuis, G. A. ing $i5 a barrel for the oil. Reading club. Thoso who took part Couch, John B. Valleau, J. B. Wood- Charles King Bishop of Red Bank at the session wero Miss Mary Con- I uiT and M. Perrine. died In his 81st year of a general nolly, Miss Laura Morford, Mrs. H. Norman L. Munro of Long Branch,' breakd own. He was born at Charlos- T. Partree, Mrs. Hurry G. Sicklea, :\r, well known summer resident and ton and began a Journalistic career Mis9 Mary Borden, Mrs. Walter C, of the largest property owners at the age of nineteen in that city. Bunn, Mrs. Dwlght L. Parsons, Mrs, i';..stern Monniouth, died of ap-He was survived by his widow, two John T. Lovett and Miss Nlvlson. Mr. Munro was intcr- daughters, Misses Florence and Grace After having been postponed six i. in steam launches and owned | Bishop, and a son, Charles Bishop. times, Red Bank's third annual ic i • i.f the fastest private launches Tno newly olected officers of Ind< carnival drew to Red Bank thous- York waters. pendent Engine company of Red ands of spectators. Ice boat races, L, wife of Cyreniiis V. Gold- Bank wero installed by William H. skating contests and other sports Vest Long Branch, died in Johnson. Chief Cornelius S. Mount wero carried on all day and at; night ittli year. Mrs. Golden's jwas present and made an address. dancers {n fantastic attire glided to numu was Morris. She wasTiic Independent company, was thebrass band music in light made by :• H'.nUmtown and had a l only lire company in the department roaring bonfires and rod flares. o; acquaintances and friends {to have an installation service. The girls' basketball team of Red :.i tlils section of Monmouth Mrs. Sarah Coburn Marshall of Bank defeated a team from Perth Red Bank died in her eightieth year. Amboy by the score of 21 to 11. Pearl Fire practically destroyed the house She was survived by ilve children. Wordcii, captain of the Red Bank or J. s. Williams situated on Point They were Mrs. Mlllard F. Many, five, mudo eleven of the points scored Lookout at Atlantic Highlands. The Mrs. Frank A. Longatreet and Hen- by her team. Tho other playera on new water system proved to be all ry and Samuel Marshall of Red Bank her team wero Mary Conover, Grace I hat was required of it and by virtue and Louis Marshall of Brooklyn. Conover, Helen Chamberlain and of the cfllciency of the firemen the ad- Miss Elnora Walling, daughters of Adole Chandler. joining buildings were saved. Joseph S. Walling of New Mon- Miss Margaret Rigleman, daughter While pulling down a tree with a mouth, was married at her home to of Frank Kigleman of Atlantic High rope in Morford's wood^, George William H. McCormack of Brooklyn. lands, was preparing for grand open; Zieglcr got the rope tangled around Rev. Archibald H. Sutphin, pastor of work under the direction of Lionel his feet. The rope tripped him andthe Hew Monmouth Baptist church, Hayes Robsarte. Miss Rlgleman pos- ie had a very bad fall. He wus com- performed the coremony. sessed a very pleasing voice and she pelled to go about on crutches for The financial report of the borough had taken part in many concerts and some time after the accident. of Atlantic Highlands showed that entertainments given in this locality Very New I J H An informal party was held at archlights were coating the borough for charity. $33.18 per year, which was consider- Riverside farm at Swimming River, ;lll The 22d annual dinner of the Mon- Spring Suits In An the hostess being Mii, Katu D. ! 'y fjheuper than in other munici- mouth Boat club was held at the Joncs. A large summer dining room, j palilies, due to a municipal owned clubhouse. William J. Culllngton with hard wood floors and capable of j Plant. president, of tho club, was unable to Old-Favorite Fabric accommodating six square sets, vnin) A .-•knllng- race wa3 held on thebe present on account of illness. Jos- used for dancing. [ Tiiilern reservoir at Lincroft. A largi eph Salz, the vice- preoident, presided Mr. and Mis, T. M. White ofjciowil gathered and they chipped I and introduced Dr. lidwln Field as Branch avenue entertained a merry | and offered cash prizes to the win toastmaster. company at . a progressive euchre i ncrs. Tho race was won by Jame: Mayor Horace P. Cook donated a party. Mi.-'s Lily Hancc wus the prize! Bray, with Joseph Bray a close sec silver cup thirty Inches high to the v.inner. During the evening a aolo ond. Red Bank Cavalry troop as a per- \va.-; rendered hy Jyliss May Gullcli. George Conlad moved his baker; petual trophy for the cavalrymen and The Democrats and Republican:] of business from tho corner of Maph it was to be competed for In shoot- HOW Shrewsbury township called their avenuo and Wliite street to the Hoi ing matches at tho armory. Tho cup primaries to be held nt the Globe lywood bakery on Washington strce waa on exhibition in R, F. Wilbur's I hotel at lied Bank, the Democrats The Hollywood bakery waa ono o jewelry store, melting in the afternoon and the Re- llic early bakery places at Red Banl John Cogan of Eatontown died of publicans .it night. A silver ptnich bowl presented b; paralysis. He was eighty yeara old. It has a lot; and Roger B. Whitman can help you solve most of !.,..,Tho, *•——"annua>l entertainmen"'"""i™»1"t bi'.yv i'"th'e Hih e citizens of Rod BBank was woi Mr. Cognii was ono of tho men who | Midi Mown pnblm .school for the uy Chin-lea Irwln's Gcorgio in an cas; helped build tho Southern railroad them. He's an engineer and an authority on house conBtruction What woman •doesn't want at least one I j benHH. of 1 ho village library wan held victory over Chnrlcs Burd'n Tormen line through Eatontown and for many m tin rooms over Luf burrow & ; A'ewton Doremua1 Atlanta and Thorn years was employed as llagman at and on house repairs.. .If there's something wronp; in your house boucle suit in her sports wardrobe for the 1hunip,ons store. The iimi loaned as Henryy Grant'Grant'isi TyTyro: . tho Main street crossing at, that or apartment, if there's some improvement yon want to make, new season? Particularly when the boucle tin lnonirf for tlio occasion. Major General Gilmore, commando] place. ind Mrs. ("Icorgo K. Smith of nf the second brigade, paid an o£ read Mr. Whitman's daily column First Aid for the Ailing House. in question fashions suits of such trimness lit Itoid returned from a three A Hebrew Sunday-school, with 25 r tlcial visit to the Hod Bank Cavnir scholars, was organized at Red Bank, mod'h ' trip to Kuropc. r)io trip "troop ami inspected tho outfit, Har- It gives you expert, practical advice on how to make repairs and as these ! • I • \\ i mult! for tho bcupflt. of Mis, with Max Mlndlin as teacher. Meet- old .Ncirnan Avna a new member ol ings wero held every afternoon from how to keep your home in condition. If you have a specific smith health nnd she returned home tho troop. mm li improved. four to cix o'clock In rooma over Skirt, blouse and jacket affairs ... the imuih improved Mr. and M,r3. Robert Kov Sutpliir Schwartz's furniture store on West problem that is bothering you now, write to Mr. Whitman and blouse in a contrastingly colored lacey knit. | Mnitimer V. 1'ach of Ked Bank .-in-1 ljf HOIIIKM t.<-lcl.i-;itril Ihc fiftieth an- Front street. n1..,n,,da.,umlH.,'<>ru ml from liryporl, AfdfawaH, Ate. nnd Jfr?. William If. Wnllini ISlwooil Majrco of Lljicroft cele- lli/lct Ni-wark nail licrl lianlt. nf Keyport were paid a surprls" brated Ills tilth birthday by giving a vlnit, which wii:i urranRiMl by their itiiK dinner parly to flffcen friends THE ONLY COLUMN OF ITS KIND IN NEW YORK Idiniliuat .Sea Kirrl. bought a blcycUj children in celebration of tdr: ,'IGth an- 11 Joseph Tomllnson'a Lecdsvlllo Inn. fmrn Ihiwkniorlnii & Company, 'i'liin nlver.'i.iry of their jnnrriagp. w i Die tii.'.r hicyclo ;;alc to lie made Albert Ifal^li of Keyporl, pan of. Every Day on the Real' Estate Page of in Hul Hank tlil.-i yenr. Wuprrliilendent Unlgli of the Pcniey' Olm I'arkfr, Kdltli Wnller.'i nnd Centrnl Traction company, lie/^an WARNING \lm/i I'lnnael jtavn a party i-liidyliiK !aw In J. Clarence Conover's n f'nlier'.i li.ttl at olllro lit. (hat place. No nilvot-tiuotitent l» this n^wp. pii/i of a lioltlc of colujjiin mis won Adolpli Troupel'.-i drug r,lore at Pfil>cr Is intondfid to offer alcoliollc In <'• KIP .li-lfrey. hevornfiess for «nlo or drllvory in Kill onl own wa.i closed on account of hny (itato nr community "wJiereln I'll hi A. 11,'Ve,' wa.-i the winner of the HieUniMji of Mr. Trcupol, wlionc tho ntlvcrfli.iiiEr. pnl« op uso of anch Tha Newspaper of Distinction in ita Headers, iV.i News l i Jll condition Wa-. loulteil ujion (ia heliii; Hill ( nnielhl , ,\- lie,; uil. .Jae,,b (). H'll" It "ii .'Hid U'ahi'i 'I'. Hull. Hcd Bank Register WKU BANK An Itleal HaCu to Live. THE ltKUISTKU'8 I'LA'lI'MRM. Located im tho Beautiful Broad Street t» thf> Utvi-r Shrewsbury Klvcr one hour Sewers uii Bvery 8h< J from New YovU, ami proi'ld- Moro Faflilnj^ ^pis<^! Ing evory city convenience. Sidewalks Aioftff the liio'lit»

d Weekl?, Kntcred BS Hecomi-ClRss Mnttor nt the Fost- Subscription l'rk-e: One Year $1.60 VOLUME LVI, NO. 36. fit IU;(i U«nki N. J., under tlio Act of Minch 3, 1B79. KED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934, Kix Months 51.00. Binelo Cow 4c. PAGES 9 TO 16.

finally thai tho empty shells wore LIQUIDATING NOTES. fouhd in an aah can In front of tho .©' IC, •ain By house, when Turner left by the back Newton D. Ailing AMIIH For Co-oper- door and did not return until he ation by Borrowers. came to (jive himself up. To Pupils' Petition Mrs. Booker died at the Rivervlew Newton D. Ailing, receiver of the Harold V. B. Voorhis of ReBroad d Street National bank of Red Blocked in Many Locali- Harry Klatsky, Red Bank Attor- hospital several hours after the Pictures of Outstanding Red Bank, in talking^with a Register re-Over 800 Pupils of Red Baric Citizens' Association of Red ties and Schools Closed in ney, Wins Acquittal for Negro shooting while Brown died the fol- Bankers Who Have Passed Bank Now Presiding Officer porter yeaterday1 expressed gratifica- Schools Who Are Depositors Bank to Pay Out $10Q,00p m on Charge oir Murder—Shortlowing day. of the Grand College of Rites tion with the progress mado in liqui- Some- Communities — Thick Sentence on Another Charge. Away to be Shown in Howard in tho Broad Street Bank Pe- Cash and- Cancel $32,000 in Whitfield's Building. of the United States. dating the asseta of the inBtitution. tition Nation's Head. Blanket of Record Depth. Pinning his faith on the Bible. 1'AETV FOSTI'ONED. Ho stated that the prompt manner -Mortgages* Another big snow storm, the third which ho read incessantly v;hilo he Tho foyer on tho second floor of The annual convocation of theJr. which many note.'j had been paid A petition arranged by the Hcd Citizens BullUng and Loan, ao.socl- UIIH month, Blurted to full Sunday stood trial tot four days on twoParent-Teacher Association Affair to Howard Whltfleld's store and oillceGrand College of Rites of the United or partly paid wa.i an indication of Bank high echool student council, ation will pay shareholders in tho noon ami cSntlnuod without cessation charges which followed tho fatal Bo Held March 20. building on Broad street will soon'be- States of America was held Tues- the financial stability of the comunde- r George Strausa and sponsored fifteenth aerie® approximately $100,- until about ten o'clock Monday night. Bhootlng1 of William Brown and Mrs. come a picture gallery or Red Bank day, February 20, at Alexandria, Vir- munity. Mr, Ailing was asked how by The "Red Bank Register, waa re-000 In cash and cancel mortgagee The bunco party planned for by tho Hall of Famo to perpetuate the mem- ginia, and Harold V. H. Voorhis of ha way handling .small personal noten conlly sent to President Roosevelt It was of. longer duration than the Daley Booker at their homo on Bank Child Welfare association of tho amounting to ?32,0OO on tho horned ono hint week, but the fall vms not street on August 30, 1033, nnd upon ory of outstanding residents of this Bergen place, who was grand reg- and his. reply, in part, was a3 fol-asking that some means be found to of several worthy citizens who have junior-senior high school Parent- town who have passed away. This istrar of tho organization, was ad-lows: rc-open the Broad Street National FO heavy. Very llttln property dam- his attorney, Harry Klatsky of Rod Teacher association on Friday, March patiently, and in recent months at Hfjo wufi caused by the atorm^ but It part of the building is 15x18 feet nnd vanced to grand chancellor, which Is "We are alway.s glad to meet peo- bank or to obtain the funds on de-i-omc inconvenience, made their pay- purnlyzod lnduatry and other activi- Bank, who argued successfully that 16, has been postponed until Tuesday, the walls aro amply largo to provide tho presiding ofllcor. posit in the bank by the pupils. The the killing of the former occurred March 20. It will bo given at the Red ple half way. We recognize that ments regularly, looking forward to ties. Many roads are ntlll lmpaHimble apace for thousands of photographs. The Grand College has control liquidation of notes according to petition was signed by 813 pupils this time when their homes would bo during a HIMIHIP for possession of theBank Woman's ciub. The proceedsBenfiith each potograph will be a who bad money on deposit in the with ileep drifts and HCIIOOIH In a will go to bay glasses, clothing and over more than 250 Masonic rites their precise terms is not always free of indebtedness. The association' number of communltfeH are not open. gun and tho shooting of tho latter Hhort description of the person rep and de^rc's of Masonic bodies that feasible. It in not every man or wom- bank (ind cited the fact that the chil- has the money in ita treasury and in shoes for needy children. Although rescnled. The llrst photographs will dren's confidence in banks would be Scores of persona got snow bound was accidental, William Turner, tho P. T. A. lo not a welfare or char- have become dormant or not cona-n who can pay $100 or $200 down able to pay In cash the full amount and had to go to the homes of rela- ity organization, It's aim is to help ferred in this country. The purpose on the nail, but most everyone can destroyed if they bad to lose the due shareholders 'without "borrowing tives nnd friends. One employee of | in aiding the needy children who are of the organisation, is principally his- pay something in installments." money they had saved and placed In money from any bank or government The HeglKter, who livey at Freehold, toric and for the ;;tudy of the various this bank in conformance with the agency. boenmo fearful Sunday afternoon not cared for by tlio city. Masonic degrees and rites. The mem- Mr. Ailing went on to explain that lessons of thrift they had been taught Tickets arc to be sold at the door his instructions require him to place Due to troublesome economic con- Hint, lip would l»fl unable to got to bership coiiHiiitH of 300 Follows in thein the hands uf the bank'a attorney in the schools. In response to thisditions recently, maturity of thiii work Monday morning. He drove hla and-distributed, in school. Home room United States, of which £12 have been petition the following letter has been series has been delayed eight months pur to Red Bank and Hpent tho nighl. mothers will also lielp with the sale filled. Eleven of these arc residents for collection notes for which no received from the White House, of tickets. The ticket committee in satisfactory nrrnnyrment for liquida- beyond the usual time because the hero with a friend. Ho waa not. able of New Jerney. There arc also ten tion haa bnen made or reasonable igncd by the President':-; private RCC- Banking Department required re- to return home Monday or yesterday charge consists of Mrs. Hugh Mc- members allotted to foreign countries retary and addressed to Leo Cloth, serves to bo ;;ct up to protect alt on account of the condition of the Inncs, Mrs. Albert Wordcn, Mrs. and those havo all boon iSlled. excuse offered for inability to paypresiden. t of the student council: roads. The storm probably produced Ralph lCckert, Miss Hanna Johnson, Thin applies to endorsers as well aa .shareholders equitably against losses Mrs. Charles Imlay and Mrs. Edwin The New Juraey member.) besides makers, and the receiver should not White House, that may be incurred on tlio prop- no better cxaifiplc of loyalty to the Mr. Voorhis aro Dr. G. Van Voris be blamed if a service of summons Washington, I). C, erty now owned through foreclosure employer. i 'dose. Warner and Herbert N. Packei, Jr., February 21, 1034. proceedings. The amount required In the opinion of many1 old-tlmcra and complaint is made when no at-Dear Leo:-- of Red Bank, Frederick T. Hurley tention has been paid to repeated Your letter to the President ot Feb- to be yet up 0.3 reserves was deducted more unow ifj on tjio ground than ' and Daniel S. Weigand of Little Sil- notices to call. ruary 8 with the enclosed petition from earnings and reduced tho wan truo after the famoua blizzard of ver, J. Edward Wilson of Rumson, has been received. By hia direction,amount which otherwise would be 1888. No one of tile thrco February Stockton Hopkins of Keyport, Earl it. has been referred to the consider- available to mature the shares in. this RIIOW ntorms was a blizzard (ir^jtfven O. Palmer of Long Branch. Dr. God- ation of the officials of the Treasury series. This monkey is not lost but remotely resembled a blizzard. But frey pittis of AUeiidale, Hiram E. Interlakfei*- Mayor Department. under the rule ia not available for snow from nil tlirco of the storma is Beats of .Flomington and Dr. Elting Very sincerely yours, payment at the present time. Th* otlll on the ground, and some folks Store Building, With Three Gore of East Orange. M. A. LeH;md, actual operations show that $142 has who rcmomber the blizzard well say Private Secretary. Stores and Apartments, and a Major J. Hugo Tatsch of New been paid in to maturo shares now that excluding drifts thcro in more York, who in the present grand reg- worth $200, showing a net profit ot snow.on the level now than there was Private Residence Destroyed Engineer and World Traveler 558 an. each share. The profits rea- In '88. Tho firststor m of tlio ucrloa istrar of the Grand Collpge of Rites, Early Monday Morning. is a member of "Hiram chapter, num- Tells of Trip Across South Bible Class 1 o lized to each shareholder In this ser- of three occurred Thursday, Febru- ber one, Royal Afeli Masons of Red ies tho last fiscal year was at the ary 1, and there hufj been extremely A two and a half story frame America—Meeting Held in rato of 7.87% per annum; an oscel- cold weather almont continuously building, containing threo stores and Bank. The Grand Collogo of Kites has a Baptist Church. j lent showing considering existing slnco that time. apartments, and a frame house on an conditions.' At Red Bank quick and efficient adjoining lot, in the center of the library of several hundred original Mayor K. C. dcViHavcrUc uf Intcr- Entertainment to be Given in .work has been done In clearlngthe Highlands business section, wore de- rituals on file in its office in North lnken, who lias traveled, around the Owners of real estate and holders '. business streets of snow. Snow re- stroyed by flic which broke out about Carolina. The first ritual published world nintr times, addresHCd members High School Auditorium onof mortgages have had distressing moval work on state anil county two o'clock Monday morning. The under its auspices has just appeared of the Lions club last night at a Friday, March 16—Meeting experiences in recent months because loads ,has' not been so satisfactory. loss is estimated at $50,000. HOWARD WHITFIEXD. from the press and'bears on Sweden- regular meeting; of tho organization of declining values of property. The Borgi.m rit?. Tho second ritual is Held Last Week. opinion seems quite general tho out.-'* There Is much criticism to tho effect JIAKBY KI.ATSKY" The • store building was owned by held in the Fellowship ball in the that the work ia not up,to the stand- Mrs. Harry Swartz. On the ground -probably'be put in place next, woe,c. contemplated to be finished sometime Baptist church. Mayor dcVillaverde, Plans for a minstrel show and en-look is much improved; somo real AIs0 this year. estate agents report an active inquiry ard maintained when there were old- colored, also of Dank street, escaped floor were a novelty storo operated in'the foyer will be a notice as "Whn is the idgn at the Cedar the position of postmaster at Rum- is circulating a petition asking that what some one or more pupils of her ing, George Goode, Plnckey Smith Bank. Friday afternoon at four o'clock bettor way to do this than by a pho- Bank will be open "to music teachers street f New YnrU * pier. son. Only one, person has llled an Dr. A. B. Kandall bo ousted na & school wcro In attendance and hence and John Kckort tleclarod that thoy a children's service will he held and tographic gallery. Tombstones and of Red Bank and their pupils. A It was decided "to sound the tire application for the. position, which Is member of the board of education. her school hau never lout a nciision lniew Mm. . Booker to rorry a, .38thoro will bo a confirmation ncrvico at monument:! do thin to a contiidfirnble horn at half-pus t seven o'clock on now held by Acting Postmaster James The petition recites that it la sspon- n program U\ hehitf arrun[;ed in whirh 1 on a regular school day. caliber revolver in her handbag. half-past yoven o'clock in the evening, extent, but to my mind thin mij; '- the pupils will participate. The teach- mornings when there in no .'ji'liool. Porter, Jr. He was appointed a short od by the Taxpayers' club, a uow Turner in \\\H own defense- tmUl Sunday nVorning there will bo Holy well be aupplcmontcd by living Ukc- ers invited are MIKS Grace Malch"*^', It was voted to pay to the county time ago nnd ho succeeded Richard organization. It is expected that it that thn revolver belonged to MrsCommunio. n at half-past seven o'clock nopscs in the form of photo^mphci. Miss Sadie Child, Miss Lillian Tcr- $:>,223 of the JW3 taw:;. J. Rogers, Sr. will be presented at tho next meet- F1HSX 8UJN OF Sl'IHNG. Booker and that ho waa tailing it tonnd litany and »ermou at eleven Yountf folksj nnd now conicrn at Redhunt!, MiafJ Angelina Otitendorff, ing of the board Tuesday night, her. Brown, ho said, met him ato'clock. Sunday evening ther-e will Bank know nothing about old-tlmcrn Adelbert Ontendorff, CEIHS Frceborn Bunco rurty Friday Night. A iU'iU ' Old-Fashion Dance. March 13. Yncht Club to Hold a UcefstdiH SttiK the door and threatened to nhoot bo evensong and an address at half- except tlmt which is told by "word of and Dontito Annese. The hoBtesseii «a-.-«s»- Supper. mouth, which often bneornen legend- A bunco party will be held Friday An, old-fashion barn thmce will bn him. He declared that after an ex-pnst seven o'clock. for the evening are Mrs, Ronald Mul- night tn the post rooms of Shrews- held Monday uij.;ht, March ,U>, by the IJoncflt Card Fnrty. change of wordfi Brown Htruck him ary. It ia my hope that tho fjullory liken, MIFSH Vora Knrcrosy nnd Mian A curd party will be held by til* The spring wu.toii of the Ilcci Bank in tho foyer will becomo a piotorlnl bury pont of tin; American legion of Ludies' auxiliary of the. Fair Haven Yacht club will open tomorrow night nnd then .sought to taito the revolver nhervkw Auxiliary Meeting. •Hilda (Jioneau. Tho public hi inRe- d Hunk, up.-.tnir;j, ;ii. «iT 11 road ilic company in Mechanics' hall. It Red IJank branch of tlio Nnodlework away. In thn turtle for thn revolver hintory of Itcd Bsinlc, serving to pre-vited to atlrnil the affair. with a. slug boefiilonlt party at tlio Tim members of the Ked Bank Jitreot for tho brnelit. of the -Urum will b(i a j;'-'inihu! uUl-ia.-ihfon dunce, Viiiild of America Friday afternoon "I it. WUH nccidt'ii((illy discharged and serve the memory of Ihoso who have 1 2;'A0 o'clock at, tlio Woman'a cllib on clubhouse on F.mit Front iUri'pt. Pre- auxiliary of Kiverview hospital are bnrn of Inrgt: jcrvicn to the commun- and nu^li . <'i>rp.J. Sovcuil of fIIFVO JIM only the lanrrrs', tho Virginia reel ceding tho dinner a mooting of nilBrown was Mint, Turner claimed, He parties liavo bt.-t'ii held thi.'i winter and oilier diinre.-i of bygone ('ny:i LTOad street. The proceeds v.'ili b® siaid ho did not know that. Mm. urged to bo present at the meeting ity." tho mnmbirn of the club will bo held scheduled for thin Friday afternoon, and they havo pruvcl very .•ui-ei'S:-;- will be on the program. Music will u»l for lotiil relief. Ticlsof.i may nt teoven o'clock, A meeting <>£ thoBooker had been sliot until hia wife Mr. WhltiieM Males that in dls- Jacob Xlotkln of Vrochold is in bo obtained from Mrr*. lClfa Patter- March 2, at. two o'clock at tho Molly plnyinK pli".usrniphu and historical \ ful. The cor p.--. will hold one rarh be provided by iiddlern who know the cntcrtalnnioni committee will a!;-o told him upon hla return to Red [owa plirrhnsiii)' twn expieiis <*ar- month. Tho public i:t invited to at-ohl-fasbion liineti, Mrs. Willbm 71. son of Vliita place. Hank, I In then Kiirrendered hini- Pitcher hotel. Mrs. .Samuel Hau.s- fuel:; )n the gallery no di.si-riminntlon ,laad:3 of horses ri^'ltt <>ff tile'farms take place. After the dinner a ping niiiii, president of the lied Bank tend. Ticket :•! may IK: procured from I jit tie, Jr., is in general charge of ],ong tournament will ho held and mlf. \ will 1)0 iihown with regard to race. Iin that (state. They will be shipped unit, will preside. Thoro will be thooroed or color. No photographs of member;-; of tho corps or at, ihn p;uly. tin- iin'aiir.otnrnt.'j. HuU'rhsintmtnl I'o'itjHmNf. turd games will be played. direct to Freehold and are duo toPri^i'H ami refreshment.-! will be pro- Mr, Klat.sUy then railed upon two iiitiml routine) business after wlitch living penkms will be nhown. arrive Hitfurday of this week. They HccitiiKn of tho iinow storm th« «'-• physician;), I'M". A. Alfred Podcll oftho lading will fold bandages and dn vided, including- himiommlo cake. tcrtiiinnient wliicli Mr. ami Mrs. Tolly •will bo offered at. auction at Ml.Howard Allr, in chairman of the par- l>ain Set (or CoiiMrcmUon. C'lwriii liiincu I'lirtj. Ilt'd UanU and Dr. Jame:i Hprndley other -work for the benollt of the 7,ln(kin':i s;il<' Tbui.iiiay. March H, at ; It war- announced Hahirduy at. theHunting of Fair Ilavsn Imil arnuigefi of tho state iHmpltitl, who tftttlileil ho.Hpttal. To Hold Can! Party. ty conimittiv nnd hi;; n:\n\rAnut.; ari- 1 A buni'd party will ho held by the hill :inlc:i :iliibl['i; in'T'leeliohl. Vatican Unit Mmi^Knur Mo:,nn Ktley, to j:lvn li'rl'lny nlRlit, March i', dil that Tumor mijcht have miffereil Thmnii:; KrorUhursi, U'-nni.i Mead, the bciiPlll of the T/iiili-"' nltl wiefsty Kplrltiiiilkit i:i>iu'fli't>r Iti'il Hank ni'st Navc:iliilc ltrhrltah Iculfte will liuM William Thurpr, Mu-hiicl linn ifnrtc, who w.-ui ;jppointed bhthop of Tron- from a hruih eoin'iision ni'ter bring rlim« mid froii.if IGrt'ltut. a curd parly In Odd Krlluwii In ( 1 of the 'rinton |i'nlln MftUiodi.il fhiiffh Tuesday nl^lH at it;i nuw home at 0jilruck ,by Turner. Curd I'arly IN^Ipom-d. I'liiiiK Yount;. tlroi'^t' Hir-lumr. Hen- j ton There will Im prizes MU; HO;JO ilaft. of Uoii Bank and Monmutith ;itii *t. TnVwIny nifilit. cnitf'il H;itnrd;sy, March 17, in Wantn lut:( been postponed. Projsoculnr Timlin In IIIM •summa- Tile curd pntty which was to liavo Klemintng, ThuniM.'i nnd r<'frf'!flini<'nU-. A regular month- hftV puplhi will give a piano find nong March (>. Mr;;. Anna. Vallrau and ry While, (Inor I'lVirfcnbrrgi-r ano. t f inn fit composition and rhythm hand work Delhi Amos; Mr;- Kmile I Inline anil 1 of the tinvu.'-hlp load.'i ;it Holmdol aro th I veil linnIi mi:sill;iry oi Mi.!,'V Turner, if Im had luul any inten- of the pupil!!. Mr;i. C'anlc Patlor in. I'rUeu will •' 1 tion of murdering lirnwti ho could, inip;u!:;al)lu bocau.'ui of heavy drifts. Community lire compitny of L'ou-l.li, MoMiorinil ho tnl oi! A'ibilIf Wo wii-U in iKMiii. all our friend;* be awarded and rofi 'Slmient!; Morvod. 1 1 i have sit'lzod thn opporlunHy that pnv aido is rui'mill;; v. i;' !'!' .; of fioi'lubli'S I'll ills Will hr hclil MUllllHV t!lf,1'fli i and nouihbm.) iuv tluitr UliuiruMin nnd HCSSOH 1C ('ri'iiiii l\llnstrrl Show roslpMiinl. v (lympiithy sihown to UM in tho midden Houled itHplf bofuiu entoring tho The lied liuulc lieulatcr travela al Ilic tiii-htmsc on Appletnn :t.v»'inl<' it'VCIl d'f •li.elc nt. Illf" hfiii>.v« et 1 now (iOe per quart ICI^ht delirious i'rubiii's i\v|>mvrlltT ilcufliiuiult'rri. over t'very ::tn:ct in town and evely Thr Robert \\. Mnnlell lio.-i.- com- i loMfi of our di'iM' huslmmt nnil father, hou.'it . Ho rot'iilletl the testimony of Ilavor;), pure, rich 1 cvMv VVfdinv'dMy tii|:hi. riancln;:' Mi i .K I(I>1|C-1I lii'iin ^! Vl.'il.i |)laf.ft, nd whok'Mum . Type writ cis rriiti-d, bought, t-uld rnud la tlia i-ouniy. Let It carry your pany of Atluniu- Mii;lilnud!i hint \nvM • 1 Rlehnul 1*. Dny; nl.su TUv. \V. Car-tho wltiu';,;u:i lhat liniwn provoked Ad :iml repaired, Ti uhin'.;, :w ihoud and retro •liniciil.i arc fculmi :'. .•. ---t>. #^ ..••• I 1 man Treui!,-*(h, nnd ihu:*i! v.'ho ncnt nu-.-:;':tV.t> to tlu'^c wllo Mvn on tlir:.. j poncd thi- luiiiNtii'l :;ho\v, M'hcdulrii mi aruiutuMil, that. Hiown hudthroat- •street. Ked llunl*. Advti I i; cineut. I luirnu<;lifai'4-:i.-' Advertiaenient. !"«11 •t IV ((!n- < •simil -s| (lot ul i ribuU"' nnd loaned oin:. Spec till! fur 1'Yldny uljihl. Mnrrh '.!. iu..jl Kri- | 1 '*,!-ic'(( h) J oncil him pn'Viuiisiy, Muti Miv. Hi>«*k- — . —pa. 1 flaw i'.pi ir: ' l'.c:.t :. [U.^if' 111' Ml ill In H • till' l.c •'it ),»I! 111 !>i ti •i , Mi.:. i:ich:inl I . Dry :mn kind.; "f nc.;ii n.li. i.iwn, Hi • II). liclmoM"! . M.iil,i-(. • |>I ... I'M,, pi Ir.- > ',i I C ! ''.'It•i.ib|. AilvoHlf'cmciit. . ' Advrt tii-ioiucn r.v •''i Siuilul Atlvi'il ; clui'-i'l^i Mu'rliri. /Vi.lvciUH'inont. A.lv. iti.rmcm, l !.! ii •<>ili,' lilt, 1 Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28,1934 . „ ~-r- ii|)i(jrc ur(j nmny wh0 jU.o „„(_ J^J usj FA11M CHANGES. solemn high requiem, mass was said. Pftt«P>nts At The ,, there nro four jocUeya In a rnco ie Obituary Interment waa in St. Joseph cemor t iv Three Places in Atlantic Township tcry at Matawan, conducted by Har- * ui,av«(t,a *•• i'thlit havo to be seen to Inauro th0 To Have New Occupants. William K. O'Brien, vey Bedlo of Keyport. Mrs. Helles Hospital, vlctOry of a ceitttln horeo. Tho matl. , was -10 years old. Sho la aurvlvcd 'lug is nillcd by tho bolting commlB. The farm near Colt's Keck occu- of Belmar, former sheriff ",, .,'.,.' by her husband and a daughter, tho vious to that for 21 years cl Rfealtng of Episcopalian WORMS An Astomoble and Three Trucks iP'f^^j^'^^t^^^confpan^of in tho fhurlff'n oillce, died at hislatter being Mra. Charles D'ovlne,, Property ©r 185 acres in IM Stuck in Drifts Last Week— | j m i, operated the corn- homo yesterday morning of a heart Mrs. Hellcs also leavea a slater and | Pleasant Volley District of Held \n the Choir Room of tit Red Ban c w c „ . four brothera. They ura Mra. A. E.' Ing season by John H. .Sutphin, who attack. Ho was 07 years old. Drivers Found Refuge in ' '' I/ingforn d of Bolford, John and James Holmdel Rented by John Gill, Churcli Yesterday Afteraoo for a number of years lias worked O-Jiriep formevlv live,! in •NT..I,t,lll0 i «< K'ora ot xsonora, jonn ano James Farmhouse. v a Well Known Truck Former. —To Work for Hospital. the farm near phalanx, formerly town Up Xr'he 4v"ii for en h «">°<* J»' Keyport, Frank War-i The snow storm at Hohndel last owned by his father, Auron Sulphln, ^a£,i"KteSf °' f^ City and William | Tho Theodore Thorno estate farm Tho Woman'n gulia. of Trlnlt; imouth street aro tho pnrontn ot and recently bought by Kenneth Kel- sem-d on the board of education and w»"»>cl< °f New York. Six nephews at Pleasant Valley, near Holmdel, church of Red Bank had a largo at •week produced a number of unusual actcd as bt u era ut 10fu cra ly ot New York. Mr. Sutphin, who as a (he commissioner. Mr. O'Brlcn T ' i " " l- ^ comprising 165 ftcrcB, has been rent- tendanca' at Its postponed regutai conditions, the" like of which were w cr0 L Ja m aT Joh •without parallel within the memory la ono of the township committee- was ahvayd active In civic and fra- , f"' , °£ ^""''I i?J !J ed by John Gill of Bngllshtown, who meeting yoatetday afternoon. Tin of the oldest residents of that place. men of Atlantic township, had antic- tornal works. Ho waa a past chief Warnock and Cecil and Edward will UBO It for truck farming. He meeting was hold in tliq choir rooii The township schools were closed ipated moving to tho Hlggins furni of tho Ocean Grove lire departint;nt, will take ocoupancy tomorrow. Mr. end waa called to order by the presi- dent, after which Re-v, Herbert S, every clay last week exceppt ^Monday, ot Colt's Neck, but he changed his secretary of tho Monmouth County 0111 waa very successful as a ttuck token to tho hospital. duo to the roads being •-•"—'•-J plans. Mr. Conover will move to thefiremen's association, anj,n0 r<,ntal won mudq by O. IIovv- This new organization liaa boo $200 to do nn they are told. No ono at \vurk shoveling snow. On some her. right hip rectilved In a fall. known who la 1° win until the bettliit; h ro driftdriftss nine feet Eric Olson, who waa formerly in | tho homo of her .slaters, Mlssea Ireno I rd Llppincott of Red Bank, na aformed by tho merging of the forme; roads there wcro guilds of the ehurcli. St. Martha' Mr. and Mm. William Kalletn of has closed, when the olllr.lnld decide. charge of tho horses on William II. nd Sarah Iford of South street. 8he direct result of an advertisement In Keyport tire tho parents ot a daugh- Jilgli. was fifty years old. guild liaa mado over to tho Woman' An tlio lioracn parade to tho post, ono LaBoytcaux's stock farm near Holm-1 Tha Register. "I havo always had ter born Monday night. Tho road between Red Bank and del. Mra. Salisbury had resided at Ijlttla excellent roaulta from advert luemonta guild all tho money mid onsets, Th ot the jni'lcnys receives a, al|;n, Hr, Holmdcl was Impassable for two offlcera elected for tho present yea Salvador Longo, thrcc-yeur-son of brealui lilii horso out of lino and mm- .Silver for many year3. She was thein your paper," said Mr. Llppincott Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Longo, was ad- days. On arriving at Bed Bank af- daughter of tho late Charles and Elis- In talking with a Register reporter. are: tent down tho track, u« lioraon often ter attending a meeting of the legis- Settling Up Of j :.beth Iford. Vlco president—Mis, Harrlton IJIIIKIB. mitted for observation Monday. do from nervousness. It la tho signal Her mother died last Tho Thorna farm has been owned Mrs. Emll Mustllln of Loroy place lature at Trenton, Assemblyman 1 November. by membera of the family since 1693, President—Mra. I^eqii do U\ KoueBlllo. to the other Jeoltcyii, who pull thcli- Secretary—Mrs. Jamcn Hunter. gave birth to a daughter Monday. mounts and let him gallop home. Thn Theron McCampbdl found that he County Estates Besides her husband and her twonnd ita rental by Mr. GUI marks tho Treanurei--Mra. Willlum t). lonmittee waa enow bound. He had to spend sisters, Mra. Salisbury la survived by first tlmo ln all that long number of Jlonnrnry vlro prcildtnt—Mm. Hcrlicri Mr. and Mrs. William Goldman nf track rcapn nil tho coin wngorotl on laat Wednesday nnd Thursday at tho William M. Bergen of Belnnir, for- threo sons, Arthur C. Salisbury, Jr., yoara that some member of tho fam- Bolford are the parents ot a daugh- tho favovlto and aceond cholcin. Globs hotel. mer freeholder and county road su- of Hopatcong and Claudo nnd Ells- ily has not been connected with Its The mombera of tho executive com ter born Monday. What chance havo you? An outomoblle occupiecp d byy a Jer-perintendent tit tlio time he was ac- worth Salisbury of Bellvllle. operation. It Is considered ono ofmlttee have with them an advisor Morn monoy Io won illiihoneotly by sey City policeman and hihia wifife and cidentally killed a few weeks ago. membera Mrs. Thomas Voorhls, Mrs having a horno iouo, thun by flJtlni? truckks owned bby the Standard Oil Funeral arrangements, ln charge of tho best farms In tho Holmdol dis- made his will 111 11130. He loft hla K. It. Mount & Son, will bc completed trict. On it aro two houses and aEugene Brooks nnd Mrs. Jamoa O To Give Lecture It for him tn win. Monoy follows company, Iho Oboy Baking company entire estate to his two sons, J. Ray- Pavls. money nt tlio track. Tlio owokod. and tho Sheffield Milk company got today. good sot of outbuildings. Among mond and George W. Bergen. He tho recent operatoro of the farm was Piano for many types of activity On The Holy Lands owner or manipulator la running a stuck in drifts in front of the iarm 1 named them as executors of the will. • Frederick Sehesr. Miss Carrlo Thome, who is nowaro being formulated, nnd tho (selec- favored horse. Ho sendn 111 nevovul on the Red Bank-Holmdel road Joseph Marks of Ked Bank mad tion of chairmen for tho various do A 'lecturo on the "Holy Lands" thousand dollurn tn a hook maker ov owned by Mr. McCampbell and occu- p Frederick iScheor, 67, of Park place, filling a business position at New Ills will in 1927.He left all of his York. Her father, the late, Theo- partments will soon bo complete! will bo given undpr the auppleea of pool rocim to bet on hia home, with pied by Giro Scotto. The driver of property to his wife, Catherine Knat Keansburg, died at hla homo The following chairmen havo been tho Ufihors' union in tho Atlantic secret instructlona to hold the hot, the Standard Oil truck was George yesterday of a stroke, following a dore Thorno, was for a number of. MMarksk , ffo rh her lifetime and after her years n momber of the county board appointed: Highlands Methodist church Tues- but to spread tho nowtt. Tho tip (Voorlieea of Red Bank. Tho Jersey death the will directed that the resi- two-day illness. Mr. Scheor, who waa day ovonhiff, March 0, at 8:00 o'clock. goos out over telegraph wlroo from HJlty man and his wife and the driv- employed by tho Whltchall-Tatum of freeholders and a. promtnent "~ nlrcctrctn ot the Altai—Mrs. Cliflo; due of the eatatc be divided among ure In Democratic politics. Abbott. Tho Bpcalcor will bo Rev. Frederick coast to const that John Doo Is bet- ers of the threo trucks spent the their children. Rubber company at Koyport and as Women's auxiliary nnd mlBBionH—Mra,D, Ncldermeyer, pastor of tho Perth ting on hla hnnio to win, nnd from night at Mr. Seotto's house. George W. Watson of Long Branch a policeman over tho week-enda and Allan Front. Amboy Presbyterian church, who fifteen to twenty thousand dollars inlidaya at ISast Koansburg, had MilDlc—Mlna Josephine w"eel*F. The Jersey City couple wero very executed his will a year ago last Devotional—Mi-a. (icorno fliiindler, preached In Adams Momorlal Pren- will bo bet on tho Duo homo. anxious to get back to their homo ived there seventeen year3. A BJBTiniAY TAWTY. month. He bequeathed five shares of }Ioap!laHty and memboiiililii— Mrs, bytorlan church at New York city And so they're oft, the favorlto out Wednesday because they had ImBlkwoo- d Park ntock to his grand- He leaves hia wlfo, Alice, and a Frniik Chirtia. noven yoara and hnu been pastor at portant business to transact. Daniel son, Frederick, Jr., of East Keans- Miss Alma J. Howell Surprised rubllcity—Mrs. Thomaa Lowh. In^front. Tho crowd roava an they daughter, Cora Wolcott, All the rest _ .... .,__,_._ Perth Amboy tho pant fourteen years. come down the stretch, tho favorlto 3. Ely was apprised of this fact. Ho of hia estoto waa left to his daugh- j burg. Funoral services in charge of Saturday Nlglit. A pleasant social tlmo followed th WIIXIAM It. O'BRIEN business meetlnp;. Tea wna servee Mr. Nolttormoyer la .a graduata of iitlil lending. But a bay comrn up on hitched a toam of horses to a sloigh ter, Cora West, and she was named If. S. Bedle of Keyport will bo held A aurprloo birthday party was giv- and conveyed the policeman and hia tho members of the guild, the ofllccrs tho University Collogo of Illinois nnd him. Now the fayorlto'o jockey ap- as executrix. T , i Friday at one o'clock at his late home en for Miss Alma J. Howell, who is •wife to Joseph Pollacok's roadside acting nil hostesses. received hla D. D. from tho Prince- plies whip and npur, but ho loans liy Carl Nordell of Long Brahcli bc- In fraternal circles Mr. O'Brien and burial will be in Fair View studying to be a teacher at Rider a head. How WIIB It done? .Simple, booth on tho state highway. Part of a life member of tho Asbury of Tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock ton seminary. He took a trip around queathed his entire estate to his ^ cemetery. collego at Trenton, by a number tho world In 1020. The cruise Coming into tlio Mt.rctch, wliero a the trip had to bo made through wife, Margaret Nordell, in a will Park Elks and ono of its past exalt- the guild will meet ln tho choir roorh £d rulers; he was n, member of thn j friends and relatives at her homo on to begin work for Rlvorvlow hosplta covered vlBttn to Cuba, Panama .•ipi-lntlnc; horso neoclH help from hla fields because deep drifts covered a which he executed In 1922. He ap- James Lcatcr Fecney, Jr., Bridge avenue Saturday night. Dec- large portion of the roads. At tho Belmar lodge of Masons, Mnnasquan ' Compresses will bo folded, Thurt Canal, Hawaii, the Philippines, In- jockey, tho boy loosened tho rolnn, pointed his wife as executrix. aBe<1 31 enrs orations vrero of fjreon and gold, Tho dia, Japan, Korea, China, Borneo, ontwlng hin fingers In tlio mano ea roadside booth tho policeman and his Jonathan H. Haye3 of Greenville, Royal Arch Malason-s j rorsnn Pom y ' son of James Feoney day, March 8, an all-day mooting fo ot M We3t Btreet Rod Bank dled table wan decorated In red, white and sewing will bo held at the homo ol Java, Burmali, Egypt, Greece, Pales- that.tho trick could not bo seen, Tho wife hailed an autoist and got a rldo In Howell township, made hla will mandery, Trentoin ConsSoi^(,.uw,.T, oumusaiammn , , .- . - , . . bluo ln celebration of Washington's to their homo, Mr. Voorhees and 1 sll d Mrs. George M. S. Goff ot Washing- tine and France. horse, fjlvcn hla head, began to out- January 23, 1D14. Mr. Hayes left his Templ-..., e of th=o MystiM5°Uoc Shrinesluine, tht,™e y?^ <*«^*yt , mornin»?™lng from bronchial. birthday. Cards and gamci! wero the threo other truck drivers were nellI ton street, under tho direction of the No ndmlnaion will bo oharged at run hlmaclf. Tho jock beat, him entire estate to'hla wife, Sarah C. Mooso lodge, Red Men Order ot the P »oni«. Ho Is survived by oneplayed throughout tho evening af- pnst tho post; and the moro ho boat snow bound from Tuesday noon until Hayes, and named her ns executrix. i5t c r> E Feenc a d ono committee for women's auxiliary an> Iho lecture, but a silver offering will Eastern Star, Order of. Amaranth! ? . . ^"° ' A ^ " ter which the group enjoyed dancing missions. Those who attend wll him, tho worse for tlio liorne. Tho the noon of tho following day. Be- Horace A. Ockershausen of Asbury Mecnics. Mr. bro y to an orchestra mado up from tho be taken up. fore tho road was scraped by a coun- and the American Mechanics. Mr. "">r, Henry A. leonoy. Ho was bring bos luncheons. *-"ljatcr a de- best horse in tho world can bo made Park left hia entire estate to his sis-O'Brien is survived by a widow and a member of the Long Branch pollco guests. Following tha dancing a a loser thla way, nnd It la absolutory ty plow they dug enough snow away two children. forco nnd a mombor of tho Middle- partment ot civics will bo formed fo ter, Mary F. Ockershausen, and ap- midnight luncheon fas eervod. MIBS work of this sort. imposalblo to detect, to continue their trip3 with their pointed her as- executrix. town firo company. Howell received many beautiful gifts. CWA Workers To trucks. Mrs. Sarah H. Wlghtman of Avon Mrs. C'nrol'iio Brown Tho funoral will bo held tomorrow A commlttio with Mrs. Harrison Consider, too, tho natuntl accidents bequeathed her entlrn estate to her mornlng at nlno o'clock at the home I Those present wora the Misses Bance as chairman will arrange, fo Be Reduced which may befall a, horse. Ho may Joseph Phillips, who has the con- Bolford, (lied at Iho home of herand at ten o'clock at St. James' , Kitty and Adelaldo Mulligan, Jessie a covered dish luncheon to bo servei shy, step on a utono or into a noft tract for hauling mall between Ever- daughtordht , H. Estelle Whitlock, in a .daughter. Mrs. Stephen Eroamlor of church, in charge of R. R. Mount Thomas, Pearl and Myrtlq Ralph, at tho next regular meeting of th Trenton, Fob. 27--Proposed reduc- spot, or injure a tendon, Tho bllnk- ett and Marlboro, was unablo to drive will which ahc executed in 1927. I he Keansburg, from pneumonia last - - - • jiaty Walsh, Anna named her daughter as execu- .. s & Sons. Buria l will be made In MtBoU. y WalterSi guild Tuesday, March 20, nt the par.tion of CWA workers quotas to aora over hla eyen may become twist- his automobile) home from tho latter Wednesday lit the ago of 82 yeai.'i. Olivet cemetery. Chrlstman, Corrine and Alma How- house, ed, or bin bandages may bc too ltiOfJfe. placo on account of tho deep snow. stato total of 81.T49 by March 2 waa trix. Shn was tho widow of George- W. ell, Helon Stirea, Olive Burd and announced today by John Colt, Btate Ho may havo n. hemorrhage; or nwal- Ho walked home from Marlboro In Brown, who for a number of years low hlfi tongiio (a mishap to which tlio storm and the next day he de- Harmon J. I-nreon Gladys Poz. Also Kenneth Goodall, CWA administrator, Monmouth coun- United Cigar Trustee was. conductor on the Now Jersey Robert Finger, William Jennings, Weddings. ty, which has had approximately ono out of every tils horaea ia liable), livered mail on horseback. southern railroad. Mr. Brown died died of pneumonia Monday at his caualng him to choke, slow up, and f0l home at 10S Wallace street. He wasRalph J. Millo, Chester Thomas, Har- 6,005 men at work, will have but TO Take Whelan Lham ft'y years ago from injuries which old Smith, Burton Thomas, Vincent Emory—Burdge. 2,440 on tho job under the now atato loso tho race. Tho hornu may bow n ho received when ho was struck by 27 years old, and leaves his wife, tendon, loso a. dhoe, nprend a hoof, ABOUT A CONTBOVEBSY. Mrs. Georgia Larson. He was born'John, Richard VanNoskin. Patriot Mlsa Elizabeth Emory, niece ol quota. New York, Feb. 21 CAP)—A federal a train at Red Bank, His fiinoral in Canada Mulvlhlll, William Howell, JecU Zool- wrench a shoulder. Ho may bo loft was held in the Eelford Methodist Miss Elizabeth Table of Bridge ave- Tho gradual tapering off of tho •eferee in bankruptcy today directed ler, Richard Hlbbett, Everett Throck- ;WA program to tho disappearing at tho post or disqualified for Infrnc- Mrs. Jardino Releases Letter Con- church' and it wu.s attended by more Tho funeral will be held Friday nue, and Dalton Burdge, son of Mr, tlon cerning Tumen Investigation. the Irving Trust company, trustee in afternoon at half-past two o'clock at morton, Harry Gramann, Benjamin nnd Mra. William Albeit Burdgo of poipt May'l was ordorod by federal of ono of the lmlf-tlozen vulea of bankruptcy for tho United Cigar thim 3,500 persons. '•' Rhineheart, Joseph Brown and Stew- thc _J_ Mrs. Thomas Jardine of Red Bank, Mrs. Brown'.i fiincral was held at ihc houso. Mr. Larson was a mem- Broad street, wero married Sunday authorities and by March 2 tho running. Stores of America, to take over the art Maclntyre. at tho First Reformed chui'ch at stato's total of employeen will bc re- And remember that the. Jockey can "president of the C'uunly Republican Whelan drug chain and its uuslucaJ thn homn of Mrs. Umapdcr ()f KeiHis- ber of Navesink lodgo ' of Odd Fcl- •Women's club, has released for pub- f^Unrrlny .-iftornonnr Ift'v. Wil- 16wn, and the service will bo con- 13:30 o'clock by ncv, Kdwnrrl W duced npproKimntely ?R,000 from get into bnrrols nf trouble. Un fKiny March IS, for an agreed consideration XO ENTER CONVENT. Trernbath. ho thrown nnywhoro during tho race, lication a copy of the following let- of $6,000,000. liam Webster was in ch:irf;c. Ducts' ducted by tho lodge, with Frank tor which was sent by Mrs. E. Gar- were suns by Mrs. Laura Ta'iex and H°usc. noblo grand, In charge. Bur- Attending tho couplo woro Mrs or shut off at tho atnrt, or pueUeted. The action of the referee, Irwln ! Po3t-en and Son will bo Showor Given for Mies M. Dorothy Katharine Snyder of Eatontown and NOW A FREEHOLDER. Ho may lose hla whip or hla ironf. field Gifford, chairman of state af- Kurtz, taken at a mectting of United Mrs. Noi-ma Stanford of Keansburg. ' " ., fairs of tho Stato Republican club, to F:lU vic lV Kcetl of TLnton Falls. Harry Burdgo of Red Banlc, brothc HlH bridlo may bo grabbed by a ri- creditors, was regarded as simplify- Mrs. Urown is survived by .six chil-.'" ' ' cemetery. Chnrlos Krrlckscn of tiio Ked Bank val, or hla aaddle may slip. • . Assemblyman Theron McCampboll: drcn. 'J'hey are Mrs. Jacob Dcniii:.-, I ,.,' „ Miss M. Dorothy Reed, daughter of of the groom. The brldo waa gownoi ing greatlgy y thep problems which have In a bluo lace dress and woro a cor ToUco Forofl Buys I'roporty. And now to tlieso natural dlsmitera I do not know tho source of the in- f th bkt of Mra. Jnhn Bade, Charles D. BrowuT JHSS-Mnry Agnes SOU Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Reed of Tin- must bo added the crookod work, tho j arisen out of the bankruptcy of lincl Ceorgu Brown of Ijelford, Mrs. died Saturday morning in the Hud-ton Falls, will enter Mount St. Mary'o sago of sweet peas and roses. Thi Charlea EnlcltBen, a member of formation which you claim to have United and its subsidiary, the Whelal n gangstcr-lnapirod (iponginjjs, doplngs, received concerning the actions of convent at Plalnflold Saturday to be-matron of honor wore a pink crepi Hie Red Bank pollco force, has | oTe'ctiio' buzzera, double-crossing tho board of the Women's State Re- como a member of the Sinters of dress and also wore a corsage o bought a bungalow at 38 Towerhlll trainers nnd brlbod joeltoyn, denplto publican club at Jts session in Tren- j Mercy. Friends and neighbors of sweet peas and roses. avenue, near Spring street, from tho everything that responsible promot- ton Inst Monday and the relation of Mrs. Burdge la a graduate of thoCltteoija Building & Loan nssociatlon. • ownorfl aro doing to keep Airs. Thomas Jardine of Red Banlc Miss Reed gave a ahower for hor a or a ancl fow night a ago at her homo. Card Rod Bank high school. Dalton Ho will take title to the placo on or tho tm.£ cloim uml mnilltnln tho eon-. thereto. However, since the report Burdgo is now employed by Burd(jo nbout April 1 nnd will uoo It for hla || . There la no aa published in the papcro, is not ac- games and mU3lo woro enjoyed and mv fl(1onco of th0 puu c curate, and since I am tho ono who everyone had a fine time. MIBSI Reed & Sons of Red Bank and In In chargo '\ occupancy, trlIcr 8avlng than tho on0 vou wll, raised thr: question in the meeting of was the reclplont of many fine gifts. of the bus line from Asbury Park to Tho bungalow, which la located on j,oar nt 0VBry raco track: "All horso tho board, I feel I should act you Others presort? besides tho members Now York. tho north sido of tho otroet, was players must dlo broke." straight as to the facts in the matter. A reception for friends and Imme- built by Louis E. Brown of Prospect y, of the Reed family were Mrs. B. Q. The ringing coup, whero a good .Over hist week-end a number of of Han-py Uotlln of Ki-ypcirt. Bhlnger, Mra Thomas Long, Br,, diate families of tho couplo wan held avenuo and was originally sold to residents of Monmouth county com- Tho company's Red Hank store Is bratod n, high requiem macs. Burial horso Is switched for a bad one, rrmy Mrs. C. C. Barker, Mrs. Georso at the bride'a homo following th Ralph J. Coreule. It contains flvo bo explained nlmply. You nro thn municated with me by wire andat tho corner of Broad and Whit« in charge of tho Worden funeral WIthey, Mra. Floyd King, Mrs. James ceremony, after which tho couple rooms, bath and modern Improve- phono and requested me, ao chair- streets. Mrs. ijiisun 1C. Holmes, home was In Mt. Ollvot cemetery. owner of a string of horses, among mun of the legislative cpmmlttee, to widow of William H. Holmes, died Ferguson, Mra. Potar Forloy, Mrs. loft by auto for Now York, whero ments and in situated on a lot 47x80 them Anna, a Clnea 1 horso, a bay ICdward Halloway.-Mrs, Edwin atoot- they aro spending a. fow days. Thofoot. Tho sain woo mado by O. How- call tho attention of the Women's early ia.-,t Haturday morninj- at her Mrs. Ellen St. John, with n whlto bluzo on her lioud ami SKKIUNO TO AID JOBLESS. ard Lipplncott of Monmonth street. State Republican club to a situation home of tfoinplic-allomi. She' wai 71)widow of Richard St. John of Newhoff, Jr., Mrs. Anthony Monso, Mrs. couple, for tho present will reside a whlto front feet. Delia, dark brown, concerning the pending resolutions in Marian Cowley, Mleaoa Elsie and the bride's homo after which they assembly charging the prosecutor of Halsey Asks Estate Owners to Hire ya ii .Monmouth, died suddenly Monday at with a whlto faeo and four whito Ethel Droyer, Mlsaea Dora and Hoiel expect to reside in New York. feet, la a. Clnso 4 horac, a nltatu, You Monmouth with Irregularities. Itunison Men on Spring .lobs. "'••"• Holim-.-i was bom at Kiimson thth e homh o off hor daughter, MrsM .A A.Joffeo, Mlooea Alice and Jean Long, To Act As Exalted Ruler. The message seemed to indicate .md moved t,, Kcii ]!;,nk with her K- Schaciiler of Brooklyn, where Bho enter poor old Delia, in tlio oeventh Mayor Van It. Halsey of Uumsoii Miss Marguerlto Mayberry, Misa El- PLOWED WAY THROUGH. At the regular session of Red Bank raeo and tho oddn are about 20 to 1. that there was strong sentiment parents while a young girl, .she 1ml was spending the winter. In addl- len Ijoftun, Mr. and Mra. Kenneth lodge, of Elka tomorrow night, March among the women of Monmouth recently sent a letter to the Rumsou tion that oho won't bo under tho wire Borough Improvement association •liveil on Linden place for the past to her husband she la survived Fields, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Long, 1, Myron V. Brown will (111 tho ex- county that the matter should not bo folly years. She i:; survived by live by four daughters and two brothers. How Ono Red Bank Concern Mado first. Now cornea tho skullduggery* piegon-holod, but that Mr, Tumen asking that the association co-oper- Mr. and Mra. Allen P. Crawford, Mr. a Delivery of Fuel Oil. alted, ruler's chair, Mr. Brown served You happen to bo a genlun at making should be given a chance to prove erato with the borough officials in diiiiKhtnrs, Mm. Klizabcth Morris, j The funoral will be, held tomorrow and Mrs. Oliver Mclntyre, Mr. and the lodgo as exalted ruler ln 1021 and up horses. Anna and Delia, upend Ills innocence. Furthermore, In jus- Mra. Leonard Smith, Mrs. Alniizo morning at tho homo of Mrs. Schaeff- The Red Bank Fuel Oil company aiding the unemployed. Mr, Hulaey Ifl of 4 18On e 1925. AH tho membera who were the night ln your barn, and all night tice to all individuals concerned, as suggested that men bo given work o:i I,iving.itnn and Mrs.' r;race liilison" ' " ' hundredth street, and Mi'3. Walter Wyndorf. is one concern that is prepared to initiated during his term have 're- long you work with hleachpa n,nd well as tho public Interest, the charg- all of n'ed jijinif, jitul Mrs • Oliver ! at St. Patrick's cathedral. The bu-: «*«- make deliveries regardless o£ wheth- :elved special invitations to attend es should be investigated without de- repair work and other jobs that rlal honnas, paints and i;talna and nitrate White c,f Newport, IUiodo Island; a will bo In Calvary cemetery at HELP THE SALVATION AIUIT. roada are drifted with snow or omorrow night's session. lay. members of tho association contem- Ncw of silver. The markinga of tlio two plate doing the coining spring. son, William Holmes of Red Bank- York. not. Mra. J. II. O'horn of Locust horses aro switched perfectly. Annn Therefore I brought the matter to tlirce sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard It loolis Fundn to Carry on Its Work avenue gave an order for oil fuel the attention of tho state club last A copy of tho mayor's letter will bo DO YOU M.AY THE I'ONIES? runa na Delia tho next day nnd can- Monday. Beforo taking action the and Mrs. William Lyons of Fail- Mrs. Mario Troplano. at Mad Bank. but stated that delivery could not bc tera homo nt juicy odda, sent to the members of the associa- mado until later In tho day, as timo board docided to telephone to Mrstio. n by William I-Iintelmann, -secrc- Haven and Mrs. Flora Jackso„„.,.,.n. o,f„ Thoo funeral of Mrs. Mario Troplano Tha Salvation Army at Red Bank Jondonsod from Tlio Batuiday Even- Jardine of Red Bank, as there was r Bid would bo required to clear the drive- It isn't ncccsimry to bribe a jockey ly, together with the following let- j *' °'->< city and a broth,.,-, Frank of Bridge avenue, who died on Tues- In In need of funds and unless contrl- ing Tost by I'nul Galileo, to alow up a horao enough to lose a no message from her among those I J•uu itsot son off Schcnci-taclyShtd , NNe w York, 'lad y off llast weekk, was hlholdd llastt j tlons aro soon forthcoming It will way of snow. Mrs. O'hern's house received on Sunday. The answer we ter: . bu 15 about 250 feet back from thn race—na a matter of fact, many received from her waa to the effect "Enclosed please find copy at let- Uic .funcrnl was held at her late , Thursday morning at nine o'clock at i,0 obliged to'discontinue ita actlvl- Ho you play the ponies, Stranger? crookod nporatorn prefer to havo a that her club would meet/in regular lOinc yesterday afternoon at two 'ler lnto homo and at ten o'clock at tlcB here. An appeal for donations street, Tho fuel company procured Jut do you knbw whether you get an ter explanatory received from Van a motorized plow and thin apparatus Jock ot known reputation; It lulla session at an early date, at which K. Halsey, mayor of Rumson. o'clock with llev. William Baker. I St. Anthony'n church, whore tho rec- fag been lunued by tho Salvation A^ oncnt race? Do you know whether time sho would raise the question wan used to open up tho drivoway. ho ownora are people of standing suspicion. But a nocond and n half to "If wo obtain tho hearty couptra- pastor of ti,e African Methodist tor, Rev. Nicholas Rorlano, celebrated my committee of Red Bank, of which two seconds In all a. horao needs to find learn tho sentiment of the mem- r-ion cliurcli, ofllclating. Uiiiial in a high mass. Tho bearers woro John I Martin VanBuren Smoc~ -k I-s chalr- - - Tho delivory of fuol wan mado lesa md Mtogrlty? Do you know wheth- bers, which she would pass on to the ion of our members In tlio matter than an hour after the order :r tho jockoye ore honest? Do you bo slowed to Iouo. Laudanum, via the state board in due course. o( private employment ot tho men In charge of n. ]t. Mount. & .son was i Tommaso, James Masza,, Jlustlno-mamann . Other momemberm s of tho com- inouth oi- by hypodermic, will do the in White IUdgc cemetery at JEalon- Caprionl, Paul slclllano, James Golso imltteo are Rev. Edward W. Miller, received. tnow whether tho horso la fit, nnd Thereupun the board of thu Stato Itumson who arc now on the CWAtown. mvo you nny Idea whether ho latrick. Qr lead foil wrapped In tho Women's Republican club decided to payroll, doubtless each and every one and James Relake. Burial, In chargo I John 15. Allen, Paul Rovere, Florence anklo bandagca will weigh clown doter action on impeachment resolu- of the Worden funeral home, was in R, Krldel, Cliarlcs Schneider and Eu- •unnlng hot or cold—that In, atlmu- of these men can ho gainfully em- "LADIES NIGHT." ated with dope, or aunaturel? thone (lying feet; a too tightly brald- tions until a Inter date. ployed and Kumson will be on tha •Jehu I/. C'ottrell Mt. Olivet cemetery. gene M. Msgee. Tho appeal follows: wlll Interfere with hlti run- Chairman of State Affairs "The Salvation Army needs money Do you know that thoro aro oix I honor roll a3 ono community that died Friday at t|ie home of hla sis- Aiuiual lintortnlnmciit to Bo Held By c C CBt UtlU 1 triBl!n of State Club, tor, lira. Catherine Hcluillz of Nave- MANY LOCAL RENTALS. now to continue Us work of morcy In aoureoB at which a race can b flxed I ?!% V'° !lV Mrs. E, Garfleld Gifford, does not reirulr'o federal aid this ITcsbyterlan ISrotlicrliood. wIl|cU n summer. sink, in hia sixtieth year. 11,, \v our community, Wo believe that to -owner, trainer, stable help, trao u?|n" ° "° ," Wnfeilomto South Orange, N. J. na The Presbyterian Brotlicrhood of onlclala, joclcey and honor' Have nX* UnibroP,oK,0et"P m", ^'"I" "Mayor Halao.y'3 suggestion is aborn at. Crawford's Coiner, and forG. Howard Llppincott Bcporto a Very tell our friends about thla need will f a number of years was employed in Active Week Despite Storms. int once result In a. searching of Red Bank will have Us annual obser- •on considered that In the raco there' ! 12 i ,' . ""mclont Uir, imcly one, and you arc respectfully vance of "ladioo night" Monday mld tra lt 1 urtllei EXAMINKRS OF NUHSKS. urged to do all In your power to tin: meat market of 10. P. Ma'goo ii c TTnwii-ii riv,ni»™» < -«r ' hearts and pocketbooka and liberal iro moro than thirty nncldentn that |™or° the tr u - f ' , f - night in tho social hall of tho church. achieve tho desired result. Koti at Atlantic Hifih]and.s. After- i.n happen to a jockey and moro S rl ft" i" '™ J™ S?.. ?. ™" An elnborato entertainment has been hnn fifty to tho horao which can noforo tho home leaves the ntnblo, by Two New Members Appointed by "As the mayor states, there Is onward he lived on Htatcn Island for overworking tho animal until lie in Governor to Stato Board. Kevprnl year.1;. arranged by a committee consisting :aiiao It to lone? Aro you aura whon otale. file at thn borough hall a fairly com- rented to I.rcn, Klonk of North , ^ty^ircrt Tn^rmaCn Will bo or Thomnn W. Head clmlrninn, Ar- •ou bet on a horao that It la the Tionton, February 27 (AP).--Three plete report on nil persons -who would thur Whlto nnd Hocly Tuthlll. Keith irno llijtod on tho program and not Juot an a. horso may ho rilim'nd up members of the State Bonrd of Ex-be glad to obtain such jabs as may circuit, playora will bo tho''entertnln- ringer? Do you know that rack- by artificial means, ao ho may bo.ar- aminers of Nurses havo been re- available. A tnlephono cnll to era. Refreshments will bo ,ierved. itocrs make moro money out of lon-tificially iitlmulfttcd for a npnclril of- appointed, ami two new memboru .Tnro J. Carew, tho borough clerk, Tho membera of tho brotlicrhood and ng a raco thun winning ono? You fort by tho lino of cocnino or drugn - have been named by Governor A. Itumson &4B, will bring you any de- msnoctcd It? Qopdl Then I'm taili- In any form,'brandy or whisky. Bomo sired information in this matter. Sunday afternoon at tho house, Harry April. heir wives and friends aro invited homes, uuaccptllilo to neither, will J larry Moore. and a largo attendance is looked for. ng to tho right party, The officers of your association Ponton was in charge t)f |],0 mu-vlci- Mr. Llppincott ban also rented to ICK YACHTSMEN-'XO MEET. run right out nf their own fdclnii Roupjiointed were Jet-Hie M. Mur- und liui-ial by A. M. Ponton and flou Htorold Woodla president of tho Thb integrity of the American turf doch of Jersey City Medical Center, know that wo can depend on your ef- Richard nnrmvcll of Likcwood a 'an nt its peak nhortly after tho when touched with nn electric IKIKZ- fective co-opnratlon -with Ihc mayor wan in l^air View ermptery. six-room house at 105 Harrlnon ave- North Shrownlmry Cjuli's Monthly brotherhood. OP, wlilcli glve.i him u iihoek durlni- Agtiea K. Krentzcl of Maplewood and Mooting Tomorrow Nlffht. rtir, when tho tminll operntnra wcro the nine. The hiizstor In thrown into .tcssta .10. West of tho Went Jersey n this Important matter that affect; nue owned by R. Hanco &, Sons, Mr. imoUcnlly stnrvcd out, (ind the hulk the wfUnre of so many of our oiti- Mar.v I-raiK-is Tuclier, Bnrnwcll bus taken occupancy. Colt's Neck Bum'n Tarty. tho inlleM, to bo picked up by a ron- Homeopathic lirmpital at Camden. The March mooting of the North f horno racing wnn ln tho hands of I wo and a hnlf-yrvii'-old • tutii^lir<-i- (if He has rented two Mnnroa avenua A bunco p:\rty for the liouetlt of uch pciiplo na tho Whilncyn, tho federato. Opoo n hoifin linn Imeomo Th<> new members nre Hlntrr Mary i in Hhrewsbury borough, Hhrewnbury |on boat nnd yacht nlub Atlantic troop of Hoy Scouts will be uscitl to •irugo, ho ennnot inn without Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. TuVker of m bo 'undcrhlltfl and tho WUlcnors, who OolorcB of the Holy Nami) hoapltol, IN HIS HIDING CLOTIIICS. one to Karll KelchmaKth n off ElElm placo ^ held at the clubhoufie at the held at tho Colt':) Neck nchoolhmuso thorn. Then R miro way to lomj a Lonj,' Branch, dim] In,,! Thurjul.-iy | f •onld not ntoop to Willing tho public. Teanpclt, who was named to fiuc- n and tho other to Albert flraf of I,> °ot of Brond street tomorrow night, Friday night, April (i. Joaquln T.aw- ••nee In to lifud Mm in without thn eeed Blanche III. ICldon of Marlboro, icijpU.Q Snow-Choked Koad;) William tho jMonniouth Memorial hnspltn'l in rust nvcniie. Mr. Kctcham has rent- Tho P>cl"!nt lco boftt «f60" ''"" !ut with tho coming of prohibition, noodle. And nobody hut tho owner lloc n vor nctlv0 ona tIlel rot ln roiieo In chairman of tiio arraiijji!- ool-log monoy began (lowing Into &nfl llernlco Andernou of tho Moun- Gamwpll Got Io fiew Yorlt, Hint city of pneumonia. Tim funeral cd Mrs. Austin fichanck's bungalow " y < » uml tralnvr known whether ho In was held at her laic honii! last Huliir- B :r.ent!i committee. The ncimtn niul ho race track:! tin tho new-rich mll- tainside hospllnl at Montclalr, who and Mr. Graf has rented tho Reil °vcral yearn, and thla hoa brought their ONcieiitivo conunitttio met at tho running lint or cold. 0UM*£fli Minnie Ireland of Anbury William Giimwrll, -who live.'i near day, with Riu-.- J. J. Hullivnn, aiwlst- Hank Building & Loan association fortl1 (iovei'aI muttera that will como onnlro rauhotccrn went ncllvely ln- Mlddletown village and who is en-ant -tf.i- of. the .Sl,-u- of the Sna home ot C'r.iroll W. llnrclay Inst > tlio gamq for profit, And ao tho Tho Implications of the™ iprniHIcc'i P»rh, bungalow. I before tho meeting, principally rcla- night. ohould bn fmouirh to gaged in business at Now York, WIIS of I,(inir Jiram-h, oflleiatlng. tlve to tllc clut) n nances of tliq public getting nn jlnn. lurn unyono Tha appointments, which do notinahln to K piihlic n<:k iH'iilldnl.'i havo been ganKHter-- k 0 ww s ntand or tho barbelrel - iihuihup W||| j,()o|(. ,van ."ttlll unpayable for alitoniribilf-.-i auction which v,-.i:i to lmvu bei.'ii on i:ill|;iit(;iJ nnd the rncc tr.-iek olilnlnln Spfhi^ ground tho Corner. nht Wednpsday, lint Mr. (inijiwcl! and tin pool rrooniM in,, Iho William JI.uk fann IH'IWITH Ilic honenl oiK'd nLB lit their w|tn' ti> Msu Fr<5dl C'rine of MadUon uvc- donned riding clothrs jnid i(jd<: n y u 111 f :»!)•, .Red Boiilt, picked ficvrrnl pan Oolt'n Neck 'Hid Mnrlhnro manipulation, oven «i. E i"?" " " ' "IfX y night for the benefit "f \joitl:iiM-, Nn pif'iiimiiis (it ,illi, i- |,i md--tho hint) The Register lion. Ko U(! ;lot in tho V'tiil lrIluvenivfni, retiunfii Injjt nlf^'ht fl'oiu nVOV every ntrct-t li ldvvn iintl cvoiy lth one or <«'() ;it|uiii'c Jonlcoyn lid- oTililv lc ,,ii .i ." ' '"' JIIIK - visrw hospitril hn*i bcon jHi;jt-' dnccnicntsi h;tv<: cvt'i- 1H»MI uli'riid ii, -, ;;, , :-,: "... , , -, """ :. " , pmnh.m:i «,,!!,„ imfii,:..m« iTi have .' "" ' «'"">«' '"»» "'B'" "'»'» i(Kid in thf- r.iitiuty. f.ct H c;iu v yout' ''nl!rlt" wl"' until tomunow nlg'iit. •oeure «ir;:u!atioii.—Advcati.jcmi'at. •' •)ii(nl) iii'.Nci'v.iil., HJII-H-'.J i''vr'1 I"!V" "l""'v'i •".u<;cuio drcula-i" "'^V "f several rtaya at i'hlintlel- iiK'i-^a^e to ihu.^ •111. live oil tllc.M! Advcrti.':cuicul. 'I'lie11: alp. nmny h'.irtc.it j(ii;liry,'j, RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28,1934. Pace 131"Veil and "Christ In divine Science shows ed on every ship In adjacent waters, he la given tho same rights for re- r>u"—tho umeaworthlnc.'sa consiot- by a boot or a belaying pin. Roman- It was a dinner at Radcliffo col- 1 with difficulty. D.an lin^.i «_, Personals «. us thin way' (pp 218, 242.) BlorMy dying, he would be rowed • covery for personal injuries as are ; in the employment of a first mate ticists will say that the grandeur and lege, at which Dean Brlggs was to equal to the occtu>Io-i, "L."!!< ,,n * Holy Communion will bs celebrat- from one- vessel to another, to ba granted railway employes under tho who was a bully and sa^brute. The poetry of the sea has disappeared, be one of the speakers. There had gentleman," ha b >>;an, v!Hi H fs!>. MIBS Pearl Ralph of Bridge ave- ed at the Methodist church nest shredded piecemeal by, tha "cat" Employes' Liability Act..In the caso mate had beaten tho -plSlntlffs with but the men who actually run our been special preparations for thla im- long glance at hid r/iu.injj it ', '!' nue is now employed nt the State Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock whllo officers looked on complacently of O'Shea vs. Tho U. S. Shipping hla fists, ana had then refused them ships declare that tho tollers of the portant banquet, even the chairs corn- had expected to bring you this ove&» hospital at Brmlevelt. HCIVICO. The pastor, Rev. Albert 1,. and agreed that only by ouch meas- Board tho court awarded O'Shea, a medical treatment. The court ruled sea aro merely acquiring rights and ing In for a new coat of varnish. Tho Ing an unvarnished tale, but clrcum*- Forrest 3. Smith of 24S Brpad, liancr, will bo in charice. Tlio choir ures could discipline ba maintained. common sailor, §15,000 for injuries that "seaworthiness, according to all Immunities long enjoyed by the evening was hot, and when the stancea make it Impossible to fulfill utreet, who has been associated with 'at tho church will tako part in tho Quicker, but no less murderous was received while engaged In tho per- authorities, not only implies that the meanest laborer ashore. speakers arose to speak, he arose my expectationa." tho law firm of JSdwnrdo, Smith and utrvlco. tho practice of "keel-hauling." To formance of a. hazardous duty—In- vessel be staunch and sound, but that Dawson of Jersey City for tho pant Tho evening uervlee at 7:43 o cloclt keel-haul a man you tied him to. a juries that the eullora of Melville's fiho be properly manned." Cruelty In several years, has recently been -''ill begin with the singing of famll- circular ropa that had already been day would have nursed in bitter an ofllcer was adjudged a menace to mado a inmeber of that firm. | •;lr hymns. Tho pastor will preach passed under the ship's bottom. His nilence, and without a penny's worth passengers, ships.and crew. Mrs. Louia M. Mendel of Broad TI th.o subject, "The Heart of Chrte- own shipmates wero then ordered to of balm. This decision, belated at It [3, puts stroot la convalescing from tho cf- -lanlty." pull at tho rope, thus dragging the But even moro amazing Is the re- the oeal of doom upon uncn^elted foots of a very ocvero cold which" Tho church nchool will moot as victim under the keel, and up the otli- l cent caso of Tho Rolph, a case that tyranny and heavyfiHted discipline at threatened to develop Into pneu- >™al at 9:« o'clock in tho morning er side of the' hull. This process was ;bab, causcU mariy an old quar- sea. Sailors nre still obliged to obey nionla. 8ho was conllned to her bed and I ho Intormcdiato Bpworth league repcatcd until the barnacles clinging. terdeck satrap to turn over )n nls orders (tho Intornational Seamen's c xT^^^n tho food- part of two weelta by the &"'> tho Young P<=°Pl « Jcllowohlp to the Bide of tho ship lacerated the wawatert y gravee>. ,Threfhreee BeaInoseamenn werB Union is now agitating for the right attack. will convene at seven o'clock In tho man to ribbons. Sometimes, merci- awarded heavy damages against this to strike) but the day has passed 1 Mrs. Piquctto and daughter, Elea- evening. fully, he was drowned. vessel because of Its "unseaworth- when those orders can bo seconded nor, of Plalnneld,-formerly of Bed Theso were tho common disciplin- Hank, aro both ill with (scarlet fever. Now Incorporated, ary measures taken aboard a man- of-war. Their frequency and brutal- Mrs. Joaoph Bray and daughter Tho Progressive Rod and Gun That is the designation for the best Meat Values Cathorino of West Front street aro club of Belford has become an Incor- ity calloused" both officers and men you can buy today—or any day. Our constantly main- upending a week with Mrs. Bray's to stony hardness, but,even If crows Science Finds Lent Food Ritual porated organization. Tho trustees wero senslblo of tho violent wrong tained, rigid standards of Quality guarantee satisfaction ulster, Mrs. John J. Haggcrty of aro Joseph Luker, Chester Henry, Brooklyn. being done them, what could they do • Aids Health By Improving Diet with the Meats from an OSCO Meat Market. Quality, Stanley Cook, William Logan and about It? If they resisted the cap- Mr. and Mrs. John Keana of Mar- Thomas Capone. full sixteen ounces to the pound and attractive low prices ion ctrect woro tho dinner guefite of tain it wao mutiny—punishable by Milk, Dairy Products, Eggs and' Vegetables— make values—plus. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Ocean death. Thero was no appeal from a avenuo, Deal, on Waahington'n birth- WOODEN SHIPS AND IRON MEN captain's decision; life, death nnd "Protective Foods"—Are Foundation day. Other guests wcro Mr. and torture woro In hla hands. A man of Lenten Diet To «i« /%$CO Orchestra and tho gSCD Tenor Mm, Kdwnrd Ilnnnon, Mrs. Chrlntlno either submitted or was broken—all over Station WNEW every Friday, 11:30 a. m. By Henry Morton lloblnson in tho for a wage of six dollars a month. Johns of Rldgcflold Park, Mrs.'Mar- Header's Digest. By FRED W. JACKSON Knret Bean of North Arlington, Miss Life on a merchantman was hard- •Romantic yarn-spinners have al er, If anything, than on a man-of- Director, Division of Consumer Information Viola Covert of Long Branch and Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N. J. Mltmes Charlotte and Hazel Brown of ways' depleted tho carefree, horn-pip war. These vessels wero always un- Deal. ing aspects of tho o!d( seafaring life, dermanned; tho crew3 were desper- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mooro of 120 but few narrators havo cared to un ately overworked, short-rationed, and TO Bomo February Wth ID only the ' Jfton lacking in our dietB. They con- Monmouth otrect were in Now York cover tho uglier portions of the pic systematically abused. In Two Years anniversary of Saint Valentine's j tribute body-bulldlng protein, ener- lust weoH where they were registered turc. Floggings and keel-haullnga Before tho Mast, R. H. Dana gives Day; to many others It brings to gy sustaining fats and carbohy- the diet of decayed pork, mouldy bis Cornfed Quality BEEF at the Hotel Lexington. us a dramatic picture of life aboard mind the more sober thoughts drates, but moro especially, they cult, and tho rot-gut grog that washed a merchantman a century ago, and Miss Catherine LnMalatre, daughter associated with tho advent of Lent. furnish minerals and vitamins. Fancy Rib Fancy Chuck •of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LcMaistro them down; the resulting scurvy, our softer ago marvels that men Cross Rib and tho uncompensated injuries sus- could have lived through those fear- This annual obsorvancb of a period In times liko tlin nresont, many of .Sunset avenue, la a member of practices and customs are temper- tlie newly organized theatrical make- tnlned lli tho performance of haz- ful winter hurricanes raging around of fasting recalls tho association up class given by Phil D. Colllna at ardoun duties—all these havo disap- Capo Horn. Tho brig Dana sailed throughout tho iiges of food with cd by economic conditions. How- peared from tho roster of Ills patient- In was constantly awash-In the giant things spiritual. Many present food ever, tho moat devout will find tlio Montclolr Stnto Teachera' Col- 1 lege. Mlas LcMatstre, a junior, is al- ly borne by seamen slnco the first seas that pounded over It; for weeks habits dato back to early religious theso valuablo protective foods arc so iiecrctary of tho Natural Dancing Tyrlan prow clove tho Aegean. at a timo a half-drowned crew precept!); oomo of our beat modern now available and inexpensive. Mil'; club and a member of the Spanish Yea, life at oca is quite different worked, ate, and slept Jn drenched food and sanitary regulations origi of quality and dairy products an; und Poycbology clubs. Sho la pre- now from the wretched existence de clothing, lived on cold salt pork, nnd abundant and fresh; nearby . New- wondered whether the next roller nated in Old Testament porlods. paring to teach English and Spanish. scribed by Lord Anson, for instance, . They were preserved In tlio canoni- Jersey eggs not highly priced. Hubert M. Farrow of South street, In the account of bin round-the-world would snap the mainmast. Add to a member ot tho real estato and In- voyage with a squadron of six Eng- this regime. a . bullying captain—and cal rituals and in many instances Spreading tho Benefits Hurancc.ftrm of Allaire & Son Agency, lish warships in tho years 1740-44. life became something not worth became the basis of present food Religious doctrines nourishing WH confined to the house several This glorious expedition, which carrying ;around. Dana, not temper- codes which have been strengthen- the spiritual, scientific truths point amentally given to melodrama, de- dayo recently with a severe attack of brought to England undying fame ed by tho findings of modern re- Ing to maintenance of bodily health Blnun trouble. scribes a flogging that Captain Frank search. nnd the largest body of plunder over and tho fundamental need for econ- Wilbur B. Ruthrauff of Riverside seized by a. single captain, set Ball Thompson administered to a sailor Lenten Dishes drive is at Camden, South Carolina, In n condition of imbeclllc chaos and simply because he "asked a ques- omy thus Join In the endorsement tion."- Modern Lonten faatlng usually of tho use of these protective foods where ho is very popular in the unprcparatlon. Take the all-import- callfl to mind an Increased use of during Lent. .sporting events among the social nnt matter of provisions: on the first "Can't a man ask a question with- dairy products and vegotablos. Milk, folks there. day at sea it was discovered that 42 out being flogged?" asked tho sea- butter, cream, cheesea of all kinds, Tho benefits of such a rare com- Miss Leo Puccl.of Railway returned out of 72 puncheons of beef wore al- man aa he was being trussed up for and eggs are freely used with vege- bination need not be confined to a homo Sunday after spending several ready "3tlnking," that tho pea3 and tho beating. forty-day period. All threo of theso daya with tho Mlsoea Prate of Mount oatmeal wore so decayed that they tables and fruit to the almost entire IN ALL OUR MEAT DEPARTMENTS were not fit to be issued as human 'No," shouted the captain, "nobody exclusion ot other animal products. principles could contribute much street. shall opon his mouth aboard thla ves- Cecil Bird has returned to his homo food. The biscuit was nothing but Hero Is an outstanding example comfort anil satisfaction to the bal- Fancy Large Boston Sliced Fancy worm-eaten dust, nnd tho pork was sel but myself," and he began laying ance of tho year. here nfter spending eevcral months on the blows, swinging half round of how a religious custom very con- •with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. DeGraw of BO rotten and rusty that the fleet's cisely embraces proved principles Tho most convenient source of surgeon warned tho men not to cat between each blow, to give its full West Caldwcll. effect. As ho wen on, his passion in- of science. Theso foods, especially these Lenten foods is the milk deal- Mrs. Horace P. Cook and Miss Etta it because it was sure poison. Tho only dietary compensation was the creased, and he danced about the milk, eggB, fruits and vegetables— er. To the housewife necking to Mlllor of Reckless place are on a mo- deck, calling out as ho swung tho used as tho main constituents of avoid monotony. In Lenten menus, Fancy White Michigan tor trip to St. Petersburg, Florida, enormous daily ration of rum, which kept tho men in a stato of. seml-in- rope, "If you want to know what 11 many Lenten dishes—are known as the more liberal use of dairy prod- •where they Intend to remain several flog you for, I'll tell you. It's because ' •weeks. toxlcation just below the level of tho "protective foods." They furnish ucts also means economy as well a3 mutiny. I like to do It! Because I like to do those hea'th essentials which aro so variety. Charles K. Straus, senior membor it! It suits mo, that's what' I do it of the Straua Company of Broad How about tho men themselves? for!" street, left last week for a cruise to Wero they mahogany-hearted tars The man writhed under the pain tho West Indies on the French UnorUound of limb and blithe of spirit, until he could endure it no longer, Lafayette. His sailing companions!Betting out on a magnificent adven- then groaned out, "O Jesus Christ! O Chili Sauce bot ca 3 aro friends from Newark and Now ture Quito tho rovorse. The Brit- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ! Dole Pineapple Juice 2 " 2Sc Jesus Christ!" I dSCO Tomato Catsup 10-oz bot 12V2c York. ish Navy wns nnt then sin honored 'Don't call on Joaua Christ," i h for Large California Sweet Prunes lb 10c Randolph Cook of Now York spent service, and few men would volun- shouted the captain,'1 Ho can't help! Crumb Cake . 13c ™< '•: 2 25c tlSCG Evap. Fruit Compote "Mb- pkjj 33C N. B. C. Appeleasers 2 16c P'UTa 2Sc tho holiday and woek-end with hie tarily enter it. Tho first detachment you. Call on Frank Thompson! He's MSCO Pure Fruit Preserves 12 oz jar 13C aunt, Mrs. Nora Long and family of N. B. C. Peanut Cakes lb 21c assigned to Anson's fleet was from iho man! Jesus Christ can't help you California Seedless Raisins pkg 7c Rob Roy Ginger Ale it-o'-iiin(:-lnil:i wan laid on, vnlkliiR lilow, tu-o pull- 3-liorso whlfll><- come, he anaworod thorn nml pnld, each Mow ruining un lnddlblo weal 1(.TII, four l-horisa tvhlfflotrocs, McCurmlrk U. S. No. 1 STAYM/IN iri' tHWV I'LOKIHA on the mini's hack—a mark that ho nowlni; nincriino, corn harvester, 80-toolli MILL I'OltDHO Tho kingdom of (Sod comotli not inrrow, A-lmnow, wheelbarrow pefid drill, JERSEY FRESH EGGS with observation: Neither nhnll they would carry to his KI-HVO. TO keep ourtcen fe«t long:; »moll «ad drill, pump LIMA BEANS ,WINESAP APPLES ORANGES tho tempo bri.Hk, a fresh aim wielded nrlf, two cliestg, bay rsifce, jidhiR v^eiler. nay, Lo hero! or, lo there! for, be- my louder, two Meaker linn-own, two Kood hold, tho hlngdoni of God Is within the cat after every doston strokes; nt arm \i-njronn. hay thelvlvtaa. IU>0sa potato you" po, twu Insriioon hay foiijR, dmvej body, BKIGHT ltl Ml I A'.l V tho followlni; passage from tho nil white paint, rnii ddub, two rolls tar ndvlso that the torture ho Interrupted mper. idant rettor. a rnlHvntora. rlillnrc SOliTHKJ.N JUICY « I .LI UV hrlntlnn Bcienco textbook, "fjcloncd until tlio patient wan In hotter shape. ultlvBtoi-, South Uimd plow, wpijon, J I flcilth with Key to tho'Scrip- A few dhy.-i later, tho runt ol the [sen- ny rakc«. 2 hojr», as tonn of hnloil nlfal- Strawberries LEMONS I IF ARTS tures" by Mary Dnker Kilily: "Let u liay, iirat anil fieconil cultlnuni 4 tonii tence wanWnfllotod. If tho unhappy OOKQ alfalfa, il tonn oat hay, lies nraldei, Box. for gftr-X unselllahiiean, goadnctw, num-y, Jus- Bailor was JcondiMnned In bn "Hogged «w linlni;: 2 pairs Iftrito rsHlnr iicde* V&G Whlto Naptha tice, health, hollnen.t, love-tins king- I'roop, InrKO ox rlmin, HOD huslielH No. I Ammonia SELQX dom of heaven---reign within un, and through tlio fleet" (one mini wan no yellow norn. Gnu.gallon iii'raylnu trm!., SOAP isin, dlseaoe, and death will (llminlsh foi-U, liofri. pliovelfi, etc Slum Where Quality Counts and Yom Mont»Ahy <»o* n Fjstiis«>»» ruyn Melville, bci'mise ho TlillMK:--Cnali day of Bale. pU|;i "I jintll tlioy Iliinlly dl."n|)]>snr. There voted fm' , llari'lnnn for I'rc;r EJ ? ablo to get to work for two days. foods but also in varying many Mr. and Mra. George C. D. Hurley Telephone KUUS. Follies at New York on WasHing-i Carpenters are making repairs and Qualltlos to suit different taoten. intettained at their home Saturday ton's birthday and at night tncy ,improvement 3 t0 the house on Lcilt- When potatoes aro mentioned in evening in honor of Mra. Lloyd M. Sickles. ,'• ' visited the Casino de Parco, a nigmia homa Farm5 wh)ch ,s occup|cd by tho south It la usually tho sweat club. In the party were Mr. n' !Charic, T. E. Matthews. potato that Is meant. In tho north A motion picture, "Tho L|fo of Mrs. Oscar Benson, Misses lather . M,5g Dorothy Lefsity is visiting at ihrlat," taken from tho Passion Play, Conovcr, Mildred Johnson, Gcsino | fluch a reference inoana vhlto or s to bo shown at tho Oceanport GET YOUR PERMANENT WAVE NOW ! p N Y Irish potatoes. Perhaps becauso of Smack and Ethel Springsteen, erry Th(J rcpairs wnich have been un- church on Wednesday evening. Tho NBA codD of fair competition for Beauty Shopa will bo Bmitli, Francis EtJReubenlay y h chnrle3 F. prior and more extended experl Tho Oceanport radio study group naoptod shortly, erjee, the resident?) of the south be- tor, Warren Herbert, Douglas Park- atB noarlng completion, iiot laat week at tho homo of Mra, Tho l'rlc™ of Pnrmanpnt Waves Will B" Advanced. er and Richard O'Donnell. J g b p k Hove they are justified In assuming Ernest Llmper. Questionnaires on Don't Dalay! Get Yours Now and Savo Money! Mr. May, who lives at Asbury Park, the role of arbiter and passing Children's Gumcs" wero distributed bought the farm from John L. Ely a Judgement on "sweets." and answorod. Those present weru Eatontown News. ehort time ago. Consequently, In tho south the Mrs. Ferdinand H. Krome, Mrs. Louis An auction of horses and mules will How Olumps of Cholco Jorsey Sweot West, Mrs. Horace W. Kirby, Mrs. PEKMANENT WAVING SPECIALISTS FOR THE PAST 15 VEAItS bo held at the sales and exchange yam typo of sweet potato Is the fav- (The Red Bank Resistor can tie bouphl orite because of Its moist, syrupy Potatoes Look When Dug Charles Jensen, Mrs. E. O. Nylander, 171 BKOAD SfBKKT Opp. Woinnn'o Club BED BANK fn Eatontown from Noble Mosby nt tha stables of the William C. Ely estate"! Mrs. R. W. Nelson and Mls3 Greta Tc!. R. B. 2843 &oDtofllce olid at A J. Hague's store.) this afternoon. - ! and sweeter qualities. HANGING clothes out of starches, sugars, minerals and a Jenaen. The Founder's day program One of the series of calandar par- Charles S. Ely is out after having | Northern Eplcurc3 Like 'Em Dry which wa3 to havo been presented in of doors with hands OWE SIB ties being held by the Methodist been laid up with a heavy cold. Despite tho weight of tradition goodly portion of vitamin A. assembly room of the school on steaming1 and tender; church was held Friday night in the supporting these claims, tho north- Having boon stored In warm February 22, has been postponed un- PJSKBIANENT WAVES Comiiloto ! social room. Mrs. Albert Smock. ern markets continue to favor the arehouses, It Is desirable to avoid il March 7. sudden changes of severe chilling when handling sweet WITH RINGLET ENDS Hrs. Dennis and her daiTghter Mary j LIncroft News. dry type of sweet potato. In order Ml", and Mra. Edward Worthley temperature; chilling were In charge. to meet this demand, Now Jensoy potatoes. Largo oize family pur- nnd Jean Worthley of Newark were FOIS ONLY - Harold Smock of Lake avenue, (The Red Bank ResUtcr can be bousht I farmora and those ot nearby states chases are not recommended at this recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- and over-exertion in- who Is attending Temple university, at Lincroft from George Toop, who baa season. A supply of sweet potatoes a delivery route.) aro growing almost exclusively the ward Worthley. volve real risk of ALSO epent the week-end with hia parents, dry swoot potatoes which aro now sufficient for not over a week or so The Oceanport school has not been Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smock. Aldo Tasca of New York Is visiting Is suggested for homo use and they health, these cold, hla cousin, Mrs. Mary Dante. | known throughout tho country as n session during the bud weather. Tho monthly meeting of the Dis- should be kept dry at a temperature Mrs. Kennedy, who haa been a pa- snowy days. trict Council of Religious Education! Mr. and Mrs. Willia\( m Gaughanof ; tho Jersey type. The molut yam types can bo successfully grown In not below fifty. tient at tho Rivervlew hospital for Will be held Friday at St. Luke's :\ Red Bank were recent guests of Mr. somo time, has returned home. ehurch at Long Branch. .A special and Mrs. Edwin Brasch. Now Jersey and actually produce In buying, avoid long, stringy, THE sensible thing is coarse rooto. Tho choicest sweets Tho Oceanport Civlo association Permanent Bleating will be called at five o'clock, | Fred Owens la confined to his home tho greatest yield per aero, but will meet tonight at the borough hall. to have us take over (Gunrantcoil) at which the state officer is expected i by a severe cold, growers havo difficulty In dispos- aro chunky, spindle or pear-shaped, Mr. and Mrs. John B| Hulso had E"rom 0 to 0 Waves to be present. Many from tho Eaton- I Mr. and Mra. Robert McLean of ing of them. and of such a size as would bo suit- i their week-end guests Mrs. this disagreeable part Months. Guaranteed town churches are expected to at- 'Holmdel road havo returned home af- able for Individual servings .when tend. ter spending several months in the At this Beaaon Jersey sweets are Charles A. Smith and Misses Janet of your family wash- nd. Catsklll mountains. leaving tho warm storage houses baked. The skin should be bright, and Audrey Smith ot Bayonne. ing — the washing, SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! Mrs. Clyde Hayes has received Harold Bloodgood has purchased a In full maturity with fine, sweet smooth and unbruised. Many house- About forty persons attended the Manicure Marcel word that her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Packard touring car. flavor and dry texture. Nutritious wives find tho canned sweeet pota- demonstration supper lield at the rinsing and drying. Charles Stein, have moved from Mra. Russell Heulitt entertained and tasty, they lend themselves to toes a great convenience for use in Oceanport church last week. The Real Castile ^SfTD F'ngerW Miami to Eau Gallie, Florida. tho members of the sowing club of the winter diet as valuable sources certain dishes. affair was sponsored by the Ladies' WE'LL iron the flat Shampoo ^^Djvb? Eyebrows Tho Ladles.' Auxiliary of tho Eaton- the Colt'B Neck Reformed church aid society of tho church. Thursday at her home on the Pha- Olive Sells, daughter of Mr. nnd pieces, too, and fluff -ith Vlncgof Elnsa Haircut town fire company will meet Thurs- p day at eight o'clock at the borough lanx road. wero drlfta on the Telegraph Hlli Mrs. Robert L. Sells, who is a sur- your woolens and Except I rl. anil Sat., BInnlniro 35c; Marcel, 00c. Ball. MIBS Viola Wagner of Newark was Hazlet News. road over eight feet high. A num- gical patient at tho Monmouth Me- Get Ono of Our Froflt-Kluirlng Coupons. Act ICarly! The Ladles' Aid society will meet recently given a surprise miscellan- morial hospital, Is reported doing bath-towels and un- eous shower at tho home of her sis- ber of men have been employed by nicely. < Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock St. John's Methodist church of tho township at fifty cents an hour derwear so nicely xrlth Mra. Harry Dennis of Corlles ter, Mrs. Richard Clark. Miss A. to dig out the snow' drlfta. ovenue. Minton and Mrs. A. Sanborn were South Keyport will hold Ha annual they'll be all ready to turkey supper at the church Thurs- "Ladies' night" was observed by Tinton Falls News. Rev. Carlton R. Whltehead, pastor honored guests. Thirty other guests tho members of Hazlet lire company fold away when you Of the Second Advent church, was wero present. day evening, March 1, from 6:00 to 8:30 P. M. and their families and frienda on (The Red Hunk Keelstcr enn bo liought get them back. Extended an invitation last Wednes- Frank Harvey, a former resident Thursday evening when about one at Tinton Falls at the store of Mrs. Sarah of Lincroft, is now livinVI gB with hlo J, Frank Welgand ond Henry War- Tayloday nighr Memoriat by thl eBaptis congregatiot churcnh oat'"f ' ""^"'V "•T'™, " " "'"* *•*» hundred people gathered at the fire- Scott.) 1 hack reached Cocoanut Grove, Flor- Avon, to become ltfl pastor. Hcv.j!?» l"*"* " Mr. nS Branch and Wayside al- cold, h Improving. Fltkin Memorial hBapital at Asbury M 8lc drives the nchool bus, was unable tons replaced, lowing nominations: president, Mrs. """""flaheii r " ,'"' ""nolnrj was fur- to get tho children to school. There Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel S. Weigand Park. Ccorgo Whltfield; vice president, bur« Parlt^y McQulre a orchestra of As- everything mended Hrs. Harry Dennis; secretary, Miss y J ' Refreshments were Mary Dennis; treasurer, Mrs, Ellen servetI- in "all finished" Robert Daverio, son of Mr. and Burgesss. | cervices. RIIES Doris Wolcott of South streestreet Mrs. Dante Daverio, spent a few days Spent tho weekend visiting friendid 3 at recentlntly with his aunauntt, MrsMrs. Lena Philadelphia. *!, Porrino of Elmhurst, L. I. The Gleaners' society will hold an Harry Long will soon move from advertising supper Tuesday, March VanSlcklen's farm at Colt's Neck to @, in the chapel of the Presbyterian Harry Newberger's estate on Everett church i road, which was formerly Wodlcy'n church. About 25 people attended the bun- "Sunnyslde Farm." PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT., MARCH 1, 2 & 3. co partpai iy giveul¥cn" WbyJ "**the- ~Ladles -- ' social Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Harding of club Saturday night In the Schick the main road aro on a trip to St. ao OE-O shs-oufh thre© building on Lewl3 street for tho ben- Agatha, Canada, 1 efit of the Junior Order of Ameri-j Arthur Sodcn spent Saturday with gosjoraSiosio... Two can Mechanics. his father, Arthur Soden, Sr., of E steadfast The Calendar party to be held at Glendale park, Middletown. tho home of Mrs. Frank Kenna has j Mrs. John Bennett of the Holmdel fli© most been postponed until Monday, March roaa entertained tho members of the pitching ©vouflB In, B, becauso of the bad weather. 'Mlddletown Reformed church at a YOU know you are go- Mra. Erland Holtz of South street social Friday night ing to get the best Amorkm Eiisfosy... !n at St Petersburg, Florida, where , Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen of TSso osroon's opls of aho is visiting Mrs. Matilda Stillman, Shrewsbury, former residents of Lln- cleaning available. Qfsa@tlon, h h B former resident of Eatontown. croft, celebrated their first wedding You know that you Miss Eicanor Murray of English- anniversary Saturday night at a par- town 13 visiting her sister, Mrs. Lew- ty In the River Plaza community are dealing with an Is Hill o[ F-ranlilln 3treet. house. Lincroft residents attending organization of prov- About a dozen children attended a WCre William Slater,' Charles Toop, party given by Mrs. L. D. Seeley Fri- Adolph and William Molzon, Eugene ed responsibility. day night at her home on South porcl and Edgar Layton. street. Games were played and re- , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dante Daverio and freahmenta were served. Those at- r,on Robert epent yesterday at Now NO anxiety, doubt or tending wero Dorothy, Arthur and York misgivings. Isn't such Jack Frazer Thomas and Richard | JamM Bu f F , H , SUNDAY — MONDAY _ TUESDAY Case D«othy and Harry Chasey, ,t d h, t M wlm y assurance important? Charles and Robert Hayes. Lester B Saturday. i and Paul Whitflold nnd Barbara Sec- Mrs_ EUa Fent

were played and prizes were won by Mrs. Harold Perry and Mrs. Norman Wood. A midnight supper wuo nerved at a table gaily decorated in n color scheme of red and yellow, a birthday calto with lighted candle3 being the centerpiece. The guests attending were Henry Fenton and dean at a Itutfh of Jprity -_.Bhter, Adu, of Lincroft, William Woodwnrd of RiverHldo Helghta, Mr, and Mrs. Harold B, Perry of River Plaza and Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman A truck owned by the Dugan Bait- Wood of Old Bridge. ing company got stuck in a snow drift In front of .Torioph Holmes'fl SELECTED — SMOKED farm last week nnd tho driver Warty wblclj will bs held to- tiou.--Advcstlsemejit Red Bank, New Jersey ^Ssffissfis^^5asK^g«aa^K«ws^*MKiWrv5tEffiaseffi?^

'•••.. / • RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28,1934, Page Thirteen htu granddaughter's home at Key- Bicli and Raymond Grehea. There DR. L. W. CARLBON Many Gifts For port last week. Shrewsbury New©. will be a specialty number by EM- — APPRAISING — The automobllo In •which Rev. J. 'ard Bloni and Leslie Antonides. SUKGEON CHIROPODIST for Historical Museum (The Hod Banlt Keelster can ba bought Mrs. Harry Posten hao. recovered nine years with the leading institu- J. Meaalsr was returning home the In Bhrewjburr from Richard Blaise at tha FOOT AILMGNTS tion in the Greater New York Area. night of tho snow storm last •week poitoffica isnd at Shrewsbury Market.) from pneumonia and IB now able to Office Hours: Daily 10 a. m. to 0 p. m. Vacant Land In tipito of tho had weather during be around again. Ruftineas Property became snow-bound near th8 homo Mra. John H. Cook, Jr., of Syca- Evening: Tuesday and Thuruday. February, quite a number of gifts of, Robert N. Sfieley. The walk from Dimuti Vasto suffered an injury For appointment phone 2442. Auctions were received nl tho Monmouth more avenue is spending several Farm* the Heeley residence to tha parson- weeks In Florida. to hla head in a fall on the icy il-23 I5BOAI) ST., IlKD HANK, N. J. Tax Kcduclions County Historical association at age at two o'clock in tho. morning street ln&t week. Ho was laid up lire 1 Freehold, Harry May, proprietor of tho Household Inventories was most difficult, but the preacher, several days. t \ Gifts to the library Include a num- Shrewsbury Farms on Sycamore ave- E«t>itr. though extremely weary, was able to Samuel Patterson haa been (spend- BAH .ITIXTUKKS MorlsaBC Servicing ber of broadsides given by Albert A. nue, is a new member of the Red ing a few dayr, with relatives at reach home. Bank Elkn lodge. Cnmt'Icte r.loclt on Iinnd, t ff. m Nominal Fee. Authentic Methodi. Blcber of Munasrtuan, program of & Mrs, RoEella Hubbg has been con- Montclalr. 30 ft. lonj;. Immediate delivery. WRITE Olt CALL testimonial banquet glvon by Prof. J. The Young People's Home Mis- A lecture on the Holy Land will IIARS MAlii; ANIi DESIGNED TO Frederick E. Bunnell, fined to her home on account of a SUIT YOUK NEKllK. Provost Stout, Laliowood; Christmas, sionary society will meet Friday be given Tuesday night, March fl, at Conovcr SI., severe cold. night in the flunday-school room of birthday greetings and" Valentines The Washington's Birthday so- the Methodist church by Hev. David T>KY DOCK IlAlt CO., Middlrtnwn, IS. J. "bout 1B00, 1885 and 1887 BIVCB by the Presbyterian church. Chaplain Nledemeyer of Perth Amboy. He 38 Cooper Scjunre, New Yorli City Hre. 7-9 I'. M. Sat. 3-7 1'. M ciable held in tho Methodist church Reynolds of Fort Monmouth will be Phone: CRamarcy 7-01G1 Mlsa Ellen Conovcr, Freehold; a copy annex Wednesday night nan attended bus made two visits to the Holy of a Mediterranean crulno written by the guest speaker. Land. The nffalr will be under tho by a large number of youn# folks Benjamin Ilowman of Oceanport A. L. Morcmi, given by William 8. and adulta. Tho net proceeds direction of the Ushers union.. There llorncr, Matawan; "Complete Life of spent a few days last week visiting will be a program of music by David New Comfort for C'hrlnt," 172? (jlven by Mrs. Vadin amounted to ?S. friends in town. [filorc lovrly llian'inl ' One of the largest audiences of the Williama's orchcolra and by the Those Who Wear Patronize CurtiM, Koyport. Mrs. Michael Flicker of Allen ihureh choir under the direction of ministry of Rev. J. J. Messier wao place spent last week visiting friends A deed dated April 10, 1722, waapresent Sunday morning to hear an Mrn, R. J. Stokes, your neighborhood / /A\ 'Rlanioroin than in"Tiicj donated by Mrs. Mary G. K. Thurs- mid relatives at Nev/ York and address or 3ormon based upon Prof. Brooklyn. Ko longer doca *ny wearer of ftilae ^ / U) /NIl«"-c OM >6Hi !>tre«!a ton of New York; valentines were Walter pltltln's book "Life Begins at teeth need to be uncomfortable. I'"AS- Klven by J. HnlBey Rocd of Cranbury Forty." Rev. Rhea Cofiman, pastor of the Union Beach News. TIOETH, a new, greatly Improved pow- mid Mrs. Annie H. Kerfott of Free The Sacrament of the Lord'o Sup- Bolmar Presbyterian church, waa the der, sprinkled on upper or lover plates, preacher at tho Sunday morning ser- liolUo them firm and comfortable. No l'rlces Very hold. Ton valcntlncn of the year per will bo administered In tho Meth- (The Red Bank HesUtcr con t>« boncht irummy. Gooey, piisty tnxte or feeling. 1845 wore purchased from the library odist church Sunday. vice of tho Shrewsbury Presbyter- In Union Beach at tho etor« of Gus Sen- Deodorizes. Hct VASTEETH today nt fund. Tho women members of the Meth- Ian church In place of Rev. G. H. son.) \ Whclan'o or nny other uood drut: Rtorc. Mlknch, who preached at Belmar. A number- of booka wero given by odist official board met at the home nclief Director George R. Ross Mra. J. Amory Haskell of Red Bank of Mm. Ida Robertson last week to Benjamin Shoemaker of Sycamore .eccived word on Thursday from the Middletown, N. J. Among them uro "Patriotism In Poe- formulate plana for tho distribution avenue left laut week for a two county director to discontinue all weeks' vacation which he will opond Opposite tfiato Folicc. try nnd Prose" by Murdocli 1805; of church envelopes for tho next CWA work until further notice. eMldjen ofl eagoi el „. church business year beginning In Florida and other Southern states. SlTseiloM esa followed, rr "Spirit of tho American Kcvour Ittv. Horace L. Fenton, Jr., of Phil- FTQVEB P/JLU. Dcsplta BcsrcitY esii lion;" American Museum for August March 1. Refreshments wore nerved. Edward Stone and family of Rod adelphia, occupied the pulpit of the essnnora «>3« of SANTONIN, II can- Haircut and shave 50c Tho Methodist Sunday-school class Bank recently moved Into Carl Raf- tsina fall doso. Btootl 10 yra. teat. 1787; a paper on Newspapers and First Congregational church on Sun- AU Urasslats or or malL 60s a bottle. Newspaper writers of Now England of Mrs. Rooella Hubba celebrated fl's house, next to tho Lawen Bros.' day. Haircut only 35c i ' V grocery store, on Broad street. I £1« V* I 1787-1815 read by D. A. Goddard Feb- their thirteenth anniversary last The Women's Democratic club will ruary 8, 1880 before the New England week. A beautiful potted flower wao The Young People's Home Mission- Children's Haircut 25c oent to Everett Henry. ary uoelety will have charge of the meet in tho Cambridge flrehouse to- The road to better and biKRcr busi- Historic society; Bibliography of morrow night. Ladies'Haircut .. 35c Philip Fronenu by F. L. Pattee; His- Mra. Abble Bennett has been vis- Sunday night services nt the Pres- ness leuds through The Register's ad- tinp to^tlic ^ iting her brother, William Palmer of byterian church March 4. Edward Koss has been visiting at vertising columns.—Advertisement. tory or tho city of Brooklyn 1807; N« York. )f ihr worl'I •Untaught Hard" 1801; Carny'o New Monmoutli, several days. Mrs. Michael Ittortlan Is confined Franklin Almunac for 1802, New The junior choir of the Methodist to her home on White street with Mrs. Joseph Felictic, Mrs. John York Mirror for January nnd March church hold its Initial service Sunday pleurisy. Frle! and Mrs, John Madden wore •' i <\ } *•• ,M,lj' —for hrr nm-l'imn.Tj.1 18311 and a copy of the New Jorscy morning. Twenty-two young men Mrs. Kenneth Salt was a week-md the hostesses at a card party given Standard for January 24, 1850.. and girls wero present. Tho Bonlor visitor of Mr. and Mrs. George H. as a benefit for tho Catholic Parcnt- choir wao exceptionally good In Its Lange. TRaeher association Monday after- An execution of debt dated No- noon. vember -I, 1808 was donated by KayRinging. Both choirw arc to bo Fritz Yorg, a mombcr of the SISTER SAYS:- clothed In , vestments at an early Edward Lovlne, Jr., Is recovering P. Crawford, R. D., Jamegburjr. A Shrewsbury lioso company, received 0 number of broadsldos -wore given by date. a cut on his hand from 0- nail at a from a fractured rib sustained while William R. Conovor, Star Route, Louis B. Richmond gave an ad- fire on the LaBoyteaux farm last participating in a basket ball game. "JVIy job is a good one but monotonous. However a Freehold. dress on "Washington," to a large woelt. Ho waa immediately treated Mrs, James McKittlick waa hostess since drinking a glass of warmed milk about .throfj &'fiv '^/H>>^ audience, of American Mechanics in and is now able to use hla hand at a card party last Wednesday af- o'clock every afternoon my boss and I find I iinlsh .ccorda of Co. S, 7th Regiment Na- the Red Men's hail at Neptune ternoon. tho day with this energy and vim of tlm start of Ihc tln.ml Guard from 1872-1800 and on again. Wednesday night. Extra men have been employed to Mrs. Catherine Fallon has returned flay." account book of tho company wero Tonight Rev. J. J. Messier will give from a stay at Newark. Klven by Joaoph A. Yard, Freehold. help clear away tho snow on the bor- Try this yourself bo you HtL-m-Krupiicr, merchant, an address at a mass meeting of tho ough streets. James Ro33 has been a patient in Mr. Yard also donated a book with American Mechanics at Nowark. tho Long Branch hospital. machinist or busy executive. the title of "ALDIBORONTIPHISKY. The Boy Scouts held a meeting in Mrs. Jane Kollock, who recently the Presbyterian Sunday-cchod Mrs. J. Murphy has recovered from HORNIOSTIKOS," a round game several days' sickness. for merry parties, dated 182D. rooms Monday evening. lously 111 at the home of her daugh- Boy Scout troop No. 50, which has Miss Hannah Scoras will be hos- Permanent loans to the library In- ter, Mrs. Frank Andrew, tess at a card party for the benefit Drink a Quart of Milk a Day clude record booka of tho Proceed- been reorganized under the sponsor- Moo RosenBwelg of Now York Is a. ship of tho Community of Shrews- of the Guild of St. Mark's church, ings of Millstone and Manalapan guest of Dr. Mare Krohn. Keinsburg, on March 7. TONIGHT Protcctlv. Society 1884-1D15. 1915-1923 bury will show a moving picture en- Mlsa Marjorle Sutherland has been tertainment Friday night, March 9, A daughter has been born to Mr. snd a badgo ot tho organization put confined in the house sevcrat days and Mrs. Bernard Stern of Clark in tho building by William B. Con- in tho Presbyterian Sunday-school •vkth. a. heavy cold. room aa tho first project to ralco a avenue. ovcr, secretary of the society. The sermon topic at St. Clement's Mrs. Allen Vost has ended a visit FRL, SAT. Two new maps were added last fund for scout uniforms. Members churoh Sunday morning will be "Thoof the troop are engaged In selling at Brooltlya. month, one of the New Jersey Coast Cross the Sign of Redemption." A Mrs. Barbara Monahan is a sur- Serving You 13 Years With Milk Produced niKECT FROM A S2.0I) ltU!V AT TIIK ASTOK TIIEATKT1 from Mnnastiuan to Capo May In the tickets and soliciting program ad- KIKST TIME AT OUK USUAL l'RICKS ! spoclal Lenten servlco Is held every vertising. gical patient in the Long Branch hos- Revolutionary war period and one of Friday evening at quarter after olght pital. Solely in Monmoruth County. Johnson'!! Now Jersey 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Wllmont Qulnby of o'clock. Salisbury, Pennsylvania, are visiting Gifts to tho museum wcro a black Jfroad Street, Suroivstiury, N. 3. leather and go-Id D'u case from Miss Mra. Qulnby'o mother, Mro. William The road to better and bigger busi- Red Banii 1455. I. Green. ness leads through Tho Register's ad- Marguerite Rue, Freehold; deguer- Keansburg News. vertising columns.—Advertisement. lootypo of Record Ofllce, Hlghtatown Koert Johnson has been appoint- ed as supervisor of the CWA laborers 1853, given by Joseph A. Yard, Free- (Tho Her] Dan|t rttelator can be bounht I'rijpiitivo people, simple hold; a badge of tho Randolph, Fre- in Kcfmabursr ut the stores of E, L. Miller, in place of Stewart Van Vllct, who N, Santa LUCIB, Philip Keller and Charles Is vacationing In Florida. mont and Dayton association Riven Vouel.) ami Innocent as animals ' by Albert A. Biebor, Manasqusn; a miniature saucer (soft paste) donated Benjnmln Amlreneh made appll till the white jnan'H '?hijs by Mrs. Lillian Bouclien, Freehold; cation for.the refund of a deposit Highlands New©. .' several coins Including an English for a liquor license at tho mooting came, hringiiiB sin and of tho borough council last week. At Penny ot 1722, given by William Con- (The Bed Bank Register can be Dousht drath, A wild and non- over, Star Route, Frcohold. the time he applied for the llcenso he In Highlands at Fi*d!e'a druc otore, at Jos- ; A wrapping twine reel used in Wll-stated that tho license wa« for a eph Stamen's stors and Mulligan's ttore.) ilerful story, grand ns Us ' linm Lloyd's store 18315 and a peptlo building to be built on Carr avenue. Tho Highlands mayor and council "; from tho same store were givon by In his application for the refund Mr. has recolved 5*80 from the state for magnificent iiacUgronnd of > Lloyd '£lyf Freehold. Andreach said that ho has decided emergency relief expenditures. The j Se\ i-al photographs wore present- not to build. The council took no freeholders havo made a request of the frozen north. Mastcr- action, deciding that if It ia lawful ed by Alfred J. Meyer, Long Branch. 55,555 In county taxc3 from the bor- I>iic<> of W, S. Von Djk®, Mra. Efllo G. Lutn, Star Route to make the refund It would be made. ough based on 1934 aesesoed valua- Red Dank also presented photo- The liquor license of Capt. Gelssler tions. •litcclor-Kcnlus' who mado of Forest avenue was opposed by graphs. Three newspaper prints of The Methodist Ladles' aid .society Washington at Monmouth were glv- Mrs. J. Turner of Greenwood place, Tnuler Horn. who presented a petition against the will meet, tomorrow night at the home on by Albert A. Blcber of Manau- of Mra. Kate Smith on Barberie ave- quan. wanting of the license. Capt. GeiBs- irr also presented a petition con- nue. The official board of the church A mezzo tint of the Duke of Mon- taining; tho signatures of fifty resi- will meet Wednesday night, March 7, 2653 | Prices in Effect March 1 - 2 - 3. | Phone 2654 • nK/uth wua presented by Miss Ado- dents In the neighborhood, request- at the parsonage. lino L. Dyer of Freehold. Ing that tho license be granted. Tho The Girls' Friendly society will China la still coming In for the application was laid over until tho meet tomorrow night at St. Andrew's PRIME exhibition being held at the museum next regular meeting on March C. parish house. thlB month. On account of tho bad Joseph Fragale, who died last week ^wonthcr tho exhibition will be con. Tbo Women's guild of St. Mark's at Long Branch, was a former res- RIB tlnued, China was loaned this month church will meet tomorrow after- ident of Highlands. He conducted a by Mrs. 1311a O. Clarm and Mrs. J. noon. i;boo shop In the Wagner market Provost Stout of Lakewood; Mrs. Mrs. L. G. Kuhn ha3 returned building, and he moved to Long JTrank DuBois, Mrs. Adrlen 15. Mor- Branch last October. He leaves his or . oau. Mra. Ward Golden, Mra. William James Gravany of the Beachway wife and a daughter. A. Barkalow, Mrs. Keno Ward, Miss Is confin6d to his homo with olck- Holy Communion will be observed Catherine Truox, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. 1)030. next Sunday morning at 7 and 9:45 Loin Spring Miller, Mro. Howard Sutphen, Mrs. Isldor Walling was a recent buyer o'clock at St. Andrew's church. Extra Special William Statcair, Mrs. William Hart- of a Bulck automobilo Irom Tren- Mrs. Myrtle Mohrbcck was hostess LAMB ahornc, Mra. F. D. Bennett, Mro. LU- ery Brothers. nt lnst week's party of the Trailers Calves NIBLO1N John Walling has a broken leg, . llan Boschcn, Mrs. Eleanor Arms, club. The prize winners were Mrs. KOUNU ' Mrs. C. W. Chlchcstor, Mrs. Edward sustained when struck by an auto- I Marjorle Newton, Herman Quast, R. Wlllteson, C. P. Eramons and Louis mobllo. Mr. Walling is employed by Mrs. Laura Rublcy, Mrs. John Schlc- or Richmond all of Freehold. tho Central railroad as n gateman bcr, Mrs. Polly Moran, Mrs. J. F. at tho Palmer avenue railroad cros- Dowd, John Newton, Miss Esther POKTEBHOUSE sing. Moran, Mrs. Marie Parker, M1B3 Mrs. Frank John entertained at a Emma Quast, Mrs. Cellna Robertson, Belford News. card party last Tuosday afternoon. Mrs. B. Mount, Eophie Blelor, J. S. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Deturo are (Tho lied Bank Kcglhtcr can ba bought Hoffman, Mrs. Btta Quast, Miss Julia In Uelfmil at tho stores of Mrs. John homo from a trip to Florida. They Little, Mrs. Ella Miller, Mrs. Mary O'Nolll. II. CluyHnlr nnd Hurry Wo»»cr- wero forced to ntop at Washington France, Mrs. Mary Ruster, Mrs. or 'C mnn's waiting room.) for some time, duo to the heavy fall Mario . Schmidt, Mrs. Louisa Brey, Mrs. Kenneth Whiting and son of of snow.- Mrs.- Valentino Tebbs and Mra. oom Red Bank tipent Thursday with Mrs. ISdward Ryan, Jr., la visiting at Myrtle Mohrbeck. The hostess for to- Brooklyn. morrow night's party is Mrs. Charloa Bottom Whiting's father, Arthur Maxson. Kound Ilnel(ling3 I j f ) Mr. and Mra. Buchanan, Misa Mil- Miss Alice M. Smith has recovered Blclcr of Water Witch. 5 or Duclts 12ZS Added Attraction ! "The Little Red Hen' dred Walling nnd Edmund Buchanan from grip. Twenty years ago a Lincoln's birth.- of Newark apent Thursday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borqulsh a,rf day dinner was held at C. Mell John- X-Rib and IX liKVlTirxi, TWIINIC'OI.OIt—liltlNK TIIK KIDDIES! and Mrs. James Asho nnd family. the paronts of a daughter. fion's hotel. Howard W. Roberta "waa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klrwan and Tho Thomas Jefferson Domocratlo toasttnaster, and among the mem- 2?; •<> 3!i-m. sizrc family spent tho week-end with rel- club held a card party Monday night, bers of tho committee were former atives at Union City. Mr. and Mrs, Dominic, Wolfe have Mayor Georgo W. Hardy and Coun- Florida Red Svvccl The dance hold at Louis restaurant returned from a stay at New York. cilman J. S. Hoffman. Saturday night for tho benefit of St. Mrs. Catherine Hubar lins been Another ovent twenty years ago SUN., MON., TUES. Mary's church of Now Monmouth visiting at Now York. wiw tho first anniversary celebration •was financially and socially a E''e|U Mra. Mary McGrath has recovered In tho Methodist church of Washing- NOW A SENSATION \T Till. ( M'lTOI, Tlli;.\TKK ON* aucccy.'i. from grip. ton ramp of the Patriotic Sons of nK(l.M)WAY. liNSTINTMl rii.MSI, l'!t(IM TIIK CHITICS! MIM Mahal Lukcr and Anna Gould Mrs. Margaret Patorson entertained America. Delegates were present Koiuting :,' STAHS -DAir.Y NT.WS ! / at a card party lost Tuesday after- from Red Bnnh, Long Branch, BPI- spent Thursday In New York nnd noon. enjoyed tho rlnVi "Richard of Bor- ford, Freehold, Elboron, Aabury Paik Aim. Alex Curcliln liaa been con- and Philadelphia. Tho lodge Is still BUSANINU i:ilICKENS 1 •IMiSKVS deaux." fined to the home of her parents, lira, N. W. Salmon is Improving in good standing. Some of tho mem- Mr. and Mro. Clinton Loliscn, with bers actlvo twenty years ago wero J. from grip. a Bovere cold. Mr. and Mrs. James French ot New S. Hoffman, Tunis H. Lano, Wllllnm Hruimwlelc are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Loder, Chnrlcs White, Hairy Minor Hiilntcail. Middletown Village. Loder, Charles Huss, Everett Patter- Mr. nnd Mrs. Cicorgo Gordon of son and Rudy Gcsaenburc Mctuchen spent tho week-end with (Tha Red Banl: Register can bs bought Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles D. Brown. .» Mltldlotciwn . at Iho »tore» of J. C. BEANS Scjms Mr. nnd Mra. Stanley Cook, Mr. KnUcot uud William B. W«t«r».) Atlantic Highlands. nnd Mr:i. David Schnoor and Mr. nnd Itev. J. J- Kes.iler, pnstor of tho Ke- Mrs. Albert Lnngford attended tho formed church, announces that per- ITIie Ucd rtenti Itcaisler can he houtM JELLYS 2 j;ir^ funcnil of Mra. LanRford'ti plater, vlcos will not be held In tho church In Atlantic IllarhUntln at tho itorra of Mrs. Elizabeth HollC3 of Bcllvllle, on Sunday morning nor evening. Mrs. William LclT. J, Lemburtf and A. Knti.) Hornrr Monduy. Bonnier ifi very Rick with scarlet fever Svcrro Sorcnson and Howard Oaf- ATZUTT" CHIPS Eurl lloycr, chief of police ot Mld-end her condition has shown no fey returned Sunday from on auto- (Uotown township, In n raifrlcal pa- change of late. mobile trip to Florida. They wcie tient at n hospital at Now York. Tbo mombcrn of the Amorlca.n Mc- away three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Brill of Jersey cuiiiiicn Pant Councilors' association St. Afrnea'n Parent-Teacher asso- WITH Olty spent Saturday w^th Mr. and mot hero lnot night as tho guests of ciation will hold a card party this Swift's or Libb/s TOMATO, JUICE 3 cans 21c MM Olmrlci.H D. Drown. Ihc Mlddletown lodge. A:;ncmblyman afternoon In the school auditorium. A 1'irge delegation ot tho mcnibur- Theron McGjmpboll waa the speaker H wan postponed from yesterday. mm Lewis Stone — Elizabeth Allan - ,'lalph Forbcr fdilp of the Methodist, church ntteiul- imd hid subject wns "The Public Mro. Timothy Hheehan and Mrs. 3 19c A MKriiO-tiOl.nWVN-.tJAYl'.U HIT! Hchoolfi." John McLiiUKlilIn, Jr., are in charge-. . eil the annual loll call at tlm KeaUK- lh biifl? Mcthndlnt church, WaMiington's Tho brldgo club mrt .it the home Harry Ponton will ba interlocutor 29c Portland Cod Steaks "' 19c bhlluliiy. F Mrs. Thoninn Field Friday aftcr- nt Iho minstrel rhow to he given Soon ! GARBO in "QUEEN CHRISTINA" Mr. and Mm. KuIMn nntl family iOOIl. 1'iidny night, March ., In tho high Ih have movcil to I ho bungalow nest to Mrs. William Bolm will havo a fichool auditorium by Robert B. Man- Liberty Park. fomlly gathering anil dinner party tell hoso company. The end men rth Carolina Shad 27c lackerel "'19c Jcanncttc MacDonald —- Ramon Novnrro in Mr, nntl MIJJ. I'Vmik Undcihill huvo todny In o.elebrntlon of her birthday. will bo Kdward Blom, Charles Hull, "THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" ' nnmi'd their hnby girl Janet Cathcr- Mm. Lydla M. Hmltli won tho win-Paul Mulr, Lesllo Antonldcn, Harvey in' Illl', ner of an attractive oloctrlc lamp Uowtoll ami Edmund Ilartcorrr. flolo- Clark Gable Claudetto Colbert in fovs'ii!! Udfnnl and Port -Mtni- which wn^ dlffpoficd of on the co-op- Intn will Include Miss Ruby Hart- |Coni, Robert Iii'lttlnKhnm, Rnymnncl ,:iii'.l.ll <'<•,i;.!d uliiiiiiVil tin- Tlilll IJIIUI- eiatlvc plan nt I.uclen D'Anlliony's i c k c n Halibut Large Canada Smelts "IT HAPPF.MEO ONF, NICHT" ei&y celebration lor GSHM*$G See!e>' at atora laat week. Ltmberg, A''mnk Ko/.ak, Anthony i »* V3 •I \ Page Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY % / Insuranca on- the Esroe night. The League. Juniors Triumph . j Benefit Games Eagles romped off with the flrat match by 88, lost thb second by and captured the remaining contest • For Legal Betting by 21 plnsi. Kennedy of tha Clolhiera made the highest Individual mark of Tha Trl-county municipal league, Bankers Seek Revenge and Win Plainfield Y. M. C. A. Defeats Utiiity Team Still Leading by Sis214. The scores: Phantoms of Red Bank Win from nt a meeting hold !n»t Wednesday at tho Molly Pitcher hotel, passed 30-24 — Undefeated Seconds Cosmopolitan Club of Red Games—Blue Eagles Take BLUE EAGLES. Heptane City Tigera SS-34— Curchin. Jr 212 196 HO a resolution urging nctlon by the Win from Opponents by Scijfe Bank and Long Branch Ar- Undisputed Possession of Sec- Lake - ..-.-i I6S 187 150 Ttirnodt end Calondricllo Are legislature to make bcttlnc on horoo r ws ond Place. Pease _ 183 215 176 Star® of the Game. ravlntr in New Jersey legal. Tha reuo- of 13-8. I ° Win Over Westside. Castdlacco 18Q,16fi £18 lullon wan submitted by Commission- Suffering u. 22-21 defeat earlier in pcsplte the bad weather last Tho Utility team maintained Sta Curcliln. Sr. 216 182 S00 Tetley'a Phantom's traveled to er J. Willlutn Jones of Long Branch the season, the Red Bank Junior -\vpdncsday nlgrht, a large crowd at- slx-gamo lead aa another week of, 'J.'.S Slit 803 Bradley Beach end net back tha Nep- ond received unanimous support of hltfh school nettcrs found revenge (on(jod tM0 hnsketball games and tho Ited Bank bowling league sched- CLOTHIERS & INSURANCE. tuna City Tlger3 Wednesday night by the members present. Friday nfternoon when thcyjvon in d.mcQ i,clcl at tnc mver street school ule was carried out. Tho Bluo Eagles, Helm _ 160 160 177a scoro of 65-34. At half timo Tet- The resolution urges support of a who last week wore tied with tho Kennedy . JOS H44 W7leya had a lead of 38-22. Turnock, Coles _ _' 149 201 203 bill to be presented in tho aoaembly Professional Men, forged into sec- Simla _ 213 102 180playing at center for tho Red Bank in tho near future. An Identical bill, ond place, with tho latter trailing by MetiEsonane . 184 164 180squad, took high honors for tho oven- was considered by Iho legiolature last ono game. The Clothiers and Insur- 800 067 Ing with seven field goals for a total year at the aiimo tlmo another pill victories unbroken when they turned j iiim-j-. in a short address thanked the ance and tho Postofflco teams nt the of fourteen points, while Rocco Cal- permitting liorso racing In tho state, back the Rumson seconds 13 8. iipcctators and the well-wishers who ] end of Jast weclc were tied. andriello, a team mate, followed was paaaed. Tho bill, considered a The Bankers nt half time had a:wcr0 unable to attend for their sup-; STANDING OF TUB TEAMS. Turnock with flvo Hold Koala for tenconstitutional amendment, must bo lead of 14-13, but coming back in . , ,. . i Red Bank Five points. Howltson of Neptuno City p[)I t am nlso gavc a (letallcd epor W L I!S pasoeel by both branches of tho legis- tho third quarter the Kumaonltos of the work being carried on by the Utility Team 46 11 1.030 topped the scorers of his team with lature ninety duyo prior to the gen- Bluo EOBIOB 40 To Meet Somerville snatched the lead and had a jump of auxiliary. 17 1,028 ten points while Schumacher and oral election. six points when the third quarter ofcflHloiml Men aO 18 1.0.10 Miller followed with nine and eight The Piainlleld Y. M. C. A. team de- Clothlera & Intmrauce 37 20 1,035 Finishing their scheduled basket- Councilman Kenneth M, Wyckorf ended. Tho Red and White team fe.lt,,(1 (],,, Cosmopolitan club of Red ' Postofllco 37 20 »67 points in that order. Jersey ('mitral 35 ball season Tuesday night, tho Red exprcs3ed himself in favor of the then formed a perfect offense andiEanki 32 to 2.(> in ,1)e nrst gamt. Th(. KED UANIC. tlie Kisner No. I _.- _...32 25 978 Bank high school nettora under head resolution. Ho said that Red Bank defense and knotted the score in i locals got off to a goad start and J. Klidol 31 G PTS 20 »G1 coach BUI Sherwood on Rat.urday MacDonnld. f. ..._..-.._... 1 'J had nn estimated rovonuo of 812,000 opening minutes of the iinal semes- |wcre leading at the end of the first Tllttm Dairy 27 950 ...... _.,„. i Navcelnk Team H7 ao will travel to Perth Amboy and will Calandriolto. f. „ .... 5 0 10 for liquor dales, which would offset ter. Boili forwards of the local team jh .ll£ by a score of 13 to 3 The visi. 077 Shambcro, f. ....,„„.•„.._..„ . 0 1 1 Commercial Chauffours ;..23 ao 858 fnco tho Somervillo cagera, one of an appropriation of that amount for ran wild, ringing up basket after bus-1 (ors crlnie from behind and after 34 Turnock, o. ...» _..„..„ 7 0 11 I'rofesalonal Gardeners L'2 i!5 973 tho strongest teams they have met -..—..,... 4 'J relief. Ho said that legalized betting Itet. Pierce of the local junior squad, |wrcst iinB the leat, from Rc(, Bank Sweel, B. ...„ , 1 Giocera and Plumbers 18 30 03(i this season, in the Central Jersey .„ ,_' 0 0 0 would serve as tt means of raining led Ills team with twelve points while | managed \n hold and inr-rpnsR I!. I-eon'a Cleaneru 17 •10 1.002 tournament at 7:30 o'clock. Soheid't, Z. ..." .'""*. '. 4 0 & additional revenue and would elim- Morrow and Barbcrio shared siXjj-.,!-^ a piHintioia puard, made twelvp I-eddy &. Son.. 1-1 43 012 l\ Calanilrlello, 3. - 2 0 i Elnr.or No. 2 10 958 Having a record of eight wins anil inate an element that haa profited polntg apiece for second honors, W. ,ot tMe vjs|tOi*' points, while Glover n 3 COMING GAMES. nino losses tho local high school net-, E. 2° handsomely In recent years at the Kcrr, Rumson's center, led his team|ami Dotts starred for Red Bank. The expense of tho taxpayers and home with four goals and two fouls for a'score: Tonlsht— Elanor No. 2 vs. Tllton Dairy. tcra are in great spirits and con- O F PT3 Cluthlcrs & inHuranco vs. Lcddy & Son.dition to attempt winning the Cen-HewltUoD, t. 1'. 6 0 10 owners., total of ten points, Boyce and McCuc ; KED BANK, Tomorrow—Eisner No. 1 vs. Naveslnk, Oruber, f...... „ 3 0 6 followed with six and five in . that 0 F PTS. Utility Team va. rostoIMce. tral Jersey ponnant. With the abil- Levers, f. .. ,'. 0 0 0 Glover, f .3-1 7 Friday—Bluo Emrlea VB. Joraey Contra!, ity and experience that Coach Sher- Miller. 0 „ 4 0 8 loebosting In Splto of Snow. order. JCrcctl. f .10 2 Profesalonnl Men va. J. Krltlel. wood's team ha3, they nrc expected 3chumacker, g „., 1 0 HED BANK. Monday—Professional Men vs. Clothlera Last Sunday, with a howling enow- G F PTS. J<"""» ' to furnish great opposition and if In Jernsted, &' .' 0 1 1 Taylor, c. . 1 1 3 & Insurance Grocers & Plumbora vs. Scot!, B _ „ „... 0 0 0 atorm blowing out of tho cant and . 6 0 12 Dottfl. K. Bluo Eagles. spirit can carry through the first Pierce, ! IS 2 34 with most of the ico on tho North Morrow, f. .. Frost, K. . 0 2 round. Lucieano. I. The Professional Gardeners won Shrewsbury otlll covered with drlftu Thifcr, c 4 21 two out of threo games from th« With little knowledge of tho Som- Long Branch Leads from last weelt'n storm, threo Ico Figaro, tf I'LAINMELI). Jersey Central power and light com' ervillo team Coach Sherwood will ©shorn, n- -• boats braved tho weather nnd sailed 2 li 6 pany last Friday night. The power- start his strongest flvo against a Barbcrio. £. Alexander, Table Tennis Loop back and forth acrOB3 tha upper end llruwn. f. . men took the first match by 39, lost squad which Is thought to bo a heady of tile river. Starting from a point 11 1 30 tho second by forty and won the KU.MSdN. •Taylor, f. . and well-trained group of players. Tho Oliver Byron fire company of off the Red Bank side near the site G P PT3 jC'hnnrllcr. 1 third by thirty pins. A. Turner of Tile Somervllle team met the Bound Long Branch has a slight lead over of tho former old Southorn Railroad the Gardeners made the high indi- Brook nettera twice during their Eoyce, f- • 2 2 0 | Lawcs. c. . the Boll telephone laboratories in tho bridge, the boats could tack north- MoCuc, t. .00 vidual score of 217. Phillip3 and season and each took a game and 0 0 0 .. r, o Monmouth county tablo tennis eastward across tho rlvor almost to B. Kcrr, f. Burtress, ff. French rolled 214 and 212 respective- the Somervillo nettera also took W. Kcrr, c. 4 2 10 . 0 o league. Last Friday tho Bell com- tho . point. Many motorists stopped Ryan, (,'. 1 i ". ly for the 'powermen. The scores: tho Princeton flvo into camp. Tho pany defeated the Sullivan Thunder- i'Jnncgan, 0 0 0 i local five won from Bound Brook in on Coopor's brldgo to watch tho 1 bolts, 7 to 0, and tho Asbury Park 0 0 0 The Boys' activity club of the All Illfihl Uc erved bi HieA * oilaied I'r«i GAKDENEUS. ghostly boats flit back nnd forth Kennedy 204 179 147 an early season tilt by a 30 to 28Y. M. C. A. nosed out tho Indepen- Westside branch of the Red Bank Y. Mazia _ _ 102 "109lni score and lost to Princeton, 30 to 15. across tho river on' their limited M. C. A. lost to the Long Branch Ar- K. Turner - 210 138 178 dent fire company of Long Branch, course. The Rumson high school seconds rows, 23 to 6, in the second contest. Kcttel ...- 125 With the good fortune of having i to 3. dropped another game to the local Sutherland - .... 170 Lloyd Vaccarolli, two-year veteran, The Arrows secured the lead early Bankers; Down I. Jarsnes Has A. Turner — - 1G7 217 , STANDING OP THE TEAM9. Mnllm Club to Meet. junior Eeconds by a score of 13-8.in the game and were leading, 1-1 to back in uniform, after a lay-off be- W L rc The Howard A. Mallen association The Junior high seconds played their 2, at half time. Ransome and Meade S98 800 193 cause of water on the knee, the coach Oliver Byron firemen ...23 5 .821 of Leonardo will hold ita regular Lakewood Netters JERSEY CENTRAL. Bell Telephone. Co 28 7 .800 tenth game ol the season without a starred for the Arrows while Daniels Title In Sight Is now well at ease because of the Aabury Park Y. M. C. A 20 monthly meeting tomorow night at defeat, when at half time Friday, the Morris 199 171 150 dependable guard ho has ready. It 8 ,714 played a line game for the colored Whnlon ... 120 179 137 Independent firemen 15 0 .714 8:30 o'clock In tho Community flto- score waa knotted 6-0. Coming back is still undecided a3 to who will start South ShrowHbury yacht 17 team. The score: Rally in Final Quarter Gives Lo- Catholic Nettcrs Leading Church 11 .007 houso on Applcton avenue. strong in the flnal half the Bankers French '."! 212 in the guard position Saturday night Atlantic Iliclilanda 7 11 .ami bald tho RumBonites to two points RED EANK. cal Five Victory, 32-19—High: League by Two Games With T'hlllipB ... 214 180 as Lovcrsidge, who haa been taking Went Long Branch 7 11 .S:I:I F PTS McGowan 182 183 Civil Works Admlnlfltration.,.. 3 11 .214 while tho local five were able to run.Parker, f School Seconds Win from Op- Only Three Games Left to VaccarelH'a position, iB doing fine Sullivan Thunderbolts 4 Boys can mako extra pbcltet monoy o o 1 21 .ill selling Tho Register—Advertisement up seven points. C. Green, f ponents 24-19. Play—Has Unique Record. 850 030 768 work. Keyport Yacht c!ub..._ 2 1I0D .095 W. Davis led the Bankers in scor- N. Williams, f. ."....V..."...-.'.'.'.'."."'...".". The Leon cleaners defeated the J. Tho probable" Red Bank line-up ing five points while Harrington and ! r;.' wiiii'n" m c. ..._ A last quarter rally meant defeat The St. James church team, un- Kiidel team in two out of three will consist of Turnock and Buchan- JjUcisano shared seconds honors with c • „ „ for tho Lakewood high school iicttera .li-lViited in 3-1 games during the past games last Thursday night. The an at forwards, Hendrickson at Hnll. .. " " " Frid'ay night when they traveled to four yearsyrs, appears t o bo tthhe winnei r four pointa_ apiece. H. Kerr of Rum- r.arviitt, K cleaners" won the nrst by'82 and thecenter and Arnone, Lovcrsfdgo or son, led hfS team with three points WashinKton. c. 0 „ I '• the local high -school gym and were of tlie^young Men's Christian asso- second by 81. They lost the final con- Vaccarclll at guards. ooo turned-away by the. local high school ciation church league for its fourth •while Mariani, Slocum and Pearl I-. Green, K 3 test by 66. Walzer of the Kridel {shared tho other five. DanicH. E J ' tossers 32-19. The local seconds made consecutive season. Only an amaz- team was high individual scorer with BED DANK. 2 ~2 1 itho evening complete when they set ing upset can prevent tho Catholic 224 in the third. Burdge of Leon's I back the Lakewood seconds 2-1-111 in Fair Haven Robins G P PTS LONG BRANCH. I.:ds from romping off with new rolled 222 in the first and Dllllone of Handcllo. f. - — 0 0 0 G p PTS the preliminary game. honors. • « the same team made 221 in the sec- Jjucisano. f. — Ransome, f. . ' " Coming from behind of a 13-12 Again Beat Rumsoit Harrington, f. — Anuons, f The St. James nettcrs have won I ond. The scores: TOR THE Del I'etro, i - Mendo. I score with the Bankers trailing at seven games this sea.son. They have LEON'S CLEANERS, W. Davin. c half time, the local squad was not Playing in tho blinding enow Civathcy, c. three more Kamon" to play. The 'Perry ltu 170 1G1 storm that struck here last Sunday Gunsten, c...... •Jones, K able to click until the final quarter, l H3 171 181 World's Championship Osborn, E —.... Church. Trinity Kpiixopal team 'have won },^'\a afternoon, the Fair Haven Robins Garrctt, p...... B when having a small lead and goiny 22:! 1GG 172 Hoy. B live mid Inst two nnd nlsn linvn n Acerm ?Q I 171 171 rlpfcntptl tho Rumson country club Fight from Miami, Florida SuiunionU, £ - into the final quarter.-they made a tlllvi- Rallies isi'iu'duled. Tiie Episco- Dillione .. 171 221 js 184 I!. Davis, e •-.-•• run score to 32 while the Lakewmul hockey team in one of tho hardest- paliuns can ilnish first only if they | 11 five was held to 19. WiHinnnn, a Ued 013 002 g c tied for second. scored for tho Robins, making the Swcnson, Local Girls Win from Alumni KED BANK. out of threo games from the Tllton count 3 to 1. Rutnaon held Its lead Tliu Ht. JiiiiiK netters defeated St. dairy bowlera last Thursday night. ADAM HATS 34-22—Head Stars for Op- runiock, f. • Anthcny hat Friday night while the in the second period on goals by The dairymen won the first game by Potts and Banks. Tho Robins, how- Largest Retailers in tho World ponents. Tcr7.iau. f Trinity churcli quintet trounced the 62 pins but lost the second by 61 and Lalliomlr,. f- Aii'thudi.-:tf. T\K Baptists forfeited over, narrowed tho Humeon lead 1 1 1 the third by ten. Grob of tho coal when Andy and Odin Egeland regis- The Red Bank high school girls' J^' "," " o o u to til,- Iliiniscm Presbyterians. men and Knight of the .dairy team basketball team under the coaching licnddcksor STANDING OF T1IH TEAMS. tered goals. In tho third period the each rolled 214. Grob's average for Robln3 forged ahead when Andy and of Mrs. Jcanette Kinkle played the, Worthley, < W I-, rc three games was 198 and Knight's alumni girls Thursday afternoon at Ariioi^. s- SI. Jiinics Odin again scored and strong de- mi 0 i.ooo with 103. Tho scores: the River street gymnasium and set " "' Kl'i:." .711 fense work kept the Rumsonltea P. T. Hum.,HI . them down to defeat by a score of Osliorn. K. .714 LEDDV & SON. from making further gains. The .428 Grob . 189 214 line up: 67 BROAD ST. 3-1-22. Playing their own rules, tho hr.,!i..| 1 I .1*3 Dowd 1 r, t) IT. I Jtmior High Seconds Undefeat- local high school girls held their op- LAKEWOOD. l'-'l 0 ' .000 191 195. Fair Haven. Rumson. ponents to only four points in the Lcddy _ ISO 1G0 SOLE DISTRIBUTOR ed, Win from Long Branch by (i.\ME3 THIS FItlDAY. 154 163 O., Et'cland L.W. LaMarch first half while they were able to Shinn. I, .^Jntnes vy. Kurnson. McDermott . Donato R. W Dnnlu FOB Score of 22-15—Crotchfelt score 23 points. piM-o,,:il v.s. Kt. Anthony. 870 889 83.', A. Egcland C ; B. Potts al'li.a \i" Mutliodiat. Ackerman .L. P ...... F. Potts Stars for Branchcro. Coming back strong in tho second DcFre.ltji«. TILTON DAIRY. I'. Euelnnil R.D II. Totts half Edith Heud, varsity player at bank. B. • li' M. J:mios team scored tlieir StearnB 1H0 17.", 100 Hocan ^O Hollor ADAM HATS in RED BANK Coach Frank Pingatore's Junior Beaver college, rang a total of nine Tebor, c, ... Knieht 214 158 20.7 Wgh basketball ncttora on Wednes- •I):: :y-fourlh consecutive victory'in Rockhlll : 209 12.J 173 baskets to bring Uie score up to fol- 9 11) Ion: ,vc:.|-.-s by drfeating the St. An-Bradshaw _ 160 lliO 167 it pays to advertise In Tho ReRlster. day afternoon traveled to Long Duncan ... 165 204 13Ti 3rahch junior high school and were low the high school team. She led The Red Bank seconds triumphed thony chuii-h live, 35 to 17. Swecl set back for the second time this her team with nineteen points, while over tile Lakewood seconds for theami "Rocky" C.ilandrlello did most 082 825 87 year on tho Morris avenue court by Branln and Schrocder shared the second time this year in the prelim- of tile scorify; for St. James, while The Naveslnk team won two out of a Bcora of 31-19. Tho local Junior other four. inary game by a score of 24-19. At Paolurci, Mitrdico, Sliarrabba, Figaro threo games lrom tho Commercial STEP WITH 1934! ibigb. school eeconds came through Ida Grand and Janet Conover, half time the local seconds had aand the Vacjarclli luothera made all Chauffeurs tho same night. The again when they kept their slate threaU of the high school team, lead of 9-5. Kellum of Red Bank of the points for ihc westsido church shared the scoring honors, Conover Navesinkers won tho first by 109 and clean, so far this season, by defeat- led tho seconds in scoring with six team. The scores: the third by 29. Tha drivers took Ing the Green and White seconds making nine goals and a foul for a points while Williams and Ciambronc total of nineteen points while Grand ST. JAMES. he .other contest by 58 pJns. 22-15. followed with four apiece. Gros3 of F PT3. O'Rourke of Naveslnk was high with droped six goals and three fouls for Lakewood topped histeam with two Plovcn;. At half timo the Branchers had a r. .. 2 0 17. McKnight of tho Chauffeurs a total of fifteen points. goals and two fouls for a total of It. C:ib idi-iello, 1 »• II. Cilia made a mark 6ff 215 in one game. jump of 13-5 when in the third quar- Due to Uie one session plans, a six points while Mlney followed witli idritllo 0 2 tor they were held to two baskets l-'nllon, 1 5 Tho Ecorcs: five. Swcel. i COMPLETE •whilo the Red and White junior team high school girls' varsity team was 0 10 not allowed to.; bo organized this Lcdfiy, 0 0 NAVESINK. KED BANK. V. Culiii iiinson .. 181 rang up nino points ending a 17-14, G F PTS ilricllo, B. 1 3 108 161 fcho Bankers trailing. In the nimi j year- s because of the lack of space )'Itourko ...„ 169 ISO 217 '"V. Clambrone, f. — 2 0 4 Jmln&rii . ™ 1-15 120 K,3 semester the shore five pulled away ' ° C. Green, t. - 1 1 3 6 3D ?osten .... 184 HO -,151 and ran the score to 31, Pierce, a HIGH SCHOOL. Bain., I 10 2 ST. ANTHONY. 13G 174 131: T G F I>TS LaBlonda, f. ~ 10 2 G F PTS forward for the Bankers, led hisGrand, f. 3 Ifj Levlnoky, J. ..._ 0 0 0 T. Var arolll, f ; 802 700 ado team with seven points while Crotch- i t'euover, f _ „ „ 9 1 Williami. c. ...- _ _ 2 0 1 PliiKat rc. ! N 0 0 Kellunl, c. 2 2 d CHAUFFEURS. 11 & 13 BROAD ST. 3 PHONES: \ IS? felt led his Green and White team . .",; Jlcaile. f Aachettino 146 179 130 Free Delivery. j Iloldfnrm, 0 0 Figaro. E ~ - Oil Kllni-alilm, f 1503 with twelve point:;. 0 0 L. Green. E 10 2 Winning . 16G 150 Iu7 l.indrotli, I'. Vace rolll. c ' Irooks .... 1G0 134 0 0 LcLuca. s - - 0 0 0 J l"i RED BANK. 'UritlitliB, i licnro. Mnx i;tD 17G ir,G G 1' l'TS jllarinjt. B. 0 0 Tomaine, E 0 0 0 McKnlght __a_ — 17^ !«.'! 215 SPECIALS ! THURS., FRL, SAT., MARCH 1, 2, 3. J?!crcc. .'. •• ;l 1 1 Sunburn, i 0 0 Miirijli-n,' i; , r 2 0 0 Centile, Osborn. f. .. 0 0 0 Stout. J,'. 7'j;l 818 811 Morrow, f. LAKEWOOD. MONEY-SAVING VALUES I A 84 G P l'TE 7 3 17 Tho Utility team won two out of FiKr.ro, ji. • ALUMNI. Ford, f 0 0 0 threo games from the Grocers and IjUcinano, p. 0 I' PTS Herahbicge!, t, — - 1 I 3 Tho Trinity Episcopal team hand- liarlieriu. f. 10 2 0 2 Gro.o. t 2 2 « ed the Keil Bank Methodists a 51 toPlumbera last Friday night. Tho I Heud - - 9 0 18 Mlney. c 2 1 r. leaguo leaders wero defeated in tile 2'i defeat. Chambers and Turnock O 16. 7 6 10 i St-hroeder. f _ 1 0 2 McKlusky.K - _... 1 0 2 rnnde sixteen and twelve points re- opening; match of 32 pln3 b'ul rallied LONG "RANCH. 1 l-connrd, c .. _ 0 Ciiirl,. s _ i o 2 G F IMS Fitztrerald, £ 0 1 1 r-pectively for tho Episcopalians, to win tho second by 118. Tho third Crotchfelt, t MrKnicht. »i-. .~."'.'.'.Z'.'."~-~'~.".'.'. 0 Itltter, c 0 0 0 •while Reynolds and F. Warner did event was a close ono, tho Utilitarians ;, 2 in , .MiirMonnlil. «c. 0 Ciconc. f 1 1 3 rno.st of the scoring for tho Metho- winning by only ucven pins. Jones Cdll, e lllic. t. - 0 7 r, \<.\ Hoooier Straight 1 0 J dista. 'I'hc acorc: of tho Utility team was high Indi- ColdbcrK, K 0 Sheldon, v. 0 Referee, Neusehafcr; ncorer, Shipkin Toinuine, K. ! tinier, Eeehelbach. vidual scorer with 214 in tho second. WHISKEY 11 0 22 EnscorAL. Tho scores: 14 3 81 Referee. Mrs. Jennctte Kinlile; Hcorcr, PTS. Qt »O II). Jar !bl; timer, Gr'amnnn. o r UTILITY. The lied Bank junior high sec- lleckoi-, . R 0 16 CrliDell - U! 10!) 15') Red Bankers To Play- [•'ol-rar. .408 onds triumphed over the (irc.vn and 2 4 Frazco 173 lllil 201 •I'III-IU.,- YELLOW I-ABEL riUSMIER White Hccond.s in the preliminary li'ASIUiTliAI.L, DATES SKT. 0 12 FOIICR ....— „ 171 214 171 In State Polo Games Mullet, 1 II ihinn 1SU 177 201 (iiooin: game when they went on undefeated 0 2 U Acerra _ _ 147 212 IB0 nnd won 1^2-1"). At half time Ping- Ited IlanU to IMiiy Somervillo at 1'erlli Ainboy Mnturday, March 3. The opening matches of thc New utore's eeconds hud a lead of I'i-'J. Jersey circuit indoor polo champion- 3 51 702 094 910 Lueisano of Ked Hank led the sec- Tiie announcement of tho playing GROOEnS ft PLUM DEMS. ships will begin Saturday night of ['easo -.., 147 207 104 onds In scoi'lrur three Held goals il;Ue;i and centers for tlie iir^t round tlila week in the Eiisoi troop armory Henry .... l'JU If, i 1 V while I lie imvi:. bi-other.-i followc-,, d |••• in the iumunl New Jersey- at'Newark. The winning tenma will o 2 146 its 0 1 1 Colmorgen _ 107 ir,'j 207 closely with live puintb apiece. Ableu state Inter-scholastic association has-1 represent New Jersey in the Eastern I 1 9 Lanu - ica 178 led the Branchern in scoring honors kctball tuurnument vvaa made Friday'title matchen at New York. 1 0 2 witlt five points while IJlasi followed by Walter 15. Short. The tommmieir, | Red Bank will bo represented by I lon-lll 0 0 0 824 876 003 30 doz. with four. | began yesterday and this round will Feist, Reber, Eisner, Dwyer Wi4 r. Wa ;i 0 '6 The Uluo Engleo won two out of ] KEI.I BANK ,,,..,. he (concluded Monday night, Mnrch &. I miand ZaRcrZai;er.. An the result of the threo gamea from tho Clothiera and f 1 :' . On Kfldiiy nlfjht. March '-', Alhurtir splendid plnying of Wise nnd ZH(;,T Extra Largo Iiorldos. 1, « 6 Iiif

cr, Korean lespedesa, Harbin leg- pedeza, and tepettaa eorlcea. Look 'carefully befara you leap la a' good motto under present conditions. iONMOUl UNTY'S GEEAT MARKET PLACEJ 1 BA8KETBAM, TEAMS CHOSEN, for. Tweoty-Fivo Cowtul The buys' Hi-Y held a. upaghct tt supper ut the "Y" houae ou Branch Girls' Kwrestton Club to Have filx- avenue Monday nlglit l'i honor of Teum 'fournnment at H.'gls School. ARTICLES FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES. ROOMS__FOI^!R1INT. __ tho new inemuora reuontly utlmltted. ARTICLES FOR SALE. ARTICLES FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT 'J'ho Olrls' Recreation club of tho OAK WOOD for na.U\ i.tuve( a aud WAN'i'KH, di'UK btoro lit Monmouth ROOMS for rent, with or without boanl'i FIVK-HOOM "\\t The lioyu brought, tho food 'and BK1CKS, liEcond-haml, pcrfcut rorer homo cuokinj^, reasonahlQ ratea, ail mud* bcdroorriH am hnlh; ore-^nr Ked Bank high uchoo! under tha..(11- iho bo-.vlini; iilloyet for ealo reasonable. html. ty; must l>e n imyink' i>roi»onLt!(ui; cooked tho Kiinglictti at tho house, CnH Red Oonli -iifi.J-2. H. h. lilood- ;kii,a Ira HIM] Om.1 Co., lit , fust loiteroter , era imi'iuvctitiiiitB; licit nnrt cold vvnter; •cotlon of Mra, joannettQ Klnltla lai ,'lummbliu: nntl lumber of nil kfmls Hold • treet, phone Keil i!an]: lH-id, central location. 73 Waltain etreet, phono P/ JtKse J. MrIIrayuy,. rreal citnto olli'-g, following the moetluu the now mem- Tonfidcntial. Ac IJi'Uff Store, box 1 |.rII Iiairlfmi heated Btoratja- Dlrhsn's I*'* Hunt 12IS1-M. i pnrt of thclp Initiation, It wna an-with ulx girls' basketball tesma to ^(J... to write well If you want ii JJOPI- FUHNISIIEI) i pi\ma for rent m the river WHKWOOH. Se.00 uer loail, ?10 peri'ord; nro tihop, OrumtnontJ place, Uod Ban«. BUSINESS NOTICES. HUH ; poorly written Ictteta of uinitlca- bank. t,1) licctor place. lletl I; link. iiounciul thnt the Bt-Y boya on bo played In tho high school gyivmaa- lrcriluro woutl. Ill per conl. f^jcuat h \M l'OR KENT ut 17 Petors i>l»ro. ois room^ CHAIKB recalled and reflnlshetl. I'ricea ', tlon Iwivu no chnnce. Writ a un if you aie btf all iini.rovcnicntii; itnt g 31> t,er Thursday will play the Jowlsih Acoa iuni beginning thla week. Handi- tff. otil: liirohor, plunlns and eovvlnu uud, phone ' interested. School of Commerce, lilC rlpR (;, IK'iiriEH & Co- office phona HOI). toiiBoH. 1111 dirt, cinders, travel ami routjonable, 1-ti HardiiiB d CQMI'ORTAHLiO r monlh. Apply lit house or nt 25 K}m capped by tho ono cession plan Mra. niaruuo for sale. 1'rlcea rtylit- Claudo Hcd Uanl;_14a2 _ _ I'lace, lh:il Hunk. and the Rimmon Prcsibytorlana at MIytinvn ntin, ro'ildomc 7 0, 1 _ IJroKtlvvuy, r.oni:_JIniiu-h, N._JL family; [rood lo cation; very u;HBon tho high fcrhuol Kinklo hna not been allowed to have C, Wiluhl. Mtllo Silver, phona Ited Bt»nU PAINTEIl 'orid "imi"'tr"*iinn«Vr"Tirj" d tr y liiitlnu or 2 1 IInrrlHoii tiveiiuc. _Cu!i Uetl Hunk i TIWCTOIIS, now or unoil, lor »»lc What ~~- ' ANY "ONK'wlslifmr"" lii'nt 'c\n'-<* tilMU tfj OKKID-'Owiic'r Icavli.u" liwiVlioiVio lilrlfi varsity basketball team und utor; rcasonabtu (irlcei*. Will imp jtaptir hanntnj; job, now ii i-enti fully furnl.hcil. fia room.. »ro y.iiir rciiolremontH ? Conovcr Ihoa.. IM OFKICKS far resit, laiiifi. iiirht rn HO hna arranged tills tournament for .RADIOS rwimir^it i " fitieBt mnleHula »"d room for Sa.fiO nnd ui>; all work (fi havo it dune. The pri ; rmjlo. nltarn tiejii; (;uinye. Artply 1 kVlol'.ntunlt. N, J. Try our eervlcg. I'Uone woikmooealiif modern t«8l equlpnicnU teed. Joseph Hull man, l'J MoiitiKJiith lower. L«t me yive yo . lieat furnlilied d «(JCM1 location. t" II. V. K. H. Stuut, Z Linilcn ulacc, Ked , 'J'ho Prnmatlc club, under tlio »u- the glvte recreation, Forty-two glrlfi Hl|lJ' luttilng'Rt 10 rlonn«^»lh ntreel.^_pho^9_JiO- street. Jto'l Ilniilj, 1'honn lil Fte-1 Bunk, j wood Gramunn, i«lion»j ltd Hank y«2U ply I'tiivlcr'a Market, V llrciad strcut. Had Iliink. " i i - lictvlsor!">.Wia. Robert C. Brown. Pfo- reported for basketball and out of 1ANO tunlla'a. ori ftlt nioltcai Stelnwai" i^'KINiTKSTr cio'B»~(or"»»ie,~~Una reiacd; TYPEWRITER hcadq thin number six captains wore tvon4i«irfi>t conipijny for lonely psreons. ,'ciUcd. tioiitrht, liold and reimhtil. Tru- GOMrOKTABLY fu Tifbhed mom a in refii- iifyiiTfrhoNT" ho miT WCo\~m voTToVd; iwntii pluyn for the ontertalninant of an«J Aiiplinii ^ociullstii. Tu&tlng'e. 1R HAWKINS HKOTIIEKS, rcul estate, I Haven; nine roonip, all year hmicp; Monmuuili ttiget, iiliuii«' Ueil BankJO^ plno for children: e.1 a re aeon ab la pries. bin'a. 30 HiuaU street, He«l Hnnl;, d*-nthil Mintlon, j etir Ktntion ami town. other club -members every Friday chutiCii. Tli^y fleet Janet Conover, CoyleV KenueUi Kutawamp road, ohone WANTEUl^i'lniHiHCBP, wliole or jmrt in- -1 f> Hiversidc uvcrnn . Ked Unnk. _ _ r Kanure: t!Xc«|)tion:tl for party with inomlni; when tho oluli mcetn. Fri- Tholma Btout, Marjorlo Jftitz, Myrva jHNTINIi—Ctimpnro ojr lirlcen: 1.000 Hid Dank mouth street (crouml flao r). IIcJ • uT:!. Immlro ,lt 007 Klver load, lercnt. Full (letnllii In fimt letter will t'UUNIKHKH HOOM, with c HoJ Hank 927. day tlii! club preuonteil "Tho Ladle's' Uhl, Mlllleent Clllnnoolc nud Helen lottcibcniln, bllllicailn or Invoice!!, 53.<5; !>UY oiik wood in etovo and fireplace Bank, phono Wl, be treated confidontially. Addrcra H. W. wilhuut ,000 cnvclopup. alfttementa, lilottere, ntala, for ona or two Kentlcmcri; i-on- Lounge." Tho charactera taking Fconoy. Thcao raipUilna In turn EunKttixi well rotted manure, toy still; T.. hox Ml. Ueil Hank.* lial !>nrroun']iiiK«'. uiie niinufd from l>il«ineab cnnlK, l»«n or labels; 88.05. dunl- drWt'Wiiyji uraveled, tractor plowing and l\~Y:V\i7\v'^'ii\l'Ai^'V\l\i'^ fordooni uml part worn Beatrice Hurley, Ida choiio a team from tho remaining ity unexcelled, fitituiluta mmrantco. Grant- c i ON I'HAC'i'lNiJ car Lien t ; jubbin^ ii AVO- Jironil lit reel, in imlct refined neighbor. Iriu-k for liho. J. II. Carney, ptiong Eat- WIIHJOWH ; nave Z(i 'o of fuel coats, ii. clalty. W. II. Marvi Itivcraldo drive. l0(i- I'l'Dno I tan• J_itej_Uank. wiucr licat. Telerihone^iMa, iXed' uLnfe""* Grand, Dorothy Perry, Wllda Van- . Iris. Llona. Aoea, White Arrows, fl.Jios ae. Itc.1 llanlc. A HcndrlekBon & Co,. i>honc Ked Uank lied Hunk, i.hnnu JilOS. Wiigiwr. Beatrice Pettlt, Helen Mcs Sllont Bir, Tigers-and 2Slpporn were I 'IIIII, 114 Mo!iP)oiitii iitrcut, lied Hani,, UNE large fur islicd room, all Improve- r WASHIN(i MACHINES, repairs ami c»le> \(iV. r.M.E, lenm of heavy work horsua, merits; ll(,'ht housokeeiiiiii: privilenca; slruhlc plarc fur u iKHiltry farm, OP and Betty Smith. the names tljfl el 'B chose as their Muylaif uiiQtlallatp. Ttiatlng'B, 10 tlnn- Ii ,:u. . HIM! WUKOR. Addrooa T. H., bo.s .•i:i-;ir"OIE7"l'«n(ia"~foPiialo~trmj"ln'iiUllo(l ; ivoiil.i niah« ii fine nrirlinnl; pround will t^radtnif ami landscape work; tnuaun AUTOMOBILES. pood lonitiiin. 1"fi Hudfion Rvenue, Ited team name% moulli_^trect, phone Roil flank 39. 1. l\ .1 Hank. _ R ii-.i^a any Kind oT fruit (rCtj und prodttco 6 « • \.(irk, tnjcldn'a:} omul, clmlera ami Bt-itvcJ- lii jrcneri.l. New itp-to-iliitc Itouac, with TIKirlCAI. FISH—All RlJO mn«rlurii», LI.\ T SUW ami BOV'O half by buying til* (Md buildings lorn down nnd icnuivcd, A. YOU NEED :i cur, \\Q need tbo, lipm-o. Linns crydtAncd by Janet Conovcr JCvoi-y car in rLinniny condition. 1'rlrt-d WELL rilRNICHEl) loom, nil piovJ ei»ilit HMJIHH, hi*;«ni liciit, eimn-ete cellar. A test-book content recently hold food, bnnlla and euiipllefl. New o(inatl. IlcSoto Milan MtffjiMe rooms, iiglu, warm (ho1 one milt; from Uc0 }Iui'mol)llu uifiism ?"iV.TiO, t»'id muny r re"HjireintiiU. licisuiiiiblc. Tl' or nOe. Apply tu Mr*, roihe, P5 Chwrcli tlio three winners recently dlnod at oad j two baga Itlndllntf SI. Thone Eaton- street, __ oi hern, ri>nl», Chevrolet s, nwyalcrs, 1 Htout consltitu of Hascl Lewis, Anna n &. SON, \2b we at ,trc(!t, lied Hank. Bti-f-ct. Kearifdiin-g, ur owner.- Mrs. tHifTy. the Virginia ten room und nttended lown 1 * l-JN . \I.Hi fixlTi nitf nnd'old dnvenport, Ikjdj'fH. l'ny ns you v\<\, II Whllo itrcet. Rod Dunk/ condition i 5100 tritco It. II. Kltiau. »•'.«•!.. «t. UroarJ pij-ott, now uvftllabla for day for Henry Kuntz, bookkeeping .oi'lo Frlta. consists of Ella Dey, NSTKUCTION"—AniicHe Brhool of Music; Rwl flunk. REALJESTATE FOR RENT lo;iso. Uriel; c\'cni)r, excellent conciltion [•'OR SAI.K. electric refiigcrntors; Kelvln- BBUNSWICK-nALKB "Ilnby Urnnd" rnin- expcit Instruction on violin, umndolin. Uuoutfliout. Huitahle for r_«tnry, etorc. tencher, Bernadlno Thompson, Norma Nor- atoiH 57(1, FriBi'lnireo nnd oilier iimKcs blnntlon fool nnil billiard tnblo 3'.is7 oultar, (ikfllclc, otccl i;ultar, banjo, uiua- WHITE unil Indiana trucks for Monmouth HALA K of n IIOUHO for rent, Bevcn. rooms d ll ll IImprovements: titf miirkrt, lunvlini- flllcy. Apply for details * * • ' man, Louliio Parker, Carolyn Caro- c<|uully low micod. All niiea. R^Htibla feat; mahoBany, inlnlil daelcn, (Into bed I ^honc. i>lano accordion. Inatrumrnta notd __ and eorvlcu noiv at B5D und lintli; uf tlm ritoperty toility. SU;rnunl. i Kcd Bimt, uhoiic T-l-W. and fitudenlfl havo formed a claim Sllont Blx cnptalnca by Mlllleent AUTO NUVELTIE8: Two lighted fender aims. u.'ic, nil lnu>iovoraentD, resi- ll-SAI-K. Itemn from tho *ar corner of VVI"LUA'M~V. niETRICH. iiiumblnu*. licul- tm; ru-drcorated j 330, Sea B iceboat club. With nn ago limit Chinnoclc conalBta pf Mary Burdge, arilu viidt one of Jetfiey's iilncca of in- suldoi 51.50; EA bullhorn (?15) So; Inff flnd tinnlne- I'umpa nnd windmill;. homc3, estates, for rent hi Monmoulh Ford tire cover 50 cents: two courtesy n Ticrl, Mechanic Btroel, Ited B-nk, to tho North Bhrewobury Iceboat Alma Eanborn, Marjorlo Kohl, Helen nst, our phov I-OOITIH. Cinmann's, 11 •epnlred. Ab'ent for Master cart, FARM PRODUCE ty ; from $15 to $200 i>cr month. Hay i 1 (3 17. Whito street, Hcd__B«nk^ !i;IUfi. badly scratched, 40 cents. Dox X la. :oal BOVIDK device. Fit a uny fomai 41. II. SUUman, State hitEhway, EaLontown. nnd Yhnlit club not at 21, tho boya Lyons, Huth Smith and Anno flwcol Allcnhumt, N. J.' ice, run uny iuumi«. •" __„ , , . N. J., phono Eatontown 178. manager. I'OR"'iOODYBAK tires and IUPIIIIBI. also K\V" f-ix-ronrn house ami tile bath; hot thought o( arranging another club I'rCHlo-Lfte Imttei'lon. tiCO l'Vunk Van- AHTICLES for nnlc or barter; Ton fino oil AUTIIUT1 RI1UYCE. Red, punkpainter, iihon, decoratorc P.CH7-J.. yi(iii for (tn|e aL thc:!o Hui K<;«l_U»nkRjr,len iiattile_ , ltlv- l-'OUU ItOOMS for rent; Sir. per month; vntcr h(?ut, two-caL- (iurntfe; lovely rcei- for nj;en of from H to it>. Tliorc aro Tlgora captained by Helen Fecncy flycklc, 161 Went Front fltrcet. It«il Hfinlt, imlntlntis, two indloB" raccoon coat*, two " paper expert; Biilendlu A'orkraun- _ water, electricity, lavatory; Mitin mttal ^oct inn: M."» monthly.. Sea MHton I l«w inicca; i:»nh and < ?rk. 'i Mcchanli; Htreat, Ited Rank, phon® approximately 25 boata anil thrco consists of Anna, Do Falco, Vivian /, J.. wlinlcniilB nnrl letalljlUtilhutor. men's fur roatii, ttaBolIno auto-ifan ranae, nablo prices, cstlmatefi nnd nil- llich urudo poultry iul dnir, rro e t, Eatoa n town; one-car tar ace. Hay times that numbor of. oaptalnn, Hheot Goldfarb, Esther Levjnc, Judy Avatl, \fANY i>ooi)lo do not know that wo Bell larRQ pipe threader (Toledo), electric mo- vlco free. Your decorating troublun aro T.ct iiu (luotc. Hunco & Uavb, [iltoao Hcil H. StlllmSlll a State Ktttontown, the Plymouth Six. -Patera y»" buy that tors, all HIJCS: restnurant coETce urnn, four eolvcd l>y nhonlriB Ttumoon G66. Enn? to N. J-, phono Eatoiitownng. tnndern and live ballafit. Some ot Louise Borden, Dorothy arlflln.nnd Iraa hoatern, Bmnll vacuum cleaner, WB- emember—It'a 6fi6- __ N lew car mtiy we nhow you one? I rank SEVEN-ROOM houec. bath, new hot wa- the boy:) who havo hoiitn nro Ponnld Ruth liurr monagor, VatiSyckle, JiO Went Front ntrcet, Red t«rs plRno. nmall camflran, cello, mando- |r,\nMEKS d truck frowcro will find a REALJ3TATE FOR_SALEL_ lins. tfultai'B, violins, lxinjofl, Binall electric SECRETARIAL nnd buFlncnn COU^CP. dny j rrelu) y UiliIlvu [or their produce by nd- ter hoatlnjt plant; two-car Barayt; two Hubbnrd, Frank Blnlsilell, Jr., James Zlppera captained by Myrva Uhl etove, Fran ron(iee. rndlo ollmtnatorfl. two and nit'lit; Mondny, Wednesday ami I'll- s ve|.tjtiins in 'j--rho [icgi.tc,^ clasuificd col- blockn from school; rent reduced. Inquire ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. 14 East Waati- 'Btolicsl Jack White, Robert Hholdan, consists of Juno McVoy, Virginia JIANY iieopTo~do"noL know thai we repair BafeH, SlnBer electric machine, rnsor atron- iloy. 0:d0 A. M. to »:00 V. M. ?10 per , „„,„, Owner, la Ouk place^Fair Haven, N. _J._ tou avenue, plot lDOxlflO; housa newly iiml service nil ninkon of cms.. Riitos I)arn, elcctrld toBBter, Dfek mlmeoirraph, month; 7 ;30 to 9:30 P. M.. Sfl.Ofl month.! — „ FOB iCBNT'r atoYeu. oirice'a. tiaii, "iioudea, tirated: first clnas oomlitlon; coneretq Phillip Adanifl, Stove Olmis, Albert Dusko, Holon Makrls, Melinda Ma- roaHonalilo. Work auarnntecd. r'innk School of Commerce, 21C Uroadwiiy, Lout; i TIMOTHY hay, tod. top eoil and plga fur uparttnents; Improved; all locutions. cellar, new fiun:ic«: two-car concrete gn- electric lamp and eighteen new and ro« al Nowman, Alfred Bnydor' and' Charles rejo, Kvolyn Whlto, Gloria Botta- YnnSyclile, 3 4 0 Went front Btreot, lletl conditioned typewriter!]. Quaker M!nnion BroncL N. J. » «- Mlddlctown Stud; Farm, Thntn Jiwt off Urr>ad street. Land & Loan Co., «: $3,0ft(). part cash. U. II. tiaidncr, 12 Mei:ha,nlc_utrcet. Ttcd Dank. _ cHlnk^ N. J. Allnire. Oeot'ge Bray, a prominent Bftro and Irene Bennett manager. r: Exchange, 61) Whlto street, Bed Bank.' iI.F,r,Tnif! pontrQ(-tor, 2R Chun Ked Bank buslneus man, has an- rN"iiA^EMENa -ireail~hhT~TraTT WIU8~lfA!iiEi> pupii'kl, licdlBreerl, male. Saabrlsht. phono 'JliS-W. No job too HAY, alfalfa, timothy mid mixed hay foi ATTRACTIVE IIOUBC, scmUdctachod, five UUNPKKD- of forma to unit any pock- gallon of _wh!to . paint "°" three monthe old; for quick nate. 820. B.ile. B. r>. Lontilhon, Middlotown, N room:!, open fireplace, tiled lath, hot ctboot;; ijualnt old- fuBhioncd farm nounced hln willingness to lielp this othera. malo and female, rcfieonably priced, ldtr nor too Finnll. Free insrectlon ice. Victor C. Pcrottl. J., lihono oC5-R, Mlddlctown. water heat; Karnga; porches; five minutes )ueeH. I.arjfe acreage If desired. Convent-* group of young men in every way R«mson Newe. tlov. K. S. Mead, Kinn'a Hlehwoy, Middle- to atiition. Owner cares for lawn; re- it to Tied Bank station. Some gentle- he can ln order to stimulate Icc- town. N. J. __^_^_ M U McCOLf^ AN, Inndsrnpo gardene , duced rent. Tclephono 89-M, Mlddletawn. cn'n fjtrms. Hay II. iitillman, formorl? ;onlra"tor:%«k* ^rdc-n. .-nnstrncted | . MISCELLANEOUS. vnor and operator of several Monmouth boallnp In Kcd Bank. He. hno of- ELECTHIG Bcwlnu mnchtno, larse colTeo nnd planted; grading: first clnHH top noil. ! ______. . ___—. COLONIAL house, Sycanioro avenue, (Tlio Hod Dank Register can ho hoiuilit urn, twin beds, beautiful dlninu room SIII-GWBIHIIT. estatea adjulnlny; BI.X rooms county farnm, can afisiat you in nmklnc a, feral a pnnnnnt for thla group nnd In Kuinaon nt tho Blnrea of Harry Ijat- Specimen trccu ami jil.inttj, 20 I'inekncy , WANT El), donations of ladies . men « HIK! who aoluttiuii. Ortice, State highway, Eat- also has donated hlo rooma of bual- knn, Fred. Flnnerty and Walter Torbers eet, thrvo old violins; all chonu. need ad, phone lied Hunk 3J01-J. childre'" ' n' 'lothiiu, '" ' and• *•-food • ntulf• ••a •f' . and bath, liot wnter licnt, fwo-car garuifG; cash. C,ramnnn'B. 11 Whits ntrcot, lied tlio Qijiikui tnisHion for denperuto human corner lot: scrocneti poroh. treos. Phono iii fiom Mr. (Joyer.) 7:1)0 to S;OD P. M., 2bH-W, Ited Bank. nc«o for a meotliif; plnco for tlio or- Shop with us and 0'ive. National r>c, 10c Bank.' CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars <1'"«. droop- . .. ho dont fret any btatu relief on FOR SALE, country estate, Holmikl to^Tn- ganization. Andrew 5*orr, who i:i foreman on nnd $1 Store, nftxt to Pavidaon fl bunihtnc EBUII/r eocond-banJ ivat«i niimua. K. hit,' arid Krarilnir nt vepttmttblc nitefi. account of living hero lcr-n llinn fivc-yciu Iinmedinle occupancy. fhipt o» Tclepraph hill; fino view ot Howard Maxpon, rhonc Atlantic Htchlnnda limit. Si Eccma Unit such people ma left Clreiitcr New York and ocean; wonderful 9 « s tha OWA Job on tho borough dock, Market. Wo take ecrlp* Krco Pctl Honk (i. Hurst, MIddletown. pliono Hlddletoirn KIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent at Hum- dlierdeliveryy . tu ilia livruiiKo of tlii» rraiy Inw. No con, modern improvementa j fe'sraye; nipht view ot llchta t>t tlie B\s City; 16Q Mm. Robert O. Brown, teacher of Injured hlo Wot last week when a money dontitionfi acrej'tcd. Moynn, 00 nicely decoratei tn&idc; near bus line: rea- lines, to cloio H. tr. Scuiider estate. AU dramatics mid coach of tho senior heavy piece of lumber fell on It, No White btrcct, Hod Bank.- son nblo ront to reliable tenant. Can ba stGti Heekman. nttorney. Ked Bank, N. J. bonee wero broken, but tho foot was .orncr of Bay ave- I UNFURNISHED, three or four room lieiit- seen at any time. Phono RumBon_4o7. play, has announeml thnt "Who building on the 1 TOULTKY furni of fifteen acrca, capacity boll waa uacd to arounc tile commun- cd apartment vnntcd liy CM ^,000 layers; excellent land for (ruck- badly brtilaotl and tho injury vvan Fair Haven News. nuo and Miller street. locution ; reason:iblo. Address VOK KKNT, fivo-ioom hoiise; some Im- 'Wouldn't Ho Crnay," by Kntharlna ity- Apartment, provcmcntu; near highway, on Kano ing; also running brook; beautiful dwell- Kavanaugli, has been selected from very painful for a fow days. Chester Reid and family, who have box 611, Kcd Bank." ing Iiouee. Price rensonabet; must be Tho funeral of Mm. Mary Ballan- Mre. George Knutnen of West Park (The Red Bank RegletGr can bo bought lane. Middlotown. Afply William Kane, flays submitted by the Dramatic In Fair Haven in tho, atoro t)f Harry Kur- been living at Atlantic Highlands, WANTED, will buy ecromMinnd ltt< TICI Mlddlolown, N. J. n to bo depreciated. Addreae Poultry tlno Cummins of Newark was held has returned home from the Long have moved back Into the Foley and ficcond-hatid frnmcp. fJrovcr 1'ar- Farm, box 511. Ited Hank. Publishing- company of Chicago. The Branch hospital, where uhe under- tia, at Va Gold Oedara and from Mr. Rlppc.) kcr. ti Mechanic street, Red Bank, phono FOR RENTT, hull of. doubllo house,, nix play, a comedy which becomea com- Sunday nt her summer home at Mar- house on Stearna place. , lll improvement!)tp o ment;; at 63 OaklanOkld NEW six-room bungalowg, , nil convenl- ion, Massachusetts. Sho died Thurs- went an operation. Owing to constant demands from Mrs. Fred Lindc of Darlen,7 Con- vin. ntrect. Kcaldl iR.inkk. AfplAly WllllnWllll m KKane. enrca; gan^ei must he to bo i plicated by a jewel robbery, has a Mrs. Albert Ferroglaro of North the people of tho borough, tho Fair USED HADIATOK for hoi \vntcr nyHtem Mtddlctown, N. J. prerintcd. Jmiuire of owner. Oak place, fast of sixteen characters, of which day In a Boston hospital after an op- necticut, has been visiting Mra. l''alr Haven, N. J, eration. Mrs, dimming is ourvlved Long Branch wag tendered a shower Haven public library will bo open wanted; about. 20 ruptioiui luni; ami 2ti r-lgnt nro boyn und eight nro tjlrlB. Gcurga Despreaux. inehcjj high: must lio rcuRonalilij. Addreaa BUNGALbWiita io fearngc five rooin»7baTh; S 2,1. I'oascaaio. u a tow nlglito ego nt .tho homo of every nftr-rnoon from one to six lUuliator, box 511, Ited Hank." peue MODEL JlUUtiFi in Stlllman Purls, Eaton- Extra bookn hnvo been ordered and by her husband, notion W. Cum- Mr. and Mrs. WMVIT filonrt nnd February lit. .Tnhn If, $Conk. IJr' . Syrti. town; one ruul half atory COIDUIUI, fir'd- Mlns Mary fihcrldan of Monmoutli o'clock, except Fridays, when it will AUTO LOAMS- '•CunfiiliiuLhiL niuiuut, nue. Bhrewebyry, N. J., pltotlG tiynutn worn held Friday, yesterday riling; four daughter;*, one of whom In daughter Ann are on an automobile courtcou3 KcrvlcG: no endorsements; inure ave titono entrance; largo living room vith Mrs. Irvine Kllsof of IUiirisoii; two Beach. About 35 client n wero pres- bo open from coven to nine o'clock itnyuictita rctluced. Fudural Acteptaucc Itfii) Rani; Snuthern fvii[>Riire, bright nnd sunny; open and tills morning. erif nnd Mrs. Ferroglaro received ill tho evening. This schedule will trip to Florida. fi replace, bedroom, batli with shower anlot of Hround. Ktx minutes to Iiad Bunk music of Peter Gnlntro and his school morrow at New Smyrna, Florida, for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens spent well attended. The children arc nowhavo been centered on Keeping the Kntontawn ; uric and a half story, Colon- ntntion, ten minutes to Asliury Park. Vrico strcetti, Red Bank. ^ 56,500. Rny II. Stlllman. Eatontoivn. orchestra. The new school dance a place on tho four-man team which Thursday ot New York. bringing their own story books. Af- main highways passable, Twolvo ad- 1'AKTIES dcBirous of a reliable homo for in!; fieldntono cntrnncc; larca livinp room rules went Into effect Wednesday will represent the United States In ter tho stories are read tho children ditional men wero put to work yes- their em nil houao dogs while on Lvipa with Hoiilhern expoBiirc. lirlyht nnd sunny, MOPEUN six-room house, on best rcslden- ojicn fireplrice. bedroom, bath with shower tiul street, lot fiux 1 ft0 ; Kiiragot S-i.500 . night nnd. turned out to bo success- recite or discuss tho stories, terday to assist the regular crew. or week-endB, will find it by addressing nnd luiilt-in rlolhcn hamper; model kitrh- tho international clas3 outboard A. II. C. dniwei- 511, lte.1 Hark. fiml, inuitijnBe. S3BD ta»h over mortgage* ful. championships to bo staged In Marcli Leonardo News. A suggestion haa been mado by Tho services which were to have on, ono-piece double drftinhonnl Monel buys u bargain, tico Milton Uork, 3 Mc- ado WATER SYSTEMS- Falrbanka-Morea wa- Kink, complete with SellerH kitchen cab- ehnnln utroot, Ttctl Bnnk, vhiiivnl«17. by tho Smyrna, Palm Beach and Mi- one of t.hc borough officials that per- been, held Sunday night at the Meth- let ay&tetaa installed. Wo d[j«cializo m inet*. laiK« rloset. built-in Iionln^ boiir*!, The fiolf club under Coach Wlllard ami Bench Yacht clubs. (Tho Ited Danli Ittsl»tcr can be bought aons desiring to havo their sidewalks, odist church tn*memory of George pjmi) rcuaiiinn. [Iculdoncc, Mid .He town. (icncrnl Electric refriiterator, latest model THIRTY LOT?. 5tl-\l")i) for uulck dlsponal, St. Patrick's day will bo observed In Leonardo '«t tho storen ot William Mcy- or driveways cleared of snow and Washington, wero postponed on ac- N. J., nhonu bllddictown 66. Flumbin?. flat topiicd KM ninjjo. Larpo room on fivo mlnutea fiom Kcd Dank depot: fins' nhlnohart will pick a varsity team j. Wllllnm Shepson and lllnnio Thorer.) hontlnu utiil tlnnlns. FwJ G. Hurst. tiQt'ond jiooi". miltal)Jo For J^BITIIO rooni oi" residential *0L-tloH. on two hlshwnya. bus of eight members nnd ono extra with a eoclal nnd danco on tho even- arc unable to find men to do thn count of the storm. extra bedroom. Windows ami _^_ Lawrnncn Siebeit, haa been on the WHITE COOKS, frenerul hoiiHeworkei-» kind bers. tee and hci' assistants are Mrs •Mrs. Harry Nowmlor, Mrs. Adeline suffered a broken leg a few days sick list. K.Malen. Ilml Bank.. I'ur imrtlculHi s phono X-'AitHS, Jminert, aereaHC lota ur any Moffat, William Stelnle, George niwl waltrcases wanted immediately. Itcil Allnntic HI(rhhiml»_210. of real estate. A I art: a Hat 6f CSCIUBIVI O IiCwl3 T. WIlEon, Mrs. John Andor- ago in a fall In front of Mra. Sny- Whenever thera is only ono session Hunk Emiilpyment Ajtenpy. 31 Jionmnuth propci-tlcB. Your liuiulries will ho n'ven Stclnlc, Moo Josephs, John Hougardy, HALF of double IIOUPO at loi Shrewsbury The 0-A science book contest un- non, Miss Helen O'llourke, Miss dcr's home. Sho was removed from at SChOO], due to inclemeJit WCathor, | street, i>hone Iled_B:ink 321. 1 personal attention. e»l. Hchooli waa won by Joseph Famulary, daughter Peggy returned homo on Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rlley and Saturday from tho Long Branch hos- and Mrs. Clifford Gordon. Duo to the inclement weather and | V-20UJ. ' J_ " NtiW f.i.\-rooiil b'unB'ilo^'. all couveni- REAL ESTATE WANTED. who took first prize, and Vera"Dlr- son are on a trip to Florida. adverae traveling conditions no meet- j iHJS[Tli)M'~wiTnTc(Tri;:ird«ne7^MTr>cViiitemiV tMifca: Karate; nuiat be seen to be ap- han, who won second prize, The pital. Mrs. Martin Nolson celebrated her 1 prcriatcd. bujiilro of owner, l'J Ouk place, WANTEi*. imuao for rent or sale. Ayply No school wag" held Monday and Ing of tho Woman's club will bo held ' mi. p.ivato c»tntcj pruotu-«i ^h "*-' awards were mado by Mrs. Ada Cran- Umployoes of tho water company 75th'birthday Sunday, when a party yesterday. It hag been decided to Fair Haven. N. J^ Jcaiie Mi-Ilh-ay, 713 Iliver vnad. Fair Ha- waa hold at her home. Othera pres- this afternoon. The next meeting ^\\- ^[^il v'. a * W 8 ent besides thB celebrant were Mr. will take place Wednesday afternoon,; whi.); \\-oK\\\'~\yUh\;f~<\ny-B~v;oxk"\» impinv.Tiicnti; ;;nrH|;c. At «3( lilvrr break in tho main on Black Point seven o'clock on any morning there March H. ' tl". »•• would Uo liiundry iii *.f nut. Cull roiul. Fair Haven; ion!. rpr.Minalilc. fall [intill cliiik-'ii fur TO, to acc.ommudsita and Mra. Benjamin Guttormsen, Mr. 1 ::Ti; 1 :il! i: 1 1 t r ct aftcr ri:nD v M Carl Hanson, Mlllleent Chhmoek, road. Pipes leading Into some homos la to bo no school. Cadet Petty Offlce^ Philip Mackey - '- ''-' ! ' . ,. = - - - at -.-I:: Kiver roiul. lied Uank. i'i- rhonc nUtujt, '.on."! lnyei-;t. Address -Kent, bos nnd Mra. Chester Guttormeen, Mrs. 1 .-,11. Kcd IJiuik,' Allcyno Johnson and Miuo Ednn Hal- have been frozen for two weeks. Men on the CWA list havo been of Little Silver has been assigned tt) ^ "'J!'T " , .';'''; "1['l(.J-iui.li,; i^KV^Vn^ A Singer sewing machine company Thomas Larson, Mlsa Kathlyn Gut- the Second company at (lie AJmiral ' ' ' ioclt »»t instructor, reviewed a water tormsen, Mlsfl Lillian Larsen, Mrs, put to work assisting tho road de- dr tlt toior exhibit of Miss Marlon Rim- truck ran into a tree In front of the partment in snow removal. Farragut academy at Toma River. nl imi>i;ccable: rof estate ot Misses Nolly and Grace Lena Gulbronsen and Harold Mur- This Is America's first naval prepara- licji i-unfidtMitiul. monn, world traveler, at tho Asbury phy. Miss Loulso Nielsen of Jackson nro and Biliary expected- Adilrcsa Park convention' hall Wednesday Porter on River road Saturday af- avenue Is visiting relatives at West- tory school. UI Hl morning. Eighteen pictures wore tornoon. James J. Foley of Jorooy Mrs. Bortha Tnllman lias roturnod field. ISXPEWKNCKl) op=riitor» wanted. Apply shown, based on recent travels In City, tho driver, was not hurt, but liomo after havtnp spent several nil week. Superb Manufacturing Co., <;j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weir of Colt's Chnpln Kcoltals. Whlto Htreot, lied Bank. | Europe and the North. tbo truck waa badly dnmagod am woelta with her daughter at Ruther- Neck have rented Elmer Weglo's had to be towed away. Foley ford. The aeries of Chopin recitals VJC- .SITUATIONS wanted: 'Couple" ' Kwodl. Ii" houna on Clay ctreet. Ing played by Mien Lillian Tcrhunc, o^ct!lcat irrink-. inuuilreRB. landwi-aue var- ; Hvrcrvcd the truck sharply toward Mrs. Walter Hamilton, who liao dener and cltnulTeur; leu years' rcferiMire. Want u cook, ,, NEW CROrH 1'OK JERSEY. the curb to avoid hitting n, car com-boon alck several weoUs, \B slowly concert pianist, over station WJBI Jloi>. SiviwH cook, first flour. osc«!U'nt ! ing in tho opposlto direction nnd in Improving. will Include for this week's program, waitress, SGO. Knullali rhamborniaid, l;t- Van. u clerh, New Monmouth Ne%vs. the "Premiere Ballade," in honor of dleii' maid, will da houncw.M-k i tr.i. An- Want » imrtner, Comity Atfcnt AdvtacH Farmers to doing so ho lost control. Mrs. Walter Kmntz of New York derson, (>L!r. (Jnrdcn street, Hoboken, M. J., Ur>o C'nro in Selection. In spending several daya with rcla- tho great composer'.'! birthday. Tho Want u situation, Tho Presbyterian Lndlea Aid so "LadlM night" will be observed by Chopin recitals began in September clcty cleared $20 at a luncheon last tive.'j here. WANTEII."~"Kcn"(TrVi'l~"iuiVw»"VTrcr! wliitc. Waul lu sell u farm, Experiments on tho average farm Mrs. Frank Ennla and children tho Uohora union at its meeting nt and nro broadcast every Friday S55; couple, white. (lr»l i-lii.i.1 local n:f- under the cole direction o£ the farmer week. tho Baptlot church Monday night. Wttul to borroiv illonoy, Tho Amaranth club will moot Tueo havo moved to Newark, whoro they aro likely, to bo expensive, has been will spond tbo rest of tho winter. Mlsa Catherine Logan hno moved Want to sell llvuatock. tho observation ot County Agent day nljjlit, March 0, at tho home of s Tho Red Oak hotel on tho Chapel to Hopplng'a Station. cmco during the cntho eeason. On A NEW YOISK ™ Want tu rout nny roonin, Douglass, over a period of several Mrs. Will "Ward on Forest avomie. Mrs. Howard W. Roberts received recent recltala lutvc been heard the oliieen In your In years. Miss Dorothy Hummers will be hos Hill road accommodated a largo nuin- Want to soil town property, hor of Biiestn over Washington'!) a sprained ankle last wook whon sho second "Impromptu." tlie "G- sharp Farm papera today carry many in- tess. slipped and fell on tho church steps. minor Polonaise," tho "Allegro from Want tu recover lost article*. The Lord'n Supper will be adminis- birthday and tho wooU-end. Tho . hul'AtuutiuI in tercnting otorloa on tho oucoeitu of fjuestn enjoyed skntlng and slUlnfr on James H. Griggn was homo over tho E minor Concerto," nnd tho third ,l KIM. ptlimal npport Wont tu rent u linnsii or farm, new crops under certain condition;) tered Sunday morning, March 4, a thn week-end from New York. "Grand Etuilc," (ram which Mica '' cidlm.i :« inid promnti, cloven o'clock, at tho Presbyterian tho hotel property. .lilllty. Aililn-P: Want to sell t>econU-limul turiillure, mid In certain specific areas, but it Tho Young People's choir of the Terhuno'H radio theme is derived. Tlo- 1117, Kuil Hunk. is certainly WIBO for most farmera to church. Baptist church broadcast a muislcal cltala to be played in the near future Wiuic u> llnil custiiincrd (or anything. get all tho information possible touch- Tho otreet • department nnow re program from Station WJBI. last Will includo tho VC sharp minor APARTMENTS AdvortlKO tu llio Heil UmiU Itcglster, movnl equipment wail uiiKincnteij by Port MonmoutSs News. ing these crops before Including thorn Friday and nov. Samuel Johnston, Polonaise," thn "lil minor Valsc," tho I'UKNISIIKH Advorllsliii; will gain imiv custoniern. in their program nn a sum thing- I he Ilumson Country club plow on the pastor gavo a talk. ' ninth" "(irami Khidt" and thn flrnt luith : ! leii ''!il'"d"iiiul')i"l. • (The «.:.! Hunk n.clitcr c»n U bouehl 1 Advertising kecus old eufltfliiii'rs, The New joruoy cjeporlmont station Mondny night, nnrt by Tuesday In I'nrt 'Mdiimnillh ot llio itorea uf L'hnrlej "Nocturne trom opus "V." A (jroup lillcili i-'iu i;;e. All roilVfliielli ^ Tin is In position to pmiro vnlimblo In- mornlni; all tho roads In tho borough Mpyera nnd ^nlvailoro Bcatillonc,) of pupils fiom the Terhuiio studio I) I| I HU..1. Advortlslin; uiaUey f,i»!ees:4 OJlHy, Ill ut 11 actively, heat und Iwt formation on prnetletilly ovnry new were opened. OWA men wero put Thn moving plnluro show which will play in thn studnntM' concert Advertising contldena*. tn work cutting through drifts anil Navesink News. ivati-r :ui|,pll|.|l| all oillal'lu I' m:- C.III- crop that In Muted. Why not aslc your ..•an to havo liocn given last night nt which will bo held ;it. the lied Hank veui.'ii!. to i.tutiiMi and b'.iLilnCB htc'iion. Advortislni; rimnty extension olllco to get all theclearing nutters. The schools were tho Jirchoufic for tho benefit, ot the (Tho Red Panic lUj-'iBtcr can ho bought Woman's club on the evening of Information pofiulblo about any newelospil Monday nnd ycatorilny. In Naveolnk frum William Snun at th< March S. l'"tHjlt-l;()OM npai tmeiit. lialh. bcil. v.aler i energy, flro aompuny wna pootponed until postofneo building.) hem nnd itarunc; fiO per month. Ap- crop Hint, you think might lit In to next Tuesday night bcciuino of the ply I...,, Illjlim. Kitlllh «tn-ut. Ilcllunl,. N. Aflrerllsa arid au'ieeccl. your plan. Homo of tho new crops snow iitorm. Mra. John Hanson slipped on the Slsler, Brother Clpcnitcil On. Advertise I'oi Ice Friday and iipralnod her ankle. : which mo undor dluctisnlon Include, Seabright News. (JCIII'BO Freibott. colebvatcd his Doris nml Crawford Comyiton, son )k fnV: I'HiT'Y: Advertise jmllriuiisly, the following] birthday and George WnDhlnijton'a Part of tho cast war; removes fu nnd (ln\l(rhlrl"nl' Mr. and Mrs. C'ruw- am in,.nt Advertl.su or bust. Proso: This plant hi somotirm.'H (Tin' 'llnl Haul! llcfc'inltr enn lie linush birthday with n party Thursdny. The Baturdrty from the arm of Mrs. fcird Ooiiiptmi nf V.elford. were lliruKr culled iiog inlllnt or corn millet. H III :>:iln'lBlit ot Hlo iturc» uf Muirli Wins natd were Mr. nnd Mm, Charles Mary fltemii.i, who aiiffoi'Pd, a brokni I'. W. .mm nml II. Lo'Ui\vltr..> atriukeii with iiiii.sloidilie within <' 1;J grown In Umi.'ila and some othn- oy find Mi.'i.'i Ivouipc Frcy of Ar- left, wrlr.t in a fall a few daYs ago wock'H time, r.olh :irn in Fitkiti lion- TWO : Thn tin nnd How club will hold • Mi^.'i Dorin Ellcklcs spent la:it week rouutiies i\n huinaii food and to a lliiKtnii nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Wen- pttnl, whnn: tln:y underwent nporti- A d v « r 11 o ft card party Monday night, March ii, at Klhoron with her fiiamlimraiils (•mull extent lu this country ns a Eol niitl Mr. "IHl Mrs. Charles fltava tlnns. Iioii.i waa sitrinkon llrst and TIIIIHK-UiiDM1 i liiilli; grain feed. HI Dowdii hall. Tim fiffalr was to (if this! riltmn. Mr. and Mra. Adam Worth, WHO rnniovnil to the houpltiil e;irly l IVI U\ i-l. I'm lll. i.\lv have I"1'*" hclil Mondny night lniif, ,no lied lliink IShl. In Kudau; A pctennlal logunie wlilch hhrlefi Ro^criJ IIREJ a new Chevro- Tho Wcdnt-'idny night gym nlatiiin last. week. On Mondny of thin week hut wnn postponed nil account u for (;lr|a has lieen dliicontlnuod nt i*l»i'e{itUi tiy above-ground runnnrs! or let truck. Crawford vim token thcrn ln Um tlu> [iliirni. Tho flrcmon cuncolloi! tha colon- tho library. Htciiui, A satlnfiiotory crop lu Floi- nmbulancn of tho Atlnntlo Illghlnndo iitrocl. ltoil Hnnl.. The Red Bank Register iihi, and BO far not BUCCCDQIUI In New 'Hi.' :-Vnlivl;:ht fit emeu wern cnllci ial donco which they luu) plnnnod to MI;;,"* Holono Androwo Imfi been (list aid qup.0. i-'.it •••• rlv Mnnilny mmnlnit to help hold lost week. Tlwro who bought I'miflncd to tho hoiioo with it fievoro HHIIOICI oata to lint.e havo not the I -lijli'iuuln llro diipartnicnt at tin llclirln will hnve tbclr mmipy rsfund- mid. II:e which ile-itroyed tin' Mwnit;'. (itui'i Thi; Nnvoslnk five company wn Tho licit Hank ltqslater trni-clsi found nit pralllablo In New Jersey oil. ovor every liliccl In town iiml every y , I:HOM I IIU IW. I-M] a In.i'.iin. The Urn wliliitlo \vn milled, nut I'urly Mandny ninjiiin;; t tn n M iis tho^ie! vat'letlea with liullr-, Hlnluuil Wni'ltMi', tdn of Mr. nml i loiitl In l|ie i-rilinty. l-et it carry your i i,,,,,,..; :,l ,, ,-,,i.\.', i, I T^^plHl'-V-i, of VvhiC'l (h^lR 'HO (W. i»t r,]!.i.n;-i-.ioil b":::nl.;i' Ih': CIIM- c;. Ju>ii'pli Wiioluii, cf!plii'atc;ii>n in llio.ie wild live "ti thc&u i luin-nio.• .•. i;, v, 1, • i.m uiaay kinds lnuhldlng1 japiincio clov- trlc 1'ui'Kiit was off and Um old Ili'o Witliila^' willi a JKJII.K H C.5.—AdVOlttecllUiUt, I all«ul. l!ud .'iJlil.. ||la,!ie , Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 28,193*. PUBLIC NOTICE. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. HOME ntOSl TH.E SOUTH. 11UMS0N liAMBLERU, Between liuyniund F. Dilley, complainant, OP PTS River Pla^a News. WANT ADVERTISEIPS, An ordinance entillod "An OrdlrmncB and Kcil Jiank Brewery Co., otherwise Highlanders Lose Cunninshsni, t. . 0 a rioviflliisj for tiuei clectlun district!! In the Hcnjamin A. Shoemaker Traveled by 6 4 Hurousrlt (tf Kunmin, New Jes-.ieKt find tie- Come to known aa licii Bank Brewing Coti'ora- Tho school la closed because of tlio tion, defendant. I'lano RHII Train. A. Kerr! e'. .".. „. 3 1 1 To» Classificatioi!! tenniiiing tliu htjiiiuliuy lines of tho same," Oil Hill, etc. Order limiting creditors. \V. Kerr, e. ... ,—... 3 snow storm, was int.-.Mhi. i.i by tlm Mayor and Oolmcil Upon oi>eniiiy this matter to the court Benjamin A. Shoemaker of Little Oonway, s>. 0 0 IT IS NOT Eslloiu but mllcat'o tlmt h oit l'\;!mmr.v H, nlnl on i\'lnuary 23, WHB .._ _,,, 2 o Tho worlt of breaking tho road3 !s iimilly nduiitcd mi.I tiniruvtd by tlio Moy- by Theodore D. Parsons, receiver pro. ee., Silver arrived home Monday from a I'earl, e -. nil Important for economy in buylnir in the above tause; Coach Sherwood's Squad Re- under way and it Is expected that be- Kapoline. You cot tho nioiit economical or. It i.«. on this 2 3rd day of February, i-ojoum in Florida. When he nought fore today ends, plowa v.'lll have and beat motor fuel niui lulirk-atit whon peats Early Season Victory— you tray Itichfitlil saaoilno and lilclifleld 3EKB J. CAIiEW, 1mWi|i<>- Anawer 3 Trucker and Gardener The receiver *hall fllpo examine, under navcy, t . ., ["> 0 10 clothing store. RM1M or ucreuKe for rent; thirty ncron. duli'k. Miuit bo moved within 10 oath or atlirmatlon, all such witnesses nn score in the opening minute:; of what Turnock. c - _. 0 1 It) Mrs. Ittchard Rowe fell on the Icy liuilililiEs, toolH, hoi'EP. londftldo ntuml ihiyu. : limnm!, c - I 0 2 fihitll ho pnidu<-e.l bef.no him touchim; the peemd to be a : low game fiom the pavement on Friday night and sus- optional: hliihu-ay. K. G. 1'orkcr. R. V. Addices—A. l>. Mnclt, Dept. of Accta-, 5 Poultry Supplies, Brooders demands oI"Faid creditors. t-nrey, £. - ,~. 0 0 0 1. I-onir Drnnrh, N. 3. IL is further Ordered, that the paid re- spectators' standpoint, but were un- tained a broken lcjj, * 180(1 Chestnut St, rhlla. FOR 8ALK,~ca'lucd 'ilecirrrui»or~hiill, 3~0^a ceiver Ho cause' proper 'advertisementa to able to hold the lead. At half time ^ II X 3S Mrs. H.* Loula Hutchlnoon of Enjj- le published in at lcju.t two newspapers feot; trim line.i; lifirg.iln nt 3^00, In- 3 Farmal! Tractors, $560 up the local netters were out in front. | REPUBLICAN CLUB. llshtown haa been visiting friends quiro r'nrd. 53 Kcclor plncc, Itcd Panic, iiibllsheit in this state, one. of ivhieh ehnll 16 to. S. Turnock, veteran center on j ' G F PTS. iduino 1J199-J. Tho Red Bank Register travelo < del. is published ia Itcd Uanli. N. J., for the Km I 111. I. 1 0 here. over every street In town and every ['editor* of raid rorj'oration to rnme in the local rquatl, led his team with ' Grays Win from Ramblers 28- lliiia-B. f. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Whortou, who 1 m 1 0 I rimcl In tho county, hot It carry your icfoi-c him imil provo their claim, and eleven points, \vhile HendiicL Suttcr, c. iilca/i'lBht \°«U»'oW. " ilu?ilittveii |> l'oml McCormick-Deering Farm Llemaiid?. an in this order is directed ; iind I ---.-,• - , i 21—Tetleys Hold Four Game have been spending oeveral wcek3 in HncH. Hcaaonalile. ?0 Hudson avenue, message to those who Hvo on these ratten, j:. Kcd Bnnli." thoroughfares.—Advertisement. hit. such claims anil demands, as in this [and Arnonc of the same team lol-! Koleila, £. _ _ „ 0 0 Florida, aro expected homo this Equipment order is directed: and that such publirn- j JG\yer with seven and live point:- Lead—Only Two More Sched- wesk. bo made within five dnys from tho • hereof, find be continued in such pa- that order. BritUnghani and Peter- j uled Games. 6 0 12 Cornelius Ackeraon, a student in SALES and SERVICE iers as aforesaid for the t-i'.-.cc o! tour son of Atlantic Highland^ shared | In the final tilt the winners of this Lchlgh university at Bethlehem, Pa., =eks once in each week. I scoring honor? for their tean\ with; Having only two more games left year's lenjrue trounced tho Westalde spent the week-end with his parents, It I* further Ordered, that within the in the Red Bank City league with tho me time said receiver also mnil n notice • six points apie Bitih "Y" in a one-sided lilt by a score of Judge and Mrs. Henry E. Acltcrson, 29 Court St., Freehold •>( this order to tho iiostoffiri-. addrcsJ of[dropped ^ix foul shot.- while Peter- Tetleys holding a four-game lead, 52-2-1. At Half time Tetloy3 had a lead Jr. -ach of the said creditors, if the mime can throe games were played last night son tank two i;o:*l? aiuLtwo of 28-8, holding their opponents to Mrs. Ella Matthews of Red Bank Opposite Public Parking Space ,e ascertained, ivith injure prepaid at the River .street gym- In the first .hereon. ' - V.Y.I) HANK. four points In each of the firat two has been visiting her sisler-ln-law, G F PTS.! tilt tlie Red Bank Grays upset tho Ever/ Farm Needs Roberaoii's Service quarters. Chambers, a Tctley for- Mrs. William Matthews. 20 MQNMOUTH ST., RED BANK, K J. '• :1 11 j Runison Ramblers 28-21, while ill tho c ward, led his team wiUi 18 points BEERY. ' ' l.:,I!ioniis, f. '! }} ji [.-second the Quadrangle club took In- Miss Margaret Glllingham of Jer- ,l],,cha,wr.. ... while Sweel and Scheldt followed V. C. (, t l I to camp tho Republican club 35-12 sey City has been visiting Miss Clara Phone 1377. — Ionian, f with 15 and 13 points In that order, Manee. •; \ I I and in the final tilt Tetlcys inn up rover, Frost and Johnson of tho Y e 1 i WortMey. a high score on tho Westside "Y, team shared the scoring honors with A Valentino Tarty. DeLuca. J: winning 52-24, six points apiece. | Miss Muriel Ramsdon, daughter of STANDING OF THE TEAMS. TETLEYS. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hamsden of FRESH SPANISH M/VCK15UKL Vf TO G F PT3Kiveraldc drive, Middletown, gave a laucsii ixouNniats 0 1.000 :cheidt, f •.-... 6 8 13 valentine party Saturday night- In 1'IUiSII IiU'lTmjFISH Quiitlriiiislo clult ... .eddy, f 0 0 0 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Humsdii Ilnmblrrs II. Cslnndriello, f. - 2 0 1 honor of a number of friends. Games FKESH SIIKIMP nc lb Ui>il Hiuik Grays wo.ro enjoyed, after which refresh- weel, c - - 7 IIIESH SI3A 13ASS _. _! i, f. . Wc-btsido Y '. Calandriello, B 1 0 2 ments were served. Thoso present cm f Ki'jHitiliean club ... .000 Gliambers, e - 9 0 18 FRESH CODFISH STEAKS : 25 }\>ter?on, c 'lurdlco, E • - - 0 0 0 ' were June Warner, Helen Olnas, Ger- Kc>». <• (iAMKS NKXT TUESDAY. trude Broadbent, Doria Rath, Hose iniroHTED KirrisitED IUSHBING __...____ Republican club vs. \Vc5t Side Y. Wainwrlnht, Libovsky, Ruth Chrlstman, Theodore FRESH HALIBUT 30e ll>, FRKSII S10A TROUT 27olt> Ry.-in, K IKinilrnn^-lo clua va. Kmnson Ramblers. WESTSIDE Y. Smitli, E. ,... Kcd Dank Grays vs. Tollcys. G F PTS.Lake, Stephen Olnos, John Olving, SOFT CL/WIS 38eqt»FRESH SMELTS WEEK-END SPECIALS ! Jr., Thomas Noolan and Vincent Mc- An upset wh'ch waa not expected [•'rost, I. ..„ ...... 3 0 G AH Our Sea Food Guaranteed Fretsh—No Coltl Sti> 4 HJ Tii Glover, t. a o « Guiro. l h for The local high school seconds after occurred last nlshc when in the open- Tnylor. c. Swift's Bacon , 23c » Heinz Soups ...2 25c winning from tho Atlantic High- ins name the Red Bank Grays won Dotti. s. ~ 10 2 lunda seconds, 25 to 20, in tho open- from tho Runison Ramblers by a Johnson, E • - 3 0. 6 Swift's Lard' 9c"' Heinz Baby ing game of the year triumphed a score of 28-21. At half tlmo the Grays for second lime to close their season by had a jump o£ 12-9 and held the Referee—W. Weeks. PRINT Vegetables .2 25c a score^of 21 to 15. At half time the Rumsonites to only two points in the Red and Gray seconds held their op- third quarter. Art Kerr, a R.umson Meeting of Junior Missionary Club. Orange Pekoe Tea poncnts, 12 to !>. Kellum, a Red center, led his team with seven points Tho Junior Missionary club of the Brownie Coffee ...21c "> for iBank forward, led the seconds with while Figaro, Meatle and Tony Vac- Reformed church, under the leader- Bags 25 25c seven points, while LaBionda, tho carelll shared scoring honors with ship of Miss Olga Black, held their Jomar Coffee 29c "' Ib one-armed star, followed with six cig-lit points apiece, for the Grays. weekly meeting last Wednesday af- Premier Tea ....'-= 25c ternoon. Psalm 29 waa read by Mar- for j points. Richmond, a Red and Black It. li. GRAYS. Anchovies ...... 2 25c i center, topped his seconds with ono G F TTS jories Parker und the members re- I field goal and a foul for a total of carelli. f peated the Lord's prayer. They chil- l'HET or KOIXED I dren are making a quilt and work {five points. Ryan followed with four. f ; _ lo r RED BANK. Mcade, waa done on this. Those present Imp. Sardines .2 15c G F I'TSI'oalucci, •were Lily Baden, Beatrice and Helen Savage f 0 I 1 T. Vnccar Hembling, Jane Pennington and .Hel- C. Gren, I • 0 4 en and Marjorlo Parker. Angostura Bitters ..40c Kellum. f 3 1 7 Capt. Kidd Bnlnc, I - 0 0 0 Ciambronc. f - 0 0 0 THIS WEEK'S Orange Bitters 59c Snug Harbor Lid 3 0 G Williami. c 0 0 0 Flsnro. g Garruto, K ll

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. FOR G lor j f 0 Raspberries ...2 25c Roasting Chickens 1.29 Poppn. f. Wulti. f. Blueberries 26c Broccoli 19c RichmonRm d c Rich, Rich, full-bodied coffee alwa)i frcs! Green Asparagus .. 39c Fillet of Sole 33c "> Keyc?, K box 11 1.-, Ideal Brand. Roasred antl tlclivcrctl to Jersey Peaches 27c Baby Scallops .. 48c Kclru'c, M(ii\cr of LonK Branch acoicr, Si\attz, timer, Enchclbucli. our stores daily, it is pleasing more ami more people of discriminating taste.

STRAIGHT Tint WHISKEY Watch for 7Vr.r( Week** Supcr-Snct hri ! 100 PROOF


A BLEND fiUIIT JEffflfi'S pk™ VC Sweepstakes FI1EE—Silver Ace Rocket Glider Cor. 1 pickle (op of Aunt Jemima's plus 1 of Puffed Wheat or Rice. GIN BLUE LABEL 8.02. hot. 10c H-oz. hot. VEUmuYEUOW U8ImI Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 1st, 2ed, 3rd. BAKER'S COCONUT SOUIIIERNSmt. • 4-01. t GIN MIMUTE TAPIOCA . . . . •

DUFF'S GINGER BREAD MIX DS,:1 „„ GIN 1-5 Gal. FREE—Chromium Nut and Candy I3i DROMEDARY DATiS S£ . ,.s Mail twii UlMiuuk patkj[,t (onj, on or bef Rump or Leg . March 11, m UuijiiKk, MinneipOh , Mi : Shoulder . BLACK WALNUT COOKIES IIIHUHHE • •P k,.2Sie 20-07. pkg. -iO-o/. pkg. These Items Must Be Cleared From Our COUNTRY COOKIES SDHSHIHE •.. . '. n,15« Breast or Neck Stock By Monday, March 5th. TABLE COOKIES SUNSHINE . . .• 2n,,.2Sc Pork Loins ... Saturday Only ! Babbitt's Wash Sweepstakes Colonial Club Half—Whole or Only ! Powder 2* 23c !i TINT Vt PINT ICSRSCfVJAN'S CLEANSER . ., . 2c,n,9c lb Fresh Calas -fl Ijirgo 44-oz. VUg. cnocrnr raicEo ErFSCTivc MARCH ut to 7tn, INCLUOIVE H. B. Peaches 2ca m 29c Large Fowl ier H. B. Apricots 2c*ma 29c Department Specials- a • 7 lbs. tjma Veal Chops H. B. P'eapple 2 29c Ml cans . SUES Ib. Chuck Roast .... Apple Sauce ..3 29c .DEAL or calM String Beans .2 29c FANCY LOMG ISLAND DUCKS . . n,.18c BRAND ^ Ih ama Spare Ribs -fl Spinach 2 29c A RYE BLEND A GOOD GIN CHOICE LEGS <>/U4ftfe . i. a .. .,b.21c GOLDE^3 BANTAM

Mother or Quaker PRIME RIB ROAST BEST curs :>. ., "#J ,b.21c Sauer Kraut ...2 n" 15c Oats 2 i*e° 15c € 1 Ooldcn, In clous corn ar Sliced Bacon 21c"' Shr'd Codfish 2 i' ^" 25c n nil » IIHMII) .MMnjJ |IIICC.| (l0J Ivory Soap 2 'Rocakea J7C Loin Lamb Chops 32c "' Jersey Eggs ....6|Ec clll t OLD POLK No. .' cm 1 ClC 1 1 Ivory Soap 5c ' " White Horoo ' Prime Rib Roast ..21c ' >,4 PINT SCOTCH—2-OZ. COUNTRY KOL1. Modimn 1 I cm lK FRESH FILLET of HADDOCK »• 2Sc Bottom Rd. Roast 19c " BUTTER Ivory Flakes 19c ' s Ivory Snow ...2 i'IiB" 25c Large No. 1 CANADIAN SMELTS "> 2Sc Codfish 1fic"' Stt'w Oystcra ppit BLI:N-D •29" l—lo-lb. Florida Oranges Itoitlon MiK'hcrel 1 Oc lb ,MEAT o nan rmccg EFFECTIVE Tituns., tm. a OAT. omr -32° "• Onions Mod. I,argf Mimn'h SlavKcrel 1 C<^ ll> Shrimp m DOMESTIC WINES Pint -23" 8 YitS. OTJ) ^ —Fruits ami Vegetables-————

WINES H KOLLOL1 . . I -"19c lig " NEW CABBAGE . . . 3 "« 10c 1:1 '-H, 'n.NiH.n Martini &Ros3ivSS»VERMOUT' H NEW POTATOES ... 3 «>M4c linN K N FEENCH GRAPEFRUIT ' « » . 4 '•' 19c SATURDAY ONLY ! VEHMOUTlf TBM/)W rop «„,, ,,„ ],,.,, je||,lou . BANANAS »«>•«• . . 19c A |.iriiiiiliilj | ouil Mini, ,„ ,!,„ prl[. Old-Fashioned KKANDY Plain or Pineapple r V VMEXADIF. TOlCEa EVPECT1VK IIIiinB., TOI. V BAT.OHI.V tails Cheese Cakes Eacl; liACO^ DOG PELLETS Se -i ^r^^' 71'/) "A Contpldlo Hallon" lolasses Cup t:;-^X ( ,\ / An „„„„,„„., ,,„,.,„„, „,„„,„,„,,,,, „, „„ „. V Ug ] / X,Si ifinl»llncrnli«i«forf«J!i)|t_flthliili»f1mlll<, ^p ^.''^J'A^/'^ v cereals, Vi-f;fi3i)lfrt, l)One-ni*al, mill- fi% ^ !;!,(Oil livi ii/oiti. 2-lk |.i.R. Operated by Uio Retail Dcparlment Morra of America, Inc. jo ' Sl-M BROAD ST., RED BANK 95 BROAD STREET l'X r TO riXSTOFFICE